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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 145 KB, 576x974, feferi_cosplay_by_lishlitz-d5kfhfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6445396 No.6445396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. Old thread is in autosage: >>6440113

>> No.6445408

This may sound so incredibly retarded but I never got a grip on why something went autosage.

Either way, have anyone seen any decent god tier Kanya or Sollux?

>> No.6445411
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>> No.6445420
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>> No.6445438
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>> No.6445440
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The ask homestucks panel at Shadocon. I didnt go because i didnt have a pass for that day but my friends said it was a horrible weebfest full of screaming and shipping. Should of been renamed as "ask fat stuckaboos!!"

>> No.6445441
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>> No.6445444
File: 82 KB, 900x596, aradia__look_for_adventure_by_ladysockmonkey-d4ywucg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much potential.
So much wasted potential.

>> No.6445445
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>> No.6445457
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>> No.6445472
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The problem is it isn't much better in person. I think maybe it was the fabric choices. The construction is lovely for the skirt, but...The bodice is just too tight.

>> No.6445513

Oh my god baby Feferi! Does anyone have any more good cosplaying kids? All the characters are 13 or 15 in the comic but I never see any kids who cosplay well (or who's parents put them in cosplays well) so it's always exciting to see one who's the right age AND looks good.

>> No.6445533

Soselfimportant's son/stepson is the only one I can think of. He dressed him up as GT John at AX 2011 and the kid was ADORABLE. Don't have any pictures of him saved, though?

>> No.6445543

homu-stuck is a pretty adorable Jade. I don't know if anyone has pictures of her, though.

>> No.6445548
File: 605 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_me26qb9vLd1qezredo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promstuck Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff.

I really like these, but I am also dreading the inevitable influx of fancystuck SB&HJ costumes.

>> No.6445564

to bad they were so into character they were annoying as fuck

>> No.6445579

I want to cosplay a troll next year, how do I go about making my hands grey?

>> No.6445585
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Is there a SINGLE good one in this

>> No.6445590

Making/buying a pair of armsocks, using bought gloves from WeLoveColors (glue nails onto them, though!), or PAX for methods that won't get makeup on your clothing or anything you touch.

PAX will start to wear from your fingertips and knuckles eventually, but the important thing is that it only affects your makeup and not anyone else around you.

>> No.6445597

the little girl i used to carpool with is 13 now and she did a really cute vriska but i don't have any pictures of it

>> No.6445601
File: 493 KB, 900x598, tumblr_mdpskp25V61qcs6jdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Jade is fantastic.
arm socks, or makeup with a lot of sealant.

>> No.6445603

I dont know about you but that male jade was ADORABLE (green tie)

>> No.6445605

Is that Katherine McBride to the right? What.

Also that Jake/Jade/John (not too sure who they are) in the 3 AM outfit near the center looks pretty decent.

Let me guess. Florida photoshoot? The gate looks familiar.

>> No.6445624
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>> No.6445669
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Well looks like Heaven managed to sell her pieces of shit anyway.

Looks like she sold her GT Rose as well and is being commissioned for one too.

>> No.6445694

You know what? I don't know who she is or if she's a jerk, but I agree with her and I'm glad her cosplays sold. Rachel doesn't know fuckall about cosplay and selling premade costumes shouldn't be mandated by her "no fanmerch" bullshit, especially since she did not make those cosplays to sell in the first place.

I still don't understand why Rachel has a stick up her ass about cosplay commissions and not fanart ones.

>> No.6445712
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>> No.6445728
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>Rachel getting pissy about people selling militarystuck
>It's not even an official MSPA design

>> No.6445731


I feel so, so sorry for whatever naive teenagers bought them. At those prices you could just commission a Chinese eBay seller and still get something better than Heaven's ill-fitting, poorly sewn garbage.

capctha: full nocurrs

>> No.6445785

Wow that skirt. I really dig the colour of the material and the style. Have any photos from the front?

>> No.6445786
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Look who I found.

>> No.6445804
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uh oh i can only find a bad con meetup photo! sorry! she's on the far right.

>> No.6445822
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Seconding. As both an artist and cosplayer, I actually feel mildly insulted because it seems like she's trying to devalue art making over costuming. Both require skill, patience, and practice, but for completely different reasons. At the same time, however, they fall within the same category of fandom contribution and I feel as though she should either make both off limits or both okay to do so there's no confusion or favoring.

I don't see why she gets to play such a huge role in all of this - does Andrew not see what she's doing or does he simply not care? I understand he's rather apathetic towards his fanbase (save for the benefit of the doubt graciousness I imagine he felt towards the kickstarter's success) but there's gotta be line drawn somewhere for "my girlfriend is handling things" and "my girlfriend is being an unreasonably sandy cunt about this" that even HE should care about. It's HIS creation, not hers.

Contributing some dreamers I like.

>> No.6445825

Threads go into autosage so that they may eventually be deleted. Without autosage, a thread could last weeks, months, or even years, provided people continued posting in them regularly.

>> No.6445830


>> No.6445835
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x1177, so done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and kanaya on the left

>> No.6445871

Oh wow, all three of those Kanayas are really cute!

>> No.6445895

Those Roses are all sort of a mess.

>> No.6445904
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>> No.6445909

I really like the male Jade in the 3AM outfit. Trickster Roxy doesn't look terrible but I can't see her outfit well enough to judge.

>> No.6445942

lol filename
The male Jade looks good, is well thought-out design, and took some effort to assemble (painting the stars onto those shorts) -- which is unfortunate, given the people surrounding them.

>that wig
>that eye makeup
>those freckles
Nightmare fuel.

>> No.6446026
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>> No.6446033

that design is really gross

>> No.6446049

Construction looks nice enough but it's hugging all sorts of places I wish it didn't hug... her eyes also look so dead, or something.

>> No.6446070

The end result of this looks way better than her in progress shots, but the Kanaya who was with her in the photoshoots had a far better constructed dress imo. Even if the design was still atrocious.

>> No.6446082
File: 174 KB, 601x900, tumblr_mdarlx9cF11qba7l9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i like the kanaya one a lot more but i guess its cause the whole overthetop designs looks beter in black

>> No.6446091

I don't think it's the fact that it's not black, I think it's just a piss poor design. Though, the obnoxious colors aren't helping, that's true.

The construction is very nice though.

>> No.6446094

That Porrim needs to be our mascot or something.

>> No.6446099

leans close in your ear and whispers not even as a joke

>> No.6446155
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1917, tumblr_me2dml5qeF1qcltrio2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever makes the next thread should use her as the opening picture lol

>> No.6446163


It's shamelessly gossipy, but I am so, so curious as to what even keeps them together. I knew Hussie a little before HS and I just...cannot imagine what he sees in her. Maybe he's secretly terrible. She's done some insane shit to her past ex-BFs, so....

>> No.6446183


I keep hearing about some insane shit Rachel did, but no one ever says what it was. Deets?

>> No.6446193

oooh some past drama? do share.

>> No.6446198

That first Kanaya good god what a cutie

>> No.6446205

im thinking of making roses velvet squiddleknit dress, should i make it out of velvet or would that look bad?

>> No.6446207


I love it when people make that thing out of crushed velvet, it's so perfectly 13 year old mallgoth for Rose.

>> No.6446223
File: 342 KB, 900x1601, 997d7fd591a4ca4b0dfb7a6abc5cfeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Velvet? Good.
Crushed velvet? Generally bad looking, but in this case justifiable all the same.
See Hanyaan's Rose.

>> No.6446311

there was a little latula at Shadocon who was positively the most precious thing. I wish I had gotten a picture her cosplay looked fantastic

>> No.6446328


Latula (and the rest of the alpha trolls) is almost 20, though. So a teenaged Latula doesn't really apply to >>6445513's request.

>> No.6446339
File: 84 KB, 960x1280, 1124122152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome Cronus horns my friend is currently making for me!

>> No.6446429
File: 524 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_me27yzUx3S1qerjifo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really cosplaying this?

>> No.6446431

Shit, this gon be good. I await the rest of your cosplay with bated breath.

See >>6446207 and >>6446205, this is the one costume where velvet is acceptable. Though if you go the crushed velvet and shitty satin route like Hanyaan did, you better have good sewing skills to match. Generally the worse the fabric, the better you need to be to work with it. That horrible mess of fabric looks OK because it was made by a cosplayer with a well deserved reputation for use of tacky fabrics and some pretty good skill. If you are a more novice seamstress, consider velveteen and bridal satin, not crushed velvet and whatever the fuck that bodice is.

>> No.6446450
File: 134 KB, 376x303, 1353803120981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow! hot a what babbhabhiat

>> No.6446466


It... could be worse? Honestly, this girl looks cute as fuck. She did a great job with a butt-ugly design.

>> No.6446462

Not gonna lie I'm glad people are cosplaying it. Guardianstuck is actually really cute and well made imo.

>> No.6446472

I've seen cosplay of Guidestuck Bec, so I'd say yes.

>> No.6446501
File: 56 KB, 640x480, guidestuck_bec_cosplay_5_by_animemarshmellow-d5c4is9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guidestuck dump.

>> No.6446518
File: 60 KB, 225x400, tumblr_mc7px2N3FN1r4691yo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6446520

Still in desperate need of examples of well styled john wigs--

>> No.6446529
File: 94 KB, 900x450, john_egbert_test_by_sasukethecake-d4gnhh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks pretty nice?

>> No.6446558


She's adorable; I'm just surprised it's "acceptable" to cosplay

>> No.6446564

Guidstuck is the new cosplay trend in homestuck.

>> No.6446562

I hate when people do that stupid fucking lip thing.

>> No.6446578
File: 277 KB, 352x473, tumblr_m8omwmN3ob1qejvx4o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446648


This is officially what I think John looks like.

>> No.6446683

Mmm those are pretty good thanks guys.

>> No.6446705

Yeah, I don't get it either. Pretty much all of his previous behavior, like TSO and his old blogs and his old formspring answers and stuff, indicate that he's the kind of person Rachel would be offended by and she's the kind of person he'd snark on. Wonder how they ended up hitting it off.

>> No.6446723

I can't help but be curious as well, because they just... don't seem like they'd work out like they apparently do?

>> No.6446755
File: 11 KB, 515x98, truelifehussiesgirlfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially true of Rachel 99% of the time.

>> No.6446765


....Maybe they're kismesis.

>> No.6446779

Their relationship is what inspired it.

>> No.6446783


headcanon accepted

>> No.6446817
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>> No.6446827

>obviously a joke

>> No.6446858

That works.

>> No.6446854

Are you new here?

>> No.6446860

Has there ever been any 13 year old cosplayers?

>> No.6446871

Yeah. Gentlemanlyspam is 13, but I don't know any others that are that young.

>> No.6446875

Actually, let me clarify, I don't know any others that age that are good.

>> No.6446881
File: 140 KB, 639x960, 315466_4173506423358_1916433662_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gentlemanlyspam is 13 and generally the cutest thing. She's the Eridan in this shot.

>> No.6446906

She's also incredibly nice!

>> No.6446918
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>> No.6446913
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>> No.6446929
File: 949 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20121006_165112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a 13 year old who comes to some local meetups who makes an adorable dave.
Sadly the only picture i could find was one with a rose's lipstick on.

>> No.6446963

i don't understand...

>> No.6447033

I've never seen any Bec cosplays other than Jack/PM/Jadesprite, do you have any pics?

>> No.6447047

Do any of you have any tips on cosplaying Rufioh? Pointers on how to color and style the wig would be especially appreciated.

>> No.6447056

You'd proooooobably have you best bet sewing red wefts onto a black wig honestly.

>> No.6447076

That's what I was thinking I'd have to do. I've never actually done anything like that before. Is it as hard as it looks?

>> No.6447082

No, sadly. Also a quick look through Google Images didn't help either and they were either bad or a TON of WIP shots.

Can anyone help out here?

>> No.6447093
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wow mostflogged

>> No.6447103
File: 1.78 MB, 2136x3216, 467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Velvet is Nice.

>> No.6447155

I get where she's coming from (who has time to be friends with all their fans?) but publicly posting the response instead of responding privately? She really is a cunt.

>> No.6447157

Hooooooly shit DIS BITCH

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate her, but can people never include her on a Homestuck cosplayers to follow list ever again??? I don't care if she gives good advice if you ask her, all that JoJo spam is obnoxious. Why even cosplay Homestuck if you obviously don't even read it and would rather be schlicking to homogay manga?

>> No.6447174
File: 78 KB, 516x680, 1352820680180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MF is a good cosplayer but known to be a shitty person, even to her friends (pic related, it's her bitching out her best friend for not being able to do a cosplay group)

>> No.6447170

who gives a shit... she doesnt owe them anything. it wasn't even that mean, just honest.

>> No.6447185

haha, sounds like someone fell for it.

To be honest, she's never claimed otherwise. In fact I've seen her post when she gains followers after a cosplay gains a lot of notes /stating/ that she's primarily a Jojo fan first and foremost.

>> No.6447186

isn't that one of the guys that was heavily stalking her? name seemed familiar from a friend of mine who had a similar problem. I can understand the bluntness if that's the case, or sending a widespread message out to anyone like him publicly

>> No.6447190

Oops forgot my end.

But I've seen warnings when people have added her to a 'follow' list, and the other times it's been when people have asked who great cosplayers are.

>> No.6447196

That fuckin' Potato Rose

>> No.6447201

AHAHA wooow you don't know the context of this convo at all anon nice try you obviously couldn't see the whole convo the girl she's talking to is a friend and this wasn't "bitching out"

>> No.6447212

meant the girl she's talking to is a friend of mine>>6447174

>> No.6447221
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>> No.6447222
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>> No.6447229

this shouldn't surprise anyone. MF always takes her groups too seriously. remember the bunny girls? she was passive-aggressively hounding everyone in the group publicly on twitter, it was unbelievable.

>> No.6447224

Hanyaan: a very bewildered JoJo fan who also likes Homestuck and can't figure out why people who aren't into JoJo would follow her. Also has a lot of spandex.

>> No.6447225

Really, Jenni?

>> No.6447226

uh, no. Anon knows the context and who the friend was because everything was posted when it happened.

Just sit down and go back to Tumblr.

I know. It's such a pretty dress but it's wasted on her.

>> No.6447236

Homestuck bunnies or Haruhi bunnies from 2009?

I still think it's hilarious that most of the Haruhi bunnies hate each other now

>> No.6447234

naw, that's bitching out.

>> No.6447244

lol, anon claiming to know entire context from internet observation. fantastic.

>> No.6447245

so now that Homestucks are finally catching on to what cuntrag MostFlogged is, she's going back to Gainax cosplay.

>> No.6447246

That's kid of rude, she's very pretty?

>> No.6447241
File: 267 KB, 500x500, tumblr_me2so9ce1w1qc43guo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I request some Jane cosplayers?

>> No.6447247

well this is a homestuck thread, so

>> No.6447250

Jenni detected.

>> No.6447255

Anon obviously doesn't though, I bet you literally couldn't explain the situation if you tried

>> No.6447258

Given Gainax and Andrew Hussie's reputations, they're both almost the same at this point, save for Gainax actually finishing what they start within a set deadline.

>> No.6447257

Samefag detected

>> No.6447263

I wish this girl had cosplayed a nicer Rose design because she really is a great cosplayer. That said, she made this costume as well as anybody will ever be able to. Considering what there is to work with.

>> No.6447264

seconding please!
Also do you guys prefer brown or black for Jane's hair?

>> No.6447268

This overdone response to things is so irritating as a 'comeback'

>> No.6447270

So someone clearly doesn't know how to detect samefag and can't tell that only two of those are samefag.

>> No.6447276

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.6447279
File: 98 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_lvrh9rRrBc1qd56m7o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really seen Janes with brown hair? The only ones I see have black, but I'm probably just not looking hard enough.

>> No.6447278

The internet has SOLID FACTS right? That's why they included half the conversation and act like they are friends with these people and try to start drama it's laughable

>> No.6447284

doesn't alyssaties do Jane with brown? And i think JJ

>> No.6447283

Basically same thing

>> No.6447286

JJ did Jane? I think I saw a crappy shot before thinking back...did she post a photoshoot anywhere?

>> No.6447291

So Homestucks tell me this, why do you guys crowd anime cons when you don't even like anime? Most homestucks I see could care less

>> No.6447288

I saw one with brown hair lighter than i usually like but she was cute enough to make up for it. I thought I saved the photo, can't find it tho. But it was from a Jane/Roxy photoset with them kissing on a bench??

>> No.6447293

I like off-black best for the black-haired kids, maybe segueing into espresso brown if you're extraordinarily pale. Super duper harsh #000000 black looks fake and detracts from the costume IMO. make it suit you for maximum happiness.

>> No.6447296

it's mindblowing

>> No.6447303

They're just a great place to cosplay - you see tons of comic book and sci-fi cosplays at anime cons too. Don't tell me you haven't seen any Doctor Who, Adventure Time, or My Little Pony cosplayers walking around at anime cons when none of those are anime.

>> No.6447305
File: 103 KB, 960x720, 599040_10151142368757339_386248381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if she did a photo shoot, but this is from her facebook

>> No.6447298
File: 130 KB, 500x643, tumblr_m52qdqbqFS1qky15qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alyssaties is one of my favorite Janes!

>> No.6447306
File: 387 KB, 464x700, tumblr_mdr9uuWnvu1qbliizo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447311

her wig just looks lazy here...I think i prefer her as john

>> No.6447308

wow, two cute Janes, both with brown wigs. I'm starting to be convinced.

>> No.6447309

Is she?

>> No.6447313

You might not believe me, but my home board is /a/. I prefer to cosplay accordingly. That said, I sometimes like to meet up with others who share the shameful like of hamsteaking, and for some reason they're all at anime cons now.

Also, HS kid outfits are great for Sunday/times you just can't give a fuck to cosplay properly. This is why approximately 99% of Alpha Dave cosplayers have their "costume", because it requires such little effort and is more recognizable than casual animu clothing.

>> No.6447315

I LOVE alyssaties she is always on the dot with her costumes and her construction

>> No.6447318

Some of us actually... like anime? You know?

It's been a while since I've watched one. (Low-bandwidth area, ugh.) Last was Penguindrum. And honestly I go to anime conventions because I've been for years, and I keep hoping I'll see a neat new cosplay and dart over to ask them what it is and discover a new anime/manga. I've been reading chartfag charts just praying for something to catch my interest lately.

>> No.6447320

who is this Roxy? she looks familiar

>> No.6447336

I've never thought of her as ugly, if a bit awkward in the face. Rose suits her with the bangs though.

Not a fan of her personality in the least on the other hand.

>> No.6447337

>Also, HS kid outfits are great for Sunday/times you just can't give a fuck to cosplay properly...

This. Cosplay is so prevalent now in cons (Even just casually) that I feel naked without one. So it's nice to just roll into Jade. Some of the Godtier outfits are really goddamn comfortable.

I slept in my Dogtier minus hood a few times when I forgot my PJs for after a shoot or whatever.

>> No.6447338
File: 496 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mavrt20Ni51rfxbuio2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one maybe? there's not a lot of good cosplay on the cottoncandy tag so this was very nice to see.

>> No.6447339

I never considered brown but now I'm convinced!

>> No.6447343

oh that is pretty cute

>> No.6447350

The self-righteous 15 year old act is definitely not cool. It's like she's a good cosplayer who was cursed with an unfortunate facial structure and a really grating personality.

>> No.6447346

I've loved anime since I was a little kid and have been going to anime conventions long before Homestuck even existed. I usually cosplay anime - Homestuck just happens to be another interest of mine. I know many, many other Homestucks who love anime as well!

>> No.6447354

Yes, that was the one thank you!

>> No.6447366

>I know. It's such a pretty dress but it's wasted on her.
Excuse you, I don't think you have the mental capacity to understand just how fine Potato is.

>> No.6447365

I have actually designated Jane as my "I don't give a fuck" cosplay. It's pretty much reserved for Sundays when I want to cosplay, but I'm tired and need something comfy.

>> No.6447372
File: 26 KB, 231x231, Are-you-mad-because-I-am-better-than-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a really grating personality
You seem upset.

Is it because you have a horrible personality yourself? Or maybe it's because you hate women after being a virgin for so long.

>> No.6447370

Her blog says 17? And she seems nice but I havent talked to her sooo

>> No.6447385
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got about $20 is that enough for a John costume?

How much are lens-less glasses?

>> No.6447386
File: 59 KB, 191x225, areyoufuckingkiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: The worst thing you can do is Whiteknight.

>> No.6447380
File: 22 KB, 366x398, cuntpi small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ceagulls, which cosplay should I order?

>> No.6447393
File: 7 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should order a Jade costume.

She's the one with the blue ghost, right?

>> No.6447390
File: 7 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about printing out the Ectoplasm Icon on card stock and cutting it out and taping it to a sleeveless shirt.

That's something John would do, right?

>> No.6447403
File: 7 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I bought a lot of W magnets and handed them out in buckets?

Best cosplay idea ever!

>> No.6447396
File: 54 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why Potato?

>> No.6447397

I can see Cuntpi as Aradia, I guess.

>> No.6447400

No problem. There were a few photosets floating around on the tag and I'm such a sucker for janexroxy that I saved them all

>> No.6447407
File: 7 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I can cosplay Spade's Slick.

Is it appropriate to paint your face black if the character isn't an african american or should I wear a mask?

>> No.6447411
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>> No.6447409
File: 405 KB, 1280x961, tumblr_mdtbvasMuX1r5eygko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this thread went to shit fast

>> No.6447414
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>> No.6447415
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Maybe I could bleach my hair and get sunglasses!

Dave is a cool character.

>> No.6447412
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the rule of thumb for gender swapping?

Should I just act like a man or do you guys actually mean sex?

Wow, Tumblr much?

>> No.6447413

Didnt they date?

>> No.6447417
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>> No.6447416
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys buy your cosplays?

Is there a shop online or do you use eBay stores?

>> No.6447419
File: 48 KB, 500x333, tumblr_me2uvyatCk1r3zocdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447420
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I cosplayed my OTP?

I could be Dave wearing John's shirt. Just like that Morning After Homestuck meme!

>> No.6447427
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>> No.6447428
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys make your own clothes? How do you sew jeans?

I think Dave would wear Levis, and John would wear Van Heusen khakis.

>> No.6447422
File: 265 KB, 692x1037, tumblr_me1tu5xurp1qgpubno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447423
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karkat is probably the second best character, after Dave. He's done nothing wrong and is the most stable of all the characters, even though he yells a lot!

Haha, way to blow my mind, Hussie!

>> No.6447433
File: 574 KB, 1000x1500, dahliagrimm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447432
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on same-sex marriage?

If it's anything other than "I'm for it!" then you don't know what it means to be a fangirl.

>> No.6447439
File: 87 KB, 467x700, duplicatemood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447441
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys ever think about how cute gay sex is?

Haha how do they even fit a finger in their butts, let alone a full penis!

I love imaging John mewling as Jade's dog dick tears into his sphincter while Nanasprite watches.

>> No.6447447
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:33< furfurfur
:33< that's how i laugh now!
D--> I need a towel.

>> No.6447449

hmm not that that's not very cute, but i agree with >>6447311 that she makes a better John. Or karkat. Maybe she just plays boys better.

>> No.6447450
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>> No.6447442
File: 8 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to become bara?

I want to cosplay Nepeta.

>> No.6447445
File: 446 KB, 447x750, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447446

It's wonderful that people love their friends, and I'm sure godtier-rose is a nice girl, but coming in here and whiteknighting because "OMFG BIG MEAN BULLIEZZ!!!!" and attacking people out of butthurt is really fucking dumb. (I'm going to assume that the whiteknights are posting here for the first time.)

>> No.6447454

oh. yes.

>> No.6447455
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Hussie even come here?

Halftruth probably forbids him for his own good. xD

>> No.6447456
File: 127 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdsp91d1jz1ruws29o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447451
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cuntpi

is you


>> No.6447461
File: 7 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be in bed? You've got school tomorrow! Are you going to wear your costume?

>> No.6447458

Got anymore manly Zahhaks? I always like seeing those.

>> No.6447462
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>> No.6447465
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>> No.6447469
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>> No.6447470
File: 406 KB, 478x720, tumblr_mbhhwlFa2V1qj7h83o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447476

did they break up?

>> No.6447478
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>> No.6447473
File: 9 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard him, let's ship trips!


>> No.6447474
File: 223 KB, 481x596, tumblr_md1cz0BtAn1qg0y9no8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not very many Equius cosplayers in general

>> No.6447482
File: 6 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hit on me, silly boys.

Hitting on women asserts your perceived power over women and is in fact sexist.

Didn't you love your mother?

>> No.6447479

True, but I would attribute that more to the fact that anyone who is an expert sewer would already know not to make something so proportionally unflattering. This was a very good job, but she still used a mediocre fabric with no lining.

Best Equius. Everyone else go home.

>> No.6447484
File: 8 KB, 366x398, im_a_ge_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even half-way through with these damn things.

>> No.6447493

I don't get it. what is happening in this thread right now?

>> No.6447488

i'm pretty sure it's just lmotep ("potato is OUR meme!" sounds like him, and posting the same picturea again and again is often his m.o.)
i don't think he actually likes potato though so i'm guessing this is either out of boredom or because he dislikes you guys in general and wants an excuse

>> No.6447489

Yeah she said something about it but not much?

>> No.6447499


troll, ignore it

>> No.6447497

Something that everyone should be reporting.

>> No.6447498
File: 7 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We takin ova by DJ Khaled is playing softly in the distance while I tear you lot a new one.

>> No.6447505
File: 9 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447507

Alright who wants to fade bring it on
I know i don't have the most absolutely perfect and aesthetically pleasing face, but really, a grating personality?
Oh do share I'd love to know more
about my awful personality
from people calling me "potato" anonymously on some cgl thread really I am thrilled to know.

>> No.6447501
File: 9 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hELLO? Who do you think I am?

>> No.6447508
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>> No.6447513
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>> No.6447519

lol go slice up your thighs some more
that'll make you feel better

>> No.6447516

actually "potato rose" is something that the /co/ HSG thread came up with back when you ("you") posted those lingerie pictures

sometimes they'll post them and talk about what a potato you are


>> No.6447518
File: 9 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit a string of dupes there, oops.

>> No.6447523
File: 9 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le edgy internet tweenager xD

want 2 exchange reddits?? www.reddit.com/user/CalDaBeast

upboat 4 upboat xDD

>> No.6447520
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>> No.6447524
File: 8 KB, 366x398, ima_ge_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is korea even real? Where do these animes come from??

>> No.6447530
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>> No.6447527
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