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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 433 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_me2tmx6xDk1rhk1deo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6447569 No.6447569 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>6440113

Opening with a Rufioh from the disappeared thread whose wings I totally dig!

>> No.6447573

Anyone know of a good wig for a Kankri costume? It's pretty much the last thing on the list for me.

>> No.6447583

A good wig still won't make your shitty costume any better.

>> No.6447594

Any short black wig will do, just take the time to style it and cut it to the right length on your face.

>> No.6447590
File: 1.62 MB, 742x1114, my_heart_will_go_on_and_on__by_seatalia-d3ju14s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't want to put it in the OP but what happened to the last thread? I was gone for two hours and BAM.

Did it descend into sniping and drama again?

>> No.6447593

Just like how a dickish comment won't make your shitty life any better?

>> No.6447600

Dickish comments make my great life even better.
Good wig still won't do shit.

>> No.6447602

Nah, a spammer from /co/ HSG showed up and flooded it.

>> No.6447603
File: 77 KB, 478x720, tumblr_ma0sp9kLtW1qfh5f7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure did

>> No.6447605

Do you actually know that anon or are you just being a douche for no reason?
If it's the latter, come on man.

>> No.6447606

Pretty much. I ragequitted. Hoping this one has more promise, but I doubt it. Pretty much a majority of homestucks on /cgl/ are gossipy drama whores. I prefer tumblr a shitton better than cgl now for cosplay. At least I get decent advice straight from people with good tips rather than hear some petty drama.

>> No.6447612


I just got one of epic's short spiky black ones because of the black fri sale for karkat and it looks really good. would have to style it more for kankri obviously

>> No.6447607

You have "Umad" in your tripcode.
I needn't say anything more to prove you're a piece of shit.

>> No.6447610
File: 34 KB, 1057x818, 1261988682225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I toats know anon! Fer sure, he and I kid about being jerks to each other all the time!

>> No.6447614
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>> No.6447616

and this thread looks like it's going to be shit as well

anyone have any progress to post?

>> No.6447617
File: 119 KB, 693x1040, tumblr_me2juxS5tL1qba7l9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have liked her horns larger and a better wig, but I still admire this pair for taking a horrible design and somehow making it work.

The Rose's execution is also well-done enough that it shows off how unrealistic and illogical the original design is. If someone that good at making clothing can't make your drawing look decent in real life, you need to take a step back.

>> No.6447618
File: 11 KB, 220x165, 220px-Pokerap_error1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does?

Well, how about that!

>> No.6447620
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>> No.6447621

I think you may be 12.9
This was actually helpful, thanks.

>> No.6447625
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>> No.6447634



this one specifically

>> No.6447629
File: 536 KB, 480x733, 5c03f6098e54a0b7715116ccdd03d56c-d5kz340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447642

A surprising number of people who draw can't actually design/draw clothing worth shit. Even "professional" artists.

On the other hand, I expect someone who is an "expert" sewer to know an impossible to completely shitty design when they see one. Or to know enough to realize how to alter it. I do still like that Kanaya though.

>> No.6447650
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>> No.6447655
File: 1.32 MB, 799x1200, blue_babe_alert__by_kitsunedolly jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447652


it's a result of fanartists all learning how to draw from animu and comics instead of real life. no understanding of proportion, shape, or how fabric behaves

>> No.6447658

anyone know of any good, lesser known jades?

>> No.6447660
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>> No.6447680
File: 603 KB, 493x740, maid of space by lirlys porrim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people who ask about Porrim.

>> No.6447685
File: 983 KB, 985x720, 68877c11f5d7cb698163bea07f7d12fa-d5ek4zp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447690
File: 138 KB, 900x1200, shadow_of_a_crocker_by_shirokisa-d5jycf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that potential for a cute Jane outfit lost with an unstyled wig.

>> No.6447702

Nigga, they never cute.

>> No.6447707

why you shitting up a homosuck thread smoker

just let them wallow in their own filth

>> No.6447710

She isn't perfect, though. I really admire lirlys but the lack of leg tattoos, the socks that have nothing to do with canon and that fucking peep toe kinda ruin it for me. Her horns are kinda weird too.

>> No.6447711

Wheres the fun in that? All the other threads are boring too.

>> No.6447762

how the fuck can you tell??? all I see are ugly shoes, a cheap-ass thrift store skirt, and a shadow.

>> No.6447767 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 692x1037, IMAG0282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for an embarrassed self post but these threads are so shitty anyway I can't make it worse, and I cant be the only one sick of looking at the same people over and over.
Roxy's update dress is odd...

>> No.6447829
File: 87 KB, 720x960, tumblr_me2yhu7aKY1qf1noao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447962

Wow. That a truly creepy amount of Yoko statues. To say nothing about a $350 naked Mystique.

>> No.6447972


Pretty sure that was taken in Mostflogged's apartment. She really loves Yoko.

>> No.6448190

not really digging her horns or wig but she's pretty cute

>> No.6448198

I mean have you never seen anyone collect stuf before or?

>> No.6448200

Is that a beauty mark or piercing my her lips??

>> No.6448260

Beauty mark.

>> No.6448284

I'm in need of finding a wig that I can use for Cronus. My friend suggested the Cady wig from Arda


Though I hear shipping can take awhile sometimes so now I'm looking for a alternate place to order a wig though I'm not quite sure what kind of wig I should get since I really know nothing about them and my friend is going to help me style it.

>> No.6448289

I'm pretty sure it's a piercing based on other photos of her.

>> No.6448305


Said wig is also out of stock in black, so you're probably going to want to find another place to purchase one unless you want to wait for a indefinitely long amount of time.

Though the wig your friend suggested seems like a really good fit though, as it's a lace-front. Lace-front wigs are going to give you the most natural hairline for characters like Cronus. (Also Eridan and Equius, and anyone with pulled back hair.)

Though I will say I have no clue of alternate places to get a decent lace-front wig for a good price. A quick eBay and Google'ing are giving me more realistic wigs whose prices make them impractical for the cosplay.

I'm actually looking for one myself, so any additional leads on potential vendors would be lovely.

>> No.6448313
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>> No.6448317

all i have to say about this is oh no

>> No.6448333

What's the best direction to mount Gamzee horns in? Should they be swept slightly forward, slightly backward or just kept totally sideways?

>> No.6448340

I'd say totally sideways? It might just be a matter of personal preference, though.

>> No.6448352

gamzee's one of the trolls who have had lots of different horn-shapes drawn in canon. i'd say pick a shape you like the best out of the ones seen in the comic and go with that, for mounting, though, i'd keep them totally sideways imo.

>> No.6448410


Like >>6448352 said, the horns are extremely inconsistent in general. I'd say to do them sideways, but to play around with them to find the most flattering angle so that it looks natural.

>> No.6448415
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>> No.6448425

I like it, but that manicure is a bit extreme for a troll as nubby and sweatery as Kankri. Maybe on Gamzee or Terezi.

>> No.6448473

I can confirm it's a piercing.

>> No.6448480

There are lots of tutorials about faking natural looking hairlines for wigs without doing the lacefront thing - granted they don't look quite as natural, but I think it could work for you for someone like Cronus since he doesn't have the big purple highlight to draw a ton of attention to it.

Here's a pretty simple tutorial: http://malindachan.deviantart.com/gallery/37164049#/d3kq67t

>> No.6448522

Why can't her just take the piercing off? Damaramegido does the same thing. People who won't take their piercings to cosplay is a big pet peeve to me.
Talking about pet peeve, what are your when it comes to homestuck cosplay?

>> No.6448541


not binding
not styling dirk wigs
dirk glasses that are a thousand times larger than they should be
95% of gamzee cosplayers
95% of dave cosplayers

>> No.6448575

I'd say it looks okay for aranea but if it was for a boy character I wouldn't like it as much. I can see Damara having one though.

>> No.6448622


Getting horns the wrong way around, especially Kanayas. It's like, how hard is it to 1) see that they imitate her symbol 2) check if your source is mirrored or not.

Also buckets. I just. No.

>> No.6448636

i always see vriskas with backwards horns and i think the same thing

>> No.6448664


As someone who has a facial piercing, I don't take mine out for a few reasons:
a) It's pretty small, and it often doesn't even show up in photos.
b) Taking it out is a long and sometimes painful process.
c) Putting it back in is even worse. It's really not worth the effort (and possible infection), in my opinion, just so I can wear a cosplay for 8 hours without my piercing in.

My main concern is the infection thing, hence why I (and I assume other cosplayers) keep them in.

>> No.6448669

According to the girl's blog, she's had it done recently as well, so it might have not been healed yet?

>> No.6448670

some people do wear retainers but they always fall out for me so I usually just end up keeping them in anyway not caring what others thing cause hey just having fun over here nothing serious. Plus you probably can just shoop them out.

>> No.6448674


>> No.6448718

Dude I had more than four piercings at once and I took everything off when I was cosplaying. If it's healed, it shouldn't be a problem. Not taking your piercings off make you look kinda lazy.

Well that is a good reason, but seriously, why not make it after the con then? That way she would have more time for it to heal.

>> No.6448767


So? Everyone reacts differently to piercings. Everyone has different healing rates, different levels of being prone to infection, some people's piercing holes close up REALLY FAST, etc. I have very sensitive skin so the smallest things can irritate it. At the same time I know other people who can insert and remove their piercings repeatedly. I could never do that without pain or infection.

>> No.6448778


you obviously don't know much about piercings if you think everyone who has them can just take them out and put them back in constantly

>> No.6448799

why does it matter
either way there'd be a hole in her face??? might just be me but i'd rather see the piercing

>> No.6448819
File: 296 KB, 900x1350, so_high_by_astargor-d4d8a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6448816

What do you guys think of people using tipped or elf-like ears for troll cosplays?

>> No.6448825
File: 393 KB, 699x979, 1340427732460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're really cute and a nice touch to the costume.

>> No.6448846
File: 174 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m254tafme21r2r0mlo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more accurate and looks really nice if done right

>> No.6448868

hah, thats a Gamescom 2012 ribbon.
:D I still wear that shit.

>> No.6448889
File: 9 KB, 147x147, reely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggoty fairy elf ears
>more accurate

>> No.6448908


>fans who dont know the character of their series
hussies doodles show that he drew trolls with pointed ears

>> No.6448927

We've been over this before.
His doodling style is far from canon because he's also drawn the kids with pointed ears before too

>> No.6448928

Well maybe her life doesn't revolve around pleasing anonymous people on the internet.
Maybe she's just doing it for fun.
I don't take out my earring unless I do serious photoshoots, simply because it isn't that big and is just a pain in the ass to take in and out without bending.

>> No.6448950

Big shocker everyone, everything in Homestuck is free to be interpreted in any direction!

Whenever Hussie draws the kids or trolls in canon, they don't even have ears! But does that mean they don't actually have ears?? Fuck no. Do whatever the fuck you want. Regular ears, pointed ears, chop off your own god damn ear a la Van Gogh.

>> No.6448963
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 521498_268873609886277_505685681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like them.

>> No.6448974

Not canon, looks stupid 9 out of 10 times, don't do it.

>> No.6449003


>> No.6449004
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>> No.6449001
File: 52 KB, 960x643, 226167_276366132462879_848561522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get some fucking images in here? preferably not the same ones from every other shitty thread we have?

>> No.6449005


yeah, this is sort of the same thing as saying "the sprites don't have arms! NO COSPLAYERS CAN HAVE ARMS!!!" which is obviously ridiculous. Cosplayers can interpret it however they want; it can look good on some characters but as a blanket thing I think it looks kind of strange.

>> No.6449007

You act like there are ever any good cosplays aside from those same ones.

>> No.6449017
File: 374 KB, 467x700, bcffe64e30c0656f3f47391e717112af-d4oy12k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6449022
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>> No.6449023
File: 138 KB, 730x1095, 2ollux_captor_by_utsumitanaka-d4rlx9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6449028
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>> No.6449030
File: 162 KB, 475x640, tumblr_m2r7qkJqN51qeesqno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6449034


Holy shit, they both look so disgusting. SEAL YOUR MAKEUP.

>> No.6449056
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>> No.6449061
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>> No.6449072

oh wow that is cool

>> No.6449068


Is her skin painted white?

Not sure how to feel.

>> No.6449080
File: 612 KB, 956x399, okayjpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my girlfriend just went on a rant about Mookie's art and designs, and pointed out that besides the fact that her designs look like 'Square Enix came on their faces, and most of their accessories would have to float to logically stay on.' that Mookie seems to do some slight same face... in that, she draws a lot of their faces to look like hers... I kind of see it too, and it's kind of weird.
Aside from Mookie's use of foundation 10x lighter than her creeping me out forever.

>> No.6449087


This is really pathetic reaching for extra reasons to bitch about Mookie. Look, I get hating her designs, they're not for everyone, but her drawings look nothing like her. They're generic anime faces. They're about as generic as you can get without drawing in a classic shoujo style.

If you're going to hate on someone, please come up with a better reason to do so.

>> No.6449105


Someone I hatefollow just posted their answer to an Ask from this person. They said they'll be doing a bondage photoshoot as Equius.

Something to look forward to, seagirls.

>> No.6449137

Oh wow, gorgeous and unique. I would have never thought this concept would turn out so well but it looks beautiful.

>> No.6449139

At least it's very, very neatly done with little to no evident rub-off onto the outside of her black outfit. There's not much cracking I can see (which happens more often and looks worse with white makeup).

Looks weird, but at least it's not awful.

>> No.6449145

It's not a new idea and she's not the first to employ it?

I give her credit for having really even face paint, but it still just looks off.

>> No.6449153
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>> No.6449149
File: 64 KB, 720x960, tumblr_m021dg9jO71qerjifo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another dog tier Jade

>> No.6449156


That just looks scary. I don't understand why some people interpret GT Jade as being literally white skinned. Is it because she merged with Jadesprite, who was merged with Bec, whose fur is assumed to be white...?

>> No.6449178

No there are just some people who interpret the kids as plain white since that's how they look in comic.

Jade just seems to be the favorite for it, though I have seen a Jane who painted herself white for it.

>> No.6449207
File: 608 KB, 653x824, Jadegodtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed the interpretation came from this from the [S] Cascade flash. Mostly because the same people who do the white skin are the same people who generally do the all black outfits.

>> No.6449229

I'm planning on cosplaying the Summoner (and Rufioh) in the semi-near future and I can't for the life of me find any decent tutorials on how to make a wig for that. Disregarding shipping times and things being in stock, do you think adding red wefts to Arda's Cady wig would work (since it's a lace-front and I think that would look best), or should I ditch that idea?

>> No.6449247
File: 252 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m1nthqeyaw1qerjifo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449250

I would very much like to do a Homestuck cosplay but I was reluctant to catch onto the bandwagon and only started reading it super recently. I'm only on Act 4. aslkdfjwoiejfld;sde

>> No.6449279

I'm making a Summoner wig for a friend and I'm just adding extra wefts onto the black sides/Apple red hawk Rufio wig from Arda

>> No.6449278 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 310x313, markhor_goat_wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly back, I'd say. Personally, I think it's more flattering not to mention you can wield them more easily. Besides, they're supposed to resemble goat horns correct?

>> No.6449280

Does anyone have any exceptional white-skinned dogtiers? The ones posted aren't bad but is there any really, really well-done ones?

>> No.6449281
File: 264 KB, 668x1920, tumblr_me3f0ekEOE1rczukno2_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The steampunk Feferi is done.

>> No.6449286

that doesn't look like steampunk at all

>> No.6449285
File: 1.17 MB, 648x1152, tumblr_m8ilobsXky1qerjifo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an interesting take on the Condesce.

>> No.6449287
File: 14 KB, 310x313, markhor_goat_wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly back, I'd say. Personally, I think it's more flattering not to mention you can wield them more easily. Besides, they're supposed to resemble goat horns correct?

sage because I'n not contributing

>> No.6449297

Any chance one of you could post a pic of a good summoner?
i need inspiration

>> No.6449304


go for it, just know if you attend any meetups you will get crazy spoiled

>> No.6449336

hmmm intersting, do you have more pictures?

>> No.6449341

Sure it is! See the corset? Totally steampunk.

>> No.6449372
File: 270 KB, 531x800, tumblr_m802wuyP6c1qcs6jdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes a better roxy than she does rose

her face is still weird though.

>> No.6449376

This one looks awful especially compared to >>6449056, such a shame, it would have been nicer without the paint.

>> No.6449382

The design is ugly but they worked well with it, I think this could be nice if it was photographed properly.

>> No.6449413

Huh. Yeah that actually sounds a lot simpler.

>> No.6449421
File: 1.03 MB, 800x1200, tumblr_m88ke77dVL1qeesqno1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's pretty good, i think

>> No.6449461

She really doesn't have the face for either of the Lalondes.

>> No.6449475

Yup! Either way will produce a clean looking wig, but since he doesn't really care either way and the Rufio is easier and cheaper than a Cady + lacefronting it's the one we agreed to go with.

Good luck with yours!

>> No.6449513
File: 298 KB, 800x1200, 1349968175361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting more exiles/midnight crew cosplay, if that's cool? I love them.

>> No.6449524
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>> No.6449521
File: 525 KB, 1261x1920, 1344817951232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the meantime here's what I've got though it's a repost

>> No.6449526
File: 946 KB, 1594x2400, nice octopus skirt and bracelets condesce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octopus skirt and arm bling aside, she could do with work on the wig, horns, and anklets.

>> No.6449529
File: 811 KB, 1084x718, nebulame snowman with actual el wire on violin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449532

that looks nice! too bad it's not in a slightly nicer setting..

>> No.6449588
File: 181 KB, 837x954, 1331003550247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6449594

On that note, which kinda of faces do you guys think work best for each character? I'm always interested in people's facial headcanons.

>> No.6449595
File: 208 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_md8xcxDcZR1r5ed5yo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6449601

I'm sorry but that's just a trainwreck

>> No.6449605

overall the whole thing could be a BIT cleaner and tighter, but very impressive. cool design, too.

>> No.6449609

>>6449605 here, maybe I'm just so used to horrendous fancy condesces, but this one's much better than what I'm used to seeing.

>> No.6449615

John: Roundish faces, but oh god please never do the biting-lip faux overbite, it always looks forced and awkward.
Jade: Asian/Pacific Islander-ish features.
Rose: thinner features, nice cheekbones
Dave: a nose that looks good with aviators.

>> No.6449616

any new fandom drama that's NOT beating the dead horses of rachel/potatorose/damaramegido/mostflogged/jj/heaven?

>> No.6449617

Couldn't agree with this more. I get that people have personal preferences and all but all of the ears are stupid / fancy costumes are stupid / someone's interpretation of an inch tall drawing is stupid gets ridiculous after a while.

>> No.6449657

I've never seen any drama about potato rose.

>> No.6449663
File: 31 KB, 512x384, tumblr_mbsm86DaN61r7mujco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got any bad cosplays? (gotta love the shitty nudestuck "cosplays" on that blog)

>> No.6449664

Aradia - flatter faces with large mouths. I like monolids with her.
Tavros - not particularly round, but boyish faces. Thick eyebrows.
Sollux - thin, angular features.
Karkat - cute, roundish faces with big eyes. A ski-slope nose.
Nepeta - High, round cheekbones, large eyes.
Kanaya - Elegant, more mature feminine features, pointed nose.
Terezi - Huge mouth, small eyes easily hidden behind glasses, bony features.
Vriska - Arched eyebrows, pointed chin, small mouth.
Equius - Refined overall bone structure, thuggish features. Roman nose.
Gamzee - squarish face with thick eyelids. Big nose.
Eridan - mid-teens-looking, thick eyebrows, small eyes, downturned mouth.
Feferi - pretty but androgynous features.

See above for the dancestors.

>> No.6449685
File: 295 KB, 448x700, 1352532045045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostflogged/JJ drama is so old, there's no reason why it should be coming up in HSG. At least the rest is relevant.

Back to cosplay.

>> No.6449691


>> No.6449695
File: 141 KB, 500x667, 20120104_144927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was invited to a homestuck themed party cosplay thing (like a meetup but with a bunch of people I actually know, AKA they won't be autistic)
I got some contacts for my dave cosplay, but I'm a little worried about how to actually maintain them. I got these contact containers, will they be okay for them? I know you can ruin your contacts by having them be contaminated, and these were pretty fucking cheap.
Also, are there any fluids you can use to clean contacts other than the shit you can buy? I can only find it online and it's really expensive.

I just don't want to wreck my eyes or the contacts

>> No.6449701

One issue I've got with this group is Dirk's unstyled wig. Also Jane's not-blue skirt. Other than that, I like this group.

>> No.6449704

expensive? Dont be jewy about contacts. You can fuck up your eyes. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/509360485514356151?q=contact%20lense%20cleaner&hl=en&amp

>> No.6449708

So will the containers be safe or

>> No.6449720

daily contact wearer here, i have those and yes you'll be fine with them
grab some opti-free replenish contact solution too, you'll need to change out the contact solution every now and then to keep them clean and safe

>> No.6449721

The containers should be fine, and you can get decent contact fluid at your local drug store. It's not particularly cheap, but as stated, you don;t want to ruin your eyes.

>> No.6449730

Alright. oddly enough, they had the cases but no fluid there.. oh well. I'll try the drugstore that's out of town. For now I'll just use the fluid that they came in.

>> No.6449740

don't. that stuff will scour your eyes. you need them in real lens solution and to soak for at least 24 hours in them.

If you don't have that, leave them in the bottles.

>> No.6449746

Oh, alright
So when I remove them from the bottles should I wash them off with the solution before letting them soak? it's bizzare that it didn't warn me about any of this stuff, you'd think that proper care would actually be mentioned somewhere

>> No.6449749

Yes! Rinse them with solution, pour solution in each cup of the case, and then let the lenses soak (with the lids on, obviously) for 24 hours. Then rinse them again and replace the solution. You can now wear them.

>> No.6449792

Do you think that they'd be okay to wear before the 24 hour mark? The event thing is in like 10-15 hours

>> No.6449796
File: 157 KB, 480x480, mjjj'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made a good Aranea though

>> No.6449798


she always looks like she has something sour in her mouth

>> No.6449808

different anon here, they might be a little uncomfortable if you don't let them soak for a while before the initial wear. try to let them soak for as long as you possibly can to make sure they'll feel okay for you during the night.

>> No.6449810
File: 132 KB, 531x800, tumblr_lu9nfnik151qcs6jdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not when she doesn't smile, she once said her smile is awkward looking...
This one is old too.

>> No.6449812

Alright, thanks a bunch for the help

And to think I was a few seconds away from trying them on

>> No.6449820

no prob, it's okay, i did that, too, the first time i ordered contacts. i put them in straight out of the jar and it felt like i put rocks in my eyes. they shouldn't even feel like they're on your eyes after you soak them (it might be a little weird when you first put them in, but after blinking and a few minutes it'll feel fine)

>> No.6449822

Still doesn't have the face for Lalondes.

She does look a whole lot better as Aranea, though. The glasses, lighter lipstick and both darker hair/the hair cut compliment her well.

>> No.6449835

I think I see her as Nepeta maybe, because of her cheeks

>> No.6449843

Jeez, that sounds incredibly painful
Why isn't there a warning on the bottle, and why would they even ship them in something like that?

>> No.6449910

Because they assume that people do their research on contact lenses. If you're ordering lenses, you should have gone to an optometrist for a fitting anyways. Even if you think your eyesight is fine and you aren't going to buy lenses from them, you should still find out if your eyes are compatible with lenses at all before putting them in. Knowing your base curve from a fitting is also important, as lenses that are a different BC than your own, while wearable, can be uncomfortable or slide around too much.

I'm honestly puzzled that someone WOULDN'T do a shitload of research before putting something on a fairly important part of their body.

>> No.6449928

hey /cgl/
do you think it would be okay to do a latula cosplay with a dress over tights instead of a full bodysuit?
i dont have the body to pull off a catsuit/zentaisuit look

>> No.6449984

can i request some ms.paints?

>> No.6449983


New contacts always feel a little stiff for me until my body heat warms them up and they conform properly to my eye, then I can completely forget I'm wearing them.

>> No.6450058

Oh my god, I know this motherfucker. He wants to cosplay Rufioh, and he's completely against using wigs because they look "fake", as he says. Anyways, he's pretty fucking weird, I've been in Skype chats with him before, trust me.

>> No.6450060

You just said it was a good reason, so stop complaining. Life should not revolve around cosplay.

>> No.6450067
File: 593 KB, 637x424, kcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with a picture of some of my friends cosplaying pre-scratch trolls

>> No.6450073

your friends are cute!
better pics of the Meenah and Aranea?

>> No.6450077

If you know you can't pull it off, then don't.

You may get some flak, but if it looks better to go with the dress & tights, do so.

>> No.6450084
File: 510 KB, 418x619, meenah aranea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure anon

>> No.6450180
File: 163 KB, 517x645, rachel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Heaven going on about Rachel riding her ass for selling cosplays?

>> No.6450187
File: 22 KB, 528x85, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of everything in that screencap Amperehope decided to take it personally for some reason.

Does he get that no one was even talking about him on cgl? I know he loves attention but no one was going out of their way to point him out.

He acts like cgl is such an awful place but he tweets links to Homestuck cosplays he thinks are terrible too.

>> No.6450200

I'm not that into Homestuck because I sort of fell out of the fandom but ampereHope and his gropu of friends always seemed kind of douchey from what I've seen online.

>> No.6450212

>tfw he says he's making his twitter private and the tweet it public.

he namedrops everyone and acts like they're his friend. if they mutually follow one another he will mention it constantly. he can't go a day without mentioning "oh yeah that's my good friend so and so" or "yeah me and x are really close" when in reality they hardly know one another.

I'm not saying he has no friends, but he acts like he has more than he really does. I remember checking the tag for my name once and saw him mentioning how close we were when I think he sent me an ask once and that was it.

>> No.6450228

Yeah, I don't enjoy his stupid tumblr circlejerks. I understand having tumblr friends and everything but like it seems so fucking weird when people start building like a cult of personality make it seem like they're doing you a favor by interacting with you on the site or something. I think having a lot of followers and ~fandom fame~ or whatever tends to give people a big head.

>> No.6450225

Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a bit but who is this and what's the word surrounding him? I've known about Rachel's drama fests for a while but this is the first time hearing about this person.

>> No.6450231

Also, didn't he post here before? I think I remember him namefagging/tripfagging.

Just an annoying "fandom celebrity" who let their ego get to their head.

>> No.6450237

He both posts and browses here, and he does trip as well on occasion.

>> No.6450244

>still comes here
>acts like /cgl/ is an awful place
What is this guy

>> No.6450252
File: 148 KB, 504x509, ampere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his twitter is a sight to behold when it comes to cgl.

>> No.6450266

Who was /cgl/ even talking about? And oh nooo, a bunch of people found a cosplay lacking or a cosplayer rude THEY MUST HAVE A VENDETTA AGAINST MY FRIENDS

>> No.6450292

Just MF's cosplays being sold and Rachel getting onto her about even selling them. There was more shit talking Rachel than anything, actually.

>> No.6450297
File: 672 KB, 1275x1920, jadespectagoggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with a cute jade

>> No.6450298

seconding this, I have never heard of or seen anything about this guy until looking at this thread and I try to keep up with stuff like this, generally.

Even upon a cursory glance at his tumblr and his cosplay tag I don't see anything worth while or even good? Just a really shitty dirk and lots of webcam pics. What's his deal?

>> No.6450311

That seems really fucking dumb. I mean I get the idea behind the IP crackdown but jesus, used costumes aren't violating any mass production rules.

Yeah, can someone elaborate maybe?

>> No.6450313


I really like this Meenah (braids, shirt covering her stomach)! Aranea needs to neaten up her socks but she's cute too.

>> No.6450315

why don't we get back to some more cosplayers

>> No.6450317

How about instead of complaining about lack of cosplayers, you share a few of your own?

>> No.6450323
File: 50 KB, 500x375, dave24943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure why not?

>> No.6450326

Some stories of my experience with hamsteakers.
this past convention there were two homestuckers doing their make up in the mirror. While one girl seemed nice enough to talk to, her friend, who was also getting painted, shot me the dirtiest look. I guess she didn't think I saw. Every time I attempted to ask the one girl a question she would talk over me. Rude . I stank faced her and left.

Around. Evening my friends and I found a spot in the cafe to eat. A group of homestuckers immediately began talking about how their fandom had such a bad rep. As if on que, a group of loud homestuck cosplayers pile at a table with their food. It was kinda funny how the other group got quiet.

>> No.6450328

I haven't followed Homestuck since the alpha kids showed up but man teen trollcestors are so adorable. I really want to cosplay Aranea based on her outfit alone and I know nothing about her. I'd feel a little awkward doing that though!

>> No.6450329
File: 792 KB, 1280x1920, cowboydave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450327

Can I play devil's advocate here and say that, unless there's proof to the contrary, maybe Rachel isn't being all "AWW SHIT PERSON OF AFRICAN DESCENT YOU SO TOTALLY DID NOT JUST PUT UP A USED COSTUME ON ETSY I'M GONNA WHOOP YO ASS FROM HERE TO CAMBODIA"

and may be more like "Hey, you aren't making and selling those for profit, are you? No? It's just a used costume? Okay, cool." I'm open to any evidence suggesting otherwise, though.

>> No.6450332

It still baffles me how different she acts towards people. I've had nice experiences with working with her and have only seen her bad side directly at me once but hearing stories is just. Wow. It's almost like a completely different person.

I think she lets the stress get to her and acts out rather than taking a breath and ignoring it.

>> No.6450338
File: 321 KB, 500x753, deadfeltdave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450371

Can anyone tell me what material this Meenah's braids are? It looks like some kind of cable or cord like those "cyberpunk" dread falls are made out of but thicker? I don't recognize it :/

>> No.6450392

would actually be great if it weren't for the piercing. way to ruin the whole costume. at least shop it out.

>> No.6450397

yuck, this girl. I followed her for her dave cosplay and ended up unfollowing her because she was so annoying.

>> No.6450405
File: 62 KB, 384x512, i_hate_bec_noir_by_xd_eviltoast_xd-d52bg3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450418

Man, so many people on CGL have such a stick up their ass about piercings.

It's not like he's got giant plugs or some huge distracting shit. It's a stud, the end.

>> No.6450420

jfc amperehope who do you think you are? i mean, you aren't that famous or important. also your cosplays (and your friend's) are terrible.

>> No.6450423

nothing dramatic, just a lot of obnoxious text posts (all in Dave's typing quirk which so many tumblr users feel they have to use to be cool.) I also realized pretty quick that her only cosplay photos of are her making the same exact face in front of her webcam, which, if I'm following someone for their cosplay, makes for a pretty uninteresting addition to my dash.

>> No.6450431

I've found this about a lot of homestuck "cosplayers" on tumblr. All they do is take shitty webcam shots of themselves pulling faces and then they have a giant circlejerk about how "kawaii" they are.

>> No.6450439

>all in Dave's typing quirk which so many tumblr users feel they have to use to be cool

I think that's just a common style of typing online, though.

>> No.6450458

Yeah, and it's obnoxious.

>> No.6450459
File: 110 KB, 394x700, tumblr_mdp9lc7DIm1r2cxqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i take webcam pictures for fun when i feel like dressing up, but i don't keep it in my "cosplay" tag.

>> No.6450461

you nailed it. the key to tumblr fame is in your hands.

>> No.6450466

yeah, so do I! But if that's ALL you do, you're just like every other tumblr cosplayer who does the same thing, and chances are your blog is pretty boring and I don't want to follow it.

>> No.6450467

That is a fantastic Meulin wig

>> No.6450470

yeah no i agree.
and this >>6450461 probably couldn't be more true.
i stopped taking webcam pics and silly gifs when i realized i gained more followers through goofy shit than my actual quality photos and it's endlessly frustrating.

>> No.6450495

How about some cute jades, please?? :)

>> No.6450501

Tumblr users aren't necessarily using Dave's quirk, they're just typing lowercase with no punctuation and stuff. But it does get annOYING ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY START YELLING IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR SENTENCES LIKE THIS.

>> No.6450518
File: 78 KB, 480x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? A casual jade

>> No.6450526
File: 187 KB, 529x682, 1336901423574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the trick to getting contacts in? I've been trying for the past half hour, and they stick to my finger instead of to my eye. It's like they LITERALLY will not attach to my eye, at all. Yes, they're the right side out and have been in solution for 24 hours.

>> No.6450531

I have never understood why people have so much trouble with them. But that's possibly because I've been wearing them since seventh grade all those years ago.

Anyway, youtube a couple videos, as those are the best way to show people without being able to be there in person to poke them in the eye.
(Also make sure your fingers holding it do have excess solution on them. They stick to fingers that have no moisture over eyes anyday)

>> No.6450536

That's probably my issue. Should there just be a bit, or quite a lot on the applying finger? wouldn't too much cause the exact opposite of the desired effect because of surface tension?

>> No.6450539

it took me a good 30 minutes to get mine in for the first time. just keep trying anon. it helps me to look away in one direction and apply the contact to the white of my eye and blink until it goes into place, rather than trying to apply the contact directly over/right next to the pupil.

>> No.6450546

Yes it does. It does take a bit of practice to get the right amount the first couple times, I'll admit.
Dipping your fingers into a bit of fresh solution quickly does the job just fine.

Also >>6450539
has very valid advice. Also don't rub at your eye after it's in too much or it'll pop right out since they /are/ foreign objects in your eye

>> No.6450553

The issue being that mine aren't going "in" at all in the first place, they literally aren't sticking to the eye
After my eye gets a little less irritated I'll try again, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.6450567

Balance the contacts gently on your finger tips. I had this problem when I first got contacts too. I had the contacts on the finger pad part of my fingers instead of on the tips. Decrease the surface area between your finger and your contacts so it'll stop sticking to your finger.

Also >>6450546 is really good advice.

>> No.6450570

I started taking it personally after being called a "shitty ftm", told I have mantits, had people attempt to impersonate me here, among other minor and unimportant things.

Most of it being things related to my body, oddly enough. This thread's the first time you guys hated on me for my personality.

I'd reply to other posts but it's w/e. You guys will reply, people will laugh and post shit, then we go back to hating on everybody.

The circle of /cgl/ continues.

>> No.6450576

No one would have said anything about you if you hadn't pointed a giant arrow at yourself with that tweet.

>> No.6450577

The times you got picked on for your body were (assuming I'm remembering correctly) times your photo was posted and 1. you weren't wearing a shirt 2. were doing a thigh high thing.

No duh people are going to comment on your body.

>> No.6450582

A relevant comment, though. Do you guys prefer cellophane or organza when it comes to God Tier wings? I was going to go with organza because Mituna's wings are two separate colors and I can sew the different shade on top, but wanted to see other people's opinions.

>> No.6450581

CGL is just a ray of sunshine tonight.

>> No.6450584

This is how we're like every night.

Also, people can be pretty callous/cruel on here but some of the most helpful advice re:cosplay I 've received was from here. /cgl/ is like a gruff distant relative who will tear you down for being a little shit but knows a shitton of info about everything (and that seems kinda cool) so you keep coming back because you want their approval even if it hurts.

Or maybe we're just catty bitches who can sew. Either way.

>> No.6450587

I prefer organza because cellophane is too shiny for me. I think a more matte look photographs nicely.

>> No.6450590

That and people forget this is a Homestuck thread and that's still hated and we're regularly invaded with assholes who just want to say shit.

>> No.6450594

>>6450470 i realized i gained more followers through goofy shit than my actual quality photos and it's endlessly frustrating

This, oh my god this. I get more notes on a stupid gif of me sitting in front of my computer than I do on actual costumes that I've poured hours of work onto. I hate it.

>> No.6450596

No dice. When I try and put the contacts on my eye it pushes it further on my finger and then it sticks. No matter what I try, it ends up sticking. This really sucks but I can't seem to work around it.

>> No.6450597

Is that the same Rufioh as in OP? I really like her overall execution, especially the wings! Do you have any more pictures?

>> No.6450604

That's what I thought, too. It also seemed quite a bit "weaker" and more fragile, and knowing how cramped meetups are I'm sure someone would accidentally tear the cellphone.

Thank you.

>> No.6450605

tell your rufioh that she is 95% amazing and if she loses the girly heels and gets more manly boots she will be 100% amazing.

>> No.6450621
File: 59 KB, 514x196, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God Rhaeme stop talking here. Stop talking on twitter. You're not funny or clever and why the fuck ask


when you go and tweet this?

>> No.6450625

That was to figure out if anyone following my twitter, after I make it private, would post on /clg/.

Thank you for solving that for me! :D

>> No.6450628

With 200 some odd followers you think no one who follows you on twitter is here? You have way too much to learn. Maybe pay attention to your twitter feed and you can see how many people are open about it.

>> No.6450629


Oh my god, seriously? Everything gets posted here, you are not omg so yuneek, get the fuck over yourself you fucking snowflake.

>> No.6450630

That was so goddamned easy.

>> No.6450631

Did you just reply to your own post congratulating yourself?

>> No.6450634

You know, you bragging about "I beat /cgl/! I now know that ONE PERSON out of ALL MY FOLLOWERS is from /cgl/!" just makes you look like a total asshole. I don't even know who you are but I already have a bad impression of you.

>> No.6450637

Just stop embarrassing yourself any further.

>> No.6450649
File: 65 KB, 500x333, lucillesmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450654
File: 224 KB, 1280x829, withoutonionplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450655
File: 230 KB, 600x900, dersedreamersuitstuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450663

Rachel is a solid hardass when it comes to any and all merch made/sold under the name of Homestuck. While I understand why (give an inch and people can legally take a mile, say "you allowed it in this case so you should allow it in these other cases as well") actually yanking the listing for a costume whose design she/Andrew have zero claim to is kind of ridiculous.

But then again Rachel is kind of ridiculous in general so lol.

>> No.6450664
File: 18 KB, 476x340, lkdfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't care if i'm popular.
yeah okay.

>> No.6450668

>I haven't been cosplaying for long = i'm fantastic
Wow. Honestly, Rhaeme is one of the biggest brown nosers I've ever met personally. I remember way back when, a year or so ago.
I was mildly popular for one homestuck cosplay photo and he messaged me trying to be friends. He went on saying that he was friends with me and I instantly nope'd out of there.

>> No.6450670


>> No.6450672
File: 6 KB, 461x114, sfgsdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we liked you before this.

>> No.6450674 [DELETED] 

I don't know anything about this person, but wasn't he about to make is twitter private?

>> No.6450677 [DELETED] 


He did make his twitter private, it's just that someone who originally followed him screen capped his tweets

>> No.6450679

Tell us more, anon.

>> No.6450724
File: 30 KB, 250x398, jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I didn't know anything about this bitch before but I'm loving it! I was having the most boring day before this. more deets?

also someone was asking about character headcanons, here's pretty much spot on how I see Jade.

>> No.6450731

Except fatso is Jane

>> No.6450736

yes because I should be wearing my glasses jfc yes, JANE. I meant Jane

>> No.6450784

What cosplayers are these? I've seen Felt Suit Dave a ton of times but have no idea what blog it's from.

>> No.6450821

When putting my contacts in I make sure that the finger I'm using to apply isn't very damp and that the contact is just barely sitting on it. Then when I put it in my eye I don't immediately pull my finger away. Let your finger sit there a moment while you feel the contact seal onto your eye (usually an extra 10 seconds or so past when the contact first touches your eye). Pulling your finger away before you feel this seal will make it harder to keep the contact in.
Polite sage for not contributing anything.

>> No.6450823

Also, not a lot, but a little; Run it gently back and forth to create a bit of a vacuum? That's how I first learned.

>> No.6450837
File: 438 KB, 1280x1920, gpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450840

HSG, what fabrics do you prefer for regular god tier outfits?
I ended up buying cotton solids for all of god tier Nepeta because fuck if proper hero of heart colors aren't hard to find.

>> No.6450848
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-11-06 14.31.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, by the way. Also included is ribbon, organza for wings, fabric I may or may not use for the symbol, and a mask I'm cutting and using as a base so that the mask will fit my face shape better.

>> No.6450852

Heart colours are a bitch to find. I used cotton for my Godtier Nepeta because I didn't sent to spend a ton of money before I had a 100% canon design. But I figure once I get a completely canon one I'll make it out of something with done stretch and more firm fitting that I ordered

>> No.6450867

JFC why is the accepted headcanon for Jane a FAT CHICK? I will never understand this fandom.

>> No.6450869


Because of all the cake. She bakes a lot.

Personally, I think a chubby Jane is cute.

>> No.6450870

because she bakes and eats cake all the time i guess

>> No.6450871

...This is good but I don't understand it. Why eggs?

>> No.6450873

This wig looks really sloppy.

>> No.6450876

the bit sticking out at the back needs cutting but other than that it looks fine

>> No.6450881

Because Dave's entry item was an egg, maybe? It's an odd thing to put in a picture, I agree.

>> No.6450883


probably because of the constant bird symbolism. he had to hatch an egg to get into the game, his hair is a bird, his associated animal is crows, he even became part bird.

>> No.6450885

then whats up with the wine

>> No.6450886


No, its because thats a cosplay of the fanfic Striders Edge Im pretty sure? That would explain the tux and wine and quails eggs at least.

>> No.6450891

It depends, I know I have small eyes, and I can't even open them all the way to just stick the contacts in like most people seem to do.

I pull the lid down, slip the contact in and slide it down a bit to be able to put it all the way on the eye (I have to slide it under my lid a little bit), and then let it go and blink into place.

Took me forever to get them in at first as well.

>> No.6450940

yeah http://dersedreamer.tumblr.com/post/36410182224/marthur-the-two-of-us-were-always-very-close

>> No.6451023
File: 7 KB, 146x212, Sollux_Captor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fed up of this 'facial headcanon should determine who you are good at cosplaying' shit
I understand that it's important concerning the gender of the character you're cosplaying but really, there are no set facial features in Homestuck so stop acting like it matters that much.

Pic related

>> No.6451035

Met them in person, total snob with a giant ego.

>> No.6451045

Looks like JJ has jumped onto the tutorial bandwagon. She's so desperate for people to like her.

>> No.6451068

But the "facial headcanon" thing has a slight base in reality: not everybody looks good in every hairstyle.

There's a reason most people's headcanon or favorite Captors have delicate features and a pointy chin: it's what goes best with that hair.

The "headcanon face" stuff applies a lot less to characters like Dave whose hair is nearly universally flattering, or to Vriska or Gamzee where what people are really looking at is facial /expression/.

>> No.6451102

oh my god, really? someone is nice enough to write up a tutorial for something and you STILL find something bad in it.

>> No.6451119


The last thing HSG needs is you namefagging, Mira. You are a shitty cosplayer with a whiny and irritating personality. Go away.

>> No.6451142

I didn't realize there was a "tutorial bandwagon." I call vendetta.

>> No.6451164

What the fuck are you smoking, because I want to make sure I never try it!

Tutorials almost never get you extra popularity; they're something done from the kindness of your heart, or occasionally one too many people asking how you did something so you make a straight up tutorial.

You must have serious vendetta going, Anon. That's not attractive.

>> No.6451166

fuck off you egotistical princess

>> No.6451171

I met them in person too, and they were nothing but gracious. You're sounding a little bitter there, anon.

>> No.6451192
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1354041576839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear about this Homestuck thing
>go to con
>see cute Homestuck cosplayers
>start reading the series

B-back those horns up

>> No.6451207

Because surprise, not everyone think the same way you do. She is my headcanon Jane too.

>> No.6451211

this board has never needed a reason for a JJ vendetta. It's like a hobby at this point. I for one think anyone who takes the time to write out long detailed tutorials deserves some kudos.

>> No.6451238
File: 348 KB, 500x753, tumblr_m7j9quhLqi1qhrpquo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow amperehope you are a great cosplayer indeed, I'm so sorry I said otherwise!!!!!!

>> No.6451296


>> No.6451297

i actually lol'd out loud

>> No.6451317
File: 92 KB, 750x750, 5001A034008800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG, do you think this would be a good Mindfang wig?

>> No.6451322

I remember this photoset and wondering why he didn't smile in any of the photos. Dave and Rose I can kind of get but John is an expressive character.

I don't think the angle of this photo is flattering at all though. Ninety percent of the time shooting from below looks bad.

>> No.6451341
File: 20 KB, 406x387, 1291116173328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who respond to the shit that goes on in cgl either on twitter or tumblr

fucking stop youre making it worse for yourself

>> No.6451345

seriously, girl is sweet as hell. i've met her at a couple of events now and she's been totally nice and down to earth each time.

>> No.6451372

yeah, i dont think theres anything wrong with having facial structure headcanons, so long as you dont use it to prematurely judge someone for cosplaying that character.

there are definitely certain facial structures that just wont work well with certain characters due to hairstyle, or make up or what have you but sometimes people can pull riskier things off surprisingly well.

>> No.6451379

rhaeme if you are still in the thread and see this:
wear some more goddamn makeup. you need to contour around your jawline if the photographers are going to do shots like this. Wear some brown eyeshadow and brown eyeliner because your glasses hide your eyes. Make some actually emotive faces. And iron your fucking pants.

Also, stay off /cgl/ for quite a while and ignore everything about it. You're on their radar. You can get mostly off it, but only if you do not mention it on tumblr/twitter/cgl itself for a while. You goofed, now fix it.

>> No.6451380


I do. I like the texture--reminds me of the kind of waves you get in your hair after swimming in the sea, obvs very appropriate for Mindfang.

>> No.6451382

Since she's only been shown in silhouette I think you should be fine with that one.

>> No.6451391
File: 552 KB, 800x531, tumblr_lvpvkkaLbV1r7g18qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6451401

who did? link to post!

>> No.6451402

It does have a nice amount of volume but from what I remember Mindfang's hair is also quite flicky and spiky? Style it so it doesn't look lumpy.

>> No.6451409

ugliest kurloz of all time.. pls stop.

>> No.6451410

Thread hit bump limit.

>> No.6451428

I'm in agreement with the makeup, since I feel that all cosplayers regardless of gender need to use it to a degree to photograph better.

At the same time though, it doesn't help that whoever took this photo didn't actually edit it and instead tried to blow it out.

>> No.6451452

ampereHope. I think people screencapped it and posted them in this thread.

>> No.6451497
File: 223 KB, 478x600, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hsg i plan to make a jane skirt eventually but in the meanwhile i wanted to get something to wear in a pinch
which do you think would work better? i know the straight skirt style is more popular with janes but i'm sort of partial to the semi pleats

also for her update pants, which shade of blue do you think looks nicer, as i noticed they're not cyan but a bit darker, but i dont want them to get mistake for john's shade of blue.

thanks in advance

>> No.6451499


>> No.6451550

I actually prefer the more pleated skirt for Jane. It's the right color and feels like it fits her better than a straight pencil skirt.

Also the pants to the right'd work the best.

>> No.6451592

oh amporahope's the kid who stuffed that ridiculous dildo in their pants to be male kanaya. wtf what that about

>> No.6451636

Oh my fucking god I don't care either way but I think that 'amporahope' is kind of a hilarious mistake.

>> No.6451651

you can't even really see their face. calm that vendetta down.

>> No.6451654


>> No.6451655

this thread is made of bump limit and vendetta. I can't post a picture right now to start a new one, but could someone please do so? thanks.

>> No.6451677

new thread

>> No.6451933

> it was a plan all along u guise!!1!

sounds like someone's covering their stupid ass

>> No.6451985

Don't worry, I have the same cases. They're just fine. You can also just by generic contact fluid to fill them with. They might be cheap, but they're safe, and your eyes and contacts will be safe.

>> No.6452053
File: 342 KB, 1236x1247, Jake.English.full.902125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got it in, thanks a ton