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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6457671 No.6457671 [Reply] [Original]

What does /cgl think of corsets?

Does any one else waist train?

Been wearing one for about 2yrs now and am down to a 21" waist/fit a size 0-2

>> No.6457673

I'm interested in waist training but a little scared at the same time... does it make your skin underneath the corset look nasty?

>> No.6457681

Yeah :/

>captcha: terrible forousa
no I'm pretty sure it's terrible for everywhere

>> No.6457689
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If you properly care for your skin, wash yourself regularly/well, and wear proper attire- there is no risk skin break down.

I wear mine for 8-10hrs a day (mainly at work). I plan on stopping at 20"

I was intimidated at first too, but went to Black Hearts Clothing & they helped me with a lot of the necessary knowledge. They also helped me set a reachable physical goal that would not cause any negative effects on my body.

>> No.6457690

how much is your reduction?

I kind of worry the skin underneath will look all wrinkled and mashed up from being squished together all the time... does it just go smooth?

>> No.6457697
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As for the skin
This photo was taken early summer, don't have a lot of bare stomached shots since i am usually corsetted.

I've found when i first take it off my skin can show some lines from the boning or shirt pattern, but that is usually completely unnoticeable with in 20mins - doesn't hurt or smell bad or anything like that

>> No.6457699
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Wrong one. That one was from last fall i believe. This is from the summer

>> No.6457701

did you find it permanently reduced you?

>> No.6457703

You probably will get crease marks on your skin like the ones fatties get on their legs from wearing socks with tightly elastic tops, but that depends on how tightly you lace, and they fade quickly anyway.

>> No.6457710

>implying this doesn't happen to everyone
Seriously fuck OTKs

>> No.6457709

I was around 26"-27" when i started. A lot of the training was actually shaping my body- now when i take the corset off i still have curves instead of the 12yr old boy figure i started out with.

As for the skin- as long as you properly care for yourself, there aren't any skin issues

>> No.6457716

What should I look for in babbys first corset? I want to start wearing one to improve my posture, but I don't know where to start.

>> No.6457719

Mostly, corsetting is also a good way to lose weight because it helps you control your eating. You eat small light meals that are high in nutrients instead of large ones. I can't eat stuff like fastfood at all- which is a very good thing

Uncorsetted my waist is between 22"-23"
When i finish it will also be about 20-21" w/o the corset.

Because you know- stockings and corsets are 100% the same thing...so that makes 100% sense.
Corsetting should not do things like restrict circulation or 'cut' into the flesh at all.

>> No.6457728

This. It's like the makers deny the existence of calves. If they'd just taper out as they go up the leg, we could all avoid looking like we are busting out of our socks like frilly She-Hulks.

>> No.6457726

I'm currently at a 36-27-39, and I want to go down to 24 waist so that I can be Marilyn-tier.

How long would this take? Also, I have a minor case of pectus carinatum (my rib cage sticks out more than it's supposed to), will this hinder my wearing a corset? Will it fix the problem?

>> No.6457735

I went through Black Hearts Clothing

I get that too. Hate it because it itches/hurts where the elastic from the sock was.

I'm 31 now and really like how i look.
Also they do help with posture & confidence a lot

>> No.6457739

It depends on how quickly your body responds to the training. Since some of the size is from your ribcage, it could take a little longer. Waist training will reshape your rib cage, but that is a slower process. You're probably looking at a year or so of training to get the desired look. You will also need to continue a maintainance regiment so that your ribs don't shift back.

>> No.6457742
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This is one of the ladies i've been mentoring through the process. She's been having wonderful success and is down to a 30" waist and looks amazing *so proud*

>> No.6457753

I'm going to be making my first waist cincher from scratch soon. I know most of the basics, but want to know i there's a place where I can get a pre-made busk or whatever you call the lacing eyelets. It will be covered anyway so I'm not concerned if it doesn't match.

>> No.6457762
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I was really into tightlacing about two years ago and was wearing my corset up to 23 hours a day. I was beginning to see a lot of progress in the circumference of my waist until I began taking it off occasionally due to it being impractical in some situations. After a while I was wearing it less and less and then just kind of forgot about it.

I want to get back into it again soon. The sensation of being cinched so tightly is oddly rewarding and it was a fantastic way of managing my appetite since you know, you physically can not eat too much without having it come back up again haha

Any tips on how I should go about easing myself into it again OP? I feel like I'm gonna end up worse for wear if I start cinching too tight too fast.

>> No.6457766

difference between a corset and a waist cincher? I want to buy a waist cincher currently.

>> No.6457770 [DELETED] 

You should be able to find what you need here http://corsetmaking.com/

>> No.6457774

Corset training is just fcking bullshit. And why is this relevant for cgl?

>> No.6457776


Waist cinchers generally sit under the bust and stop just above the hips whereas a corset (in most cases) cover the bust and stop mid-hip.


A lot of cosplayers incorporate corsetry into their cosplay. How else do you expect so many of them to obtain such unrealistic waistlines?

>> No.6457777

That doesn't sound healthy.

>> No.6457779


can I ask where you bought your corset?

>> No.6457784


It's not necessarily unhealthy, only logical. The corset compresses your ribcage and anything within, stomach included so you're unable to accommodate as much food as before.
As far as I know the only proven negatives surrounded waist training is muscle atrophy of the stomach and back but this is something that can be regulated by working out regularly in the time that you do not have your corset on. It doesn't actually affect your organs badly at all.

>> No.6457781

Spoony you are so fucking hot.
To help answer- you will always be worse for wear if you rush things. Do it slowly and it will be more beneficial in the long run.

>> No.6457788

this looks completely gross and ridiculous

>> No.6457790

>The corset compresses your ribcage and anything within

... that sounds unhealthy...

>> No.6457795

Waist cinchers usually dont have as much boning (or plastic boning) in them and are not suitable for waist training. Sometimes they can also just be an elastic band. They are also usually shorter than an underbust corset.

>> No.6457796

i'd really love to get into this. since i was 10 or so, i've always loved renaissance and medieval clothing, so i have 2 or 3 corsets from ren faire.

i want to try tight lacing, though. my waist is only 24"-25" while my hips are like 35", so i'd like that difference to be greater.

what kind of clothes can you wear over a corset? and what are other less-expensive starter retailers? obviously it wont' cost $20, but i don't want to spend $200.

>> No.6457797


I purchased it from Corsets UK before they set up their website. They have an eBay site and last time I looked they actually sell on eBay cheaper then what they do on the website.


This is the one I own, but I got mine from their eBay page instead so it was only £32 at the time.


I can't seem to find the eBay store any more.I hope it hasn't shut down, but in case you do find it, I remember their account name had the word "ship" in it.


I don't look like that any more unfortunately, but cheers anyway haha

>> No.6457800

The only thing about corsets that is unhealthy is not knowing how to properly size and wear one. If you tightlace too quickly, you can injure yourself, but if you do so slowly and with a properly fitted corset, there is very little risk to your health.
Tightlacing to the extreme can weaken certain muscles, but youd have to go very far to get to that point.

>> No.6457801

Spoony, I can't get your asks to work on your tumblr. I've tried both signed in and anonymous. It brings up the page, but the ask submit button doesn't do anything. Did you change the settings?

Sorry for off topic. I just wanted to ask and won't comment on it anymore.

>> No.6457805


I recommend baggy clothes and loose dresses. In my experience wearing anything tight revealed the lines of the corset underneath and didn't look too great.
Anything low cut can be tricky is well, but that's up to the discretion of the wearer. Some people like the way it looks when your breasts are being pushed up.

>> No.6457810


I haven't changed anything but I know Tumblr can be loser sometimes and fuck up the ask and submit buttons. I'll go have a look now to see if they've changed anything, but thanks for alerting me.

I'll brb, I'm watching Antz. Damn this movie is brutal.

>> No.6457813

ah, i see. i have a secretarial job, so i wear things like oxford shirts and sweaters. i was wondering if those would be okay over a corset. i assume thicker sweaters would.

>> No.6457830

I don't know if anybody asked this yet, but for folks who
>want a first corset that doesn't suck balls
>low budget

your answer is
>timeless trends
>corsets uk (never tried it personally but everyone recommends it)

just throwing it here since somebody will ask at some point of time

>> No.6457844

right but im not in Pittsburgh.

Any tips for a begginer? anyone?

>> No.6457856


>> No.6457855

when i first wanted to learn about wearing corsets 4 years ago i just googled the stuff, so, uhm.

>> No.6457869

so should we be starting with a regular steel boned corset or one specifically for waist training? based on corsets uk, the waist training ones are really "serious"

>> No.6457870

I'm interested in corsetry for superhero costumes, because those bust-waist-hip proportions are otherwise unobtainable for me.

Difficulty: Extreme shortwaistedness. It's as extreeeeeeeme as the entire decade of the 1990s, and every premade corset I've tried on at conventions or ren faires has hurt me because the point of most compression isn't at my waist, it's at somewhere inbetween my two floating ribs.

What is the best place to get to-my-measurement corsets for very little $$? How do I sell the one corset I was given that I wore for a grand total of 5 hours before realizing it was causing intense and improper pain and then have kept it wrapped in a lingerie drawer for the next two years?

How do I wear a corset under spandex (like some of the Power Girl and 63 Deadpool cosplayers I've seen admit to doing) without it showing?

please help me corset wizards of /cgl/

>> No.6457874

I haven't tried this, and I'm a corset noob, but I think wearing shapewear over the corset when you wear spandex might help.

>> No.6457882


To be honest, I just bought one of the normal steel boned ones but this was before they even had a website so there wasn't even a waist training section. The steel boned corsets WERE the waist training corsets.

That being said, you're always going to have better results if you have one custom made to your size, but I didn't bother since I was new and just purchased a 22" steel boned corset and I never had a single problem with it. It's recommended that you purchase a corset that is 4-5 inches smaller then your natural waist, which is why I got the 22" since my waist was 27" at the time. I'd would recommend going only 3-4 inches smaller though if you're not that serious because even in that picture I posted I couldn't cinch the corset shut full at the back.

>> No.6457885

looking at corsets-uk, if you are in america or canada, you need to only spend $75 to get free shipping. the cheapest steel boned corsets there are $48. they have some really beautiful ones for $75, though. waist training corsets start at $60.

>> No.6457921

i want to add on to this post.
if it's your first corset, you may not want to get one custom made at a few hundred dollars yet, because who knows if you'll end up regretting it or dislike wearing corsets or something. if you want a properly fitted one, google "name of where you live + corset maker" and see if there's a corset maker near you. it's always best to get one fitted in person too.

my sternum to navel is 7.5inches long
i ordered a custom sized one, since timeless trends and other ready-made corsets were too long for me. i don't know much about reducing visibility though, but i am quite sure any aesthetic frills and ruffles will not help you.

>> No.6457939

I've been thinking about waist training, as I'm pretty much a rectangle with no boobs. My squatz and oatz regimen has fallen badly by the wayside, but even when I'm fit I still don't have much in the way of curves.

I have several corsets from Corsets UK, but I can't wear a corset at work because I have an active job that requires me to lift and carry and bend and whatnot. How many hours a day and how many months would be necessary to reduce/reshape my waist by maybe 3 inches? I'm 5'7", 35-30-40 (damn you, winter blubber!) at the moment.

>> No.6457940

This is relevant to my interests!

I've worn a corset under my spandex for a grand total of one time. I wore a swimsuit-style bodyshaper over the corset to reduce the appearance of the corset, but it wasn't perfect. It definitely helped with my waist, but I didn't like how the bottom of the busk showed right above my crotch.

>> No.6457944

let's see some pictures

>> No.6457948

Guy who likes corseted girls here: I have a couple of professional corset model friends (one with a natural 51cm waist which she tightlaces down to 40cm) so I want to add a couple of things:

First: Corsets are not a magic replacement for eating right and working out and losing a bit of weight. All the corset models I know also dance or hit the gym, and are very conscious about staying in shape so that they can make a wiast reduction that looks "tiny" but is still in proportion to their overall build.

Second: As long as you use common sense, take the reductions slowly, and avoid anything that leaves you feeling uncomfortable, wearing a corset for a few hours most days isn't such a big deal (according to my friends).

>> No.6457956
File: 49 KB, 424x500, T2NSBPXkJaXXXXXXXX_!!47574993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i decided to look around taobao to see if they had any steel boned corsets. seems they cost about $20 there. here are examples of pictures i've gotten. a lot of places go on and on about how they use steel and not plastic. should i trust them?

>> No.6457964
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another "proof" picture from them

>> No.6457991

Spandex and shape wear definetly help make things less noticeable. I have the same issue as potato, where the bottom will show by my crotch/abdomen. I haven't tested it yet (as I only have one pair of spanx), but I'm pretty sure if you layered that stuff on, it would cover it up, and pull that bottom but in. Like wear two pairs of spandex.

>> No.6458001

NO. NOT for waist training. They're not well formed to your body and will NOT hold shape. If you just want one for fashion, go right ahead, but remember that you get what you pay for.

>> No.6458011

Honestly, dont use corset uk/ corset story/ whatever else as waist training corsets. Even the ones they list as such are NOT at all even close to being ready for such.

Another big issue with that site is that the corsets are made to be tubular, not really a good shape for most people. If you are naturally an hourglass it wont hurt but that is because oyu already have the shape. FOr everyone else it looks fug.
The cheapest custom made one I know is merchantes.

>> No.6458025

alright. it looked sketch to me, but i wanted to check with you guys just in case.

well, my measurements as of right this moment are 33-24-34 but i also sometimes go to 34-25-35 depending on the time of the month. i don't think i quite count as an hourglass, so does that mean i should definitely avoid corset uk and webshops like that?

>> No.6458045
File: 32 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30" waist naturally, and this is me cinching down to 25". I'm nearly able to comfortably close this 24" corset already. My goal is to get down to 20". This is an off-the-rack corset from Laced-Up Boutique in the Netherlands. I highly, highly recommend their corsets. They're about 85 euros, and this one's from their Goddess line. So, any Eurofags looking to get good shaping, do NOT buy from Corsets UK or Corset Story. You wont get this kind of shape from those.

>> No.6458059

God, it doesnt look NEARLY as pronounced here as it does on me. Also I just cinched lower and I can now, though not necessarily comfortably just yet, cinch down to 24". that's half a foot off of my waist, holy shit.

>> No.6458077

I own this corset.
It's a pretty corset but a bit short and NOT good for corset training.
The bones are steel but the corset ends IN the waist instead of going down to the hips

>> No.6458080

it shifts around your organs. Nope.

>> No.6458086
File: 84 KB, 588x225, corset edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an underbust corset with a swimsuit-style bodyshaper (and heavily stuffed jubblies, but that's a topic for another thread) over it looks like. It's not the front busk that bothers me (although it isn't flattering) so much as the bottom edge of the corset sticking out and looking weird. It'd look okay on a cosplay that has a low-slung belt, like Power Girl or Black Widow, but if you don't have a belt or sash to cover the edge, it looks pretty obvious. I don't know how many sets of spanx you'd have to layer to really flatten that out.

>> No.6458087

what? The woman with the smallest waist in the world has about a 40cm (15inch) waist.Your friend is talking shit.

>> No.6458089
File: 111 KB, 819x714, picture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so does having a baby.

>> No.6458094

What would say is the best corset for waist training for beginners ?

>> No.6458101

i'm aware bro. but that is "natural". Corset training fucks up your ribs and all sorts.

>> No.6458103

>implying that pregnancy and childbirth are better/ healthier than corset training

>> No.6458104

not that person, but invest in a custom if you're serious about waist training. Meschantes offers pretty affordable customs.
It doesn't fuck them up if you do it right and do it slowly. The stuff in your body is able to move around. Push on your lower, or "floating" ribs. They move.

>> No.6458107

>Corset training fucks up your ribs and all sorts.
Only if you're doing it wrong.

There are horror stories out there about any sort of body modification, but wearing a corset can easily be done safely and comfortably.

>> No.6458112
File: 83 KB, 762x556, corset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone made their own corsets? Ive made a few but Im still working out the kinks in fitting myself well. I have an asymmetrical waist and it makes it tricky.
This is my favorite, but its still not fitted well enough to wear for any extended period of time. The boning placement is off in the back panels and gets uncomfortable quite quickly.
It doesnt have any actual reduction, my measurements are naturally 32-24-38.

I havent had a lot of time to work on patterning since I made that one, but Im really itching to make myself an overbust.

>> No.6458115
File: 187 KB, 768x1016, 111123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, not sure why everyone is recommending them. Their underbusts are VERY tubular and tend to press on the ribs and hipbones before the waist. I don't really think they're great for anyone wanting to waist train with them. I had some from punk69 and was told that corsets-uk were the same manufacturer, but they appear to have changed the pattern to be even less curvy now. Picture is me in what is supposedly an 18" corset - unfortunately it presses on my ribs before I can get to 18" so it's cinched to 22" here. Uncorseted I'm 31"/25"/35".

>> No.6458118

Oooh this is pretty. I'd love an underbust with a stained glass window design framed like that.

>> No.6458126

I've made a few, but they've been for cosplays and so have been mainly for looks rather than purpose.

>> No.6458159

If corset story is not-good, could seagulls give some recommendations as to good-corset places?

>> No.6458167

Timeless trends is pretty decent. Not to badly priced either. Also, you can try corset.net

>> No.6458189

Waist training? I've been doing it for a very very long time as I grew up working the Ren Faire circuit as well as getting into cosplay. I two underbusts and two over busts. for the overall look of a small waist the under bust is much better the over bust is good for a flat front and decent cleavage. it all depends on the kind of look you want. Without a corset I have a 32inch waist. With a underbust corset on I have a 19.5 inch waist. Companies like Casa Diva, Naughty Smile, Organic Corsets, and Orchard Corset are great places to go. I do recommend Corset Story but I suggest you read through everything thoroughly before making a purchase.

>> No.6458214

get a couple ribs removed

>> No.6458225

>naturally 32 24 38

can i be you

>> No.6458250


That particular friend of mine was a model for "Pure corset works Japan" and in fetish pron videos. She had the smallest waist of any Japanese tightlacer I've seen, and I've seen a lot.

>> No.6458266

Actually, I can't imagine that's too uncommon. There are probably a few people around with waists that small in corsets, it's just that they don't bother worrying about applying for 'world records' and it may not count because Cathie Jung wears her corset 24/7 whereas if you're only wearing it part of the time your waist isn't really that small all the time, if that makes sense. PureOne looks like it goes down to waist size of 34cm closed, so obviously there is a target market for people to be corseted down that small and people who buy those sizes.

>> No.6458282

yeah, and i think people forget that some girls are just naturally super tiny. i know a girl who has a 20 inch waist naturally.

>> No.6458294
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>Mfw I realize my waist is naturally 22 inches, and with a corset could probably get it down to 19-20.

....That would look disgusting.

>> No.6458316

I think corsets are cool to achieve a believable hourglass, but I think it looks a little odd when the thinness of waist doesn't match up with that of your arms.

>> No.6458345

So, how do you guys take it slow? I mean, is there a guide for it somewhere?

>> No.6458342

How difficult is it to put on a corset yourself? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

>> No.6458349

>Black Hearts Clothing
You mean you work for black hearts? This is advertisement guys. Same photo is uploaded to their FB

>> No.6458350
File: 129 KB, 533x600, widowubvic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean tightlacing or taking it slow with corsets for occasional wear? There are a few guides to tightlacing on the internet and most are pretty safe - they emphasize the importance of a custom corset to avoid damage, keeping abdominal/back muscles strong, and what sort of reduction is realistic initially.

How flexible are you? Can you reach the middle of your back the whole way along where a corset is likely to sit? I find it incredibly easy to put it on myself, more difficult to get it tight and even as I feel like I need a third hand to hold it tight while I adjust the lacing.

>> No.6458476

Most of the corsets posted here are fucking terrible... cheaply made and off-the-rack. You look ridiculous in them. Anyone who legitimately wears corsets recognizes your cheap crap immediately. Timeless Trends is the ONLY acceptable off-the-rack brand, and people look completely awful in Corsets UK shit. Even the teensiest people.

>> No.6458497

What brand is has the best cost:quality ratio, specifically for slim people? I'm about a UK size 6-8. Not sure of waist size but I would guess at 30"? or below judging by my clothes size. I have a very straight shape so I'd like to do some waist training! Ty in advance.

>> No.6458500

What about Vollers?

>> No.6458510

Timeless Trends is surprisingly legit. Their corsets are very well-made for the price. I don't know how suitable they are for tightlacing, but they are great as shapewear.

I don't tightlace, but I do use corsets as shapewear (and of course fashion as well). I think the most important element of corsets is fitting yourself properly. If you have to get an "off the rack" because of budget, measure yourself carefully and do research before purchasing regarding your body shape/type/level of fitness to ensure a decent fit.

>> No.6458756

I don't actually want to tightlace, but I do want a comfortable steel boned corset that I can wear all day without issues. I have one corset right now, but it's just barely too tall in the torso, so it pokes up into my bra a little more than a like. I've looked at Timeless Trends a few times before and they never seem to stock much in the way of plain, solid colored underbusts. Would Corset Story be *that* bad of an option for steel boned corsets, if I'm not tightlacing?

Measurements, in case they help
>Bust: 32in
>Underbust: 26.5in
>Waist: 24.5in

>> No.6458762

>Timeless Trends being the only acceptable off the rack
>forgetting Vollers, What Katie Did, Gallery Serpentine and Fairy Goth Mother
So tell me more about how knowledgeable you are about corsets

>> No.6458766

jesus fucking christ this one is backwards. All of my hate and rage.

>> No.6458781

>>6458115 here. I have a 22" corset from them that I can't close on my waist because it hurts my (27") ribcage too much....

>> No.6458782

Does it change your bowel functions? Are your bowel movements more concentrated or stool more dense?

>> No.6458784

I may just try looking for something local, or invest in Vollers, then. Or take the plunge into making them. (I'm an experienced seamstress with professional training, but corsets have always scared the shit out of me)

>> No.6458788

Have a look on corsetmakers.livejournal.com - heaps of help to be found and links to places that have tutorials there!

>> No.6458816

This may seem like a stupid question, but is corset training a bad idea for a bigger girl?

My own waist right now is 43" which is bad in my case... And I want to know if this will help me at all to get a smaller waist. (trying for a little more then half of what my waist is now)

>> No.6458847

Would it work? No offense (genuine question here) but if your waist is mostly fat, could you even train it? Wouldn't you need to lose a decent amount of weight before you could start waist training?

>> No.6458856

My raging erection argues otherwise.

>> No.6458867

Yes, it can work, when I go to cons I usually wear a corset under my costumes all three days (roughly 12 hours each day), combined with not eating a lot. and my waist stays roughly 3-4 inches smaller due to the corset for a few days.

BUT BE SMART ABOUT IT. Wearing a corset for too long can not only damage your organs, but it can weaken your muscles to the point of not being able to hold your own torso up.

ALWAYS get a corset made to fit your body, don't fit your body to a corset. Otherwise it can be dangerous. Starting out a corset should be roughly 2-3 inches smaller than your natural measurements. Then as you want to lace smaller you should get a brand new corset each time, made to your new measurements. Shops that sell s/m/l/xl are no good for people who are looking to wear them for a long time, or waist train. Pay out the extra money to get a good quality corset made for your body. It will be better for you in the long run.

Trust me I make them, and wear them often enough to know.

>> No.6458891


There is one older school of thought out there that you must lose weight first, then waist train. This is what a lot of traditional corset-folk will tell you.

On the other hand, there's also a growing number of people realizing that you don't actually *have* to lose the weight first, and corsets can actually help you lose weight, both as psychological motivation, as you see a result of being thinner and want to continue, and physical, as they can suppress your appetite.

Basically: You can start to waist train now, but you should not use this as a replacement for normal weight loss. You will need to put a fair amount of work into exercising and strengthening your back and abdominal muscles anyways while waist training, and you will want to lose weight in order to keep reducing your waist size down to what you want.

>> No.6458905

well it would take some time but actually it would help you eat less so therefore lose fat.

>> No.6458907

When i hit middle age im gonna start wearing a corset. Can't be dealing with that unsightly middle aged spread.

>> No.6458945


Thanks, anon!

>> No.6458970

When I have a second child I'll start wearing a corset. Once you put that much pressure on your rectus sheath more than once, the fascia is never the same and you end up with that awful pot belly thing.

>> No.6458984

Well I was thinking more along the lines of smoothing it over, than flattening it, but I know what you mean.
I've made several so far, under bust and over bust. I just recently made a waist cincher that I like a lot. What fabric do those of you that make yours tend to use?

>> No.6459032


can I have the link for your tumblr?

>> No.6459069

>timeless trends
I can vouch for, because I had one of their corsets. It's the real deal.

Last I heard, people avoid them like the plague because they screw up badly or something, there were some bad reviews of them out there.

My corset is from Jill Hoverman, imo its not too expensive for custom size. I've been wearing my underbust from her as shapewear for 2~3 years now, its so sturdy and comfy. Love it. She's also such a dear.

>> No.6459079

Yes, I make my own too. I also do commission work. I don't have any pics to show at the moment. A lot of the people who commission me are after tricky sizes as most online sites and shops don't do odd sizes.

Getting corsets from places like this is ok but don't expect them to last. They won't be made well. I know friends who have ordered similar corsets and they have barely lasted a couple of months. If you want a decent corset it is better to invest in one that is going to last you.

Not sure why everyone is recommending corsets uk. Their corsets are very tubular and I know of friends who have had really bad customer service with them. Sure their corsets do look nice but I'm sure you could find similar designs elsewhere.

>> No.6459100

>after tricky sizes
This is exactly why I try to make my own. Im very long waisted, so on top of my asymmetrical waist, small waist to begin with and slightly larger hips than normal, off the rack corsets are either too big in the waist, not big enough in the hips or just far too short for my torso.

>> No.6459645

Probably because CorsetsUK is cheap and has a wide range of designs. I'm of the opinion that if you just want design and dont care too much about quality and shape, then sure go get CorsetsUK because Timeless Trends doesn't offer nearly as much in the way of decoration and fabric choices.

>> No.6460522

Ok thank you! My plan is to do waist training when Im not at the gym (like from the time I wake up; around 9am til 6pm when I head over to the gym for 2 hours ) So hopefully this'll help me out.

>> No.6461120


>> No.6461139

Can corsets help with flared ribs? I have a few more lbs to drop before my six pack is fully realized, but my goddamn flared ribs make it look as though I'm perma-sucking in.

>> No.6462268
File: 305 KB, 1296x960, corset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a recommendation for a corset that is somewhat invisible under costume, but actually takes you in a bit

>> No.6462283

i did a quick google on corset visibility
but i don't really want to read through the wall o' text.

>> No.6462411

I would like an underbust corset that has a low profile

>> No.6462428

It's going to need to be custom made to you body and then you'll need to fit the costume to your body in the corset. Also depends on what you're costume actually is.

>> No.6462659

alodia looks horrible here.

bumping for more corsets

>> No.6465285

That's her back.

>> No.6465371

THing with this is that you have to be ready to spend a lot of cash on corsets this way. You are going to go through corsets faster than others with the weight loss increasing the amount you can lace down, so you will close faster than if you just laced or just lost weight first then laced.

>> No.6465532

My waist is asymmetrical due to scoliosis - one side dips in like a coke bottle and the other is pretty flat. If I were to waist train, would this be problematic? I'm aware I'd need to get the corset custom fitted.

>> No.6465539

Just adding on to to this: I'm about 33-27-38 naturally, and I'd only really want to bring my waist measurement down to about 24-25 without the corset on. Nothing too extreme

>> No.6465895

I'd like to know this as well. My ribs are abnormally shaped from scoliosis. Also could a corset fix that? Either way, I'd like to know too.

>> No.6465904

You should talk to your doctor first. I'm not sure how severe your scoliosis is but I imagine that if it's pretty bad you'd have to be careful.

>> No.6465917

I'm one of the people who's already had surgery. :/ I haven't been to my scoliosis doctor in 5 years. Since I'm straight now, I'd think it would be fine, I'm just concerned about my ribs. I have a corset now, but if laced too tightly my ribs are in pain. Not sure what to do about that.

>> No.6465996

No. But you can get a custom made one that accounts for it and that will help A LOOT.
Which >>6465917 should do.

>> No.6466021

Thanks anon. I guess I'm looking for a custom fit one now. Anyone know of a good seller?`

>> No.6466446

My curve is only 17 degrees and is extremely unlikely to progress since I'm already 20 years old. I don't even qualify for surgery. The asymmetry is still there though, and some pain/stiffness.

Thank you! I've been told it could help with my posture and such so I think I'm definitely going to look into it

>> No.6466477

Best advice is to limit the amount of time you spend laced. Start out by taking your waist in little bit and wear it for a couple of hours. Seer how you do and then go a little longer the next day.
Pay careful attention to how your body feels. Tight lacing should be restricting, but not painful.

>> No.6467804
File: 2.81 MB, 1776x2064, ebay corset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have anything to say about luvsecretlingerie on ebay?

I don't need a expensive tight lacing corset, just something with decent steel boning that I can cover and use for a Mami cosplay.
I want some decent cinch-age but I'm loath to pay much for a corset than I'm going to cover up and use for one costume.

I measure 38-26-38 but I am only 5'2 so I haven't got much torso.

pic related, the images they post on ebay for the corset I'm looking at.

>> No.6467829

It would be great if there was such thing as a butt corset.

Man I would love a smaller butt.

>> No.6467872

Leatherotics, who are also based on ebay, are really good, and cheap as well. For about £40-60 (sometimes even less than that) you can get a propelry made, steel boned satin corset off them, and they have different styles with different lengths. I was recommended them by friends who are tightlacers.

>> No.6468011

Well, probably not what you mean but by the 1920s the corset was turning more into a girdle and so it reached to the thighs. Also hobble dresses and corsets like that are pretty much laced all the way down too. Not sure if it really does do anything to your ass though.
Avoid most ebay shops. What they tend to do is they will show you all sorts of things, even them putting in boning but when you get it..its plastic. Even the suggestion given from >>6467872 is just a real site that has ebay as well. Sometimes sites have an etsy or ebay to sell samples on cheap too.

>> No.6468532


Leatherotics do have a non-ebay shop, but the prices are pretty much exactly the same. The ebay sold items don't come acoss as being 'samples', just a different shopfront. The ebay shop just has more offers, such as 15% off. I got mine through ebay, and can testify that it's steel boned. I've owned plastic boned corsets, and these are definitely not. It was their ebay shop I was recommended actually.

Main shop: http://www.leatherotics.co.uk/
ebay shop: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/DESIGNER-LEATHER-CORSETS/SILK-SATIN-CORSETS-/_i.html?_fsub=3456812&_sid

>> No.6469357
File: 47 KB, 560x720, 380017_315986071750174_164233140_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contacted Black Hearts Clothing out of curiousness.
They know a lot about corsets and helped me pick one.

I purchased this one, will let you know my review when it arrives.

Also learned that a corset's strength comes as much from the fabric used as it does the boning. A corset with steel in the front and double acrylic bones on the sides/back can provide 3-5" on reduction if the shell and lining are of a quality material. So while bragging that steel boning is used is the new fad for some of the Chinese knock-offs, there is a difference in the quality of the fabrics used.

Black Hearts also guarantees their products and has a repair service if i have any issues in the first 30 days that are due to manufacturing or if i need one fitted.

Feel pretty good about this.

>> No.6469360

Sales at blackheartsclothing (.) Com

>> No.6469392

I think a metal boned corset is pretty useless (and dangerous) if it were made in a slipshod manner by some sweatshop factory worker in China..

>> No.6472620
File: 310 KB, 720x1280, 2012-12-06_12-55-17_264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the underbusts with the flat steel in the front and the coiled side steel boning. From Black Hearts Clothing - sticking with them because they offer a 30 repair/alteration service with their products that covers any manufacturing errors.

>> No.6472646
File: 1.13 MB, 1840x3264, 2012-12-06_13-05-47_506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're taking preorders right now for their holiday items & ship anywhere - prices are about $20 less than in stores & you get free stuff when you order a couple of items

facebook: Black Hearts Clothing

>> No.6472701

Pardon me, but is it dangerous?

I have broad ribs, and I want them to be less noticeable, and maybe some better posture, plus I like the way they feel, but my Mom keeps going "You're fine! That's self-mutilation! People get them too tight and can't breathe!"

How much of what she says is true/good places to research the pros and cons, please.

>> No.6472718

I'd say it's only dangerous if you are doing serious waist training. I think taking it in a few inches won't do any harm. But it can be uncomfortable to sit down until you are most used to it.

>> No.6472725

Thank you, kind anon.
I know that, but my Mom thinks any waist training at all is the devil.
I really don't want her upset, so if I could have some research or something about how it's not bad, that would be so amazing.

>> No.6472750

There is no like scientific research here because any medical stuff about corsets is from the early 1900s, but we have loads of people who wear corsets and have been considred medically sound. Even someone who is going to the super extremeslike Cathy Jung has shown that her doctor doesnt see any medical problems with her corset wear.

Dont go into it thinking it will reshape your ris, it wont. The most that happens in that the lower ribs that are floating gets pushed inwards, but even that is going to be a temp thing. Most affects from corsetry are temp as if you stop it completely you will regain your normal shape no matter how long you kept it on for. Your mom is right though, if you push yourself too far too fast you will hurt yourself.

I dont know of a actual group that is the best about collecting info but tumblr is the easiest link that I have..

>> No.6472790

Thank you so much.
I'm a bit bummed about the ribs, though, I'm just skinny fat but my rib cages are prominent. It's not me being Ana, I have belly flab.

>> No.6472801

I have a 22 inch waist already, if I started to corset how small could I get it, and if after you've shrunk your waist noticeably without a corset if you just stop using one will it get larger again?

>> No.6472811

Your waist is small enough that any compression you get will be from displacing muscle, organs, and temporarily bending bone.

You won't be able to reduce much from there. "Standard" reduction is about 4 inches, but for you? An inch or two.

>"if after you've shrunk your waist noticeably without a corset if you just stop using one will it get larger again?"
makes no fucking sense. If you're asking how long your waist will return to its uncorseted size after you stop wearing a corset, then the answer is: almost immediately. If you've been doing serious lifestyle waist training? A couple of weeks to a month.

>> No.6472840

It all depends on how really squishy you are. Women who are larger are so much more likely to be so, but even at a small size you can be. That will be the thing that determines how much your inital reduction can be. The rest will be whatever you are really willing to do.

For effects, it isnt goign to really premanently do much. Women who are again larger do loose weight in general through this, but that has more ot do with the lifestyle change than the tightlacing itself. So someone with a 30inch waist may find that by the time she can tightlace to 20 she is naturally a 25. Part of this will be because the change in diet led to overal weight loss, but some of it will be of the corset and if said person stopped the effects of the trianing will disappear over time.

There is also this point that happens around the inches in the teens where to get there you are going to be doing that with a wasp waist look. Because it centers on reduction at the waist mostly itself, it gives the dramatic look that people often feel is too far and as it doesnt follow a natural body look like the general hour glass it does not stay when the corset is not on.

>> No.6472874

Just to warn you, having a 10" difference between your waist and hip measurements makes buying cute dresses a pain in the ass. No pun intended.
This, I suppose, is only a warning is you want to buy and wear cute dresses

>> No.6473125

with a naturdal 22" waist you could easily get down to 18" with waist training.
>>6472811 isn't 100% corset. since your waist is naturally at 22" this means that your of slender build, so speaking in terms of ratios - you could safely cinch your waist in the same as some one who has a natural 26" waist,

>how long your waist will return to its uncorseted size after you stop wearing a corset
This depends on if you maintain the diet and care habits you did while cinching. If you keep up the same habits you should only regain a small amount of size as your body shift back to it's natural state. However if you do not take care of yourself - you will gain the weight right back.

Sometimes I go 2-3 weeks with out cinching and my waist doesn't increase any more than 1"-1.5"

I wear a 34B bra with a 22" natural waist & don't have much trouble finding nice dresses.

>> No.6473166

I suppose I exaggerated a bit! I think a lot of the clothes shops near me don't seem to be favouring the hourglasses right now and it's getting to me haha!

>> No.6473191

I've also noticed there's a large trend towards shapeless dresses or empress waist.

>> No.6473236

I've got a 12" difference and I have no trouble finding dresses...
I think it would be more difficult with a large bust and small waist.

>> No.6473521

Stop advertising.