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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6470028 No.6470028 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else losing weight or working out for cosplay? I've been struggling the past couple of months and with christmas coming up it's really getting hard to maintain the diet aspect of my weight loss.

>hey anon want some cake
>hey anon want some cookies
>hey anon I'm killing you softly with my pastry song

This isn't a /fit/ thread, I just want to feel like I'm not alone and talk to other cosplayers suffering for their hobby. Really hoping I'll be able to lose another 20lbs by April so I don't feel like a whale in my costume...

>> No.6470030

When you start to diet, everyone offers you food.

It's like relationships. Once you get a gf/bf, suddenly everyone starts to get interested in you.

>> No.6470033

Not gonna lie but there is a certain deal of self restraint you need to practice but the key is forming good habbits. You do something long enough and eventually you will get used to it and not need to make a decesion to eat healthy.

Easiest solution for me is to just simple eat healthier foods (veggies and hard boiled eggs for me) which eliminate my need to snack as much.

>> No.6470035

This is so painfully true. I've already lost 40lbs and I swear people are offering me food left, right and centre now. Any time I politely turn them down they act like I'm crazy 'anon you've already lost so much weight one cookie won't hurt!' except it's never one cookie, and I have treats planned into my eating schedule already.

I don't mind a piece of cake for someone's B-day or the christmas party but its like everyday people are bringing in brownies and other crap.

>> No.6470036

The first month I was into my relationship a really handsome and fit Asian asked me out and offered to walk with me. Where were you during my angsty high school life, Mr. Asian?

Currently looking to get a 25 in waist by March so I can move in my costume. It hurts so much since I love sweets. Now I only eat fruit salad for dessert. sobsobsob

>> No.6470053

>I have treats planned into my eating schedule already.

I do the same thing, and can we just talk about how much people try to shame you for turning down sweets? Stop trying to make me feel shitty for watching my weight holy shit.

>> No.6470055


I'm working on losing weight. Slowly but surely. I'm at a plateau at the moment. Trying to edge the weight loss onward.

>> No.6470065

Trying, but my self control is near non-existent. Add in the fact that I'm responsible for making all the bread/baked goods/food, I'm fairly screwed.

>> No.6470068

Yes we can. At my office people actually get butthurt if you turn down their treats. They will just walk over and slap a muffin or cookie on your desk and smile at you fiercely until you accept it, and if you try to turn it down so they can not waste the food they get passive aggressive and grill you on WHY.

>oh anon you're not taking a cookie. again.
>I have to be careful about my diet, I have a family history of diabetes and I'm really careful about my sugar. (this is true btw)
>being paranoid about disease will ruin your life anon! you need to live in the moment, one cookie isn't going to kill you.
>It's more like one cookie, every day...

Except we probably all will....

>> No.6470075

I have when people think you're 'no fun' because you won't eat extra sweets. How is eating garbage fun?

>> No.6470083

For you emotional eaters, what do you do to keep yourself from binge eating? I'm having a hard time because food is the only thing that makes me feel better, and I've lost interest in other hobbies I had, and can't get into a new one. Food is all I have.

>> No.6470085

I used to be more in shape than I am now, decided I'd pick it back up when I transfer.

I need to start eating better too. I'm getting too old to pull off drinking chocolate syrup and shit like that.

>> No.6470088

i hate*

>> No.6470091


I'd say thank you and tell them I'd save it to have later or have it with my coffee or something and toss it when they weren't looking.

>> No.6470094

Distract myself by doing something else, like working on my cosplays or playing vidya.
If I really need some cheering up, I go for a nice long walk or do some nice facial mask so I feel pretty. Always works!

>> No.6470093

Eating when you're upset is just a compulsion. Try to replace it with something else.

I used to be a terrible emotional eater, and I eventually kicked the habit by getting into teas. Now when I'm stressed I go to my beautiful tea cabinet, pick the tea that best suits my mood and brew myself up a cup.

Even with sugar and milk the calories are way lower than food, and a lot of herbal and black teas are amazing without anything added at all and you're still treating yourself.

You can also get teas specifically designed to help fight stress or depression, check into it! Aromatherapy is another option.

>> No.6470096

I honestly just HATE throwing away food. The thought of it makes me angry. Why can't she just keep her goddamn food?!

>> No.6470095

Not trying to lose weight, but trying to eat healthier and get fit so I won't look like a skinnyfat slob for my next cosplays.
>from an Italian family
>Nonna forces tons of sweets on me

>> No.6470098
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Oh god Op I know that feel :C...

I also hate as soon as my mom learns I'm trying to lose weight here come all her comments

>You look fine! You don't need to lose weight!

>*1 week of working out/changing my diet* OMG you have lost so much weight OMG!!!

>Don't work out too much or you will get super buff like a guy! Trust me I heard you can online!

>Watch out you are going to get too skinny!

>You guys want some * insert bad food*? I'll pay ^_^

Fucking shit please just don't comment on my body or diet. This is why I always try to avoid letting on that I'm trying to get fit.
I'm glad to say though I'm finally making a break through! I've been trying very hard to change my lifestyle since Jan. but fell off the wagon. I'm now doing better than ever though!

>> No.6470103


I agree. Maybe save it and pass it on to a friend? Or feed the birds with it.

>> No.6470104

That feel.
It's like the main reason I taught myself portion control.

>> No.6470109

Thanks guys. I'll try to replace it with something.

>> No.6470106


I also hate how condescending and/or bitchy people get when they find out you're trying to get in shape.

They start babbling a bunch of ridiculous Woman's World magazine science and everyone becomes a dietitian (especially the fatties) who feel the need to criticize your eating habits. Especially ironic since these are the people who always try the most retarded fad diets.




>> No.6470107

Completely changed my diet to healthy eat less and lost 6lbs in two weeks. Yeah it's not diet pill fast but I'm happy being healthy and not messing up my insides.

>> No.6470108
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Just say no to snack offerings. You might even inspire your friends to be more conscious of what they eat too.

>the feel when you reject cake from a chubby friend at a birthday party because I watch what I eat

>> No.6470112
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>what you should have done

>> No.6470113

That's great!

I say no all the time, but people get buttmad. I'll eat a small piece of cake at a b-day though.

>> No.6470114
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I started at 230, I'm down to 185 now. We're all gonna make it.
Just remember, you can eat what you want so long as you work it off! Within reason, of course.

>> No.6470117

If you have problems with weight loss (AND exercising 3-4 times a week), I suggest you go on a EC stack. I started today and I'm going to keep at it for another 3-4 weeks. You can pop down on /fit/ and ask for a picture of EC stack V2. Be warned though, there has been anons who overdosed on ephedrine and suffered bad side effects and even led to some bad cardiovascular injuries. As long as you do your research and get some advice from /fit/, you'll be as good as gold. Use this link to give you a starter.


>> No.6470120

I hate how people assume I eat nothing because I'm losing weight. I eat all day actually- veggies, fruits and some nuts.

It's really sad how jealous and aggressive women immediately get towards other women who are trying to take care of their bodies.

>> No.6470122

omfg I can't believe I forgot to to put that too! It drives me nuts when people do that. Especially when they are those "yoyo" diet type of people who just crash diet/juice diet/or count calories (aka I only had 800 calories today in candy! Yay!!!)

>> No.6470123


Side effects and some words of caution.


>> No.6470126

Trying to slim down so Ill look good when I get my first lolita dress! (hopefully buuuurandooou)

First step Ive taken is cutting out allll soda from my diet. I was drinking about 2 44oz cups of soda a day AT LEAST. Ive been "clean" for a week and its been very hard. Ive thought about drinking soda so many times, but I just keep telling myself to not cut myself short. Each week Im giving up something bad that I have too much of, until the diet changes cause some weight loss, and Ill feel a little better to want to go to a gym or something. It helps that I have my boyfriend supporting me and joining me. Yesterday I cut out all chips from my diet, and Next week Im giving up fast foods.

>> No.6470127
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Anyone tried this? I kind of feel like buying it, the reviews are pretty good.

>> No.6470136
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My least favorite thing about wanting to lose weight, is when people constantly tell me that I look great and should be proud of my body, just learn to love myself, etc. And like >>6470030 said, they keep offering to take me out for ice cream and pizza.

I weigh 152 pounds, and I'd like to be 130 at the most. I'm not happy with my body and I wish these people would shut up and let me do what I gotta do.

>> No.6470133

ah, chips you delicious mother fuckers... my weight loss nemesis.

>> No.6470137
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>Mfw I bought a healthy cooking book
>Mfw when I failed to cook 8 recipes in a row
>Mfw when I can't cook now when I used to be able to.

>> No.6470139


That's awesome. I was always kind of jelly of people who could cut soda from their diet and immediately see results... I never drank it, I just tended to eat a little too much of everything.

or the lol-worthy:

coworker looks at your heaping plate of fresh veggie stew, which is a mere protein and fibre filled 300 calories.

>I thought you were trying to lose weight anon... this burger is a lot less than what you're eating!

>> No.6470140

I'll cook for you, anon.

>> No.6470138

When I was in high school and was on diet, I'd suddenly get some cravings for junk food and I was telling myself "Don't eat, you'll save money, you'll go to Japan with them and on top you are gonna be thin!"

>> No.6470141

>a million different cook books for eating healthy

>> No.6470146

Dieting for j-fashion here. I'm with >>6470083 cause I'm horrible with emotional eating. Not eating the things I love (pastries and some fried food) makes me depressed and then all I wanna do is eat. The weird thing is I can deal with physical hunger but I can't with mental hunger. Trying to learn how to suppress my appetite/cravings.

>> No.6470147

But that's how you know it works

>> No.6470152

Work out thread? Work out thread.


>> No.6470153

I eat so much when I am bored. When I have nothing to do, I just have to eat. Damn it.

>> No.6470149

Not losing for cosplay, but rather for myself sicne I want to fit into cuter, smaller clothes.

Topped off at 149 lbs said NOPE to that around 3 weeks ago. Did a calorie restricted diet for about 10 days which brought me down to 146 lbs and now I'm working out almost everyday (weights/cardio for 5 days and hot yoga for 1 day with 1 day of rest). I weighed myself today and I'm at 142 lbs. It's difficult. There are times I just want to engorge myself in really bad food, but I remind myself of my goals and keep at it. I haven't gone out to get food, I make everything at home, and I'm on a high protein, low card/low fat diet, I eat throughout the day and it's working out for me. I expect to plateau around week 3/4 of working out (only been working out for about a week now).

tl;dr - diet and exercise has helped me lose about 7 lbs in less than a month simply from cutting out sugars and huge amounts of carbs from my diet plus going to the gym and lifting weights and doing high intensity cardio.

>> No.6470150

Please do.

>> No.6470155

About two years ago, I lost about 35lbs from just eating better and being more active. I didn't go to a gym, but I'd walk, bikeride, jog a little bit at short intervals. But then I got promoted to full time and over time fell back into bad habits and didn't have as much time to work out (especially in the winter). Gained about 20 back. I've lost almost the full amount I regained in about 2 months simply from just being more careful about my calories. On average, I stay around 1400 or so. But some days, I go down to 1200. I'm hoping to loose another 20-25 from here by summer. But at this point, I can fit into some brand items just fine. I'd like to finish up some cosplays I hadn't touched after I started gaining weight back and lost motivation.

At any rate, I didn't cut out sweets, junk food, etc. I just eat it in small portions and in moderation. I used to eat candy bars at work, but replaced it with lightly salted popcorn or crackers. Same amount of calories but more filling. I should pack veggies and what not more often though, but I find even that helps.

It's slow going, not like what I did before cause I'm less active, but it's moving along. Hopefully when it's warm again, I'll get back to working out more often.

>> No.6470157

One thing that helps is to tackle what is making you emotional in the first place. Sometimes you can't change it, but you can change some of the negativity on how you feel about it.

>> No.6470158

I get this all the time too, and oddly our weight and goals are the same. It's that awkward middle line when you're not OBESE (by their standards) so they don't see why you should continue. 130lbs isn't even a low goal for me, it's actually a little higher than the recommended weight for my height because I'm accounting for muscle.

>anon you're beautiful you only think this way because you're pressured by society!
>anon don't be brainwashed!
>anon if you're fat what am I?!

No one brainwashed me into noticing my gut hanging over my jeans.

>> No.6470161

I do that too, I just wanna chew stuff. I feel like buying a head of lettuce and just munch on that all day.

>> No.6470163

You can't eat what you don't have. Throw out the junk, pre cut fruits and vegetables (or buy it pre cut because I'm lazy as fuck) and you'll munch on that when your bored.

>> No.6470165

Soups are my specialty, so I could make you mushroom soup, broccoli soup, butternut squash soup, chicken, beef, split pea, clam chowder, lobster bisque, pretty much anything. And anything you can make with broth/stock (I make my own) I can do too. Risotto, sauces, so on.

>> No.6470169


How much do you weigh and how tall are you? curious.

>> No.6470170

>It's that awkward middle line when you're not OBESE
Truth. 152 is actually considered healthy for my height (5'6") but it's still on the higher side and my body is lumpy and pudgy as shit.

How tall are you?

>> No.6470168

I used to have a bag of hot cheetos just about every day. That, mixed in with how much soda I was drinking.... Im sooo surprised Im not a lot bigger than I am. Maybe cause I only usually eat one big meal in the middle of the day and the rest of my diet was soda.

Diet Coke is/was my very favorite, but I know that diet soda is just as bad for you as normal sodas.

>> No.6470174

Well the thing is I live with my parents and my sister and there is food all the time.
Sometimes though, the food needs to be cooked before eating and I am too lazy to do that so I just starve.
And this is not just when I am bored. Whenever I am watching a movie or something, I need to chew.

>> No.6470180
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>That feel when kinda want to lose weight, but have the "Oh i'm not overweight yet so who gives a fuck"-attitude.

>> No.6470181

I am 5 feet 2 inches, and 148.6 lbs

Im not huuuge, but I feel that way.

>> No.6470184

>nearly 150
>not huge

>> No.6470186

5'2", so I'm a lot pudgier than you. I just camoflage it well because I have huge boobs and nice arms and legs, it's mostly all in my middle (which is the least healthy) and I dress well to hide it.

Doesn't change the fact I feel like a complete fatass when I'm naked though, and that shopping for clothes is more torture than fun. I don't even want to have sex with my SO because I feel so hideous.

>> No.6470182

I used to drink lots of soda like you growing up. You might feel the addiction vibes (or at least that's what I felt...freaken shaking a little bit after cutting it cold turkey).

You're not alone anon!

>> No.6470188

Jealous fatty detected.

>> No.6470190

I don't feel comfortable about my body. I am 5'8 and weigh 119 lbs. I know it's good, but I just...
I don't know. I feel like I'd look better if I lose more weight. Everyone keep telling me I look fine, but whenever I look at these asian models I just drool.

>> No.6470198

No. If you want to look slimmer at that weight you need to WORK OUT, not lose weight.

>> No.6470199

Didn't moot say that threads like this belong in /fit/?

>> No.6470200

i'm, 5'7 and started at 154lbs and now down to 148lb which is healthy for my weight.
ppl keep saying i dont need to lose weight as i dont actually look as heavy as i really am.
gets annoying

>> No.6470197

5'8 and 119?
That's just gross.

>> No.6470203

height, not weight

>> No.6470204

this makes no sense

>> No.6470202

I live with someone who loves cookies, chocolate and ice cream.

buy something like grapes, raspberries or baby carrots and eat a ton of that. I keep an open bowl of grapes in my fridge and grab a few every time I look inside. It really helps me stay away from the junkfood.

>> No.6470207

I've been meaning to cut pop out of my diet but it's such a necessity for me I can't seem to find a good replacement for it. I've been trying to lose the 15lbs I gained this last year but it's been hard

>> No.6470208

This is directly related to cosplay and lolita, don't be a tard. This has as much a place here as the beauty threads do. Also this is just a general weight loss thread, not a 'fit' thread.

>> No.6470210

I used to be really thin like you and felt the same way. But I realize now that it was just because I was skinnyfat. Losing too much weight at once is what caused the weight to fly back on, though.

I think there are things you could probably do to feel comfortable with your body rather than lose too much weight.

>> No.6470206

Now that Ive gone a week without, I feel really hopeful about it!

Ive actually been sticking to water mostly, but I had some tea the other day.

>> No.6470211

It's really difficult for me to avoid binge eating because I live with my family and my mom makes HUGE, unhealthy meals. There are 4 of us in the house and I'm not exaggerating when I say she makes enough food each day for 8 people. And she gets really mad and pissy if there are leftovers, or if you take a small portion. So binge eating is a constant temptation for me, especially if my mom gets mad and starts yelling at me (or the family) because 'THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA AND YOU'RE MAKING ME THROW OUT THIS FOOOOOOD.'

What I do is portion control anything unhealthy as exactly as possible--so, dinner if I have to eat it at home, I measure everything--but allow myself more of a free range on healthy foods so I never feel like I'm "starving" or "oh god I have to eat nownownow." I keep bags and tupperware containers of vegetables, fruits and salads on hand all the time.

But I know what you mean about food making you feel better. I would suggest trying to find some sort of enjoyable activity that gets your endorphins going and when you want to binge, do that. When I want o binge eat, I go for a ride on my bike until the feeling goes away.

>> No.6470212
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Won't I get muscle if I work out? I want to achieve thin legs that don't look muscular

>> No.6470213
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Do it faggot. Get on /fit/ and change your lifestyle. Or else you'll get fatter and go peaching about "Fat acceptance".


>> No.6470214

you want to be flabby and weak?

>> No.6470218

I didnt say I wasnt big, but Im not exactly struggling to find clothes that fit.

Either way, Im changing things so I wont be the size I am now, so your
dont really mean much.

>> No.6470219
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>> No.6470223
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Get some muscle woman.

>> No.6470220

Some girls look perfect around 150, but unfortunately some really don't (including myself).

>> No.6470221


>> No.6470222

No. You will just lose fat. Most models do a little working out, at least cardio. All victorias secret models work out.

>> No.6470226

OH MAN I feel you so much
Do you manage to lose weight like that? I am wondering how I can get thin when I need to necessary eat at dinner

>> No.6470227

how old are you? if you don't mind me asking. I'm guessing under 21.

>> No.6470228
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>> No.6470233
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Seriously guys, I don't want muscle.

>> No.6470231

Thanks. I think part of it comes from depriving myself of the foods I like but it's mostly low-self esteem. I have low-esteem cause I'm a little chubby and I have some not so attractive facial features but I actually get more upset because I feel I just suck in general. I annoy myself when I hear myself speak. And I feel like I haven't improved at anything. But I have a lot of self-defeating tendencies that I'm trying to break out of.

>> No.6470232

Fucking stop right there.
I'm tired of you stupid whores that think three hours on an elliptical is working out.

>> No.6470234

Enjoy your ED. That girl looks horrible, imo.

>> No.6470235

Then be Pro-Ana.

>> No.6470240

How is a girl going to enjoy Erectile Dysfunction?

>> No.6470239

then enjoy starving your body and gtfo.

>> No.6470244
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pic related

>> No.6470241

Eating Disorder.

>> No.6470248

Not the same anon but that doesn't look anything like >>6470212's pic. I wouldn't want to look like the girls in your pic either.

>> No.6470250

Oh. Oh of course that's what you meant.

>> No.6470251

Gaining a little muscle is not going to make you look like you have thunder thighs, especially because you're so thin to begin with.

Wear high heels or height increasing insoles.

>> No.6470249

You realize pictures like this are Photoshopped to hell? She's also wearing tights to keep her flab in control and she would look like shit in person.

I really hope you're not that stupid.

>> No.6470253
File: 33 KB, 500x474, tumblr_mbn43qH9sq1rido8mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's Floretta. She really is that thin but she is 14

>> No.6470252

This is actually pretty intresting. Maybe, just maybe i'll do it.
Ironically enough, right now i'm eating m&m's and drinking kvass because i'm bored.

>> No.6470255

I feel kind of lucky that I don't spend a lot of time around people so when I am out I don't have to refuse offered treats, or I can eat and not look anorexic at dinnertime.

I was doing pretty well on my diet earlier this year but now when I'm eating a lot less now due to just not being hungry all that often.

>> No.6470256

confirmed for thinspo tumblr fag

>> No.6470257

Yeah, I'm cutting carbs and consuming nothing but green tea or water after 4 p.m.
Exercise every day, alternate between yoga and circuit training.
I'm doing this until August (for Otakon) and I'm starting waist training after January so I can nicely wear a corset I'm getting made for one of my cosplays. It's going to be amazingly worth it.

>> No.6470259

Jesus where are her parents? Bitch needs some KFC.

>> No.6470262
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I've been working out a couple days a week (lifting and cardio) for the past few months and I've gained like five or six pounds of muscle and lost an inch off my waist! I've still got a long way to go before I meet my fitness goals but hopefully by Fanime I will have trimmed off some of my chub and toned out. Then I can be the Char I wanna be.

I gotta get better with the diet though, soda especially. I love soda, it's my favorite thing in the world. Can anyone suggest any alternatives? I know water is the obvious choice but goddamn it I love carbonated beverages best.

Good luck to everyone in their fitness endeavors!

>> No.6470266
File: 457 KB, 377x900, 1352167802537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you guys mean thinspo isn't hot


>> No.6470264

> green tea or water after 4 p.m
You don't get hungry? I'm jealous because I get my worst hunger pangs between 10pm and whenever I go to sleep (usually 1am-ish)

>> No.6470265

honestly, with enough willpower, you can refuse offers of unhealthy food and limit your calories, but I've found that an interesting way to refuse all offers of unhealthy food is simply to become vegan. As a vegan, you are basically unable to eat any fast food, most sweets, and many greasy/fatty foods.

Also, intermittent fasting works wonders. Fast/feast means that on your fast day, you'll drink tons of water (because you can't have anything else), cleansing your system and making you feel incredibly light, giving you a fresh start if you overate the previous day.

Then on feast days you'll find your appetite is pretty high; this is good. Low calorie diets only work so long without cheat days because your metabolism bottoms out.

Alternate-day intermittent fasting basically keeps your metabolism up while also cutting your calories in half. Add in exercise and good sleep and your body becomes a fat burning machine

>> No.6470271

There's thing and there's disgusting.

Guess which one you're aiming for?

>> No.6470267


that girl is literally 13-14. You can't look like that if you're an adult.

>> No.6470268

tfw 4'11'' and 180lbs.
I used to be 207 half a year ago. I'm trying, cgl.

>> No.6470269

No Sodium Seltzer. No calories (and yeah no flavor) but all the fizziness. I learned I really like the fizz but I could live without the sugary sweetness.

>> No.6470275
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Good for you, anon.

>> No.6470276
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I don't know about them russians

>> No.6470273

no one over the age of 20 thinks thinspo is hot unless they have daddy issues

>> No.6470280
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Well done, keep going

>> No.6470279


>> No.6470282
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Get drink crystals that offer no calories .

>> No.6470283

It's not daddy issues. I used to look like that but then college happened and I just want my figure back.

>> No.6470284

Cool cool, I just really love fizz too and I can live without the sugar. I really just want to turn soda into a treat thing instead of a typical drink of choice. Not only would it be a great first step at eating/drinking healthier but it'd do wonders for my teeth. I have the worst dental genetics in the world and while I haven't had any serious dental issues in ages, I still outta stay on top of it.

>> No.6470285

Then just diet if all you want to do is get smaller and not have any definition. Maybe look into K-pop star / J-Magazine diets/work outs to see how they manage their bodies.

>> No.6470289

good job anon!

>> No.6470288

You just jelly cuz she looks better than you in these clothes

>> No.6470294

Dear lord, I love these. Do you have any more?
Also, crystal light still has 5 calories per serving, and if you drink one 2 liter sleeve's worth that's still 200 calories

>> No.6470290


Just get your stuff straight and learn the exercises properly. sign up at your local gym (ymca is the cheapest) and begin your new life in lifting.

>> No.6470291

you can't, you're not a teenager anymore.

>> No.6470293

Imagine what she looks like in a bathing suit, though.

It's fine if you're naturally that thin, but when you're malnourished it's completely obvious and gross as fuck.

>> No.6470298
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>> No.6470299

I'm a guy, so I'm not jelly at all. I'm trying to keep my vomit down.

>> No.6470300

Weird, my only anorexic "friend" was adopted from Russia.

>> No.6470301
File: 479 KB, 660x3608, 1354229709465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have two more. These were comics made by an anon who browses /fit/. I happen to get these on a whim when the guy made >>6470223.

Here's a youtube version of the last one. Its best if you watch it then seeing the actual comic.


>> No.6470303

2 Quarts*
of liquid, I mean, not 2 quarts of powder.

>> No.6470309

first off, soda is terrible for you, as I'm sure you know
-diet soda is possibly worse because you think you can drink a ton with no repercussions, but the reality is it fucks with your appetite and makes you eat more, also huge risk of brain cancer
-do not drink fruit juice if you can avoid it. Always go for actual fruit, not juice. You need that fiber, and the juice takes all of it out
-milk is fine if you're into it and you drink it in moderation, but dairy is linked to problems with acne and whatnot
-tea and coffee are okaaay, just remember ALWAYS BLACK don't load your tea/coffee up with milk cream and sugar, just drink it black

tl;dr just fucking drink water, black coffee or tea is acceptable, and milk/almond milk/soymilk in moderation

>> No.6470310
File: 26 KB, 758x572, Oh+stop+it+you+_de62f12ed5358ecdbcb66fedb013f8dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons!
I find it's really important to have the people around you support you, and even changing their diet along with you. Going for walks together, etc.
My house used to be FULL of junk, but its slowly dwindling.

>> No.6470319

>if I work out i will get muscly like a guy
you will only put on muscle mass if you are eating enough calories and protein (you're not). Seriously the only thing you're doing to your body if you work out while on a weightloss diet is making your body stronger, healthier, more resistant to disease; and you're burning a fuckton of calories.

>> No.6470320
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You could just have black coffee or tea instead. But the sugar cravings, you'll have to find a way yourself to get rid of it. If you do have eating cravings, go on a EC stack see >>6470117

>> No.6470321

>You need that fiber, and the juice takes all of it out.
This is true. But some of those fruit smoothies like Naked have added fiber & minerals. I occasionally drink those if I'm REALLY craving fruit juice.

The main problem is that they have a higher glycemic index than plain fruit.

>> No.6470314
File: 299 KB, 550x850, Aspen_Splash_09_by_kamillyonsiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much my goal body. I want to look healthy and fit but I like having boobs, booty and thighs. I love my thighs as they are actually, I just want to replace any flab with muscle. I don't really get the thigh gap or having a thigh the same width of your calf obsession.

>tfw I am doing weighted lunges and barbell squats/bench press in the gym and all females look at me like I'm mentally challenged and all guys are vaguely disturbed and probably think I want to look like one of those crazy female bodybuilders.

>> No.6470316

My sides and feels have become one and morphed into something strange and new

>> No.6470322
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That's because Crystal Light has Aspartame. I'd recommend not drinking it if you're trying to lose weight.

>> No.6470327

I enjoyed books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He's sort of extreme though so not everyone will agree with him- basically the food pyramid is bullshit, you need to eat fruits, nuts, beans and vegetables, little meat and little dairy. They're still an interesting read.

>> No.6470328
File: 57 KB, 481x720, 1351538822539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt 3.14 /fit/ cosplay gf that isn't muscley but can snatch 30kg

Do some squats and deadlifts you sluts. Everybody fucking wins.

>> No.6470329

I'm not the original anon who proposed drinking crystal light, I was just saying that they still have calories.

>> No.6470330
File: 71 KB, 655x1902, 1352252621090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those skinny legs. I feel like I could grab her by the feet and start swinging her like a blunt weapon.

>> No.6470331

granted, naked smoothies are fucking delicious

just make sure it's only a treat and that you eat enough fruit (and even more veggies)

>> No.6470334

I am doing squats and DL's, but I still won't be your QT GF because you called me a slut.

>> No.6470335
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>> No.6470343
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I know that feeling too. Now I want to find a girl like that compared to girls who don't work out.

>> No.6470344

Thanks for all of these suggestions, they're pretty reasonable and I think I could switch out soda and get on the right track.

>> No.6470346

I've lost about 30 lbs since July. The hardest part is dealing with the stress of being shamed/bitched at because I don't want to get unhealthy food.

>> No.6470342
File: 341 KB, 591x900, 1349146609449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job girl, you've got the right attitude and outlook on things (i.e. hurr durr I'll just do cardio, free weights will make me look gross).

Keep it up!

pic unrelated, back is probably a little too defined for more girls' tastes on this board but fuck you bitches

>> No.6470348

anon you responded to here, I love that girls body but I doubt I could achieve it... I'll try though!

>> No.6470354

Nothing. move along

>> No.6470350
File: 33 KB, 604x694, fitfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.6470359
File: 105 KB, 818x614, DYEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ actually lifts? You guys can actually qualify as gf material, eh?
I bet those 5lb curls give you the pump.

>> No.6470358
File: 44 KB, 500x668, tumblr_mbn3ivLW6Z1rido8mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey /fit/

>> No.6470363
File: 18 KB, 240x200, tumblr_lpeycgAf6R1qetimlo1_400_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys are telling me you wouldn't fuck an adorable weak, thin and petite girl?

>> No.6470366

Sleeping with a bag of bones isn't appealing to me. Sorry.

Honestly, I'd prefer a fatty to that. At least they're cuddly.

>> No.6470367


>> No.6470368

So /cgl/ what I'm getting from this thread is if you're trying to lose weight, you must be trying to get fit or athletic. And if you're not, you're pro-ana. Is that right? Can there be a middle ground for people who just want to be thin?

>> No.6470376


>implying you don't want to suck all my gains out of me

Silly succubus, my gains belong to me.

>> No.6470377

Imagine that girl without clothes on.

Fucking GROSS, mate. Well, unless you like fucking skeletons.

>> No.6470373

In a heartbeat. But I'm a girl. So make of that what you will.

>> No.6470374

who is dat

>> No.6470375

You can just lose weight, sure. As long as you don't look like some gross female version of Slenderman

>> No.6470378

We're calling the one chick pro-ana because she's trying to look like a toothpick.

If you want to be thin that's fine.

>> No.6470385
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>> No.6470388

You can just tell how tough and unhealthy her skin is. Poor girl's parents need some sense slapped into them.

>> No.6470394

I always explain to people that the thinking of "wasting food" is really stupid.
When there is leftover food you can:
1. Force yourself to eat it. If you feel like you had enough, you probably had enough, no need for extra eating when you don't even want it.
>will end up as fat roll or basically garbage
2. Trash it.
>will end up as garbage

Of course, you might wanna cut down on the quantities, so you won't actually waste food, but when it's already in your plate, the harm is done.

But some people get real pissy about it.

>> No.6470391
File: 25 KB, 696x416, keto2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /cgl/, we're all friends here, is it true that girls like skinny DYEL guys or they just pretend to not like us fit guys as not to be seen as shallow whores?

How is the winter bulk going?

>> No.6470392

It's a bit weird how we idolize her, she'll get fat like the rest of us when she finishes puberty.

>> No.6470395


You can be thin. But the problem with most overweights is that once the pounds are gone; you'll have to deal with flabby skin, stretch marks and MAYBE looking like a skinnyfat. Getting fit/athletic is a way to give your body a good, well-defined form. If you attempt to diet without exercise, it gets hard and in most cases; the weight rebounds over a period of time.

Another great benefit for getting fit is not only losing weight, but also put your mind on the positive side and feel more motivated to do more in life (not just getting fit).

>> No.6470397

I'm pretty sure the lot of us would like a fit, attractive boyfriend, but at the same time we don't like being called whores and having our board raided on a regular basis.

Not sure if you're a troll or not, but c'mon, the reason you're getting laughed out of the building should be obvious by now.

>> No.6470404

Or you could just save it for tomorrow. Like a normal person.

>> No.6470406
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>> No.6470409

No. Those are stretchmarks.

>> No.6470410

I've read that there are 3 types of women:

>those who like a sturdy ass
>those who like thick/solid/tight legs
>those who like arms/chest combo

How accurate is this? I'm always going ATG and now i have buns of steel which put 50% of the girls in my uni to shame. Do girls really like the power of the pelvic thrust that much?

>th-thanks, rippetoe-sama

>> No.6470411
File: 33 KB, 425x566, 1334721263140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this was discussed before on /fit/.
Most skinny DYEL guys will be surrounded by women since they feel comfortable. They end up becoming friends. But fit guys generally get all the sex.

>> No.6470412

3. Put it in the fridge or freeze it.
>no need to cook next time

>> No.6470419

Honestly I prefer skinny guys. Something about muscle guys is really putting me off

>> No.6470417

And then they end up as lonely old men who die alone because no woman wants to spend the rest of their life with an asshole.

>> No.6470423

Prefer skinny guys with a little bit of muscle.

"Ottermode" as you /fit/izens like to call it.

>> No.6470424


>still thinks all /fit/ guys are assholes

Looks we've made a pretty bad impression on /cgl/, eh?

>> No.6470425


Who? The skinny guy? I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be him.

>> No.6470426

Pretty much. You have your bigoted meathead friends to blame for that.

>> No.6470431

When it's in my plate where I actually eat (steak leftovers, half a sandwich, salad, one potato), I don't usually use it as a lunch.
Sure, the leftovers from the whole meal, I keep.

>> No.6470438

so what's everyone's workout routine?

>> No.6470440
File: 38 KB, 604x694, feelingit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ pls

I'm currently courting a qt3.14 and i was wondering, wouldn't it be too corny to just take her out for a walk on a sunny winter day to the beach and buy her some hot coco? Then i would let her sit on my lap so she won't freeze her bum from the ice cold bench?

>> No.6470441

Well, obviously. But when I see somebody with a really awesome body at the beach with stretchmarks it's really inspiring, because they were probably once fat (or pregnant) and worked hard to look the way they do now.

>> No.6470447
File: 58 KB, 540x720, 1353393466004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wan to get rid of my stretchmarks Especially underneath my shoulders. They looks like white tree branches on tanned skin. the only thing I could do now is apply cocoa butter after working out.

>> No.6470452
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 41UrsNvnNkL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm...you could probably apply some of this stuff over top of it to fade them a bit. I remember talking to someone about getting rid of stretch marks and they said it works...even if it's just a little.

>> No.6470458


I'll give that a try once I'm done with my small jar of cocoa butter. But I don't think they'll disappear any time soon.

>> No.6470464

I remember reading somewhere that you can get rid of stretch marks when they're still red, but once they turn white they're permanent.

Unless you get surgery or something.

>> No.6470465

D'aww. That's perfect dear. Do it!

>> No.6470470

Being a gentleman will get you places with women. Same with having a lot of money, but being a gentleman is better.

>> No.6470478
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1323522166800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I court girls? I haven't been successful when it comes to talking to people. Even when I've lost weight and gotten fit; how do I break the ice with strangers?

>> No.6470489


I always thought girls were interested in expensive restaurants and clubs. You're actually telling me it's not true?


Met her from doing a collective group work at uni, started talking about studies and just couldn't feel like not asking her to go for a walk. C-could this be love?

>> No.6470497

You can tell by the appearance. If she dresses like a whore, don't bother with that bitch. Normal girls like romantic stuff, it's not too corny, don't worry about it. Give her all your warmth.

>> No.6470506

In the past four years I've gone from 102 pounds to 200 pounds. Kill me now. I don't take close family deaths well.

>> No.6470508

I'm trying to lose a size or two by trying to cut down on how big my portions are. And I'm planning on starting with my powerwalking again.

..I heard when it's colder around you, you lose more because the body also work with getting you warmer, is this true?

Also, is starting with powerwalking and dancing a good idea, and then you move up to going to the gym, swim and powerwalk about a month before a con?

(Sorry about my grammar and spelling, english isn't my first language..)

>> No.6470509

For the first time in months I overate a little bit and I feel like SHIT. I remember back when I overate all the time and I associated being 'full' with this sickly, uncomfortably bloated feeling. A lot of other people probably think that way, is the sad part. Its hard to condition your brain and instinct to stop eating before you physically feel full.

I just want a guy who will treat me like a human being. Not agree to everything I say and try to impress me 24/7 just to get some pussy. I knew my boyfriend was perfect for me when he made everything boring interesting somehow. We just always had something to talk about, and being with him I wasn't afraid to try things that had scared me before like skydiving or sex (both of those things were equally terrifying).

>> No.6470516
File: 39 KB, 604x694, stillfeelingit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The colder/warmer stuff is broscience, it's all about the calories in/out. Find your daily required calorie intake (google calorie calculators) and eat 250/500 cals less. One kilogram of fat has ~7500 calories. Going on a 1000 calorie deficit means you'll be losing roughly 1kg/week, but it's not east to do. My advice is stick to 500cal daily deficit. Powerwalking/dancing (a.k.a cardio) will just increase the amount of calories burned, but if you can, do it nonetheless.


Th-thanks, /cgl/...

>> No.6470520
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm out of school and unemployed at the moment. The best I could do is meet people at conventions (not for another 5-6 months) or hit a club or nightbars. This is embarrassing.

>> No.6470525

Sadly, you cannot get rid of stretchmarks through any cream. Learn to love them, almost every single person has them.

>> No.6470526
File: 206 KB, 378x397, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't afraid to try things that had scared me before like skydiving or sex
>like skydiving or sex

>> No.6470527

>Lose 50 pounds from 242
>Gain 10 pounds
>"Fuck if I'm going to my old weight", exercise and eat less
>Lose 6 pounds according to scale
>Still feel like I haven't lost anything

I know it's too early to expect results but it doesn't feel like it does last time I was at this weight.

>> No.6470531

What about local cons or meetups? Also, work on getting a job.

>> No.6470540

haters gonna hate.

>> No.6470549


There's an /a/ meetup in my city on the 15th. I'l probly go to that even though its a sausage fest. The last job I worked at was at a bakery but I quit because of bad hours. I'm going to get some forklift training next week and hopefully find a decent full-time work til then. I don't mind my lifestyle when I'm working out 3-4 times a week but its killing me that I feel awkward in a social situation.

>> No.6470557

I guess this is kinda related, so here goes.
I receive a lot of messages from people who look up to me, so I feel like I can't share it on a public place but I need to get it off my chest. I'm afraid I'm having an eating disorder in the making, lately the way I perceive the size of my body just got worse, I feel like I'm getting fatter and flabbier when in reality I've lost weight.

Food is getting more problematic, I don't count calories or knowingly restrict food, but breakfast and lunch are just something I force down my throat, something that's mandatory and not something I enjoy anymore. Dinner is heading that way too, pretty much the only thing I really enjoy eating is soup or anything vegetable or fruit. Other food just makes me feel disgusting.

I can't talk to anyone about it, my family would just dismiss it

>> No.6470564
File: 143 KB, 729x678, 1326588528590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dealing with the same problems, OP! ugh, holiday time is the absolute worse! Especially with all of the sweets, I have a huge sweet tooth so it can be hard to resist! It's even harder currently because I've been having knee problems with my left knee... And then recently I got really sick! Problems left and right!

SW: 155 lbs
CW: 131.8 lbs
GW: 115 lbs

Right now every day I bike for at least 30 minutes a day. Normally, I also do a 5-10 min thing of cardio exercises, and then I'll do 5-7 minutes focusing on a certain body part, like arms, legs, abs, ect. But I've been skipping out on the 5-10 min cardio exercises because of my knee... I'm getting an elliptical this Sunday! SO excited to wear that thing into the ground.

Eating wise, I try to eat anywhere between 1200-1400 calories a day, with 1200 my usual goal. It's easy when people aren't bringing home cakes and cookies every day, but when they do... It can be really hard since I have no self control. OP, if you really can't resist, the best thing to do would be to grab a really small piece of whatever you're offered. Or go on some website and look at motivational /fit/ posters. Those tend to help me when I REALLY want to binge on something. Other things I do are drink a lot of water before eating it, and then eating it slowly and in tinier bites so I fill up quicker and eat less/feel more satisfied with my tiny piece. Good luck!

>> No.6470570
File: 61 KB, 228x640, Risty.344055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just something I need to get off my chest:

I have noticed there is this trend that while most fat people think they can't cosplay anything and look good, most skinnyfat chicks think they CAN cosplay anything and look good.

My skinnyfat friends always go on about how they look so hot as these comicbook girls yet they don't have any real tits, asses or thighs and their midsections and arms are flabby. Yet they do all these fit as fuck amazonian women and think they're gods gift to cosplay. To me thats equally as ridiculous looking, which is why I'm lifting.

>oh anon I know you want to cosplay this character you love but I have the perfect body for her so I'm going to do it!

No. No you don't. And yes I am a jelly ex-fatty who is sick of seeing flabby skinny girls acting superior. Picture very related.

>> No.6470567

>People keep touting the diet soda is shit theory
>No sources to back it up
>People keep claiming studies done decades ago where dumb people overate because they thought the diet soda gave them free license to do so

Sure is a bunch of sisscience here. Jesus. Coke Zero is not bad. If it really made you gain weight I wouldn't have lost 50 pounds on it. There are too many variables that can lead to cancer; red meat, grilling, overabundance of non-vegetable fiber, living near a coal plant, the sun, all these cause cancer. Aspartame has not been proven to cause brain cancer. In some individuals it does have some side effects, but there are riskier things that people engage in and consume that are far less dangerous than diet drinks. At least the guys in /fit/ actually try to back up their shit with studies

>> No.6470568

You should see a therapist or something. Eating disorders suck, and a lot of times they just lead to weight gain in the end, if not death (in extreme cases).

>> No.6470574

Go, take it as a training in being social. If you can talk to a guy, you can talk to a girl!
Good luck with that forklifting.

>> No.6470576
File: 59 KB, 844x409, 7897098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my biggest problem with losing weight/getting fit is that I'm constantly told I have a great body so it's hard to get motivated and actually do anything ... I'm just hourglass shaped with big boobs so guys are always complimenting me/hitting on me ..... so yeah I look great in clothes but flabby as fuck out of them like Kim Kardashian

Pic related what I look like on left vs my dream body on right

>> No.6470578

ugh so jelly

dat hourglass shape

>> No.6470584
File: 30 KB, 311x311, 1354727700405[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking good already, but if you want to get rid of the muffin top, lose a few more bodyfat %. It's actually hard for women since you biologically maintain a higher bodyfat percentage. Try experimenting with keto, works wonders for cuts.

>> No.6470587

The connections on the back and front panty fabric are digging into your skin. Not a good sign of being the right size. You have a good foundation; I just think that for your benefit you should do strength training (to tighten up your skin). Has the added bonus of giving you a nicer butt.

>> No.6470590

Does anyone else own/not own scales?

I am considering buying some but I am scared I will become addicted to weighing myself and therefore see little difference. I currently go into a store once a week and weigh myself so I can see how successful that week was.

>> No.6470594


Hey. show them skinnyfats whose boss anon.

>> No.6470596
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_meg1oxVBuv1qm5meto1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are no shortcuts. It's never about strength, it's about persistence. Weeks can pass you won't be able to lose weight, it isn't something that happens over a month unless you're starving yourself. If you want to be healthy, a slow, steady deficit is the only way to go.
You girls have it east, just don't eat like a hippo and watch your calories.

>> No.6470595

Can't, my doctor would have to send me to one and he never takes me seriously either.

>> No.6470597

I have one. Checking daily is pointless. Water weight, the time you do it during the day, etc are so many factors for daily weighing.

Do it biweekly (or weekly if you must).

>> No.6470598

I haven't weighed myself since I started losing weight 5 months ago. I feel like I might lose my motivation if the number isn't as low as I think it is.

>> No.6470600

thanks for the tips .... I have been doing SS for 4 weeks now but like I said in the above post it's hard to keep on a diet when people constantly tell me I look good already ... I'm like well I look good so why not eat 3 slices of pizza today? .... junk food is my weakness ... working out is no problem though

>> No.6470605


Do you workout or go to the gym? You could use their scales without buying one. Remember to learn how to measure yourself for weight loss instead of going on the scale. Its a better indicator if you've lost weight compared to standing on a scale. You'll most likely weigh the same but turned your bodyfat into muscle.


>> No.6470607


Not sure if trolling.

>listening to what others have to say

People will tell you that you look good to keep you from looking better, you should understand this as a girl.

If you want to eat junk food, you can have a cheat day once a week to reward yourself for your efforts. Just eat fruit - tasty and gives all kinds of gains.

>> No.6470609

I know this is really bad, but I am sort of glad that I had the stomach flu during Thanksgiving. I had been not really watching what I was eating prior to getting sick and I'd put on a bit of weight.

I'm not considering purging as a solution or anything (I hated every second of being sick), I am just sort of finding a bright side? I dunno. I'm back on track now. I just have to survive the holidays for the cons I want to go to afterwards.

I need to actually come up with a weight lifting regimen though. My ass is flat and my arms are kinda gross.

>> No.6470610

I exercise, but not at a gym and diet.
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look.

>> No.6470613


What's wrong with SS. Its a perfect strength training program. See here:


>> No.6470618
File: 30 KB, 247x248, 1354734669594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sides!

Anyway, SS is pretty good for chicks, just remember to go ATG to hit them glutes and achieve glorious ass status.

>> No.6470637

I have the best excuse to not accept treats ever.

>Hey anon do you want some pie/cake/cookie/brownies/etcetc
>Oh i'm sorry, i'm severely lactose intolerant (i am)
>But theres no milk in 'insert treat here'!
>There might be. i don't want to risk it.
>Okay anon!

Seriously. i can even go to potlucks and get away with eating nothing but a little steak and veggies. I can't even have most breads.

Either say your doctor says you have a milk sensitivity, or something else like that. or even flat out blanket lie and say you have food allergies and don't want to risk it. People don't push when they think it'll get them in trouble.

>tfw my weakness is baking dairy-free confections and eating them all by myself

>> No.6470645
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You miss, are a genius. I am so going to use this.

>MFW I will take a cookie this week, pretend to get violently ill and claim new intolerance to avoid the office whale's dessert buffet.

>> No.6470655

You don't even need to get violently ill. just say you feel really sick to your stomach or something and say you've been experiencing this for a while and think you might be allergic to 'something'.

Come back the next day and say your doctor says you have a food intolerance.

Seriously, milk is in EVERYTHING. milk, cream, buttermilk, milk fat, non-fat milk powder, whey, casein, butter, butter fat, butter fat oil, cheese, etc.

Shits ridiculous.

>> No.6470674
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ITT: Gorgeous plus-size lolitas.

>> No.6470681


>> No.6470684
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get that shit outta here.

>> No.6470695

Hugely obese anon here.
SW: 222
CW: 175
GW: 115
I still have a lot to lose. It feels like an impossible task a lot of the time but i'm glad I started caring about myself and my body.

This is a really good plan. I usually say I've already eaten or am feeling ill, but this is much better, thanks anon!

Pretty but make a plus loli thread instead of posting them here.

>> No.6470698


could you tell me what those dimensions are?

>> No.6470702

Dimensions? if you mean the abbreviations it's just Start Weight, Current Weight and Goal Weight and mine are in pounds. sometimes people have an Ultimate Goal Weight as well.

>> No.6470706


Okay thanks anon. What's your routine so far? How long have you been cutting?

>> No.6470708

probably just water wait from eating less sodium. (sorry to burst your bubble anon)

>> No.6470712

no problem.
My routine has been pretty basic. I started running three times a week, biking the other four and walking everywhere I need to go.
I keep my calorie intake at or under 1200 with lean meat and veggies. It's been seven months since I started.

>> No.6470720


That's a good cut without str training. Keep going at it.

>> No.6470722
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That's a pretty steady progress if you ask me.
Mind telling me what you drink?

>> No.6470724

Today I donated blood and you know how they give you free cookies, right? I haven't had sweets in ages and I inhaled those cookies. Then I started coughing, with tears running down my eyes and sphagetti everywhere. Girls were staring at me trying not to laugh. UGH

>> No.6470730
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damn, I personally don't think I could do that Cal intake. I mean, I lift weights and I its hard enough to keep a 2000 calorie intake with a cut without stuff my face. I also wanna lift heavy weights to become juicy.

>> No.6470734
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>I also wanna lift heavy weights to become juicy

>> No.6470736

That sounds like an excellent plan. I eat quite healthy outside of work, but god, work is a complete minefield to get through.

>stressful work environment selling stuff and dealing with shitty customers all day
>other girls buy blocks of chocolate to share around and get shitty if you don't help them finish it
>really nice customers bring us gifts, mainly gift baskets of chocolate
>my store is really successful so we get treated to group dinners quite frequently

But seriously, I hate it when people are like "YOU GOTTA HELP ME FINIIISH IT, I DON'T WANT TO GET FAT". Well don't fucking buy it in the first place.

>> No.6470739

I personally find it easiest to just lift a ton, and not worry about food. Weight loss is a combined effort between what you eat and what you work off. If you're gonna eat more, you'd better work out more. It also helps if you're getting enough sleep each day. Lifting is way more effective in helping me lose weight, moreso than cardio, but that's just me.
In other words, eat like everyone else would on Xmas/New Years, then work your ass off for the next following 2 weeks. You can do it!

>> No.6470745

I'm 5'2 and 104 pounds and I exercise a lot so I'm not skinnyfat at all and I look 'slim', but I get seriously jealous of those really skinny cute bodies all the time, like 90 pounds and under. Anybody else the same size feel the same?

>> No.6470748

If you like fizz, but don't want soda calories, get a soda stream! You can make your own flovorings pretty easily. I make them for my husband with Splenda and stevia (if you're worried about aspartame) pretty successfully. Or just add a couple tablespoons of some fresh-squeezed juice.

>> No.6470751


got a problem with that?

>> No.6470755

I think that might be his "do want" face.

>> No.6470760
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>girls wanting to get swole
>still hope for /cgl/

>> No.6470762

5' 8" and 125 lb here, I know that feel. I like my body, and I look good, but it's hard not to get jealous of Korean pop singers bodies. Ugh.

>> No.6470769

>That feeling when 125 and looking great for months
>Fall/cold weather rolls around
>Put on 15 lbs in 2 months
>ALA is in one month ;_;
I was gonna do a cleanse but I thought it over because I'd probably just put back on any weight I'd lose.
I'm just going to stick with cutting junk food and fast food out of my eating regimen.
Is it possible to lose 10 lbs in a month?

>> No.6470778
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>~34 000 calories
>at 500cal deficit ~70 days
>at 1000cal deficit ~35 days

Quite possible

>> No.6470779


calorie deficit diet and exercise plus EC stack. Be warned anon.

>> No.6470787
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get SWOLE you fat motherfuckers!

>> No.6470788
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>> No.6470790
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never listen to jelly niggers trying to slow you down with their "kindness" and "concern"

>> No.6470797

>implying having loose skin isn't preferable to a huge gut

>> No.6470796
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get aesthetic, get shredded, but also get some style in clothes and hair

>> No.6470798

So I've looked at gyaru model body measurements and they're all around 22-23 inches around the waist. The biggest I've seen is around 25in. How does that happen? I don't wanna run around yelling "anorexic" but seriously? Even if they are around 5'2" that's crazy thin.

>> No.6470799
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>> No.6470801

they're lying
they're young
they're petite

>> No.6470806

>implying they're gonna get huge and not just thick in in all the right parts

>> No.6470814

lol at you, strong fictional scenario
see that old construction site worker who goes to pubs and has been married for 30 years to his wife with his 3 kids? yeah, he's that "asshole", while you're the nice guy whose wife is frustrated and cranky and whose kids don't respect him

>> No.6470817

>allowed in unlimited amounts
yeah nah you're a cunt, a calorie is a calorie

>> No.6470818
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>getting big

I think our hated term "toned" may apply in this situation.

>> No.6470820

never ask nerds what nerds like, they have really warped ideas about real life

>> No.6470822

>tfw you know this might be your future


>> No.6470824

Nah, I do get hungry, but I just drink more tea and then try to get to sleep as fast as possible so I can drink tea again (I adore tea) and also eat.

>> No.6470828

or you could be a mix of the two

sorry to contribute to a dumb troll conversation, but sometimes i dont get why some people think that the whole asshole/nice guy thing is so black and white, when i know way more guys who are a mix of the two then just one.

>> No.6470831
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Please tell me the tea is without sugar

>> No.6470833

Why? the best time to eat is actually at midday and evening, just skip breakfast. Just find out how many calories you're supposed to eat in the day, pre plan your meals and voila, eat at night.
you people are crazy, it's the best feeling to eat at 8 and go to sleep satiated

>> No.6470837
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Here's some inspiration

>> No.6470839


I have a 22.5 inch waist and I'm 5'2 and I don't even look super skinny. Height makes a huge difference.

>> No.6470842

SIX YEARS to do that? That can be easily done in a bit more than 1

>> No.6470847

glad you think so, I've been getting pretty down on myself lately.

sure. I drink at least 2 litres of water every day, sometimes with 500ml of that being Crystal Light. when i'm really craving it, i have Coke or Sprite Zero, but that's only about twice a week. at first drinking so much water was tough, but now it feels totally normal.

>> No.6470846

You think this stuff is bad, try living with a guy.

My boyfriend is one of those freaky tall guys who never gains weight no matter what.

He will not eat any savory meal unless it contains about a pound of cheese and he eats approximately his own weight in sweets every day.

Also, know what's weird? People do all the food pushing and "don't lose weight you're cute!" shit even if you are really fat and they're really skinny. Like I'm the size of PT and my coworkers who are tiny still do that shit to me and it's like "WAT?"

>> No.6470851

it's because people don't want to deal with the inevitable hurt feelings and personal vendettas women would hold if someone said "Good for you that you've finally started, wish you luck and perserverance!"

>> No.6470855
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Nice job, keep on doing that and by summer you should be real close to your goal weight

>> No.6470853

Nope. It's sweet tea.
Kidding, kidding. Of course no sugar. That would be very awful and stupid.
Is it really? I always heard breakfast was the best time to eat. I eat my largest meal then and slowly shrink my meals.
Eh, regardless, I like feeling empty when I wake up in the morning.

>> No.6470861

I've never understood this theory, unless first world problems.

Like, if you're all "Baaaww I don't have a bf!" I guess you could change your thinking about it.

But if you're like me and are all "Bawww how will I make my rent this month when I got laid off from my third job and goddamn it this happens every single time I almost pull myself out of the hole!"

How is me thinking "Yay! I get to run around and beg more total assholes to give me money to do things and I will have to pretend to be upper middle class and happy to be offered a 6 hour a week job while doing it! I'm so awesome, this is an opportunity!" going to help?

>> No.6470864

but of those thoughts are negative though

>> No.6470866

you don't need to eat breakfast. when you're working, the time between 8 and 12 flies by and by 12 you'll be hungry no matter if you've had breakfast or not. Unfit people actually have a bigger sugar sensitivity so you get hungry earlier in the morning.
Try it. Skip breakfast, then it well at lunch and dinner, you'll see that it'll feel much better and you won't even have to remember to control yourself in the evening (since you've eating anyway). But eat inside your calorie limit, of course

>> No.6470874

Go to a medical authority or at least a book written by one. Do not get health advice form 4chan.

>> No.6470880


I suggest you guys to read about insulin spikes, especially the ones in the morning.
Once you wake up after ~8 hours of sleep, your insulin levels are elevated due to demand of energy by your body. If you have your largest meal during breakfast, excess cals can go be stored back as glycogen and as fat. While this may be good for muscle recovery, it may not be so good for cutting/dieting. I'd suggest having a lighter breakfast and spread out your cals throughout the day.

>> No.6470886

that's what I've been saying, that breakfast should be forgone
>good for muscle recovery
u wot m8? unless you're eating proteins in the morning, that glycogen ain't gonna do shit for your muscles

>> No.6470891


>primary body fuel won't do shit for muscles
Do you even ATP?

>> No.6470897

I get so guilty after binging that I don't eat for days or limit my calories to less than 200 a day for weeks. and can barely get out of bed. Does anybody have any advice for stopping the habit of binging? I feel really terrible because I can't eat normally.

>> No.6470899

Wait, so if I eat only lean protein in the morning I'll be fine? Or will it still be stored as fat? I eat only lean protein in the morning (salmon or egg whites + one yolk)

>> No.6470902


You're starving yourself anon. What are you doing! go see a doctor or something!

>> No.6470905

they won't do shit for muscle recovery since MUSCLES consist of proteins, but the fuel is simple carbs (which can be derived from fat and protein anyway)
so yeah, unless you're eating protein, you ain'T doing shit for your muscles

>> No.6470908
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Nothing gets stored as fat in the morning, it's all about your total calories and not about the timing of the meals, your body is in a constant state of storing and releasing fat anyway. It's just that if you eat the last time at 8pm and the next meal is at noon, your body has a longer period of time in which to actually release that fat. Incidentally, you would be doing Intermittent Fasting by doing that. But it still matters how many calories total you eat in a day

>> No.6470914

Okay, put it another way. Say I had, I dunno...a broken leg.

Thinking happy thoughts about the broken leg does not pay my medical bills. Thinking happy thoughts about the broken leg does not give me the ability to walk.

How does this actually assist me in any way?

What I'm saying is that if you have legit, nonfirst world problems, thinking happy thoughts is not going to solve them, and feeling beholden to think happy thoughts and worrying that feeling negative emotions is somehow making your life worse is not going to fix anything.

When I'm angry, I listen to Punk, PostPunk, and rriot girl bands and sing along. Then I felt my anger. The problem I have with emotions is sorrow/fear. I "eat" those feelings because I'm not allowed to express them in a healthy way. I want to know how pretending nothing is wrong will be better. Isn't that what comfort food is?

>> No.6470915

So just keep doing what I'm doing then?

>> No.6470925

Eating breakfast? Tl;dr just read this if you want a good explanation on why you don't need/probably shouldn't http://www.leangains.com/2012/06/why-does-breakfast-make-me-hungry.html

I can follow his advice or not, I don't really care you know? Just offering you a shortcut

>> No.6470923
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>> No.6470931

campus had some bake sale going on. cookies, pastries, and etc being shoved at me for a fundraiser. I dont want your cookies. I dont want your soul less store bought cupcakes either.
But if I dont want something I just say no. If they persist I'm able to say "No god dammit. Phuck off."
because my friends arent sensitive.
>tfw laying down
>friend comes over and starts poking tummy
>resist the urge to slap her shit
>"its so soft and squishy" she says, obviously making a fat comment
>"thats because its fat you dumb bitch"
>she stops
My friends are assholes. BUT I used to be the "fat friend" of the group. heh...not anymore.
>tfw all your friends gain weight while you lose weight

As for my parents friends, I kindly decline saying that I just ate.

As far as cosplay goes, I dont think Ive ever had it in my head to change my weight for a character.

>> No.6470932
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/fit/izen popping by to say I'm so god damn proud of you all. Keep losing, keep lifting.

>> No.6470936
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>> No.6470938

I'm 5'3 and about 155. I used to hit the gym at least 3 times a week, but there was an incident and I let my membership lapse. I wish I could afford a treadmill for home because I get really bored running outside even with my ipod going, at least at the gym I could read a book/magazine or even keep up on TV shows.

I'm a boredom eater, but I'm trying to eat healthier snacks and drink water instead of eating - hard to do when I just moved back in with my parents and my mom's back in coddle "YOU NEED TO EAT" mode.

I've been trying Insanity with my ex-military boyfriend, and I'm hoping to drop 20 pounds by June.

>> No.6470940

During depression, I comfort ate all day err day and ballooned up to 245 pounds. That was a year and a half ago and today I weight 145 pounds. Feels great man. Something that annoys me though is that fat friends and relatives ask for help but never listen. I've told them that it was all calorie restriction, weight lifting and long walks, but still they always go for those retarded crash diets where you eat 500 kcal per day worth of soups/meal replacements. A friend of mine ordered some dangerous and illegal diet pills from the internet, and when I asked him why the hell he would do that after I've told him how to lose weight safely, he just got annoyed and changed the subject. Losing weight is so painless and straightforward, yet most people choose to starve and hurt themselves and give money to scammers... why?

>> No.6470943
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If what you are doing works for you and you are losing weight, then there is no point in changing something that isn't broken.
You can listen to >>6470925 and experiment and see which method could work better for you.

Muscles are made from proteins, but protein do not just magically make muscle. First proteins are broken down to amino acids, then absorbed. After the amino acids reach the cell, only there using ATP energy they are made into new cellular proteins which induce cell growth.
Carbs can not be derived from far/protein. Carbs are essentially broken down to glucose which feeds the whole body. So carbs are the primary energy source.
If you take an excess of protein, a.k.a have more amino acids than you need, then part of those amino acids are derived to glucose, other half to ketone bodies.
If you want to rely on energy completely on protein/fat, then you enter ketosis during which you do not have any glucose from carbs available, so the body uses fat and amino acids to make new body fuel.

>> No.6470942

Ah, well thank you! I'll check it out.

>> No.6470945

>not allowed to express them in a healthy way
How about talking about it to friends? Family? The internets? Ranting does help.
>thinking happy thoughts is not going to solve them
Neither won't moping around.

>> No.6470960

Because they want the easy way out, where you can easily see fast results. They see on TV celebrities that crop up a month later with a whole new body, and they think if it's humanly possible, they can do it fast with the results they want.

I gained so much during my depression too. It only made things extremely worse till I finally I said enough. In the process I got myself back in college and found a stable job.

>> No.6471046

Droppin' science on that muthafucka. Hell yeah.

>> No.6471075

I really appreciate your concern. I've been to my doctor and am on anti-depressants and anxiety tablets, but they don't help at ll. I feel like if I could stop binging I wouldn't starve myself. I'm 98lbs at 5'4 and i still get my period, etc, so i don't think i am really that sick. (to the point where i could get any more help than i already am). So IDK. But I am trying quite hard to get better.

>> No.6471080
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Just your basic biochem knowledge

Anyway, it's nice to hear you seagulls are actually liftan' and dietan', keep up the good work and make /fit/ proud

>> No.6471190

oh my god this, all of this.
I hate it when people offer me fatty foods and i decline and they look at me like I'm weird then it's "oh anon are you sure you're eating?"
"anon you've stopped taking seconds and thirds of every meal are you starving yourself?"

>> No.6471374
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Hey listen.That insanity workout or any other Zumba or crossfit workout is complete nonsense. Let this picture explain why. You're better off doing 5km running and Starting Strength to lose weight.

>> No.6471387


Anti-depressants? Holy shit, get off of that and start jogging and get on a clean bulk. Someone like you shouldn't be on that for God's sake! You not need a physical workout, but a mental one too@

>> No.6471518

Exactly. Plus every fucking magazine has unrealistic results listed as a means to get people to buy their shitty book of advertisements and crappy articles. Loose 20lbs in 2 weeks! Loose 12 inches in a week every week!!!!11 I've been at this for about 2 months and I've lost 2 inches off my measurements and 15lbs. That's too long! It's not instant results! Plus everyone thinks they can just target fat loss in specific areas. To the general populace, loosing weight means eating just veggies, jogging like crazy all day, and doing all this difficult work, but it pays off really fast. It. doesn't. work. that. way. And we have greedy corporations to blame for it.

>> No.6471934


No gigantor, you will never be a kawaii petite korean idoru girl.

>> No.6471987
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I don't understand why this is so hard for people. If you actually want to lose weight for cosplay, just stop fucking eating so much. Portion control isn't hard. Take your average meal and cut it in half--you can have sweets, just have like 1/2 the amount you usually would. If that doesn't work go on a budget. Its amazing how you can learn to control your appetite when you simply don't have the money to buy food.
Other then that just do some basic core work & cardio--its not that hard

>> No.6472969

She looks pretty normal for a fourteen year old? I was way skinnier than that when I was fourteen, and I was bigger than a lot of my friends. She looks fine; you can't see her ribs or anything, so it's cool.

Or maybe I just live in an area that's full of closet anorexics. I don't think so, though.

>> No.6474546

I've looked online before, but I never know what can be considered a good work out routine and what is just bullshit. Are there any good at-home routines that will help me gain a glorious ass/tummy/thighs?

>> No.6474797

I think the anti-depressants are for the "root cause" or whatever which is supposed to be depression. I do hate taking them but considering how much of a mess I am, it might be for the best! What is a clean bulk? I don't really want to put on weight but I don't want to lose any more either.

>> No.6476300

Listen, anyone who feels they can't turn down sweets has clearly not got enough of a backbone. I personally cultivate and encourage rumors that I am only fond of spicy orbitter-flavored foods and drinks. Only ever drink black coffee in public, offer to share your 99% dark chocolate, add lemon juice to things, complain that non-Granny-Smith apples are "awfully mild", etc. You can also sweetly claim that "... but my sister/SO/mother LOVES sweet things! I'll pass it along to them." (And then trash it.)

Honestly, being polite in the face of attempts to sabotage your diet requires some fibbing.