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6434322 No.6434322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Why do you hate your bodies so much?
Do you have self-esteem issues?
Do you fear never being good enough?

You can answer anonymously or trip, I'm just curious.
I think some of you need to vent and talk about it.

>> No.6434330

I really hate myself. Like, really, really hate myself. I used to like my hair and eyes, but now I hate them too.
I don't think I have self esteem issues, it's just that I'm... Embarrasing to look at.
I know I'm not good enough and I will probably never be, even if I try really hard.

>> No.6434350


>> No.6434356

I love my body and my face and pretty much everything about myself looks-wise, but I can barely even stand to look at myself in the mirror because I hate my~self~ so much. Being pretty is such a big advantage in society but I'm always aware the my good looks will fade (I'm already in my 20s) and I have nothing else and no personality. Plus it isn't even as if I get to reap the benefits of looking nice, because I don't go outside. I feel like if I was ugly, maybe I would have developed some kind of personality or coping skills. Of course, that is still unlikely!

>> No.6434358

There, there anon.
You're being too hard on yourself.

C'mon anon, you can tell us.

>> No.6434372

Nothing else? Are you sure about that?
And everyone has a personality, it just depends if you have a good, bad, or neutral one.
What kind of personality do you think you have (or lack thereof)?

>> No.6434386
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I'm a virgin so I'm disgusting. I'll never be good enough for anyone.

>> No.6434391

I don't hate my physical appearance. I know I'm pretty from the way that men behave around me. I have self-esteem issues, but they're because of actions I've taken in the past that left me 'defiled', in my own mind. I'm not afraid of never being good enough; I know that I am not good, and I'm okay with it. Good enough for what, anyways? Good enough for other people? They're no 'better' than I am.
I do believe it's important to strive for self-improvement. Just letting yourself stagnate is the worst feeling in the world.

>> No.6434404

I hate my looks. People tell me I'm pretty, but my face looks like a frog that's been run over by a car. I'm a kissless virgin at 21 and I know I'll stay this way forever because I'm fat and ugly as sin. Feels bad man

>> No.6434405

>Why do you hate your appearance?
I'm a (mostly) black girl and not a kawaii short Asian/White/Eurasian girl. I think not liking my own culture (it's not stereotypical black American culture full of retardation and thieves either, so I have no "b-but I'm intelligent. not like those niggers!1!!1" excuse to fall neatly onto) and being a weeaboo contributed to my general self-hatred.
>Why do you hate your body so much?
I have a shitty, uneven complexion and an ugly nose. My body is also pretty fat, and even if by some miracle that it isn't, I will never not see it as fat.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Yes. Always have, always will.
>Do you fear never being good enough?
No, because I already know I never will be truly "good enough".

>> No.6434414
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>I know that I am not good
That's pretty heavy stuff anon, care to elaborate?

Nah girl. Lot's of people are kissless virgins these days, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. I envy you a bit.
It would have been interesting to experience my first kiss and my first sexy time from a more mature standpoint. You'll have experienced something that a majority of women never get to as adults.

And never say never.

>> No.6434425

I think you should wait until you hit 18 to make such sweeping statements. You have your youth.

Are you kidding?
Black lolitas are awesome.
But I know what it's like to not exactly fit the kawaii lolita mold so I understand your frustration. I'm just saying you should take those attributes and rock them anyway.

>> No.6434443

I want bigger boobs. Not huge, just a little bigger.. I am a small a, and while they are perky and adorable, I want them so desperately to be a perky b, but I want them naturally. I hate the idea that I would have to get fake boobs for what I want. I feel so embarrased when I'm laying on my back naked with my boyfriend, so I usually keep them covered unless I'm sitting up. But then if I'm on my back laying with him and he goes to be playful I just want to die, because there almost isn't anything to grab when I'm laying down like that. He says he doesn't care, but I really think that it would make a huge difference.

I know this all sounds trivial, but to me its not. I have a million other things I hate about my self image, but this is what I have been focusing on lately. I recently discovered that brizzilan waxing is the greatest thing ever, though. I highly suggest it to the gals with thick difficult hairs that make shaving a bloody nightmare. They grow back thinner too..

>> No.6434478

Hey, if he says he doesn't care then he doesn't care. Your tits are fine and you even praised them at the beginning. The fact is if you think they're cute and perky then that's all that matters. Size isn't everything.

>> No.6434488

I don't believe that 'being good' is an attainable goal. There are people who are just or kind, but that is not the same as being 'good', exactly. 'Good' and 'evil' are absolute terms, and perception is relative. I consider myself to exist in kind of a morally grey muddle. I try to think about other people. I try to help where I can. I try to withhold cruel impulses. Sometimes I fail; sometimes I cheat on my boyfriend, or sell my body for money, or return kindness with coldness. What's important is that I recognise that these are failings, and I can't change what's already been done. I have to keep moving forward and promise myself that the next time a similar situation arises, I will make different choices. The hardest part is resisting the urge to dwell on my shame.

There's a series of TEDTalks concerning shame and vulnerability, actually, that would probably be helpful to people in this thread. The speaker's a little corny at times, but if you can make it through that she presents some excellent advice on the subject.

>> No.6434491

Thank you. :( I do think they are cute, hell, I used to love them. Its just that I'm 23 now, and I wish I had more.. "womanly" boobs I guess. I just see other girls boobs on tv or on some of my gal pals, and I'm just in awe, like, "wow, those are some beautiful breasts." I become so envious, I just wish mine were a little bit bigger. I really have started feeling pathetic because of this over the last year. I feel like a stupid kid.

>> No.6434500

>tfw I had my 21st birthday two weeks ago

>> No.6434512

You are absolutely too hard on yourself. Give it time, adore your youth, you will probably be a knock out by the time you are 25. Just start working now on your style and personality and you'll be that much more ahead. There is no face alive that can't get fucked with a great personality behind it.

but also keep in mind that unless you have an emotional connectic
on then fucking is over rated.. you are just as good with a flesh light and porn

>> No.6434518

Everybody tells me that I'm skinny and "oh I'd love to be as skinny as you!" but I can't help feeling that my body is unattractive which doesn't help as it is my only redeeming feature IMHO. I get many more positive comments than negative ones on my face but I know that I'm ugly.

>> No.6434520
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I hate my appearance because I have a huge-ass burn/stitches scar on my right arm, right breast and right upper tight.
Pic kinda related, mine also has keloid stitches here and there.

>> No.6434538

I think I hate my body and appearance so much due to my mother. She would always make so many passing comments or just say things to my face about my looks, weight, clothes, etc...that being said, I don't blame her. I don't think she realized how hurtful what she said was/is...maybe I'm too sensitive, who knows.

I hate my body for the same reason. My parents would always nitpick over certain aspects and then i'd just dwell on them.

Oh my goodness, I have horrible self-esteem. Only one of my friends has ever seen me lose my shit and go on a self-loathing kick (I can normally keep it under control). If I could, i'd change everything about myself. I mean, I used to love my eyes, they're wide and I like to think they're pretty...but an ex of mine compared them to the color of mud so...

I would fear it, except I've already assured myself that I never will be good enough. So that takes the terror away.

>> No.6434547

I don't have terrible scars from it, but I was in a house fire last year that caused nerve damage on both of my hands, making them sweat uncontrollably. It makes working with my hands on tedious projects almost impossible without a bottle of hand sanitizer to keep them somewhat dry.

>> No.6434552

Isn't hand sanitizer prohibited on such recent scars/sensitive skin? Have you checked it with a dermatologist?

>> No.6434558

Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
>I was always picked on growing up for my fat, ugly body. Nothing else to be said.

Why do you hate your bodies so much?
>I think the first answer covered it.

Do you have self-esteem issues?

Do you fear never being good enough?
>Yes, especially now. I lost so much weight after years of being made fun of, and gained it back through pregnancy. Now it's harder than before to lose it, and I feel like I'm destined to be a total whale for the rest of my life.

>> No.6434560

I use a prescription lotion my doctor gave me along with the sanitizer. I know it's dangerous, but nothing else works and I need my hands to be dry to draw (I'm an art student with a concentration in drawing). Sweat can ruin a drawing in seconds.

>> No.6434561
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You know what must be done.

>> No.6434577

So you've been pregnant. So I'm assuming you have a kid?
Maybe it's a cliche but in the grand scheme, is having the ultimate figure really so important granted everything else that's going on in your life?

Not everyone was meant to have the perfect figure. That hurts sometimes, I know, but it's better than making yourself miserable.

>> No.6434580

Yes, I must wear long-sleeved blouses and stay away from boys for the rest of my life.

>> No.6434582

>Why do you hate your appearance?
I'm a walrus. (hurhur, just kidding) I guess I don't hate it. I figure I'm ohkay looking. I just want someone nice to think the same thing.

>Why do you hate your body so much?
I'm a larger girl. I'm always afraid people wont like me because I'm heavier. (I'm 5 foot 2 and my BWH; 49/50 - 36/34 - 50in) So I either never get into communities on the internet or I just keep my weight a secret.

>Do you have self-esteem issues?
I can be pretty confident. It tends to fluctuate. One day could be a good day, another could be bad. Most of the time I'm ohkay with myself.

>Do you fear never being good enough?

>> No.6434583

No it's not. However, that shit seriously follows you through the rest of your life. Like I said, I had lost weight before I had a kid, but even then I had some HUGE insecurities.

>> No.6434584

I feel you anon. Burn scars can be tough. How recent are they? Because I can tell you with time they do get better especially if you care for them.

>> No.6434591

...I've had them for 18 years now. I got them when I was 2. The actual burn faded a bit compared to how ti was at that time, but the keloid scars have become worse over the past 6-7 years(ever since my body started to grow a lot and my skin - along with my scars - stretched out)

>> No.6434595

I have generalized anxiety disorder and I couldn't stop worrying about my appearance. I had an eating disorder for years... I guess it was my mind's away of worrying about one thing (food) then a hundred things. I never worried about my looks before. I gained a ton of weight once I got medicated.

I have a compulsion to pick at my skin. I can't help it. I'll use comedone removers and tweezers and I can't stop. I look at other people's skin, too. My legs are covered in scars and in the summertime because I hate how they look. I also rip out all of my eyelashes.

I can't stop just trying to destroy myself. I never worried about my appearance before.

>> No.6434599

>lost her virginity at 16
>to a hot stud with heart problems

>>implying women can stay away from boys

No matter how fugly a woman is, she gets sex.

>> No.6434607

Actually... I never had a boyfriend and I'm still a virgin. I am not bad looking if you ignore my scars as I'm quite skinny and have a childish face, so I could get sex if I wanted to but I tend to be quite shy around people and I stay away from boys. Always did, probably always will do. I just feel comfortable that way, I don't think I could expose my burnt breast or my upper tight to anyone other than my mom/doctors.

>> No.6434623

When I was little I was always being made fun of for being "boyish". Now people don't make fun of me anymore, but I've always been larger than the other girls (I'm not fat, but the standard size of women in my country is smaller than I am.) I've always been much taller than all the other girls and I'm not even skinny even though I'm so tall. My hips and ass are big as fuck but I barely have any boobs (small B cup) so I look amazingly disproportionate. Basically I'm neither tall and slender nor plump with curves, I'm just a flabby something-in-between that nobody pays attention to. I'm also blessed with stretch marks all over my thighs so I can't wear anything that shows them (even swimwear, I never swim in public) because they look like self inflicted cuts and apparently I have "the looks of someone capable of doing that" and even complete strangers ask me about why I've cut myself. Oh the joy.
It also seems to be something about my personality that instantly repels guys from taking romantic interest in me. I have tons of male friends who I love spending time with, but they say that they could never date me, I'm a "bro". And when I do try to flirt, apparently guys get incredibly mixed signals and end up ditching the idea and just befriending me instead, and I have no idea what the fuck I did.
I'm just hopeless at romance, but at least my dog likes me.

>> No.6434642

I hate my appearance because of my hideous oddly shaped nose inherited from my mother, I'm just dull looking,

I hate my body because no matter what I do I don't lose weight. I'm not overweight, or even chubby, I want to be tiny. I have a really weird body shape and no matter what I do I look hideous. I can't even show my legs because of all my scars.

I do have self esteem issues, I'm just vile. I have no friends whatsoever and I can see why, even my dad says I'm unfriendly and all I do is give off negativity. I was once very close to someone but they suddenly stopped communicating with me, they knew everything about me and wanted to help me with my self harming and depression but then they just left. I'm painfully lonely. But I don't dare approach anyone at my college, I just know they'd hate me.

I fear not being good enough like crazy, I'm terrified of disappointing my parents and not getting into a university, literally the thought of that alone makes me feel sick.

I do not think I will live past 30 years old, I cant remember a day when I haven't thought about suicide

>> No.6434649
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>But I'm handsome
>Cause I used to be a super fattie
>not ones I tell people about, guh duh
>Good is in the name

>> No.6434670
File: 193 KB, 480x291, tumblr_mcqijz0Uo21rnuqpzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
I look very derp most of the time, with blotchy skin and small eyes.
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
My thighs are large for my frame; while my ribcage, breasts, waist and hips are all very petit, my thighs are just awkwardly big.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Yup! Especially when taking photographs of myself/having my picture taken. I'm extremely unphotogenic, and so when I look at pictures of myself, I end up hating myself because I'm really incredibly homely.
>Do you fear never being good enough?
I know I'm not good enough. People say I am, but honestly, I'm not worth the oxygen that I breathe.

>> No.6434668

I'm still a virgin at 21 and it's not that I haven't had the chance to have sex, I just never found a boy that I felt like doing it with. Also, my self esteem is so low I can't even imagine getting undressed in front of someone else. I'm scared of living and dying alone though, and with all my friends coupling up recently I feel really lonely.

>> No.6434673

I hate my nose. It's an uglyass Roman nose and too large for my face.
Also my thighs. I'm of average weight, but I have thunderthighs. I just can't get rid of them, no matter what kind of work-out I try. I want to wear cute short skirts and dresses, but I'm too embarrassed to show my legs.

>> No.6434675
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I honestly like the way I look. I struggled a bit with my weight when I was younger, not because I was too heavy, but because it was so hard for me to put weight on. It was mainly because of how hard I pushed my body through all of the sports my parents made me do growing up. I love sports and I had loads of fun doing those things, so I don't blame my family for anything. You just play lots of sports where I grow up, it's a thing.
But now that I'm in my 20s and focusing on other things in life, I kind of recently "grew into my body?" if that makes sense?
I literally hit puberty sometime within the last year and it was a big shock to me to suddenly not look like I'm 14.
I'm proud of myself for how far I've come and I honestly consider myself to be very pretty. I just feel bad because at my last physical my doctor congratulated on me on finally being in average range for my heigh/weight ratio. Apparently I was over 20lbs underweight all throughout high school. My parents took that news pretty hard and have been blaming themselves because they think they pushed me too far.
If anything I have some pretty shit self-esteem. I feel like I will never succeed or be good enough for anything. I'm working on these things, so who knows. Maybe one day I'll be completely content with myself.

>> No.6434683

I have one breast noticeably bigger than the other. I don't particularly mind it nowadays, but when I'm buying clothes I'm very careful about the fit, because I don't want the difference to show. It's a pain when I need to buy a swimsuit. Also, I can't go out without a bra, so I have to pass on clothes that show my back.I have already discarded a cosplay I really liked because of this.

This haunted me all my teenage years though, especially when a classmate made fun of me when we were changing after gym class.

>> No.6434686

I actually came here hoping for a laugh, but most of you people are actually just making me feel sad. There's no need to be so incredibly rough on yourself unless you're frog's legs stitched to a potato with a mean personality.

Get out of your solitary confinement, Anons, and into the wild. Come on now, it isn't as bad as you're all thinking and imposing on yourselves.

>> No.6434692


Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
>I don't.
Why do you hate your bodies so much?
>I don't, almost Auschwitz-mode but staying just above that line. Also tall with good aesthetics, so I'm fine.
Do you have self-esteem issues?
>Don't think so.
Do you fear never being good enough?
>I've accepted it. Somewhere, someone is going to be a cunt towards the things you do.

>> No.6434698

I've come to terms with my appearence, because any real changes I'd want to make can be obtained through things like diet and improved vitamin intake. I have no interest in going under the knife at this point, because I don't dislike anything on myself enough to want to put down the money or risk to do it.

I do get bothered a bit when people ask if I'm a man(not on cgl though, because cgl is cgl) but in real life even before I ever even knew about /cgl/ Then again. People can be down right stupid at times so it's not skin off my nose.

>> No.6434741

I have the same thing.
Somedays it's more noticeable then others, and I have to stuff one side of my bra with a sock.
It was pretty bad in high school though. I've actually considered getting plastic surgery to make the smaller breast the same size as my other one.

>> No.6434775

I don't stuff my bra, but as I said I'm very picky with the clothes I choose so it doesn't show, and I always position my breasts in a certain way inside the bra to minimize the difference.

I considered getting a reduction on the bigger one because I don't see the point in having bigger breasts. But I'd rather not get any surgery for purely aesthetic purposes.

>> No.6434780
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>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
my face is very round and i have a big nose, as well as a fairly defined chin. im tired of people thinking i look younger than i am and i want to be pretty at 19 years old, not cute.

>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
my body is pretty solid in terms of muscle and fat disbursement (if not slightly fatty due to lack of activity) but i want to have a thin build and a small frame. i feel as though my body doesn't fit the image of "feminine" and i detest that. im also insecure about my breasts and vaginal appearance but it doesn't matter since im a shut-in anyway

>Do you have self-esteem issues?

>Do you fear never being good enough?
im too competitive to feel good about myself for longer than a day at a time. im always competing with myself to achieve something new and at this rate i will never be happy, which is something i acknowledge and accept

>> No.6434778
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I don't hate the way I look, but it's a burden.

At 5'6 and 215 and growing, I'm a biggin.
I've lost all motivation to lose weight partly because of frustration and partly because I can live with it. And also because I know even if I lose weight, I'll need plastic surgery on my stomach to look normal.

I'm the kind of fattie whose weight all went to their lower stomach. I've begged my parents since high school to get a tummy tuck and a lap band. The stretch marks are so severe they're almost underneath my boobs. When I did cross country in high school my belly skin slapped against my upper front quads when I ran. It still does it when I go on the treadmill.
And my boobs are worse.
They're inflated, saggy flapjacks and I'm in desperate need of an augmentation.

I know without the proper kickstart my whole life is going to be nothing but losing weight and regaining it. I lost 30 pounds last summer and it's already come back. But I can't stop the eating. I eat to relieve stress, which I experience everyday. And frankly eating makes me feel good. Even when I tracked my calories I would physically "forget" that I ate something earlier and I would convince myself that I could eat more.

But I also know that being fat isn't the end of the world. People have it worse than me.

>> No.6434797

If the size of your breasts is what you agonize over, then you're probably not doing too bad

That said, I'm a 6'0" tall, thin man with a "pretty" face, green eyes and thick hair who agonizes over having no pectorals to speak of, so rest assured that we've all got problems

>> No.6434798

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Cos I always think my face looks ok and then I see a photo and I see my fat cheeks that are blotchy red with random, unappealing blemishes[not pimples, but not cute freckles or anything like that]. My mouth is so small, and actually you know I just hate how I look on a whole.

>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
Mine got fat and wide and now as soon as I work up my confidence for bikinis I have a dark red scar just under my belly button, from surgery. I have those gross bumps on the upper arm as well -- my proportions are weird, with my arms and legs too long compared to the rest of myself.

>Do you have self-esteem issues?
No, I'm just naturally this lighthearted. I have depression and am hypercritical of myself along with having been in grief for ages, so it's kind of a package "fuck me" deal.

>Do you fear never being good enough?
Yeah. I guess.

sage because this is whiny and self-absorbed, sorry

>> No.6434801

>im tired of people thinking i look younger than i am and i want to be pretty at 19 years old, not cute.

I used to think like this, but lately I've come to terms with it. Looking younger than you are as you age is a good thing, and you'll probably get many laughs out of it in the long run. My only advice is to always carry your ID. I've been of age 5 years already and bouncers still give me the stink eye when they check my birthdate.

>> No.6434802

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
I was bullied relentlessly until high school. That kind of trauma doesn't go away overnight.

>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
Again, used to be bullied. I lost about 20 pounds since then, but the constant worry of being judged didn't go away.

>Do you have self-esteem issues?
No, but I do doubt myself sometimes, or feel like I'm bothering people when I'm clearly not.

>Do you fear never being good enough?
Yes, but this mostly comes from parents constantly treating me as a failure even when I did well.

>> No.6434804

i have a huge visible scar from major surgery and it makes me feel really self conscious. i always have to wear dark tights or people stare.

>> No.6434816

Depends on the day. When I look at my face, sometimes, I feel like I'm really pretty, but sometimes I just want to punch myself for being atrocious.
Sometimes I can't go out without make-up, sometimes it's alright, I don't even put mascara on.

Body-wise, I'm slowly accepting my HUGE bottom (60 cm waist and 95 cm hips, 87 cm chest), but whenever I see myself naked in the mirror I can't help but hate what I see.

Over the years I've started thinking that the people who I admired the most/was the most into were more interesting than beautiful, so I kind of gave up on beauty.
It might sound stupid but I'm in an artistic environment and people don't really give a shit about your face, you won't get anybody's attention because you look like Natalie Portman, but if you can draw like Peter de Seve then even if you're ugly, people will be drawn to you no matter what.
So I'm trying to find the balance between "worried about my looks" and "working like crazy to accomplish something I'm proud of". I guess this kind of reasoning makes me shallow, but I accepted long ago that what people thought of me really, really mattered to me... even though that might not be a good thing!

>> No.6434822

I spend so much time trying to look pretty, but I always worry I look too much like a boy. I've always been rather tomboy-ish, and it doesn't help that I have a low voice for a girl. I've lost almost forty pounds to fit into my new lolita wardrobe, but when I look at myself I still think I look masculine. I want to join my local Lolita community, but I'm too worried they won't like me.

When I was like eleven, two guys at school made fun of my nose and it's always stuck with me. Everytime I think I start to look pretty, I'll either find something wrong in the mirror or see a picture that was taken of me and I get all depressed again.

I'm in my senior year of college, but I still haven't made any friends. I commute, so that doesn't really help but I have too much anxiety about living away from home. I haven't hung out with anyone in over two years. I try very hard to be a nice person, I just don't know why nobody wants to be my friend.

>> No.6434832
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no way your bottom is huge. it appears unproportional based on the rest of your tiny body but im sure it looks fine. men love child-bearing hips so take pride in them, girl

you are lucky that you have little more to worry about than a scar. i have tons of scars all over my body but they werent caused by surgery or anything. surgery scars tend to look pretty cool so its something to be proud of as surgery can be tough and definitely scary.

>> No.6434837

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
People tell me I'm really pretty but when I look at myself in pictures it is horrible. My eyes go to every flaw and I just hate it.
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
I don't hate my body as much as I used to, say, 3 months ago when I was fat. I'm back down to a skinny weight I just have a tiny bit of belly pudge I'm trying to get rid of. I get angry sometimes and think I'm fat. Every time I look in the mirror I still see myself as fat, even though I'm back down to 110 lbs.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Sometimes I'm ok with my body and how clothes fit, other times I cannot find a single thing to wear that looks right. I'm a bit self conscious of my boobs so I have to keep telling myself to stand up straight and not hunch.
>Do you fear never being good enough?
All the time. I wonder if other people are angry at me or I did something wrong, I don't look right, I'm not pretty enough. My brother is like the star-child of the family and super successful while I've struggled a lot and I just feel awful.

Now I feel like shit.

>> No.6434968

Because I have no tits and I'd rather be a dude.

>> No.6434975
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>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Creepy lazy eye, I also wish my face was cleaner
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
I don't
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Not quite
>Do you fear never being good enough?
The only judgment I care about is my own, and I'm pretty lax, so...

>> No.6434977

I don't really have any personality or opinions or anything. I don't even ave hobbies. I don't do anything besides fuck around on the internet and sleep. Even though I post here and on other niche interest boards on 4chan I don't actually take part in any of the interests or communities. So I am pretty boring. Also I don't think I've spoken out loud in a month.

>> No.6434979

>trying beyond hard to sound like some animu girl
God, reading your posts just makes me puke. Girls who become misogynistic just to attract attention are an insult to femininity.

>> No.6434980

I don't have experience with relationships and sex so I feel someone with experience wouldn't want to have anything with me.

>> No.6434985
File: 210 KB, 500x375, hhateeverything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never vent too much. I'm starting to lose myself again. I had to leave a friends house last night. I don't know what set myself off. I think it's just built up again. I just went to a dark parking lot and cried in my car for a bit and stayed there for about 2 hours. I didn't want to go home because I was scared I would turn to pills and drinking again. So I just went and had my breakdown alone til my thoughts calmed down.

I hate myself so much I tend to want to do things to mess it up more. I really don't want to end up in a mental hospital or dead so I keep it to myself and put myself away from things that I will want to use. Last time I went off the edge i ended up cutting my face a little bit. Thankfully not enough to scar.

>> No.6434986

Doesn't really matter, I don't think another person has even seen me since easter

>> No.6434987

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Because I have a sharp chin.
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
Not that much. Just 5 pounds away from my ideal body.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Yes because everyone made fun of my pale skin, long hair, and girly features all throughout my life.
>Do you fear never being good enough?
I am never good enough because my Chinese parents hit me whenever I didn't get an A+++++

>> No.6434998
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>I really don't want to end up in a mental hospital or dead so I keep it to myself
But... that makes no sense. Isn't building it up pretty much the oposite of what you should do? Being trapped in your own mind is hell, from my own experiece letting it out with other people is more helpful than caging it within yourself.

I'm glad to hear you're trying to stay away from mixing meds and alcohol, that is never good. I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling that way, I hope things get better for you.

Here, have HOMRA as animals.

>> No.6435004

>letting it out with other people
But that's gay and a sign of weakness.

>> No.6435016

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Well growing up I was one of the first kids to get acne and thus was picked on for it. So because of that and a lot of other things said I've got it stuck in my brain that I'm ugly as fuck.

>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
I don't hate my body as much since I'm lucky with genetics to not be overly fat. Just have some pudge I'm working on getting rid of.

>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Yeah but it's mostly my facial appearance.

>Do you fear never being good enough?
Of course that goes hand in hand with self-esteem problems. Course I worry about not being good enough in all aspects of my life such as school, work, relationships, hobbies, ect ect.

>> No.6435032

>>>/r9k/ >>>/jp/ >>>/a/

>> No.6435031 [DELETED] 

All I hate is my back and ankles. Pain comes from them and actually my ankles have been surgically repaired several times (one in the left and three in the right). It's a good thing I like most everything else about myself; otherwise I'd have lost my mind years ago. If my back and ankles weren't causing pain, I wouldn't be in this thread and would be a happy man.

>> No.6435047
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Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
I'm very pretty, thanks
Why do you hate your bodies so much?
I don't
Do you have self-esteem issues?
Do you fear never being good enough?
No, I'm more than good enough, for whatever

Some people are just perfect, I just happen to be one

>> No.6435048
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Those words are gay and a sign of weakness

>> No.6435060

fak of

>> No.6435091
File: 373 KB, 1024x768, 1348819764638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate your appearance seagulls? I look underage. I wouldn't mind trying more "mature" cosplays, like characters my age.
Why do you hate your bodies so much? I just hate my stomach, it's kinda pudgy. I want to do midriff cosplays.
Do you have self-esteem issues? Kinda. I like myself but at the same time I don't at times. I mostly have trust issues since I used to get harassed a lot.
Do you fear never being good enough? Always, but at the end, it's better than nothing. And I see stupid idiots get away with the same shit, so I stopped caring as much and proceed to call out on bullshit.

>> No.6435096

I'm pale and chubby, a pear-shaped one at that, and I was a B cup for the last 6 years (recently lost weight + getting on the pill gave me C cups, but still; also, they're very far apart so I never get cleavage, though they're perky). I have huge hereditary dark circles, and a big nose. I'm almost glad I have to wear glasses, it hides that... And now I'm losing my hair. I'm only 20, fuck.

I'll never be pretty ;_;

>> No.6435106
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If I tell anyone I will end up in that place. I have OD'd twice and have avoided the hospital. I feel as if it will make my life worse. Plus I don't want to be more of a burden. I'm used to being the one helping people. Being helped doesn't feel right.

plus the very few friends I have have it much worse than me. I can't let them worry about me being stupid. I'm suppose to be the strong friend that's always there for them. Letting them see my weak side seems wrong. So I'm trying to be grateful for what I have which isn't going over well I guess.

>> No.6435120

I don't
My body is awesome
Not in the least
I fear other people thinking they're not good enough.

>> No.6435161
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There ain't no way you gonna get better with that attitude little nigga.

>> No.6435164

I wish to be the little girl, but that's not gonna happen so no point in hating myself I'll just make the best with what I've got. No hate here.

>> No.6435170

I don't know how to change. I just figured I will turn out like both my parents. They are the same. It just started earlier for me I guess.
The more I try the worse it becomes it feels like.

>> No.6435184

You'll find it what you need to change eventually, get over it
this pity party is over

>> No.6435228

This is not related to /cgl/. Report and hide this thread and report any replies to this thread both before and after this post.

>> No.6435268

Don't worry, guys actually appreciate girls like you. When I was a virgin I was also insecure but then I realised that the only guys who cared were the ones who only wanted easy sex.

>> No.6435431
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>tfw 28A

>> No.6435447
File: 100 KB, 500x375, 1348952109245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you don't have medium sized flapjack tits with huge nips
>tfw you will never strip in front of your hubby

>> No.6435458
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1353184835744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
Sometimes I don't othertimes I just want to kill myself because I think I am hideous
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
It was a lot worse before, when I thought boys liked super skinny women, but now I know that's not the case.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
>Do you fear never being good enough?
Every day.

Fucking anime man, that's what it is. I grew up on it and always felt ashamed I was never a 10/10 anime girl. I am a social recluse and the only contact with males I have is on here, where I hear "lol 3ddp slut! I hate your guts!" all day.
It just ruins me.

>> No.6435459
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Okay... that is something I did NOT need to read.

>> No.6435472

40DD here...I'll trade you.

>> No.6435477

But I'm a guy.