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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6461093 No.6461093 [Reply] [Original]

does /cgl/ LARP?

>> No.6461100

When I lived back in Russia I did.

>> No.6461111

Was it anything like in Role Models? I've always thought that the biggest danger of this movie is making LARPing look fun

>> No.6461147

Yeah, it's pretty damn fun. I used to play tabletop a lot before I went to one, and it's not even comparable.

except with any kind of spellcaster, they usually have plot armor and won't allow you to kill them. Or they will try extremely hard to be a pain in the ass.

Fucking mages

>> No.6461151

I genuinely can't imagine anything nerdier. In a bad way.

>> No.6461171

No..but I've always wanted to secretly. But I live in the states..
Hungarian larpfag says the larps in the United states suck. But I still wanna go. How do you go about finding these things?

>> No.6461181

That's a good thing. I wouldn't want any attentionwhores ruining another hobby

>> No.6461246
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I've always wanted to try it out. I told my boyfriend, but laughed it off and said I was joking because of the look on his face. Instead I settle for watching table top gaming online. Just watched a celebrity D&D match on youtube for fun.

>> No.6461273

Always wanted to try, never knew where to look or what to do though.

I also tend to be that person witting on the sidelines.

>> No.6461480
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My boyfriend suggested I pick up LARPing (he is a regular D&D player).
I'd consider it, but I am weak as all hell and not even slightly fit so I dunno how I'll run with that.

>> No.6461487

As someone who used to LARP, there are indeed many attention whores in LARPing. Or at least there were here in the DC area.

>> No.6461489

You play a mage. You throw bean bags and no one can touch you.

>> No.6461498


According to everyone in my area, the only decent LARP group died a few years ago and all that is left is a 2deep4u Vampire LARP with batshit insane people who think they are vampires/have regular orgies.

>> No.6461514

SCA, Adrian Empire and Civil War reenactment over here. It's my passion.

Ladies who are into the idea of fighting with swords and dressing up but don't have the power, I highly recommend checking out the SCA's Rapier fighting.

>> No.6461545

Joker-anon from before, thanks for info! I definitely like the sparring aspect of LARPing but I'm a bit lacking in power (and I can't say magic beanbags are of much interest).

>> No.6461548

this is so true. I went to a vampire game once.

it was basically an orgy. a disgusting one.

>> No.6461596

I don't know if I'd recommend SCA for someone that doesn't have a lot of power. You get BEAT THE FUCK UP in SCA regularly. You gotta be able to take pain.

>> No.6461609

Used to play Dagorhir when I lived in Pennsylvania; got sick of all the HARDCORE SRS BSNS MACHO bullshit. We're a bunch of assholes wearing sheets and hitting each other with camping foam, ffs. There's nothing hardcore or manly about any of that. I do kind of want to find a Changeling larp though.

>> No.6461612

Ah, yeah. SCA does three types of fighting, Heavy, Rapier and Light. Light is shinnai fighting, and my area doesn't do it, but it's light armored fighting for fast paced sword fighting. Heavy fighting, for those who are tough enough to do it, is full armored combat. You get in armor and fight with weapons made of rattan, so it's like hitting people with a baseball bat. Rapier fighting is strategic fighting with a rapier, not like fencing which is fought on a strip but instead fought in a round.

I should make note that this full contact and not like a larp, which is bound by rules and unrealistic standards like levels and ability points. SCA and Adrian Empire both go 100% on your skill and what you personally can do.


>> No.6461618

Only if you're a heavy.

>> No.6461627

DC area...why...why I'm around there! What's it like? I always wanted to try..

>> No.6461637

Was in the SCA for a while, did all 3 kinds of fighting. Light tournaments were probably my favorite, but heavy was fun. I was usually a harrier, relatively lightly armored running around taking out strays and putting holes in shield walls from the sides/behind.

I can definitely recommend and of the three if you get into a good group. I'm a sport fencer/martial artist, so I was kind of a ringer walking into it so I can't speak for how hard/easy it is to get into, but I can say if you're a skilled fighter or you become one, you get a lot of rep for it and it's really fun.

>> No.6461769

>Hungarian larpfag says the larps in the United states suck.
Well most of it and only from my point of view. But regardless people can have fun even on games like that if that's what float their boat.
Although there are a few larps in the US that I decent or good, at least so am I told, like Avegost

>> No.6461790

They still don't hold up well to the events we have in cotinental Europe and you know it

That aside, most of what's actually refe rred to as LARP in the US is something we'd call LAW, Live action war, which effectively means 'bash eachother's skulls in and roleplay is for losers'/

Most LARPs here tend to focus more on Roleplay and less on bashing eachother's skulls/ we also don't do the whole beanbang thing, preferring 'point and shout'/
Understandably, our events have a lot more 'scout's honor', though we do tend to hammer down harder on cheaters, often kicking them out after a single warning/
This is, however, hardly ever necessary as most larps here don't have an element of 'winning'/ You win when you've had fun/

Ps: About halfway through this text my keyboard decided to stop using periods, as such i've replaced them with slashes Tablet + external keyboard still not working too well

>> No.6461794

Yeah I know and that's why I say most of them suck, big time. But I try to don't tell others how to have fun.

>> No.6464504
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>> No.6464517

I LARPed before and it was a blast. I found I have a natural talent for sneaking around the woods.

>> No.6464666 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6464675
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>> No.6464684

I airsoft. It's kina like LARPing.

>> No.6464687

Didn't know Mclovin was into LARP

>> No.6464689
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there are airsoft larps out there too

>> No.6464695

I used to but got tired of the drama + now live in another country and going to university, so there's not really much time. I did continue boffering after quitting LARPs though, but eh, once again can't continue that shit due to lack of time or people actually doing boffering in this damned place.

Still planning to become hungarian LARPfag's waifu.

>dreaming of larp sex

>> No.6464697
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so... is this normal on /cgl/? I mean this marriage proposal thing to someone who just post pics?
Because I still find it strange

>> No.6464698


Nah, it's more about you being a LARPfag. It gives me a massive ladyboner.

Sage for absolutely no contribution other to my sexual fantasies.

>> No.6464700

It only becomes abnormal if they are openly talking about eating your skin.

And that's just because any normal person would know that you take someone's skin to wear it, not to eat it.

>> No.6464701
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I see... I think...
But still there are better larpfags out there than me and probably closer ones too

>> No.6464705
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>And that's just because any normal person would know that you take someone's skin to wear it, not to eat it.
I would agree but if you cook the skin it's perfectly normal to eat it

>> No.6464712

How does one get involved with LARPing? Unfortunately I live in the US, so I think my options are limited...

>> No.6464717
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well the easiest way is find larp then go larping. The "find a larp" is the hard part especially if you want to find a good larp.
But basically you have to search through the net (google, facebook, etc) or ask around.

>> No.6464723


You are an active contributor on a board I frequent. Of course you have become my husbando and I dream of becoming your waifu. Harmful play. Not like I'm plastering photos of you on my walls or anything (hell I don't even know what you look like but it doesn't matter, you're wearing a helmet in my dreams), that would be creepy.

>> No.6464721
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and just for a little perspective this is how I got involed with larping:

somewhen 7-8 years ago I was playing in a huge play by post forum rpg and one guy organized a small meeting where whe could hit each other with padded swords. He was a larper and two other larper come with him. There we had fun time and the larpers talked about this larp thing. I thought that their stories were pretty much awesome and I wanted to try it so I went to the game they were talking about and since then I'm a larper.

Of course the first few games were pretty much similar to the US ones in rules and in costumes too, but at that time I didn't know better. Later of course I found out that there are other larps out there and how bad is our larps compared to the neighbor countries.... Fortunately that changed since then.

>> No.6464725
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If that helps I'm the guy in the back on this pic >>6464721

>> No.6464728

Ok wow meant to say HARMLESS not harmful. Doink. That's what I get for pulling an allnighter.

My dreams have now become even wilder damn it.

>> No.6464735
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we will hold an international event next Autumn too, just so you know.
Or you can come to the Croatian game "Terra Nova" which is similarly a small international game too.

>> No.6464737
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>> No.6464739
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>> No.6464741
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>> No.6464742
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>> No.6464744
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>> No.6464749


I guess that after having a couple of years off the drama trying some larping would be alright. Plus it's an international game so I can't be bored by the age-old drama that was going on in my past local community. Plus the larps were shitty now that I recall that stuff. Ugh.

>that feel when I've only ever done fair maiden roles
>this totally brings me more waifu points right
>right? ;_;

>> No.6464758
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I give points on an individual basis

and if you really interetested in the Terra Nova game here is their page:

>> No.6464762

It feels like an eternity since the last larp thread and I've still not finished that sword.

>> No.6464763
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>> No.6464768
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>> No.6464771
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>> No.6464775
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>> No.6464776
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>> No.6464780
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>> No.6464789
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>> No.6464861
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>> No.6464867
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>> No.6464896
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>> No.6465090
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>> No.6465102
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>> No.6465116
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>> No.6465123
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>> No.6465188
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>> No.6465273
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>> No.6465307
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>> No.6465396
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>> No.6465795
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>> No.6465998
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>> No.6467240


Agh, can't do the winter game. Stupid university, ruining all of my fun.

>> No.6467287
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well, such is life... but snow makes everything better

>> No.6467486
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>> No.6467492

Oh, I love these threads, same with Ren Faire threads. Went to my first Ren Faire and got a rental costume, it wasn't a grand experience. I like to look at these threads for inspiration.

>> No.6467495
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>> No.6467504

I'm going to take your words to heart. I want to go to one myself..though I have no experience in tabletop games.
How are these things played? How are people "killed"
Reveal to me your secrets!

>> No.6467514

UK Larper here, any one else excited for empire? (Hell I only really come here to adapt cosplay costume techniques into my larp costumes! )

>> No.6467515
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you don't have to know anything about tabletop games. Larping and tabletop games are two entirely different things, neither is a must have for the other.

About the killed thing, it changes from game to game. but usually after you get hit enough times your character dies (it's either permanent or you can be resurrected in one way or another)
The "enough times" can be one to even 10-15. Sometimes the bodypart that is hit counts in other games it doesn't

>> No.6467516


Each game is different, but in general, you have a character sheet and 'hit points' per location (like head chest arms legs etc.) you die when either of you 'main' parts (head/chest) go to zero (or minus 2 or something depending on the game) some games have rules such as bleedout. EG when you go to zero hits on a main part you go unconscious and start bleeding out. You loose another health point every 60 seconds and are dead at -2. That seems to be hte most common rule I've seen. Healers/medics can stabalize your bleeding, to stop your death count, and come back adn heal you after the fight, with either magic or surgery etc depending on how high or low magic (or sci-fi tech) the game is.

>> No.6467524

From what I've played of medieval fantasy games, it's a lot like Skyrim. On a technical level there are more abilities that don't translate into games well, like pray to god - get advice from the GM abilities.

>> No.6467527
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those are very specific examples and probably true to only one system.

>> No.6467532


I like how prayers can actually work in larps, but also have a little grudge against them. Mainly because I've played a priest before, wrote up a holy book and passed it around every other priest in our faith to add to it, prayed 4 times a day and never had a reply. Whereas a priest who was friends with the refs who did nothing workwise got loads of gifts and visits from a messenger of our god. OOC I was annoyed, but I taken it out IC acting out the jealousy. I snuck in and stole a load of holy relics from his camp. One of our beliefs was that those who can't defend it shouldn't have it. I even prayed to our god and told them it was me. "Hi god, I'm attention seeking now! I stole from your damned 'favorite.' COME AT ME GOD"

I do love playing religious types though, I love giving sermons and making community events. It did put me off a bit though. I know its my fault for being jealous.

>> No.6467536


The bleeding out rule I mentioned is used in about 4-5 systems over here, I thought it might be common elsewhere too. But in super general its you loose hit points, you ded boy!

>> No.6467548

Mostly I meant the hit points per body parts thing, that's pretty much rare.
At best you have general hitpoints and the amount of damage you take depends on the body part where you've been hit.
And while the praying thing is not unheard generally games try to avoid it especially games with more players.
Plus there are games without GMs, so there is that.

>> No.6467553


Hit point per loc is rare for you? Practically 90% of the larps (not whitewolf lrps) I've been to use hit per loc.

Also its only the bigger games I've been to that were that indepth with the prayer thing also very common here. ( I know one game had a 'prayer room' full of PC's so people with terrible handwriting/dyslexia could use the pc to spellcheck and email their prayers off, it was hilarious stuff.)

I'm curious now, how do your hit points generally work? You said depending on where you are hit? So.. is it something like a head shot is 3 damage, a arm shot is 1 or something like that?

>> No.6467557

yes something like that.

But around here and for example in scandinavia the trust based system is more common.
You don't have hit points, you will act out every hit accordingly. If someone barely scratches you with the hit then you will act like it was just a scratch, if someone fair and square stab you in the stomach with a spear you lie down and start the slow process of dying from a stomach wound, etc

Also in which country do you encountered those rules?

>> No.6467559


I'm UK based, but I've travelled to Germany and US and never encountered rules like yours, which is why they interest me!

Though obviously all games have a aura of trust, since for the bigger games they just can't physically be everywhere at once.

>> No.6467563

it's strange because the act out rule is not unheard in germany, although I realize that ConQuest and Drachenfest doesn't use that.
On the other hand around here and in scandinavia GM's are either rare or non existent, there are no people whos only job is to watch everything is according to the rules, there is nothing to really coordinate out of the game. Because there are no npc factions usually. Everyone is a player.

>> No.6467570


Obviously with hit per loc you still need to act out the injury and where it was taken/how on yourself. It just means that someone stabbing your hand to 0 hits wont kill you, you just wont be able to use that hand (though some games have bleedout rules for all locations eg if it gets to minus hits you start a bleedout count.)

How to 'power ups' work in your games then? EG in most british games you can learn skills or buy better swords to increase your damage. EG you start with doing a 'single' point of damage when you hit someone, and get a better sword that does 'double' (2) instead. How does that sort of power upgrading work in a game where a head shot is worth 3, an arm 1, etc?

>> No.6467571


>everyone is a player

Exactly. I'm from Finland and I've been going kinda "eh" when people have told me about GMs. Wtf? There is like always a couple of people that make sure that you're not going over the top or aren't just lying about somewhere picking your nose but those were at beginner games. their characters were usually incorporated to suit to that role, e.g. a guard.

>> No.6467573

simply we don't have anything like that. The weapons don't have "damage characteristics" we pretty fast quit from that thing. It makes the rules unnecessary complex in our opinion and can cause other unwanted things

>> No.6467574

I didn't mean GM specifically. I just meant some dude who does what you described.

>> No.6467577

I never really saw the point for hits per loc. Except for some kind of npc boss monster. It really is overcomplicated. Shoot me in the dick or shoot me in the ass, either way I'm dying

>> No.6467578


Well, yeah, but do you use them even in more advanced games? Because to me they have always been just a beginner game thing, to encourage others to get in the game.

>> No.6467583


UK here. Usually a game needs at least one or two refs I've found from experiance. EG: Player 1 and 2 have a fight, both are convinced they won the fight and the other is cheating. There were no witnesses and they are pretty pissed about it. Who solves this issue? A ref makes the final call. Having someone aroud wit hte ability to VETO any arguments and keep the game on track. Someone recogniseable for newbies to go talk to. I know personally when I started I didnt wantto embarrass myself with asking other players questions, being able to sneek off and grab a ref was great.

Though tbh at most games I've been to the refs havent been needed so much, as arguments/cheating is quite rare. But having someone to overlook the world/plot and keep things fun from an outside perspective seems a good idea to me, as it removes from from accusations of bias/cheating towards camps they may of been part of if playing. EG fight breaks out between camp1 and camp 2, its understandable that people from each camp would believe theirs was in the right. A ref can step in during these situations and make sure the rules are adhered to and noone is taking the piss.

I have ran one off 'gmless' games before but I find the amount of trust needed would be hard to do on a large scale, as you just dont/cant know everyone in a big game, and so cheaty bastards could be sneeking about.
But still I would like ot try some of these games one day. Its one of those things on my 'bucket list' is to try larps all over the world.

>> No.6467584
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Drachenfest and ConQuest has people like those IIRC

>> No.6467589


I can understand that like. I was in one game where there was this rich powerblock who bought all the best weapons/armours, and would constantly smack down people outside of their camp who tried to learn to craft or just buy weapons of such quality. It made for some interesting blackmarket RP though. But it was frustrating to some too.

>> No.6467600

that, and if different weapons have different damage you have basically three ways to make sure that the players know how many damage they suffered.
1. everyone must learn the damage table. But this cannot be used alone if there is some kind of on the fly enchantments that can be applied to weapons.
2. visual indicators, like pieces of cloths in different colors on the user's arm or on the weapon, etc. This is bad because in bigger fights you don't have time to recognize what hit you, even less if someone attacks you from behind
3. voice indicator. Basically shouting the damage. And it looks super retarded in my own opinion. Pretty much immersion breaking

>> No.6467602

>>wrote up a holy book

NO! No no no. I mean in theory yes it's nice to add to the gameworld, but in practice - 800 Ensign Wesley Crushers with unique backstories and an impenetrable backlog of fanfiction to read to understand your world politics

>> No.6467606
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I don't see the problem here. The beauty of larps that if someone is an idiot you can just smack them in the head

>> No.6467608


Every LARP system I have been to uses the called damage approach. Though I could understand for a game that had no magic and was going for a gritty realism style the no calls no enhancements works great (as I agree wit hte immersion thing) but when you get into high magic and scifi settings simple hits just doesn't really cut the large range of stuff people will be wanting to do. Although shouting out damage is a bit tedious, you have to do it for spells already and its easier for one person to know their own damage and call it, then for everyone to have to learn a full chart of weapon types and damages.

>> No.6467609

think of it as your gameworld wikipedia where everyone keeps fucking with it to insert themselves or some lame shit that they think is cool.
An outsider comes to look up "Elf race" and it's a huge block of horribly written fanfiction that is impossible to digest

>> No.6467610


Its wasnt so much a 'everyone must read this, this is now our holybook of awesome' it was more, we have a cool book full of sharied stories and experiances to share with our camp and pass on when we die etc. I guess the term holybook gave the wrong impression.

And no one HAD to read it to join our church or anything.

>> No.6467611


Thats anotehr thing refs are good for, if you have a ref they can ref smackdown poeple who are taking hte piss with silly character backgrounds or trying to change or insert their own cannon that doesnt fit in with the game.

>> No.6467612
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we managed to have fantasy and postapoc larps without this calling out things, or just if it's really necessary. And while it's true that not every second person shits magic from his ass in the fantasy games it's far from without magic. We just don't use combat spells, that's all.

>> No.6467614


Well it sounds fun at least. I'd liek to give such systems a try someday. They seem a lot simpler. This year I'm taking a pack of 7-14 newbies to their first 'big' game. We've already started having small meet ups to learn rules and LARP ettiquette. Simpler rules would of made this a much easier task.

>> No.6467617

ahh I see your problem.
The thing is if someone writes a holy book or a diary or something that won't be automatically true. I mean it will be just something that some random dude wrote down. It can be a complete lie or a fairy tale etc. It won't change the setting on it's own, you have to do something for it.

Like when some dude comes up to you saying that he is the lord of this land and you must bow before him etc etc. And you can pretty much bitchslap him and rob him blind. Or at least try. If he is really a noble he will have bodyguards who will handle your ass, and if he is not then such is life.

So it's nothing wrong if you make a background for your character. Hell it's something that you must do. If you want to play a character that have delusions that's something that you are allowed but there are always consequences.

>> No.6467619

All true. But then there are people in weird costumes hitting each other with toy weapons, so how immersed are you really?
(I've heard it's much better when you play as a kid though)

>> No.6467624
File: 1.53 MB, 2448x3264, DSC01337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, if everything goes right we will organize an "international" game again in next Autumn. Which means the game language is english and anyone can come.

>> No.6467626


You can get very immersed! Especially when you have spent so much time working on perfecting your own kit, your camp, learning your rules etc. When you have it all down and know it by nature it gets very intuitive/instinctual, and you can find yourself naturally getting into the swing of things.

>> No.6467629


That would be pretty cool. Does your favored game/system have a site or anywhere one can be kept up to date with such things?

>> No.6467632
File: 503 KB, 3264x2448, DSC01064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although the site is in hungarian and currently the summer event is in under organization, but the rules are available in english in the "Játékszabályok" menu points.

>> No.6467637
File: 510 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_9031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be very immersed. Not always of course and it's pretty damn hard if the other players run around in jeans and sneakers or in a metallica T-shirt.

>> No.6467645


Ah yes, found them. Have a good mooch now.

>> No.6467865

I very much want to LARP but I only know two people who do it. One lives very far away from me, and the other goes to LARPing cons specifically to wait until she can break rule 1 and have in character sex with people.

I'm fat, in the way most girls from the midwest are- 5'8" about a US 17. We wear the same tshirt size and she's 5'2". Also my bf is mad at her because she went through a mess breakup with one of his bros from Magic.

So yeah... I will probably never get a chance. It looks super fun, though.

>> No.6467966
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when I started larping I literally know no one from that group, I've only talked with a few of them once or twice after I found them.
I don't know about other countries in this regard but here people generally helpful, and I heard most of the time this is the case elsewhere too.

>> No.6469653
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>> No.6469656
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>> No.6469664
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>> No.6469797
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>> No.6470105


>> No.6470532
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>> No.6470547
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>> No.6470554
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>> No.6470562
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>> No.6470581
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>> No.6470612
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>> No.6470627

It's like Role Models except magnetize the creep factor by a hundred, and most of the people there are sexual predators.

>> No.6470631

People who LARP are absolutely disgusting. Again, another idea that would be fun if not for all the scum and basement dwellers that are drawn to it.

>> No.6470636
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>> No.6470641
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>> No.6470682
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>> No.6470705

Why do LARPfags suck so hard at melee combat? You'd expect them to at least try to be interested in how it's done, but no, they always into that make believe Holywood bs.

>> No.6470709
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>> No.6470715
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>Why do LARPfags suck so hard at melee combat?
they do?

>> No.6470717
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>> No.6470716

Dude, look at the fan base. It's a group of people who were never very good, and didn't want to put any effort into things like sports. Of course they're not going to be physically capable at learning real melee. It's like when that Ampgard tried challenging that USFA group to a tourney and had they're asses handed to them by every single fencer there.

>> No.6470723
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>> No.6470729
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>> No.6470733



>> No.6470731
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>> No.6470740
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>> No.6470741
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>> No.6470746
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>> No.6470749
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>> No.6470754
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>> No.6470756
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>> No.6470759
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>> No.6470948
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I do sca, no larp though.

>> No.6470954

Yes, they have no idea how weapons are supposed to be used. All weapons are designed with purpose first, 'look cool' is just a side effect. But the best LARPers can do is swing things at other things like they do it in the movies. Swords at other swords. *HERPLARPDERP* And that, my children, is why swords were not peasant weapons. Then again, they would probably fuck up even something as simple (yet elegant and effective) as a halberd.

>> No.6470980


>> No.6470998

wtf, you should not have to put up with that

>> No.6471248

Massive white knight detected. She's not going to fuck you bro, and her boyfriend saved her from being molested/raped.

>> No.6471262

I want to play DnD so bad, but I suck at roleplaying due to a childhood weeaboo prime that got me.

>> No.6471924
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Do you really believe in that? I mean that ALL larpers are like what you say? because it's the equivalent of saying for example "every cosplayer is a naruto fan"

>> No.6471929
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>> No.6471937
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>> No.6471947
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>> No.6471953
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>> No.6471958
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>> No.6471964
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>> No.6471986

What happened to having no fucks to give?

>> No.6472079

I wish i had more friends that were into larping, get real serious with shit

>> No.6472101
File: 72 KB, 540x720, 313373_243816422329038_100001020452158_710898_1006070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?

>> No.6472119

>Bring Oreos, Arizona Ice Tea, Tablet, and Smartphone to weekend camp LARP
>People get buttmad

I don't get it, niggas just mad my character and clan are magic beings with magical items of their own creations.

>> No.6472129
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>> No.6472145
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>> No.6472153
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>> No.6472155

I'd love to larp, so fucking much. It seems to me like playing make-believe as a kid, but no one is a little brat.

How does one go about making a character? I'm thinking about the peasantry-goes-out-into-world-to-seek-fortune to start out with as I get comfortable, wielding Florentine style because that's what I am comfortable with, and I have limited archery skill too. I'm thinking a ranger type character. Is the creation process sort of parallel to DnD?

>> No.6472165
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well, that's entirely depends on the game you go. There are many different larp systems out there with different character creation processes, and different seetings they take place in.
For example there are games where your character don't have any rules-wise skills, so if you want to do something you actually have to do it.
Then there are games where you can choose skills like lockpicking or alchemy maybe magic, etc
And there are games which will limit the weapons you can use depending on what kind of character you make.

The setting changes from game to game too, some will allow any and all fantasy stuff you can imagine, others may allow only specific stuff, for example if the game's story takes place in a village and players must be peasants, merchants and other city folk there.

So in short, every game works differently in one way or another.

>> No.6472170
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>> No.6472171

I had so much fun
but I have a terrible bug phobia
one weekend in the wild and I was actually having delusions of bugs for weeks afterward
it was like Take Shelter but with bugs :[

(I went to the larp because I thought I could overcome my phobia with immersion but it only made things worse) sucks because it was one of the best weekends of my life.

I've been thinking about getting into tabletop gaming instead because it was so much fun.

>> No.6472191
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well, that's something you can't really avoid, but on the other hand bugs usually don't come after you... usually

>> No.6472198

I understand that but that's why it's a phobia
I wish fear could be cured like a disease
it's ruining my life
but enough of that

>> No.6472206
File: 92 KB, 443x640, fatev18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there are more to larps than the fantasy ones out in the forests.
there are postapoc ones in abandoned buildings and sites or ones that take place in a room or fully functional building, like vampire lives or chamber larps

>> No.6472212

you have given me hope.
off to research now
thanks random person

>> No.6472221
File: 161 KB, 912x632, fatev68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little addition, I'm not sure that the chamber larp is the correct english term, but here is a video how one could look like (it has english subtitles)

>> No.6472245
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>> No.6472277

Yes, it's in the nature of LARP. You have to pretend that fatties and women are just as good enough as you. You cannot just lose your patience and grab their sword and knock them to the ground as you would normally to punish their pitiful mistakes.

It's like fighting against little children. You have to pretend you're just as bad as them. For LARPers, it's all about showing off and 'looking kewl' (though they hilariously fail at both).

Compared to real medieval historical reenactment (one where everyone knows what to do), LARPs just come of as pitiful and childish. And I'm fairly certain that the majority of population would agree that they enjoy watching the former much more than the latter.

>> No.6472279
File: 19 KB, 206x310, You are!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the kind of guy I like.

>> No.6472291
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well, if that's your belief then it's explains a few things.

>> No.6472292
File: 48 KB, 400x604, Thou Furious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have his words wounded you, sirrah?

>> No.6472293
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>> No.6472295
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>> No.6472294

if you are trying to grasp the pointy end of the sword, then I understand why you are so angry.

>> No.6472297
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>> No.6472300
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>> No.6472304
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>> No.6472311
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>> No.6472323
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>> No.6472361

Are you even trying to be funny or are you just too frustrated to think?

It's not a belief, it's the cold hard truth. You guys could not stand in a fight with someone who knows what their doing for longer than 10 seconds. Even if we considered those of you fit enough to properly manipulate a weapon.

>> No.6472365

Go away, this is a larp thread. The rest of us are enjoying the pictures and the escapism. Unless you are role playing as a manchild who is desperately seeking validation, go away. If you are however, you are doing a wonderful job so we urge to keep it up.

>> No.6472368

>The rest of us are enjoying the pictures and the escapism.
You mean the two to three people including OP?

>Unless you are role playing as a manchild who is desperately seeking validation, go away.
Have you even read my posts? I'm not a LARPer.

>> No.6472369
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of course

>> No.6472371
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>> No.6472372

See, that was my entire point. It wasn't so difficult now, was it?

>> No.6472374
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what was your point?

>> No.6472376
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>> No.6472377

1. Yep.

2. So you admit you're a manchild seeking validation? Okay then!

>> No.6472382
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>> No.6472398
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>> No.6472417

Oh god I just tried to follow the "argument" up there.
>Angry paragraph of text about how much larping sucks
>hungarian LARPfag asks a 4 word question
>even angrier paragraph of text saying how dumb they all are
>hungarian LARPfag asks a 4 word question
>another angry paragraph of text about how weak larpers are
>6 word response "-well if you feel that way."
>more anger
>2 word response
>"what was your point?"

Either hungarian LARPfag is the most reasonable guy on this board in ages, or he just doesn't speak/understand enough english yet.

>> No.6472423
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or both!

>> No.6472432

What kind of fight are we talking? And the LARP I do is SCA heavy fighting, I know a lot of people that are into both the more RPG heavy and the actually knocking people around kinds.

Anecdotally I'm a sport fencer, a martial artist, and I lift. I've trained with quite a lot of weapons in quite a lot of scenarios, and I'm pretty confident I can fight with weapons better than nearly anyone I've met. The larps and groups I've been in have a lot of people that are interested in "how it's actually done", and plenty are decent fighters in armor with wooden weapons.

So your blanket assertion is pretty incorrect.

>> No.6472438
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>> No.6472441
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>> No.6472443
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>> No.6472464

Actual fencer here. You're talking out your ass. I've done LARP as well and almost NO ONE there is interested in how it's "actually done". Seriously, don't try to compare your pillow fighting spree to an actual sport. It's embarrassing.

>> No.6472465

>mfw another LARP thread

Weren't these bannable at one time? Seriously, this shit belongs in /tg/.

>> No.6472467
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>> No.6472468
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never seen such thing in the rules

>> No.6472481
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>> No.6472494

No need to be mad, it's only Internet thread.

>> No.6472500

Actual USFA nationally ranked fencer here, I've been in larps where people are also in the SCA, and do things like Kendo, sport fencing, and rapier. Plenty of people in several groups I've been in are, and I can probably 15-0 you on the strip.

>> No.6472509

Almost all phobias, and especially ones like your bug one are curable through exposure.

>> No.6472512

Yeah, no, I doubt it. You're probably some rank C scrub, if even that. Come back to me when you've competed in a few nationals, and then maybe we'll talk.

>> No.6472520


Oh jeeze, next they'll be saying ampgard is a real thing.

>> No.6472522

>>One guy getting mad that larp isn't real combat
Did you miss the part where it's a game? Only fat armchair paladins even approach it from that angle. They are faggots by definition. Do you get mad when you hear that paintballers don't use real guns?
Why are you even on this board if you don't like people looking cool?

>> No.6472523
File: 80 KB, 550x426, larp11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you miss the part where it's a game?

Eactly the reason it doesn't belong in /cgl/.

>people looking cool

Haha, what. Do not be fooled by Hungarian's pics; 90% of that shit is from other stuff outside of LARP.

Pic related; what LARP actual looks like, and this is one of the better ones.

>> No.6472525
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>> No.6472528
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aw sweet I finally get to dump my LARP folder. Hang on to your butts everyone.

>> No.6472529
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>> No.6472532
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>> No.6472530
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I think we can all agree that furries just don't belong in any scenario

>> No.6472531
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>Do not be fooled by Hungarian's pics; 90% of that shit is from other stuff outside of LARP.
cool story

>> No.6472535
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>> No.6472536

I'm sorry, but people like this forever put me off of this so called "sport":


>> No.6472539
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>> No.6472546
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>can i be a dragon?

>> No.6472545
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>> No.6472547
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Truly the physique of a proud and noble knight.

>> No.6472550
File: 45 KB, 500x481, larp-medieval-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to traumatize your children 101.

>> No.6472548
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Historically accurate.

>> No.6472549
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>> No.6472551
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that's not how you properly traumatize children

>> No.6472553

You seem to know an awful lot given that you're not a larper.

>> No.6472554
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>> No.6472556

I'm pretty sure every person in this thread has LARP'd before. The problem is this being an American site, most of the Americans here have horrible impressions of LARP because American LARP is absolute shit compared to European and you can chalk that up to one being much more organized than the other.

>> No.6472557
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>> No.6472558


>> No.6472564
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while US larps generally have lower standards that doesn't mean that there are no good one out there. Although I admit that they are rare

>> No.6472569

Hungarians are massive self-entitled pricks who still think that they're an empire who should rule over other nations, even though they were nothing but parasites on Austria for the most part, and all their military victories ceased when the mongoloid Huns settled down to fuck white women.

>> No.6472572
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>Hungarians are massive self-entitled pricks
I can agree with this part in a general sense

>> No.6472573

ja wohl

>> No.6472576

The US has several national groups don't they? It's pretty apparent the issue isn't organisation. It's the participants need to legitimise their hobby as macho.
If they could accept that they wouldn't prioritise 'winning' and the troll wouldn't have a problem with their combat and perhaps they might move on

>> No.6472581
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>> No.6472586
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>> No.6472671
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>> No.6472714
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>> No.6472730
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>> No.6472776

B rank, and I doubt very much you're that. Either way you have a crappy opinion and a crappy attitude, and a large component of larping is costuming. Even in SCA and organizations more about the fighting parts you still have garb and armor, which is definitely cgl related. And as I've said, your just pretending sport fencing is any sort of "duelist" cred is laughable and people in larps or SCA and the like know just as well how to "fight" as you do, which is not very well. Both have about as much interest in "real" combat which you have yet to define relative to the main practice of the hobby, sport fencing being the "sport" part and larping being the rpg part.

>> No.6472792

>nerd scrubs who think that their kwan school teaches them how to fight
>call oneself a 'fencer'
>not homosexual
pick one

>> No.6472802

I'd argue with you, but honestly I just have one question for you....
Where do you think we are?

>> No.6472942
File: 557 KB, 900x769, botn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARPing is just not my cup of tea, i dislike seeing some of the minimal effort put into costumes and weapons, now the SCA thats for REAL MEN, non of that sissy padded shit, your wearing real steel armor, and using a wooden sword with just like one layer of tape on it, even trough the armor you get some nasty bruises, actually i take that back BATTLE OF THE NATIONS is FOR REAL MEN

>> No.6472949


This is why I was the local tailor for my Barony. I'm five foot three and 140 pounds, 200 pound guy in chain mail charging at me? No thank you. I'll stay on the sidelines and repair the tunic of the guy Sir Beefalot fucks up.

That's is also what I like about SCA, though. If you have a guy in front of you telling you he's a King, he fucking well earned it in blood, sweat and tears.

>> No.6472965
File: 202 KB, 1000x667, COD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the king of the west just visited us down here in the barony of Bryn Gwlad he stayed for the zombie tourney, pretty much 1v1 and when ever you lose you become a zombie slave to your slayer, and then when he dies both of you become slaves to the new master
god it was a blast I got knocked so hard upside the head my helm almost spun around!
im actually taking armoring classes from the locals and was hoping to start posting some of my work come later this month on /cgl/

>> No.6473178

I love 1v1 tournaments, I'm a left handed fighter, and I'm usually a harrier in all out combat so I get a lot of fun duels/2v1's going. It's so satisfying to pick someone off a shield wall and see their face when they realize they have a tower facing my dominant hand.

>> No.6473374

well im from /fit/ so idc, pussyboy

>> No.6473588
File: 1.18 MB, 1680x1050, 1339445618994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you do this magical thing? Thought about larping, then I heard that it was minimal-to-no contact, and just said fuck that. This SCA thing though...

>> No.6473733

go to http://www.sca.org/ up top hover over group and then find your local group. happy hunting

>> No.6473760

Guys. Guys. Guys. I am the king of fencing and as your king I command thee to shut up. I also command thee to make out amongt yeeselves.

>> No.6473769

Normally LARP doesn't interest me, but I've heard of STALKER and Fallout LARPs in the Baltics and Eastern Europe that got me interested. Sadly, I live in America, so fat chance of flying there to run around in the woods with an airsoft rifle.

>> No.6473813
File: 112 KB, 785x523, 116851608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is best LARP.

>> No.6473835
File: 50 KB, 594x592, 1354419512913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make this thread 5 days ago expecting no results
>250posts later
hungarian LARPfag are all those pictures from just one community or multiple groups? either way it makes LARPing look crazy fun.

>> No.6473840

> larping
> minimal to no contact
Just passing by, but wanted to say that REALLY depends on what you're doing. I've done LARPs where we just did character role play and others where we beat the everliving shit out of each other with swords (I got to be the archer because I had my recurve bow with me). It really depends on what that groups specifically does.

>> No.6473855
File: 175 KB, 785x523, 97706225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian S.T.A.L.K.E.R. LARP. Looks like they got a BTR.

>> No.6473884

Just got back from first sessions of a brand new larp in my area, good times!

>> No.6474080
File: 724 KB, 1200x675, Razor's Edge--1424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple groups.
Most notably from Drachenfest and Mythodea/ConQuest. Also some are from our games

Well... we once had a helicopter at a game... among other things

>> No.6474106

That's pretty damn cool. What system does these guys use? Is it airsoft, make believe, laser tag (I forgot what the military calls the laser system they attach to guns for training), or something else?

>> No.6474113
File: 829 KB, 1200x800, Razor's Edge--2045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(I forgot what the military calls the laser system they attach to guns for training)

But they using airsoft weapons and the rules usually if you got hit you die or wounded and can't fight until a medic patch you up.
Although there are more complex rules too like the location of the hit counts, and things like that

>> No.6474119

Thanks! I would think using something like MILES (if even possible) would be a lot better experience. I'm not too into airsoft, but from what I've seen the guns don't have too long of range which I would think would limit the game's fun a bit. Using real weapons with blanks and the laser system would really put a game over the top. Hell, they've already gone almost all out using a BTR.

>> No.6474139

I go to fit, cgl, and v, and out of those fit is absolutely the most homosexual, so you still don't have a point.

>> No.6474141

That shit is not in firing condition.

>> No.6474166

I live in Australia. What's Australian LARP like in terms of quality? Closer to America or to Europe?

>> No.6474176

plus it's not even real.

somewhere in between as far as I know

also, image limit reached

>> No.6474178

Would you suggest LARP to Australians who are interested in or curious about it? Or is it still too crap to bother with, like American LARPs?

>> No.6474181

Also, roughly what percentage of American LARPs aren't typically shit? 10% (the Sturgeon's Law ratio)? Less?

>> No.6474184

as I said earlier in the thread people can have fun even on a US larp, I won't tell you how to have fun. Go and try it out, that's the best way.
And for a little specifics on australian larps, there is a the "swordcraft" games, which actually not really a larp as it's closer to a boffer-tag/fighting game, but I'm sure you can meet people there who know more about australian larps

>> No.6474185

I don't know ALL the US larps so I really can't answer to that. Also it hugely depends on what do you count as "shit"

>> No.6474205

ban evading

>> No.6480080

What about the general quality of Canadian LARPs? After all, Canada does have a reputation for being a less shitty version of America in general.

>> No.6484839

well for a start there is biccoline which has actually a small built up village for larping purposes, then they have a few good larpshops there too like calimacil