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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 41 KB, 924x691, nigirisushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6467998 No.6467998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

idk why but i see jessica nigri's name as


>> No.6468002
File: 84 KB, 640x960, 398339_10151307991157533_868169878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm jessica thread?

>> No.6468012
File: 5 KB, 184x185, dizzysakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.... I thought that was how it was.
I never stopped to check the spelling of it.

>> No.6468023

you and me both anon..

>> No.6468024

that's how i thought it was spelled, too. my boyfriend called me out on it and made fun of me, but then every time i go into a jnig thread, i see someone spelling it nigiri. i don't know if it's on accident or on purpose, but i guess i read it wrong the first time and believed it.

>> No.6468065

Come on... No way... I always thought it was Nigiri. I can read, I know it!

>> No.6468085


I can't believe that dumb cunt managed to fuck up the colors AND make it more slutty. I really hope she contracts a horrible disease and loses all of her looks, and dies a slow, painful, awful, unredeeming, AWFUL death.

>> No.6468088

Yet another person who honestly thought it was Nigiri. I thought it was a terrible attempt at a Japanese sounding surname. Welp.

>> No.6468090

You sound really mad.

>> No.6468125
File: 96 KB, 852x495, Mad Moxxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am. It's like every time I unfortunately have to see a pic of her again when she comes up on the internet, she does something else that's genuinely infuriating. I was looking up pics of Moxxi on tumblr because I was like "Hmm I wonder if I can make this costume for my gf and she'd wear it...." then I see her dumb ass.

She had to make Moxxi's costume even MORE risque? Where on her costume is her bra hanging COMPLETELY out? She literally cut the breast part off. What the fuck is she doing? Why would you do that? That's not even cosplaying the chick anymore. Where do you see her bra completely hanging out? Where do you see purple?

I dunno maybe it made me extra mad because I wanted my gf to do it and worried about it being too showy then she has to go and have her bra completely out like that, and somehow obliterate the modesty of the costume. What the actual fuck.

Sure, I'm mad.

>> No.6468131

Coming from someone who has been hospitalized multiple times due to anger related issues, it's really not that big of a deal.

>> No.6468135
File: 63 KB, 400x438, 400px-Moxxiborderlands2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure she messed up the colors? This is from Borderlands 2, not the first one. Same outfit, but purple.

But I definitely agree about being pissed from making it more slutty. Moxxi's a slut, sure, but you don't need to make the costume sluttier.

>> No.6468390


She looks gorgeous here, and way better with brown hair.

>> No.6468400


You are such a god damn aspie. Your girlfriend is probably a fat fuck and I don't even wanna know what you look like. Sure it's retarded that she made the costume sluttier, but I can managed to just go LOL instead of shitting ever inch of my pants over it. Why are you so stupid?

>> No.6468412

notice how there is nothing covering her bra, it's just bra then the rest of the top where moxie's shirt covers her bra

>> No.6468417

Can you be any more jelly?

>> No.6468419

>She looks gorgeous here
>Fucked up the outfit
>Fucked up the makeup
>Fucked up the hair
>Wanted to find a better pic of her from Borderlands 2 to make sure my anger was correct and over half the pictures are JNig
It's like she tried to make her prettier and sluttier at the same time

>> No.6468428

Also, what the fuck is with her hat? It might just be my screen, but it looks like it's coloured with markers or made of cheap velvet or something.

>> No.6468425


still looks gorgeous, dumbass

>> No.6468427

This is always how I see it. I didn't realize it "Nigri" until years after I'd first heard of her online.

>> No.6468433

Well I guess beauty really is subjective.

>> No.6468488


You 'can managed' to sound even dumber than I do. You are probably either her herself (judging by the idiocy of the post) or have your penis in the other hand. Sure I got mad about it, but your whiteknighting seems half-hearted, weak, and without purpose. Why did you even post?

Anyway, it looks like that in Borderlands 2, but it looks like the lighting to me. IDK. I forgot how, but I saw it differently and in it's original color within Borderlands 2 somehow.... Hmmm... Can't remember. In any case, the main point being the bra part.

>> No.6468499

Hahaha you got the color wrong and now you look like a fucking idiot. Of course you're gonna call me Nigri or a dude, completely sad. Sorry that you're hideous and can only date fatties that will never be as fit as Jessica.