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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6435656 No.6435656 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage.

More cosplay, less drama this time around. You have one job, HSG. I know you can do it.

>> No.6435661


>> No.6435670


Whoa there friend you might have to slow it down

I did not make that image.

>> No.6435669

How can we be quality when you start the thread with something like this? Geez OP.

>> No.6435676
File: 825 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_maxg0qFKTN1qfu6zso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very indifferent about the other dead troll heads, but holy shit if that Feferi head doesn't look, comparatively, damn good.

>> No.6435683


Your friend was stupid enough to commission Heaven in the first place, so it's hard to feel sympathy for them.

>> No.6435692

Just gonna copy/paste my post that I wrote right as the thread died in response to MF's Porrim dress.

Speaking as a professional seamstress, the whole thing could have been executed better but she had the right idea. The front needed more structure than what she gave it in order to let the Virgo symbol hang correctly on her. The side...i'm not entirely sure what's going on there but it looks unhemmed? There's a weird fabric bulge on the edge that again, i'm not sure what's happening. Overall, the back is draped well. The picture that shows her back looks like it's a nice, even drape, and yes, that's actually a look. Not sure about her choice for the slit, especially the sheer fabric underneath with that heavy trim. Personally i'm not digging the trim and wish she had gone for something more subtle or nothing at all.

Overall it looks like a rookie job, right idea, not too great execution. Fabric choice I feel had a LOT to do with that. Not too familiar with her work overall but if I was basing my opinion on this dress alone, I would say she's only been sewing for a very little while. Enough to make outfits, not enough to get the difficult techniques in this dress right.

That was more than I was planning on typing whoops.

>> No.6435697

They're new to commissioning at all and was once on friendly terms with her, and did it before anyone could warn them. Not looking for sympathy, just adding fuel to the fire that is the inadequacy of that woman.

>> No.6435699
File: 61 KB, 448x750, tumblr_mdutrlHHr41r1pqaio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And after my text dump i'll contribute with some shit from the ever amusing floridastuck tag.

How do you even fuck up Aradia horns like that. You had ONE job.

>> No.6435701


Aw :( Well, have your friend threaten to post their story on tumblr? People deserve to know if there's a bad/dishonest commissioner out there.

>> No.6435707
File: 750 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdrpktft2N1qezredo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god the floridastuck tag. What even is that thing on the left???

>> No.6435708

Wow a critique done in a civil behaved manner bravo.
Agreeing with a few points here, I like the sheer slip with lace but that's just my taste. MF doesn't seem to sew a lot of dresses so that is probably why and could learn from it. I agree heavily on fabric choice being an issue

>> No.6435709

Since Aradia's horns have been drawn at literally every angle possible due to Hussie's inconsistency, I can see what she was trying to do, but it just didn't work out.

>> No.6435711


after my friend had an unpleasant interaction with her, they also learned first-hand just how dishonest she is. they didn't lose any money in it, but it damaged their (and my) view of her permanently.

>> No.6435712


...I'm personally more concerned with the atrocity on the right.

>> No.6435714


I'm taking this as a prime example of how NOT to make my Porrim dress.

On that note, has anyone used alcohol activated makeup for their troll grey? I'm partial to Skin Illustrator, but I've never used their Grey Matter shade before and want to hear from other people before I drop money on it.

>> No.6435715

what's with the wig???

>> No.6435718

wtf is that

>> No.6435720

Tribalstuck Vriska, maybe?

>> No.6435726

I think it's "Tribalstuck"? There were a couple cosplayers from it at Otakon.
I know but like...how do you look in the mirror and think "yeah. yeah, this looks perfect. I'm gonna use this" when your horns look like that tho.
My only guess is it's pulled back into a ponytail?

>> No.6435721
File: 735 KB, 1280x960, dear god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure there're no good floridastuck cosplayers, except like seerofsarcasm or something.

>> No.6435723


What fabric choice would be best for Porrim's dress then? I'm not sure what would drape correctly to make the front and back parts of her dress work.

>> No.6435724

why in god's name would you ever even step foot in the floridastuck tag

>> No.6435727

It's just a big pool of mediocrity, her included.

>> No.6435729

Really? I thought she did pretty well on her Kanaya outfit, even though the cape collar on her back isn't kept up.

>> No.6435735


I'd go with a bridal satin, myself, maybe crepe backed. You want it to have good drape, but be structured enough that the green trim doesn't weigh it down.

>> No.6435736
File: 305 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_m5uk6sZBZl1qiv8wqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty good but she's also barely at Florida cons anymore, she just saves for northern ones. I don't blame her though, Florida is a cespool who wouldn't want to get out.

I know Mur and the group he runs with are all Florida based, there's a few good eggs in there, especially the signless cosplayers he cosplays with a lot (the one in the picture and I think his girlfriend is another one?) Their Nepeta...can be cute but her Disciple is all kinds of middle of the road in and so is everything she does. Her new dreamer outfit is nice though.

/is a reluctant florida homestuck

>> No.6435737


Pro-seamstress anon, are you the same one that pops up now and then in HSG? I always enjoy your posts and I'm really curious about what you do. What characters do you usually cosplay? Or are you just a commissioner?

>> No.6435738

aren't Mur and meulinrogue Florida cosplayers?

>> No.6435739

Hunt for good floridastuck cosplayers besides the ones previously mentioned. I dare you. Go.

>> No.6435746

If I remember right, I think that Signless in the picture is his girlfriend. There's also Peppermintcakes, who is an adorable Feferi/Jade. I don't know many Floridastucks, but these three (plus Seerofsarcasm) are my favorites.

>> No.6435747

I have no idea, I'm in the northeast, as is pretty much everyone else relevant.

>> No.6435748
File: 555 KB, 1280x1177, tumblr_mduv85CDIf1rxv1sio3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Her new dreamer outfit is nice though.

I don't know, it kind of bugs me because not only does it look like it's made of broadcloth, the purples are all mismatched and leaning in wildly different hue directions. I feel like just a different fabric selection and more care in color choice could have improved it by miles.

This complaint could really go with a lot of dreamer cosplays, and god tier ones, too. A lot of people seem to have trouble choosing colors with shades all in the same 'family', and it really throws the whole thing off visually. This costume is a mix of cool and warm purples, which makes it look odd and mismatched.

>> No.6435749

cancerously doesn't count

>> No.6435750

Yeah, someone mentioned them in >>6435736
Spoiler alert: there are none. At least none that are well known.

>> No.6435752

this signless in the picture is Tradanui. His girlfriend is Eternallyfacetious

>> No.6435755

cancerously? ?? she's okay i guess
also wow 50 bucks for arm socks doesnt that seem like a bit much?

>> No.6435756

To be fair, the ones from Mur have horrible editing which makes even her skin look purple.

Her poof sleeves keep throwing me off, but I think I'm thinking of the kids' colors instead?

>> No.6435757

Bitchy question, but who are the Homestuck cosplayers who can actually sew well?

I thought MF was one but she keeps churning out mediocre costumes so either she can't sew all that well or she's bullshitting due to lack of time.

>> No.6435758

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

For states, which ones would you guys think have more good/decent cosplayers balancing out the bad, in your own opinion of course.

>> No.6435763

Adebimpe and whoever sews for lirlys, lapirin, etc.

>> No.6435761

Honestly speaking I don't particularly like that cosplay. I hate these dumb girls who put on really tight pants when they cosplay guys, that's my first complaint.
And its fairly different from the original concept, I get it that you can change a lot of things and pimp it up, but this one looks wrong to me.

>> No.6435764


They're a bitch and a half to sew, 8-10 hours is NOT an exaggeration if you want to do them right. I did my first set in about 5-6 hours and they were kinda puckered.

So assuming she's using We Love Colors tights, which are 8 bucks a pair, she's earning about 5 bucks an hour to make these things.

>> No.6435766
File: 471 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_m8k3zisZYD1qffik8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of his girlfriend for further clarification. Someone corrected you before I could post it but oh well, I think she's a pretty good cosplayer to be honest. Her Kankri is great.

>> No.6435770

To be fair, MF recently stated on deviantart that she isn't 100% happy with how the dress came out and that's why she's selling it. It was her first time making a backless dress.

>> No.6435767

Cancerously's armsocks are 50 dollars?
They suck though. The edges, the nails... Ugh no.

>> No.6435769


Not really bitchy, I'd say. And MF can sew pretty well when she tries. She makes gorgeous bunny suits.

Some of my favorite HS cosplayers who can sew well are: sewthoughtful, lapirin, lucillesmiles, yaexrae, hanyaan (silencedrowns on tumblr), dersedreamer, leesers, porrim, and gomugomugodhead. I can probably think of more too.

>> No.6435771

Here to affirm, yes she does use We Love Colors tights.

>> No.6435773

>those Disciple horns

Honey, no. Stop.

>> No.6435774


I used to think that she overcharged for armsocks until I tried making a pair for myself. After spending hours phenomenally fucking them up, I conceded that if Cancerously wants to charge $50 for hers, then good for her because at least she can make them. I still haven't attempted it again.

>> No.6435778

I'm pretty sure those were her old horns. She's completely remaking the costume from scratch, anyway.

>> No.6435782

Oh haha no that's not me! This was my first time posting a long critique on HSG although I do post little tips for people who ask. I'm a freelance worker, I mainly work for theaters as a pattern maker or draper and I only do commissions for people locally because I like to be able to do fittings to make sure things look and hang right. I cosplayed Kanaya once but have no pictures sadly, work takes up most of my time since I got out of school so no more cons for me for a while.

>> No.6435783

I hope she considers this time using some built-in boning or bra cups or just some form of structure. It's possible to be slinky without looking like your everything is about to fall out.

>> No.6435786
File: 44 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mbwmubh43K1r22dmko1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she is a great cosplayer and what not but... There are so many things wrong here...

>> No.6435793

I just give her points for actually having a cape and not a giant ass bow on the back, frankly. No one seems to realize that it's Eridan's cape for some reason. There was this fantastic Kanaya at AUSA (katspaw I think it was?) and the back was just a bow.

>> No.6435795

Then why is she overpricing it..?

>> No.6435797


Okay. Like what? Are you just waiting for someone else to point it out? If you want to point out flaws on the costume, do it. Don't just post, vaguely say 'something's wrong', then expect others to agree with you.

HSG sucks so much because there's so much vague, unspecified criticism thrown around. It isn't even useful criticism 90% of the time which could be used to make improvements on the costume in question.

>> No.6435803

i know it's eridan's cape but i think it looks kind of weird if you dont make it like a bow....

>> No.6435804

I like her first attempt at the Condesce better.

Yes the wig being more styled is better, but everything else just falls short and I think she ditched some jewelry.

>> No.6435805

>great cosplayer
>but... There are so many things wrong here...

Pick one.

>> No.6435806

Oh yeah no, I agree! It's just that that's the only thing that bothers me about her cosplay, everything else in my opinion is great.

>> No.6435814

I think most people realize that, but its tied around her, so it just sort of makes sense to make it into a bow.

>> No.6435822
File: 162 KB, 506x629, Screen Shot 2012-11-21 at 11.40.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like it both ways. The bow looks nice, but in canon it's just sort of there, so I don't blame cosplayers for going either way.

>> No.6435825

Adding onto that I wish that ANY Kanaya cosplayers would add the blood to their shirt and skirt, but I understand why because then you can't do her normal version without making a new cosplay essentially.

>> No.6435828

Materials cost + labour time. I don't think it looks good either, but if she wants to sell it then she can do it for whatever price she pleases. We've been over this a million times in previous threads.

>> No.6435836

Her tiara, fins, heels and jewelry. I agree with >>6435804, her first attempt was way better.

>> No.6435833

If there are so many things wrong then why don't you point them out? It looks all-around accurate and well-made to me.

>> No.6435842

Hey /cgl/ I need some help. I'm doing God Tier Roxy and I'm having a hard time deciding on fabrics. I'm thinking for the shirt and arms i'll use a nice jersey knit so they stretch and fit to my body (i'm very slim and want to show that off) but i'm having a hard time figuring out a good fabric for the hood. I don't want it to be too stiff, but all the fabrics ive been thinking are way too flimsy and I don't want it to just drape over my head. Suggestions?

>> No.6435869


this could be so cute if there were just some darts in the bodice

>> No.6435876

Homestuckcosplayforall has a post up about those Porrim dresses, with the sizes available going up to XL- I remember some anons being interested in them before?

>> No.6435882

I don't know about her cosplays, but that seerofsarcasm chick is always such a bitch whenever my friends or I encounter her.

>> No.6435892

Really, how so? I talked to her for a while at AUSA she seems very nice.

>> No.6435895


I think fleece looks nice with jersey, personally. they're both "soft" looking but the fleece has a bit more body to it

>> No.6435903

When my friends and I were waiting in line for the monologues at AUSA (which we didn't even get into) there was a Kankri with a whistle who blew it like, once, and she came out of the room and was really bitchy about telling everyone not to use it like she was the authority or something.

>> No.6435914

She tried physically attacking a friend of mine at a convention because she was being all mopey that her ex left her (which I certainly don't blame him for after how she acted) and then called another girl a bitch after just telling her to calm down. I don't know if she's got anger issues or what, but who the heck acts like that at a con?

>> No.6435915

In her defense, she was co-panelist. She was trying to calm everyone down from getting the panel in trouble.

I mean, it was all in her authority to ask them to stop.

>> No.6435916


Like? She goes for a super canon look, which I think is really nice. Plus, she's a really gracious, sweet person. And her horns are perfection, plus she once randomly made a whole bunch of really nice horns for people for free...

>> No.6435921

So...she's a bitch for telling a Kankri to not blow a whistle in what I assume to be a crowded building? She just sounds like a sane person to me, and she sort of had a right because didn't she run that panel with cancerously?

Not buying it, anon. Sounds like a vendetta to me.

>> No.6435920

I talked to her for a little bit at Metrocon and she seemed friendly. Then again I'm a nervous thing and let my friend do most of the talking. u//u

>> No.6435924

>she was being all mopey that her ex left her (which I certainly don't blame him for after how she acted)

Dude. He cheated on her. I can see why she was angry.

>> No.6435929

Bless you anon.

>> No.6435931

Isn't her ex that perverted jake cosplayer who runs around cons sexually harassing people that cheated on her with a friend? This drama came up a few months ago, old news. Betting your "friend" is someone involved so i'm listing you under vendetta-chan.

>> No.6435932

>Asian XL

ie still not large enough for my bust T-T but thanks anyway?

>> No.6435933

MF is a mediocre seamstress - the only thing she does well is bunny suits. Her personality and ego also take away from her appeal as a cosplayer.

>> No.6435934

Yeah, he's that exact guy. I agree on this probably being vendetta.

>> No.6435944
File: 940 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mdvfkmFfgD1r9tbefo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheated on her with a couple people, as far as I've heard. She's a nice girl and she didn't deserve to be treated the way he or the "friend" he cheated with treated her.

Let's go back to cosplay.

>> No.6435946


Completely random observation, but I've been really impressed by all the major Condesce cosplayers and how they interact with each other. Ineloquentformalities seems like a huge sweetheart, and when Thighhighs's Condesce went huge, she celebrated it when we all know, as is so common, she could have gotten sulky. Thighhighs, in turn, has always lauded Ineloquent as a great Condesce and credited her with major horn and wig help. Then when Madamcthulhu's Condesce came out, neither of them started a bitchfit (like I kind of expected to be honest, especially given how heavily she borrowed from Thighhighs's look) but were instead really genuine in their praise for her work--and Madamcthulhu seems pretty sweet too, and did (I think) pay her respects to both of them. And both Ineloquent and Thighhighs (dunno about madamcthulhu) are really great at improving on their work and accepting crit--The former is constantly working on her costume and Thighhighs has always been really honest about the shortcomings of her work and has actively sought out critique and help on how to remake her horns.

I follow all of them and I've just been really impressed over the past year by their conduct and professionalism--it's the kind of thing I wish happened more often in this fandom and I think it should be recognized. They just really stay out of drama and seem like good people. I also LOVE Ineloquent's other wig work--her Eridan wig is the best I've ever seen.

To try to inject a little positivity--who are some cosplayers we really like/admire?

>> No.6435947


So much shoop...

>> No.6435949
File: 350 KB, 1280x850, 1337385673281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to >>6435769 I also like Felixize, and this whole group really. I don't know the names of the other cosplayers but they clearly have some craftsmanship skills.

>> No.6435950

So that makes it okay to try to physically attack someone and then verbally attack another person she didn't even know? I don't know man, her behavior was pretty unacceptable at that con. She's lucky none of the staff were around to see her at that time.

>> No.6435956


Have to agree, never heard major drama about anyone who is big into Condesce.

Are there any big Ancestor cosplayers who are dramacows, though? Seems like a calmer scene

>> No.6435961
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>> No.6435966
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>> No.6435967
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>> No.6435971
File: 57 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdvfl5S5cF1qim4fgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't generally post on what's not my business but I know her through some mutual friends and know about this, and that "friend" of yours she "attacked" was the supposed friend of hers who got with her boyfriend behind her back at a con and then was a total bitch to her afterwords about it (I like how you left out who your friend was, and only said he left her instead of cheated on her with a friend, totally not a vendetta chan, not at all). Also, Ive met your "friend" at a con. She's a bigger bitch than seerofsarcasm is in any respect and should have gotten way more than the light shove (sorry, "attack") that she did, frankly. And another thing, it wasn't anywhere near the con or anywhere that staff would have been or had any control over anyway. It was way off in the con hotel somewhere at night after the con day was pretty much done.

Anyway, back to cosplay with another floridastuck cosplayer. This...wig...why. She's done some good stuff but jesus.

>> No.6435972

anyone done any of the hard ones like the boss monsters, cherubs, lord english, or doc scratch?

cause if not i am most disappoint

>> No.6435975
File: 183 KB, 639x960, tumblr_mdtj0n6rJi1qjb7nio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>done some good stuff
Really? I haven't seen anything.

>> No.6435978

I'll never not laugh at this wig. It's an absolute trainwreck, and I usually don't say that about cosplay or props (funny considering where I am). Still can't believe there's a tutorial for making one like this.

>> No.6435981

She did a midnight crew cosplay that was pretty okay, and her GLaDOS is nice enough. I should have said she's done some okay stuff.

>> No.6435986

That John's face is cracking me up WOW.
That Rose looks familiar though.

>> No.6435993
File: 93 KB, 600x900, tumblr_m4t71rj7bX1r6xpk2o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Doc Scratch

>> No.6435998
File: 142 KB, 808x1213, tumblr_mdsgjbLH6d1rbpwipo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436002
File: 294 KB, 1280x853, meulin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many buttons should i sew on a jade skirt? i have two sewed on, one at the top near the hip and one at the button near the ankle. should i add more? it only shows two in her sprite, but i've seen interpretations with more.

>> No.6436006
File: 52 KB, 350x255, tumblr_lm91lczRyM1qfoejb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I am handsome and making an Eridan cosplay but this will never happen ever

>> No.6436009

More than two would look better.

Just figure out what spacing you looks best and put as many buttons as you see fit.

>> No.6436008

Not too many, I would go with like three. Try to make all your buttons evenly spaced, sounds like you just need one in the middle.

>> No.6436013

If you are as handsome as you say, the girls will flock to you.

>> No.6436015

Are you talking about the chick who used to be Karkat in their panels? Because if you are GOD ive had the same experience, I was talking with some friends and she was with them and all she did was whine and complain about literally everything and how "bad" everyone's cosplay was when hers wasn't even that good, all in this stupid voice, I had to walk away before I ripped into her for being a child. Ashley's ex sounds like a douchebag, never met him and ive only fleetingly met her, but I guess he and the annoying girl deserve each other.

Just had to say that sorry, contributing because I love the red Kanaya dress but have only seen two people cosplay it. Anyone else have good photos of cosplayers doing this outfit???

>> No.6436018
File: 432 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mdv8ivnN4s1qcio8so2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot the picture like a dumbass.

>> No.6436029
File: 971 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mdup7wW5wn1qckg6zo3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436034

I'm enjoying this.
Is she on tumblr? No one ever actually mentioned who this chick was.

>> No.6436032
File: 265 KB, 1280x850, tumblr_mdtp49QAQk1r9413ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436040

it's phyton.tumblr.com but she's just a hipster blog, she never posts anything else.

>> No.6436042

This looked promising and then



>> No.6436044
File: 394 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdtmpm80nE1qi0d6lo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like what this Karkat did to their cape.

>> No.6436049

I was wondering why then I remembered that god tier karkat is dead so he probably had to die somehow. I enjoy this a lot.

>> No.6436059
File: 851 KB, 1071x1600, tumblr_mdt2ezDykB1qj8eluo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436067

why are florida homestucks always the big discussion around here

>> No.6436081


Because they're terrible

>> No.6436083

Know what's next to impossible to find? Quality mdstuckers.

>> No.6436086


Unless you're Mur.

>> No.6436094

He's better than all the Flordiastuckers that cross my dash, but he still isn't the best.

ie, His Captor wings need a lot of work. I don't know if MeulinRogue used the same method, but her edging and overall look turned out much better looking than his did.

>> No.6436097


Depends on the ancestor? Nobody actually cosplays Darkleer, so basically anyone who did him would get instant recognition. The Sufferer, on the other hand, has numerous cosplayers ranging from incredible to awful, so you're more likely to see shit throwing from that corner.

>> No.6436102

>dat adorable facial structure
>dat all around cuteness

and then

>dat felt
>dat cracked horn
>dem white hand stitches

I'd really like to see a redo of this though when they have more experience and stuff.

>> No.6436103

I am not looking forrward to seeing an Ancestor ask panel that is stupid and unneeded. Especially considering how little is currently known. I

>> No.6436107
File: 84 KB, 720x960, Aradia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this aradias horns o:

>> No.6436128

Obvious selfpost. They're the party city horns everyone uses for Aradia.

>> No.6436132

thank you i've never honestly seen a cosplay for homestuck that i thought, "that had to take some effort" except for one vriska costume i stumbled upon on /gif/

>> No.6436134
File: 10 KB, 585x528, 1348522631695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, tell me about it. Being a Maryland Homestuck fan is suffering.

>> No.6436135

So has anybody actually gotten Porrim's dress right?

>> No.6436142


Join together with us Northern VA Homestucks. Maybe one day, we can be not terrible.

>> No.6436145


The thing is, with good actors willing to have some fun with the characterization (think of the old Ask Drunk Mindfang blog), it could be great. But who knows how it'll ACTUALLY go...

>> No.6436147

theres no party city in russia haha

>> No.6436149

That's what a lot of mdstuckers do though.

>> No.6436151
File: 80 KB, 500x667, sssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the crappy photo. Didn't get our photoshoot pictures yet. Just thought I would share. This was made very last minute.. but critique welcome.

>> No.6436150

I kind of did? But I used organza that I just happened across at Walmart- extremely lucky find there- and pressed it down around the edges using rubber cement, leaving just a little bit past the edges.

>> No.6436164
File: 830 KB, 1938x1377, simplicity___kanaya_maryam_by_welcometomyworldvxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>familiar Rose
>red dress Kanaya
Hell yes I answer two questions with one picture.

>> No.6436165

Something looks odd about the crotch area?

>> No.6436166

mostly we all end up together in DC, I think, 'least from what I remember

me and a bro of mine mantain the mdstuck group on facebook and the people in it are... ok? it's just a lot of them are painfully, obnoxiously kids in their first fandom

Honestly I haven't done a meetup since june, I just have a circle of people I met through homestuck who I am friends with and we go out for dinner occasionally

>> No.6436168

Anyone know any good fabrics for godtiers in general?

>> No.6436172
File: 861 KB, 1000x1510, kanaya_maryam_by_zillywhoooore-d4avg15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well both your costumes fit and look neatly constructed, and fit you both. So kudos!

I would suggest redoing Mituna's horns to make them smaller and look like there's holes in the helmet as they're a decent size for on his head, not through the helmet.
And possibly going back to restyle Latula's wig so it's less cartoony and more natural, as it'll look better!

Have another

>> No.6436169
File: 167 KB, 1280x820, present tense drinking by castelloinaria roxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of that Rose.

>> No.6436176
File: 874 KB, 1000x1500, your_imperial_condesce__homestuck_by_welcometomyworldvxi castelloriana dualscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore how she is the tiniest Condesce who needs to go up onto her tiptoes to loom over a kneeling Dualscar.

>> No.6436177
File: 27 KB, 240x400, tumblr_m9lxiskdXb1qgwpe8o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, Terezi's hair's more angles whereas Latula's is softer in general.

See, her bangs aren't chunky nor is there huge volume at the top

>> No.6436178
File: 43 KB, 483x720, homestuck fandom is way too fast (ax 2012) uu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436179

sorry my mituna was actually a dude and had a hard time hiding it. We werent sure if he should tuck...
I should of made it more baggy but it was my first time making a bodysuit with detail. I hand stitched in all the designs, because I hate how it looks when its painted :/ Anyway I am happy it turned out somewhat decent.

Ahh I know my wig looks weird, forgive me it was the first time doing something like that.
We are remaking the helmet for the next con. The horns will poking through the helmet and is going to be attached to a headband underneath the helmet by magnets, so you can remove the horns to take the helmet off and on and have the horns on without a helmet.

>> No.6436182

This times a thousand.
Ineloquentformalities is one of my close friends, and she is one of the most humble and kind cosplayers I know. And yes, she always strives to improve, which is always great to see in the cosplay world, instead of some who do mediocre work and then bitch out anyone who gives them con-crit.

Just worth mentioning, since anon brought up her Eridan wig; that one incredibly canon Sollux wig in past threads was also styled by her! I've seen both in person, and she does really nice work.

>> No.6436185

Then you two should be pretty stellar!
Good luck~

>> No.6436187
File: 413 KB, 1148x1920, andrew hussie meets paradoxjelli doc scratch (sdcc 2012).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The height disparity between you two is really cute. While the shirt-dress for Latula is less than canon, it's good that you picked it because it flatters your body type much better. I agree with restyling your wig.

I do like how the Mituna's wig is poking out below his helmet and how his outfit is actually a bodysuit. For the groin region, try using an athletic cup to turn everything into vague bulge instead of crotch stuff that shows if he happens to position his hips wrong.

Canon height Doc Scratch.

>> No.6436188
File: 829 KB, 900x534, sinister_by_elaroh uu caliborn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436190

Ahh thanks so much. <3

>> No.6436191
File: 218 KB, 1280x932, has had enough of this hatesnogging doc scratch slick snowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436194

>it's just a lot of them are painfully, obnoxiously kids in their first fandom
Yeah, that's my main gripe with it. Everyone seems to be either this or a very socially stunted young adult. There's a definite shortage of... just normal people who are alright to hang around with, I guess.

>> No.6436196

Carolinastucks are all like, 14 so no real quality there either.

>> No.6436213

I've only ever seen the one Darkleer from that 24 troll group from Otakon who threw on a helmet and a black outfit. Are there any others out there?

>> No.6436215
File: 329 KB, 720x482, the_executioner_by_phantom_shadow-d4i0duu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<=Scratchman of course and there's another that popped up in a quick search, let me see if I can find a better image of them.

>> No.6436217
File: 177 KB, 800x582, companions_by_xneverconformx-d528bk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted I didn't try as hard as I could've but here's the only other one I found

>> No.6436218
File: 530 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mby6t9WEdN1ruwzrro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436223

at least you are not atlstuck

>> No.6436225


ah yes, the only darkleer on the internet

>> No.6436233

Are he and ineloquentformalities together? I always see them together at cons.

>> No.6436237

But they did for a good while then broke up. I stopped following them a while ago, so I don't know if they're back together or just really good friends.

>> No.6436240

I'm actually slightly involved in that "I know you guys and see this shit and laugh" way.

>> No.6436250
File: 178 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdvl47z9Xc1r7cn9co1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish atlstuck could get their shit together
but pretty sure it will never happen...

>> No.6436256

holy mother of shoop

>> No.6436265

Bringing this over from the previous thread because I just got back from 6 hours at work and didn't realize the thread was in sage:

There's actually a really hilarious story behind this shot.

The four dead trolls were all standing on a ledge behind that wall, and they had what they thought was a slightly lowered garden area with bushes behind them. After taking the photos and climbing back over the wall, one of them was taking a closer look at the area and discovered

Those were not bushes. They were TREES. And that the ledge they were standing on was actually 10-15 feet off the ground below.

Life almost imitating art!

>> No.6436276

It's full of self-entitled pricks who are convinced they're all the fucking best things ever when really they're just assholes.

Personally glad Bill is out of it, ten bucks says his boyfriend made him ditch since he can't keep it go five seconds without flirting with every Bro/Dirk he sees.

>> No.6436283

>can't go five seconds

>> No.6436284
File: 430 KB, 533x800, 34f33c62d401f51fbf243472d583e257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh Bill was pretty much done with the group way before
and i feel like if someone were to actually step up and try to manage it it would work out
but right now everyone wants to direct everything at all times
if i had the time for it and better people skills i would try to do it myself

>> No.6436294

Done with the group, but not the fandom. I seriously confused some random kid for his boyfriend because they were all up on each other at the drawmeet just to find out that I don't think his bf even went?

I honestly wouldn't even bother trying at this rate, you don't need to sully your name with their bullshit.

>> No.6436309
File: 506 KB, 477x720, 9e9d75d735ce3e49332b152ec3082f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha sorry that happened
and yeah true but i dont think he is making any new homestuck cosplays? idk he is more on his supernatural tumblr than anything now

'sully your name' haha that just sounds funny you make me sounds like im something important
and i mean i would like to see it work, while i am trying to cosplay less hs i do like going to the meet ups still
there is a christmas meet up next month [cant go though] so i guess we will see how that goes

>> No.6436317

I'm just not going to lie, I don't like him. Fun fact, he flirted with me once because he didn't realize who I was and I was cosplaying Bro. He's not much a fan of me either.

Also, how many relationships has he been in now since last years AWA? 5? 6?

You're the only sane one in the group. If you get wrapped up in that stress, you're doomed to fall with it.

>> No.6436322
File: 647 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mdv9cqOHS61rqyspmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he definitly goes with to anyone in a bro or dirk cosplay haha and idk but a lot one of them being me
we are still friends though so its whatever now
mmm anon i wonder if i know you since you are an atlstuck and know pretty much everyone in there

thanks i try i guess
like i said before i dont have time for it anyway so is not like i could do it

>> No.6436349

you all think you got it bad

try being a michiganstuck

>> No.6436399
File: 915 KB, 1000x667, thenotshoopedtohell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one Kankri minus mega-contrast

>>6436349 , you can't say something like that and NOT share a story. Tell us about Michiganstuck.

>> No.6436401

Their still really good friends. April had another boyfriend but I think that ended. They were staying in the same room at PMX and cosplaying together. I know they have plans to do Darkleer and the Condescension again, their remaking thier cosplays.

>> No.6436471
File: 99 KB, 455x656, dualscar_and_handmaid_by_alexdemented-d54c7k9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Thanks for the crit and other stuff! Thighhighs and MadamCthulu are totally great gals. There really isn't a point in being bitter about someone wearing the same costume as you. If anything you can look at theirs and learn from it. See what you can improve upon, swap techniques and such.
That being said. NYCC was like a funeral weekend for that poor fucking costume. But that's life, you gotta learn and roll with it.

Also, why does anyone on this thread care. It's about cosplay not relationships. Post more pictures, talk a little less. All is well.

>Though I should be saging this ridiculously long winded self post, I'm not going to because I'll bump with some fucking fantastic Dualscar cosplay.

>> No.6436475
File: 90 KB, 960x720, tumblr_m6mg7fsXFA1rriuhxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436477
File: 258 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lyirfkFIkq1qeze9p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436478
File: 105 KB, 333x500, 5999547772_0d7df64936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436494
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 2ee7146ed06c7bbe3bf240d92c591e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I'm that Kanaya!

>> No.6436504

what are /cgl/s favourite methods that people have used for dualscar? (or haven't used)
im thinking of cosplaying him but i've never made armour before and want some opinions before i start researching

>> No.6436526

What's the accent colour for heroes of Blood again?

>> No.6436528

Could anyone give me examples/tips for a good John wig styling? So I don't end up looking like a massive tool?

>> No.6436544

Hope that helps.
Tips for styling a good John wig can really depend on your preference. Do you want his hair to look more natural, or would you prefer a "straight out of the comic" look?

>> No.6436581

Question about shoes:

I have two pairs of shoes which I was considering using for Kanaya and R63!Kanaya. But I am not sure and would like some opinions.

Sorry about low quality of pic.

Ladyshoes come in next post.

>> No.6436585
File: 129 KB, 400x300, Namnlös.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that worked out great didn't it.

>> No.6436586
File: 126 KB, 400x300, Namnlös.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladyshoes which does wonders for my length and figure but is sorta really not canon???

>> No.6436604

Stick with canon on this one.

>> No.6436620

There is really no r63 canon, were you meaning to quote the other post or are you saying I should wear ladies flats?

I should also mention that chances are I will do an alt outfit, depending on if I can find proper skirt fabric or not.

>> No.6436672


>it's just a lot of them are painfully, obnoxiously kids in their first fandom

every (place)stuck group ever

>> No.6436676


he could also try a dance belt to smooth everything out

>> No.6436685


I love the detailing on this armor I just wish it wasn't proportioned so oddly

>> No.6436688

You'd be surprised, but we talk on here more than we do anywhere else.

I'll give you that tidbit.

And you do better without Bill.

>> No.6436696
File: 405 KB, 1280x961, tumblr_mdtbvasMuX1r5eygko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436726

Mituna's body suit is definitely too tight and Latula wig could use work but aside from that, you two are close to perfect.

>> No.6436738
File: 5 KB, 199x299, DMSG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there is no Problem Sleuth thread, gonna post this here. I'm planning on cosplaying Demimonde Semigoddess, and I'm looking for some help. Since I've been unable to find a good wig, I'm planning on dyeing a white Luthien from Arda. Anyone have any experience trying to split dye a wig/dye an Arda wig in general? Also if you have any other tips it would be greatly appreciated! thanks

>> No.6436758
File: 87 KB, 635x452, $(KGrHqZ,!h!FBj(Mkg)SBQllVrERmg~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just get a blue and a pink wig and sew them together? Sewing wefts is a lot more easier and less messy than dyeing. I've dyed two wigs with the sharpie dye method and it's really messy and the color doesn't always stick to the wig properly.

Pic semi related, I guess. The first result I got from a quick ebay search.

>> No.6436762

TNstuck can crank out some pretty good costumes, but it's mostly obnoxious, mediocre 14 year olds like every other locationstuck.

>> No.6436764

You could just get a split wig? I've seen them in those colors on Taobao.

>> No.6436789

Small question: Would it be ok to have a fake joint as a prop for Damara?
I've seen a shiton of shitty Cronuss with cigs, but no Damara with joints

>> No.6436801
File: 3 KB, 400x532, tumblr_mate61Bk6n1rrzadr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just would like to point out that CRONUS DOES NOT ACTUALLY LIGHT HIS CIGARETTE. It's theorized he's actually holding it backwards.

As for Damara, I'd probably keep it in your pocket until called for a photo. That's something you could get in trouble for even at a con setting.

>> No.6436806

that's what I was figuring, thanks on the input. I just found it weird though since most of the Damara cosplays on tumblr have been at home shots of people, yet no prop

>> No.6436815
File: 80 KB, 397x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which character would I cosplay if I wanted an excuse to make AS MANY SILLY FACES AS POSSIBLE?

I am 5'3" and kind of curvy although I can strap boobs down like a wizard (so, any gender of character is OK), am pretty good with makeup and sewing and wigs, and I just want to make derpy faces at the camera forever and always. Happy Thanksgiving!

>> No.6436827

I think that Roxy, John, Jake, and Terezi are probably the characters best suited for costumes where you can just have fun with it and make as many dumb faces you like.

>> No.6436844

John's life calling has become increasingly clear in the comic lately.

And that life calling is as a silly face maker.

>> No.6436854

Oh god, /cgl/ is at omgcon?
No convention is safe.

>> No.6436858

i think she is my favourite condescendence.

>> No.6436862

i actually have a split wig in pink and blue that i want to sell, but it's fairly short with clipon pigtails
so i cant help you, dang

>> No.6436870

i thouhgt about doing her a while ago, but imo it'd turn out like a hot mess if you're not really careful.

>> No.6437040

Then let me break the news to you: you can SHIP IT to russia.

>> No.6437054

From what I've compiled here, the worst groups to be in are Central/South Flstuck, Michiganstuck, SoCalstuck, ATLstuck, Bostonstuck(??), and Sastuck

>> No.6437078

Confirm Bostonstuck for being one of the worst. One half is screaming teenagers, the other half is elitist cunts. A few decent people here and there, but they're tough to find through all the bullshit.

>> No.6437096

Just a note, canonically, Latula and Mituna wear matching bodysuits. It is a common misconception that Latula is wearing a shirt over black tights.

>> No.6437131
File: 108 KB, 427x640, redglare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this redglare on my dashboard

her outfit just looks so....shiny. and leathery. but i like it other than that.

>> No.6437136

On the topic of Mituna and Latula bodysuits so you thinking airbrushing the suits would actually work? I'm thinking of using dye-na-flow on them but I'm not sure if I should just do what everyone else is doing and use actual fabric.

>> No.6437137

Hi hsg! I plan on cosplaying ectobiologist!john, but im kind of stuck on which fabric i should use for his lab coat. I was thinking of using pleather, but that might look kind of ridiculous. Does anybody have any suggestions or pictures of other cosplayers who have done this version of him? It'd be a really great help, thanks!

>> No.6437165

I really like her cane.

>> No.6437206

I don't think so- I had to airbrush spandex body suits with dy-na-flow for a project once, and you can't go over darker colors (Yellow is especially translucent), so you'd have to start out with a white body suit and airbrush everything. Also some spandex (if you were going with that) makes the colors duller so you'd have to shop around a little and do some test swatches.

>> No.6437208

Any words on Manchesterstuck?

>> No.6437247


Who are the elitists in Bostonstuck? From the tag, it doesn't seem like anyone has the cosplay chops to claim they're elite

>> No.6437255

Thank you so much for saving me from a disaster!

Is there any sort of fabric paint that you could recommend for painting black spandex or do you think it's just a no-go in general?

>> No.6437263

Is a wig needed for Cronus cosplay?

>> No.6437283


A wig is needed for every cosplay.

>> No.6437290
File: 6 KB, 250x250, Ishiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you don't need a wig for cosplay.

>> No.6437294

Even is a pompadour is an incredibly achievable hair style without a wig?

>> No.6437301

Okay, I really feel the need to talk about this. The picture is Hanari and wow, she's a total bitch.
She kept sneering at me at Metrocon for some reason, probably because I told her to stop selling her shitty homestuck ducttape wallets. But anyway, she spread rumors about my friend, V, and basically bullied her out of the fandom. And she denied EVERYTHING when I confronted her, even when I did it in a mature manner.
I've got about 3 or 4 other people who can say they heard all the things she was doing.

>> No.6437304


What the fuck is this post?
>Suddenly, "fuck this fucking bitch."
>>Also implying that people can be bullied out of fandoms
>>>Man, fuck /cgl/

>> No.6437316

Something in between? I've seen some good ones but I can't seem to find them when I need them!

>> No.6437362
File: 48 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mdv6wwfJR31r7cn9co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well then, hit me up on tumblr one day
haha you are not the first one to say that to me

im doing Dualscar for Katsucon but im still kind of what would be the best way of doing his armor

>> No.6437420

Beauty and the Beast

>> No.6437436

John makes some really dumb faces. You'd honestly look good as any character on your construction skills alone, though.

>> No.6437515

I dunno, I give props in consideration that Cronus' hair is hard to style right as a wig...

>> No.6437534

>Good stuff
Pick one.

>> No.6437544

So, John then. Got it. If I can find the right glasses that hide how I'm definitely not 13 and slip it in my schedule somewhere, that will probably happen. I need a new "stupid faces" outfit. Thank you all!!

>> No.6437554

I all ready do.
Good, cause he's a little piece of shit.

>> No.6437555

Just saw this and honestly, if you know what you're doing and aren't afraid to dye your hair CRAAAAWLING IIIIIN MY SKIIIIIN black (or for Eridan, black and purple), and you can make horns lightweight and balanced enough to be attached by clips, I honestly think Amporas can go without wigs and look good. The hairline trips up so many people...

OR you can modify a trick I use on some other cosplay (only for Cronus though) and have a wig, tease out a tiny bit of bangs, color them with the shittiest super black mascara you can wash out, and then use clear hairspray to cover the edge of the wig in the front. I'm serious. I do this in gold for one of my costumes and if you practice, it can look pretty ace AND be cheap as fuck, and if you're like me, you probably like saving $$$.

>> No.6437693

Its not black tights. I sewed together a black bodysuit and had the blue part over it so it was easier to wear. I also didnt want a zipper showing up the back.

>> No.6437725

I'm afraid you're not going to find airbrush friendly paint that's also stretch friendly and goes on opaque. I think the easiest thing you could do if you're not great at sewing is to buy a black solid colored body suit and use a stretch stitch to appliqué the colored pieces on top.

>> No.6437789


Do people actually use real irons for the Wrinkle Fucker? Wouldn't that be absurdly heavy... and dangerous?

>> No.6437801
File: 581 KB, 531x800, tumblr_mdo0vdbhSw1r1hdm0o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh snap anon
are you going to aad this weekend?

>> No.6437838

Where would one go about buying good troll arm socks, or are they something that has to be made?

>> No.6437853

You either commission them from cancerously for $50 or you make your own with a tutorial. I don't know anyone else that makes them, though I think I saw some on Etsy once.

>> No.6437856
File: 448 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdwqk230Cw1r149j7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been wanting some as well but try to made them and that didnt work...

>> No.6437858

You're better off making them yourself tbh

>> No.6437864

I'm an outsider when it comes to Atlstuck, I'm too far off for that.

>> No.6437867

Well Curses. I was hoping for a different answer. Haha.

>> No.6437874
File: 401 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mdw7mnkvGc1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its ok i understand
technicly live in narnia for most of the atlstuckers haha
hopefully ill see you at momo then~

well damn
guess ill just go buy another pair of grey tights and try again

>> No.6437884

Hmm... for trolls that only have their hands exposed, should I even bother with gloves/armsocks, or would it be easier just to put paint there and seal it really well?

>> No.6437888

I highly recommend just painting.

Armsocks/gloves tend to just bunch and look really bad, and it's not worth it for such a small amount of surface area.

>> No.6437901

Here's a question for you, Homestuck thread:

Has DentalDistortions discontinued their unstained Gremlin teeth? They're out of stock on the website and I can't seem to find them anywhere else - They've still got the Grell set up and in stock, but that's out of my price range right now :/

Also in that same vein, any good tutorials/reviews of methods or brands for troll teeth?

>> No.6437934

Socks or PAX. The less makeup ruboff you get on yoursefl (and on others), the better.

I only experienced bunching with mine when I cut the waistband off and turned them into pure gloves rather than a garment pulled over the torso. Removing the torso piece as an anchor made it so that they had a looser fit if I neglected to pull them up, but while they were still attached they had the proper tightness and only bunched around the inside of the knuckles when I bent my fingers.

>> No.6437945

according to their FB, unstained Gremlins should be in stock by January.

>> No.6438015

No get Grells. I have them and they are great and also if you ask them to dye the gums grey they will!!! For free!!!

>> No.6438039

Hey, HSG. Show me your good Eridan horns.

>> No.6438042

I got gloves and have never regretted it. They make life so much easier.

M-maybe this is a stupid question but...people who use body paint on their hands, how do you wash your hands when you pee? Don't you rub all the makeup off? (Not referring to the people who use PAX, I mean like Ben Nye, Snazzaroo, etc.) I have always wondered this.

>> No.6438109

Is PAX not good for the face?

>> No.6438115

No. It's too stiff for the amount of subtle moving your face needs to do. Go for Ben Nye for you face and PAX for everywhere else.

>> No.6438152

Either I 1) use liquid latex, which won't come off so long as you don't use soap, or 2) try to wash and dry my hands as gingerly as possible, and then reapply whatever makeup does come off.

...option 3 is to just hold it in, which is not recommended, and option 4 is to just not wash your hands, which I am too much of a germophobe to not do.

Approc Lebasin

>> No.6438162

Holy crap I typed the captcha in the body of the post apologies for that I'm really fucking tired and sage for this dumbass comment about why I put 'Approc Lebasin' at the bottom of that other post

>> No.6438173

Are the We Love Colors gloves any good for HS purposes? I know they aren't long enough for characters in short-sleeved shirts, but does anyone know if they work for long-sleeved shirts?

>> No.6438190
File: 646 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have them and they are ok i guess
they are kind of to shiny to match the make up so it looks kind of weird...
and selfpost to show what im talking about

>> No.6438281

The bloke I met used the plastic shell from the iron's exterior (?) and spray-painted it silver. I don't remember his exact wording, but his Wrinklefucker was really light and the two irons were plastic (I think) and hollow.

Piggybacking on that question - if you've got armsocks, how do you wash your hands after bathrooming?

>> No.6438298

Their realism would have been greatly aided with the addition of nails. I didn't realise they were intended to act as armsocks and thought they were actually supposed to be gloves.

Also, you could consider flipping them inside out and pinning/marking areas to make the gloves fit closer to your skin, which takes care of some wrinkling (depending on how weird your pose is).

>> No.6438343

At first I thought I'd never peed at a convention before, but then I remembered that I just reapplied and sealed again after washing my hands. Snazaroo's really cheap and it goes a long way so I didn't feel bad about it.

>> No.6438368
File: 567 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120928_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add that tucking in the gloves around your wrists furthers most the illusion. And looking at your picture, it'd help to also trim down the tips of your fingers and re-sew them.

Picture maybe related - my armsocks, prior to adding nails. This may have been answered in a previous thread, but what kind of glue do people use to attach nails to their armsocks? I don't want to accidentally end up sandwiching the tights between the fake nail and my real nail.
Sewing them is a semi-neurotic 8-10 hours. Put on a television show or movies.

>> No.6438375
File: 44 KB, 498x675, eridan cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have them too and I think they're pretty good if you put nails on. Like Norge said, they're a bit shiny, and also slightly lighter than troll grey, but they look a lot better if you attach nails. Also, if you're getting WeLoveColours tights for your actual legs (not armsocks), I recommend getting two pairs and layering them as I found that one pair is a bit too thin.

Sage for selfpost - you can see what nails on the gloves look like, and also that the tights are thin around my knees.

>> No.6438381


As far as armsocks and bathrooming, I carry latex gloves with me in my con bag whenever I have my armsocks on. So when I use the bathroom I put the gloves on, do my business and then throw out that pair of gloves. Keeps your armsocks clean and is sanitary. I suppose you could do it for troll makeup issues as well.

>> No.6438385

I'm guessing anon means cosplayers who were well-known from other cosplay fandoms before Homestuck, like Lindzar and JJ

>> No.6438416

I met Lindzar at AUSA and she's a total sweetie, like I didn't even expect that.

>> No.6438436

honestly i've met both of them and both are nice. JJ is more outgoing/openly friendly but neither was 'elitist'...

>> No.6438467

Also a user of latex gloves. I want to experiment with making some kind of... garter system to keep my gloves on and taught, but easy to remove for eating, using the bathroom, or any other time I'd need them off.

>> No.6438479

Dang, I think those are the nicest looking armsocks I've ever seen. Good job, man.

>> No.6438482


Same glove-user from before, if you figure that one out let me know, it would be awesome. Maybe a watch strap-like mechanism?

(captcha: "pastorless Dave", okay)

>> No.6438490
File: 38 KB, 344x248, teeth1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make mine out of acrylic nails and attach them with denture glue and they look decent most of the time.

>> No.6438564

Damn. I would buy those.

>> No.6438580
File: 38 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwoqcb4JZQ1r6rc35o1_r2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, those are pretty gorgeous.

>> No.6438639

Thanks for the comments on the armsocks! but disclaimer that it's a blurry-ass webcam photo and I was posing so that they wouldn't wrinkle the way that armsocks tend to do when you try to be a human being with moving limbs. Also I haven't yet put on nails so there's no telling what hot mess they'll be then.

Slow clap for simple but genius solution. Thanks.

>> No.6438671

Does anyone know if there is a contact seller who will sell by the lens? I had a pair of mesh contacts I use for Kurloz, but one ripped straight in half and I don't want to buy a whole new pair.

>> No.6438675

I'm hoping to cosplay flarp terezi this summer and have my fabric picked out for my vest & skirt, I was wondering if wearing boots or gloves that are shiny would look ok with a matte vest and skirt.

>> No.6438705

There are plenty of tutorials out there for boots and gloves, so it wouldn't be too tough to match your fabrics.

But on the other hand... if you can make sure the material on the boots and gloves match each other, at least, then it shouldn't bee too bad?

>> No.6438738
File: 9 KB, 271x186, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this is how you do it.

>> No.6438772

Do what? Overdone theatrics?

>> No.6438798
File: 112 KB, 1024x682, tumblr_mdwm03Hw7R1rlsprko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i got nails for them now
and mmm ill see if i can do that thanks~
im going to try and make actual armsocks though

>> No.6438803


And suddenly every sufferer everywhere was put to shame. Wow. Hadn't seen that one before.

>> No.6438839
File: 887 KB, 1302x900, 1352763273537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah definitly the best one i have seen
signore-illusionista on DA btw

>> No.6438848

Is that a paper symbol?

>> No.6438891

youknowit.com is your friend.

>> No.6439019


looks like a messy applique job

>> No.6439068

hsg, where do you buy your troll makeup? Do you use snazaroo or ben nye, or something else?

>> No.6439124

If you mean Damara i think it's a patch that's not fully ironed on/attached

>> No.6439133

I'm sure they mean Aranea.

>> No.6439157

Pretty sure that I know who you are, haha. Manchesterstuck is a friendly group, no bad reputation and there hasn't been any problems of note with the group.

>> No.6439158

Those look terrible and ruin your entire cosplay, sorry to say. At least you realise it.

>> No.6439207

Getting makeup to match the shade of the gloves is one of the most important things. Nails, and a proper fit to prevent bunching are also things you'd want to look into if you're gonna go the armsock route.

Also to whoever said the welovecolors gloves don't cover all the way up to short-sleeves, you just have to find a way to keep them from falling, and they'll cover just fine.

>> No.6439227
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>> No.6439242
File: 41 KB, 625x480, 1345067722728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is good?

>> No.6439328

wow hot a what

anymore pictures? i haven't seen a redglare this good before

>> No.6439378

I wonder how tricky it'd be to make some kind of glove garter.

>> No.6439424
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdx3c8gETF1rlej2eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanstuck Caliborn

>> No.6439443


Really? That's kind of sad.

>> No.6439446



>> No.6439477

why is that sad? do you have better? i don't see any pictures

>> No.6439488
File: 785 KB, 1280x913, zeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well that's surely the last time i try to cosplay an artist's design. oh my tender heart.

>> No.6439497


Going through the others, too:

Really, really boring. The flat delivery and halting speech doesn't call Dave to mind at all, and the rhymes are extremely juvenile. "I'll raise my sword high, and I'll let these records fly"?

Cronus's accent is GREAT. Meenah is pretty flat. The skit was okay.

Cute, even if "Kanaya reads Twilight" is a really, really old and tired fandom joke.

Pretty good. It comes close to toeing the line of overly melodramatic, but it tones it down in time into something decent. But as mentioned before, the end is ruined by the Latula's annoying ringtone when it should have been a satisfying and silent conclusion.

This one is just embarrassing. She's screeching and panting and stammering throughout the entire thing.

As mentioned before, overdone theatrics. Sollux started off great- the rant and pacing was really in character, up until 2:10 with the sniffling/sobbing starting. When Karkat joined in, again, it started off okay, but once Sollux was on the ground I found it hard to keep watching. I think both of them are great cosplayers and actors, but this and that awful Khaotic Kon Disciple (youtube.com/watch?v=PwB6sGmkTAE) are examples of why the Monologues make me wary. Some people seem to take the concept as an excuse to stand in front of a crowd screeching and sobbing, but very, very few people can pull that off.

I think the HS monologues are a good idea, but I would much rather see contemplative (like Mindfang's) or funny (like Kanaya's) skits over melodramatic sobbing or awkward, mumbling speech. Oh well. I'll watch the others when they're posted.

>> No.6439502


Yeah, uh... Don't. Some things look good in fanart but translate terribly to real life. This is one of them, because it just makes you look lazy.

>> No.6439516
File: 803 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_m3wfu3EFJ51qdw8dyo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because >>6437131 is really not a great Redglare? There are so many things wrong with that costume. I am constantly amazed by how people in the Homestuck fandom go "Wow, so good!" just because someone has a nice face/body when their costume is inaccurate and poorly made.

Since you'll probably ask, here's what's wrong with this Redglare:
-Teal bodysuit is the wrong shade
-Skirt is wildly different lengths in front and back when it's supposed to be the same
-Sloppy trim application- puckering everywhere
-The collar is laying completely flat across the shoulders
-The white buttons are not supposed to be on the black trim, nor are the teal lines supposed to overlap with it
-The end of the cane should be pointed. Redglare's staff was used to cut off Mindfang's arm, remember?
-Horns are in the 'sliding off the head' position and are not made to fit the curve of the head

I was able to find several much better Redglares in one simple search. Here is one of them.

>> No.6439531

that fucking blush on roxy. does she fucking own a mirror??? was she drunk when she looked into one?

>> No.6439539

I think the reason the makeup looks lazy is because the bald cap isn't toned the same colour as the rest of the cosplayer's skin. Other than that, it's fine.

>> No.6439544


understandable, because that bald cap gave me so much distress I think I'll stick with full cherub cosplay instead of experimenting with flesh tones

>> No.6439554
File: 484 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mdvbrbNxZQ1r04cugo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6439579

What denture glue is best to use in order to keep the nails on the longest?

>> No.6439590

>I am constantly amazed by how people in the Homestuck fandom go "Wow, so good!" just because someone has a nice face/body when their costume is inaccurate and poorly made.
Same, this seems even more rampant than usual in this fandom. Any attractive person that throws on a wig is automatically "perfect kid cosplay."

>> No.6439609

I honestly think she looks fine?

>> No.6439614

honestly, Dirk's shitty wig bothers me way more.

>> No.6439663
File: 50 KB, 800x579, $(KGrHqYOKj4E375YQ),NBOF5qn(Vbg~~1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Jade, but a lot of circle glasses don't look very good on me. Would it be okay to use something round-y but not perfectly circular, like pic related?

>> No.6439688

Those would look good! Make sure not to get anything too hipster-y, I see people making that mistake all the time.

>> No.6439729

I'm not seeing any place where I can get one mesh contact, they're all sold by the pair.

Any help?

>> No.6439744

Dude that doesn't exist. Just get two.

>> No.6439823

I used glasses like those to my Jade cosplay since i have the same problem as you and it looked real good, just be sure to keep your eyebrows thin/don't fill it up too much otherwise they will look weird with the glasses.

>> No.6439908


Yeah, she looks appropriately flushed and tipsy. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.6439932
File: 114 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mdx0olhJN91qcj7fko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6440042

I'm so sorry for her/his family...

>> No.6440049
File: 416 KB, 1280x1894, tumblr_mdpu9uea1e1qfviqgo7_r5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she (or he whatever) is being a bitch though. Her blush in this photo looks over the top, and I'm guessing it's because of the edit. Her make up looks just great in the rest of the photos. Pic related.

>> No.6440106

are we autosaging?

>> No.6440147


>> No.6440299

Yep. All socially awkward mouthbreathers, middle of the road cosplayers, or never come to meets.

>> No.6440481

In my opinion, she's cute, but she ought to get more sun up on them arms.

>> No.6440501
File: 363 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdinjt0Et01qm31tjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"male roxy" making massive tumblr rounds because male

>> No.6440634

Because some people want to get their vendettas out in the open anonymously.

>> No.6440648

if this was tagged 'homestuck cosplay' I will fucking smack a bitch. I feel like ragequitting like Caliborn in the update.

>> No.6441164

Did he just safety-pin on a paper symbol

>> No.6441183 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 650x1230, 16354583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn't too bad, she should just have styled the wig a little better and invested in the right shaped glasses.

>> No.6441306

how about some good gamzee cosplays, hsg?

i never see good gamzees