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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6443974 No.6443974 [Reply] [Original]

Hey! /cgl/ is any one going to Anime LA next year?
And how do you guys feel about swimmable mermaid tails at hotel cons?

>> No.6444013


>> No.6444042

I'm going with a friend, but I guess no one else?

>> No.6444057

there was another thread but it might've died by now.

Anyways, I'm going! AS for the mermaids, I thought it was kinda cool I guess. It's always fun when you wake up at a con, go out to your balcony, and see a mermaid swimming in the pool.

>> No.6444062

yea i always thought it was a cool thing too

>> No.6446088

I'm not going to Anime LA, but I do take my tail to cons with me. Where I live I only really get 2-3 months of use out of it in outside water. I don't see any reason not to take one. Last con I went to I had a gathering and 5 of us showed up with tails, we attracted a crowd to the pool so expect lots of attention, especially from kids, and get ready to interact with them.

>> No.6446103

Not going this year. Why? Cause two years in a row is enough for me and I need a break. Besides I'm looking at different cons to go to on the West Coast mainly Fanime and AX.

Also I'm going to Hong Kong and maybe Tokyo shortly after.

>> No.6447843
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Is there going to be a mermaid gathering at the pool next year? I would make one and go.

>> No.6447857

That would be so amazing to see!

>> No.6447864

Closed for those without a badge, apparently.

>> No.6447863

I heard that the pool deck is gonna be closed for ALA. Is this true?

>> No.6447866

The pool deck isn't closed per say. THe convention basically got an agreement that only convention attendants are allowed on the pooldeck. Hotel attendants who aren't part of the con are going to be warned.

So basically, no badge, no pool deck.

>> No.6447888

hopefully, if I can make it back to LA in time

I seriously doubt con security is going to be competent enough to keep people without a badge out completely tho.

>> No.6448002

This will be my first ALA.

What's it like? Is it big? Or juuuuuust the right size. Went to PMX, and that was a lil too small for my liking to be honest. Was kinda disappointing.

>> No.6448027

That seems really unfair for the normies, it's not like they aren't paying to stay there too...

>> No.6451132

It's larger than PMX but it's still a hotel convention. But there are lots of things to do, full schedule of events and panels, a very good masquerade, and lots of hospitality.

It is not con security. It's hotel staff. There's more than enough to do the job.

Patrons are informed and if it becomes an issue, the hotel will accommodate them the best they can.

>> No.6451138
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Have you ever worn one of these? The monofin underneath is like a pair of divers' fins in which you can't flex your foot, and the tails weigh 30-50lbs depending on construction. I helped make these fins, and the girls literally need to be carried from place to place once they're strapped in. Putting on resin-backed neoprene while in the water = no.

>> No.6451234

If there's going to be a bunch of mermaids maybe I'll bring my Princess Shirahoshi cosplay! There's a bunch of random mermaids in the anime so it'd work lol

>> No.6451247

This won't go over well. I can't imagine hotel staff wanting to babysit shitty anime con attendees. ALA needs to get it's shit together and move hotels.

>> No.6451335

Sage for derailing, but do you know any good places for quality, swimmable tails? If they're also easy to take off/walk in, that's a plus, too.

>> No.6451653

As I've said in prior posts about the topic. The hotel offered ALA this opportunity. They're ready and willing to do this for us.

On top of that. The limit of attendees on any given day is part of the control and ALA is happy with the hotel we're at. There's no wish to expand any larger than where it is, and probably won't unless it's demanded by the attendees for more.

Also it'd be up to the chairmain and co chairs to make that call.

>> No.6451831

If you want something easy to put on and take off you are looking at a fabric tail for best, Neoprene backed latex or silicone would be the next easiest, however a pure silicone tail is a bitch to put on and take off so it wouldn't be recommended.

Mertailor is probably your better price, but I would stay the hell away from him. He's like the Milanoo of the mermaid world. He does hella amazing work for people that can make him more popular and well known, while the rest get rediculously late tails, that fall apart, stretch out, and just aren't worth the price.

Best place to find reviews/tail makers is to check out the Mernetwork.

>> No.6451837

If you're looking for a cheaper option you could always make one yourself out of stretch fabric! There are lots of monofins on eBay and tutorials on youtube.

>> No.6452643
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I make them! The page is called Merberry on Facebook.

>> No.6452672

Im going to ALA for the first time...What should I expect?

>> No.6452686

Everyone being drunk.

>> No.6452693

Thats to be expected. What should I really worry about, if anything?

>> No.6452695

Huh... didn't know that about the Mertailor. I always thought his work was beautiful but if that shit's going to be subpar and fall apart, no thanks!

>> No.6452767

That is a gorgeous tail! The scales really stand out.

Merberry tails sounds like it has a lot of communication and colour problems though. And now I'm pretty wary of mertailor now after seeing this thread. I'll keep looking! Thanks everyone.

>> No.6452772

Nothing else. Just people being drunk.

>> No.6452774

>got dicked out of ALA last year
>desperately want to go this year
>no fucking way it will happen
>everyone keeps talking about it
>die inside every time


>> No.6452798
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Drunk people of course.

Just do cosplay gatherings, maybe some panels, rave/dance, and party fucking hard because there will be parties everywhere. Make friends, get laid possibly, etc.

That's pretty much it. It's worth going to if you're one of those folks who want to party at an anime con.

>> No.6452830

For a minute I got REALLY excited because I thought they were cosplaying Chuck's aunts from Pushing Daisies

>> No.6452880

just block everything you see about it and you get over it pretty quickly

>> No.6452986

Mernetwork was already suggested to check out but if you haven't looked here already check this forum's review section. Mertailor gets a few low reviews here as well.

>> No.6453011

My first time going to ALA and I just may be volunteering. I would love to meet some people and drink with. Even thought not of legal age.

>> No.6453118

Also expect little to no phone service inside the actual con/ballroom area.

>> No.6453235

I got one from him, it took him 7 months to turn it out, he painted it the wrong color 3 times before sending me a tail that wasn't originally mine so nothing fit right. It was too short and the room for my hips was around my thighs. I messaged him all the info, including a screencap of my measurements and how the tail was way off. He blamed me for measuring wrong and I had to get a lawyer to get a refund.

Despite all the issues I still took it for a total of 2 swims before it started stretching out, the paint all came off of it (on the fluke was my fault because it hit the bottom of the pool, but all the other areas never touched the bottom) And individual scales are now peeling off because the tail is stretching out so bad from sub-par materials.

A girl near me ordered a pure silicone tail and got it just after me, the tail was completely see-through and part of it was fused together in the middle so she couldn't even swim in it. She also had to get a lawyer to get her refund.

>> No.6453348

that feel. I know it.

>> No.6453353

If you feel so inclined, logistics might need a few extra hands setting up and breaking down things. Pam, the department head, is a really cool lady and super easy to work with. Just be prepared to be pawned off if there's nothing required of you at that specific point in time. Con suite might need some people to babysit the room for a bit.

>> No.6453569

Con suite is always willing to take extra hands, especially during the rush periods. Leave any drama at the door and we'll welcome you with open arms and a pair of plastic gloves.

And a tip if you go with consuite: see if you can get place in the food assembly line, or at the tables, because the other option we're always trying to pawn off on other people is fetching cold drinks from the ice. Well, if you don't like frozen hands.

>> No.6453576

Not the original person who asked, but does volunteering come with any perks?

>> No.6453584

For staff at least, 12 hours of work will get you a badge for the next year. If it's your first year staffing you'll have to purchase one for the current year, but the next year you can use your comped badge and put in another 12 hours to get a badge for the NEXT year, etc etc. It's also really easy to put in a third of your hours if you're helping with setup or takedown.

I think volunteers have the same hour quota as staff do; someone else want to confirm/correct this?

For certain, both staff and volunteers can use the Staff Lounge, which is akin to Con Suite with full meals vs light snacks.

>> No.6453609

I am going! I know a lot of other people from /cgl/ are going as well.

I'm quite excited. Obviously it's not the best con out there in terms of panels/guests, but imo the artist's alley is decent and it's just really fun to hang out with friends you usually don't get to see (and cosplay). It's pretty much a huge hangout party con with cosplaying thrown in.

Cosplay wise there is not too much in terms of impressive cosplay, it's more like a testing ground to see how well a costume will hold up before debuting it at Fanime/AX, imo. So there's some cool cosplays (like armor stuff, big props, etc) but for the most part everyone wears more average costumes. The fact it's in a hotel kind of limits it, I guess.

>> No.6453642

The pool deck can be a bitch and a half to find if it's your first time at the hotel. Taking the elevator is the easiest way if you don't mind waiting for one, but if you're trying to get there without using the elevator from the ballroom/basement lever, you have to take a roundabout way.

Basically, except for the elevator, you can't access the level-1 pool deck from the basement level ballrooms directly. You have to take an escalator from the basement to the 2nd-level lobby, go past hotel check-in, and down a flight of stairs.

Captcha: Fish mermaE