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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 900x300, optumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6439406 No.6439406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Deadline for the audition videos is today. Did anyone from audition? Thoughts?

>> No.6439408

No, the deadline is the 25th.

>> No.6439447

thank God, scared me for a second...

>> No.6439492
File: 181 KB, 638x344, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with best giiirl

>> No.6439506

Just submitted my video. Ohgoshsoterribad. Oh well, at least it's over now.

>> No.6439541

well post it then

>> No.6439735


I wish I didn't suck so much at everything...

>> No.6439752

I know this is pretty patronising since we're about the same age, but you are so cute and have such a lovely smile :3
Can I be your best friend?

>> No.6439760

You are so cute Claudie. I want to hug you :3 Hope you get in.

>> No.6439768

Oh my gosh, that is so kind of you!! I would love to be your best friend!!

Awhhh, *hug* thanks!! I doubt I'll get in, but fingers crossed~

>> No.6439767
File: 93 KB, 182x250, 1335631011898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your eyes are so tiny and your mouth is so big. not kawaii.

>> No.6439769

(sage for double post)
LOL I know, right? I'm trying to find a way to enlarge my eyes without using circle lenses, since I heard if you use them all the time, it damages your eyesight.

>> No.6439778



>> No.6439776


You're a wonderful dancer and have the must glorious calves.
I don't usually like watching people dance, but your video was fun to watch.

>> No.6439786

aww, thanks very much!! I work at them, haha. My dance was really poorly executed but I'm glad you thought it was okay. I felt sooo derp and awkward haha.

>> No.6439798

try falsies, eyeshadow, eyeliner, the usual enlargening tricks. bring attention to your eyes to take away from your mouth. go forth and be kawaii!

>> No.6439802

Yes, I shall do my best! Thank you!!

>> No.6439858

I should report you for being underage.

>> No.6439915

That dance was pretty terrible. With all the training you have, why didn't you make your dance a little more inventive? Or were you just copying?

And bonus song made you look like a weeaboo.

>> No.6439917

Good luck! You definitely have one of the better auditions and looks I really like you and Micchi!

>> No.6439942

Oh no I didn't make the dance up, haha, that's the actually dance from EXID's song "I Feel Good". I really stink at choreography, anyway. And yeah, I know, I really need training in other dance styles since I can handle ballet and classical styles but when it comes to dances like this, I struggle a ton. I'm really hoping if I get in, I can be trained in hiphop or something.
Sorry you didn't like my song, sempai~

Aw thank you!!! Micchi was STUNNING AND AMAZING <3 She's totally getting in.

>> No.6440089
File: 38 KB, 609x343, justtakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Name: Claudia Downey
>Stage/Preferred Name (blank if none): Claudie
>Screen Names (current usernames/links to >find you online): xxtenshijanaixx@gmail.com, xxtenshijanaixx (Youtube), xxClaudie (Skype)
>Location: Boston, Massachusetts
>Age: 17
Height: 5'1"
Singing since: age 13
>Dancing since: age 4
>Skills: Ballet, sewing, French, napping, studying, making new friends, being a leader
>Hobbies and Interests: Ballet, cosplay, Japanese idol groups, anime, cardiology, running
>How much time do you have to dedicate to Oishii!Project?: At least 1 hour on the weekdays, varying time on the weekends (2~8 hours)
>How prompt are you at meeting deadlines?: Extremely prompt; I like to turn things in before they're due!
>Do you have any access to a high quality Microphone, Camera, and Video Camera? (can be paid access): Yes!
>Anything else: Making this video was so much fun, but pardon my dancing; I'm getting over an injury still ; A;

You do realize that by posting this, you're not only admitting that you're breaking a rule on 4chan by being underage, but you're giving us free reign on your personal information? Someone should get this and post it on the spreadsheet, and also ban her. How more stupid can you get, claudie?

>> No.6440099
File: 149 KB, 432x365, 1340511121761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6440605

She probably won't get banned. That's a damn shame too.

>> No.6440658

>implying people didn't already know her age

Not to whiteknight but half of that shit, despite being written dA style, isn't news.

>> No.6440661

Nah, you whiteknightin'. You did it in the other thread too.

>> No.6440675

the age limit is 18+? did not know that.

>> No.6440695

On 4chan, not the contest thing.

>> No.6440713

I thought that was only for the 18+ boards.
It really applies here?

>> No.6440718

Global rules.
>mfw anons stalk me
I need progress reports

>> No.6440728

I bet you didn't even read the rules before posting here.

>> No.6440738

It's so funny that you were all bashing them and saying how stupid they were recently and now so many are trying to join them. Which is it seagulls? Jealously hating till you can join or really thinking that its stupid? You flip flop so often I can't keep up.

>> No.6440784

>offer fame to weeaboos in glorious nippon
>not expecting cgl to jump on the bandwagon

>> No.6440795

If it makes you feel better, I still think it's stupid, anon.

>> No.6440881


>> No.6441012

Can we talk about something actually new/interesting now? Like the new debut Oishii groups, Lychee and Kiwi??

>> No.6441014

a whole lot of this

>> No.6441061


aaaah i'm so excited the groups look super cute

>> No.6441143

Haven't laughed this hard in a long time, thank you anon.

>> No.6442554

I'm so mad, they separate Nico and Hana. Nico would have fit better with the Kiwi girls

>> No.6442950

Claudie, I just looked at your facebook, and you and your friends are quite the unfortunate looking bunch.

>> No.6443008

According to Oishii! Kiwi's Tumblr, Kiwi is supposed to be an edgier group than Lychee.

>> No.6443120

yes, and lychee will be the more soft of the three group

>> No.6443139

Clearly you are a jelly roll (who probably has rolls). I didn't bother to look at her facebook cause guess what? I have other shit to do with my time. Do you? Apparently not.

>> No.6443151

Oooh, you mad.

>> No.6443158

Hi Claudie.

>> No.6443492

That's honestly really mean of you, Anon, but I'm glad you could at least make some people. laugh.

They look so cute! I like how they divided the girls by their personalities/styles, but I was kind of hoping they'd do it by location so they can easily meet uo and perform at cons together. Like >>6442554 said, though, THEY SEPARATED NICO AND HANA. NOOO. So sad about that.

Sorry you feel that way, Anon.

Sorry, wasn't me, but I would like to thank the kind anon who stood up for me~

>> No.6443532

bamp for delicious dramu

>> No.6443697


>> No.6443725

Ah, also, that's not hardcore personal information, Anon. It's not as if I gave my school, my address, etc. A lot of my /cgl/ friends have my Facebook, which has my full name anyway. I've always said on here that I'm from Boston, also. Plus, of course I've always been aware I break a rule when I visit 4Chan. If I get banned, I'll respect that I broke a rule and deal with being banned. So far, however, I haven't been banned, which probably has something to do with the fact that I only post in on-topic threads and try to be helpful. I don't know why you want to put that info on the spreadsheet, either. Sounds like you care about this a little bit more than you should.

tl;dr None of the info I gave was info that wasn't already very public; I don't know why you're so concerned about this and took the time from your day to sit in Ps shooping a screenshot of my into something lewd. It's creepy you care so much.

>> No.6444345

So did the idolution tumblr get taken down? It's coming up as not found for me.

>> No.6444975

Which group do you think will be the more popular here and in japan ?

>> No.6445024


>> No.6445108

Probably Lychee.

>> No.6445133

Ohhh, damn. Case closed. Nice one, girl.

>> No.6445237

I think maybe the owner deleted it. Oishii showed absolutely no recognition of it so I'm assuming the person who ran it just got bored and got rid of it.

>> No.6445267


>> No.6445575

Damn, it was pretty interesting.

>> No.6445682
File: 127 KB, 695x1016, claudie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Claudie, you're super cute, but the first things I thought were "her eyes do not match the size of the rest of her features" and "that hairstyle is really unflattering for her face shape." I did a constructive shoop for you.

>> No.6445726
File: 131 KB, 695x508, claudiehair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and hair gif.

>> No.6445738

>fix potato shape

>> No.6445742

you shouldn't highlight the apples of your cheeks
you should highlight directly on the cheekbone

but damn that shoop is super pretty

>> No.6445749

>you should highlight directly on the cheekbone
What if cheekbone is on a wonky place or if there is something wrong with it, in general?

I know my cheekbone is not prominent at all and it is too fucking high up my face. If I highlight it it's only going to make my horseface horsier.

>> No.6445752

Claudie, you are SO ADORABLE. can we be friends?

>> No.6446054

>maybe if she has similar hair to pantsu, masao will take her back

>> No.6446192

Oh my gosh Anon, this is amazing. Thank you so much. My hair is actually way more red, I just have yet to dye it (even though I already bought the dye again and everything...) But thank you sososo much for this!

Aww thank you so much, that is so sweet! Yes, of course we can be friends!!

Wahhh nooo, donotwant.jpg

>> No.6446985


>> No.6447096

I feel like the only one who finds this girl hideous and try-hard.

>> No.6447302

I don't think she's a try-hard at all, especially compared to the other girls. She just seems like she's naturally shy and is trying her best to be outgoing. She's too adorable.

Also, Anon, sorry for asking for even more stuff, but do you know of any eye enlargement surgeries I could get? I know how popular eye lid surgeries are in Asia right now, but seeing as I have no mono lid, there would be no point to getting one of those. Are there others? I hate my eyes so much, I could rip them from my sockets. Help?

>> No.6447352

I kinda wanted to audition.

...too late now...

>> No.6447356

why didn't you~?

>> No.6447369

Honestly? I just got lazy haha.

>> No.6448230

>rip them from my sockets

Confirmed for crazy self harming bitch.

>captcha: psycotica tier

>> No.6448236

just try makeup tips like >>6445682
the shoop makes you look nice and balances your eyes with the rest of your face. instead of surgery why not pick up some eyeliner/eyeshadow/falsies? much cheaper and more versatile.

>> No.6448241

There are tons of eye-enlarging surgeries out there. Double eyelid surgeries increase the size of your eyelid, so if you're unhappy with that specifically, you could do that. There are also eye lengthening procedures where they cut over the most lateral ends of your eyes and suture. The opposite procedure is an epicanthoplasty where they cut open the medial end of your eye and enlarge it that way.


>> No.6448278

You didn't know? She actually IS a self-harming bitch.

>> No.6449272

Its not hardcore information but I was still able to find these, which took me all but five minutes.


>> No.6449298

Seeing all the last mini cherry post from all the girl make me feel that maybe this project is really nice for them


>> No.6449327

>Haha, post my name on the internet? No thanks.

You should have listened to your 13 year old self.

>> No.6449364
File: 7 KB, 244x250, Panty_react.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449520

Pardon? Why am I a bitch, anons?

I still use only one of those... I don't know who the Yahoo thing was written by, since I've never used that site, and that's not my height. I also don't know what oovoo is, haha. And again, I don't really see your point, since those are public anyway.
I still find it weird you're so... into this, though. I know you said it took you 5 minutes to find those links, but they're either old or inaccurate (i.e. not mine), and then you took them and posted them. I guess I just would like to know why you're so interested?

I'll say it again, almost all my internet friends are friends with me on Facebook, so it's not like my full name was ever unavailable information.

Oh, cool! I'll check those out, thank you~!

>> No.6449538

"I hate my eyes I want to enlarge them."

Bitch (yes that's right) you already large eyes. And there is nothing wrong with "small" eyes as you make it sound.

>> No.6449544

why post someone DOX on /cgl/
nigga you weak

>> No.6449576

You're forgetting that not everyone on /cgl/ is your internet friend.

>> No.6449587

>You already have large eyes
I was just told by several people that my eyes are, indeed, smaller and disproportionate to my face. I've also been told this several times before. I agree with this statement, even though you, apparently, have your own opinion.
Also, wanting to change something about yourself physically hardly makes anyone a "bitch". I don't like my appearance, so hey, I'll change it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm not judging or trying to change anyone's appearance but my own, so not only am I not a bitch, but your argument is flawed hugely. I never said I don't like small eyes, either. I said I don't like *my* eyes. There is a difference. Kindly learn reading comprehension before starting immature and invalid arguments.

Oh, not to worry, I'm well aware~

>> No.6449599

You kind of are a bitch. Look at how you acted in the Ore no Imōto thread. If that doesn't scream bitch, I don't know what does.

>> No.6449603

Arguing about a series I like makes me a bitch? Alrighty, then. Honestly, if you think something like that makes me a bitch, you really don't have the first clue about who I am.

>> No.6449620

Yeah, okay. You like the series, and everyone has to like the same characters as you. But look at how you responded to the anon telling you that you weren't on /a/. Seriously, what was the point of that reaction?

>> No.6449624

Not everyone has to like the same characters as me, and I honestly can not remember what I said to an anon who said this isn't /a/. If my reaction offended anyone, then my apologies.

>> No.6449631

If you can't remember and wonder why people are calling you a bitch, go take a look over the thread then.

>> No.6449650

It's even still there? Oh gosh, wow, now I see it and I honestly thought it 404'd a while ago. Welp.
Whoooa gosh, sometimes, you guys can be super gossipy and mean...
>plays victim role
I really wish I had any idea where this stuff is coming from. None of it is even true, so I guess it's an anon with a vendetta, but just wow, they seem super mad at me and I wish I knew what I did to them so I could figure out how to fix it.

>> No.6449655

Explain why that stuff wouldn't be true. What the fuck makes you an okay person in your eyes.

>> No.6449666

Uh, for starters? I've volunteered weekly at a hospital for the last 4 years, I help teach small kids with downs at my ballet studio, I help my ballet teacher with her classes, and I donate half my salary goes to charity. That would be why I don't think blowing up over an anime character makes me deserving of being called a slut, a cheater, a bitch, bipolar, etc...

~The More You Know~

>> No.6449673

You can be volunteer or whatever, but that doesn't mean you don't act like a bitch. It must all be an act.

>> No.6449675

Like most annoying tripfags you're an idiotic young girl you tries way too hard. I hope you'll grow up and realize this one day and save yourself further embarrassment. Also, shit taste in animu. Just callin' it as I see it.

>> No.6449699

>must all be an act
Yup, most of the free time I have between ballet classes, studying, and helping my friends and school being spent volunteering is all an act. I also donate my money without telling anyone because, you guessed it, it's an act. Glad you could totally see through me, anon!

Save myself from what, again? I was referred to a thread where I was called some pretty nasty and untrue things, and all I'm doing is saying that they are, indeed, untrue, and that if I could I'd wanna talk to the person who hates me so much to make up rumors so I can understand what I did to piss them off. I'm not sure how that makes me an idiot.

>> No.6449736 [DELETED] 

Oh. Well then. Shit, show's over, I guess. I tip my hat to you.

>> No.6449739

Oh. Well, then. Show's over, I guess. I tip my hate to you.

>> No.6449747

Okay ladies, just fucking stop. You all didnt have a damn thing against Claudie until she posted her audition. The fact you all are just now coming out of the wood work is hilarious. You all claim that trips shit up a thread- but its YOU who focus on said trips and bitch and moan about it til the topic dies. Trips dont ruin threads- you cunts do.
>claudie posts audition
>anons lose their shit
yea- totally all her fault

Get fingered by wolverines you sad, sad, sad bitches.

>> No.6449751

hi moe

>> No.6449756

I've never liked her. Don't lump me in with the rest.

>> No.6449759
File: 77 KB, 222x320, Yui crying 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Thank you!

>> No.6449764

Avatarfagging is bannable.

>> No.6449769
File: 52 KB, 440x352, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not denying youre just a huge cunt anyway
youre right, youre sooo much better than they are anon.
moe sizlack?stop trying to assume anon, it only makes you more wrong.

>> No.6449774

I'm >>6449756 so not whiteknighting here, but posting a reaction image doesn't equal avatarfagging.

No, I didn't deny it. Get over it.

>> No.6449775


>> No.6449779

Get over what? that youre a a gaping cunt? I will- so long as you get over your no doubt unreasonable hatred for Claudie. Fair trade I'd say. But we both know that wont happen.

>> No.6449781

ban all underage tripfags

>> No.6449785


>> No.6449811

I don't even see how that's relevant, I tried to give photoshoot advice then got attacked by anions trying to derail the thread by asking unrelated questions. I didn't do anything wrong, so I don't see your point...

>> No.6449832

this just proves that many anons have raging aspergers syndrome. its actually a good thing that most of us dont trip when we post.

>> No.6449839

/r9k/ here

There are rules on the board for a reason. How would your parents feel if they found out you were breaking the law? And yes, it is the law. Please think about what you are doing for your own sake, you little chipmunk.

>> No.6449857

And like I've said, if I'm banned for visiting this site while underage, so be it. If my parents thought I was breaking the law, they'd be very disappointed. If they saw I was breaking the law by going on an image board related to cosplay? They'd just think it's silly and let me be. Don't pretend you know anything about my family, please.

>> No.6449878

Just stop using this site. It clearly states it is 18+. It is a sorry state of affairs to be so addicted to posting that you can't stop. I am not being mean here but get a life.

>> No.6449876

I never said I hated her. Don't get so worked up, anon.

>> No.6449881

hate/dislike its all needless topic derailing.

>> No.6449884

She could at least get rid of her trip until she's of age, but I doubt that will happen.

>> No.6449885

>someone telling you get a life
>on 4chan
I chuckled.

>> No.6449891

Being a tripfag is about being addicted to attention.

>> No.6449898

Well, she must love all this then.

>> No.6449905

She is probably saving it all in her cheek pouches

>> No.6449904

no it isnt

this isnt /v/ /b/ /sp/ etc some people just rather trip it still makes you "anonymous"

>> No.6449906
File: 26 KB, 401x271, Chipmunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck anon I laughed

>> No.6449913

more like her loose meatflaps

>verytimu certainly

>> No.6449922

Ah, no, I really hate this.

PFFFFFT hahahahaha that is actually really amazing

>> No.6449931

I came into this thread to see auditions of other girls- not just talk about claudie. I fucking swear, many of you must suffer from some sort of autism.

>> No.6449940
File: 7 KB, 300x352, hamsterWcarrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, your camera probably has quite a significant fish-eye lens effect.

>> No.6449945

>I fucking swear, all of you suffer from autism


>> No.6449944


Believe it or not, that's what I wanted this thread to be, too...

>> No.6449946

the carrot is too small a dick for your tastes

>> No.6449950
File: 38 KB, 500x313, slurpies-1748720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6449964

lol this kid has no life

and I agree lets get back on topic

>> No.6449974
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, 876543566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the reason we cant have a good world.
Enjoy your day.

>> No.6449976
File: 18 KB, 400x320, fetal-alcohol-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your mom drink during pregnancy

>> No.6449978

>that coming from Page
Oh Page, honey, we all know you're far worse. It's cute that you think your insults carry any weight though.

>> No.6449990
File: 62 KB, 240x200, tumblr_m09vd0lpDa1qk4bnxo1_500_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-Forgive me...

>> No.6449992
File: 193 KB, 447x483, 1350321585022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course i'm worse! I tend to bring corruption around with me, i dont mind though.

It brings me joy to do so.