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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 30 KB, 400x268, piggybank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414259 No.6414259 [Reply] [Original]

What do some of you guys do to afford cosplay? Where do you work? where is your cosplay income coming from?

Is selling your soul an option?

>> No.6414285

1) live with parents 2) get college refund check 3) ??? 4) cosplay

>> No.6414319 [DELETED] 

Secret... I don't. I just admire the lolitas and cosplayers!

>> No.6414328

I used to have a job, now im running off Old savings and commissions.
sometimes mom and grandma will be cool and will get me chemicals like resin or silicone for molds. they're awesome.

>> No.6414388

Is anyone here live by themselves and cosplay. No parental help or abusing your Loans...you'll regret that later believe me.

But seriously who here is an independent adult that cosplays out of their own pocket?

>> No.6414404

Part-time jerb.

>> No.6414414

I'm fortunate enough to have a mother who also makes costumes, so so far I can make my cosplay from bumming off of her own fabric stash.

>> No.6414476

I live on my own with my girlfriend, and pay all my own bills and rent. I work full time for food and real life necessities, and pay with my costuming out of the funds I make doing commissions and 'extra' cash like bonuses or birthday money.

>> No.6414576

with my two part-time jobs, I help my parents pay rent then put a bit of cash aside for my cosplays.

>> No.6414584

I work full-time as a social worker. I also live with my parents because it saves a lot of money for me to waste on cosplaying.

>> No.6414598

I'm an adult and live on my own but my money goes toward lolita not cosplay. but i work doing hair so although i only make roughly $800 a month on my paycheck i also make an extra $600 in tips

>> No.6414600

I'm a NEET and bum off my parents. Such is the life

>> No.6414637

Full time jorb designing the back pockets of junior/girls' jeans. Live with my parents right now. Saving to move out w/ the bf.

>> No.6414641
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this word is used way too much

>> No.6414860

Full-time child welfare caseworker. My cosplay income comes from my pathetic salary.

>> No.6414870

if someone is "not in education, employment, or training," they're a valid neet.

>> No.6414874

Because there are too many of them here.


>> No.6414880

I sell crack behind a closed down blockbuster

>> No.6414888

I'm an exotic dancer. I have all of the money I could possibly want, yet I feel nothing.

>> No.6415051

Middle school teacher, live at home while paying off car/ saving up $20K for a down-payment on a house.

Occasionally do commissions on the side and have an AA table for some extra. Also sell nerd shit on ebay. These 3 sidelines pretty much cover all my expenses for materials, badges, hotels etc. so I break even pretty much.

>> No.6415190

Also spend more money on Lolita than cosplay. Full-time job in a call-center, plus married so living costs are split between us. Typically set aside around $200 a month to save for Lolita stuff, though I could easily do more.

>> No.6420949

Information security engineer

Well, I'm an intern, so my money is still not omgawdamazing or anything but it's good. When I graduate and negotiate full time salaries at my job, I'ma fly out to sooo many west coast cons ~

>> No.6420964

I work a part time job, and if the assistant manager is correct I will be hired seasonal part time. I live with my mother and pay her a small weekly rent.

>> No.6421012

Hospital. Just graduated and starting next week; I imagine I'll have all the income for lolita and no time to wear it.

>> No.6421438

Work at joann's, so I get my material discounted when I wait for good sales \ o /

>That and my cosplays are buttfuck easy to do

>> No.6421446

credit card debt and prostitution (y)

>> No.6421447
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That feeling when parents pay for everything

>> No.6421451

Two part time jobs pays for it. Pity there's only two conventions near me worth going to.

AWA is flat out amazing though, so it's worth it.

>> No.6421492

I work 2 jobs.
One at a gym, and the other teaching taekwondo.
I also take wig commissions to help with some extra income.

>> No.6421556

I work full time in retail, which is actually a pretty good job.

>> No.6421686

I work at Chick-fil-a, so yes, I did sell my soul. Also apparently I risked getting exposed to Tuberculosis because apparently it got tracked back to my store and the whole staff had to get tested. Go team!

It pays a little bit better than minimum wage, but I would still kill Ghandi if it would get me out of the food business. Fast food sucks.

>> No.6421699

Oh you mean that feeling of uselessness and total spoilment? Yeah, I know that feeling... haven't felt it since I graduated and got a job, now I have that feeling when you pay your parents' basic necessities, your own and still have to buy your materials for cosplay and new Lolita things.

>> No.6421706


Mad bank and benefits but next year I'll be loosing a LOT of con time for a while.

By the time I get back I'll be one of those creepy 30 year olds that still cosplays.

>> No.6421714

The navy recruits midgets?

>> No.6421718

Rich, live off inheritance.
Mo' money no problems.

>> No.6421724

I'm a college student - my parents pay tuition, but earn all my cosplay money/personal spending money through my on-campus jobs (working in cafeteria & tour guide).

>> No.6422259

I work at a part time job that pays me enough (base pay + commissions) to allow me to live on my own, plus I have 4 or 5 45 gallon bins of fabric that I'm trying to get through before I buy anything more to make costumes. I also sell things online and do the occasional wig and/or costume commission for friends to make some extra cash.

>> No.6422261

and sometimes my mom will buy me fabric. I think its mostly because she misses me now that I live 2500 miles from home.

>> No.6422268

sugar daddies all day every day, asking people on my tumblr and facebook to give me money.

>> No.6422295

I think I'm an adult, I have my own place and a husband and we pay bills and work our ass off

haven't cosplayed much since we have though

>> No.6422300

you're just mad you have to be an adult. feels bad man. I know, let it out.

>> No.6422312

I sell drugs at conventions to fuel my cosplay and lolita habits.

>> No.6422327

I'm a full time college student living with my parents with a part time job. Which sounds good, till I add that my mother is on lower paying side disablilty from the government and my stepfather lost his job five months ago. My job pays for electicity and cable. My loan for college pays for some of the rent.

I get money for cosplay from my birthday and Christmas or when my Dad decides to give me money and I don't need to spend it on the house.

>> No.6422340

Work at McDonalds to buy brand.

>> No.6422355

I do computer repair for old people (and work at Macy's but that doesn't pay nearly as well) to afford fabulous leather coats

>> No.6422361

I sell sugar pills to naive teenagers who think they're buying drugs at conventions.
Usually covers the con expenses anyways

>> No.6422366

See's Candy, Brea Mall.

Fucking chocolate.

>> No.6422380

My husband. The two of us have been living rent-free in a house I inherited about 4 years ago now. He's only a manager at a men's clothing store, so he doesn't make incredible money. Maybe 2400 a month. But with no rent to pay we do well for ourselves. I see no reason to work myself. He likes shopping for cosplay materials with me and watches me put it all together.

>> No.6422392
File: 9 KB, 274x206, cas-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at FedEx as a driver.

Before that I hauled dead people. Seriously, I used to do mortuary transport.

>> No.6422401

Enjoy your stalkers!

>> No.6422409

I have a career-job, it pays pretty well. I work paid overtime and perform for company bonuses. No soul-selling or panty-selling here.

>> No.6422416

You could always be a sugar momma?

I'd be a dancer if I had the mentality for it... instead I'm poor and work a production job.

>> No.6422418

How do you do/start this?...

>I have no shame

>> No.6422428

i used to work under my driver as a substitute. do you guys still do the contract bs like purchasing your own truck?

>> No.6422429

make some virgin whiteknights feel like they need to help you out somehow and bam money out of nowhere

>> No.6422431

Join a sugar baby/sugar daddy/momma seeking website.
I just joined one and am getting my profile set up

Fuck shame if ppl wanna give you money then who are we to argue

>> No.6422449

I'm a guy and I do this, feelsgoodman

If I can do it, you sure as hell can

>> No.6422473

rock out with your cock out
people love a good sob story and love to feel like they're helping someone out as their good deed of the day/week/month/year.

>> No.6422502

Don't you have to pay to join though?

I'd feel bad taking someone's money. But I suppose if they just want to spoil me I'd love it. I wouldn't have to worry about bills every month despite working 40+ hours a week.

>> No.6422612
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I'm a NEET and live with my parents. I've been looking for a job, but I'm having bad luck with it (lack of prior experience or references doesn't help). My parents don't mind though, so it's all good.

>> No.6422619

I let men touch me at events for money.

>> No.6422653
File: 68 KB, 209x209, Screen Shot 2011-08-02 at 5.41.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you so butthurt?
Implying you wouldnt deny the money if your parents were willing to pay for it
stfu stupid cunt
My parents were wealthier and were able to give me whatever I want
I fucking love it

>> No.6422667
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I work at a movie theater that I'm certain I was born after. I make a little above minimum wage because I've been part time there for somewhere between to and three years.

Most of my cosplays are closet cosplays of recognizable, yet uncommon, characters, but I'm looking to get into more elaborate stuff. I'm an amateur when it comes to sewing and have never made prop armor, so I'll see what happens.

>> No.6422670

i get funds from work, and on my birthday and christmas from my parents.

>> No.6422688

>lack of prior references
I HATE this.

I couldn't get a job in high school because I had no experience, but how the fuck was I supposed to get experience when I couldn't get a job?

You know what I was doing before I went to bootcamp?

Selling cosmetics as at a kiosk. Only place that hired me because my friend vouched for me.

>> No.6422691

You talking about the fedex job? In my case I work for a contractor. I'm technically just a vendor for FedEx and an employee for her. She owns the trucks and the routes. I'm an hourly empoyee for her.

>> No.6422707

I work part time for the Red Cross and run a small Etsy shop. My husband is the bread winner in the house so anything that I make is pretty much play money. It's great.

>> No.6422737

Shoe store for kids. quitting though, because I've been scammed by managment into doing job I'm not getting paid we'll enough to do.
Told them id stay if I got a raise. But manager is scared to chicken shit to ask the dm...anyway.
8.50 an hour for three years. No raise.

>> No.6422746

I save a lot of money by buying my materials for making cosplay from thrift stores, rather than fabric stores. It makes it a little harder to find what I need, but it's SO much cheaper.

>> No.6422756

Most of them are free, but preuim membership like most websites cost. look around but becareful some take alot of time deleting your profile when you wanna leave the site.

I plan on having a sugar daddy and a job so I can save more, hey they wanna spoil us who are we to deny them that. Talk to season sugarbabies on tumblr and look around. Most of them are nice as long as you don't ask stupid questions.

>> No.6423101

Work at a hotel, means cheap travel expenses for cons. Nothing beats $35 a night on a con hotel room, even with a ten minute drive between hotel and con center.

Between student loans, rent, and other bills, it takes a bit to save up for costumes so most of mine are either simple take a few months. I rewear a bunch of my old costumes a lot.

>> No.6424991

can you suggest some of the girls I could ask. I'm totally clueless about any of this... sorry.

>> No.6425045

How long you been in the Navy for?

>> No.6425068

Dancing can be fun depending where you work and the cash is addictive, but yeah you have to deal with a lot of scumbags which includes the management sometimes and the other dancers who will view you as their competition.

Not the same poster from earlier.

>> No.6425890

Try SeekingArrangement. Free for Sugar Babies; I got like twenty messages in about two days. Some of the guys are creepy, but most of them seem alright.

>> No.6425941

Here's some tumblrs of various sugar babies; they're all pretty nice:


>> No.6426053

Yea I was gonna suggest that one.
Quick question what kind of pic do you have, I don't wanna put my full face so should I put a bar or blur my face out?

>> No.6426100



>> No.6426165

I-I'll be your s-sugar daddy..

>> No.6426173

I'm a married adult and I make $43k/yr.

I never use my earned money on cosplay, though. I buy and sell wigs on the side when I need cosplay cash. My last convention and costumes were funded entirely by selling wigs locally.

>> No.6426179


Where do you live where your salary is pathetic? In Canada a position like that is $30+ an hour (at least from some ads I saw a few weeks ago - my partner is in study for social work right now).

>> No.6426214
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Up until recently I worked as freelance artist doing commissions and props (Aka starving artist, barley making it) but as of right now I work as a contract comic book colorist. Pay is alright but nothing amazing. I get to work from home though on my time~

>> No.6426240

what do I have to do to land a job like that?

>> No.6426271

Live with my mom while in school, waiting to hear back from a few places for a job but not holding my breath. I had a seasonal summer job which paid for Otakon/new laptop after my old one shat itself, and paid for AUSA with leftover funds after my mom took a vacation in September and gave me money for food so I wouldn't starve. Right now, I'm hoping to get a new job so it can pay for Katsucon.

>> No.6426285

Your point?

>> No.6426340

I just had a full body picture of me in lolita. If that's what they're gonna be buying me, that's what I should show them, right? But a lot of people have pictures that cut off from the shoulders or whatever.

My account is actually shut down now. I kinda freaked out over the whole thing; I'd only joined because my boyfriend broke up with me and I kinda went 'fuck it, need rich boyfriend'. I'm no longer available now, anyway, but if I was, I reckon I could do it again if I was in the right frame of mind. For the record, only one of them asked me for sex, and I blocked him. The rest just wanted to take me to the theatre.

>> No.6426364

That's nice, if I may can I ask how much you received on a good SD.
And thank you I just gotta find a nice dress then.

>> No.6426365

Practice, Practice,Practice and send your portfolio to a LOT of companies and be prepared to be underpaid like a mofo when you start :(

Most likely you will find a job with a shit/or small company but it's still a great way to get your foot in the door.

>> No.6426478

I never found one I went through with, but on my profile it stated that I wanted between $1k-$3k a month, and since they messaged me, I presume they were fine with that.

>> No.6426959


>> No.6427000 [DELETED] 
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I don't work. My bf is rich and way older than me. He pays for all my stuff.

Not even ashamed.

>> No.6427396

Whatever job I have at the moment, babysitting, and the occasional parent-decides-to-just-be-awesome-and-throw-money-at-me.
Haha, but seriously, I work a lot of seasonal jobs, but I'm starting my first on the book job soon. I also babysit these two kids for $10 an hour, which is pretty nice, especially if I have a meet-up coming up. Then, once in a while (maybe once every 6 months to a year), I decide to buy my own stuff, and the next day I wake up with money on the table and a note that says, "We're so proud of you honey! Here's the money you just spent on that blouse! Ohh! We're just so proud you buy your own things!" Then I pocket the money, get on the bus, and while I'm at school decide what to spend the money on this time.
(By the way, lolita here. Not cosplay, but meh, I saw some other lolis posting in here.)

Oh, and I can't forget Christmas. My parent's always do this scavenger hunt, and by the end of it I have like, $400-600.

>> No.6427499

>Before that I hauled dead people. Seriously, I used to do mortuary transport.

Like driving a hearse? Do you need a special license for that?

>> No.6427673

Would you really?... what would you want in return?

>> No.6427677
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>> No.6427943

What does that even mean?

>> No.6427967


She probably wants you to be her husbando.

>> No.6428377

bump for more information about sugar daddy/babys

>> No.6428404

He wants to ride you like the King of Mongols from Daiteikoku.

>> No.6428405

I am a professional "cuddler" and "date".

It's not prostitution because no sex is involved.

>> No.6428428
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you will buy me brand, what would you want? I like cuddling

>> No.6428435

see >>6427677 & >>6428404

>> No.6428770

Yeah, I'm sure that sounds great on your CV.

>> No.6431245

Buy decently priced ebay wigs
Build costumes out of bedsheets or walmart fabric if they're just a plain cotton
And my goodwill has 3 aisles of just bedsheets and fabric scraps.

>> No.6431258
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I work at McDonalds.
I have to risk everything through Ebay bids.
It's a hard life.

>> No.6431878

Server engineer, I make decent money but barely get any time left over for hobbies such as Cosplay ^^'

>> No.6431906

How much does this hobby cost? What is the maximum you would spend if you could? What does it go on? Materials?

>> No.6431989

I do that too -- resell wigs I buy for extra cash.

This morning I just quit my part-time job, since I'm graduating from college and moving back across the country with my family. I have no idea what to do now.

>> No.6435003

how do I get this job?

>> No.6436541

I'm a bass guitarist.


>> No.6436568

English teacher, I usually have 100 euro per week to spend on myself after rent food and bills are paid for.

>> No.6436687

I didn't drive a hearse. We used minvans if you can believe that. For the mortuary pickups we'd pick up the decedent from in home hospice care, hospital or care home and then transort them to the mortuary.

We used minivans beause it was discreet. Also, my particular comany had the contract for the Santa Clara County coronor's office. So I got to ick up crime scene stuff and suicides too. I've seen some things.

captcha: decease rofehc

>> No.6436739

Rythmic guitar + vocalist at a random band. Shit's just for fun, I don't earn big bucks. Still studying, but heck, it's enough to afford my hobbies.

>> No.6436783
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>Is selling your soul an option
Dante came here and says to you FUCK YOU

>> No.6436798
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yeah, seems legit

>> No.6436842

who is this loser creep?

>> No.6436975

I do graduate research for my professor at the university I am enrolled at. I do scholastic research and lab work researching sulfate interactions on steel and concrete designs (civil engineering). I get paid $10.50/hr (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2hr/day)

I'm also working at an engineering firm towards my PE licensure. I do EIT/EI work and drafting. I get paid $22.60/hr (M-F 6 hours/day)

Hard work pays off

>> No.6437651
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I work at Gamestop and everyone ignores me and talks to the male employees instead. Meh.

>> No.6437656

cuz your a fawking gamur gurl dollface.

>> No.6437666

Apparently. I get told I'm "eye candy" even though I'm working in the back room half the time. Oh well.

>> No.6437687

Work in a Japanese legwear boutique almost full time. Did a few writing jobs, but companies started really abusing the intern process (I.E. taking as many interns as possible, not keeping anyone/paying anyone). A friend tells me it's similar with fashion interns/anyone going for design.

Anyone need a secretary in the New York area?

>> No.6437697

I am a Sandwich Artist. Yes, double cheese costs extra.

>> No.6437699

Because every time I go there, the girl workers don't know shit. I asked them once if they had any Shin Megami Tensei games in and they just blankly stare at me, ask me what the hell I just said, pretend to type on their comp, and then say "no".

>> No.6437703

Sorry to hear that anon. Maybe it's different here, but we actually had to demonstrate vidya knowledge to get hired. At the very least, know all the release dates.

>> No.6437919

Police Officer

Although I spend more time doing paperwork than anything else.

>> No.6438045

- Currently living at home
- Still attending college
- Work as a PA for various Graphic design companies with a decent day rate
- Coupons coupons coupons

>> No.6438070

I work full time at a restaurant.
I only make a little above minimum wage, but it helps pay for things.

>> No.6438120

Are you working Friday? I have to go in at midnight even though I'm fairly new. Really worried.

The other day I got a guy coming in saying, "Wait, do you play video games? Because you don't look like it." I just kinda sat there for a second and then just said "Um... yes... I do."

Then for the next 45 minutes he asked me about the most popular games ("What's Skyrim about?" "What's Borderlands 2?") and I was forced to help him out. He also tried to awkwardly flirt with me the entire time...

Then he left without buying anything sdlkfjlsdkjf.

>> No.6438147

You wanna bank?
Buy a website.
One of my buddies bought songlyrics.com for like 50g.
Re-vamped the shit out of it.
Owns houses all over California and some other places.
High end houses too.
First time I saw an electronic toilet.
And his own plane.

>> No.6438404

My husband works. I get to spend his money for cosplay and cons. He loves it though. He dresses up with me, and comes to the cons, so his money isn't wasted.

Otherwise, college student. I don't use my school money for cosplay, unless something cosplay related happens to fit into one of my classes.

>> No.6439231

>read thread
>half the women here are whores

>> No.6439233

my ft retail job pays ridiculous money out the ass