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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 188 KB, 723x960, maiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6440672 No.6440672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Maiko thread

Update: she's posted on the thread on LSE again

Someone called her out but the mods warned her because... well you guys know why

Old thread >>6437170

>> No.6440685
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Her most recent post

>> No.6440699

"Explination" on an old thread from totally-not-Maiko-or-her-friend-or-relative


>> No.6440710

Is this like the fifth thread about this? I lost track. Haven't had something this juicy and deserving of five threads in a long time.

>> No.6440709

I think there should be caps in case for when the thread gets deleted. I would do so but I'm on my phone.

>> No.6440712


Everything on this board is archived, no need

>> No.6440716

whoops, my bad!

>> No.6440732

Wow, good job linking to the thread which Maiko at least had a slim chance of not knowing about, Kim Heartfilia.

>> No.6440744

Very slim chance

>> No.6440749


She has the 4chan page liked

cgl has been mentioned in the thread several times already, which we know she is monitoring

cgl is literally the first thing that pops up when you google those three letters

honestly she might be dumb but she's not that dumb

>> No.6440750
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I realize the threads are all archived, but here's the caps anyway, because it's easier like this :)
part 1

>> No.6440752
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>> No.6440753

Does anyone have the cap of her first Facebook post, where she said Paypal "must have called the bank" and blamed her brother on identity theft?

>> No.6440756

can someone link to the FB thing? I don't use facebook, so I haven't been following it there, do you need an account?

>> No.6440757

You have to have an account & be a member of the group I think.

>> No.6440758

This is number 6, here's the archives of 1-5:

1- http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6422601
2- http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6426872
3- http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6431664
4- http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6434280
5- http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6437170

I just sent this to my friend, so I had them on hand.

>> No.6440759


Does it really need to be kept secret from her? It's not like there's anything in here she should be kept from finding out. It's mostly just theorizing.

>> No.6440764

The point is that she could feed everyone false information.

>> No.6440766

The problem is that she'd be likely to try and cover up some things, or do damage control, anonymously.

>> No.6440767


You should be able to read the posts before you join the group but yeah you have to have a fb.

>> No.6440772


The chances of her not knowing about cgl by now are slim to absolutely none

People were already thinking she showed up in the previous thread

And honestly anyone who tries to defend her or do "damage control" would be called out instantly

>> No.6440769
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this one?

>> No.6440770

pretty sure anons are just embarrassed that she can read stuff when they thought they were talking behind her back.

>> No.6440773
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Here ya go. It's early in the main thread on FB sales.

>> No.6440776

So could anyone else. No one should be taking anything posted on here as "fact" just because some anon posts it. People like to rile things up for fun, it would be silly to take new information posted here at face value if there's no corroboration from outside evidence.

>> No.6440778

nope. I hope she's here, so that she knows there's absolutely no chance of her sneaking away from this with her stolen goods, or ever being accepted by any lolita group again.

>> No.6440783

do you have the oen where she called her brother "quite a mean person" or something like that?

>> No.6440785

Sorry, new to the drama, but which FB sales is this going on in? I''m not seeing any dramu in the group I'm in, unless I have it hidden somehow?

>> No.6440788

No, not that one! I guess it wasn't the first comment she made but among the first. it's on the cap where she was talking about how she called the bank and said "this charge and this charge is fine" but they "reversed everything" anyway

>> No.6440790

Lolita Sales in English

facebook dawt com/groups/248638205150052/

>> No.6440791

She knows about /cgl/ no shit but I mean. It's just annoying when someone links to 4ch in general.

>> No.6440793
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Found it.

>it was my brother who did the identity theft, he had all my account info, and he's a very mean person, to be quite honest.

>> No.6440796

>oh noes, they know about our secret club!

>> No.6440799

Oh, and teh context of finding this was "person who is totally not Maiko at all or her friend" claimed that she never named her brother as the identity thief. Now they're trying to claim someone bought thousands of dollars in lolita, but like, brands Maiko's never even heard of!11!


>> No.6440802

So is she saying her brother bought all those lolita dresses, etc?

>> No.6440810

She must be! Since that's the bullshit she concocted to tell us, or concocted to have a friend/family member tell us.

>> No.6440816

Maiko isn't, but some anon who claims to have inside information is claiming the thief bought lolita dresses. It's a little confusing.

>> No.6440819

Oops, meant to respond to

>> No.6440822

I wonder if that's the anon whiteknighting on the last thread, then.

>> No.6440820

Here's maiko's friend on the EGL post. I wonder if its Maiko. She also picks fights above with WF and Mauti. This person sucks at English, so I don't think it's Maiko. http://egl.livejournal.com/18930602.html?page=2

>> No.6440824

Oh just scrolled down, it's clearly that person

>> No.6440825


You know you can link directly to posts


>> No.6440828

So does she know Maiko claims her brother stole her precious rori identity?

>> No.6440830

Let's pretend we believe this explanation of.. whoever it was.

If she learnt of the situation since early October. She knows there're a lot of girls in distress over it. Identity theft or not, would you buy a brand new, just-released-and-very-much-sort-after AP print and attend the tea party without addressing the situation first?

So, nah, as much as I want to pretend I can't believe you.

>> No.6440832


Aoisfuji is apparently a 20 year old girl from California, so maybe she's friends with her?

>> No.6440834

She's now claiming "oh she maybe said it was probably her brother," even though she had just said that the identity of the person who stole Maiko's identity is known & reported.

>> No.6440844 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that is her friend/band mate. She has pictures of herself with Maiko on her tumblr. Same name as the LJ name.

>> No.6440847
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>> No.6440848

This must be Caitlyn or at least an outsider.
No one that actively participates on cgl would dare to think any of us have any shame left.

>> No.6440850


Is that what I said? I said it's annoying. I didn't say "i dont want anyone to know about the ceeguls boohoo"

>> No.6440858

what's wrong with this aoisfuji girl? she types like she's got some kind of mental disorder. Is she the "friend" who was going to pay everyone back? I hope maiko isn't taking advantage of her by getting her paypal involved in this.

>> No.6440870

She writes visual kei fanfic. Nuff said.

>> No.6440873

I know but I'm on my phone and there was too many to link, bitch.

>> No.6440882

I'm actually dead serious- she types exactly like peacockfeather used to. she seems... off, we shouldn't make fun of her

>> No.6440883


Everyone on cgl is so hostile all the time

>> No.6440891

>we shouldn't make fun of her

lol my sides

>> No.6440901

Aoisfuji bahleeted her comments on EGL

>> No.6440905 [DELETED] 

Miki (the bandmate/friend) has two accounts on facebook, Miki Fantaji and Lacey Fix.

>> No.6440908
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We make fun of everyone we can.

>> No.6440912


>> No.6440914


Hopefully theyre still in cache

and WF still has the comment notifications

>> No.6440920

Probably because people linked them to the posts on cgl? Or because they realize that the people on EGL will call them out for their BS and it won't go away, like /cgl/ comments do

>> No.6440918
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>> No.6440923
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luckily, the internet never forgets.

>> No.6440926
File: 187 KB, 1150x637, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, I just grabbed these on a hunch she'd bawleet...

>> No.6440924

Needs caps, she deleted her comments.

>> No.6440927


>> No.6440933

Why did you delete this?
It's an archived board...

>> No.6440935

I think she saw the /cgl/ thread. She deleted her tumblr (of the same name) too, which I'd looked earlier just to confirm she was someone different from Maiko. I guess she got nervous about bringing attention on to herself, which is reasonable enough. I probably would do the same - attention in situations like this is rarely good.

>> No.6440936

Was there explanation of her actual parents? or why she lied about the 'mother' dying? When in reality it was her grandmother?

>> No.6440940

Woah I guess my reading comprehension is off right now, I didn't read anything about her mother actually being alive.

>> No.6440937

>Lacey Fix
Lacey is friends with that horse face lolita that Charms used to hang out with

>> No.6440938

I think she deleted it in case she needed to change the story again

>> No.6440943

She was posting on the second to last thread, so it's not that she "Saw" the /cgl/ thread, she went into them

>> No.6440944

I don't find this too suspicious. I could reasonably see it being a case where someone is raised by their grandparents and has always just referred to them as their parents.

But, this girl is a serial liar, so who knows.

>> No.6440989

Oh sorry, I thought the person I was responding to was implying she wasn't reading the threads, that was what I meant to state. That since she was posting before she was probably still here, and decided to delete her non-anonymous (and anonymous) comments when people started talking about her.

>> No.6440993

That's what I was thinking. I know a few people raised by their grandparents, and they tend to refer to them as mom/dad, if their real mom & dad didn't raise them.

>> No.6441057

>Purchases being made were anything from massive amounts of itunes purchases as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.

Do they think we're retarded? That's just insulting. And if it is true, sellers are still out thousands because of her mismanaged accounts, and expected to just eat the loss of money and goods.

>> No.6441104

From the old thread:
>>Mother and grandmother is the same person as she calls her grandmother "mom" because she has raised her.

>>No they did not both die, her real mother is out of the picture.

>> No.6441185


>> No.6441205

>massive amounts of itunes purchases as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.
>thousands of dollars worth of lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears

Except there are photos of her wearing just about everything she bought from other lolitas which equals thousands of dollars. Are there some magically absent from the picture lolitas she's not paying because 'lol I didn't buy these, the fraud-loli did! XDDD'

>> No.6441208


and anyway wtf thief steals money to legally buy music pfffft. PFFFFT

>> No.6441294
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>thousands of dollars worth of lolita that Caitlyn never wears/knows of

Oh no. No no no. This is too much of a coincidence. Someone did not commit fraud on her account to steal lolita dresses.

My guess is she did this all herself. Went on a big fat shopping spree. Then decided to say someone stole her card and committed fraud.

Like they say- if something doesnt make sense it is simply not true. She schemed this from the beginning.

>> No.6441352

It does all seem very sketchy, but the one thing that's keeping me from being convinced that maiko set out from the beginning to scam people is all this headache she's putting up with.
If I were a scammer doing thing, I would wait until I got all my shit, and then delete all online presence that could be tied to lolita; responding to any of it just doesn't make sense from the perspective of wanting to make a clean break after ripping people off.
Is she lying about a lot of shit? Yeah - I think she got in over her head, and lied to save face/finances, then had to lie some more, because once you start, you have to stick to your guns. She probably went on a spree, and then realized she couldn't actually afford all those things, but got greedy and wanted to keep everything anyway.

>> No.6441366

Okay yeah you sound mad jelly of the scamming fattiechan.

>> No.6441371


I hope all those pictures are saves, for evidence.
Bitch is clearly a liar, and a thief.

>> No.6441385

This. Those pictures are all the evidence you need to prove that the 'identity thief bought lolita!' story is false. If the sellers she ripped off can make a list of what they sold her and can prove they sent the items to HER address and even find photos of them, that leaves no items left for her to claim weren't bought by her.

Because seriously, if the 'identity thief' bought lolita for themselves, where the hell are the lolitas they bought from?

>> No.6441386

Also just in case she decides to claim this as well, what kind of identity thief buys something and then sends it to the person they're stealing from? No one is stupid enough to get a ton of stuff sent to them and think "Wow, I don't remember ordering this. Oh well!"

>> No.6441394

If I remember correctly, Maiko didn't claim that some other lolita bought the stuff. I think that was that other girl whiteknighting her on EGL etc. Or did Maiko too say things about some identity thief lolita? <_>

>> No.6441399

Honestly, each new 'explination' just makes everything sound so much worse: it's like playing a bloody Phoenix Wright game, spotting the obvious contradictions.

A bank being unreliable over a fraud claim is very unbelievable. Banks are all over that shit because it's their money, and they'll do whatever they can to protect it, especially as there seems to be tens of thousands of dollars at stake here.

>> No.6441402

It's in Maiko's 'official explanation' that I guess someone posted for her on the last thread.

>> No.6441404

No, her claim was that her brother (who is "quite mean xD" and whom we haven't found exists) had stolen her identity. Now this whiteknight is saying it was a lolita-buying identity thief. And, Maiko has all the dresses that had been paid for and reversed in pictures, as well as given feedback for.

So, unless her terribly mean brother stole her identity in order to buy lolita dresses to give to Maiko and then hijacked her LJ to give positive feedback to the sellers he bought from, I'd say any "evidence" against her being a scammer is complete bullshit.

>> No.6441420

I thought that Maiko was saying that the lolita purposes were legit, and PayPal reversed them without being told to? And then this whiteknight is saying that the lolita purchases weren't legit? I'm so confused.

I don't think this whiteknight knows anything about maikodolly or the situation at all. I think they're just stirring. That, or they didn't get their story straight with Maiko before they started whiteknighting.

>> No.6441430
File: 118 KB, 256x192, alita-breakdown(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like playing a bloody Phoenix Wright game

>> No.6441472

Hey guys. Kieri here. Caitlyn sent me a payment from her friend yesterday, but it was from a different account that she had told me she was sending it from before. I'm pretty confused about it, and I figured I would comment here, since I don't want to get in trouble for interrogating her about it on the facebook thread.

I'm not even in lolita anymore, she bought a lot of things from me on my leaving lolita sales. I did accept the money because I had some debited from my account, but I'm telling the police all the information about friend accounts etc.

>> No.6441478

I also forgot to mention, that she told me when we first spoke that she only had her cellphone for internet, as well and then yesterday she said that she "lost internet" which wouldn't have happened on her phone right?

>> No.6441697

the whitenight is aoisfuji, who is one of the girls in her band.

>> No.6441710


If you are directly involved, you are allowed to comment on the facebook post, so please do

>> No.6441759

Ah, I see. Well, that makes even less sense, as well as putting more holes in her story.

>> No.6441769

dude, at this point here's no story left, only holes.

>> No.6441796

I swear I've been following this for six threads now, and I still have no clue what's going on. I'm guessing that's part of her plan...

>> No.6441829

well, here's the timeline, as far as i know
>back in july, her grandmother, who she calls mom, dies
>maiko goes on a spending spree, at least $5000 and possibly as much as $50000
>some people are immediately affected by chargebacks
>maiko blames this on paypal, chargebacks are immediately resolved
>nothing is heard for a couple months
>at the beginning of november, maiko posts a DS for a lot of her dresses because she claims to need rent money
>a few days ago, everyone she bought from is hit with massive chargebacks, people are panicked and confused
>after being initially silent, maiko tells LSE that she was a victim of identity theft and paypal had reversed all the payments in a certain period of time (against her will), and says she is working to resolve it "xD"
>when questioned, her story then changes to be that her bank "or something" was the one who had reversed the charges, again against her will, and that it was her brother who had stolen her identity.

>> No.6441835

Wait... so... her whiteknight is claiming some person stole her identity, bought a bunch of brando Maiko never wears... and sent it to her?



What a load of bullshit.

>> No.6441839

not sure bout that

but they claim they stole her identity and bought heaps of loli dresses

>> No.6441838

>people begin to be given money by her original paypal, which is in her dead grandmother's name.
>around this time, people start getting annoyed at her use of emoticons and lack of gravity, and an argument is had.
>during this, she is not responding to the sellers messaging her, but is "liking" the posts in the argument that support her.
>she then disappears, and people get hit with chargebacks again, and are very mad
>one girl affected calls paypal and is told that it was the credit card company who individually cancelled each of the charges, at the behest of the cardholder.
>she then claims that she has no access to her paypal, and will refund people using a friend's.

>> No.6441848


She schemed this from the beginning

Her spending habits is not normal

She thought she could get away with it

>> No.6441871

>some people are refunded, others aren't
.she claims her LJ is not working
>she then goes out of contact again
>during this time she attends an AP tea party
>people are mad, and begin to threaten to call cops
>anons on 4chan start digging up information about her
>no evidence of a brother is found
>the sellers who accepted payment from the friend get hit with chargebacks
> at least one seller contacts the police
>she shows up and apologizes, says she has filed a police report, denies attending the tea party, and then flounces
>the friend, who is also her bandmate, names aoisfuji, begins defending maiko on LJ and /cgl/, and claims that she is working hard to refund people
>aoisfuji also claims that the identity thief, who she says is not maikos brother, used maiko's identity to buy lolita clothing
>when people point out that there are pictures of maiko wearing it aoisfuji deletes her comments
>maiko claims her internet isn't working
>she's not currently responding
>and it seems she herself committed identity theft by using her grandmother's credit card
and here we are.

>> No.6441906

lol bitch said she didn't show up for that ap tea party?

alrighty then

>> No.6441911


I thought she said that too, but I think she said something like "I never mentioned anything about a tea party" or something to that effect

So like, "I neither confirmed nor denied"

>> No.6441915

Should we maybe make a GTFO for future reference? Seems like a fairly big drama deal.
I would but I have no access to a PC for the next few days and editing on a phone is a nightmare.

>> No.6441922


I think people were saying that they don't want to scare her away with a GTFO post, but at this point it's pretty obvious that she's bullshitting everyone, especially when I see posts like this

So I think all this stuff does need to be compiled into a post

>> No.6442049 [DELETED] 

[2:11:06 PM] doll: This

>maiko claims her internet isn't working

Sorry but this is bullshit. I have her added on Skype and the past 2 days I've seen her on, but on mobile. She at least had internet on her phone. Facebook even showed her online most of the time online but via her phone. She has a fucking iphone and can access LJ and Facebook. No excuse why she couldn't get a hold of people faster.

>> No.6442060

>maiko claims her internet isn't working

Sorry but this is bullshit. I have her added on Skype and the past 2 days I've seen her on, but on mobile. She at least had internet on her phone. Facebook even showed her online most of the time online but via her phone. She has a fucking iphone and can access LJ and Facebook. No excuse why she couldn't get a hold of people faster.

>> No.6442131

You should post that on the facebook thread

>> No.6442236

This may explain why she can't send messages or messages get lost, however. I never had any luck with the FB app.

>> No.6442252

Idk I still think it was a mistake :/

>> No.6442276

She's provided an email address on the facebook thread after some pressure.

Who the fuck still uses AOL email?

>> No.6442306


>AOL email address

Think about who we're dealing with here, anon.

>> No.6442314

okay maiko

>> No.6442350

Answer this: If it was a mistake, why would she be continually changing her story?

>> No.6442366


The mistake is her existence.

>> No.6442387

Even if it was a mistake, she's handled it in such a piss poor fashion that nothing that happens now will make her look like a decent buyer/ seller ever again. She's destroyed her rep.

>> No.6442455

Enough people seem to be lurking and perpetuating these threads so can someone compile caps and write up a step by step showing the holes in her story so its clear? That way people don't need to repeat everything.

I also don't know where people are saying the payments from her friends paypal are reversed.. caps for this? Or more proof than "Oh i heard..."

>> No.6442550


I think people were posting this on egl and here too

>> No.6442561


I was one of the first anons that expressed concern about a gtfo and the posible excuse for flouncing it could provide.

Of course, that fear is no longer relevant since the cunt's pretty much sodded off anyway. We have that ongoing shitstorm over at LSE too anyway. If she's looking for drama as an excuse to flounce that'll provide it nice and easily.

I don't have the time to compile the gtfo myself nor deal with any possible shitstorm that results, but a gtfo would prove very useful as a collection point for all shittery that's occurred so far.

It might be for the best if whoever did post it (if it happens) didn't outrightly say 'bitch's a scammer yo', but merely present how sketchy and suspicious this whole shit is and how the likelihood of who being a scammer increases by the hour.

>We all know bitch's a scammer at this point in one form or another, but highlighting cases against her rather than out right calling it would lessen the inevitable shitstorm, imo.

>> No.6442577

If anyone needs caps I have tons from FB, and I'll be able to provide them when I get back home(I have them on my desktop)

>> No.6442606

I wouldn't mind posting it but I'm terrible at write-ups.

>> No.6442726

Yes, it was said like that. People calling her out for going to a teaparty instead of working hard to give people their money back, and she can neither "confirm nor deny" that she was at the teaparty. Honestly. She can just full on say that she was there, we all know she was. She doesn't have to say "I may or may not have been there..."

>> No.6442770

She was there, there are posts on her fb from people who met her there. I can cap if you need.

>> No.6442796

About time someone is making a gtfo page for her. I just hope everyone else that hasn't gotten their money goes to the police because she's obviously trying to make a run for it while she can.

>> No.6442835

Maiko is one good reason I don't want to ever buy on the commsales ever. There are too many scammers, stretched out dresses, ect. I'm happy buying from reseller stores or from lolitas in my local comm with cash in hand, not any of this "I'll pay you next week!" kind of shit. People are just becoming sketchier and sketchier these days.

>> No.6442868


She said that she was busy moving. People took this as a denial of going to the tea party. She then said she never denied going to the tea party, which she didn't. She then confirmed she went to it and moved the day she got back.

Also, a lot of that recap is unconfirmed CGL theories, and not facts.

>> No.6442873

>a lot of that recap is unconfirmed CGL theories, and not facts.

Uh, which parts? A lot of it is based of stuff she said herself on the LSE page

>> No.6442875

isn't half the point of lolita to wear it to meets? how can she show off her stolen dresses if her entire comm knows what she's done?

>> No.6442876

Excuse my ignorance, but what is LSE?

Also, in the GTFO page I feel like to avoid the
>/cgl/ theories
Only things with capped proof should be used in it. Anything else can be put below as like "unconfirmed rumors" or something.

>> No.6442880


Lolita Sales English, as has been said earlier in this thread

We have plenty of caps and plenty of LJ users that she screwed who Im sure wouldn't mind re-telling what's happened

>> No.6442883

Exactly. We need to compile FACTS with screenshots. This discussion is going on in so many places so people are fucking up the 'retell' and adding/skewing things she said.

>caps needed when you try to bring up an argument

>> No.6442890

OH okay. I knew she posted there, thought it was like PULL or something. Like another forum. Thanks!

I hope someone does make a GTFO, with caps to prove it's real and not hearsay.

>> No.6442993



yes, this is all some big misunderstanding, how could we have been so blind

>> No.6443118

One thing I know that hasn't been mentioned is that she did a chargeback on Baby SF for an earlier purchase made (weeks, if not months before) and then went in there to shop during her weekend in SF. The cops were called on her then and they at least spoke to her, but I don't know anything after that. I don't know if that info is super relevant, but I'd imagine it means she had good enough excuses at least to not be arrested or anything that day? I dunno, man. This whole situation is super weird and I feel like there's a lot we don't really know since the story keeps changing every five minutes.

>> No.6443146

Really? I didn't hear anything about this. Were you there?

>> No.6443156

I was told by a couple people involved in everything. I don't have anything to prove it, but I figure the info's not super important, just interesting, so it doesn't really matter if people believe me or not.

>> No.6443171

Oh of course, I just think it's interesting, purely for gossip's sake. It doesn't contribute or take away from any of the other evidence.

And I figure you're right, The BTSSB workers had some statuses that were previously very vague about "something" going on the day she was in SF, so I guess that would be what it was about. I just didn't put two and two together before.

>> No.6443177

I bet this whole thing is why the behind-the-bows post is so late. I WANT MY DRAMU PLEASE

>> No.6443329

they decided not to do it after people pointed out how dumb it was

>> No.6443323

they are probably busy regretting the 100 secret cap they put up to get the spammer to stop, because it means they have to compare over 100 images and pick which ones go up.

>> No.6443332

I just remembered that after I posted, sorry.

>> No.6443374

Almondmilks usually posts late afaik

>> No.6443537


It's probably a combination of that and the holidays

>> No.6443623
File: 97 KB, 500x407, 1312923322439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, are there any caps of that? I'm just curious, don't know any of the BABY staff and I'm not US located, but that combined with the AP hit incites my curiosity...

>> No.6443627

holy shit more of this please

>> No.6443718

I actually made sure to not include /cgl/ theories as fact in that recap. everything i listed can be confirmed by either caps or google.

>> No.6443940

Wonder if they'll reach the 100 secret max on btb this week after this? Scandal broke early this week so there's been lots of time for people to submit stuff

>> No.6443950

Hah, just post this and they go up.

Let's read them together:

>> No.6443966

dammit i was just about to log off. GUESS NOT

>> No.6443970

btb has its claws in you now......lol

>> No.6443984


anyone else see the +1 at the bottom? lol

>> No.6443991


Hmmm, we should probably make a new thread to talk about Secrets, that way if someone needs to look through this one for Maiko purposes it won't be clogged with stuff

>> No.6443994

eh, less than I figured
guess it doesn't really need more than it already is, she makes enough problems for herself without others too

>> No.6444083


I already covered that she did not deny attending the tea party.

It's her grandmother's card is cgl theory based on an anon saying that she sent stuff to a Caetlin Murray and that it was paid for by a card belonging to a Jane Murray. No caps were provided to prove this. Then various cgl folks searched the internet and came up with various theories based on who they could find with those names, including stuff like her mother is not dead but practicing medicine in MO, that the card is her mother's, the card is her grandmother's etc.


Really? Because I've been following all the threads and haven't seen proof for denying attending the party and anything regarding the card she used belonging to her mother, her grandmother who she called her mother, etc.

>> No.6444091

According to her bandmate who came whiteknighting, the account was under her grandmother's name/controlled by her grandmother before her death (and "given" to caitlyn after her death).

>> No.6444096

I can provide a screenshot of payment from Jane with Caitlyn's address if you want whenever I get home.

>> No.6444109
File: 193 KB, 600x451, bCg4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here >>6440750 is the cap in which aoisfuji, her friend, says that all of maiko's accounts are/were her grandmother's. i'll give you the tea party, though- she never directly said she didn't go, she only heavily implied it and acted as though it didn't matter.
do you seriously consider one thing out of that entire recap to be "a lot" of unconfirmed theories?

>> No.6444126

Jane Murray was confirmed to be her grandmother by her friend, who was posting in the last thread. Jane Murray, the one whose email is attached to her paypal, was confirmed by publicly available records to have been the doctor living in MO, before moving back to florida and passing away.

>> No.6444139

I'm a different anon, but I should also note that said bandmate also posted on Livejournal using her account, which was linked to other accounts that showed it was her bandmate. So it wasn't just some random-anon. They had to sign into her friend's LJ, so it's logical to assume it was actually her friend, who I think we can assume has somewhat accurate info about who her mom/grandma is.

>> No.6444211

that would be great, screenshots are the best defense here.
it would also be good to have her address down in case she tries to come back in a year or so with a new paypal/fake name and try this again

>> No.6444240

link to the gtfo page???

>> No.6444278

There isn't one yet - I think we're just waiting for caps and hoping it is fixed when business starts up again after the weekend for someone to finally make it.

There was concern that a GTFO would make her disappear forever with people's cash, which, when you're looking at tens of thousands of dollars, isn't worth it for the dramu when we can just chat here

Surprised there are only 2 Maiko secrets - perhaps the lack of secrets is due to that thought too...

>> No.6444308

No, it's because many of us have NO solid conclusion as to what the fuck is going on. People say "oh I have caps" - it's just caps of anons repeating everything they read, sometimes altering the story. "He said, she said, I read this, I heard this." It'd be a lot easier to keep track of what was going on if this were on gtfoegl without anons just throwing bullshit around... but noone hasn't because of my first sentence.

We've already come up with how many deductions? That her mother is dead, her mother is alive, her grandma is dead, her grandma is her mother (so her grandma is dead. but then where's the mom in the picture?), there's a brother???, her band mate is the one framing her, her bandmates and maiko are in it together, more chargebacks from her friend's account, AP&BtSSB were hit, lucky packs were delayed because of maiko, the police are involved....

there's been this many threads but no real action going on with solid proof. we all know maiko is a scammer (a stupid one at that) but HOW?

>> No.6444315
File: 29 KB, 365x308, 1277254050928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shouldn't there be an GTFO thread because of this entire mess itself? What is going on is that people got screwed over hundreds and thousands of dollars because of chargebacks from one sole individual.

>> No.6444321

But there isn't. People say it's because "oh, we don't want her to run...."

Some dumb broad on FB was like OH HEY, CHECK IT OUT. LOOK AT ALL THESE THREADS ABOUT MAIKO! And of course Maiko would see it. Guess what? She's still making up the excuse that her internet isn't working, she's 'trying' to get things fixed.... doesn't look like running away. Yet.

>> No.6444322

GTFOs have been made with less collective evidence before.

>> No.6444324

Ugh sorry, misfired my quote

>> No.6444330

Why isn't there one already then? Maybe a friends only entry?

>> No.6444333

What's with all the deleted posts? Also, I bet more secrets were made about Maiko but that BTB didn't post them due to their stupid new policies.

>> No.6444335

There are 90 secrets posted though, and the limit is 100, right? So wouldn't they have been posted?

>> No.6444336

Oh come on, the person who posted it wasn't dumb. There is literally NO REASON why she shouldn't link people to /cgl/. Sure, Maiko could come in and make misleading statements, but so could any other person - this is 4chan, I'm sure half of the anonymous/unsupported stories about this whole situation are just people having fun and making something up.

>> No.6444337

4chan isn't registering replies right now, for some reason. So the responses are to actual undeleted posts, you just have to look for the number, unfortunately.

>> No.6444344

I'm just testing something out, I want to see if you add an extra error to the beginning of a reply, if it will link.

>> No.6444352 [DELETED] 

And testing again, will delete

>> No.6444614


>> No.6444618

99 secrets and this bitch got one.

>> No.6444701

I think that's a good idea if someone could post a timeline there.

>> No.6444705

This. If someone who knows the facts and has screenshots supporting them could post everything (the facts, not assumptions) on Getoffegl, that would help.

>> No.6444937

stop trying to spread misinformation, all the facts and screenshot are already here. you're not going to find anything that would make her look better.

>> No.6445167

For the people thinking making a GTFO will make Maiko run off without paying, she's already doing that. She's claiming LJ won't work, her internet won't work, etc. She's already making a run for it and taking longer to make a GTFO just means more time for her to get away with what she's doing, which is already happening because no one has gone to the police yet.

>> No.6445281

I'm surprised she stuck around this long. Actually I'm really surprised she showed up at all when this started.

Might as well just make a GTFO post. At this point, she would have to be completely oblivious to not know the amount of shit being talked about her. It's not going to make a difference.

>> No.6445627


>> No.6445915

any updates?

>> No.6445956

Is there any way to check on the supposed police report number she gave out?

>> No.6445968

Had to do this myself awhile back. Just type in the name of the local police (whatever city/county she's living in) and they should have an option where you can submit the case number on their website to check on it.

>> No.6445999
File: 376 KB, 760x1090, maikodollypayment1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshot 1/2

>> No.6446006


I'm gonna try this

What city/state is she in again?

>> No.6446022
File: 384 KB, 760x1300, maikodollypayment2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshot 2/2

>> No.6446032

I believe she filed the report in her California place of residence, the one she's at now, but I don't know what the city is.

>> No.6446109


on facebook she had it listed that she currently lives in murrieta, california (though I see that she either erased it or made it private)

>> No.6446132


>> No.6446143

> Police reports and traffic reports are limited to involved persons, insurance companies, and representing attorneys.

shit =/

>> No.6446147

but it's just /cgl/ speculation!111!!!

>> No.6446154

I get the sarcasm, just a bit out of the loop now. What were they saying was speculation?

>> No.6446167

Basically one or two people have been trying to make it seem like maikodolly isn't lying to people or pulling shady shit and that everything that's been found out by people on /cgl/ so far is speculation.

>> No.6446173

Ah. Well, it's sort of obvious now that she's using her grandmother's card to order things.

>> No.6446184

Someone is whiteknighting for her in these threads trying to say that none of cgl's info is confirmed, that the financial losses are heresay etc. Just ignore them and refer to the archives

>> No.6446191

>is unconfirmed

>> No.6446203

It's probably her bandmates.

>> No.6446208

GAH. This whole situation has gotten under my skin. I just NEED to see her get nailed for all her bullshit. The waiting is agony and I'm not even involved. I can't begin to imagine what the people involved feel like, if that's how I feel.

>> No.6446249

Apparently on Facebook maiko is now saying this is an issue with Paypal? Even though previously she said it was a bank chargeback and her bandmate/whiteknight said the same.

>> No.6446294

The longer she draws it out, the more obvious it is that the problem is her. This all started on the 17th, and should have been fixed with only a few phone calls.

>> No.6447901

Wonderfinch says she has "the true story"


>Also, yeah, I do actually have the true story on the situation; sadly, my hands are kind of tied on airing the information in its entirety. With that said, she's provided a firm date on repayment (27th-28th) so if she doesn't follow through on that we'll be taking additional steps against her.

>> No.6447916


So we are left to assume that what we've been hearing so far from Maiko *isn't* the "true story" then

>> No.6447937


but this bothers me

>Since she has apparently been paying things back (albeit slowly) I don't know if it's necessary to publicly release her personal information at this time to the community at large in spite of her increasingly bizarre, conflicting stories.

Like... so we know she's lying, we know she's dicking people around, but "oh well some people are getting $$ back so it's fine"

>> No.6447941

Yea I don't like that either.

Though she does say that she still encourages those affected to file charges.

I'm confused as to how far this has to go before she decides she can release information

>> No.6447945

the only thing I can think of is that there's a police investigation...? But I don't understand why she can't say what the truth is. But then again, on the last mod post, they said the truth was it was a "mistake on the part of the credit card company" which we can pretty much confirm is BS. The only way that theory would pan out is if the "mistake" was that Caitlyn, in a panic over being found using her grandmother's account, told her family/bank/whoever that there were fraudulent charges and the bank, based on her information, acted accordingly.

>> No.6447948

I would be completely fine if they withheld her name/address/phone number, since we have that here anyway, I JUST WANT THE FUCKING TRUTH

>> No.6447950

Yeah. It's all so shady as fuck.

>> No.6447958

It's gonna turn out that a family member probably didn't realize wtf Caitlyn was doing with the grandmother's credit card or something.

I'm kind of surprised though that no one's looked into the whole mom is grandmother thing, not that it's weird to be raised by your grandmother, but the way it was all worded. If she would have been taking it seriously, she likely would have said, "My grandmother" and not "my mother" because of connotations.

>> No.6447981

>As for releasing the full story, much of the information is either (a) not mine to share or (b) something I can't share for one reason or another (not allowed, reveals a seller's personal information, things like that). Hopefully a time will come when we can clear things up, but honestly I think the only lesson to be learned from this is that accepting payment via the gift option can be dangerous for the seller, too, and that you should always ship via a tracked and insured method to fight any charges like this.

>As for a permaban, not sure yet! As in most scam-type situations we'll decide whether the ban should remain in place once everyone is repaid; for now, banning her from EGL might not be productive since she has been intermittently using it to get in touch with buyers.

>> No.6447986

Some of the "facts" here are still unsupported, though. For instance, there hasn't been any non-Anon proof that AP was chargebacked, that cops were called at BTSSB, that people payed from the friend's account experience a chargeback - all of that is possible, but it isn't supported by multiple accounts, so it can't fairly be represented as 'fact'.

>> No.6447992

I asked for that anon to come forward, because I can potentially confirm that, but they never answered me.

>> No.6448012
File: 6 KB, 306x245, 1305338389634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got to know the right people is all.

I hope Maiko gets banned. She probably won't give a shit anyway because her dad can pay for this entire mess anyway.

>> No.6448014

Looking at WF's backpeddling, I won't be surprised if she's allowed to stay.

Bitch, they've banned people from sales for all sorts of silly shit, they can't let her stay in the sales comm after this, the lack of responses etc. It's bullshit.

>> No.6448016

Laiferr, get out. Leave. She hasn't been paying people back promptly and efficently, one person making one comment about a permaban is not gonna cause her to run away.. She already has.

>> No.6448030

look, whiteknight, everyone following these threads is aware that evedestroys confirmed getting hit with chargebacks after accepting payment from the friend. the other things you're arguing about are so relatively minor in this whole ridiculous story that it's pretty obvious you're trying to discredit /cgl/'s information. the only people who would have reason to do that are A) the EGL mods and B) maiko and her friends. which are you?

>> No.6448032

not the person you're replying to, but evedestroys has said she didn't get hit with a chargeback after getting refunded.

>> No.6448034

I don't personally think those things will ever be confirmed by any other than anon. If I was having issues with this girl I'd try to keep a low profile about it and not call her out in public, as I wouldn't like it to mess with possible legal actions taken (I really don't know how it works but I'd still keep a low profile just to be sure). And as for businesses, it's very bad PR for them to announce that this and that customer had their payments reversed. At least if the customer in question took care of it and the company got their money back.

>> No.6448158


People aren't wanting to make a GTFO EGL about her because they're worried she'd see it? What about her claims that she can't use/see LJ on her phone? Sounds to me like it's either a way to call her out on that particular BS, or it's safe to do because she really can't see it.

>> No.6448221

They are just claims. She's been trying to avoid everyone until they say they plan to call the cops.

>> No.6448358

>As for a permaban, not sure yet!

Fuck you wonderfinch. Fuck. you.

>> No.6448638

I think it's pretty obvious she will be banned, why would she not be? I think no one wants to come out and say it or make a GTFO post so she doesn't think that means she no longer has any responsibility to pay back the people from livejournal.

If she really thinks she's getting away with an attempted scam and is trying to make good on her end and pretend it was all an accident by trying to get people their money back once she's been found out, she still might be just be sticking around and very slowly paying people back just because no one has threatened her with any sort of punishment.

She obviously seems like a very flighty and immature teenager. If she made off with hundreds of dollars worth of my money I would probably coddle her into letting her think I believe her sob story to try to get my money back the easy way, all while calling the cops on her of course.

>> No.6448694

>I think it's pretty obvious she will be banned, why would she not be?

Because wonderfinch just flat out said they aren't sure if she'll be banned after this.

I think wonderfinch doesn't actually know what really happened and she's talking out of her ass, believing what bullshit maiko feeds her, like she was with "our sources say..." There's literally no reason not to let people know what actually happened here, if she does indeed know.

>> No.6448734

She's only saying that because she needs to maintain a neutral stand in the situation until all facts are transparent. And quite frankly, they're not right now.

>> No.6448740

i find it interesting that maiko's profile is now private and you cannot add her as a friend anymore

>> No.6448738


>> No.6448757

I found it interesting how long it stayed public!

>> No.6448758


Exactly what part of "I don't know" means "not banned". You guys are so sick for drama and upset that your lame attempt to demand people's private sales info be made public that you're just getting full on retarded.

>> No.6448766

>be made public didn't work*
derp, all this stupid up in here made me forget how to english durr.

>> No.6448771


Who says anyone here wants private sales info?

People just want to know the "true story" of what happened. It should be made public information. We don't need her address or phone number of any of that BS

>> No.6448781

There's probably a fucking police investigation going on, that's the reason no one is jumping to release seller's private information, especially if actual businesses did get hit. It's not anyone's business, other than those that got hit. Are you seriously so fucking retarded that you think you have some sort of right to know other people, or businesses, financial and probably legal information just because you wear the same frilly dresses as them? Get a fucking grip on reality. Knowing who got chargebacked, and how much, will literally do nothing but feed drama. Fuck you.

>> No.6448784

Why does it even matter if you didn't get a charge back? I'm sure those involved who are doing something about it know what's going on. Exactly what good is thousands of people knowing what these people are doing?

>> No.6448790
File: 20 KB, 157x212, 1323142238883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's given all you people need to know and understand about her financial situation and how she lives her life!

>> No.6448792

>seller's private information
>Knowing who got chargebacked, and how much

You. are. a. fucking. idiot.

We want to know "the true story" that wonderfinch claims she knows, not who bought what for how much. Nobody here is clamoring for the names and transaction details of who bought from this bitch. Wonderfinch is telling us she "knows what really happened" but can't say what, and the girl "might not" be banned? Yeah, you're damn right the community should know what details WF claims she has about "the true story"

>> No.6448804

The private info probably is the "true story", what the fuck else could it be? 6ou're still a fucking moron if you think that you have any sort of right to even know whatever it might be, even if it's that maikodolly is really a 45 year old escaped convict bankrobber who just looks like a teenageg girl or some other BS, just because you wear the same clothes as them. There's literally no reason for them to release whatever BS they know just to appease the wank comms. Again, if you were hit with a chargeback and were doing something about it you would probably know that crap too. Someone said there were 100 transactions that got reveresed. There's probably a reason why NONE of them are sharing what they know.

>> No.6448814

I think that people should be told what happened. Obviously not anything private like addresses, but people should be told why there were all these chargebacks and if they were intentional or not. There are a lot of holes in her story, and if she is involved with a community that deals with selling and buying, it's only fair that people can make an informed decision of whether or not they want to buy/sell from Maiko.

>> No.6448820

>The private info probably is the "true story", what the fuck else could it be?

So what you're saying is, the true story of what happened (Maiko called Paypal, no she called the bank, no it was identity theft from her brother, no a mistake by the bank, no identity theft by a mysterious lolita hacker, no a mistake by Paypal) is actually:

Caitlyn bought $300.00 from Susie Q who lives at 123 Sesame Street, New York?

Yeah, no. What reason could there be for wonderfinch not to say: "We have confirmed from x source that this is what really happened"? If there's a police investigation that prohibits her saying what actually happened, she can say "There is a police investigation." Shit, because both you and wonderfinch are acting like people want to know transaction inforamtion, maybe this is wonderfinch? Or another dumbass mod?

People in the community where, y'know, THOUSANDS of dollars have been fucked with do have a right to know what the fuck is going on. This bullshit will change the way people buy and shop in the community so yeah, I do think they have a right to know what actually happened here.

>> No.6448815


>> No.6448828

Exactly. Especially since the answer to "is she pera-banned" is "we're not sure."

>> No.6448822


hi maikodolly

>> No.6448836


I'm starting to think what wonderfinch meant by the "true story" IS just the amount of money and stuff. Which if so, she just needs to learn to talk good or something because thats not what she implied.

>> No.6448851

>This bullshit will change the way people buy and shop in the community

This is absolutely true.
Also, knowing exactly what happened might help understand how Maiko actually screwed everyone over and to stop it happening again.

>> No.6448965

I've been trying to stay out of this drama, but I will say one thing:
Maiko is a spoiled little brat. She's not mean or hateful or anything, but she is definitely spoiled. We went to a meetup where he father followed us around and bought her everything she wanted. I just think it seems like she lives in a bit of a fantasy world.

>> No.6448992


>> No.6448997
File: 34 KB, 437x480, 7_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a fantasy world
>implying this isn't the majority of lolitas anyway
What's the problem? She fits right in!

>> No.6449002

lol this

>> No.6449013

I'm pretty sure her "father" is just her sugar daddy pretending to be "daddy" anyway.

>> No.6449016

>implying there are no lolitas who work their asses off to afford the things they buy


>> No.6449029
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, HAHAHAHHAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what 'majority' means
>thinks majority means 'all'

>> No.6449041


it's pretty foolish to even say "majority"

>> No.6449038

>I don't know what the word majority means

Stay female, /cgl/.

>> No.6449045

And then they never replied to this thread again.

>> No.6449048

No, no it's really not.
Lolitas are quite a spoiled bunch considering most are young, still in school, and don't exactly have the jobs that pay well enough to support themselves and pay for their clothes.

>> No.6449055

that's presumptuous and you're just pulling generalizations out of your ass

>> No.6449057

>don't exactly have the jobs that pay well enough
>that pay well enough
>that pay
At least they have a job, something that Maiko doesn't have.
Oh wait, I forgot, she's a sugoi visual kei vocalist desu.

>> No.6449059

Has anyone dumped all of her info?
I have her youtube channel and phone number.

>> No.6449067

No it's not, you're just upset because it's a truth, and an ugly one at that which no lolita wants to be labeled as.

Having a minimum wage job when you live with your parents or SO, who pays for everything for you including bills and living expenses, is not that impressive. Just because they won't buy you your $300 brand dress doesn't mean you don't have it good and aren't spoiled.

And really, why are you so ashamed to be spoiled anyway? Would you rather have NOTHING despite working your ass off for a living? No you wouldn't, don't even lie.

>> No.6449065

Think about how many thousands of dollars trade hands every year on the comm.
How are we supposed to trust it when this kind of thing happens and we are left in the dark?

>> No.6449074

still here <3

>> No.6449076

Wait. So its spoiled to have your parents or SO provide a shelter for you? Damn, there are shit ton of spoiled people in the world then.

>> No.6449077

> <3
Get out.

>> No.6449078

Lol, not mad bro, you are just making sweeping generalizations based on some stereotypes~

>> No.6449085

Strawman argument.
Reread what I said.

And you want brutal honesty? Yes, it is kind of privileged to have a parent or partner that CARES about you enough to pay for major things for you like bills, housing, and school.
I know a lot of people that have to put their minimum wage paychecks into bills, gas, food, and costs for school before they can even think about things like frilly dresses.

Stay delusional then~

>> No.6449096

stop derailing the thread.

>> No.6449094


Would you mind not shitting up our maiko thread, you fucking moron?

>> No.6449102
File: 75 KB, 760x571, 1344857158614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you're only quoting me--wait...
>"We know you have a point but we don't want to make fools out of ourselves anymore even though we started it, please just go because you're "derailing" the thread, teehe <3"

Haha k bitches.

>> No.6449106

did you guys not consider that maybe there is a lawyer involved now and that's why people aren't releasing more information?
goddamn /cgl/ is thirsty for drama lately

>> No.6449118


feel better now that you've made yourself look like a dumbass?


now gtfo

>> No.6449119
File: 1000 KB, 500x225, mLzHt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6449122

All wonderfinch has to say is: "There is a police investigation" or "Legally, I am unable to tell you guys what happened yet but I will when I am able." not "Oh well you guys don't need to know~"

Or she doesn't actually know WHAT happened but since some people have gotten repaid and Maiko promised to have everyone paid by the 27th-28th, it's fine.

>> No.6449123

>goddamn /cgl/ is thirsty for drama lately

did you just get here? /cgl/ is all drama all the time. how could they resist this juicy scam?

>> No.6449141

Someone posted all this in another thread:
Name: Caitlyn Murray/Maiko Fantaji
DOB: March 9, 1994
Currently in: Murrieta, CA
Home address: 4 Plum Court, Homosassa,

FL, 34446-5208
Previous address: 521 W Clark St,

Warrensburg, MO
Cell phone: (660) 441-5006; MO area

Skype: thebarbiedahl
Email: TheBarbieDahl@aol.com
facebook 1: Maiko.Fantaji
facebook 2: KawaiiBarbieDahl
Other social networks:
YouTube: KawaiiBarbieDahl
Twitter: TheBarbieDahl
Tumblr: TheBarbieDahl
Livejournal: maikodolly

Monte A Murray, born 1951
Home phone: (352) 382-3423
Current Address: 4 Plum Court,

Homosassa, FL, 34446-5208
Jane E Murray (deceased); born February

22, 1951; died July 24, 2012



>> No.6449161

God, this is scary.
What do I need to do to not become like her with my entire family info posted on here?

I'm still new so I don't even know what the hell she did.

>> No.6449167

Don't attempt to scam people out of thousands of dollars by filing false chargebacks?

>> No.6449171

Yup pretty much just don't scam anyone.
Don't kill babies, etc.Don't do anything that would land you in jail, lolitas are far worse than prison folk I reckon.

>> No.6449179

That's what she did?
Oh gosh, no wonder shes on here.
Well I'm glad my life goals aren't to become scam artist, an inmate and a baby killer. So...um, yeah.

>> No.6449180

Honestly I would just stay away from the lolita sale comm in general.

A lot of drama with shitty buyers/sellers. And not to mention you get harassed just because some people don't like the shit you buy, the things you say to inquire about an item, and if there's a stain somewhere in your pictures you're fucked.

I've been tempted to post some things to sell in the comms myself, but even eBay is safer than that place.

>> No.6449186
File: 106 KB, 780x972, jUgF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be on the internet and don't talk to strangers. Leave and never come back.

>> No.6449187

Yes, but regardless this is pretty routine on 4chan.
This girl just happened to have scammed someone. Your internet footprints are easy to track, so just don't be stupid. I did this same thing to someone that tried to scam via group order once upon a time. It's effective.

>> No.6449209

Thanks for the advice, I had planned on selling tatted lace on accessories myself but the entire ordeal seemed kind of sketchy and intimidating.

I thought about leaving but, I just can't.
I love the internet too much to leave now. I've got it bad so I guess I better get used to it or learn how to cover my tracks.

>> No.6449214

that's fucked up, anon.

>> No.6449265

She posted an "Update" on LSE:

Maiko Fantaji Just an update: the money was moved to a new account (to protect it from the account that had fraud) and it is being held until the 27th, which is tomorrow. So everyone will be refunded tomorrow and the next day

Too lazy to cap

>> No.6449268

But if it's legitimate fraud, why...y... would she need to move it in order to refund people?

>> No.6449271

She's talking about her bank account.

>> No.6449276

The lolita sales aren't that bad. This is probably the worst thing I've ever seen happen since they opened. Most people are easy to deal with and are reasonable. Just go with your gut instinct and be suspicious if someone is buying crazy amounts of shit or just don't do business with them if they're being an asshole to you or others. I've been buying and selling on the second hand sales groups for years and the worst that has ever happened was once I had to wait almost weeks for something to ship because I decided to buy from riji pon or whatever her name was back in the day.

>> No.6449284

What gets me, clearly she has access to the money to be able to move it in the first place.
So why all this time?

>> No.6449283

So uh I don't really know where else to ask this but since we're talking about sales...

I sold an item to a girl, tracked, to a confirmed address in paypal (no gift payments or anything)

According to usps the item was delivered on the 16th

She just opened a dispute saying she "never got them" and that the post office told her that they were probably "sent back" to me.

Do I actually stand a chance of winning this, should she decide to escalate it? I also have a verified premier account. No other problems or claims against me

I added a message in the dispute area with the tracking number.

>> No.6449288

Ask her to confirm if the address you sent the item to is indeed the correct dress

>> No.6449292

She never messaged you first? Sounds like she got it and is trying to scam.

If it had tracking that means it would have been scanned if it was sent back to the sender.
She might not win if she opened a dispute, as it's not your fault the post office loses it. However, sometimes Paypal is fickle and says you have to refund anyway. But other times they say it's on you.

Message her telling her to contact the post office and following the tracking. They should be able to find it.

>> No.6449306

I just contacted her asking if she moved recently or something

Nope =/ She just opened a dispute without contacting me. When she responds to my email I'll try to get her to work with the post office or something, I highly doubt she actually contacted them because I don't think they would tell her that the package was returned to the sender if the tracking says "Delivered"

>> No.6449319

For future reference, delivery confirmation- needing to sign for it- is a lot more effective than actual tracking. It's cheaper, too.

My rule is always ship with delivery confirmation and insurance if it's over $50. While people may prefer tracking it's not what Paypal wants, they want legitimate proof that someone at the house signed for the package.

>> No.6449325


That's what I meant, delivery confirmation. I didn't think it was necessary to get a signature because the item was only like $25

I might have to reconsider this now though =/

>> No.6449329

What a cheap bitch.
Trying to scam you out of $25.

>> No.6449332

You must have missed...


>> No.6449380


Yeah, I did miss those whole four whole people. Luckily there are more than four whole people allowed to sell at once time!

>> No.6449439

honestly the sales comm's not so bad, you just have to be careful who you sell to. and don't trust the mods, they're worse than useless.

>> No.6449530

Delivery confirmation is when you get a tracking number and is free online or about 70cents at a store. What you're talking about are additional paid services: for my packages Signature Confirmation (any signature) is $2.10, Adult Signature Confirmation (21+ at the residence must sign) is $4.75 , and Adult Signature Restricted Delivery (21+ and must be the addressee or authorized agent) is $4.95.

>> No.6449551

Lose the tude, girlfriend, we're all on the same team. I'm just saying, it's scammer drama that was HUGE during their time periods. you already mentioned riji_pon so I didn't put that on the list.

At least the mods were more forthcoming with details during those times. Why do we even say mods, plural? It's only Wonderfinch and milkteamilk ever really doing anything. The rest just sit back and enjoy the power.

>> No.6449552

So if she does decide to escalate this to a claim, I'm done for? =[ I didn't get signature confirmation, just delivery

>> No.6449570

Signature confirmation is what Paypal requires, delivery confirmation would have been better. Honestly it's all up to how the person handling your case feels that day. Sometimes they side with buyers, sometimes with sellers, despite there being evidence one way.

>> No.6449582

Hmm so I just looked it up, and apparently PP only requires signature confirmation on purchased $250 and up

So hopefully whoever handles my case decides to be nice, and if not maybe I can appeal it!

In other news, just checked the fb status on LSE, I can't believe there are still girls who think this was all some big misunderstanding

>> No.6449651

well, they require some form of tracking confirmation (I can't remember which kind) if you're in a dispute. that's why I would never sell to anyone without one.