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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 216 KB, 900x1200, 1156259622146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6471354 No.6471354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not that i've been counting or anything...But today Gropey can appeal his ban!

Clown/makeup thread to show our support?

>> No.6471362

Fuck off weirdos

>> No.6471371
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>> No.6471375

Why was he banned again?

>> No.6471380
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OMFG I fucking love that eye shadow. ^.^

Anyone hear from Mr. Clown Lately?

>> No.6471391
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He got one of those warning bans that ends the second you click it from our dickish janitor. He posted his email for people to contact him after that because he was leaving /cgl/, and the bitch banned him of ban evasion, just to spite him and keep him from enjoying his home board of /tg/.

People posted about unbanning him in the moot thread, but nothing has come of it.

I never had a problem with the guy, but some of our bitchier trips spamed the report button or knows the janitor.

>> No.6471392

for chit chatting off topically to anons in his threads while he waited for questions about make up and armor.

>> No.6471412

Gropey story! I saw him at a show in Norfolk VA a few weeks ago and he was a sweetie I got some photos with him and got to pull a nail out of his face with a hammer. He let me kiss his nose too! If I can get him to ok it i'll post pics!

Any other IRL Gropey encounters?

>> No.6471414

Because he was spamming his email, general shitposting and the cherry on top was that he had a serious case of the m/adv/irgin rapeapology. His ex cheated on him and ran off with the kids or something, and he never.fucking.shut.up.about.it.

Imagine, every single post where it's a con/weeaboo horror story or lolita encounters or whatever when a girl complains that a guy acted sexually inappropriately, he comes in with victim blaming/rape apology bullshit and basically says that you deserved it because you're a woman and probably a cheating whore because his ex wife.

I mean, take that shit to r9gay or adv or something.

>> No.6471418
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Mexican clowns are best clowns

>> No.6471435
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You mad? You seem mad. And you read a TOTALLY different thread than I did, anon. He was pissed as fuck at the girls openly admitting to cheating.

To other posters, this is what the case is:
More people like Gropey than hate him, but those that hate him get super buttdevastated and pissy that everyone else likes him.

Sadly, they get their johnnys so ruffled, that they can't just hide and ignore thread, like a sane and mature person.

Any other IRL Gropey encounters?

>> No.6471464

>YFW you'll never be a sexy clown girl and ride off with Gropy into the sunset.

I kinda have one: room party this nekocon, I saw who I think was Gropy backhand my friends douchey BF. DoucheBF wanted to leave but my friend didn't so he was dragging her out and making a scene. Possible-Gropyy came out of no were and pimp slapped him to the floor and told him to get out.

Didnt see him again though. He had dark hair, piercings, a presenters badge and what looked like a leather pirate coat.

>> No.6471511
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I saw him at a mall once and he made me a balloon animal! He was kinda busy shopping so we didnt talk long, but he was nice. I remember he smelled like smoke and oldspice.

He was also taller than I thought he was gonna be. No like really tall, but he looks squat in his pics.

>> No.6471564
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>> No.6471569


oh pls

obvious samefag

>> No.6471583

>love of his life left him
>was married etc
>never shut up about it
Yea. That'll make anons side with you alright. I don't think you could be a bigger cunt if you tried. Suck it up faggot and wave your bitch stick and cry elsewhere . Gropey was one useful person we had on this board and you know it.

>> No.6471585

Gropey raped my father and killed my mother.

Sage for gropey fags. Im glad hes gone. Go kill yourselves.

>> No.6471600
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Your jelly is spilling out between your petticoats dear.

I never saw him talk about it except for that one thread.

Your parents obviously deserved it.

>> No.6471607

Who's the girl in the blue wig? She's adorable and I want her dress!

>> No.6471611
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>tfw you forgot your sage

>> No.6471623
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Im confused. Are you anti or pro Gropey?

As far as I read, he never talked about it in detail except for that once.

>> No.6471637


Well, other than "A different Mexican clown girl" /cgl/ still doesn't know.

>> No.6471633
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>> No.6471635


Anyone got Gropey's email? I need it for reasons.

>> No.6471644

Check the archive.

>> No.6471653
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Honestly, I am happier not knowing. I like to imagine there is a whole clown culture, when a clown man and a clown woman have clown babies, and they work clown jobs....And then get sad that i'll never be apart of it and meet a bad-boy clown like Gropey that my clown dad would hate because we skip clown school together...

I have a problem >_>;;

>> No.6471650
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I only heard him talking about his relationship stuff in maybe two threads, and it was always because seagulls would ask him about his life and how he was doing. Otherwise he was a really helpful and would answer everyone's questions the best he could.

I personally liked him and found his stories entertaining. The guy had a lot of useful costume makeup and LARP info, too.
I think he made threads a bit too frequently though; should have kept it to one every 2 weeks.

>> No.6471651
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>> No.6471663
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WTF? When did we get an archive?

You really do. He's cute and nice, but nothing to get that freaky over.

>> No.6471664
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>> No.6471673

Where have you been?


>> No.6471677

Korea and Afganistan, thanks for asking.

>> No.6471694
File: 115 KB, 960x720, sins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 Deadly Sins clowns at PCC
LtoR: Greed, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Lust and Vanity (Wrath had left at this point)

>> No.6471691

You're welcome.

>> No.6471705

That looks really stupid. It's an okay idea, but this is a terrible execution.

>> No.6471706

how does clown make up?
just remembered a few friends are creeped the fuck out by clowns

>> No.6471721
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Gropey made makeup guides on how to apply makeup. He also discussed designing, as he called it, "The face".

He also gave very detailed explanations of the psychology and natural history of clowns. It should be archived, and is very interesting, because there is social AND evolutionary reasons for the fear of clowns. He did his clown college thesis on it if I remember correctly.

>> No.6471726
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>> No.6471747
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Nothing special, but I was a creepy clown on Halloween.
Original, I know.

>> No.6471753

The purple one on the far right looks like Felicia Day. She should lose weight, because she would be a hotty.

>> No.6471755

Tripfags are scum.

>> No.6471778

Did anyone cap the explanation of clown fear? I'd love to read it

>> No.6471785

Nice, I dig it.

>> No.6471784
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>> No.6471790
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>> No.6471858
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to those sexually obsessed with Gropey:



>> No.6471889

Ick. Too thin and trashy. Gropey is built like a brick house and has at least some class.

>> No.6471998

Is this gropey? Unf. I'd honk his horn any day.

>> No.6472009
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Don't think so. He's been very careful to never post his clown face on /cgl/. He has this weird hangup about it, but is more than alright posting his uncovered face. Its a clown thing I guess.

Here is Gropey in all his gropeness. If I recall right it was from a photoshoot for a magazine he was in.

>> No.6472010
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>> No.6472012

Eh, I'd still ride that unicycle all around the circus tent by virtue of being on of the most helpful people on the internet.

>> No.6472015
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>> No.6472020

I cant decide if he's actually good looking or not. Its real damn obvious that he's been a lot of fights from how mashed up his face looks, and there is a definite look of how much he drink and generally lives a rough lifestyle. Its conflicting: If he lived a less "rock and roll" circus life, he'd be physically more appealing, but would lose the edginess appeal. :/

tl:dr the fact that he smokes, fights and drinks is sexy, but looking like he smokes, fights and drinks isn't.

Anyone got more pictures of him?

>> No.6472031
File: 63 KB, 540x720, Mmmmm.... Gropey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any VA anons try to get in his baggy clown pants yet? How many of you have actually emailed him? I want to, but I don't want to come off like a creeper.

PIC IS NOT MINE! I just found it on /cgl/...

>> No.6472038

Psssst. Just email him. He is a very nice man, promise.

>> No.6472043

He's helped with everything from

*Stage makeup
*Complicated cosmetics
*Metal work
*Performance/skit advice
*medeval costuming
*LARP advice

*ENDLESS wealths of information about tons of stuff
*good conversation
*relationship advice
*sex advice
*knowledge as a piercer
*awesome stories
*good feels, and encouragment.

Gropey was awesome.

>> No.6472053
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Talking to Gropey kept me from killing myself. No lie. He taught me to keep on living even if its just to spit in life's eye and spite the universe by not giving up.

If I ever have a baby boy, I'm legit naming him him after Gropey's real name. How many other trips can you say that about?

>> No.6472068

Saved by a clown? You should still kill yourself.

>> No.6472073

this smells of samefagery. I said I DEMAND examples of his usefulness by showing the actual theads in the archives of his usefulness, not suck his dick

>> No.6472086

They're rejects from livejournal, tumblr et al. They're basically going to parrot their lame bullshit over and over and over and fucking over again, and in a later thread, point to a copy of the this thread where they're just baselessly parroting themselves and essentially self-reference themselves into legitimacy.

In reality, nobody gave a fuck about gropey. His actual clown makeup threads were very short in actual help requested, were often offtopic, and devolved into beaches and shores hinges and doors stuff. Plus, how many of us will cosplay clowns?

I also wouldn't be too surprised if once off trip he was posting the bullshit misogyny/racist/circlejerk threads and helping it along, and he got warned/banned for that.

>> No.6472088
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>people support gropey, must be samefagging

Look in ANY of the archives. There are always people being helped out.

>> No.6472095
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stage makeup =\= clown all the time. Clowning is just what he's known for, and is obviously interesting AND MAKEUP.

He also gave hella lot of tips for latex prosthetics, prop making, armoring, and tons of other shit. Your strawman is showing.

>I don't like him so I'll accuse him being racist and sexist. Congrats, your strawman is on fire.

gb2 /b/. You're not wanted here.

>> No.6472100


>> No.6472108

Do you think if you keep repeating your bullshit statements, they'll turn into proof? Gropey does make threads that start off with "this is the kind of stuff I can help you with." Very few people actually ask him questions, and he does not give answers that are any more specific/new/even any answers at all. The 'helpful content' of the thread dies 15 posts in, most of it gropey saying 'oh well bumping is nobody else going to ask'.

And yes, he is racist and sexist. He got banned for shitposting racist and sexist shit on /cgl/, I don't know why the fuck you whores are denying this. He didn't get banned because "I don't like him", he got banned for shitposting inflammatory shit and then banevading.

Fuck off back to livejournal.

>> No.6472121

I've gone through every single thread, every single archive and have been talking to him on facebook for some time. I have never seen a single racist or sexist thing out side of off color jokes, but this IS 4chan. I am a black guy, BTW, so get your white guilt out of here.

You're a shitty janitor. Unban Gropey.

>> No.6472127

>he thinks I'm the janitor
>he thinks janitors ban
>he thinks /cgl/ has a dedicated mod
>he thinks ban evasion isn't detected by script
>irrelevant bullshit race card
Why haven't your parents banned you from the internet yet?

>> No.6472131

You suck. How many people actually bitched about him? I garauntee you less than enjoyed him. Im writing to Moot about how many cocks you suck at being a janitor.

>> No.6472133

Look, we understand you have a vendetta against him, thats great. Good for you. Everyone knows your jimmies are rustled by a clown.

You only proved how small your dick is by giving him a global ban though. Thats just petty and pathetic.

How about you be less worried about a trip who made /cgl/ awesome, and more worried about the 50 million pixterry and other shit threads?

>> No.6472148

Tell me, are you our new janitor? Because if you are, that explains why /cgl/ is quickly becoming a no fun allowed zone.


and if we are now banning people on racist/sexist remarks, how do the vast majority of posters on /adv/, /v/, or /a/ still exist?

Oh, right. Because they don't have fun nazis for janitors.

>> No.6472157

Not defending anyone, but moderation strictness is very different depending on which board you're on. You can say tons of shit on /v/ and /b/ and the other faster boards, but I've seen people on /h/ get banned for so much as asking a question that's too vague.

Personally I'd like to see removal of comments that are racist/sexist /that derail a thread/ (ie: the misogyny shit that killed the latest weeaboo horror thread), and then a warning issued to the poster, eventually leading to a ban if it persists. We're a slower board that gets its jimmies rustled easily since we're a big target for trolling; stuff like that kills threads too fast.

With that said though, I like Gropey and miss his posts since he's helpful. But if he got warnings in the future (assuming if he came back) for racist/sexist comments that derail shit and still doesn't stop, then I agree he shouldn't be welcomed here.

sage for no1curr/tldr opinion

>> No.6472163

Here is why you suck:

1: You NEVER post as an official. You always slink around like the shameful douche you are
2: You never issue warnings
3: You never SHOW who and why you banned people. I have yet to see one "user was banned from this post"
4: I have yet to see gropey post anything racist or sexist which leads to-

Unban him. Show people you're not the douche we know you are. There was such worse shit that would have been better in need of your attention and banning.

>> No.6472173

You're a retard with reading comprehension difficulties, you should really concentrate on getting your GED/O levels/School Certificate/whatever the fuck they call compulsory secondary education there.

I am not the new janitor or the old janitor. Janitors can't ban anyway.
Go away.

>> No.6472172

poster of >>6472148

I agree with a lot of what you said, and I would like to thank you for being an oasis of rationality.

That being said, Gropey got a global ban for what is being cited as 'some racist and sexist comments'. That fustercluck of a horror thread saw nary a warning. Also, this board seems to pick up a lot of the cast offs from other boards that simply don't fit anywhere else or have more of a place here. As /cgl/, officially cosplay and lolita, we encompass jfashion, cosplay, conventions, convention communities, general makeup, general skincare, general haircare, general wigs, general propmaking, general contacts, gyaru, all forms of lolita, and an artist's alley thread that I'm not even sure what to label. We even do general female hygiene. And we also often discuss people who stand out for whatever reason in all of the previous.

I don't mean to get philosophical, but if gropey, one of the few helpful, even if he wasn't all of the time, got permabanned for derailing a thread and racist/sexist comments, how do we even exist as a board? Why does the janitor go after Gropey, one with a history of helpfulness, and not concentrating their efforts on those trying to stir up shit? And if they are going after gropey, who else has earned a ban for straying from strictly cosplay/lolita?

>> No.6472177








>> No.6472179

Then your English is very poor, because you imply that YOU are the singular person who possessed the power, and acted upon it, to ban Gropey.

As for the mod/janitor mix up, it doesn't matter, because either way the mod is WRONG in Gropey's case.

>> No.6472181

>implying this is one person

>implying we don't report shitposting

>> No.6472182

>He didn't get banned because "I don't like him"
>>I don't like him so I'll accuse him being racist and sexist. Congrats, your strawman is on fire.




>> No.6472184

Oh boy, capslock. Your argument is empowered now!

Bring back Gropey, or shut the fuck up.

>> No.6472185

>royal we
Have you considered reporting yourself for this shitposting? Appeals regarding the banning and unbanning of a member, by all rights, has nothing to do with /cgl/.

Oh wait, it's considered on topic because you like gropey? Fuck off.

>> No.6472187

My argument is empowered for as long as you are a fucktard. It runs off your fucktardary.

>> No.6472188

Excuse me. Allow me to correct myself. All corrections are in caps.

poster of >>6472148

I agree with a lot of what you said, and I would like to thank you for being an oasis of rationality.

That being said, Gropey got a global ban for what is being cited as 'some racist and sexist comments'. That fustercluck of a horror thread saw nary a warning WITH REPORTING. Also, this board seems to pick up a lot of the cast offs from other boards that simply don't fit anywhere else or have more of a place here. As /cgl/, officially cosplay and lolita, we encompass jfashion, cosplay, conventions, convention communities, general makeup, general skincare, general haircare, general wigs, general propmaking, general contacts, gyaru, all forms of lolita, HISTORICAL COSTUMING, LARPING, and an artist's alley thread that I'm not even sure what to label. We even do general female hygiene. And we also often discuss people who stand out for whatever reason in all of the previous.

I don't mean to get philosophical, but if gropey, one of the few helpful, even if he wasn't all of the time, got permabanned for derailing a thread and racist/sexist comments, how do we even exist as a board? Why does the MOD go after Gropey, one with a history of helpfulness, and not concentrating their efforts on those trying to stir up shit? And if they are going after gropey, who else has earned a ban for straying from strictly cosplay/lolita?

>> No.6472193

>my argument is empowered because you're a stupid

You truly are a master of debate.

>> No.6472201

If they went after those trying to stir up shit, you would be the first to be banned with your faux-rationality bullshit threads, you understand that bit, right? I mean really, how retarded do you attention whores have to be? If you want to go suck his cock, or want makeup advice or whatever the fuck, go email him. he left his email fucking everywhere.

If gropey didn't want to anger a bunch of mods perhaps he shouldn't have fucking flounced posting a TL;DR -and happening to do a ban evasion by posting in his trip- for a fucking warning and a tempban that lasted all of a day.

And you know what? I doubt it was the mods anyway, I bet it was him posting with his trip getting caught by the existing scripts to prevent ban evasion. If a tripcode gets banned, everyone posting with that tripcode gets banned.


>general makeup/skincare
>general contacts
>feminine hygiene

Are also considered offtopic. Just because you flounted rulebreaking and got away with it before doesn't suddenly make it a new rule.

>> No.6472204

New to life in general, I see. But do continue on your bullshit "quest to bring Gropey back", because doing so clearly isn't rule violation.

>> No.6472208

At this point the only way for the mod to save any face is unban Gropey and admit s/he is wrong.

>> No.6472209
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>Bring back Gropey, or shut the fuck up.
I seriously hope Gropey get permanbanned.

>> No.6472215

Do you read my posts? It probably wasn't even a mod, it was probably a script. Also, /cgl/ does not have a dedicated mod. no1curr.

...You're a lolitard, aren't you? You lolitards can't seem to menstruate each month without toppling *some* mod from your livejournal communities. Unfortunately, 4chan mods aren't going to be kissy-assy little shits afraid of popularity votes like livejournal mods. If you want mods to admit shit like that, go on irc and bitch there. please go on irc and bitch there, so I can laugh at you for being permabanned.

>> No.6472218

Your ability to delude yourself in your argument is astounding.

/cgl/ was a better place with Gropey, and would be a better place without you.

>> No.6472217

>and your retort:
>No, you must be a babbu cause you don't agree!
>then thinly veiled threat

You sound incredibly buttmad. I really don't care about grobey, it's you who are just too cute.

>> No.6472225

If its a script, then who reviewed his last two appeals?

I still don't buy into the "GROPEY WAZ A RACIST AND MISOGYNIST U GUISE!" bullshit.

>> No.6472228

If I say I am not the janitor or the mod, then what thinly veiled threat am I making?
>better place

>> No.6472230

He made it a better place then you are.

>> No.6472231

Then don't buy into it.
Banning is a script. Appeals are reviewed by randoms, but it's obvious that whether the same mod or two different mods who reviewed it considered it bad enough that they kept it.

The point is, Gropey happened to break the rules at a time when /cgl/ was demanding rules and mods and janitors and was under a lot of scrutiny. Be careful what you wish for.

Now I am beginning to understand why the Jews were left to their devices wandering the desert for thirty fucking years.

>> No.6472232

Says the shitposter.

>> No.6472235

You draw several conclusions in your post that have no evidence. I never flouted rulebreaking, I never stated to want Gropey's cock. I just don't want /cgl/ to become the hell were we day after day discuss only the strictest forms of cosplay and lolita. If we are not allowed to discuss makeup anymore, do you we suggest we advise people on how to get the correct plastic surgery to most resemble the chaacter they are trying to portray? You argument, in my opinion, demonstrates a distinct lack of experience on the subjects at hand. Makeup is a fairly important part of the cosplay.

If he was being an ass about his questionable ban, someone must have reviewed his appeals. Forgive me, I don't know much about the inner workings of 4chan. Is there a script for that as well?

>> No.6472240

k keep pointing out tiny sections of the post and giving yourself asspats.

try to pretend you're not spamming the report button on whoever disagrees. shhh, it's okay. we understand.

>> No.6472241

>shitposter calling shitposter within a shitthread


>> No.6472253

You're posting and bumping a thread that is a metathread about moderation issues, and saying you should be allowed to do this because you've seen/participated in other offtopic threads.

That's flouting rulebreaking.

> I just don't want /cgl/ to become the hell were we day after day discuss only the strictest forms of cosplay and lolita
/ck/ has been doing fine being the hell where day after day they were discussing only the strictest forms of food and cooking.
>Makeup is a fairly important part of the cosplay.
Asking for the nth time whether some stupid Asian face cream and papaya soap "makes skin whiter" is not an important part of "the cosplay" or "the lolita". It is, however, an important part of the shitposting.

Also, aside from Gropey running his mouth on whatever the fuck it is, you don't know whether he is still banned or even whether he appealed and the number of appeals he made. The fact that he says he appealed twice and this is his alleged third time is suspect, you only get 1 chance of appeal per ban, per IP address.

Is this Gropey really someone you want to defend as your pet cause against unwanted moderation? If this is his third appeal, it also means this is his third ban.

>> No.6472257

Actually, there's also a script for that which will get you banned. But keep insisting you have an "argument" while perpetuating and bumping a shitposting thread to get a shitposter unbanned.

is just as hilarious as those "we must make pixyteri see logic by gossiping about her!" "we must inform the world how awful kotakoti is by gossiping about her!" threads.

>> No.6472259

You can appeal once when you're banned, and usually once a month unless you get absolutely banned from all boards. He tried to appeal when he first got the ban, and one time more so he could go back to /tg/.

You have no idea how the ban system works, do you?

>> No.6472265

It's just once, and only for a ban that lasts more than 3 days. You can't appeal immediately after getting the ban, you have to wait the 3 days before the appeal form even becomes active.

You can't re-appeal bans, so your "once a month" is bullshit and your precious Gropey is lying to you.

Gropey did something that resulted in a global ban that lasted more than 3 days. That's usually along the lines of incitement to a crime, spamvertising, posting cp/beastiality/racist shit of the most extreme kind.

>> No.6472266

Oh, and ban evasion is also a global ban of more than the 3 days kind. Don't think you can even appeal ban evasion, never did it.

It's funny how Gropey was like "I wanna go back to /tg/" because /tg/ has a dedicated irc channel for actual dungeon runs, and banned users can still view boards. The more you people defend Gropey? The more he stinks.

>> No.6472267

Gropey didn't tell me anything. I'VE been banned and thats what happened too.

You ever get tired of talking through your ass?

>> No.6472271

...You know you can veiw any board and topic, global banned or not.

There was a HUGE change in the ban system a while ago, and you sound like a retard.

>> No.6472274

You know the immediate form is a very recent change, as in this month recent change, right? There is no way Gropey's bans given the timeframe would allow multiple appeals.

>I wanna go back to /tg/" because /tg/ has a dedicated irc channel for actual dungeon runs, and banned users can still view boards.

Exactly my point, retard. Why would he need to "go back to /tg/"? He could post fine on the irc channel.

>> No.6472280

I am posting in and bumping a thread because I believe those that inhabit /cgl/ should have an input as to how it is being run. Is /ck/ allowed to discuss cooking utensils? Then /cgl/ should be allowed to 'shitpost' about the various tool of a successful cosplay.

Neither of of the objects you mentioned are makeup. Unless you are talking about BB cream as the 'stupid asian face cream', that is often considered an alternative to concealer, which is makeup. Please do your research. Additionally, the term 'cosplay' can be used both as both a plural and a singular noun, as well as a specific object such as 'medicine will interact with the microbe' or 'mods will review the thread'. The term 'lolita' requires a distinction, such as 'the lolita style', not 'mods will review the 4chan'.

Ideally, no, Gropey is not the ideal posterchild in the crusade against unwarranted bans and irrational moderation. But he is a start, and his particular situation inspired this general review of the faults of this system.

>> No.6472284

lol you know this through experience right? You are posting so much shit you must have more runs than the entire continent of africa and oregon trail combine. My foot up ur ass, faggot.

>> No.6472289

wait so what exactly did gropey do to get a globalban?

>> No.6472298

Gropey as the posterchild for anything but alcohol fueled clown barfights is hard to picture, but you're right, he's highly visable to the cause.

Officially, off-topic and ban evasion. Unofficially, the going theory is that a mod has a hate-boner for him.

>> No.6472305

my personal theory is the mod was molested by a clown and banning gropey is is way of dealing with his traumatic chiildhood.

guys, let him heal in his own way. it's not his fault he was diddled by a clown that, after he jizzed in Mod-kun's broken asshole, popped his balloon animal.

>> No.6472317

Not the Balloon Animal! That FIEND!

>> No.6472327

D: Gropey made me and my BF balloon animals at Nekocon! Im sure Gropey would be happy to make mod-kun one too!