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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 16 KB, 1181x788, ca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457612 No.6457612 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Canada thread.

Canadian cosplayers/lolitas post here!

>> No.6457643

>Canada thread
Made me laugh, bump for you!

>> No.6457650

I live in Canada but I only lurk this board to look at the pretty dresses. Sorry OP.

>> No.6457683

There's actually quite a few canadians here, Tenleid, Mika, that girl Alex Something, the 3 bunny girls from AN a few years back... Empress Arcana on DA... I don't remember the others ones...

>> No.6457692

We should have a United States VS Canada Cosplay Battle.

>Post a US and canadaian Cosplayer in a specific cosplay.
>Vote it off.

>> No.6457694

>3 bunny girls from AN

tell me more?

>> No.6457695

Nah, Canadians only ITT

>> No.6457704
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Just for you, on the right

>> No.6457706

this makes me feel proud to be canadian

>> No.6457707

They look like attention whores. Do they come here?

>> No.6457711

The most famous (or infamous) thing that's ever came out of Canada was the boardtan group.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.6457712


there are actually a lot of canadian's on this board but most of us are too shy and passive aggressive to admit it. despite the fact everyone ever comes here, actually TELLING people you come here is a big no-no because 'only people who cause wank come here' despite the fact... everyone comes here.

I only come to look at pictures and socialize because there really isn't anywhere decent to go anymore, but the second I told anyone I did anytime any canadian gets posted they always give you the evil eye even if you don't know who the person is.

I'm always pretty convinced the ones who bitch about 4chan and fingerpoint the most are the ones who come here to start wank. the rest of us are just looking to chat a little bit, I made two of my best friends through just talking through progress about a local con.

>> No.6457713

no idea

>> No.6457717

... what?

>> No.6457721
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>> No.6457729

>'only people who cause wank come here'

Is that because of the canadian tripfags?

>> No.6457741

I just want to meet new people... but no one wants to 'come out' so to speak, because they're afraid of getting know as bitchy vendetta CGLers.

them, and the few people that do come here to spread wank. I used to tell people I came to CGL until they started pointing the finger at me (or anyone else who comes here they know) ANY TIME someone got posted, even if I had never met or spoken to this person or had any reason to have anything against them.

now I tell people I don't, or don't mention it to avoid the stupid drama. it's dumb.

>> No.6457748

"Sorry. I am sorry."
"What aboot us Canadians??"
"Gotta go hunts them moose eh?"
"I like to have some Maple Poutine on Toozday."

>> No.6457750

I think they mean that the people who hate /cgl/ so much and shun people who visit are the ones who are on here causing drama.

>> No.6457771


This. It is so true it hurts.

My friends who constantly complain about CGL look at it more than I do. As soon as the convention is over they will all be glued to their laptops constantly refreshing to see if anyone posted or said anything about them, and to see what is said about other people.

These are the same people how chide me for posting on CGL occasionally, because it is 'no good and only starts drama'. They are probably sitting here, reading this thread right now waiting for someone to post a picture so they can all gossip over who they think posted it.

>> No.6457787

Maple Poutines are awesome yo!

>> No.6457804

the bunny girls in blue and purple are hoooot.

>> No.6457806

I can attest to this. I hear so many people say "ewww 4chan/cgl, the cesspool of the internet" when I mention it, but then I see them talking about how they go on here (mostly when it's dramatic stuff being posted)

>> No.6457815

Those bunny girls are the Dangerous Ladies. They mostly do superhero costumes, and are well known for their Supergirl and Batgirl costumes.

>> No.6457814

I must be lucky since most of my cosplay friends don't give a fuck about 4chan or are 4chan regulars (not necessarily seagulls though) themselves.

We do prefer /cgl/ for cosplay advice since the alternatives tend to be people giving absolutely shitty advice (hurr modify a t-shirt to make a ballgown) and the site is too "nice" to say they're fucking idiots. And /cgl/ is better about finding cheap, high-quality wig stores. Not like other sites that are affiliated to wig sellers and suppress discussion of others/criticism of their own.

tl;dr my cosplay friends love /cgl/ because CosCom is fucking annoying

>> No.6457821

Dang you beat me to it

Since this thread is Canada related, who's going to DTAC this weekend?

>> No.6457828

I am hoping no one. After the shitfest of last year, I am hoping that people have learned these TACs are not worth it.

>> No.6457829

I'll be there, not sure if I'm going inside but I'll least go to hang out or grab dinner with people. not in cosplay though.

>> No.6457832
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>that feel when everyone forgets you are Canadian

>> No.6457838
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>toronto tripfags

>> No.6457846

Most of the hate the canadian trips get was from constantly spamming AN threads in the weeks leading up to the con, and the fact that someone was posting the boardtan cosplay pics during the con led to overexposure.
(seriously, enjoy the con and post pics later)
The fact that there was much hype surrounding the boardtan group, and many felt that the final result was pretty shitty looking (in all fairness, most of the source material was very simple, and many of the costumes were very last minute).
But yeah...Micnax screaming at my very drunk buddy to shut up was hilarious.

>> No.6457848

Forgetting is not the same as not caring.

>> No.6457853

sounds like drama

>> No.6457857

Well, Canadian drama, at least.
It's like normal drama, but not as exciting, and more polite.

>> No.6457863

>and more polite
I agree.

>> No.6457868

To be fair, Canadian drama just doesn't have the same production value as American drama.

>> No.6457873

I honestly think some candaians we have here are pretty nice.
derpqueen can be annoying at time, but overall
she seems like a decent person and works pretty hard.
Enver is just Enver and Dill is just Dill, Micnax is just Micnax.
They seem pretty passive and haven't really make much of an impression yet.

>> No.6457878

Do you know them personally?

>> No.6457888

Wait, isn't Micnax the British guy who came to AN?

Eh, I think we just keep things quiet. My friends and I know an Ashley-tier (in maturity, personality, craftsmanship, appearance, etc.) girl who goes to AN. We've also had drama about her in our group. We've talked shit about her in the weeaboo/bad con experiences threads but never given any identifying information or dedicated a vendetta thread to her.

>> No.6457890


who is it?
I might know her

>> No.6457905

Nah, like I said, not going to identify her. But Ashley-tier is a pretty big hint. Looks like Ashley, is about just as skilled with wigs/costumes/makeup, is equally considerate of others.

God the worst fucking year was when she was in our hotel room. She brought a friend with her (that none of the rest of us knew but we let her stay because she'd come from the States and had nowhere else to go) and that friend of hers turned out to be even fucking worse.

>> No.6457908

To tell the truth, I've been in the canadian cosplay scene for almost 7 years now, as I have grown, I've learn to keep only a few close cosplay friends, and that's how we've been staying out of drama. The ones starting drama are usully the ones that seeks it, just keep away from them.

>> No.6457910

Ashley-tier. Gotcha anon. I know exactly who you're talking about and that IS a big hint.

I have some experience with her as well. She means well, honestly. She's just very self-involved due to her issues and because of that isn't very well socialized...

>> No.6457913
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>> No.6457916

That Asian girl's canadian? I call bullshit.

>> No.6457924

Pretty sure she's from that Korean cosplay group who uses the same 3 backdrops for every photo.

>> No.6457926 [DELETED] 

Is she Korean? or Canadian Korean?


>> No.6457930

it's from spiral cats. they're korean. anon was just being funny. lurk harder.

>> No.6457935

I wanted to, kinda I've never been anywhere and this was the closest. But then I read about how terrible it is and since I work tomorrow anyways I won't bother.

>> No.6457945

DTAC is next weekend.

>> No.6457988

Oh haha, that's right. I have work next week too though, so the outcome is the same.

>> No.6458172
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anyone from the waterloo area going to anime north in may? im still not sure what i want to cosplay as for it

>> No.6458351

I'm going simply because there's such a huge gap in Toronto-area cons right about now. We're supposed to have more room this year so at least that's something.

>> No.6458353
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Did somebody say Canada?

>> No.6458427

It's not just a space issue. It's the fucking security that harassed everyone in costume, and wouldn't let us out of our pen.

>> No.6458438

Oh shit, I live in Waterloo

>> No.6458444

I'm in waterloo too, Anon! It's always exciting to hear that other cosplayers exist around these parts.

>> No.6458447

You guys in the UWaterloo Anime club? I thought about joining a long time ago but I bitched out.

>> No.6458465

Actually, I go to u of guelph, but I live with my dad on the weekends/over breaks in waterloo. I've heard from other people that the club isn't bad.

>> No.6458505

reaaaaaaaaally. My friend told me it's full of greasy Asians

>> No.6458520

I'm happy with how large the Toronto/GTA community has gotten. A couple years ago seagull meetups consisted of me, Crimson, and a couple anons eating crepes. Now there are so many of us :D

We got a lot of flak for the boardtan group. It was posted too much and I admit we could have planned off of /cgl/. But with Anime North being the only large con in Toronto, it's a big deal for all of us.

I know I usually just hide in AA threads and I don't have time to go to all the meetups anymore, but I just want to let you guys know I love you all.

>> No.6458524

"Anime North being the only large *anime con"

>> No.6458528

That could full well be the case; my friend wasn't terribly specific in her description of the club. Sorry I can't be more helpful, man

>> No.6458539

It was really annoying how you guys turned every AN thread before and after the con into a thread about you. Yeah you guys are excited about your group, but it's not like you don't have each other all added on facebook and needed to dominate EVERY thread.

We also didn't need 5 threads started by different trips showing the same pictures of the same closet cosplays. Barely any legit convention photos got posted because it kept being derailed.

Please do not do that again next year.

>> No.6458548

Voldie and DQ made the newfag spreadsheet and constantly spam crush threads, those two make the rest of the country look bad

>> No.6458552

agreed. DQ doesn't seem like a terrible person but she needs to stop posting, learn how to sew and make a real costume.

>> No.6458558

it's cool. I personally didn't do that, but I'm sure it won't happen again

>> No.6458562

>implying the trips made those threads somehow while they were wandering the con.

>> No.6458561

her costumes are okay, i just hate how she treats this place like her personal playground, telling /fit/ to raid us and shit, not cool

>> No.6458566

>implying someone TELLS /fit/ to raid us.


>> No.6458573

You...you're kidding. Right?

>> No.6458574

>needed to dominate EVERY thread.
the only reason we kept talking in them was to keep them alive, because not many other people were posting. so we talked about something relevant to keep the thread around

>5 threads started by different trips
even we didnt like the spam of our board tans that ended up in every thread (and frankly every board.) we didnt know about it until later that night when we went back to our hotel rooms and had wifi. all the spam happened while everyone was still at the con.

>> No.6458579

i'm not saying shes responsible for all of it of course, but a few months ago she was attentionwhoring on /fit/ and ended up bringing a whole bunch of fitfags here

>> No.6458586

Ahh memories.

>> No.6458591

Her costumes aren't amazing but nor are they bad.
I do like how she focus on the physique, an aspect some cosplayer tend to neglect.

>> No.6458597

you are so full of shit it's hilarious

>> No.6458598
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I remember that day. It was the middle of the day and I heard /cgl/ already had stuff on AN. I check and there's about 4 threads about us on the homepage. I seriously do not understand how word travelled that fast, and in that much abundance. Seriously mfw.

On another note, is there new seagulls who's not directly related to the toronto seagulls interested in joining either a Pokemon, Super Smash, Disney, or a Jet Set Radio cosplay group? We have some a lot of cosplay groups lined up and anyone is welcome to join.

>> No.6458594

Get your head out of your ass anon. /fit/ doesn't do shit just because some cute girl says she's from a board.
>implying half that /fit/faggotry doesn't come from hobbes, dildos, and cgl chat guys

>> No.6458608


Were they really both behind that spreadsheet bullshit? I remember voldemort made one so i guess it makes sense

>> No.6458609

I'm pretty sure she was the one who spammed a few of those "trips of /cgl/" threads on the other boards...

>> No.6458624

except that /fit/ said themselves said that DQ was telling them to

>> No.6458629

>Pokemon, Super Smash, Disney, or a Jet Set Radio cosplay group

Aww... shit...

>> No.6458636


>> No.6458646

I thought we didn't want /cgl/ to know we're doing a cosplay group again.

>> No.6458653

That would have been smart.

Too bad.

>> No.6458658
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Maybe if any other seagull was interested but wasn't part of the group we could add them to it. Just wanted to throw it out there, I'm not going to spam multiple threads about it, haha

>> No.6458663

you're right. I made a big deal out of it.

>> No.6458685

The dark chocolate coconut crepe I had was delicous. And the random bout of shopping afterward was a lot of fun too lol

And yeah the Toronto cgl comm went from like 5 people to a TON in the last couple years. It's amazing

>> No.6458683


>> No.6458695
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>Visit Canada once
>Now considered Canadian
Maybe when I move there someday, sure, but not yet.

>> No.6458741


Except that several of the threads were STARTED by trips. There were at least three that were trip started, and then trips antagonizing the trolls who started more.

At least two trips posted DURING the con and then three or four posted photos AFTER. One anon has caps of this, they're saved somewhere in my giant CGL vomit folder.

>> No.6458763


>> No.6458805

did you ever end up using that wig?

>> No.6458815

oh look another canada thread turned into a tripfag circle jerk. this is why we don't have canada threads.

>hurr hurr inside jokes

>> No.6458839

Bump for information on the Uwaterloo Anime Club.

Hey man, you wanna hang out with us next weekend at DTAC? We're nice.

>> No.6458844

I'm the other side of the country, and I really have no interest in you guys and just want a Canadian thread that isn't all about trips.

I don't dislike you personally, its just annoying.

>> No.6458843

It's still sitting in my drawer. I cut it a little but the netting and shape is awkward so it kinda looks bad. But I mean what can I expect for $10 haha

>> No.6458865

Did anyone go to the November Comic Con?

>> No.6458871

then someone else post about something., fuck

the trips only post because it looks like no one else is., fucking serious

>> No.6458883


i hope Con-G has a a nice turnout this year, i heard its been growing

>> No.6458884

We know there are a lot of Toronto seagulls, what about Alberta and BC? You don't here much about people out there but the quality seems pretty good.

I don't usually post because the trips are too busy talking to themselves and no one wants to bother trying to get a word in edgewise.

>> No.6458906

Well, I'm not really a cosplayer, but hi anyway

You from BC? How's the con scene over there?

>> No.6458920
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I wish to know more about western Canada

>> No.6458932


Not the same anon but I'm from BC.

Our scene over here is a little odd. We have some really good cosplayers and a LOT of asian ones but our community is pretty spread out and our conventions are all kind of in competition.

People here tend to keep to themselves and most of our convention photos go on Deviantart. A lot of people don't even post their photos. Our biggest con is Sakuracon which is a huge Canadian invasion.

>> No.6458948

we're Canadian,. as if they're going to be pissed if us anons are going to say something in between their circlejerk shit

>> No.6458951

Do you like it?

So Sakuracon's the biggest con in Western Canada? Even though it's really a Seattle con.

>> No.6458961
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We all love each other here

>> No.6458966
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I told you Seattle is cool baka

>> No.6458972

Pretty much. It's better than Anime North in a lot of ways and in a really nice area, but the programming is pretty mediocre and a lot of the fan events like the masquerade and skit contest are terribly run.

The 'local' cons such as AE, AR and C&E are all mediocre in quality. Not terrible and not great. A lot of people don't bother with them and just go to Sakuracon and Fanime.

I'm not sure WHY but the local cons think local cosplayers are great guests. If I see the FDP one more time I am going to scream. IF THEY ARE GOING TO THE CON REGARDLESS THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE GUESTS. These are people most of us know by name and while they're really nice people they're not really not guest material.

>> No.6458977

Isn't Canada pretty much infested with gooks now? Seems like that old traditional image of Canada doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.6458988

I'm on the board anonymously mostly, I've tripped occasionally when I had a reason to. I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I don't think there's a lot of seagulls here, at least not ones who admit to it. I know for a fact my local lolita and cosplay groups lurk cgl, but they're always acting like this is the cesspool of the Internet, abloobloo.

>> No.6458992

seriously. this. no more FDP. no one cares. no one.

>> No.6459001

who is FDP?

>> No.6459043

fighting dreamers productions. a cosplay group that is popular because of twin fools and doing popular stuff.

>> No.6459051

I heard about that too.
What's the current Asian population in the major cities now? I want to migrate there.

>> No.6459063

Canada is multicultural and always has been. We have lots of every kind of culture and ethnicity, which is why we're awesome and not dirty rednecks like the USA.

>> No.6459071
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I have a growing collection of redneck tshirts that I bring with me when I visit.

>> No.6459076


>> No.6459080

ah I'm Canadian

>> No.6459088

>having a nation of tribes is a good thing

No. Most Asians have no intention of 'integrating' into your society.

>> No.6459090

I am asian-french canadian... And I love poutine.

>> No.6459104

Hey, cool. Quick question one asian to another.
How are the asian cuisines there? Also, do you get cable tv for K and Jdrama?

>> No.6459112
File: 74 KB, 799x562, tIkpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the largest visible minority, Chinese Canadians, only account for around 1 million.
European-descended Canadians make up around 80% of the population, although in cities, that ratio changes.

das racist

>> No.6459115

>das racist

To be fair, it's no more racist than the litany of things they call whitey in cantonese. I doubt they feel particularly bad about using those sorts of words, so neither should you.

>> No.6459120



>> No.6459119

Asian cuisine is shit and no we do not get k and j tv cause Im not k or j. funnt thing is, we have the chinese channel from Toronto,

>> No.6459123

gweilo isn't really offensive, saying sei gweilo about some 3 year western old kid on the MTR is a bit of dickish move though.

What I really mean is, if I can adopt a dgaf attitude towards the kinds of things I've been called in cantonese and mandarin, I don't think so many western born asians should walk around with chips on their shoulders about being called 'chink' once or twice in the 8th grade.

>> No.6459190
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>live in Vancouver
>MJ hurr durr drama shit

Also there are WAY too many Asians here; if you live in Richmond you can speak barely conversational English and get along fine, which is bullshit.

>> No.6459196

Your own fault for voting for people who keep letting them in.

Also, what the fuck is up with your property laws that allows rich chinks from the mainland and Hong Kong to buy up so much property when they don't even have fucking residency?

>> No.6459206

This is due to the fact that, despite being able to vote, the majority of Canadians just bitch or don't care. Thank goodness gravy Ford was just booted.

>> No.6459239

YES. It's mind numbing how little english you need to know to be able to live in Richmond. And then they get mad at you when you don't speak mando/canto

>> No.6459242

>Go to Hong Kong fairly regularly to see a friend
>He always goes up to random Chinese and starts asking questions in a ridiculously stereotypical broken English Chinese accent
>They never notice and always reply earnestly

Shit's hilarious.

>> No.6459264
File: 299 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mcn6s3FPvz1rduwbzo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stranded out in Halifax, help me. I miss being in Ontario with a different con within driving distance every other month. I never knew how blessed I was.


Horry shet, unless you're my E7 bro then we should hang out. Pic related, hal-con was'nt fantastic, but it was something.

>> No.6459265

I don't think anyone's actually gotten mad at me for not speaking the language, but I've definitely had some passively racist experiences (like getting tailed by security in an Asian supermarket). It can be pretty funny when an 80lb, 60+ year old woman thinks she can jostle me out of the way in a crowd though, I think they just assume that white people will politely step out of their way.

>> No.6459268

>I think they just assume that white people will politely step out of their way.

Ugh, they do this in Hong Kong all the damn time. You have to be really goddamn assertive when dealing with Chinamen, mark your territory as it were.

>> No.6459276

Japanese people don't really do this.

It's those darned Chinamen and Coreans.

>> No.6459277


Curious as to what they think you're going to steal from them.

>> No.6459298
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Who knows, I've only had that happen the one time though. I did get a Korean shop worker explaining how to make the packet of noodles I'd bought once; I didn't know whether I wanted to crack up or smack him across the face.

Oh and of course, being male, the many times I've had some 120lb Napoleon complex-having fucknugget try to start something. Hilarious how that magically stops happening once you've visibly been working out for a while.

>> No.6459316

I don't get why so many Asian guys have a beef with White guys. I've never met a white dude who had much of a problem with asian dudes, yet they've got this whole passive aggressive dislike of us going on for some reason.

>> No.6459352

doesn't just happen in richmond!

>> No.6459351

It's not just you. It's some sort of power trip that they get. The decent senior citizens don't do it, but they expect anyone younger to get the fuck out of the way. I've been shoved aside as well anon. I feel you.

>> No.6459357


This. Asian women just have this whole thing where they love giving off passive displays of power, like walking slowly in a crowd so people have to overtake them, or being haughty to waitstaff.

Usually a good thorough dicking helps cure them of this.

>> No.6459374

Happens at work too.

"Do you speak mandarin?"
"...Nnnnooope. I'm korean."

Suddenly it's like I have the plague

>> No.6459376

Have you actually had anyone get visibly upset over your not speaking their foreign language? It just seems so silly to me...

>b-back that spaghetti up

>> No.6459381

that happens to me while being caucasian tbh, it's really weird
yes lol

>> No.6459390

In what context? It seems so eminently unreasonable to get butthurt over a white girl not speaking Chinese.

>> No.6459392

i dunno, it was a couple of older women and i work retail
it was a weird day

>> No.6459395

Oh retail, that endless fount of idiocy; no need to explain why someone got needlessly rump-roasted. It's like putting on that shitty tee instantly marks you as some sort of pariah.

>> No.6459404
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Cosplaying Captain Canada next chance I get

>> No.6459412

I prefer the name Colonel Canada, USA already has Captain America.

Also, there is a morphsuit for the Canadian flag here: http://www.morphsuits-canada.com/canada-morphsuit

>> No.6459425

Oh god, this
except I live in Surrey so it's with east indians

>> No.6459513

>whitey in cantonese



>And then they get mad at you when you don't speak mando/canto

Sounds about right. You should hang out in the Korean town, Lanly or something.

>> No.6459516
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This thread turned /pol/. Let's talk about /cgl/ related things.

Are there any /cgl/ meetups in Vancouver? Enver arranges most of the meetups at first, but now that we know each other sort of well we usually all hang out bimonthly regardless.

>> No.6459523

My twitter name is 紅毛鬼子
Because it's so beautiful, that even the chinese have a word for 'Ginger bitch'.

I'm considering changing my trip to it, also~

>> No.6459536


I was at Hal-con too!!! I was the lolita in Grazia Crown that was hanging out with She-Ra.

Next year I'm wearing Motoko Kusanagi from GITS.

>> No.6459543

I never really understood this picture.But now that I've seen BB, this is absolutely hilarious to me

>> No.6459555

most of the trips here are pretty good friends, so we see each other regularly but there's not a whole lot going on afaik on the anon side of things
i feel like coquitlam is more korean than langley, but i havent spent much time in langley, so :V

>> No.6459559
File: 154 KB, 765x1024, IMG_1091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's too bad. We have a couple of anons that come to meetups, and some of them start tripping afterwards. Heh.

Yea, I've been to both Coquitlam and Langley. So many H-marts. It was awesome.

>> No.6459650

Just wanted to chime in and say that's an awesome cosplay. The lack of JSR cosplays really saddens me. Sage because I'm not Canadian.

>> No.6459687

This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

>> No.6459783
File: 313 KB, 2000x1329, 615562_10152228261985374_1263932851_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! that's really cool, I don't know if i'd recognize you by that description, but that's a really cute dress. I hosted the Gainax/Anime Shorts/Miyazaki panels, if you went to any of those~

Are you from Hali or somewhere else around here?

>> No.6459788

I'm close to Waterloo, i'm in the Guelph Area

>> No.6459796


Enver already made a beat cosplay. I'm making corn now.

>> No.6459827

Oh hey, it's me!
I kinda wish I spent more time on the headphones and goggles though. I was also working on a pair of roller blades covers with el wire in them to get that neat glow, but time ran out before the con. I did however make the jeans myself. Sadly it's hard to see the neon green stitching in most photos.

>> No.6459839


>> No.6459888

I like your shirt! And the pegs on the shoulders look really good

>> No.6459915

Nah x

Although it's nice that you're reverting to 'pls' from 'OMG FUCK OFF'.
You get +1 kawaii point.

>> No.6459995

>implying only one person hates you

You are so delusional.

>> No.6460006

another Surrey anon here, whereabouts are you?

>> No.6460008

WELP, Annie ruins another thread.

>> No.6460012

>implying implications.

I'm going to say this one more time, anon-chan, so please listen up~

(Sorry everybody else for fagging up the thread, I'm about to retire for the evening )

Don't you forge,t anon chan, that hate makes you feel really yucky, it makes your belly hurt and it eats at your brains. It's a very difficult and time consuming thing to do.

As my Papa says ''Cheer up, it might never happen'' .

(Psssst I forgive you and I don't take anything you say to heart because I know your feels )

>> No.6460016

Not even that same anon, but I agree. You are delusional as fuck.

>> No.6460026


>> No.6460028

It's the only way she can get by at this point.

>> No.6460029

Linked to wrong post meant this one
Her delusions are what stops her from finally committing sodoku like she used to threaten to.

>> No.6460071

do you mean sudoku or seppuku ? XD

>> No.6460089
File: 259 KB, 765x1024, IMG_1042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite con memory?

Pic unrelated. Just one of the best Lighting I've seen.

>> No.6460093

So new it hurts

>> No.6460095

Give it up, man.
The thread is ruined.

>> No.6460111
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I 'll just post a few pictures...

>> No.6460114
File: 469 KB, 2048x1536, SDC11019_2048x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, from AN. Or playing Cards Against Humanity with all the seagulls.

>> No.6460284
File: 74 KB, 426x426, 1329793580634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh wow, i was not expecting anyone to live around here when i posted originally. nice to see other people in the tri-city area. from the sounds of it, a few of you guys are near UofW. Should we try to meet up? or all pussy out?

>> No.6460289

Might be fun to meetup. Poolboy lives here too.

>> No.6460292

So many Waterloo people.

Nobody in London? Or are you all just being shy?

>> No.6460304

e-mail me i guess, lets see if we can find more people in the area.

mite be cool.

>> No.6460316
File: 313 KB, 1280x956, IMG_0905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did.

I'm guessing your name's Nate.

>> No.6460323

Near Surrey Central :( and you?

>> No.6460320

this thread fucking sucks

any girls in toronto want cash dollars to put their feet on my face

>> No.6460356

near surrey central...

>> No.6460360

Hahah, how strange!

>> No.6460363

savage bandito, is that you?

>> No.6460365

another Guelph bro and Con G has been growing they have just made it longer and changed venues hopefully for the better.

>> No.6460364

i don't even know anyomre

>> No.6460444
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>living in Surrey
>any year

>> No.6460468

Don't hate.
Surrey isn't SO bad..

>> No.6460476
File: 68 KB, 450x455, 1349401308955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its reputation is pretty much this:

>> No.6460493

Oh god made me laugh harder than it should have haha. Yeah, i dunno, i don't think it's all bad, but i definitely wouldn't recommend for anyone to live here i guess haha.

>> No.6460495


I'd like to make the same offer and double whatever cash he offers

>> No.6460491


I live in the area they're trying to clean up so it's actually really nice and affordable. Never had a problem so far, and I've never felt unsafe because there are tons of police near the skytrain to keep commuters safe.

Surrey CGL meetup at Surrey Central?

>> No.6460500

I'd be down but i'm not a very entertaining person

>> No.6460504

Me either, but it would be cool to know some cosplayers that aren't in Richmond or Vancouver.

>> No.6460510

Haha, well :c I have yet to cosplay (one day maybe), I mostly come here for the lolita, but i'd still be down to meet

>> No.6460528
File: 292 KB, 765x1024, IMG_0872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'll pretty much be around for Christmas as well.

>> No.6460547

cool! I'm more into gyaru than lolita, but I enjoy looking at lolita clothing and keeping up with the news

drop me a line at my 4chan email and maybe we can hang out sometime.

>> No.6460565

Ahh no, I didn't make the sheet actually. The creator just made it open editing once and I went through and changed things

>> No.6460611

It was made by HonoraryOtterMode and Pikachu.
but Pikachu is said to be... dead?

>> No.6460617

I'd totally be down for a meetup! I might have a few friends I could bring as well

>> No.6460621

Send me an email too if you want. I already sent him one.

>> No.6460685

i will literally murder you

>> No.6460689

i live on the expo/millenium line, so would it be an issue if i went?
don't get to do much :V
and i know there's people in coquitlam/poco

>> No.6460692

I thought you lived out on the island? We've actually met before, at a CGL thing a year or so ago!

I don't know if you're ghetto enough to come along... best have a frilly kevlar vest.

>> No.6460753

Jet Set Radio cosplay?
I need to get me some of this. Never met up with the seagulls before.
I'm too shy/awkward..

>> No.6460821
File: 189 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to go to the Anime Shorts and Miyazaki panels but I ended up being late because of picture taking :( But yeah, I live in Halifax.

>> No.6460832

Where are you abouts in Canada? Some of us were planning on doing it for some GTA conventions

>> No.6460837

Do we have anyone from AB in this thread?
I've always wanted to go to Toronto and Vancouver cons... never have the money or time, though.

>> No.6460849

BTW. It's just me, Enver and Corky in the JSR group so far.

>> No.6460855

lmao lolita group in Halifax...

>> No.6460862


You're a member?

>> No.6460871


>> No.6460887

Were you at the Hal-con meet? I was there for like ten minutes just to say hi, but I didn't go to the dinner or anything. And there doesn't seem to be pics.

>> No.6460903

no sadly, I'm just starting out and I feel like the other girls uptight and only want to be showered with 'omg you're so cute" compliments, rather then discussing fashion and life style things.

>> No.6460915

Not every one is that way. For suuuuure there are girls who don't know what they're doing and just want validation, but there's some good eggs. I think the biggest problem with the group is that there are so many people in it who are like "lolita can be whatever you want!!!". When really, noooooo.

>> No.6460920

No one gives a crap about AB and its shit-tier cosplayers/cons. Get out.

>> No.6460926

yeah for sure their are probably some girls who aren't like that. Yeah I completely hear you on that one, I just didn't wana bring it up because they seem very defensive to any sort of critiques to the point where you just can't say anything without looking like a complete bitch who hurt their feelings I wish they had more respect for the fashion and their own self presentations.

>> No.6460956

emailed btw!
hopefully it worked

>> No.6461003

Seriously, just say what you want and give your opinion. I do.

>> No.6461025

Thanks. I was first really detailed satin stitch applique project. The shoulder things are actually just foam bits I found at michaels and painted silver, then pinned them in place.

>> No.6461078

Toronto! Well, North York technically.

>> No.6461085

Cool! If you're interested in joining, you can ask Todd about the group since he's a part of it.

>> No.6461481

I'm from just outside of London. Never get to go to cons because all that shits a wee bit too far away for my liking.

>> No.6461832

i moved to the city last december for school :>
was that the meet at the greek restaurant where my friend's bag caught fire?

>> No.6461978

Alright, if you are interested in a Waterloo meetup. Email's in the email field.

>> No.6462156

No, no it wasn't... this one started at Granville and ended up some random restaurant on Main I think?

>> No.6462251

Apparently an Eureka 7 group is also a thing, though I'm not sure how it ended up going from me and one other to ALL THE SEAGULLS haha

>> No.6462252

Also if a Waterloo meetup is happening I might be able to join in, depending on the timing

>> No.6462258


>> No.6462280 [DELETED] 

... You don't live here. You can't come.

>> No.6462285

>tfw you hate the U of Guelph anime/FLASH club because it's all full of cliquey fuckstains

Luckily I'm getting more involved in the Toronto comm. They're surprisingly less annoying.

>tfw boyfriend gets an apartment downtown TO, therefore you will never waste >150$ on a hotel for Fan Expo ever again

>> No.6462631

I will try to make it happen before Christmas break.

Would you be interested in a KWC area meetup?

>> No.6462768

I feel the same way about FLASH, but I signed up being a naive first year. It's nice to know that there are people at U of Guelph with common interests outside of that club; gives me hope.

>> No.6462777

piplup or no piplup?

>> No.6462802


>> No.6462820
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>> No.6462841
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>> No.6462854

Met with Canadian trips last year at AN, played cards and had some drinks, they were nice. Was part of board-tan cosplay group, but my outfit was put together at the last moment so no one could really tell it was a cosplay.
anyone here from the GTA?

>> No.6462860

>spoilers not hidden

>> No.6462888

>my outfit was put together at the last moment so no one could really tell it was a cosplay.
But I was /fit/-tan ...

>> No.6462911

I have a bit of a similar problem, if something big doesn't get in my way of going to AN it's usually the distance that does it for me. (I don't have a car or a group of friends to take me..haha.) Buuuuut hopefully starting next year I'll be able to turn that around and actually make it to a con. Con-G is in Feb, Guelph's close enough that it's doable.

>> No.6462917

You got me there.

>> No.6462926

>my outfit was put together at the last moment
wasn't nearly everyones?

>> No.6462928

Which one were you?

>> No.6462942

>talk about easy as fuck costumes incessantly for months
>put them together last minute crappily


>> No.6462974

In my case i didnt even know I was going until a couple days prior.

>> No.6463204

Once again, if you're interested in a Waterloo area meetup. Email me.


>> No.6463653

> toronto tripfags
> nice

The laughter is just side-splitting right now. The Toronto trips are drama-mongering, attention-hungry asshats.

>> No.6463673

yeah that one was p. good

>> No.6463687

They might be attention hungry but I've never seen them drama mongering.

>> No.6463693

I think it's actually anonymous who mongers the drama. Just sayan.

sage for double post

>> No.6464805



>> No.6464827
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>> No.6464956

It's so obvious from your post that you have never even met them.

>> No.6464960

Have you?

>> No.6465108

Wow, was just gonna ask about Halifax residents. Is Hal-Con the biggest thing out here?

>> No.6465134

Anyone interested in a Waterloo meetup?

>> No.6465144

nearest con is 6 hours away. Nearest decent con is 10. I hate how big this country is

>> No.6465142


i'm from Waterloo as well, todd is trying to get one organised

>> No.6465150

that feel when anime north is 1500km south

>> No.6465168

You live in Nunavut?

>> No.6465191
File: 200 KB, 2000x1329, 615400_10152223188670374_508075627_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Animeritime is a little bigger than Hal-con, but it's even further away now that it moved to Fredericton.

Hal con was fun, just had terrible lighting and tight halls

>> No.6465249

I was thinking 15 hours * 100km per hour.

It is only 1275km.

>> No.6465364

Those are the saddest Robins I have ever seen (and one isn't really Robin)

>> No.6465786

Hellz ya

>> No.6465842

itaqueen did you still want to do the meetup with us, how should we contact you?

>> No.6465887

and me :(

>> No.6466110

yup! do you want me to contact the other trips/anon i know and make it a larger thing, or just keep it to the area?
and email is in email field~~
(btw i'll probably dress like a normal person and not an insane frilly whatever)

>> No.6466170

My family lives in St. Thomas, so I consider that close enough. Wasn't someone trying to get a con happening in London a few years ago?

>> No.6466177

Where in North York? I'm in the JSR group and I'm just around the corner from York U

>> No.6466182

Fredericton? Ohohoho, fuck that.
I'll just have to get my con on when I go back home =\

>> No.6466419
File: 33 KB, 100x100, KonaChan Sad4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when in AB

>> No.6466718

Hal-con for sure was a tight squeeze.

I dunno, Hal-con was better for me than Animaritime. Better guests.

>> No.6466723

Ah, in the east. On the border of North York and Scarborough.

>> No.6466724

Anime North is actually quite good, but I didn't actually care for the cosplay.

The panels were surprisingly nice.

>> No.6466730

See this is why I don't have the balls to join the community.

>> No.6466767
File: 6 KB, 130x180, darn..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think most of the toronto comm is pretty nice. i like them. they don't make fun of me to my face and allow me to participate in their events even though i'm awkward as fuck and overall not a great person to spend time with lol

>> No.6466780

le insecurity face

>> No.6466972

I think so. Doubt anything got off the ground though.

>> No.6467029

Actually I have, and without digging up any stupid drama I can confirm that many of them have the typical passive aggressive Canadian drama trait of being nice to someone's face while being a steaming pile of shit behind their back.

>> No.6467064


The Toronto lolita comm is SUPER nice. The only real source of drama is one girl, and everyone keeps swearing that they still like her, they just wish she'd be more socially concious. I don't think anyone really hates anyone.

>> No.6467388

Which girl?

>> No.6467483

>they don't make fun of me to my face

So they make fun of you behind your back?

>> No.6468004

They are bitches afterall

>> No.6468957
File: 21 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m8btp1cgRe1rqlw0lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MJ hurr durr drama shit
MJ drama you say?

>> No.6468972
File: 32 KB, 188x220, 1259978296795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your closet beer, woman.

>> No.6468982
File: 43 KB, 720x480, asuka15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then I'l get drunk and go on TC.

>> No.6468988
File: 105 KB, 300x400, 1261069488605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or you can spend the night saving images from /a/!

>> No.6469016

> dat feel when you moved to Toronto for 5 years and moved back to Saskatchewan for school.

Only one shitty con in the whole province. Least I'm flying to AN this summer and I'll likely hit up a con in Alberta.

>> No.6469110

>canada thread
>no fdp

>> No.6469126
File: 71 KB, 250x250, 1306383340557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6469128

>actually, I have
Yeah, I'm sure you met JNig too and she was omgz such a bitch to you!!!1

>> No.6469134

A quick question about DTAC:

I'm thinking of going, but only wearing a wig because I've never cosplayed before. Will I be sneered at and spat on if I go like that and not wear the full outfit? I'm really nervous.

>> No.6469153


>> No.6469298

Hey now, that's /my/ closet beer.

>> No.6469308

You'll be fine. No one should call you out. Lots of people just wear wigs because they can. Someone MIGHT ask you who you are cosplaying though.

>> No.6469312

What's DTAC again?

>> No.6469351

December Toronto Anime Con. It's a tiny relatively shitty con run by Hobbystar (the people who run FanExpo). It's on December 9th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

There is also an MTAC (March Toronto Anime Con) but they recently changed the name to Toronto ComiCon.

>> No.6469372

The Stocking wig I have makes it fairly obvious, but I guess that is still a possibility since I'll be really dressed down. Maybe I'll wear the stockings, too....and just never take my jacket off.