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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 236 KB, 500x750, Katara_by_IchigoKitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6465909 No.6465909 [Reply] [Original]

So what is your honest opinion on brownfacing/blackfacing for cosplay?

>> No.6465921

It looks retarded. Just keep your natural skin tone or don't cosplay a brown character.

>> No.6465926

You know you're being overly sensitive when you believe tinting your skin with bodypaint for a costume is some kind of racist act.

>> No.6465923

Done it, people actually thought it was my natural skin colour. Would do again.

>> No.6465928

I've done it without getting any flack for it, but it was from an obscure webcomic, so that might have been it.

>> No.6465930

I think it looks dumb.

"well, I'mma be brown for a day just to suit the character better"

no, you look like a spraytanned idiot and you manage to insult a handful of tumblrfags at the same time.

and lets talk about black people "whitefacing" in cosplay. I've rarely seen any of that. (and if there is I want pics because that sounds fucking hysterical)

>> No.6465931

White people are the only ones who don't think it's racist.

>> No.6465933 [DELETED] 

black face wasn't done as a way to honor any black figures, it was done to mock them. It was also done in an exaggerated and unnatural way so as to emphaize how stupid they looked. Getting a tan or darkening your skin isn't that, it's clearly different and meant to look natural, so no it's not blackface and anyone who thinks it is seriously needs to learn how 2 history.

>> No.6465934

They don't. They just cosplay white characters without doing anything about their skin and act like it's cool.

>> No.6465936

If you're just darkening your skintone, I think it's fine. If you're full-on blacking up, as in a non-black person cosplaying a black character with black features, 9 times out of 10 it's going to look stupid as fuck because they're not going to have the right facial features. I don't really know why you'd do that.

>> No.6465938

Basically this. You don't look like a black/Asian/whatever person. You look like a white chick wearing foundation that's too dark for her. I have yet to see anyone in black/brownface look halfway decent irl.

>> No.6465940

lol how the fuck is it "racist"?

"blackface" was only considered racist because it was intentionally making fun of black people. Simply using bodypaint to portray another ethnicity has nothing to do with racism.

Of course, this is also the board that believes that taking a cosplay picture in a graveyard is offensive, so it's pretty safe to say certain idiots here are just looking to be offended by things.

>> No.6465941

I'm hispanic and I dont think it's racist. We have had this thread so many times, I am surprised people answer these like no one has ever thought to bring up the topic before. If it looks nicely done, then it's fine, if any type or body paint or make up of the sort, is done badly, it will look bad. Do what you like, there will always be people who like or dislike what you do for their own reasons, that shouldnt effect you trying hard and having a good time.

>> No.6465944

How is this different than getting a wig/dying your hair, or cosplaying a character of a different gender?

>It looks retarded. Just keep your natural hair colour or don't cosplay a character with pink hair.

>It looks retarded. Just keep your natural sex or don't cosplay a male character.

>> No.6465945

>implying Asians don't do it

>> No.6465946

dont give a single fuck.

>> No.6465949
File: 290 KB, 740x494, 7b49c3b1c35c80d49972420d0876f3cc1efccb22-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only bad if white people do it

>> No.6465951

As long as they get the tone right and don't look like tan white girls I'm cool. Even when someone tries it they still look like white girls who put on the wrong shade of makeup, but I would still rather have someone (even if it doesn't look great) try to at least match the skin color than have someone cosplay it anyway without coloring themselves (bodypaint, airbrushing, etc). Worse is when people defend that shit. That's like expecting a flat chested or obese Yoko cosplayer not to get any criticism.

>> No.6465950

>they don't

I remember following some chicks on tumblr who were skin bleaching to accurately cosplay something

>> No.6465953
File: 40 KB, 316x316, 1348701110387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think girl in OP looks nice! Also, dont we have this thread every single month?

>> No.6465955

Because painting all of your skin the right shade and not having it look like shit is a lot harder to do right than just putting on a wig or binding your chest?

>> No.6465956

Too bad she isn't nice.

>> No.6465958

Yeah, you are right, this is actually quite common. I am just too lazy to get pictures. Bitches can look into themselves if they are so curious.

>> No.6465960

>White people are the only ones who think it's racist.

Fixed it.

>> No.6465961
File: 161 KB, 900x599, magi___sharrkan_by_haruaoattlearstre-d4vwvwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawl. Asians and other races do it all the time, and its been done for years. Only since the invention of tumblr has anyone given a fuck about this. Note there was no fuss over Fran, or Black Rose, or any other tan character until SJW started whining about it.

It can also be done well, you just never notice because it looks like a natural tan. The point is knowing where to stop. I'm middle eastern and I don't have a very dark skintone (NOT ALL ETHNIC PEOPLE ARE THE SAME COLOUR, SURPRISE!) am I racist for getting a spray tan when I cosplay from a series with pseudo-arabic characters?

I think it looks awkward when people try to cosplay obviously black or extremely ethnic characters, but for most animu who all have same face and features minus a few shades different skintone?Just don't do a shitty job.

>> No.6465964

into it** themselves, not into themselves.... maybe I need a nap or something....

>> No.6465965

So, it's bad because it's more difficult to do? Just because someone is shit at doing wigs, doesn't mean everyone should stop wearing wigs. Just because someone is shit at doing makeup, doesn't mean everyone should stop doing makeup.
Armor is really difficult to craft, for the most part, too. So is constructing intricate cosplays in general. If someone does a difficult cosplay, will you shit all over them just because someone else failed at it?

>> No.6465969

I don't think it's inherently racist at all but when it looks bad, it looks bad. Do it well or don't do it at all. Accuracy is a key part of cosplay, right? So, people use all sorts of things to change around what they have naturally like their hair, sex, and (arguably) body shape. Why is skin color off-limits to work with?

>> No.6465971
File: 141 KB, 1150x503, Screen shot 2012-12-03 at 6.30.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Tumblr fags this stupid?

The white chick is her voice actor. Duh.

>> No.6465974

My thoughts exactly. I'm South Asian and medium toned for most people (fairly light for my ethnicity) if I need to darken/lighted for a character I will.

>> No.6465975

I do this during Winter. During Summer I just get a tan. My skin tans really well and, really, tan make-up looks pretty natural on my features.

>> No.6465977
File: 54 KB, 500x504, 1332193547893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boom shakka lakka

>> No.6465980

Speaking as an Asian: Naw, y'all white bitches and y'all black bitches need to GTFO of our characters. It's appropriation and I won't stand for it, being, y'know, ~Asian~ and all.

Nah, I kid. If people feel the need to add on a bit of self-tanner or bronzer to seem more in-character, it should be perfectly fine for them to do so. As long as you don't try to act like the blackfacers back in the day used to.

>> No.6465986


>> No.6465989

I (persian) lighten and darken all the time and no one notices because I only do enough to look good.

I do this by having a few different shades of foundation and mixing and matching for contouring and colour. For body I mix foundation with moisturizer and set it with my usual setting spray.

People go up and down skin shades all the time for movies etc. regardless of ethnicity. Do they think Tilda Swinton is iridescent naturally, or that Johnny Depp is actually that dark?

Also, most cultures in anime and games aren't even real... I guess it's too much to expect people to use their heads to decide what is offensive and looks terrible and what doesn't?

>> No.6465990
File: 119 KB, 772x1034, makeup_test_for_korra_by_ximevzla-d5m1xf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465994
File: 212 KB, 900x1200, je12_025_by_kanyiko-d5jvku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there are those who don't brownface.

>> No.6465997

and I should care.. why?

maybe they realized they would look like a dumb idiot and feel like one if they smeared brown shit all over their face to "accurately depict" a character. I mean, as long as you look good, its fine. but if you look like you smeared shit over your face or got a spraytan.. no.

>> No.6466001

Her natural skin tone is fine as-is for a Korra cosplay. Why cake on the orange?

>> No.6466003

as a brown person I'd rather see them try then just turn korra into a white chick.

>> No.6466007

The only people who have a real problem with it are white privelages SJW attentionwhores from tumblr.

You guys really have nothing to bitch about and look ignorant as hell. There is NOTHING racist about darkening your skintone for accuracy.

I can gaurantee none of you are even colored and if you are, you have never had to deal with REAL racism. You look stupid. Shut the fuck up, stop makign these threads and go back to reblogging some shitty gif on tumblr.


>> No.6466010

For most people it's just that you do it at all while other people can't (or are bullied into by society whether it's bleaching or tanning) is what is so offensive. I think it's more offensive when you don't even take the time to do it /right/ if you're going to do it at all. This chick >>6465990 is blotchy and this one >>6465994 isn't even wearing make up that suits her own face. So they both look bad. What's the point of doing something and not doing it as the best you can? Not know how make up works isn't an excuse anymore thanks to You Tube. Hell, I wouldn't mind doing make up for people if they really needed the help.

I have yet to change my skintone for a cosplay, but I know how to do it. Because I looked it up.

>> No.6466011

And yet you bump it anyway.

>> No.6466013

>he thinks sage does jack shit

How's it feel being new?

>> No.6466012

I don't find it racist, but I don't understand why people don't just actually go get a natural tan as opposed to spending tons of money trying to find the right makeup and then it just looks like shit in the end anyway.

>> No.6466014

If you don't brownface for cosplay then you're just whitewashing.

>> No.6466019

It's like she's never heard of colored concealer so she won't have those weird discolored patches.

>> No.6466028

I've been here for 4 years.

This. Even a spray tan would look better than that.

>> No.6466039

I'm ok with it


>giving a fuck about socialjusticeveganunicorntransethnictransretardedtransgender tumblrfags opinions

>> No.6466050

See, I have a problem with "-facing". To me, you would "brownface"/"blackface/whiteface" to insult another race on purpose, especially with exaggerated features in the makeup.

I don't give a fuck if you tint/shade so your skin is accurate to the character you are cosplaying. I rather you make sure your paint is applied and sealed properly. If you tan, be careful of the consequences of overdoing it.

To cosplayers who don't do anything about their skin and looks pretty off from the character they cosplay after, while I do prefer some accuracy, I understand it's up to the individual to do whatever they feel comfortable doing. Sure there will be people out there nitpicking at how light/white or dark/black you look, but you aren't cosplaying for them. Cosplay for yourself, be comfortable and have fun while doing it.

>> No.6466054

no, but you should at least care that you will probably look like shit.

>> No.6466061
File: 81 KB, 700x460, gayestpostoftheday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, four WHOLE years! Let's give them a round of applause everyone!

>> No.6466067

i love homosexuals more than i like white bread

and i fucking love white bread.

>> No.6466072

Go to bed, grandma.

>> No.6466073

There are plenty of mistakes that copslayers make that cause them to look like shit besides skin tining. It's no use singling it out unless you're an attentionwhore SJW. They're likely shit otherwise anyway.

>> No.6466075

toast is just white bread brownfacing

>> No.6466082

In theory, I think it can be done well and tastefully. Blackface looks totally different from getting a tan. However, most of the time it looks splotchy and awful because people don't know what they're doing.

>> No.6466079


This place is really fucking filled with tumblr. I'm not even homophobic, but I don't feel the need to go out of my way to tell everyone, especially on 4chan when someone's just giving me shit.
Go to bed, babby.

>> No.6466080

No, toast is white bread tanning.

>> No.6466081

I smell autism.

Nobody gives a shit about who is old or new anymore.

>> No.6466084
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1341260647148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6466091

im telling you rye bread whiteface all the fucking time with butter
they dont care that white bread brownfaces by toasting.

in other news today an elderly man yelled at a cloud

>> No.6466087

>I smell autism
>I don't care!
>even giving a fuck enough to respond

I smell irony.

>> No.6466089

Okay aspie.

>> No.6466095
File: 1023 KB, 320x200, 1337804715706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6466098

In other news, today an elderly man fucked you in the ass.

>> No.6466099
File: 9 KB, 250x147, darkandproud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here today to tell you all that white bread need to check their privilege! They can choose to get darker, and then just scrape it off! I can't scrape off my darkness, I was just baked with it!

>> No.6466102
File: 73 KB, 450x338, Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iknorite? look at this bitch, didn't even bother to fucking cover it up.

>> No.6466106

thats shit-tier whitefacing. that gurl needs to learn how to blend

>> No.6466107

And how long have you been here? Sure seems like either a troll or underageb&.

>> No.6466112
File: 58 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m9mx4oynTF1qd9uqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, dis bitch. She keeps going on and on about being Native and this is what she looks like.

>> No.6466126
File: 44 KB, 500x356, Grape_Jelly-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was this bitch even trying to do

>> No.6466127

She looks straight celtic. Does anyone ever call her out on her shit?

>> No.6466131

If done right, it looks fine. It's just costuming and if some people are offended by it, they have a right to their opinion. But if the intention is not to insult others, then it's okay by me and I honestly respect and encourage the extra effort.

Hell I remember when I first learned of Jaina solo by seeing her fran cosplay. Thought she was black for 2 years. If it's done well enough, whatevs!

>> No.6466138

She's cosplaying Kneesocks duh.

>> No.6466140


why are you oppresing her check your privilege your heartless insensitive cisethnic bitches

>> No.6466169

I'm crying with laughter over the fact that this bitch thinks she's really Native American. I wish white bitches would stop trying to act like they're of the same heritage as me because their great great great grandmother's cousin was 1/8th Cherokee or some shit.

Bitches like this are more racist than people who make actual racist comments, and they're about 5 times as stupid.

>> No.6466179

Most people using makeup don't know what the hell they're doing but if people can pull it off successfully and avoid the radioactive tell-tale orange glow or streaky makeup/self-tanner application, who gives a shit, cool bro. If they fail, well, I'm sure they will end up here and people will laugh. *lather*rinse*repeat* Nothing shocking or new.

All seriousness aside, there are a lot of light-medium and medium skin tones that naturally get hella tan in the summer and go back to light-med to med in the winter (myself included). If I wanted to cosplay someone darker than I am now, I'd just wait for summer.

>> No.6466222
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1351907130672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, some Asian should start a Tumblr and start blogging about how cosplay, reading manga, watching anime etc. is "racist, privileged appropriation of all Asian cultures!! Whitewashing eurocentric cis scum!!" and so on - I just really want to see the SJW fags reactions.

>> No.6466255


>> No.6466256

Why do you idiots even call it "brownface" or blackface. Go look up what real blackface is. Goddamn this generation is retarded.

>> No.6466271

Proud Asian doesn't type that well.

>> No.6466283

I've said the same before but no one seems to pick up on the fact that there's a huge difference between "makeup" for cosplay versus legit minstrel show blackface etc.

>> No.6466306
File: 32 KB, 298x409, blackface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is black face. Changing your skin tone to more accurately portray a character is not

>> No.6466309
File: 30 KB, 280x207, 280px-Minstrel_PosterBillyVanWare_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image on the right is blackface which was usually done to make fun of black people. Darkening ones skin for cosplay is not done to make fun of said character's race, therefore is not black face or "brown face".

tumblr is full of the biggest retards and SJW on the planet though, so there is no getting through to them.

>> No.6466319

I have to laugh and CRY at this.

Because I have seen "trollkin" blogs talking about "greyface."

Fucking CRYING, man.

>> No.6466322

True. But board-tans on the other hand are real 'blackface'. Just because they're not darkening their skin does not mean they're not doing exactly what blackface does.

>> No.6466323
File: 39 KB, 640x360, mitt-in-brown-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay orange Mitt Romney.

>> No.6466329

Does she say how much native blood she has?
My father is Native and I'm white as paper..

>> No.6466336

Skin tone has nothing to do with it. My friend is 1/4 black and white as a ghost, but you can tell from his features that he's mixed.

You could shoop her skin 10 shades darker and she'd still look white.

>> No.6466338

if she was asian you probably wouldn't be complaining.

>> No.6466358

You're probably right and she probably is exaggerating or full out lyring but I really don't look Native in any way shape or form and used to get a lot of shit in school for being part of the Native kid programs and stuff, we were also shit on when my family was living out on the reservation for me and my mom being white so I know what it's like to be called out on not being part of a race due to your looks, makes me feel bad for her if she really is as Native as she says, it's awkward to celebrate your heritage when no one believes you're a part of it.

>> No.6466362
File: 100 KB, 394x640, 2391971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when people cosplay outside their skin color then paint themselves to look the part. I think it's racist and insensitive.

>> No.6466381

Damn, look at that insensitive bitch. Those smurfs must be really mad.

>> No.6466382

>I'm a bush babe, a country girl, an anishnaabekwe.
I suppose "bush babe" is her way of candying up the term "bush nigger"?

>> No.6466386

You're half. She's claiming 100%.

>> No.6466391

Unless she has enrollment papers from her tribe/s to prove her Native blood, she's probably lying. I don't know how many people I run across who claim to be 1/20398439 Native, or "My great great great grandmother was a Native princess" or the everfamous "I'm part cherokeee... somewhere down the line." It's all bullshit unless you can prove it.

>> No.6466395

Haha, yea no. If she's 100% than she most definitely would probably have enrollment papers. Yea nah, she's lying.

>> No.6466403

Europe has some of the most fascinating history and cultures on the planet. Why can't these white girls just be proud of their own heritage? I'd kill to be Scandinavian or Italian.

>> No.6466404

You should totally link her tumblr, I wanna see this shit.

>> No.6466410

>Why can't these white girls just be proud of their own heritage?
>I'd kill to be Scandinavian or Italian.
>proud of own heritage


>> No.6466411


>> No.6466414

Except I don't claim that I am, unlike these people.

>> No.6466430

Half of the people I cosplay are not my skin-tone somehow... I don't plan it, shit happens. I like to transform my skin color too... it's all a part of looking totally different for that one weekend.

>> No.6466447

What? This isn't about hating/loving your heritiiji. It's about cosplay.
But if you're talking about the white girls that lie about being ~ethnic~, they just have massive amounts of white guilt, or they're attention whores who cling onto whatever's "in" at the moment.

>> No.6466451

I don't think it's offensive to take pictures in graveyards, but it is inappropriate to take pictures on strangers graves. Less so if the grave is really old since it's not like anyone visits those/cares.

>> No.6466454

I was talking about the girl who's tumblr just got posted, and all the others like her.

>> No.6466460

Does anyone have that picture of the two Homesuckers pretending to mourn over someone's grave?

>> No.6466461

It's not racist to get a tan, why is it racist to change your skin tone for a costume? It's not done to make fun of someone or to ridicule a certain race. Korra isn't even black, white, hispanic, etc. She's Southern Water Tribe. She is a race that doesn't even exist in real life, she just has a darker skin tone.

You could cosplay her with or without her skin tone, though. It's just stupid to call it racist when for most people it's just getting a tan.

>> No.6466471
File: 57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m9acw36MwC1qd9uqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord this shit amuses me (dif anon, the South Asian one above). I generally have to go through life making sure that people understand that they need to indicate whether then mean India-Indian or Native American-Indian (and I made a white girl in my class feel bad because she didn't) but I bet they're making a statement here.

When this topic was brought up I was amused because apparently /cgl/ didn't follow that whole Amanda Warren fiasco (she claimed to be part Native American, her opponent said she could be because she didn't look it and, well... she's in the senate and he's not.) but seriously when you look that not-ethnic don't claim to be not a mix.

More pics for those curious. She's a fucking white girl.

>> No.6466480

not racist: applying tinter/bronzer/bodypaint for the sake of accuracy, though it's one of those things where you probably shouldn't do it if you don't know how/have help because it'll look like shit

racist: my cousin's schools performance of 'hairspray',
>blotchy as fuck tinter/foundation
fine whatever
>shitty afro wigs
ok sure
>making a KFC fried chicken joke and a watermelon joke

I didn't understand why all of the "kids" had make up for their skin, but the"black mama"/whatever her name was in the musical was just left as is

If you're going to do it to the others, do it to everyone for fucks sake.
But leave the shitty jokes out of it.

Fucking Langley/Cloverdale kids

>> No.6466491

You know if you don't have the diversity to pull off Hairspray at your school, why the fuck would you even try? I mean my school was fairly diverse, but mostly in that there was a large number of Asians. Still probably couldn't pull off Hairspray, but would know better then to try.

>schools atedog

>> No.6466492

Reading more of her tumblr now. She's acting as if she's 100%, but I just found this:

>Dear Indigenous Followers
As a lot of you know, my mother is currently on disability due to her MS. She has taken this time to do research for our family tree. She started with her side, and then went to my dad’s side; this is the side that is said to have my native heritage. My grandma supposedly was fathered by a Native man. My grandfather’s father was said to be metis (half).
My mom has done as much research as humanly possible since my family isn’t in many records, and our last name appears to have changed quite often. There appears to be no history of Indigenous people directly in our line. Of course, this still leaves the possibility of my grandmother having an Ojibwe father, since it is believed to be from an affair. But there will likely never be any proof of that. So my question to you all, is where would you like me to proceed? Obviously I can’t just drop out of my university program, but this does raise questions about how I should identify, either as an ally, or as still Indigenous. Whether I should continue practising the traditions I’ve been learning, attending the ceremonies, etc. I know everyone’s answers will be different, but I would like anyone who feels comfortable to help me out with how to proceed. Thanks guys :)

Sounds like she just has a bad case of Special Snowflake syndrome.

>> No.6466498

I thought it was kind of weird, but I can deal(the girl playing the mom had a strong voice, but her voice wasn't developed enough for that kind of role)

my issue was they actually made fried chicken and watermelon jokes, who the fuck thought that was a good idea? It's not even like the area is completely white, it's white kids->brown kids(mostly arab)->then misc asians

fuck the Chinese principle was playing the bitch mom and I guess didn't have an issue with it

>> No.6466503

Jesus Christ. I can't believe someone could be this up their own ass.

>> No.6466505

There is a genetic test she can take that will tell her what and how much of every ethnicity she is. If she really wants to know/have solid proof, she can just do that. Especially with all that 'half blahblahblah' and 'affairs'

>> No.6466515
File: 25 KB, 400x266, tumblr_mamrkbecpl1qh28hmo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that picture. It screams "look how diverse I'm trying to be!" even though she looks so much like an out-of-place white girl.

Does this bitch even have a tribe that she's supposedly from? I find most of the time that when I ask a white girl about their Native American heritage, they kind of hesitate and sheepishly say Cherokee. There are not that many damn Cherokees, and I don't even live in an area where the Cherokee tribes were.

>"I'm totally Native American, I get tan really easily in the summer!"

>> No.6466514

I guess I just have the mentality of "Don't fucking try it if you may turn it to shit." I've heard some amazing vocal work from high cholesterol, but I don't think resorting to what is essentially black face (not because they toned their skin darker, but because they did that AND THEN PROCEEDED TO MAKE RACISTS JOKES) would have countered that. At all.

>> No.6466517

cholesterol wtf spellcheck. *schoolers

>> No.6466530
File: 49 KB, 428x410, 1344355649255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do. I would love you forever anon

>> No.6466536

I used to know a girl in 8th grade that claimed the reason she has bright red hair was because her great great grandmother was Cherokee.

Nobody even said anything, I wonder if she still believes it.

>> No.6466545

My friend's younger sister tans really easily in the summer too. But she's half Puerto Rican. And half German-Italian. Soooooo bullshit.

A previous post mentioned the tribe she claims to be from which is not a common one (so in all liklyhood she is part, but not much). I have a friend who wants to claim a lot of different ethnicities and I just give a look of "please fucking do your research before claiming anything" that includes some Native American and Welsh. And the Welsh is only because of her last name, where I did tell her about a QI regular who claimed Welsh once and then later found out he wasn't, despite his last name. EVERYTHING IS A LIE.

I did also go to school with someone who was part Cherokee. You could tell with him however. And it was awhile before that was really told.

>> No.6466548

Well, this explains Roy Harper/Red Arrow being part Native American then...

>> No.6466549

I'm pretty sure Puerto Ricans descended from Native tribes.

Same with hispanic people. All Native/White halfbreeds.

>> No.6466553

Oh god, that reminds me of a girl I used to know in high school. She always bragged about how she was Irish because she was a ginger. She wasn't even Irish, she ended up being Scottish or German or something (I can't remember), but of course actual ancestry is bullshit because if you're a ginger you're automatically 100% Irish.

>> No.6466559

I'm Irish and I have close to black hair.

>> No.6466560

But they wouldn't check off "Native American" when given the option. Try asking one.


>> No.6466561

UGGGGGHHHHH THIS. It's a dumb stereotype that been perpetuated for way too long.

>> No.6466564


Holy shit, this reminds me of Sarah's windchime story. This bitch. Honestly, if you're not atleast 1/4, you look kind of ridiculous claiming it as MUH HERITAGE I GO TO CERMONIES BECAUSE I AM NATIVE. No. you're not. You're a white girl who may have a little bit of Native ancestry, but probably not because you sound cray as hell.

I mean, you can go to ceremonies and learn about it, nothing wrong with that. but don't go around telling everyone you're Native like you're full.
I feel the same about any other culture.
I'm part French and German, but only 1/8 or so, so I'm not going to go around saying "Yup, I'm German!"

>> No.6466565

Exactly. Most of the Irish people I know aren't gingers, but no according to that dumbass you can only be from Ireland if you're a ginger, and there's no other kind of people in that country.

>> No.6466570
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Technically they COULD claim Native heritage if they wanted to, since their ancestors were.

I mean, since white people are so obsessed with tracking their heritage, why not anyone else?

>> No.6466572

Every time I scroll past this picture, I just keep thinking about how IK pretends to be Japanese and/or know Japanese.

>> No.6466573

She actually claims to be Japanese? I just thought she seemed kind of weebish.

>> No.6466575

Oh god, this. I'm Irish and when I was over in America I got everyone telling me how they were totally Irish because their great great great grandfather once met an Irishman or something. I know they were just trying to be friendly, but it's actually pretty annoying and offputting. I can't imagine how pissed off Native Americans must get when they see white girls claiming Native heritage just because it's trendy to be ethnic.

>> No.6466580

They're a pissed off race to begin with I'm sure. Last I checked only .02% of America was full Native.

>> No.6466583
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You guys jealous of her asian boyfriend?

>> No.6466585

Does he have a bad spray tan?

>> No.6466593

It's actually sort of typical among not just white people. Almost everywhere I go, you'll get people every now and then claim to have some sort of Native Ancestry. White people are the biggest offenders though.
I dunno, I feel like a lot of them see it as some sort of mystic novelty thing. Like claiming you're part wizard or fairy or some shit. A lot of them tend to get really obsessive too.
It's like "no, just because you saw Dances with Wolves, does not mean you can claim to be native and become one with the wolves now."

>> No.6466604

I'm actually 1/2 Native American and look more Native than white. I used to wear a sweatshit with a wolf on it because wolves are fucking cool, but so many people asked me if I wore it to "channel the wolf spirits" or some shit that I just stopped wearing it.

Do people not realize that comments like that are racist and just stupid in general? Not all Native Americans live in teepees on reservation lands and speak to the animal spirits while smoking from a pipe.

>> No.6466607
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My friend's tattoo.
Because she might be part native american.

I have shitty friends.

>> No.6466612
File: 105 KB, 400x286, tumblr_m6cn0yZJwe1qia2td.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a really awesome tattoo.

>> No.6466619

That tattoo is beautiful but holy moses she doesn't even know her ancestry and she got that? What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.6466628

At least it looks pretty good

>> No.6466635

She's also shaved her eyebrows completely off, along with shaving the rest of her head.

She wants to go into the Psychology field too.

>> No.6466643

since when did you have to be part of a culture to appreciate art? that is how culture and art advances...

what kind of fucking backwards world are we living in that sharing and accepting and appreciating peoples cultures is now negative?

I can't wait until this fucking childish fad of NO SHARESIES and acting like we have to all keep to our own sandbox lest we disturb other peoples dies.

if we all start taking back everything we gave one another we'll be in the fucking dark ages again.

>> No.6466647

im 1/4 black (3/4 white) do you guys think its appropriate for me to call myself mixed?

>> No.6466652

Oh god, could she look any more smug

>> No.6466654

Is it on your birth certificate?

>> No.6466659

>Not all Native Americans live in teepees on reservation lands and speak to the animal spirits while smoking from a pipe.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what most people seem to think about Native Americans.

>> No.6466657

call yourself whatever the fuck you want, it's your body and heritage, what you are called only affects you not some moron on the internet

>> No.6466668


I'm fine with people appreciating other cultures, but Native American culture is so often disrespected that shit like what the girl who got the tattoo did is unacceptable. It's not okay for a white person to throw on a turban and scream in jibberish about how they are middle eastern and want to bomb you, but it is okay for someone to throw on a headdress and buckskin outfit and pretend to be Native American. Hell, Victoria's Secret had a model wear an oversized headdress and buckskin bikini and got away with it because racism apparently doesn't matter if it's toward Native Americans.

>> No.6466670
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So she's unsure if she's Native at ALL but she goes around making posts like >>6465971

>> No.6466666

See "because she thinks she's Native"

I don't think there's anything wrong with appreciating and learning about the culture and personally, I think the tattoo is nice looking. It's this claiming to be an ethnicty you're not for the sake of special snowflakeness that's full-retard.

>> No.6466667
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Did you even read the post? It's not a tattoo of a headdress (a sacred piece of native american culture to begin with) because she thought it was pretty and she appreciated the culture. It was her clinging to some POTENTIAL ancestry that she thought made her some sort of speshul snowflake who's part of one of the rarest races there is.

>> No.6466672

so what? If she respects and wants to believe she's a part of that culture, why is that so wrong?

>> No.6466673
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>> No.6466674
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I can just imagine her flashing it to everyone in sight and bragging about how "Native" she is.

Too bad, it's a nice tattoo.

>> No.6466677

If she were claiming to be black, I'm sure everyone would be having a shitfit.

>> No.6466678

there's a big difference between the two examples you just gave

>> No.6466684

there is a big difference between throwing on a turban and acting like a retarded offensive stereotype and simply WEARING a turban or headdress.

guess what, white people can wear head covers or turbans or whatever the hell they want as long as they don't do so to BE an asshat. that's my culture and I don't even care.

I like seeing white girls in saris and wearing our jewellery and getting mehndi because it shows they appreciate and think my culture is beautiful. I don't necessarily think VS was in the right, but its obvious they weren't doing it to openly mock native americans.

I also live somewhere that is pretty much 50% native and none of them give a shit about garbage like this because they have REAL problems. how about instead of whining about people wearing headdresses you help campaign for their actual issues and offer them REAL support.

>> No.6466685


You don't get a get out of jail free card for pretending to be a part of other cultures, so why is it okay for Native Americans? If you go to Japan and are white, but try to act like you belong there, they will treat you like shit. That's okay for them, but not for Native American people to get upset because their culture is literally never portrayed in a respectable manner.

>> No.6466686

Except being black isn't cute and ethnic enough for them.

>> No.6466689

you sound like a few decades old gay/trans basher

>> No.6466690

how the fuck is having a chiefs hat tattoo the same thing as pretending to be another culture? if she's acting like a dipshit, fine... but there's nothing wrong with getting a tattoo. it's art.

>> No.6466688

That's incredibly disrepectful. I don't care so much when people dress up as Pocohontas because they made a Disney movie out of her, but headdresses are very sacred.

>> No.6466692

I don't understand why SOME people brag about their heritage even if it counts less than 1/16.
One of my friend says she is an "American born French-Canadian"?
"I have French heritage."


>> No.6466697

You obviously didn't read the first post correctly.

>> No.6466698

I had no idea so many other people were obsessed with Native heritage. My mother is like a weeaboo for Native stuff, married a Native man and had glorious Halfu children, though neither me nor my brother look Native AT ALL.

My Dad adopted a 'if you wanna learn about any of this, I'll be glad to show you' attitude but my mom has crammed it down my throat..the smudging..tobacco ceremonies every time so much as a fish died, the pow-wows..

I thought she was the only one as in my area Native people are treated like a joke since MOST of them here live up to the terrible stereotype of alcoholic leeches on the system..

>> No.6466701

Because it's disrespectful to those who ARE of that culture, who have had to put up with a ton of shit through the generations.
Native Americans have some of, if not the highest poverty rates, along with a proven genetic predisposition to alcoholism.

To claim to be part of that when you grew up in a nice little suburb in one of the richest areas in the entire United States just so you can claim to be "oh so different" is absolutely ridiculous and insulting. Even without all of that, it's terribly insulting and disrespectful

>> No.6466702
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>Native American themed outfit
>animal print
>Victoria Secret in charge of not being ignorant as fuck

We don't even have cheetas on this continent. Just.. what the fuck.

>> No.6466706

but she IS acting like a dipshit. That's the problem.

>> No.6466709

Because the girl got it simply for the reason that she thinks she's Native American. I can understand getting it because it's beautiful, but she's only trying to brag about heritage she probably doesn't have. There are people of that culture who actually understand it that are being disrespected by some teenaged hipster who thinks that she's trendy because it's a fad to wear the traditional, sacred clothing of that culture.

>> No.6466712

Well...are her parents acadian or quebecois? Because that's not too farfetched

>> No.6466713
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>> No.6466714

As an Asian, I have no idea why some Americans are obsessed with heritage.

It seems that they believe heritage defines who they are and what they should be and how they should act.

>> No.6466721

Yea, it's a lot more common than you think. My old friends parents were obsessed. It was horror movie-esque when I visited her house one day and it was completely decked out with paintings, figurines and other such things.
They didn't claim to be Native though, so I had no problem with them. I felt like they wanted to add me to their collection at first though.

>> No.6466726

Because Americans don't really have a heritage of their own due to the melting pot effect.

I feel like there's a jealousy that whites/especially Americans have of homogenous cultures (such as Asians, Africans and Native Americans) that they are perceived as tightly knit and have such a strong identity, that all these IDless white people want to have as well.

>Worded poorly but I'm too lazy to bother right now.

>> No.6466738

wait wait wait wait. I'm only commenting because she brought up the Anishnabe.
That's not a tribe, that's the three tribes Ottawa, Chippewa and Potawatomi. So which one is she?

She cant just "asnishnabe" this one.

>> No.6466747


"Racism is not in your intent. Your intent is immaterial in how racist your actions are. This isn’t about you BEING a racist. It’s about you DOING A THING that is racist. Your intent doesn’t change it. Your ignorance of its meaning doesn’t change it. It’s got nothing to do with you as a person and everything to do with the meaning of your action in the context of sociocultural history."

>> No.6466746

Victoria's Secret did get shit for this and published a formal apology. Not much, but they didn't really "get away with it."

Has something to do with what >>6466726 said in regards to not know roots/origins and for some people it's important. I never have to question my ancestry because that shits all out in the open and important to the cultural background that common for most Asians. The US has never had that and white people being from another place to begin with where they have their own sense of identity or lost a lot of that cultural heritage from Europe wonder what the fuck does it mean to be "____" anyway?

Granted I think more and more American born Asians are just going "FUCK IT" to their cultural roots (I have!) but even then that's only after learning/knowing what they are.

>> No.6466749

I was wondering about that. She probably doesn't fucking know.

>> No.6466755

Who is this and why are they significant

>> No.6466758

I think what you're trying to say is that "people who are not white want to be as special as white people, even though the white people might not even be that special."

It's kind of like how there are people who outright refuse to integrate into American culture, preferring their home culture instead (whatever it is).

The people who refuse to integrate really grind my gears, because I know some of them, and they are insufferable supremacist assholes (I'm Russian).

>> No.6466765

Either you're whitewashing or you're in blackface.

Can't win either way, so just do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6466771
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>American born Asians are just going "FUCK IT" to their cultural roots
When you go back to where your home country is, had these ideals shoved down your throat, and being judged because you're "Asian"... You just wanna say fuck it and just do your own shit. I know I did after being ostracized by not being white enough and not being Asian enough.
>mfw my personal views on cultural identity

>> No.6466777

She's not significant, just an average deluded tumblrfag. I found the thing she said about Korra's voice actor and posted it. And then it became a thing.

>> No.6466781

It's because they feel like they don't have any. Their own families assimilated back when that was the thing to do, but now the attitude is, "Preserve your heritage! It's interesting to have foreign roots!"

So now Americans obsess over their long lost great great grandparents' countries because they feel boring. It's stupid. (Btw, I'm American. I'm not saying ALL Americans people do this, but I can rattle off a lot of people I know who are obsessed with Ireland and Italy as if they had been born there or something.)

>> No.6466783

No, I mean the opposite of that, really.

I'm talking about 3rd, 4th, 5th+ generation whites who don't have their own culture because their families have mixed into the melting pot that is America. I'm talking about your typical, quarter Irish, 1/8 English 1/8 this or that or the other thing white people that don't have a strong singular ethnic identity and long for one, so they try to grasp at straws for something in their known background that they can call their cultural heritage- and then they take it way too far.

The people you're talking about are the exact opposite, in a way- they HAVE a pure ethnic background, and they refuse to lose it.

>> No.6466790

There will always be a certain level of acceptance among people of your own culture. Although "american" in and of itself is sort of its own culture, Americans often gravitate towards whatever little piece of acceptance we can hold on to. Even those who are okay with being part of the "norm" often try to find that bit of heritage so that they can be with others who are similar to them. In psychology, we call it your "in-group", who you're much more receptive to.
Personally, I think it's also because we don't want all of our past to be a mystery. We can try and think we know our ancestors due to preconceived notions about their culture.

One desperate attempt after another to find something in common with someone else and then cling. “Hey, you have ten fingers, I have ten fingers, let's be friends. We'll make rules and slogans. Then if we find someone with nine fingers, we can beat the crap out of them.”

>> No.6466795

Before Tumblr this was still happening but no one gave a shit. Because they weren't all sensitive little bitches just looking for something to jump onto a victim soapbox for.

I think when it's done well, changing skintone for a cosplay comes off as incredibly impressive. Splotchy work doesn't read as racist to me unless they're making fun of the race they're portraying. Like stereotyping.

>> No.6466811

Can we all agree that it's just the few crazy tumblr girls who have a problem with brownfacing? And that no one else actually cares?

>> No.6466820
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>> No.6466835

I've just stopped mentioning my native ancestry at all because fucking everyone and their mother is "a quarter Cherokee" nowadays. And even though I have actual evidence of my Cherokee ancestry, I don't want people to see me as another white chick pretending to be a ~~super spiritual Native~~. Oh well. It's not like my mom even speaks Cherokee or took me to any ceremonies though, so it's not like I was ever really attached to the Cherokee Nation anyway. Usually when people ask about my ancestry I just say "Appalachian" and leave it at that.

>> No.6466845

Yea, but stop calling it brownfacing or blackfacing because it's not.

>> No.6466846


LOL at "Your IP adress is xxx.xxx.xx.xxx. If you send me hate I can track you."

What is she going to do? send the SJ cops to us?

bitch is hilarious

>> No.6466861


>I've heard some amazing vocal work from high cholesterol

lol I imagined some really fat ladies when readed this

>> No.6466868

I remember my step-mom telling me her father was part native american. I just went and asked her and she says her father was a mix of Sioux, Cherokee, and Choctaw. You can't really tell looking at her since she's as white as I am thanks to her mother(Bless my grandma, 5'10" kick ass lady). But my god, if you look at her brother and sister you can see it. My uncle can pass for Hispanic easily.

>> No.6466875

Good move because it'll confuse the fuck out of people. I get great looks whenever I say I'm Nepalese because they read it as being "From Naples".

Learn some (rather useless) geography motherfuckers.

>> No.6466884
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It's mostly because I'm a historyfag, and my own culture interests me in that sense.

>> No.6467038


It's pretty much this for me as well.

But I dunno that it's fair to say that whites learn about their own heritage simply to be part of some trend. I'm 3rd generation American with Irish great grandparents. My mom grew up with Irish grandparents and learned and passed on a lot of that culture to me. I still have family over there and have been to visit them, so I know that the modern culture is not at all my culture, and I do identify as American before anything else. But it is still the ROOT of my present culture. If you sat me down next to, say, a second or third generation person of Russian, or even any European descent, I wouldn't have a whole lot in common with them culturally, even though we're both American and have the same skin color. It's not that we feel it's how we SHOULD act, so much as we just haven't completely lost the cultural influence yet, however diluted it may be.

>> No.6467048


>> No.6467112

LOL what, how are you not offended or embarrassed to hell and back by white women throwing on saris? I don't understand this kissass "I LOVE when they APPRECIATE my culture" bullshit. I get being indifferent, but liking it when they do that is flat out stupid and naive.

>> No.6467132

If this is true then damn i feel really special but holy fuck I'm crying that makes me extremely sad

>> No.6467133

Because she's not part of that culture and people of that culture may find it offensive. I'm 1/2 Native and I find people like this dumb and annoying as fuck.

>> No.6467143

this is how you blackfaaaaaaace

in south africa

on a streetcorner full of black people

holy shit they dont care


>> No.6467145

in south africa

on a streetcorner full of black people

holy shit they dont care


>> No.6467148

you mean Elizabeth Warren, right? The new Senator from Mass?

>> No.6467149


wtf did I just watch

>> No.6467151

Lol The people you're describing sounds like this one mean white bitch I knew in high school. She'd proudly proclaim her "Cherokee heritage" because her grandmother was 1/4. If that's even true (which I doubt it was), then she'd be only 1/7 or something (I'm shit at math). Then she went off to list just about every fucking country in Eastern Europe as part of her heritage. It pissed me off because I'm 1/3 Egyptian and she and her friends would go, "LOL NO UR NOT. UR JUS BROWN." Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.6467154

that's kind of hilarious. I actually am part Welsh...and a whole jumble of other nationalities, most of which I can trace back hundreds of years on both sides (Welsh side I can trace to 1630 when we first came over, its actually pretty neat).

>> No.6467153

I'm a white American who was raised by my German great grandfather who loved Japan and surrounded me with everything Japan, including furniture and food!! Do you know how weird I feel? I was raised a weeb!

>> No.6467157

No, it's cold and dark in Scandinavia ;_;

As long as it looks good it's fine. If you can't make it look good, don't do it, do another cosplay.

>> No.6467167

I love IchigoKitty's cosplays, she look great, i really dont see a problem here. I have toned my skin a little darker for a cosplay.

I dont see why it would be offensive if it is done for the love of the character and wanting to do that character justice in looking as accurate as possible. IMO its not much different than painting your skin blue for Mystic, dying/styling your hair, losing weight, gaining muscle, crossplay or anything else to try to fit a character. After all isn't the goal of most cosplayers to change them selves into someone else for a while? I would be more offended if a person didn't put effort into representing the character as they should be.

On the other hand, if someone doesn't want to change their skin tone for a cosplay, then dont do it, and dont make a big deal out of it. Or if your going to do it you might as well practice and try to do it well so it doesn't look like you dont care and do a shit job, then it can look offensive.

>> No.6467172

>naturally dark skin, get a tan to further fit Korra

>naturally light skin, apply make-up to further fit Korra

>naturally light-skinned, don't do anything

>non-Caucasian tanning/applying make-up/doing nothing
Aww, well you tried and you look so wonderful don't let anyone tell you differently.

I say fuck 'em, they'll complain about you just because you're white anyway, do whatever the Hell you like.

>> No.6467174


please go away and never come back

>> No.6467189


What is it with Americans and saying "I'm part so and so - oh and I'm a mix of other backgrounds as well dating back to the 1600s". No one cares, I'm sure so many other people in the world have mixed backgrounds and its irrelevant to what you're considered nowadays.

>> No.6467193

Australians do it too. I think it's a colonies thing.

>> No.6467206

Hopefully one day everyone will stop thinking about colors in terms of race or their social meaning and go back to their symbolic meanings. Not everyone is as racist and people make them out to be, the media doesn't make this any better. We need to seriously stop associating colors with races, alot less people would be offended. But too bad there actually are too many racist assholes out there who have to ruin things for everyone else. You'd think society would have advanced past this already and stop clinging to superficial ideas

>> No.6467210


America came down with a terrible case of Irishmen in the mid-1800s.

It was important to keep track of things like that so you could demonstrate that you were actually human instead of Irish for a really long time. Or, if you yourself had the misfortune to carry some Irish, you had to know the extent of your affliction so you wouldn't accidentally worsen it for your children.

>> No.6467227

For a lot of Americans it's exactly what >>6466726 said. We don't have one unified culture because of the whole melting pot thing, so people get excited if they find out they're part Irish or something because then they can claim that bit of "identity". Of course, that doesn't make going apeshit and pretending to be a Native American princess or something because your great great so-and-so was 1/4 Cherokee or okay.
Personally, I just like the history of it all. It's really interesting to know who and where you come from I guess.

>> No.6467243
File: 147 KB, 900x600, ubisoft___connor_viral_videos_worldwide_release_by_rbf_productions-d5jq7o9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this make you "OMG SO RACIST!!11!!!!" bitches happy? He deleted a lot of beautiful pictures and even journal entries where he tried to explain himself, but oooh no, you just couldn't stop hate-mailing and harassing him.
And on top of that he's married with a black woman. You should be ashamed.
Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.6467249

Seriously. They even attacked his wife, accusing her of black facing when she's half black and that WAS her natural skin tone with a little shadowing added in for detailing. I feel terrible for both of them, especially his wife.

>> No.6467250
File: 166 KB, 900x732, ac_iii___complete_by_rbf_productions-d5kt6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a nice couple and have such a cute little girl

>> No.6467256

It's not a blackface, it's a tan, sheesh. If it makes your cosplay more accurate and doesn't look completely retarded go with it.

Talking about races, does anyone have a pic of that gorgeous black Sailor Venus?

>> No.6467471

Because we're so watered down no one wants us.
I am 1/8th native, so no enough to be a "real" native.
I'm also 1/8th English, German, Italian, Polish, Scottish, Russian and Dutch.
If 1/8th isn't enough for you to believe I'm really a native it sure as heck isn't enough for me to claim anything else.

Though I don't really go claiming to be anything, when asked I say Euro mutt, though my last name is Italian.

>> No.6467499

Its only ugly if you dont do your makeup correctly and its only racist if you act as though youre how a racist would perceive a black person. The term "black facing" was created for when a white man wore horrible make up to make himself look black and then acted stupid, made his lips huge, and caused a lot of trouble.
Do it respectfully and well and no one should care. If they do, theyre overly sensitive or racist themselves.
Its a costume.

>> No.6467503
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>> No.6467506

I don't mind it same way I don't mind sexy nuns.

>> No.6467507

i raged hard

>> No.6467508

This made me furious.

I HATE people.
They need to die.

>> No.6467510


Funny thing how back then being irish (or any immigrant group) was a shame, and nowadays for some people being 1/75438 irish is the fucking major big achievement of their lives.

>> No.6467512

What does this have to do with people in the thread who DON'T want white people to be racist and appropriate their shit? This is a bunch of extremist OTHER WHITE PEOPLE bitching, harassing, and complaining until they ruined him.

>> No.6467575

no really tho how is portraying a character as accurate as possible (instead of ~whitewashing~ them) due to your love and respect for that character racist?

>> No.6467586

Stop shitting up these already-shitty threads.

>> No.6467588

>black woman
You're fucking retarded. She's mulatto.

>> No.6467591

so is Obama, but no one calls him that

>> No.6467596

Didn't you ever call them out? You should have.

>> No.6467598

And only complete retards just call him black. Your point?

>> No.6467599

nigger maybe you should yell at the anon i replied to then because that's what it sounded like they were getting at

>> No.6467601

is it fun being an angry racist?

>> No.6467604

I'm not racist, I just think it's stupid to call someone who is just as white as they are black ONLY black or ONLY white. They're both, bitch. "One-drop-rule" is garbage.

>> No.6467607

No, it really didn't. All they said was that it was other white people harrassing the guy, not anyone here. lrn2readingcomprehension.

>> No.6467625

more like lrn2formacoherentsentence

>> No.6467639 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with people in the thread who DON'T want white people to be racist and appropriate their shit? This is a bunch of extremist OTHER WHITE PEOPLE bitching, harassing, and complaining until they ruined him.
Sounds coherent to me.

>> No.6467643

>What does this have to do with people in the thread who DON'T want white people to be racist and appropriate their shit? This is a bunch of extremist OTHER WHITE PEOPLE bitching, harassing, and complaining until they ruined him.
Sounds coherent to me.

>> No.6467648

i get that you wrote it so you're biased. idk if you feel like that person's post was off topic or what but it was plenty on topic for the thread, and your reply smacks of "WHAT ABOUT WHAT WE THE SEAGULLS THINK ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE BEING RACIST AND BLACKFACING WAAAH"

what is your beef with the post seriously because you copypasting your shitty sentence doesn't make it any clearer

>> No.6467658

>all dis mad
I didn't type that out. You're just really dumb and can't comprehend basic sentences.

Nobody on /cgl/ agrees with any of that, and that specific butthurt person always comes into these threads to whine/rant to us as if we did that or agree with it. I'm starting to think it's that cosplayer selfposting/samefagging.

>> No.6467660

you're right, i'm really dumb. i can't comprehend bullshit sentences. it's an illness

ok, i'll take your word for it

>> No.6467665

>bullshit sentence
lol ok go get yourself treated

>> No.6467670

I'm sick of you jive honkies tryna look like me. What's net? Full on whities tryna be black dynamite? You gonna just go ahead and make ya'll selves CHOCOLATE?!
I'm sick of y'all ghosts.

>> No.6467728
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Not to mention the southern water tribe isn't an actual race/group of people. It's fantasy loosely based on one. Guess what else was loosely based on an actual race/group of people

>> No.6467808

People, people, if you're going to talk about black, or brown, or tan, or dark of any kind, can you please use the proper term: "Poopskin."

Thank you, and good day.

>> No.6467838
File: 76 KB, 501x502, 1337393621177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that specific butthurt person always comes into these threads to whine/rant to us as if we did that or agree with it. I'm starting to think it's that cosplayer selfposting/samefagging.

Actually my fist time in any blackface thread. I was really tired when I wrote that and thought it would be on topic. My intention was not to accuse any of you seagulls and I'm sorry if it sounded like that.
I'm not him. I just feel bad for him.

>> No.6467891

It's fucked. Don't do it.

>> No.6467980

...and yet it was mostly black people who were upset over that movie.

>> No.6467982
File: 30 KB, 480x320, Zwarte+Pieten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every year at 5 December Sint Nicolas enters Holland to give presents to the children. His faithful black minions help the old white guy to do what he does. Pic related it is black pete aka zwarte piet.

>> No.6468000

>Black people
>giving presents instead of taking presents

It sure is a different world over there.

>> No.6468006

Isn't the bigger issue 3DPD?

>> No.6468005

I had my phone stolen by a black man last year.
They constantly complain about the government not taxing the rich so they don't have to work and then they steal from non-rich people.

>> No.6468007

And then they blamed slavery (which none of them have ever experienced) for everything wrong with their lives. I mean you if you really think it's bad here, you're free to go back to Africa where everybody looks and act like you.

>> No.6468018
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I might not be that good at explaining it as others may be, but
That's the start of things. BECAUSE Of slavery, blacks have nothing to go off of. unlike whites, who have been living with a fucking long line of education and inheritance. but what do we have to live off of. our ancesters ran away from our masters and were dirt poor, so then their children will be dirt poor, and their children's children will be poor.blacks still have to deal with racism today- and you have to be fairly lucky to be a POC and be living in the upper class. esp here down south.

>> No.6468025
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>> No.6468029

Mexicans come into our country dirt poor, and get jobs right away. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.6468037

Bullfucking shit. If they got jobs right away, you wouldn't see huge hoards of them standing outside of Home Depot all the fucking time. Have you ever gone out there to look? In my town, the bus stop is right next to it. There's TONS of them. They sure as hell don't have a job if they're trying to illegally offer themselves as day labor.

>> No.6468048

Obviously not all of them do, but a good fucking amount get jobs. Black people just like to blame everything on racism, including their unwillingness to find a job or contribute even anything to this country. And they wonder why people are still racist.

>> No.6468052

>offer themselves as day labor

...that's a job.

>> No.6468055

As a white person with absolutely no sense of self-awareness, I...

don't care, really. Blackface is often tacky and the worse it is, the more jarring. Like I guess my only opinion is "if it upsets a large group of people it is a more empathetic decision not to do that thing."

>> No.6468062
File: 39 KB, 366x550, 2806033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is black
>lives in south Texas
>grew up lower middle class
>Only encountered actual racism once in a chinese restraunt when I was 9

Ya'll niggas be whinin too much. But in all seriousness, if you don't sound, look or act like a ghetto little shit, then you'll be fine pretty much anywhere. people have always completemented on my "proper way of speaking" and how I'm so polite when really I'm just acting like a decent person. I've even had other black people look at me funny and ask where I was from. If anything, I get teased more from other blacks than any other race for "acting white".

Also, blackface is funny when done wrong, and I applaud when it looks nice. White privilege is stupid. "nigger" is just a word, get over it. I'm ashamed of a good majrity of my race, but then I remind myself that all races have thier own stupidity to them.

>> No.6468064

If you really grew up in the south you'd know it's "y'all", fucktwat

>> No.6468066

/cgl/ makes me really want a black girlfriend. this post and the black lolita thread are really doing me in. is that bad?

>> No.6468068
File: 72 KB, 604x453, highest standard of living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off I'd like to let you know that your statement borders upon idiocy. Secondly, black people don't blame white people, or slavery, or anything like that for their shortcomings in life.

What SOME, keyword there being some, of them do blame is the government, an institution that AFTER slavery promised them so much, to set up schools and stuff for them, never did.... Jim Crow laws and race codes came into effect, and after reconstruction what little progress they made was thrown away once the Union Army left.

By doing so, blacks tended to get the last of everything in the pecking order, the worst schools, locations for homes, and all that stuff. You wonder why black school do so poorly, or black neighborhoods are always in terribly shitty conditions or crime ridden? Because of crap that happened about 150 years ago that people are still feeling repercussions from, not because of an action, but a lack of action.

Open your eyes and don't be stupid, black people that do happen to succeed today do this IN SPITE of the things that have been set up in front of them to keep them down and at a lower status then others. Shitty schools, shitty locations, the government teat that a lot of them are taught from a very young age that THEY ARE supposed to latch onto... If you can make it through all this shit and somehow become successful well then kudos to you.

>> No.6468070

Also, telling black people to go back to Africa is a very antiquated and stupid position to have. People told them to do that in the 1800s, and guess what? Some of them did, do you know what happened when they got there? They realized they had made a huge mistake, they didn't know where they were at, they knew nothing about their previous cultures or nations, and knew nothing about where they were going when they got there. They immediately wanted to come back because things were so drastically different over there compared to here.

I know that you're trolling, but you're gonna have to try much harder than using old stormfront arguments and logic, grow the fuck up and you'll feel much better about life, instead of looking out at it from your white pasty tinted glasses, thinking everyone should be like you and if not they should go back where they came from.

>> No.6468075

>is that bad?

>> No.6468077

Cry more.
It's not if you find a decent one which is hard regardless of race. I personally date others outside my race because it feels like I'm dating a cousin if I'm with another black guy, but that's just me of course.

>> No.6468083

>raised by white family
>doesn't act "ghetto" at all
>medium skin tone
oh wow, I've been failed out of a class because of my skin tone in middleschool, told I was a ugly because I was black multiple times,
told I couldn't wear things because "they only look good on white girls and asians" and hrm, lets see, last sunday I got kicked out of my guy friend's house because his parents didn't want someone "of my color" to be there.

you must be really lucky anon to only encounter it once. I'm not one to cry "Racism" at every single thing- but I'm suprised that you haven't have other times where you haven't had to deal with small hints of racism

>> No.6468103

White women with non white men are shit. That's my opinion.

>> No.6468100

Thread's over, go home folks.

>> No.6468109
File: 80 KB, 219x193, 1354513968927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up.

>> No.6468114

>failed out of a class
Isn't that illegal? Of course it's too late to do anything now.
>kicked out of friend's house
I've come to something close to this. My best friend's father told me if I had been a guy he wouldn't have let me come over. But of course, I think it was more of 'letting a boy come over to my daughter's house' rather than a race thing, but my friend thinks it is.

As far as being picked on in school, everyone gets picked on for something. For me, it wasn't skin color specifically, it was my large lips. 'bubble lips' is what I was a called, and I ended up laughing with them and could even do this trick where I can flip em back like a monkey. I'd charge kids a quarter for them to see me do it and buy snacks for me and my friends with the money.

>> No.6468111

When you are white and go to Japan you're supposed to try and blend in as much as possible if you're going to live there. You'll always be a "foreigner" regardless but don't go perpetuating the stereotypes.

>> No.6468126
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>I'd charge kids a quarter for them to see me do it and buy snacks for me and my friends with the money.
fuck, I lol'd

>> No.6468183

i feel like it might be bad, because it's the same as when people say "oh, i want to date an asian girl!" as an asian girl, i get pretty offended by this. but here i am, wanting to date a cute black lolita.

so far, race has not really been important to me, but dating other asian girls seems unlikely. i've met a few and dated one, but none of them seem to have remotely similar interests to me aside from the FOB ones, and i just can't date FOBs ever again.

>> No.6468192
File: 20 KB, 232x231, great kornheiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I date a cute black lolita

>> No.6468347

prove it

>> No.6468415

I'm not doing that, she wishes to retain her anonymity, cause /cgl/ is a bunch of dramu hungry bitches who have nothing better to do than try and ruin lives.

>> No.6468512

>make up fake story
>someone asks for proof

>> No.6468530

It's not a secret, she doesn't want her business out there, because /cgl/ is a bunch of dramu hungry bitches who would probably go to great lengths to find her tumblr, facebook, etc.

More trouble than it's worth just to seek validation from the internet.

>> No.6468537

>continues making lame excuses on why you cant provide proof

>> No.6468590

I don't want the whole world to look like Indonesians. Sorry.

>> No.6468591

Don't worry, you're not attractive enough to be part of the "cute asian stereotype", that's why you get mad in the first place. That's reserved for actual qts like Laika, Dill and Tim, who don't give a shit incidentally.

>> No.6468593

European culture is the most widely appropriate in the entire world. Just look at the ubiquity of the institution of the University, the men's suit, the classical orchestra, Shakespeare and Moliere plays, western musical instruments, western architecture etc.

You can't argue that this was imposed either, as countries with no History of European colonization have the same degree.

>> No.6468602

That's because it was forced and pressured on other cultures rather then adopted by choice.

Also, Europe did not have the first of a lot of those things. Learn some actual history please.

>> No.6468610

>That's because it was forced and pressured on other cultures rather then adopted by choice.

Maybe in some cases, for example, aboriginals in Australia. That certainly isn't a bad thing though. In a lot of other cases it was adopted by choice however, such as in Japan.

>Also, Europe did not have the first of a lot of those things.

Such as?

>> No.6468624

[citation needed]

>> No.6468625


Japan got its ass scared into action, that's what happened. The westernisation was a byproduct of them wanting to emulate the so-called power of the West. Empires were going down like dominoes because of their heavily corrupt governments, and Japan wrongfully assumed it's the Western White Powa that was the case, not retarded bureaucracies fucking up their own countries.

In any case, cultural imperialism is pretty real.

>> No.6468632

Japan's adoption of classical music came after, it came as a result of them taking German POWs from their SE Asian colonies after they belatedly joined the Triple Entente during the Great War, those POWs went on to perform Beethoven and thus Japan's love of German classical music was born.

> The westernisation was a byproduct of them wanting to emulate the so-called power of the West.

So? So was Sinicization or Romanization.

>Empires were going down like dominoes because of their heavily corrupt governments, and Japan wrongfully assumed it's the Western White Powa that was the case, not retarded bureaucracies fucking up their own countries.

I don't think you understand how the Meiji Restoration happened at all.

>> No.6468658

You are doing it wrong.

>> No.6468710

>Japanese-American in camps IN MODERN TIMES
>All the farmland taken
>Also segregated because guess what, they were considered colored too
>And yet still better than countless blacks complaining about slavery hundreds of years ago
>Reputation in Amurrika as upstanding people while blacks are the scum of society because studying and doing well makes them "white"

>> No.6468715



I'm all for equal opportunity, but shit son, affirmative action is such bullshit. Look at Malaysia to see where that has gotten people.

>> No.6468788
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That's all fine and dandy, but those are two different situations. You're talking about a group and a culture that brought theirs with them from their homeland, came to America, and still did well for themselves in spite of segregation. They still had a sense of self worth and knew what hard work could achieve.

Compared to blacks, who were treated as sub human vermin for 250 years, had any sort of their culture washed from their minds and stripped from them, were nowhere near as educated... Well, I could go on. It's ingrained in their minds if they try to succeed and do good for themselves that they're acting "white" or whatever. It's a backwards ass culture and they have no one else to blame but the culture, but please do not bring up the Japanese and their "struggle" and compare it to blacks.

It does neither group justice, and it makes you look really stupid and uneducated.

>> No.6468822
File: 158 KB, 1280x861, tumblr_meirqbCSaE1rb1vuho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you shut those racists down, good work.

>> No.6468834

No. You're trying to argue race and "social" constructs surrounding it/culture are distinct and completely seperable from one another. This simply isn't true. HBD (human biodiversity) also holds that culture is partly an expression of genetic selection, you're building up a straw argument by insinuiting that that there's got to be a hard distinction.

For instance, wherever sub-saharan Africans exist in the world they feature mostly female-led quasi-matriarchal households, whether that manifests itself as the "culture" of African-style rural polygamy or the culture of African American illegitimacy. HBD holds that this phenomena is proof that sub-saharan/black males are not selected for reliability, passivity, or monogamous tendencies - i.e. those things that make males suitable to lead Western-style nuclear families.

>> No.6468835

Be quiet Malcolm Xcrement, grown ups are talking.

>> No.6468845
File: 559 KB, 400x276, hahaha you dumbass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do I care I'm only 1/4 black :D

None of that applies to me, now I'm gonna go make out with my hot black lolita gf, bye /cgl/, I really hate this place :D

>> No.6468862

>Poor farmers

Keep making excuses for your shit "culture".

>> No.6468870

You realize that not every Japanese person that was in the internment camps was a farmer right? There were people from all walks of life, like doctors and stuff, right?

Or are you gonna continue to be a stupid ass troll who can only come up with one sentence responses with someone hits back at you with an educated response?

Jesus, here's the door, go back where you came.

>> No.6468878

Would you want to live in a majority black neighborhood? If the answer is no, it's because the people suck. ;D

>> No.6468884


>> No.6468889

My parents live in a neighborhood that's probably 60/40 black people to other people*asians, mexicans, whites*. And I don't think that the neighborhood in and of itself sucks. You could live in a neighborhood where it's a majority of white people, and it could be the worst, white trash, meth labs everywhere neighborhood imaginable.

Bad things pop up everywhere, stop making assumptions about things you don't know, nor will ever know.

>> No.6468898

There is no majority black neighborhood worth talking about because it is all shit. Who do they blame for racism when they make up the majority of the population? Who is keeping them down but themselves?

>> No.6468915

sadly i still am considered cute enough by the non-asian guys who are interested in an asian girlfriend. i'm not talking about internet elitists here. i'm talking about boys and "men" who want to fuck or even marry a girl as a trophy.

believe me, i do not consider myself anywhere above average. i just have pretty good skin and am skinny. but in the end, my face is somewhere between ugly and acceptable. some men just want an asian on their arm, irregardless of what she looks like. i used to know another asian girl who also always got asked out by guys with yellow fever. it was rare for guys without yellow fever to ever not friend-zone her. guys would say she's a 3/10 at best... she even admitted to me that she thought she only got a boyfriend because he was into asians.

imagine (or maybe it has happened to you. in that case just remember) how it would feel to have someone want to date you just because of your ethnic background. you can be stupid, poor, and even ugly. all they want is to say they fucked a girl of your race, and they're using you to get that card.

>> No.6468917
File: 90 KB, 598x450, absolutely autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I just can't wrap my brain around how someone can be so butthurt about the race of someone or whatever like you are right now.

Did you ever stop to think that some black people are well to do and they've never felt the need to cry "RACISM!"? I know plenty of black people in the same situation, it's funny when you first encounter racism, it's funny and stupid that someone could be so butthurt to hold your skin color or race or whatever against you as a means to make themselves feel better.

Sorry I'm not some ghetto nigga from the hood and you're not getting stupid one word replies that perpetuate stereotypes, but srsly, grow the fuck up, you turned a shitty thread about brownfacing into an even shittier one if that's possible.

Grow the fuck up, I'm gonna go finish writing my paper because I want to be successful in life, so I don't end up as some sad neckbeard trolling on a cosplay fashion imageboard.


>> No.6468928

Yeah, continue putting your head in the sand and pretending blacks don't have problems or that most of their problems are not of their own doing. No whitey told them take that bike.

>> No.6468931

> i'm talking about boys and "men" who want to fuck or even marry a girl as a trophy.

My guess is you're Korean.

In any event, there are plenty of Asian men who want blonde white women as trophies. Your real intent in singling out white men is to somehow pretend they're the only group who is guilty of 'fetishization'.

In other words, you're a bullshit artist who likes to present herself as rational.

> in that case just remember) how it would feel to have someone want to date you just because of your ethnic background.

Pfft. White women deal with this way more than Asian women do, believe me. Go be an uptight bitch elsewhere. I can't stand this "WE'RE AN ANGRY, DIVISIVE MINORITY TOO" shit from Asian-Americans these days.

>> No.6468932

honestly, black people actually did try to steal a bike out of my front yard in broad daylight. my dad chased them down, though.

i couldn't believe it when it happened. i literally live two blocks away from the police station, too.

>> No.6468945
File: 197 KB, 320x240, moot clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh you don't read anything and you have all your responses preplanned out regardless of what someone says.

I'm acknowledging that black people have problems. THEY DO, they have a lot of problems that have been piled on for generations. And nothing is going to fix that until black people start taking responsibilities for their actions and those around them.

But me sitting here telling you about this does nothing. Why are you even here exactly? Were you looking to get a rise from the fact that people were going to have opinions about things that differed from yours? Or what, you're just a sad internet troll, you go back to your shitty life of sitting in the basement, and I'm gonna go back upstairs because I'm tired of being down here at your level.

Stay deluded and dumb as fuck.

>> No.6468946

i don't blame you for not reading what i originally wrote, but i actually have very conflicted thoughts seeing as i'm really curious about dating a black person.

i'm glad you want to assume that i don't think white women have it way worse than me. almost all men, if not all of them that are straight, want a white woman. just because i didn't mention it doesn't mean i'm not aware of this. i have several male asian friends who will also literally date any white girl as long as she isn't fat.

i'd also like to point that this is /cgl/, and you're in a blackface thread. this entire thing is bullshit.

>> No.6468959

>they have a lot of problems that have been piled on for generations.

RACISM! I knew that would be the default black excuse for everything. LOL, segregation is over. Anybody can go to college now. Slavery keeping you down yet again?

>implying blacks take responsibility for their own actions and not cry RACISM at every opportunity

>> No.6468963

The ghost of slavery's past made them do it.

>> No.6468964

>almost all men, if not all of them that are straight, want a white woman.
>i have several male asian friends who will also literally date any white girl as long as she isn't fat.

Exactly my point. Thank you. The derisory terms like 'yellow fever' are usually used by these same asian men who for some reason don't like the idea of a white guy dating an asian girl.

>> No.6468968

I really don't think you're reading a word of what I'm writing.

1. They do have a lot of problems that span generations, they can blame nobody but themselves for not picking themselves up from it.

2. Slavery doesn't keep me down, it's never kept me down, I don't wake up in the morning worrying about getting whipped for not taking the trash out or some other dumb reason, you need to stop being so stupid and dense.

Not all black people have these stereotypical problems that you're continuing to expunge on, the black people that choose not to go to college and better themselves are setting up the cycle again for another generation to fail. But don't lump me in with any of them because you don't know me or a single thing about me.

I know it may be surprising and all to you, but, ya know... There are black people that are probably in better situations then you? Did you ever stop to think about that? That they never really had anyone to blame in life for things not going their ways besides themselves? And they grew up in a stable household with literally the world at their fingertips?

I know that might be really hard for you to wrap your brain around, but stop lumping people together for the sake of stereotyping.

>> No.6468979

>there are plenty of Asian men who want blonde white women

>> No.6468981

No shit there are some better off blacks out there but the VAST, VAST majority are in shitholes. What the use if a couple do well when the majority are not? It's shows that there is something wrong with your culture. People have experience with blacks and most of are not what anybody would consider fond memories. Do you know why? Blacks straight up don't want to get ahead, are highly aggressive, and blame racism for their own failures which just annoys the rest of us. If they would keep their problems to themselves, the rest of society wouldn't have a problem with it. But oh no, not only do they have to shit up their own communities but also the surrounding ones too. Act like a monkey, people will treat you like a monkey.

>> No.6468985

Fuck off trash.

>> No.6468987


>> No.6469112

ugh so much racism

that wasnt the point of this thread gaizz