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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6461437 No.6461437 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else find bandwagon cosplayers annoying? Bet more than half of the movie Avengers cosplayers have no idea that the lineup in the movie isn't the original one in the comics. And if I see another 'movie Hawkeye' and 'Hugh Jackman Wolverine' cosplay, I swear I'll shoot myself.

And don't get me started about the movie and Lady Loki cosplayers.....

>> No.6461449

so what. People can cosplay from things they like. Doesn't make them "NOT REAL FANS"

>> No.6461469

>Bawww people genuinely enjoy a good film bawww

Yes, it sucks that there are attentionwhores that don't bother to look into the fandom, but who really cares? Look at LOTR, many people love the films but probably less than half have actually read the books. Just be happy that the movie adaptation is pretty god-tier as far as comic to film movies go.

Also, don't see why the hate on the costumes. I'm personally a big fan of Hawkeye's reboot. Looks badass as fuark.

>> No.6461478
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>> No.6461493

I understand why they didn't retain Hawkeye's comic book costume because seriously, that look sure is hard to pull off. But when done right, it can look awesome as well.


>> No.6461499

>good film

>> No.6461500

Ok, most of these costumes require little to zero effort

>> No.6461508

>that fat hawkeye down front

>> No.6461520

I think you mean 'fat guy with blonde wig and toy bow and arrow set'

>> No.6461536

lady loki was a popular (canon) costume before the movies, just saiyan.

>> No.6461547

yeah, but now the cosplay process is less
>i like this character lady loki, I will make this cosplay
and more

>> No.6461552

its easy to tell who is bandwagon for this anyway, there are sif loki's and then there are fangirls.

sif loki = sane, based on an actual design, etc.

fangirls = some stupid tumblr lolita shit or their own personal 'original' design with is shitty horns and a renfair dress

>> No.6461573

at the last few cons i've been to, the only canon female lokis have been wagonhoppers. one girl actually thought her costume was an original design, because she had only ever google imaged "female loki" and had never read any of the comics.. :/
I don't have any problem with people who cosplay just from the movie, but if you're going to do something from the books it's pretty gross not to at least try to know what you're doing.

>> No.6461580


Well yeah but that's applicable to any fandom really. There have been so many times where I've seen girls who've cosplayed Miku say how much they love the anime.

But yeah, the Lady Loki thing kinda sucks. I've noticed the whole I-thought-it-was-an-OC thing is dying out because the girls are getting paranoid of not looking like a real fan, so they Wiki everything

>> No.6461585

Those stupid fangirls make me wanna break their horns off

>> No.6461592

wow, with vocaloid, really? I can maybe see not wanting to spend forever getting into what is admittedly a very extensive comic book backstory, but not taking the 10 minutes to watch a few of the most popular songs is just depressing levels of laziness.

>> No.6461602


Oh yeah. The only songs they know are like, Matryoshka because it has all the fanart and that big one (not a vocaloid fan myself)

>> No.6461603

I would file that under 'stupidity' more than 'laziness'

>> No.6461620

I thought Avengers was a very disappointing film.

So when I see people cosplaying things I don't enjoy, my usual response is to not care about anything involving them, even if the cosplay is good. If I don't care about the character or property they're cosplaying from, I have no reason to acknowledge them.

>> No.6461625
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This discussion should be merged with /co/. I love their rage with this.

I could list all the stupid I've heard but I think everyone's heard it, from the lost existence of She-Hulk to being clueless about basic continuity about other characters.
There's a level of liking the movie and wanting to learn about the comics and doing basic research, but being close-minded and becoming delusional that your headcanon is real is shit that makes me flips tables.

To moviefags that read this, do your research and stop acting worse than Homestuck and Hetalia kids.

>> No.6461643

Please list the stupid. At least some of it anyway

>> No.6461662

Why are you such a humongous faggot.

>> No.6461745
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If we're talking about bandfaggon cosplay, we can discuss a fandom that we all agree is intrinsically shit for cosplay
> naruto
> bleach
> anything asherbee likes
> homefuck
> Mfw I see anyone displaying these shit fandoms. Regardless of quality.

>> No.6461748

Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with liking the various Avengers-related movies but not the comic books? In the end, we're all just nerds consuming media from Marvel. Is it really that big a deal?

>> No.6461749

I will freely admit I didn't know much about the Avengers before I saw the movie. I was aware of the comics but had never read any of them. I saw the movie and really enjoyed it. A group of friends of mine decided to do an Avengers group and I joined in. I joined for a couple of reasons. First being I really liked the character I chose and secondly to have fun with friends. The friends were fans of the comics and introduced me to more of the storylines in the comics. I researched into my chosen character as I wanted to get it right. We chosen to do the movie versions of the characters as we really liked the designs. We also wanted to match in terms of which version we were going to be from. I'm now have read more of the comics as a result and could say I have become more of a fan.

I would say don't knock someone for at least researching before doing a bandwagon costume.

>> No.6461758

Yes, because then you get shit like >>6461478
When you're cosplaying, it's generally good to know your source material, that means knowing more than just the movies, especially since things change and whenever someone calls for an "Avengers photoshoot" around a group of Marvel characters, there's a 90% chance that everyone should be in the shot instead of just the movie characters.

>> No.6461771

> I heard of it BEFORE YOU so that makes me a better fan

I seriously can't understand this attitude. I watched a film. I liked the film. Maybe I would like to cosplay from that film. Why on earth does that require me to have read the entire back catalog of comics for that character? What is wrong with liking a film in its own right?

>> No.6461781

If you're cosplaying a character and putting legitimate effort into it, then there is no problem. The problem exists when people decide to do half assed cosplays like Tony Stark out of his armor, or buying a toy Mjolnir and wearing a Thor hoodie and calling it cosplay.

>> No.6461783

Blame the fucktarded fans that talk about how deep Loki is and how he obviously wants to bone his brother or how Thor wants to protect Loki from horses who will get him male-pregnant. Or when canon comic characters go to these gatherings and absolutely no one else knows who they are and get kicked out as a result.

Please tell me how this attitude is acceptable and why comic fans need to bend over for these assholes.

>> No.6461785

When we did our Avengers shoot we did have comicverse characters as well as movieverse characters. It made for an epic shoot. We then did a film based shoot later on and it was just as good as the comic+movie shoot.

I actually agree with this. Nothing wrong with liking the film and choosing to cosplay from the film without knowing comics. At least you will be familiar with the characters in some form. I've seen plenty of anime cosplayers chose a character based purely on the design without having a clue about the character. They won't have played the game or watched the anime. They chose it because the design is cool or they think they will noticed a lot for doing that character.

>> No.6461799
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I can't stand the stupid.

>M-Preg jokes about Loki despite the Marvel universe and Norse mythology being two different things
>Acting like Tony Stark is gay despite being a notorious playboy and then proceeding to shove it in everyone's face and fake out make out with other Avengers cosplayers
>"kawaii bishonen humanoid" Jarvis
>Ant-Man and Wasp not founding members

Here, have some acceptable casual Tony Stark. The make-up job is something to actually give props to since they didn't just use a Sharpie to make the beard.

>> No.6461801

So long as they're not being loud and annoying, who gives a shit? It's not like there aren't comic book fans who draw smut of Thor and Loki. Fangirls will slash anything, we all know that. Deal with it.

Also people cosplaying popular characters will always get more photos taken of them. It's cool having pics with all the Marvel characters together, but sometimes people just want to do an MCU photo or a comicverse photo because they're all from the same universe and are in matching outfits.

>> No.6461804

Spoiler: You are all newfags. These comics have been around since before most of you were born. I'll bet a lot of people in this thread don't even own any of the silver age trades. Get off your high horses.

>> No.6461807

Personally I find the mpreg stuff hilarious in certain context. I'd never read any of that shit, I just find it amusing in the same way that /d/ is amusing.

>> No.6461820

Shut up you cunt, just because I wasn't around when the comics were released doesn't mean I haven't read them.

>> No.6461821

Or an Ironette and one of Captain America's backup dancers from the movie

>> No.6461836

I instantly despise people in movieverse cosplays when I see them.
Because they're ALL bandwaggon jumpers. I see it on my friendslist. Look through their "COSPLAY TO DO XDD" folders, and you'll see at least one movieverse caracters, lorax, jack frost, homestuck, hetalia, wreck-it-ralph, etc. It makes cosplaying kind of... Not as special.
When I cosplay a character, it's one I truly enjoy and I know everything about them. These guys are all fucking attention whores and it's getting hard to find people who cosplay for the love of the actual series nowadays.

>> No.6461860
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I can tolerate Hetalia now since they haven't been stupid lately (Humon is the one everyone's ripping on anyway). Homestuck seems to just hate each other and are slowly killing each other. Moviefags are just ridiculously ignorant even when someone tries to clarify canon.

Now The Lorax on the other hand...I don't even-

>> No.6461870

The prob with this is everything is pretty bandwagon these days. Its hard to avoid with all the excess advertising and media shoved into our faces. People are going to do what their friends do and what is popular because that the trend at the time. Call it similar to fashion if you will.

I stick to what I enjoy and have fun. I don't mind if all my friends are doing bandwagon stuff as long as they are having a great time.

>> No.6461876

>When I cosplay a character, it's one I truly enjoy and I know everything about them.

This makes me wonder. How can you tell someone's level of fandom just by looking at them? Who are you to say that someone who's passionate about a movie character is any less of a fan? Maybe that girl in the ScarJo Black Widow jumpsuit has been reading the comics since the 90s. Maybe those dudes dressed up as Thor and Loki really love the characters as portrayed by Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. Maybe not everyone is an attention seeking whore and their love for the characters makes them just as valid as any other cosplayer or fan.

>> No.6461880

One day I'm going to 'photobomb' a marvel photoshoot as Dr Strange and see how many people go "...um gtfo this is avengers DUHHH"

>> No.6461882
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I agree that it annoys me when girls try to make ALL of the guys into their yaoi fantasy slaves. All these fat chicks doing crossplay wrong are ruining it. I'd love to see some well-done avengers cosplay actually worn by men, is that so much to ask? I don't mind if they have only seen the movie.

>> No.6461886

I just dislike Hetalia on principle. I've seen a couple of good Oncelers, though. It amazes me how awful the Homestuck fandom manages to be, even being worse than the My Little Pony fandom.

>> No.6461888

Find a Fantastic 4 group and photobomb them as Spiderman and protest that Spiderman was a part of the group for a period.

>> No.6461891

This. I don't mind yaoi but only when its done well. The Avengers being made into yaoi isn't done well and its really crap.

Yes, I would like to see decent movie Avengers cosplays by the guys. But also by the girls that isn't a throw together job.

>> No.6461893

I myself am not a hardcore comic book reader, but I ALWAYS research my character to death, read a few of their comics and ALWAYS make their comic book costume. The first costume I made was Elektra, which I first chose because of her simple costume and after extensive research, I started loving her. Sure, Elektra and other characters became 'mainstream' after the movies came out, but they are first and foremost, comic book characters with stories and personalities which are dear to the writers and creators, as well as comic book fans. Look at Wolverine. He's one of the most popular comic book characters and that blue and yellow costume is such a classic. Go to any con and you see a whole ton of 'bandwagon jumper fans' whose costume involved growing their sideburns and facial hair for a few months as well as foil twisted into strips and stuck onto their knuckles.

>> No.6461898

Last time I went to a con I saw a Wolverine cosplayer getting hella angry and shouting at restaurant staff about his food and I honestly couldn't tell if he was legitimately pissed or if he was acting in-character. I enjoyed the spectacle, though.

>> No.6461913

Wolverine rages often, but never about his food. Guy was just being a dickhead. Still entertaining though, I would think

>> No.6461927
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I know this girl on facebook who keeps complaining about how people shouldn't cosplay something when they're not huge fans of the character, and that cosplay is only to show your true love for the character bla bla bla.

>mfw she has only cosplayed a twitter gjinka, spongebob, and is now jumping on the jack frost bandwagon.

>> No.6461946
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HOW DARE anyone cosplay something they want to, regardless of how well they know and love it. HOW DARE they love a design and want to make it. HOW DARE THEY.

Why do you fucking care? Just enjoy the cosplay and move on. Christ, people. They're not cosplaying for you.

>> No.6461949
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Nah, be like "This is now a Defenders gathering kbye"

You'd care if it were a certain other "goddess" of this board.

>> No.6461952
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You'd care if it were a certain other "goddess" of this board.

Nope, but thanks for playing! I'm not about to stifle someone else creativity for any reason.

>> No.6461959

fucking fat crossplayers tumblrsluts are worse OP

>> No.6461966

That is assuming that they actually realise that there are other superhero teams out there that aren't the Avengers or Justice League.

Speaking of that, I once saw a girl who dressed up like Wonder Woman and was carrying a Captain America shield. She got so much shit from people, and one of her friends apparently warned her about crossing Marvel and DC characters. She didn't think she was doing anything 'wrong' at all.

>> No.6462051

I'm still waiting for a Loki cosplayer as hot as Tom Hiddleston but I think that will never happen, only ugly annoying girls cosplay him.

>> No.6462067

there's only one thing that makes me mad when it comes to avengers cosplay

a fat-faced, generally out of shape girl trying to pass as one of the men. bonus if they don't even strap down their meaty titties

>> No.6462088

1. I don't think Tom Hiddleson is that attractive, so I don't get the Loki obsession.. at all.

2. I had read maybe 2 or 3 of the big comics from Avengers before the movie.. the movie inspired me to buy/read more. Does this make me a bandwagoner?

3. I think the fandoms like The Lorax, Jack Frost, Homeshit are really.. really fucking retarded. I have a friend who is in all 3. She is one of the more sane ones.
But what I don't get is you guys saying "You should only cosplay a character if you really love them/know everything about them".
Sure, that shit is newer/dumb as bricks, but who are you to say that they don't legit love Onceler and know everything there is about him, so they decide to cosplay that? Even if it's a shitty closet cosplay.. everyone starts somewhere.

This coming from a Hetashit cosplayer.

>> No.6462148

>tfw you love the Cap dancers outfits

What's wrong with doing those, brah?

>> No.6462159

What's hetashit? Hetalia?

>> No.6462164

And before people think that I hate Homestuck/Homeshit because of Hetalia.. I really don't. I've just had bad experiences with Homestuckers treating me like shit at cons for no other reason other than my cosplay. I'd be browsing a booth and suddenly get shoved to the ground. Classy bunch.

>> No.6462163

Yes it fucking does.

It's like people going around boasting they're great cooks but then you find out they can only do macaroni with cheese.

>> No.6462180

Ahh, I see. I used to cosplay Hetalia until I got bullied at cons as well. My friend who likes both Hetalia and Homestuck was cosplaying as Vriska, and got pulled away from me by a punch of trollfaggot sperglords. Go figure. I feel your pain.

>> No.6462196

lmao what......

if someone is cosplaying from the movie then

they are

a fan of the movie

holy shit mind blown

>> No.6462220

It is pretty annoying. But the most annoying thing to me is when Hetalia America cosplayers try to turn those cosplays into Captain America cosplays with as little effort as possible. Well, that and the way that everything the new Avengers cosplayer seem to say is either a movie quote or a fandom meme. I'm okay with them not reading the comics, they are hard to get into, but why not watch EMH? Or, if they're serious weeaboos, just watch the Iron Man anime. Then you at the very least have an alternate frame of reference that's official.

>> No.6462222

I keep cosplaying because I've met some wonderful people in the Hetalia fandom from doing so.. but I seriously can't stand the hate we get from Homestuckers just from minding our own business. That fandom is a plague.

>> No.6462239
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This always confuses me..

I'm a Hetashit cosplayer too, but the Hetalia fans in my area are the glompy, immature, hambeast, satinshit ones, and the Homestucks are honestly very nice. I've been hugged multiple times and not a single smudge of grey gets on me.
Fuck, I'm jelly. I really don't get why my area is worse.

>> No.6462253

We should just ship all the mean, asshole cosplayers to some frozen tundra.. then we'd all be happy.

>> No.6462257


>> No.6462272

>mad because he is an attention whore that doesn't know her character

>> No.6462284

Well, yeah. I can see why some Homestuck cosplayers would hate us, as a lot of the girls in the fandom are 15 and loud and annoying as fuck with their "uu~uu PASTA" shit. But there are some who are really mature, really nice, and who mind there own business. Yeah, I agree.
See I'm the exact opposite. The friends I've made a long time ago b/c of Hetalia have pretty much abandoned me and went off into the Homestuck fandom soon after it started getting popular. They're still my friends and all, sort of. But meh. Don't cosplay Hetalia anymore. Good for you though, man. LOVE WHO YOU ARE ok

>> No.6462289
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This. Those outfits are super cute.

>> No.6462298


>> No.6462314

I've read comics for 20 years now and the only thing that bugs me is that the costume is shitty. If you are going to cosplay something do it right.

well there's also the issue of fatties in skin tight super outfits. Not fond of that.

>> No.6462317
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Friends come and go, yeah, but I've kept with some of them. But I'm also one of the older cosplayers, so I often get shy younger cosplayers coming up to me and being super happy that I'm a nice cosplayer. So it's another reason to keep at it. I make the younger people feel good.
For example, I live in Canada. I cosplay Canada. And everyone else in Canada cosplays Canada, as well. So the last convention I was at (same one where I randomly got shoved down by a Homestucker), I had a group of maybe 16-17 yr olds approach me, all in Heta cosplay, wanting a picture. I oblige, and get a couple of pictures with all of us together.
And then they told me they were so happy that I was a 'nice' cosplayer. Because I guess a lot of the other Canada's were being high and mighty, and being bitches.
So I've exchanged e-mail addresses with a lot of these kinds of people I've met, kept friendly, agreed to meet them again at another con.. etc etc.

(Picture relevant, it's my group I usually go with. I'm obvs Canada/the one in white. I'm not an amazing cosplayer by an stretch, but I like to meet other fans and such, so it's all good.)

>> No.6462323

My problem with a lot of these movie avengers cosplayers are that they are too obsessed with the movie to ever realize there are other versions of these characters.
Now, that isn't to say they can't or shouldn't cosplay from the movies, but if you are going to do that, then do that! But they don't, for the most part. They do "casual" versions, or, god help me, "fem" versions. And they do fem!Iron Man, fem!Loki, fem!Hulk, fem!Thor, and don't seem to care in the least that there are already characters like Rescue, Sif-Loki, She-Hulk, and Valkyrie. Or they slutty them up. Because everyone knows, the only thing keeping Captain America from dressing like a whore, is his lack of boobs.

And then, there is the exclusionary attitude many have,as mentioned earlier in the thread. They seem to want to refuse to acknowledge anything from the marvel universe that isn't from the movies. Now, if they want an Avengers movie group/shoot, then that is fine. But again, do that! Don't call it an Avengers shoot, exclude Spider-Man and Ms Marvel, and bring in the shitty Hulk in a skirt girl over.

>> No.6462324

Holy shit, I know being stuck in Canada must suck, but does no one there know how to smile? You all look fucking depressed.

>> No.6462329

Lmao, only the America/my sister is photogenic. Gonna be honest. Though not smiling kind of fits in character with the middle one.

>> No.6462330

You've got a point.

Better than the people who like something because its on Big Bang Theory

>> No.6462340

Because you're a mangina if male, or cockgirl if female. Or just Potato.

>> No.6462348

There's being a fan of the movie and just being a fan of a fandom (yes that's basically what it is), because I'm willing to bet anything that the reason most of the "new fans" even saw the movie was because it was popular on tumblr.

>> No.6462381

>And they do fem!Iron Man, fem!Loki, fem!Hulk, fem!Thor, and don't seem to care in the least that there are already characters like Rescue, Sif-Loki, She-Hulk, and Valkyrie.

Now I'm not saying genderbends are okay, but the female "versions" of a lot of those characters are completely different characters and have completely different personalities.So if you like Hulk's character, you won't necessarily like She-Hulk.

That was just an argument that has been bothering me for a while.

>> No.6462501

sorry for the late reply. That's cute- I hope you guys are happily going to cons forever.

>> No.6462723
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The "female versions" are totally different characters and I am fully aware of that (I don't mind Rule 63 cosplay actually).

It's just that these little pricks can't get some of this shit into their head and try to deny the canon. I'm completely OK if you like the movie, but if you can't even respect some comic canon, then they could fuck themselves. I hate hearing about people kicked out of gatherings because moviefags don't know or can't even look up on their phone on who's a Marvel character.

Hell, I'm OK with people who read the new comics but want to go old-school or do other alternate costumes. Honestly all some people could do is even go to a certain everyday scans blog to slowly learn basics about the character.

Surprised no one took advantage of the Amalgam universe, since it fuses DC and Marvel characters. Marvel has so many alternate universes to take advantage of, I'm surprised there isn't enough cosplay of it.

In the NorCal area, most of the Homestuck people are refugee Hetalia fans from what I see (please correct me if I'm wrong). They just clog up space and are full of high school kids with what it seems like.

>> No.6462816
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How much bitching can there be about this. This is a serious hobby and unless you do it right don't do it at all.

You have to know the source material and we have to hold everyone accountable. This includes quizzing those that dress up.


>> No.6462857

Not knowing everything is fine. It's unreasonable to assume everyone knows everything about the entire marvel history.
But if you're going to cosplay a character, it is not unreasonable to familiarize yourself with that character. It is also not unreasonable to hope that people don't live in their headcanon and deny the existence of other, perfectly legitimate characters into "their world"

>> No.6462868

That pic is adorable!

>> No.6463376

About point number 2, I would say that no you're not a bandwagoner. If the movie actually inspired you to find out more about the character from the actual comic book source and not just be satisfied with the movie adaptation, the you're doing it right. 10/10 respect for you.

Bandwagoners are the losers who suddenly become 'huge fans' of characters just because they are in some popular movie that everyone likes and have no interest in learning more about the 'real character' in the books.

>> No.6463683
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Who are dressing up because they think it is

I intended some heavy sarcasm. Seriously, no one should give a fuck, its all fiction anyways.

The only irritation I have is Hetalia, and that is my own feeling. I don't care what others do. But when an attitude a 'country' has in a time period when something dramatically different happened gets tiring quickly.

pic related, Dresden Germany after 3 days of bombings from Allied bombers. 22,000 dead. If you bring up some country being cute during the 30s or 40s it seems extremely disrespectful to a lot of people.

>> No.6463689


I think that's the main thing that always bothered my about Hetalia. It was always just like "lel WW2 Italy and Germany kun working together kawaii uguu :3"

>> No.6463699

I think the anime mostly did that. The manga was a bit scaled back for that.

>> No.6463955

The manga takes things way more seriously. Most of the joking is in modern times.

That's what I like about Hetalia, myself. Makes me even more interested in history than I already was, and that despite some of the terrible things that have happened in the past, there is some genuinely funny things that happened.

If you seriously think the whole thing is about making fun of stuff like the Holocaust, then you are very badly misguided.

>> No.6464115


I have never interacted with anyone interested in Hetalia that actually knew anything about history. I have heard the argument before that "makes me more interested in history"... Too bad the history is bad and it should feel bad.

Watch letter from Iwo Jima, watch Flags of our Fathers. Watch Band of Brothers. Watch Downfall. Watch documentaries about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Research Franz Ferdinand (WWI) or the Spanish civil war (WWII)... How about the reason behind why China is royally fucking pissed at anything Japanese these last few months. How about the fucked up way politics is done in Japan including but not limited to the rampant corruption or militant groups.

Sorry, but the group your fandom consists of just irritates me.

Pic unrelated, because I won't force you to see the effects of the atomic bombs we (the US) dropped on the Japanese. Google it yourself.

>> No.6464155

So, just to play devil's advocate: anyone got any GOOD rule 63 avengers out there?

>> No.6464158

>Implying China doesn't take land from every neighboring country.

>> No.6464168
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I'll just say that I had Loki on my cosplay list since before the Thor movie. This version... and now, I don't fucking want to be lumped together with the other Lokis. Goddamn people ruin the things I enjoy.

>> No.6464180


>implying one side is more to blame than another.

I was more referencing the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. And that some people don't know it is an actual thing that is happening.

If you wanted to list every fucking conflict in history go right ahead.

>> No.6464195

I'm so glad you assume I'm a young little weeaboo who 'learns' their history from Hetalia. I basically use it as a platform of "Oh, that event sounds interesting!" and then go and research the rest myself.
I mostly specialize in Ancient Chinese history myself, though. Think Romance of the Three Kingdoms ancient. I was into this at least 10 years before I ever heard of Hetalia, so really.. you're just being a douche.

But really, history did have a lot of terrible things happen. But also a lot of awesome things. You're thinking too much about the world wars, and less about scientific discovery and stupid things royals would do that we would consider completely stupid today.

Not every Hetafag is uneducated.

>> No.6464212

Don't you hate people that wear steampunk yet have no working knowledge of boilers and brass work! I bet they can't even grind their own lenses!

posers I tell you!

>> No.6464215

I'll have you know I've seen Steamboy.... TWICE.

>> No.6464216


Meh, personal attack aside...

Shit happened, good and bad. Hetalia fandom in general is moronic and doesn't understand why saying 'wittle germany' is cute and just feels neglected, is disrespectful.

Personally aeronautical and astronomic sciences (the fucking space race) is more interesting than all of the above.

>> No.6464233

Hey, I'm a big history and astronomy nut. We all have our vices.

The people in the fandom you're thinking of are just the more vocal, young weebs. The majority of the fans I know have great respect for these countries and their histories.

It's hard to explain it though when people are so set in their ways that having any fun is disrespectful.

Yes, WW2 happened. Germany did a lot of terrible things. Hitler was a horrible man. Do you realize that there is more to Germany's history than that, though? And also, the fact that the character that represents the country isn't the country itself. It's a human that represents the country. Not physically landmass that led armies.

>> No.6464262


I understand they are caricatures. I understand it is the vocal minority. It does not change the rage that manifests itself.

The same thing happens when more than 5 or 6 trolls are in the same place. Perhaps it is ubiquity of fan fiction in those realms...

Its always badly written or the premise is directly contradicted in the source material or just simply an excuse to role-play smut. Often all three.

For me the worst is the contradictory premise or the characters that act differently.

>> No.6464274


I just happened to browse past your comment and... from someone who has studied East Asian history and is currently on the MA to PhD track for Chinese philology, can I just say "Hi there, anon"?

>> No.6464280

Oooh, I like what I am hearing. Hello, anon, indeed,

>> No.6464278

..I am actually legit confused by what you just said, so I'm going to drop it.

>> No.6464294

This is about Hetalia too now?

>> No.6464301


I might be going out on a limb, but because I rarely find people interested in this stuff, I'll attach my e-mail.

>> No.6464454

I think some of those fans do legitimately enjoy the character, and they get muddled in the giant crowd who ignorantly do but don't know their character enough.
Some people might not be able to purchase comics. If they do a little research though, it can be evened out. I respect those people, and especially if they come across as decent people.

I personally just like to separate the personality of the cosplayer from what they're cosplaying. You can tell which idiot is in it to shove their fandom into everyone's noses and then some, and you can tell who wants to do it for attention. Without movieverse cosplays, everything they still will touch turns to shit. It's their personalities to blame for being so ignorant, moronic, and not being able to act decently in the face of people.

>> No.6464497

A Loki cosplay is not a Loki cosplay when it's just slicked back black hair like in the movies. You gotta have the horns. So much rage at non-horned Lokis

>> No.6464863
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>> No.6464925

When I first saw all the movie cosplays I was a little pissed thinking there only cosplaying it because its popular I bet they were never fans before the movie came out

Then I realized I was being a jack ass they can cosplay what the hell they like if they enjoy it great. People can be a fan of the movie with out reading the comics

>> No.6465048

I'll definitely send you a message now that I am awake again! :D

>> No.6465324

I just wanted to say that this shit is just as bad in the DC fandom. Tumblr brats only caring now that the Nolan movies/Arkham City is out and every DC villain has to be a bishie that fuck one another.
I've had to see more RiddlerxScarecrow than one person should ever have to see.

>> No.6465354
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>> No.6465360

The amount of shipping that exists in the Transformers fandom surprises me more, to be honest.

>> No.6465374

Does everything have to be shipping and cutesy shit?
I mean, it's nothing but bad gay porn and LOL SO RANDUMB XD tumblr humor

>> No.6465395


See this post


>> No.6465406


What in the name of fuck. How does this happen.

>> No.6465416

Cillian Murphy, and the fact that he's "totally so smart and a glasses boy sadist!"
Basically making him into yaoi Kyouya from Ouran

>> No.6465509
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>> No.6465549
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Just a quick example of what anon was talking about.
I now remember why I deleted my tumblr.

>> No.6465570

On the behalf of the sane half of Homestuck I apologize for everything.

But when it comes to "bandwagoon" fandoms I just kinda...

Live and let live.
If it personally offends you that someone does not like a character "enough" for your tastes or that someone has a different way of enjoying published work than you do, then you should probably sit down and think about your choices.

While I do agree that there is WAY too much shipping for the sake of shipping I don't really see the point in bashing people for enjoying something. It just all really tends to boil down to elitist fans who think that their way of enjoying media is the only true way.

>> No.6465584

Am I the only one who thought Avengers was mediocre at best?

Kill off Black Widow, give Loki an actual plan worthy of a norse god of trickery, and maybe it would start to be a good movie.

>> No.6465599

I can agree with this unless the cosplay takes a ton of effort. Like I met someone who built a really kickass fake arm to be Edward Elric a few years ago.

I was still pretty impressed by how much work went into the fake arm.

>> No.6465627

It kinda bugs me when people who don't know shit about comics cosplay the characters.

>> No.6465655

You should see Vampy talk about the White Phoenix.

>> No.6465881
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1 of 2 because I'm TL;DR as hell.

My cock's reputation precedes me, I see.

This is a pretty good summary of how I feel. I've been reading comics for years, and I have a special place in my heart for the lesser-known characters who tend to have quirkier, less mainstream-style stories- pic related, motherfucking Agents of Atlas hell yeah. The D-listers tend to have fewer cosplayers, so whenever I see somebody cosplaying a character I like I can usually safely assume they like the same comics I do. If I preferred the A-listers, I don't know if I would feel jealous or protective of other people liking "my" characters. Honestly, I don't think I would, and if I did then I would really need to get over myself.

>> No.6465885
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2 of 2
I can understand how that would be harder with the characters that everybody knows- we're all protective of the things we like, and our particular ways of expressing how we like those things. However, there's a fine line between "Eh, I don't really like their behavior" and "STOP LIKING WHAT I LIKE BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT." The latter just smacks too much of Tony Harris-style judgment without context. Because really, how do you know that movie Hawkeye cosplayer hasn't been reading for years and just likes the movie design better? You don't. End of story, and I wouldn't blame them because he's had some seriously dopey outfits over the years. You have to talk to someone before you can make assumptions about their "nerd cred" or whatever bullshit people are pulling.

Sure, it's annoying to see "OMG LOKIXTONY 4EVA!" yaoi cosplayers running around, but it's no skin off my nose in the end. It only becomes an issue when they cross the bounds of common decency and behavior in a public setting, in which case they should be dealt with just like any other person disturbing the peace.

The way I figure it, is if the bandwagon inspires just a few people to pick up the comics and delve deeper into the world I love, then I'm okay with that.

>> No.6465889
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I actually feel that the Ironettes and USO Girls are great costume choices for girls who want to show their love for Cap and Iron Man but can't or don't want to convincingly crossplay. They're cute outfits (especially the USO Girls), and they're also canon. What's not to love?

>> No.6465937
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This is one of the few I have found.

I personally not fond of genderbent costumes unless they are done well. So few have been done well.

>> No.6465939

Oh wow. You just reminded me to quit putting off my Rescue suit. I really don't see why more girls don't do her. Pepper is a great character regardless and ends up with her own bad-ass mech suit. I would expect her to get a nice popularity boost.

>> No.6465957

Please do it anyway. That design is fantastic. I actually ran into a few Lokis at NYCC in older comicverse outfits and it made my day. I can pretty much promise you'll have a good time because all the comic Lokis sort of ended up hanging out and it was great.

>> No.6465973
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Victory rolls Cap and Titty Thor are the only two I've ever seen that actually looked like the cosplayers put more than ten minutes of thought into it. Not to mention that neither girl is particularly gorgeous, but they pull off their characters well.

>> No.6465985
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>Rescue suit

Are you doing the Mk.1616 or her new one? Rescue's one of those dream cosplays that I just keep putting off for lack of time and skill.

>> No.6465999

Does anyone know who this is, btw?
I remember seeing her at a con before (you remember a 'costume' like that) and I was wondering if she's part of a group or is well-known or something.

>> No.6466058


Thor is Lily Spitfyre. She's from Toronto, but AFAIK isn't one of the toronto tripfags usually dicking around /cgl/. I've seen her post on /co/ though. Very cool chick.

>> No.6466190

Not gonna lie, I don't really like the people in my fandom who only watched the movie and never saw the source material either. The movie brought so many derps to the fandom. I think that's why people get all elitist and say "I've been a fan longer than you!1!1" They need some ground to distance themselves from what they perceive as newfags I guess.

>> No.6466629

Going for 1616. I have schematics all laid out for it and started trying to do a pep file but I got fed up with that quickly. I keep putting it off along with Raging Raven and BGS Sylia. I want all the gorgeous mech suits but I fear the cost. By now I could at least have Rescue done.

>> No.6467253

Kill off Black Widow? Followed by actually having the original founders of the Avengers in the movie? If there ever was a trivia question asking to list the founding members of the Avengers, I bet most people would list the line up in the movie.

>> No.6467282
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Even then, a lot of people make the mistake that Captain America is a founder...

Poor Wasp and Ant Man, you guys got the boot.

>> No.6467284

Put them in the next Marvel movie and see their fandom explode.

>> No.6467664

They did announce a Ant-Man movie

>> No.6467801

Yeah, point. But even if they aren't going to have all the original avengers in the film, I just want to be above putting a random character in who didn't get her own movie and had very little backstory (in the film, comic version is fine) was just there so there could be tits.

>> No.6468652

i seriously doubt that considering the issue of hank pym being a wifebeater so

>> No.6468673
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>"kawaii bishonen humanoid" Jarvis

God damn, turning robots sexy or kawaii is my biggest pet peeve in fandom.
Picture related as fuck.

>> No.6468736

"Lady Avengers"/"Lady Loki" = 95% posers, no exceptions.

>> No.6468755

>no exceptions

>> No.6468774

>People complaining about bandwagon jumpers: reasonable
>People complaining about lots of people cosplaying things they like: congratulations you're a dick

>> No.6468778

>All of you! Stop having fun! I command it!
That's how a lot of you are coming off.

>> No.6468781


>> No.6468783

>as far as comic to film movies go

>> No.6468861

But see, only comic book readers would know that. Omit that in the movie, everyone will start dressing up like Hank Pym cos he's that cool hero from that movie that everyone is watching and talking about now. Up on the bandwagon we go!

>> No.6469157
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In the 616 universe, he beat her in only one issue. Hank seriously had some fucking issues, and when he married Janet he was still not in his right mind/Yellowjacket mindset.

Now 1610 is a completely different ball field where Hank even sprays Janet with bug spray...

But yeah...that's going to be the awkward bandwagon that might throw feminists in the mix in case moviefags decide to take the Janet abuse to a whole different level.

>> No.6472123
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I got the best captain America Cosplay, sorry.

>> No.6472141
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I'm partial to the earth's mightiest hero cartoon Hank and Janet.

>> No.6476735

dude, just be happy that more people are being exposed to the kind of things you like(eg. Marvel Superheros) instead of being mad that they aren't dressing as your personal favorite character/ outfit.

>> No.6476739

All girls are "bandwagon" cosplayers. They do whatever is trendy or whatever will get them ~nerd cred~, while never actually engaging with the source material except in the most dilatory fashion possible. Women are dilettantes by nature. That is why men play video games and read comic books, and women dress up like them.

>> No.6476743

Because I've totally never seen a man cosplay before. Nope.

>> No.6476741

Grow your scruff out a little more and you'd make a better Tony Stark.

>> No.6477732

Not true. I have a male friend who is very much a bandwagon cosplayer. He also is interested in trying to get e-fame. He is going to fail however. He is too busy adding bandwagon costumes to his planned list but never puts any effort into them.

>> No.6477736
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so sexy

>> No.6477743
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I'm Superman today tho

>> No.6477757

Putting facebook filters over your pictures isn't going to cover up your enormous, oddly-shaped head.

>> No.6477792
File: 37 KB, 416x377, Jack-Frost-in-Rise-of-the-Guardians-2012-Movie-Image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how every other bandwagon is mentioned as a series in this thread, like Homostuck and Hetalia and so on, but the Rise of The Guardians is just Jack Frost-fandom. Which is so accurate it hurts.

I actually loved the film, and loved Jack Frost and his playful nature, yes, but I also loved every other Guardian in the movie, and the movie itself. With so many of these Jack Frost-fags, I wonder how many of them have actually seen the film at all, and how many of them are just bandwagon-jumpers who go by the information provided on Tumblr and believe Jack to be a manslut to fangirls. I've seen this happen, and it's pretty horrifying.

>> No.6477822



Haven't watched rise of the guardians yet tbh. I'm not sure if I want to. I've got Gaiman's version of Sandman entrenched in my head so thoroughly I'm not sure if it will result in me screaming at the screen "NOOO WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU"

... rant aside, I'm sort of getting sick of Jack Frost already. He's sort of pasted all over my tumblr feed, and even seeped into my (mostly crafts oriented) dA updates. It's pretty much Avengers and Loki/Ironman all over again, except with more exclusivity to a singular character.

>> No.6477823
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I feel you, bro. Originally I went to go see it because I thought Jack was attractive, but I ended up finding his character really endearing, as well as basically everyone else in the film? I'm planning a Jack cosplay and it makes me sad that I'm going to be lumped in with the crazy fangirls because ROTG is a genuinely fun and charming movie and it frustrates me how it's been boiled down to JACK IS A MANWHORE JACK JACK JACK PLEASE FUCK ME

>> No.6477839

>silver wig

It's a cosplay that tumblrfags are dying for, and it's a shame. They fucking flock to the easiest thing that they can wear to get the pictures rolling and the fandoms dying.

>> No.6477840
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Well, the best way to differ from those people is to make your cosplay so awesome it seems like you've popped out of the film. I think that many people who are going to cosplay as him won't even bother with the snowflakes on his shoulders and hood, for example, or with making the staff as accurate as possible, and they're going with ready-made stuff.

And how I'd love it if Jack's first outfit would be cosplayed, too, I actually loved it more than that hoodie one ;___;

>> No.6477843
File: 725 KB, 1280x702, tumblr_mec3tmbHDP1r2dbtpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6477823 here, that's actually the outfit I'm cosplaying! Mostly for the reason because I think that it does look more attractive, yeah. I've been working with one of my friends who does electronics and such and he's teaching me how to hook up some lighting and shit so I can make the staff light up blue, which I'm looking forward to!! (We're debating whether to use a gyroscopic wristband to control the intensity of the light or to simply have a button on it right now.)

I've spent a shitton on the fabric too since I don't want anything that'll look cheap, so I'm hoping it'll look okay!!

>> No.6477854

He just looks like a Hobbit there though.

>> No.6477875

I actually want to cosplay either the tooth-fairy (using feathers and such) but to make it would be a huuuuge project and I already have too many things to do.

I saw the movie with my nephew and in the theatre were some obvious tumblr fangirls. Ugh.

>> No.6477964

From the first moment I saw Jack, I knew that he'd be all over tumblr and that he'd have so many ranging fangirls behind him that he would be almost impossible to cosplay without cringing.
It rustles my jimmies just a tad because when ever I saw cosplays of him, it was literally like a day after the movie came out. It's like: 'bro, did you even see the movie? did you like his fucking characters or are you just loving some frosty dick?'
From what little I know about Jack--tumblr and what not--I do like his charming and mischievous personality, and I do hate the fact that I am wanting to cosplay him.
I don't want to be thrown into the barrel with the hundreds of Jack Frtosts already out there.
I just hope that when I go see the movie, I either don't like him as much as I thought I did or I like some other character even more...

>> No.6478078

>It rustles my jimmies just a tad because when ever I saw cosplays of him, it was literally like a day after the movie came out. It's like: 'bro, did you even see the movie? did you like his fucking characters or are you just loving some frosty dick?'
The only time I thought it was okay was when someone was actually cosplaying to the movie. The people that didn't even bother to see it, and just wanted to be on the "me first!" bandwagon, though? Fuck those guys.

I think, when you see the movie, you'll still end up liking Jack (his personality is kind of grating at first, until they start to give more details), but, in my opinion, he's not the best character. I much preferred Bunnymund and Sandman.
I think the people that are all over Jack's dick are more of the fangirly type- Most of the others I've talked to have said they liked him, but he wasn't their favourite

>> No.6480456
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My initial motivation to see RotG was because of the badass-looking Santa with the fucking tattoos; the only interest in Jack Frost I have is because Chris Pine voices him, but what i've seen from the fandom already makes me cringe, so I'm going to wait until the DVD comes out to see it

>> No.6480468

I've been pleasantly surprised not to see a whole load of fuck regarding Pitch. I'm expecting it though. I'm banking on the Avengers Loki fangirls flocking to a new slicked-back hair bad boy who is oh so misunderstood.
Thankfully thus far I've just seen some really well done art.