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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6458681 No.6458681 [Reply] [Original]

What do your parents think of cosplay and the cosplay scene?

Do they ever help out with costumes?

>> No.6458698

My mom thinks it's awesome. She's always interested in helping me make stuff and even signed up for JoAnns coupons so I can have double. I staff a local convention and she brings my niece, nephew, and little sister to attend with costumes I've made for them and loves to take pictures and see all the people in costume.

My dad thinks it's silly, but says he's glad I'm not shooting heroin or prostituting myself so he's cool with it.

>> No.6458704

>My dad thinks it's silly, but says he's glad I'm not shooting heroin or prostituting myself so he's cool with it.

Why are dad's always so fixated on whether or not their daughters are having sex?

>> No.6458712

Because men are assholes and think only they personally have right over "their" women.

>> No.6458708

Guilt. Because we all know all we(male) tend to screw you(female) over. The more sex a guy has, the more protective he is with his daughter.

>> No.6458710
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My mom helps me whenever the sewing machine gets jammed
I help my mom whenever she needs to copy and paste something on the computer

We both tease each other how simple the troubleshooting is. When I first started to learn how to sew, for my life I could never understand how to set up the machine. My mom can still for her life, not understand how to copy and paste a word document. So it's pretty fair exchange

>> No.6458713

I raped and killed my parents.

>> No.6458714

Morons. The both of you.

The reason he cares is because he's her father and he loves her.

Now go bitch on tumblr.

>> No.6458715

My mom hates the process. She complains about the money i spend and the time i spend sewing and the fabric - but shes good at sewing, and is always willing to help. she also always asks me to email her pictures from shoots and stuff to show all her officemates at work. it's cute.

My dad doesnt really understand it, but he also doesnt live with me and doesnt see me cosplay.. well, ever. I think he's only seen it once, and he didnt really get the point, but didnt mind.

>> No.6458720

My mo thinks its hilarious. But she's supportive, she sees how much work goes into it. No way in hell she gets it though

>> No.6458719

>Loves her = fixated on her sexual behavior?
Read the question, dumbwhore.

>> No.6458725
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Mom likes to help with the costumes and seems pretty fascinated by it all when she drops me off at cons. "Ooooh, look at all the pretty outfits!" kinda deal. Dad is alright with it. He tends to help me with planning hotels, transport and stuff like that and will begrudgingly help me with my cosplay things when I ask, muttering under his breath; 'he could have been a rugby player, could have been a rugby player'. I'm sure he does that to wind me up though.
But nah, they're both very supportive of it. If not a bit; "HOW MUCH?!"

>> No.6458724

He's not fixated. Men know damn well how gullible and easily manipulated women can be by other men, so they worry. Especailly if they're their father.

>> No.6458727

Stop avatarfagging you inbred trash.

>> No.6458731

woah there.
Not sure what that guy did to you, but that is a bit rude isn't it.

>> No.6458733

Sup Blue.

>> No.6458737

I liked the gif.

>> No.6458738

Sorry to disappoint you, Im not him, just a bystander.

>> No.6458746


>> No.6458750

Just want to use this thread as a good opportunity to ask you fellows...

>How many of you have daddy issues?

>> No.6458748

Fuck off, inbred trash. Go buy yourself a prostitute or something, you won't be taking out your sexual frustration on underage girls here no more.


>> No.6458751

Still not Blue. Why so hostile anon?

>> No.6458754

Yeah, spoken like someone who has never had a loving father in their life.

In before you bullshit about how your dad is totes ok with you being a bucket cunted whore.

>> No.6458774

There's a difference between having sex and being a bucket cunted whore, dear prude anon.

>> No.6458778

ngl my mom makes most of my outfits i just am really great at color matching and motivating her to work


>> No.6458793

she thought it was the lamest shit ever and hated it. my mom would find reasons to ground me before cons so I couldn't go, or would make it impossible for me to sew or work on anything.

I was pretty young when I first started going to cons (13) and would save up all my meager money just to make a costume and be able to attend a con.

I would have died before I let my mom see me in costume, even when it was just a wig or something she would laugh at me. she WANTED me to go to parties and get drunk and have sex like a 'normal' teenager. she would buy me booze and let me have boys stay the night, but drive me to a con or let cosplay friends stay over?

I'm not sure when but once I was in college and started making costumes professionally, once she realized I could make money from it and was getting attention for it she decided it was okay. now she likes pictures of my comicbook costumes and shows them off at work.

>> No.6458806

Yes, sex is a conjugal act between two married spouses and being a bucket cunted whore I'm just playing with you.

>> No.6458807
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That was kinda sad and disturbing to read

>> No.6458811

>tfw you always compare guys you like to your awesome dad and they never measure up

>> No.6458812

it was pretty depressing. my costumes were actually pretty good for my age and instead of getting drunk or doing drugs I taught myself to sew and paint, but she honestly though I was a freak of nature and would tell me I couldn't sew or craft for no reason and put my sewing machine in her car when she went to work.

I think it really irritated her to see me passionate and dedicated to something that wasn't sports or boys.

>> No.6458817

I like your passion, but it's a bit stupid to say that cosplay isn't about boys when the main drive behind it is to attract boys.

>> No.6458821

My mum used to be really into it but not so much anymore, she'll just occasionally comment on cosplay stuff she finds in my room but whenever a cosplay photo comes up on my Facebook she'll 'like' it. She used to come with me to expo until I was about 15 and found some local friends to go with instead. But yeah, she's really cool with it.

My dad is an elitist lol, he wants me to be really good at it (since I can't fulfil his dream of me joining the RAF sobsob) and he's always offering to help pay for my costumes or scout down stuff for me. His wife/my stepmum is quite into it as well, and likes looking at all the big elaborate cosplays like Disney princesses and stuff.

>> No.6458825

Aren't you that skank who cheated on your boyfriend?

>> No.6458828

Yeah. The boys are really into the crossplay and full body covering costumes on a mediocre looking non-sexy girl.

I'm also not into guys, but thanks.

>> No.6458830

The fuck?

>> No.6458829

>I'm also not into guys, but thanks.

Don't be so quick to say that, you probably just haven't met the right guy yet.

>> No.6458838

Right. I'm already married to another woman (we've been together for 5 years) after dating guys, thanks.

>> No.6458866

Hi Blue

>> No.6458876

That was his name wasn't it?

Pirate Toaster is like all British girls. A whore.

>> No.6458881
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>> No.6458885

what's with the unnecessary drama/vendetta in this thread?

>> No.6458892

wow blue you really are ten tonnes of butthurt still, why don't you go get laid if youre as alpha as you make out to be lol

>> No.6458912

I wish I made as much money as her.

>> No.6458938

Hey. Pretty fucking lame how you keep
attacking Blue out of the Blue.

Show yourself coward.

Captcha: trusty blade

>> No.6458941

My parents are really into a lot of the same things I am so it's not so bad, they are very supportive. My dad's not a cosplayer/costumer, but he gets rather grouchy with me if he sees something I can improve with a prop so he's there for that. Mom is a LARPer so she's the one who taught me to sew and construct costumes, and she oftentimes helps me now!

The only issues we have are like... my mom does a lot of rough-and-tumble larping in the woods so she doesn't invest in really great fabric (understandable as hell I am not buying quality silk to get it muddy in the woods). We often don't see eye-to-eye on fabric choices.

>> No.6458944

My mom likes the creativity of it. My dad thinks it's a bit odd but accepts that different people like different things.

My mom offers to help, which is a nice gesture...but she is not handy at all. Anything she tries to help with gets messed up.

>> No.6458954

Defending cheating?

>> No.6458962

>mom is a larp'er

Op, my mother in law is very crafty. She helped a lot with my last cosplay group! My parents aren't so crafty but my mom is supportive. My dad grimaces when I wear weird shit.
>come here dad...love your daughter
Heh. Black dads.

>> No.6458964


She's so slutty.

>> No.6459085

For a minute there I thought he was wearing cat ears... It's just the photo frame though.

>> No.6459110

... and /cgl/ is back to being a giant bag of dicks

>> No.6459117

my father scoffs and rolls his eyes at it sarcastically, my mother often helps me when I need help sewing and sometimes ends up finishing some things up for me as im not very good at sewing in exchange I clean or do things she'd be doing instead of sewing.

>> No.6459118

Her dad is actually kind of cute.


>> No.6459122

God. Her dad look so disappointed.
I feel bad.

>> No.6459145 [DELETED] 

My Mom and Dad is okay with me crossplaying.

Its just they are just don't know why I would want to go doll myself up and wear a dress around at a convention.

>> No.6459151

My Mom and Dad is okay with me crossplaying.

Its just that they don't see a point of me wanting to doll myself up and wearing a dress around at a convention.

>> No.6459150

My parents are just glad that I'm not selling drugs...
My mom finds it interesting. She used to make me costumes when I was just starting out then taught me how to use a sewing machine when I got a little older. She likes the creativity aspect and will give me tips or suggestions if I need them.
My dad on the other hand has mixed feelings. He likes that I am teaching myself how to do certain things and that I am passionate about it, but hates that I spend a lot of money on it. But I really don't expect any different from him.

>> No.6459161

My parents are pretty neutral to positive about my costuming, usually I crossplay. They don't bother me much. My father occasionally helps me with some of the heavy machinery in the woodshop. He doesn't like me using the table /radial saw without anyone around. Plus he lets me use any scrap wood which is big enough for my projects.

My mother is kind of embarrassing and tells all her friends about what I'm working on, even when I've asked her to not do this. She guilts photos from me then spreads them around. I keep praying that they will not harm my employment. There's nothing remotely provocative or inappropriate with any photos or costumes, but I live in a conservative area where costumes being worn on any day but Halloween = you're a freak /pariah.

>> No.6459167

so edgy anon

>> No.6459178

I'm 29. They don't care. Mom sometimes wants to see what I've made out of curiosity of whether I'm not as lazy at sewing as I had been. My parents drove me eight hours away to my first con when I was 16 because they didn't trust me to make the drive alone. They were so creeped out... but this was when the con scene in general was much older... I was a real youngin at a con with mostly 20-somethings. Ah the good old days.

>> No.6459586

I'm 24, I still live in my grandmothers basement apartment (pay rent, all my own bills and it's a fucking nice basement apartment). She really bucked it at first and I don't blame her, I was a huge weeaboo at one point. However now that I'm buying real nice fabric, and not bedsheets from frenchy's, and turning out fairly nice stuff, She's carrying pictures around and showing them off to everyone. The other day I was picking out fabrics for my next costume, The store was fairly quiet and then all I hear is her talking up a lady working there, her little folder of pictures out, telling them how awesome I am, and showing them all of my costumes. So I think she likes it. She also helped me turn the downstairs living room into a sewing/craft room and we set up the spare bedroom to hold all of my costumes and accessories.

>> No.6459590

Both my father and mother help me out with ideas and solutions. I make props with my father as family activity, we both love it!

>> No.6459592
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My mum loves it. The entire maternal-side of my family is seamstresses.
She helps out where she can, mostly because I'm too retarded to use a sewing machine.

My dad doesn't understand why I need more than one outfit. He understands the nerdy aspects, but I've been cosplaying for 2 years now and he still doesn't get it.

Neither of them know about the shit that goes on at conventions, but if they did, they trust that I won't get involved in it. And I don't.

>> No.6459593

My dad was ashamed of me when I revealed I cosplayed. I tried to show him how creative I could be, showed him my many costumes, including Lara Croft, Cammy and Chun Li. Ieven wore my Sniper Wolf outift to show him how it looked. But all he did was look at me in disgust. I can even remember has last words to me - "you an absolute disgrace to me son"

>> No.6459610
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>> No.6459653

>come back home this summer
>Hey mom I want to make a dress
>She spits out whatever she's drinking. A dress???
>Yeah I want to do what my cousin does.
>She rolls eyes. Fine.
>doesn't believe i'll finish it but humors me and goes fabric shopping with me. Because of her I got good fabric
>somehow manage to finish all the parts of the costume
>Holy shit, anon, you're good at this.
>Fuck yeah.

I've managed to go from being the laughingstocking of the family for doing cosplay to impressing them with my (albeit still mediocre) sewing skills with my first proper cotsume. I feel pretty good.

>> No.6459654


mfw *laughingstock

I think I was looking too much at stockings just now.

>> No.6459660

My dad thinks its kind of weird, but he will admit when he sees a pic of an awesome or sexy cosplay that it is awesome and/or sexy.
My mom doesn't mind it, she just complains that it costs me so much money.

>> No.6459661

I don't think they care.
My dad was around for my faggy goth phase so he's not really phased by it.
My mom.
I don't really care what she thinks.

>> No.6459664

My mom thinks it's pretty cool, she likes seeing the photos that come out of them and of course she does the whole 'you should do makeup for movies! I'm gonna look at schools for you!' when i'm horribly average at best when it comes to makeup.

The other night she confessed to me that she wanted to give it a try with me as a duo for a convention this summer. I of course am totally stoked and can't wait. My mom's built like a brick shithouse so I chose femHeavy and femMedic, I can't wait to get pictures with her

>> No.6459665

My mom doesn't like it, but just lets me do whatever while scolding me. My dad doesn't care either way, but loves it when I ask him to help me make a prop or something.

>> No.6459673

My Dad never really helped with construction of the garments, but he liked to help me pick materials for props and give me tips on how to do things better/easier.
Mom didn't know shit about anything, but liked to see the finished product on me to compare and then guess with annie-may its from. Her first guess was always Sailor Moon and Nuh-roo-toe.

>> No.6459676




>> No.6459677
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>a guy

>> No.6459678

Never go full retard anon. stay retard anon.

>> No.6459685

I didn't have cool parents growing up. If I did this thy would ave disowned me.


>> No.6459701

My parents are Trekkies and read comics. My mom used to wear an ensign uniform to Star Trek conventions, she's the one who taught me to sew. My dad doesn't cosplay but is an engineer so he likes to help with props and junk. They got me into sci-fi and comics and I got them into anime. My mom loves FMA, she wears her Alphonse hat errywhere. My dad prefers stuff like Akira, Berserk or GITS.

My mom and dad have both gone to conventions with me when I was underage. I take my little brother now, he dosen't like sci-fi or comics as much as the rest of the family but he loves anime and videya. He wants to cosplay but his attention span is abysmal so we do all the work for him.

TL;DR they support my hobby completely

>> No.6459721

Dad love Star Trek and Red Dwarf so he thinks it's cool, encourages me to have hobbies and such. Mum doesn't mind, but she does help out every now and again with costume making. I never let them see the photos of me in costume though, shit would be too embarrassing.

>> No.6459732

I still live with my parents, so I guess they kind of have to be okay with it really. Or at least, they have to be pleasant about it.

When I first told my mother about it, I asked if she'd help me make a dress to wear for a convention. She laughed thinking I was joking, but she realised pretty quickly that I was being serious, so she apologised and was really nice about it. She used to make and sell clothes as a hobby when she was younger, so she's been really helpful teaching me about everything, though she's been learning as well. One time she commented that it made her happy because she never had a daughter to make dresses with, and now that her son is making dresses she gets to do all that sort of thing. That made me feel a little weird.

My father, thankfully, just thinks of it as a big joke. Which it is. So that's good. But I don't really have much to do with him. Oh well.

Neither of them know anything about anime or whatever, but they don't seem to care so that's fine.

>> No.6459769


My parents are the same way in that they hate everything you do intill it starts to make money and they can then show you off.

>> No.6459801

My dad doesn't care/is proud of me becuase he's a huge weeb
He goes to every major con in my area with me
>My mom just thinks we are huge dorks
They're both glad im doing this and not doing drugs and having sex or something like that though

>> No.6459803

My dad is completely cool with it. He and my uncle were huge fantasy nerds in the late 70's although he doesn't know much about sewing; he is really handy at metalworking due to him being a master welder. He and I are planning on making some plate armor early on next year before the Renaissance festival in October.

My mom on the other hand thinks cosplay is for weirdos. but she adores classic lolita, probably because it looks antique-ish. She is obsessed with antiques and historical dramas so I can see why she finds it pretty.

>> No.6459804

My parents divorced when I was 5 so I was raised by my father most of my life. He never had the time to help out / care about my cosplay hobby, but then again he never had anything against it either, so I guess that was fair enough.

>> No.6459821

My parents used to hate it and tell me it's something that I need to grow out of. They realized after 6 years and on my 20th birthday that I was still nowhere near stopping and actually because curious whenever I started working on something.

>> No.6459853

Dude here. Having a mother with a sewing room and old-ish (50's) sewing machines is the tits. I actually know more about the damn things than she does now, all she'd ever done with them is hem my pants.

>> No.6459870

My parents think it's cute when I want to dress up as something.

My dad likes a few series, so he's cool with it. My mom is the one that taught me how to sew, so she helped me out a lot when I first got into cosplay. And then my best friend accidentally jammed her sewing machine, so my parents got me a basic/cheap sewing machine and my mom taught me how to sew. They actually went to a couple of cons with me when I got into it at 13 and gradually stopped when I was old enough to go with friends. As far as I can tell they enjoyed seeing all the costumes there.

Don't really cosplay now, but whenever I used to finish a costume and show it to them they would just go, "Oh anon, you're so adorable!"

>> No.6460049

Its true.

>> No.6460060
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My mom calls cosplaying "dressing up like your animes." She gets a kick out of seeing a bunch of people in pretty costumes whenever I show her pictures from a con. She also refers to Madoka as "Magical Maracas." Super kawaii.

>> No.6460065

My parents are both super supportive of my cosplaying, surprisingly. My mom calls Madoka "Poo-ella" lmfao

>> No.6460079

>unnecessary drama/vendetta

>> No.6460081
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That is adorable.

>> No.6460094

anon got told.

>> No.6460098

>mom LARPs
too cool.

>> No.6460103

What does your mother think about having nigger seed in your vagina?

>> No.6460118
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>> No.6460122

Well that's not very nice anon.

>> No.6460124
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She thinks that he's a nice young man and would like to have him over for dinner some time.

>> No.6460172

They think it's a huge waste of money and that it's for weird people.

They said it probably would have been fine if I were a teenager but I'm "too old" to play dress up now.

Fuck parents.

>> No.6460180

Exactly as I thought. When I say 'nigger' the first thing that comes to your mind is your bf. Which proves you have the association in your head - that to you - poor Maguma chan kun sama senpai is a nigger.

Shame on you you disgusting white racist whore.

>> No.6460226

>implying you could be talking about someone else?
You dum anun

>> No.6460511

My parents are cool with it. My mom has helped me with a few costumes, and they both sometimes drive me to/pick me up from cons, which is really nice of them. My dad lives in Toronto and lets me crash at his place when I go to Toronto cons so I don't have to worry about getting a hotel. My mom thinks I buy too many wigs, though, and insists that I try to re-use them before I order more. They're not really fascinated/excited by the con scene or anything but they like that I'm making friends and learning to sew.

>> No.6460540

>doesn't cosplay for any other reason than attention
>drops trip
And you wonder why you're the worst newcancer of '12+.

>> No.6460586

my mom randomly helps me with mine and i don't even ask her to she'll come back from shopping and toss items at me and be like "i bought these for your cosplay, i figured you would like them" and they'll work perfectly..my mom is cool.

>> No.6460597
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>One time she commented that it made her happy because she never had a daughter to make dresses with, and now that her son is making dresses she gets to do all that sort of thing. That made me feel a little weird.

>> No.6460600

Can we apply this to Lolita? Sorry if not.

My Mother's really sweet about Lolita, she doesn't love it but she's really happy to help me sew and is proud that I'll make something rather than just cry about wanting brand. My Dad's just sort of bemused, but I think he doesn't believe that is isn't ageplay.

>> No.6465546

Is it weird that I'm 22 and my parents go to MCM Expo with my brother and I and we all have a good time (even though each of us always ends up separated and talk to random people)?

Hell, my dad even enjoys high-fiving randomers in the queue (before making a Scrubs reference) and chuckled at the sight of Ned Flanders this year. And my mom loves getting photos of cosplayers and helps with cosplays.

Actually, nevermind, I fucking love my family!

>> No.6465592

My dad was the one who found out about Otakon many, many years ago when I was only two. I watched a lot of Sailor Moon when I was a toddler, so my grandmother made me my own Sailor Jupiter costume (and other sailor scouts for other cons like Katsucon and I think AUSA). My mom used to like going to cons (apparently she would talk to guys in Sailor Moon costumes or something), but now she thinks they're weird.

>> No.6465988

Parents have seen me go through my horrible 'dark'/weeb phase so they seem to not blink at the sight of cosplay.

They're really supportive! I guess since my dad doesn't care since I'm not doing anything bad.

Mom is big on 'follow your dreams and do whatever you love anon!' mindset so she's always happy to buy/help out with costumes.

>> No.6467394

so many tripfag same fagging itt

>> No.6467410

I feel a bit similar to you, anon!

My father was into the con scene when I was little, and after he married my mom they went together. They met someplace else. Fast forward till I was born, I was pretty much saw my parents cosplaying and when I got older, I immediately expressed my wishes to sew and try to make my own.

My parents still help me out with ideas and my dad helps me with props and my mom with any sewing I get stuck on.

The only rule they had for me ironically was I could keep going to cons and they would support me as long as I never hooked up or dated anyone from a con. They love cons and have gone with me to a couple but they just don't like that the con scene's getting way too young with Adventure Time and Homosuck shit.

>> No.6467412

I haven't actually cosplayed yet, but when I told mom my plans she just rolled her eyes and made an "Oh lawd" face. I don't think she really cares what I do in my free time, as long as I don't end up pregnant or in jail. She is trying to nudge me into sewing a little, and even bought me a little starter sewing machine.

>> No.6467511

My folks are really supportive of it and my mom always tries to give me stuff to use for cosplay down the road.

>> No.6467700


I know! It is pretty awesome, especially since she's done a wide range of LARPs (V:TM and a couple Nero-like ones) so she's got some variety in her costuming, instead of just high-fantasy.

I just wish she'd understand that I'm not as talented as her yet and that unlike her I can't turn broadcloth into pure freaking magic, this woman made a pretty legit looking Captain Hook-esque coat out of Broadcloth, interfacing, and the tears of a thousand who have failed before her.
Its a pity she doesn't really do cons anymore, that's more my dad's thing. I'm trying to convince one of the two to cosplay with me sometime.

I guess now that I'm on the topic, have any of you guys ever cosplayed with your parents?

>> No.6467792

My mom used to think it was great and loved helping me pick fabric, giving cosplay suggestions and such. She was a great help and super sweet. I got her to wear a few things, we had fun! She has only been able to really see me cosplay once, considering she passed away quite recently. It's tough to know she's not here anymore, I really love that woman.

My dad didn't really understand at first but he loves building stuff with me and be my emotional support. He likes cosplay a lot too now and even wants to cosplay someday too, together with me. My dad's pretty silly. He is going to order a pony shirts together with me, including one for him. I like that he's so outgoing!

>> No.6468692

My parents like to drop by and give me random things they think I could use for cosplay. My dad helped me out on my antlers, mom likes to go to cons with me and look at the costumes.

The real question is: What do your grandparents think of your cosplay hobby?

Mine hate it. They think I'm weird, that we're all weird, that it's not as common or popular as I say it is, that it's not a hobby at all... I love sending them pictures.

>> No.6468700

When I was a young teenager, my parents thought my cosplay hobby was really weird, but as my mother was a professional seamstress, she eventually got over it and helped me out a lot in making some of my best costumes.

>> No.6469930

Isn't that a male? I'm sure I've seen a thread about him or a convo about him in a cross dress thread here before.

>> No.6469960

It's Beckii Cruel.

>> No.6469983

TBH I'm really jelly hearing about all these positive experiences people had with their parents.

My family always thought I was weird and did everything they could to discourage it. It always hurt that I taught myself to sew and pattern and embroider and could finally be proud of myself for being good at SOMETHING and I had to hide it in shame. Anything cosplay related I owned had to be hidden or it risked being thrown out.

The one time I showed my mother a photograph of me in costume after I won best in show at age 16 she told me I shouldn't be proud I made a fool of myself onstage in front of thousands of people. My dad refused to look.

Ever since then I never showed them a single thing, and when I got accepted into the best fashion school in my country and later got a job in the industry I never invited them to see my work because I always had the crushing feeling she would say the exact same thing.

>> No.6470000

My parents are very 'meh'. Never helped me make anything, but never discouraged it, either?

When I was like, 9, I watched the anime Fushigi Yuugi. My mom insisted on viewing the first few tapes to make sure it was child appropriate, and after maybe 6 episodes, she decided it was cheesier than any soap on TV and just let me do whatever the fuck I wanted with my anime.

So yeah. They don't really care.

>> No.6471089

That sucks, you'd think they be happy to see you succeed in something you enjoy doing. What did they expected you to do in life if not pursuing fashion?

>> No.6472873

My mom is a HUGE sci-fi and fantasy nerd and a professional seamstress. She helps me a lot and I get to use her sewing stuff.

I'm not sure what my dad thinks about it, since he lives in another country, but he's always been pretty supportive of everything I do.

>> No.6472930
File: 679 KB, 638x439, TH2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're either trolls, or they're thinking of TissueHime from NicoNicoDouga who's known for cosplaying Yuki Nagato and trolling everyone into thinking they're a girl, but is really a guy.
