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6437170 No.6437170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Maiko thread since >>6434280 is autosaging

New facts:
-her mom probably is dead
-AP SF got hit
-she fucking has misty sky
-nobody really knows the real story regarding who started the chargebacks
-some people are still out money, while some have gotten theirs back
-nobody's called the police

I'm probably missing some stuff, but that's all that's happened since the last thread

>> No.6437181

Of course the bitch has misty sky. Ugh she is too fucking tall. This shit probably goes up to her cooch.

>> No.6437184
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Oh, why am I not surprised

>> No.6437187
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it makes her look huge :X

>> No.6437190

the girl next to her is cute

>> No.6437203

As I stated last night; I'm not getting too involved in this... but I do know Maiko in person and consider her a friend. I have met her father, so has my mother, and it's a fact that her mother is dead. She died of cancer a few months back.

Whether or not she is Jane, I don't know. And whether or not Maiko did this on purpose or on accident, I can't say since I don't know her all too well. I'd love to believe she didn't and I don't think she did it on purpose but sometimes you never know.

I really hope all these problems get sorted out and that everyone gets the money that they deserve. I'd have taken this to the police if it were me and if things didn't get resolved in a timely manner. I feel like no one's taking this seriously. What it comes down to is people are screwed over, regardless of it being on purpose or an accident.

>> No.6437204

Can we see misty sky on anyone else that actually bought it? It seems universally unflattering.

>> No.6437209


There's a thread up right now where you can ask for pictures of worn dresses

>> No.6437212


The only one not taking this seriously is Maiko herself.

People need to stop white knighting her.

>> No.6437221

Also fun fact, about a month ago she said she was going to California to visit her band mates. A few weeks back she had made an announcement that she was going to be selling some of her lolita stuff to help pay for rent so that she could stay. Then this happened. :/ On top of that she has been going to cons and even attended the AP tea party with a brand new misty sky dress (that she probably bought while there). My initial thought was "Well so much for her rent money excuse", since I saw her splurge on the dress and the event.
When I came across this thread last night and thought on it a bit, the chargebacks kind of go hand in hand with the needing rent money thing... But a member of our group, whom I was talking to last night, says that she's supposed to be coming back to Florida rather than staying in California.

So I have no idea what's going on now.

>> No.6437222


Well I think a lot of the girls who were affected by this are waiting for this to resolve itself instead of going to the police

I don't think they realize that there's literally no harm in going to the police *now* and not waiting anymore. If it ends up she's completely innocent then they won't get in trouble for contacting the police, hell most people would do that for a situation of this scale

>> No.6437223

Did you know if her father knows or not? She seems to have stopped responding to people according to the FB thread, she looked like she had been when people started calling her out publicly but I'm worried she isn't seriously concerned and at this point just ignoring it since it's thanksgiving.

>> No.6437226

That I won't disagree with. But what I mean is that the people involved should get the police involved if this doesn't get fixed in a timely manner. People have talked about calling the police but no one's done a thing on that. And I hear PayPal can be a hassle to deal with and can be unreliable.

>> No.6437227

How does one go about contacting the police in this situation?

>> No.6437233


>> No.6437234

I have no idea about the situation with her father. I don't know if he even knows about what's going on. Though I kind of think that if he knew, he'd be making her take the situation more seriously. Her father doesn't seem like the type of guy to let this slide.

>> No.6437235

this girl has dreamy horoscope in 3 colors. wtf, that print wasn't even that great come on girl. stop trying so hard.

>> No.6437236

Shit, sorry, it's a few pages back but I got it, thanks!

>> No.6437238

Yeah, it's all so schemey. I mean, money troubles and then all the charge backs? It could very well be a scam.

>> No.6437239


You... contact your local police at a non-emergency number. Tell someone what's going on and they should be able to direct you to the appropriate department

>> No.6437251

Well I wasn't sure whether or not you would call the police local in your area or hers.

>> No.6437257


I loved dreamy horoscope in Navy and I think Misty Sky looks good in Navy also. Maybe she's just a fab of AP sky series?

>> No.6437267


You would call your local police and file a report with them, and include as much information about her as you can

>> No.6437269

If this was an accident, why would she be lying and giving conflicting stories?

>> No.6437274

If you contact your own they should be able to direct you to hers, if that's what is needed.

>> No.6437298
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>AP SF got hit
>girl gets money back from Paypal instead of Maiko
>another girl is confirmed to be calling the police if no refund occurs by Monday

Shit just got real.

Who's up to put a bounty on her at ALA?

>> No.6437344

Yeah, the proportions on it are really weird. I think you have to be 5'2" or shorter to wear it without it looking like a lampshade. AP shit is just too fucking short these days which kills me because I love their chiffon print stuff but I'll never be able to wear any of it.

>> No.6437376

Fat people look fucking horrible in lolita dresses. That misty sky dress barely fits her

>> No.6437378

dont let the sjws hear you say that


>> No.6437383

Woah, I just realized this is the girl who ripped off my store too. Luckily, the package was signed for so I was covered under Paypal's seller protection and got all my money back. I don't know if they got it back from her or if Paypal just ate the cost and paid me.

>> No.6437386

what did she buy from you

>> No.6437392

She bought $500 worth of press-on nails from my online shop.

>> No.6437404

holy shit

>> No.6437409

that is a lot of fucking nails

>> No.6437418

Goddamn... When was this anyways?

>> No.6437421

man, she really did go on a mad spending spree!

>> No.6437422

Are your nails made of gold or did she just buy a metric fuckton? I don't understand how anyone can spend that much on nails.

>> No.6437424

If anyone has any doubt that she did this intentionally: I did some charge backs on shit before. You have to WRITE EVERY SINGLE CHARGE. It's not printed. It's not anything like that. You write every single charge you want to dispute out. I spent damn near an hour doing it.

>> No.6437425

(That is: I did charge backs on things when I needed to. Someone jacked my card from my wallet or something.)

>> No.6437427

When I was with her one time at a meet at a local mall she spent $300 at the Hello Kitty store. So...

>> No.6437433

jesus fuck

i get that depression can manafest like this but there are consequences for actions like this. i dont think she realizes it.

>> No.6437437

Yeah, that's what I don't understand. You have to go over every transaction that you didn't authorize.

>> No.6437438

It was a lot but they are more expensive than regular press on nails since they have 3D designs.

She ordered about 3 months ago. The first transaction got reversed almost immediately. Then she ordered again and I sent her an email to check and make sure it was legit and she said it was. I shipped out the package and forgot about it. Then just this week she did a chargeback again (which Paypal sorted out for me already).

>> No.6437469

I wonder if her spending habits happened after her mom died, because it sounds like she's always been a big spender and it's not depression. I think she's just a careless spender.

>> No.6437481
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Not sure. I really don't want to get involved with the personal life matters. Instead the focus should be whether or not she's doing this intentionally or not, and that everyone needs their money back before someone flips a table.

>> No.6437482

This will probably sound stupid but she's probably the happiest and bubbliest person I know so it's hard to imagine her as depressed. I know that doesn't mean jack shit, cause you can smile on the outside but feel like total shit deep down. I don't know exactly when her mom died but if the spending spree started a bit after that, it might be part of the reason. Wouldn't make it right though.

I'm also wondering, the credit card and/or PayPal that was used was her mothers, right? So wouldn't using it after her mother's death kind of be identity theft? Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

>> No.6437487


People need to stop wondering whether or not this is truly a scam. All of this dropping a fuckton of money shit just sounds like Maikodolly figured out a way to go on glorious shopping sprees without actually spending on the money. And if one of the above anons is right in saying this is all manifestation of her being depressed (possible about her mother dying?) that sucks, but someone needs to be checking in with her to see how she's dealing with her mental health to avoid things like this. (because, assuming it is mental health problems, obviously she's having a hard time controlling it herself.)

>> No.6437517


can you link me to your shop? I'm genuinely curious to see these nails

>> No.6437521

>The first transaction got reversed almost immediately.
So...how the fuck did she end up actually spending all this?

>> No.6437531

When I talked to Paypal, they told me they reversed a bunch of transactions from her because they thought they were fraudulent. So somehow she was able to clear it up with them and re-order.

>> No.6437604

The same thing happened to two other people; it's possible that they were all at the same time, because they'd reported that they'd been chargebacked immediately as well, because apparently Paypal arbitrarily does this when they think you've spent too much. It doesn't really sound like this situation and that one are related; it just sounds like the last time she just happened to spend too much at once. This time is much more deliberate.

>> No.6437673

They also said 3 months ago, so...

>> No.6437712

I've experienced a similar incident where someone bought something under $50 from me, but because I don't live in the same country as the buyer, her card company immediately disputed the charge as fraud, which turned into a Paypal claim for fraud. Instead of dealing with it I just refunded the buyer and refused to deal with them again.

This happened within 24 hours though, not months later...

>> No.6437724

Is Maiko is high school or college or anything? I'm assuming that she doesn't work or else she'd maybe understand the value of money a little better... WTF does she do all day besides sit on her fat ass ordering shit from the internet? How is her dad OK with that sort of behavior?

>> No.6437736

Here is my speculation - one of the following two scenarios is what happened:

>mother dies
>Maiko goes on a spending spree with her card due to grief
>months later, dad/grandparents/whoever is in charge of the bank account notices all these charges on a dead woman's card
>calls the bank and does chargebacks on the transactions
>therefore, accidental scam

>Maiko has permission to use this card
>when the automatic chargebacks happened in summer, a lightbulb goes on in her head
>several months later, does manual chargebacks inspired by the automatic ones
>therefore, purposeful scam

>> No.6437737

She is not in college currently; she's taking a break to focus on her band. And she was homeschooled, not sure if only her high school years or her whole life.

>> No.6437805

That's exactly what happened with one of her transactions with Jola. I want to know how she's getting the card company to reverse all this shit. It seems like she's done a lot of chargebacks and at separate times too. Isn't it suspicious to them at all??

>> No.6437830

I don't know if she's telling the truth or not about the right-away-charge-backs from before, but I can verify that sometimes if you make a lot of transactions in a short period of time, or from a lot of places your bank thinks is odd, some banks have protections in place where they freeze your card and reject/roll back transactions. It happened to me once after going into a big city and I had to scrounge around in my purse for change to take the subway home because I couldn't use my card in the ticket machine and my bank shut down my card outside of business owner.

>> No.6437832

hours. outside of business hours. I can't type and speak at the same time, sorry.

(lol, caption was toobuts again,)

>> No.6437848

i don't think the chargebacks can be done without being told. my card personally has never reversed a transaction, it will freeze my account until it gets verification. i moved from a small-ish town to CA and even though i and my mother called and said "hey, this card will be used in CA all the time to pay for stuff" i would still get frozen at random times. gas station, groceries, prescription refills. very rarely at big things like rent, school payments, doctor bills. it was weird.
but not once, not ever, did it give me my money back. just frozen until i or my mother called in to verify.

also, same for paypal. i made an account and was making like many thousands of dollars of transactions every day. i would get frozen almost every other day until i got my account fully verified. but it never gave money back to a buyer.

looking at all of this, new information and whatnot, it seems like she's trying to drag it out until people get too fed up to even contact the proper authorities.
if someone is willing to type up a really proper account of what's happened- including names, amounts taken, and states (which i know is a lot of work but it is needed) i can send it to my mother, who isn't in this field of law but can ask a coworker who is of what the proper thing to do is.

keep in mind MI law is not the same as other state law, but they'll be able to give a basic guideline of what to do.

>> No.6437851


people who steal aren't allowed to have an input here, charms

>> No.6437859
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no one wants your help or input

>> No.6437861

Don't mind the input, but Spooky at this point please leave this thread so it doesn't become a bigger mess.

>> No.6437862

It's really awful that these sellers were scammed, but the worst part of all of this is that she used her dead mom's cc.
I mean REALLY? How low can you go?

>> No.6437869

i was in the original thread, no one gave a shit. if it gets off topic now it's because you're beating a dead horse and no one has anything worth while to say.

threads don't derail because of someone like me posting in it, it's because the thread has run it's course and there is nothing more to talk about.

but if that's how you feel- i'm okay with it. most the people scammed seem apprehensive to contact the authorities for whatever reason. i just thought that a - you know - actual lawyer could help in that situation by knocking some sense into them.

>> No.6437871

She also spend tons of money and had a blast while the people she fucked over were posting about how they were crying from stress or from needing the money she essentially stole from them

>> No.6437881

Paypal. She used a paypal account with a name other than her own on it. Unless someone has actually come forth who had a credit card payment with her that didn't go through paypal and said that the credit card had a different name on it, then we don't know for sure that she was using her mom's card.

>> No.6437883

If she doesn't have a job, how does she even afford all of this shit in the first place? Does she even work? Is her father loaded?
Is she using her dead mother's card and whatever money remaining since her passing? How the fuck can anyone walk into a HK store and spend $300...or buy $500 worth of nails? I'm sure even a nail enthusiast would curb things to around the $150 mark and I know they're fancy nails and all, but faaaaaaaaaaaark

>> No.6437887

Spooky is a robber? Do tell.

>> No.6437892


>> No.6437893

>How the fuck can anyone walk into a HK store and spend $300

She simply walked over to her dad and pointed at the ATM machine and said she was taking $300 out and he said okay, no questions asked.

>> No.6437895

Look at that. Did Spooky shit up the thread? No. She offered real help, that can actually help in this whole ordeal. It was anons telling Spooky she'd shit up the thread that shat up the thread.

This is why LJ thinks /cgl/ is a shit fest, because /cgl/ doesn't seem to want to actually help. When actual help is offered they tell it to fuck off. /cgl/ just wants to talk about drama. Try and fix it? No, we'd rather just sit here and talk about drama that's years old.

>> No.6437896
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Thank you

>> No.6437902

Seriously? I would bend her over my knee and shove my credit card up her ass if my daughter ever tried to pull that shit on me trying to make herself look so cool and spoiled in front of her friends. Fucking jesus.

>> No.6437905

I'm fairly certain that according to the person who leaked the Jane Murray info, she used Paypal to pay with a credit card.

>> No.6437910

Keep whiteknighting. Spooky isn't trying to help because she feels so genuinely bad, she's trying to get in on the unfolding story and look like the heroine. Honestly, it's bad manners to ask your mother to ask her colleague about this kind of situation and certainly expect free legal advice. BUT OH THANK GOD DID YOU HEAR SPOOKY'S MOM IS A LAW PERSON SPOOKY MUST BE FROM GOOD STOCK SHE'S MY HERO.

>> No.6437916
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porque no me contestas

>> No.6437918

I dislike Spooky too but making the thread about her being annoyed rather than focusing on Maiko is also shitting up the thread.

>> No.6437931

As someone said before, your paypal name and your credit card name don't have to match. So there is nothing that would prevent her from having the name spagetti socks or anything else she wanted (including the name of a family member, which would make sense if the account was made before she turned 18) on paypal and be using her own card. Paypal doesn't tell you who owns the card, only who owns the paypal account.

>> No.6437932

I agree. Spooky shits up every thread on /cgl/. Let's just ignore her and keep up with what Maiko's next move is. I'm interested in how she's coping and if her father knows.

>> No.6437936

not really. i just know how it feels to lose a lot of money. i got fucked over, out $1000 because of the whole "not bothering because it seems like such a hassle to try" and by the time i figured out how easy it was to get my money back it was too late.

and maybe in some businesses it's rude- but i wouldn't offer if i thought it wouldn't be possible. my mother does so much pro bono, she knows not everyone can afford a $300/h lawyer and she's sympathetic to that. on top of that, her firm is not a huge place. they all know each other and asking for advice is really common. if they're too busy they'll say so, apologize and not help, but it doesn't ever hurt to ask.

but like i said, if you guys don't feel it would help i wont bother. i certainly wont get involved enough to go searching for names and shit of everyone effected. i don't care that much. i just thought i'd do the small amount i can. because really the response you'd get is most likely "go to the authorities"

>> No.6437943

>dat mental picture

>> No.6437948

This is just obvious vendettafagging. Spooky has become one of the most helpful trips in hair care and makeup threads.

>Let's just ignore her and keep up with what Maiko's next move is. I'm interested in how she's coping and if her father knows.
And way to prove my point, no one here cares about the girls or hopes they get their money back. You just want to watch for entertainment.

>> No.6437951
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>> No.6437954

This is /cgl/ honey. What do you expect?

>> No.6437957

Yea its totally just a vendetta for someone to find it hypocritical that a thief wants her two cents on this topic lol

>> No.6437958

She had said that she was using her mother's death insurance money.

>> No.6437959

I expect this, but a ton of this thread was spent complaining about how LJ doesn't take /cgl/ seriously in finding truths or helping. And this just proves why they shouldn't.

>> No.6437960

If you really wanna help, go talk to WF or something. No use asking us.

>> No.6437963

Would a dox attempt be helpful to anyone at all?

>> No.6437964

>Resells stolen shit
>Poor me, I got scammed out of money once
Bad things happen to bad people. But then again, maybe scammers would be the best people to ask for advice in a scam thread.

>> No.6437965

i know how i'm viewed in the LJ lolita community, thought /cgl/ was above it since i do post here regularly and hardly hear about my past. the reason i asked here was so i could post it here and then have someone who doesn't have my reputation send it to the LJ community.

>> No.6437968

That's sickening. Spending money like that is just horrible. If I lost a relative, the last thing I'd want is to spend their money on useless fashion items. I'd put that money to a car, a house, a career. I'd use it and put it to something good in my life, not use it as an emotional crutch.

>> No.6437971

Except the reason that a lot of lolitas don't like /cgl/ is because they get shit-talked (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes not) and they're used to nothing but ass-pats on LJ. That's the reason wonderfinch doesn't like /cgl/ because people on /cgl/ aren't afraid to point out when she's being ridiculous or wonder why the admin of EGL can't dress herself.

>> No.6437976

>And way to prove my point, no one here cares about the girls or hopes they get their money back.

Oh, get off it. Keeping up with what this bitch is doing IS going towards helping the people affected. Shit, look at ANY of the previous threads where jola or evedestroys or anyone who was affected popped in... or even this one. People saying they feel horrible for the girls, feel disgusted by this girl's actions, etc. Sure, some people are just into the drama, but there are plenty of people who are trying to figure out wtf this bitch is doing because she's scammed people out of thousands of dollars.

>> No.6437984

This, basically.
It's fucking stupid to complain about it but ffs charms, what in the hell are you thinking? That people forgot about your drama? You can be helpful but posting in this thread is just going to get the fire started and you *know* that, it was brought up in each of the three threads so far.
Also, like you said, you know the obvious answer you'd get: go to the authorities. There's no reason to give a completely uninvolved person all of their info.

Right? I just lost a thread and immediately (after the initial wtfcryingforever) that I'd like to take a couple really meaningful possessions to feel close. But cash in on her death?
I don't know, I can't help but feel sympathy for her

>> No.6438004

If you want a thread about you, go make one. There's plenty shit for us to reminisce about.

>> No.6438005

Name: Caitlyn Murray/Maiko Fantaji
DOB: March 9, 1994
Currently in: Murrieta, CA
Home address: 4 Plum Court, Homosassa, FL, 34446-5208
Previous address: 521 W Clark St, Warrensburg, MO
Cell phone: (660) 441-5006; MO area code
Skype: thebarbiedahl
Email: TheBarbieDahl@aol.com
facebook 1: Maiko.Fantaji
facebook 2: KawaiiBarbieDahl
Other social networks:
YouTube: KawaiiBarbieDahl
Twitter: TheBarbieDahl
Tumblr: TheBarbieDahl
Livejournal: maikodolly

Monte A Murray, born 1951
Home phone: (352) 382-3423
Current Address: 4 Plum Court, Homosassa, FL, 34446-5208
Jane E Murray (deceased); born February 22, 1951; died July 24, 2012

>> No.6438018

capped for future use

>> No.6438024

We have an archive, you know.

>> No.6438064
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>> No.6438082

I think its funny people are upset that other people don't want Charms' help, like her mother is the only lawyer in the world or something.

Honestly Charms, you know your history with this sort of drama. Why stick your nose in it? And don't give me the ~I just wanna halp~ because you already admitted that the only info you'd get back was for the victims to go to the authorities. It just screams as some lame attempt to look good.

Anyway, this whole situation is bogus. Bitch is fucking people out of their money. I would have thought this was all an accident if she seemed active in helping people out in getting their money back, but she doesn't seem to care at all. For God's sake, she is getting friends to pay these people back while spending hundreds of dollars at meets up. What a stupid cunt!

>> No.6438098


I can't believe she used her dead mother's credit card to do this. She is disgusting.

>> No.6438099
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Has anyone actually called the damn police on this bitch yet? Everyone is always *~about~* to call, but has anyone gotten serious?

>> No.6438101

Has anyone called the father?

>> No.6438103

I know a few people who were scammed by her said they are going to call the police on Monday.

>> No.6438107

Someone earlier mentioned she was moving back to Florida soon, might want to do it sooner

>> No.6438113

And yet again, I'd like to mention that as far as I know, NO ONE knows who's credit card she used, only that her mom's name was on the paypal. It could be her own credit card, it could be her moms, it could be her dads, or it could be one she pick pocketed. Paypal doesn't say who owns the card, just the display name/info for the paypal account.

>> No.6438119

I'm not american, but when my mom died, her accounts were frozen within 2 days. And I guess it must be the same worldwide?

>> No.6438123

AFAIK If you are paying through Paypal with a credit card (not a bank account) then you will see two names--Paypal owner's name and the credit card owner's name.

>> No.6438124

plus it might be her own credit card but since she's from 94 she probably had her mom set up the paypal account since you need to be over 18 to have one!

>> No.6438127

Credit card or paypal account, not much of a difference, she was still using something in her dead mother's name to spend thousands on unnecessary shit.

And for anyone still doubting she did this on purpose (though i dont think anyone here thats been following this is that stupid) - Isn't it convenient that these chargebacks were done AFTER she received her goods? She knew what she was doing from the beginning, I'm sure of it.

>> No.6438141

With some CC, you can add another card to the account, so maybe it was her mom's account, and her mom gave her another for her own?

>> No.6438150

Can someone just call this bitch out already? You guys are just whispering and shooshooing about this information. No one is gonna hunt you down and burn your ruffles if you speak up, good lord.

>> No.6438157

From what I've seen in the last few threads, they're worried about her just disappearing from the internet and taking off with the money if someone calls her out directly.

>> No.6438186

This. No one wants her to flounce. It seems like she has disappeared today already, but it could be just due to thanksgiving.

>> No.6438191

What pisses me off is that people are all "oh I will give her the benefit of the doubt" "I'll wait until Monday"" "I'll give her a few days" Obviously you don't give a flying fuck about your money if you are willing to just sit around twiddling your thumbs while maikodolly rolls around in her closet full of (even temporarily, if she is innocent) stolen brand.

captcha lawyer elbusys

>> No.6438206

>Obviously you don't give a flying fuck about your money

Easy to say when you haven't been affected.

>> No.6438217

I guess I really can't speak for the people involved, but if it were me I think I would be pretty scared and overwhelmed. I would hope that the matter would sort itself out, and the idea of actually going through the whole process of legal action is quite scary for me. It would be an absolute nightmare if something like this happened, I wouldn't even know where to begin, especially since it seems like a lot of these girls lack the appropriate amount of evidence (like some of them had gifted money or whatever).

I'm not saying that that's the right way to handle it, but I think that may be what some of the girls are hoping. Maybe.

>> No.6438219

Then do something about it. Y'all have her got damn address, if she disappears go to her house good got damn. You are some scary ass lolitas.

>> No.6438229

>got damn

>> No.6438231

I've been screwed out of $300 before when someone filed a chargeback claiming they didn't receive the items (which were in transit, not my fault that the mail was delayed). I was on the phone with Paypal constantly, chasing them up about it. I contacted my bank and told them to block any attempts Paypal would make at withdrawing money from my account. I did everything I could to protect myself and get my money back, including calling the buyer, though she refused to answer her phone. Her husband signed for the package and once I saw that, I called Paypal yet again and had them look at it, and they released the funds back to me instantly.

I know what it's like, and sitting around like a dumbass thinking it will get fixed because Lolitas are lovelies is fucking stupid.

>> No.6438232

It's like I'm reading responses from Hank Hill.

>> No.6438242

Didn't you know he was into Lolita?

>> No.6438251

yo man them dang ol' lolita man them dang ol' scam I'm sayin' dang ol' shame I tell you what call the dang ol' police I'm talkin' bout serious dang ol' business here dang ol' chargebacks man

>> No.6438252

That's more Boomhower. But it was hilarious.

>> No.6438255

Dang ol' Hank too straightlaced I'm saying he don't like them dang ol' frills man

And keep it down, guys, will you? I am trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros, and I've been on the same dang page for twenty minutes.

>> No.6438260

So what makes you think people AREN'T contacting Paypal or this girl, when multiple people involved have said they're doing so?

>> No.6438265

People here have said so, but on egl and fb people are saying "oh I messaged her a few times but she isn't answering so I will wait a few days and give her the benefit of the doubt~~~" which is just plain stupid.

>> No.6438269

Bitch is laying low. Waiting for it to blow over.
Don't let it just blow over.
Take her to court.
I am faily certain it was premeditated, just look at all the evidence stacked up against her.

>> No.6438275

Not everyone on egl and fb is saying that, though. And can you blame anyone who wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, when not everyone goes to /cgl/ or is on the Facebook sales page? As far as most people know, she had an issue of identity theft and is "working to get it sorted out" which make take a few days, according to her story.

Unfortunately because nowadays you'd get in trouble on EGL for basically unearthing her name, address, facebook posts, most of the info about what's really going on is limited to /cgl/ and an occasional facebook comment.

>> No.6438283
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Sorry, had to do it. If I had my tablet it would be better.

>> No.6438293

God anon, you beat me to it!

>> No.6438304

Well, mine is really shitty and completely half assed. Do a better job than me.

>> No.6438305

I'm the really angry anon from the last thread and I've just realised something. Apologies if this has been suggested already.

What if the Paypal and the credit card are her mothers; her mother let her use them on account of her being too young (at the time) to have her own Paypal account. Maiko uses it as she pleases. But then her mom dies, so to comfort herself she buys all of this shit with her mom's account... the bank realise that her mom is dead and reverse everything as it's technically fraud. So Maiko IS involved in identity theft, it's just that she was the one stealing her mother's identity.

>> No.6438314

I'm friends with her on facebook. What do you think would happen if I just wrote "Happy Thanksgiving, give back the money you stole from everyone" on her wall?

>> No.6438318

lulz would ensue if you cap it and post it here.

>> No.6438319

she would delete it and defriend you

>> No.6438330
File: 184 KB, 639x480, HANKNEEDSBURANDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Hivemind.

For you, anon.

>> No.6438336

Lots of stuff was bought before the death. And they wouldn't reverse any payments from before that time.

>> No.6438353

If her mom died on July 24, damn she only waited a week to start spending big. I sold her something on August 1.

>> No.6438356

>$500 worth of press-on nails
>over 100 transactions in the past 2-3 months
>one seller alone out over $3800
No wonder she went fucking broke. She was buying WAY WAY WAY too much shit, period. She must have bought multiple things every single day for weeks on end.

>> No.6438358


>Thinks CGL is above judging people on their actions
>Dat accountability

Come on Charms....

>> No.6438363

is her California address/residence available? if not, anyone up for following her home from ALA?

>> No.6438398

I'd like to see a sellers copy of the $500 press on nails thing. I'm calling bullshit otherwise.
Not only would it verify she's gone crazy on spending but it's evidence that you're a victim of the chargebacks and deserve your money back.

I'm actually upset She bought the Mist Sky OP with that stolen credit card. No wonder APSF is fucked up right now.

>> No.6438399

you got a problem with being tall motherfucker?

>> No.6438401

Eh, I don't think it's that crazy. Say their press on nail sets are $25 a piece--buy 20 sets, that's $500. And if this girl is dropping $300 at the Hello Kitty store like it's nothing, what's buying a bunch of nail sets to match her expanding wardrobe?

>> No.6438403

I'm kind of clueless on this part, what's going on with AP SF? Did she do the same thing to them?

>> No.6438413

Proof is proof. it helps your case.
Apparently no one in the Mist Sky release thread got their dresses or Lucky Packs yet. It may be because Maiko's chargebacks has APSF holding on to things. Who knows how many dresses and things she walked out with.

>> No.6438422

I'm just saying "I call bullshit!" is kinda... well, bullshit, considering this girl's spending history.

>> No.6438433

Then anyone can say "SHE SCAMMED ME!"
I'm not saying she wasn't but I feel safer believing a story with a screen print of a $500 purchase that was shipped to Maiko's address.

>> No.6438455

That's possible. I know that if a person dies with debt, family members can abandon the "estate" (what ever it may be) and aren't obligated to pay the debt. It's possible she fucked something up by using the CC of a dead person.

>> No.6438463

Okay so what happens now? For the restaurants and AP?
Do they have to get the cops to return everything?

>> No.6438473

AP will probably investigate so it doesn't happen anymore. Yeah they get their money and a girl gets a dress, but it's an ill gotten dress and that can fuck with their taxes/income overall. They'll probably pursue legal action if they find it to be suspicious activity. (Which is likely seeing how she seems to have bought many dresses from them fraudulently.)
Restaurants depending on the size (corporate or Mom n Pop) might have their own protocol for dealing with this and that's on them.

>> No.6438474

We bitched at you about it. Get out, nobody wants you here. You're a bigger thief than Maiko.

>> No.6438475

I don't get your logic, though. None of the people who have said they were scammed (jola, evesdestroys, etc) have posted evidence that they were scammed other than their own word. jola says she was out $4,000, but you haven't called for her to post a screencap, so why are you saying it's required if someone says she bought $500 worth of press-on nails?

>> No.6438485

guuuurl, sit down, us tall people gotta play it cool! She obviously doesn't have anything against tall people, just maiko

>> No.6438503



>> No.6438504

It's possible she paid with cash for Misty Sky. I don't think a CC company would let you use it after this mess.

Also, I thought it was supposed to be more difficult for 18 year olds to get credit cards these days what with all those kids racking up debt and committing suicide. But if she has assets like a trust fund or something, it's possible. Has anyone called the moms work and asked for Jane Murray yet?

>> No.6438507

many shops and restraunts have insurance for fraud and chargebacks these days, since identity theft is SO common. I know many mom and pops have stopped taking credit cards or charge extra money to take them.

>> No.6438510

though Charms shouldn't be talking out of her ass about scamming, she is not a bigger thief.

>> No.6438511

Yeah but she actually went into someone's HOME and stole it from them. And then tried to sell it thinking nobody would notice. At least Maiko didn't physically rob anyone.

>> No.6438512


Look, I don't like Charms either, they're both shitty human beings, lets just leave it at that without trying to say which bitch is worse

>> No.6438513

That sounds juicy. Too bad I can't access the gtfo post.

>> No.6438515

>didn't physically rob
no, because electronic robbing is so much better right?
Just stop? Please? Charms is shit, yeah, but Maiko has stolen a lot more than Charms could ever hope to do.

>> No.6438521

i didn't say it was, but it takes a special kind of fucked up soulless person do physically do it. especially since she's posting here with no remorse and is basically admitting to it.

>> No.6438527


Especially since she has made zero attempt to fix it, at least Maiko is somewhat trying, if a bit flighty. If Maiko started tripping here, ya'll wouldn't let up. Charms shouldn't be getting away with it.

>> No.6438528

Just to clarify, how do we know AP SF got hit? Did someone from AP confirm it?

>> No.6438533

What would be the point of denying it? I don't think it would do much good in her case. And no, I'm not a whiteknight, but if I were in her situation I wouldn't bother arguing with /cgl/.

>> No.6438537

But she's never actually admitted to it. Or even said "hey what I did was wrong, but I don't even care" at least that would be better

>> No.6438540

I can see how she could react to her death by spending money. I'm an emotional spender, so i know that urge, and since she appears to have been spoiled and doesn't have much self-control, I could see how could she could blow it all without realizing what it looks like and how symbolically bad it is.

>> No.6438542

No, just some random anon here who claims she used to work there a few posts back. I feel like AP probably didn't give her permission to share that info if it's true. Japanese brands are pretty hush-hush about problems from what I've seen.

>> No.6438552

I hate to interrupt this titty fest. But can we worry about the current scammer? Chill out and get over it.

>> No.6438556

she looks like a guy

>> No.6438562

That's pretty much the irony in all this.
>be (apparently) wealthy
>swindle dozens of people for thousands of dollars worth of fancy clothes
>still looks terrible

>> No.6438563

This was my thought too, but I'm wondering where this "brother" excuse came in. Am I correct that maiko was saying something about her brother possibly stealing her identity or something xD you guise xD ?

>> No.6438566

Yes, she blamed it on her brother stealing her identity. Now it's looking more like she stole her mother's identity post-mortem.

>> No.6438569

I am agreeing with that statement, but we still don't know Maiko's side of the story. All we seem to know so far is that Spoony went and knowingly performed a malicious act, and Maiko has possibly gone off the rails since her mother's death with a spending spree using lolita to distract herself and now she's dug herself in debt and doesn't know how to crawl on out. I feel for Maiko, even if she did know what she was doing. Charms is just a stupid dumb bitch.

>> No.6438577

I kind of want to look into this brother thing... Anyone have proof that he exists?

Also where did this brother excuse come from and when did it come into play because we were told differently by the head of our group...
>As many of you know, there has been an incident with one of our members, Maiko Fantaji. Unfortunately, she appears to be having issues with her paypal account and credit card fraud. She is currently issuing refunds and undoing faulty chargebacks, so if you have sold anything to her in the last few months, please take a moment to check your paypal and make sure that the transaction has not been reversed.

>> No.6438581

Spoony isn't involved in this, bro, and if she is, then I've missed something big.

>> No.6438583

"Maiko's side of the story" is whatever she decides to change it to. Sorry, I seriously don't feel for anyone who is "XD" and flippant about thousands of dollars she's fucked over from people. Not. at. all.

It was what she first said on the Facebook sales, I don't have caps--hopefully someone's been collecting them?

>> No.6438586

You guys can't be this naive... Just because her mom is dead, doesn't give her a good reason to fuck people over. Maiko is a psycho selfish scammer bitch. She deserves jail time for all this shitstorm.

>> No.6438598

>Yes that's exactly what happened, even resturaunts I ate at. It's been a huge hassle, and to explain a little bit to everyone what happened, it was my brother who did the identity theft, he had all my account info, and he's a very mean person, to be quite honest.
>very mean person

I smell bullshit.

>> No.6438624
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Last time she got called out the mods sent warnings. People are busy also bawwwing but don't realize mods are pretty much whiteknight Maiko.

If things aren't settled by January, then a confrontation will definitely occur at ALA.

I am surprised someone leaked the information about AP SF. But it looks like they're proceeding with Black Friday sales, so it might possibly be a lie.

>> No.6438642

Where's that anon that confirmed her mom was dead? I wonder if she actually does have a brother

>> No.6438644

I think you mean spooky bro

>> No.6438653

Right here. I've been searching for a brother but no luck.

>> No.6438680

This. I wonder if people are actually doing something, but just aren't posting about it. Well, I mean they probably are sense they seem to be silenced by the mods.

All I know is any other hobby would have had the cops on her ass. I mean hell, if she tried to scam he Ball Joint Doll community we wouldn't take any bull shit.

>> No.6438685

My bad, bro

>> No.6438688

Some new info, kind of unsure about it so don't take it as a fact yet but it appears Jane, her mom, went under aliases:
Melinda L Murray
Melinda J Livingston
Melinda O Farrel
Melinda J OFarrell

>> No.6438697

I take that back, I lie. Completely different person and age. Only thing in common is the name Jane, this lady has it as her middle name.

Still no brother either. Hell, I can't even find anything on Maiko under her real name.

>> No.6438703

The people who are involved haven't been silenced by the mods. Only dumbasses who have nothing to do with anything have. Stop.

>> No.6438704

I brought up the Melinda person in the last thread. I thought that Melinda person might be her mother, but who even knows anymore.

>> No.6438718

I have no idea why people are defending this yatch. "Oh, she just spent a lot and is no in over head!" That may be true, she's handling in a really shitty and fucked up way.

>change story every time someone asks for clarification
>owe thousands of dollars to people
>go to meet up and spend hundreds of dollars on brando
>avoid and ignore everyone trying to settle things with you

Yeah, no. I do not feel sorry for this bitch at all, and neither should anyone else.

>> No.6438745

Yeah, she's a boat alright!

>> No.6438761

It's like people in the lolita community have this weird sense of "MUST. BE. NICE." even when someone is clearly fucking people over. Like way back when, with cruxcrommissa and his replica chandelier skirts. Over a YEAR and no skirts and countless excuses and yet a line of people running to defend him.

>> No.6438778


shortened form of bi-atch, or bitch

>> No.6438784
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"That's mean! Give her a chance! She's a victim too! "

This reasoning goes on as countless amounts of people are still getting fucked over and no one can't do shit about it because Maiko gets to play victim and never respond to others.

I feel like nothing is going to get done at this rate...

>> No.6438817

I can post or email someone a screenshot if it would actually help people get their money back. But when I called Paypal it sounded like they already know she's a scammer. They said they were transferring me to their fraud department when I called about the transaction.

>> No.6438830

You don't need to be over 18 to have a Paypal account, I've had one since I was 14.

>> No.6438841

arent you still 14?

>> No.6438843

Having a dead mother doesn't give you a free pass to scam people.
I lost my mother to cancer when I was 24, did I scam people?
No, I didn't.
My dad has cancer and he has anywhere from 6 months to a year to maybe 5 years, will I scam people now I know about this chargeback thing?
Hell no.

>> No.6438849
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>> No.6438850

I could have sworn the age llimit was lower some years ago when paypal wasn't as popular.

>> No.6438852

I actually thought so too! I think there used to be a way parents could "verify" U-18 accounts too or something but they change their shit so often I get lost easily so who knows what it actually used to be

>> No.6438854

I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for keeping a level head and not going off the deep end like this bitch seems to have.
(Actually, what if she has gone legitimately crazy? That could explain this shit.)

>> No.6438860

I've had paypal since I was 16 so I don't think you're going crazy. But I'm also in the UK, so I don't know if they're more relaxed in other countries?

>> No.6438874

Hey Gull, sorry for your loss. I hope things with your dad go ok, stuff like this is so hit and miss that you'll need family support and friends. Hope you have lots of both around you right now. Remember you can vent to us if you get stressed out.

>> No.6438878


Thank you.

I just can't understand why some people are like "she lost her mom, she so sad, it's not her fault" you know.
I don't think losing someone is an excuse, it doesn't justify stealing.
I don't think she's crazy, I think she's just very immature.
Really hoping this will bite her in the ass, it's not ok to do this.

>> No.6438902

Sorry for your loss anon. I agree. Her mom being dead is a complete non factor in this. I actually think it's extremely gross she's spending a ton of the insurance money on this.

>> No.6438917


Thank you.
It was actually touch and go this weekend when they had to re-animate him because his heart stopped, turns out he had about 10 liters of fluids around his lungs and they drained it, but he's doing ok now.
We get lots of support from friends and family accept my sister is acting weird and I get pissed off at her a lot atm.
I'm much younger than her, but doing all the work, taking care of dad, doing all the cleaning, shopping, etc *anything* for him, she's mostly eating all the food I have, and he has, plus she doesn't want to pay for the stuff she eats so I told her she can't eat here any more which resulted in a fight.
Think she has aspergers or something.

Anyway back to Maiko, am I the only person that was astounded she went to those events while all this shit was going on and people knew what she did?
Sure wouldn't have the guts to show my face there.
Thinking from her perspective, I'd probably pee my bloomers thinking of the possibility of runnning into someone I scammed.

>> No.6438930

Apparently some people tried to start drama with her at the event over it but it got stopped before it had a chance to become anything.

>> No.6438941

Really? Did she have anything to say for herself?

>> No.6438944

wnat to heat more about this

>> No.6438945

I heard about it from a couple of the local girls, that's pretty much all they had to say besides that she acted like nothing had really happened and was still happy and bubbly. Kind of makes sense considering the email sent to AP USA about getting her arrested.

>> No.6438948

Well thanks AP SF, for looking out for the international lolita community and letting a scammer in your midst. Bravo!

>> No.6438949


What email? Details?

>> No.6438952

Jesus, so drama hungry and eager as if it hasn't been discussed already. In the last thread, a chick who used to work for AP heard that some pissed off girl sent them an email saying they should arrest her when she shows up

>> No.6438956

Don't get upset! Thanks for the info, I wasn't even in the last thread.

>> No.6438957

It's still here, you should read through it.

>> No.6438960

Alllllrighty, I'll take a look.

>> No.6438961

I was under the impression no one got their stuff yet because of the holidays / tea party? It makes no sense to penalize other customers because of her anyways.

But yeah, I definitely think something is very wrong with this girl if she's dropping money like no tomorrow all the time.

>> No.6439097

ok i don't know if this has been posted or asked yet, but it seems like something that should probably be outlined

for anyone wanting to go to the police and not knowing what to do or say, do you have any tips? how could you explain this situation to them without it being dismissed? what proof or information should you bring the police? because i'm sure you can't just go OH HERE ARE A BUNCH OF THREADS ON /CGL/

should the people scammed all get in personal contact with each other and have their respective police stations communicate?

basically, what does a clueless person do when reporting this? i imagine a lot of people aren't reporting because they have no idea what to do

>> No.6439147

I'm so sorry to hear that anon.
My uncle is dying really slowly...painfully. Like Parkinsons+ALS+MS at the same time, eventually he won't be able to move or breathe.
I really hope your dad is doing well, despite the cancer.

>> No.6439161


Unfortunately I think wonderfinch has all of the IRL information about this issue, so if you need things like names, numbers, etc then it'd be good to ask her

maybe take screencaps of what she's been saying on the fb sales group, save the pictures of the dresses she's wearing that she filed chargebacks one

>> No.6439194

Its yatch, not yacht.

>> No.6439234

I'm with you Annon.
I hate when people implies that someone can do whoever he/she wants because he/she has a tragic past. Is like give them a free pass to be a moron

>> No.6439263

Someone on the facebook thread said they contacted the police.

>> No.6439269


>> No.6439272
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>> No.6439274


facebook dawt com/groups/248638205150052

>> No.6439275


>> No.6439323

Awesome. It's about time.

>> No.6439380

Yes, finally.

>> No.6439391

Supposedly the cops have already been called thus the mod update but somehow I don't believe that at all. I get they can't give out their ~sources~ but for fucks sake guys why do you have to be so damn vague?

>> No.6439405

I have a serious question. Why didn't she just get a new paypal instead of using the one under her dead mom's name. That seems a bit off to me. It could be her way of grieving, but I still think it's really sketchy, especially with all this talk of the card possibly being in her mothers name and all. It just seems more logical to me for her to have gotten a different paypal account all together.

>> No.6439423

Quoting part of a victim's comment on LSE:
> I let her know that I was aware of what was going on with her and the Paypal charge-backs and that the whole situation had me very concerned. Maiko told me that she was selling her dresses to get money to help fix the situation and told me she was a victim of identity theft.
>selling her dresses to get money to help fix the situation

Rewind to beginning of the month
>Maiko Fantaji
Hey :) I'm looking to sell some dresses as I'm in need of rent money, would anyone be interested in buying any of my dresses? I am looking to sell my AP Strawberry Parlour JSK in White, AP Tear Glass Bottle JSK in Pink, AP Jewelry Jelly JSK, OTK's, and Hat in Sax, Mam Maxicimam Black Cat Alice's Clock Turn JSK in Pink, and Oo Jia Aqua Princess replica in Mint/Pink. If you're interested, please PM me for prices and also if there's any other dresses you're looking for just ask, I may have it :)
November 7 at 6:35am

Story change when talking to a victim? And even if she was trying to fix the situation, why would she be blowing money on new dresses, cons, etc? Shouldn't that be the least priority

>> No.6439428


If the people she bought those dresses from still dont have their money, technically they arent her dresses to sell, right?

>> No.6439431

By the sounds of it, this chick has a huge spending problem so she probably does have a lot of dresses to sell. That doesn't mean she will be selling them, of course.

>nd even if she was trying to fix the situation, why would she be blowing money on new dresses, cons, etc? Shouldn't that be the least priority

You are 100% correct. Bitch is shady.

>> No.6439501

you don't need any of this information to report a crime, all you have to do is show that she took your stuff and didn't pay you.

>> No.6439519

What is LSE? And where did Maiko list her tentative wts list?

>> No.6439522

Lolita Sales English

>> No.6439542

Derp always thought that was called the FB sales :( Guess another reason for me to join

>> No.6439581

What the fuck would you have expected them to do? Make a citizens arrest? :/. As of right now, there aren't any concrete police charges against her anyways. Would you really expect them to make a huge scene about her, and possibly ruin the party for everyone else? Have some common sense for gods sake.

>> No.6439603

At the time of the party, this was still fairly new and it looked like there was a possibility she was innocent, so I can see why They wouldn't want to start anything.

On a side note, anyone see the new update WF posted in the sticky? It looks like they know something we don't. I thought they ~assured~ is that everything was okay and ~the authorities~ confirmed it was just a mistake. Guess not.

>> No.6439641

>Go to /cgl/ to find pictures of cute girls and laugh at the drama, as i do once a month.
>Pass through this thread, catch "Mariko" on the OP.
>Oh no, wait, it's maiko or whatever.
>Yet again disappointed by the content of the board.

Carry on, ladies.

>> No.6439696

>ignores beautiful /drama/ because he can't read
lol u buttmad beta lelelel i trol j00 xD

>> No.6439740

>It looks like they know something we don't.

Don't you mean it looks like they're finally acknowledging what /cgl/ has been saying for days now?

>> No.6439761

Yeah but you know they don't like to admit when they're wrong, so I do t see why they would change their stance unless they got information that the general public doesn't know or they won't tell us

>> No.6439781

No, I can see them changing their stance, especially once people started pointing out "uh, why are the mods saying 'no worries, it's credit company mistake, our sources say so~"

>> No.6439881

>give the benefit of the doubt long after the doubt has disappeared
>wait for others to do investigative work
>be silent while scammer vanishes
>suddenly change position, act like voices of reason
>if anyone later points out the flipflopping pretend to have no idea what they're talking about
>do nothing to protect community from future abuse

>> No.6439983

But hasn't their stance already changed? The first post implied that it was a mistake, and for the first few days it sort of seemed like one because people were getting their refunds and maikodolly was trying to fix things, but since she dropped off the face of the earth the new post literally says to call the police on her whether or not you have been refunded.

>> No.6439985

So now she's saying she was simply mid-move and SHE has filed a police report?

I hate that I feel like this update is going to keep people from contacting the authorities.

>> No.6439986

Wait. What? Caps?

>> No.6439988

>I hate that I feel like this update is going to keep people from contacting the authorities.

" If you have been directly affected by this situation- even if you have received a resolution through PayPal- please contact your local authorities with the following information"

The only people she's offering to do it for are people who live outside of the US or people who are too dumb to do it themselves.

" If you are located outside the US or for whatever reason can't or don't want to contact your local authorities,"

That sounds exactly like the opposite of encouraging people to not go to the authorities.

>> No.6439997
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>> No.6440008

cheers! seems as though she's refunding people though and the police report is on items she didn't 'authorize'... it's still shady as fuck though

>> No.6440009
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>> No.6440011


Nope I meant the latest post from Maiko, people are gonna feel like "oh poor baby is moving ill give her a break"

Ya beat me to the cap

>> No.6440013


I thought it was unsafe to accept payments from another account...?

>> No.6440014

And repaying people is much, much more important than going out buying shit. If you knew you were going to be moving and wouldn't have time, why da fuk did you decide to fuck around instead of cleaning up your dirty mess?

>> No.6440023


Yeah it is and moreover I thought we'd established it was her dead mothers name on the "friend's" paypal or some shit right??

>> No.6440024

Why is she trying to refund people or pay them back? Wouldn't it not matter if it was just like, PayPal/credit card screwing up and charging the wrong purchases? Can't PayPal just hit like an undo button?

Am I making sense lol

>> No.6440026

Didn't she refund people from her "friend's" account and then those refunds got a chargeback too?

>> No.6440027

Looks like the money that she told a victim " that she was selling her dresses to get money to help fix the situation" was really for getting resituated in her moving situation like she had originally said in her group weeks before this whole mess started, "Hey :) I'm looking to sell some dresses as I'm in need of rent money, would anyone be interested in buying any of my dresses?"

>> No.6440031

OMG this! All of this should have been first priority! She should not have been out and about flouncing around in clothing she DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING PAY FOR and then play the busy card!!! Meanwhile the girls who are out money don't have money to pay for their fucking BILLS and HEALTHCARE.

>> No.6440034

Nonono. That's her own Paypal account, the friend is May Velasco.

>> No.6440036


Yeah that makes total sense. If I was gonna be giving her any benefits of any doubts id say itd just be to get it resolved simple and quickly, yknow? Like I could understand personally being scared shitless

But in reality its because shes a lying sketchy bitch giving all these girls the full-on runaround.

>> No.6440039


Ohhh ok weird I missed that somehow. Ahh I hope I dont add to the confusion with that comment @_@

>> No.6440047


>> No.6440053

would so much rather wait for Paypal or whatever to fix their mistake and undo everything than take a sketchy refund :/ i feel like refund isn't the appropriate word in this situation since it's not really a refund

>> No.6440054

First anon here. Why the fuck would I samefag?
I have a solid argument there, no need to try and support it..with myself?

>> No.6440100

It sounds like she's delaying the fuck out of this. Why would you go to a tea party,a con, and move on top of this bs she's putting people through? Don't play the "I was so busy xDD" Give people the money that you had to manual take back.

>> No.6440110

Really hate it when members of my comm are whiteknighting her. its bad enough she has been delaying everything and sure doesn't help me be any more frustrated by the fact that she has been sketchy and fake the whole time. She doesn't even have a brother!!! only her and her dad. ugh. Can this situation just be fixed already... it has been going on for way too long.

>> No.6440114


Oooomg I just want to see someone call her out on all this bullshit but I know once they do she'd vanish :C

>> No.6440121

I can't really do anything because I'm not involved and our comm is supposed to be drama free. Plus I don't want Maiko to vanish. I would say someone is IS involved has the authority to call her out.

>> No.6440136

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Who decided that? Are you all in kindergarten or something?

If shit happens, shit happens. People are naturally going to react; you don't just ignore it.

Each situation is obviously unique, and you have your own reason for not calling Maiko out in this situation; but if someone showed up to a meet and acted like a full-on dickbag, I wouldn't just pretend it's not happening in the interest of being a "conflict-free community."

Sans all that, I agree that it really should be someone involved to be the one to bring it up in this situation, though.

>> No.6440133

>I was busy moving
>was going to cons and tea parties

SOMEONE. Someone say something.

>> No.6440141
File: 840 KB, 927x621, ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a scam.

She spent tens of thousands of dollars (50000 someone said?) and had it reversed. Normal people do not spend this much money on shopping spree.

Scam gone wrong IMO.

>> No.6440171

Is there a way to look up the report she filed based on that number she gave?

Im curious to see how far she's gonna take this story

>> No.6440181

You would have to call her local police department to try.

>> No.6440180

This, someone involved needs to do it. I already threw my words out there, and at the end she's going to just keep lagging on this shit if she knows mods aren't going to do shit and if victims aren't going to call the police (yet).

>> No.6440230

Is the anon who said that AP SF got hit still here?? I have a question for you

>> No.6440289

From the end of the last thread, her evil (nonexistent) brother stole get identity and also bought thousands of dollars of Lolita on top of all the Lolita stuff she herself bought?? Well that's believable...
And if she's rich enough to have gone to SF and buy crap last weekend, why would she talk about having to sell a ton of things for rent money the week before?

>> No.6440301

She never said he bought lolita, her claim was that he made purchases (unspecified), she called up and said "I didn't make charges x, y, and z" and everything started being reversed by either the CC or PP without her telling them to.

>> No.6440315

Anon in the last thread said some unauthorized person bought iTunes and more Lolita

How convenient that her LJ messaging stopped working and now her FB messaging too

>> No.6440337

The person in the last thread is clearly a friend/family member/maybe even Caitlyn herself. A lot of what they said is bullshit


>Purchases being made were anything from massive amounts of itunes purchases as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.

>> No.6440351

Guys what if Maiko is/has been in our threads and has been giving out false information herself...? Or does anyone know if she ever browses cgl?

>> No.6440377


She has to be, people keep pointing to /cgl/ on EGL and facebook as well. But I mean it hasn't deterred her nor has she made any reference to it nor the information revealed.

>> No.6440412

What does it matter?
We haven't wavered much from deciding she's
>a scammer
>went to go party instead of returning money
>STILL buying while in horrible debt
>probably did it all maliciously, but either way she's a dumb bitch for doing it/not thinking she'd get caught

>> No.6440425

I am sure she does. She has liked the 4chan page of facebook

>> No.6440435

how embarrassing for her...

>> No.6440445

I read that thread over and over but I didn't see anything about iTunes or more lolita. Caps/link?

Someone is probably trolling, as has been happening with these threads. I really wish they wouldn't because then you get people running aroun with this info as if it was fact, like the anon who got a refund who supposedly got a chargeback on it. Then the mods and everyone don't take us/the situation seriously and patronizes us. Whoever is doing this, STOP. you're hurting, not helping. Stop making claims about her if you're not willing to come forward/unanon and get justice for everyone she Fucked over.

>> No.6440489

I bet that person is May Velsasco. She's the one helping her with everything. Someone go on maiko's ameblo (I would but I'm mobile) where she says her mom died in the middle of July 2012, not late August like the person said. Also, I wonder what happened to her real mother if her grandmother is her mother. It seemed odd to me that Jane Murray, seemingly a great doctor (I found many papers she had written about stuff that causes breast cancer etc) wouldn't have caught the breast cancer she had sooner because on her ameblo it looked like she took her to the hospital, got chemo, found out it was stage 4 and died within like 2 months if that.

PLOT TWIST: May is the one who stole her card and bought the lolita she doesn't own and framed her for no real reason

>> No.6440499

It's the last posts on the last thread.

>> No.6440503
File: 69 KB, 718x718, 4aba5470b3ad6f7a4105877ab7976971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expose her and get this shit over with. Police know about this and if she tries to hide, get a lawyer/court involved. She can be tracked down if the police are reminded of this.

>> No.6440506

It is May Velasco, she's tagged (or at least was) as May Velasco on FB.

>> No.6440513

Even if they reply, they're anon and could easily just be making stuff up. I'm not taking anything that is unconfirmed on here as fact.

>> No.6440510

I dunno, I have a lot of friends that 'liked' the 4chan page of Facebook, yet I'm pretty sure some of them have never even been here.

>> No.6440515

Yeah it was a typo. Calm down.

>> No.6440526

Well I wanted them to email me so we can confirm if it's bullshit or not, because I think I might be able to confirm it

>> No.6440529

Huh? Did you respond to the wrong person? I didn't say anything about a typo and wasn't upset, so I'm confused.

>> No.6440531

Oh sorry, I just realized you misunderstood me. I didn't even see your typo, I wasn't correct your spelling. I was just confirming that it was her, since I saw it on Facebook earlier.

>> No.6440545

linking to the last thread for those who want to read it:


>> No.6440565
File: 52 KB, 350x279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, sorry. My bad anon. Have this macro as penance.

>> No.6440570

Uggg I love alpacas, your gift is graciously accepted.

>> No.6440627

Maiko Fantaji For one thing, I never said I did or didn't go to the AP tea party. And second thing, I moved to my apartment the day I got back from San Francisco, and I started calling PayPal the day I got the first message about a payment being reversed. And nobody messaged me until I was just boarding the plane to San Francisco so I wasn't just "having fun" . Secondly you cannot accuse me of anything when u physically have not seen the entire ordeal of it all I moved out here in late October and didn't get an actual apartment until a little over a month later. I wasn't able to move in until the 15 th of November as that was the actual move in date and I didn't actually move in till I got back. If you have any questions about the supposed "holes" in my story of be more than happy to explain instead of getting accused. I'm already going through identity theft and it's because of that that this is even going on.
4 minutes ago via mobile · Like

Maiko Fantaji And yes please, if you need your money back because I really did buy from you I'm more than happy to pay it back.

>> No.6440631

it seems like almost everybody missed it due to it being the very last posts. I for one don't believe it and feel as if the paragraphs were typed with "I" and then all switched to "She" by Maiko herself.

>> No.6440637

after seeing this, i'm more convinced. i'm >>6440631

>> No.6440640


Lol, bitch you were AT the tea party!!! WTF!!!

>> No.6440641
File: 27 KB, 415x289, maiko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6440646

>"supposed holes"



>> No.6440663

I think we need a new thread guys

>> No.6440665

This really sounds the same, stylistically, as the person posting in that last thread.

>> No.6440668

I think what she's trying to say is she wasn't hiding it, she's not saying she wasn't there. She posted it about it publicly. Not defending her or anything, but I think you're misreading her post.

>> No.6440671

i got banned ... lol fucking snarky bitch.

>> No.6440677

You got banned because you repeatedly ignored the mods warnings. I agree with what you were saying, but if you don't follow community rules, you get banned. It was quite reasonable.

>> No.6440679

yea, we all kinda saw that coming. they warned ya

we all agree with you but we can't say that on that thread

>> No.6440681

Good lordy.
After reading the last posts on the other thread, I am more convinced this bitch is guilty.
Lolita purchases she was not aware of? Oh Ok, fair enough.
Now explain to me the pictures of her wearing them?

If that was not her, I will eat my own hat!!

>> No.6440686


I really dont care. xD I dont shop from that group anyway

>> No.6440688

ikr? Apparently she (or her "mysterious friend") wants us to believe her brother was buying thousands of dollars in lolita for... what reason? And apparently she "never heard of it" either.

>> No.6440689

can someone get caps of those posts for future reference?

>> No.6440691

New thread, ya'll


>> No.6440698

How are you meant to point out her lies, and warn these girls she is a possible scammer, if they don't read CGL?

>> No.6440703

Nigger get out. You should have stopped when she told you to the first time. The thread was for helping people get their money back and updates, not for fighting and drama, which is clearly ass your fat ass wants. I'm glad you're banned, maybe now people will listen to the mod.

>> No.6440719

You're an idiot. The point of the post itself was to warn people that she is a possible scammer. Who cares if she lies? Scammers do that. All that needs to be known is that she is a scammer. And they know that. You only want to point out lies because it starts the most drama and entertainment.

>> No.6440723

Lol! Internet insults make me XD Like I said, I dont care.

>> No.6440742

Some people still think she is being honest and are unaware of the inconsistencies in her stories.

>> No.6440755

Shut up, Mauti. You weren't contributing at all. "police are involved now"? Police HAVE BEEN involved already.

>> No.6440760

Those people would believe her even if they watched her steal. They're dumb but this whole thing is so retarded.

Yeah sure. That's why you responded. You're fat. And black. Life sucks for you. I'm sorry.

>> No.6440768

Your point is? :D

>> No.6440826

You weren't contributing and you suck at life.

>> No.6440852

Just leave her alone. She got banned and she's a nigger. More dramu at hand then her,,

>> No.6440857


Are we looking at the same mauti?

she looks white to me

>> No.6440865

Thts not her. Go through her pictures. She's a fat black girl.

>> No.6440878

>Go through her facebook! teehee! xDDD

>> No.6440886

>green text sarcasm!!~ teehee~ XDDDD

>> No.6440892


Remind me why u guys are ragging on her?

>> No.6440895


because /cgl/