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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6467790 No.6467790 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>6460084

Last thread had some good detailed info on good tumblr users to follow. Let's keep that up, it was actually somewhat interesting and useful.

>> No.6467805

in fact I'm just going to copy/paste some of it because it would be a shame if it was lost, it was a good list

damaramegido - sometimes a bit heavy on reblogging but worth it for the good cosplay
ceriene - awesome
friendleaderp/derpderpmotherfuckers - Both solid cosplayers, especially good if you like ancestors.
vintageaerith - does a lot of Rose cosplay. i find her kind of mediocre but some people like her? also I think her username has a hyphen (vintage-aerith)
murtunacaptor - prob the best psionic out there, does a lot of ancestor stuff.
gardengnostic - very cute roxy, but most of her posts are answering asks and she's uncomfortably open about her low self-esteem. If that annoys you don't follow her.
alyssaties - your average cute cosplayer. her art is fantastic.
dersedreamer - yet another Dave Strider cosplayer, albeit a better-than average one. She does some nice non-homestuck cosplay too.
harshwhimsical - i'm not following her but seems to be obsessed with gamzee/kurloz. I guess if you like Makaras she's a good follow
shooshstab - Jack Noir. 'nuff said.
vantasss - adorable John, who has cosplayed some of the other kids too I think. i mostly follow her because i find the way she sasses the fandom to be hilarious.
cowbuttcrunchies - like >>6466359 said
lucillesmiles - very pretty Rose cosplayer,
burrenbari - does some very cute troll cosplays, though she reblogs a lot.
sowah - cosplays Dirk. i don't mind all her asks - they're entertaining to read.

>> No.6467810

I wasn't going to post in this thread, but with the last comment, I thought that was strange, too. I'm not in the homestuck scene at all, but I was looking at her tumblr page and she has a sprite linked to her in her user info bit, what is that about?
To be honest I didn't even know JJ was back and cosplaying Homestuck either, but this thread put two and two together with the page url links. Curiouser and curiouser!

Sage for general lack of contribution.

>> No.6467815

fondlyregarded- (pictured) really cute rose, just started following and don't know much else
imightnnydtheblankie- cute cosplayer, lots of nonhomestuck stuff, posts moderately, seems to be drama free
meimrr- gorgeous meenah and cute art, posts moderately, seems to be drama free
dirktier- cute sollux, hasn't posted much cosplay stuff in awhile, seems to be drama free
galaxeys- has that gorgeous black queen cosplay that gets posted in a lot of threads, she's really nice and seems to be drama free
treybay- cute militarystuck john, posts face a lot, has separate blog for homestuck stuff too, haven't seen drama from them though i haven't been following very long.
chotpot- lots of nonhomestuck stuff, uses real hair in some cosplays, art is nice but has furries occasionally

>> No.6467812

Heirection reblogs a lot but posts great cosplay, her John is good and her Jane is really quality and she started trolls recently.
Pixiusmaximus rarely posts anything but reblogs but makes a fantastic John.
Im-stuck-on-the-toilet-because-I isn't a cosplay blogger but is an amazing seamstress/seamster and a pretty good dirk.
Spectagoggles is a splendid, popular jade who isn't on too often and doesn't post too much cosplay.
Ellanutellacosplay reblogs a lot and answers questions periodically but she's a good jade and a great jane and seems to have fun cosplaying. She's pretty friendly too, and gives good advice.
Heyitspj is an active blogger but his cosplay posts are rare. He has a tag, but his use of his own hair isn't for everybody. There's also lots of drama revolving around him.
Shinjaninja is a really great cosplayer and a cool person. Nice Dave, Jake, and non-homestuck cosplay too. More reblogs than cosplay, but she has a tag so it's fine.
Kingtomcat is more of the same as shinjaninja, except she has opinions that don't get expressed very well. She's a good jade and roxy and non homestuck cosplayer as well.
Canwemakeout is one of the more popular of these cosplayers. Great Dave, okay dirk, good non homestuck cosplay. Just mind the reblogs, answers, and theme-hops.

>> No.6467817

That Dualscar. Hnnngh.

Almost all my favorites who actually post Homestuck got covered last thread, so almost all I have left are photographers who do Homestuck work and cosplayers who sometimes do Homestuck and answer HS questions but do not run a HS blog and traditional artists who sometimes do good cosplay and things like that. I don't think HSG wants that.

>> No.6467818

Thanl is a good Rose as well as a Kankri and a Dave, though those are becoming quite dime a dozen these days. Only thing to watch out for are asks and the fact that she is 13.
Rogueshenanigans I have unfollowed/refollowed before, your dash can get clogged with a lot of asks and non-homestuck things, but cosplays Jane and has been posted here before I think?
Dersedreamer is another good one, pretty good Dirk, no complaints in the blog department.
Jadeb0t is worth a follow for both excellent homestuck and just cosplays in general.
DrunkFeferi is a good Jade and Roxy, but has had quite a bit of drama surrounding her and her boyfriend in the past.
M4ge is good and if you don't mind Heyitspj, then you will not mind her, has had a little bit of drama in the past but is a good cosplayer for her age.
Gentlemanlyspam is an excellent cosplayer as well, little to no drama.
-Plusle posts good art and is a good cosplayer too.
Davespriite is someone to keep a follow on just for the fact that she's a living trainwreck.

>> No.6467824


>>bum chumming with JJ
>>bum chumming
what is this phrase and why haven't I been using it my whole life.

>> No.6467822

she's in it for the attention. she wants tumblr fame real bad so she's trying to get in with people who are already popular. that should be obvious.

>> No.6467831

I don't get what conclusion you're even trying to imply here? too many pronouns, not enough names. who has sprites linked to who? who's trying to get famous?

>> No.6467847

Question about troll makeup.

Any advice on how to make your makeup not seem flat? I'm someone who doesn't normally use makeup so it's one of main fears of fucking up my Cronus cosplay.

>> No.6467857

contouring. after you put on all your grey go over it with a darkey grey/black on the sides of your nose, curve of your cheek, and line of your chin, and blend well. look up 'contouring' tutorials on google and do a few tests, you'll get the hang of it after a few tries!

>> No.6467860

wow, i used to think she was pretty cool but all this kinda sucks.

>> No.6467861

l there's also this tutorial which has a vague picture of how she contours and more descriptions.

Basically, wherever shadows are cast, make it darker. Wherever highlights are on your skin, make it lighter.

Another good keyword to look up is "straight makeup", as theatre does it. Tone THAT down and you've got it just about right.

>> No.6467871

boondollars- Really good Equius, Horuss, and God Tier Gamzee.
rufibroh- Great Tavros and Rufioh and pretty damn funny too.
enzeee- Adorable Terezi and Latula. Good with not spamming your dashboard.
vriskacircuit- Pretty Vriska and a little bit of Jade. She reblogs a lot of TF2 and funny stuff.
magentamistress- Cute Meenah.
mortson- Really funny and adorable Jake and John. Also multi fandom (South Park, TF2)
gardengods- New to cosplay I think? Adorable Jade even though there's two pictures.
giygaspudding- Cute Jade and Aradia. Reblogs anime/other comics too I believe, and there's a good amount of text posts and replies.

>> No.6467870

She's great at keeping up a charming facade so people will take to her, but beneath that, she's really rotten. She may be a decent cosplayer, but like hell is she a decent person.

>> No.6467873

Who the hell is JJ?

>> No.6467878

wow shit, Ive never met her I just follow her stuff on deviantart, Im guessing you have though?

>> No.6467879

Canwemakeout and her John/Jake are know for the heavy photo editing.

>> No.6467885

Cosplayer who used to have a lot of drama and be a /cgl/ "queen", mostly due to people spamming a stupid photo from when she was 14. Took a break from cosplay most likely because of the drama, is now back and being a really great Karkat. Her blog (and reports from those who know her) seem to indicate that she's really calmed down since the hiatus and is trying to no longer participate in drama, but /cgl/ doesn't believe you can change or grow up, so she's going to be caught here in drama from when she was a kid.

>> No.6467949

I ran into shinjaninja, kingtomcat, heyitspj, plusle and magentamistress when they were in their alpha troll group at NYCC, and they all seemed really sweet from when I had saw them. And from what I know, the last two are on the younger side, so I'm interested to see what they end up cosplaying in the future.

>> No.6467955
File: 130 KB, 671x692, tumblr_mdmr8k2Rdj1qmi6eno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad for whoever tries to do this.

>> No.6467970
File: 199 KB, 1000x866, all my ladyboners for yaexrae dolorosa (sugoicon).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cosplayer blog recommendations and not a single mention of Yaexrae. HSG, I am disappoint.

She's mature and intelligent, is very willing to answer asks (she gave a fabric-by-fabric breakdown of her ballgown Kanaya for an anon), and has detailed, helpful tutorials (for example, see the ones about applique for ancestor symbols and her horn-making and -attaching tutorials). Maybe 40% of her posts are Homestuck-related, and 10% of her posts cosplay-related, but she is a pretty excellent human being to follow and hardly (if ever) spams your dash.

>> No.6467973

that IS sad. Yaexrae is wonderful; one of the best homestuck cosplayers on my dash. Wonderful blog, wonderful person, wonderful cosplays, and she's really helpful.

>> No.6467996

i associate JJ more with John than karkat, and her drama was when she was 17-20, not 14, but yeah this is basically right. She also dated MostFlogged for a while and they had a messy breakup so a lot of current drama has to do with MF holding a grudge.

>> No.6468001

actually, I think that has the potential to be cute if someone with excellent sewing skills attempted it.

>> No.6468034

that is a beautiful dolorosa hot damn

>> No.6468043

I agree. I think it's a nice design, but damn if it won't be hard to pull off.

>> No.6468044

sage for drama, but I'm calling bullshit. I just don't get any fame-hungry vibes from her at all. Her little pixel family are all people she's actually friends with, and she's not doing any of the name-dropping or attention-seeking ask replies that people obsessed with tumblr fame do.

>> No.6468046

I think it's too over the top.

>> No.6468072

over the top is ok in my book. this is over the top but the design has a consistency to it. I wouldn't put it on the same level of many of the fancy-tier monstrosities you see popping up these days.

>> No.6468094 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 960x1280, 1204121515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time really doing this by myself so please excuse any sloppy mistakes.

Anyway, Cronus makeup test. Advice is always welcomed!

>> No.6468096
File: 88 KB, 960x1280, 1204121510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time really doing this by myself so please excuse any sloppy mistakes.

Anyway, Cronus makeup test. Advice is always welcomed!

>> No.6468101

with this list of good cosplayers, is there a following list of people who I should avoid/savior? Or just cosplayers who are complete trainwrecks and their drama/attitude is good for a laugh

>> No.6468105

I guess you should do more layers. Also smudge your countouring a little more.

>> No.6468106

Looksing good

For some reason you remind me of Handsome Jack from BL2

>> No.6468110

As said before, davespriite/prospit-dreamer. Also mostflogged imo.

>> No.6468113

looks good, but yeah heavier on the grey base would be good.

>> No.6468118

wow I was literally going to say the exact same two people

>> No.6468119

This is quite nice for a first attempt!

Some things to consider: are you planning on using your natural hair, or will you be using a wig? If you're using your natural hair, make sure you blend the makeup up into your hairline (carefully, though, so that it doesn't actually get into your hair). I know it's such a small thing, but it's the little details that make an excellent cosplay.

I would also recommend using something to darken your eyebrows (eyeliner should work).

Last of all I think you ought to add something darker around your eyes- nothing too heavy, because you don't want to look like you're actually wearing makeup, but a touch of eyeliner on the waterline and a bit of mascara to bring back your eyelashes (which have been lost completely) should do the trick.

Do you know how your going to do his scars? I think it'd look really neat if you used liquid latex or some such to give them a bit of dimension, rather than just drawing them on, as I've seen a lot of cosplayers do.

>> No.6468148

Requesting well constructed AU costumes
Doesn't really matter if the AU itself is frowned upon by most, if the costume is well made I'm up for it. Kind of tired of the default characters.

>> No.6468150

Heavier on the grey base, contour your nose a bit more since it gets lost in the grey, highlight your cheekbones a bit more, get some grey or black eyeliner so your eyes don't get lost (especially if you choose to go the contacts route later), get a small brush and blend the grey into your hairline a bit (the human skin there is distracting), use a lip brush for your lips and/or be more even on the application there, blend the contouring better.

>> No.6468175


I won't be using my natural hair. I've got a wig coming in soon.

I tried the eyeliner actually to darken my upper eyelids but the makeup kept getting on the eyeliner (Maybe because it was a pencil liner?) I guess it's because I didn't use a sealing powder and just used the final seal.

I was just going to draw on the scars but since I do have time before the con I'm going to I might just go the latex route.

Thank you!


Haha my hands are pretty shaky so it was a little hard to put on the lipstick.

Thank you!

>> No.6468185

only ever follow silencedrowns if you like JoJo or are willing to savior it out. She does periodic homefuckery and answers a lot of questions for Homestuck cosplay help, but if you follow her, prepare for your dash to be flooded with incomprehensible muscle men.

>> No.6468186

USE POWDER. Translucent powder (Ben Nye is a good brand.) it is godly and it will make all of your makeup look so much more even and stay on so much better.

>> No.6468188

I thought people liked mostflogged?

>> No.6468202

I used to follow her. Then all the naked ladies with constantly changing tags, none of them nsfw. I couldn't stand that.

>> No.6468206

Are you new here?

>> No.6468207

We are one, anon.

>> No.6468208


Yeah, I can see that the final seal alone didn't do the job so well. Can I actually do a combo of final seal and powder?

>> No.6468212

She always tags nsfw, though.

>> No.6468214

powder then final seal is your bff

>> No.6468226


I'm pretty sure the recommended way to do it is grey makeup, powder, then final seal, actually. That's what I do, anyway, and I learned from Hanyaan's tutorial.

>> No.6468228

it has the potential to be cute with the right fabrics/sewing skills but unfortunately it most likely wont happen and that saddens me.

>> No.6468235


What do you use for contouring for a white base, like rainbowdrinker Kanaya or Jadesprite? (Could you use the troll grey color for shadows?)

>> No.6468233

Final seal your face, apply primer like in the tutorial, grey makeup, powder, then final seal again.

It sounds like a lot of steps but it's really the best.

>> No.6468238

what everyone else has said and i say definitely do his scar, either using liquid latex or ridgid collodion to make it depending if your head canon for it is inverted or not and maybe just maybe a touch of purple liner in his blood color by the inner corners of your eyes

>> No.6468246

Troll grey or just regular grey because white eats up everything. If you're doing Jadesprite, it might be interesting to contour with lightly applied bright green!

>> No.6468253

Oh I actually haven't heard the initial final seal step before. Does it make a difference to do a layer of final seal first?

>> No.6468254

Yes! I generally do Ben Nye > Neutral Powder > contouring > any other additional makeups (lipstick, eyeliner, etc) > eyebrows > Final Seal.

>> No.6468257

her horde of gainax fanboys and some famestruck homestuck teenagers on tumblr love her, but that's about it.

>> No.6468261

It makes it a bit less likely to smudge and, provided you use good soap, makes it a bit easier to get all that paint out of your pores afterwards. Not much of a difference, but for some people they think it's worth it.

>> No.6468268

good photographers are applicable; I'm looking for someone new to book. Who would you suggest?

>> No.6468273
File: 449 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mdgxmlE1T11qblkfko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we discuss the fact that there have only been three cosplay pics in this cosplay pic thread so far?

>> No.6468287
File: 3 KB, 139x261, Cronus_talksprite (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An added note on Cronus makeup, sometimes in his talksprites it kinda seems like he does wear eyeliner! And honestly I think he seems like the type to. It'd just be a nice touch, I think...

>> No.6468300
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x757, 1334526719222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about instead of discussing it we just post pics

>> No.6468327

At least there's makeup discussion rather than drama discussion. Makeup discussion is relevant.

>> No.6468336

lol try again. She's into cosplaying homestuck now and doesn't cause drama, so what? Not like any good cosplayer can POSSIBLY be into homestuck no way man. Just can't happen.

>> No.6468337

/cgl/ is going to disagree but I like this off-colour look here - it goes with the medieval vibe of the costume more than if they'd used screen-accurate yellow.

lol I got 314 in my captcha, the blind prophets are smiling on me.

>> No.6468346

I really like this duller yellow and orange for fancy Prospitians, even though it isn't screen-accurate.

>> No.6468348
File: 337 KB, 1280x857, ausahemostuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AU as in fanfic or fanart inspired, or AU as in anything noncanon like Rumminov's stuff?

It's hard to like a fame seeking drama missile who isn't actually a good seamstress

>> No.6468351



>> No.6468357


thirding liking this -- it especially works with the fabric choices (what is that, suede?)

>> No.6468382

who the hell are you even talking about, I can't figure it out from context

>> No.6468396

Sorry for so many questions but I have one more makeup question.

When applying makeup to my hands is there anything special I should know? Or is it just the same as what I do with my face?

Don't want to get shit gray with my touch.

>> No.6468402

Not the previous anon who requested AU stuff, but I'm going to say either. Anything that's a break from the same old designs we always see. that Aradia is amazing!

>> No.6468411

Do the tops of your hands (and your wrists/arms/etc) evenly, and make sure to get the creases between your knuckles. Powder well, seal with light coats of final seal. Paint your fingernails dark grey or yellow. Leave the palms of your hands alone and photoshop them grey to match because otherwise that's a dick move. Take extra makeup, sealant, and powder with you for reapplication after washing your hands.

>> No.6468418

hands are tricky. Armsocks are REALLY convenient but some people don't like that they don't look as real - they also take some time to make. Otherwise, you can paint your hands the same as you do your face (though don't bother with your palms, it'll rub off anyway) and then just be careful not to wipe your hands on things.

Alternatively, you can use PAX for hands, which will most likely stay better than the makeup you use for your face!

>> No.6468443
File: 133 KB, 456x750, tumblr_meh5ta3G1u1rd8c3oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic unrelated

does anyone use water-based gray for their trolls? should you use foundation primer under it like you would with ben nye?

>> No.6468458

also wondering about this, I noticed ben nye has a grey color cake foundation (which is water-based.) anyone used it/have pics?

>> No.6468475

I tried using the Ben Nye grey cake waterbase and it was totally way the hell too dark. Never again.

I've heard Snazaroo is the right color though.

>> No.6468470


just in case people were not aware:

powder seals your makeup. final seal seals the powder. if you skip one, your shit will not be sealed properly. if you just makeup + final seal everything is wet, the powder creates a trap so moisture can't get through. basically so when you sweat it won't smudge your makeup right off, you can just pat it off your skin.

>> No.6468508

Kryolan Aquacolor master race

>> No.6468510
File: 726 KB, 1280x1912, nice legs on mstaury tavros plus ceriene aradia hemostuck ausa 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the whole Hemostuck group, I think Ceriene wore her Aradia the best. She's good at posing regally.

>> No.6468514

I think I know you.

I also use Kryolan Aquacolor, as it's really fantastic for staying on even when lightly rubbed, but the tights from WeLoveColors that people usually use for armsocks/other visible skin (i.e., legs for Feferi and other female trolls) are much lighter than the makeup, so you'll have to look for tights that match that shade of grey. It's incredible makeup, though.

>> No.6468518

Waterbased make up is kind of difficult to use over large areas in my experience - It applies pretty streaky and has a tendency to get crack-y and gross if you put too much on/need to re-apply too many times. Also if you're putting it anywhere that might come in contact with water/food/other objects a lot like your hands or around your mouth, you're in for some trouble.

However, when it comes to color, it does blend pretty well so you can take the too-dark grey and mix it with white like you would water colors to get a better shade if you want.

>> No.6468520
File: 1.14 MB, 800x532, aii2hiiteru as hemostuck karkat (ax 2012).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same Hemostuck group, but my stars and garters, those pants.

>> No.6468526


Those ears. What the fuck?

>> No.6468528

Hemostuck Karkat has ears that look like that. It's a nice touch for accuracy on that particular cosplay.

>> No.6468534
File: 769 KB, 1280x1912, veelafreckles hemostuck gamzee ausa 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from the AUSA Hemostuck group. Her face isn't gaunt and bony enough to pull off Gamzee in my mind, but (minus the distractingly textured socks) it's a good execution of the outfit
>and those horns yes yes

>> No.6468538
File: 674 KB, 900x600, exile_vilify_by_olivefingers-d597cqu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just use regular baby powder from the drugstore. It's like one-three bucks and works really well for me. I first apply a good layer on, then the paint, then another layer on top; evenly spread around my face/arms. Then I put on the final seal. Idk if the first layer of powder does anything but yeah.
Snazaroo is a god send. Right now I use a mixure of dark grey + white Ben Nye but I want to buy more Snazaroo in light gray ugh.

Also, have a nice Bec Noir.

>> No.6468541
File: 39 KB, 500x500, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a makeup question. sorry guys.
anyone use mehron creamblend stick? how is it? is the light grey accurate for troll skin?

>> No.6468544

I only know one person that uses it, and yes it comes in an accurate grey, but that's all I know

>> No.6468549


Welcome to roachpatrol's art style.

>> No.6468561

Anyone have any interesting outfit designs saved that maybe aren't so popular? I keep wondering why people choose to cosplay the ones that makes absolutely no anatomical sense.

>> No.6468565

my god what is that

>> No.6468567
File: 145 KB, 900x675, bark_bark_caw_motherfucker_by_olivefingers-d4fpjpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's some great improvement from their first Bec Noir (pictured). I really dislike Bec Noir/PM cosplayers who have only a fursuit head and then wear a zentai underneath. The proportions look ridiculous, and the abrupt change in texture does not work at all. That said, I like the continuation of the fur from the head to the torso.

>> No.6468568
File: 210 KB, 482x642, tumblr_m07x8g1gnl1qexi1uo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468579
File: 658 KB, 500x750, tumblr_meh8flJX6K1qm9kito1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


somebody did a set of Trolls-As-Gods AU thing that I thought would make a really neat cosplay group

>> No.6468587

Same, she is a stunning person and a delight to follow.

>> No.6468599

Someone suggested her in a previous round of "who should I follow for homestuck" and I checked out her blog and gave her an experimental follow.

I have not regretted it in the slightest.

>> No.6468604
File: 107 KB, 416x750, tumblr_meig92Zyjw1reqg7no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question: why is roxy's body gray?

>> No.6468609
File: 2.69 MB, 4000x3000, DSCN4470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PAX for hands has it's pros and cons. It'll flake and peel on fingertips and sometimes joints (as opposed to simple wear like Ben Nye), but you can touch all the things without worrying about it leaving makeup on anything.

AKA, your hands might look a little messy, but nothing you touch will. Pic relevant: hands after about 11 hours of PAX testing.

>> No.6468611

Probably for the sake of contrast between face and body? IDK why Hussie didn't just use a simple line to seperate them, but it's effective at least.

>> No.6468633

I know a lot of people were freaking out over Dirk's skin being gray in that update and all sorts of theories about him being in a robotic body now came up but no one commented on Roxy being gray as well

>> No.6468664

Any and all of the AUs

>> No.6468726

I just started paying more attention to Feferi cosplays & searching the tag isn't enough

Anyone have some renowned or greater ones to share?

>> No.6468874
File: 1.09 MB, 1944x2592, 289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I liked this Cities In Dust group.

>> No.6468883
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>> No.6468885
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>> No.6468919
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1330996162723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you homestuck cosplayers ever get a cold sweat when at a con?

With the bad rep that most of you get, do you ever feel super embaressed at a con? Do you feel like everyone is watching you and thinking thoughts about you.

Have you ever just put the costume away because of the rep?

how feel

>> No.6468935


I honestly just don't care. Let people think what they want.

Are you asking because you've felt that way, anon? It's understandable, but don't let it ruin your good time!

>> No.6468933

I get a cold sweat from every con, but that's really just my anxiety talking. It wouldn't matter what I was cosplaying, I'd still freak out.

>> No.6468965

nah people are always gonna be shitheads regardless of the fandom and i think as long as you dont associate with people who are rude or annoying youll be fine
i havent gotten shit yet at a con although my friends have and they just kind of shrugged it off

>> No.6468970


Nah. I was just curious.

I haven't been part of a large fandom that was so widely looked bad upon. But also cosplaying something from it.

Just when I go to cons. I see so many homestucks. I don't care for the series but I just find it so crazy that so many people like it. And I guess I find that aspect so I awkwardly stare at HS cosplayers; and cuz they're great with stupid looking horns.

I will admit I really dislike the character designs.

>> No.6469048
File: 801 KB, 678x1519, photo (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress shot. Wig is not the final wig that I'll be using (should arrive in the mail in the next couple of days), and wig+headband+skirt are only a shade or two darker purple than the symbol irl (less than ideal mirror+lighting situation). Apologies for shit-level photo.

Any comments or critique?

Polite sage for self-post.

>> No.6469064 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mejd1ocnKu1rhk9z5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My terrible John cosplay…
I can’t afford a wig and don’t have the outfit but I tried though you can’t really see my fabulous makeup job so yeah… :/

...I don't...How? What?

>> No.6469075

I've found some cosplayers to be instinctively more cautious about interacting with you if they notice you're cosplaying homestuck, especially the trolls, which is kind of sad because I'm not dedicated to a single fandom.

Acting like a reasonable adult will usually counteract this, and they'll treat you like a reasonable adult in turn. If they see you're using something like PAX or armsleeves, cosplayers (and hospitality employees) will generally go straight from cautious to loving you.

>> No.6469083

Hard to critique with that kind of lighting. Are you wearing volleyball shorts or something under that? Please tell me you are. Also, if that's a knit, make sure you're doing something to counteract pantylines.

>> No.6469084

I vote that you should make the shirt a little bit more fitted, but I think it's entirely up to you.

>> No.6469120

I expected the poor quality photo might make things difficult; I'll do my best to take some better ones once the new wig comes in.
I hadn't though to wear anything under the skirt, so thank you for that bit of advice!
I chose to go with a larger shirt because it hides my body shape; I've got D-cup boobs and a bit of a belly, and wanting to seem smaller and younger, I thought that a large shirt that hides my features would be the way to go. I'll experiment with taking it in in a few places though.

Thank you both for the critiques!

>> No.6469125

Invest in some shapewear or a corset to give yourself an edge when it comes to camouflaging your body type, it'll give you a more defined shape and probably make it feel more comfortable to wear form fitting stuff.

>> No.6469131

I definitely shall! A good corset is probably out of my price range at the moment, but I can probably swing a decent piece of shapewear.
Thank you for the advice, dear anon!

>> No.6469173
File: 135 KB, 620x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you should braid instead of putting your hair in a bun.

>> No.6469182

At first I thought this was a general 'do you get cold sweats' question. I get them, but mainly from exercising outside when it's cold. Feels bad, man. And super gross. Calls for an insta-strip into clean clothes when I'm home.

The only time I've been bothered at a con for being a Homestuck cosplayer has been by younger folks. This is without fail. They're always 14-15 and start conversations off by saying things like,

"Why do you like Homestuck when it sucks so much?"

"Why would you cosplay such an ugly comic?"

That sort of thing. It doesn't upset me, just kind of baffles me. It's such obvious bait, and as I don't agree with Homestuck being sucky or ugly, all I do is say I enjoy it but realize it isn't for everyone which is totally cool.

It also makes me grateful that those kids aren't Homestuck fans, because they're exactly the type of people who would be "that fan."

They are the sucky Homestucks fans.
They're just not into Homestuck.

>> No.6469189


Seconding this--I used to dress like that when I had a bit of a belly and it will do you no favors! Definitely invest in some shapewear, it's a GREAT cosplay investment and will make you feel much more confident/comfortable in your costumes.

>> No.6469214

Are there any good premade gray gloves? I really don't want to have to be all cautious with my hands all day, but armsocks sound like a lot of work for a character that just has their hands showing and I don't think I have the technical skill required to make good ones anyway.

>> No.6469228

Shhh, you never improve if you don't try new things. Mediocrity isn't necessarily bad in itself, but using mediocrity as an excuse for not improving is a pretty chicken thing to do.

That being said, I think there was some discussion about WeLoveColor's gloves being okay despite being too light, but since they weren't attached to anything keeping the tension right, they tended to bunch up. I.E, you might want to attach a piece of elastic at the top to keep them up around your arms, or rig a kind of garter system to get them to stay up. If you get premade gloves, you'll also still want to add nails on no matter what, as it makes a world of difference in how the gloves look.

>> No.6469344

Who cares if Felixize is chummy with JJ, they live on different continents, it's not like they're ever even going to hang out with each other.

>> No.6469370

Also, are there lots secondary fans (ie. Touhou) in the Homestuck fandom?]

As in don't read the comics but is still a fan.

>> No.6469373

Unfortunately yes. They're called "the people who skipped to act 5"

>> No.6469378
File: 33 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mejktkhGXV1qmw84mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this Jade?

>> No.6469380

The glasses and hair, obviously.

>> No.6469395

some people literally do not know that it's a webcomic and think every youtube video related to it is canon

>> No.6469398

Nah, I've just heard that making armsocks takes like 10 hours of agonizing labor and don't even look right in the end half the time and if there's something premade that works just as well then I'd definitely prefer that. Has anyone here made armsocks? I really don't like the idea of using makeup/PAX and worrying all day about smudging/peeling, so I might have to give armsock construction a try.

>> No.6469402

what... what do they think it is...? a series of flash cartoons? an anime?

>> No.6469408

Yep, and they were worth it. It's not agonizing so much as meticulous, and it really helps having something playing in the background, like netflix or a Vitamin Strings Quartet playlist on loop.

Remember to add in the wrist seams for better fit and DON'T RUSH. It also helps if you use a thicker stocking; I used the thickest tights available from WeLoveColors, the $12 ones.

IMO, I'd rather spend ten hours making these ahead of the con and not have to worry about makeup rather than spend more time and makeup applying it to my hands every time, and having to worry about ruboff.

>> No.6469409

There was that one time during the hiatus last year that tumblr decided to make a bunch of fake screenshots and animations, leading to people to ask in all seriousness, "Where can I watch homestuck?"

>> No.6469448

speaking of armsocks and gloves, has anyone tried buying white nylon gloves and dyeing them before?

>> No.6469705


Seems possible but tricky; getting perfectly on-shade with liquid dye requires a good amount of care

>> No.6469831

I just imagined somebody trying to cosplay this and threw up. I'm glad nobody has attempted this one.

>> No.6469844


though a really beefy, well built masculine dude doing it and rocking out all the details super cleanly would be fucking hilarious.

>> No.6469931

Agreed! I'm actually really disappointed that I've never actually seen any males wear March!Eridan. Isn't cross-dressing sort of the whole point? But it seems that it's only ever girls who are interested.

>> No.6469974

I've seen a male March!Eridan before. He was pretty fab, I'll see if I can dig up pics of him.

>> No.6469977
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>> No.6469978

What a beautiful person

>> No.6470002

Wow. This is both terrifying and wonderful. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6470005
File: 629 KB, 964x720, tumblr_mcu57uFHdT1r4dir2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6470023


>> No.6470037

I'd be happier of that was the "canon" design in the least. I want to see the huge lolita curls, pleated skirt, purple and blue knee high gogo boots...

why don't I have a guy friend I can make cosplay this...

>> No.6470043

is this that self proclaimed "best-equius-ever" from florida or

>> No.6470049


I remember there being a "God Tier March Eridan" at Megacon last year being male. Costume was kinda shoddy, but was hilarious either way.
no pictures at the moment, on mobile

>> No.6470052

if anything that kanaya is bothering me. is she wearing a wig or is that her real hair?

>> No.6470070
File: 668 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mcu57uFHdT1r4dir2o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats wessasaurus-rex he thinks he is irl Equius
pretty sure he is from tennessee

>> No.6470078

i have friends that use pax and it takes FOREVER to take off it seems, and plus it makes them look plastic...But youre right they were able to touch anything and not worry about getting it on things,

>> No.6470084

No, that is wessasaurus-rex.
I don't believe he has ever said he was the "best-equius-ever" and I'm pretty sure he's not from Florida.

>> No.6470092

oh, i apologize then. he looks a lot like a guy down here.

>> No.6470099

Most the time all my friends talk about how we have to be extra polite and nice compared to other fandoms. Because a different fandom could easily get away with something homestuck cant. ex (a ridiculous one but still) you're cosplaying madoka and you dont hold the door for the person behind you because youre in a rush. the person wont say anything to you or anyone about it. But if you were cosplaying homestuck ooooh no you would never hear the end of it and soon enough youd be on this board (or at local cons) as the troll who didnt hold the door and probably kicked a baby or three. My example is extreme a ridiculous but you get the idea. Homestucks have to be on their best behavior or theyll get shat on for things any other fandom would be doing. Sorry for the long-ish text

>> No.6470339

he is from florida

>> No.6470551


yeah, it's less that it's agonizing and more that because it's a bunch of little stitches it just takes time. It's basically busy work, nothing really complicated, just a while. The really good thing about them is if you do a lot of costumes with a LOT of skin (for example, I cosplay Feferi and Terezi), they stop you from wasting makeup. I can make two little oz containers of Ben Nye last me 10 conventions because I only have to do my face.

If you're doing a professional shoot outside of a con setting, makeup would probably do you better. But for conventions it's the easiest way to look good without worrying about screwing up everyone else's shit.

>> No.6470566
File: 116 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mekt3sWdk81qk7ywxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyway to get them comission?
I have tried to make them twice but im a failure when it comes to hand sewing...

>> No.6470622

I remember talk about someone selling them on etsy?

>> No.6470639

I know cancerously does armsock commissions, but she prices them $50 a pop, which is honestly a fair price.

>> No.6470647

It's really not for the quality of her's. They're saggy and aren't fitted right. Theres plenty of others that do it better for much cheaper. A friend of mine does it for free if you buy your own tights.

>> No.6470685

Oh? Care to link to said friend?

>> No.6470701

I'll post it in the next thread, she's kind of in a bit of trouble at the moment.

>> No.6470753
File: 245 KB, 498x750, tumblr_me6cagNuGK1qcltrio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh im interested to know who she is as well~!

>> No.6470849
File: 181 KB, 446x526, tumblr_mekekeOsCI1qf981p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats going on here????

Whats with that makeup?

>> No.6470868
File: 96 KB, 500x345, tumblr_m81fdkGC8z1r22j8ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry what exactly are you trying to point out here

>> No.6470878

I think anon's trying to say that that makeup doesn't look very good on the cosplayer?

I know I really don't like the ears, and the eyrbows are kind of weird to me too.

>> No.6470884

it's fine though. there are a couple of questionable stylistic choices and they could definitely use some regular eye makeup but the makeup itself is well applied and accurate?

>> No.6470883

I think it looks pretty good, honestly.

>> No.6470909

I know armsocks are basically tights for your arms, but the glove and tapered wrist make commissions an unwise idea unless you're able to either meet the commissioner in person or send a cast of your hand+wrist to them. Cancerously's armsocks might not fit anon right because she probably models them on her own arms.

>> No.6470910

Their horns look oddly-shaped and the ears are out of proportion to the wig; I think the ears would look much better if the wig was larger.

On it's own, the wig is a nice piece, but the wig, horns, and ears together are kind of a train wreck; they don't coordinate well with each other.

captcha: payouti taxable

>> No.6470920
File: 335 KB, 423x750, tumblr_megl8t9hFu1rte2r3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a lot of fanartists like to draw the Sufferer with facial hair. I think it fits the messiah motif, it helps differentiate him from Karkat/Kankri, and it'll help me, as a crossplayer, look more masculine (I've used a hair stubble-beard before for another cosplay and it looked marvellous); but not only is it non-canon, Karkat in canon doesn't understand what shaving cream is, so trolls probably don't have facial hair.

/cgl/, I trust your judgement. What should I do?

>> No.6470924

Trolls may not know what facial hair is when they're young because they don't live with parents. I think Facial hair is perfectly acceptable and I like designs that include it for the Sufferer as well.

>> No.6471024

I say go for it if you can make it look good. Be prepared to take some shit for it though (since any stylistic choice you make in cosplay these days seems to come with its share of bullshit.) But if you can handle not everyone liking it I think it's a rad idea.

>> No.6471052

can we get more cute aradias à la these two

>> No.6471054


I personally love Scrufferer but you're always going to have someone hate on non-canon choices.

where'd you get your stubble beard, if you don't mind? all I've ever seen are full on lumberjack mode.

>> No.6471071
File: 403 KB, 898x1600, living_maid_0f_time_by_lluviasarcasm-d5hvqez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471067
File: 419 KB, 600x667, homestuck_cosplay_photoshoot_aradia_by_swoz-d5h8w1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471073
File: 70 KB, 900x600, _aradia__003_by_mephistopink-d4rp0yv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471074


>> No.6471077
File: 76 KB, 405x605, aradia_megido__alive_and_well__by_ladysockmonkey-d5cfp1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck deleted my picture. sage for stupidity

>> No.6471079
File: 86 KB, 900x600, whip_it_by_devioustofu-d4uerwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471086
File: 275 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ltpoapTx4G1r32wayo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471149


thank you! all of these aradias are so lovely! i also appreciate the use of a whip prop, a lot of people seem to forget it.

>> No.6471158
File: 78 KB, 720x960, rolal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know her irl, she's a good roxy too

>> No.6471259


I've never seen any of her commission orders? Just hers for herself.

>> No.6471283

that moment when >>6470647 doesn't recognize that >>6470551 is cancerously herself

>> No.6471891

Wasn't that this year in summer?

>> No.6471996
File: 352 KB, 329x700, tumblr_mel76rzPfT1r149j7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it? All I remember is that it happened during one of the longer hiatuses in which the fandom slowly descended into madness.

Also, thoughts on damaramegido's young handmaid? Something about the socks strikes me off but it's a very nice cosplay overall.

>> No.6472002


I like it. Not of people cosplay that version, and she pulled it off well. The greens all seem to match and it's very... uniform-like? Not sure if there's a good word for that.

>> No.6472005
File: 185 KB, 960x637, 580881_10151295835852664_1210670540_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so. Since I remember my friend bitching about the wait...

I like her handmaid a lot

>> No.6472007


Pretty sure it was. All of the popular 'Homestuck Animu' stuff came out around July.


>> No.6472034
File: 18 KB, 784x449, handmeidopattern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey, thanks, guys! i stopped by here like a week ago asking for opinions on doing the hem with bias tape and i decided to go for it. i think it looks okay. and i agree the socks look a little weird and day-glo- i think it's the contrast of them against my tights? it might be where they're sitting too. i put them at mid-calf because when i pulled them up to my knees they looked very silly because of my chubby thighs.

to contribute, here's a little reference for the general shapes i used for the shirt. mine doesn't lay 100% perfectly, so it might need some tweaking for others, but maybe it'll be useful to someone here. i made my shirt in a non-stretch fabric so that might contribute to it having been a little unforgiving. i think this method would probably work better with a thick fabric with a bit of give to it, if you can find it in the right shade of green.

>> No.6472042
File: 278 KB, 512x331, tumblr_mc81tjT6kw1r3g8lco1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still holding out for a legit "Lets Fighting Love" opening. It would be brilliant.

>> No.6472048

>that school girl Lil Cal
Never seen anything cuter in my life.

>> No.6472051
File: 359 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_me6pmqIed41r5j7nlo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6472160

What the fuck.

Also requesting general make up tips for the feminine characters (Namely Kanaya, Vriska and Rose). I have never really used make up before so um yeah.

And anyone got tips for MtF crossplaying?

>> No.6472275

Yes, it was. I didn't know Homestuck last year; and I remember tumblr exploding - was definitely summer.

>> No.6472392

what is better ben nye or snazaroo?

>> No.6472396
File: 10 KB, 100x100, iVhIe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the next year I will cosplay Meulin Leijon, can you help me with the wig? Because I don't know the correct one
If is possible from ebay


>> No.6472424

It's a thin and tall person cosplaying, so what? I hate what they did for the long sleeves and the teeth though, their wig is too unnatural looking but at least an effort was made unlike most.

>> No.6472427

It always confuses me how stubby her legs are, I never expected it until I saw them. I think if she got longer socks it would look better but I like it.

>> No.6472471

What I used was short clippings of crepe hair sealed to my chin with spirit gum, then filled in a little with dark makeup. It looks way more convincing than you'd think.

>> No.6472493

Honestly?? I don't know why people don't do this more often, but I buy my HS wigs from ethnic wig stores. There should be one in your area if you hunt.

The one I use for Meulin is called New Moon- And it's fluffy as hell with really great, floofy curls. Other than trim the bangs, I basically had to do nothing to it. Most ebay wigs require a bunch of styling.

>> No.6472499


In my country the only wigs are from natural hair, and don't have to large or fluffy, and are a little expensive. And other stores have the same wigs as ebay

>> No.6472592

Ah, OK!

Well, I'd search for Lolita wigs, to be honest. Lolitas tend to have floofier wigs than cosplay shops do.

>> No.6472648

Thanks for the shirt refs! And haha, I was wondering of that was you in the other thread.

(ps I think your legs are adorable)

>> No.6472763

The front looks weird as fuck.

>> No.6472769

This is terrifying. Also wtf why is she wearing skin tight clothing. Those teeth...

>> No.6472775


It looks weird because of the clothing she chose. Sure, tall/thing people can cosplay, but the skintight clothing makes that weird Slenderjohn effect.

>> No.6472783


Saccharinesylph, is that you?

I have a question either way. I've thought of buying wigs from those ethnic stores but the fibers always look so rough and scratchy to me. Is that ever a problem with those wigs?

>> No.6472843


I was thinking about one of those:

> http://www.wig-supplier.com/55cm-long-black-sweet-curly-wavy-fashion-wig-wa72-p-116.html

> http://www.wig-supplier.com/75cm-long-black-gothic-lolita-wavy-cosplay-wig-c33-p-1343.html

> http://www.wig-supplier.com/long-rhapsody-in-black-curly-wave-cosplay-hair-wig-c42-p-1796.html

But I don't know

>> No.6472849
File: 289 KB, 634x351, vris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have we ever talked about this?

>> No.6472894


No, but we can now.

What the fuck was that? Points to her for having the guts to do it, I guess.

>> No.6472903

I think it's up to your opinion anon... I was eying that third one too because of how fluffy it is but I didn't think it would be flattering and the layers she has framing her face seemed like they would be easier to achieve with a wig like the 1st two.

>> No.6472906
File: 39 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mekcr5s7qS1qhmy2co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow...
also that shiny make up

>> No.6472910

I'm generally not a fan of those widely-available cat eye, rhinestone embellished glasses for Meenah or Aranea, but those were pulled off surprisingly well.

>> No.6472916

I have seen far more awkward strip teases- a shame about the makeup but she sealed that shit better then 90% of homestuck cosplayers so...

>> No.6472933
File: 112 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mekugseFrQ1qi3ycoo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i though it was a body suit at first, well done on that

>> No.6472941


>mfw I realized this a thing and not just nudestuck 2.0 filmed in someones home

The thights looked really weird and I didn't really feel Vriskas attitude most of the time, but points for having the gut, especially when her body isn't exactly the typical ideal of sexy. And she did look like she was having fun.

>> No.6472943

That was surprisingly... good? I was expecting something painfully awkward, but as far as burlesque goes she definitely knew what she was doing.

>> No.6472947

I keep wording myself badly in theese threads. Her attitude was there, it just seemed a bit off.

And I get the feeling she would be more appriciated as Terezi but eh.

>> No.6473073

I like it, but I wish she'd picked matte paint. Also, the music choice is bewildering, but at least she didn't use Vriska's theme or something else terrible.

>> No.6473097

I saw a review on the wig in your second wig, and it seems nice enough but it doesn't seem to be the same wig as pictured. The curls of the actual wig are mostly mid/bottom and don't go as high as the stock photo.

>> No.6473101


>> No.6473109

Fucking English, man.
I meant to say I saw a review of the wig you posted as your second link.

>> No.6473138

actually wasnt that bad. Im a bit puzzled as to why she chose Vriska though? Her dancing was true to Burlesque form most the time (although she could have done with more layers) but it I personally would have chose Kanaya for that sort of thing.

>> No.6473148

I have the 3rd wig (but not in black) and as long as you're confident with your styling, go for it. I have to admit I was impressed as hell with what I got.

I expected it to be kind of overly shiny and stiff/tangly for the price, but the shine is surprisingly muted (and easy to fix with baby powder). The fibers are super soft, and there's not a single tangle in it after wearing it four times.

>> No.6473238

oh thank you, I will consider it

I see the Rhapsody wig in other people and looks very nice, I like the fluffly for the character

When I searching I stumbled upon these wigs, and they look nice especially the first one:

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Popular-New-Long-Black-Cosplay-Party-Wavy-Wig-100cm-/181019590029?pt=US_CSA_

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/75cm-Gothic-Lolita-Black-Long-Wavy-fluffy-Animation-cosplay-cos-hair-Wig-cap-C33-/120839109455?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item1c22927b4f

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Style-Womens-Girls-Sexy-Long-Fashion-Full-Hair-Wig-3-Colors-Available-/2

Opinions? promise not to bother more u3u

>> No.6473246

Bit of a weird request.

So I'm planning a Sufferer cosplay, but I want to do something kind of creepy and occultist with his design, with plenty of old religious symbolism (nothing people still venerate, if possible, because I'm not an asshole.) Unfortunately, I'm having no fun googling up references since the results are all choked with fundie stuff. A friend of mine suggested Glastonbury Jesus (Glastonbury being a place where Christianity and paganism meet) but I can't find any interesting visual details, just info about the ridiculous English-Jesus cult. Can anyone recommend some inspirational material?

>> No.6473265

be nice if you put a lot of effort in styling it, considering her bangs are cut a certain way and all i haven't really seen anyone put the effort into it... just a thought.

>> No.6473269

I don't have any experience with the first wig you linked or the third, but the second one is actually the same wig that you linked to as your second wig in your first post (the one that didn't look a lot like the stock image).

The style is C33, and it seems pretty good.

>> No.6473273

There's fucking Homestuck on the wall behind her in the second link.

No escape.

>> No.6473285


not sure exactly what you're looking for by "symbolism" dude but have you tried looking up gnostic christianity?

>> No.6473365


Not at a con, but I was doing Holiday shopping this evening, and ended up in Michael's buying cosplay things, and I felt so ashamed bringing my obviously Homestuck cosplay intended haul up to the cashier.

A good friend of mine works there, as she says the store has some horror stories with weebs, and especially Homestucks. (There was a gaggle of squealing girls by the Model Magic when I passed by it.)

>> No.6473375


That was filmed at my uni, and if I ever have a class in that lecture hall again, I'm probably going to feel so fucking awkward.

The introduction guy was also hilariously clueless about Homestuck in general.

>> No.6473425
File: 92 KB, 360x504, mmw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something with a tarot-ish, medievil ergotism divine revelation kind of feel to it, although obviously not as literal as a lot of those kinds of symbolism are (where it's just a person with a bunch of things drawn on).

>> No.6473447

link please??

>> No.6473454
File: 51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_memxd9ZqXC1rw6eh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tape and foil

>> No.6473476



>> No.6473482

check your cispriv I'm sure half of them were "boys"

>> No.6473494


jesus can we not this argument never goes anywhere

>> No.6473499

Oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.6473539

what fabric should i use for a god tier?

>> No.6473550

aranea's specifically

>> No.6473558


For what part, exactly? The hood? The shirt? The under-skirt-pants-whatever the fuck it is?

>> No.6473622

actually everything. i have no idea where to even start with fabric choices.

>> No.6473643


can you guys not tell that it was a joke

>> No.6473646


Most I've seen go for Jersey knit on clothes and a heavier fabric for the hood, my Feferi used suiting fabric for the hood and skirt for example.

>> No.6473699


Love it. Something about her face really fits the character, imho, and that skirt is great.

>> No.6473893
File: 196 KB, 1280x853, militorystock korkort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

militarystuck karkat, everyone

>> No.6473903

wow it honestly didn't even occur to me that anyone would fail to read that as a sarcasm. GJ guys.

>> No.6473955

these thread have been boring lately. are people just not making new homestuck costumes in winter?

>> No.6473960


plenty of people in-thread are working on stuff, but not many people are interested in progress. there's no cons until ALA - stuff will pick up then

>> No.6473974


wait what

also opinions on nudestuck
>attention whores and cp

>> No.6473977

So, Sprite skin colors- should they kind of be colored to match their type, like Davesprite and Jadesprite were in Cascade, or white?

Most Daves paint orange, other sprites tend to paint white. What say you, HSG?

>> No.6473985

For the most part, people prefer Davesprites to have orange skin while Jadesprites have white skin. It's mostly because light orange looks better on skin when it comes to makeup as opposed to green. I know Nanasprites use white and I think Jaspersprites do, too.

>> No.6473994

It's not cosplay until you see them put effort into their outfits.
And they're only attention whores until they actually get in character.

Until then, it's two twenty-somethings who like to flash their genitals on the Internet.

>> No.6474019

My personal preference for everything other than Davesprite (because like >>6473985 said, orange just looks better) would be white with contouring and such done in sprite color.

>> No.6474125

Found this. Donno if it's been posted before but...

Bets on how long this'll stay up?

>> No.6474153

Just wait until ALA. ALA is going to be... interesting.

>> No.6474161
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1696, tumblr_me6ziotgHc1rjbuhzo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this makes me feel better about my own Karkat cosplay, if nothing else.

>> No.6474162

I can't masturbate to this. Shitty horns, shitty costume and nowhere NEAR grey enough.

>> No.6474174

Considering that the seller is in China, US copyright law doesn't really hold up. I wouldn't be surprised if people try to report the seller, but it's unlikely that ebay will give a shit.

Speaking of ebay, I've been looking for a wig to modify for Equius for a while and am still not having much luck. Does anyone know of a wig that would work?

>> No.6474242

If you have the cash and time to spare modifying the front, Arda's The Dude is lace front and a really good price for such.

>> No.6474249

Yeah, that looks like a good wig. I'm trying to get a few options because I'd rather not shell out that much for a wig I can only use for one costume. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6474297

The only thing Karkat about this is the horns, at least put some effort in, dude.

>> No.6474300
File: 546 KB, 1235x822, tumblr_mdt6ogVXm31qbcfv3o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudestuck is only good when it isn't *completely* nude and just more of a tease. At least IMO.
Also problematic because fucking 13yo characters. (Which is also why it's a good idea to keep your fine parts covered)

>> No.6474322

I actually found this to have been done very gracefully.

>> No.6474383

which would you recommend, mehron creamblend stick or snazaroo?

>> No.6474402

She's holding the sniper rifle from Fallout 3 :I


3/10 for obvious trolling on my part. :I

>> No.6474434

AZstuck is really, just, bad.
Those two live in my city, and go to every single meetup.
They are very bad.
Very, very bad.. what's the word for weebs of homestuck, I dunno, stuckaboos? The Karkat is famous for wearing horns and makeup to meets though. Like, things in public,

>> No.6474437

well, you really shouldn't. how can you be a seagull and think that cosplay is acceptable?

>> No.6474451

Even when well-crafted, Militarystuck is the most awful shit ever created. Fuck off all militarystucks.

>> No.6474462


all my hate at mookie for ruining the word militarystuck when I would love to do a real military AU set of designs with air soft guns and troll fatigues

>> No.6474468

Militarystuck should be renamed "badly designed visual kei stuck" because that's what it is. The designs are only slightly military related.
Please do this.

>> No.6474469

it's like bad visual kei 2001 vomited all over those designs.. even if it's well done it looks tacky. There's really not much military about it.

>> No.6474473

The original Militarystuck was renamed Militiabound to my knowledge. But i think they stopped because no one responded to the designs.
I think I have them saved on my computer if you want.

>> No.6474489


I've seen those and they were great. Really wish those had blown up instead of this visual kei bullshit.

>> No.6474510

can you post them? That sounds interesting- maybe we can get some people cosplaying that instead...

>> No.6474537

No effort. It's not cosplay.
Get back in the welfare line, scrub.

>> No.6474547
File: 289 KB, 1280x1872, militiabound JOHNJADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original artist deleted their blog but I had them saved because I really enjoyed the John and Eridan.
They were simple but she was still working on them.

>> No.6474555
File: 76 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdeo8gbB101qecd9qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what. i'm pretty sure they're saying that that picture makes them feel better about their own cosplay in comparison, not posting their own shitty cosplay for asspats.

>> No.6474564

It's the same guy though! He's the same one in that jerking off video, or at least I'm assuming so because he's one of the dudes that runs that live nudestuck blog. Why would he post that no effort 'cosplay' in the first place if he wasn't expecting people to reassure him over it? I mean he couldn't even go to the effort of finding a black turtleneck so idk why you're defending that.

>> No.6474573

You're misunderstanding. What I meant to say was that I feel kind of guilty regarding my Karkat cos being so boring (since it's basically horns/wig/paint/shirt/trousers), so seeing this guy doing porn when he can't even be bothered to do ANY of the things required for even the most basic Karkat cosplay in the world makes me feel a tiny bit more acceptable a person.

Granted it's because I'm comparing myself to a total slime ball, but I can do what I can.

>> No.6474579

no no. no. i'm not defending the guy in the picture, but the anon that posted it here isn't that guy and everyone jumped on their ass anyway. except no one realised they weren't asking for reassurance at all because nobody had the capacity to look back two posts for context.

>> No.6474582

Also I am not posting a selfpost, I found that on the Nudestuck blog everyone was squirming about and posting it here in despair. Sorry if you assumed the Nudewhore guy was here to laugh at.

>> No.6474589
File: 185 KB, 500x376, 1303537400680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That reminds me, there are apparently a bunch of locals on there; how are you supposed to navigate this clusterfuck of a site?

>> No.6475005
File: 214 KB, 459x336, tumblr_meo0f3Kglb1r5d1aio1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475019

Lumpy horns, can't see enough of the wig to make a judgement call on that.

Also, I don't care how canon it is for a character to be flipping someone off, it just looks tacky in 90% of cosplay pictures, selfies or not.

>> No.6475160

JJ's shitty photoshop version was better

>> No.6475209
File: 244 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mc6afrAUUE1qmkv19o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back looked interesting.

>> No.6475210
File: 467 KB, 593x722, tumblr_mdynviNnz41qjq925o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the front

>> No.6475212

I'm more curious about the Dog Fortress 2 thing in the back.

>> No.6475213
File: 227 KB, 1280x1022, tumblr_mcf9anRRPi1qjq925o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig just does not work with the mask at all, which is unfortunate since she's normally a lovely Feferi. The hairline looks like it's intended to accommodate the tiara, which is not present in the ballgown version.

>> No.6475297


The mask makes her face look so rubbery and uncanny valley...

>> No.6475331

Can I get some cute Nepeta cosplays?

>> No.6475376

dude sand your horns. paint white over them if you have to.

>> No.6475377
File: 123 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mcq324WOFY1r4xv7qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6475380
File: 71 KB, 540x720, tumblr_m8z94zFhX11rvzdcno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic wasnt mine, just found it on the tag btw

>> No.6475389

how do we feel about cocky people here?
there's a girl on my dash bitching about not getting more than ten notes on her face (i checked a minute later and it has about twenty), and god, she is pretty! don't get me wrong, she's a fine roxy, really! but the problem is, she knows it, and constantly talks about it.
feelings about those sort of people?
any that i should stay away from like that?
'cause that shit ain't cute.

>> No.6475396

I think I know who you're talking about.

>> No.6475484


>> No.6475510

oh man, i know she lurks here sometimes, i feel sort of shitty for putting in her url, oh well, it's rosannelalonde though.
i think it might be the fact that she actually hates herself that she attention whores so much. she's pretty, she just has a bit of chub that she needs to shed is all.

>> No.6475513

most attention whores hate themselves (or are at least extremely dissatisfied with themselves) deep down

>> No.6475524

eh, she posts it out in the open every so often, she usually deletes her text posts at the end of the day though.

>> No.6475550


>bitching about not getting more than ten notes on her face

Wow. That is unbelievably pathetic. I have to wonder just how low her self-esteem is that she relies so heavily on Tumblr notes to reassure her.

>> No.6475579
File: 22 KB, 430x261, rosannelalondewhining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, shut up. Maybe if you didn't whine about it like this you wouldn't have been posted here in the first place.

>> No.6475589
File: 119 KB, 1109x1920, mediocreroxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking through her blog, I think the reason she doesn't get the notes she so desires is because pretty much every photo in her cosplay tag sucks. They're all either grainy webcam pictures or con shots or gathering photos. When you cosplay a character with as bland a design as Roxy, you really have to put more effort in and actually get some good photos done if you want attention.

But reading her posts, I get a strong vibe of insecurity from her. Her text posts make her sound like a huge asshole with no self-esteem.

>> No.6475602


new thread

>> No.6475621

Wait...OK I'm not supporting her whining or anything, and she should really shut up about cgl on her blog because that will only make it worse for her (unless she wants the attention, which she may very well.)...

But that all aside I just looked at pictures of her on her blog and she is actually gorgeous and really shouldn't lose any weight in my opinion?? Criticize her behavior all you want but don't call a beautiful, slender girl 'chub'.

>> No.6475627

you can never be skinny enough on cgl

>> No.6475631


sup rosannelalonde. you could at least pretend you weren't already lurking here but oh well.

>> No.6475645

Bluh, it's really not even worth saying 'no, I'm somebody else', is it? For what it's worth, no I'm not rosanne, I'm someone different. I've never seen her before today. In fact I am >>6475484 . I just get really bothered when girls who AREN'T fat get called chubby.