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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6441874 No.6441874 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone understand this shit?


You've got to be at a friday and a saturday judging?
Do you have to wear the same costume for both?
Does this even require a skit?
Do you do a preformance during the prelims too?

It sounds to me like they want people to come in costumes for the Friday Prelims/Hall Contest, then come in the same costume Saturday morning for R2 prelims/Hall Contest and then wear that same costume for the Cosplay Contest saturday evening, while doing a skit (although it says if you entered the Hall Contest that you can't compete in the regular one and have to be part of the Hall Contest Walk on Parade thing)? Oh, and they'll only be judging one person from each group?

Either I am dumb and reading this all wrong or these people don't understand just how long it takes to get in/out of a costume. Do they just expect everyone to wear their competetive costumes all convention or think we can just slip them on and off?

Who is judging this?

Please, can some one make sense of any/all of this.

>> No.6441975

So you're a Master if you have been published in a cosplay magazine? That's just asinine.

>> No.6442067

I'm hoping we can request to move up if we've been cosplaying for several years but haven't been bothered with Contests.
I'd much rather a shot at the $1000 than the $200.

>> No.6442103

OP here, I did some reading on ikki's facebook and there are are bunch of complaints.
Ikki said that they are going to make a cosplay related announcement very soon.

I wonder what, if any, of these rules they'll change.

>> No.6442121

Clearly whoever is writing the rules has no idea of how craftsmanship contests at anime conventions work. A lot of people are stressed because of these rules. I hope they fix them.

>> No.6442162

If you have questions or gripes (which everyone who reads them should because WTF) and you want a possibility of them at least trying to fix some of this shit email them


I've read them over at least 4 or 5 times and it still makes no sense, plus they're giving conflicting information. It does sound like you have to be pre-judged twice, but I'm pretty sure on FB they've said you only show up Friday. Whoever is in charge this year has no idea what the fuck they are doing. They've also said they will be making some kind of announcement about the rules all over FB, but nothing yet.

>> No.6442171

>Who is judging this?

I have no idea, but they have 6 judges…

>> No.6442205

Yeah, I noticed that too.
The site says that you have to show up "again" on saturday judging but whoever is doing the fb stuff says that you only have to make it to one or the other.

I'd really like to know how qualified these people are to judge.
I've been considering several things to craft but I don't think most judges would know just how intense these things would be to make.
ex: a muscle suit.
Seems easy but there is a fuck ton of stuff that goes into those things and they retail for 1k+ for the quality ones.
I don't think most judges would know anything about that sort of thing, however.

>> No.6442215

It looks like they have three contests - Hall, Cosplay, and Professional. Professional is stating you need to show up twice, but why have a third contest like this one with such ass-backwards rules? Most cons either have a Cosplay contest, Hall, or both.

>> No.6442377

I am willing to bet most of these "judges" will not be qualified. I mean, so far they only have two announced cosplay guests, if they are judging that leaves 4 spots for god knows who. If the rules are any indication of how much the people running this know about cosplay, I'm afraid of who they picked to judge.

>> No.6443335

I forgot about Malinda and her man being judges.
Guess I better go check out their dA and see just how much they've done.

>> No.6443437

why does anyone care about the cosplay contest of some small shitty con?

>> No.6443788

Because, as mentioned, the prize is $1000 in cash.
So it is a small, shitty con with a giant cash prize for the small, shitty cosplay contest.
Which makes half of the decent texas cosplayers jump for greedy glee, myself included even though I stand no chance.

>> No.6443917
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Cash monies. Want good cosplay to show up at your piece of shit, poorly run contest? Offer a boat load of cash.

Not surprising they'd want you to come both days for judging. All these greedy fucks wanting cash will show up in bitching costumes. Making them wear said costumes increases photo op chances, which can then be put on the internet and help give the con the appearance of being "good". Brilliant plan honestly.

>> No.6443941

Uhhhp! Almost forgot, bonus round:

If these costume are that big and great, they'll probably be annoying to haul back and forth home if local. So the cosplayers may get a hotel room. If not local, cash prize is just enough to warrant showing up and getting a hotel room.

>> No.6444039


lol, you are putting way too much faith in these people that they made these decisions with any kind of reasoning behind them.

they just have no idea what the fuck they are doing

>> No.6445189

Anyone have any idea who all is entering?
I'm guessing Twinzik is, based on the ikki facebook.

Who else/what are they bringing?

>> No.6446430

I think anyone worth anything said fuck it when they posted the rules. It's going to be really lame when a hamsteak or pony wins 1000 dollars because all the decent cosplayers didn't want to deal with this bullshit

>> No.6446608

Hmmm, I don't know. People may put up a fuss but when it comes down to it they'll probably be there for the cash anyway,

>> No.6446618

I know several people who just gave up on entering after the rules were posted.

>> No.6446639

Oh hey they posted the updated rules.


What do you guys make of this?
I think it is still muddled.

>> No.6446649
File: 20 KB, 341x400, Audrey_Hepburn_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was planning on entering, but after seeing this bullshit clusterfuck of a rules list, I think I'll just wear my competition outfit around the halls and enjoy my day doing what I want.

Good luck to those that are going to actually give it a try however.

>> No.6446691

Since you aren't going to enter, what is it that you are wearing?

>> No.6446732

it still makes no sense, but at least they changed the one costume prejudged per group thing.

>> No.6446741

Was going to be doing a Nightmare Before Christmas group (yeah, way overdone, I know, I didn't pick it). But with these rules and the competition that's going to show up, I think I'll skip it. Might not bring the costumes at all and save them for something else.

>> No.6446745


I'm one of those. I'm not going to bend over backwards for just a CHANCE at $1000.

>> No.6447052

So for those of you that can make heads or tails of the rules, it kinda sounds like there won't be a normal "walk across the stage to music like every other con"; so what exactly are they doing for the cosplay show?
I swear who ever wrote the rules has never been to a cosplay show before.

>> No.6447079

>I swear who ever wrote the rules has never been to a cosplay show before.

sad how this is probably true. why would you let someone with 0 knowledge run something like this? did they forget how shitty last year was ran?

I'm not sure what exactly is supposed to happen. I understand it even less now that they've updated the rules because they took out the stage time limit. Now it doesn't even read like its a stage contest. I just want to know what is going on

>> No.6447104

>did they forget how shitty last year was ran?

Last year was probably the worst I have ever seen a cosplay show run, and I have seen some duesies.
Now, that being said, it wasn't a complete disaster, but there were several 'Are you guys serious?' moments.

>> No.6447881


>> No.6448873

Competence? People who give a shit? This is Ikkicon we're talking about. No one learns. You greedy fucks have fun dealing with the confusion.

>> No.6449155

I've seen comments like this when ikkicon threads showed up before, about people entering being greedy. I don't get it, any costume worth competing in probably costs half that anyway, or if you enter in a group you would be lucky to break even. I don't understand why wanting to recoup some of the losses you've taken to make something = greedy

You are right about expecting copetance though

>> No.6450844

So we have a joke for a cosplay contest.

Joke for the karaoke contest being run by Stefan/Jebus

Guest list that's meh

New Years...

Yeah remind me why anyone would up to this?

>> No.6451246

Been wondering this for years. Yet they still show up even after tent-con.

>> No.6451326


Exactly. Why buy passes?

I know that $1000 sounds great, but I wouldn't trust that con to actually give it.
The con chair is a massive douche who knocked up his recent girlfriend.

>> No.6452066

I know I go every year because its a great excuse for me to take off work and see all my friends that live in Austin right after the holidays. It being on New Years has been a plus for me.

>> No.6452378

Who ever wins better ask for cash on the spot or a cashier check. I wouldn't trust a check.

>> No.6452410
File: 126 KB, 900x970, IMG_0549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too bad the calender screwed Ikkicon over by making them have it the last weekend of the year.

Don't worry, anon. I'll run Ikki-Idol fair and square.

>> No.6453088

I'm sure there will be loads of people singing your praises then?

Who are your judges? Fair and square? You're not qualified to judge much less run something like that.

>> No.6453246

no one is qualified to judge at anything at this con, you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.6453300

I'm suitable to judge everyone.

Too bad I'm not going.

>> No.6454240

damn, the whole problem was almost solved

>> No.6456464

Smoker isn't going?!

FInally some good news about Ikkicon.

>> No.6457015

does anyone know if we can expect a PT sighting?

>> No.6457019
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>> No.6457120

wait? they are paying their judges? with my badge money? fuck no. how much are they getting exactly?

>> No.6457123

She's not getting paid to judge.

She's getting paid to go to the con as an employee of Arda wigs. It's on their dime, not the con's.
Chill the fuck out.

>> No.6457598


There's a difference between a cosplay guest and a cosplay judge. Judges only work for maybe 4 hours to judge the show, guests often judge the show and do panels. I highly doubt she's getting paid for it either, more like expenses compensated. That's fairly standard for any con guest.

either way you sound massively butthurt over the situation, you should calm your tits.

>> No.6457976

lol, what? No one pays judges, fuck, even yaya doesn't get "paid" she just gets free shit. You are an idiot.

>> No.6459755

Try again. derps.

She is getting paid by the con for flight, room and THOUSANDS of dollars. I don't know the exact amount but it is at least 3,000.

Malinda-chan and IkkiCon are BFFs. which is why her and her boyfriend are judging a contest that they couldn't even place in.

>> No.6459766

malinda-chan is just trash.

they wont give a prize for their own shitty contest. easier to have a dealer front it instead? yes!

more money for them to keep. not spend on the convention.

>> No.6459791

I never go to ikkicon, I always have better things to do new years eve. I may stop by Austin if GeneralIvan does actually go for lunch or something.

>> No.6459925

I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is full on bullshit.

>> No.6459974

Haha, what? Con's don't pay appearance fees that large to most Voice Actors, they sure aren't going to give that much to a couple of cosplayers.

I'm curious now, how much do you think they pay for a top tier VA? Someone like Vic? Not in travel or anything, just to be there?

>> No.6461922


The cosplayer being paid is BS, but many "top" VAs like Vic or Tatum have very high fees. In the low thousands range.

>> No.6462261

I'm aware of appearance fees, but not even Vic charges 3k. That's kind of the point.

>> No.6462385


Um..... Yes he does.

>> No.6462391

um, no he doesn't. Some cons might have paid more than 3k, but his standard fee is under that.

>> No.6463974


Then his price is going up. He's expensive and not particularly worth it. It makes fangirls happy for a bit, but overall he's not the end all be all of guests. However, Vic knows he can get away with it because cons assume he will bring in a ton of people. It's a business.

I would rather a con use that money to invite more interesting VAs personally. Ones that don't cause drama.

>> No.6464113

wtf they got married last year wow get with the times

>> No.6464302

He does bring in people, and unless it just went up in the last month or two it's not over 3k.

but this is irrelevant, lets bitch about these shitty rules some more.

>> No.6467760

everything is shitty about these rules, it is hard to decide what to bitch about, hence the silent thread.