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6442471 No.6442471 [Reply] [Original]

any tips on how to stop biting my nails?

>> No.6442490
File: 15 KB, 272x369, stop_n_grow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I had the same problem, along with picking at the skin on my lips. You should get this stuff called Stop N Grow. It works miracles. Just put it on nail polish style and you won't want to bite them any more because it tastes like shit.

>> No.6442491

Keep your nails trimmed down short and carry around a nail file/clippers with for when you break a nail or something so that you won't be tempted to gnaw it down. Once you get them to a normal length, try painting them a vibrant color to deter biting at them. Nobody likes messy-looking nails. Orly no bite is a brand of bitter-tasting polish that you can try using, and it's usually under $5 a bottle. Good luck.

>> No.6442492
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>> No.6442494

one time i saw a guy with a weird skin condition

i thought it was gross and maybe caused by unhygienic conditions, and i stopped biting my nails right there and then, cold turkey.

it's mean of me to single him out for being weird-looking, but thank you, funky-faced guy.

this isn't helpful at all i'm sure

>> No.6442499

If you're biting at your lips because they're chapped, try taking a wash cloth and roughly scrubbing at your lips after a shower to slough all of the dead/uneven skin off. It'll hurt like a bitch at first, but you'll have a new layer of skin that can heal faster. Carry around some flavored lip balm or something so that putting it on throughout the day won't feel like such a chore.

>> No.6442500

old fashioned soap/jalepeno underneath the nails will stop you.

for lips? i should try that...

>> No.6442512

It also works for picking at them if the reason you're doing it is because the skin is uneven. Sorry for speed-reading through your comment.

>> No.6442519


Seconding this, but you can also use a dry toothbrush. I mix olive oil and sugar for a moisturizing lipscrub that works wonders.

>> No.6442589

Argh! I hate this habit. I bite my nails and they look like shit, I find I do it worse when stressed out. Over the years Ive been told to do all sorts to discourage nail biting, from putting my hands in dog shit (FYI never did it, but the logic behind it would be, you would never want to put your hands anywhere near your face again) to using that nasty tasting nail polish. Its only since getting acrylic nails I haven't bit my nails because I cant lol

>> No.6442602

I knew a girl who got those fake manicured nails.
They're definitely not as easy to bite through, plus they cover your wrecked nails, at least for a while.

>> No.6442605

I had the same problem but I just stopped it, everytime I had the feeling I want to bit them off, bcuz I am bored, stressed or w/e reason I just reminded myself that I don't want to. The first time your nails grow a bit they'll break rly easy when u get stuck somewhere or scratch stuff so u have to use a nail file often so they get harder. After a few weeks they won't break as easy. Now after a few months they don't break anymore at all and they're rly long. Sometimes I don't file them for a while and it looks like I have plastic nails bcuz they're so long.

>> No.6442607
File: 331 KB, 521x333, fingernailsfingernailsfingernails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope OP doesn't mind me asking, but can anyone tell me what's wrong with my fingernail? On the edges, the nail is growing, but it's not connecting to the bottom layer. There are a lot of dents and sometimes the nail puffs out. A doctor I went to see just told me to put hydrocortisone on it and that did nothing. It's gross, so sorry if anyone is upset by that description.

The picture is shitty, but I only have my phone. If the quality is too bad for anyone to see it, that's all right.

>> No.6442613

Go to a dermatologist not your regular doctor. Can't really tell but you might have a fungal infection though those usually changes the color of your skin while yours seem to be normal.

>> No.6442623

There haven't been any changes in skin color. I considered going to a dermatologist, but I haven't found the time. Guess I need to fix that.

Thanks for the input.

>> No.6442717
File: 228 KB, 1155x579, naisssssls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been biting my nails as long as i can remember, up until this summer. i felt like painting my nails but my nails were too small to do anything on so I got some press-ons and did them really nicely, kept them on for about a week and realised how much they grew in such a short time, then i kept wearing pressons so they could grow underneath for a while until i went back to school and had to use my hands, which kept making them fall off, so just started making sure my nails were always painted so i wasn't tempted to bite them and having seen how nice they looked at a longer length, i just went cold turkey. I always keep my nails painted now, and it stops me from biting them.

Pic related, my fingernails before and after. The before picture makesme feel a bit sick now.