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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6449419 No.6449419 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a general beauty general thread going? One that encompasses hair care, clothing, skin care, overall health and makeup.

Post requests for advice here or simply share your experiences and knowledge.

>> No.6449430
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I'm really keen on receiving some hair advice but I'll dump some relevant material first.

>> No.6449433
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>> No.6449437
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>> No.6449443
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>> No.6449448
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Invest in a good foundation.

I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend Dior Nude Skin.

>> No.6449447
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>> No.6449449
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>> No.6449450

What's a good foundation for someone with an oily complection?

>> No.6449482

I have a lot of trouble with my hair. It's a little shorter than shoulder length, and I usually straighten it because when I let it dry naturally it's wavy but it's also like, super frizzy. I think it's frizzy because of bleach damage and heat damage.
I've been using a heat protectant for some time, and hair masks, nice shampoos and conditioners and they don't seem to help.
I've tried oils and light gels and stuff to tame the frizz but that doesn't do anything, so I feel like I'll be in this cycle of "it's damaged so I'll straigten it then it's damaged so I'll straighten it" forever..

>> No.6449492
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>> No.6449493
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>> No.6449499
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>> No.6449496
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Well, the hair advice I'm after. I dyed my hair black about 2 months ago now after a moment of madness. I really liked it to begin with, but being competely honest, the colour is way too harsh for my skintone and is probably what is contributing towards my "gray" appearance.

My natural colour is the same as Taylor Swifts, who's the only celebrity I can think of that is nearest enough to me. Not going to lie, but I always thought my natural colour was dull and boring so I dyed it for many years, until I first saw Dakota's picture posted to /cgl/ before all the drama, and she really does carry the tone beautifully.
It's making me really want to go back to my original colouring... but now I haven't got a fucking clue to have to do it with all this black on my hair and "IN" my eyebrows (not a smart move looking back).

Do you think I should keep the black? And most importantly... if I go natural, HOW the hell do I do it?

Please help ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>> No.6449500
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>> No.6449503

Didn't your hair fall out from dying it too much?

>> No.6449501
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>> No.6449505

For someone who's just starting out using makeup properly for cosplay and lolita reasons, what should I invest in as basic things?

>> No.6449506
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>> No.6449507

If you only have one or two small pimples here and there, is it really necessary to wear foundation/BB Cream to cons?
Eventually it melts off and my skin feels disgusting. Are there any brands that DON'T do this? Right now I use Etude House BB Cream.

>> No.6449508


BB cream and perhaps a nice nude/neutral lip color.

>> No.6449509
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>> No.6449510

White eyeliner, black eyeliner, foundation/powder, falsies, mascara.

>> No.6449519

concealer, a good foundation, nice neutral palette (think urban decay's Naked), liquid eyeliner, good mascara, blush, and something for lips ( i prefer lipstain)

>> No.6449517


No, I thought it was that originally but later I was diagnosed with Alopecia so I ended up cutting my hair into a pixie cut and buying a wig. The weird thing is that I haven't had a "bought" of Alopecia since I was like 9, but I don't know much about it to be honest, just that mine is stress related.

>> No.6449527


It sounds like your foundation is too thick, it shouldn't be doing that full stop.

>> No.6449531

I have the same colour as you, dyed mine black too although the black suits me.

If you've only dyed it once I would suggest going to a hairdresser and having it assessed. The way they would approach it (And I have in the past) is a colour stripper with a bleach over the top. Heavy protein treatment and letting your hair rest for a few days is important.

Then go get the closest colour you can find to your natural hair and put it through. The good thing is you're not a super light blonde so you won't need a very strong bleach, or to leave it on long enough to completely destroy your hair. There will be damage but not as much as if you were going from black to white.

>> No.6449535

Similar situation over here, but my natural color is dark brown and it was originally really thick. I dye it (40 volume + clairol) once every 2 months or so to a golden blonde, and it feels a bit thinner to me nowadays. My dad has stress-related alopecia so I'm really paranoid about it happening to me... Will egg oil help my hair get thicker again? I also straighten every two days with Moroccan oil. Also, do hair masks really work?

>> No.6449534

Hello? Anything?

>> No.6449537

Revlon Colorstay for Oily Skin

>> No.6449540


Thank yooouuu!
What's the difference between BB Cream and Foundation, really?

>> No.6449542

dat mascara. wat.

>> No.6449543

Bleaching and dying will always fuck with your hair, it's getting thinner because of that.

Egg masks will probably help, coconut oil too. The only real way to fix it is to stop bleaching.

>> No.6449547
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I have oily skin and I find it really helps if you use a primer before putting on foundation. I use Bare Minerals Prime Time, and I really recommend it. Also, their translucent powder for setting is super nice. I carry it with me so if my face ever starts to produce a sheen, I can just brush it on and it goes away. Hope that helps!

>> No.6449549

So /cgl/ I am a girl who has never worn much makeup -- just occasional concealer and some eyeliner when I was in my 14-year-old omg goffik phase. But now I want to get into it seriously, but I have no idea where to start. I plan on spending most of my Christmas money this year investing in products to start, but the problem is I don't even know what products to get. I've been reading beauty blogs and watching youtube videos but I'm still lost. Foundation, moisturizer, BB cream, cleanser, primer, concealer, powder, bronzer, contour powder, primer, loose eyeshadow, compact eyeshadow, pencil eyeliner, liquid liner, gel liner, mascara, lip pencils, lip color, lip gloss...? and like 398439283 kinds of brushes. What do I ACTUALLY need to get started? Can someone direct me to a guide to very basic makeup kit staples and getting started with this stuff? Please and thank you.

>> No.6449553

A good foundation, a good concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss.

Wouldn't recommend the lipstick until you're comfortable with looking made up. Same with eyeshadow. You can add those both later.

>> No.6449561

Shit I just realized somebody asked almost the EXACT same question further up. I'm sorry guys. Still if anyone has any helpful links for me and other person, they'd be appreciated

>> No.6449563

Thank you for the advice. Is there no way to counteract the bleach effectively otherwise? Vitamins, specific foods? I never want to be brunette again, man

>> No.6449566

Thank you!

>> No.6449571

I just did the same a few months ago. I talked to a girl who worked at Sephora and I gotta say, she really helped me get going gradually. Not sure how others on this board will take that, but I would say it's worth a shot.

>> No.6449578
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Super, super basics:
-Eyeshadow Primer
-Foundation Primer
-Foundation (BB Cream or other)
-Eyeshadow Palette of natural colors (Brown hues, golds)
-Black or brown eyeliner
-Tinted lip balm
-Foundation brush
-Blush brush
-Bronzer brush
-Small kit of eyeshadow brushes

Not listing what lip wear to get because God knows there are over 9,000 kinds and for now, a tinted balm should be plenty since you already have a lot of other stuff to get. I'd consider these the basics. Just make sure you get good quality products and really try things out before buying so you can get the right colors, shades, etc. Stick to neutrals as far as liners and eyeshadows go for now so you can get the hang of things. I'd suggest something like the pic related, since these colors work with all eye colors. Also, MAKEUP REMOVER. Don't forget that, haha. You'll never get all that gunk off at the end of the day without it.

Good luck!

>> No.6449577

Haha, yeah, I'm the other anon and I'm in pretty much the same place as you, all raccoon eyes at age fourteen, and now there's a jungle of products and brands and brushes and... stuff.

>> No.6449579

Invest in a very good leave in protein treatment and maybe even visit a hairdresser to do that for you. They tend to have better quality stuff. Get your hair trimmed regularly, don't heatstyle if you can help it and yeah, the egg mask and coconut oil will help.

There are the other obvious things like only dying your roots etc but I'm sure you know that already.

>> No.6449584

That sounds like it's going on way too thick. Have you possibly considered a finishing loose powder on top of that? I love Too Faced Primed & Poreless.

>> No.6449602

I was about to make a thread somewhat like this, but here's my question -

I'm getting eye surgery done soon, so my options for eye makeup will be limited - I can't have too much going around my eye for awhile. Contacts, mascara and lower-eye eyeliner are right out. Does anyone have any ideas so I don't look too incredibly stupid?

>> No.6449607

If you want to make your eyes stand out a little bit more but not disturb the area you had surgery on, maybe just wear a little bit of eyeliner on your top lip? That can actually make a much bigger difference than you'd think~

>> No.6449612

Thank you so much

>> No.6449613

Should I take the upper-lid eyeliner all the way across the lid, then? That's a pretty solid idea, thanks!

>> No.6449614

Yeah, just to add a little definition. No problem, and good luck with your surgery!

>> No.6449619

what kind of eye surgery are you getting?

>> No.6449626

Hi, what sort of eye surgery are you having done? I've had laser eye surgery and removal of cysts. The cysts, I was able to wear make up the next day. The laser eye surgery, I was told to leave it a week minimum. Best thing to do is ask the surgeon. If you're not meant to wear mascara, eye liner on the top lid might not be a good idea as it presses closer than you think.

>> No.6449628

Cataract removal/eye lens replacement surgery, actually. I was born with them, and it's finally time to remove them. It's made sewing/cosplaying/general life really difficult, so I'm stoked! But it's not like normal LASIK surgery, overall recovery will take some time. Just happens to fall during a con, heh.

>> No.6449630

Ask your doctor. Better to give your eyes their perfect amount of healing time than risk it for the sake of feeling a bit barefaced.

>> No.6449635

That was my concern too - I'll have to wear an eyepatch for a day or two, and avoid everything. Surgeon said to generally avoid things that would make my eye overly water, or make me want to rub them excessively.

>> No.6449639

I got told the same thing. It was maddening for the first few days not being able to run your eyes but you very quickly get over it. Also had the whole day of having to keep my eyes shut and not look at anything. I know it's annoying, but it would really be best not to wear any make up at all until you're told it's safe to.

>> No.6449636

I feel like crying haha

I don't know what to do. I definitely cannot afford to go to a salon, not with Christmas coming up, I am already skint.

Which is worse for your hair overall, bleaching or stripping?

Spooky could tell me what to do if she were here ;__;

>> No.6449640

*rub your eyes

>> No.6449647

Yes, I have Etude House peach powder pact. Thanks, though. I'll check that out.
Okay, thank you. Perhaps I'll try coating it on thin before I decide to switch.

>> No.6449658

i'm here

my internet just sucks, it's hardly worth trying to respond. it cuts out every like- 5-10minutes for up to 5 minutes at a time.
i've gone maybe 30min without it dropping
because of this i get a "connection error. are you banned?" message often when i try and post.
and no, no i'm not.

so fuk this
internet guy coming tomorrow, hopefully it fixed tomorrow

>> No.6449659

and i dropped my trip
fuk da police

>> No.6449660

Thanks for the advice! I'll ask her when I have my followup. I'm mostly excited to have eyesight back, but looking somewhat presentable was a small concern as well.

Sage for offtopic

>> No.6449672

No problem! I hope it goes well. When you suddenly realise that you are looking with your own eyes and can actually see everything is the most indescribably amazing feeling. Don't worry about your appearance, you'll be too busy enjoying your new vision to care.

>> No.6449676 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure there are non amonia hair color removers. Also there are more natural ways of removing hair dye, ie crushed vitamin c tablets or heaps and heaps of shampoo. Also I've heard slightly heated olive oil works.

>> No.6449682
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Ah I was wondering why you haven't been on Skype.

I hope your connection problems get fixed soon. I don't know whether you get frustrated by that stuff but whenever my own net gets slow or stops loading I get seriously on the verge of throwing my laptop at the wall haha

I get that same fucking message all the time on 4chan, but because my IP is dynamic instead. Sometimes I get bans meant for other people, random shit like CP and Bestiality.

I am going to bed in like 20 minutes cause I have work tomorrow, but what would your basic recommendation be for DIY going from black to Taylor Swift colour? And which is the lesser of of evils, bleach or hair stripper? I only have two applications of black dye on my hair if that means anything.

I'm so glad I know somebody who knows about how this shit works.

>> No.6449686

Hard water really dries up my skin, and my scalp especially! I'm on vacation and right now there is harder water where I am at and my scalp is flaking so much. Any advice? Idk if my skin needs to just get used to it and if so that might be a problem because I travel often between 2 places with very different water.

>> No.6449694

uhm don't attempt
you'll fuck yourself up
you can't afford the products needed to do it without ruining your hair
even if you do the lesser of two evils, unless you can afford the really high end brands it wont change much at all

like really

i'll write you a step by step and what products to use and send it to you via fanmail on tumblr.

>> No.6449702
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is ombre still trendy? is it too late for me to do it?
I just want to add some fun to my boring hair without changing it entirely ;_; i haven't dyed my hair in 4 years, I'm really scared to do anything to it

>> No.6449703


Thank you based Spooky ;__;

I have to do it by myself if I want to change the colour though. Like I said, it's Christmas and I seriously don't have the money to drop like £60 on a salon doing it, especially taken into consideration that it would take multiple sessions.

>> No.6449719

That happens to me too, I just moved and the water is harder by 110%. I don't know what to do, I have coconut oil and it helps but it takes to much time to apply to my hair let alone the rest of me!
I'd like to invest in a filter for the entire house eventually but until then....

>> No.6449725

how can I dye over my bleached hair? I want it back to dark brown :(

my sister used ash brown on her hair and it turned a gross greenish grey so I'd like to avoid this problem...

>> No.6449731

LUSH used to make a really awesome solid shampoo made for hard water, but alas. The next two best things are:


Soak and Float is awesome cause it combats the dryness.


Rehab is just an all-around shampoo for any hair type that's tired of BS. I swear by it, despite the pricey.

>> No.6449727

hard water anons
Paul Mitchell Shampoo Two, or Shampoo Three. they are both designed to remove chemicals (like chlorine) and buildup on the hair and scalp. it will remove much of the hard water build up. use it once a week, twice a week if you shower more than 4 times weekly.

however, until you get the hard water gone it wont ever feel as soft as with softened water. obviously.

>> No.6449742

Thanks, I'll try that.

Do you know any products for the skin? I have a special soap so I can't change it but is there any special lotion or should I just slather myself in Vaseline before bed and just be disgusted with the greasy feeling until I can buy that water filter?

>> No.6449745
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Samefag who asked in the gyaru thread weeks prior buttttt..
I need help with simple, ATTRACTIVE eye makeup for "hooded" eyes. Kristen Stewart (unfortunately)-esque shape. Doesn't have to be gyaru but I'd like something that doesn't make me look like I'm wearing terribad Yaya drag makeup. Halp.

>> No.6449753

Try either CeraVe or Cetaphil. CeraVe and Cetaphil are made for skin disasters, and aren't nearly as greasy as Vasoline. Also, they're drugstore, so they're not going to be stupid expensive.

>> No.6449748

Oh I shower everyday and I have really super curly hair. Do you know if that shampoo has a way to keep my curls extra extra moist because I know if I shampoo more than once a week they become dry, hard, and frizzy.

>> No.6449761
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Could really use some eyebrow help, my eyebrows grow in a funny shape, pic related. (can't get a clear real picture, mousy brows and shitty webcam.) That little tuft totally throws off the shape of my entire eyebrow, I usually just pluck out the entire thing and try to grow it a little thicker underneath but I read recently that you should never pluck from the top, is this true? Is there anything else I could do to fix this or should I just grow them out and get to a salon?

I can try to take a picture if it's really necessary but I only have a zoom lens for my proper camera and I can't get it far away enough from my face by myself.

>> No.6449763

Paul Mitchell has a new line for curly hair and it is UNFF fucking mmmmm good
like, omg
get all da products if you have curly hair. i have never seen such nice curls just air dry than i have with their new line.

i'm sorry i can't respond to everyone right now
fucking internet

>> No.6449767

no, there is no truth to the "don't tweeze from x" at all

take it off where you don't want it, draw it in where you do.

>> No.6449794

Where were you when I was in middle school and washing my hair every other day!
This is exactly what I need and I just hope I can win the full collection oh his site.

>> No.6449807

what contest?

and Paul Mitchell isn't a him, it's a brand. it's two guys, John Paul and Paul Mitchel.

>> No.6449823

Exactly my point, look how little I know about products and handling curly hair.
If you talk about your hair on this site you have a chance of winning the full line on here:

>> No.6449833

oh cool! i didn't know they were doing a contest ~
good luck ~

i really want to do a contest for a Paul Mitchell give away since i get such good prices on it. but even then it's still a bit expensive because i want to do 4 separate prizes.
like for weak/damaged hair, dry/frizzy hair, limp hair, and curly hair
maybe for Christmas

>> No.6449840

What should I do if my hair is BOTH weak/damaged and dry/frizzy?

>> No.6449861

i am speaking purely Paul Mitchell here just because it is what i am most experienced with at this point and would rather give you specifics than generals.

simply -mix and match.
i would recommend using Paul Mitchell Strength shampoo with Smoothing or Moisturizing conditioner. up to you on that one, if you feel you're more dry go Moisture, if you feel you're more frizzy go Smooth

for products i would use the Strength spray, pink line, Smoothing Skinny serum (and possibly also Gloss Drops if it's still frizzy when dry, this will totally remove the frizzy. both green line), Fast Form from the red line. it's called Flexible style. and i'd also recommend the mousse called Sculpting Foam which is also in the red line.
that would be a great basic cocktail for your day to day.

always use a heat protect spray when blow drying, flat ironing, or anything. i prefer Heat Seal to Hot off the Press.

>> No.6449927
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Does anyone know any good all natural hair care products? Diy or bought.

>> No.6449972

i mix a small amount of bb cream with my moisturizer and it stays put much better than putting a lot of bb cream on separate/after moisturizer. looks dewier too.

>> No.6450451


Stripping the color is better for your hair, but you can't put a bleach over it without rinsing allll of that hair color stripper shit out. Putting any kind of developer over it with actually redevelop the color, so if you try to bleach your hair after that it may actually end up darker. I'd strip the color and wait at least a few days to a week before attempting another bleach, and if it's still super dark after the first color strip wait a day and try it again.

>> No.6450454
File: 90 KB, 3000x3286, massiivinen muikeus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are putting on WAY too fucking much BB cream if it's melting off. Mix up a concoction of 2 parts Aloe Vera Gel 1 part face moisturizer of your choosing. Voilá, you just jimmy rigged a ghetto primer on the cheap.

Apply that conservatively to your face after you wash and dry, let your skin soak it up for a bit, then apply a small amount of bb cream. Dot it lightly. 2 dots on each cheek, 1 dot on chin, one on forehead, spread it around evenly. Let it settle a little, 3-5 mins then take a little bit more bb cream and dab it on your spots. Pat it.

Set with a translucent powder and your face will no longer melt.

>> No.6451020

I've got thew stripper on my hair now. Got 47 minutes left to do.

If it's a colossal fuckup and my hair looks busted I'll be sure to post pics so you can all laugh at me and learn from my mistakes.

Dis gun be gud.

>> No.6451029

I hope your hair falls out and you are left with something resembling peach fuzz.

>> No.6451061

It will be ginger, so don't be surprised. Also take a timer into the shower, or put a playlist/album of the correct length on when you rinse it. You have to do the full rinse and you will underestimate because it's boring as hell.

Unless by stripper you meant bleach, in which case you should probably start saving up for some wigs.

>> No.6451065


That it probably the most likely outcome.
It happens I am going to come to your house and rub my peach fuzz head all over you whilst you're sleeping.

>> No.6451074


Do you really think so? I hope so because ginger will be easier to handle then black, and yeah it's a proper stripped.
I get the feeling it's going to come out a bunch of different colours. It'll probably be really patchy as well but I have plenty of time to fix it, just glad I'm finally getting it over with. I'm fed up of hair dye.

>> No.6451197

Haha, oh wow, this stripper really did a number on my hair. It said it would shrink the hair dye molecules, I didn't think it'd actually shrink my hair. It feels thin and delicate as fuck. Not even going to attempt to dry and brush it tonight, I'm just going to leave a henna treatment masque on it all night and see how it is tomorrow after a little TLC.

It's a really unusual colour though, like a light brown with an auburn sheen. I'm so thankful it worked on my eyebrows though.

>> No.6451212

seriously, spoony... i was in a very similar situation to you about three weeks ago, and after stripping my hair, i had to cut off about 10 inches or more. my hair was to my waist or longer and now it's to my chin.

good luck with the breakage...

>> No.6451214

I used to wash my hair every day in the mornings but then i got fed up and started doing it in the evenings...however when i wake up my hair is semi-greasy and its been like this for 2 months now ,does it happen to all people or what ;_;im not happy with it

>> No.6451222


Fuuuuuuuaaankkk you D:

>> No.6451232

washing your hair that often is bad for you. in middle school and high school, i wouldn't wash my hair every day but every other day. eventually, when i was 16, i got a job as a line cook in a greasy-ass kitchen, so i had to take showers and wash my hair every day. after getting into that habit, my hair started getting way too oily/greasy even right after my showers.

only just recently have i tried to stop washing my hair so often. it was ultra gross for the first 2-3 weeks, but now my hair doesn't even get oily if i don't wash it for 3 days. obviously i still take showers every day, but i just use a shower cap.

>> No.6451233

At least you look good with short hair. If you have to cut it, it wont be the end of the world.

>> No.6451237


I don't think I look good with short hair, but I appreciate the compliment.
If i do have to cut it I will be quite pissed. It's taken me 10 months to get it to my shoulders from the last time I had to cut it.

Me and my fucking sporadic hair urges.

>> No.6451241

Bitch, it took me almost 5 years to grow out a pixie cut, and only now is it starting to brush my collar bones lmao. Black girl problems. Why dont you just, like, get extensions or something?

>> No.6451243

Get some anti-grease hair products and wash your hair every 3 days or at least every 2
If I am not wrong, you are quite young as well, so it's bad for you to destroy your hair like that.

>> No.6451251

Good luck girl, I hope it turns out the best for you

>> No.6451274


Because I want long, beautiful real hair and I don't mind waiting ʘ‿ʘ
I also have Daktarin to aid in the speed of growth so hopefully I'll see some results by New Years.

Also really? Why did it take so damn long? The only other time I've heard something similar was with a girl I knew who's hair wouldn't grow past her shoulders because she bleached it so much it was constantly breaking.

>> No.6451275

maybe you were doing something your hair didnt agree with? My friend grew it out past her ears in less than 2 years

>> No.6451278


Thanks, though I'm a little worried. I tried to ignore the little hairs breaking off in my hands when I ran my fingers through it, but they were there. Hopefully it'll be safe to brush tomorrow after the masque has done it's work.

>> No.6451281

Good luck Spoony, I hope it didn't do too much unrepairable damage to your hair

>> No.6451298

who is that? holy cute girl

>> No.6451299

I had the shortest of pixie cuts ever (buzzed in the back, 1-2 inches everywhere else) and now its touching my shoulders after less than a year. probably 8 months tops.

But my hair grows very fast. an inch per month on good months, 1/2 an inch on bad months, and i have zero split ends.

good luck! i'm tempted to chop it all off now though, because its so awkward and i prefer how i looked with the pixie, but i've never had long, luscious hair, and its red, so i think it would look beautiful long.

>> No.6451302

Still trendy! I'm out in CA and just got rid of mine to dye it blonde. I totally regret it, the Ombre was the cutest cut I ever had! Once you get the base done you can do any kind of color gradient too!

>> No.6451305
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Yeeesss, look at this picture of Beckii and be purged of such sinful-scissor related thoughts!

This is the picture that made me want to go back to my natural colour and just grow it really long and healthy.

>> No.6451310

Taylor swifts color is much more complicated than just stripping your hair. If you wanted to strip you hair of color and then move to tailor swift (btw even if you go to a Salon doing this will get it fried and it's going to look TERRIBLE before it looks good) color you could. However, the amount of highlights, fade/gradient, lowlights is far too complicated for an amateur to do from black hair. If you want to give your stylist an easier time you can do a good portion of general lifting on your own. You are going to need a protein mask for your hair 2-3x a week (so get that), oil to place at the ends of you hair. To color strip from black (FYI it will look orange the first time, I do NOT suggest multiple bleachings) you are going to want to get Lorel Quick Blue and a sold developer. Depending on the strength of your hair is what developer you will need. Stay away from 40 volume first timer, get 30 volume (unless you have hair of steel). Again, depending on the strength of your hair you can leave it on for 90 minutes, (max time before it looses effect) Since it's black I suggest 40-60 minutes underneath a plastic cap (it's going to get very hot) white checking it's progress on the darkest part of your hair. If you feel it start to rip up your scalp, chemical burn TAKE IT OFF. After wash it out with conditioner don't dry it out with shampoo.

What is normal to feel while bleaching:
-mild burn

Not Normal:
Painful burn
That's it, if you feel like your head is going to combust take it off. Do not fall asleep with it on or your hair will fall out.

All in all, if you don't know what you're doing, take it to your stylist, the bleaching will cost around 100 each visit.

>> No.6451324
File: 18 KB, 250x250, s1463801-main-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used Glamglow masks before?

i was gifted a small container of Glamglow tingling med mask but i have sensitive skin and i'm too nervous to use it...

>> No.6451378

I have had for a very long time, one single prominent laugh line. I think it's because I smile more on the left side, so it's just much deeper. Does anyone know how to even out your smile? I've had a crooked smile for as long as I remember, but if it's going to give me deeper wrinkles I'd really like to try and fix it.
Are there exercises or something?

>> No.6451691

My goodness Beckii has become so pretty. She use to be so awkward looking.

sage for off-topic.

>> No.6451751
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>> No.6451778


I see a lot of people with this around beach cities like Santa Monica and Venice and a few college kids near LMU.

>> No.6451786

No wig expert but doesn't her hair seem like those wigs you see in the windows of wig shops
or are her kind of crooked bangs just making me see things weirder than they actually are?

>> No.6451800

I think it's just the crooked bangs getting you. She might have extensions in but, I'm pretty sure that's her real hair and not a wig.

>> No.6451815

I would add to that list a good puff/sponge cleaner and a brush cleaner. You may not put them on your face, but it's very important to keep your applicators free of gunk and bacteria.

>> No.6451820

Yeah this.

I pluck the inner edge of my brows from the top all the time. I'd have a unibrow otherwise. Their shape and quality hasn't suffered at all.

>> No.6452827
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To the kind anon that recommended the blackhead extractors a month or two back: thank you. I finally got around to buying one and tried it today. It hurt like a bitch, but I got quite a few blackheads that I didn't even know were there, surprisingly enough.

My only question is, is it normal to have redness for hours after doing this, or did I press too hard?

>> No.6452948

I've been looking for a product to use in my hair when its wet, to make it less frizzy/more smooth and managed. Also I would like to have the option to be able to use it with air drying or with blow dryiny. After showering, my hair dries into the best looking waviness, but then it just becomes frizzy instead. And after sleeping on it and letting a little bit of natural oils set in, it looks fantastic and smooth and fine. However, by that point my bangs get very oily and gross. :/

>> No.6452952

Makeup question: my face is about 2-3 shades darker than my neck, it's not too noticeable irl, but it definitely shows up in pictures. How do i foundation?

>> No.6452965

Hi, i'm a total newfag to hair and stuff, usually its up in a bun, ponytail, or straightened.

thing is, i have VERY curly hair but its also long. what are easy/fast ways i can style it?

>> No.6452970

Be very careful with blackhead extractors. While they are commercially available, most dermatologists really encourage people to stay AWAY from them. Not because they don't work, but because the average consumer doesn't know how to use them correctly in order to not damage, irritate, and inflame their skin, and they don't always know how to care for this skin properly after prodding.

Sorry that didn't answer your question fully, but just a warning: ask a professional before using it. You might just be creating future problems for yourself, depending on how you're doing it.

>> No.6452973

I've always found that it looks best if you match your face to your chest area, especially if you're wearing a lot cut top. But make sure to blend around your jawline.

>> No.6452975

*low cut

>> No.6453017

Fuck, I want to cry.

I've just woken up after leaving the henna treatment masque on my wet hair all night and the stripper has done NOTHING. My hair is still fucking black only not it's intensely damaged.

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. It actually looked lighter last night... I must have screwed something up... ;__;

>> No.6453024


Hair color stripper shouldn't intensely damage your hair. What brand did you use? How long did you leave it on?

Also I don't know much about henna masques but I know henna dyes are in your hair forever. Like you cannot get rid of that shit. If it had any dye in it, that could be why :/

They sell this argon oil hair treatment masque at Sally's for $3 and it's worked wonders on my 4-times-bleached-twice-color-stripped hair. I'm sorry about your color and breakage darling, just get yourself a nice deep conditioner like that and hopefully it will help. Also placenta products really help with hair health too.

>> No.6453039


You could have fooled me last night haha, my hair was... stretchy.

I've actually just dried it and it's not as bad as I thought, there's not that much damage and my hair isn't actually back any more, but it is a very dark brown which is at least manageable I suppose. The henna masque doesn't actually dye your hair, but it contains henna extract which is very good for it, but still.. I feel like the stripper should have taken a lot more out. It did the last two times I used it.

Thanks for the tip on the argon oil. I don't have a Sally's in my town but we there's one in the next town over so I'll look for some whilst I'm there x

Before I go... I'm a fool, I stripped my hair in my favourite blue dress and didn't think to take it off. I had a towel around my shoulders last night but some of the hair stripper got on my dress and the colour has been sucked out. I was going to go buy some light blue Dylon today, does anybody know whether this will colour over the white patches?

>> No.6453050

I've been reading this whole thread and you are a complete train wreck.

Never buy hair dye again.

>> No.6453057
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Jokes on you, I'm bleaching my hair right now!

Haha, there is something really fun about not knowing how fucked it's going to be. Oh well, no pain right?

>> No.6453060

>no pain right?

You mean "no hair" right? I'm scared that's going to happen soon.

>> No.6453061


I'm not too fussed. It'll be shitty if I have to go short again, but it would be my punishment for being thick enough to dye it black on a whim.

>> No.6453065

Although in hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea to put the bleach on my eyebrows...

>> No.6453068

>my hair was... stretchy.
Oh god you should watch out...My hair has been at the point twice before and well...I ended up with a pixie cut one time and just cutting off all the dyed part the other time from the heavy damage and breakage :C Good luck though!

>> No.6453079


>> No.6453081

can anyone recommend some good shampoos/conditioners to use for (heat) damaged hair?
I use the Aussie ones (3 minute miracle frizz remedy+reconstructor coditioners together) and while my hair does feel better than how it does with other products it still feels meh
I also use argan oil when my hair is damp after I wash it and it helps it from becoming a frizzy mess (even tho it still is a bit frizzy it feels MUCH better than without using it)
before straightening I used to put on an Aussie cream (I think it was leave in something) but after a couple of months the results changed (of course I was also using heat on my hair everyday durr) , now I use KIEHL'S heat-protective silk straightening cream and it works much better than the Aussie product, but if I put too much my hair becomes greasy after a coupe of days (and it usually only becomes greasy after 5/6+ days.
Does anyone else have this Kiehl's product or others? what is your opinion on them?

>> No.6453085

>inb4 cut off your hair
my hair is already kinda short and I want to let it grow a little longer before cutting it again

I also straighten my hair only after I was it so 2 times (max 3) a week, I would gladly stop strightening it but I just can't, it's just so frizzy and eeugh

>sage for stupidity and because I can't into grammar

>> No.6453094


You know you only dyed it to look more like Rukia so you'll be kawaiier than PT.

>> No.6453097


Yes, this is exactly what happened haha

>> No.6453111

Beauty thread? An ugly bitch is an ugly bitch. Make up cannot make you look decent, but only ridiculous because you cannot accept your ugly nature.

>> No.6453281
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My hair is completely dry and brushed now and it look completely fine, there actually isn't any visible damage and it feels exactly as it did before I stripped and bleached it. I'm not shedding any hair and there doesn't appear to be any extra split ends from before but I'm still going to trim just to be safe.

Maybe I just got lucky, it may have been that masque I applied to my hair each time after I stripped and bleached it that protected it. I feel quite relieved and lucky.

My hair is a foul colour though, like a burnt auburn, and my eyebrows are invisible haha

>> No.6453326


Aussie do a 'take the heat' 3 minute conditioner (and normal conditioner/shampoo as well) as well, you could try that, especially if you're still straightening.

There's John Frieda's frizz-ease as well. IDK about heat protection off the top of my head, but I know they have a moisture shampoo in that range.

Might be worth going and grabbing a load of travel size toiletries and see what works for you.

>> No.6453339

Post pics! I'm curious

>> No.6453422
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I can't tell if I've got a reverse hombre going on or whether it's just because the lightbub is illuminating the top of my head.

>> No.6453443


but the bleach probably did work better on your roots because they're less processed

>> No.6453448


Oh, there's no H in it right? I thought it was like, Mexican or something.

But yeah, you're probably spot on with your analysis. I never even considered that to be honest.

>> No.6453451

I wish you'd taken pictures throughout this whole ordeal because it sounds painfully hilarious from where I'm sitting.
Also your hair used to be super glossy red and beautiful what have you been doing girl

>> No.6453452

ombre basically refers to a gradient it's also the most retarded word IMHO, I don't know who came up with it, but it really has no meaning and it's origin is a bastardization of hombre.

>> No.6453456


I got upset one day and thought I would stop being upset if I dyed my red hair black. Yes, I know I'm dickhead.
It'll take a while to get it back to an ashy blonde but it'll be worth it, better to start now rather then later.


That does sound pretty silly.

>> No.6453572

if you're good at braids and stuff, try looking up the tons of styles that involve braids. what really adds a lot to any style, even buns and simple stuff, are nice hair accessories.

>> No.6453577

i agree. my boyfriend's hair got stretchy once, but obviously his hair is shorter, so we didn't have to cut it due to breakage, and putting hair treatments on it actually did manage to repair it.

when my hair was stretchy, well... i had to cut it all off.

>> No.6453595

I had no fucking clue hair could get stretchy. Sounds weird.

>> No.6453610

I need some serious help. Is there any way to get rid of dark circles or to at least make them drastically better??

>> No.6453615

I have very curly hair too, and I really love putting it in fish tails or four and five strand braids. The fish tails take a bit longer than the four strand braid but it looks really nice even on long curly hair.

I always have to straighten mine to do the fish tail because my hair straight is to my lower chest high waist area but when its curly it draws up to my jawline and it looks weird to have a short curly fishtail (unless its french) but, if your hair has actual length to it when curly I suggest going crazy with the braids.

>> No.6453640

I use the same aussie conditioner but with the moisture treatment. I leave it on for 5-15 minutes or however long I plan on showering. After I rinse it out I add the argan oil and caster oil and straighten it with Remington wet to straight flat iron. Afterwards its usually string straight on the oily side but I go to bed with a braid and when I wake up It's nice smooth and wavy. It last for about 3/4 days before it gets oily and frizzy for me. 1-2 a month I do a deep conditioning treatment by heating coconut oil and leaving it on my head for an hour or two (all night if I'm lazy) and rinse it out in the morning. Make sure you get it all out otherwise it smells gross when the sun is on it after awhile.

I had the JF's frizz-ease it it works but it always left my hair greasy and it never went away until shampoo day.

I won't bother telling you about my miracle heat protector because it's been discontinued. I just happen to luck out by buying it at a local beauty store and it was the last one.

>> No.6453786

She's a cutie.

I've been through that whole ordeal. Dyed my long, ass length brown hair black. Color didn't fade, and my golden brown started growing in. It looked rediculous, and rather than spend the rest of my life touching up my roots, I decided to wait until the brown part had grown long enough to cut. I got impatient, bought a color-stripper form walgreens, and oh boy... the black became reddish-black and my hair was like thin bubble gum. It stretched. Not to mention it smelled like burnt rotten eggs.

*shudder* never again, black. Never again.

>> No.6453791
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does anyone else follow the cutiech youtube channel? pretty nice tutorials!

rock party look

>> No.6453798

I'd like to know as well

>> No.6453820

Ombre does mean shadow in French, I have a feeling that's where the word in reference to this trend has come from. I only know this because it's on Maybelline Color Tattoos

>> No.6453838

Cucumber tea bag trick?

Of is that specifically for puffiness and redness?

>> No.6453850

What's a good not permanent dye?
I have a golden brown hair color and I've always wanted to dye it black, but I want it to wash out in a few weeks so I'll just have my own hair color again.

>> No.6453853

any favorite face moisturizers?

>> No.6453859

Will that help? I get 7 hours sleep a day because of work and when I look myself into the mirror I feel like I am the death

>> No.6453863

I don't know, I don't have what you have.
I'm just pulling at straws from what I heard other people use.

I do know Clinique has products specifically for that but they tend to be expensive.

>> No.6453869

i have some expensive clinique product for eye puffiness. my parents bought it for me without me asking.. i guess because i always look dead tired, even though i'm almost always well rested.

here's the thing.

it does work for me, but it only works on one of my eyes. i have genetic eyebags/puffiness or whatever, and it actually makes one of them disappear almost completely. i dont' really have a problem with dark circles, either, so it's as if my eye is normal and awesome. however, it somehow ENHANCES the eyebag on the other eye. i don't know how/why, but i don't really use the product because of this. it makes it almost look like i have an eye infection in one eye.

>> No.6453874

I can't believe how many people don't know this, especially as the accent on the e makes it pretty French-looking anyway. The French Ombre is from the Latin Umbra (Umbrella) meaning Shade, Shadow, or Ghost. This is wear the dip dye name comes from, as anon said.
Ombre as a bastardisation of Hombre is a Spanish card game.

>> No.6453876

I used the JF frizz ease 3 day thingie but the result wasn't that different from the Aussie product, I guess it's because my hair is too damaged
Thanks for replying!

>> No.6453929
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Maybe this is a better place to post it.. how do I get my hair this colour ;-----;? anyone please!

>> No.6454292


>> No.6454321

Would anyone have any tips for acne on your back? I've tried all sorts of things and nothing seems to really help. I guess tips for getting rid of the dark pigmentation that is present afterwards would be helpful as well.

>> No.6454334

this! I still have backne I thought this stuff was supposed to go away when you aren't a teenage anymore

>> No.6454361

If you have insurance that covers it, see a dermatologist and ask about topical retin-a. I use this and a shea butter scrub and got really nice, soft, cuddlable skin and no boyfriend to appreciate it.

Forever alone.

>> No.6454388

Depends on your natural colour.
See, they're dark haired, so they only need to bleach and probably don't need to tone it.
Toning removes the orange colour from bleached hair.

If you have light hair, you're doing something totally different to get that colour. If you don't know this, you're probably too young to even be on 4chan and you'll fuck your hair up using bleach. Go to a hairdressers.

>> No.6454395

My hair is two-toned, half dark-brown, and half natural blonde. The dark-brown is dyed, and it seems to me like it gets oily faster than my blonde hair does. Is anyone sure why it would do that?

>> No.6454403

Because it's dyed? Why are you so dumb?

>> No.6454404

to be honest no need to be snarky, you could have easily just told me I needed to say more information, but thanks anyways I guess?

for anyone else's reference i have really dark brown hair, does anyone know how to get it as close to that specific colour as possible? i've had it bleached before many times, whenever it wasn't toned it was yellow and not really that peachy sort of colour.

>> No.6454409

Sorry, I'm just being a dick.

Did you try overlaying a caramel dye over the bleach? You might need to dye that sort of colour in if it's not already in your undertone (i.e yellow not peachy).

>> No.6454418

it's all right, i do appreciate a real response so thank you, i will definitely look around for a good caramel colour and see how well that turns out

>> No.6454422

Sorry again, I can't see how that wouldn't work out but maybe get a second opinion before you use anything permanent.

>> No.6454424

I'm just more worried it'll turn into more of a brown colour instead of that peachy kind but, it's worth a shot! and don't be sorry, really haha. i find after a while it's just second nature to automatically berate people on 4chan.

>> No.6454438

If you wanted to get create, the semi-permanent dyes like Manic Panic, Crazy Colour, Star Gazer and Directions can be mixed for personal taste and diluted with conditioner.
I have no idea if it'd work, but perhaps you could whip up a pink/brown mix. Or it might just look muddy.
But hey, they wash out in a couple of months at most.

>> No.6454446

that could be interesting! and potentially horrifying but you're right, a good place to start since they're only semi permanent. and if anyone has any good colours in mind, or also anymore ideas feel free to share :D

i don't really ever get that envious but damn my terribly caucasian hair for not bleaching the way i wish it would.

>> No.6454470

Sorry for asking obvious questions smart-ass. Its the first time i've had my hair dyed.

>> No.6454533
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Alright, I'm looking to sell my 120s of keratin hair extensions.

But I'm not exactly sure how much to sell them for..
They are 100% human hair and never even opened. 24 inches long.
And they are SOCAP brand.

I'm looking online, and they seem to be selling $50 for a set of 25.
And I have 120.. so $150 for all of them?
Help would be appreciated!

>> No.6454596

Yeah, placenta. I won't touch the stuff, because it's fucking placenta, but it really does make hair shiny, healthy and soft.

>> No.6454607


Really depends on if they're genetic or not.

If they're not genetic-
Dos: Get plenty of sleep, drink lots and lots of water, exercise
Don'ts: Caffeine, cigarettes, stress

If they're genetic:
You're pretty much screwed, like me. Eye cream with retinol is supposed to help, the last stuff I tried did not but it was low-end stuff. Genetics can cause bags/circles under the eyes because of how thin the skin is in that area, retinol is supposed to thicken it up and thus make the blood vessels show up less.

>> No.6454614


Sorry, no black is going to just wash out. In a good amount of hair dyes they actually put tar in it.

>> No.6454622 [DELETED] 

How do I make wearing false eyelashes more comfortable?! I bought Dollywinks, both top and bottom, because all the reviews I've heard say they're supposed to be totally weightless on your eyes for the whole day. I love the way they look on my eyes but after a few hours I'm just itching to pull the lashes off of my face so my eyes can feel normal again. Am I applying them wrong? I've used both the glue packaged with the Dollywinks and Duo lash glue, but I don't think I'm allergic to either due to no redness/burning. I've also been applying with just my fingers and tweezers, should I go hunting for eyelash applicators?

>> No.6454639

Do they feel itchy? or Heavy? What exactly is making it uncomfortable for you? Also how closely to your inner eye are you applying them?

>> No.6454654 [DELETED] 

It's usually not a problem in the inner eye, but it'll start feeling itchy on the outer corners of my eyes. Sometimes I can feel something distinctly pokey so I know that an end came loose, but other times it'll just feel like it's becoming itchy.

Damn my thin Asian lashes that stick like straight down into my eyes.

>> No.6454679

Hm. Do you think that your natural lashes are poking you in the eye?

>> No.6454695 [DELETED] 

They don't do that when I'm not wearing any lashes or if they're just curled with mascara, and I always curl and mascara my natural lashes when putting on falsies.

I think I might just be applying them crookedly so when I start blinking and stuff they start getting loose.

>> No.6454701

That's unfortunate, but you don't seem to be doing anything wrong.

I'm not sure how to fix itchyness. It happens to me to some degree, but I can ignore it if I"m doing something else.

>> No.6455383

Does anyone know how can I make exfoliating scrub at home?

>> No.6455406

Sugar & honey works for me!

>> No.6455408

Is it too sticky? How often do you apply it? Have you seen positive results?

>> No.6455411

plain oatmeal is a very gentle cleanser and exfoliant. Baking soda works as well.
Need a bit more info from you, though.What kind of skin are you trying to help? Dry skin, dull skin, acne, oily skin, etc.
And how rough do you want the exfoliating scrub to be?

>> No.6455414

I have no experience with exfoliating honestly. I've been hoping for something cleansing and whitening. I still got tan from the summer and I just want to get back to my normal skin color.

>> No.6455419

It is sticky at first but it gets much more fluid with heat . It has really been great on my skin! I have very dry skin often but am not able to use many lotions (My pores get clogged and I break out) So it has really helped with soothing my skin and really helps with moisturizing. I don't think it will help much with a getting rid of a tan.

Though I would suggest trying a lemon/yogurt face mask! It's been helping getting rid of my sun tan rather quickly.

>> No.6455426

Honey moisturizes, sugar scrubs. Some people also go for milk+sugar scrub or oil+sugar. Stickiness probably depends on what type of honey you are using. Not the same anon who suggested honey+sugar, but honey makes my own skin softer (and smells nice :3)

I'm not sure how often you should scrub your skin, I do it once a week as part of my routine as I don't want to stress my skin too much.

>> No.6455562

So I have very pale skin (I find it quite hard to find someone who is paler than me actually, last time I did I was in Germany) and most makeup sites tell me to use a rather natural color for my lips.

That's all nice and dandy, but I think my lips are my best feature, and I'd like to bring more attention to them, especially for an evening look. What are some good reds for me? I have dark red hair and hazel eyes, and unlike many pale people I don't have much redness in my skin.

>> No.6455579
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I've always loved seeing the combination of red hair with red lips. I would try something like this.

>> No.6455591

Does your skin have warm or cool undertones? What kinds of colours normally look good on you?
Many makeup sites are still stuck on the idea that paleness isn't attractive and so you shouldn't attract attention to it, but that's nonsense. Pale skin with red lips can look absolutely amazing.

>> No.6455604
File: 196 KB, 640x450, 138009_1312658968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should also try purple.

>> No.6455607

Warm ones. I normally use corals for my lips, a peachy blusher and go for either brown or green on my eyes.

Thanks, these both look great!

>> No.6455617
File: 123 KB, 627x550, 304132_300147813335128_1473350767_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love red & red combo

>> No.6455626


IRL it's actually fucking hard to pull off unless you have this one specific skintone. I tried for so long to force it before I just had to come to terms that red hair and red lipstick was never going to work with my skintone.

>> No.6455644

Can you post a pic? Your hair/skin/eyes combo is like godtier and I want to see

>> No.6455666

You're probably gonna end up disappointed if I post a picture - this is a new computer with no pic, a shitty webcam that turns my eyes black, and I'm sick today, haha.

>> No.6455676
File: 1.22 MB, 2736x3024, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww that sucks. Well at least you tried. I've always loved red hair, but I have olive skin. My natural hair is sort of a coppery brown color, but my eyebrows are a very dark brown (almost black). It always bothered me that they don't match. Does it look fine or should I dye my hair darker or lighten my eyebrows?

>> No.6455697

I think they look fine. If you were to dye your hair lighter it would look a bit too striking but not now.

>> No.6455754


I think red hair would look beautiful against your skin, if it's something you want then you should just go for it.

Does anybody have any idea how long you should leave your hair in between bleachings? I purchasing some 9% peroxide the other day so that I could begin gradually lightening my hair but it doesn't seem to have done much at all when I used it this morning. I'm worried I'm just damaging my hair with no actual results (maybe 9% isn't string enough?).

Thinking I should just leave it and wait until I can properly bleach it again. It'll be light enough then to dye it to my natural colour and I can finally stop fucking around with my hair.

>> No.6455776

We have the same skintone and Red hair was the best color for me ever. I say absolutely go for it! Just know it's a pain to upkeep!

>> No.6456542

Is it possible to get some help regarding, well, my nipples poking out of my clothes? I can wear four layers and have them still poke out. I'm a AAA so I don't really own any bras, let alone bras with padding to cover it up and the only training bras I can find with padding have nipple shapes in the padding (which is both puzzling and irksome).

>> No.6456596

Thanks you guys! I might buy a wig, so I don't have to fully commit to it.
What shade of red looks good on you?

>> No.6456605


Nipple petals.

They're little flowers that you put over your nipples to keep them from poking out while bra-less.

>> No.6456639

Four weeks for full head bleaches and two weeks for bleach baths. Also please invest in coconut oil to use on your hair whilst you're bleaching it. It could potentially save you a lot of heartache and several inches of hair.

>> No.6456670

How damaging is it to straighten my hair once a week with about 300-450 degrees? I dyed my hair very blonde for a few years and then changed it to dark brown and chopped most of it off, but I'm afraid it'll still get damaged. Some times when I am playing with my hair I can just pull a ton of dead ends off. If I use hair protection, will I be okay?

>> No.6456696


Hombre means dude, never heard of that being a card game.

Atleast in my country.

>> No.6456694

My hair feels like straw from dying it so much- I have to dye it because of premature gray. What can I do to make my hair softer, permanently or temporarily?

>> No.6456738

Anyone remember the name of some of the skin products mentioned in the previous skin whitening thread? I remember there was a tiny tube that did wonders to pores/skin (but was like $35) and some other thing that started with M...

Also any general skinstuff recs would be great. Trying to get rid of minor acne scars and minimize pores/get rid of blackheads.

>> No.6456740

Also good contouring palettes? Complete with highlighter and shet.

>> No.6456786

I've seen people contour with eyeshadow, but I've also seen people using different shades of concealer. Is one better than the other?

Also, any recommendations for a palette good for contouring?

>> No.6456806


Let me guess. Portland hair core today, right?

>> No.6456807

Anyone got tutorials on how to make your eyes look bigger?
And also some summer light make up tutorial ?

>> No.6457565

I blushed and laughed a little at that name. Thanks for the help!

>> No.6460395
File: 30 KB, 350x247, Neutrogena-Body-Clear-Body-Wash-Grapefruit-350x247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neutragena pink grapefruit body soap. Pretty much the body soaps are targeted for acne on the rest of the body.
Try a bleaching pigmentation correcter. I like cliniques but my wallet is forcing me to try drug store brands. My problem is less dark spots and more skin discoloration from the sun so try what works for you.

>> No.6460418

i don't know what you're talking about

i prefer to contour with powder, eyeshadows tend to have more pigment and blend out less.
face powders, like blusher, highlight, and contour, can become almost invisible if you blend them too much. easier to correct if you do it wrong.
you can also use far more without it reading the same color as the in the pan, but more like a hint of that color.
the cons are it can look cakey quickly, putting powder on top of powder on top of concealer on top of liquid... it gets to be a lot. as well if you use too much with eyeshadow (or with normal powder sometimes) you can't fix it. you have to start over. since it's your last step for face you're SOL and have to just... redo it almost entirely
the pros are it's much easier to get the hang of. and most people have a neutral palette that they can use to contour and highlight with so no need to buy new products


>> No.6460420


with liquids or creams it looks more natural, as you can truly blend together all the colors as they literally mix on your skin. you have to do it while the foundation is still unpowdered, as liquid or cream over powder looks awful. especially when you put another layer of powder over that to set it.
the backfire of doing it with liquids or creams if you have to conceal first, then apply your base color, highlighting, and contouring which can smudge and even remove your concealer.
but if you try and conceal over it you'll have your conceal color over your foundation, and will need to put the highlight or contour on again- which you have to do very carefully as not to smudge the concealer again. it's just a bit tedious for people with many scars, reddness, or discoloration.
you also either have to use colored powder to set each area individually or use a really good translucent.
the pros are it looks insanely natural. like, 100%

personally, i enjoy doing it with liquid or cream more than powder when doing it on others, but on myself i always do it with powders.


>> No.6460644
File: 11 KB, 295x138, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question. How the heck would I go about contouring my nose? I don't really know what shape I should be going for, since I see a lot of people complaining that people follow the Asian tutorials who shouldn't? I have a really high bridge, but would love a cute button nose (inb4 surgery, eventually I will be able to afford it)

>> No.6460664

your nose doesn't need it.
the only place i would put any contouring, and this would look silly save for pictures, would be on the bulb on your nose to slim it down a touch to match the bridge.

like, follow the line of your bridge straight down the sides of the bulb of your nose to make it look slimmer and less round.
and contour the under side of your nose to make it appear more turned up, if you wish.

>> No.6460686

Thanks! The bulb is definitely one of the places I am most conscious of!

>> No.6460696
File: 78 KB, 640x480, bottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need lipstick advice pretty badly. I recently bough a bright red lipstick from Sephora, but I'm starting to regret my purchase because my bottom lip looks absolutely huge. Should I try toning it down since my bottom lip looks odd? What colours look good on pale skin?

>> No.6460706
File: 26 KB, 720x480, Dioheadshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I look pretty like Dio Eraclea?

>> No.6460722


Here's a tutorial that may work for you.

I know in the vid it says to avoid bright colors, but if you do the concealer/foundation on your bottom lip, it should still make a difference.

>> No.6460743

The video >>6460722 posted would work, or lining the inner edge of the lip as well.

Also with pale skin pinks tend to look really nice.

>> No.6460750

I'm by no means a makeup expert, but it sort of looks like you didn't put lipstick on all of your top lip and you went over the edge of your bottom.

>> No.6460777
File: 51 KB, 640x480, aljsaksj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put it on half-assed just for the question, so if it isn't on perfectly, that is understandable. I also find that this brand smudges easily. That may also be why it went over the edge. Is it possible to keep a lipstick from smudging, but not stain your face?

>> No.6460780



>> No.6460779
File: 117 KB, 693x240, eyeshape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a silly question, and sorry for the horrible quality images.. but.. what exactly does my eye shape seem to be? I always try to look up eye shape specific tips for eye makeup, but I really can't figure out which shape best describes my eyes.

When I ask people, I get different answers every time, but maybe someone can figure it out when I just show different images of them together. Thank you in advance for any answers, and sorry for such a ridiculous question.

>> No.6460791

What brand? Typically if you put foundation and lip liner/filler under it, it will last longer as well as smudge less. You can also seal it by rubbing an ice cube across it after.

They look almond-shaped with a deeper arch then average. I wish my eyes were as big as yours.

>> No.6460796


>> No.6460802

I've heard almond, and also round too. I thought almond myself. They really are huge. When I was a baby I always looked as if I had a look of surprise on my face.. but it was just my eyes.

>> No.6460809

Latino!? Really!? I'm as white as can be, all of my grandparents and great-grandparents are/were from Europe (Italy and Ireland).

>> No.6460917

I'd actually say latino too. It MIGHT just be how you do your make-up though.

>> No.6461005
File: 49 KB, 640x480, THISONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tutorials for short hair?
I got fucked by chemo back in February so my hair is really thin and just started gaining some length again and I have nothing to do with it so it just kinda lays there and I feel lazy about it. (Pic related)

>> No.6464021

How can I get samples of all this stuff online?

>> No.6464034
File: 8 KB, 264x198, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's your makeup then. The first thing I thought of when I saw your eyes was one of these ladies. You obviously don't look this bad though.

>> No.6464064

Any cosmetology ebooks?

>> No.6464223

I didn't know Snooki tripped

>> No.6465782


>> No.6465802
File: 184 KB, 500x340, IMG_2676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering, what drugstore eyeliner can I use to get a really thin line like pic related?
I tried several types and brands and they all seem to have their disadvantage.
smudges easily, too thick
>eyeliner gel
not thin enough, wears off after a few hours, even with a primer
>liquid eyeliner(bottle)
runny when I apply it, tend to make mistakes when i apply it, despite my years of daily practice.
>pen eyeliner
also making some mistakes, line is too thick no matter how much I try

>> No.6465819
File: 712 KB, 600x400, IMG_0126_thumb[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention, I was told that this eyeliner is quite good but I can't get my hands on it since you have to order it online and for several reasons I'm unable to do that.

>> No.6465829

Which pen brand are you using? I can get super thin lines with Physician's Formula.

>> No.6465832

gurl u chongalicious

>> No.6465861

I am currently using L'Oreal Super Liner(it's a pen eyeliner). Makes a few mistakes, quite runny, tip too thick. Once I finish with an eye, it becomes quite dry and it won't have as much intensity on the other eye so I have to put the cap back on and wait for a couple of minutes and then try again.

>> No.6466303

Can I get some godtier mascara suggestions? Like most asian girls, I have non existent lashes (top and bottom). Waterproof would be nice or even the "fibre" kind??

>> No.6466312

Just get K-palette's liquid liner. It's pretty much the same but it's easier to find on ebay and about the same price.

>> No.6466315
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 2218871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS STUFF IS WONDERFUL. Naturally my brother is the one who got long full lashes (and wears glasses!) so I have to make do with this. They have a few different kinds, but the standard lengthens and fills them out with little clumping (and if you do clump, you're probably putting too much one) I have the featherlash one too which I don't like as much, but good if you want longer lashes that aren't as full and maybe a little more natural looking.

>> No.6466331

I just got Maybelline Illegal Length mascara (after asking about lengthening mascara in an earlier thread) and I'm really happy with it! It's a fiber extension mascara, so it's easy to just kind of...build up the ends to make them longer.

>> No.6466485

Thanks! I'll try both out

>> No.6466489

DiorShow Iconic.

>> No.6466744
File: 694 KB, 1500x2379, 1337726937659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering how this hair was done, it looks like she had shoulder length hair and rolled it up but I'm not sure how, does anyone have an idea?

>> No.6466764

oh yeah, i love that mascara.
its cheap too, like $6 or $7?

>> No.6468191

I want matte eye shadows, and I don't know If any brand shadows will do. I just need color ones that ranges from red to purple.
the ones I've found so far are shimmers and little to no matte colors, pink/blue/ green etc.

I really want the option of choosing from a wide range of colors in a huge pallet box

>> No.6468216


matte/shimmer I don't know the difference.
I just don't want shinny shadows

>> No.6468373

Seconded: this stuff is simply amazing, made my sub-par lashes look almost like falsies.

>> No.6468410

Quite a few companies have kits where you can pick and choose individual shadows which then snap together in a palette. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Inglot, but those are expensive. IIRC, NYX had something like that a few years ago, and possibly e.l.f too. You could try looking into that sort of thing.

>> No.6468455
File: 16 KB, 290x290, clinique-3step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with shitty skin, I highly recommend getting Clinique's three step skin care. It's worked miracles on my own skin and even my boyfriend's.

If you wear make-up, I would suggest investing into the higher end brands without all the filler bullshit in them and of course products that are not perfumed. To me it just makes a huge difference.

>> No.6468676
File: 40 KB, 300x267, milk-of-magnesia-skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently read somewhere that milk of magnesia is awesome for controlling oily skin and can be used kinda like a primer. I have yet to try it, but is it safe for the skin?

>> No.6468771

If it is safe for you GI tract I would hope so. This interested me so I read about online about MoM and skin regimens. It behaves in an alkaline manner, hence why it is such a good laxative, and draws up moisture/oil very well from most accounts I read. I also read it has anti-bacterial properties but it didn't really elaborate much further than that. Zinc is vital for wound/skin healing, which is present in MoM. But I read many warnings that it can dry skin easily so not to use it excessively.

>> No.6469011


only problem is that it can dry out your skin.

>> No.6469227

I use it, and I have no problems. My skin is especially oily so it doesn't take it all away but it definitely helps, and makes my skin really nice and smooth after. but like the other anon said it can dry your skin out, but it's never dried mine out too terribly.

>> No.6469539
File: 533 KB, 1496x802, plshalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, i come to you in a time of dire need. I have the worst skin known to man. Huge pores, severe acne and very, very VERY dry, and extremely aged. (pic related.)
I know I should do to a dermatologist, but I just can't really afford that right now. My skins always been bad but my breakouts are getting to a horrifying point, and my pores always look brown as if they are permanently clogged.
I've tried many different brands of facial cleanser, I've tried using no cleanser, and I've tried natural remedies (oatmeal cleanser, lemonjuice or rosewater toner, homemade scrubs etc)
Also, whenever I put moisturizer on, no matter the brand or application method, my skin never really absorbs it, it always just sits on the surface until it gets kinda chalky and peels off.

TL;DR is there anything I can do about this nightmare without seeing a dermatologist?

>> No.6469545 [DELETED] 

If I post a pic here, would you tell me my face and eye shape and what makeup techniques would be good for me? I can't figure it out myself

>> No.6469558
File: 87 KB, 640x562, 1300219428397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to get yourself some Benzoyl peroxide hun.
Get 2-10% concentration of benzyl peroxide, rub that shit all over your face every day. leave to sink in, then moisturise with something emollient like sun cream or Dove moisturizer.

Your skin looks like the kind of acne where benzoyl peroxide works really well.

Good luck :)

>> No.6469620

Do any of you girls have suggestions for getting rid of pimple scars?

>> No.6469633
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: it has helped fade my scarring on my cheeks immensely and is relatively cheap!

Also quick tip I've learned about to people battling acne: Zinc and Magnesium are two vitamins you should be taking. I started taking them a few weeks ago and my skin has cleared up a lot. With that and face washing I've gone from moderate to mild acne!

>> No.6469644
File: 253 KB, 510x677, 1347067412862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.6469647

It definitely works. I have extremely oily skin and I started using it daily as a primer and have since switched to using it maybe twice a week because it's incredibly effective. It takes a few tries to apply it perfectly since it's not really what it's for and you can easily make yourself look ridiculous with too much.

>> No.6469655

Good shampoo for damaged and colored hair? My hair is naturally black/brown and I've bleached the piss out of it and dyed it pink. I've been using sulphate free argan oil shampoo and it's ok. But I'm looking for something to help my hair get softer. Even just a treatment suggestion would be good.

>> No.6469661

I am needing general help with bronzer/highligher/blush - the whole cheek/cheekbone area I guess. Products for contouring in general.

I've got medium skin, I'm a MAC NC40 and I've always got dead cheeks. I feel like at my age (26), I'm too old to just throw on some blush and call it day. I use highlighter on my cheekbones and have been using a bit of a dark bronzer for below my cheekbones which does the treat for contouring but I feel a bit disgusting, like I've got too much makeup on.

Do any of you have a recommendation for any of these products that you swear by? Maybe something a little more minimalist than blush, highligher above blush, bronzer below blush?

Thank you ~

>> No.6469669
File: 32 KB, 240x480, drmorgshampoo_12oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being able to help in these threads! So as someone who, int he past year went from Black hair to blonde to bright red and back to black? I understand your pain. My hair was horribly damaged a few months ago. This hopefully will help you out.

Alternate between the pic related shampoo and http://www.lushusa.com/Rehab/9999902012,en_US,pd.html?start=9&cgid=liquid-shampoos

I use my sulfate free shampoo for my showers most of the time and Rehab once a week- Once every two weeks. It has literally saved my hair. You technically can just use Rehab I suppose, but it does have sulfates which I like to try to stay away from. Personal preference!

Lush has some amazing hair products that have made my hair soft again, I had straw like hair which was disgusting. Good luck anon!

>> No.6469672
File: 561 KB, 988x826, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redken All Soft Heavy Cream for treatment. Also try the shampoo and conditioner in the same line. Miracle workers. I have ruined my hair, like really badly ruined and that shit brought me back.

Also really recommend Agadir Argan Oil for after towel drying. Leave your hair to dry almost completely dry by itself and barely hit it with the hair dryer to style it.

Here's a before and after of me ruining my poor hair and me after treating it nicely for about a month. It's still not magically silky but it's the best I've used and I really have tried tons of shit.

>> No.6469673

I've been wanting to try some stuff from Tony Moly but, I know there's a lot of problems with buying fakes off of ebay. In a old thread someone mentioned a seller who sold legit products. Would anyone happen to remember the name of the ebay seller?

>> No.6469685

I use proactiv. I have since I was in middle school, because it's the only thing that seemed to work for my awful acne. I drink lots of water, don't eat too much junk food, wash my pillow cases, etc etc.

Lately, probably with the season change and moving to a less humid area, I noticed that I'm breaking out an awful lot on parts of my face. One side of my face is completely clear though-- the cheek that I happen to sleep on. So I'm assuming that my face is just dry and angry and I've been trying to moisturize for the last couple days (it doesn't seem to be getting worse, but it's understandably too soon to see if it's getting better.)

I'd kinda like to switch from proactiv to something less abrasive and more natural but I'm scared to? I tried once and everything I used just made me break out more.

>> No.6469687

Also, I've been told I have nice skin otherwise? No huge pores, it's "smooth" (aside from acne bumps, obviously,) legitimately my only problem is acne.

>> No.6469716
File: 907 KB, 150x113, tumblr_m2r0skLmWn1qkfz98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both! I'll give 'em a shot!

Your hair looks great now, wow. Mine looks a lot like the before pic. Maybe a bit worse on the ends.
Thing is i cannot quit the heat which is adding to the destruction. My hair is naturally weird and wavy so i can't stop with the straightener. Hopefully these suggestions help me out.

Thanks again

>> No.6469823
File: 41 KB, 609x439, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I get my hair to look like this? Just backcomb and hairspray? I have straight across bangs and fairly wavy hair, but back combing it seems to just make a birds nest

>> No.6469889 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 365x416, down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What haircut should I get without having to straighten it everyday?

>> No.6469929

Check out Benefit's Hoola bronzer.

>> No.6469948

Would any kind anons be willing to help me pick which hair style would suit my face from the ones I've narrowed my selection down to? I'm having trouble visualizing how they might look on me.

>> No.6469963

All the dermatologists that I've been to say never use Proactiv. If you have awful cystic acne like I did, stop fucking around and just go for Accutane. If it's not cystic, you can probably take care of it with a topical cream (I'm using Aczone dapsone gel 5%) and an antibiotic (Solodyn 115mg once a night).

If you're really serious about getting rid of it, go see a dermatologist. Most over-the-counter stuff will fuck up your face even worse.

>> No.6469996

>Benefit's Hoola bronzer
thank you!

>> No.6470090

you cant get this with straight across bangs, but you might get close. Just round brush it while pulling everything up, then hair spray and back comb and hair spray and hair spray and back comb till yeah. You probably want to use a lot of mouse or gel when its wet before you dry it.

>> No.6470215

looks like i'm going to customize my own inglot pallet, which is a total of ten shadows.

they're like $7 each!!! for 2 grams....

I also need 3 natural nude colors, what peach tones?

>> No.6470245
File: 113 KB, 617x222, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try out highlighting my face, but so far I haven't seen any actual highlighting products in my stores. What can I use instead? Drugstore brands only please, I'm poor.

>> No.6470263

For highlighting and contouring you just buy matte bronzer and powder foundation a shade or 2 lighter than your actual skin tone.

>> No.6470589
File: 114 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mehmzjpyRn1r5r3qoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like albinowonderland's eyebrows, but I just realized I don't even exactly know what I'm looking at to figure out how to do it? Is it just a case of plucking it into the shape+powder over it to make it look darker? Any tutorials or guides or anything to do this?

>> No.6470664

any recommended moisturizers for oily/ acne prone skin.?

>> No.6471027

pretty sure she has a video tutorial on youtube for them

>> No.6471032

She does and her eyebrows are half plucked off.

>> No.6471188

Does anyone recommend the Kracie line for facial cleaning or any other Japanese brands? Im also wondering if anyone knows any good facial masks to use. I'd like to try one but Ive never used one before.

>> No.6471803
File: 96 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lupo3c8jGf1r64pa9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coastal Scents has a huge eyeshadow palette of mostly matte colours, and it's cheap as hell too. I own it and they are actually pretty decent quality

>> No.6472920
File: 43 KB, 361x488, Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shape eyes do I have?
I'm aware that the two eyes are slightly different in shape, my right eye protrudes more than my left, so it looks bigger than the other. It's just nice to know so I can cater the way I wear eye make up to it, but I'm terrible at judging these things. Also, I apologise for my ugly bags, but they're hereditary (And exacerbated by bad sleeping habits)
I don't know my face shape either ._. I think it's just round but I'm not sure.

>> No.6473072
File: 114 KB, 523x606, http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m032wu11qx1r0bykto3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this isn't the right place to make this post D:
So yesterday I got my haircut at a beauty school for the low low price of 4 bucks. I asked them to cut my hair like the picture and it took them a little under 2 hours with the help of other student's input. I think I understand that this hairstyle needs to be styled with a circular brush and a good blowdryer. Can someone help me achieve the poofy look? Those goons had no idea what they were doing with my hair

>> No.6473085
File: 110 KB, 540x540, 1354832585934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just that my hair looks so flat and I don't know how to make it look like that

>> No.6473190
File: 241 KB, 1360x611, 1354833110893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6473446

I can style your hair like that under an hour, free of

>> No.6473493

How do you do it?
Can you make...instructions?

>> No.6473587
File: 8 KB, 290x68, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Cgl, what kind of eyes do I have? Also, how can I make my eyes look prettier? I find my eyes make me look tired and dragged down. sorry if my picture Is bad quality, terrible lighting and grotesque phone camera . Thanks

>> No.6473664

today I managed to rip my skin while using an exfoliate. I've used it several times. It works great and doesnt seem to harm my cheeks/neck/other areas, but I used it on my nose and I have a small, slightly painful tear on the bridge of my nose. How do I make sure it heals properly?? I dont need another permanent scar on my face

>> No.6473923


>> No.6474199
