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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6429239 No.6429239 [Reply] [Original]

Continue here.

>> No.6429247

Kankri is the troll that gives me the most sexual frustrations. I hate him so much but all the cosplayers and fanart make him really hot and there's a part of me that want to corrupt that faux innocence he has going on.

>> No.6429250
File: 733 KB, 1251x1920, MyStyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429254

can we agree since there were two new cons this weekend to post more of the newer pictures and stuff and talk about them instead of the same old same old we usually get?

>> No.6429273

We've actually been doing pretty well at this already?

I wish their outfit looked a little more like a bodysuit, but goddamn that's a beautiful helmet with actual holes for horns

>> No.6429274
File: 632 KB, 1183x1920, tumblr_mdppaqB9oD1qiv8wqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we agree
A fair point, but please leave the Tumblrspeak on that site.

>> No.6429276
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>> No.6429279
File: 626 KB, 1280x1871, tumblr_mdppaqB9oD1qiv8wqo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn beat me to post the picture haha

>> No.6429283
File: 186 KB, 800x531, 8197724293_bce8a2dd3b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausastuck tag updated

>> No.6429288

True, I just wanted to make sure anybody that didn't see the last thread got the message.

>> No.6429289
File: 154 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mdqwurx6RC1qk19d9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really wish the armor was better
anyone got a better shot of this cosplay?

>> No.6429294

Alright, recently I've seen a recommendation for TerrorEye's Pink Eye as the perfect shade for Roxy.

However, weknowit seems to be out of stock, as is every site I could pop out of Google. Does anyone here have a site that does still have them?

>> No.6429292
File: 368 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mdpu3qtegP1ra3jo5o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this Sollux's wig

>> No.6429297

dang, that's a really good wig

>> No.6429305
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>> No.6429302

Aside from that huge drama thread that got deleted, so long as there's been a decently sized con new content's pulled from it.

>> No.6429312

hang on, digging through the Jade's tumblr since I know the Karkat's reblogged better ones them

>> No.6429318

I am not sure how I feel about this.

It could be done well but without any kind of outfit it just looks a bit lazy, also the raccoon thingie over his eyes looks rather ridiculous and more like the rouge god tier.

>> No.6429320
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>> No.6429329
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>> No.6429334
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yeah thats a nice wig

>> No.6429341
File: 546 KB, 1280x1010, tumblr_mdm659meO71qk1snio3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly better shot

I just wish the Jade'd tucked her braided wig into her hood

>> No.6429346
File: 335 KB, 531x800, tumblr_mdr40couNE1qf1noao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i agree on the jade wig
idk after seeing that Dave's armor from month ago guess i expected this to look like that
looks ok i guess

>> No.6429349
File: 720 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdphzzbe1V1rnyjkgo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for self-post! I'll post more pictures right now~!

Also does anyone have any other pictures of me? I can't find them!

>> No.6429350

HSG, what is your favorite method of painting troll horns, either what you see on other cosplayers, or your preferred method of choice for your own cosplays?

Clearly blocked-out colors, smooth gradients, choppy gradients?

>> No.6429357

probably smooth or choppy gradients.

>> No.6429361
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>> No.6429362
File: 244 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mdr0k5E4DI1qkz4nco3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smooth gradient
i like how your did your cosplay btw

>> No.6429367
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>> No.6429370
File: 663 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdpl92IL9l1qbkfo0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Emma a cutie?

Also, this is Ruf1ohsnap.tumblr.com

>> No.6429376

>Isn't Emma a cutie?
>a cutie

she's pig faced
her costume isn't too bad though I guess

>> No.6429377

>that awkward pose
do you even skate?

>> No.6429385
File: 504 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdpl92IL9l1qbkfo0o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's kind of rude. And yes, the Latula does skate.

>> No.6429383

dat camel toe on the mituna on the floor

>> No.6429391
File: 42 KB, 600x450, 1333839106989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind of rude
do you not know where you are?

>> No.6429393
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please stop

>> No.6429398
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>> No.6429396

Anyone hear about the Crona cosplayer that was apparently hitting Homestuck cospalyers with their sword? And also put one Jake in a headlock during a panel?

>> No.6429402

If you're going to just post & link to cosplayers, you're better off doing that on your own Tumblr, fyi

>> No.6429399
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>> No.6429400
File: 47 KB, 640x960, 575094_438004816261319_1177830370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am loving this Kankri to pieces.
I am still relatively new to /cgl/ does posting this make me a terrible person.


>> No.6429404

At Sugoicon.

>> No.6429408

burrenbarri looks so out of place cosplaying aranea...

>> No.6429406

All at the same location please stop whoring out your barely mediocre friends

>> No.6429407

Jesus Christo how adorable

>> No.6429413

90% of the people on these threads are tumblr fags. They don't care about cosplay, just ass pats and if anything is at all 'triggering' they flip shit.

>> No.6429415

I love her wig and think she gets the studious look of her. I'm sick of seeing slutty Areneas

>> No.6429417
File: 183 KB, 639x960, tumblr_mdr5gth5N11r8u84lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just posting pictures I found in the tag. I know some of them, but not very well. I'm just posting with whatever urls I know.

>> No.6429421

just so you know its frowned upon to post your friends on 4chan.
especially when you are linking us to their tumblrs and their cosplays are pretty shitty.

>> No.6429418
File: 646 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdqtte4Nsq1qfdx06o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wouldn't suggest posting their tumblr unless somebody asks for it.

>> No.6429423

Considering that's ~80% shoop yes it does.
Also if your new, please lurk more so you don't have to ask.

Also this >>6429418

>> No.6429426
File: 45 KB, 534x514, 1316503342171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my shit at the mickey mouse hat one.
holy shit.

>> No.6429430
File: 716 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mdqqv7ei6L1qibp6ho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

footie pj's Kankri

>> No.6429431

So has anyone actually checked out the AUSA panels? I know there was a big shit storm that went on over them a few threads ago. But I checked out the Q and A and skimmed over the Improv and I thought they were pretty funny. And though there were a lot of repeat people there were changes in cast between the two and at least everyone was really good?

>> No.6429435
File: 628 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mdqqv7ei6L1qibp6ho4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Dirk wig.

>> No.6429437

I can't fucking believe we are talking about panels once again. Please stop.

>> No.6429438



Just stop

If anyone cares about mindnumbing mediocrity, they'll ask for sources. Otherwise just fucking stop.

>> No.6429447

Holy shit. Anymore Mickey Mouse Porrim?

>> No.6429451
File: 17 KB, 200x220, 1338438905683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I really don't have much against Homestuck. It's not my thing but can respect that is others however am I the only one who thinks tehre is wayyyy to fucking much homestuck cosplays? It's like the new Naruto but at least Naruto was an anime. I am so sick of going to cons and seeing such little variety in cosplay but there being hordes of Homestuck cosplayers.

>> No.6429456

This girl 'cosplayed' Aadia to the DTDstuck meetup not to long ago. I thought it was just a joke because it was Disney during Halloween.
But now she does it for every single cosplay.

>> No.6429458

you see it a lot because it doesn't require any effort

Of course, this is just talking about generic horns/makeup

>> No.6429459


I'd feel bad but it's not like there's any equivalently good anime out right now. If it wasn't homestuck it would be MLP gijinka and BBC/Avengers claiming the #1 spot instead

>> No.6429461

i cant really find any other pictures with her other than at the shoot because really who would ask for her picture. Why would you think thats a good idea?!

>> No.6429462
File: 86 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdq1458Nom1qfviqgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked it out seeing it got uploaded to youtube. Only saw the Q and A. Costumes of all of the cast were pretty well constructed. Everyone acted in character without it being sleazy or creepy. And it was nice to see something relevant to the comic instead of 'lawl everyone in a room'. They messed up a bit at the end but I got a few good laughs out of it. To be honest I thought it was going to be this group of obnoxious teenagers from how it had been portrayed.

>> No.6429463

There are so many cosplays that could look half decent without effort. It's a fucking trend.

>> No.6429475

Like, honestly? I'll give her points for creativity, it's just that the Mickey logo is so jarring. I think without it would look -slightly- less ridiculous.

>> No.6429477

i hate to bring up panels again but i'm just wondering, did something happen at the chibipa homestuck panel? i heard that the karkat was really fucking ooc a lot of the time or just bad. and then someone started throwing shit and got yelled at? dang, man

>> No.6429481

Yes, there is a lot of Homestuck cosplay. Yes, a good amount of it is shit.

It's what's popular, though; and telling people to stop cosplaying something just because there's a lot of it already isn't really going to accomplish much besides making you look like a douchelord. (Not saying that you're necessarily a douschelord, just saying that there doesn't seem to be much of an answer besides waiting for the fad to die down).

>> No.6429486

I haven't seen slutty Araneas before maybe I don't track the tags enough

>> No.6429491

I heard it was God awful, but that was from a friend who went, and she left 10 minutes in. Is there a video or anything?

>> No.6429503

My biggest Homestuck sexual fantasy is Karkat roleplaying as Kankri while Meenah forces him to use pr96lematic slurs and beg to be cut and clawed and hurt.

>> No.6429506

Yes her wig (and her whole cosplay tbh) is great and all but her face doesn't suit Aranea. Though I don't think her face suits anything at all.

>> No.6429507

oh, I kind of approve of this

>> No.6429512
File: 99 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mdpdbpW60u1r8vap9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nepeta made me cry at the monologues it was great.

>> No.6429517

Those PANTS.....

>> No.6429518

oh ew fucking didnt need to see this

>> No.6429522

Oh god, I love this Kankri. He does actually look like an older Karkat, and someone who'd forcefeed you a mindnumbing social justice lecture.

>> No.6429527


What a horrible wig choice for Nepeta, holy shit.

>> No.6429529

I watched the Bucket Full of HS AUSA panel and since the panelists lurk here and have asked for feedback, figured I'd throw in my two cents here.

Aradia was really adorable, funny and in character--I loved the maid of time pun and in general, I thought she nailed the cheery-death-maiden thing. Also, great wings.
Sollux was fine, didn't have much to do. I thought the double parties thing at the end was funny.
Tavros was alright--I wish he'd put a little more oomph into his acting though. I don't need him to be t-t-talking, uhhh, like, uhhh, this, but compared to people who were putting a lot of effort into their acting, he seemed a little out of place.
Equius was fine, I lol'd at the STRONG moment.
Nepeta was absolutely my favorite. She looked great, acted great, and her jokes were great. Really loved that she had her tea set. Her moment of rage at Gamzee was perfect.
Kanaya was fine.
I feel the same way about Terezi I do about Tavros--I wish she'd put more effort into her acting. Every time she opened her mouth, she just...didn't sound like Terezi at all.
Vriska was okay. I kind of don't love that Vriska but I can't put my finger on why--the singing with John was cute and I liked how she interacted with Tavros but something just didn't click with me. Could just be personal preference.
Gamzee was legitimately scary, that was impressive.
Eridan and Feferi...I'm not a huge fan of either character or their relationship, so that was a little lost on me. But they were fine. I really loved Eridan's wig and horns.

>> No.6429531



The Beta kids were all pretty good. I liked that John's crankier personality traits were worked in, as well as Rose's more mischievous ones. Jade was cute and fun. Dave...wasn't really Dave enough imo, but I've never ever seen a Dave nail it, so. I wish they'd been a little more blase and worked on Dave's weird wordiness and penchant for metaphors, but again, I've never seen that pulled off successfully.

Bringing in the Alphas at the end was cute, but that Jake should not have attempted the accent. It really just sounded awkward to me.

All in all, good job to everyone who was on it. I'd love to see a panel work in the ancestors/Beforus trolls someday!

>> No.6429544

The only decent people were the Tavros, Vriska, Jade and Feferi. Everyone else pretty much sucked. And Yeah, halfway through there was a little kid who threw shit at the Karkat (who *was* really terribad.).

>> No.6429555

What made the Karkat so bad for someone who knows nothing about this?

>> No.6429551
File: 73 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mdr8zqF58s1qkoi55o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the concrit! It's much appreciated.

>> No.6429557

This Meenah's face is wonderful

>> No.6429566

I wish Gamzee would have had scars? Maybe they did and it wasn't visible because the bangs were worn in his face, but no they were decently scary. I think they should do Grand Highblood

>> No.6429568

That's a girl. Regardless, she's very good at being convincingly in character for photos. I'm just pissed this photo is shooped to hell and back because it honestly wasn't necessary. Her makeup at PMX was flawless.

>> No.6429569

funny thing is that they actually do cosplay GHB

>> No.6429570
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1912, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gamzee and Tavros in those panels are actually the GHB and Summoner from the huge 24 shoot that was clogging up tumblr right after Otakon. So she actually does.

>> No.6429573
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x4000, 102_5815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's my headcanon Meenah. Perfectly canon everything and her face is just really really fantastic.

>> No.6429579

They were quite...half-assed in character. Always shouting "WELL I'M THE LEADER AND blahblahblah".
If anything, she was interperating an incredibly /basic/ view of Karkat. And it struck me as odd saying the leader thing a lot. As far a I remember he hasn't brought that up in many a update.

>> No.6429580

She runs a lot of the draw parties and is a really friendly person, but yeah I really like her Meenah too.

>> No.6429584

Is this just the thread of hilariously great Homestuck faces? This is just what I needed for my Monday.

>> No.6429585

This is quite possibly the most adorable/awesome thing I've ever seen.

>> No.6429611

when people crossplay it is entire appropriate to call them by the gender they represent.

>> No.6429624

Was he one of those Karkats who just yells swearwords all the time with no verbosity or neuroticism? I hate those things.

>> No.6429623

I remember seeing her say something about learning the character the week of the con on Tumblr. It sounds like it was kind of a last minute decision to add Karkat to the panel, everyone else that wasn't there aside.

>> No.6429627

It's so nice seeing people having fun while cosplaying

>> No.6429633

Eridan here, just wanted to say thank you! My friend actually styled the wig, but I'm rather proud of my horns, so I'm glad that you liked them!

>> No.6429651

yeah i feel like it's super unnecessary to be snippy about correcting people when the cosplay itself is being discussed

i think it's best to use "they" for any cosplayers whose gender/pronouns you don't know to avoid stepping on toes or causing confusion but that seems like a huge deal to ask of most people

>> No.6429659

why use 'they' when you could use 'it'. if you're referring to more than one person, that's fine...

captcha: thousand arseful (??!)

>> No.6429660

I really love tribalstuck and this seems like a half assed reason to take your shirt off and smudge eyeliner all over the place.

>> No.6429664

'It' makes it sound like you're referring to an object rather than a person. Pronouns are really fickle.

>> No.6429678

"it" is super dehumanizing, the majority of people balk at it pretty strongly, and i think it'd automatically make whatever you're saying sound snippy and condescending--"wow, it did its horns really well!" sounds like you're sneeringly praising a dog for pissing on the linoleum instead of the carpet

singular "they" is a lot more common now, i can think of like seven good cosplayers off the top of my head who use they/them pronouns

>> No.6429684

More than anything they were an "I skipped to act 5" Karkat. Also, there's a rumor going around about some of the panelists, too.

>> No.6429694

what rumors?

>> No.6429709
File: 135 KB, 500x669, tumblr_m4p73iR6j21qfjg9oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429714


Wat. She looks fine as Aranea.

Haha racism.

>> No.6429718

Artifact of the photographer - super high contrast and automatic desaturation of troll skin/faces. What bugs me about it is that instead of doing spot correction, desaturating wide areas like that destroys the color of reflective light of the surroundings on the skin. It's possible that the desaturation is more time efficient for the photographer going through loads of photos, though.

>> No.6429720

As much as I do love how they did this, they needs paint. But it's creation looks great!

>> No.6429723
File: 908 KB, 669x1000, tumblr_mdr9265oSf1qdwa7to3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay yo, let's steer this back on topic with cosplays, can we please?

>> No.6429732
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>> No.6429733
File: 273 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mdqz7reuP21r6d5w5o1_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429734

Hahaha! That Latula!

>> No.6429742
File: 119 KB, 1024x811, eridan_and_vriskas_by_astrotwin23-d5kokbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my source: something's going on with two of the panelists and now there's some kind of shitstorm going on behind the scenes.

>> No.6429745

narrowest averssion of panty shotx2 combo

>> No.6429769
File: 68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdrbo6adUT1qbcjdso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paper mache


>> No.6429784

I have an entirely relevant question. I think.

How should one go about making the 2x3dent?

>> No.6429798

Get two cheap devil-forks from a halloween-store.
Tape them together.

>> No.6429801
File: 405 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdpvbfITPl1r0vn0po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429808

This is mine - >>6429573

It's not perfect, but it ended up being pretty sturdy and is only a little lumpy when you look close; I used PVC pipe, aluminum foil + tape, 4 layers of papier mache, then paperclay.

the papier mache was more of a failed experiment, but it made it very strong inside.

>> No.6429812



>> No.6429839

ahhhhh my friend and I were discussing that Porrim earlier. Her wig could use some work, but she's not falling out her dress and isn't covered in white (legs look like stockings, but the creases on her hand make me think her arms aren't).


>> No.6429856
File: 126 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdjyh2KHNf1qhc1x7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be sort of early for this, but with winter coming up I'm really hoping to see more winter- or christmas-themed homestuck cosplays!

>> No.6429866


can we just ban posting jj in these threads please

>> No.6429871

woah who shoved a stick up your ass

>> No.6429882
File: 1.09 MB, 800x1200, tumblr_m85ov3YDiT1qeesqno2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw someone talking about the GHB from the 24 ota shoot and thought I'd share another picture of them

>> No.6429883

Oh yes. Let's all just censor our posts so that this one anon is satisfied.

I'm guessing that JJ is that Jane, and clearly she is in Homestuck cosplay. This is a Homestuck cosplay thread. Get over it.

>> No.6429890


You two must be new around here.

>> No.6429910

No, I've been around long enough so that I know that JJ is someone that gets posted on this board a lot. I don't see why people in HSG should care as long as it's Homestuck cosplay.

>> No.6429915
File: 418 KB, 1275x1920, tumblr_mdq9v5iIbL1qfviqgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429924
File: 17 KB, 650x650, tumblr_m6wt0mhCi51qfg583o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Vriska cosplayers put more effort into styling their wigs, especially if they're cosplaying her after she's lost her eye and has the hair swept over it.

They seem to just buy some pretty, wavy/curly wig and then plop it on with no effort to style it whatsoever. Do they not realize that her hair is completely straight?

/r/ing Vriskas with good wigs, even if the rest of the cosplay is godawful.

>> No.6429922
File: 374 KB, 400x580, tumblr_mdpqxrcoRj1qi1xubo2_r2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429926
File: 383 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_mdofexgknG1qm3vzto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god.

>> No.6429925

This is so cute, but what is going on with Jane's wig??

>> No.6429929


Oh my god. Stop. HSG has this conversation about Vriska or Aradia every 3 threads or so. It's been beaten to death and back.

>> No.6429927


>> No.6429928

Racism? When did I mention her ethnicity? Jesus Christ I just don't like her face, not everyone think the same way as you, dearest anon.

>> No.6429934

I haven't seen it discussed at all. Maybe I missed it or something but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6429936

that Kankri standing behind Porrim just does not give 2 shits

>> No.6429947

I swear I've seen a professional nude photoset done here.

>> No.6429948

I want that scarf

>> No.6429950

I'm not much of a fan of Roxy though. Something about it is a bit off putting.

>> No.6429961



>> No.6429967

For having a lot of relativity simple characters to cosplay from HS cosplayers seem hyper critical of each other. Is this because HS is popular, people like being catty, or people's imagined image of the characters are too unattainable?

>> No.6429978

It's because so many people manage to royally fuck up extremely simple designs.

Also, many homestuck cosplayers are lazy and have no idea what they're doing, so of course their cosplays turn out like shit.

>> No.6429973

Doesn't look like she has a nose or eyebrows

>> No.6429979

I have no idea.

tbh, I apply the same level of criticalness to all cosplay, I just post in HSG the most

>> No.6429982

I've seen it discussed just one time, and I've been here every day for the last... 4 months or so? I guess you are drunk.

>> No.6429986

he looks like neil patrick harris

>> No.6429989


A little from all three columns, I'd say.

>> No.6429991
File: 139 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mdr8iaXRcg1r0c7wno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6429995

What IS that?!?!

>> No.6430000


is that

a panty and stocking joke

please no

>> No.6430001

Some horrible crossover with panty and stocking.

>> No.6430019

I cull from these threads for the Homestuck Cosplay booru.
Do I know you? All you "anonymous" folk look alike to me.

>> No.6430030


same here, I'm hyper critical of everyone

>> No.6430032

i'm going to be rose at a q and a panel next weekend. does anyone have any tips on how to act? it's my first time being in a panel.

>> No.6430034

that's a stupiid, JJ is one of the better homestuck cosplayers out there. I'd much rather see her than 90% of the rubbish in the homestuck cosplay tag on tumblr.

>> No.6430044


>> No.6430045
File: 761 KB, 550x821, tumblr_mcms7kiODQ1qbdhrso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less drama, more cosplay.

>> No.6430056

does homestuck progress go here or progress thread?

>> No.6430062

i found you once on mu, and once on v i think.
you're the fucking waldo of 4chan.

but i haven't been to co hsg in about a year, so it's cool if you don't recognize me.
for some reason clg hsg is just what i'm after. lightly-hsg-related eye candy with a big chunk of drama with a slower pace. i don't even cosplay.

>> No.6430068

learn all the big words
remember that you are better than them
don't forget that you're also pretty funny at times

>> No.6430069

Either or.
It's your prerogative. Though I will state that you're more likely to get critique here than in the Progress thread

>> No.6430071

Ooh what are you working on? I'd like to see it, at least.

>> No.6430072

are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.6430073


The fuck? They're asking for advice, not drama mongering. Panels are a big part of the HS cosplay scene now, and if people are maturely discussing them (feedback, advice, etc) instead of shit-stirring, there's no reason not to talk about them.

Would you rather she NOT ask for advice and end up as a shitty Rose we all bitch about post-con? This anon is acting EXACTLY the way we always bitch about people NOT doing.

>> No.6430074

I'm recent to here, if that helps.
Yeah, /cgl/ HSG is much better than /co/ HSG, even when updates are regular.

>> No.6430081

Oh hi Professor Oak.

>> No.6430084

i just kind of want it all to end.
don't ever go to a con.

>> No.6430087

>girl cut jacket
>girl shorts


>> No.6430093
File: 163 KB, 639x960, tumblr_mdrb1iM2s61r6t3mgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed when I saw the black sewed onto the cloak in place of tears. Other than that, not too bad.

>> No.6430098
File: 133 KB, 960x639, tumblr_mdrb1iM2s61r6t3mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430107

there's no danger in cosplays of male characters anymore.

i know i'm attracted to them because they're female. my gay adventures will never be.

>> No.6430118

Speaking of panels, it's a battle royale for a Homestuck Panel at an upcoming con in my area. I've been in agreeance to be in a panel from the start with a friend, and figuring she had shit planned out... didn't think much else of it.

Spoilers, she doesn't have things planned out. Has been wishy-washy on what the panel is actually about (I think it's finally settled on Q&A), and even wanted a script at one point (I've been in a scripted panel before, never again)...

Long story short, what can I do to keep this panel from being a flop if we do get the spot? The last thing I need is a bunch of bitter 14 year olds buttmad that our panel got the spot and sucked at my throat.

>> No.6430135

Too late, I've been to SDCC. Twice.

They weren't actually that bad, compared to other convention stories. I guess it's the fact that tickets are limited.

>> No.6430143

What are Homestuck meets at cons like? Bad, I'm guessing?

>> No.6430153
File: 304 KB, 651x611, 2x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah ok. I know that one middle tine is pointed crooked and am going to fix it, but any critique on the size/shape/whatever?

>> No.6430154

lets put it this way, Have you ever seen a picture of people at meetups cosplay or not, and NOT having fun?

>> No.6430162

Never been to two that were the same. The photo meetups are usually better the smaller they are. I've only hung out at two draw parties but it was pretty well behaved and a good time.

I've been to two Promstucks that were REALLY fun, but the rest were kinda suckish. Guess it depends on who organized the event.

>> No.6430163

I'd kill for a good PSG/Homestuck crossover. This is not it.

>> No.6430168

Large photoshoots get kinda... eh... after a while. I was Caliborn at one, and was waiting for fucking ever expecting a 'cherub' shot, because there was another Caliborn, and an LE. LE got Felt, the two Caliborns were slotted 'other'. Is that a petty thing to be peeved at?

Promstuck I went to was a bust, plan on making one myself.

Done a few drawmeets, usually have fun at those though.

>> No.6430166
File: 332 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mdriemnl7s1rqyspmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: about ieathis

>> No.6430172

Are those socks duct tape?

>> No.6430176
File: 341 KB, 2048x1536, 664524_4685049291610_838616614_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we think about this cosplay group guys? the kurloz is the only one of quality i can really see

>> No.6430182


Man, Redglare is a hard cosplay to pull off. Both in terms of construction and looking good in it.

>> No.6430186


Looks really good! How'd you make it?

>> No.6430183

Nope thats fabric, I saw this in person.

>> No.6430199
File: 333 KB, 578x620, tridents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks! I cut the end pieces out of mdf, pic related, and mounted them on a wood dowel using a piece of threaded metal and gorilla glue. mostly stuff I had lying around already

>> No.6430209


isn't that the Latula that fucked up at the monologues?

>> No.6430218
File: 716 KB, 535x926, 2012-10-25_222649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some advice.

I'm going to cosplay Cronus but I'm not sure if I should make the wig look more like a pompadour or give it a more slicked back look.

As a point of reference the slicked back style would be similar to how my hair looks in this picture.

>> No.6430227

pompadour imo

>> No.6430228

Slicked back! Cronus is a greaser, after all.

If that's you in the picture then wow good job on the hotness.

>> No.6430229


Wow. Looks like shit, and Heaven's trying to sell it for $28.

>> No.6430231

I'm actually going to vomit that looks like something a small child would make. Is she seriously running pictures of a thing she intends to sell through some retarded instagram filter?

>> No.6430232

He seems like he's got more of a slicked back look, but a bit of a messy/wavy slicked back if that makes any sense.

>> No.6430235

What the fuck? I think I sewed the same exact scarf
when I was seven. She could maybe get, like, twelve bucks for it if she was lucky, but 28?? Jesus christ Heaven.

>> No.6430239

That's just shameful.

>> No.6430253

I kinda like the braids, it's very Wizard of Oz, even if it's not canon.

>> No.6430256
File: 6 KB, 650x450, 02719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying to sell that for $28 dollars?
Even higher end scarves aren't that expensive, and it isn't even sewn well...
All of my disappoint if someone purchases it...

>> No.6430266

That Finn photobomb.

>> No.6430268 [DELETED] 


She is so fucking deluded. It's just squares of fleece sewn together. Not only that, but they're sewn incredibly shittily- you can see the crooked stitching and puckering all over the second photo. So you're paying $28 for something that costs her $3 and half an hour to make.

She can claim to be a 'professional' all you want, but she can't even sew a straight line, and then she has the gall to try to sell her garbage at unbelievably inflated prices. She should be ashamed of herself.

>> No.6430275


She is so fucking deluded. It's just squares of fleece sewn together. Not only that, but they're sewn incredibly shittily- you can see the crooked stitching and puckering all over the second photo. So you're paying $28 for something that costs her $3 and half an hour to make.

She can claim to be a 'professional' all she wants, but she can't even sew a straight line, and then she has the gall to try to sell her garbage at unbelievably inflated prices. She should be ashamed of herself.

>> No.6430278

I'd maybe pay that if it was at least knitted, but hell I can sew that myself for half the cost

>> No.6430279


And the fact that she is such a lying, deluded attention whore about everything makes her worse.

>> No.6430281
File: 1.39 MB, 2816x2112, chibi-pa! 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many people tried out in the first place, so whoever did audition for a part, probably got it due to them being the only one.
Still, her performance wasn't great.
Oh? I was involved in the panel, and none of that sounds familiar to me. Some people dropped out last second, so that ruffled some peoples feathers. Now I'm curious.

and now i will shut up about panels and the deal for the rest of this thread and post cosploo

>> No.6430286
File: 91 KB, 720x960, davejade_by_matryoshka_princess-d5lnawy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaand back to cosplaying. The scarf is interesting. Back to cosplays now.

>> No.6430290
File: 31 KB, 650x650, 04055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do any sufferers even try to make the cloak look like its thrown over their shoulder?

>> No.6430293

Are we supposed to just post cosplay pictures without discussing them, or...?

>> No.6430296


I will never understand how Heaven manages to delude herself so badly. From her Tumblr:

>difficulty level really isn’t a problem for me. i’ve constructed props, costumes, and wigs practically from scratch. i’ve been cosplaying and sewing for the last six years and have worked on costumes and costume design for theatre productions, as well, so i know what i’m doing (thankfully, haha).

I'm not sure what's worse: the possibility that her ridiculously overinflated and unjustified ego comes from actually believing that she is really that good, or that she knows she's terrible and decides to lie about it anyway. I'm not sure which it is, but either way, she really needs a reality check.

>> No.6430300
File: 71 KB, 960x636, 251842_236695756449947_717905873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this picture is over-posted but it's the only one that came to mind.

>> No.6430305

>made wigs
>from scratch
Fuck, even a lot of cosplay masters don't do that shit.

This bitch is so deluded I s2g

>> No.6430328


I think I'll go ask her for a commission quote on a Condesce wig. But I'll tell her that I want her to make it 'from scratch', so there had better be evidence of her carefully sewing each individual wig fiber to each individual weft. By hand.

Since she can make wigs from scratch and all.

>> No.6430332

I bought the "Porrim dress" from Taobao and I'm not even sure if I want to cosplay Porrim; I just thought it was super cute and totally my style. Do I have to cosplay Porrim once the local Homestucks find out I own it?

>> No.6430333


Wigs made from scratch are ventilated into a netting, they usually don't have wefts.

Watch her not know that

>> No.6430337

link to the taobao homestuck cosplays?

>> No.6430339

Make sure to ask for her to take progress shots at 10 minute intervals so we can tell if she's bullshitting.

Watch her fucking photoshop it or something

>> No.6430351

Same here; not sure about cosplaying Porrim, but I've been eying that dress for a couple weeks now. It's really adorable.

>> No.6430349

It isn't actually a Homestuck cosplay from Taobao. It's a dress from Taobao that was used in a very popular fanart which made it into mini-strife. A few people have made the outfit, but I bought the original dress it's based on.

>> No.6430350

What is a weft?

>> No.6430352


All my jelly though. I can't fit my bust into the Medium and the large sold out fast

>> No.6430391

any good cronus cosplays?

>> No.6430401
File: 449 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_md4sjheS4k1r4v5eno2_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nantarakantara on tumblr

>> No.6430402
File: 391 KB, 1280x1669, tumblr_mdqtte4Nsq1qfdx06o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430418

I've seen the same dress listed by what seems to be the same seller on aliexpress and it seems that size large is still available there (just google the translated taobao listing title). Not sure how legit it is or not, though. The seller has very positive feedback.

>> No.6430432


the dirk and roxy looked pretty good, but oh hell no with jake

>> No.6430434

I'm gonna cosplay Jade next Acen.
This will be the first time I will congregate with Homestuck fans, are they as crazy as they sound? Should I be scared?

>> No.6430440

I'm pretty sure she tweeted the other day about how she bought everything she needed for her Roxy scarf for $2.

And they don't take long to sew.

The profit margin is huge.

Someone should chuck this at Rachel. The listing is vague but using the Roxy photo still counts as using Homestuck to sell something.

>> No.6430443

Oh, huh, wonder if it's legit. It's cheaper, too.

>> No.6430444

let's not encourage rachel any more
she goes far enough all on her own

>> No.6430490

I apologize my cosplay was unable to look 'good' despite the fact this was more so of an unflattering photo of me in cosplay. I am also the Latula that fucked up the monologues, yes. I am not perfect and I did get stage fright. This was my 2nd time cosplaying in my life so I'm still getting better u o u

>> No.6430495

i thought rachel already shot this shit down??? or was that MF? fucking drama bitches all blur together after a while

>> No.6430505


Since you're new, here's a tip. Responding to crit on cgl with excuses will never help you.

>> No.6430516

why do only one in like 20 kankris fucking bind, they have a worse track record than dave at this point since they dont even try to pass it off as a fucking genderbend

binding isnt hard if your sweater is loose enough you could probably just wear a sports bra and be ok just. fucking bind

>> No.6430526

I am pretty new to cgl I've really only been to / b / before and mean people make me sad. I wish I never found out I was on here I would have more confidence u o u

>> No.6430527

What are the monologues, anyway?

>> No.6430532

A couple of cosplayers preformed a monologue they each separately wrote in front of an audience at AUSA. By /cgl/'s consensus, the only good ones were Feferi and Sollux/Karkat.

>> No.6430536


>> No.6430539

>I've really only been to / b / before
>u o u
Oh fucking leave already. How old are you?

>> No.6430544

i tried wearing a sports bra to bind and i'm only a c cup. didn't work even though i had a baggy sweater, guess i'll have to buy a binder since i don't want to be half assed and have boobs showing.

>> No.6430547


Y'know, I think this anon has a point--excuse-making is bad. But I wish cgl ever recognized the shit life can throw you that sometimes keeps a cosplay from being A+ 100% perfect. Sometimes shit gets damaged, sometimes you get stage fright, sometimes a photo makes you look awful, sometimes you just run out of money at the very end. There're excuses, and then there's just life.

>> No.6430553
File: 190 KB, 600x900, spider_8itch_by_devioustofu-d5ky0bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can stomach waiting until later, I'll phone them in and they'll explain what they know. Most of it is heresay, so I wouldn't be too excited about it being verified as legit drama.

>> No.6430556

*hearsay. God, I need to get off the fucking NyQuil.

>> No.6430558

I am going on 23 soon. I'm just not that much of a negative person and I suppose I don't really enjoy spending time on forums. I'm sorry to have annoyed you whatever I may have done to make you so upset towards me.

>> No.6430565

Nah you still would have been a piece of nasty trash with no confidence. People are not calling out any faults that you already know. We just find them hilarious. Get the fuck out of here. Work on your self esteem and don't be such a little bitch.

>> No.6430560

this is /cgl/
we aren't nice
if you want nice, go to tumblr

>> No.6430569

>hurr we are cgl
>r legion
>we r big and bad go home

>> No.6430573

I am sorry to have annoyed everyone here. I am really sorry.

>> No.6430587


I've been on cgl for years, actually. I understand that its nature as a dramahive of cattiness and jealously isn't going away any time soon. Sometimes I just feel like speaking up.

>> No.6430585

Oh my god she is the new MF. Overpriced shit everywhere.

>> No.6430591


Fuck off. Your cosplay is mediocre as hell and you're incredibly annoying.

>> No.6430593

Just get out already.

>> No.6430596

if a binder's too expensive you can try wearing layered sports bras, one in your actual size and one a size or two too small. make sure theyre made for compression, not shaping--some are made specifically to not squish you down as much and obviously that wont work. worked well enough for me but a binder will always work better.

>> No.6430601

There's three kinds of Homestucks;
The crazy kids, all really young and think bucket jokes are fucking hilarious
The elitist teens, usually 17 or 18, think they're fucking awesome. Won't talk to you (sometimes older though)
The chill as fuck mofos, usually older, sometimes a few young ones. They might not always be the best cosplayers, but by god are they the most mature.

At least, in my experience that's what it is.

>> No.6430605

We don't care.
> u o u
go back to tumblr please.

>> No.6430608

I was actually really proud of my Kankri and felt like one of the best at the con since I did actual contouring...

>tfw you can't find any pictures of you even though you know some were taken

>> No.6430609

My cosplay is mediocre because this is my second time. I first started cosplaying when I was 22 and I'm still 22 so....? I already know I'm nowhere near good. Maybe I should go because I don't really like when people feel so obligated to be rude instead of giving constructive criticism on what I can do to maybe improve and become much better so I'm no longer mediocre but very well at this cosplaying thing, but then again I realize this is 4chan and people are asses to even the nicest of people just for the hell of it. I'm going now.

>> No.6430615

Searching Homestuck on Etsy turns up some very carefully named items...


>> No.6430612

What part of "Just get out" don't you understand?

>> No.6430619



Stop responding, stop posting, stop making excuses, stop whining about how people are being mean to you. STOP. All it's doing is earning you a reputation as a whiny little cunt around here, and that's not something you want following you in this fandom.

If you want to prove that you aren't a complete fucking idiot (which you've been failing at thus far), you won't reply any further. You will shut the fuck up and stop.

>> No.6430617

Fun fact: there are cheap binders for sale only for 10$

Funner fact: A Taobao shop actually sells binders for dirt cheap as well.

>> No.6430622


can someone post this whiny bitch's tumblr so i can avoid her

>> No.6430623

The diffference between the two is rolling with the punches.

If you can't make it well in time, then drop it and explain why you can't. If you get stage fright, don't pledge yourself to do public speaking if you're not going to preform and mess up other people's performances.

>> No.6430624

Honey, I'm going to give you some dead honest advice, when you're posted in /cgl/, ignore it.

The most you can do is read what they said, see how much is useful criticism, how much is just mindless bullshit, try to improve, and move on.

If you keep this up, you're going to get a bad name in these threads and will just reappear constantly to be torn down every time you make a move. Stop now before it gets to this point. You should never reply to defend yourself in /cgl/.

>> No.6430628

stop apologizing. i mean this in the nicest, gentlest way possible. just stop replying entirely. people here are not going to be nice to you no matter what, and apologizing/making excuses only encourages the "suck it up/leave/grow up" response.

seriously, for the sake of your mental health, just ignore this website entirely if it makes you that upset. no need to expose yourself to upsetting things if you can't handle them. not saying to just block out/ignore any crit anyone ever gives you, definitely listen to it and think about how you can use it to improve, but don't do things that just make you miserable like trying to get sympathy on CGL.

>> No.6430631



Loling because there's a really nice-looking, knitted Roxy scarf there for $18. $10 less than Heaven's piece of shit and not made from cheap fleece.

>> No.6430643





>> No.6430644
File: 190 KB, 1500x1125, jesus fucking christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sweet jesus...

>> No.6430650

i'd so buy that and hang it on my wall
glorious piece of art

>> No.6430652

>I can see the pixels

>> No.6430656
File: 59 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mdrqwt1JYm1qe5emso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does #nudestuck even exist?

>> No.6430658

I used a binder, did some tests with a sports bra and didn't like how it looks.

I think a lot of people incorrectly assume that all sweaters will conceal shape... which is really not true? Mine is a few sizes too large, but because of how it drapes it'll still show if I don't bind. And then you have TIGHT sweaters, which'll really show anything...

Honestly, I'm sad about how many people choose tighter-fitting sweaters for him. I checked in the tag and there's more people going for the loose, lumpy look now, but the tighter fit just looks... off.

>> No.6430662

>This is seriously the greatest work of art I have ever seen. Very satisfied!

Someone actually bought it. It's an obvious joke but oh my god.

>> No.6430663


>1 sale
>shows that picture as a sale


>> No.6430664
File: 646 KB, 838x555, hs__masquerade_kurloz_by_rocket_boss-d5lfgbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430665

That is really fucking beautiful. Most 2x3dents I see are... too big and kind of lumpy looking, but you've got the shape down and it blends seamlessly with the staff. Size seems proportionate to your height as well.

>> No.6430672

I LOVE that the mask is his makeup wow.

>> No.6430677



>> No.6430678

If we're on the subject of overposted half-assed cosplays, can we put potato rose on that list?

>> No.6430680
File: 57 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mdrqppvbeW1qe5emso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dem thigh cutting scars

>> No.6430681

>can't find any pictures
so you're not the kankri i was referring to? why are you whining in response to my post then? contouring does put you a step up, yeah, but binding detracts a lot

the kankri in >>6430176
>needs a binder
>needs visible contouring (dramatic eyebags like the sprite especially)
>needs lipstick (all trolls have black lips, use dark gray for boys)
>needs to style their wig more (again, look at the fucking sprite, both vantases have messy hair; kankri's could be easily interpreted as wavy)
>needs looser pants (tight pants may be your headcanon but if you dont have masculine legs it wont work)
so if that is you: "one of the best" my fucking ass, the aradia, meulin, and kurloz in that picture all have better makeup

>> No.6430682

Hat options:
> I can give you materials to make your own, since you obviously want to do that if you're buying a premade costume
> I can charge you extra to make what really should be included with the costume in the first place

>> No.6430688

Everyone here is always so mad.
Go outside or something shit

>> No.6430689

I just don't understand. I would specify what I don't understand but that wouldn't help.

>> No.6430691

Disciple w/Sufferer's leggings
Only she's nude

>> No.6430693


You have a point, but even so--situations happen. If something breaks the night before in the hotel room and you don't have the resources to make it 100% perfect again...I dunno, I don't expect that person to not wear it. Maybe you do, but I think that's excessive. Maybe I just don't take cosplay THAT seriously.

>> No.6430699

I think I'll just stick to these dubs instead.

>> No.6430696


Completely agree with this. Don't take cgl all that seriously (though there is good help to be found here)--it's mostly bitchiness.

>> No.6430701

great wig, awful horns, horrible nudestuck. with that much hair why not just completely hide behind it and not actually show anything? damaramegido did it and people ate that shit up.

>> No.6430708

Sheesh, someone's a little pissy. Just felt like whining a bit. I'm not that Kankri, trust me. I was just commenting on how I actually felt proud of my own and then see all these subpar ones running around getting pics.

No need to jump to conclusions there, sit down buddy.

>> No.6430711

I was at the monologues and frankly, you should have never fucking shown up. Not only did you ruin one of the few good monologues with your really dumb and loud ringtone, you got up, mumbled two words and got down.

Know your fucking limits before trying to do a panel. If not for you, for the panelists.

>> No.6430712




>> No.6430721

Thank you stranger.

>> No.6430718

No, you just do what you can if it was fine up until that day. That actually is life, and sometimes shit doesn't go correctly even if you plan for things to go wrong.
I've scrapped plans before and apologized for it because things broke or vital pieces were left behind in packing frenzy when I first started.

However, putting everything together at last minute/actually at con and then getting upset when people say it looks bad is another thing.

>> No.6430740

Anyone have a video of these monologues?

>> No.6430744

They should be coming up soon, I would say probably before the end of the week.

>> No.6430748

God, thank you. She can't even sew, or make her own cosplays for that matter. It's fucking Homestuck and she can't even do tiny details but wants to do God Tier Rose (or have her friends make it for her).

>> No.6430752

That isn't her though. It's missjadeharley

>> No.6430754

Go look at murtunacaptor's Tumblr. I don't remember who's been posting them to Tumblr, but he's been reblogging them as they're posted.

>> No.6430759

Homestucks are probably 70% crazy and 30% chill, most of the older ones will fall into the chill category and the younger ones will fall into the crazy, though there are exceptions.

If you run into homestucks outside of gatherings or draw parties, how "crazy" they are can also depend on the amount of people with them. Homestucks are magnetic to each other by nature, but also tend to increase in crazy and unorganized the larger the group gets.

>> No.6430762

I have seen this in person and it is terrible. It was before I knew who she was and I thought it was some kind of weird thrift store/dance store mash up of clothes picked out and hot glued together in a rush before con.

She's also including absolutely no photos of the details on it, only that one photograph with the contrast and colors photoshopped to hell. Of course it looks good.

Actually post what it looks like.

>> No.6430763


thank you! I was actually worried about the ends being too small, since the references are really inconsistent

>> No.6430767


Those are from Shadocon, not AUSA though. The AUSA ones are supposed to go up this week.

>> No.6430776

Right. I have no idea then, sorry!

>> No.6430777
File: 137 KB, 250x374, tumblr_mdpvidnILB1qgpubno2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this considered cosplay?

>> No.6430789

Because sexually frustrated 14 year olds applaud the lack of clothes.

>> No.6430802

It isn't.

>> No.6430810
File: 14 KB, 294x496, r3dg1a33e3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys suggest for Latula glasses?

>> No.6430813
File: 2.96 MB, 2736x3648, chibi-pa! 084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that's totally fine haha. Still, would be interesting to know.

>> No.6430820

This guy totally looks like a mobster. Also, points for not being a girl or femboi

>> No.6430824


Love his shoes

>> No.6430866
File: 2.47 MB, 3648x2736, chibi-pa! 086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430869

actually I kind of like this girl. As far as nudestuck goes it's not bad at all, and her tumblr is sassy.

>> No.6430875
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, 0kHXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tight fit sweaters do often look a bit off, I've seen some people try to stretch them out somewhat though.

>> No.6430876

For now, all I know is that one is/was talking shit about the other behind their back? I'm going to get her to clarify tomorrow.

>> No.6430883

Well you're certainly not helping her work on it. Might wanna work on your own instead so you're not talking shit about others to make it feel like you have some sense of self worth.

God I'm so sick of people acting like they're in first grade on here.

>> No.6430890
File: 4 KB, 229x312, $(KGrHqJ,!pgE-v7id!IlBP0N!1Kpgg~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a bit too short (frame/lense height) to be entirely canon-accurate, but I've seen Latulas in person use them and they look fine? Searching "vampire glasses" on ebay should turn up a few pairs.

>> No.6430895

Made specifically for Latula

>> No.6430897

Forgot to add, they're true to the pictures and description as my Latula purchased them for her cosplay to be debuted @ Katsu.

>> No.6430898

dude, y'all need to go outside and actually live proper lives rather than harassing some poor girl (over the fucking phone too, anonymously, how low is that) about her stage fright or her cosplay. i'd like to see some of you guys get up and perform in front of nearly sixty people without choking. the majority of people on this board make me sick.

>> No.6430902
File: 35 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mctvy2EyfJ1rrv1iwo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon!

I've seen a lot of people use Akujinscos' but they look super bad in different lighting.

>> No.6430904

didnt we tell you to fuck off already

>> No.6430907

Would you rather we be annoying shits and all pick up a trip?

Regardless, this is pretty true to /cgl/ from what I've seen during my three year run on this site.
If you don't like it you don't have to frequent either.

>> No.6430913

You're truly an eloquent human being. Marvelous.

>> No.6430918

Y'all are in autosage.

>> No.6430923 [DELETED] 

For any of you making a Heir of Breath God-Tier hood. I noticed that Kotobarusansama's tutorial was lacking patterns/guides/technical drafts, so I hope this helps. Sorry for shitty draftsmanship

Tutorial this guide supplements: http://everyonesahero.tumblr.com/post/9859422154/john-god-tier-hood-tutorial

>> No.6430924

When will people learn talking reason with /cgl/ doesn't work?

>> No.6430925 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 652x504, HoodTutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, forgot pic

>> No.6430928

you guys had one job

>> No.6430932
File: 179 KB, 500x747, 123tumblr_mdrtymt1zg1qdwa7to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to cosplay yes? yes.

>> No.6430942

Yeah, we're autosaging.

>> No.6430957
File: 267 KB, 500x333, whydoesntthishavemorenotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430960

that's such an unflattering shooping job holy shit

i feel bad for the cosplayers, they might actually be okay under all that saturation

>> No.6430967

new, unsagey thread

>> No.6431013

it's not actually, its me being a nearly naked dumbass for fun

>> No.6431332

Paper mache is okay if you use it as a lightweight core and then cover it up with something claybased. I make my big horns with a foil core, bulk them up with paper mache, and then clay on top, and they look lovely.

>> No.6432458

Girl on the right would be good if she wore a damn full-length shirt

Why does everyone think it's okay to make Meenah inaccurate so they can look "edgy"? If Equius cosplayers don't run around in turtlenecks, why does everyone wear a crop top for Meenah when she clearly does not in canon? It just baffles me.

>> No.6434257
File: 171 KB, 200x266, QfJ0l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look dude.
i dont think you should style it the way your hair looks in the pic. he's got a pomp and its a little messy/curly. make sure to do the sideburn things