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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6437935 No.6437935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The last thread was fun, let's do it again.

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

>> No.6437966
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tfw qt3.14 gf

>> No.6437973
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my SO
>pic related

>> No.6437994

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years.. We met through cosplay, but we're kind of studying the same thing so we have a lot in common apart from being huge weebs!

We cosplayed together only twice, sadly. Most of our projects are solos or couples with other people. The main reason is that I'm slihtly taller than him, so he ends up doing couples with my best friend :/ But hey, it's still fun and cool to go to cons together and have a great time!

>> No.6438006

My boyfriend is lame. We argue a lot because I like to dress up all the time and he's a slob. I think every time I dress up in lolita or otherwise I fuss over him and tell him you should dress for the job you want to have and good clothes open all doors etc and he just says if he didn't look like a pile of poop in ripped jeans and old t-shirts that everyone would laugh at him.

He looks so cute when he cleans up :< I'm planning on buying cock robin and getting the matching tie and forcing him to dress up with me. He likes suiting up and stuff sometimes, but his regular fashion sense is awful D:<

I love him to pieces though, we've been together forever that's just the only /cgl/ related thing I can say about him. Other than that we're planning on cosplaying as Morrigan Aensland and Slayer from Guilty Gear together next year. The characters don't go together but I feel like it makes sense and he's got the beard/face for it

>> No.6438007
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not a cosplayer, a lolita here

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your [lolita] past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He's pretty used to it. He doesn't really mind, and when we go out together I like wearing it. He's very supportive.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We have not but we want to.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
CardCaptor Sakura (Me as sakura and he as syaoran), but he's never watched it and I'm also not very skilled at making costumes.

>> No.6438008

I have a girlfriend. Neither of us has ever cosplayed yet. We both want/plan to.

>> No.6438016


Looool seriously? He totally wants your best friend. You sound delusional.

>> No.6438037

i was thinking that too

>> No.6438056

I'll bite.

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Well we actually met at a con while in cosplay. So yeah, I'm fairly sure she supports it.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Nope. Only been with her for a year, and she couldn't make it to the past few cons I went to.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Fourze and Nadeshiko. Still trying to get her to watch it first, but she doesn't seem interested.

>> No.6438057
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes indeedie
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
We met at a convention a few years ago, we both love to cosplay
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We have quite a lot planned for the future, but so far we've only done a really shitty Pikachu and Raichu
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Well I don't really have any "dream" couples cosplays, but we're planning on doing Artina and Valvatorez, Happy and Natsu, (maybe if I can convince him) Eureka and Renton, and Chie and Yu (Screw you it doesn't have to be cannon)

>> No.6438066

a-my best friend is a lesbian so even if he wanted her, he couldn't have her
b-we just like cosplaying with accurate heights and he never ended up even touching her, they don't even talk outside from cons and the few times she comes over to see me. Actually, he doesn't like her that much as a person, they just have matching heights for most of the main characters in anime/mangas.
But, hey, maybe they've been doing it under my nose for years!

>> No.6438068

No significant other now.

My last SO was willing to occasionally photograph me but didn't quite "get" cosplay or lolita. They got angry at me for trying to sew way before the events and then got angry when I tried to finish things in a rush.

I cosplayed with my SO twice but I want to remain anonymous so no pics.

The next person I date needs to either cosplay themselves or understand the hobby.

I want to do Char and Haman or Dianna and Harry, so a touch of /m/ is required.

>> No.6438105
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He reads a ton of manga and enjoys videogames but he doesn't like con settings. He doesn't scorn it, but he teases about cosplays sometimes.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Nope, I don't think it's his thing so I wouldn't forced it onto him. Though he's joked about getting me to make him a costume for Anime North. I'm guessing he just wants to show some interest in my hobby, but I really can't imagine him doing it. (Pic related, any ideas what he could be?)

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I'm not sure! But I think couple cosplays are adorable as fuu

>> No.6438110


>> No.6438121

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
That I do.

What do they think of your cosplay past time?
Do they scorn it or support you?
He's always been interested in it, we were discussing going to a convention before we started dating. He wants to cosplay.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We haven't yet. Making Shin and Reira (NANA) and Marceline and Marshall Lee (Adventure Time) for Katsucon.

If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
I do have a boyfriend...but I learned from my last relationship that I absolutely require someone who can relax and enjoy a convention even if he doesn't want to cosplay. My last one was super uptight at cons and made me very anxious, plus he refused to get along with my con friends. Not acceptable.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Honestly I have no idea. I have the supplies to make a Lucifer (Angel Sanctuary) costume, I might make that for him and revamp my Alexiel.

>> No.6438148

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

Thinks it's cute and supports me

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

never have yet.
>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?

Wouldn't matter

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Bison/ Juri

>> No.6438177

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
Sure, more in common.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

>> No.6438180
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>pic related

>> No.6438192

>Boyfriend supports my cosplay. He plays League with me and I cosplay the champions from time to time
>He goes to cons with me, doesnt participate in cosplay though
>Ive always wanted a Cheshire / Will of the Abyss pair cosplay, tis my dreaaam.

>> No.6438209

Robin. IDK why.

>> No.6438237
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Arashi and Miwako from Paradise Kiss

>> No.6438254

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He thinks I'm a dork but he doesn't mind!

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yes, once! I've gotten him into watching anime a bit and now he's cool with dressing up :3

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I don't know if I have a dream one, but I got him to agree to ToraDora. I think ParaKiss would be cute too, either couple.

>> No.6438308
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
an azn thats 4'9 to my 5'8 pfft

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Im the sinbad, and shes aladdin. We didnt get any kissy pictures in this cosplay though because she doesnt ship it LOL

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Dream? Nothing really, we just cosplay from a series we're mutually obsessed with and make a pairing out of it PFF maybe make a suggestion?

>> No.6438323
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I wish my boyfriend enjoyed cons and weebish things more. I can't really have fun with him at a convention or anything similar. He likes going to them kinda, but he doesn't really "nerd out", shall I say.

Its almost like I can't be myself when I'm around him and at a con or anything similar... we went to a small Vocaloid-themed party once, with lots of cosplayers and a small performance. He looked at everyone like they were freaks..when, really, I wanted to do what they were doing, too.

>> No.6438345

Ill be your new boyfriend bb

>> No.6438350

not looking for a new boyfriend

but a con-buddy would probably be nice

>> No.6438367


Leave him at home?

My colleague recently took someone like to the con. When they came she looked at me like I was a freak, then afterwards dragged him out of the con after two hours. Poor guy, spent twenty euros and didn't have the backbone to spend enough time to justify the expenses.

It really is no fun with someone who doesn't like cons. Maybe next time just agree he doesn't have to come and you can have fun with a buddy.

(And if you don't have one, I'll be your buddy...?)

>> No.6438386
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports me, and he wants to try cosplaying sometime himself.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
No, but we really want to.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
My top dream cosplay would be Batou and Major Kusanagi, but we'd both have to be fit as fuck for it. Plus I'd need more boobs.
He wants to do Ralph & Vanellope and The Maxx & Julie.

pic unrelated

>> No.6438387
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Nope! Haven't for a long time it seems.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
Very much so.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I don't know but, I've always had an obsession with wanting to cosplay as Nagisa and Tomoya. I have a feeling this will never happen though. Since I'll have to you know, actually like someone.

>> No.6438417
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
first time I crossplayed as Lily from KS and she took my clothes. hur dur We support each other

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
If you count the crossplayed then twice. other one was Fionna and Marshal Lee from Adventure Time

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Kirito x Asuna
plus a bunch of suggestions that keep piling up

>> No.6438424


friend-zoned to shit

>> No.6438437

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

Not currently.

If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?

It'd be a nice plus, at least!

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

10th Doctor and River Song, Dave and Jade (Maybe, kinda tired of hamsteaks nowadays), and I'm unsure what else.

>> No.6438442
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Support it fully

Unfortunately, not yet

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Gozer

>> No.6438448

I tried making it work but she is such a she-devil and couldn't accept my nice guy attitude

>> No.6438449

>Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Gozer
Oh my god.

>> No.6438453


bitches eh?

>> No.6438454
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I have a fiance, i used to cosplay before him but last 4-5 years he does most of the cosplaying unless we go to a expo or con.

I mostly do his wig and dress him up, work on the costume, like he is my doll.

Dream cosplay...don't really have one whenever we have a cosplay we want to do we just do it so it's not really a dream.

Hmm, acouple i'd like to do in the near future would be fafner, X/1999 and mononoke medicine seller and gamerz heaven.

>> No.6438465

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your [cosplay] past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports me about it I met him at a con so.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We did Fionna and Marshall Lee but I am waiting on future cosplays with him to post instead. (My Fionna was not the greatest)

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I have a bunch. He really wants to do Kirito though and I really like SAO.

>> No.6438466

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
I sure do!
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
We only cosplay together. We encouraged each other to jump into the hobby together and we're always a team.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
See above. I would post a picture but I know she browses this board. Also friends don't post friends.
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
No idea!

>> No.6438471

I know, I need to make it happen ;___; possibly next year

>> No.6438472
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>> No.6438487
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Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
>He LOVES it.
Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
>All the time. He actually very much dislikes me making stuff that does not involve him.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
>Uhm, I have a few. Mina and Dracula from Bram Stoker's Dracula, Neo Queen Serenity and Prince Endymion...There are more but I'm not near our costume list.

These were serious last minute costumes I did in time for a small local con. The wig didn't fit him, but it was what I had lying around. I did both of these in the span of a week. The only sewn thing I didn't do on these was my stocking and the boy shorts I wore.

>> No.6438500

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
I don't really care either way, just that he likes cons and has a relatively open mind, I guess.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I haven't thought too much about it. Probably something stupidly fancy and complicated that'll make a fun long-term project.

>> No.6438501
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These threads make me feel bad

>> No.6438508

I'm so disappointed in Eureka 7 AO you have no ideaaaa

>> No.6438520

tfw gf

Oh well at least I have my turkey and stuffing from today.

>> No.6438525

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time?
we found each other through cosplay, apparently I was one of their cosplay idols which is funny cause I don't think much of my stuff haha

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
about 70-80% of the time, I want to post something but I think they'll scold me for it

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
we've done most of the character duos we like (T&B hero suits is one of the bigger ones next on the list) probably Shadow Hearts 2 then? Yuri & Karin. I've wanted to cosplay with a Karin for ages, I gave her the game and she seems keen so guess it's happening in the future

>> No.6438545
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I currently have a significant other. She is always by my side.
She doesn't mention if she approves or disapproves of my cosplay, BUT however we group cosplay all the time.
She really is a part of me
>picture related, it's my significant other atm

>> No.6438547
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me too let's play some soccer sometime

>> No.6438625

Yes, I dress her up like robots, blind school girls and sailors.

>> No.6438652

living the life

I wish it never happened
It left a very bad taste in my mouth
fuck naru

>> No.6438660
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My boyfriend and I will have been together for 5 years this December.

He supports anything I like/do but would rather not cosplay with me cuz it's embarrassing for him,,,

I think I could get him to do it but he'd be uncomfortable, so I don't push the subject.

I'd really love for him to be Kyosuke to my Kirino some day,,, such a simple outfit he might agree!

>> No.6438785
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>Like that you cosplay?
Loves it
>Cosplayed together?
We did a last minute Catherine & Vincent demon forms cosplay last con we went to together
(no pics of it on this comp)
>Dream couple cosplay
Actually already did it with an ex, Taiga & Ryuuji from Toradora!
Would like to do a Haruko/Naota w/ current beau since hes younger than me

>> No.6438786

fucking ugly asian

>> No.6438795

Me too ;_;

>> No.6438800

You felt the need to say that why? I'm calling jelly on this one.

>> No.6438818

The thing is, he LIKES cons, he just doesn't... like them as much as I do?

>> No.6438828
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Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>Yep, for nearly 8 years now. (8 in Feb.)

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

>He thinks it's awesome, and wants me to teach him, but I have no patience and always end up just saying "LET ME DO IT" instead.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!


What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

>One I would like to do is maybe Squall/Rinoa from FF8. Not sure what he'd like to do, honestly. (I tried to ask him just now, too.)

>> No.6438836
File: 230 KB, 675x900, Guilty Crown-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes, I do.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports me all the way.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
I did, and I got quite angry because I did almost all the work and he didn't do his part at the point he forgot his shirt at home and a friend had to lend him one. I always finish my cosplays in time and this time I had to sew in the hotel room his stuff. But I know I'll do it again.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
We kind of did it, we cosplayed Anemone and Dominic and I love that couple. We're also cosplaying Shiro and Aina for next year.
I wish we could cosplay Abel/Noelle from Trinity Blood, but he doesn't like the anime and doesn't want to read the novels.

>> No.6438856

> Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
he definitely supports it, i got him into it as well

> Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
we cosplayed as Kira and Lacus from Gundam Seed. it was fun, bt no pictures unfortunately.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
oh god i don't even know. i'm sure there's lots but it's almosr 5am and my brain isn't working

>> No.6438983

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes I do
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I met her through cosplay. She teaches me, most of the time!
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yes we've done a host of things together, since we were part of the same group a long while before we got together. I'm not very good at it so no picture.
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Howl and Sophie would probably be the dream one. They shouldn't be hard to do, but it's about finding a slot when we can do them.

>> No.6439003

Nope, I'm a virgin weirdo.

>> No.6439013

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>What do they think of your cosplay past time?
He thinks my work is pretty nice.
>Do they scorn it or support you?
Scorning mostly. He doesn't like the whole cosplaying thing but he closes his eyes because of me.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Nope. I can't make him join me so far :<

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Perhaps Shiki and Len from Melty Blood or Kyon and Nagato.

>> No.6439028
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?


>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

Hubby doesn't really get it, but is fine with me going to meetups. Never worn loli out with just him.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!


>> No.6439033

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Aye, four years and counting.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports all my pastimes, and comes to cons with me, which he loves.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yeah, two or three times but he didn't like it. He's very fashion-conscious and doesn't think he looks good in cosplays or especially wigs.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Akira/Hikaru from Hikaru no Go

>> No.6439087
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I've been with my fella since high school now, since we were 15.
I can't remember the day we first kissed, but I remember it was a Tuesday because "Tuesdays Gone" was playing on his CD player.

He's my best friend and we hang out every single day, he's the one person I can never get fed up of being around. We're probably going to be moving in together when I get my flat, and we're thinking of taking one of his kitties with us since he's being a nuisance to the other cats :3

He's not really interested in weeaboo stuff, but he does put a lot of effort into pretending he's interested and will listen to me when I won't shut the fuck up about the latest anime or what figmas I want or how bad I want to cosplay X, Y and Z.
Ahhh, he's just so perfect, I really want to marry this guy and spend the rest of my life with him. I don't even like babies or children but I would totally do the whole motherhood thing if he decided he wanted to.

Our buildings are only a 1 minute walk away from each other and I went to stay at his place last night. This morning when I left he insisted on me wrapping up in his coat and hat in case it was cold, even though it was only a 1 minute walk. He's such a gentlemen. I always stroke his hair until he's asleep when I stay over.

I'm 21 now, and when I'm 25 it will mean I have spent half of my existence with this guy. I adore that.

Sorry I keep talking about him, I just love him so much.

>> No.6439088

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Not now.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
They have been very supportive, mainly because they either cosplayed or wanted to give it a try.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
I haven't. We had an idea in mind, but it had to be postponed. We are still on good terms, so maybe someday? I have a lot of other projects I'd do before, to be honest.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
I wouldn't mind, as long as they understood that at cons I like to be with my friends and people I haven't seen in a long time, so I probably won't have much time for them.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I have never thought about it, but I guess... Reira and Shin from Nana would be sweet, or Chizuru and one of the men from Hakuouki. But I'd rather cosplay them with one of my girl friends, since most of the time I end up crossplaying anyway. We already cosplayed Mukuro and Chrome from Reborn (though technically not a couple) and had a lot of fun.

>> No.6439109

I'm so jelly Ebony. That's so romantic, I wish you both the best.

>> No.6439123

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
yeah i would like that
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Gene & Olivia from God hand

>> No.6439144

Oooo new question! I'll repeat it for the sake of answering the new shiny question

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I actually met him at an anime convention. He was wearing a shitty pink wig and his cosplay wasn't the best (apropos of nothing, his sword was fucking amazing though). I was still very shy about revealing my power level even to fellow nerds at that point. Good times!

For the record, i cosplay now, while he's too busy to. It's the perils of having a boyfriend in the same tough programme but in the upper years.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
I wish I did, but we sort of got together in the last months he was there. Now he's back in the country he's supposed to study in (weird exchange programme) and we promised, but yanno. Life can be hell, and so can people. It isn't a hard and fast promise, basically.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
It would be nice. Not a requirement, but it would be very nice to have someone accept my weird fashion perogatives and nerdy interests and play along

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Probably a couple from the FF series. We bonded over FF quite a bit, and hey I'm a fan of the series (cheesy but hell if we won't have fun). I was thinking Yuna and Tidus or even something like Locke and Terra, but he would definitely want FFVIII. I'm not so okay with being Rinoa. We'll see.

>> No.6439167

Awww gurl dats kawaii as shit <3

>> No.6439182

The last thread was fun, let's do it again.

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

Not yet but I've been talking to a girl recently and I think we have mutual feelings.

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

She's really into it, more so than me, I've never been to a convention so I'll probably meet her at my first!

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

I don't think she watches anything I do and I don't watch anything she does, but I'd certainly cosplay with her even if I don't know the character, I'd watch it, even if it is really girly

If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?

Hell yeah, I think it would be awesome making costumes together, I've always loved having projects to do in my free time so if we both cosplayed it would be great

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

Sokka and Suki

>> No.6439204

>I've been with my fella since high school now, since we were 15.
Whoa. So you posted your nudes on-line WHILE you were still together?

British sluts sure are the finest of their kind.

>> No.6439266
File: 54 KB, 400x252, 1328263769056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.6439366

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yup, boyfriend of 8 months

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I'm more into lolita, but he supports me and appreciates the fashion too. The only cosplay I use anymore is the Scout from TF2, and he's supportive of that too. He's not so into it himself because of how expensive cosplaying is, but he's interested in finding an aristocrat coat to wear if we go to a lolita meetup together.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Nope. First con he's been to was in June with me out of my suggestions lol.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Taiga and Ryuuji, but he didn't like Taiga's personality in Toradora D:

>> No.6439409
File: 106 KB, 566x667, IMG_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a girlfriend who will wear lolita for me, although she probably only does it because she likes the girl from Shimotsuma Monogatari.

This is a picture of me and my girlfriend on Halloween. It's fun to go as lolita together.

At first she didn't like it but she's getting more and more into it. Our favorite brand is Baby. She didn't like anime when we first start dating but lately she likes Penguin Drum a lot.

We might cosplay together at Comiket along with her friend who is a major otaku, although cosplaying at Comiket seems like a pain in the ass.

>> No.6439646

I would just like to say, that you, anon, make me HNNNNNGH so much.

That is all.

>> No.6439649

Me and my SO have been together for almost a year now.

I've just recently developed an interest in cosplay,cbut he supports me in it as long as I'm not half naked.

We haven't, but I want to. I've been looking for something lately.

>> No.6439671
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 484938_385560538186948_1266126819_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years. 10 bumpy, 2-hrs-distance years.
Met through cosplay, cosplay together a fair amount, but only have like 3 or 4 couple cosplays, with these being the latest.
No clue what couple we would do next. Seems like we only come up with one every 2 years or so.

>> No.6439677
File: 75 KB, 625x625, 1300511832730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My partner doesn’t care about Cosplay, but likes going to cons to hang out with mates we’ve made through the years of me dragging him with me.
>I love Cosplay, I love cons.
>I am such a try hard at Cosplay and compete in the competitions
>Every year I make a big elaborate costume and I never win
>He puts a half assed costume together says he’ll compete for a laugh and he wins.

>> No.6439724

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Fine with it, he's been to conventions and basically used to run a comic shop. I've been able to get him into more anime as well.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Saya and Hagi. If only because we would look really good as them not because I like the series that much, haha.

>> No.6439770
File: 370 KB, 1169x825, 1231815537257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yup! Recently back from a tour of duty in Afghanistan, intends to start his degree in physics in a year or so after saving up some money.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He thinks it's cute as hell. Loves to watch me work on costumes, plan, sew. LOVES conventions.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We haven't cosplayed together, but at our last con he did wear costumes. He's the one who's actually suggested some couple costumes for future cons.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Any at this point. We're planning on doing a Mickey/Minnie thing together for a con next year, and also Taiga and Ryuuji. Pretty much any show he likes, he either wants to do a solo costume from or wants me to join in on it.

>> No.6439777

>read thread
>every forever alone post is a guy

>> No.6439784

Potentially not this one >>6438387

>> No.6439788

>2 months
>long time
I know a guy who runs a computer store and he's been virgo for over 40 years.

(Unfortunately, and surprisingly coincidentally, he's recently started hitting on some Chink woman that visited his store, as he tends to do to women, and she's trying to marry him for a green card. Poor guy, losing his purity for that.)

>> No.6439792
File: 630 KB, 800x1132, 1347454167511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is me. I am female. Though wouldn't say forever alone. I have my cats.

>> No.6439794

I am good.

>> No.6439793

Ah... okay, 2 months may have been a little too optimistic then. Do you happen to be a below 3 or obese?

>> No.6439796

No, you're obviously Chaotic Evil.

>> No.6439800

I always sort of touted myself as Chaotic Neutral.

>> No.6439804
File: 50 KB, 500x667, asdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been almost 3 years now. What if I'm below 3 AND obese?

>> No.6439809

Don't feel too bad, I'm a guy and it's been over a decade for me, and I'm not obese.

>> No.6439833
File: 115 KB, 381x535, 533789-n_604kwba942rapl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? >Do they scorn it or support you?

He loves going to conventions and recently started cosplaying too.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

Don't really have decent pictures sorry.
First one was an attempt at saya takagi and kohta hirano, which ended quickly because my boyfriend got sick of wearing his wig after 2 hours, so he quit the cosplay.

Second time we cosplayed shiro and ganta. We both enjoyed it, but unfortunatly most people only recognised me, so people barely took pictures of both of us.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

Not really anything atm, maybe he wants to do kirito x asuna one day.

>> No.6439871

Saw this linked on /a/ the other day, seems relevant to this thread.

>> No.6439929
File: 25 KB, 494x500, 1351379444310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>> No.6439937

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
Yeah, that'd be nice, but it's not all that important, really.
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Equius and Aradia. It's not much to ask... I just want to meet the b100b100d of my dreams...

>> No.6440175

>since we were 15
>when I'm 25 it will be half of my existence

>> No.6442609


>> No.6442614
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>> No.6444262
File: 81 KB, 1020x682, Sakuracon 2012 KDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump because looking through threads.

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Support it, we both cosplay.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yep, first time I cosplayed was as a Kiki's Delivery Service group. I was Mr. Osono, my girlfriend was Mrs. Osono, and our friend was Kiki. I think it went well. Lots of people thought we were uguuuu~

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Something that fits our body types? idunnolol.

>> No.6444271
File: 151 KB, 759x537, 80fc8a37b752fdb74cfff6df347ae2de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you cosplay are you in character?
Like genuinely in character? have you tried?
Are you too cool for that?


>> No.6444280

Holy shit that's just fucking adorable. Props on the fantastic costumes (and props too!)

>> No.6444288

lol fatty

>> No.6444312

Ububu no fuck anon I agree you're all super adorable

>> No.6444776 [DELETED] 

Jesus fuck, that fat gnome has a boyfriend, but I don't? You're chubby, but you're cute...way out of her league.

>> No.6444794
File: 43 KB, 183x146, 1314207647042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCREAMS I've never seen osono couple cosplay this is just too perf omg

>> No.6444806

Have husband, not selling.
He likes cosplay. He supports it, just not the mess I make in the progress. I spend my own money on it, so he has no issues.
We've never really cosplayed together, but we want to. Its hard to settle. I dont have the figure/tits/tan for Yoko (honestly, how far can bikini adding go?), and he stopped lifting so he's too slender for a decent Kamina. We'll probably try a Borderlands couple thing in the next year. He needs to bulk up again for the commando. Aside from that, he likes steampunk, but isn't 'craft inclined' at all... so it's up to me to make his improbable ideas work.

>> No.6444808
File: 166 KB, 1023x680, DSC_0995-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, he doesn't cosplay but he does support me at least :) I'm trying to convince him to get into it because he's still into anime and such so why not ;_;

>> No.6444817

Oh, God. This is amazing.

>> No.6444820

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
If all goes well, I will soon; things are moving forward and I just need a chance to ask. I'm feeling good about it, so I'll assume I get a yes for this...

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I met them at a con, in cosplay. Safe to say, they support it.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We've made plans to cosplay together, but haven't gotten the chance yet. Something of a couple cosplay, even, despite not being together when the idea came up.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
100%. I don't think I could deal with dating or eventually marrying someone who wasn't as passionate about anime/cosplay as I am.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Not...really sure. What we have planned is honestly pretty close, but I'm not going to give it away because they browse /cgl/.

>> No.6444979

>>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports it, and has been wanting to get involved. He very much wants his outfit to be perfect so that's why he hasn't really gone to a con yet.

>>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Not yeeeet. I'm working on Han/Leia outfits, and making him a P4 brotag jacket for Christmas.

>>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
I don't think it would be vital.

>>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Uh...Han/Leia is going to be pretty awesome.

>> No.6444995
File: 54 KB, 900x850, nogffull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to feel

>> No.6444996
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>> No.6444997
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>> No.6444999
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>> No.6445002
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>> No.6445003
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>> No.6445050


Did that make you feel better..?

>> No.6445064
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>> No.6445077
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>> No.6445082
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>> No.6445091
File: 97 KB, 646x960, 10448_501855736498738_589745794_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes I'm a lolita and he's a cosplayer

What do they think of your lolita past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He likes me in my frills and is very supportive

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We haven't cosplayed together

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
He would like to do an Sofia and Ezio couple cosplay

>> No.6445110

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
>Lol I don't fucking cosplay. Too lazy and unskilled.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Probably some cutesy Pokemon gijinka or some shit. Something simple, but unique enough to be recognized relatively easily.

>> No.6445131
File: 55 KB, 450x600, 1311326132083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other?

>Would you want one that cosplayed?
Absolutely. My last girlfriend didn't like cosplay and used to be a total whiner about it, so having one that cosplayed (or at least didn't hate it) would be best since it's my main hobby. It's nice to be able to share that with your significant other instead of having it be something you fight over.

>Dream couple cosplay.
Well, it's a tie between Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus and if they're more on the lolita side of things, being her visual kei/punk style prince(ss).

>> No.6445150
File: 591 KB, 1000x667, makorra28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
No. Forever alone.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
Yes, I would want to do so many costumes with her.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Mako with her as Korra.

Pic related isn't me, just found the picture from a photographer I raelly like, but I want to be it someday

>> No.6445165

>forever alone
>boyfriends & husbands who support cosplay even though they hate it

>> No.6445185

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

Yep! We're both cosplayers. He used to trap.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

We support each other.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

To my knowledge all we've done so far is Jack and Cinque from Type 0. We had our characters picked for us before we were together and it turns out they were a popular pairing haha. It was fun but now there's some details to fix up.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

Well Drakken and Shego, which is what we're working on. Also for ALA, Nightwing and Zatanna is in the works. I think a dream cosplay would be Howl's Moving Castle which I would love to make.

>> No.6445194
File: 161 KB, 640x782, cosplrayryy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops sage for double post. I forgot the picture

>> No.6445223

This is almost what I want me and my SO to be - me in cute lolita and him fit-looking with a sword.

>> No.6445667

my boyfriend doesnt really pay much attention to my cosplaying. he did say that he would cosplay with me at the next convention though. maybe tifa and cloud. idk.

>> No.6446263
File: 992 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m1avo58MB51qh9l5ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Pic related.

>If you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, would you want one that cosplayed?
Gosh yes, it would make cons so much more fun, not to mention having kinky times in cosplay and stuff.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Seras Victoria and Pip or Seras and Alucard.

>tfw it'll never happen

>> No.6446271

If you dress up like a school girl and seduce him, you will get his attention. It works.

>> No.6446295
File: 359 KB, 478x720, egret1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes, he is lovely.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He likes what I do. He's always impressed with the things I make. I'm glad I have someone I can show progress to.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
He was my Egret for a Skullgirls group. It came out meh, but I though he looked cute (at least without the shitty mask, haha)

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I always wanted to do Fey and Elly from Xenogears.....but he's never played it. Also I don't think he likes his picture being taken much?

>> No.6446326
File: 122 KB, 480x720, bythewater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yep. We got married June last year.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Considering he cosplays to and I make his costumes for him, I'd like to think he supports it.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yep. We've done a few series related costumes. Link and Zelda from Link to the past. Adell and Rozalin from Disgaea, Jing and Picon from Jing: King of Bandits, Kazuki and Tokiko from Buso Renkin, Miguel and Leo from Tekken, Kotone and Gold, along with Bianca and Chili from Pokemon.
This is probably one of my favorite shots of us.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
It's hard to say. There's been some I really want to do. Like Momohime and Kisuke from Muramasa, Slayer and Sharon from Guilty Gear, Horo and Lawrence from Spice and Wolf, and the earliest I believe we both wanted to do together was Oswald and Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere. We do have our own plans, but finding series to cosplay together, or couples are always nice too.

>> No.6446355

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I don't cosplay, I loli, but he seems okay with it. More than okay, in fact. He would like me to cosplay though.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Not yet :3 We will though someday.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
We've talked about doing Team Rocket. And I'd love to do Fiona/Prince Gumball, but I'm not sure he would go for that as much as he loves Adventure Time. I'd also love to be Edward Elric someday, and if he'd go as like Mustang or something that would be cool, but not really a couple cosplay (even if people do slash them sometimes.)

>> No.6446365
File: 80 KB, 456x386, 1344919527059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446384
File: 643 KB, 747x556, saintseiya2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
We've been going out for 3 years.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
We love it, but haven't had much time to do it.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We first cosplayed together at AX this past year with Sakamichi no Apollon and Saint Seiya.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
That's tough, there's so much to do... We have a lot of plans though! Another Sakamichi run would be fun.

>> No.6446407
File: 70 KB, 500x461, b9dce83b4e0392a4e4a655febd19cb8f6f6bb4fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they you are lonely, it okay i know that feel

>> No.6446403
File: 292 KB, 900x691, Stache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Never occurred to me that he might scorn me for it, he definitely supports the hobby though!
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We cosplayed some LoL characters (Janna/Brolaf) at the last convention we went to, pic related
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Howl and Sophie Hatter. It'd be so much fun! 8D Trying to figure out the logistics of it now

>> No.6446482

I don't have an S.O. because I'm a hermit, but if I did... I'd like to cosplay a number of possible pairs with them. I think my dream one would be Mokuren and Shion from Please Save My Earth because I'd love to cosplay from it in general but it isn't very recognizeable with one person. Another similar pair is Doumyouji Tsukasa and Makino Tsukushi of Hana Yori Dango. Beyond those pairs, it's all a matter of our heights for me. I'd cosplay a smaller male to his larger male character if it'd work, for instance.

>> No.6446526
File: 850 KB, 1038x1156, mokurenshion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a pic just because I love this series so much. We'd both have to be super attractive to do them justice. I'm unsure on my own ability but yeah.

>> No.6447088
File: 1.27 MB, 960x720, Battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
Support! He's a cosplayer too! Although new to cosplay he loves it.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Yes I have a few times! I can't wait to do more.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
I know his dream couple cosplay is timeskip Zoro x Perona from One Piece. Mine is Karin x Kenta from Chibi Vampire.

>> No.6447173

I try to show my boyfriend pictures of lolita sometimes to find out if there are any styles he cares for, but he doesn't really at all. When ever I express interest in finally buying my first piece, he keeps asking me 'where I would wear it?' and technically... he has a point. I don't even know if my city has a comm or not. It's kind of small and I doubt it, but I'll admit I haven't looked into it either...

>> No.6447227

So cute! I'd love to see you guys do Perona and Zoro!

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He casually cosplays and he likes seeing my cosplays.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
No, but we will in the future!

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Maybe Tenshi and Otonashi from Angel Beats

>> No.6447300

>no comm
>lots of money
>never gonna wear it
>bf doesn't think its attractive
>lolita makes erryone look fat

Good idea.

>> No.6447398 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 1200x1600, Photo0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He likes it a ton. It's one of the reasons we're together. He thinks my suppressed power levels are high. He's really nerdy, too, and has probably seen just as much if not more anime than me. When comes back from the marines for the holidays I have an entire week of lolita coords planned.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture! We're planning sailor scouts cosplay, I'm going to be neptune and he's going to be uranus.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do? brendan and aisling from secret of kells. or tombo and kikki from kikki's delivery service

>> No.6447426
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He likes it a ton. It's one of the reasons we're together. He thinks my suppressed power levels are high. He's really nerdy, too, and has probably seen just as much if not more anime than me. When comes back from the marines for the holidays I have an entire week of lolita coords planned.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We're planning sailor scouts cosplay, I'm going to be neptune and he's going to be uranus.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
brendan and aisling from secret of kells. or tombo and kikki from kikki's delivery service

>> No.6447733

Girl here and forever alone.

>> No.6447735

Just wear it wherever. No need to have a special place to wear it.

>> No.6447760

No need to walk the streets and act like a wild bear either, but you can do it.

>> No.6447784

You must be well over 300 pounds for that to be possible.

>> No.6447868
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He cosplays for way longer than me, so ofcourse he loves it. Although we didn't meet through cosplay or cons but at our mutual friend's house.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
It was pretty nice. Only did one cosplay together so far, but there'll be many more in the future, I'm sure.
>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Making him do all the main pairs from my fav BL series. Yep. Duo cosplays I want to do with him are not considered couples in canon for most series...

>> No.6447890
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Yes, I have and SO that I've been with for almost 6 years. He's a super normalfag so doesn't really get interested in my cosplays unless they are sexy in some way. He'd probably never cosplay in his life so chances of him cosplaying with me are very slim. I brought him to an anime convention once, in which he looked horrified and facepalmed every five-seconds at weeaboos. I'm actually very happy he's not a cosplayer because my past cosplaying boyfriends were totally full of themselves and had some sort of girl trying to "stealz" him away from me. Even though my boyfriend is asian, weeaboo girls stay away cause he's not a kawaii nihonjin bishie. I prefer Chinese men anyway, I think they are more manly.

>> No.6447892

>that haircut
Christ, you really picked an ugly ass gook. Yellow fever lets you look past that much, huh?

>> No.6447895

No, I like him because he's a nice person and actually loves me.

>> No.6447919

Why would you date an azn?!
They have some pee pee

>> No.6447928
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>they have some pee pee

>> No.6447963
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
She participates in it with me~

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Went pretty damn well. We're Nightwing and Blackbat, and it honestly went fantastically.

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
We're going to do New 52 Batman and Catwoman, so I'm excited for that considering it's kind of a dream cosplay for us.

>> No.6447983
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>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yup I've lived with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
She's cool with it

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Once, it was a great night

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Any couples thing would be nice but she wont go for it.

>> No.6448005

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He supports me, for the most part.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

Hah, no. He's way too shy/self-conscious for that.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

Isaac and Miria from Baccano! He likes the show, but I can't get him to cosplay with me.

>> No.6448055

Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Married for almost a year now

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
I support her lolita obsession and we are both into cosplay

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O?
Not yet, but damn I have a couple of dream cosplays I want to do. Gilgamesh x Saber, Garen x Katarina, but first she's demanding that we do a Lavie and Claus first. I'm fine with it, gives me more time to perfect the armor while she sews

>> No.6448059


You and your S.O look like you could pass as brother and sister

>> No.6448101
File: 114 KB, 400x602, dsc_1661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently single; would like to date but I'm just too busy right now. I'll probably start putting effort into meeting someone next spring after I'm done with my move and job transfer.

I have a (not) secret crush on Bangin, though, and I feel like I can't possibly be the only one. He's smart (bilingual!), humble, funny, and very much a gentleman in addition to being a pretty active cosplayer. He also keeps a really informative, interesting blog that's half cosplay and half dictionary, full of personal asides that are actually interesting. And the being adorable sure doesn't hurt either.

>> No.6448109

Seriously, now you're just being a bitch. Ease up.

>> No.6448108

> Isaac and Miria from Baccano! He likes the show, but I can't get him to cosplay with me.

Awwwwww, I want to see this. Work on convincing him! Isaac wouldn't even be that out there in terms of cosplay (depending on which outfits you use)!

>> No.6448112


>> No.6448116
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First time I've ever heard that. I'd say we look pretty different...


>> No.6448131

>lonely and single here! lonely and single.

>> No.6448135


She means they met three years before they started actually going out, retard.

>> No.6448257

sup spoony

>> No.6448266

I have that skirt. It's fabulous, isn't it.

>> No.6448292 [DELETED] 

I'll answer the last question

>What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?

Celty and Shizuo. I know it's not canon, buttfuckit.

>> No.6448392

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
>What do they think of your cosplay past time? >Do they scorn it or support you?
He thinks it's pretty cool, especially Homestuck stuff.
>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
Naw, he doesn't cosplay, but he says he might come to Promstuck as Equius, which would be amazeballs.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers. Very much suits us. But then, people always say it's better to only cosplay 2D characters unless you really physically resemble the actor.

>> No.6448420
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Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes, I have a boyfriend of 9 months. We had been good friends for about 2 1/2 years prior.

What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
He enjoys my cosplaying quite a bit, and is getting into it himself. I'm no fantastic cosplayer, but we enjoy coming up with the ideas together.

Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!
We cosplayed together at AX this past summer. We did Annie/Tibbers and Madotsuki/Uboa.

What's a dream Couple Cosplay you would ever want to do?
Nu-13/Ragna, Katara/Zuko are probably my favorite dreams at the moment.

>> No.6448437
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>tfw no gf

>> No.6448471
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>Not having a waifu instead.
Pff, you guys.

>> No.6448472
File: 149 KB, 691x633, heeyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
Yes, I do.

>What do they think of your cosplay past time? Do they scorn it or support you?
full support! He loves cosplaying too.

>Have you ever cosplayed with your S.O? How did it go? Post a picture!

It was fun! This was our first time. Mugi (him) and Yui (me) from K-On. I did his make-up, etc. God he's so pretty. :3
We're planning to do TDK Batman and Catwoman soon.

>> No.6448565

Hrr, just imagine good old Adolf cosplaying...

>> No.6448627

He's the kawaii-est.

>> No.6448631

>Do you have a significant other /cgl/?
You mean someone that you cheat on while that poor bastard thinks that you wouldn't?

>> No.6448642
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Why have a waifu when you can has 10/10?

>> No.6448646

10/10? Where?

>> No.6448651

You're a 10/10 for me anon.

>> No.6448654
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I'm at least a 12/10.

>> No.6448779


He doesn't care about cosplay or cons.


If I wasn't dating him, I wouldn't care if my bf would cosplay with me or not.

Don't really have one I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.6448887
File: 1.38 MB, 600x600, 1353595280285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a real woman can break your heart in any given moment just by looking at another dude and dumping you. think about it.. if your gf is a 10/10, im sure she could do better at some point.