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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 417 KB, 500x669, tumblr_meieevsuNU1r4hvoko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6468880 No.6468880 [Reply] [Original]

I really think some non-asian girls can pull of Gyaru fashion or J-fashion in general, but sometimes I stumble onto this kind of stuff and everything I see after that just screams bad.

Could we have a thread with good non-asian gyaru? because I really can't find any..

>> No.6468893
File: 245 KB, 474x334, pin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinja! He doesn't do gyaru any more, but I loved all of his outfits. Sadly, I didn't save any images of full outfits and Google Images is failing me. If anyone has any of Pin's full outfits, please post them!

>> No.6468900
File: 149 KB, 600x800, 423274874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6468901

oh please do!

>> No.6468905
File: 20 KB, 171x500, ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashley. She has tons of drama and claims to be hafu, but regardless I think she has great style.

>> No.6468912

oh pin! he's my favorite gaijin gyaru!
did he stop dressing gyaru?
did he have his sex change yet?
>sage for being a nosy butt

>> No.6468923

He stopped dressing gyaru, which was super sad. Obviously I want him to be happy, but he was by far and away the best Caucasian gyaru inspiration.

>> No.6468930
File: 237 KB, 500x620, tumblr_meg23cUriP1qi6kb5o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes good gyaru? because when I look up gyaru on tumblr I get some weird stuff like the picture posted, it's not a bad picture but I don't really know if it's considered gyaru or not.

>> No.6468941
File: 350 KB, 464x468, tumblr_lxd1r9RAIh1qdwx5vo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the few Pin outfits I managed to find. Not his best, but still nice.

>> No.6468969
File: 59 KB, 500x396, tumblr_lu4c02RS4U1r2saino1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my. fuckin'. waifu.

>> No.6468973

Does she wear gyaru though?

>> No.6468976

It's images like this that me want to go full-on gal. It looks so so fun! But alas I need to save my money and don't have a gal friend ;-;

>> No.6468989
File: 139 KB, 500x667, saihariigyaru.tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does she wear gyaru
Saiharii gyaru
member of black diamond international
model for the gaijin gyaru magazine
I feel like that is a fucking stupid question

>> No.6468992


It looks like myspace, jesus christ lol.

She's really cute though.

>> No.6468995

Well, neither of the images of her posted so far look gal to me at all, so I feel like it's pretty reasonable.

>> No.6468996

pin is really stinking cute. he still has videos up on youtube if you look up "pin gyaru"

rox (woxie) has really nice eye makeup. recently her coords have been disappointing.

rikku is amazing and has tutorials on her page as well!

but ashley is my biggest inspiration. but i think she's dead or something..

>> No.6469000

She must be still around. I read Shiena's blog still, and she is mentioned pretty regularly, but she has no online presence because of all the illegal overstaying drama.

>> No.6469023

Just popping in real quick...but uhhh anyone got a tutorial for that girls hair?

>> No.6469060

I'm pretty sure it's a wig, but what are you talking about exactly, the style? looks to me like two braids coming from the nape and wrapping around the front to hold her hair like ponty tails

>> No.6469068
File: 96 KB, 316x504, amekaji 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rikku so much - she can pull off any look.

>> No.6469072


But Pin is a girl, right?

>> No.6469090


>> No.6469095


AHAHAHA I remember her! She left a mean comment on my DeviantArt once, on something entirely unrelated to Gyaru. It was, like, a drawing of a horse or something. I think I was 15 or so.
Regardless of her stupidity, she does have great style.

>> No.6469107

pin has always identified as a boy. last i heard, pin was wanting to go through surgery to become a boy.

>> No.6469111

Oh man. This looks like Lady Bunny, but less fabulous.

>> No.6469115

Given that everyone so far in the thread has referred to him with male pronouns, I reckon it's safe to say he's not.

Pin is FtM transgender, and I believe he started taking hormones last year (not too sure on that last bit though).

>> No.6469130

Okay I'm confused. What gender was pin born as?

>> No.6469144

If Pin is FtM then Pin was born with a female body. But his gender is male. So he is referred to as "he" and "him" and appears to be transitioning so that his body (female) better matches his gender (male).

>> No.6469156


Plz 2b learning the difference between gender and sex. kthnx.

>> No.6469196


So inb4 social justice baww posts but,

Why be a FtM and dress in Gyaru? That's like, the exact opposite of one another.

>> No.6469203

i used to wonder this as well. pin said that gyaru was like a dress up for him. the rest of the time pin would dress in male clothes. but when he dressed in gyaru, he went all out.

>> No.6469213

According to Pin it was when he was trying to fit in/trying to feel right as a girl. So he would dress in the girliest style possible and practise and practise to look as feminine and good as he could. He enjoyed it, but it didn't stop him from feeling that he was meant to be male.

The way he put it made a lot of sense to me, and I don't have a lot of time for tumblr special snowflakes.

>> No.6469253

I wonder if Pin would try gyaruo. He has (had?) an awesome style as a gyaru.

>> No.6469262

Is Pin attracted to men or women?

>> No.6469295

I think as a guy he just wants to be completely regular and guyish.
The interest in gyaru seems to only have been a way to appear "normal" before he told everyone he's transgender.

I don't think he's ever discussed it.

>> No.6469429 [DELETED] 

any good diet pills? I can't seem to stop eating when I'm stressed. I'm pretty much average weight, but I want to be super skinny. I know, I know, exercise, but I'm also very athletically built so when I exercise, though I drop weight like crazy, I also put on muscle easy so under clothing it doesn't look much different than my fat self.

>> No.6469443

Hi about diet pills be really careful with them, I'm kinda off and on with my 2 diet japanese pills they really keep you awake and give you mood swings I find, but they do make you loose weight, Do a lot of research before you take any. Also can we post some tumblr gaijins

>> No.6469465 [DELETED] 

seconding the tumblr gaijins. Also, I have anxiety, doing some research into diet pills, if you have a pre-existing psych disorder I heard they can cause mood swings, was that the case for you or do you not have anything?

>> No.6469468

If you aren't overweight, I would really recommend you just exercise and figure out a PROPER nutrition plan. There's too many sketchy pills, and the ones that "work" can have some very serious side effects that can be long term

>> No.6469477 [DELETED] 

Ah, I see. I don't have too much weight to loose to reach the skinny I want, maybe about 10 pounds. I have a proper nutrition plan and exercise regimine, but that's not going to give me stick legs.

>> No.6469475

Taking stimulants really isn't a good idea if you suffer from anxiety. I have panic disorder and took adderol for a while for ADD, and it was awful. Even on low doses, my body was really hyperreactive and uncomfortable with the stimulants. I imagine the same reaction would occur wit most stimulating diet pills.

Seriously, just exercise a little more. It's not worth the risk if you have anxiety issues.

>> No.6469482

Well, diet pills aren't going to do that either... I'm confused about what you want. At best, stimulants just decrease your appetite, so you take in fewer calories and you might be moving more from the energy (so burning more calories). Which is actually what you could do anyways, but just exercising and eating less. Diet pills don't help you lose weight in ways you couldn't lose other ways, they're just easier.

>> No.6469496

yes I have anxiety but I'm not on medication for it, although I am thinking about it because it's getting worse, however I am short under 5''4 so its really hard for me too loose weight, and I'm not overweight but I find they help me loose it faster, I do still eat carefully and I don't eat chips or candy mostly healthy foods and I dont drink pop just mostly tea and water but my problem is that I don't like going to the gym or doing physical activity other then dancing lol. It's just If I can loose 10lbs in 2 weeks I rather do that with pills then wait a month

>> No.6469519

C-can you possibly tell me where you got your pills? They must be real, right?
I had them about half a year ago, and now I can't find anyone who sells the real deal anymore. Wasted a bit of money on three different sellers, only to find out they're fake pills.

I can vouch for the Japan 2 Day Diet pill. That shit made me feel good AND helped me lose weight (though I of course ate healthier and whatnot, too).

>> No.6469527

I bought them off ebay and their legit but that ebay seller is gone I have no idea where to buy them now ;__;

>> No.6469538 [DELETED] 

I see, my natural build is pretty athletic. I thought if I stopped exercising and just took pills I could become more waifish looking, but that may be too unhealthy to do normally. I always see things like 2day diet around and just wanted to try them for a bit.

>> No.6469546 [DELETED] 

Hey! I have anxiety too! I have combination anxiety and panic disorder, so I know how it feels in those moments where it starts to build and escalate. I take a xanax for the times it gets to be too hard to handle on my own. Because I take it so rarely I wont develop a dependency, you should talk to your doc about that. Taking meds for me was such a relief.

>> No.6469549

dasoihfaovhaoaho I should have bought multiple bottles while I had the chance.
I'm extremely upset.
I wonder if any of the other "2 Day Diet" things work. I know they've got a different pill and a tea. Hmmm.

>> No.6469551

Everyone here has anxiety or some sort of mental illness.

>> No.6469584

I moved on to a much stronger pill called 1day diet, which has worked fantastically for me the last week.

Don't drink their teas, they're just laxitives, if you take laxitives to loose weight, you're going to fuck up your digestive system and end up pooping puss and blood, not to mention collapsing your colon or rupturing your stomach.

I've been on diet pills six months now, no side effects. I did a lot of research and what you need to be doing to get the best results is to take two weeks off after every month of usage, then you get a better boost of weight loss every time you start them again.

I've lost almost 30lbs now, and I'm almost at my goal weight, good luck anons

>> No.6469587 [DELETED] 

where did you buy them? I've been having trouble finding authentic ones

>> No.6469588

can you tell me where to buy them?? thank you in advance!

>> No.6469596

Amazon, and I used to buy my 2day diet pills on ebay but they've long sold out :/

Amazon has a good policy on counterfits , so if you get a fake, you can just contact their customer service.

Mine were predicted to take a month to arrive from japan to the UK, but it actually only took a week.

>> No.6469601

Link to seller? Not being lazy, I have a habit of picking the wrong ones and getting fake shit. I'm trying something else right now but if it doesn't work I'd love to give this one a go. :)

>> No.6469603

i don't. :)

>> No.6469622

>Tfw no dad
>Tfw grow up in neglectful house
>Tfw suicidal thoughts since 7yrs old
>Tfw mentally unstable unemployed single parent
>Tfw growing up with 2 siblings and parent in 2bed house
>Tfw drug dealers break in every month
>Tfw single parent gets abusive boyfriends
>Tfw fat ugly middle child
>Tfw sent to horrible school for four years where you're beaten by other pupils, have your hair set on fire, get locked in a bin, gum put in your hair, food thrown at you , you're spat at, thrown out of a window, have your arm broken, burned with cigarettes.

Tfw you don't mope about it like a soggy cunt, you loose weight, learn2makeup, draw on a smiley face, get an education and leave your shitty life behind you and make something of yourself.

/rant about cgl-type depression~ ~

I hate people who act like ~I was bullied at school~! they called me naaaames~ I'm so depressseeeed, boys don't likeee meeee, my boyfriend suuuuccks~

If you have legit chemical depression or anxiety disorders, don't deface or devalue you your disposition by giving bullshit excuses, about how much of a pussy you are.

>> No.6469625


>> No.6469630

Probably special snowflakeism. It's like throwing a fit that people call you a brolita when you're a FtM with a rack so big you can't bind it, otherwise they'll have nothing to complain and feel special about any more.

>> No.6469707
File: 48 KB, 480x640, 65081_373996002688724_678467074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

River, I don't know much about her.

>> No.6469749

>It's like throwing a fit that people call you a brolita when you're a FtM with a rack so big you can't bind it

Isn't that what a FTM would want? To be called a brolita?

>> No.6469766

A woman who feels like a man, dressing like a man and being called a man who dresses like a woman.

It's too early for this you guys.

>> No.6469779


I get that. This seems like the person I quoted meant " throwing a fit that people DON'T call you a brolita when", instead of what I quoted, which doesn't make sense, which is why I quoted and asked.

>> No.6469806

Kinda OT, but how did you do that? I mean leaving all that behind you and moving on. Did it happen suddenly or did you have a major life event that changed everything?
Asking because I've been bullied my whole life and I feel like I can't overcome that low self-esteem and complete lack of self-confidence.

>> No.6470132

That feel wen I live in Canada and it won't ship to my address.
I guess I'll try this eBay seller.
Fingers crossed that I get the right stuff this time. This pill isn't as popular, though so maybe there aren't so many fakes out there?

>> No.6470167
File: 49 KB, 450x600, 55753_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this girl. Don't know her name, though.

>> No.6470312

i hate her makeup style so much, maybe it's the photoshop but she creeps me out

>> No.6470318
File: 477 KB, 464x468, tumblr_lvqtipG1bd1r4bm2oo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fave pin outfit

>> No.6470360 [DELETED] 

so basically the girls on the gaijin gyaru tag OP?

>> No.6470370

Can't believe I'm actually trusting anon and buying this stuff.
What's worse is I'm shipping it to my parents house, so if they open it, I'm screwed.

>> No.6470371

you high nigga. river always looks awful

>> No.6470380
File: 27 KB, 403x403, 560840_450966394949421_695183652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share your foreign gal snaps everybody

>> No.6470381

It's on amazon, anon, how bad can it be?

>> No.6470400
File: 27 KB, 197x364, gaijin gal impressive lookalike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you thoroughly research every ingredient in those pills and make sure you verify they're the real thing too. There's a chance you could have an adverse reaction to them too.

How exactly do you lose weight with those pills anyway?
there's plenty of fakes being sold there

>> No.6470408
File: 190 KB, 1157x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470420

any side effects with these??

>> No.6470434
File: 213 KB, 957x638, IMG_2760342323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470436

>facebook /larissa.verbeke
How is this gal?

>> No.6470443
File: 284 KB, 1200x1600, CAM01266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not her,anon

I have her blog link somewhere around here

>> No.6470451
File: 47 KB, 375x500, eg13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470588
File: 59 KB, 480x640, 2012-04-16 12.50.51b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has moved on to subtler style now but her gyaru coords are always well put together.

made a gyaru resources masterpost
>>>pastebin com/Ct649tcn<<

>> No.6471194
File: 223 KB, 500x327, tumblr_meifq40rAZ1rdcxszo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471257

Neither do I! High-five!

>> No.6471988

Ashley is so ugly and wrinkly. But gyaru 4 lyfe right?

>> No.6472251

How the fuck did she get them dark lips
to be so light?

I have darker lips and I can never get them two shades lighter

>> No.6472762


use a concealer stick/nude lipstick all over the lips and then add on the lipstick/gloss.

>> No.6472768

Nice, thanks anon! A lot cheaper than I thought!

>> No.6472778

LAME I tried to register on anonigals and it needs admin approval before you can use it? Just saying, that's not going to be realistic if it gets popular.

>buttmad that I cant see shit

>> No.6472793

anyone know shiena's blog?

>> No.6472809

it was made private

>> No.6473136

didn't she make a new one though?

>> No.6473487
File: 55 KB, 170x337, DSC03763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476403

I've met River before. She's actually a lovely person and looks very pretty in non-gyaru clothing/make up.
Even though I'm not a fan of her gyaru coords I feel a bit bad for her when I see stuff in gyaru secrets about her because so much of it seems so cruel.

>> No.6476416

Isn't "gyaru" just japanese girls dressing up like westerners?

How can westerners NOT pull off gyaru?