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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6471379 No.6471379 [Reply] [Original]

Con room party stories/horrors.
Share them here.

>> No.6471383

Holy shit that Herc cosplayer.
Damn those two look like they'd be awesome to hang out with at a con.

>> No.6471390

A couple years ago at Animenext (I think), everybody brought some kind of alcohol to share. A friend of ours brought an open bottle of wine that was so old it was practically turning into vinegar. There was this one girl in the room that obviously didn't drink, but was trying to just to fit in. She kept drinking the awful wine and pretending she liked it. I didn't know whether to feel bad or laugh.

>> No.6471404
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I stayed in a party room once.

>1 Roomie out at the rave, everyone else asleep
>Hear knocking, assume Roomie lost his key/is too drunk to use it
>Open curtain
>Random dude who was at the party
>Asks if he can come in to get his bag
>Don't remember anyone at the party having a bag, not about to let a stranger into the room at 3AM while everyone is asleep.
>Tell him we gave his bag to lost and found
>Hope we actually did
>He leaves
>Cleaning the room
>Find mysterious bag under a bed
>Guy comes back and we give it to him
>He opens the bag, which has now been in our room for around 14 hours including his time at the party
>Pulls out mcchicken
>Gobbles down the whole thing

>> No.6471410

>go to elevator
>thinkn about going to the con to mingle the floor
>see people
>HAY WANT SOME (insert drink name I forget)
>invite girl and friends back to room
>make vodka and cranberry
>everyone is chilling
>discussing degrees
>discussing careers
>adult time

>> No.6471427
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As someone who doesn't drink, I've got a question. I don't want to say I'm "straight edge" or whatever bullshit, because I'll have a drink or whatever on special occasions and stuff to not be a party pooper. I also don't preach about anti-alcoholism because I think that's stupid. If someone wants to have a beer or whatever then let them who am I to ruin their good time.
All of my friends understand that I don't drink and are super accommodating about it. When we party/ have get togethers someone always makes sure that my favorite soda's there. I simply choose not to drink because I have personal issues against alcohol. Alcoholism runs in my family; it's ruined my brother's life, aunt's life. So yeah I actively choose not to drink and I still have a good time.
Yet for some reason people give me shit for this? I actually get ripped on pretty regularly for being a wuss or immature for not drinking.
Am I? I don't think so....

>> No.6471436

no. it's a personal choice, and anybody that refuses to respect that is pretty shitty, especially because you respect their choices.

>> No.6471474
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Just say you'll have the soda. It's your choice. Sometimes I'll be at a bar with friends and I won't feel like having a beer so I ask for a soda. No big deal.

>> No.6471481

>be at Wasteland Weekend
>there are no rooms
>free alcohol
>everybody's drinking
>go to Mad Hatter's tea party, get some tea
>taste it and think to myself "needs booze"
>add bourbon
>find out later that it was already spiked
>random girl complains that there's too many tits out and not enough dicks
>whip out penis
>still manage to go the entire weekend without getting laid

>> No.6471485


Holy fuck, I laughed.

>> No.6471533

Anyone who gives you shit for that is a tool and you need pay no attention to them. I drink myself, but people who try to force people who aren't comfortable with drinking to get wasted because "it'll be funny, c'mon, don't be a pussy!" make me so mad. If someone doesn't want to drink, just leave them be, they're not infringing on your partying rights.

>> No.6471703
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Dude pay them no mind, if someone gives you shit just stand there and crack open your soda and wish them "Cheers" than walk away.

And I think you're a mature person for not falling into peer pressure to drink.

>> No.6471729
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my brother once did that with a piece of pizza he found underneath the seat of his car. He left it there overnight, then ate it the next day on our way back from a con.

Never got sick either.

>> No.6471735

just tell them you take a medication that doe snot allow for you to drink, or else you will die.

most people will back off then. (I do this, and it seems to work for me.)

>> No.6471757

roomie of my friend offered me a brownie.
it wasn't a normal brownie.
it wasn't even a normal special brownie.
it was a shroom and pot and scrapings of her drug tin brownie.

cue very, very high cloud strife.

>> No.6471759

Anime overload 2012
>I'm friends with a bunch of ravers
>We all chip in a decide to buy a room for the weekend.
>Saturday night rave was meh so we all leave and go back to the hotel room
>Friend says "STOP! It's kicking in..."
>Apparently my friend took a bunch of xtc
>He says "guys... I'm going back to the rave... I feel it"
>We are all settled down (sober) doing our own thing
>1 hour later
>friend come in with 8 people all drunk or on drugs
>"I hope you don't mind, I brought a few people over"
>One of these people busts out a bag of coke
>fuckno.jpg I decide to go to the gaming room for a few hours.
>I come back, the door is wide open, my bag of clothes/electronics is gone. No one is in the room, and the room is trashed
>Call friends, they said went to a club leaving the group of 8 in the hotel room.
They left 8 cokeheads in our room, unsupervised...
>Call cops
>1 hour later one arrives. He enters and sees the mess that was once a hotel room. Beer cans on ground, broken TV, hole in wall.

And that was how I got charged with an MIP, and destruction of private property. I challenged it and my lawyer got it dropped, but still...

>> No.6471773

Hotel room was rented in my name, so got the charges

>> No.6471781

>Anime Conji(I think a few years ago?)
>Get a surprisingly large room, since it was a corner room
>Decide to host a low key room party, no alcohol, just hanging out, playing video games.
>Roommate is pretty chummy with Rueben Langdon.
>Invites Rueben to hang out at the party
>Rueben texts him that he's going to drop off a case of water since the con gave it to him and he doesn't need all of it.
>We open the door, and the case of water was there
>Rueben ninja'd the case and we never heard him.

The party was actually pretty low key. We ended up with a fair number of people, but nothing really outlandished happened. Other then finding out that Rueben didn't know how to play MVC3 very well.

>> No.6471809

If someone showed up to my hotel room with coke I'd immediately force them to leave. If they didn't leave or forced their way in, I'd call the cops immediately.
I do not fuck around with that shit, oh hell no.

>> No.6471825

If somebody thinks you're an asshole for not drinking then they're a douche of a person cause they're stuck in the juvenile mentality that you need to be guzzling a few brews to have fun. I don't drink cause I think it all smells like poo which means it's going to taste like poo to me.

As long as you aren't running around being a preachy party pooper, which you don't, then you're a cool person and far better than anybody who calls you a wuss or immature.

>> No.6471836

Get a clear glass. Put coca cola (or any other soda ) in it. Put a lime on the edge of the glass.
Congrats, you're drinking soda which looks like an alcoholic drink.

>> No.6471855

I put tea in a whiskey bottle and was all "You keep telling me I don't drink enough, so I'm drinking all of this by myself"
They were actually scared when I started chugging it from the bottle. Shit was hilarious

>> No.6471876
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As a casual drinker, it's never being a wuss for not drinking. There's only some alcoholic drinks that I can find tasteful while beer itself is just something I would drink to join in with friends. So no, you're not a wuss. Keep being yourself.

>> No.6471910

Coke is way overhyped and overrated. Your problem was a bunch of idiots who can't act non-retarded on drugs, not cokeheads.

>> No.6471915

Hell, I'm not straightedge but I'll choose not to drink if I have a valid reason

>girl offers her drink to me
>explain that I'm recovering from a cold
She probably thought I was a beta but at least she didn't get sick later

>> No.6471956
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Oh shit. I have too many stories...I admit I've made out with numerous guys and girls. I am also of guilty of technically being a groupie.

Still regret not having a threesome. Now THAT would've been a real story.

>> No.6471977

Jesus christ. If I were there and you were attractive and I were drunk enough, I would have jumped that right then and there. What was wrong with those people?

>> No.6471983

m/m/f or f/f/m?

>> No.6472001

I generally have not problems hosting room parties, but last Fanime somebody did steal about 20-30 bucks from my tip jar/booze fund. Pissed me off pretty good.

>> No.6472008

>AFest this year
>Friday Night
>I'm chillin' on the 30-something-th floor of my hotel in the wierd lobby-esque area doing shots with some friends. [had cool little shot glasses with superman and batman capes]
>Doors open
>Its one of the guys from my room
>He's being supported by two other guys, wobbling around and shit.
>He's underaged. Fuck.
>I lead the guys to our room and they dump him off.
>We think he's just wasted and put him on his bed.
>He's wheezing and convulsing. FUCK.
>We try and talk to him and he's only speaking in Japanese. WTF

Turns out someone had slipped him something, probably by accident. We had to stay up all night to make sure he was okay.

>> No.6472011

>stolen property
>stolen money
Suddenly glad the person I room with for every convention is no nonsense and doesn't allow strangers in the room and says if you're going to drink, do it outside the room. I trust myself drinking because I know my limits, it's just everyone else I don't trust and last thing I want is to come back to the room and find it either wrecked, reeking of booze, or everything stolen.

>> No.6472013
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I consider myself heterosexual relationship-wise but having a threeway with another girl sounds fucking awesome, especially to be the one in the middle.

>> No.6472033

>Sakuracon 2008
>Be in a perfectly normal room
>Except one kid is a drunk/drug addict
>Come back to room, find him on floor.
>"Hey, Mike, how many fingers am I holding up?"
>"2...no...4...3? Hold the fuck still."
>wtf dude
>turns out, he got something really strong down at the rave
>says he wanted Vicodin
>which I don't doubt
>had to call a friend to keep an eye on his stupid ass
>we're all 18-19 years old

>> No.6472050

not really a "room" party, as we didn't smoke in the room, but

>hotbox car
>go outside to peoplewatch, sit on fountain
>see this long line of weeaboos coming towards me
>they're all dancing and wooping
>i start to laugh hysterically because i thought they were trying to take over the hotel or something?
>they gather around the fountain where i am sitting laughing so hard that i'm crying with sobs
>friend is consoling me and trying to hold her laughs in
>they all gather around, someone stands up next to me on the fountain and starts to talk with everyone gathering around that person while i'm sobbing with laughter
>turns out it was a memorial service for someone who had passed away
>they must have thought i was crying because of the memorial service

>> No.6472115

Oh god lol, hope you were semi-ok when you crashed later.

Sadly I have yet to have anything like this happen, hoping for some decent stories at ichiban next year.

>> No.6472138
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shrooms and pot have no crash

>> No.6472151

Not as fun as the devil's threesome. There's just not enough dicks and too many holes, it always ends up the girls fighting over the ticket to ride and the guy gets tired out faster than they do. Now, with m/m/f, which I have yet to try, you can eiffel tower it, spit roast, so many combinations and everyone leaves satisfied.

>> No.6473127

This is /cgl/, where people think snorting marijuanas puts holes in your spine

>> No.6473842

>A-Kon 2012
>room party down the hall from our suite
>show up, everyone in suits
>huge keg, people passing out dixie cups of flavored vodka
>everyone is pretty chill
>playing SSB Brawl and Mario Kart
>adult talk
>underage raver girl shows up wearing white cat accessories (more like assessories)
>proceeds to blow 3 guys in a row in the bathroom

>> No.6473867

>bragging about weed
Wow, /cgl/ really is made up of little kids

>> No.6474118

Girls. /cgl/ is made up of little girls.

>> No.6474156

"I'm the designated driver."

Best line to get the knuckleheads to fuck right off.

>> No.6474188

oh lawds made me laugh

But pot can make you sleepy.

Ive had nothing but good times at all cons, mostly just drink at cons. Used to smoke at em too, but some of my friend dont like it around so I stopped having it at cons, but if its brought up im down~

>> No.6474197

Why did I lol so hard at this

>> No.6474203

oh fuck that pained me to read

>> No.6474220

People get nosy though, they start asking WHAT ARE YOU TAKING THOSE FOR COME ONNN TELL ME TELL ME.

I find it kinda revolting that you actually need to explain properly if you don't want to have a drink. And "I don't just feel like it" is never good enough...

>> No.6474309
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There was a rumor someone spiked the water cooler at the rave with acid.

I drank from every cooler in that room and waited... It was false


>> No.6474310

No, that's /jp/

>> No.6474339
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>> No.6474355
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I guess nobody was drunk enough? It was only 11pm. You should totally come next year though.

>> No.6474364

Not a room party, but
>Animenext 2010/2011 (hell if I remember)
>be up and about all night with friends
>5am rolls around and we're all really hungry
>make our way outside onto the grassy area near the red bridge
>sitting on the grass, notice bags lying around
>oh shit, there's food everywhere
>end up munching on macaroons, chex mix, and some other stuff

>> No.6474375

yah, no

>> No.6474480

I have too many stories. Most of them end up with me blacking out and waking up the next morning to a destroyed room and 5 million text messages from people I don't know. I did drunk dial my mom from a room party once and she called the police on me. When they got there they asked my age and I said 21 and showed them my license. They left.

>> No.6474522

Got thrown out of the same con. Twice. In the same night.

>> No.6474529

>at animefest in dallas
>hotboxing hotel room, smoke pouring out from under door
>knock on door, oh fuck.jpg
>its our neighbors, they ask if we have any coke
>say no, but lots of weed
>they invite us over, they have one of those massive 4 bdrm suites
>drink all their booze, steal a pikachu body pillow and leave
>take handful of shrooms, wander around, admiring the cosplays
>some gay dressed as a cat breaks onto the roof of the hotel and gives me shots of moonshine up there
>invites to party at his room
>nothing but strobe light flashing, pile of naked people writhing on bed like a nest of baby snakes
>"uh, i have to step outside for a call"
>run away as fast as my shroomy legs will take me

>> No.6474532

You sound like a pleasant person to be around and a quality human being.

>> No.6474533

animated by shaft

>> No.6474538

Didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine was checking out various room parties at Dragon*Con one year and said he wandered into what he called a "Star Trek orgy." it was by far one of the worse things he's ever seen in person

>> No.6474559

I've had no complaints yet.

>> No.6474567

Went to a club night which was held by the con itself due to their 11th anniversary. There was an interesting mix of cosplayers, other con visitors and people who suspiciously looked like normal fags. Chucked a few beers, chatted with random strangers sitting next to us and was amazed at how cute Ciel Phantomhive can look in his pink dress while dancing to J-Rock and techno music. I was even recognized by someone who knew the character I was cosplaying (yeah, even in a dark smoky bar).
Was one of the best con nights I've had. The only thing missing was a nice roll of weed.

>> No.6474570

I'd do that too.

>> No.6474580
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>they're all dancing and wooping
>turns out it was a memorial service for someone who had passed away

>> No.6474592

>at a rave
>go to the side of the room to find glow sticks
>guy is sitting in chair, sweating buckets, shaking
>"Uh, are you ok?"
>he started foaming at the mouth and stopped blinking

I don't know much about manufactured drugs, so I just assume he was ok

>> No.6474597

dude, that is not ok.

>> No.6474601

Foaming at the mouth is usually a bad thing, and he could have gone into a seizure or died...

No way of knowing what they took though. Lots of drugs can cause that, mostly RCs though.

>> No.6474655

my sides

>> No.6474656

And that's why I'd never invite ravers into my room. They seem to be more fucking naive than 6 year olds when it comes to fellow ravers. And who the fuck breaks a TV without some kind of large object? I would've found out the names of those fuckers and taken them to small claims court, or at least sued my friend for being an irresponsible fuckhead

>> No.6474677

Those aren't ravers, fuck dude.

Real ravers respect others' property and are responsible, to some extent. It was just the one friend who decided to bring a bunch of retards back to the room. Those aren't ravers though.

Hate the stupid shit kids do these days which get us all this negative stigma

>> No.6474684

I also don't get why people force others to drink. I have a anxiety disorder so I can't always drink, but people keep insisting that I do.

>> No.6474706

dat nbome
or maybe a DOx, or 2C-x
too much shit being sold as acid

>> No.6474714

Could also be pcp, but yeah my guess would be 25i or some fake acid too.

>> No.6474715

Seriously. We had to pull up a Japanese to English dictionary on my friend's laptop to figure out what the hell he was trying to say.

>> No.6474731
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psy bros

>> No.6474844
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I was thinking of adding another guy to the mix but that will just end up couple sex when I want to have sex with all three.

Just as long as they aren't underage. Barely legals are always fun to throw in.

>> No.6474852

it sounds like he just had too much mdma, or maybe pipes

>> No.6474868
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>> No.6474879

>tea party
>tits out
>dick out
Wait what?

>> No.6474883

Nah mdma wouldn't make him foam unless he ate like a gram all at once... Even then...

I never took a pipe pill and never want to. They sound horrid. That is a possibility he got a bunk pill if he was lookin for XTC. I'd personally never trust pills at a con rave... Too many kids uneducated in drug safety.

>> No.6474956

sounds like me with roller coasters. I have many friends who love them and can't get it through their head that I take no enjoyment in riding one.
"You just need to try it!"
I have, it's not for me.

>> No.6475306

It's people trying to get you to be like them, when they're trying to be like someone else. Happens to almost everyone growing up, I got the same shit, being the same way. Everyone grows up, just not in the same way. Some do it faster, some do it to a greater depth, everyone grows up in different respects. A guy can work hard and be an adult in that way, but treat people like shit.

>> No.6475355

I'm the same way, but if they keep bothering me about it I accept their offer and not drink it. In the end I usually give it to someone else who is more than happy to get a free drink.

>> No.6475565

What part are you confused about?

>> No.6475610
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>go to 60+ person 3 room hotel con party
>everyone drinking and smoking but me
>my friends leave for the other room to fuck
>alone and then suddenly surrounded by black guys hittng on me
>h e l p
>late into the night, my roomie too tired to pick me up from this hoteL WELL OK THEN
>i crash in the room, in the only availible space
>under the counter with no blanket or pillow
>wake up to sounds of people puking from hangovers

>> No.6475664 [DELETED] 

not a room party story but i definitely had my costume stepped on while on the floor and wound up among hundreds of people in a plain white bra and flowery cotton panties. the instinctive scream didn't help me out either. i was severely laughed at and stayed in my room the entire rest of the time. that was waaaaaaay before i learned to make smarter underwear choices and not assume that just because it's underneath my costume i can wear whatever i want.

>> No.6475850

how would another guy end up as couple sex? you have 3 holes. and 2 hands.

>> No.6475998
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Two females and two males? I'd say get a few more guys but that's too much.

>> No.6476396

>go to local con about an hour in
>Nothing big, chat ups some of the other cosplayers and vendors
>meet a black kid of about 15 dressed in a black robe+cape, with short pink-sprayed hair and fingers on a chain around his neck (apologies for not knowing the name of the cosplay)
>he hangs around me, is awkward as fuck
>compliments my leather (I was dressed as Mad Max
>practically breathing down my neck
>walk from break room to floor, he's following me
>trying to ignore him as politely as possible
>"h-hey, I need to go... can I have a hug"
>"Nah man."
>"o-okay it was a j-joke..."
>he walks off
>enjoy myself besides
Not exactly a horror story, but that was my first con, and it was a small local one.

>> No.6476413

>got to con with friends.
>wear costume all day, enjoy myself.
>relax and have a few drinks at night.
>might meet a few people we want to hang out with.
>we're all adults who don't need to get smashed to enjoy ourselves. if we want to get drunk and party hard we'll go to a real club or bar.
>everyone gets to sleep at a decent time, in a bed.
>no puking.
>no hangovers.
>no random people trashing our room.
>wake up and have breakfast, enjoy next day bright eyed and pleasantly sober.

I really hope most of you guys are still in high school, because you party like 16 year olds having their first weekend away from mommy and daddy.

>> No.6476422

>host party at PMX 2012
>recruit way too many people for party
>$200+ worth of alcohol plus a rainbow road and bathtub full of burr
>party got too out of hand so security was called
>(we had to relocate our parties twice but that's another story completely)
>this guy walks out of the bathroom and stands there for a second before he falls flat on his face and passes out right in front of security
>all security does is say "is he alright?"
>unconcious for 10 minutes and some guy who says he's an EMT comes over to check him out
>his face is covered in blood at this point
>he wakes up and we ask him how much he's had to drink, expecting him to be really drunk, and he said he only had a sip of a drink
>he's completely fine after that
>no one ever got his name
>forever known as bloodface

>> No.6476436
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>in hotel room, tripping on acid
>friend texts "hey, can I get my bag from your room so I can go home"
>she comes up with people
>one of the guys is a trenchcoat wearing, grimdark methhead
>brings out hunting knife or something
>"check out what I stole from the con"
>he proceeds to tell me how he got kicked out of his house because they're fumigating for bedbugs
>"conversation" basically becomes an hour of him talking about insects he likes and of different kinds of blood-sucking parasites
>I couldn't even kick him out because the walls were breathing
>"How T-, have you managed to get all your stuff together?"
>she was there for one night, it took her an hour to pack her fucking bag
>mfw I couldn't sleep that night because I kept thinking of bedbugs

>> No.6476459

I hate when you're having a great trip and then something stupid like that gets seeded in your mind.

>no more good trip

>knows that feel.

>> No.6476475

The next morning, still kinda drunk and tripping, I wound up having a business meeting with some people I help run a con for.

It went alright, they suspected nothing until I suggested we get Robin Williams as a panel guest.

>> No.6476482
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only one experience of a room part for me and its pretty boring
>be 15 at acen couple years ago
>hanging out in the lobby late at night
>guy walks past saying there's a small party at room "__"
>me and friends decided sure why not
>pretty cool set up for a party. blacklights and shit. They went all out for decorations
>guys asks if we are 21 and we say no. So he gives us soda.
>then hula hoop contest
>actually kinda fun

super boring but still they were a decent group of caps. Not too drunk or rowdy and no one tried any funny business

On that note now that all of our group is legal age we are debating doing a little room party. Or at the very least bringing a little bit of booze to get a nice buzz and people watch

>> No.6476506

To be fair, I'm sure a lot of people would pick Robin Williams if given the choice between him and Vic Mangina

>> No.6476534

Robin Williams looks like a cool bro.

>> No.6476541

>Some Otakon
>Be 15
>18, 19, 21 year old girls(I think) I meet at the rave all invite me back to their room to party
>They believe I'm 18
>One of them takes me to her friends room and takes our clothes off
>Eh, I'm Christian I'm saving myself
>She starts crying
>Drunken laugh and leave to go back to party in boxers, tell her friends she's crying


>AWA 2009
>Meet some girl, we chill and make out pretty much all day
>Her beta friend watches the entire time
>Feel bad for him
>She tries to take me back to her house, to party
>I go
>Tries to fuck, decline with the whole Christian thing
>"I'm a virgin Christian too! Come on..."
>Uh, no thanks
>She walks away feeling like a tard
>Tell her beta friend what to do
>He texts me the next day, thanking me for getting him laid
>Apparently they broke up a little while ago because she's a porn star now

I'll try to remember some others, I'm a pretty rare breed of alpha as fuck virgins by choice so I have quite a few.

>> No.6476566

>>alpha as fuck

choose one.

>> No.6476568


Oh, well durr

>Fly out to Metrocon this year
>Friends don't believe I can pick up women as easy as I say
>Make them watch, pick up 2 asian girls at rave
>We decide to start a party in our suite
>Everything is fine, feel like a boss making out with the 2
>Friend looks pissed as fuck
>He walks over and pretty much yells "YOU KNOW HE'S NOT GOING TO FUCK YOU RIGHT?"
>I just... wat? Really?
>He proceeds to go off on some drunken rant
>We go on a walk so we don't ruin everyone's time, need to figure out why he's so mad
>Calls me a womanizing piece of shit
>Do the same thing with a girl I met on Sat, this time we're alone in the room
>One of our friends saw us and told him we were going to the room
>He freaks the fuck out when we're on the couch just chillin
>Tries to fucking grope her while yell-asking how much I paid her
>Tell him to fuck off, have to throw him out of the room
>Just say that when we get back to his place I'm flying out asap, close the door and I took his key

Guy is a dick, never again. I almost beat the shit out of him on Sat, but I didn't want to be stranded in Tampa. Surprisingly he didn't freak out and go to the front desk, instead he told our friends that I raped some girl in our room and he tried to save her, but I was "too strong for him when hes drunk"

>> No.6476580

Wasn't even a party as much as a hangout

>drinking with some friends and a couple girls I picked up
>5th roommate shows up, acquaintance, but not really friend. Gave him a place to sleep cause nice people
>He drinks with us
>Friends quit and go to sleep
>This guys passes the fuck out
>Girls and I leave to pursue food
>Fastforward, I'm about to go to sleep in the girl's room
>phone rings
>friend is freaking out, say I'll be right there
>apologize for waking up the girls and wish them a good night
>Walk into our room
>poop curled perfectly on the carpet
>urine on friend's badge
>vomit on pants and shoes
>shit has also hit friend's suitcase, thankfully didn't get IN it.

None of us realized how much we used any incarnation of "shit" in our casual vocabulary until that weekend.

Also, guy was really sorry and paid for the damages and stuff, so all was well in the end.

>> No.6476582

Maybe you shouldn't rape chicks then.

>> No.6476583
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>>forever known as bloodface

>> No.6476586
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>poop curled perfectly on the carpet
For some reason this is infinitely more disturbing than if he had just shit his pants and it leaked onto the carpet

>> No.6476588

Ooh, please tell me this is going to turn into a full scale thread battle like the one about that dude that commissioned a sword

>> No.6476597


It's funny now, but I'm amazed at what people will do when they're jealous. I mean seriously, a "friend" lying about something that serious?

>> No.6476734

Not at all! Because you can have a good time and be fun to be around when everyone else is getting sloshed shows how mature you are!

If you were a party pooper about it and just sat in the corner looking sad or annoyed, that'd be a different story. Not really about being immature for not drinking, but being immature for getting hung up on the fact that you're not drinking.

Also, good for you!

>> No.6476862

You're belittling people who drinks by calling someone who's doing different "mature".

>> No.6476867

I don't think that's what anon was saying. There's a difference between people who drink and have fun and people who drink TO have fun, especially if they go crazy and end up acting like total idiots.

>> No.6476876

Heh. I think going "all out" among friends in private is really fun. We're all idiots doing idiots things, you see.

But yeah, I see what you're saying here. I still feel the sense of false superiority when people say "I don't drink, i'm mature!"

>> No.6476951
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>good for you

>> No.6477207

PMX 2012
>friend and i cosplaying in heavy,yet super cool looking, armor (canti and fem!shep)
>be canti
>be on T.O.M.
>bring along another friend wearing casual so she can help us carry around things and just chill
>fem!shep's armor unglues and basically starts falling apart
>casual friend that made the suit glues it back together and shortly ditches us
>casual friend is carrying all of our things (including tampons) besides both of our phones that i am carrying in my tiny pants pockets
>dont completely notice until we need to use the things
>around 1:30 or so
>havent changed pad since i got to the con
>disgusting as shit
>hungry as fuck
>wallets and tampons in bag that casual friend is carrying
>casual friend does not have a phone
>find one of casual friend's friend's and ask to see their contacts to call and pray to god that another one of cas friend's are hanging out with them
>has their contact
>calls them
>friend of casfriend picks up
>friendoffriend is at carls jr down the street
>asks about the bag and if they can bring it
>"we cant...cas friend left that bag in our hotel room....the room number is "____"
>"there might be someone in there maybe"
>take the maybe and head up to hotel room
>walking is really hard because flood gates have reached full overload, and con is packed with people to dodge
>finally get to hotel room
>knock so hard my knuckles sting
>nobody answers
>knock again
>still nothing
>friend and i go back to lobby
>femshep armor literally falling apart
>see casual friend with her other friends up the stairs
>adrenaline and rage
>yell out "CASUALL FRIEEND" a few feet away at the bottom of the stairs
>catch their attention
>start walking down


>> No.6477214

(2/3) sorry i didnt know this was that long woops
>start walking down
>casfriend spots a slenderman cosplayer
>takes their sweet ass time taking multiple pictures from multiple angles, talking with him and exchanging contacts
>more rage
>cas friend's group finally gets to us
>rage and adrenaline pumping through my very soul
>tell cas friend everything she did wrong with the key word "you could have at least told us before you ditched us and left our stuff"
>cas friends sibling leans close to me and tells me
>"it was your own responsibility to carry your own things, Anon."
>cas friend tells me something along the lines of, "I'll go get my friend, get his hotel key, and bring you the stuff, okay??"
>alright fine
>casual friend and her group leave
>world is spinning
>angry and sad that i just yelled at my best friend
>start crying in the effing lobby next to annoying repetitive meme homestucks
>femshep holds me until i calm down
>put on helmet so nobody sees my dried tears
>wierd creepy dude dressed in snake cosplay shows up
>talks quickly and for a long time
>ragging the shit out with this annoying dude in front of me
>gesture to femshep to leave
>dont care if it was rude or not
>friend and i still starving
>drink as much free water as possible
>sneak into the badge only zone
>buy kawaii animu shit
>around 3 hours time
>numerous compliments of our cosplays that are practically dying carcasses (literally everything was ungluing, or glue was getting disconnected with the 5 cent string it was attached to)

>> No.6477217

>asked to be on podcast
>try and check out podcast
>buncha noobs
>walk away from podcast as quickly as possible
>spot an old friend
>super cool happy con like earlier because we forgot about all the bad things for a few seconds
>cas friend shows up with all of our things and hot glue gun in a wierd plastic bag she probably got from the carls jr she ate at before getting our things
>femshep thanks cas friend as i completely ignore her
>equip and go to the bathroom
>try to glue things back together
>1 hour's time
>everything is fixed
>really fun con continued afterwards
>never see casual friend again for the entire con

fast forward to now: casual friend and i have reconciled since and are again best friends.....but theres still a hint of rage when i think back to this because casual friend doesnt think she did anything wrong...ugh

>> No.6477264

why did that ending make me laugh so much?

>> No.6477662

So like, you seduce girls and then just blue-ball them? (blue-labia them? blue-ovary?)

>> No.6477666


Like I wanted to go around bothering people...

>> No.6477671

valle ruins everything

>> No.6477689

I feel weird posting this, since it isn't about retards getting drunk or high:

>My girlfriend at the time makes friends with a depressed hikki girl
>Have spoken with her before. Skipping all the details, she's just 100% undiluted bitch. I'm sure you can all relate.
>We all meet in person for the first time at a con
>I ignore her constant bitching and random life stories and just enjoy myself
>We get invited to a pretty nifty room party
>During the party, my girlfriend and I start making light, childish jokes about each other
>Dat awkward silence
>Party never picks back up from there
>As we're all leaving, she starts crying and saying we're all amazing friends
>Streets run red with spaghetti

>> No.6477724

>Midnight of Day 1 of ALA2012, so before con had started
>step out onto pool deck for some fresh air because my roomies were hotboxing the bathroom and I'm asthmatic
>Hear "Oh my god sandwich, you are so fucking delicious. Stop being so fucking delicious." from the balcony above me
>There's some banging like chairs being moved around, then a scream and a crash
>About a minute of silence passes before I hear "OH MY GOD SANDWICH WHY DID YOU STOP BEING DELICIOUS?"
>Someone else in the room (it was faint) tells the first girl "You told it to!"
>The first girl starts sobbing, repeating "I'm sorry, sandwich! Please start being delicious again! I didn't mean it!" over and over again

I kinda wanted whatever that girl was having, either the sandwich or the drugs.

>> No.6477735
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Hey, I meet you two! I had no idea what a crazy ass time you niggas had though, god damn.

Let's hope the next time we see each other at another con, it will have gone a lil better.


>> No.6478224


I guess. I mean, it's the only intimate way I can enjoy myself with women without actually fucking. Sure it may seem dumb, but it's one of the very few things I haven't fucked up in my religion... yet.

>> No.6478275

Careful everyone. We've got an ADULT in the thread! Watch out! Fun stops here.

>> No.6478453

ho god mein sides.

>> No.6478494
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I see what you did there.


This is essentially me.

>> No.6478994

Because purity is a technicality, right?

>> No.6479043


If I can manage to control myself, why shouldn't I? The easy way to do things is go out and get myself laid, the hard way is to still enjoy intimacy without taking my pants off. I don't look down on people that fuck before getting married, I just choose not to.

Sadly that's a big reason my relationships don't last, but I'd rather not be with someone who can't respect that about me anyway.

>> No.6479051

>Anime North 2012
>road tripping with one dude I know irl
>everyone else I meet is from /cgl/
>host /cgl/ room party in my room
>Thursday night get a bunch of people in there and drink
>playing silly games
>no action Friday Night
>Saturday was a bunch of more people with BYOB and massive drink mixing/sharing
>one guy brings random chicken he got from a stranger
>everyone still dressed up from eating out earlier
>get trashed as fuck
>Cards Against Humanity
>Never Have I Ever
>other random games and shenanigans
>cram 4 people on a bed
>no one was raped, nothing was stolen, and we all survived
>meeting people from the internet isn't as bad as it sounds
>10/10 would room party again

>> No.6479052

No, I understand where you're coming from, but I never saw the purpose of doing it for religious reasons. Not taking you down to their level, but the extreme is like the girls that'll do anal but not have vaginal sex because "I'm a good Christian," which pisses me off the most. Again, purity shouldn't be a technicality. Just a general issue with this whole deal, not so much yours in particular.

>> No.6479073


Anal is not a loophole. Leviticus clearly states you can't have sex unless you're married and it's for the purpose of procreation. The silly cunts who have anal sex because they want to 'remain pure' are actually the worst hypocrites in both philosophy and by the book.

For the record, I don't hate on people who have sex. I have sex. I just don't like hypocrites, particularly of the religious order.

>> No.6479078

Leviticus also states a lot of really random shit, so I don't know why we're going to nitpick the "relavent stuff." Cherry picking the Bible is my pet peeve, and people do it SO so often.

>> No.6479079


Oh, well that's fair. The reason behind it, for me anyway, is that I try to avoid sinning willingly because sinning from a religious view is obviously wrong. Plus I think it's kind of cool since it's so rare nowadays. A lot of religious people, mostly women to be honest, do it so they can feel superior. I hate it when they act like that, and when they do shit like in your example.

I don't think it's a technicality for being a good Christian or person at all, it's just something some of us choose for different reasons.

>> No.6479081

Quoting Leviticus is like quoting the crazy people in the mental ward. Everything in that particular book is a load of shit.

>> No.6479082


Eh, just going to explain my views. I sort of believe if you're the type of person to spread hate based on a 5000 year old book against random groups of people, I'm going to call you out on it because you clearly don't know the context of such a book. The same goes for people who are like "tehe I'm so pure, I'm going to judge you because I'm having anal and you're having vaginal" because that's just idiotic and missing the point of chastity by a lot, so I do feel it's funny to bring it up and trip them with it.

I'm not particularly fond of the bible myself, but in arguments with people bringing up silly laws because a book said so, I don't feel that low pointing out the silliness of the entire thing.

>> No.6479095

as opposed to not real life right?

>> No.6479105

The two of us met up with some people we met form /cgl/ instead of RL encounters, so yes?

>> No.6479136

Yep, sounds like a 2C.

>> No.6479145
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That was such a fun night
Still feel bad for wasting someone's Jack Daniels though

>> No.6479158
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>All ages party room
>Kid maybe 10 years old hanging out for an hour or so, kicking ass at vidya gaems
>Didn't see him come in, figure he's with one of the other congoers
>Party ends
>Everyone leaves except him
>"I got lost so I figured if I'd hang out here"

>> No.6480442

Alcohol and drugs can be enjoyed responsibly. And that goes for almost any drug.

The problem is that a lot of kids get all excited that they're doing them and act retarded just to be retarded. The drugs don't "make" you act like an idiot, you have to be one in the first place

>> No.6480449

>Fanime 2012
>room parties everywhere
>heading towards supposedly legendary party
>see police heading towards the elevator
>party senses kick in
>race up 12 flights while they're stuck playing the up/down game
>arrive and hit eight shots while mingling
>remember to throw cash in the jar before drunk happens
>popo shut us down

It was like the party people were all migrating to different rooms and were always one step ahead of the cops. It was the best thing ever.

>> No.6480475

>drugs don't "make" you act like an idiot, you have to be one in the first place

Disagree with this statement. My boyfriend is super smart, hates drinking and weed. I gave him a xanax one time because he was freaking out about school. I forgot that his tolerance level to xanax is different than mine, so instead of giving him 0.5 mg, I gave him a 1 mg pill. 15 minutes later he went full retard, giggling and drooling.

>> No.6480502

it's different for every person, friend.

anyway, the only fun con party story i have is one time i had a hotel room with 6 other highschool girls and we all got drunk and just touched each other's tits.

the only bad thing that happened was that one of them broke my fake boob inserts because she was throwing it around the room. that didn't really make me mad, because whatever they were like $15, but she denied it when it was obviously her (i was watching her flop them around and then went into the bathroom for 5 seconds. when i came out they were on the dresser between the two beds split in half and she was just sitting there, fidgeting with her phone). that definitely frustrated me and i don't really entrust her with breakable stuff now

>> No.6480505

> super smart

That sounds like bullshit. What is his major and what school?

>> No.6480506

Almost every single party got shut down at Fanime. Best day for parties are Day 0 and the last day.

On Sunday only one lasted the longest without being forcibly shut down.

>> No.6480514

Oh wow. I wish it only took 1mg for me. My tolerance is to the point where I need 4mg to feel any effect. I sleep like the dead though.

>> No.6480515

Computer science at New Mexico Tech

>> No.6480533


Oh my god, that was me. I'm sorry, I wasn't on drugs. Just a good sandwich.

>> No.6480642

I think by "idiot" I meant bouncing off walls and destroying shit. I've been around people on all sorts of drugs, and been on all sorts and rarely has anything gotten out of control.

It's always kids who ruin shit. But my point was drinking and drugs have no correlation to maturity

>> No.6480652


you seem like chill peeps to trip with

>> No.6480839

Yeah. I hosted one every night except saturday, because I wanted to go party hopping. Then all the ones I tried to attend got shut down right as I was arriving. Ended up partying in the hall of the convention center by the mariott. Everything turned out ok I guess.

>> No.6481514


Excuse my poor wording please. I was a few beers in and trying to say that what they were doing wasn't lame. I was trying to say that it's mature to have fun instead of getting hung up on the fact that you're not drinking. It's not being mature= not drinking, it's being mature=having fun no matter what.

Not sure why I'm explaining, because it's just going to get misunderstood again. I should probably make a martini for this.

>> No.6482983
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>I was never invited to parties that got a bit wild when I was young because I'm a lameass.
>Therefore, the rest of you who've had a good time at such parties are mere children who can never hope to achieve my superior adulthood~~

Alright, fagotron. Maybe someday in your life you'll so something worth feeling like a better person than others over.

>> No.6482987

Everyone hating on you clearly thinks that fun can only be had when people are drinking. I personally enjoy cons either sober or tipsy myself, people who go overboard in the public areas or at really late hours of the night in hotels are fucking obnoxious though. In b4 anon thinks they know me. In highschool I DID go to enough wild parties to see how pathetic a lot of the people getting really fucked up were. They had 0 self control and were complete attention whores. The ones who practiced a little restraint were much more fun to hang out with anyway. I feel bad for people around me the 2 times I went overboard. I was sick the one time and the other time I was probably annoying as all hell. Neither of those are attractive, fun or cool.

>> No.6483023

>Go to a con a different country, staying at a friends house
>Two other friends, one from overseas, other from another European country, join us for overall tourism
>Bring weed with me, I'm going by train
>First day fine
>Second day we smoke three joints at friend's garden
>Overseas friend stays there just blankly staring into a wall
>The other one does not seem too well
>In fact, he's now tripping on the sofa only saying things in his language and "I'm sorry"
>I can't stop laughing
>Friend does not drink or smoke, she's in panic
>Can't stop laughing and slapping him
>We manage to put him inside a taxi so he goes to his own hotel
>Still can't stop laughing
>Next day I'm still laughing

Best con of my life

>> No.6483027

Honestly, I think they have a point, and I say that as a fairly heavy drinker. Going on the lash is a treasured pasttime of mine, but cons are probably not the place for it. I was such a state on the Saturday night of MCM that I spent three hours alternating between throwing up and passing out, completely trashed my wig, threw up ON MY COSPLAY, had to crash in a friend's room, and was so hungover the next day that I didn't even get back to MCM until mid-afternoon. That really isn't ideal. If I want to get ratarsed, I can do that at home- it's better to be in a state to appreciate the con the next day.

That said, it being MCM, I didn't miss much as there was fuck all on the next day. Still, it's not an experience I'm in any hurry to repeat.

Moral of the story: stay away from the Scotch when playing 'never have I ever', especially if you're playing with people whose relative experiences or lack thereof mean you're going to be drinking for pretty much every round.

>> No.6483034

I'm not saying it's any fun at all to get completely trashed and sloppy (especially because when I personally get like that I end up very sick and in the foetal position the next day) but acting like anything more than a few drinks with friends, or enough to get giggly or tipsy is just childish and immature is obnoxious. You don't suddenly become a better person because you don't drink as much as some other people.

This of course is disregarding asshats who trash a room and throw up in your shower. Getting drunk doesn't mean you automatically do that, though.

>> No.6483033

My boyfriend would like to point out that looking after drunk you was the highlight of his expo. His friends were having shitty drunken dramu fests and you gave him a nice get-away excuse.

>Moral of the story: stay away from the Scotch when playing 'never have I ever', especially if you're playing with people whose relative experiences or lack thereof mean you're going to be drinking for pretty much every round.

errrr.. I did that at hyper japan on the saturday night. whoopsie.' Never have I ever' at cons is a big no-no.

>> No.6483037

Why do I always miss everything geez.

>> No.6483041

Yeah, I'm going to stay away from that one in future- I'm used to playing with my uni mates which doesn't involve having to drink anywhere near as much because they've generally been up to as much dodgy bullshit in their teenage years as I have. Oh, and another cautionary tale, folks- shenanigans at cons may earn you charming nicknames like 'puke princess', so watch your drinking.

I don't think that's how they meant it to come across, I think they were referring to the 'we NEED to get shitfaced' attitude.

>> No.6483039

Or anon can't seem to grasp that thinking
"Oh..you're drinking to have fun? You're so immaturee" you're not being mature, you're just pretentious as balls.

>> No.6483053

This is why I stopped drinking and rediscovered certain party drugs. In reasonable doses I get so much more out of some mdma than getting fucked on booze. With little or no hangover the next day.

Alcohol is fun but it always leaves me feeling like death the next day.

>> No.6483056

>meet Strawberry Shortcrew on tumblr, become good friends
>decide to hang out at Fanime
>he invites me to a party
>I show up a little late
>party is already over
>he is passed out face-down on a bed
>I am told he drank all the booze
>all of it

>> No.6483068

I love how we still partied on even though you were completely passed out on the bed, though we all felt pretty bad about it. At least you didn't have some of that nasty blue stuff that everyone else had a taste of. Eugh.

Jesus, how much booze was there?

>> No.6483075

I did, however, get second-hand experience of it when somebody had chundered it all over the bathroom and I stood in it. Jesus Christ. Oh well, didn't come out of it with anything worse than a bad hangover, I'm glad you guys turned out to be trustworthy people to pass out around. Could have ended very badly.

>> No.6483079

Drinking to have fun is fine. Getting shitfaced and spending the entire convention hungover and sick is dumb. That's how kids drink, not adults.

>> No.6483082

I have no idea. I didn't know anyone else there, because I'm a nutcase shut-in. So I left.

He invited me to another party the next night, but something seemed off about the whole thing (on top of being a nutcase shut-in, I may be a little paranoid) and I didn't go. The man's a budding alcoholic, that's for sure.

>> No.6483091

Ahhh bullshit. Adults get shitfaced too. There's a very thin line about using drugs and alcohol responsibly.

Destroying a room is not responsible, throwing up everywhere but handling yourself despite the fact is responsible, especially when you know it's your fault you're in that position.

I've had nights I regretted but I'd laugh it off and take it as a "yeah I got myself into this" situation

>> No.6483094

Indeed, 2 other people were in there before you went in... wasn't a very pretty sight. And we're glad nothing bad happened too, it was a drama-free party for all.

>> No.6483125

Actually both of you sound like idiotic bitches. You NEVER give important stuff like that away. Get a tiny bag and putt your wallet and pads in there and leave the rest of your stuff to your friends or let them give you what you need before they go.
Your friend made mistakes too, but you fucking KNEW you had your period.

Also, chicks who break down crying and then bitch about are ridiculous. People like you are scum.

>> No.6484850

Lol sounds like him. Have him take you to my room next time, I never run outta booze.

>> No.6484853

I personally didn't like that they talk about their non-cosplaying friend as simply "the help" when it sounded like they were trying to enjoy the con themselves since they others were off getting pictures and attention, and they had the gall to complain.

But I didn't know if the friend was asked to come along to play water boy in the first place.

>> No.6484863 [DELETED] 
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>or all 20 something year old females

>> No.6484866 [DELETED] 

I lost it at the dance
But yeah, that video is an great depiction of most of the posters in this thread

>> No.6484901

I've got a few shenanigans, none are really that interesting though.

Nekocon 2005
>be 15 with group of 18-20 year olds and another 14 y/o
>14 and I are only ones that smoke
>get pretty high and find the elevator and escalator
>ride elevator for eternity
>people get on and off
>we make small talk, boring
>decide to spice it up
>pretend to make out with 14 y/o friend
>pantomime fellatio
>make ero noises
>elevator riders show a rainbow of reactions
>one guy tried to join
>older friends walk in
>get kicked off elevator by staff
>ride escalator instead

Nekocon 2006
>drunk 3am
>me, same guy from last year elevator facade, a girl, and neckbeard
>play hide and seek in walmart
>ditch neckbeard and go back to hotelroom
>we're locked out
>staff asks us to leave
>get drunker in car
>Denny's? Denny's.
>See neckbeard
>"oh hey ur so good at hide n seek"
>get punched in crowded denny's
>people cheering

Nekocon 2012
>in hotel room 8am
>smokin' pot
>hear voices
>turn on fan
>"lol it smells like catnip out here"
>instinctual meow
>hallway erupts in laughter

Otakon 2012
>at rave
>feels everywhere
>people keep asking for pictures
>touching me
>not even cosplaying or rave appropriate
>feel tap on shoulder
>"do you want your dick sucked?!"
>"are you from homestuck?
>it all makes sense
>buzz officially killed
>see person who tapped later
>they greet I respond
>"oh I thought you asked if I wanted my dick sucked! I was like wtf?"
>"do you?"
moral of that story is dont hate homestuck, it'll get your dick sucked.

>> No.6484909
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>Nekocon 2005
>14 and I are only ones that smoke
Interesting social commentary.
>Nekocon 2012
>smokin' pot
Seven years later...still smoking pot and hanging out at the same anime convention. I guess we know where to find you in 2019.

>> No.6484912
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>Be 20, have 14 yo looking girl at my house for what was supposed to be two of my boyfriends friends coming over for some quiet drinks but word spreads...
>I decline drinks as I have work in the morning and intend on going to bed soon and it's a tuesday night
>Stupid bitch asks if I've ever been drunk, because it's just annoying when people won't drink because they think it's super wrong and she loves being drunk all the time because being drunk is fun and it's disrespectful to the people who organized the party not to drink because they made so much effort and drinking is the best, you're just being stupid have a drink.
>Tell her I work in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre and tell her to drop by sometime to see how fun brain damage is from drinking too much now get the fuck out of my house.
What the fuck is with people who think drinking alcohol and getting drunk all the time is the only way to have fun? Seriously, I don't see what's so fun about throwing my guts up. I'd rather just have one drink and keep it at that. I don't need to get trashed on weekends let alone weekdays too. I had fun when I met her next and she served me my food at the take-away joint and she was struggling to count change and forgot people's orders. Tell me more about how alcohol makes you a better, more educated and successful person, you dumb blonde bitch.

>> No.6486762

Who's Strawberry Shortcrew?

Pretty much most con goers who party a lot are blossoming alcoholics. Fanime definitely has crazy drinking in general.

>> No.6487197

that went down at ao? wow

>> No.6487217

>Tell me more about how alcohol makes you a better, more educated and successful person, you dumb blonde bitch.
Well statistically speaking, those who drink in moderation tend to be both smarter and more emotionally stable than those who don't drink at all.

>> No.6487247

This is why I like it best when my neighbors aren't college students, who almost always act like the grownups are wrong for not wanting to listen to hugeass parties at 2AM, and think it's funny when the cops show up.

>> No.6487282

A rad guy who used to trip on here pretty often. Don't see him around much anymore.

i have bad luck with hotel parties

>anime north 2010
>have to do a late night panel on saturday
>friend is throwing a suite room party
>run to party as soon as panels are over
>say hello, see my bf for the first time in hours, crack open a beer
>10 minutes later
>room host is done for the night
>it's 1:30 in the morning

>anime north 2012
>same person throwing a suite party
>get there early, leave to get a sandwich
>come back and people are there
>eat sandwich while waiting for the party to get rolling
>it's mostly people playing youtube videos and some awkward conversations
>yeah i'm done my sandwich and i think i'm gonna go
>myself and two friends decide to look for sake
>it's 1 in the morning and nowhere nearby has sake
>go back to their hotel instead
>friend decides to do martial arts outside the hotel
>twists his ankle
>is bedridden, we watch tv while chillin' in his hotel room
>batman forever is on
>watch batman forever

>> No.6487306

>batman forever is on
>watch batman forever

this happened in my room except it was like 20 people crammed in a room on Day 2 of AX '11 and glued to the TV watching space jam

>> No.6489292

>The drugs don't "make" you act like an idiot, you have to be one in the first place

I have to disagree. I'd like to consider myself relatively level-headed, but I am pants-on-head retarded when drunk. So much stupid shit I don't even, I can't even.

>mfw Everyone thinks I'm a alcoholic because I drink exclusively alone.

I also shut down my computer and disconnect the phone, so I can be as drunk as I want with no fear of making an ass out of myself.