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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 497 KB, 1732x2600, Img_6380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6434818 No.6434818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

pull over, that ass is too phat

>> No.6434825

i kind of hate myself for doing this, but...
i'm watching ranma 1/2 with my boyfriend because he hasn't seen it before and we just got to the part with shampoo.

can anyone post pt's shampoo cosplay pics so i can give my bf a good laugh?

>> No.6434829
File: 365 KB, 1597x2400, Img_6383-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pull over, that ass is too phat

give me a sec.

>> No.6434835
File: 732 KB, 2048x3078, Img_6382-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't find it dude/tte
pull over, that ass is too phat

>> No.6434842
File: 973 KB, 2285x3200, Img_6121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pull over, that ass is too phat


>> No.6434847
File: 29 KB, 398x599, 398px-Pixyteri_Shampoo_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s'all good, i found the one i was thinking of on her ed page

>> No.6434848
File: 435 KB, 852x682, Picture 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6434855

Why does she insist on wearing such cheap ugly panties for photos? Hell La vien Rose has cheapish lace panties that look good

>> No.6434857
File: 83 KB, 467x700, tumblr_ltc2l2DLSj1qfiindo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6434859
File: 279 KB, 1424x2000, Img_6766-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think because of the butterfly/shinigami thing

>> No.6434876


>> No.6434879

I personally think she should start wearing thongs in her pics

>> No.6434904

oh god those filthy shoes

>> No.6434952

because that's what teenager-sized panties look like (at least all of the ones i've seen at target and victoria's secret PINK). all garish and neon and cheap looking. and since she still prefers teenager styles and thinks she can dress as one, she buys teenager panties.
i dunno. that's my best hypothesis.

>> No.6434995
File: 289 KB, 479x348, scarypuppet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nasty crackhead

>> No.6435030

Is there a photobucket or a place where all these pics are dumped? No one made the post in efagz yet so god damnit, I'm gonna do it.

>> No.6435126

I honestly thought she was cosplaying "sexy" Snape for a moment.

>> No.6435158

I was thinking the same thing!

>> No.6435174
File: 36 KB, 358x460, pixycollection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More photos for my collection!

>> No.6435203

Creepy, dude.

>> No.6435225

post moar plz

>> No.6435234

I kind of feel bad for her, you guys. I'm not way up her ass watching her, but I go through threads about her often and from what I see, she's pretty depressed. There's something wrong if she's so out there she doesn't realise how half-assed these pictures actually look. Remember the video of her crying because her mother wanted her to shower? That entire thing was unnecessary. To make such an ordeal that her mother has to yell through the door that she stinks, there's something very wrong. Her mother was slightly in the wrong as well, in my opinion. Yeah, the girl needed to shower, but the mother didn't need to spend 10 minutes cussing and yelling through the door. Jesus christ, just calm down.
You all say that she used to at least try to look nice, but then she just dropped it. Letting yourself go like that is a typical depression symptom. Maybe she just doesn't care enough to look nice. Maybe she's just tired. We say things, but we don't truly know what goes on in her life. We only see what she shares online. She's almost as bad as Ashley. Actually, I think that's her name. The one with the godawful sink and horribly sewn cosplay? Holy SHIT, depression.
I just feel bad for her, you guys.

TL;DR It's an emotional day and I think this girl is sad because everything is sad to me today.

>> No.6435242

She's giving us the figer!

>> No.6435249

Pt is worse than ashley.
Pt wastes all her money, asks people for money and things.
Want's to be in an earth quake because it's kawaii japanese.

Gets homophobic after loosing a costume contect to a drag queen, before Pt said she was bisexual, guess not.

She is just a selfish hateful person.

>> No.6435262
File: 215 KB, 484x596, ptlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I recently found out what The Last Unicorn is one of PT's favorite movies...

>> No.6435294
File: 210 KB, 747x521, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this guy's ass gave me a boner

>> No.6435327

Our queen's computer has a virus, which means she might lose all her glorious photos :(

>> No.6435332

...have you seriously never seen pixyteri before?

>> No.6435333

Good job we've all got backups for her~

>> No.6436285

it's been a quiet PT week... UNTIL NOW! The queen has woken from a nightmare, only to ramble on Twitter. Was she really fired, or was it all a dream?

>Sarah @pixyteri I just had a nightmare....

>Sarah @pixyteri Need to look for a new job but I'm scared. I'm scared.......

>Sarah @pixyteri I must be mentally slow...that must be it...why else would this be happening...

>> No.6436291
File: 8 KB, 515x96, SlowTweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I horrible for giggling at this...?

>> No.6436296

An epiphany? I doubt it...

>> No.6436298

could it be?!

>Sarah @pixyteri I'm so ashamed I'm 27 and living at home....why....please tell me what I did to deserve this.

>Sarah @pixyteri In the words of Garbage...no one loves you when your gone.

>Sarah @pixyteri I'm going to be pulling away from my IRL "friends" for a while. Gotta get my life together...somehow....

I hope she isn't full of shit this time. You can do it PT!

>> No.6436303


>> No.6436304

Oh god, the whole
>what did I do to deserve this?
kills me a little.
Come on, PT. What you did to deserve this was get a degree that you're not using, not bother to work enough hours to support yourself, spend too much money on useless crap that could be used to get yourself an apartment, and generally be a useless lump.

>> No.6436306

I remember talking to her about getting a full-time job but she was worried about it getting in the way of her "hobbies". Tried to explain to her such in life but she wouldn't have any of it.

>> No.6436310

ah, not fired, but hours were cut down I guess.

>Sarah @pixyteri I'm only getting 18 hours this week and 18 the week after....

I really wish she would realize some of the problems in her life are because of her own choices/decisions. The most frustrating thing about PT is her not taking responsibility for anything that happens. I can imagine her taking back >>6436298 , saying what a smart, wonder, perfect person she is.

please please please change PT!

>> No.6436314

Well, looks like I've been blocked. Guess she didn't enjoy what I had to say.

>> No.6436321

>Sarah @pixyteri I'm so ashamed I'm 27 and living at home....why....please tell me what I did to deserve this.

>Sarah @pixyteri I barely make enough to survive lately and was going to buy my new dress as a gift to myself from selling lots of stuff.

I've never heard of anyone so immature, delusional and irresponsible. Too bad her parents are too nice to kick her out of the house. She needs a dose of reality.

>> No.6436323


>> No.6436335

Yeah, that last tweet was to me. Gotta love trying to help someone out and then get a slap in the face. But then again, this is PT we're talking about.

She could make more if she really tried. But she doesn't. She's just waiting for handouts and if she doesn't improve her attitude she will continue to go nowhere. There are a lot of people that can't afford brand, replicas or probably even Bodyline and she's complaining on how horrible her life is. This shit pisses me off. Stop fucking complaining you fat cow and get off your fat ass and fucking do something about it instead of whining like you always do. Shit...

>> No.6436340

Wait, you're KitanaAsh? I thought you two were quite good friends, why would she block you?

>> No.6436347
File: 31 KB, 521x276, Last three tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. We were some time ago and then we had this insane falling out.

Pic related these were the last three tweets I sent her but I guess she wouldn't have it. You know, probably because that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

>> No.6436351

I saw the top two tweets, I suppose she still is the PT we know and love. Using the word 'love' as loosely as possible.

>> No.6436352

Lol, right? I've tried to help her SO much when we were friends but I mean really, all you can do is just let the bitch talk and just nod in response. It's such a headache trying to deal with her.

One of my actual good friends back home works with her and she's even texted me telling me how dumb she is and that she complains a lot. All I can do is be like,"No shit, really...?" Sarah is a train wreck, and she will never improve. She may have her epiphanies every now and again, but they won't motivate her to change. She's just lazy.

>> No.6436355

Looks like she defriended me on Facebook too! 8D

>> No.6436381

NOOOO this is one of my favorite movies!!

>> No.6436385

It's weird, on one hand I know that PT will never change, but on the other hand, I want her to change and get her life together. I know what you mean by just having to go along with what she says, I've talked to her on MSN and the amount of ass kissing she requires is ridiculous

>> No.6436406

I sent Dr. Phil an e-mail explaining PT's situation as best as I could with links to her Twitter/FB/LJ. Fingers crossed!

>> No.6436744

Granted PT would have to consent to going on the show. I'm actually not sure whether or not she would, since on one hand she hates being told what she needs to do to improve, but on the other hand she likes any sort of attention, be it negative or positive.

>> No.6436754

These panties are from Wal-Mart.

>> No.6436921
File: 37 KB, 533x425, 23u54yh23u5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maek more vids pls pt

>> No.6437160
File: 87 KB, 511x216, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6437167
File: 43 KB, 250x350, lady-ironing-trouser-in-hertfordshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god, the ironing...

>> No.6437191
File: 14 KB, 494x121, hemroids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe Im really mentally slow

I lold

>> No.6437230

She 100% just wants to hear "Oh no Sarah you're so smart!! You keep on going exactly the way you have and everything will be fine!!" because who the fuck is going to support a tweet like that? She's linking something she could be criticized for to something that no civilized person would ever agree with to her face. She is so fucking transparent, it's fascinating.

>> No.6437252

Is she just now realizing that she is a weeaboo asspie?

>> No.6437262

as funny (and possibly true) as this is, she's once again taking the responsibility off of herself. PT is never to blame for anything wrong in her life.

>> No.6437398

Do they ever open up membership on efagz?

>> No.6437440
File: 185 KB, 612x704, 1316504533873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Ex-PT Whiteknight chubbychaser here.

I really hate myself, but she send me a handfull of more or less porn vids.

there where 3 videos about her boobs, first taped with bandaids, she pull off. The other one was a video of her, fingering herself. You couldn't see her face, but it was her. Also: She did alot of moaning audo files she send arround

It was okay for a chubby chaser like me.
sadly my HDD Broke, and i lost them all.

>> No.6437453
File: 169 KB, 550x345, 1311970611962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6437463


Her Skype status 4 days ago:
"Drunk and horny damn party....too much gin maybe....rawr......"

She randomly added me on Skype a few weeks ago but never responds when I say hi.

>> No.6437483

I want to believe

>> No.6437491
File: 10 KB, 519x74, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




this is the pot calling the kettle haafu

>> No.6437492

This is a shoop, right?

>> No.6437507

old ass shoop yeah

>> No.6437510


With butts like that, I can only think of the use of them. Farting mostly.

>> No.6437738

not even one I'm thankful post. What a fucking baby.

>> No.6437762
File: 129 KB, 494x700, tumblr_kz3dslQQ2i1qae7w2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said they remembered her re-blogging some of the fan art and asking what anime it was from. I doubt she's as much of a hardcore fan as she claims to be.

>> No.6437773

I don't know what it is but her tweets are really pissing me off today.

>> No.6437815

what bothers me about this is the underwear

they look like something from the little girl's section at walmart

>> No.6437837
File: 31 KB, 519x249, engaged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this about James? I know she has been obsessing over him again.

>> No.6437850

Maybe James, maybe Kris, or could be her UK fan boy who was supposedly going to visit her this month.

Though I honestly think the whole 'UK fan boy' was something she made up to make James or Kris jealous. It wouldn't surprise me if we find out she bought the gift doujin herself.

>> No.6437961

That's got me thinking. Remember when we couldn't remember what James' last name was, so we did a search on facebook and one of the ones that turned up had a picture of an ultrasound as the profile picture? Could it possibly be that he got his girlfriend pregnant and now they've got engaged?

>> No.6438031
File: 187 KB, 682x1024, pixyteri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I made.
Original content donut steel

>> No.6438044

If PT really did lose all her photos when her computer crashed, we have to redeem ourselves by giving her the thousands of files I know anon has saved... It'll make the Pixyteri-CGL symbiosis complete.

>> No.6438054

LOL, I love you

>> No.6438055


That wasn't her James.

>> No.6438060

I replied to this status but by the time I considered a screenshot of my comment she removed me. I didn't even say that she was smart but to appreciate the job that she had and to work hard. I don't even know if it was my reply tweets or my comment that set her off.

>> No.6438063

Sorry, deleted this because SUPER SEKRIT INFOa, but yes, someome please tell PT that DYEL means Dinner's Your Enemy, Lolcow, because I can;t use my twitter for that :c

>> No.6438080
File: 9 KB, 518x97, PTImmature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I thought to myself with this tweet was,"Look at yourself in the mirror fatass."

>> No.6438145

I hate people whop retend to care about PT, give her all this advice, talk trash about her on /cgl/ and then get all huffy and confused when she blows up and blocks them. Not only do you know FULL well how she is going to respond before you even write out your advice, do you really think she isn't going to find out about you "seekreetly" posting about her to 4chan? You are an idiot.

>> No.6438156

Oh shit, you got the Sarah ban hammer? I am off Twitter far too much.

>> No.6438174

I hadn't heard from you in awhile! Yeah, it's all good though. Least I won't have the complete headache of all the dumb shit she'll say.

Now I'm suddenly feeling like someone should cosplay PT with a huge Facebook/Twitter Ban hammer....

I'm not confused about why she blocked me. I KNOW why she blocked me because I used too much reality than she's willing to live with. She didn't even really blow up, she just straight up blocked me. I typed up my advice slightly hoping that she would consider, and kind of having the feeling that she was going to ignore me/block me. So, I got what I "deserved" as far as her logic is concerned.

>> No.6438189


>> No.6438452


I read that tweet and just couldn't believe how ridiculous she sounds "not enough to survive, but but, I want new clothes, I deserve them". If you don't have enough to survive, you don't go off buying expensive clothing. I do of course realize that there is no way that PT is actually going to starve to death, I was just reveling at the stupidity of her remark.

>> No.6438457
File: 472 KB, 1366x638, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438476


I know, having a background in genetics, pt's understanding of the subject has always made me shake my head. That she would try and say someone else doesn't understand is amazing. I am guessing that someone probably told her she wasn't half Japanese again because of her blue eyes or something.

>> No.6438495

probably blocked you because you're a bitch. must not have been too good of a friend if you're here cgl spewing her drama.

the lowest form of person is the one who rides the drama wake of someone else to get attention. of course you'll probably be all like, "Fuck you! blah blah blah." Sarah, despite her shit ton of brain fuckery, is better off with out people like you in her life.

>> No.6438630

Anon, why the hell are you here? If you're not happy gtfo.

>> No.6438636


>Sarah @pixyteri If I lose the data on my comp I'm also losing a video I made dancing in furisode. Eff my life.

>> No.6438659

>probably blocked you because you're a bitch

You make it seem like this was news to me. But you're assuming, which in turn is making you look like an ass. I know why Sarah deleted me. I don't feel bad for riding the drama train because as soon as I became friends with her, it was all drama. I'm not like this to all my friends, just her cause she's a lolcow and it's fun.

>> No.6438679

fuck you. that anon is telling the truth. don't be a pussy little asswipe just cause they're telling it like it is.

>> No.6438681

well that makes you a bitch. and newsflash, no one likes a bitch. hope you get run over by a car you pathetic shitface.

>> No.6438686

Don't pretend you're two different people, your samefag is so obvious. If you're going to whiteknight yourself, at least change your typing style a bit.

>> No.6438687

PT-sama, is that you?!

>> No.6438690

actually i'm not the same person. check it yourself. nice try though.

>> No.6438691

>tosses some rudeness around
>somehow this warrants a violent death

>> No.6438692

No it's cause you're bored and you have no life.

If you had your own life to worry about you wouldn't need to bother with hers.

>> No.6438699

But that's exactly what a samefag would say. >>6438687
I don't think that would be PT, her computer's got a virus and I know 4chan is a pain in the ass to use on my phone at least.

>> No.6438715

>Sarah @pixyteri
Almost to my goal for my Christmas present to myself yay! Need about...$60-70 more due to high JP exchange rates.

PT doesn't buy other people or family members presents... she buys herself presents.

Not like there is anything wrong with treating yourself but I SEVERELY doubt she buys other people gifts.

>> No.6438716

I hate people who project their feelings onto others by pretending to care that others may or may not pretend to care

I hate you
stop projecting, the least you can do in a thread shittalking someone is keep the thread centered around that person. Get your shit together people.

>> No.6438726

>@pixyteri I wonder if there's any women in history who have committed sepuku...doubtful but still.


>> No.6438730

I meant nothing rude by that comment. I was just curious as to why he or she was here.
There's no need to get your panties in a bunch.

>> No.6438735

>@pixyteri If any man wants to talk to me from now on they better take me on dates, talk to me during the day, and start as friends. Nothing shady.

No more fuckbuddies?

>> No.6438737

lol, I think some people need to go to bed, they are quite cranky.

>> No.6438740

It's PT. Once she starts craving the dick, she'll find herself a new fuck buddy while proclaiming all other females are sluts for even having sex fantasies and going how it's normal for her to fuck some guy because humans are sexual beings and it's okay. Just not okay for attractive females.

>> No.6438741

technically you can survive from being hit by a car. It'll just hurt like fuck.

>> No.6438742

she just wants people to treat her to all you can eat buffets

>> No.6438744

She's a greedy little asswipe.

>> No.6438746

From her facebook. Too lazy to screencap
>Sarah Guilbeaux
My computer likely can't be fixed and I'm not paying an outrageous fee for someone to repair it. So im going to lose all my photoshoots (new ones), images, games, music, videos.....fuck!!!!!!I forgot I had a furisode dance video and now it's gone. That really really hurts. On top of this I learned one of my exfriends got married and I wasn't invited to the wedding. And....a male friend of mine is engaged???? WTF.

>> No.6438747

All this drama is delicious.

>> No.6438750

>feels she should have been invited to an intimate and happy event anyways

PT, that isn't how ex-friendship works. You can't just not be friends with somebody anymore and still expect them to invite you to shit.

>> No.6438751

I wonder if Sarah has ever had a selfless thought in her entire life. She's the most self centered egomaniac I've ever seen.

>> No.6438755

If she does, she likely turns right around and mentions how it could have pertained to her in some way, so likely not.

>> No.6438758

>"I wouldn't have gone to the wedding anyways"
Then why the fuck are you complaining you weren't invited?

>> No.6438762

>That makes you a bitch

Why the fuck are you re-stating the obvious? Dude, troll harder. If you don't like a bitch then wtf are you doing on a /cgl/ drama thread of all places? You're being a goddamn hyprocite acting like a bitch. GTFO.

>have no life

Then why are you on here? I'll gladly admit thay I have no life and I'm bored because I'm too busy working and saving moneu to keep a roof over my damn head. Drama helps. I'm not sorry.

>> No.6438768
File: 23 KB, 401x201, thankful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat first comment

>> No.6438770

So people pity her but she doesn't want anybody to bring up the point she is ex-friends with this person so she had to throw that in. She would have gone just so she could post whiny tweets about how it is unfair she isn't the one getting married or getting hit on by any of the guys there. I would bet $10 she'd have made catty comments about the bride and bridesmaids.

>> No.6438774

>1440 minutes in a day
>spend 12 laughing at someone silly and then get on with it

it's that way on efagz too. Do these people think that we just sit around all day dredging things up to look at and make fun of?

>> No.6438781

yes, people are dumber than a bag of bricks

>> No.6438792

The thing is people on 4chan always blame PT for her problems. But as you've admitted, clearly it's not just PT's fault. Her problems get dragged on and leaked out at the expense of laughing at her and that results in her acting more crazy.

How does anyone expect her to get better and overcome her problems when she has shitty friends around her who only add to her problems by making them the subject of ridicule?

The hypocrisy of wanting to see PT succeed and get better while also admitting that there's no problem in false-friending her or dragging her drama out - that's my problem with all this.

>> No.6438855

Oh man. I would have loved to see that. It would have been priceless.

>> No.6438857

She looks retarded, dude.

>> No.6438921
File: 92 KB, 662x513, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now she hurt me too. fucking bitch.

>> No.6438936


>b-b-but how dare you make fun of someone who does it to themselves, doesn't take any responsibility for their actions and whines non-stop about it?

You're on the wrong board, gurl.


>> No.6439001

The friends (actual friends, not FB or twitter or whatever) who come over here to vent only do so after she's taken advantage of them and then dropped them on their ass. She's had real friends before. She just can't keep them because the moment anyone is even remotely honest with her, she calls them a hater and cuts them out of her life.
I agree that the exposure is making it worse (because she needs it and acts out when she's not getting enough attention), and that people getting close to her just to poke at her are asshats. Thing is, though, Sarah really is to blame for her own problems. Even without the interference of fake anon friends she would have a shitty life because she is a shitty person.

>> No.6439056

Something to consider:

PT is a shitty friend. She NEVER inquires as to how other people are doing. She is very self-centered. Just keep that in mind on both sides. If you really want to help her, or if you're criticizing people for being bad friends to her.

>> No.6439060

she looks like charms in 2nd one

>> No.6439077
File: 125 KB, 500x1900, 1318867892473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never walking away from a thread I commented in again. This butt hurt and self-defense drama is delicious.

Also, Kitana, you're a cunt. Nothing will ever change that. No matter how much weight you lose, no matter how far you move away from Victoria, no matter what kind of internet bad ass you are, you will still be a dog faced girl with bad teeth. I'm just glad you can look down on old PT and feel better about yourself. Lord knows you need something to feel good about in that cesspool you call a life. I mean, at least PT is entertaining. All you are is a sad waste of proteins, So please, live up this moment right now as you have your five minutes of people giving two fucks about you because that's the most you can expect in your waste of time here on this earth.

You'll probably just roll your eyes at this and pretend you don't give a shit but you do.

>> No.6439080

what's going on?

>> No.6439084

drama. always drama.

>> No.6439095

Reading comprehension, nigga.

>> No.6439138

Nope. She's 100% TRUE CURVY SEXY BEAUTIFUL woman/female

>> No.6439153

Lol, hey there Pixyteri. How's being a crazy bitch working out for you?

>> No.6439258


I love that there are 31 comments on this, two people are fighting to upstage each other with computer advice, and PT is still whining that "it hurts...".

>> No.6439262

>Sarah @pixyteri So hey guys!!!! Is short black hair with bangs a turn off?


>> No.6439270


Is there a way to tactfully explain that her hair style is extremely low on the list of her qualities that turn people off?

>> No.6439297

I want to tell her that it depends on skin tone and face shape, but I don't want to risk her blocking me. I liked her long hair better.

>> No.6439300

Translation: Hey guys! I want to cut my hair more like REukia's. Do you think I'll find my Ichigo?

>> No.6439344

... She... she's had fuckbuddies?
I feel nauseous

>> No.6439349

her FB Kris is short, fat, big chinned, deformed and retarded looking. He's a male PT.

I don't have a picture of him saved, but I'm sure one of you can share it. He's seriously one of the most disgusting looking humans I've ever seen.

>> No.6439441


James would appear to be her most recent one, and while he does not have the same weird proportions as Kris, he is only 20, and seems to be straight up using PT, which she has been in denial about for a while. I am assuming this is just because he wants sex and doesn't much care where it comes from, and PT, despite her calling all other women who are smaller or more attractive than she is whores, seems to be pretty easy, because of course "she has needs".

>> No.6439481

PT's problem is her shitty personality. She's got basically nothing on how disgusting some people are and you shouldn't be surprised at all.

>> No.6439551
File: 21 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mao1op0prI1rukneno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made it seem like I want to stop being a bad person. I already know I am and that's probably never going to change.
And actually, no, I don't give a shit. You're just some random anon that I've never met so you don't really matter as much as you think I don't.

A part of me is thinking that this must be Kate still being butthurt when I "insulted" you.

The spelling is too good to be Pixyteri. Gotta remember, she writes like she's 5.

>> No.6439563

What gets me is that you have tried to encourage and help PT. Who fucking cares if you go behind her back and let us know her status. It's not like you're badmouthing her without due cause and making shit up or exaggerating her issues. People say you're a terrible person for doing that, well fine. But I'm sure they'll be whining for PT updates when they don't keep rolling in. People seem to want to have it both ways.

>> No.6439572

I don't understand the "on top of bring (being?) young" comment. Is she trying to say that he was already unattainable because of an age difference and his being engaged makes him even more so?

Iirc, she went out with a 19 year old for a couple of dates, didn't she? Aren't most the guys she dates/pursues are younger than her? Unless it's under 18, I don't see how that would be a problem. It just seems like a random aside to me.

Maybe I'm reading it incorrectly because the typo threw me off.

>> No.6439582

If it's about the same guy she was tweeting about a few minutes before (I'm assuming it is) then how is his being engaged to someone else "immaturity"? PT said she was being "used", but from the first tweet I get the impression that they weren't actually doing anything. I don't know. vague, melodramatic status updates is why I don't do the whole social networking thing.

>> No.6439588


I am pretty sure that she went out with the 19 year old when she was a bit younger, like 21, 22. Anyways though, I think despite the fact that PT has no problems with sleeping with him, she sees James age as an issue because he is not likely to want to settle down and have babies and get a job to support her right now, which is what she desperately wants. Also, most 20 year old guys won't go for someone in the long term who is 27, looks 40 and acts 13.

>> No.6439594
File: 66 KB, 431x493, 1353311578482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the obvious shoop blur

>> No.6439625

She doesn't seem to have very many friends so that's probably why she's getting herself something really nice. Kind of like the lonely woman who sends herself chocolates on Valentine's day?

Even then, that's fine so long as she still does something nice and thoughtful for the people she cares about and doesn't get them crappy, thoughtless presents because she spent everything on herself. She doesn't even have to spend a lot; sometimes making something really good means more than buying something. My friend makes liquers and baked goods for us every Christmas. Her goodie baskets are always really personalized and even though it's not very expensive for her to make them, you can tell she put a lot of thought into them. I wouldn't want anything else from her.

You're probably right, though. I highly doubt PT does any of this.

>> No.6439636
File: 1.97 MB, 3072x2304, DSC02606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried. I've reached out to her so many times in our small moments of communication.

I'll be honest, she was a good friend even though she was/is a handful When I bought her a small Christmas present to bring her good luck, she was sad that she didn't get me anything. So, I wasn't expecting anything when she came to pick it up. To my surprise, she showed up with small lolible things. One I still wear and I get a LOT of comments on. Pic related, this is the ring. I don't know it's origin but it's cute as hell and I love it.

I suddenly feel horrible anons. ._.

>> No.6439638
File: 208 KB, 459x320, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>male friend
>>mfw that has to be the guy she was ranting about on her twitter

So a guy she was just friends with ends up with some other girl and she goes off on a passive aggressive, bitchy rant about how she's been used by him, basically swears off all men forever and turns to the internet looking for asspats to build her up into thinking she's awesome and he didn't deserve her anyway?

Jesus Christ she's like a female version of /adv/.

>> No.6439679


>> No.6439745

Why doesn't she get a fucking diagnosis already?

>> No.6439755


I haven't been in Harry Potter fandom in years now, but given what a bunch of nutjobs so many Snapefans were, PT playing "sexy Snape" would have fit right in.

>> No.6439860


More likely histrionic personality disorder, a particularly bad case of it.

>> No.6439890

Because she'd rather live with the delusion that she's perfect the way she is. I think deep down she knows she's only holding herself back, but she would rather fish for asspats when she's feeling blue than make any effort to improve her life.

>> No.6439911

Go make up with her. She needs a rational friend.

>> No.6439920

There's nothing you can do about it atm though, seeing how she banned you...

>> No.6439921

did she steal your boyfriend?

>> No.6439923

>rational friend
>girl who browses /cgl/

pick one.

>> No.6439962

you know shit about borderline

>> No.6439972 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 260x256, 02093809823dfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohayo Mina-san!

Wakushi wa Pikushi-teri sama and Watashi hates every single one of you. Mina-san are all fat hambeasts or annorexics who spend all their time trying to be as perfect as atashi. You are everything that is bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever really gotten burando or a husbando? Watashi guesses its could be fun to make fun of beautiful people like me but you take it to a different pathetic level. This is even worse than passing off bodyline as burando.
Message me anytime if I haven't blocked you yet! Watashi is pretty much super kawaii idoru-san. Watashi is hafuu master race nihonjin, I am a model, I'm cute, sekushi, and atashi wants you to know all about it! What does anata do? Cry in your room because you're not as beautiful and talented as me? I'm also a real and true curvy woman and I can have any man I want. (and they buy me stuff. Shit was so kawaii!) You are all otaku who should commit sudoku. Hajimemashite!!

Pikku related- its me and my photographer.

>> No.6440030
File: 13 KB, 300x300, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isnt thanksgiving about being thankful for the food we have and family and friends?

I'm thankful for.....

>> No.6440164

can this be CGL's new theme please

post more PT

>> No.6440194

I was hit by a car once, it wasn't too bad actually.
Anyway as I'm reading this thread, I have to ask myself: has anything changed?
With PT, nothing ever does.

>> No.6440200

>>improvements on photoshoots and self
>>nothing has changed

>> No.6440244
File: 46 KB, 260x295, Tony Moly Egg Pore Series2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sad thinking about the possibility of PT only buying presents for herself and ignoring her family entirely, I really hope she doesn't do that.

I've bought my mother an assload of Tony Moly products and a Downton Abbety boxset, I can't wait to see her face when she unwraps the paper to discover all these weird, food shaped containers.
What have you guys got your family?

>> No.6440274

Sorry for sounding really dumb but wouldn't it be very rare, if not impossible, for her to actually be half Japanese because of her eyes since blue is recessive and brown is dominant?

>> No.6440276

Who cares, stop shitting up threads to make them off-topic and about you.

>> No.6440283


Pretty much.
I think I remember her arguing her case that it was possible because Sayuri from Memoirs of a Geisha had blue/gray eyes, which is fucking hilarious considering what a joke that book was.

>> No.6440281

I believe it would require both parents to be half Japanese and have the genes for blue eyes and yes it would be very rare but as we all know, our queen is supa speshul kawaii desu ne~

>> No.6440303

Eye color is not as clearcut as "dominant" and "recessive," so it is definitely possible, just not very likely.

>> No.6440319

>Downton Abbey boxset
Your mom has good taste, Spoony.

>> No.6440323

My mom is really easy to shop for. She just asks us to pick a charity and make a donation in her name.

>> No.6440327


Don't you remember? He's not her REAL father anyway, why should she get him presents. As for the rest of the family, well, why should she get presents for them, she is the baby and the girl of the family and should be spoiled and well, they treated her much more kindly when she was little.

>> No.6440341


Is it any good then? I've been meaning to watch it for a while.

I know my mum really loves Victorian history, specifically how the servants lived at the time so I thought she would enjoy this drama.

I'm jelly she's getting all this Tony Moly stuff though, I wanted it for myself lol

>> No.6440606
File: 396 KB, 500x267, tumblr_m2ge3xik6k1qazoafo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I have up trying to give advice. I let to creeper think he won.

I honestly was not even intending to start some contest on who could give better advice.

>> No.6440613


I lack spelling comprehension.

>> No.6440644
File: 127 KB, 600x694, pixy serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give PT some serious love

>> No.6440657
File: 114 KB, 260x256, shitwassokawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohayo Mina-san!

Wakushi wa Pikushiteri sama and Watashi hates every single one of you. Mina-san are all fat hambeasts or annorexics who spend all their time trying to be as perfect as atashi. You are everything that is bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever really gotten burando or a husbando? Watashi guesses its could be fun to make fun of beautiful people like me but you take it to a different pathetic level. This is even worse than passing off bodyline as burando.
Message me anytime if I haven't blocked you yet! Watashi is pretty much super kawaii idoru-san. Watashi is hafuu master race nihonjin, I am a model, I'm cute, sekushi, and atashi wants you to know all about it! What does anata do? Cry in your room because you're not as beautiful and talented as me? I'm also a real and true curvy woman and I can have any man I want. (and they buy me stuff. Shit was so kawaii!) You are all otaku who should commit sudoku. Hajimemashite!!

Pikku related- its me and my photographer.

>> No.6440684

Your writing is atrocious and you sound like a huge idiot. As a TRUE Asian, you are insulting to our culture. You are so delusional I swear you need a psychological evaluation. Oh and no one commits sudoku, dumbass, it's called Seppuku. If you are going to fake as a culture at least try to know what the hell you are talking about.

>> No.6440692

Just wondering, does she still have her cat? Haven't seen her talking about it lately.

>> No.6440694
File: 75 KB, 452x339, Thats_the_joke3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6440700


You should google "Shit was so cash."

>> No.6440701



>> No.6440711

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your little miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you could have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6440708

Dude, I don't know who the hell this chick is. I just saw that shit and was instantly thinking wtf. If that's really what this chick sounds like though, then I understand this thread a lot more.

>> No.6440714

How long have you been here?

>> No.6440715

Haha, ok I get it now. Jesus. Only been on /cgl/ for a few days now

>> No.6440726

How about you lurk a little more?

>> No.6440722

Clearly. You can't even recognize copy/pasta. Maybe you should go back to tumblr.

>> No.6440745

Oh, Pixy-sama~
You're two kawaiidesu four these gaijin bakas~

Maybe one day senpai will notice me....

>> No.6440779

>As a TRUE Asian

shut up whitey

>> No.6440957

she ordered her bunni loli dress

>> No.6440976

She bitches about not having money to eat on her own, or pay for medicine, or ANYTHING.. and how she barely survives, yet bought a $200+ dress? Holy fucking fuck batman. Fuck. Like her fat ass will even fit into it.

>> No.6440996

Which dress is it?

>> No.6440999
File: 63 KB, 802x442, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one right hurr

>> No.6441001


I think so, she does mention it every once in a while, just not as much since it isn't a kitten anymore.

>> No.6441003
File: 80 KB, 309x514, angelicpretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little "chubby" and "young cute looking

>> No.6441005

Lol, even if I am rational everything I would say would be wrong because it would be against patting her on ass and saying everything will be okay and a shit ton of other lies.

Yeah, sure that's for life.

Huh? No...

>> No.6441009

Oh man, if it doesn't fit I wonder if there will be another tantrum like with the melty chocolate JSK.

>> No.6441016

I want this to happen. I want her tears, her screams, her hoof stomping.

>> No.6441017

oh my gawd guuuuurl.

> Sarah @pixyteri Seeing what other lolitas have makes me so jealous...when I have to work so hard for mine ;_;....

>> No.6441018
File: 99 KB, 517x563, otherlolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel so sorry for PT, sometimes I really feel like helping her out.
but then I see stuff like this, and the feeling disappears.

>> No.6441022

I'd bet that her lusting after brand with bunny prints is because she thinks she's Rukia.

>> No.6441023

I'm trying to save fore Japan, here let me buy a couple hundred dollar dress to help

>> No.6441029


We all know that she has absolutely no budgeting skills. I mean, she probably owes close to $2000 in medical bills, she was $3000 in debt as of last year from buying a car, but her priorities consist of buying more think that are mostly junk and junk food from Japan, and "saving" for japan.

>> No.6441069

Allow me to translate the writing for you; HO CHING CHONG MOAW KUNG HONG CHOO. POW YOO DESU DESU FRIE RICE.

>> No.6441072

It's sad, if she didn't spend all of her money on useless crap, she could've easily gone to Japan by now.

>> No.6441142


Lol is this her comm sales account? Bunnies and texas is too much of a coincidence.

>> No.6441141


Though, isn't she truly avoiding saving for it/going because she knows what a horrible place it is?

>> No.6441162

>>Juliette et Justines Rabbit JSK size 2.
>>size 2

confirmed for not being her.

>> No.6441261

If this fits I will once and for all stop bitching about AP's sizing again

>> No.6441284

But I thought she had no money...?

>> No.6441286

Well, I mean its not HORRIBLE by any real means, especially to a first time tourist, but yeah I really doubt it would be like she expects. What makes me cringe is to imagine her in a country like Japan and "making a scene" for attention or doing one of her god-awful photshoots in public. She is going to give Americans even more of a bad image.

And god help any Japanese man that gives her the time of day.

>> No.6441509

I think the only Japanese word in that was desu desu.

>> No.6441516
File: 870 KB, 221x174, 1330050465415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441532 [DELETED] 

No one else read this as a joke then?

>> No.6441597

>I am trained in gorilla warfare
>gorilla warfare

>> No.6441599

>no one commits sudoku
yo i commit sudoku every day. i open up the newspaper, and there it is somewhere at the back, so i do it.

>> No.6441610

yes because all other lolitas just had all their burando handed to them, and didn't have to work for a single thing.
meanwhile pixyteri has to endure such great hardship for just one kind of terrible looking dress? jsk? isn't a salopette like overalls? ugh those are like kid clothes definitely.
i hope it ends up not fitting her.

>> No.6441616

If it does fit her it'll look terrifying. Salopettes look awful on anyone who isn't a tiny kawaii uguu girl.

>> No.6441621

Ya know - though she has probably always wanted to go to Japan - when she gets there she will probably realize it isnt quite the dream she envisioned.

I was like that when I wanted to go to Paris and Barcelona. Finally upped and went with a friend. Some good sights. But some meh times too. Not what I had previously envisioned. In fact even though I know some French - default being a Canadian - the language barrier there made it a lot tougher to have a personal feel.

>> No.6441623
File: 965 KB, 500x299, 1352934317763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that's the joke

>> No.6441624

I am going to Japan (but not for the reason most of you would go)

What should I look out for?

>> No.6441632
File: 268 KB, 1451x641, Kintai_Bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely swing past Iwakuni if you can and visit the Kintai Bridge.

I would also visit Aokigahara if I had the time to spare, but maybe that's just my own morbid fascination.

>> No.6441635

I'm so pumped for the shitfit after she gets it and it doesn't fit. There is no way her waist is 87 cm.

>> No.6441637

Realtalk for a second:

I tought REAL lolitas are sewing the stuff they wear. except a few a accessoires.

execuse my bad english, stupid germanfag here.

>> No.6441645


In einer idealen welt vielleicht, aber die mehrheit der loli die kaufen ihre kleidung und accessoires aus markenfirmen, zum beispiel BTSSB oder Angelic Pretty.

>> No.6441650
File: 231 KB, 600x950, 1311873338149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah .. but it would be great for PT, and she would save money for her trip to japan.

AND i think she would gain alot of respect.

Danke für das übersetzen auf deutsch :D Englisch ist zwar keine schwere sprache, aber mir sind die richtigen wörter nicht eingefallen.

>> No.6441656


Es ist kein problem haha, ich dachte, es wäre einfacher für sie, in Ihrer muttersprache zu verstehen. Ich wünschte, ich könnte sprechen Deutsch aber :p

>> No.6441661
File: 181 KB, 1283x708, 1352080161687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6441692

I do, but at this point I don't consider myself a real lolita. Like >>6441645 said (and i had to put that into google translate, nbd really), most just buy from brands, and maybe make some accessories or simple things.
would pixyteri even have time to sew stuff? i'm not sure what her sewing skills are anyway, and it seems like it would take time away from shopping and bitching on twitter, so she wouldn't do it.

>> No.6441702


She doesn't, at least she doesn't when it comes to anything other than Japanese stuff and junk food, like you know medical bills, real food, and paying off her car.

>> No.6441703
File: 11 KB, 424x335, 7923277502_d9c77b79a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441705


Pixyteri likes looking like a little kid though, she seems to think that dressing young actually makes her look young, regardless of whether or not something looks awful on her.