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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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No.6446214 [Reply] [Original]

Should /cgl/ be expanded to encompass general J-fashion?

I was told it's impossible to discuss J-fashion in /fa/ because well, they're /fa/, and that most people here probably wouldn't mind it, so long as it didn't dominate the board.


>> No.6446221

Yes and while you're at it can you have Mod's stop banning random people for the creation of threads regarding the queen of /cgl/ aka Pixyteri?

>> No.6446220

I don't see why not. We talk about it quite often or at least some threads derail into it.


>> No.6446224

YES PLEASE. We're already doing it, it already interests enough of us, so yes please!

>> No.6446232

Yes. We have been discussing the subject for a long time and the majority of us are sick of the faggot mods and janitors you elected banning various users for talking about it.

>I was told it's impossible to discuss J-fashion in /fa/ because well, they're /fa/

Nail on the head.

>> No.6446233


I haven't been here in like 5 years. For a board that's "ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME," you guys sure do cause less trouble and complain less than /mu/, /sp/, /v/, /int/, and a smattering of other boards.

N-never change, /cgl/ <3

>> No.6446226


>> No.6446227

Then they should just get rid of the "no singling out one person" rule all together.

>> No.6446230

This too.
Some of us are actually fans. She is our queen.

>> No.6446231

I'd be cool with it, and I don't even care about J-fashion. It's already discussed here a lot of the time anyways. Think it would be a good fit here.

>> No.6446242
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O-oh don't be so tsundere, Mooty Pie.

The drama mostly stays between tripfags/randoms and I don't think anyone really complains outside of the board. Really, it's just a bunch of rufflebutts angry at other rufflebutts and cosplayers angry at other cosplayers

oh and pixyteri

>> No.6446240

I don't mind if j-fashion is on this board as long as the one fashion "style" sticks to one thread rather than a multitude of threads.

And yeah it is impossible to talk about it on /fa/.

But is it only going to be j-fashion? What about things that are inspired by j-fashion but are from other Asian countries?

>> No.6446241

I never see people who don't like the. Jfashion and makeup threads, they're helpful and definitely related to most of the Anons here. /fa/ hates that shit on their board.
Ps. I know there is the archives, but would it be possible to add a keyword search bar to the setting options? Wading through 10+ pages is a bit cumbersome

>> No.6446245

yes. Also, please tell the mods/janitors to concentrate on deleting actual stupid drama shit and trolls from /r9k and stop deleting threads that are tangential, but still related (the joann fabric stories thread from a while ago comes to mind.)

>> No.6446243

/cgl/ is the best board. So much love when tripfags aren't shitting up threads.

>> No.6446244

Yes, j-fashion would be so very welcome here.

But we need a mod, badly. One that knows the board, And not just some part time janitor that doesn't know what the hell they're doing.

>> No.6446248
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>> No.6446247
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You think you can win us over with your whimsical stutters and adorable love heart emoticons?

Sage for moot.

Nah, I'm just pissed at the people you keep choosing to moderate. I need to ask, the people you select, do they have any interest whatsoever in the boards you assign them to? Our NSJ appears have little to no concept of what /cgl/ encompasses - roughly 40% being mindless, ovulation-fueled drama, and yet they keep banning people for silly reasons for stuff that has always been and always will be posted here.

>> No.6446250



>> No.6446253

Moot can you ban this idiot

>> No.6446258
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Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


>> No.6446257
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Lolita is already a J fashion, why would that single one be allowed hear while all the others are sent to /fa/?
Where they hate us?

>> No.6446256

>N-never change, /cgl/ <3
You have made my night moot. Do what you need to.

>> No.6446254

Yes, it should. Lolita is already a J-fashion so it's not really that bad to expand it since it has the same audience base. Japanese people are weird so, to me, it's like they're already wearing costumes.

>> No.6446255

As in if I wanted to look at a mori or make up thread or make one, I could search to see if there is already one present on the board or not

So tsuntsun moot~

>> No.6446262

Yes. It's not all about Elegant Gothic Lolita anymore, but sweet lolita, OTT sweet lolita, classic lolita, hime lolita, hime gyaru, etc. Can we also discuss Uniqlo in here?

>> No.6446260


>> No.6446259

Hi, Moot. People also want WAYWT threads on /cgl/ because they say /fa/ doesn't do women's fashion, at least the kind /cgl/ likes. Can we have an official word on whether or not they're allowed?

>> No.6446264

YES YES please.

>> No.6446270

Yeah, I don't think anyone would mind. It would probably encourage more discussion of j-fash for those who don't know where to go, and would also help the cause of lolitas (as there would be less correlation between that and costumes, seeing that some people may simply see cosplay as costumes).
Over all, that'd be a great decision. Thank you so much.

>> No.6446268

>But is it only going to be j-fashion?
In my non-expert opinion it should be limited to J-fashion, because if it's pan-Asian the abundance of threads would probably dilute the board of cosplay/EGL/J-fashion, which is what I would hope most people are here for.

>but would it be possible to add a keyword search bar to the setting options? Wading through 10+ pages is a bit cumbersome
I will have a solution for you within the week.

>But we need a mod, badly. One that knows the board, And not just some part time janitor that doesn't know what the hell they're doing.
I've removed said janitor from the board. When we get through the janitor apps for /cgl/ I'll let you know.

>You think you can win us over with your whimsical stutters and adorable love heart emoticons?
>Sage for moot.
That's the /cgl/ I remember!

>> No.6446269

Moot, PLEASE get rid of the Homestuck and Dakota threads and you can have all of me <3

>> No.6446274
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Plz moot<3

>> No.6446272

>add it to the setting options
If it's already there my bad, for whatever reason I don't see it

>> No.6446277
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as much as I hate it, homosuck is still cosplay

as for Dakooter eh


Some of the drama threads are pretty hilarious and fun to read, but having 20 dakota threads every time she tweets or blogs is a little retarded

>> No.6446278

Please ban Cunt-Wizard, she self posts ALL the time and doesn't even cosplay or dress in EGL, all she does is attract drama and shitpost.

>> No.6446279

Control + f the keyword.

>> No.6446280
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Yes, so long as others don't use it as the gateway to allowing other bullshit, like k-fashion/pop and whatever. (I doubt they would but I feel like it should be said.)
It's kind of like how people have been using rule 3 to justify shit posting, not often but it happens.

>> No.6446281

Thank you moot <3

>> No.6446282
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>I've removed said janitor from the board.

>> No.6446286

get rid of the WAYWT threads,they are never CGL relevant, also yes all the way to J-fashion

>> No.6446284

Hi Moot, do you know if the Firefox add-on will be updated for the latest Firefox version? I can't hide/bookmark threads anymore.

>> No.6446285

Lolita's bring in all the drama, so if you spilt the board up like>>6446274 said it would make this a better board.

>> No.6446292
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>I've removed said janitor from the board.
Please have my children.

>> No.6446296

Agreed. Jfashion is fine as long as it doesn't take over /cgl/ completely, and makeup/skin care threads are relevant because cosplay in particular requires lots of makeup.

Please get janitors who will ban random YouTube or tumblr celeb threads though. Dakota Rose is not relevant.

>> No.6446301

Okay sounds fair enough. There aren't really any threads that are other Asian fashions but they tend to intertwine a bit so sometimes they get posted in those threads but not a whole dedicated thread about it.

>> No.6446302

Will you lift with me Moot?<3

>> No.6446297

Might be good to make it Asian fashion cause, as far as I know, Korean fashion is kinda big here.

>> No.6446298

>Hi Moot, do you know if the Firefox add-on will be updated for the latest Firefox version? I can't hide/bookmark threads anymore.
This is all built into the site now. Remove your extension, and click [Settings] in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.

>Yes, so long as others don't use it as the gateway to allowing other bullshit, like k-fashion/pop and whatever. (I doubt they would but I feel like it should be said.)
See my earlier post re: limiting it to J-fashion, but yeah I see your point and agree.

We aren't going to split the board.

>get rid of the WAYWT threads,they are never CGL relevant, also yes all the way to J-fashion
Do people not wear cosplay/EGL clothing outside on a daily basis? ;_;

>> No.6446299

I straight up hate Homestuck (and its fanbase) but in the end, it is still cosplay and they keep to themselves. Dakota threads should be gone and its mostly started by her or her family to advertise their special snowflake. She has nothing to do with this board.

>> No.6446300
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Goddamnit, your aloofness makes it hard to hate you.


>> No.6446306
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>and doesn't even cosplay or dress in EGL

whats this then?

>implying moot would ban dat ass

>> No.6446307

Korean fashion is Japanese fashion but with emo hair. So no.

>> No.6446303

Well, it's always been discussed here, but making it official I guess is no real issue.

But then we won't be /cgl anymore would we? We'd be /cgljf or something ridiculous. NOT SURE HOW FEEL.

And you didn't miss much in four years.

>> No.6446304

Why not combine the mlp board with homestuck faggots?

>> No.6446305


Also, thirding the request to ban Cun

>> No.6446308

>We aren't going to split the board.


>> No.6446309

>Please have my children.
I like how this is the only board on 4chan where it's actually plausible you're female.


Oh right, drama :((((

>> No.6446310

>Do people not wear cosplay/EGL clothing outside on a daily basis? ;_;

IDK if you're being sarcastic.

>> No.6446321

Why didn't you celebrate Thanksgivings with your mom, moot? ;_;

>> No.6446320

Noooo. That's no fun at all. And wasn't it ruled out?

>> No.6446315


She didnt even finish this. Shes never cosplayed since

>> No.6446316

Moot can you fix how "no singling people out" and ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME blatantly contradict each other please? It makes /cgl/ impossible to moderate properly...

>> No.6446322

>This is all built into the site now. Remove your extension, and click [Settings] in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.
Thank you!

>> No.6446324

Are. Are you serious?

>inb4 saging a sticky
>wish I could spoiler

Moot, add spoilers.

>> No.6446323

I think you hanging out here would be hilarious, its far away from the other boards and so low populated that only a few people would shout MOOT LULZ after a while.
Also, when are you coming back to texas? I didn't have 600$ for sxsw that one time. Maybe bring back the 4chan panel at Akon?

>> No.6446330

That's not true, you'd get way more Manly Tears here.

In fact I'm surprised he hasn't sensed this thread already.

>> No.6446327

moot, there are no boys on /cgl/
except the trips.
and you now.

>> No.6446332

True. The Dakota threads have been tapering off, but Pixyteri has not.

moot, can your mods and janitors delete any Pixyteri threads? Everyday I see Pixyteri threads with people screenshotting her twitter about how she doesn't have a bf or posting pics with her ass. It's not about cosplaying at all. It's just a fat weeaboo who thinks she's half-asian wanting a girlfriend free guy.

>> No.6446334

Oh and also when we get raided by /v/, /fit/ ectect

>> No.6446340


Except she is a cosplayer, and now she is getting back to lolita

People start threads about cosplayers and lolitas all the time. And there are people who actually like PT, believe it or not

>> No.6446338

who cares you dont need to be a cosplayer to post on /cgl/, you just have to like cosplay

>> No.6446335

Actually moot, can we have more/better mods that pay attention to reported threads?

This is probably one of the most trolled boards.

And pay attention to people ban evading.

>> No.6446336

>Do people not wear cosplay/EGL clothing outside on a daily basis? ;_;

Yes, and the ones who do, don't seem to post on these threads. I see a lot of people like these threads, but I don't read nor post. I'm too fattyfat to selfpost, and not an attention whore.

captcha: WSFair all

>> No.6446337

No, PT stays

We need our queen

>> No.6446347

Except none of the threads are about her cosplay or lolita, it's just general shit and encourages shit posting?

>> No.6446345
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>whats this then?
Tell me what I'm looking at here.

>IDK if you're being sarcastic.
I actually have no clue.

>Moot can you fix how "no singling people out" and ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME blatantly contradict each other please? It makes /cgl/ impossible to moderate properly...
I guess it would help if people could take a joke properly, but I'll remove it.

>Also, when are you coming back to texas? I didn't have 600$ for sxsw that one time. Maybe bring back the 4chan panel at Akon?
I was in Austin earlier this year to visit someone. Doubt I'll ever go to SXSW again, and I haven't been to a con in ages and doubt there will ever be an official 4chan panel ever again.

They were fun, but it's probably for the better that we went out on top.

RIP 4chan Otakon Panel 2005-2007


So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?

>who cares you dont need to be a cosplayer to post on /cgl/, you just have to like cosplay
Maybe we should add a "no creepers" rule.

>What will be /cgl/'s new name?
I'm not going to change the name -- will just update the rules.

>> No.6446346


>> No.6446344

What will be /cgl/'s new name?

>> No.6446343


You shut your whore mouth wretch. Nobody speaketh ill of the queen in my presence lest I strike thee down.

>> No.6446354

He talked about it further up. We'll be getting new people soon.

>> No.6446353

Liking cosplay =/= fapping to cosplay/trying to fuck all the females here

>> No.6446349


he's probably asleep

like you and Spoony should be

dont you have work in the morning?

>> No.6446348

/cgl/ - Seagulls

>> No.6446360


>> No.6446358

>So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?

YES PLEASE. Those, and get rid of /fit/ friday and general /adv/ threads that don't belong here

>> No.6446357

>So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?

I'm for that.

>> No.6446366

Eh, Cunt is better then other shit-posting trips.

I agree to this. And I'm really happy about the janitor removal!

>> No.6446367

If they are not specifically
what cosplay/lolita/jfashion are you wearing today?
Those would be cool.

>> No.6446368
File: 407 KB, 700x700, 1350557532843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally mootikin visits us! Welcome to the dorama board.

Do enjoy your stay, also who's your favorite 2hu?

>> No.6446362

>So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?

Yeah. You should make a J-Fashion/Asian Fashion board then.

I-I mean... o-only if you want to...

>> No.6446364

>Maybe we should add a "no creepers" rule.

Does that apply to tits/ass/legs threads?

>> No.6446373

But ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME is hilarious...

>> No.6446376

Yeah that's what I was explaining earlier. Pixyteri threads are shitposts. Pixyteri is the equivalent of Chris Chan.

>> No.6446377
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Oh fuck, when did it become 01:43? Hmm... Maybe I should wait for Dexter to air then go to sleep.

I don't have work till Tuesday, yipee!

>> No.6446370

Please do something about the guys from /a/ who come here to shit up the board

>> No.6446371

Moot, can we ban misogyny thread bait from /v/ /jp/ /r9k/ ect?

And at the same time, any sugar daddy bullshit threads?

>> No.6446372

Oh jeez, what an honor.
Please ban all tripfag scum.

>> No.6446385

>was cosplaying at a con
>posted in a WAYWT thread
>got so much shit for it
WAYWT thread's are clearly not meant to be on topic.

>> No.6446380

J-fashion is not a problem, we need to get rid of creepers with questionable attention-paying to minors (a.k.a. the "Falcones") and *MOST IMPORTANTLY* enforce as much as possible the banning of people who come here posing their misogyny and "feel" threads, trying to turn this into /r9k/.

The lolitas only complained because of the bad janitor to begin with.

>> No.6446381
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>actually being a productive member of society and not stealing government money

i do agree with banning her, or at least stop her from tripping. all she does is talk about herself on every board she goes on.

>> No.6446382


>> No.6446383

A good example of shit posting.

>> No.6446386

Yea, moot, this is the typical caliber of post that Cunt makes. She contributes nothing to this board

>> No.6446390

Just place a sticky on /fit/ that says:
GIRLS HERE >>>/cgl/

>> No.6446391

>Tell me what I'm looking at here.
You are looking at spoonys ass
>I actually have no clue.
The people that cosplay and lolita in public are shamed by the majority of both con goers and /cgl/
>but I'll remove it.
>I was in Austin earlier this year to visit someone
I could have come up from SA and we could have had lunch!
>RIP 4chan Otakon Panel 2005-2007
>tfw snacks got married ;-;
>So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?
Leave them to their own devices, you moved them from /fa/ to /adv/ to /soc/ back to /fa/ and now they are here. If no one wanted them why do they always pop up and get posted in?
>Maybe we should add a "no creepers" rule.
That's a bad idea and you should feel bad.

>> No.6446387





>> No.6446388

>So is the general consensus to disallow WAYWT threads?

Yes. It's pretty pointless. The progress threads where people show off pieces of their costume is, of course, okay.

>> No.6446393

>ID's outside of /b/

Just no.

>> No.6446394

Moot, can I be your qt gf?

>> No.6446396

I really like the WAYWT threads. They give me some decent ideas. But... I think they need to be limited a bit more to you know, 1 thread a time.

>> No.6446397

>implying people don't already discuss it here anyway

Where the fuck have you been? Your mods have been allowing that shit for years. Your mods allow a lot of shitposting here actually.

>> No.6446398

Step off bitch, he's mine

>> No.6446399

I kinda want to screencap this, but I don't want to be "that guy".

>> No.6446406

Anon's only want ID's because they're not popular.

>> No.6446408

I hate you

>> No.6446409

No, that's a stupid idea. We're a slow board, and if you can't tell anons apart, you should just leave. IDs would just make drama eat up threads more than usual with no return. Say one person says something stupid, then drama happens. If that person wants to go back on topic, the ID will prevent that from happening.

IDs only really work on fast boards with too many trolls.

>> No.6446401
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I second this

>> No.6446402

shut up samefag

>> No.6446404

>And at the same time, any sugar daddy bullshit threads?
Soliciting is banned on /soc/, and should be site-wide. I can add it here as well. We generally remove these types of threads under the all encompassing "no advertising of any kind" rule.

>Moot, can we ban misogyny thread bait from /v/ /jp/ /r9k/ ect?
I'm sure a good janitor would remove these.


>Will you lift with me Moot?<3
Totally, if I lived anywhere near you.

>Moot, can I be your qt gf?
I am in fact single. But you're a /vg/ and /tv/ troll :(

I played a YouTube clip of sad trombone for myself.

>> No.6446411

I have to agree, if there were ids there would be so much less drama and samefagging,

>> No.6446417

/b/ is filled with edgy 13 year olds

>> No.6446412

>in b4 thread now turns into "cute hot anon girls" wanting to get in moots pants
Never trust the ones who are anon to be girls, clever choice.

>> No.6446414

Because it stopped /b/ right?

It didn't.

>> No.6446415

Oh shit, what's up Moot?

I wouldn't mind if we expanded to general J-Fashion if we can keep all the /fit/ threads and /soc/ bullshit out. I also feel like that might lead to a grey area with WAYWT threads because most people here don't actually dress well...but whatever. One slightly off topic thread is better than pages of diet pills and sex toys.

>> No.6446416
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- Get rid of other boards spam
- Stupid Janitor is gone (good)
- Leave the delicious drama threads alone
- Get rid of pointless WAYWT
- Indulge in more Japanese clothing/accessories etc
- More posts about conventions
- I'd be happy if we got ID's personally
- Stay on top of ban evasion
- I personally find the "How do you feel today?" thread pointless and a waste of board

I dunno


>> No.6446420

>give homosuck it's own shitty board
>stay on top of ban evasion
This. So much this.

>> No.6446422

See moot? I'm not the only one who thinks IDs would benefit this board. ;}

>> No.6446423


this still wouldnt get rid of homestucks

we still have mlp cosplay threads and they have their own board

>> No.6446419




>> No.6446425

Thank you for helping us out Moot.

My kokoro goes doki doki for you.

>> No.6446426

>implying /cgl/ isn't slowly becoming /b/ in costume

This is the problem we're trying to prevent.

>> No.6446427


I love you. We should hold hands some time.

>> No.6446428
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just make mlp and homosuck share the same board

>> No.6446439


It belongs on /ic/ due to the terrible art.

>> No.6446440
File: 238 KB, 500x695, tumblr_ly8forNnpq1qfrzfao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related its me

also did you get my love letter?

>> No.6446441

Well then hopefully the new mod/jan can do their actual job and tell them to move it to their own board where it's supposed to be or get a lovely ban. I assume that's how it should have and is supposed to work otherwise really, what was the fucking point?

>> No.6446442

/fit/ and /v/ are much more /b/ than cgl is

Don't know how this board is really even close to /b/ when it's ontopic. Only time it's really offtopic is when some shitty cross boarder comes in and starts shit

>> No.6446432

BTW, moot next time you're in Tokyo, you should have a meetup in Harajuku on a given Sunday by the Jingu Bridge. You will see colorful J-fashion everywhere.

>> No.6446433

>You're a /vg/ and /tv/ troll
P-Prove it. I barely even post there

>> No.6446434

Oh shit guys, did Freeman ever get unbanned?

Shouldn't we ask moot about that?

It is freeman after all.

>> No.6446436

>Never trust the ones who are anon to be girls, clever choice.
It takes me two clicks to discover shitposters and trolls. Don't worry.

Why is Homestuck even an issue here? What does it have to do with cosplay/EGL to begin with?

Do girls actually ban evader, or is it the creepers from other boards?

>I love you. We should hold hands some time.
I-it's not like I like you or anything.

/jp/ has truly corrupted me.

>> No.6446437

I don't think it will help anything.

>> No.6446448

Oh Moot, don't play coy with us, you know you love us best.

>> No.6446449

You don't think people post numerous threads about crappy MLP and Homosuck cosplay?

>> No.6446451


Or make a /fan/dom board?


Also Moot can you make a /fu/ta board so it doesn't spam /d/ all the damn time?


>> No.6446452

The chat you banned everyone from?

>> No.6446443

Homestuck is restricted to ONE thread though. ONE. One you can easily hide. It's technically cosplay and while I don't particularly like it, I find it more interesting than all the shitty PT threads. I think giving it its own board would be all kinds of pointless.

>> No.6446445

>I'm not going to change the name -- will just update the rules.
Can you change the title to /cgl/ - Cosplay, Gyaru, Lolita, Etc. or something to that effect to better reflect the purpose of the board while still retaining the /cgl/ directory?

>> No.6446447

Freeman is still on permban, talked with him yesterday in cglchathurr.

Let's start a unban freeman thingy.

>> No.6446460

Yes that room, cuz of fit invading it.

>> No.6446458

Well since you asked about ban evasion, falcone's doing it.
He's on his third trip and still posting.

I know he was banned because your old mod banned me for him.

...I even emailed you about this.

Luckily a mod read my second appeal.

/personal drama

>> No.6446457

Well gee, I don't go on /b/ let alone on here often so I wouldn't know.
If you ever visit Southern California I will make you ALL THE OATS!

>> No.6446454

Hi, moot. I agree that you should unpermaban Mr. Freeman. I would never ask that for anybody else except for Gropey. Please consider it. They are actually really good guys.

>> No.6446455

I don't care. I just wish there was more cosplay/con threads versus lolita. I'm not into lolita or anything so it bores me.

Also, Moot, what is your favorite ice cream flavor? I like cookies n' cream.

>> No.6446468
File: 47 KB, 500x347, wimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We still have MLP cosplay threads. There is only one Homestuck thread at a time and all thing Homestuck go in that one thread. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.6446465


Gropey was spamming his own thread to keep it on the front page, didnt listen when people told him to calm down

he deserved his ban

>> No.6446467
File: 715 KB, 758x1058, 1353793809900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot whos your favorite 2hu

mines yuugi

>> No.6446464
File: 54 KB, 300x384, 1344873862561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all fairness I wish this board was just a huge orgy of delicious Japanese fashion, wimminz and cosplay. With a dash of PT drama cause c'mon...

>> No.6446463

I second this.
Mr.Freeman was awesome and Gropey the Clown has AMAZING makeup for costuming advice all the time.

>> No.6446475
File: 9 KB, 101x127, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi moot. How does it feel to be blindly wading into a sea of estrogen?

Also will you be my bf?

>> No.6446474

>I've removed said janitor from the board. When we get through the janitor apps for /cgl/ I'll let you know.

I could cry. This is the best thing I've heard all day.

This is seriously the only things we need here:
>Jfashion is a-okay
>unrelated threads like WAYWT, how are you feeling?, random internet celebrity that doesn't cosplay or wear lolita/jfashion, etc need to be gotten rid of.
>janitor for /cgl/ that knows what's appropriate for this board and what isn't

>> No.6446471

He kept it in one thread, what's wrong with that?

>> No.6446469

Go to other boards.
Homestuck could easily benefit from it's own board.

But the /fan/dom wasn't a bad idea.

>> No.6446470

There are a lot and mean A LOT of permaban evaders on this board. The Korean ones, God, Masa, etc.

>> No.6446483


because it's an actual rule to not spam? and he was spamming things that have nothing to do with cosplay or lolita? and instead of politely waiting for people to pop into his thread and ask questions he obnoxiously kept bumping it every 2 seconds?

yes, sure, nothing wrong with that

>> No.6446485

Do not ignore my 2hu question moot
you're going to make me cry

>> No.6446477

>You don't think people post numerous threads about crappy MLP and Homosuck cosplay?
Beats me!

>I don't care. I just wish there was more cosplay/con threads versus lolita. I'm not into lolita or anything so it bores me.
Luckily you can hide or ignore threads that bore you!

>If you ever visit Southern California I will make you ALL THE OATS!

>Hi moot. How does it feel to be blindly wading into a sea of estrogen?
It seems there's a fair amount of testosterone in /cgl/, but I suppose it's probably one of the more gender neutral boards on 4chan.

>Also will you be my bf?
Sure thing bro, when's the wedding???

>> No.6446478

But I think this fandom is wanning and soon people will find another thing to bandwagon. I really do think this phase will past. If every couple of years a board is made for this season's "hot" material, the boards will become unwieldy.

>> No.6446481

Not denying that, but when one affects me and gets ME banned....well I wasn't going to sit down and take it.

>> No.6446489

Technically, the Homestuck threads have 'cosplay' in it, but I'm sure a lot of people (with taste) will agree that it just hurts the eyes to see them on the front page, every day. They always say 'if you don't like it hide the thread', but really, once you see them, the damage is done already.

At least if they weren't posting picture of some bucket that Homestuck fans spit into (with the spit depicted in it) which is apparently a mating ritual of some sort for them.

>> No.6446486
File: 410 KB, 770x1075, 1350673886193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy still be da best.

>> No.6446492

But he only did it once and got warning ban for it. Of course afterwards he wrote that he was banned and to email him instead which got him permabanned. But the thing is, if it were a warning ban, he's allowed to post again so he wasn't really ban evading.

>> No.6446493
File: 246 KB, 508x784, Charlotte.Dunois.full.470511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, alice

>> No.6446494
File: 52 KB, 487x513, tumblr_ls0ksvFXja1qahd60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moot, what is your opinion (if any) on the boards queen, Miss Sarah 'Pixyteriyaki'

>> No.6446499

Just hide the damn thread. The people posting in the Homestuck thread aren't from the crazy side of the fandom and just want to see good cosplays.

>> No.6446500

Actually, they even post NSFW / "Homestuck" nudes in there, regularly. So it's not just disgusting.

>> No.6446502

I'm going to ban you and blacklist your name/trip if you continue to shit up this thread.

>> No.6446503
File: 41 KB, 238x259, 1350589540825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already went over this topic Fran.

>> No.6446495

Moot why don't you like the idea of ID's

>> No.6446497

Maybe I just never noticed this, but I only ever saw him pull the thread up when it fell back three or four pages.

>> No.6446505

>I'm going to ban you and blacklist your name/trip if you continue to shit up this thread.

Oh my god I love you

>> No.6446506
File: 494 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m0kxhpgaqN1qm7uyp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446507

Moot you make my heart go doki doki, i'd love to harbor your future children

>> No.6446514

How is it even possible, when your trips don't even start with the same letters?

>> No.6446516
File: 59 KB, 400x439, 1352390463220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, did that just happen? I don't believe I'm shitting up the thread but I'll shut up for the sake of my Husband who browses /toy/ it would be unfair if he couldn't post because of me... Sheesh

>> No.6446517

You should be the mod for this board.

>> No.6446508

Moot, this shit belongs on /q/
I'll have you banned for this

>> No.6446509

Yeah well it also hurts the eyes to see pixyteri or lolita comm drama every day.

I agree that OP pictures shouldn't be disgusting, though.

>> No.6446510
File: 24 KB, 320x239, cglsdelusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw moot doesn't want to have lunch with you the next time hes in austin
>tfw moot would rather lift with powergirl

>> No.6446511
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>> No.6446519
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>> No.6446521 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 360x384, 1305138269372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could press my slightly moist ass cheeks against your face. I wish I could tune your desperate gasps of panic and disgust in just the right way, so that the vibrations from your breath would further oscillate the fat of my ass, causing my cheeks to gently slap your face. I wish the air I would casually release from the depths of my anus would be enough to start a breeze through your hair, a holocaust in your nostrils. I wish my behind held the back the depths of hell, black mold, and shattered dreams, only to be released onto your horrible visage.

>> No.6446527

I dont mind J-fashion but I would love for beauty related things to be it's own board I feel like these threads are dragging in girls from other boards that don't belng which just causes stupid drama.

>> No.6446528
File: 438 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lm3b61LFzo1qad8r9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to ban you and blacklist your name/trip if you continue to shit up this thread.

My hero

>> No.6446532

Weird coincidence.
I posted something and the screen went to the ban.
Was all like you are perma banned for ban evasion.
You were posting as falcone and your IP was ###.
Fucked up thing, it WAS my IP.

Appealed it once, got ignored, appealed it again recently and here I am.

I still don't know what entirely happened. But I hate that fucking fat pedo tryhard more then ever now.

>> No.6446523
File: 96 KB, 680x680, 2ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ talks about comme des garçons and junya watanabe m8

>> No.6446524


>> No.6446525

moot why can't I report you

this isn't fair

>> No.6446534

Yeah, I wish PT threads (which have NSFW pics of her 90% of time) would stop too.

>> No.6446533

I know /fit/ are your bros but they really like shitting up the board.

>> No.6446541

Things that'll improve /cgl/:

Get rid of the non-j-fashion/cgl related threads. Those crush threads, WAYWT, PT's every single FB update.

Mod/Janitors that know the subject at hand. I'd like to see a janitor/mod who has cosplayed or are into lolita fashion, and now that we might have j-fashion, one familiar with that also. In my perfect world, these janitors/mods will get rid of non-relevent threads to keep things on target.

Ban/Warn avatarfagging.

A-a-and... that's all I can think of, even though people have said it before me.

>> No.6446538
File: 101 KB, 500x514, ad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it should encompass other J-fashion. Part of the reason for this being that the current lolita trend is to mix other styles in. Lolita has a lot of overlap with other alternative styles like otome, mori, fairy-kei, gyrau, etc, and people who wear these styles like a lot of the same brands. Pic related, lolita pieces used in heavily mori-inspired outfits.
As for other Asian fashion, aside from TaoBao threads, stuff like Korean fashion/uzzlang/whatever is basically trendy Western fashion, just on Asians. It's not really unique enough to merit discussion on here. So I agree with excluding it for the most part.

>> No.6446539

So you're not going to ban the attentionwhore dramafag Cunt who has constantly egged on the dakota/pixyteri threads and no doubt started many of them herself, but you'll ban this faggot? LOL

>> No.6446543

But where do period threads go?
inb4 /x/

>> No.6446542

yeah maybe /bg/ Beauty & Grooming
it could clear up the 'what haircut should I get and thewhat shampoo, cologne, etc threads that shit up /fa/

>> No.6446545


>> No.6446544

Maybe you two have the same provider / same subnet or something like that.

>> No.6446551

I hardly ever see much drama. Those threads usually give alright advice.

>> No.6446547

What about beauty threads directed at a specific type of fashion though? For example... uh. makeup advice for Sweet Lolita?

>> No.6446550

see >>6446542
i think it's a good idea

>> No.6446559

This. This is what we need to get rid of.

Though I would quite like PT threads to remain, she's cgl related, we almost always stick to one thread and if you don't like it, there's a hide thread option. I feel like people ought to use the hide thread option more.

>> No.6446560

moot we need the pt threads she is our queen!

>> No.6446553

This is the fastest I have ever seen a thread move on here!

Anyway, drama is always fun, but I just hope the new janitor will ban shitstirring anons. There's no point in causing drama when people are simply in the middle of a conversation. That and the board invasions are my only real gripes about the board.

>> No.6446554

Oh, moot. This is the Bieber shitposter, Fran.

>> No.6446555

Yeah, I don't know, I don't even come here often
I guess they could stay
someone just posted this thread on /mu/ crying about moot calling us complainers

>> No.6446556

Uh... I think you should really change the grooming part to something else.

>> No.6446563

Can we get rid of the measurement comparison/how do I eating disorder/diet pill/etc threads? Keep that pro-ana shit on tumblr, and take other exercise/weight-loss discussion to /fit/. Those threads make me rage so hard, people have some really fucked up body image issues and terrible advice.

>> No.6446566

Yes. And threads like >>6446557

>> No.6446569


Yes to both of these

>> No.6446567
File: 430 KB, 920x521, Screen shot 2012-11-25 at 6.13.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it seems to be happening almost every week and its upsetting :c If we could have like an intimidating warning sign that would scare them away that would be awesome and you would have my heart forever

It would be nice to apply again because I applied last time but I don't think I wrote enough ;____;

>> No.6446568
File: 84 KB, 600x800, 8e89da6b6fb45c7cc7b83e41c532a14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i cannot post bieber cause avatarfagging :c
im sorry i failed you anon

here have more alice

>> No.6446577

I think the problem with the 'hide thread' option is that most people are lazy and we feel we're entitled to 'our' board being the way we expect it to be when we browse. Which is completely wrong of course and yes, the hide thread option should be used more but just saying. That's probably why

>> No.6446576

Oh, one more thing - I can agree with everyone who says take the /fit friday shit to /fit, that being where it goes, but is there a way to dissuade the /fit DYEL aspie basement-dwellers from going apeshit and screaming from tits every time someone mentions that they are a girl?

seagulls would probably feel a little better about going there for fitness advice if that shit didn't keep happening.

>> No.6446579
File: 757 KB, 584x360, 1348477168014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, avatar'ing on /cgl/ isn't bad, if the post at hand was relevant as well as the response image that accompanied it.

I would love J-fashion to be a permanent fixture in /cgl/, but only if we can allow Korean fashion as well. Sometimes lines get blurred, and Korean fashion doesn't quite mix well with /fa/ either.

Also, let us keep our LARP/Dress threads. This is relevant to costuming even if it is not quite creating an established character.

I think we could do away with 348593840 million PT/Kooter threads and other baiting and singling out threads, but at the same time, they do have SOME relevance to our board.

Also, I vote for skincare/hair care/makeup threads to stay. We're trying to achieve characters and looks beyond means of just sewing and crafting, and I believe these threads have great tips for achieving that overall look for a cosplay or lolita.

And please let us keep our monthly Girls' Generation thread when they release a new album/music video. All the fans are on this board. And people DO cosplay them.

>> No.6446590

I have not seen a single avatar-accompanied post that wasn't a shit post. Not a single one.

>> No.6446591

>And please let us keep our monthly Girls' Generation thread when they release a new album/music video.
You mean shitty viral marketing? No thanks.
Also people cosplay from comics, but we don't have comic discussions here either so "people cosplay them" is not a valid argument.

>> No.6446586 [DELETED] 

>you guys sure do cause less trouble and complain less than /mu/

fuck you pussywhipped faggot

>> No.6446588
File: 290 KB, 647x711, 1353034552831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, more patchy.

>> No.6446598

>only if we can allow Korean fashion

You know they are two different groups of people, right? Just because they are both Asian doesn't mean they should be grouped together. And the reason why the lines are blurred is because Koreans copy Japan. Why can't we have a J-fashion thread without bringing in Koreans into it? And now, you want to bring K-pop into it when it has nothing to do with the board? Seems to me you just want to board to encompass all of your hobbies regardless of its intended purposes.

>> No.6446600
File: 105 KB, 212x259, nepetahee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not. It's already being discussed here enough, so I don't think it would hurt.
How are you tonight, Moot?

>> No.6446595


Your opinions are shit. Moot, dont listen to this guy

>> No.6446596

You're still here? That's dedication!

>tfw when you're here forever

As said earlier in the thread, it would be J-fashion and J-fashion only.

The PT threads are shit and need to go.

If makeup/beauty/etc threads can be consolidated into as few threads as possible, that seems reasonable.

It's one thing to create a thread about SNSD cosplay, but I don't see what album releases have to do with /cgl/.

>> No.6446601

Only avatar issues I saw was with the brony Asians....which I really haven't seen in a while since /mlp/

>> No.6446602

>PT threads are shit and need to go.

You can have my everything now, thank you so much

>> No.6446609

So Page and his countless avatarfagging and just general shitposting is not considered an "issue"?

>> No.6446606

i think avatar-fagging is only acceptable with a post with it. responding with text and avatar is okay, but avatar replying alone should not be allowed.

j-fashion is an obvious yes.

dress porn threads are a no. this is not the place to post your dream wedding dress or dream wedding ring or anything like that.

makeup, and hair should be allowed. they are done with costumes and lolita/j-fashion.

k-pop should not be allowed. it has NOTHING to do with cosplay, or j-fashion. even if ~people cosplay them~ unless it's a k-pop cosplay thread it doesn't belong here.

and most importantly is /cgl/ going to be all drama all the time or not. make a choice and stick to it. if we can't be drama we can't talk about people in specifics, but if drama is part of this board we need to be able to discuss people specifically without our threads being deleted

>> No.6446607

Don't remind me...

>> No.6446613

Moot, I want to make passionate lovebabies with you and I will never call you up for child support.

>> No.6446610

>monthly Girls' Generation thread
Isn't that what /mu/ is for?

>> No.6446611

Oh look, our resident thief and attention whore

>> No.6446614
File: 26 KB, 453x604, neutralmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't see what album releases have to do with /cgl/

Because people will cosplay anything.

>> No.6446623
File: 38 KB, 480x272, 1320174006894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen you around here in such a long time, Moot!! When are you coming to California to hang out?

>A board filled with participants shitting on people who don't meet others standards in making nerd outfits
>So much love
Pick one.

Behind this like woah!

>> No.6446621


>> No.6446622
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, 1351705663194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be the one to say it because I don't wish the ban upon my husband BUT you're right in a way. If we can't have the PT threads and other icons of the /cgl/ community, then what is our drama? Where does it come from? Does this mean that it should be removed?

>> No.6446616 [DELETED] 

I don't think a thread is going to be deleted because one of the images posted is a Korean person. But it would mean no more "Uzzlang Thread" or whatever posts, because that's not even a fashion anyway. Korean fashion just looks like shit you can get at F21 and H&M.

>> No.6446630

I don't think /cgl/ without drama would be worth coming visiting. It's part of our... personality.

>> No.6446629
File: 830 KB, 792x792, 1344216007407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you do as long as you tell whoever is modding the board now to not delete the dramu threads.

>> No.6446628

Can that one picture become an autoban like piccolo dick is/was? I don't have it saved, but it was one guy samefagging a bunch of responses to make all of /cgl/ look like period eaters.

>> No.6446626

I thought it was a guy since he or she was flirting with a bunch of girls.

>> No.6446636

Oh, boy and here comes the bandwagoner. Any semi-popular person get the Maguma treatment where he kisses your ass no matter what.

>> No.6446633

It really isn't. The few times we had strict, /tg/ like, mods and janitors it just wasn't enjoyable to go to.

>> No.6446635

BACK IN MY DAY, cosplay wasn't about drama. It was about dressing up in a shitty satin costume, having shitty pictures taken of you on film, and nerding out with people with like interest.

But no joke, the drama can be fun, but ya'll take it too far at times. Too, too far.

>> No.6446632

it is

>> No.6446640

Oh no, thank you for telling me that Koreans are different than Japanese. Actually, I just google'd it and found out they are really two different countries! My life is just in pieces finding this out.

But why j-fashion only? K-fashion gets pretty close, and we're already ordering from Taobao anyhow which is full of Korean made garments that end up in our orders. Then again, I'm sure I could post Koreans in j-fashion threads and idiots will think they ARR ROOK RIKE, so I guess my point is moot on that one.

I agree, but I don't think elimination of all community discussions on this board is reasonable. Just singling out people and cgl idol worship or condemnation.

Weird, you guys want to bitch about tripping and namefagging, but all I ever see is anons shitposting.

>> No.6446641

And boom there's the problem. You shouldn't be visiting just because of things like PT threads, you should be visiting because you genuinely enjoy J-Fashion, Cosplay and other such things

>> No.6446643

Except they're not singling her out for the sake of drama. She scammed girls out of thousands of dollars and a lot of them still haven't gotten their money back.

>> No.6446644

Didn't you and her husband come from the original cosplay snark website Cosfu?

>> No.6446637

On the subject of drama, what about the Maiko threads? Technically those would be deleted because theyre "singling out" a lolita

>> No.6446638

*worth visiting.

>> No.6446650

>Korean made

Seems you can't tell the Chinese apart either.

>> No.6446645



>> No.6446655

It's an album cover. A favorite of /mu/'s.

>> No.6446656

it seems Moot said earlier that it was ~only a joke~
but this is a board full of women
women do not get jokes
women get catty

>/i/ sucked 50 dicks myself? oh bitch i'll show you 50 dicks. open your god damn mouth. oh don't touch my wig. bitch i'll show you a wig
so on and so forth

>> No.6446654

>implying someone can't like both drama and cosplay/lolita

>> No.6446659
File: 8 KB, 200x211, 50332_83010301127_6961553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to cosplay videogames

>> No.6446653

I kind of agree with this. I came for the cosplay, but I keep coming back for the drama.

What is this?

>> No.6446668 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 750x1000, 1341469928408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot i feel greentext isnt very kawaii, can you change it to pink?

also, have more alice

>> No.6446669

Please don't take away our queen! A PT general, like the other generals? It does take away a lot of why we are who we are.

>> No.6446662

Those "Icons" Aren't really about the person and their impact within the community. It's always about their personal lives. If it had to do with their actions/decisions affecting the cosplay world, I would find it more reasonable to be drama talk. Not condoned, but reasonable.

Do you want me to kiss yours to so you feel special? Calm down, kid.

>> No.6446663

I love the J-fashion threads. And I really don't want them to belong on /fa/.

>> No.6446664

>But why j-fashion only? K-fashion gets pretty close, and we're already ordering from Taobao anyhow which is full of Korean made garments that end up in our orders. Then again, I'm sure I could post Koreans in j-fashion threads and idiots will think they ARR ROOK RIKE, so I guess my point is moot on that one.

Because the taobao stuff that is relevant is j-fashion based even though it isn't from japan; there are plenty of Lolita taobao brands, its the same as western loli seamstresses

>> No.6446666

I'm sorry if this was already addressed earlier (I did read the thread but it's easy to miss) but why would it be only j-fashion? Would it be possible to just have Asian fashion in general?

>> No.6446667

+1. That's why I came to this board after years of avoiding anything 4chan, but man it's disappointing to see very few cosplay/cosplay-diy threads in comparison to "have any dirt on ___?" "PT thread #84354635" and shit.

>> No.6446670
File: 309 KB, 692x720, 1353814206866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh u valle.

Well its up to you people to guess it.

I think this one got it though.

>> No.6446671



Because as I said in an earlier post, making it pan-Asian fashion or inclusive of K-fashion or any others would dilute the board of the content people actually come here for.

I'm not sure why you think it's necessary to have daily "let's shit on 'x' person!" threads that contribute nothing to the board.


I can't wait to ban you and blacklist your name/trip as well!

>> No.6446672

You forgot Cats on Mars too. I'm showing my age.

No one said drama wasn't far, I'm talking about taking it to that point. I couldn't give two shits about what PT did on Tuesday night, what shitty makeup Asherbee did and her family life, what photoshop program Dakota used, what Venus' mother said/did, or any other small thing the people of /cgl/ affix themselves onto. Talk about costumes, shit. It ain't that hard. I'd rather read threads about someone's costume good or bath rather than their personal lives.

>> No.6446673

Wait, if J-Fashion becomes relevant, doesn't that mean that Kotakoti threads will be relevant?

>> No.6446677
File: 134 KB, 679x673, 1351750254641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not implying anything. I'm discussing the issue here. I just got threatened with the banhammer for asking about PT and people applaud it, yet the other half are here whining that they want the PT and other drama threads to stay. Our saying is "DRAMA ALL THE TIME" but if moot and the majority of the board want to get rid of it then I DON'T KNOW, my brain is hurting. It's either all or nothing I guess

>> No.6446682

>oh u valle
that wasn't me.
I srsly don't know your gender but assume female
Sigh. fine.

>> No.6446681

no, the singling a person out would still be against the rules.

>> No.6446678

>But why j-fashion only? K-fashion gets pretty close, and we're already ordering from Taobao anyhow which is full of Korean made garments that end up in our orders.
Because it's still J-fashion, Koreans just wear it too. Try to name one distinctive originally Korean alternative fashion that isn't a ripoff of a Japanese style. The "K-fashion" I see on here is just generic ruffly kawaii shit that's popular all over Asia. It does not merit its own threads.

>> No.6446679
File: 26 KB, 480x360, FcfzPVit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446688

Well that's answers mine! >6446666 Nvm

>> No.6446689

Moot, I'll make you a costume. Not for free though. I'll put my shitty skills to the test to make you the most kawaii costume ever.

But in all seriousness, janitors that know what the fuck they are doing would be great. Any word when you guys will go through /cgl/'s janitor applications?

>> No.6446690

I like the j-fashion, maybe /cgl/ could be like /Jp/, but for fashion, music, and the standard /cgl/ fare.

A girl board would be nice to, for the discussion of feminine things like makeup, but whatever is fine.
Thanks for making 4chan, moot.

>> No.6446692

Yes but all this drama and criticism has encouraged people within the community to improve in their behavior or cosplay at conventions. Even with all this new pressure and drama, I believe people are still able to have fun while giving the world a better impression of what cosplay is all about, and not just boner robins and bitches in frilly ageplay dresses.

>> No.6446693
File: 49 KB, 412x550, cereal-cosplay-412x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait to ban you and blacklist your name/trip as well!

I hope you're cereal about that, moot.

>> No.6446694

I enjoy both. I don't feel like I need to go anywhere else other than .... (cough/jp/cough)

Spoilers would be nice.

>> No.6446695

But what if someone cosplays SweetJP winning the race and someone hadn't seen the movie yet?

>> No.6446687

Hey, you're reading me all wrong. I never said it was a necessity or even a good thing!

>> No.6446699
File: 294 KB, 1920x1080, 1352025776756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mootikins seems extra tsun-tsun today.
>2 people already tagged for blacklist and name/trip.
<span class="quote">>Inb4 i make number 3.[/spoiler]

Also that pass thingy, it keeps on telling me im typing wrong when im sure i did it right, is this a common thing? Or could it just be me typing too fast?

>> No.6446700 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 280x289, ThreadDirection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let's just wait

>> No.6446701
File: 23 KB, 240x320, thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446696

I think male posters should have giant male symbols (the blue pointy ones) on all their posts.

>> No.6446707

She's already ban evading, moot. She avatarfagged Justin Bieber with a previous trip until that got blacklisted. However, she's p chill on 4chan IRC though.

Oh hey Maguma long time no see on here. What are you cosplaying for ALA 2013?

Hey Soni are you going to Ohayocon in January?

>> No.6446706

You mean the Mars symbol...

>> No.6446718

/fem/ would be nice but it would be trolled to the ground within a week.

>> No.6446714

J-fashion, or honestly just Asian fashion in general, is already pretty accepted here. I don't see why there would have to be a distinction between J-fashion and K-fashion as there's a shitload of overlap between them anyway. Are people really complaining about all this? I think instead of "expanding" /cgl/ to topics it already has a healthy engagement with it'd be better to just crack down on stuff that are blatantly off-topic or /soc/-related (WAYW, crush threads, hookup threads, or whatever else)

>I am in fact single.
the gods are good. Now I have to spend this entire thread trying to get Moot's attention so he can accept my love!!!

>> No.6446715 [DELETED] 

Oh hay mang. >>6441326 See this post. Sage for off topic

>> No.6446717

And apparently you have no idea that Taobao is full of Korean made garments. Ever been on Yesstyle? All that shit made by the one manufacturer is pretty much all over Taobao. American Ebay doesn't sell just from American brands or countries. Did you know that?

>> No.6446712

Yeah okay i messed up the order of people i should reply to... guess its bedtime.

>> No.6446711

Perhaps if you actually paid attention to those boards' complaints....

>> No.6446720

Yes we should be able to talk about J-fashion and general beauty and hairstyle stuff.

Can we please get more mods to delete all the
>tfw no gf
>why are all girls/cosplayers/lolitas whores
>tfw you'll never be /fit/
>tfw you'll never be 14 and Asian

>> No.6446721

Actually I've got another question...If k-Fashion isn't accepted here does it go strictly under /fa/? Could it still be ok to post some k-fashion in a predominantly j-fashion thread?

>> No.6446727

I will not be there. It's been declining for me for the last three years so I'm not going to get burned again.

>> No.6446728

Oh hey, Mang! >>6441320 Here you go~

Sage for off topic.

>> No.6446731

the issue with K-fashion is the K-pop muddyness that would come with it. saying J-fashion specifically doesn't mean we can't post Asians, Chinese, Americans, Europeans wearing something that could be called "J-fashion inspired" but by saying "no K-fashion" we can't post K-pop stars and therefore no K-pop discussion
which, i am thankful for. i get enough of that on tumblr.

>> No.6446733

>the gods are good. Now I have to spend this entire thread trying to get Moot's attention so he can accept my love!!!
Not if i get to him first, gdi!

>> No.6446734

That's cool. Sorry I won't be bring a can of Skyline Chili to you this time. I'm planning a trip to the Far East plus I need to go a different west coast con for 2013. Maybe Fanime...

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6446737

Nuke those Crush threads and temp ban anyone who posts in them.

they are nothing but tripfag circlejerks and are an eyesore

>> No.6446743

Ah yes, in a sea of Chinese companies, a couple of companies are from Korea. That makes it a majority Korean, amirite?

>> No.6446736

i meant to say
>Koreans, Chinese, etc etc etc
not "Asians"

>> No.6446740

I'd like k-fashion on here, and general Asian fashions. /fa/ hates that stuff, and there's no /kr/ board for Korean culture.

>> No.6446753

>Also that pass thingy, it keeps on telling me im typing wrong when im sure i did it right, is this a common thing? Or could it just be me typing too fast?
I don't know what you're talking about, but if you purchased a Pass and are having trouble using it, e-mail support@4chan.org

>She's already ban evading, moot.
Man, /cgl/ is like bizarro world on 4chan.

That or you're all really gullible.

>Actually I've got another question...If k-Fashion isn't accepted here does it go strictly under /fa/? Could it still be ok to post some k-fashion in a predominantly j-fashion thread?
Use your discretion. It won't be officially welcome here, but if people don't mind the odd post in a thread, I don't see an issue with it.

Creating K-fashion threads on the other hand, would not be okay.

how u doin, bb?

>the issue with K-fashion is the K-pop muddyness that would come with it. saying J-fashion specifically doesn't mean we can't post Asians, Chinese, Americans, Europeans wearing something that could be called "J-fashion inspired" but by saying "no K-fashion" we can't post K-pop stars and therefore no K-pop discussion
>which, i am thankful for. i get enough of that on tumblr.
This is correct.

>Nuke those Crush threads and temp ban anyone who posts in them.
>they are nothing but tripfag circlejerks and are an eyesore
Be sure to report them and we'll take care of it.

>> No.6446744

This. This is the cancer of /cgl/. I can ignore shit about tripfags and other threads that aren't relevant to me, but it's incredibly difficult to not rage when there're only 4 or 5 threads on the front page that are even remotely related to /cgl/ and you've reported and hidden the rest.

>> No.6446746

It's okay anon, I'll crush on you.

>> No.6446749

the drama's hilarious, but when it gets overwhelming (ie. ASHLEY SPELLED A WORD WRONG OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT FAT BITCH level) it's like a tidal wave of shit. can we have like a tacit understanding that drama's ok if it's not too much?

>> No.6446751

Ohayocon is a terrible con. I'm questioning now whether or not to go to it too.

This is why Ohio cannot have nice things. :(

>> No.6446756

pls don't post me...

hi moot <3

>> No.6446759

You know that Tim is a chick, right?

>> No.6446760
File: 388 KB, 2048x1359, 290423_285980178090170_181144498573739_1055001_448831831_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey moot, while you are here-

are Pony threads allowed on /cgl/?

>> No.6446761
File: 41 KB, 500x636, grimes63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Moot what music do you like?

Do you like Grimes?

(please respond)

>> No.6446768
File: 124 KB, 948x770, 1344790543039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vendetta threads are the threads that "single people out" and need to be deleted.
People that have been proven lolcow worthy should be allowed to poke fun at as long as it's not a general thread.

>> No.6446769

Don't hit on tim, she touches herself to homestuck


>> No.6446770

Also Korean which is why she wants Korean threads.

>> No.6446762

Hey moot do general sewing discussing belong on here, /fa/, or /diy/? Or any or none of these boards?

Also reminder to everyone that avatarfagging is already against the global rules and doesn't merit discussion as an exception.

>> No.6446766

Understandable, though I feel like what actually consists of K-fashion is hardly any different from J-fashion if we're talking about the garments themselves, and whatever K-pop idols are wearing could either go under costume design or just regular street style most of the time. I guess it's hard to trust /cgl/ to not talk endlessly about a specific idol, but I don't see a problem with talking about what they're wearing.

Like moot said, if we're talking about album releases, that's obviously off-topic, but an all-out rule prohibiting K-fashion is a bit rigid.

>> No.6446780

I have dual citizenship between cgl and fa, and Korean fashion isn't accepted, appreciated, or given the attention on /fa/ that /cgl/ has given it in the past, but only recently with all the board division topics has it all of the sudden been bad to post k-fashion or dare mention the K word. The closest /fa/ gets to kpop is gothninja, which doesn't quite have sparkle or color. Just similar brands, garments, and draping.

>> No.6446781

Moot what is your personal stance on buy/sell/trade threads? We have them occasionally and they generally seem to run very well but I was curious as to your views on them.

>> No.6446782

I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.6446774


>> No.6446777

>>6446731 >>6446753

That could easily come with j-fashion though. There are j-pop bands that people could start use to start a discussion on j-pop stars.

>> No.6446778

It has nice things; its called Colossalcon.

>> No.6446786

m00t ilu

plz sex me

>> No.6446785

well, exactly.
you'll be able to post Korean women in Korean brand clothing and no one will see it any differently than a gal. the trends are so similar, and Korean fashion is quite popular in Japan from what i understand anyway. and vice versa.

it's just to keep it crystal clear that k-pop is not allowed, or that's how i see it.
>This is correct.
Moot confirmed it so +10 to me

>> No.6446792

Curious question, how do people react on /fa/ to those wanting to dye their hair pastel or bright and funky colours? I recall a thread being started the other day here because they were shunned from /fa/. I mean, it doesn't really belong here either?

>> No.6446793

But based on what I've seen of lolita, they start with a garment and discuss it from there. K-pop retards don't have that self-control. They just start posting animated gifs of their favorite stars from the start and then it just becomes a K-pop thread.

>> No.6446791

Uhh.... if I may make a suggestion. Has anybody thought just to do a Homestuck sticky thread? Like how we had for Halloween? I mean, it might make it easier to have one sticked homestuck thread that people could block and just have anybody with questions directed too.

Also, I love whichever mod sticked the http://catalog.neet.tv/cgl/ especially since it has links to several other boards too. But will other boards be added to it that are still missing? Noticed ones like /h/ are missing.

>> No.6446787
File: 1022 KB, 283x171, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I would love this.
/fem/ is a dream that would never work. Unless it had 5+ janitors and mods working full time.

>> No.6446790

Moot. Pancakes or waffles?
And don't you dare say french toast.

>> No.6446799

I think there definitely needs to be a clear distinction between what's just drama and what's public interest, for example the maikodolly threads were drama filled, but they were also the only open resource in which people could post information without having to deal with the enforced ~sparkle desu let's be nice now~ on EGL. The ones that are just shitting on a person for no reason should probably go, but if it's something like that, or like the Kyandi ones, I think those should stay.

>> No.6446795

moot pls ban all these circlejerkin namefags you can recognize them by the gibberish after their name, they serve no purpose on an anonymous imageboard


>> No.6446796

j-pop isn't anywhere near as popular. i have never seen a j-pop idol thread here before.

>> No.6446797

This. I think just "asian fashion" is a good enough blanket statement to cover stuff anyway. People post kpop gifs and shit, but actual kpop spamming is relatively rare and kpop threads die quickly

I touch myself to cute guys who run anonymous image boards more

>> No.6446807

/cgl/ is a bit different in that manner if you consider the fact that a lot of us have met other seagulls in real life, since we run into each other so often during cons, and have meetups on a regular basis. Our "anonymity" isn't as well kept as most of the other boards.

>> No.6446803

If they gave a sticky thread for that, then other people would want more sticky posts for whatever they wanted.

Its like a never ending circle then.

>> No.6446804

>Homestuck sticky
please no
>catalog updates
not handled by 4chan directly afaik.

>> No.6446806

>could use to start a discussion

Guess what? They do. Oishii Project anyone?

>> No.6446800

>Homestuck sticky

Worst idea yet. They usually keep to themselves. I do not want to see Homestuck at the top every day.

>> No.6446801

i kinda like this idea.

>> No.6446812

If someone actually does something drama worthy like scamming or making a scene at a con, then I don't mind a thread about said bad behavior.
But regular threads just for shitting on a specific person and trying to *create* drama with no real direction are what needs to go.

>> No.6446809

I feel like this might be a pretty superficial thing, but that would just keep Homestuck on the first page at all times which will inevitably piss people off for stupid reasons.

If it'd be possible to keep it as a sticky on the last page, though, that might be kinda cool.

>> No.6446810

Namefag detected

>> No.6446811

>are Pony threads allowed on /cgl/?
Does /cgl/ consider it acceptable cosplay?

If yes, sure. If no, no.

>You know that Tim is a chick, right?
I don't know anyone's name or backstory here ;_;

Fish out of water, etc.

You'd probably get driven out of /diy/, and we don't really have a general crafting board. I'd say use your judgement and pick /cgl/ or /fa/ based on what it is you're sewing.

>Also reminder to everyone that avatarfagging is already against the global rules and doesn't merit discussion as an exception.
They know. They're just choosing to ignore the rule.

>I have dual citizenship between cgl and fa
Thank you for making my night. lollin' so hard ;_;

>m00t ilu
>plz sex me
lol u trol me ^_^

>Moot. Pancakes or waffles?
>And don't you dare say french toast.
Depends where. Generally pancakes, but I do love me some WaHo.

>Uhh.... if I may make a suggestion. Has anybody thought just to do a Homestuck sticky thread?
Uhh... This seems like a pretty unpopular idea, in my non-expert opinion.

>moot pls ban all these circlejerkin namefags you can recognize them by the gibberish after their name, they serve no purpose on an anonymous imageboard
You're a banned tripfag who has been evading for the better part of a year though.

>> No.6446818

>>6446793 >>6446796

Then why not just have all Asian Fashion accepted and people who go off topic like that get banned/reported rather than having a fashion style that isn't accepted on /fa/ not accepted here as well.
It's exiling a entire fashion style because of shit posters which exist for every topic anyway.

>> No.6446829

as much as i see how important the whatever her name is lady's thread being here, as many aren't willing to talk about it except as anon i feel like a double standard to the rule would just cause more issues than fix it

the rule needs to be there or not, no exceptions

but con creeper and con horror stories should be a 100% yes
cons are a huge part of the lolita and cosplay hobby

>> No.6446826

We already got a No on that part.
Same with spoilers.

>> No.6446828

It's all good guys. I'm here.

Thank you again based moot!

I owe you big. If we ever meet up, I owe you dinner and a floor-show!

>> No.6446825

Moot you shouldn't be so lenient with ranged bans

>> No.6446819
File: 169 KB, 541x632, 1352078702908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot can we have poster IDs again? /cgl/ has terrible samefag detection and threads often derail into people accusing each other of samefagging constantly

>> No.6446821
File: 195 KB, 499x750, grimesfairythrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Moot, do you like Grimes?

>> No.6446822

>You're a banned tripfag who has been evading for the better part of a year though.


>> No.6446838

But what is "Korean Style" fashion, besides hanbok? As far as I can tell it's normal trendy Asian fashion worn by Koreans.

>> No.6446835

Based freeman be back! Let's celebrate!

>> No.6446836
File: 482 KB, 500x281, y e s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saging in a sticky because I feel like a big jerk for doing this, but:
Thank you moot, for this thread and the responses. Your work here is very appreciated from myself, at the least.

>> No.6446837

Yeah. I just feel bad how people like to shit on homestuck even though they actually aren't really doing anything wrong on the board. I think the worst annoyance we usually get is when a homestucker is asking for makeup advice and there's already a homestuck thread or a general help thread floating around.

Or maybe we just need two sticked threads. Cosplay progress and general help. Or maybe expand on the links under the /cgl/ general link that's sticked. It looks like there's more websites that need to be added to it.

>> No.6446830

Yes, how does one make a thread about somebody's bad behavior at the con (creepers for instance) or somebody who is a bad seller without breaking rule #2?

>> No.6446832

>It's all good guys. I'm here.
>Thank you again based moot!
>I owe you big. If we ever meet up, I owe you dinner and a floor-show!
You're welcome. What's a floor-show?

>> No.6446834

I rewatched ur video at ted and i have become enlightened about how to use anonymous for good like lolcats and captcha games and wearing v for vendetta masks outside walmart.

How is canv.as doing???

>> No.6446841

>the rule needs to be there or not, no exceptions
This. We cannot have a grey area, either we have no drama, or all the drama.

>> No.6446842

>Yes, how does one make a thread about somebody's bad behavior at the con (creepers for instance) or somebody who is a bad seller without breaking rule #2?
I feel like threads/discussions like this are a far cry from screenshotting PT's (or anyone else's) Twitter/Faceboook and saying "LOL WHAT A DUMB WHORE!!!!!!!!!!"

The former seems acceptable -- the latter, not.

>> No.6446840
File: 10 KB, 125x83, grimesmayooriginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Moot!

Are you a fan of Grimes or Grimes threads on /mu/?

>> No.6446844

>What's a floor-show?
I'm not sure. A cosplay skit I guess. Failing that, I'll also provide plenty of desert and beverages with the dinner.

>> No.6446845
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1184911004115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeman is back! Yaaaaay! I did good for once.

>> No.6446846
File: 41 KB, 200x267, Did someone get told.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot pls ban all these circlejerkin namefags you can recognize them by the gibberish after their name, they serve no purpose on an anonymous imageboard
>You're a banned tripfag who has been evading for the better part of a year though.

>> No.6446852
File: 744 KB, 768x1024, lara_croft_wetsuit___drops_by_misslarisacroft-d4y83t9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing about creeper threads - is a "Big Boob" thread a creeper thread?

Yes? What about this thread about midriffs?

sometimes people use "fap" threads as inspiration - they want ass/stomach/legs like those people
of course boobs cant really be inspirational unless you get implants

>> No.6446853

because we don't have a janitor here, apparently, so we don't get a lot of actual bans when people get off topic

look how many off topic threads we have right now while moot is here
busty girl problems, and 2-4 singling people out on the first page

>> No.6446851

>Sticky on the last page.

That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. With maybe a link to it on the front page?

>> No.6446855
File: 113 KB, 900x597, DSC_4218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446859

I suitble her for work if you know what I mean.

>> No.6446861

If you are still questioning some things about what is said here, you could always try lurking here for a week or two to develop a general idea. (or just to watch the drama)

I will miss drama threads though. On the topic of Homestuck and ponies, it should be fine as long as it's about the cosplay part of it.

>> No.6446862

I'm not wanting just K-Fashion, just Asian fashion in general since it overlaps a lot anyway. It's make a lot more sense to just have a blanket term for it rather then having it just say "j-fashion" which can be twisted and turned based off situations.

That's a problem of the broad not of Asian fashion. By that logic no posting should be happening here because a shit poster can shit up and thread.

>> No.6446867

Welcome back, guy. How did you get permabanned in the first place, man?

Thank you kindly, moot.

>> No.6446868


>> No.6446866

Tripfags ruined another thread.

>> No.6446873

Your doctor needs to up your meds, bro.

If only you were wearing your trip so everyone could see you samefagging right now.

>I'm not sure. A cosplay skit I guess. Failing that, I'll also provide plenty of desert and beverages with the dinner.
Milkshakes? :D

I'm actually going to be in NorCal next week, but I see you are far from there :(

>Welcome back, guy. How did you get permabanned in the first place, man?
He was caught in the cross-fire in a mass ban.

>> No.6446870


Meant for >6446838 not myself

>> No.6446877
File: 121 KB, 526x372, 1350704479833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them have been giving legitimate criticism and advice contributing to the discussion.

If you're going to complain about the thread getting shitted up don't just post "It's shit" try to post something with some body to it to up the quality of the posts. Goddamn.

>> No.6446878

What about the Jessica Nigri threads? I like her, but I feel like most of them were always 99% trolls.

>> No.6446876

moot seems set on his choice that it will be said "j-fashion" for the reason of keeping this on topic and i agree with him, but like he said no one will have a problem with a little k-fashion as long as nothing get out of hand. and i agree with that as well.

>> No.6446882
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 542997_286767078065548_795666252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes MLP gajinka should be allowed on /cgl/. We like women who cosplay MLP. Bronies, not so much. D:

>> No.6446883
File: 47 KB, 514x466, A toast to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milkshakes it is! A toast to you moot!

>> No.6446885

Disgusting how much told is being done right now. SO MUCH TOLD!

>> No.6446888

Thats why people want ID's

It seems the majority wants them, like you said you haven't been here for 5 years. You don't really know how bad it is

>> No.6446880

You're suppose to samefag as anonymous christ

quit outting me .

You're ruining the whole anonymous thingieee

>> No.6446893 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 500x375, Shigeru_Miyamoto_and_Me_by_pikminlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same goes for most well-known Cosplayers. We can have Pikminlink threads anymore without it turning into an aument between the people who like her and the ones who are jelly that she gets to do booth shit for Nintendo.

>> No.6446894

He wants to keep the level of told building for maximum told.

>> No.6446889

>If only you were wearing your trip so everyone could see you samefagging right now.
So how come you havent banned them yet?

>> No.6446890

>I'm actually going to be in NorCal next week, but I see you are far from there :(

Freeman gave me the go-ahead to buy you desserts and beverages and dinners and shows and classy escorts and everything in his stead

>> No.6446898

Boo. Gotta find a time to come down to the SoCal zone! But have a safe and fun trip none the less.

I'm also fine with IDs. 9/10 if someone isn't clever enough to call someone on their stupidity they just assume it's so-and-so.

>> No.6446899
File: 319 KB, 921x677, 1350223188249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a name change for cgl just for tonight!
Welcome back based Freeman, or .. It's on Freeman tonight.

>> No.6446900

>moot seems set on his choice that it will be said "j-fashion" for the reason of keeping this on topic and i agree with him, but like he said no one will have a problem with a little k-fashion as long as nothing get out of hand. and i agree with that as well.
Then we agree!

>Most of them have been giving legitimate criticism and advice contributing to the discussion.
>If you're going to complain about the thread getting shitted up don't just post "It's shit" try to post something with some body to it to up the quality of the posts. Goddamn.
You're arguing with a self-obsessed, permabanned, chronic ban evading tripfag.

For your own sake, ignore him.

I understand, but I'm not interested in extending them past /b/, /q/, and /soc/ for now. Let's see where revised rules and real moderation gets us before we all start clamoring for the nuclear option.

>> No.6446897


>> No.6446902

Thinking about it. MLP cosplay, is still cosplay. I feel like we're one of the few boards that don't throw a shit fit over keeping MLP on /mlp/ God knows some anon get their panties in a twist any time even one little pony fig is even remotely in a toy photo or somebody asks how to remove stains off an old pony toy. The again, I think we're probably the board that the ponyfags annoyed the least.

>> No.6446904

That's fine I was just pointing out the flaw in it because the whole thought process of "some people shit up post about k fashion so we must not allow it!" is quite unfair and doesn't address the issue of people who shit post in every thread.

Like I said before it's a problem of the broad ,not of Asian fashion. By only allowing j-fashion it doesn't fix anything at all. It just trying to band aid the problem rather than fix it.

>> No.6446905

moot u r cool guy
i have never been in a thread with you before, just seen from afar, but you're good people

>> No.6446911

these are clearly creeper threads. I think if you want pictures of women's body parts take it to one of the porn boards.
also, these have such a tendency to turn into "lol women are whores" threads, since they're basically just softcore porn

>> No.6446908

Let's not resort to ad hominems now.

You're just cyber bullying me.

>> No.6446909
File: 3 KB, 98x125, gimes57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey moot, I'm wondering, do you like Grimes?

>> No.6446910

Fair enough, thanks for the reply.

>> No.6446921

I'm fine with MLP cosplays. It's the constant avatarfagging that people are annoyed by. Cosplays, even if it's something from a show that you don't enjoy, should always be allowed.

>> No.6446916
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1273788271415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's see where revised rules and real moderation gets us before we all start clamoring for the nuclear option.

I can run with this~

>> No.6446917
File: 43 KB, 251x251, amywat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, what does it feel like to be a dude?

>> No.6446920

I think enforcing the Global pony ban rule here is dumb because it handicaps the discussion in con threads but if we actively embraced them then the shitposters from /mlp/ might start frequenting the board.

>> No.6446912

you're right, the only thing that will fix the shit posting is good janitors

but saying something is against the rules does deter some of the rule breaking. usually. sometimes.
can we get some janitors up in here?

>> No.6446915

I'm getting way too excited over you moot

>> No.6446922
File: 470 KB, 700x775, 1349471937578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imouto mine, you're free to go for Mootikins, i'll allow that.

>> No.6446923

How about I just contribute what I can and how I can to /cgl/ like the good old days, and we leave it at that?

Very glad to be back though. Looking forward to the ALA threads. However, I don't really have any knowledge or say in the issue of the topic at hand, so I will kindly take my leave from this thread as I have nothing of value to contribute here.

>polite sage
>in a sticky

>> No.6446928

Its suitable for work.

Without creepers there would be no photographers, do you think some dipshit little bimbo who can barely use a needle and thread could use a camera? Without them /cgl/ would be a text board. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6446924

dude what the fuck

>> No.6446935


/cgl/ was made for cosplay and gothic lolita, which are both Japanese things. Korea is not Japanese, therefore Kpop and Korean fashion are board irrelevant. Jfashion is board relevant. Just because Kpop is really really popular now doesn't mean it has to permeate every aspect of everything.

I think once these changes are in effect and this board starts getting cleaned up it'll come back twice as strong and proud as it ever was, if it ever was.

on an unrelated note, goddamn moot. you is fuckin cool. I hope this thread is here when i sober up otherwise I won't ever remember it.

>> No.6446936
File: 56 KB, 550x850, 1353729036970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446930

As long as people don't misinterpret "J-fashion" as "NO K-FASHION ALLOWED EVER" and people don't expect J-fashion to completely exclude K-fashion because of a difference in the preceding letter, it should be fine. But I think as soon as someone starts throwing a shitfest over a superficial label, it'll escalate into a problem like avatarfagging or vendetta threads or whatever. Trolls will catch on and start deliberately posting K-pop idols in J-fashion threads just for the hell of it.

>> No.6446931

You should listen to the powers of my doubles and so on though, since thats what count in a thing like this.

But you posting value'd stuff is also good.

>> No.6446933

I think it's grimes.

She's really desperate for attention roflmao

>> No.6446934
File: 367 KB, 500x611, grimes66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a growing movement to ban Grimes threads over at /mu/, despite them being music related (she won AOTY).

It's unconstituional and a thumbs up from Moot would give me some credibility

>> No.6446939

I think for the most part, the /mlp/ shitposters don't even want to bother with us anyway. Seems like most other boards usually just want to come to troll the hell out of us, watch the drama, or occasionally actually have legitimate sewing or crafting questions.

>> No.6446940

I didn't realize /cgl/ excluded fashions other than Lolita to begin with...so the change wouldn't affect me at all. I guess I'm pro-general J-fashion, then. Though I guess I'm not really sure why it'd just be J-fashion, seeing as K-fashion, C-fashion, and most of Asian fashion follows similar trends and subcultures.

>> No.6446948
File: 65 KB, 500x750, 1350361457997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without creepers there would be no photographers, do you think some dipshit little bimbo who can barely use a needle and thread could use a camera? Without them /cgl/ would be a text board. Go fuck yourself.

IDK, Jessie seems to manage. She is a pro-photog after all.

>> No.6446941

They don't want to bother with us because there not allowed here

if we allow them here they will start

>> No.6446944

>Freeman gave me the go-ahead to buy you desserts and beverages and dinners and shows and classy escorts and everything in his stead
But what if I like low-class escorts..?

>I can run with this~
Thanks for giving it a chance.

>Moot, what does it feel like to be a dude?
/cgl/ confirmed for the opposite of every other board on 4chan ever.

95% chance if you check /r9k/ right now, there's a "what do boobs feel like/do you enjoy playing with your own boobs?" thread on the front page.

Now I see why you guys get invaded ;_;

>I think enforcing the Global pony ban rule here is dumb because it handicaps the discussion in con threads but if we actively embraced them then the shitposters from /mlp/ might start frequenting the board.
I wouldn't say the pony rule prohibits cosplay. That's not what it's intended for/the spirit of it, at least.

Stop cluttering up this thread with /mu/ shit. Take it to /q/ or e-mail me. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6446945

>if it ever was.
Hahahaha dodged a bullet there

>> No.6446946
File: 50 KB, 400x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just wanted to thank you for being here and actually showing care for my homeboard. Y-You're the best!

(Also you're kawaii ;_; please crossplay more)

>> No.6446951

I know you have already made up you mind but I really hope you may reconsider the j-fashion rule :c...I think I've given a pretty good defense about why all asian fashion should be accepted here-

Either way it's nice /cgl/ is getting some love from you! Thanks, Moot!

>> No.6446950

who was that guy? dildoes? he kept ban evading and posting fluttershy

thats the only pony problem /cgl/ ever had

>> No.6446956

I thought she was an amputee from the thumbnail...

>> No.6446955

But we don't allow them anyway to begin with. We allow mlp cosplay, even with the creation of the /mlp/ board, and for the most part they don't bother with us(except dildos) I think we generally only really allow the cosplay and occasionally crafting in the AA threads. But outside of that, I really don't see any inclination to get them interested in us.

>> No.6446953
File: 164 KB, 768x1024, 626 - cosplay what yotsuba yotsubato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, you're a pretty cool guy. Have some Yotsuba cosplay for being just that cool.

I can't wait to discuss mori fashion in depth on /cgl/.

>> No.6446961

It's just a name to discourage anything too off-topic.

Anything you want. But then we might have to venture into Oakland. Do you have firearms or pepper spray?

>> No.6446960

I've seen multiple decent Pony cosplay threads get deleted here though. Would it be possible to maybe clarify the issue with the Janitors/Mods?

>> No.6446958
File: 2.32 MB, 320x180, 1345407032854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's see where revised rules and real moderation gets us before we all start clamoring for the nuclear option.

fair enough, Toku threads are still cool too right?

>> No.6446959

>emotionless face
>shitty wig
>not even myspace angle
>not in instagram

Yeah, right.

>> No.6446969

I miss tsun tsun mootykins

2bad theres no girls gettin nekkid itt am i rite

>> No.6446967

>showing his face

Wheres iris when you need her?

>> No.6446968
File: 30 KB, 320x393, britney-spears-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but Mooty... Why can't I have dual citizenship?

>> No.6446976

She is cosplay related though.

>> No.6446979

That's probably a good idea. Maybe do a breakdown of threads that are allowed on the board that may get confused with global rules? Mostly in regards to stuff like MLP cosplay, and the soon to be possible changes on /cgl/.

Maybe just outline it better for mods so they get less confused on a thread that's singling out people as to opposed for legit reasons(like scammers)

Maybe this is just coming out better in my head then trying to explain it.

>> No.6446971

>Just wanted to thank you for being here and actually showing care for my homeboard. Y-You're the best!
/cgl/ is one of 4chan's oldest boards! She's a solid lady.

>(Also you're kawaii ;_; please crossplay more)
Have you never seen pictures of me in a skirt from 2007? Those were the days.

My nethers were so breezy.

>fair enough, Toku threads are still cool too right?
In /m/? Figuring that out is on my todo list.

You forgot "2/10 would not bang."

>Anything you want. But then we might have to venture into Oakland. Do you have firearms or pepper spray?
I'll be in the South Bay, SF, and Marin next week. No plans to visit the East Bay, although I do have a friend in Berkeley I've been meaning to visit...

>> No.6446975
File: 20 KB, 179x187, 1350469242686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking with me, better turn up the lewd level.

>> No.6446984

Nobody would want that to happen.

>> No.6446989

Mooooot, are there any more new boards in the works?

>> No.6446987

>Just hide the threads.

It's kind of hard to hide Homestuck threads since they fill up to 200+ replies instantly and a brand new one is made almost every day.

We have occasional Zelda, Sailor Moon, Adventure Time, etc. threads that pop up every now and again. Why does one fandom need a nonstop discussion that clogs up the homepage everyday? Not to mention Homestuck is talked about outside of those threads as well.

>> No.6446988
File: 10 KB, 180x240, 180px-Mootmootmooot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446991

Btw, Moot, if you're ever in the Boston area, we should make out or something.

>> No.6446998

I know but so is Pixyteri, but people don't make decent threads for them.
For Jessica it's always "LOLBUTTERFACE" or "JELLY FATTY".
Just trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.6446999


here actually, a few people here do toku cosplays and one of the more regular ones got a random ban recently so I wanted to clarify if it was okay or not, as for /m/ it seems like they've learned to coexist with toku threads and the like, but that's just my opinion

>> No.6447000

Do not try corrupting moot you she-devil

>> No.6446994
File: 361 KB, 1280x956, IMG_0756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for stopping by, moot. We appreciate it.

btw, my friends and I did a boardtan cosplay group this summer cause we all love 4chan so much. Just thought you should see it.

>> No.6447004

what's your cup size, moot?

>> No.6447001

Just to advocate hiding threads that one does not like, /cgl/ is a slow board, even when the topic is hot.

>> No.6447002

no one appreciates this. it's terrible and you are a terrible trip

>> No.6447003

Can you please please please ban tripfags who circlejerk?

>> No.6447012
File: 110 KB, 640x853, moot-i-wish-to-be-the-little-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to Google this to find it.

Jesus, that's from 2006. So long ago.

>Mooooot, are there any more new boards in the works?
At some point, but it's on the back burner right now. Working on some other stuff. Should have something nice to announce soon.

>Btw, Moot, if you're ever in the Boston area, we should make out or something.
If I respond to this in the affirmative I feel like there's a 50% chance I'm gay.

>what's your cup size, moot?

>> No.6447005
File: 1.13 MB, 335x200, 1352266403866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is moot actually in here?
M-moot p-p-please be mine senpai!

>> No.6447006
File: 77 KB, 500x372, tumblr_mdxkqnbXUq1rwmopyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the proper board to have M00t threads in?

Also ,are you single.

>> No.6447008
File: 32 KB, 360x480, 1271474074775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I leave. Is it still ok to post Cardcaptor Will on /cgl/?

>> No.6447009

Lol have you even read Battle Angel Alita? Or has the joke gone so far over my head it's gone orbital?

>> No.6447011

I would like for that to happen because it's disheartening to see a friendly Cosplay related thread get deleted just because it's full of MLP while the Pixyteri and Crush threads are still on the front page. I can understand that people dislike the show but discussing costume construction on /mlp/ is painful to say the least.

>> No.6447013

Have you considered a Homestuck board? It seems to be about as popular as ponies now.

>> No.6447019

I think got /ignored D: Well thank you still Moot for helping us out,

>> No.6447018

j-fashion is already posted here pretty frequently. it's not allowed? we have mori girl and gal threads all the time.

a separate beauty board would be nice.


>> No.6447014
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1352795569783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would cgl be without tripfaggots and circlejerking? Imagine a wasteland... A board that was meant for dorama and THEN it's all gone! What would cgl become then? On-topic board forever or? Where would everything go that before was dorama? Dun dun duuuun.

>> No.6447016

It's just an unfortunate side-effect of the fandom getting way too big for its britches. It's annoying, but having one active thread and one saging thread to contain this beast is probably the best we can do right now. Before Homestuck general became a thing on /cgl/, it was definitely way, way worse.

This sounds mildly crazy, but if you decide to swing by Berkeley, I will definitely make the drive out to treat you to something, low class whores included. I used to live there so I'm fairly confident in my ability to be a gracious host and tour guide.

>> No.6447017

Hey moot.
Just dropping by to say that I think it's awesome that you're chill with posting around and asking the community before implementing changes to each board.

I saw the idea to split the board into cosplay and j-fashion which was a no-go. However, apparently allowing j-fashion here creates an issue of allowing other asian fashion scenes as well.
What are your thoughts on (purely hypothetically) splitting the boards into [/cos/ cosplay] and [/afa/ asian fashion]?

That way cosplay can be cosplay and j-fashion doesn't have to stand alone.

I'm okay with anything, honestly; the hide-thread feature is brilliant. The idea hit me though and it'd be cool to get your opinion on it.

>> No.6447025


it'd be way too slow

>> No.6447022

I think got /ignored D:


>> No.6447023

What do you think of /fem/? It's possible imo.

>> No.6447024
File: 75 KB, 750x563, toodeepforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because thats all that awful little segment knows. The pseudo intellectual, low eq, deprecated, and rejected people who think the cake is a lie, think that they are the only ones to 'get it', and silly boys shouldn't hit on them are the ones who constantly reply posting awful 300 image photo albums. And there are thousands of these people who think that they made decent costumes. They decide that because the lighting was good in a few shots that the entirety of their three con collection should be posted. I remember leauge of shit generals and the homestuck threads here are far worse. We are a slow board and when a thread that gets that fast of postings on it happens everyone suffers except fot those few fans that enjoy their shitty commodified webcomic.

>> No.6447021

/cos/ would be one hell of a slow board.

>> No.6447032

I'm pretty sure this was a discussion a long time ago and at that point they might as well be a part of /fa/ since that board is just "Fashion" which asian fashion would fall under.

There were a lot more discussions back when there was more to talk about than people's twitter pages.

>> No.6447030

m00t why do you refuse to accept the fact that there are actual non-repulsive looking women on /cgl/ with tits AND vagoos who find you attractive and wish to engage in sexual activities with you?

>> No.6447031

I mean, I guess.
I think it'd be a much better alternative to doing what >>6447018 is proposing, since [/jfa/ j-fashion] wouldn't really be enough content to sustain a board.

>> No.6447027

>Can you please please please ban tripfags who circlejerk
>Can you please please please ban everyone who circlejerk
Although, if m00t did that there'd be no threads left on this board, since anons are just as guilty of circlejerking as tripfags are.

>> No.6447026

Yeah I can't see that working out at all

>> No.6447037


I think it depends on how much it effects other boards. I know /co/ of course, and we have the homestuck general threads, what other boards are getting hit enough with homestuck to warrant it's own board?

f I remember correctly, mlp got it's own board because it was saturating the other boards to much.

>> No.6447035


>> No.6447034

>In /m/? Figuring that out is on my todo list.

Why not make it /m/ - Mecha and Toku?

of course I'm sure it would cause a shitstorm like no other.

>> No.6447042 [DELETED] 

Keep doing what you're doing, Moot! If you're ever in LA, let's go to Shinsengumi. :v

>> No.6447039

>This sounds mildly crazy, but if you decide to swing by Berkeley, I will definitely make the drive out to treat you to something, low class whores included. I used to live there so I'm fairly confident in my ability to be a gracious host and tour guide.
Sure, just shoot me an e-mail at moot@4chan.org.

>What are your thoughts on (purely hypothetically) splitting the boards into [/cos/ cosplay] and [/afa/ asian fashion]?
Not gonna split the board, as discussed earlier in the thread.

>m00t why do you refuse to accept the fact that there are actual non-repulsive looking women on /cgl/ with tits AND vagoos who find you attractive and wish to engage in sexual activities with you?
Because I'm used to posting on every other board, where all of said people are guys and people looking to "lol i trol u." That and despite what anyone says on 4chan, people rarely reach out to me via e-mail (except to complain about being banned and to call me a faggot, of course).

>> No.6447040

You should Cosplay. Join the dark side

>> No.6447041

MOOT! Helloooo! I feel starstruck *-*
From your replies it seems like you can see people's past posts?? That is a super power! I hope you had a good holiday (if you celebrated).

>> No.6447046

And to the point:::: Yes! Expanding to other jfashion would be helpful because a lot of individuals experiment with many styles. Wearing lolita every day would be damn inconvenient for most lifestyles.

>> No.6447045

I always do that

You never reply to my emails!

You should try responding more.

>> No.6447049

did you get raped by andrew hussie or somthing?

>> No.6447053
File: 11 KB, 247x274, 265-zeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed be, he has returned! Thank you Mootikins!!!

>> No.6447051

even if something is board related it can violate the rules

posting ANY cosplayer with the intent to cause annoyance/a shitstorm is trolling.

>> No.6447058

Some of us actually like her and want to discuss her cosplays or include her in fandom threads. It's the people that don't like her who cause the shitstorm.

>> No.6447059
File: 10 KB, 163x159, DownloadedFile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it seems like you can see people's past posts
oh god can he

>> No.6447054

after the adventure game kickstarter, /v/ is getting spammed too

>> No.6447055

tfw too shy to even email moot ;_;

>> No.6447057

It's also copy pasta.

>> No.6447065

Like one line.
He never replies anyway.
Only my eyes, and only by those I see at conventions.

>> No.6447061

because /m/ is about as slow as /cgl/ and dividing it would just make 2 incredibly slow boards

>> No.6447063

As I recall, he reads them but he hate replying to the tl;dr ones.

>> No.6447064

i was not suggesting a j-fashion board, i was suggesting a beauty board and pointing out the typo in the thread title.

i just don't understand why we have this thread when j-fashion is posted here a lot already...it's the least of our problems on /cgl/.

>> No.6447072

I don't believe that personally since if we were to run under the logic that "asian fashion = plain fashion" then Anime and Manga would just fall under Comics and Cartoons. Oh well; sup mags. Moot already denied it.

Sure thing; thanks for taking the time to reply.
Also, if I randomly email you an assortment of 300x100 banners one day will you consider adding them to the site? Pretty please?

>> No.6447069
File: 39 KB, 834x127, horrificshitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should Cosplay. Join the dark side
I wouldn't know where to start, and haven't been to an anime con in going on four years.

>I always do that
>You never reply to my emails!
>You should try responding more.
Try harder -- pic related.

Seriously though -- get those meds upped.

>Keep doing what you're doing, Moot! If you're ever in LA, let's go to Shinsengumi. :v
I visit LA a few times a year and don't know what that is :(

>From your replies it seems like you can see people's past posts?? That is a super power! I hope you had a good holiday (if you celebrated).
I can see current posts, and previous bans for an IP.

>tfw too shy to even email moot ;_;
I don't bite ( ._.)

>As I recall, he reads them but he hate replying to the tl;dr ones.
Yep. I read everything, but anything that's not a quick reply usually gets tagged for later and buried.

>> No.6447071

People start legit threads about her all of the time that slowly turn to shit storms. This also happens with Adella, Pikminlink, Yaya, and dozens of other well-known cosplayers. They may have not been trying to start a shit thread but they were doomed from the start to be one.

>> No.6447078

>I wouldn't know where to start, and haven't been to an anime con in going on four years.
>I visit LA a few times a year and don't know what that is :(

We can change all of that. What are you doin' in January?

>> No.6447077 [DELETED] 

ty for saving all those moot <33

You should reply more.

Just cuz i won't take my panties off for you doesn't mean i'm not a good person!

>> No.6447075
File: 63 KB, 659x368, 1343981206138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should cosplay as Randy Travis.

>> No.6447080

> That and despite what anyone says on 4chan, people rarely reach out to me via e-mail (except to complain about being banned and to call me a faggot, of course).

Wow, really? I thought there would be more people just sending you 'sup' emails. I already know that there would be several /cgl/ girls all over you.

Idea: What about a 'hygiene' board instead of a /fem/ board. I know /fit/ is supposed to be /health/ as well, but let's face it, it's mainly just working out with a sprinkle of /r9k/ and /hm/.

Calling it Hygiene allows both genders to discuss things about skin care, hair care, maybe even a couple cyst threads, sicknesses. (maybe even make-up or product threads)

>> No.6447083
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, 1320355930110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave diamonds in the thread, since it's bedtime now... almost 5.am, goodnight Mootikins!

>> No.6447084

That would turn into a Gore board so quickly.

>> No.6447089

Gore is so tumblrcore now.

>> No.6447087
File: 41 KB, 300x300, weirdestboner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447092

sage for irrelevant, and because I've posted a lot here already: are you employed (not an insult) or in school? what do you do/study? how do you find the time to run 4chan and do anything else?

>> No.6447094

>I can see current posts, and previous bans for an IP.
>tfw I live with 2 other 4channers and have to constantly check if we're banned because of them.

>> No.6447095

Moot, despite all the shit you get from 4chan, you are a pretty cool guy. You're like everyone's big brother who has a shitload of porn stashed under his bed. If you're every in the west/central Michigan area for some odd, odd reason, I'll totally buy you some Vernor's to take back to the mootlair.

It would need moderation to keep the gore out, but it'd probably be /an/ for human care. Not that I mind or anything, I'd like some place I could ask about make-up shit even if I'm not a cosplayer or rori.

>> No.6447102

Moot come to a Texas con, I'm sure one of us would host you even if it's our resident dickweed smoker. It would be fun!

>> No.6447097

>I wouldn't know where to start
Stick around. We will teach you our ways

>> No.6447099

What if moot was a girl?

>> No.6447100

I'm sure 4chan is his business

>> No.6447107

The board would have rules of course, no gore being one of them, no images of sickness that causes body parts to be removed.

It would mainly be a how2selfcare board.

>> No.6447108

Shut up joan osborne .

Ur not deep.

>> No.6447110

>Yep. I read everything, but anything that's not a quick reply usually gets tagged for later and buried.

>tfw you'll never answer my email.

>> No.6447111

I feel like a hygiene board would be too easily exploitable. Get the make-up shit on and the troll-misogynists come out of the woodwork. Do general hygiene threads and... well, that doesn't leave for much of a board, does it? We have hygiene/skincare threads on /cgl/ on occasion, but not nearly enough to merit an entire board.

If you need/want them, just start threads in /fit/. It should still be legal board content?

>> No.6447112


>> No.6447116

All of our cons are pretty bad though.

A-kon is going to the reigning king of Clusterfucks at the Anatole next year what with their narrow hallways and sparse parking, I can see it now.

>> No.6447113

I know I sent you an email a few years ago telling you that I loved you.

>> No.6447114

>Thinly veiled "rate my dick" threads: the board

>> No.6447118

;_; you've found my weakness, anon-san.

>> No.6447123
File: 987 KB, 320x240, cunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shush, he will never come if he knows this dickbutt

>> No.6447122

Hit me up when you're next in the UK brah. We can have tea and crumpets together.

>> No.6447121

>Sure thing; thanks for taking the time to reply.
>Also, if I randomly email you an assortment of 300x100 banners one day will you consider adding them to the site? Pretty please?
Sure. Just send me an archive with them.

>What are you doin' in January?
Beats me, but I'll be in LA last week of February next year.

>Wow, really? I thought there would be more people just sending you 'sup' emails. I already know that there would be several /cgl/ girls all over you.
You thought wrong! A few /cgl/ girls have e-mailed me over the years, but I haven't met any. I only meet 1-2 people off of 4chan a year probably, and honestly wish I was able to meet more, since I've made some of my best friends via 4chan (and embarrassingly enough, even dated a few, as I said here: http://www.4chan.org/news#106))

>Idea: What about a 'hygiene' board instead of a /fem/ board. I know /fit/ is supposed to be /health/ as well, but let's face it, it's mainly just working out with a sprinkle of /r9k/ and /hm/.
I won't rule it out, but I feel like it would be a shitshow.

I took a leave of absence two years ago to start a venture-backed company called Canvas (http://tcrn.ch/lARD8q).). That's my day job.

I like to tell people Canvas is my day job where I put on pants and go into an office, and 4chan is my night hobby where I come home, get naked, and lather myself in Crisco.

>You're like everyone's big brother who has a shitload of porn stashed under his bed.
This is probably the coolest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thanks bro.

>What if moot was a girl?
I probably wouldn't be posting all of those "what do boobs feel like/do you play with them?" threads on /r9k/, that's for sure ;_;

I'm not sure about a con, but I've been meaning to visit a buddy in Houston, and Austin is pretty nice.

No, we haven't added /cgl/ janitors yet, and there isn't an estimate other than "soon." Per this thread, I'll make it a priority.

>> No.6447120

Anon, do you put make-up on your dick?

>> No.6447129

wow i just got that lol

>> No.6447127

>Hit me up when you're next in the UK brah. We can have tea and crumpets together.
Afternoon tea in London is probably the best meal I've ever had (and ever will).

Five fucking hours of unlimited tea, tiny sandwiches, cakes, scones, clotted cream, jam, and breads.


>> No.6447128

true but the super asskissy or "LOL SHE COULD STEAL YOUR BOYFRIEND" OPs are clearly trolls in my book

>> No.6447131
File: 57 KB, 300x345, 579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI MOOT hope you're having a wonderful day, stay warm and drink lots of hot chocolate! Also if you're reading this I want to thank you! Because as odd as it is to say this, I've made some amazing friendships off 4ch (through tripfags, or cgl meets at cons), and It wouldnt have been possible without you. So thanks!

>> No.6447126

Moot why are you coming to the NorCal area? And can I take you on a date to In-N-Out?

>> No.6447125


>> No.6447132

I second this. Fit basically seems to cover the self-care topics, and hygiene doesn't specifically need to apply to cosplay only. If it's general make up and self care, then it should be in fit in its own threads.

The exceptions I see is any real specific types of care and makeup that are attributed to cosplay - circle lens, costume and cosplay/lolita makeup, body paint, and those specific to characters.

It'd have to be moderated.

>> No.6447136

I'm not "anon", moot keeps calling me an aspie for some reason. He's such a tsun tsun.

I ASKED how canv.as was doing and you never replied. Stop trying to look cool in front of your tripfag friends.


>> No.6447141

also taking venture capitalist money tsk tsk .

>> No.6447139
File: 58 KB, 546x366, 1257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure about a con, but I've been meaning to visit a buddy in Houston

Oh yes let us know when you come to Houston, I'd host you. IYKWIM

>> No.6447140
File: 440 KB, 989x743, globalrulebutthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only people could see what a butthurt you are for banning someone because they were letting other boards know what an asskiss you are, yet a blind eye is turned to numerous other shitposting and shitposters. It's related to those boards because you were TALKING about them you fucking jewfed derp lol


Beware everyone, don't diss moot, you'll get banned! Shitpost all you want though, as long as you suck his dick and he thinks you have a vagoo you're good.

>Global Rule 17

Everyone knows this "rule" is just there incase of severe butthurt from you or other mods.

>implying I give a fuck what moot thinks
>implying i'm not just going to ban evade anyway
>implying I was banned for breaking any rules, the real ban reason is right here bitch, what are you gonna do?
>implying moot why are you gay and can't even take a joke?
>implying God, you and/or your mod really are a faggot this is hilarious.

sides are in orbit

>> No.6447137
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1322615842122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Health and Fitness should be separate.

/fit/ would stay pretty much the same, but a Health board could include beauty and hygiene, along with sicknesses and general upkeeping

>> No.6447145
File: 22 KB, 264x324, buzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember over a year ago in /v/ or something you said you were coming to ATL to see a friend. Did I miss that or do you want to get some chic fil a or....?

>> No.6447147

>I like to tell people Canvas is my day job where I put on pants and go into an office, and 4chan is my night hobby where I come home, get naked, and lather myself in Crisco.

I knew it. Just like in my dreams.

>> No.6447144
File: 8 KB, 270x263, 4329c5efeab9f652b2b1d07f900da2a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You told me you were gonna go watch animes and then stopped talking to me. But I see youre just still posting.

That hurt buddy.


>> No.6447150

I'm anonymous you idiot. Skype is for camsex, i only chat on irc

i'm pretty much a hacker

>> No.6447151

>Beats me, but I'll be in LA last week of February next year.
I'll make sure to email you then. We'll make the Shinsengumi happen~

>> No.6447152

If most of /cgl/ moves there, I'm sure there would be plenty to discuss, especially products, shave or no shave, hair styles, plastic surgrey and other body modifications.

>starting a make-up thread in /fit/
...I need to do this now.

>> No.6447156

I can relate to this feel.

>> No.6447153

moot, would it hurt your feelings if i said canvas was lame?

>> No.6447154

tbh I don't think a lot of people would mind getting asskissed by moot.

>> No.6447164
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 1320252189569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, judging from this thread.

Though I don't know why, nigga can barely even lift.

>implying they're not all just lonely 40 yr-old men anyway

>> No.6447162

>Oh yes let us know when you come to Houston, I'd host you. IYKWIM
There's not really a great way to let you know via /cgl/, so feel free to e-mail me at moot@4chan.org.

Three things.

1) You aren't a /cgl/ poster. Why are you here?
2) You're a ban evader.
3) I haven't banned a single person with that ban template, ever. I also just looked up your ban and it's from /b/, /mlp/, or /int/ -- which makes sense because judging by your post, you're some mad shitposter.

I did visit a friend last December! Haven't been back sense. I do love me some Chick-fil-A though. Well, before they openly hated the gays.

>I knew it. Just like in my dreams.
*Our* dreams, Anon. Our dreams...

>moot, would it hurt your feelings if i said canvas was lame?
Nope, not at all. Thanks for the honest feedback.

>> No.6447168

Moot, no joke, I will totally give you head if you come to Texas. I can dress up as Young Justice Superboy or New 52 Red Robin. Take your pick.

>> No.6447175

I'm here cuz i track !FR0hP.YNx. posts.


>> No.6447169

>HI MOOT hope you're having a wonderful day, stay warm and drink lots of hot chocolate! Also if you're reading this I want to thank you! Because as odd as it is to say this, I've made some amazing friendships off 4ch (through tripfags, or cgl meets at cons), and It wouldnt have been possible without you. So thanks!
You and I both. As I said in that news post from August, it really is a magical place, and I'll be eternally grateful for it.

>Though I don't know why, nigga can barely even lift.
I'm trying ;_; I've gained 13 pounds since I started lifting! Still DYEL though. Oh well -- give it a few years.

>implying they're not all just lonely 40 yr-old men anyway
lol u r rite

>> No.6447180

Sick burn.

>> No.6447178

Thanks for taking the time to post! I really appreciate the changes, and I'm happy that we can finally have some order in the chaos that /cgl/ has morphed into. I'm definitely looking forward the renewed board.

>> No.6447179

YOU seem to be the butthurt one.

>> No.6447184
File: 47 KB, 530x599, 1277153631838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit blake if youre going that far, I'll get the booze hookers and blow!
Texas moot party will be better than Cali moot party.

>pic related if moot wants it to be

>> No.6447181

Hey, I'm a lonely 23 year old male. And I'm loldecent looking :(

I also have beautiful hair. Please don't be jelly, femanons.

>> No.6447182

epik dood

gb2 /b/

>> No.6447183


>> No.6447189

Do you prefer people to kiss your ass or just treat you like a normal, average person?

>> No.6447188

do you guys have neogeo??

>> No.6447191
File: 169 KB, 481x706, 1325880229507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but I'm inviting Miyu.

>> No.6447192

>passive aggressive.

>> No.6447198

No, I'm just curious. He seems to prefer the latter though.

>> No.6447199

>Texas parties better than California parties
oh wait, you're being serious.
Moot if you're in Southern California in march you should come to my St Patrick's day rager, TO S OF WOMEN AND BEER!

>> No.6447200
File: 780 KB, 325x203, 1339381143798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447194

Do you prefer short hair or long on qt grls?

>> No.6447195
File: 398 KB, 500x700, scawa-mode2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone actually opposed to this?
i'd be interested in hearing why.

>> No.6447202

>brown nosing for replies

>> No.6447204
File: 425 KB, 250x189, holdthefuckup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I barely post at all and it's usually on topic.

I have never posted on /mlp/ and post on /b/ rarely if ever. I think that was the only time I posted on /int/ and it was that exact post I linked to /sp/. Your mod is clearly butthurt and up your ass.

also, this is the only time i've ever ban evaded.

>why are you here?

Nigg pls.

>> No.6447205

I can get one in 24 hours if its that important. I have a few connections.
I'm ok with that, I'll let my GF do the seducing and make sure not to talk about reddickies. Then boom, I get a threesome, you get moot.

>> No.6447206

please read the thread before posting, this has been addressed so many times
no one is against this. this is fine. just no threads specifically for K-fashion because we don't want the waters to muddy into k-pop idol discussion

>> No.6447215

Yeah, neogeo is cool.

moot loves trains so you should have some train stuff js

Your post is as frivolous as the one you're replying to.

>> No.6447214

I propose a /cgl/ + moot meet-up. I'm free all next week too.

>> No.6447213

Go die you dumb bitch no one likes you.

>> No.6447209


>> No.6447210

>read thread
<span class="quote">>575 posts[/spoiler]
nigga u high

>> No.6447211

Moot were you disappointed in Eureka 7 AO?

>> No.6447220
File: 182 KB, 323x397, 1349150948928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


..I..I'm in Marin.

>> No.6447219

no one likes you you thieving bitch

why do you trip?

>> No.6447216
File: 640 KB, 500x375, 1337050910396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also like to say thank you, without this site my husband-to-be and I woulda probably never got together (tho technically it was deviantart but I would rather give u credit)

>> No.6447223

just for you, anon
need to make sure your butt is hurt 24/7

>tfw you sage in a sticky just because it feels weird to post off topic without one

>> No.6447228

>tfw you sage in a sticky just because it feels weird to post off topic without one

>> No.6447230

i've read the whole thread. i was asking if anyone was opposed to it. some people may not want j-fashion to be added.

>> No.6447231
File: 33 KB, 449x449, skrillex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed moot.

>> No.6447238

>implying I'm the only person who doesnt like you

lol, okay

>> No.6447235

u tell em m8

>> No.6447242


everyone was, everyone

>> No.6447243

>I can dress up as Young Justice Superboy or New 52 Red Robin. Take your pick.
I read that as Boner Robin and got excited for a moment.

>Go to bed moot.

>> No.6447248

Did you guys here about the black friday sale on 4chan passes???

What a deal, I bought 8.

>> No.6447249

oh i know, anon. so many people dislike me- but you... it's you who i care about. just you.

no you haven't.
why are you lying about that?
this whole topic is about j-fashion

>> No.6447256
File: 53 KB, 725x540, 1220471346740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447254

tell jihad I said hi
love, chapter

ps. my vote is to allow j fashion

>> No.6447253


>> No.6447252

He is my only weakness (aside from kryptonite hurhur).

>> No.6447261
File: 6 KB, 317x286, 1239433179119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only weakness
but you don't even know what a boner feels like m8.

>> No.6447269

I bet moot made so much $$$$ off 4chan passes

Pure profit too.

He can probably afford large milkshakes for everyone.

I sent you an email moot. pls respond!


>> No.6447274
File: 25 KB, 634x350, squall leaning against a doorframe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody owes you, and it's impossible for one dood to moderate and inquire to all the boards at once.

You're just jelly because you make for terrible company.

I wonder if moot actually lurks any boards aside from robots anymore, of if he just clicks on a board sometimes, stares at the front page in contempt for a few seconds, then turns off the computer so he can cry/masturbate himself to sleep.

>> No.6447272

Do you still watch anime moot? If you could cosplay any character, who would it be?

>> No.6447271

11 more years and I'll be a Wizard

>> No.6447275

hey girl, you planning on hitting up any cons in the future?

>> No.6447280
File: 54 KB, 800x548, 1344712276144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really isn't any other board to discuss alternative J-fashion, and those threads do really well here when we have them, so yeah. And I agree that occasional K-fashion posts are fine within relevant threads but shouldn't get threads of their own.

Personally, I enjoy the make-up/skincare threads. They're relevant to cosplay and lolita, and considering we usually only have one thread at a time, I think making an entirely new board for it would be overkill. And any board focusing on feminine hygiene would need a ridiculous amount of moderation just to keep the trolls in check.

Thanks for checking in on us, Moot, you've done us a true bro service.

>> No.6447285

i don't recall any posts that said they didn't want j-fashion to be added. so i asked if someone felt that way because i'm interested in hearing why.

>> No.6447290

ohhh, i understand what you're saying nowww
my mistake
so sorry

no one on /cgl/ doesn't want j-fashion, only trolls
it's silly how long it's taken for moot to get around to making it official
5 years

>> No.6447304

Stop saying mean things about my friend!

He gets his fair share of the ladies so stawpitttt

>> No.6447297
File: 2 KB, 220x99, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody owes you

>you make for terrible company

Shit's gettin' personal now, I better go.

He probably samefags as femanons hitting on him so people will think he's desirable.
Everyone knows his real destiny is to be a wizard tho.

>> No.6447310

Have my babies? Or I'll will have yours if you wish not to ruin your girlish figure.

Thank you for coming here and talk about allowing J-fashion. And thank you for unbanning Freeman. And thank you for being so kawaiisparklesparkle~

>> No.6447312

31 shitposts in one thread? It's as if you're going for a record!

>> No.6447314
File: 405 KB, 600x781, yama-girls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. sorry, my wording was probably confusing.

i'm personally all for it. just curious if anyone felt otherwise.

>> No.6447324

all me

>> No.6447326

Shitposting on 4chan, what a lewser no life

He should get on meds lollol

>> No.6447321

Sorry to add on but I also request Gropey be unbanned as well, if that is even an option. I miss him here and in /tg/. ;_;

>> No.6447328
File: 20 KB, 235x265, 1324006298439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real destiny is to be a wizard

Not if rape happens.

Uh I mean, yeah, we'll see about that, turbonerd! J-just you watch!

>> No.6447332

Nah gropey is a shitposter who deserves his ban

spamming pictures that aren't even relevant and blogging is against the rules

>> No.6447330

Looks like I was late to the party but moot is right in not having a different board for every complaint and the whole circlejerking is part of the fabric that makes up this board. The majority of people I have seen complaining about the drama are the same ones who add fuel to fire.

One question for moot...

Do you still carry the Sony MDRs on a daily basis?

>> No.6447340

Can someone explain how this thread is relevant?


>> No.6447345

>hey girl, you planning on hitting up any cons in the future?
Nope. My last was in 2009.

>Do you still carry the Sony MDRs on a daily basis?
I don't carry them on my person, but I use them daily. I think they're about ten years old now and still going strong.

>> No.6447353

moot, will you read me a bedtime story? i'm getting sleepy.

>> No.6447355
File: 191 KB, 480x360, k-on_-_akiyama_mio_56153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-Fashion does come up a lot on the board, I often notice more J-Fashion threads and Lolita threads on a page over Cosplay ones. So yeah that would probably be a great decision!

I live near SF! I-If you have time to meet up for coffee maybe....or not z////_////z

>> No.6447358

Going to close this thread because it seems to have run its course. Thanks everyone for the feedback and fun chat.

I'll update the rules this week and get you all at least one janitor added ASAP.

If I missed anything or anyone has additional comments, feel free to e-mail me at moot@4chan.org

Have a good night, /cgl/~