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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6452144 No.6452144 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone go to conventions alone? Every time I see someone lurking about without a friend... it just weirds me out.

>> No.6452186

I don't know if it counts but I"m pretty much Alone when I go to cons. all my friends are either in artist alley, or the vendor room so I wind up walking around and going to panels by myself. It kinda sucks lol

>> No.6452191

I went to Sakuracon alone. It was great, met and ended up hanging out with a small group of 3 for an hour or so over lunch, met up with a friend for dinner (she was also in a couple of the fashion shows), ended up picking up a chick from the rave both nights, and generally just wandered around having my picture taken and taking pictures, going to panels, events.

I actually kind of prefer solo'ing it now, no one to argue about your "schedule" and I had a room all to myself so I didn't have to get in a fight with anyone about having a girl over for hours of sex C:

>> No.6452206
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>it just weirds me out
>mfw no friends to go with

>> No.6452210

I prefer it.
I'm not on anyone's schedule.
I can do what I want and go where I want, when I want to.
I can come and go as I please.
Shit's so much easier.

Also, anon do you understand the concept to a meet up?

>> No.6452214

>hmm I'm shy as fuck but people at cons tend to be nice and outgoing and they talk to everyone
>maybe I'll go alone to one someday and maybe make friends
>see thread

;_; why

>> No.6452218

If I'm not in cosplay, I prefer going alone. I don't have to go to panels I'm not interested, I can spend hours in the dealers room, and it's just nice doing the things I want to do.

If you do go to cons alone, don't be afraid to go to meetups. Remember, if you don't like the vibe just say you have to go and leave. You aren't obligated to hang out with people.

Usually I go to /cgl/ meetups, and once I went to a DC meetup and didn't like the vibe so I left. It's not a big deal.

>> No.6452221


>> No.6452225

Going to my first con alone in January. Wish me luck.

>> No.6452242
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>> No.6452245


>> No.6452244

I prefer to go to alone, I pretty much figured after my first con.

I had a pretty decent last-minute cosplay while the rest of my group just wore what was in their closets and quite moody. One was getting jealous that people were asking for pictures, hugs, etc. and started to ignore me a bit. We also had some domineering furry asshole in the group that I allowed to come along (I had already met the requirements my parents set to go to the con, but my friends wanted to bring him along and this was kind of a 'thank you' for them going with me).

For a good portion of the time, they had sour faces and attitudes (paired with a know-it-all attitude about the area. I mean, I understand they're familiar with the area and been here a lot, but the tone and how things were phrased? Nada.), which put a damper on things. Eventually, I had left the group for a bit, unable to handle it anymore. Had fun, talked to people that were pretty chill, ate, and attended some panels I had wanted to see that day.

Sorry for the little rant.

>> No.6452246

I wish you luck. I went to my first out of state con alone and i had a blast.

Remember if you do get lonely it doesn't hurt to go talk to the person next to you in a panel. Chances are you guys might have some things in common.

>> No.6452254

Good luck! I hope everything goes well for you and that you have fun.

>> No.6452257

I always go to conventions with one of my close friends. It's usually just me and her throughout the day, even if I see a lot of people I know. We always greet and hug but I can never seem to hold a conversation and hang out with another group so I always end up with that one friend.

I guess it's better than being alone for me, definitely wouldn't be as enjoyable.

>> No.6452258
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>tfw from Alaska and there's no way your friends are willing to pay $800 airfare or drive through Canada for a week

>> No.6452261
File: 236 KB, 400x600, Oh 4chan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if someone tries to attack you?

>> No.6452262

Cunt detected

>> No.6452268


Thanks guys.

Do y'all have advice on cosplaying alone? I was going to just do a simple one, but not sure how that should be handled.

>> No.6452270

crybaby detected
u mad no one cares about your story /fit/?

>> No.6452273

i'm not from /fit/

what the fuck is your problem and why are you so mad?

>> No.6452276

......wear a costume.

Of all the cons I've been to, I only went twice with friends. Both were new to cons. I was the only one in costume.

Ain't a big deal yo.

>> No.6452278

Punch 'em in the pelvis.

>> No.6452292

Jump on the convention forums, or the ACP/Coscom forums and look for groups you can join.

>> No.6452312

It depends on the con. For Katsucon, I don't have any friends around who want to go, so I usually bring my brothers and meet up with friends from last year. AMA, I'm usually alone for that one and meet up with old friends or make new ones. Metrocon I only go to for my friends in FL.

Otakon, it depends on who's around/willing to fly out when it's going on. I've gone alone before and always chill with new and old friends. Nekocon is another loner trip, AUSA I can actually manage to get some of my friends to go since it's so close. AX is always to do a dealer's table with a friend, and SDCC we always split up the entire day then meet up at night. Lately though I've been helping friends out every con at AA and dealers tables. So I usually just head back to the room, drink, walk around with them or random people, rave, then do it all over again

It's not hard to make new friends at a con honestly, people need to realize we're all nerds nerding out for multiple days. Sure, some people may be complete assholes, but most of us will at least talk if not invite you to chill.

>> No.6452319

I go to cons alone, since my friends generally can't afford to go or they are too socially anxious for big cons.

But I started volunteering at the cons I usually attend and I find it a lot of fun, and a great way to fill the awkward time between meetups and events. Plus folks will usually refund your ticket if you volunteer enough hours, and the one I usually work at I also get a place in a room for the weekend and free meals the whole weekend as well.

Also for whoever asked, if you're cosplaying and going alone my best advice would be to skip the "obscure" characters or characters that showed up in one scene of a show or videogame or comic, because nothing's more depressing than working one's ass off on a cosplay and not getting recognized when you don't have other people cosplaying the series to jog folk's memory.

>> No.6452318

the question for me is more like "have i ever gone to a con with friends?'

>> No.6452321

>tfw you get paid to live in alaska
there's your airafare

>> No.6452340

>you get paid to live in alaska

>> No.6452349

it's your "you live in the middle of bumfuck" payment.

>> No.6452553


Also, if you're fat/ugly and don't have the confidence to talk to other people, just talk to other people like you or a group that has one or two of them in it. You'll enjoy yourself a lot more and fuck it, if you're having fun then who cares?

>> No.6452707

I really want to go alone to meet people but...this makes me think I'll seem like a loser =(

None of my friends like comics like I do...

>> No.6452728

Out of probably 20 cons over the years, I've been to cons alone. They were the best conventions I've ever been to. I left each convention with a set of new friends, however. It's not as though I spent it alone just because I went alone.

>> No.6452732

3. I've been to 3 cons. My 3 key is sticky, I've been putting off cleaning it.

>> No.6452744

Lately all of my old con friends [who were really just friends that liked to party and came to cons for that] decided to just stop going to the con altogether and got rooms for the weekend to party. They would occasionally try to take some of my friends' and my passes to try to get into the con for a bit. It was really easy to ditch them and I loved wandering around in costume all day. If you're by yourself, you'll have more people come up to talk to you after taking your picture or something. If you're with a friend, they'll probably just think they were interrupting you. It's been a lot easier for me to make friends because of that.

>> No.6452758

Might go to Anime Expo again next year alone and cosplay for the first time, this thread makes it seem a lot better to cosplay on your own and meet people who approach you, thanks for the words of encouragement /cgl/

>> No.6452801

I've never gone alone before but I have wandered off from my usual group of friends to go to a panel they don't want to go to or something. So far it has worked.

Might go to Fanime alone this year because I moved so commuting will be a bit different than usual. Not expecting much difference.

>> No.6452804

I wouldn't say I prefer going alone but going at your own pace is pretty nice, and you can just do whatever you feel like doing without having to think about the other persons going with you.
And the times I did go with friends they either started fighthing with eachother over nothing or were bored themselves. So that's no fun either.

>> No.6452814
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Once I did, I was in a completely foreign country, too. London Expo 2011... But I made friends quick so it wasn't bad. I had a great time.

>One day I will do HARD MODE

>> No.6452836

That doesn't seem too hard. Easiest would be at a local convention, just so I know that I could take the bus home.

As long as I have a bag full of stuff, I'm good. I think I could manage that shit.

>> No.6452858

Maybe I missed something slang-wise... but what's the difference between getting laid and sleeping with someone? Don't they both mean the same thing - have sex?

>> No.6452864

in this case, i think getting laid = sex. sleeping with someone = getting to complete some REM cycles with them in their hotel room/home.

>> No.6452867
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>talk your way into a free badge
>mfw i actually did this once

>> No.6452909

tell me your secrets

>> No.6452962
File: 10 KB, 161x312, images (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cons are always more fun with friends, but I've gone to a few solo--no biggie you just make new con friends. The only real issue is I tend to attract con-creepers which can kinda kill the fun

>> No.6452994

you are still going to want to approach people, not just talk to people who approach you. don't be all "ohgodihopethispersontalkstometheylookcool" go up and talk to them
if you're in costume you have an automatic in because people are more comfortable when others are in costume

>> No.6453613

the only con i go to is sdcc and i pretty much have multiple plans on what im going to do, so i always enjoy myself

>> No.6453617

I always go to conventions alone.

Lately I've been making some friends that go with me to one day, but normally it's me alone. But I already know most people at the con, so I end up spending most of my day greeting everyone.

>> No.6453656

I much rather going to cons by myself but then again I can usually find myself in good company in the first 30 or so minutes. I really enjoy meeting new folk and such, which I find difficult when I'm with my friends.

>> No.6453671

Nope. I would like to try it one day, but I'm so awkward I hate even going out to the grocery store alone. I have this irrational (cray cray) need to be with people when out in public. That being said, I've made wonderful friends at cons when I happen to be alone if my friends are at a panel or something.

>> No.6453974

I always have the most fun on Friday, the only day of cons I get to go alone as my sister can't attend on those days. Now don't get me wrong I love going with my sister, but it's just so... liberating to be able to do whatever I want without considering someone else, ya know?