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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6462943 No.6462943 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a little confession time.

Share some thoughts and feelings relating to cosplay, lolita, J-fashion general or anything pertaining to the board.
Got an unpopular opinion you're not able to say any where else.
Maybe it's a secret about a certain someone you're unable to say out loud.

Post your confessions here.

>> No.6462967
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I'll probably get a lot of shit for this but I'm curious to see anybody shares the same opinion.

I don't like Beckii Cruel.
I've followed her on Tumblr for a few months now. I used to think she was sweet and funny, just a nice girl, but she's not. She's actually kind of a massive famewhore and a little bit of a jerk.
It's kind of like she's completely aware that her 5 minutes are waning, so she's doing whatever she can to cling to the limelight and stay "current", especially with this stupid Oishii crap.
That wouldn't be a big deal if it weren't for other little things, like how she never answers anybodys asks unless it gives her an excuse to post about Oishii or this Lockshop competition. I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I sent her 4 different asks, 2 about her hair and 2 asking her where she got some specific clothing from, and she ignored every single one.

I also think he using her popularity to try and win the Lockshop competition kind of distasteful. Like she posted to Tumblr saying something a long the lines of "Oh I only have 156 likes so I'm in second place, but first place has 800 likes, I'll NEVER overtake that guys!" and then she's posted a link to her entry so people can go vote for her.

I still think she's cute, but the way she teams up with a bully like Dansa and ignores her fans pisses me off. She's really grasping for fame.

>> No.6462979

I buy my costumes at iParty, modify them, and tell people I made it myself.

/I regret nothing

>> No.6462986

i dont cosplay nor do i wear Lolita

>> No.6462987

I can't wait until all of these "OMG over 120 lbs. 2 fat fer fashun" bitches get older and their metabolisms come to a screeching halt, making it impossible for them to maintain a decent weight.

>> No.6462989

I dont like j-pop. It's not really /cgl/ related, but because they play it so much at conventions (jpop at anime conventions whod a thunk it right?) I've just grown to despise it.

When I was at Otakon it was the only thing I heard all weekend, except for that sweet moment of bliss when i walked past a dealer playing Hendrix. I was also at a smaller convention me and my friends go to every year, and we sat in a karaoke pannel, and it was just a bunch of weeabos singing (attempting to sing) in Japanese. And it was painful, especially because it was being pronounced wrong and butchered. So my crew and i got on stage later and sang Worlds Apart by Journey, and just got the most evil of glares from the audience. We kinda thought it was hilarious though. Maybe its just the fan-base. I don't know

>> No.6462991

I hate going to lolita meetups because too many of the girls in my comm are fujoshi weeaboos. And I'm a complete hypocrite because I'm like that too (although I used to be worse.) I guess I hate how much they remind me of myself. And I hate myself for being like them.

>> No.6462995

i havent cosplayed in two years because i'm fat and ugly and have a bad body shape. i've lost 20 lbs in the past year... I want to start cosplaying again, but Im afraid to.

>> No.6462996

Other cosplayers complain about fanboys but I really like them. It doesn't matter if they're ugly, fat, old, hairy or whatever I just really appreciate that they like my cosplay and I enjoy talking with them.

Sometimes I'll be standing with my friends and a guy like this will come up and he might be a little awkward but we'll chat about the character I'm dressed as and I think its adorable when they get all flustered or are obviously in awe. Then my friends make an excuse to leave and complain about what a creeper that guy was.

I don't get it... isn't part of cosplay to be admired? I don't do it solely for that purpose but it feels nice and it always makes me feel like I've done a good job on the costume if the biggest fans of the series like it.

>> No.6462997

there are people that actually like Beckii?

I had the impression that people saw her like a joke/parody of the whole "uguu japanese idoru" or something

>> No.6463001

I'm actually everyone in this thread.

>> No.6463002

I think I look like PixyTeri when I cosplay.

>> No.6463007

I'm on a diet because other cosplayers have called me fat when I am not and within a healthy weight for my height.;_;

>> No.6463015

I think most of the cosplays looks good only if you are skinny.
I'm on a diet so that i can be really skinny and cosplay properly..

>> No.6463013


There are a few, especially on /cgl/.
The Ask thing really annoyed me. At first I was like "Oh maybe she just has a large queue", but then I looked and she never, ever answers anybody unless it gives an excuse to start talking about whatever interests her at the time.

I only wanted to know where you got your fucking cardigan Beckii, jeez. I'm not trying to steal your uguu~* secrets.

>> No.6463014

I agree with you. I think it is endearing if they are simply complimenting and admiring. That's the whole point of cosplay really. To be noticed for your costume.
I think girls take the word "creepy" out of context in cosplay...that or are just far too easily offended. All my girl friends act the same way...quite annoying.

>> No.6463028

I understand there are creepers out there, but the average socially awkward nerd doesn't have to be one. Even if they're clumsily hitting on me or checking me out... so what? That doesn't mean they want to rape me.

I have a group of guys who favourite and comment on all my posts on DA and I really appreciate them. My friends often comment that they're creepy but I always look forward to their responses and it feels good to know that someone out there is interested in what I'm doing.

>> No.6463029

Most girls use 'creepy' to refer to attention from males who aren't attractive. It really is just the way it is.

>> No.6463037

I saw some complaints on the black gyaru channel on youtube that it shouldn't even exist and it "creates division". Sure I get saying that if *all* the videos are rants complaining and whining about not fitting in but most of the videos are tutorials.

For black girls there's a pretty obvious set of differences when it comes to make up color choice, clothes (colors, size, and style/shape) and hair than other gyaru - with non black gaijin gyaru the main differences are just eye socket/eye shape and body shape/size differences. With black girls we have those issues along with having to think about how differently we are perceived with short shorts/skirts, long nails, colored contacts, and dyed hair (people just see us as "ghetto").

There is a clear need for somewhere to discuss something as simple as what color to use for highlighting since even tanner or darker Asians and whites can use a white/cream/off white which looks idiotic on dark black girls. We have to find different colors and techniques to get the same look as other gyaru. Hair styles are achieved differently depending on our texture and whether we're relaxed or natural or can't afford a weave. The great majority of non black girls can't really tell us how to do those things. In addition to the non-race specific gyaru communities we need each other to share our experiences and to tell each other what works because making threads on mostly nonblack sites gets tons of "I don't know but I hope you figure it out" and "I have a black friend she just gets a weave" or other uninformed attempts at suggestions, both are nice but still pretty unhelpful.

So yeah there's my confession: I hate it when people complain about race-specific groups or segments of a community when it's obviously necessary.

>> No.6463038


which cardigan?

>> No.6463041
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This tan/beige one :l
I know it seems like a silly thing to be upset about, but I just think it's weird. When you're an idol aren't you supposed to be nice to fans? You don't ignore them.

>> No.6463047

I thought it was common knowledge that beckii was a bitch? I've always thought she knew exactly what she was doing with the idol shiz. It's funny watching her cling desperately to her fame now that everybody's forgetting about her.

>> No.6463048

I hate transtrenders/fakebois even though 70% of my friends are ~~*~*~~~transu~~*~~*~~.
I'm too fat to lolita and getting too fat for cosplay and even though my friends are fatter than me I still feel like if I get any fatter now I will kill myself.
I'm buying a costume.
I prefer simpler cosplays because I have a life outside of cosplay and I don't have time for overly elaborate things.
I think while cgl is catty as shit and so full of drama cliques it's still better than tumblr because it doesn't asspat and pander to these shitty new movements.

>> No.6463053

I work as an escort girl to be able to pay for my lolita clothes. My boyfriend doesn't know. I know I should feel bad but I don't. In fact I even like the job. I basically get paid $100/hour for having drinks and dinner, holding conversation and spreading my legs for no longer than 20min.

>> No.6463057

I do find most cosplay to be 3DPD although I am a cosplayer myself. I ventured off /cgl/ to /a/ a couple of years back and they changed me. I now judge cosplayers with the harshest level of scrutiny and I view a lot of what is posted in threads here as terrible.
I just want to go back to seeing cosplay as fun and not be this horrible but I look at cosplays and think:
>10lb too fat
>Wig wrong shade
>She wouldn't do that pose
>0/10 would not save to hard drive.

>> No.6463067

On the Beckii thing, it's kinda pathetic how she jumps on every bandwagon going and then pretends that she isn't.

Oh no Beckii, I'm sure the style of your hair/makeup tutorials is in no way influenced by the fame and success of Kotakoti...

>> No.6463070

>I'm fat, hate my friends and can't cosplay for shit

>> No.6463071

I can't wait to be a lone cosplayer again. Ever since I got to know the group here, I've gotten more attention to my cosplay but it's been drama and unreliable partners and waiting for them to get their shit together. I recently spent a con hanging out with non-cosplay friends and had so much more fun, I'm more than willing to sacrifice the attention to go back to that.

>> No.6463075

Me. I really liked her in the niconico streams.

>> No.6463081


Well looking over some of old posts she even took a stab at Dakota herself, posting a picture of her legs covered in bruises and saying "Look, I'm Kotakoti!". Yeah, like that was completely innocent.

>> No.6463092

I have that cept with brown buttons. Jones newyork.

>> No.6463095

My local lolita community dislikes me because I described a milanoo dress as "ita". My friend was about to purchase it, and I was trying to convince her otherwise, messaging her with helpful links and alternatives for lolitas on a budget.
I basically got berated in the "nicest way possible" by a bunch of people who literally said "lolita is what you make of it! :)"
And while most of them didn't care enough or forgot about my "slip up" (yeah, right), a few of them haven't let me live it down, and have continued to bring it up or bother me about it.

The confession part: it bothers me a lot more than it should and it's the reason I don't attend meetups or want anything to do with the lolita community outside of the internet.

>> No.6463103

Good, don't bother. They sound like a bunch of ita dipshits and you did nothing in the wrong.

>> No.6463128

There's a lolita in my local comm that I worked with outside of lolita, and so many girls especially new ones in the comm thinks she's super nice and helpful.

Yeah no. Every single time she's been alone around me it's been nothing but trashing almost every single one of her 'friends', and I mean really ripping into them. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she talked shit about me too behind my back. I'm sure she does.

She's also way overconfident about her crafting ability and spent an entire con bitching about other crafters despite her stuff being total crap, and is pretty damn racist too.

I wonder how many of the other girls actually know what a terrible person she is. I'm afraid to say anything because she seems like the kind of person that would hold the grudge forever and wank someone off the face of the earth.

>> No.6463144

Id say do it. Why would you want to be friends with someone like that? What do you get out of having a relationship with her?

>> No.6463155

I think everyone who says they're a "fan" of my cosplay is a moron. I'm not that good, and they could get 50x better by going on curecos.

I hate transtrenders. I have really trans friends, several of whom are stealth trans. You don't want their pain and anguish, you just want to be a boy desu. Stop that. Stop that right now.

>> No.6463159

i'm not able to go to a con and have fun without being drunk. people are scary. when i'm drunk it's all okay.

>> No.6463160

I still pronounce 'desu' as 'dess-oo' in my head.

>> No.6463169

It's not an unpopular opinion or anything, but I really admire a lot of people in the community for their skills. I'm constantly at awe at some of the things people create, especially some of the people on here. I wish I could make half of the things people make, or at least pick their brains thoroughly to learn how they do the things they do.

But then I'm afraid I'll be faced with "Oh, this is a trade secret." And then my image of that person will shatter. Buh.

>> No.6463176

Due to /cgl/ I'm horribly concerned about my figure and obsess about it every day and even cry about it. I'm always asking my friends if I'm fat just for them to reassure me that I'm not.

I'm skinnyfat for sure, worked really hard to lose weight, through diet and lift weighting. It did not work at all. I lost about 6kg and my figure was the same. So I quit it and keep saying to everyone that I work hard to be fit and that I diet, while stuffing myself with cookies, cereal and chocolate. I just have a belly pudge no matter what and it's really frustrating.

Next con I'll have to wear a cosplay that shows mid-riff and I'm terrified of what people will say.

>> No.6463180

I just want to be not-shit at sewing.

I feel like something is wrong with my brain whenever I sew. I can never visualize how things are put together in my head, and even using a pattern I generally tend to sit on the floor and stare for a fair five minutes before I actually do anything.

My friends can eyeball everything and it looks amazing. They don't even measure or use fabric scissors.

Then there's me who can't sew a straight line, manages to measure wrong half the time, and all my fabric turns out jagged and awful. (Although in my defense I have nothing but a limp measuring tape, dollar store scissors, and no hard surface to cut on, just plush carpet.)

I've had to teach myself entirely how to sew without any help from others. The book selection in my library is shit (five whole books, four of which are for making ugly-ass granny purses). Thankfully I can put holds on books in other libraries, so hopefully they'll be on the shelf soon for me.

I lost weight and got fit, learned how to use makeup, and can style somewhat decently.

But sewing fucking eludes me.

>> No.6463181

I hate transtrenders too. My roommate is MtF and every day of her life is a real struggle. She is having a lot of difficulty passing and finding a job is hard because of it. The hormones are making her an emotional wreck and giving her crazy bad acne.

Whenever I see these tumblrfag transtrenders whining about how no one respects them for their gender (while not attempting to pass whatsoever) I want to punch them. If you don't make any effort whatsoever to convey the gender you want to be, how the fuck would anyone know or care?

Hi I have a girls name I dress like a girl am physically a girl and have feminine interests and body language and habits, BUT I'M ACTUALLY A BOY GUY RESPECT ME AS A BOY.

>> No.6463182

That's not completely wrong. Sometimes the Japanese skip over a 'u', sometimes they don't.

>> No.6463185

I feel like /cgl/ has really skewed my self-image too. Not to the same extent as you, but still at least a little bit.

>> No.6463194

My confession is that I fucking hate congoers like this and specifically avoid heavy-drinking conventions for that reason.

Unfortunately that type of congoer also comprises much of my cosplayer circle.

>> No.6463196

Although I agree that weebs butcher the songs, it is rather silly of you to go to an anime convention and expect/sing Western music.

>> No.6463197
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I understand your feeling about this. I was never self-conscious about my weight til I started going on /cgl/.

I am sure you look fine but, I don't blame you for letting it bother you. It is hard not to think like this when thin girls are called fat on here. Do you think you look okay? Like when you look in a mirror?

Either way, I hope you feel better and become confident.

>> No.6463201

>Due to /cgl/ I'm horribly concerned about my figure and obsess about it every day and even cry about it. I'm always asking my friends if I'm fat just for them to reassure me that I'm not.

Pretty much the same for me except about fashion. But in all honesty I don't actually dress that well.

>> No.6463205

>I work as an escort girl to be able to pay for my lolita clothes. My boyfriend doesn't know. I know I should feel bad but I don't. In fact I even like the job. I basically get paid $100/hour for having drinks and dinner, holding conversation and spreading my legs for no longer than 20min.
What sort of men fuck you?

>> No.6463210

because of /fa/*

>> No.6463212

I never thought I looked bad before. I have a lot of cosplays that show midriff and I was quite proud of it. But now I'm terrified by the tought that I'll be posted here for having no abs.

I tried /cgl/. I really tried. The diet was horrible, the lack of food gave me nightmares every night. I hated going to the gym and felt absolutely out of place there, but still went and put all my efforts on working out. Weight went down, but no abs. Asked a /fit/ friend to ab exercises, did them for a long time. No abs. So I just quit. Will be fat forever.

>> No.6463226
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I don't have abs. Would I like them? Sure. But I don't beat myself up over it. Relax.

>> No.6463229

I have an eating disorder. It's preventing me from living my life the way I want, but I don't know what to do. It started when I was 14, and I'm 18 now, so I really don't even remember life without it. I hate that I've wasted my teen years holing myself up in my room, counting calories, exercising until exhaustion, and hating everything about myself. I'll never get those years back, and I think I want to change, I just don't know where to start.

>> No.6463239

If you're not increasing your protein intake while reducing your carb/fat/sugar intake and you're lifting, you won't see much.

Reduce carb, increase protein (eggs, fish with omega-3, chicken breast, protein powder), and lift weights + core exercise to the point that after each rep, you feel like you can't go anymore, and then do two more reps. Finish it off with 20-60 mins of cardio at the end. Exercise a group of muscles each day, allowing your other muscles that you used the day before to repair itself.

Only reason why I know this nonsense is that for the past week, I've been obsessively going to the gym and doing my research. Between diet and exercise, I've already lost 10 lbs.

sage for being /fit/ related

>> No.6463240
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You should still feel proud then. Don't do these type of things if it means you'll be miserable.

>> No.6463244

Most girls don't have abs.
I don't know about other guys, but I'm indifferent towards slight abs. Really defined abs on girls is kinda unattractive IMO.

>> No.6463254

Same. Drunk people are boring to talk to and I don't spend all the money and time on costumes and conventions to barely remember them. If I want to get drunk I'll go to a real party, not an anime convention.

>> No.6463262

To everyone in this thread, take a lesson from Humpty


>I'm crazy.
Allow me to amaze thee.
They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me.
I'm still gettin' in the girls' pants
and I even got my own dance

>> No.6463263

Try to look for professional help and not going on places like /cgl/ would probably help. Until you build up some more defenses against your disordered eating, the internet will probably do more harm than good as unfiltered as it is.

I know it seems daunting to try and find help, but honestly, you need support to recover and you will only fall back into your habits if you're left alone.

>> No.6463270

I work in an agency that aims for the higher end of middle-class men. They're usually 40-50 years old (I'm 21, for the record, and it helps that I dig older men), all very well-mannered and well-groomed. Some are husbands and fathers looking for a little adventure, others are divorced or have been single for ages and longing for some female company. Little have been creeps so far.

>> No.6463272

Yup, did all that. Towards the end I was just focusing on the abs and legs. Maybe it would have been more effective if I went to the "group classes", which had music and lots of people, maybe then it would be funnier and I would be more motivated. But did not have money to sign up for them.

Also, wtf my country, why there are no cheap gyms where you just go in and lift? If there was that option I could consider going back and just have fun, as it was it even had the added pressure of "you're paying this much, you HAVE to become fit asap"

Sage too, thanks for your advice anyway!

>> No.6463277

I get so sick of mediocre cosplayers bitching about how they can cut corners because "its not my life". Just because I want to look good doesn't mean my life revolves around costumes.
Stop using that as your excuse because you know your costume is shit.

>> No.6463281

How can I get into this sort of thing? How much do you get paid?

>> No.6463299

This. I cosplayed once or twice back when I was a freshman in high school. I'm a junior in college now, and I rarely watch anime and read manga. I like anime and cosplay, but I feel like I've become the outsider looking in on this strange weeaboo world I no longer belong to.

>> No.6463312

As annoying as Homestuck, Avengers, and other flavor-of-the-year cosplayers are, they don't really ruffle my feathers. But Doctor Who cosplayers do. They just tend to be pretentious. I don't care if you cosplay a UK show at an anime convention, but you shouldn't look down on anime fans when you do it. Don't act like you're hot shit just because your fandom comes from across the Atlantic instead of the Pacific. (Not to mention, half the cosplays are Death Note-tier)

>> No.6463320

I hardly watch anime any more. I haven't read a manga since middle school probably.

I still go to conventions and cosplay, just not as anime characters. I have one, which is Jaden Yuki, but I act more like the Little Kuriboh rapper version.

Needless to say it kinda pisses the hardcore fans off a bit, but I'm ok with that because its funny.

>> No.6463357

OTT sweet/fairy-kei looks really stupid and is pretty much Japanese girl middle school fashion. I can't stand split color wigs and shit. It looks so ridiculous next to the elegant princesses lolitas should be.

A lot of gothic looks stupid too.

>> No.6463353

Teaboo elitism is hilarious.

>> No.6463354

I'm sad and amused that people don't consider me as anime fan because I don't watch the flavour of the season anime and only cosplay obscure characters that nobody knows. I'm a full fledged weeaboo, usually watching around 15 episodes per day and having completed over 900 anime. Yet they don't respect me at all and call me NEWFAG all over again.

Other confession is that I'm proud of being a weeaboo. I love my japanese pop-culture immersion, from cosplay to j-pop. I don't care about the real culture and all I know about Japan is from anime. And I really adore it.

>> No.6463367
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I can see your point, but that is your priority not everyone else's.

I will admit to taking shortcuts where I can so long as they don't take much away from the overall appearance of the cosplay. And yeah, the reason I do it is because cosplay isn't my life. It is a hobby that needs to fit around the other stuff in my life that is important. So as long as I can take a short cut and still have my costume look decent, I will do it.

It is because of that that I still enjoy peoples terrible costumes, well at least in person I enjoy them. After the fact I may look back and shake my head at the cardboard and trashbags that were used to make a sailor moon costume, but at the time I am just happy that there are people who like the same stuff as me.

and that is my confession for this thread. doesn't feel much like a confession really...

>> No.6463373

I'm not that poster, but I also don't like when people take shortcuts. It's not a priority to 5 new costumes ready to every con, if you just take your time to make ONE well made costume it will be worth more.

>> No.6463374
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>> No.6463380

/a/'s never going to accept your kind, newfag.

>> No.6463383

fuck them scrubs. do what you want.

>> No.6463389

I know, that's why I don't go there.

>> No.6463400

I love really shitty "my first costumes" obviously home-made by fourteen year old kids.

I remember when I was that age and how HAPPY I was. Not a bit of worrying about seam finishes or anything really, just sheer fun. Now I'm winning awards when I'm not judging and I've got serious skill, and it all started being an underage tard.

So when I see really young cosplayers making their own stuff, I'll call out "I love your cosplay!" because honestly I do. Where are the next generation of cosplayers with skill to make their own stuff going to come from if not these youngins? Scaring them off is bad.

>> No.6463406
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I'm a 26 year old female. I finally have a decent-ish job and with my Christmas bonus money I'm going to get several botox injections and an under-eye lift. After that I am saving for lipo. I want to be able to cosplay as high-school age characters and I plan on lying about my age. I also want to basically attention whore myself on youtube and tumblr. When i was at a more appropriate age for this sort of thing i had bad depression and self-esteem. i feel like i missed out. I know its pathetic and i don't even care. I'd be happy to end up as a pixie-teri-esque laughing, even.

>> No.6463403

No, i don't expect it. It just gets bothersome, but what can you do? If that is one of the only bad things, I have no reason to stop going to conventions

>> No.6463404

That's your opinion. I've done what you said, and no it wasn't worth more. I enjoyed much more my multiple average costumes than the well done one or two I made. And no I didn't like the cheap costumes characters more than I liked the well done costumes characters.

>> No.6463405
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I think I have only made two or three costumes in the past two years...

I generally just make something, wear it, and fix the parts that don't work for the next time I wear it and so on.

Also, worth more to who exactly?

>> No.6463418

Bitch you'll look like shit, get a brain instead.

>> No.6463422

That seems a bit drastic. Can't you just like you for you?

>> No.6463425
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I'm 19 and in college and my parents pay for all of my cosplaying materials. They really support my hobby because dad was a wargamer back in the day and he knows how fun conventions are and has gone to every convention I've gone to just to hang out and look around at people.

This is a secret because I know there's a lot of people out there who would look down on me knowing about how fortunate I am. I acknowledge how lucky I am but I don't really talk about it.

>> No.6463434

I wish I could be as carefree a weaboo as I used to be before I knew how ridiculous it was. I just want to have fun with weeby things without feeling guilty for it.

>> No.6463438
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OMG that's so cute! I'm really happy you're so fortunate.

>> No.6463444

I'm kind of jealous of the opportunities Dakota has gotten, mostly because I think I would be a thousand times better at them than her. I just don't have the time or motivation to commit to going down that path.
That being said though, I don't hate her at all. I think she grew up in a bad home, and it's nice to see she's at least been able to do *something* with her life.

>> No.6463449

I'm like you.
However soon I'll be cut off, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to adapt quickly enough to being on my own and supporting myself. I don't think I'm ready yet and I only have myself to blame for being so lazy and not pro-active.

>> No.6463453

Im a 21 and am a complete pathetic loser. I some how managed to get a girlfriend for 2 months during the summer between my junior and senior year. Other than that, I am incredibly anti social and hardly have anything in common with anyone. I spend my free time playing video games like counter strike and doing other hobbies that no female would ever be interested in. My hobbies are more likely to repel. All this does is give me terrible depression as I watch my friends succeed in life. Im not mad that they succeed in life, I am upset that I fail.

>> No.6463469
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>> No.6463486

What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.6463490

I think I'm developing an ED but I'm so huge I can't bring myself to care and get help.

>> No.6463496

I think /cgl/ has fucked my self-image over completely. I have a 23-inch waist but I just see a large person when I look in the mirror. I look at other people's bodies obsessively and get jealous of people for being thin before realizing that I'm the same size or smaller but don't "look" thin like they do.

>> No.6463500
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I'm a lolita who is about to go work in Japan, but I'm really scared. I'll be working for a non-lolita fashion company (which is fine by me, pay will be good and stuff like that) but I'm still worried. I know this is my dream come true but I'm scared shitless. It will be right after I graduate college and start living fully independently, it'll be my first corporate Job. Japanese companies are really strict, so I'll have to give up a lot of things and I'm also really worried about fitting in (since I know how companies often feel about white women working in Japan). I know I should be skipping for joy, I know I SHOULD want this, so why don't I feel like it :(

>> No.6463507

I have been casually flirting with girls IRL and online...and while it is a nice ego boost for a moment, it is ultimately unsatisfying. I've had a few one night stands and I found out that it isn't for me. I want a girlfriend badly, but things a lot more complex than they were when I was younger. I ultimately come off as an elitist or an asshole and this is not my intention, and it is probably the reason why I'm so lonely.

>> No.6463510
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It's motivational. I have it printed out and pinned on my mirror so that everyday I'm reminded to keep fighting. If I'm ever depressed or down on myself, I remember that I have the power to keep going, and make what I want to make. So you can either give up or keep moving

>> No.6463532

We'll you're a better man than me.

>> No.6463534

Wow, are you me? Well, not really. There are a few differences, but I'll be leaving for my first full time job in Japan right out of college next year, and I'm really scared. It's perfect and I thought I would be thrilled, and I am, but I am more terrified. And I'm also a lolita.
We'll be OK though.

>> No.6463546

I wear makeup, have an ED and I'm a male. I'm always worried that people will notice. I also have no one to talk about it because it is so embarrassing.

>> No.6463557
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Thank you, but i'm saying move your tukus. From the way you described yourself, you sounded a lot like I used to be. Depressed all the time, exiling myself from my friends, just self-loathing all the time. Then one day I was tired of it. Life is for the living. Ironically my captcha said "sorrow". Regardless man, go be happy. I know "but its not that easy!" Its true. I'm still depressed t times, and i dont even know why. But when you die, you want to look back and know you fought. I'm routing for you

>> No.6463579

If you think you come off as an elitist/asshole, why are girls responding to your flirting? You're probably just being hard on yourself.

>> No.6463584

So then what did you do differently?

>> No.6463590


I'm a college student in Japan and I would be in the same boat if I weren't retarded and failed so many classes, now I get to be a 5年生

>> No.6463593

I'm crushing on a male friend but I feel like a female mutual friend has a thing for him too. I'm not sure if I should ask her and back off or just stay quiet about it.

>> No.6463610
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Before I fixed my inside self, I fixed my outside. I cut my hair (went from megadeath to john mulaney) i cleaned my room, got rid of everything making me depressed (mostly ex-girlfriend stuff) I tried eating better, etc. Mostly just so I got rid of the old me to make room for the new. That may be different for you, as you may like the way you are, but i didn't.

Then I just tried to get out of my own head, cause I was just making my self depressed, just constantly thinking of the past and stuff. I told my self not to care what others thought, and like myself for who I was. I can go on with all this cliche stuff, in reality I'm still in the recovering process, but I'm a heck of a lot better then I was before. I'm a hanging out with friends again, got an amazing girlfriend (just celebrated 4 months), and I'm much happier than before.

And you don't have to go about it like I did. Heck, I got half my motivation from reading SP 6 (pic related). So different strokes for different blokes. Do what makes you happy and gets you on your feet.

>> No.6463645 [DELETED] 


Posts like this give me hope that there are good people left in this community.



That's unusually similar

>> No.6463656

The stuff that I do dont really attract females or female interest. Ive never grew my hair out, facial or otherwise, so I guess thats good. Im still overweight, but Ive been working out and feel better sort of. I just have like no female contact. I already ditched the ex gf stuff but cant get her out of my head which is probably because I have no female contact.

>> No.6463664

I can make a positive first impression, perhaps due to my looks or something else, but after we get into discussions it gradually dies down and they lose interest. It can get ugly sometimes. A lot of my jokes or opinions get misinterpreted, when this is the case I just play it off as their loss for not getting it, but as this is becoming more common, I see that it is my fault and I want to change.

>> No.6463678
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I do stuff that isnt in the stereotypical girl's interest either, but I still have a lot of female friends. You just have to find the right ones, who except you for your likes and what not, maybe even share your passions. The girls I hang out with watch the big bang theory, so theyre the ones who think nerdy stuff is cool haha. Im still in college, so I'm around girls on a regular basis, so that might be different for you depending on your situation. But I mean, at work, restaurant. Look for like groups or things where there are people who share your same thoughts. And like i said earlier, they don't have to. I have a bunch of friends who are all sporty, athletic, and could probably lift me if thy want to. But I'm confident. That may be the major thing, be confident. I hope some of this helps. Im not good at giving advice, but I know where youre at.

>> No.6463697

Im in college as well but Im a computer science major so there arent many or any females in my class. Literally zero of my hobbies interest girls.

The other issue is that I suck at talking. Im not shy because im scared. Im 'shy' because I dont have anything to fucking say.

>> No.6463706

Join clubs, get yourself out there, let people know who you are. You'd be surprised who you meet. Step outside of your comfort zone too. It honestly won't be as bad as you think. it may be fun too.

>> No.6463712

I secretly hate a lot of people who make props.

Not because of shit craftmanship, but good god put some effort into the paint job. After several dozen hours of measuring, cutting, prepping and you ruin it by not giving the paint job as much effort as you did the details?

I stopped cosplaying but I can't get away from it since I'm still the go-to guys for painting (see previous comment)

I've enjoyed myself a lot more at cons now that I don't cosplay.
But god do I miss being able to goof around and get into hijinks in character.

>> No.6463730

Yeah.. I dont think I do a good job of putting myself out there.

>> No.6463763

Not with that attitude

>> No.6463782

It was more of an "I admit" rather than an "I cant"

>> No.6463784

Well in that case, admitting it is the first step

>> No.6463794

I had a falling out with an acquaintance/friend recently. She's kind of a massive SJ bitch who can't manage her money and is selfish as fuck. (She'll use rent money to buy shit for cosplay and other crap.)

She's a fan of a certain webcomic and is semi tumblr famous (or at least a part of the tumblr fan wank) so sometimes I kind of hope her drama makes it onto /cgl/ so I can laugh at her and see that other people dislike her too.

Sometimes seeing someone just mention some of the characters she likes makes me feel grossed out because of their association to her. I like hanging out in said webcomic thread though because I like looking at all the cosplayers that will be infinitely better than her no matter how hard she tries and claims to be the "true representation" of said character.

>> No.6463797

But the second part, doing stuff, is the hard part.

>> No.6463799
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Not that I give a shit about that Lockshop competition, but what the hell is with this picture getting 800+ votes when you can barely see the wigs?
Popularity contest much?

>> No.6463800

lol wow! Those are a lot of similarities o.o maybe we should exchange info since we seem to be leaving at around the same time.

>> No.6463804

I have no respect for adults who cosplay, are unemployed, and are collecting and using the money for cosplay solely while neglecting the shit in life that does need to be taken care of. I know there are a lot of people who abuse the system but using it for cosplay has got to be one of the most ridiculous things ever. I know someone who works a seasonal shit job and has no ambition to do anything with their life. They work their April-October job, then go on unemployment for 6 months every year. They made it to 11 cons this past year. Basically they are PT but not from Texas and perhaps working less..

>> No.6463805
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I think a lot of lolita styles are pretty in a conceptual way, but I'd think anyone wearing it out and about to get groceries or something would be kind of silly.

Whenever I'm on my period and the rest of /cgl/ is especially brutal or catty, I think the rest of you are on the rag, too. It's horrifying to think about.

I have no respect or pity for fat cosplayers/lolitas who keep complaining about their weight. It's just asking for asspats. If you were really concerned about your weight, you'd do something about it. Fat people who have a legitimate thyroid problem or who are comfortable with their bodies are okay.

Some of the so-called "creepy" photographers are actually pretty chill dudes who laugh about the cosplay community and think the majority of you are whiny cunts.

I like God and his cosplays.

>> No.6463808

THERE YOU GO. That's where the fighting comes in. Hold your sword and don't stop swinging

>> No.6463807

No. Wow, hah, I been there! I went to community college and didn't take things seirously until university. Now my GPA is a 3.0 (which is pretty impressive considering it's up from a 1.5) and I am graduating as a 5 year too. So don't worry about it, it all works out and there is no shame in taking a victory lap!

>> No.6463827

I'm not sure when you'll be leaving, but I should be heading over in April. It's still a way away, but I am freaking out! It'd be nice to have a friend!

>> No.6463828

Holy shit this sounds exactly like a girl I knew, but in a different community than cosplay. She's notorious for being a moochy bitch, wearing out her welcome on one set of friends, then changing friendgroups/going so far as to move cities so she can mooch off another.

>> No.6463830

I'm 21 and graduated last year from a pretty good college, but since then I've just been living at home with my parents because I can't find a steady job. It seems like all my classmates got hired already and I'm the only unemployed one. I feel like such a failure so I try to distract myself by working on cosplays and going to fandom meet ups.

>> No.6463846

Yeah well I failed all my classes and probably wont graduate till 2015, I even do so. At least you graduated and can say you have done something with your life.

I just have so much shit that needs fixing in my life, that if I focus on one thing, all the rest will get even worse.

>> No.6463856

Interesting. I agree with like half of them.

>> No.6463866

The thing is she's also insecure as fuck and super clingy and her current social circle is very enabling of her behavior. She'll be completely ungrateful and awful to them and as soon as someone starts getting fed up with her she'll do a complete 180 and start being nice/talking about her problems to guilty them into liking her again.

I think a couple of people have wised up to that though. I honestly can't believe that people are still friends with her other than the ones that were friends with her for too long to break it off.

So sorry to hear that you had to go through similar shit though, anon!

>> No.6463884

I'm 22, still living with my parents, trying to find that full-time job I want so badly.

In highschool, apparently all the guys thought I was a lesbian. I'm not. I also had a terrible mentally-abusive job all throughout highschool and college. I only just recently got out of it.

While I am less miserable than I am because of that job, I still feel miserable a lot. Mostly because of the stupid rumours about my sexuality. Because of that, I've never had anything remotely sexual happen in my life. Not even a kiss.

I'm going to die an old, ugly virgin, and I hate it. I just want to be loved.

>> No.6463881

don't feel so bad, anon... i was off to a really good start at a mediocre university. i had like a 3.8 GPA without trying whatsoever, but it dropped to like a 2.86 after me not giving any fucks in a bunch of math and science courses.

i'm finally graduating this semester, but my final gpa might graze 3.0.

luckily i already landed an entry level job somewhere that encourages continuing education and reimburses tuition, but this isn't what i wanted. maybe you should try something like this.

>> No.6463892

where do you live anon ;_;

>> No.6463897

Yes, that's exactly like the girl that infiltrated my friends' group. Luckily they all agreed and recognized her bullshit (thanks especially to some past records of her wank) and quietly ostracized her before she could cause anymore problems. Predictably she quickly moved on to another friendgroup, as if they never existed.

I know exactly how you feel, I was very glad that my friends all recognized and called her on this bs, because I've had to deal with friends before that refused to recognize emotionally manipulative people until they got burned by it. It sucks.

>> No.6463900

Hey, anon. I'm also 22 and I lived with my parents until I moved out this summer to go to school. I actually felt super useless for the longest time because all my friends went off to college and I had to stay home and go to community college because of financial problems. But I've transferred to a 4 year uni now and I still go back home often to hang out with my family. You probably have your family at least and they care about you so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

I've actually never had any sort of a romantic encounter in my life until earlier this year. I now have a boyfriend and we're going steady! So anything can really happen. You just gotta get out there. Don't let those high school rumors get you down.

I'm sorry if this is all stuff you've heard before, but I believe in you. Things will get better!

>> No.6463902

I know that feel and it sucks. Growing up, people thought I was asexual because LOL ALL ASIANS ARE, but it didn't help that the school was massively racist so no chance in hell would I have attracted anyone's attention. School sucked, my job sucked. I was so glad to escape to college and discover not everyone is a horrible asshole.

Still, I have grown so used to people assuming I was asexual and had no interest in anyone or anything, I think it's casting vibes on people. I have lots of friends and meet a lot of guys but I think since I'm not flirty and pressing my tits all up on them that they must assume I'm not interested. I'm 26 and live at home, have a FT jerb but don't have enough saved up for a place of my own just yet.

I wonder if there's a way to train yourself to get out there and be "aggressive" enough to date after feeling so unattractive all your life.

>> No.6463905

My circle of friends are sort of... naive about this or feels like there's an explanation for her behavior so they keep giving her second chances. And some of them were friends with her before they met me so I understand that they've grown used to her shit and don't want to feel like they're abandoning her.

What's puzzling is that some of my friends admit that she's manipulative and selfish but still continue to interact/hang out with her. I think a part of the reason is that she's really confrontational and will create unnecessary drama/shitblog you on tumblr and most if not all my friends have avoidant personalities. And calling her out on her shit does nothing because she'll just fight you back to make a bigger mess. I've tried doing that before and she got her way in the end anyway so I think some of the people in our social circle are afraid to say anything to her.

>> No.6463909

>tfw my natural eyes look like those circle lenses
People who don't think big eyes are kawaii~ find them creepy as fuck. Hold me, seagulls.

>> No.6463921

thats because they are holy shit

>> No.6463922

I'm this anon here: >>6463900. I felt unattractive for most of my life as well. I'm Asian too and for as long as I remember I wanted to be a petite white girl with curly hair. I hated my eyeshape and my eyebrows and my pear body because it felt like all the pretty girls at my school were skinny and white or skinny and asian but whitewashed.

I didn't know how make-up worked and I felt like I would look ridiculous trying it on anyway so I never did.

I don't think you necessarily have to be aggressive to date. I think the key is starting off as friends first and seeing where things go? That's how I met my boyfriend. We were friends for a while before we started hanging out more often and feelings developed.

I mean I still feel unattractive sometimes but it's reassuring knowing that he'll be there to calm me down. Shit, he's even complimented me on my eyes before and that's something I thought I would never hear in my life.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is someone out there for everyone, as corny as that sounds. And someone will find you beautiful and lovely because beauty standards are bullshit anyway.

>> No.6463918

Canada. Good ol' Canada.

Really, a lot of the severe depression I had in my life was because of that God awful job I held for so long. But now that I'm free from that, all kinds of new depressions have decided to settle in.

All of my friends travelled to different towns to school and we are all graduated now. But they've stayed in those new towns with their new lives, and I'm stuck in this shitty place with no money, a degree that has a super competitive job scene, and just nothing to look forward too.

And then I hear about all these other people in my life who I grew up with getting engaged, having children.. I don't want that yet, but I haven't even found someone to date, and it's just so unfair and depressing.

I'm going to stop now. Making myself cry.

>> No.6463924

>Whenever I'm on my period and the rest of /cgl/ is especially brutal or catty, I think the rest of you are on the rag, too. It's horrifying to think about.
After all of those period threads, I really think we are cycle-synched. It's creepy as fuck.

>> No.6463932


What was your job?

>mfw I feel the same way
People in my class are getting married and settled in and im not even close.

>> No.6463935

RE: avoidant personalities, I'm like that too so I totally understand the place that they're in. I'm very lucky that most of my friends are the opposite, and that the girl in question is pretty avoidant as well and just lets internet friends whiteknight her when applicable but otherwise didn't see fit to start shit and just left us alone to find a new victim.

Unfortunately her new 'victim' (who she then started internet-dating, shock) was a friend of ours as well who is sort of emotionally vulnerable, but refuses to listen to any of us about this girl. And when I say records of her wank, I mean yeeears of her doing this repeatedly to many many different people- I don't know what else we can say to her other than to let her find out for herself.

>> No.6463936
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>I wonder if there's a way to train yourself to get out there and be "aggressive" enough to date after feeling so unattractive all your life.

It's called developing self confidence. Once you get to that stage where you realize you're you and you feel awesome about it, talking to other people and asking people out becomes a lot easier because you know that you deserve a nice person and that person should be fucking thrilled to have you because you're so great.

It's tough, but you'll get there if you have an earnest desire to. Most of my high school was pretty similar to yours and the other anon's, but after a while, I just sucked it up and worked on feeling like an awesome person until I believed it. Something I heard from /adv/ that helped me was to bullshit that I was amazing until I actually bought into it. After that, it becomes easy because then somehow people actually start believe you are, in fact, amazing.

You guys can do it~~~!

>> No.6463941

Just really abusive management at a fast food place. I don't want to get into it. I am so done with them and their bullshit.

But like, my best friend from when I was 10 got married in the summer. And she has a great job. Where the hell am I going with my life? How do people get it together?

>> No.6463954

I feel the same way. In a sense, I'm almost jealous because I spend so long on the construction of my costume, people that slapped theirs together in three days are having a lot more fun than I am. I meticulously finish the edges on almost every costume I make, do facings for collars or linings for places where a hem would be exposed, measure and measure again to make sure the proportions are correct...and kids can be 15 with a hot-glued costume and they're just having a ball. I decided after last ALA to go back to simple costumes and making sure I don't ever need to bring a sewing machine to the con again...I think I'll have a lot more fun that way.

Not cosplay-related, exactly, but I know I'm the confrontational type and that really rubs people the wrong way. I spent the last year or two toning it down when with friends or in a relationship, with good success, but I'd like to stop butting heads with people so much. The problem with applying it online was that I didn't really care if random people on the internet didn't like me, so I had no motivation to, but today I found out that someone I was rather fond of deleted me on Facebook because I got into an argument with her friend. I'd like to stop letting my big mouth get the better of me, but I worry that it's gonna be an uphill battle.

>> No.6463962

Thanks for the input!

By aggressive I guess I meant being confident enough to actually do something instead of waiting, which is what I've been doing, telling myself the right person would come along. I've never had a boyfriend and I guess by the lovely sliding scale of ages, I'm damaged/spoiled goods because of my age, I don't believe it but I'm not sure if that's how other people view it either.

Meh, I guess I will keep working on getting my life together and worry about finding someone later. I feel better knowing I've taken care of home base and have something I can count on, regardless of whatever else happens.

>> No.6463963

Are you in Ontario, or? If you need a lady friend to talk to outside of /cgl/, I can be a good listener.

>> No.6463966

It always sucks being the person from the outside looking in. It just seems like the world is passing me by. I have missed so much in life.

>> No.6463967

Yes, Ontario. I don't want to give too much about where I am or anything because I am embarrassed that someone here might know me. And I like to try to put on a strong facade.

I feel that, exactly.

>> No.6463973

I've actually seen you get deleted for an argument before. I felt like you were in the right in terms of what your argument was based on, but not the way you went about it. Sometimes you have to let things slide, even if they piss you off, for the sake of maintaining friendships; on the other hand, sometimes it's worth speaking up for something you think is wrong. You just have to be careful about wording. Ambiguity may seem passive-aggressive, and it's probably not your style, but being subtly irritated can come off a lot more mature than bashing someone's head in with your argument.

>> No.6463976

I feel terrible looking back. I missed all proms, homecoming dances, everything.

>> No.6463977

That's okay. I just thought I'd offer if you needed some bro-therapy.

>> No.6463979

What I mean is if you don't care and want to make short cuts fine. It just seems that those who give a damn if they look good apparently only " have a life surrounding cosplay" and no life outside of it. It just sounds like mediocre excuses.

>> No.6463985

Bro therapy might be nice. Right now I'm enjoying the anon nature of not having anyone know who I am, so I can really vent and not be judged.

I went to prom.. with a bunch of my friends who had dates. And then I sat at the table by myself most of the night. Great times.

>> No.6463987

Yeah, I tend to be really avoidant most of the time but this chick really pushed my buttons.

I feel like things would be easier if the person in question was avoidant herself but she honestly has no sense of empathy. She's always convinced that she's the victim and attacks people for having different opinions.

Oh my god this is really fucking uncanny because the person I'm talking about recently started internet-dating someone too.

>> No.6463990

Haha, I guess I'm lucky in that I sat around and then something happened. But honestly, it's a lot easier when you put it out of your mind. You can't really force relationships, so if you push it out of your mind you'll be able to enjoy yourself more. If you enjoy yourself more, the more attractive you'll be to other people and bam suddenly someone's asking you out and you don't even know what happened.

>> No.6463997

I delete people after arguments sometimes, but only when it's someone I never really knew all that well in the first place. But yeah, that's exactly what I mean...I'm not at all a subtle person, and I tend to grab problems by the horns. The subtly-irritated comments aren't my favorite, as they tend to come off as passive-aggressive or whiny, so I'd rather start finding a private way to discuss things with them if I really disagree with something they said. If it's something small, I really just need to learn to drop it because it's hardly worth the trouble in the first place. Can't be all that hard, I guess; I stopped responding to trolls on here years ago. But my verbose response aside; yeah, I need to find better ways to word things so people understand I'm not trying to eat their faces off.

>> No.6464001

Well at least you went. Thats more than I can say. I just feel like there are things I should have learned awhile ago and now that its time to use them, I dont have it

>> No.6464004

sometimes I like to wear lolita to the mall. Here's the thing though >_>... At the mall there's one of those conveyor belt "grab n eat" sushi things at the mall. I LOVE to eat there when I'm not dressed up. I'm scared to go because I don't want anyone to call me a weeaboo... I don't even like anime and manga like that ;_;

>> No.6464011

The people at the mall won't make the lolita-japanese-sushi connection. They'll just see an oddly dressed person enjoying lunch. And anyone who does make that connection is probably either a weeb or a normal person into Japanese things. And it's sushi. And who could blame you for liking sushi?

You get your sushi, anon. And enjoy the crap out of it.

>> No.6464025


>> No.6464030

I love you anon ;-;. Sushi taste so good...

>> No.6464038
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You and others actually understand that talking or showing interest is not creepy behavior.


That is some pretty good money. It wouldn't be worth it to me. If I didn't know ahead of time this was part of a relationship I was in, it would feel like I had been betrayed when found out.

Keyword when, not if.


That sounds more like dependence than desire. More likely, the people you are with you don't really enjoy being around, and the sauce makes your mind relax.


Get some friends that know how to moderate.

Or just stop hanging around people that are under-age or act like they are 19.


I agree. Tone is okay, really muscly doesnt make sense. To get that you have to sacrifice too much in the rest of your life.


What about the "I don't give a fuck" excuse.

Although if someone bitches about it most likely they feel insecure around you and feel they are being compared.


lel, I kind of agree. The world is a big place, with a lot of things. Top Gear is more watched than Doctor Who is anyway and it is from the same place.


Polar opposites it seems. Either way, no one cares. Deal with it.


Seems like a short term goal. Got something that actually makes sense? I beg of you, if you must attention whore through video, do so with actual content. Don't just sit and gossip. Do something with some actual value.


People think you are weird for wearing lolita anywhere. Being worried about being called that in a restaurant just seems strange in comparison.

>> No.6464051

I'm like this as well, I like to reason things out in the most straightforward, head-on way possible, and treat discussions with the serious tone they require, but then I've had people tell me that because I'm not padding my statements with unnecessary niceties and smiley emotes and such that I'm coming off as aggressive and stand-offish.

Honestly, I don't get it; since when did discussing serious matters in an appropriately serious tone instead of treating everything with kidgloves become rude? I think people are just so used to having their opinions coddled instead of disagreed with these days that they forgot how to have a serious debate.

>> No.6464103
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I like a girl.

She is strong willed and attractive. As a result she has a lot of people try to date her. I feel a little bad that someone would have to go through that, it seems like a really hollow way to go through life. At the same time she is still rather immature and don't think I could be in a relationship with her. So I almost feel like friend zone would be better until she gets some experience in the world.

>> No.6464107

it's not a resturaunt it's open aired and smack dab in the middle of the mall and EVERYONE can see you. And i'm not scared about wearing lolita in public I just don't like being called a weeaboo when i'm nothing like that all. it just bothers the living crap out of me D;

>> No.6464111

i feel like im going to end up a lonely cat lady. i have only had one thing close to a relationship and that ended two years ago. ive turned down every advance since then in the vain hope that my ex will want me back at some point. i have no idea how to socialize with people im interested in and the only people who seem to be interested in me are total creeps

>> No.6464109

I think you all are faggots. And I don't know why I still come here. Its not even con season.

>> No.6464112 [DELETED] 

Come off anon and say that to mah face nigga D:<

>> No.6464130

Say the kid with daddy issues

>> No.6464147
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There's like 3, gotta specify bro. And that's only covering father figures. Get on my level.

>> No.6464183

/cgl/ is the closest thing I've ever had of a girlfriend, a mean and abusive girlfriend who's incredible nice once in a blue moon.

>> No.6464524

cosplay & lolita is honestly the only thing keeping me alive

>> No.6464528

I'm getting tired of this hobby, specially of the men who are into it.

I only got into cosplaying because i'm shy and sort of socially awkward so I got into this hobby to get an ego boost, in the beginning it was nice but I've come to resent the guys who give me attention, I'm tired of getting to know a guy just to find out he's a virgin with no confidence, I wanna go to the real world and meet experienced men who know what they're doing but social anxiety sucks and I can't do it yet, I don't want my first relationship to be with one of these guys.

>> No.6464538

Sorry for the late reply, went to sleep.

There are two ways: either independent or for an agency. Both have good and bad aspects (independent means more freedom, but also more work, agencies require you to pay them a certain amount of your rate but if you find the right agency, you're not only investing in them but also yourself). If you're just starting out I'd recommend applying at an agency. But do your research beforehand - many black sheep out there.

Customers pay $200 an hour. I get $100, the other $100 go to my agency. I don't have to pay my driver, the agency's apartment rent or my photographer, all that gets covered by the agency (this is what I meant by "investing in yourself").

>> No.6464540

What about your boyfriend, do you love him?

>> No.6464650

I got diagnosed with annorexia last week.
I'm 89lbs, before I came to cgl I was 150lbs, I lost the weight because of one bad cosplay thread in 2010 where everyone shitposted about how fat I was and photoshopped me thinner.

Since then I've been endlessly obsessing over food and counting calories, starving and exersizing exessively.

I have an appointment with my doctor friday and I know that he's going to ask me to gain weight, but I'm not going to, fuck get called a hambeast ever again.

>> No.6464653

I can't see anything wrong with being an escort o a sex worker of any kind, but it is abhorrent that you are keeping this from your boyfriend (unless it is a very shallow, meaningless relationship on both sides?). I think it's something a partner would deserve to know/

>> No.6464656

Don't beat yourself up over what /cgl/ thinks, anon. Much as I love this board, we're all a bunch of hyper-critical bitches and we could find something to complain about on any cosplay.

>> No.6464669

not a single one of you is pretty enough to pull off cosplay. But like a group of meth heads, you support each other's habbits, and you sometimes get together and make fun of the guys doing rock because that some how makes you better than them. But in reality, it doesn't.

>> No.6464688

I totally lost interest in lolita and only started buying it again because I started dating a guy who likes it.

Now I don't need to hang out with a bunch of bitchy, petty, obnoxious people to enjoy my dresses- I can just wear them on dates with him!

>> No.6464708

We're just tsundere.

>> No.6464710

Well, you're just going to get walked all over by a guy that is more experienced. You need to know how to handle yourself in a relationship imo, they're not always that easy.

>> No.6464754

I see you've met Christina Verana.

>> No.6464791

as a native Japanese speaker/person , I appreciate that people like our country and try to learn Japanese. I realise it's a hard language to learn. but I still hate people who butcher pronunciation or grammar.

>> No.6464797

I just went to grab some stuff from /rs/ and a captcha for MF plainly said "get out".

For some reason I am very sad now.

>> No.6464798

I love seeing some native Japanese and native Korean people hate on each other. Especially when they randomly stop mimicking each other. I wonder...will the weeaboo choose to stay weeaboo or convert to Koreaboo?

I don't get why there's so much yellow fever and attempts for starting yellow fever threads here. I think the proper place would be /int/ in which they promptly tell you to get out. Or you'll see the real side of some Asians.

Fatties, please don't stuff yourself in "one size fits all" clothes meant for smaller women.

>> No.6464804


>> No.6464808

when did Koreans and Japanese people start fighting? The only thing that I've seen is that some Koreans have a superiority complex. probably due to their booming economy and success as a nation in recent years. (and Japanese bad economy)

I doubt that "koreaboo" will be a big thing because Korea lacks the large database of anime, which is primarily the starting point for weebs.

I also hate fakes. and the idea of "trying to sing Japanese" with no background is infuriating to me

>> No.6464811

When? Imperial Japan's rule over Korea in 1910-1945 didn't help. And Takeshima/Dokdo is still a pretty bitter dispute for the Koreans.

You should probably google it if you actually want to be informed on the tensions between the two countries.

>> No.6464819

I don't agree, most girls prefer experienced guys and they usually have their first time and first relationship with experienced guys, I just want what most girls have, I don't wanna end up with one of these bottom of the barrel guys.

>> No.6464824

I would only try to find a guy who has a LITTLE more experience or else you will end up being taken advantage of. I know what you mean about liking someone only to find out that they are really innocent. For some reason I find it a hassle to bring them up to speed and I don't want them to be clingy just because I was their first or something.

>> No.6464833


No, here's where you're wrong. Most SLUTS prefer guys with experience and will laugh at the more inexperienced guys.
Nice, well adjusted girls absolutely do not give a shit. I think a lot of them see it as a fun learning experience. Hell, I know even I personally would love to get into a relationship with a male virgin just so we could have this really great learning experience together, we would fucking bond like hell.

Alas, I'm still with the guy who took my virginity today and was a total slut before I met him. No cute male virgins for poor old me.

>> No.6464843

I don't know, I want a guy who knows his way around women, but I get where you're coming from.

Sorry but I believe in gender roles and I believe the male has to take the lead.
Anyway it's funny how you ended up with a guy like I want and is now acting like you're better than me.

>> No.6464845
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I've never cosplayed, and I figure I am too old to start, so I satisfy my fascination by looking at pictures. I am 100% grape jelly of the people who are young and can pull it off and am pretty bummed that I missed the opportunity in my youth.

>> No.6464846

I hate my chin. I feel so fat too.

>> No.6464866

The more I spend time on /cgl/ the more I feel like I'm not "skinny enough" (116lbs for 5'5 yes it's ridiculous) and I'm starting to be afraid I might develop an ED if this goes on.

>> No.6464879

>he took my virginity
>was a slut before I met him
What? Also, why can't people accept that people have preferences? If a girl prefers an experienced man...so what? If they believe in gender roles...who cares?

>> No.6464887

I have an ED but I wont get help I'm not ready for help nor do I want it. I abuse laxatives and purge in the more conventional way too but I also restrict a fuck ton. My BMI is below the medical criteria for anorexia and I don't care most people don't seem to notice and just call me skinny and that's fine I don't really want people to know. My life is feeling very shitty right now so I'm happy to just retreat and wither away.

I don't feel like /cgl/ makes it any worse, if you think you're developing an 'ED' because of here I think it's more of a case of being insecure rather than an ED.

>> No.6464900

I agree, cgl is more likely to make you do bad diets, not really just get an ED. An ED requires a lot of mental stuff that you dont just 'get', like your not wanting to change despite knowing it is bad, and using it as a way to control life a bit.

>> No.6464903

Well ... it's complicated.
We haven't been dating for long (six months), the job was there first, and I originally didn't plan to enter any relationship as long as I work as an escort but well, shit happens and I fell in love. When I asked him what he thought about sex workers he expressed his utter disgust, calling them "dirty", "sub-humans", "deserving to be shot", stuff like that. I was shocked because I didn't even knew he had a side like that, and now I don't know how to come clean without getting my head ripped off.

So ... yeah.
I'm not trying to make excuses - you're both right and what I'm doing is, in this situation, very, very wrong. I guess it's time to really think about what I like more - him or the job. But it's tough.

Thanks for not jumping down my throat btw.

>> No.6464910

I like chubby/fat girls. I only come to /cgl/ sometimes to find pictures of chubby cosplaying chicks.

>> No.6464918

>sleeping with men for money for clothes while damaging your integrity in your relationship

This is sadder than you realize.
Are the clothes really worth it?

>> No.6464923


I am not too far away from her size, and while I carry my weight better than her considering we're of a similar height and I don't wear skimpy costumes, I cannot get it out of my mind that I look like Pixyteri whenever I cosplay.

But in a good twist, that's inspired me recently to start losing weight and thank PT for all those glorious examples of why I did the right thing, and I can enjoy my cosplays better.

>> No.6464933


Thank you. So many people self-diagnose with an ED or imagine they'll "get" one just because they feel fat or whatever. It actually comes with a bunch of psychological stuff and is way way more than purging or restricting to get thin. Shit's cray.

>> No.6464940

post pics plz

>> No.6464941

I want to do a nose job so my face is more suitable to cosplay. Not a isngle anime character has a huge tucan nose.

>> No.6464942

I wear Lolita all the time because it's the only thing that makes me feel better about my husband cheating on me.

>> No.6464968


>> No.6464973

I've never cosplayed, or been to a con. I just like coming to this board to get a good laugh out of all the fat whores insulting each other like in >>6462448

>> No.6464981

I think it's quite sweet and endearing too as long as they arent crossing any personal comfort barriers.

>> No.6464985

Is it the shoes or are her legs ridiculously long? I didn't think she was very tall, how tall is she?

>> No.6464987 [DELETED] 

Do you live in England? You sound familiar.

>> No.6464990

I feel like I'm on my way to an eating disorder despite already being underweight and /cgl/ is one of the main culprits.

>> No.6465008

I hate her as well. She's annoying and seems like a giant weeb

>> No.6465014

I think I have a problem, buying lolita clothes is the only thing that makes me truly happy. I feel so shallow but I don't want to stop buying more things.

Also, I think I'm relapsing back into my anorexia. And I don't want treatment. I want to be thin.

>> No.6465023

Love this one http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_annotate?v=tBTkyPWCbTU&feature=mhsn

>> No.6465052

Just do it, if you can't fix your life why not indulge?

>> No.6465083

Speaking as one of the guys you hate so much, you seem to be a horrible person and I hope I never end up developing feelings for someone like you.

>> No.6465085

But you will and will end up lonely and miserable because of it.

More so.

>> No.6465087

How so?

>> No.6465096

>guys you hate so much
>I hope I never end up developing feelings for someone like you
Sounds like this kind of thing has happened to you in the past. Unreciprocated feelings are a bitch, maybe you should try to be more attractive?

>> No.6465101

>all those assumptions
I don't get your logic.

>> No.6465107
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I don't know why, but for some reason I look at PT's tweets and drama and even though I agree she's a little bonkers sometimes, she really does need a friend. So for the past couple weeks, I've been trying to befriend her

>> No.6465110

I've been unemployed for over a year now because of mental problems and have no ambition nor dreams.
At least I don't use my rent or bill money on cosplays or some other things. There have been only one time in this apartment that I could not pay my rent or bills, and that was because my cat got hit by a car and all my money went to the vet. At least my land lady understood and was more worried about my cat than the rent.

My confession: I really, really hate fakeboys like cutterbitch etc. My bf is a FTM and it pains me to see him struggle every day.

>> No.6465111

C'mon now. That girl he was replying to really was being a bitch. No need to throw more bitchyness onto the fire. Plus, you know that if the genders were flipped and some guy was saying "ugh female cosplayers are so ugly and pathetic why can't i meet a banging hot 10/10 blonde model" you'd be teasing the shit out of him and/or calling him a dirty misogynist.

>> No.6465114


Lol that sounds eerily similar

>> No.6465117

Not sure if this is particularly cgl related, but I feel really left out in conversations and when I try to make friends because I don't keep up with popular tv shows.

I've never watched Dr. Who, Breaking Bad, Glee, House, Weeds, Arrested Development, Grey's Anatomy, Walking Dead, Dexter, Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones (this one I do want to watch though), and no investigation or criminal shows like NCIS.

I feel like an outcast, and when I look at all of these shows I'd have to watch just to find out what people are chatting about, it seems insane. I don't have Netflix at the moment and I barely have time to watch tv.

I know it's pretty silly to feel ousted by a bunch of shows but it makes me feel like a dweeb. The only shows I actually like to keep up with aren't as 'mature.'

>> No.6465119

The only thing that annoys me about curvy cosplayers is that they almost never pick the right size of clothes.
This makes them look like a whale. Girls, there is nothing wrong about being "fat" as long as you pick clothes that fit.

>> No.6465125

Since you all seem to be pretty knowledgeable.. I know Milanoo is the devil, but how about Fan Plus Friend? I saw a skirt I really love on there, but I'm scared if it's a scam site.

>> No.6465127

I sort of feel you.

Though I have watched most of those, I still can't talk to people because they seem to do so much in so little time. Like I will take a whole week to watch one season of a show when everyone takes two days at most, or I'll take a month to read a 300 page book while everyone I know does it in less than a week, or take days and sometimes weeks to get into a particular artist when everyone heard about them yesterday and already know their whole discography and biography.

I think I might be a little too slow and uninterested for a "teenager" (18 now so nearly not a teen anymore).

(another confession: I'm scared of growing up because I never had a social life or even ONE single friend and I don't know how to pay bills or talk to people or pretty much exist and I need to learn to do that because I'm supposed to be or growing into an adult. I don't want to be an adult when I haven't even enjoyed my teenage years)

>> No.6465132

Fan Plus Friend is usually fine. Sometimes the fit can be a little off, but nothing devastating. They certainly don't lie about their products, and they even list what kind of fabric the item is made from. I say they're trustworthy.

>> No.6465135

Some of them are really worth it. I stopped watching anime for a while and started watching TV shows, and I don't regret it even a bit! The ones I've seen so far are quite awesome.

>> No.6465143

I'm 25, have mental illness, and just got out of an abusive relationship. I'm extremely depressed, but I'm even more angry. I could have done something with my life if that guy hadn't been holding me back. "You're too fragile to go to school, what if you fail? I don't know if I could support you if that happened!" etc. no, fuck that. I went to constant cons and did constant costumes as a way of escapism from his bullshit, even though I didn't realize it at the time.

My confession is that I'm going to take one last whirl of cons next year before suddenly announcing that I'm going back to school and no more constant conventions. I will be 26 without a degree and I missed winter/spring enrollment, and that's pathetic. I hate myself and what I've become and wish I never met that guy.

Is it so bad to want one last whirl on the con circuit before I get off almost for good, even if the money paying for it is not from a steady job? I think the promise of that may be the only thing keeping me alive at this point, and even my therapist thinks I shouldn't try to go back to school until fall so I can work this guy's barbs out from under my skin.

I want to be the driven me I was before I met him.

>> No.6465145

By off, are we talking too tight or too loose? Loose I can deal with, that's much easier for me to fix than too tight.

>> No.6465152

I wish I didn't feel like a creep when complementing women

I can't even do it anonymously without that feeling
and the complements aren't what anyone would consider off putting

And it's hard to complement ANYONE, but with women its just that much harder

>> No.6465154

Welp. Just admitted to myself that I am losing weight to look good for my fiance. I want to look awesome in the things that he buys me. I want to be his beautiful woman he is proud to brag about.
But I fear I may take this too far.
I grimace to anyone who tells me I'm not fat. Shut the fuck up. I know I'm fat. I don't like where I am at and I don't want to stay this way.

>> No.6465162


You're probably not fat, at least not a realistic standard of fat.
I hate it though when you are chubby/fat or could generally stand to lose some weight and you mention it and people are like "OHHHH NOOO, YOU'RE NOT FAT, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND", and you kind of know that they're just saying that to offset there own weight insecurities.

You guys ever had a friend that does this shit to deliberately sabotage you so that they look prettier/hotter than you?

>> No.6465161

It's not that bad. It's only one year difference now. Just make sure you don't fall for that trap and end up never going back to school.

By the way, for how long were you with him?

>> No.6465163

I'm not too sure honestly. I think if you buy their standard sizes you should be fine because you know what to expect. I've only ever heard this complaint from choosing the plus size option, and errors could occur maybe because the user measured too tightly or too loosely.

But I really don't think you should have problems if you buy their preset sizes, or can measure yourself pretty spot on. Include extra measurements if you feel it's necessary.

>> No.6465167

>offset their own weight insecurities
Or, you know, they could be just trying to be nice and friendly. And maybe they really don't think that person is fat. What's wrong with not thinking a person is as fat or chubby as they say?

You sure -you- aren't insecure?
>ever feel like someone is trying to SABOTAGE you?
Oh...lol. Oh boy.

>> No.6465165

I've definitely had people much much older than you in my courses. I took art and business. Nothing to worry about. If anything, when you do get a job with that degree, people will like that you're not an early 20.

>> No.6465170
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>You guys ever had a friend that does this shit to deliberately sabotage you so that they look prettier/hotter than you?

Girl, when I offer you a cookie or a brownie I don't want to be accused of trying to sabotage your weight loss to make myself look prettier. That's paranoid as hell.

>> No.6465169

Yeah, I'm not plus size, but I'm not scrawny. Maybe buy a tiny bit larger than I am, and shrink it if necessary. Thanks for the help!

>> No.6465173

I'm 30 and I'm only just now getting into cosplay. I'm lucky enough to pass for 22 so it's not quite so awkward but even at AX 2012 I could not relate to anybody at all. Most of my favorite animes and costumes and stuff are from the 80s and mid-late 90s.

>> No.6465176

Almost five years. I'm not planning on tons of cons and tons of costumes forever. Just until I can enroll again in the fall.

Really? I was thinking about how much I was going to be the oldest and not finishing my degree until I'm 29 and who wants a dried up old hag fresh out of college, especially one with a mental illness...

>> No.6465180

I like cosplay and want to get into it but in this age of google and everything ending up on the internet to never disappear I'm worried about my cosplay stuff showing up in a background check when I get a respectable job.

>> No.6465178

>that feel
I'll be out of the con scene for a while due to location.
When I get back I'll be 30.
I'll be that awkward age where it's too young to be kawaii old man (like that guy doing Dinotopia at SDCC) and too old and creepy pedophile.

>> No.6465197

Really, really. Especially in my business course, lots of people in their late 30's and early 40's.

I went to this help centre at my college to ask for resume help, as well. Because I'm an early 20, I need to really stress how awesome I am despite my age. When you have a bit more years on you, people think better of you, it seems.

You'll do fine. Promise.

>> No.6465195
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loooool, no haha
I mean once I had a girl friend who literally went out of her way to sabotage me and make me look uglier whenever we out together. We lived in two different towns and she would call me up around 7:00 in the evening 4-5 nights a week so we could go drinking in her town, but obviously I had to pay all my own bus fares. Whenever I ran out of money and couldn't get down she'd throw a tantrum.
I go to hers and she'd always tell me my clothes looked too prudish and throw something horrible from her wardrobe at me. I'm talking floral binbag-style dresses and shit.
Of course she'd always tell me how much hotter I looked in them and because she was 2 years my senior I ate it all up, "maybe she just has a superior, mature style? Do I really dress childlike?".

One day she convinced me to bleach my beautiful, long red hair blonde, she said I'd look really hot and mature. Three times in one day. As expected, it all fell out, and looked like shit, but she knew this was going to happen. She convinced me it would be fine so long as I conditioned my hair lots afterwards, and as you can guess I believed her because I thought she was my friend.

When we finally fell out it suddenly all made sense how people kept telling me she was just using me. but I didn't believe them, thought maybe they'd just got the wrong impression. Then I thought back to how whenever we out, she'd ply me drinks and get me drunk, then play me off as her stupid, alcoholic friend.

One time she invited me to her house (to go drinking, again.On a Wednesday) but when I got she left me behind in her bedroom so that I could pretend to be her so that he mother didn't notice whilst she sneaked out and had sex with a married 38 year old man. In a graveyard.

I wish I wasn't so gullible :l

>> No.6465206

I love looking through bad cosplay/lolita threads and blogs. They make me feel better about myself, and I enjoy making fun of fat, ugly, and/or lazy cosplayers. irl I pretend that I'm a super-accepting cosplayer, but in reality I'm a huge elitist.

But there's a part of me that checks these threads and blogs to make sure I haven't been posted, because I know I'm mediocre at best.

>> No.6465207

If you want my honest opinion she just sounds like a bimbo.

I had a bimbo friend exactly like that, drinking problems and promiscuity. Except she's the one that did all sorts of crazy, attention grabbing shit to herself. Like shaving off her hair, wearing skimpy clothes that didn't flatter her but showed off her 'boobs', and getting tons of tattoos while leaving her son at home for her parents to take care of while she was out drinking or chasing boys. She tried to talk me into doing a lot of that too but I wouldn't let her because I knew they were dumb choices. She might've been just legit stupid, Spoony.

>> No.6465209

That's why I hate facebook. Now you can't even view a post without everyone knowing it. Can't post without it saying where you are. I feel like Big Brother is watching me.

>> No.6465212

I feel like a shit cosplayer even if I'm somewhere around mid-tier.
Mostly because I'm not a thin 100 lbs cosplayer.
I fall of diets and focus on school more than costumes and feel terrible when con season comes around.
I've finished 3 costumes in the last year and with a low budget and limited time I'm not sure how many I can finish before the next convention and have them look decent, especially with my weight as it is now.
I love looking at bad cosplay threads because it reminds me that I'm not a bad cosplayer though. I never end up on /cgl/ and that in itself is a good thing.

>> No.6465217

I want a girlfriend to share clothes with, have awesome sex, cuddle, study together, dress each other and generally have fun with.

Lolita and J-fashion made my lesbian side develop a lot faster than it would otherwise. I would not have a problem with that if it weren't for the fact that I'm too shy, know nothing about females when it comes to romance and can never tell whether they like girls or not.
Because I've never been with a girl, everybody just assumes that I say I like them because I want male attention.

>> No.6465220

You can change the settings so people can't see what you like.

>> No.6465222

My first time drinking tea that helps weight loss and I thought it won't have any affect till now. My stomach feels so weird, I feel I'll have a need to hit the bathroom soon. Which ain't good since soon I need to go to bed and I have school tomorrow. I hope it doesn't feel that way while I am in class.

Well at least it has some effects.

>> No.6465223
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Perhaps, but she also she did a lot of malicious things behind my back which I didn't find out about until after we fell out. She was nasty but she wasn't dumb or anything, she always knew exactly what she was doing... very, very manipulative and controlling.

Shit, I remember one time we went out together again and I showed up in striped top I'd decided to wear as short dress and she made me switch outfits with her because she decided she liked mine better.
She even took pictures to "prove" how much nicer I looked in her dress. Because obviously she was just trying to help me out right, haha

>> No.6465224


you look really uncomfortable in the second picture. The stripy dress looks nicer on you.

>> No.6465228


I was really uncomfortable, but thanks... I actually totally agree as well :>

>> No.6465229

Meh, I think you both looked nice in whichever, but
>she made me switch outfits with her because she decided she liked mine better
This is what bullies are made of. It's too bad you didn't get her to stop sooner. My friend did something similar but it was more like she'd invite herself over to my house and help herself to my closet and try on all my clothes so she could "let me take sexy photos of her."
Makes me cringe whenever I think about it.

>> No.6465227

I don't even cosplay or like looking at cosplay, even hot women in cosplay or good looking cosplay, its just not my thing.

I come to /cgl/ so I can at least have some form of female contact during the day.

>> No.6465233

Yeah, but you can't stop all parts of the privacy invading. You can't even see a message without the person who sent it knowing you did.

>> No.6465234

Are you on the right? You're gorgeous.

>> No.6465235

wtf, I know someone exactly like that.
Especially the outfit switching bullshit

>> No.6465237

Shit, I know that feel.
I got a bit interested it jfashion but I haven't tried or anything and probably won't..
But I enjoy the dramu

>> No.6465239


Yeah, people just tell me to take it as a learning experience which is good advice.

>help herself to my closet and try on all my clothes so she could "let me take sexy photos of her."

Sounds like you have some interesting stories yourself though haha, you should share. I love hearing stories like this.


Yup, and thank a lot. I didn't want to post the second one because I looked really awkward and uncomfortable.


Oh god, please share.

>> No.6465241


I semi-know that feel.
I don't like Cosplay or j-fashion, but since I mainly post on male-dominant boards, it's nice to come here once in a while and chat with some females.
Thank you for dramu and weebhorror threads /cgl/

>> No.6465240

I've been in the process of seriously questioning my gender for the last year or so and dabbling with crossplay was a big part of that and now that I got into the frame of mind where I am thoroughly convinced without a doubt that I'm trans I'm starting to suffer from the same problems girls do (eating disorders, sexual harassment, fear of getting old)

I also feel bad because people still consider me to be a (very effeminate) man and I'm not held up to the same beauty standards as my ciswomen peers

>> No.6465242

This has really tugged on my heart strings, I thought you should know. Things will get better anon, don't you worry. <3

>> No.6465243

if you're in the LA area and need a customer to "escort," i can help you out. post your throwaway email.

>> No.6465247

I still think you look good in the second.

How tall are you?

>> No.6465248

Despite all the super catty drama bullshit that I see in /cgl/, I still get along very well with women, have plenty of female friends, enjoy their time and company and see them as peers on equal footing. Even the 2Dcon fujoshi I know are nice and pleasant to hang out with and I don't get all the fangirl hate.

Fuck the tumblr SJWs though

>> No.6465250

It's weird talking about her honestly. I'd complain about her to my mom a lot and she would always kind of shame me even though she was clearly messed up. And it's the truth, no matter how shitty or manipulative she was towards me, I was never truly the vulnerable one. People just have issues. I could certainly talk about her the whole day, but meh, we all know someone like this.

>> No.6465252


Oh thank you.
I'm right in between 5'5-5'6". Not sure which one you're supposed to round it off to.

>> No.6465257


It still sounds fascinating. If you have stuff you want to get off your chest then /cgl/ is a very good place to do it. Since you're right about us all knowing somebody like this, I'm betting a lot of us will be able to relate.

I do wonder what makes people like that the way they are.
Have you guys ever seen Sugar Rush? It was a short British teenage drama about this exact scenario, a normal girl who befriended a self-important, vain, arrogant moocher who ended up using the normal girl all the time. It's very funny.

>> No.6465258

I really want to be considered one of the 'living dolls'. Buuuut I don't want to deal with any drama, nor do I really care about interwebz fame. I just want people to talk to me and ask me about my style and be surprised by how nice I am. I think I'm decently attractive, but no matter how many self posts I do on tumblr, nobody cares. Maybe I'm destined to be ignored on the internet, but I suppose that's fine too. What I'm doing IRL is honestly a lot better than any of that, but I guess the bottom line is that I'm lonely as hell. TL;DR I wish kohai would notice me.

>> No.6465256

>can stand to lose weeight
Yep. Pre'much this. I know I can stand to lose 20 more pounds (but really cut fat) but no one is supportive.

>> No.6465261
File: 461 KB, 500x252, 1823789146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to be super close in middle school and I see her occasionally now, even though I know its detrimental to my health. But I cant help it, she's a fool with her pants on the ground.

So anyway, she'd invade my closet, pick out what she liked and convinced me to let her keep it, all the time. If that wasn't enough, she'd treat me like her Barbie doll and purposely dress me in something sub-par, if not utter garbage. And when I spoke up about feeling uncomfortable with what I was wearing, she'd pull the "I'm your friend, dont you trust me?" card.

Recently, I checked my fb, and noticed she uploaded a new picture. One of my favorite shirts that she managed to smuggle was cut and ripped beyond my belief. Never in my life have I wanted to choke someone that bad, it was a birthday gift too. I messaged her about it, and she was like, "YOU GAVE IT TOO ME xD"

Thanks for letting me rage, I feel a bit better now

>> No.6465265

5'6'' because it sounds better and is better.

>> No.6465267


Well I personally am not supportive of unhealthy eating habits in general, particularly starvation, but if you're doing it the right way then more power to you.
If you're genuinely unhappy with your body and think you would look better and be healthier if you lost some weight then 100% go for it, and don't listen to anybody who tries to tell you otherwise.
There's this really weird thing at the moment where a lot of people are having trouble accepting when people are actually a little too heavy, and instead of being truthful they will straight out lie to your face and it's so counter-productive, especially considering obesity is a bigger problem then anorexia.
I wish there were more people around me to motivate me face to face instead of saying "Awwww spoony, you're not faaaaat. Here, have some cake, it's healthy for you".

Hope you feel better soon, no matter what you decide, and be careful x

>> No.6465266


>> No.6465268

Are you single?

>> No.6465269
File: 115 KB, 563x364, 1339901422961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, sis. Neither do I. I come for the drama.
>That feel when no more ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME!

>> No.6465271


Oh shit, she sounds awful. Life must be so much less stressful now you're shot of her.


Yeah, I think so too :>


I am not I'm afraid, been in a relationship for a very long time now.
Do you usually try and pick up trips on 4chan though? It's a little odd.

>INB4 you're casually asking for reasons relating to my story and I'm a presumptuous ass

>> No.6465272

I was just curious.

>> No.6465277

Starvation isn't for me. I lose weight through dieting and exercising. I just think its shameful that I'm not doing this for myself but for my man.
Thanks squirrelfriend for the encouragment.

>> No.6465278
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, Kuragehime - 09 - Large 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay in subtle ways in my normal life because let's face it: the world would be so much nicer and prettier if we all just lost a dimension and looked more anime. I've built a reputation as a really sharply dressed, fashionable woman.

Of course, /fa/ and normalfags would have you believe otherwise. Dirty little secret. I don't tell people that I get my inspiration from ching chong cartoons.

>> No.6465280

Where do you live? I need a running partner.

>> No.6465290

You should dump her. She's no friend.

>> No.6465297

I just realized I have 0 friends. Online friends are nice, but I want...friends offline even more. I need human contact.
I'm nice, out going, I enjoy partying, watching anime, going out for coffee/lunch/dinner, laser tagging, cosplay, regular cartoons, I can take a joke and dish it back, I stand up for all my friends, and I'm loyal. All my friends are either across country, four hours away (she has no car) or busy.
I...really want a girly friend who's into the same things.
Oh well
Time to go to class..

>> No.6465299

>when did Koreans and Japanese people start fighting?
Jesus are you a troll or are you a 12 year old? Try this: >>6464811

Remember the Nazis? Yeah? Remember how Japan was allied with them during WWII? What the fuck do you think they did to the surrounding countries during the war?

>> No.6465300

Except Korean eat up all the Japanese pop culture then go around and say they hate them. Koreans do everything they can NOT to be Korean. From their looks to their music.

>> No.6465304

I'd link her tumblr here except I think she sometimes comes here and her friends do as well. (There was recent semi-drama in one of the threads regarding one of her friends.) So I'm not sure how wise it'd be to share!

If you're really curious, I set up a dummy email so you can reach me there.

>> No.6465334

Doesn't really matter, the model is gonna be hand-picked by Choke

>> No.6465341

What country are you in? I would like to be friends...

>> No.6465342

Where do you live anon? I met some of my closest friends from a /co/ meetup.

>> No.6465356

>broad generalizations
Oh awesome!!!! Appreciating pop culture and disliking past aggressions/current political tensions are two separate things. Also I don't get what your argument has anything to do with the original question which was "when did Koreans and Japanese people start fighting".

Also I don't understand why people are so quick to point out Asian countries trying to be "Western/white" seeing as westernization was basically related to modernization and many countries were actually encouraged to adopt western ways of living. Holy fuck we still think our customs and traditions are important. Just because some of our pop stars follow western trends or aren't walking cultural stereotypes doesn't mean we're self-hating Asians.

>> No.6465400


I live in the united states, just outside of d.c nova

>> No.6465401

Trans right stuff is starting to annoy me. I try to do that "put your self in their shoes" thing, and I know that people give me similar shit for being gay, but I'm tired of being shamed for not liking vagina even thought they say they are a boy.
I want a boy with a born male body. Is this bad? I keep being told that you should only care about how a person acts, but I honestly can't get attracted to any trans men, even the stealth ones still feel like a trap.
TLDR Tumblr makes me feel bad for not being as oppressed as they are.

>> No.6465414

Aww man, I'm the west coast. Sorry, anon! Maybe you could try to make some friends at a con or maybe at school (if you're still in school) or something like that?

I mean I guess that's what people call cis privilege or whatever. I think everyone is allowed their own preferences in dating/romance. As long as you don't get up in transpeople's faces and tell them that their identity isn't legitimate or whatever, I think you should be fine. I definitely get what you're saying about wanting someone born in the body they feel comfortable in but at the same time you understand why saying that to someone who identifies as trans might hurt them right? You're entitled to your opinions, but you also don't want to go around intentionally picking fights with people. I think some of the people on tumblr might just be trying to point out that you can't really choose who you fall in love with so you can't outright say "I'll never be attracted to a transman" because what if someday you are? There are so many people in the world which is why some people might take issue with your blanket statement.

>> No.6465420

Im from Towson MD. Im a guy though.

>> No.6465424

So what are you?

>> No.6465443

Yeah, I understand that, but I never talk about it, like it's all the stuff on tumblr that floats around all day. I've never voiced this until now really.
I really don't care how anyone identifies, be whatever you want to be and all that, but I do get sick of being guilted by the fact that I just don't like female-sex bodies.
I thought I said I was a gay guy in my post?

>> No.6465449

Yeah sorry I misread it. Its okay, Im a straight guy and I would never date a MtF. It honestly disgusts me. They can bitch at me all I want but idgaf

>> No.6465448

I'd dump the boyfriend. I hate how some guys seem really chill at first and then they have these awful misogynistic or racist sides to them once you get to know them better! Do you really feel safe being in a relationship with someone who would think you're less then human if he knew the truth?

>> No.6465464

This will most likely be a multi-post post, so I'll sage all other venting shit after this post.

I'm really unhappy with the life I'm living. I currently work as a nanny part time and have an apartment with a roommate. I hate it. I hate being tired all the fucking time when getting home from work after only working 6 hours (I never knew how tiring looking after a 9 and 11 year old would be for a couple hours). My roommate just sits in her room all day with her boyfriend and never interacts with me, only talking to me when she wants bill money.

Let me go in order, I guess. I hate my job. The kids are nice, but the parents are extremely overbearing and are constantly emailing/texting/calling me about fucking EVERYTHING. I never knew being a nanny also meant cooking dinner for the family, doing their laundry and cleaning up after them. I don't know if it's just because the family is demanding or if that's what being a nanny really is, but this is my first time doing it and I fucking hate it. I haven't even been working with them a month and I want to leave. I absolutely hate it. The issue is that during the hiring process, I made such a huge deal about being so reliable and being willing to stay, that I don't want to back out now. I'm miserable all the time when I get home because I'm so tired, but I like spending time with the kids. All of their previous nannies have quit in very angry, violent ways (throwing keys over the gate and leaving an hour before the kids need to be picked up) and I understand why. I just feel obligated to stay regardless of the fact that I know it's just a job and they would find someone else.

>> No.6465466

Dump him, you won't change his mind. My friend had a similar issue, and most of the time things like that can't be worked through.
Sex work is a tricky subject, I think some people jump into it without being fully prepared, but you seem to have a good grip on what your doing.
At the same time, I think that's something you should be upfront about with partners, because it is your job, and it will have to come up eventually, and better for them to know ahead and be supportive than to find out later and hurt you.

>> No.6465471


I hate living in my apartment because I've been here since March and have never had the time/money/energy to decorate. I still have a bunch of shit sitting around from when I moved in. I just want my lease to end so I can move out and move into an apartment with my boyfriend. We've been talking about it a bit and I just want to get it done and for us to just officially be living together (we've been unofficially living together almost our entire relationship).

I'm having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. The family I work for is Jewish and so there isn't any semblance of Christmas in their house. The daughter also scoffed when I mentioned Christmas at one point. The family basically hates Christmas. I don't even know if I'll have Christmas off this year. I'm really hoping I do. If I don't, I'm quitting on the spot. I'm spending time with my family this Christmas, fuck you.

I want to get a new job, but I'm scared. I want to get a simple HR job with my psych degree, but I smoke weed and am deathly afraid of drug tests. I didn't have to do one for this job, so I'm relieved, but I'm still paranoid about the next job, so it makes me hesitant to find a new one, which is compounded by the fact that I hate working where I do now.

Because of all of this shit, I have had no time/money/energy to work on cosplay. I want to so badly because I have so many ideas, but I can't even work on simple cosplay without feeling overwhelmed. It feels like I'm failing at almost everything and it's fucking annoying and tiring and depressing.

>> No.6465473


I feel weird for just wanting to live in a nice apartment with my boyfriend and have a standard 9-5 day job. I feel like I should want something more different and extravagant for myself, but I just want to have a nice, peaceful next couple years. Hell, even a year. I graduated college in August and I'm already feeling all of this "hurry up and get a full time job and be autonomous or else" pressure. It's a lot to deal with. I just feel trapped the way I am and I'm not entirely sure what to do. I feel like I should start a new job search after the holidays, but I don't know if I can make it that long.

...HFEWGFUOEWSOMUCHSHIT. Sorry, seagulls. I've been holding onto this all for a while and I just feel trapped.

>> No.6465478

It's different family to family, but most Nannies will cook the kids meals and do the kids laundry at least during the day.
If you really are that exhausted (and it sounds like it) talk to the parents about it and tell them that your spreading yourself to thin. You might have to take a paycut for not doing as much as you were before, but if you want to keep the job that badly then it might be worth it.
Worst to worse, they'll fire you, and if you work for another family then make sure to lay out your duties/responsibilities before you start so there's no confusion.

>> No.6465482

don't do it anon! those types of tea basically function as a laxative and have you pooping all day. I tried it once because I was really desperate (on the weekends) and it was too awful for me to keep with it. I can't imagine drinking that tea and then going to class...

>> No.6465493

The issue is that I work through an agency and my boss at the agency doesn't have his shit together. I've had to send him forms twice and three times over because he keeps losing them. I would have to talk to him and then to him and the family and it's a lot more than I really want to deal with. I don't mind cleaning up after the kids and making them dinner, but when dad walks in, looks around then looks straight at me and says "I guess (mom's name) and I are just eating out tonight" in a snide tone when theirs is just in the microwave so it wouldn't get cold... I this I just don't work well with them on a fundamental level. I work for minimum wage as it is, so I don't think a paycut would happen. I'm just really not enjoying this at all. I'm wondering if it would be better for me to go with a different family.

>> No.6465498

one of my old 'friends' used to try on all of my clothes and got blood from an open wound on my favorite skirt...
After I cut ties with her she went to rehab and is now working as a stripper. (no offense to other strippers)

>> No.6465500

Post what city you live closest to?

I'm feeling kind of lonely and could do with a girly friend :/

>> No.6465502

* I guess I just don't
Uuugh, and I have to leave for this job in 15 minutes... Fuck, man.

>> No.6465528

I've just transferred to a big uni this year and I'm majoring in history. I've always liked history in high school and for a while I planned on being a history teacher maybe at the high school or community college level. Now that I'm actually here, I'm not sure if this is what I want to do.

I was always into art and do sell art at cons and draw as a hobby. I wouldn't say I'm super amazing but I'm probably at a decent level and have a grasp of anatomy/etc. The more I spend time at this school the more I realize that maybe I should have applied to art schools in high school. I just grew up being taught that you couldn't really do anything with art (not that you can do much with a history degree either). I was just constantly being pushed to be a doctor or a lawyer. But I know my mom had a change of heart when I made enough at artist alleys to help pay for rent and stuff when we were in a bad financial situation.

The more I think about it, the more I wish I could start over and go to an art school or maybe major in art. I wouldn't mind being an art teacher. I thought I'd love being in academia forever but the idea of having to grade sup-par essays for the rest of my life as well as the shitty job market for teachers makes me afraid. At the same time, I still feel like there are so many risks involved in being an art major. What if I'm never good enough? What if I can never find a job? All my art major friends seem to be going onto do really rad internships doing things they love and I want that for myself too.

>> No.6465531


I'm not sure what my options are at this point. I'm just so scared of being a failure either way and not being able to get a steady job. My parents have been through so much that I feel like a lot of their expectations are riding on me and I have expectations for myself as well. I'm looking into art courses/possible minors are my school but they're not really known for their art program and if I try to take on an art minor now, I might have to stay for another year in order to graduate.

I'm not sure if any of you can help/have advice for me but I just wanted to get this out.

>> No.6465537

Dale city

>> No.6465544

It's acculturation is all. We find something "western" that is cool, and then make it more culturally acceptable for us.

>> No.6465557

I had a wet dream about moot last night :( but it wasn't really wet, I didn't come or anything, we just had sex and it was awesome

>> No.6465566

I do! I socialize all the time..but then I become a "con friend" or they live a few states over..
Oh..that's a ways away

>> No.6465573

1 hr 40 min drive

Could be worse.

>> No.6465594

Keep trying. Especially if you go to Katsu/AUSA/MAGFest I feel like you'd have pretty good chances to meet people from nova.

>> No.6465620

I'm that depressive 22-year old Canadian from last night.

I feel a lot better today, and if there is any other Ontarian's that have the possibility of living close, I wouldn't mind getting some girly friends.. even if we'd just be e-mail pals.

>> No.6465640

Uk here, I want an email pal, although I'm about to head to bed, so leave your email and I'll get back to you tomorrow when I check the thread.

>> No.6465642

Haven't been to MAGfest but I've been (am going to) katsu and Ausa. Ill keep trying though.

>> No.6465682

No prob at all.

>> No.6466120

Fucking this. I was never insecure about being 5'5" and 120lbs until I went on /cgl/ and now all I see is fat legs.

>> No.6466226

I turn 20 this week and aside from a week of temp retail work earlier this year that I quit because of anxiety (crying in the bathroom) I have never had a job. I just applied to be a seasonal temp driver helper with UPS and it gave me an appointment at the warehouse at 2PM tomorrow.

I'm freaking the FUCK out. I applied to UPS when I turned 18, got an appointment, went to the warehouse and had to wait at the security gate with 10 other big, muscular older people applying for the same job as me, then they walked us through a bunch of metal detectors (this was when I started getting REALLY nervous), and then toured us around the warehouse saying "you'll have to be able to lift and move without damaging boxes quickly while also scanning them and stacking them a certain way in the trucks". I'm 5"3, 130 pounds.

I finally got so freaked out I left before we got even halfway to the interview process and cried in my car on the way home. And I'm terrified of it happening again. Fuck anxiety, goddamn.

>> No.6466231

lol what a bitch

>> No.6466264


Forgot to mention, I'm a girl.

>> No.6466277

No, that was obvious.

>> No.6466360

Oh hey, I live in MD and I'll totally be your friend as long as you don't smell gross or anything.

>> No.6466392

What part of maryland?

>> No.6466633

Near Annapolis. I don't want to hang out with you if you're a gross boy who only browses /cgl/ because he has a fetish for cosplayers though.

I want some nerdy/weeaboo friends to watch animus and eat sushi with...

>> No.6466671

I dont have a cosplay fetish and Im not really nerdy in the anime sense. Ive never had sushi. Im not gross though.

>> No.6466951

I'd still be willing to do those things though.

>> No.6467264

No matter how much I cheat on my girlfriend or ignore her, she won't leave me. Yes , I'm well aware that I am a massive dick, but she's making my life miserable.
If I leave her, I worry she'll drop out of school and fuck her life up, and somehow she just sticks by me no matter what I do; much to my disdain.

>> No.6467605

I think you need to man up and just dump her.
If she fucks up her life because of it, it's honestly not your fault that she's that nuts.

>> No.6467718


>> No.6468863

Just dump her, dude. You're hurting both her and yourself. You shouldn't stay with someone out of guilt; that isn't healthy.

>> No.6468934

Seriously though, dump her. The more you abuse her, the crazier she'll get and the more you'll dislike her.

Don't worry about being nice, it's not important.

>> No.6468944

I want to cosplay as characters but I don't want to spend hours sewing something shitty. My dream is to pay someone for time+materials to make a costume for me =\

>> No.6468962

Yeah, I know what you mean. I can't tell any of my friends how I'm actually excited that Lazy Town has a new season coming out >_>

>> No.6469008

I'm kind of worried one of my old friends has turned into a snob. Like, we used to be best friends, but then we both got carried away doing our own things. Now, I find out that my friend's gotten a taste of e-fame and I'm afraid she doesn't want to be associated with someone like me who will destroy the persona she's trying to portray. If she doesn't want to be friends anymore because I embarrass her or I'm not really part of her scene anymore, I'm okay with that. I just wish she'd tell me instead of leaving me hanging. I don't want to spend my time trying to rekindle a friendship if she thinks I'm a nuisance. Maybe I'm just paranoid and thinking too much into it. I don't know. I just wish I knew what she thought.

>> No.6469638

I don't cosplay and I don't wear lolita, I'm just here for the drama I'm more of a crusty actually hahah.
Got tired of b and pol so I decided to lurk here more often.

>> No.6469808
