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6431664 No.6431664 [Reply] [Original]

Maikodolly old thread is autosaging >>6426872

EGL thread: http://egl.livejournal.com/18930602.html

Any updates or other info?

>> No.6431679

yeah heres an update

she's a bitch

>> No.6431689

Some people are getting their money back.

Personally I think this is what happened

>>My personal theory is her dad reported the card stolen and the charges as fraud b/c she lied under pressure and said she had omg no idea what all the charges were from.

None of her stories add up.

>> No.6431692

>>Wow really? I'm not involved in it so I've kept my mouth shut, but don't tell her she's not allowed to do "xD" faces and whatnot... that's just how some people write online, and also a way to keep it less uncomfortable. I know for me in real life I will often crack bad jokes and try to do things of that nature when I'm feeling uncomfotable or a situation gets bad, because that's my defense mechanism. Just saying don't be rude: just because you're reading it differently then she intended. Like everyone here has said, SERIOUSLY cut her some damn slack. She's dealing with something ridiculously difficult and trying to do the right thing as best she can, so leave her alone.

>>Stop attacking her character because that has nothing to do with the situation at all.

Someone go bitchslap this broad, please.

>> No.6431711

Is that on the Facebook page? I wish I was a member so I could see what's going on. I know the mod on the facebook page was deleting & editing content when peole were trying to point out how her stories were changing..

>> No.6431720


Just join, they accept everyone

fb dawt com/groups/248638205150052

>> No.6431728

Yep. I understand not being mean to the girl but seriously, there are too many girls sucking her ass on that post.

>> No.6431732

I bet she won't even be banned from it. Hooray! They will be teaching her it's okay to fuck people over and lie about it.

>> No.6431734

It really pisses me off. It's like they're all giving her the benefit of the doubt. No wonder lolitas are so easy to scam. Oh, we're trading dresses, I got your tracking number. Wow okay the dress arrived, wait there's nothing in the bag. Hmm, did she forget to send the dress? Oh look a note. "Haha you sucker, you got owned." Hmm...I guess she's pulling a prank on me, I'll wait a few weeks for the real package to arrive.

>> No.6431736

Pfft. Pretty much.

It's clear she's lying about what happened. Her story changed a few times. Just because people are getting their money back doesn't mean she didn't try to scam them.

>> No.6431737

She really deserves to get punished or something.

>> No.6431740

>I got your tracking number. Wow okay the dress arrived, wait there's nothing in the bag
Does this kind of thing actually happen? How does this sort of thing get proven?

>> No.6431751
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>> No.6431758

Maikodolly is a thief and I hope she rots behind bars making license plates!

>> No.6431761

I'm so glad that someone called that shit out, it's super unprofessional and annoying as hell

"Hi I'm maiko and I scammed people out of thousands of dollars lol xD"

>> No.6431764

at least people called Alesha's dumbass out

>> No.6431766

so what, the mail carriers delivered an empty bag/package? i don't think so. I could see a box, but not a package

>> No.6431767
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Can I punch the whiteknight please?

I fucking can't stand liars like this:>>6431736
Please don't go promoting that you're a "half Japanese aspiring singer who's mom just died teehee xD", this isn't the fucking time to get pity or attention whore. I think it even pisses me off more that she's trying to use the dead mom and insurance excuse in an inappropriate manner.

I hope she stays banned. And the FB sales need to lern2ban.

>> No.6431770

This does happen. Usually people stuff the box or package with newspaper/wrapping/something to make it look full.

>> No.6431771

What if it's filled with a t-shirt or something like that? How are you supposed to prove that you actually didn't get the goods? Trades are really scary imo.

>> No.6431777

The only good trade is a Pokemon trade as you know what you're getting into.

>> No.6431779

usually when i do trades its like a partial trade so i haven't ever been gypped yet but yeah ive seen girls get scammed a lot via trades on the FB sales comm. ive done 1 trade via the fb comm and the others through EGL comm sales with no problems
thank god for egl fb

>> No.6431778


>> No.6431782

oh ok I could see that, I was picturing a like bag with a giant ass hole in it being delivered idk haha

>> No.6431788

flapping in the wind for effect

hit it right on the head, hope she gets banned, probably won't. doesn't really matter if she think's it's fair or not, it's not really fair that like 7+ loli's had money issues because of her.

>> No.6431797

I agree and I am an outsider to this movement. It's just not right to keep her around when she's caused financial difficulties to at least 7 lolitas and possibly more.

>> No.6431811

Remember when the comm used to ban even for in-timely shipping and bad communication, even bad buying? Tose were the days, now people like fairy dragonet and this chick can get away with things with no flack at all!

>> No.6431814

>>I don't think you understand what I mean when I say that... obviously she's not comfortable. You think you're in a crappy situation being out money? She's the one who not only had her identity stolen by her sibling, but now has to fight banks and paypal for them to refund and set this straight. As someone who has seen my own relative have their identity stolen - the process is a MESS and it's horrible and extremely difficult. Identity theft is one of the biggest issues in the US right now and it's so bad they don't even know how to handle it.

>>ALSO as someone who works for a bank, I know how hard it is to go through the process on this end. It takes a LOT of work to research and figure out what is what, and then it puts us out money... obviously that's an issue. It's not a fast process, it usually means freezing the person's account and takes weeks easily, so her refunds she's giving right now are not from this situation being solved, it's her own personal funds that she is using. You're not the only ones out the money right now.

>>So stop jumping down her throat that in the midst of this huge mess she did something as simple as write "lol xD" or things like that... it's a defense mechanism and you can't fight someone for that. Take a pyschology class and learn about the different ways people deal with trauma - blaming them just makes you selfish. You could blame her all day long if she was actually scamming or running off with the money and making no attempt to fix anything, but since she is just cut her some slack and put yourself in her shoes for a minute.

SMH I can't even

>> No.6431815
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>> No.6431820

>Take a pyschology class and learn about the different ways people deal with trauma


>> No.6431821
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>> No.6431823

Someone point out how her story has changed multiple times, please. First she said she called Paypal first and Paypal "must have called the bank," then she said she called the bank about the identity theft first...

>> No.6431825

Please, someone, anyone stop me from ripping my hair out. That girl is a dumb Alesha bitch.

>> No.6431836
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>> No.6431844

I give up.

>> No.6431847
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People stopped liking her comments and others are ripping her to shreds.

I have SOME faith in humanity again.

>> No.6431846

>I'm just trying to stand up for justice


And I love how she won't address the fact that her story has changed.

>> No.6431852
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oh my GOD

>> No.6431853

God fucking dammit I hope someone scams her! Jesus. Also, I didn't post it but does she realize that she is also making assumptions about the situation and Maiko? They may be in a positive light but she's doing the exact same thing she seems to be mad about.

>> No.6431854

this. whether she had bad intentions or good ones, she obviously can't keep track of her financial situation and has caused other people grief because of it... I sure as shit don't want her around to do business with

>> No.6431857

what did fairy dragonet do?

>> No.6431861

This Alesha bitch is trippin hard

>> No.6431862

How do we even know the police confirmed it was a CC mistake? Especially if people are STILL getting hit over this? Someone apparently told the mods but the mods haven't said anything other than it was confirmed by the authorities. There has to be a reason explanation for this, right? right? She's not just a scammer right??

>> No.6431863

Someone said in the other thread that if she has the money to drop $4K on dresses in one month she can buy new. Sales comm shouldn't have to deal with her.

>> No.6431864

omg this, acting like she knows whats up with trauma and reactions

>> No.6431865


I'm pretty sure she fucking up a taobao GO big time, people were waiting for their items for months and she had nothing to say

>> No.6431867

*fucked up

>> No.6431869

We don't. The mods said their "source" says it but they won't reveal what that source was.

>> No.6431873
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as soon as my request goes in, I'm jumping in the fray woooooohoo

gonna tell alesha how it is

>> No.6431877

Holy fucking shit she's a moron. I'm glad we could dish out the pain /cgl/ style. Someone should atleast apologize to Alex Doll for making the thread get so out of hand, but thank her for letting us actually have a conversation without asspats.

>> No.6431879

Unrelated but

Wtf, Starry Night Theatre OP for $250?? Is that normal? I thought that print was super rare?

I just noticed it cause it's right underneath the scammer post

>> No.6431880

>blaming others makes you selfish
so then does making light of a situation in order to make yourself feel better make you a selfish cunt?

>> No.6431883

Are you talking about the pink one? Pink is not a popular color.

>> No.6431886

ohnoe gaise kimilou is sooooo sad at all these rude, mean lolis attacking this poor girl who could have made off with $20K!!!111~!

Good fucking riddance.

>> No.6431887


>> No.6431889

I KNOW I was like poor bb can't handle the drama...

>> No.6431896

See, this is why I hate psych majors or w/e. These kinds of people tend to be the most retarded which is why they need a class to understand peoples actions and reactions to shit. That's why they feel the need to bring it up all the time.

>> No.6431897

Someone PLEASE tell me what is rude about that thread. If they want to see rude, they should just come here. Everyone was being fairly civil.

>> No.6431900
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well this might have been rude but idgaf she needed to hear it. I don't think it was, Alesha is a massive pile of butthurt

>> No.6431901

>I can't believe you're trying to bash my intelligence because I used an internet face. Interesting. Really guys, this is silly. You have no reason to continually bash me and call me insensitive and whatever other things you're doing. Honestly I did nothing wrong, and I wish to leave the conversation for only one reason - I made my point, hopefully it helped at least one person rethink what they were saying, and for the rest of you it created new people being rude, again, for no reason. And that's completely counterproductive, even if the hate is being drawn from her to me.



Oh my bad

>> No.6431903

That bitch doesn't sound like she knows jack shit about psych. Im not a psych but the people who write "If you even took a class in X you would know that..." tend to not have studied it at all :/

>> No.6431904

I was gonna ad hom. I'm still tempted to
> Really Alesha, this is silly. You have no reason to continually bash me and call me insensitive and whatever other things you're doing. Honestly I did nothing wrong.

>> No.6431907

is jessica H here? if you are, get it, gurl

>> No.6431905

yeah. she is just digging herself deeper

>> No.6431914

Not her, but she's here alright.

>> No.6431918


>> No.6431916

Wait, who said that?

>> No.6431921

Where did anyone get on her for using emoticons?

>> No.6431922

out of vague curiosity, where is a mod in all this...?

>not here
>sleeping in
>watching and sipping tea

>> No.6431924

couple different places, alesha and maiko

>> No.6431928

Alex Doll yesterday got some flack for deleting some of the thread content so she's probably just going to leave it be tbh.

>> No.6431932
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>> No.6431930
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>> No.6431933

Jessica H said something to her about how she feels like people who use emoticons in serious convos seem like retards. >>6431900

Also, Jess, you're doing the caps or someone else?

>> No.6431937
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>> No.6431938

maiko and the tale of xD screencaps


>> No.6431940

What is the last comment about?

>> No.6431950

aaaaaand now aourai is in it, smfh

>> No.6431959
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why am i not surprised

>> No.6431966


Lol, yes we totally need her input

>> No.6431969

I laughed so hard at this photo.

>> No.6431974

Oh snap, we have a new idiot to take Alesha's place

>> No.6431975
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>> No.6431977

LOL oh aourai

>> No.6431981

did aorauii or alesha call their friends to this thread or something

>> No.6431983

Did Isaballe just basically say "If someone was on me for being unprofessional after my actions cost them hundreds and even THOUSANDS of dollars I would say fuck it and let my bank or paypal deal with it and not contact anyone"


>> No.6431987

Yep. Those were her exact words.

>> No.6431988


Yea she's getting blacklisted for me

>> No.6431986

i really want to say 'isabella, shut up' but

>> No.6431990

You can just say "Well Isabella I'm glad you said that because now people can know to avoid your sales, because if something happens and you behave unprofessionally you have just admitted you would not try to fix it."

>> No.6431993
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>> No.6431995

aourai is bitching at the mod for not stepping in. i bet she was the one bitching the last time.


>> No.6431997
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>> No.6432018
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>> No.6432035

The girls who are complaining about how UNFAIR people are being to Maiko seem like the type to be shitty sellers in the first place tbh

>> No.6432040
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I wish the thread didn't escalate to a ridiculous level.

Looks like I'm only going to buy and sell with mandatory tracking only now, along with keeping my online receipts and confirmations. Shipping will cost more, but at least it's better than having this mess occur.

>> No.6432073

Is Kimilou reporting anyone elses comments?? She just reported mine over something retarded.

"I hope you know, all the dirty things you guys have said is NOTHING compared to 1 name. And the thing about name calling is that sometimes it describes the person perfectly =/"

I'll cap it in a second, but she reported me to FB, sent that message, then blocked me so I can't even respond

>> No.6432076

>And the thing about name calling is that sometimes it describes the person perfectly =/
I hate when people use this against someone they disagree with even when it applies to what they are agreeing with.

>> No.6432084


Lol, are you Isabella?

>> No.6432090


Wait, scratch that, no youre not

>> No.6432097


>> No.6432098
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I realized something was off when it said that I got logged out of FB, then when I logged in I got the screen that said you have been reported blah blah if you don't believe this is correct uncheck the box" but there wasn't a box to check?? I clicked continue and was back in FB, IDK why she sent me this message, or why her report got sent to me or whatever

And my comment is STILL there. How fucking sensitive can you be? jesus christ. Nobody said ANYTHING rude until Isabella came in and started licking maiko's asshole. Nobody buy/sell to her.

>> No.6432109



I guess I am a bitch, then. SHE DESCRIBED ME PERFECTLY.

(Kim here!)

>> No.6432112

Looks like Alex called her out on that.

>> No.6432113
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jesus christ isabella

>> No.6432128

I still haven't gotten my $400 back yet. I'm really worried and annoyed. I've been talking to Maiko and she's not responding. Paypal told me that since she has her account back it's her responsibility.

>> No.6432132

Okay, so both Isabella and Kimilou are on my blacklist.

>> No.6432139

post on the Fbook thread telling people that

>> No.6432144

wtf that is ridiculous

>> No.6432160

Post on the egl page, too. It turns out someone was actually told to go to the police.

>> No.6432162

I am not in the fb comm right now and my LJ has been having issues messaging as well as commenting on things. (I'm at work right now so it might be a problem with my internet) I messaged her and emailed her telling her that paypal has sent me a message about the refund being incomplete, which I capped to send to her, but no response all day. She hasn't said anything on the fb thread so she may be at work, but can someone tell her on the fb thread that someone has been trying to get a hold of her?

>> No.6432170

I am willing to bet she is so overwhelmed right now she is probably ignoring most of the online chaos.

>> No.6432186

Probably. I'm just very worried about this.

>> No.6432190

Just message her saying you're contacting the police. When people hear that they panic and start responding usually.

>> No.6432207

Alright, that's done. I really don't want to have to be mean or rude about all this so close to the holiday, but this is just such a mess.

>> No.6432209

So guys, I may be being extra cautious here but does anyone have her actual name? I know it's not Maiko Fantaji or whatever. I just want to make sure to fully update my blacklist.

>> No.6432216

The "Milanoo" seller mentioned in the previous seller mentioned it IIRC. I wish I capped it.

I really hope you get your money back. There's a person that was already instructed to call the cops on her.

>> No.6432221

Wow Kimilou is a pussy ass bitch for reporting people who aren't pandering for Maiko for being a scamming whore

>> No.6432225

>mentioned it IIRC. I wish I capped it.
Did anyone get the cap of this? I saw someone said it wasn't her actual name. We've already got her email.

>> No.6432232

Yeah, that's not her name. Someone else should post it.

>> No.6432233

I didn't get a cap but the name was Catalina Ziwes

Google just brings up a 20 year old in Denmark?

>> No.6432236

Someone also posted her paypal email in one of the previous threads, it should be in the archive

>> No.6432243

Someone posted her name on the EGL thread but they screened it, unless that was the milanoo post? I know for a fact it's not that though, I'm just not at liberty to say it

>> No.6432246

That name was in the milapoo post.

>> No.6432247

if I give you an email can you tell me? I really just want to put it on my list.

>> No.6432251

This is her singing? God it's horrific! http://soundcloud.com/maiko-fantaji/ai-no-senshi-cover-by-maiko

>> No.6432249

the name was like Caroline/Catalina Ditagnew or something

>> No.6432252

Ahhh, okay


>> No.6432253



>> No.6432256

This is just my trash throw away email. Sorry if I seem paranoid or something I just had a scam scare a few months back and I don't want to take any chances.

>> No.6432258

Mine's a trash too. Hold on.

>> No.6432259

Thanks alot :) I've been having second hand stress over this and I'm not even involved..

>> No.6432262


>> No.6432268

Thanks again.

>> No.6432280

No that's not Maiko. That's a diff person

>> No.6432283

Yeah this isn't her name. Though, we probably shouldn't buy from her either since ~maybe milanoo~ is having problems with her.

>> No.6432322

Damn, this is just a load of crazy. Anyone that hasn't gotten their money back by now should definitely go to the police.

>> No.6432332

she's not bad? I tuned in for the lulz and she sounds fine, 1/10 for getting me excited

>> No.6432337

not ever buying shit of the fb comm, the mods obv don't know how to keep anything in control there and there are obviously shitty sellers...not all of them, but enough to stay away

>> No.6432341


This happened on egl sales though

>> No.6432355

I find that fb comm and the other brand specific ones are not as scalped as egl sales.

>> No.6432391

her real name is Caitlyn Murray. I sold to her. Oddly enough, the cc she paid with was from a Jane Murray.

>> No.6432394

her dead mom?

>> No.6432397

I guess? I honestly don't know. It didn't say WHO Jane was, just that that was who the cc belonged to.

>> No.6432400

maybe her mom isn't dead and she was using her mother's cc to buy all those dresses?

>> No.6432402

ah, I knew it would come out eventually

>> No.6432404

well, she told her that the dress she was buying from me was a gift from her mom so I didn't think anything off about the cc being used. Idk if she is truly dead or not.

>> No.6432407

I honestly feel bad for posting it but at this point I think too many people are screwed over. What I will not do, however, is give out her email or home adress

>> No.6432416

Did you get hit? I'm the person in this thread who knew it but didn't want to post it. Do you mean CC or Paypal account?

>> No.6432422

cc was Jane. the PayPal account did belong to her afaik. I'd prefer not to give any further info about myself or the transaction jic I need to take her to court, I hope you understand.

>> No.6432423

When did she buy from you?

>> No.6432428

all I will say is that when she purchased from me she had 0 feedback, so no idea of her purchase from me was first or very early on.

>> No.6432435

How did you know the CC had Jane's name on it? Because someone I know said the name on the PP account/money came from was Jane. You probably shouldn't have posted here if you're that serious about taking her to court.

>> No.6432438

Someone needs to grow some balls and call the damn cops already. She's not only robbed countless people of their money, she's also destroyed the sales comm for the foreseeable future.

>> No.6432447

not that serious...yet. I guess I don't know for sure but the address was listed as her and not Jane. It's not like posting here is going to negate the fact that she's fucking lying about receiving dresses. Even if they knew who I was, so what? I'm not lying about anything, just trying to help others avoid this fate jic she creates anther pp account. Can she even do that? Idk.

>> No.6432452

dont worry girls, ill rape her

thatll show her to never rip anyone off

>> No.6432459

It's possible to buy stuff on paypal with a credit card that doesn't belong to you. My friend said the account had the name Jane Murray, but that she shipped to Caitlyn. Who the fuck knows anymore.

>> No.6432466

not that anybody ever thought it was true, but "jane murray" doesn't sound very japanese. guess she's not haafu.

>> No.6432470

wow, that's a real mess. I wasn't even aware of that. So she IS using another person's card in every transaction? If it's a case of fraud why does it have the same last name then??

>> No.6432482

Im assuming its her mothers or grandmothers card, like they gave her a credit card but have it in their name since she wasnt old enough at the time?

>> No.6432501

What a fucking bitch

Actually, what the fuck is wrong with her parents? They can't just charge back everything she wasted their money on, that's fucked up. What a spoiled fucking brat. Shes never going to learn her lesson, it's just "tee hee oh my little darling, what will we ever do about her? She wasn't supposed to buy all that stuff hee hee hee isn't she cute?"

>> No.6432514

but that's not fraud then, since they co-signed onto it.

>> No.6432517

If this is the case, they probably caught her using it and she freaked and said 'OMG SOMEONE STOLE MY IDENTITY IDK WHAT THESE CHARGES ARE'

>> No.6432520

>everything they wasted their money on
well, let's see...
>hospital bill for maiko
>baby shit for maiko
>school fees for 12 years
> food for maiko for 18+ years
>electricity, water, etc
>maiko's rent, currently
>clothes for maiko
be pretty hard to do all that...

>> No.6432522

Well, then, isn't THAT fraund? What the fuck man

>> No.6432531
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hai gaiz you cant do that you have to pity her cos her mama died.

I really hope this girl learns her lesson and gets the boot for good. I can't stand how she uses her mom's death as pity, too.

>> No.6432533

it is not possible for maikodolly to NOT have committed a criminal act at some point in this saga.

>> No.6432535

IF her mom is actually dead. there's just no way to know, is there?

>> No.6432542

Yes there is. For those that have her adress they can do a good google-fu search.

>> No.6432541

So guys wait. If we all think about it, whether or not her mom is dead or alive there wouldn't have been any fraud connected to that account or that card because it's not hers. There's nothing she herself could have dealt with since she's not the card holder. Either way nothing adds up.

>> No.6432545


>> No.6432548

the one from florida or the one from california?

>> No.6432552

Here's Maiko's PP email in case anyone wants to blacklist her that way


>> No.6432553

yes, please
whichever one you have, I guess?

>> No.6432556

I only have the florida one and nothing's coming up... unless there's something specific to search for and I'm not doing it?

>> No.6432559
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the plot thickens

>> No.6432566

damn, her house in florida is huge, not surprising since it's on a culdesac

>> No.6432567

This fucking bitch just needs to leave lolita. She is always like this.

>> No.6432569
File: 115 KB, 512x313, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her mom's not dead, she's a doctor in kansas:

>> No.6432576

Is there anyway we can get in contact with her mom or something? I really need my money for gifts.

>> No.6432571

That came up for me too, but I also found 13472375 Jane Murray's so it's possible it's not her.

>> No.6432573
File: 169 KB, 674x699, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that they have been trying to sell the FL house for sometime but that is all
then again I am not very good at this

>> No.6432574
File: 51 KB, 563x252, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432575

That was in her pp address

>> No.6432577

given that the jane murray who comes up for the aol search lives in warrensburg and the dr seves the warrensberg area, it's a safe assumption.

>> No.6432578 [DELETED] 

The mur6mn thing I mean

>> No.6432583

Okay so this person is the same one with the mur6mn email that is the same email and name on the paypal account?

>> No.6432586

That is the info I used to find that house listing, yes.

>> No.6432584
File: 17 KB, 479x132, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, we don't know if this is her, but it's worth a shot. to me it looks like her parents got divorced, and maiko saw an opportunity to reinvent herself as a haafu with a dead mom.

>> No.6432591

So she's using her mom's old Paypal, it looks like? Hmmmm.

>> No.6432589

If you read her Ameblo, Maiko used to live in Missouri or something

>> No.6432592


It's entirely possible that those pages haven't been amended to reflect her death?

>> No.6432596

Someone should call the # >>6432584

>> No.6432599

You think her mom is the one filing identity theft then?

>> No.6432614


Just leaving this here. I wonder how far Warrensville, MO is from this place in Kansas??

>> No.6432623

Typically obituaries provide family names they are survived by. Maybe you could find her mother's obituary by searching with her name?

>> No.6432622
File: 311 KB, 1406x661, ughnoway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would believe she lives in MO and just commutes, TBH. Kind of like how lots of people live in New Hampshire but commute to Boston, or like, Chicago and the suburbs. It's not crazy far away.

>> No.6432636

According to her Ameblo, mother died July 2012. Not sure if Missouri or Florida.

>> No.6432642

If she has a 'Fee Schedule' for Dec 2012, wouldn't that be a big enough hint that she's still alive? Idk...

>> No.6432644

Maybe they just didn't update it yet? Someone should call and ask

>> No.6432645

How do you efficiently find obituaries?
My friend died and I can't find any info online, where she's buried, nada.
Her parents aren't answering phone calls, didn't let friends attend funeral, etc. So I'm going to find something online

>> No.6432647

Jane Murray MD ext 103

>> No.6432648

Tried it, they're closed until tomorrow morning.

>> No.6432650

Maybe with that email address

>> No.6432673

It's likely under Maiko's control right now

>> No.6432680

our best bet is calling the officce or finding out the company that her mother worked for.
a simple 'is jane murray still employed through this company' etc would suffice
i would do it but i don't live in the US

>> No.6432685
File: 12 KB, 413x189, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432689


>> No.6432690

lol where did she post this

>> No.6432696

wait where did jessica say ok bitch? it was isabella in >>6432113 screencap?

>> No.6432701

someone should inform the fb group that we found her mother

>> No.6432702

She needs to stay the fuck out of it then. If she actually knew what was really going on then she would hold her tongue.

Has anyone informed the mods about how the CC card isn't in Maiko's name and pointed out that she possibly couldn't file identity theft herself like she had said because the card she's using isn't linked to her identity.

>> No.6432704

I hate her so much. She is so two faced.

>> No.6432715
File: 50 KB, 385x572, stupidpart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432720

I'm not sure if the doctor is her mother, she looks a little old. But it's worth calling anyway, just in case.

>> No.6432725

I just blocked all the people whiteknighting so they won't message me or see my sales.

>> No.6432730

Are you sure "mama" means mother? The impression I got from her ameblo entry was that it was her grandmother, especially since her grandfather was the one to inform her.

>> No.6432738

That sounds horrible Anon. If you know where she lived your best bet might be to call all the cemeteries within a 10km radius and make enquiries. Or make enquiries with your local state office for registration of birth, death and marriages and see if they can help you and your friends. My heart goes out to you guys as the same thing happened to us once.

>> No.6432743

Maiko said her mother died and she got insurance money from it, which is how she bought so much

>> No.6432745

That's helpful, thank you for your thoughts anon. I'm sorry this happened to you too.
Do you think the cemetery would tell me?

>> No.6432748

I told the mod of the fb group that information has been revealed that the account she is using belongs to one of her relatives so it would have been impossible for her to have filed fraud/identity crisis herself as she previously said since she's not the actual person.

>> No.6432750

I had a super pleasant transaction on the comm_sales but when I went to leave feedback they had banned my seller from the sales because she changed her mind on buying a dress from an unresponsive seller and that seller left negative feedback. Apparently she had asked questions and then changed her mind after initially wanting to trade but the other girl got so pissed she left a neg and that was all it took to ban her!

So I can't see a way that maiko can stay in the comm_sales when another girl was banned just for changing her mind after the seller was unresponsive =\

>> No.6432751
File: 1.32 MB, 425x252, 1280814766782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods won't listen because they want "concrete details" and to be "fair".

>> No.6432752

no, she is, she's "associated with" a guy named monte murray who lived at the house in>>6432573
the address is 4 plum court homosassa FL

>> No.6432755

All this chargeback business aside, that really is incredibly sad. :( I guess going on shopping binges is how some people deal with incredible stress, so I can't say I'm surprised she bought so much in such a short time.

>> No.6432756

except that it seems like she's actually lying about the death in the first place

>> No.6432758

her mother didn't die in that car crash, here's the lawsuit.

>> No.6432762

I just found that a while ago, but she didn't say it was a car crash. She said it was Breast Cancer.

>> No.6432765

Maiko's story according to Ameblo: Mom goes to hospital, turns out she has advanced breast cancer, dies a couple weeks later

>> No.6432766

>breast cancer
>car crash
damn all these stories. so sketch

>> No.6432768

The FB mod said we can post what I had written:

Hi! Just letting you know, some information about Maiko was released. It's certain that the card which has been incurring all of the chargebacks is not in her name, but in one of her relatives names' as well as the email that the paypal belongs to.

So while it hasn't been proven yet, I believe it is safe to say that she would not have been able to file a fraud or identity theft claim herself as she had said she had done since the account is not hers, but one of her relatives'.

I am not trying to cause trouble or spread rumors, but I believe these are the closest to as much of the facts as we have right now. Take this information as you will. Thank you

Also, I had another theory, what if her brother did try to steal 'her identity' but it was really her moms' and they were both trying to steal it?

>> No.6432767

nah, there's nothing about a car crash in this. Just an anon inserting that.

>> No.6432770

People with breast cancer can die in car crashes.

>> No.6432772

can any of the anons that sold to her confirm that >>6432752
has the florida address?

>> No.6432780

>>Overland Park, Kansas


>> No.6432787

It all seems kind of questionable though. I mean, for one, if her parents are divorced, wouldn't her mom change her last name? It seems more like it would be her aunt's or sister's card if it has her name.

>> No.6432793

Oh wait, reading court documents now.

>> No.6432801

They wouldn't have a reason not to. Just call and say you would like to pay your respects. I wish you luck!
It's a shitty situation but it bought us all closer because of it - maybe get some friends together and go have a picnic with her so you can say your goodbyes and have some nice memories :)

>> No.6432807

Court documents from what? The car crash?

>> No.6432817

If she's scammed over a thousand it's a felony

you should go to the police, not have her settle it in some other way, it's the safest and fastest way to resolve everything

You may want to try to be nice, and not involve the police, but you're just going to get yourself fucked over more, this is where the phrase nice guys finish last comes from, not relationship shit
Play hardball, she's a spoiled little girl who needs to be taught this shit will not fly

>> No.6432824


>> No.6432828

yes, i've been saying this for three threads now

>> No.6432919

PLEASE do this. If you personally haven't received a refund yet, involve the police, NOW. Get together with everyone else affected and make things happen.

>> No.6432924

So, in the midst of everything, are we certain that Jane is her mother? Because I found this :/ http://www.spokeo.com/search?q=Monte+Murray&sns2=t46&global=true#:1247405357

Maybe Monte and Jane are her grandparents and Melinda Jane is her mother? Also, i think it's strange that googling caitlyn murray brings up nothing relevant :/

>> No.6432947

we're definitely certain that jane is related to her, and at 61 she's very unlikely to be a grandmother, although it's possible.
it's not that weird that her name doesn't come up much, if she's young, unemployed and uses the pseudonym "maiko".

>> No.6432957

My grandmother is 56 (dead one would be 59 now). Just saying. My mom is 43. She could be a grandmother

>> No.6432965

Funny because a lot of people have been saying "hey she's too old to be her mother" I would definitely think she's her grandmother... The Melinda person is early 40s, so.

It's not that it doesn't come up MUCH, it's that there's literally NOTHING relevant. Nothing at all. Not even shit about Country music.

>> No.6432968

More affluent people tend to have children later in life, especially if she's a doctor & went to med school

>> No.6432980

Probably because the stories about country music are bull

>> No.6432982

Either way, it says that Melinda is their only child, nothing about Caitlyn, which is really weird because it usually lists ALL children

>> No.6433006

You should be investigating the "friend"! She probably used her friend's paypal to pay for shit, friend's mom gets mad, calls fraud, which it was.
Now she's paying back her actual money, her actual paypal account. Just a theory, but to those that were repayed, look up THAT name instead. Let's say this friend lived near her, grew up together or went to the same school. If maiko moved away but her friend stayed, it could make sense that the friend's mom works in the same area, and makes sense why there isn't a caitlyn listed.

Did that make any sense? I've downed quite a few sleeping pills just now. Worth a shot I guess

>> No.6433017

But if you google her name relevant stuff should come up since she was some super famous Nashville country singer?

>> No.6433025

>>a minor
>>in the entertainment industry

maybe she had an alter ego name?

>> No.6433058

No, the Paypal which was used to initially pay for the items is related to Jane, not the "friend"

>> No.6433069

There must be something else they did. No one gets banned just for having one negative. Look at Elerronyar's feedback. She has a bunch of negs and neutrals and she isn't banned.

>> No.6433074

And let's just be honest here, how many child singers actually are famous enough outside of their local area to even have their name online 5 or 10 years ago? She could have just been singing in local country clubs and talent shows and stuff.

>> No.6433075

what about the friend's paypal that anon who had bronchitis got her money back through? try investigating that person

>> No.6433079

not an anon, that was evedestroys

>> No.6433077


How was I or anyone being a rude bitch? Was I not using enough xDDD ^_^ :3 ?

Dis bitch is cray cray

>> No.6433080

According to the EGL thread, the cops were already contacted?

>> No.6433082

There's literally nothing. All that comes up is random girls named Caitlyn on twitter talking about country music

>> No.6433084

that would be a fucking incredible twist!

>> No.6433085

Jane=friend's mother?
No seriously don't even reply to my nonsense, I just pounded some gin.

>> No.6433091

caitlyn is the name people were sending the packages to. Jane has the same last name. So unless she was having packages sent to her friend's house? idk

>> No.6433094

I sent her emails as well as a few messages on EGL, she hasn't responded to any of them all day! I'll be calling the police tomorrow.

>> No.6433103

Okay, yeah my theory is debunked. Why send it to your friend in another state?

Good for you! You deserve your money back

>> No.6433116

Yeah, this is really bothersome. She seemed to be fairly responsive yesterday and today it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth.

>> No.6433119

I have information on the 'friend's' account
May Velasco is the name.
Email is: hobmerry@hotmail.com

>> No.6433120

I wonder if it's because more info about her/her bullshit has come out today than yesterday?

>> No.6433124

Hmm when you google 'May Velasco maiko' the first response is 'Maiko Velasco' on twitter, but there are no tweets. A coincidence?

>> No.6433149

>May Velasco maiko
https://www.fb.com/oscarrhyme came up?

>> No.6433157

Well, that might just be because it's using the maiko and velasco from your search terms. It's not really that surprising.

>> No.6433159

>May Velasco
Maiko was tagged on FB with May, which is facbook dot com slash drummrgurrl

>> No.6433164
File: 38 KB, 600x450, 483994_261675837274242_224386071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, forgot the photo:
May, Maiko, some random person probably from her band

>> No.6433167

She's friends with one of my 'friends' who is known for drama and trying to trick/almost scam people in my friend's comm.

>> No.6433169


Is this her too?

>> No.6433173

She's also... kaiko fantaji in the band, I think. Her FB says (kaiko) as a nickname, and they look similar enough.

>> No.6433180

hell if I know, I suck at facial recognition.

>> No.6433181

Yes that's everyone in her band...

>> No.6433187

https://www.fb.com/caitlyn.murray ??

>> No.6433202

not her

>> No.6433205

u trollan

>> No.6433208

Nah just wasted. Idk her face looks vaguely similar.

>> No.6433224

Ugh, well guys I have to go to bed now. I'll get everyone posted on my payment return, police etc tomorrow. Goodnight all!

>> No.6433274

Lol, Kimilou. I just looked on her fb and the accessories she sells are shit.


>> No.6433296

Good luck!

>> No.6433509

>I'm selling some skirt
Kimilou: measurements?
>give them
I want it so much, would you like to trade?
>I'm not interested in trades, I want to sell my stuff.
But I make my own accessories.
>I'm not interested in trades, I need the money.
aww ok tell me when you change your mind.

I never took her seriously after this...

>> No.6433522

(also, that came off meaner than intended, apologies.)

>> No.6433521

Can you stop posting? I realize you're drunk, but it's time to go to bed. You aren't contributing.

>> No.6434000

bump because this is fucking nuts

>> No.6434005

Hi guys! I sent her 3 emails, LJ pms and FB pms and she has still not responded to me. I also noticed that she's stopped posting on the FB and LJ threads and it seems that only the few people from the other day have their transactions reversed.

>> No.6434056


Police. Now.

She might be hoping that now it appears that things are getting sorted out and people are getting their money back, people will just assume everything will be alright, forget about this and she can quietly make off with the rest. The EGL posts about it are pretty much dead now.

Seriously, go to the police. There's no harm in doing so.

>> No.6434076

Please please please make a report to the police. This girl has made off with thousands of dollars and may be involved in identity theft.

>> No.6434131

My guess as to what happened:

-stupid, spoiled young girl uses her mother's cc to order a shitton of stuff because ccs are magic right
-mother finds out, gets mad
-girl panics and denies everything with vague idea that cc company/paypal will sort everything out from their own pockets
-people get money taken, get mad, girl panics harder, starts making excuses, identity theft etc
-mother has retaken ownership of the pp acct while stuff gets straightened out, girl has no control
-girl tries to appease people by paying them back through friend's acct (as she doesn't have access to "hers") with her own limited funds (and possibly some of her friend's)
-runs out of money, mother is angry, cc company is angry, people are angry
-girl caves and hides until it all goes away

and that brings us to today

I doubt it was premeditated, as this girl has a lot of stuff online relating back to her irl and her projects. Sounds like a case of a bratty rich kid with no idea how the world works doing something stupid and selfish and then digging herself into a hole when she tries to fix it.

>> No.6434135

did anyone try that number related to Jane today?

>> No.6434144

are there any new updates on this? is this thread in auto-sage?

>> No.6434148

Did that this morning. They're looking into it, they told me to keep trying to contact her and to contact paypal

>> No.6434158

I'm curious what is going to happen to the businesses that this happened with. She bought from Baby right?

>> No.6434174

Update from pinkieh

>Just update from me:
Got off the phone to paypal who have told me that the buyer actually went to her credit card company and told them the payments where unauthorised. Therefore any money coming back is going to take up to 30 days bc they need to dispute it with the credit card company, but if you have proof of postage then you are more than likely to be covered by paypal seller protection. I've had no response from MaikoDolly after messaging her.

So her mom/grandma/the card holder who isn't her had to have been the one to do it.

>> No.6434177

Holy shit... what a complete mess. I feel so bad for the people that got screwed over. I really hope they get their money back!

>> No.6434181

A lot of people who get divorced don't change their name unless they really hate the other person or get remarried. Changing your name is kind of a hassle, especially when you're older and have things like mortgages, car loans, a professional reputation, things like that.

I even know one lady who got divorced but kept her ex-husband's last name because he's locally famous.

>> No.6434190

So she lied. She first said that she told Paypal and paypal "must have" told the bank.

Make sure you guys are also posting updates on the EGL page so it doesn't disappear with an auto-saging thread btw.

>> No.6434207

Not really. Lots of people get divorced but keep their ex's name.

Did anyone else see this comment on the EGL mod post?

"Got off the phone to paypal who have told me that the buyer actually went to her credit card company and told them the payments where unauthorised."
What a cunt.

>> No.6434229

But the 'buyer' wasn't Caitlyn. The 'buyer' was Jane. The only person who would have been able to contact paypal and dispute the charges is the cardholder, who isn't Caitlyn.

>> No.6434267


>> No.6434271

I'm so glad /cgl/ exists. There's no way that we would have ever gotten this far through the enforced politeness of the sales comms.

>> No.6434276

It seems like the Paypal account lists Caitlyn as the mailing address, but the credit card attached to Paypal is from Jane *and* the Paypal email is related to Jane as well.

So maybe Caitlyn has access to her mom's account (either using it without her permission or using it after she passed away, if she is dead) and added her name & address to the account?

Also, do we have conflicting stories from Paypal?

Because someone on EGL said that Paypal told them the account holder called *them* about the purchases, but now someone is saying Paypal told them that the buyer went to the company and told them the payments weren't authorized? Or is it that the buyer *first* went to Paypal, *then* went to the bank?

>> No.6434316

Paypal are shoddy as fuck, so conflicting stories from them isn't surprising at all.

>> No.6434338

The conflicting stories are coming from her though, unless something's changed dramatically. I feel like she's trying to capitalize on paypal's bad reputation by going like "lol xD guess they messed up sorryyyy xD" and slinking away.

>> No.6434384

looks like she posted on the fb sales thread again

>> No.6434416

Thread is autosaging guys.

>> No.6434424

I always thought the name on the paypal account had to be the same as the mailing address. I would never sell to someone whose stuff was different, too paranoid.

>> No.6435997

Just looked up May Velasco on white pages and there's a person with that name in the same city maiko is currently located.