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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6427752 No.6427752 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a room thread! Not just inspiration, but advice and ideas too.

>> No.6427758
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How can I make my room kawaii?

>> No.6427778
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No need anon, shit's kawaii as fuck.

>> No.6427813
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>> No.6427816
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>> No.6427818
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>> No.6427867
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>> No.6427926

Want a room like this so bad

>> No.6427936

needs more star wars

>> No.6427940
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>> No.6427959

Oh wow

>> No.6427966
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>> No.6428188
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>> No.6428385
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>> No.6428396
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My work space.

What's a good way to hide wires?

>> No.6428408
File: 2.04 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about hiding them, i run mine under my tower, but cord sleeves are cool. They make UV colors and stuff.

>> No.6428417

Any storage wonders that make things easily accessible?
Like the various shoe and clothing wracks you can get for your wardrobes from Ikea or something cuter.
I have no storage, my room isn't cute because it's a fucking mess.

>> No.6428429

Get a bunch of shelves I guess.

>> No.6428439

Depends on what you need to store. I agree with >>6428429 that shelves are the easiest option. If you've got small stuff, get a bunch of matching boxes that fit into the shelf space (IKEA is pretty good for this) and sort your shit into them. Bed boxes are also a great way to hide away stuff.

>> No.6428445
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I need some storage too. I'm looking for a sturdy letterbox/ bookshelf for under my monitor

>> No.6428449
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>> No.6428474
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I seem to only have frilly/ gothic style rooms but it's all pretty adaptable.

>> No.6428696

Are those real AP dresses? They're so small and cute.

>> No.6428698

They're kid-sized. The room belongs to that little girl who is rumoured to be the daughter of one of the designers/friend of the designers(?). She's got special handmade AP dresses in girl sizes.

>> No.6428702

Oh, that's so cute! Sorry that this is a little OT but does someone has the name/pictures of that girl?

>> No.6428709
File: 79 KB, 463x305, abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two look so pretty and neat, cute ass furniture there.

I would love to get my bed set up like pic related, i don't even give a fuck that it's so small. So much extra storage

>> No.6428713

oh forgot to state that the bed folds up to cover the books and things on the bottom shelf

>> No.6428734
File: 135 KB, 468x700, tumblr_lw9l1cGmqZ1r7816oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's called Kaya I think, this is her.

>> No.6429039


This is the mothers blog. The mom actually buys the dresses and alters them herself.

>> No.6429825
File: 80 KB, 650x435, port_and_cosplay_haikyo_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think a nice room is unadorned and austere

Space is the most luxurious furniture.

>> No.6429851

/r/ing images and ideas for small desks/workspaces I have a small 36" wide desk with a keyboard shelf and a lower shelf for the printer. I want to create some sort of hutch or build storage upward but can't find seem to find anything useful. Any suggestions?

>> No.6429896

wow, that's...
i guess it looks cute, but it seems like it would be kind of onerous for the little girl, doesn't it? lolita is pretty irritating to wear for any serious length of time.

>> No.6429906

I have a huge black canopy bed, but the rest of the furniture in my bedroom are boring white ikea stuff, and tbh it doesn't go well together.
Any ideas how to make it work?

>> No.6429904

I wore big princessy shit all the time as a kid. I had other clothes for running around and getting dirty. I would guess that she does too.

>> No.6429909
File: 80 KB, 500x627, 3-13-08bathroom4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound stupid, what i used was one of those shelf units people use in bathrooms that go around the toilet, and just anchored it to the desk. They're usually very cheap, and have space in the bottom for computers and shit.
pic sort of related

>> No.6429917

I live in a small studio, any advice?

>> No.6429920

get rid of the ikea stuff using craigslist



>> No.6430220

Hm, that's a clever idea! I'm guessing you lopped of the extra length on the legs and then set it on your desk + anchored it into place? I don't think those units "as-is" would be wider than 36" to fit directly over my desk.

>> No.6430259

I recommend using a lot ot black centrepieces for each of those pieces of furniture. Try to avoid using black covers on your bed, you need to ddistribute the colours evenly across the room. I would recommend choosing one more colour as an aaccent and use it for your bed spreads, curtains and maybe a couple centrepieces or paintings. Also spraypaint all your painting/mirror frames in black.

>> No.6432240
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