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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 215 KB, 500x465, tumblr_mdflvxVHrf1qks3c7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424940 No.6424940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this, CGL?

>> No.6424942

Isn't this a few weeks old?

>> No.6424944

Is that guy for real or was it just a tumblr joke?

>> No.6424946

Fo' realz

>> No.6424951


>> No.6424952

>one persons opinion
>thinks it matters
tfw no qt3.14 cosplay gf ;-;
stay sexy /cgl/, love /fit/

>> No.6424953
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>> No.6424958

>autism is strong in this one

>> No.6424963
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>>the comments

>> No.6424964

whoever this is...i wish i could stab them to death through the screen 10/10 anon would rage again

>> No.6424968
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>> No.6424969

Wow, is that THE Tony Harris? What a douchebag. But meh, I never liked his work anyway.

>> No.6424974
File: 574 KB, 500x281, m6mrujL4eM1rpnhxb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Eternally attractive comic book artist, Tony Harris, has FINALLY told the cosplayers of this world the rules of the game. Please, ladies, don’t show up to conventions in sexy clothes unless you’re a) very sexy, b) aware that you’re not sexy, but an expert on the character you’ve dressed up as, or c) a virgin man.

He gets to make these statements because he’s a handsome man with a VERY powerful social position. He draws comic books."

>> No.6424978

A slow clap for Tony Harris, defender of real nerds.

>> No.6424981

idgaf but lol, those evil, evil woman, preying upon those poor defenceless virgins at conventions.

>> No.6424984
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>> No.6424985

If he wanted to troll these types of women he should buy a nice dslr walk up to the girls and say "can I take your pic- oh never mind" and walk off.

They hate when you ha a nice camera and dont stop and take pics of them.

>> No.6424987
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>> No.6424988
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This image is never not relevant.

>> No.6424989
File: 95 KB, 500x553, sexy-harris-draws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find it funny how he complains about girls cosplaying comic characters with skimpy outfits when, well, people like him are the ones who actually draw them that way.

>> No.6424992

In his defence, the picture you posted is like the only scantily clad ladypicture I've seen of his on the internet. Doesn't change the fact that he's a major douchebag though.

>> No.6424998

I was saying this to you people just the other day.

Sluts, who only attend cons for a self esteem boost. You don't have any actual passion or care for the characters you're attempting to emulate or the source material from which they come from.

>> No.6425002
File: 15 KB, 160x160, dfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect moment to admit I didn’t like Ex Machina.

>> No.6425005

Ha! I love this, saving.

>> No.6425006

Well, it's not just a person, it's a pretty famous person (at least, within comic communities). So, that's why his comment got a lot of attention. This kind of thing has been said zillions of times by random people, but coming from him, it got a lot of attention.

>> No.6425008
File: 236 KB, 413x612, b723woj1r5texfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is: who cares?

I go to cons to have fun, not to ask every attendee who happens to be cosplaying if they know shit about the character in matter. If the cosplay is good and the costume accurate, you could be Snooki for all I care. Hell I just want to take some pretty pictures with my fave character.

>> No.6425013
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lolololololl this guy is hilarious

>> No.6425015
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>> No.6425016
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>> No.6425019

>>female cosplayers are more pathetic than the REAL Nerds


>> No.6425020

Well, they are.

Give me a legitimate reason as to why they are not.

>> No.6425025

You misunderstood me troll, I don't give a fuck about female cosplayers, the real funny thing here is he's mocking the REAL nerds, who are probably the only people who buys his comics.

>> No.6425023

why haven't you gone back to your own board yet you dense faggot

your opinion is shit, just like your favorite anime.

>> No.6425028

Uh, he's right, you femanons aren't wanted in our hobbies and we've made that clear multiple times now.

If you want to play dress up and hook up, go find a rave, you fucking whorebags.

>> No.6425030
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>> No.6425032

What a fantastic argument.

You really presented your point of view in a clear and articulate way. You have really convinced us otherwise with your fantastic insight.

>> No.6425034

Nobody cares what you want you fucking urchin. People are going to do what they want to do, and guess what? You can cry about it in your parent's basement turbonerd.

In all seriousness, who the fuck cares? There are those who genuinely enjoy the things they cosplay and there are those who don't. What concerns me is that other people think it's any of their fucking business.

Mind your own damn business, jesus christ people. Oh god, people have fun dressing up as fictional characters, the fate of the universe lies on the greater, minute details of such a matter!

Fucking idiots everywhere

>> No.6425033

Ahahaha, the butthurt ITT is strong. Maybe if you girls weren't so slutty people like him wouldn';t have to humiliate you.

Get back to cosplay deviants, you whores.

>> No.6425037

>Fucking idiots everywhere

Yeah, you are one.

>> No.6425036

Wow, what a fantastic argument.

You really presented your point of view in a clear and articulate way. You have really convinced us otherwise with your fantastic insight.

>> No.6425040
File: 131 KB, 500x475, tumblr_m8izj0BQ7V1qgmnq8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst troll in a while

>> No.6425038

Go back to /a/ and suck their dicks; I don't have the patience to respond back and forth to your pathetic attempts at out-shitposting everyone on this website.

>> No.6425041
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>> No.6425043

I just don't understand why you people feel such a need to go to cons and dress up as things you don't have any idea about. Do you crave attention? Do you like to feel superior over the nerds who attend these things? Do you yearn for a lot of easy dickings?

What makes you invest so much time into making yourselves look like characters that you have no actual connection with? Can't you just dress as up as sluts and go to some frat parties to score your dick? Or are you worried that among the rest of the girls there, you'll just be plain and boring? Do you have some need to be the center of attention constantly?

>> No.6425046

Do you genuinely not read ever?

I already told you this. Not everyone does that. Some people are extremely interested in costume designing and make-up and fall in love with a character's costume. Some people like the character. Some people think they look like the character. Some of them do like the attention. When you run around asking, WHY DO YOU ALL DO THIS??? it just makes you look like an idiot. Circumstances are different for everyone and it's nobody's business why someone wants to parade around in a fucking costume at a costume convention unless they want to share it. Now get the fuck over it.

>> No.6425048

I don't understand why a guy who doesn't even go to cons has the need to come here and shit talk. Are you trying to regain your dignity a female took from you by trying to sound better than these so called "whores"? What makes it your business to stick your ugly nose into someone's hobby? Do you have some need to be a douche?

>> No.6425049

>I just don't understand why you people feel such a need to go to cons and dress up as things you don't have any idea abou

Maybe because... they like the costumes and... hold on... it's fun? Just a guess.

>> No.6425054

Or maybe they like the attention, to have a bunch of nerds and normalfags slobbering all over them.


Why aren't I allowed to have an opinion on this? Why can't you women defend yourselves without questioning my motivations and background? Can't you form a valid argument without doing that?

When I discuss things on other boards, people don't completely disregard my argument in favor of making up blind assumptions instead.

I guess that's just how arguing with you people works, whether in real life or on the internet.

>> No.6425055
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He's not going to listen to anything you say because he's already made up his mind. Stop wasting your breath, ignore him, and come sit with us. There's tea and karaoke!

>> No.6425056

>What makes you invest so much time into making yourselves look like characters that you have no actual connection with?

Thats the kind shit you need to be asking IK, Ayabi, Yaya, PT, and/or LM.

>> No.6425058

Why can't you share an interest with women without questioning their motivations and background?

>> No.6425057

But (in all seriousness) what makes you think all of those girls know nothing about the characters they are cosplaying? Do you go asking each and every single one of them? And most importantly, why do you care? When I see a terrible costume I side eye it and that's it. Do I think it's a terrible costume? HELL YEAH. Does it affects me? Nah. It's not that hard to ignore, really.

Then again, I really wish comic artists would give their female characters less skimpy outfits. For instance I love power girl and would really love cosplaying her, except for the fact there's just no way I'd wear those clothes.

>> No.6425060
File: 10 KB, 260x194, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one that thinks guys do just as much cosplay-not-knowing-characters-desu as chicks? I know more guys that cosplay shit they don't know than girls on my fb...

>> No.6425063

I do hope that you're aware of the fact that you're the one making up blind assumption about ever single cosplaying girl. You have no fucking idea if they like the characters they dress up as or not, do you? And guess what, people disregard your opinions because, if you've yet to realize it, you're on the one board where cosplaying girls actually hang out. And believe it or not, we know why we cosplay more than you do. So sit your fucking ass down

>> No.6425064
File: 188 KB, 442x412, 1347204730904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are allowed to have an opinion but you're also being an asshole. Additionally, questioning motivations and backgrounds is exactly what you're doing to these women. Though I'm more on your side of the fence than not, you're being a complete tool. Just chill the fuck out and enjoy your 2D waifus.

>> No.6425069
File: 269 KB, 159x144, 1143470715804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our hobbies
>our comics
>our video games
>our anime

No, fuck mediocre Tony and fuck anyone else who has this frame of mind.

The best part about it is that all he can do is post a tl;dr message whining without having changed a thing. I love how the Internet disillusions people through social media circlejerking into thinking that they are important, or a voice of reason. No bitch, you ain't, but lemme soak up them tears for you...

>> No.6425088

Oh gosh, totally read that in Hank Hill's voice. Perfection.

>> No.6425092

>Hank Hill's voice
>chill the fuck out and enjoy your 2D waifus

It's glorious~

>> No.6425102

>Detach from regular overly-social contexts and form conventions where all non-social beings could meet and discuss their non-social likes.
>Overly-social people, who teased said non-social people before, for these exact likes, start crashing those cons because it's the new popular thing, changing the structure of events and start making said non-social people feel inadequate yet again.

>"Deal with it".

In the end, it's not like i really care, as i don't like going to cons and i don't have a real grudge against social people (they're social most likely because they're swell people), but to ignore the fact that a lot of things that nerds were running from are being shoved in their fandom is plainly dumb.

Also, i'm aware this has been discussed several times already. I don't think i'm a genius that just discovered this.

>> No.6425120

Hot chicks don't read comics.

>> No.6425130

Okay, here's a simple question then

IF you don't actually play / read / watch the game / comic / series the character you're cosplaying comes from (or just generally don't care about it)


IF you say you don't cosplay for attention


<why> do you cosplay that character?

- - -

Because, when I was younger, I used to dress as Sulu when I went to Start Trek conventions, because I really liked Sulu, and I wanted to be like Sulu when I was a kid.

What motivations do you have then?

>> No.6425161

>But meh, I never liked his work anyway.

You didn't like Starman or Ex Machina? Really?

>> No.6425167


That image is out of context. The entire point of that character in the story is that she's seeking attention.

>> No.6425170

>that comic

I have never seen or heard of that happening. Ever.

>> No.6425175

Then lucky fucking you.

>I've never heard of it
>It's probably never happened.

By that logic, noone cosplays from series/comics/games they don't know, because I've never met one.

>> No.6425194

funny you say that, just the other day a group of three dudes on WoW was quizzing me about pvp and lore.

this kind of thing has only happened a few times to me, but its still somewhat aggravating when it does. especially if you are pretty much obsessed with whatever you're being quizzed on the whole ordeal feels pretty insulting.

>> No.6425207

That's because she never mentions those names after being asked.

>> No.6425286

Is it weird that I'm a girl and I kind of agree with him?

I hate most other cosplay girls, and I only really hang around with guys at cons.

>> No.6425296

i love hearing girls say misogynist things. not only are you being a special snowflake, but everyone can see how much of a tryhard "bro" you are as well.

please get over yourself.

- other people with vaginas.

>> No.6425298

>inb4 butthurt feminist implications of gender traitor and special snowflake

>> No.6425302

lol, don't worry, no one is going to call you a 'gender traitor' since it's perfectly obvious you're a neckbeard virgin misogynist pretending to be a girl

>> No.6425321

>I'm not like other girls, teehee~

>> No.6425334


You're funny. You're exactly the kind of girls I'm referring to and you know it. You make the rest of us look like sluts.

>> No.6425349

I don't even cosplay and I've been in a committed relationship for the past three years. Are you sure you are referring to me?

>implying having a vagina and being a sexually active is a bad thing

>> No.6425351

You are never going to get laid and you sound desperate, just fucking starving for dick, so yeah, in comparison to you, everyone must feel like a slut

>> No.6425366

I blame movies. Girls watch stuff like Avengers and think they know everything about superheros and make female vesions of their costumes and go "look at me I'm lady loki! lol" but all their knowledge of the character comes from tumblr. Never interested in the character before the movie and doesn't know what they did in the comics.

Blame the movies.

>> No.6425369

What's bad about doing movie things? Do you hate movies?

>> No.6425447


Blame the movies and not the mentality of the person?

Yeah, nah.

>> No.6425453

I would feel pretty stupid if I cosplayed something I'm not an expert on. Do people actually do this?

>> No.6425457

>Attention females! I, a man, have declared you are all sluts! I bet you regret not having sex with me now, huh?

>> No.6425684

Yes? Sometimes it really is the costume and the enjoyment of crafting a 2D design into real life. Hell, the main reason why I wanted to do an iron man armor for halloween was because I'm an engineering student. I thought it'll be funny to see iron man attending engineering classes. The kids for the halloween carnival loved it as well because he's so recognizable.

People have different reasons for what they do, how they get their enjoyment. It doesn't make your's any more or less noble.

>> No.6425716

>instead of people jumping onto his argument they are calling him a virgin

I do agree with some points of what he's saying, cosplayers ARE pretty much attentionwhores. Theres no getting around this

>> No.6425779

> Start Trek

Because they like the design? Because the costume looks fun or challenging to make? Because they just want to wear it? There are way more reasons than just wanting to be the character. Though I personally don't cosplay from source materials I don't enjoy, I won't always pick my favourite character from that series to cosplay. Sometimes I'll just pick the one whose design speaks to me. If you think an outfit looks fun to make and wear then why not do so?

>> No.6425780

The entire concept of dressing up is predicated on male lust and "woman as object". It has been acknowledged for fucking centuries by economists and sociologists.

>> No.6425792

1) Yes he was a dick about it. He should rot in SJC hell for that.

2) Most of the people I see bitching about this argument are people I know (literally know) and guess what? They know shit about the comics they dress up as. Of course they don't want to fucking prove that they're nerds.

I honestly don't think anyone gives two-shits less about females who dress provocatively for the attention. People fucking care if you lie about having even read the shit.
And then you play the victim card because they assumed you knew obscure fact about character? But obscure fact was part of the MAIN STORYLINE for the character. Ugh.

>> No.6425843


The problem isn't the movies, it's the fact that women are, by their nature, trendhoppers. They didn't care about video games (and actively insulted people who did) until it was trendy to like them then suddenly HURR IMMA GURL GAMER I LOVE ZELDA MARIO HE DOES THE JUMPS xD. They didn't care about comic books (and actively insulted people who did) until the first Spiderman movie came out and those types of movies became popular, then HURRR IMMA COMIC BOOK NERD WHY SO SERIOUS xD. It's why the majority of women at any given con will be cosplaying whatever FotM animu girl has the least amount of clothing on or will otherwise gets them recognize by the most amount of people and get them the attention they so desperately want. Why do you think the majority of cosplayers are women? It's dress-up, except now if you're moderately attractive you're a big fish in a small pond and you don't have to compete with more attractive women like you would if you dressed like a slut at a party or something.

>> No.6425844


does that mean all /fa/ wants is to have a hard big dick up their bum?

>> No.6425852

/fa/ is pretty gay, yes.

>> No.6425867
File: 9 KB, 480x360, Freddy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is a hero.

bitches status: Toldactimus, Tolder of planets

>> No.6425875

>be a slut
>"you're angry because we don't have sex with you!"
>win every argument ever

>> No.6425876

He's right though.

>> No.6425882

How dare you use Freddie's image for this bullshit? I don't even care about this argument but leave Mr Mercury, even his anime counterpart, out of this. He was too awesome to be used on such a shit thread.

>> No.6425886

Pts I'm not angry because sluts won't have sex with me
>so horny ;_;

>> No.6425888

He died of AIDS not cancer.

>> No.6425889

But it's true. Your whole argument is "How DARE girls do things they like, but not drop everything to have sex with us when we show up?"

>> No.6425892

yeah I agree
how dare you

>> No.6425895
File: 72 KB, 404x446, Freddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because that guy is as cool as Freddie, bitches don't know shit about our hobbies yet they feel the need to ruin it by making it woman friendly using the only weapon they have, sex appeal.

>> No.6425901

That's a good weapon though

>> No.6425909

And your argument is "the only reason any man could possibly have a problem with the things women do is because they won't have sex with him!"

At least you admit the only value women have is sex.

>> No.6425912

Not always

>> No.6425914


>> No.6425920

>I want sex, therefore that's all your good for
What else could men possibly want?

>> No.6425923

I haven't read anything except the first five posts and I'm sure I'm going to regret reading the rest of this thread.

Oh well, here goes nothing.

>> No.6425925

You're right. What else do women have that's of any value to men, aside from sex?

You're finally getting it. And best of all, it's a revelation you're coming up with all on your own.

>> No.6425926
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughingswans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men pretending to have feelings
Please stop, you're not very good at it.
Go jerk off, you'll feel better.

>> No.6425927
File: 77 KB, 300x437, FL_Shelter_Sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard that the free love thing is back
Doesn't that mean I'm entitled to sex?
I'd like to redeem my coupon
I want someone dressed as Hinata heh heh

>> No.6425928

Money, happiness, a good job, food, vidya, and nice clothes.

>> No.6425931

>women having feelings
Stop acting and just be stone cold bitches like normal. Go cry crocodile tears somewhere else.

>> No.6425932

The problem stems from men thinking of women as objects.
Like a guitar for example. You feel obligated to borrow our body for just a few hours, and we should feel flattered that you complimented it, and how DARE we refuse, because it's just our body, and you have a right to do whatever to it!
...That made more sense in my head

>> No.6425930

yeah ill dress up as hinata
futa hinata
and youll be receiving the dickings

>> No.6425934

>feminism has come so far

>> No.6425938

When I go to cons nowadays I usually give up on the fact of talking to females about the shows/vidya/comics they are cosplaying from.
The majority of them have no idea what they are talking about past the 15 minutes of google information they received

>> No.6425939

Oh God now I just read the last 6 posts and I hate myself for coming here.

But somehow, it feels so, so right.

>> No.6425940
File: 300 KB, 780x525, femsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6425944

Why should I care about your male tears? You'll always crave us and there's nothing you can do about us. Now start being nice or we'll cut you off.

>> No.6425950


Because women often base their worth on their body (and society doesn't help with this). This is why I respect women who wear dull clothes and focus on knowledge rather than the average woman.

>> No.6425953

>dating a gay man

>> No.6425948

It's funny because women think this is a completely rational way to behave.

>> No.6425954

What if I just get a Tenga or something?

Hell, I remember when 4chan used to talk about fapping and how it was great to get women off of your mind.


>> No.6425956

>craving cosplayers

Nope, I would never date an attentionwhore

>> No.6425957

>cut you off
Well we could always rape you

>> No.6425960

>male tears
>sages thread

>> No.6425962
File: 30 KB, 500x375, natural state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are really digging yourselves deeper here.

>> No.6425961
File: 188 KB, 369x308, 98393_Movie_News_Screen-shot-2012-04-30-at-5.12.29-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free love means that you should redistribute your body cause everyone deserves to have intimacy.
I didn't make up the rules, feminists did.
So what's it going to be ladies?
Cause right now I'm not in a communist mood, I'm in a enslaving you all mood.

>> No.6425965

Can none of you control yourselves? Jesus christ. We shouldn't have to change ourselves just to make sure you don't get a boner. Or would you rather we all wear burqas?

>> No.6425966

As much as I like the trolling going on right now, free love didn't mean that, it just meant either, depending on the person: "I can be a slut if I want to," or "MY PARENTS DON'T CONTROL ME. I CAN HAVE SEX WITH MY BOYFRIEND AND HAVE KIDS RIGHT NOW IF I WANT TO."

>> No.6425970

ITT: Feminists, Masculinists


>> No.6425973


>> No.6425975
File: 94 KB, 623x700, 1348529834372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone should be offended when people suggest you lock your car doors when you leave it parked outside.
>It presumes that your natural state is car thief.

feminism, please stay out of formal arguments

>> No.6425976

>a woman is a car.

>> No.6425978

Yeah, I wouldn't go that far. A car is far more valuable than a woman

>> No.6425984

I know you're just being obstinate because women like to do that when they know they've been proven wrong, but really.

>> No.6425985


Because you all dress like that for attention in the first place!

>> No.6425986

An honest question from a newfag:

Are there ever any mods/janitors on this board?

>> No.6425987

Well makes sense if you think about it
Why should I redistribute my labor if women are just going to flock to jocks.
Being a rich asshole that exploits jocks and get's any woman I want sounds way more satisfying.

>> No.6425989

...Like what? I'm talking about everyday clothes. If you mean cosplay, that's for accuracy or for contests.

>> No.6425992

Janitors/mods moderate multiple boards and sleep

cgl is a slow board, with people who love responding to obvious bait instead of reporting it

>> No.6425994

>Can none of you control yourselves?
>From actually thinking you have a chance with us?

>> No.6425993

>...Like what? I'm talking about everyday clothes.

Women's everyday clothes include short shorts, yoga pants and shirts that show off their cleavage.

Women's normal clothes are worse than men's beachwear.

>> No.6425998

>come up with your own reasoning for why people cosplay at cons
>complain that it doesn't make sense

Haha, okay.

>> No.6426000

And a woman wearing a t-shirt and shorts is worse than a man wearing the same thing because...?

>> No.6426004

>Because I really, really want to rape them, and they don't want to rape me!

>> No.6426007

girl you need to stop your projecting
if you want to be raped just ask me

>> No.6426005

They wear low-cut t-shirts and short shorts

>> No.6426009

I think the fact that you guys are bitches makes me want you more.
Cause then we get all butthurt and then we keep coming back.
Its a vicious cycle.

>> No.6426010



Because men wear loose fitting t-shirts and shorts, while women wear form-fitting ones. This is what he's talking about. Even mens bathing suits are loose (unless you're a speedo guy, which, surprise surprise, is frowned upon quite heavily).

>> No.6426011


Not defending the kinds of guys who think rape is ok, but I've been having a lot of urges recently that honestly worry me, they're usually very violent ones about wanting to hurt women and rape them, especially if they wear little clothing.

If women could just tone it down a little bit, it would be easier.

>> No.6426012

>implying you're a girl

>> No.6426022
File: 37 KB, 251x239, okay-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go jerk off, you'll feel better.

Yes Ma'am.

>> No.6426016

Well, we must be talking about different people then. I don't wear anything like that, and wearing that does seem tacky.

>> No.6426017

Because women's shorts go barely below their ass and their shirts show off 75% of their cleavage while men don't...?

>> No.6426018

That's not how projecting works.

>> No.6426025

girls mirin my hairy asscheeks while wearing a speedo

>> No.6426029
File: 49 KB, 540x702, 1350713884256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread seems as good a place as any to ask.

What's the proper etiquette on hooking up with girls at cons? They seem to be all over the place, some invite me back to their hotel room later and then there's half a dozen people sharing a 1 bedroom and it's awkward hooking up when people are coming and going. Some expect me to rent a room even though I wasn't planning on staying the night downtown. Some want to come back to my house and then they take off their costume and makeup and it kills my boner.

What's the most common way people do it? I hate uncertainty.

>> No.6426032
File: 78 KB, 640x417, Sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude they were so asking for it
I think they all left disappointing that nobody tried anything
I wish I could have been there

>> No.6426035


I'm glad we could come to an agreement *handshake*

>> No.6426037

Seriously somebody tell me they weren't asking for it
I dare ya

>> No.6426038

I really don't care if someone decides to cosplay a character when they have little experience with the franchise. If you like the design or just want to try making the costume then go for it.

The only thing that bugs me is when someone cosplays as a character from a more obscure franchise and tries to speak authoritatively on it when they have no idea what they're saying.
The "look at me I'm not like those casual sluts I love moe anime guys, honestly" is much worse.

>> No.6426042
File: 245 KB, 580x306, Adam-Deus-Ex-Human-RevolutionPreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.6426048
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>> No.6426049

Am I the only girl who has a rape fetish
I mean I'm sure it would be horrible, but for some reason I find it strangely hot

>> No.6426050
File: 269 KB, 854x480, 1352581969516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this board and I plan to cosplay at the next convention near London. Me and my friend are going for shits and giggles and are going to try our best to at least nail one girl, we've said anything goes and it's a number game. We'll be renting a decent hotel over the course of it and stacking much alcohol.

I'd like to know some information on hooking up etiquette at conventions too. I think we're going as Sokka and Aang

>> No.6426055

It's not strange.

I'm different though. If I acted out a rape fantasy with a girl I'd want it to be as rough, realistic and violent as possible. None of this whole 'safe word' shit.

>> No.6426056

90% of women have a rape fetish.

It's why they speak agaoinst it so much. Trying to convince themselves they don't like rape.

>> No.6426057
File: 77 KB, 600x511, 1747496-hank_pym_slap_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some Hank backhanding Janet.

This this this this this so fucking much.

Sure he rubbed off as a major asshole, but Harris does have a point.

I understand that you enjoy the look of the character. I understand if you were asked by a friend to dress up for their group. I also understand if you're a booth girl just doing her job. Hell, even girls who are just doing their Halloween thing.

But if you're galivanting around like White Phoenix of the Crown and don't have a single clue about the simple basics of the Phoenix Force and pretend you do, or dress up as bastardized versions of Avengers and pretending you suddenly know everything about them because you watched the movies, then you're probably going to have people call you out on your bullshit.

Seriously I understand why comic fans are super anal. It's not about being forced to memorize every single issue number or alternate universe and storyline, it's about having an appreciation for these creations and then suddenly some Party Rock Avengers cosplayers shitting all over their fandom.

>> No.6426060


I can't help but wonder just how good female orgasms during actual rape are.

Any femanons who have experienced it want to fill us in?

>> No.6426063

Well you guys with your attitude sure do make the idea of rape look more pleasant

>> No.6426064

Uh, never been raped, but about as good as any other orgasm I suppose...as in, 100x better than male ones.

>> No.6426067

So THIS faggot is the one who made my twitter explode. Oh okay, I am knowledgeable now.

>> No.6426068

>100x better than male ones.
I can confirm this. Source: I am a man and also a woman.

>> No.6426070

>tfw you cry during Cloud Atlas and hope you will be a man in your next life

>> No.6426069

>tfw women need to get their cervix hit over and over again to cum from penetrative sex

>> No.6426071

>So THIS faggot is the one who made my twitter explode.

So are women really that butthurt?

>> No.6426072


I never understood why women lord this over men like pleasure is the most important thing in the universe.

>> No.6426073

And as a guy I don't get it
You know how much trouble someone can get in for rape?
Also you bitches have sob stories in lifetime tv, have pepper spray and take karate lessons.
It makes no goddamn sense.
Either way I doubt a rapist cares about what their "rapee" likes.

>> No.6426074


>use social media
>get mad when social media is used by others

>> No.6426077


Louis CK on rape - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4hNaFkbZYU

>> No.6426075

Because women only care about sex.

>> No.6426079

Because women love the idea of getting more out of sex despite having to put less effort into getting it.

It's why American women routinely have their son's genitals mutilated to make the difference even greater.

>> No.6426081

Well according to the other chick their orgasms are apparently 100x better and they can have sex with whoever they want.
>cis women privilege

>> No.6426087

What someone who comes to /cgl/ expecting cosplay see:

>tripfag circlejerk, charts with pictures of tripfags (attention whoring)
>what are you wearing today? (attention whoring)
>/fit/ do you think you're good enough for us? Why /a/ is so full of virgins lol? (attention whoring)

And people say this hobby isn't for attention whores.

>> No.6426090



>> No.6426085


Guy who you're replying to and I can already see how much you're going to get destroyed on this point. Guys and girls care about sex, in fact both care too much about sex. Can't we all just reproduce by test tubes and a touch screen interface by which to determine the genetic traits we want our kids to have?

>> No.6426086

great movie
I'll swap you so I can be the little girl

>> No.6426091

We will anon
>brave new world

>> No.6426093


What? Circumcision is done either because of a religious belief or to reduce the chance of infection in male genitalia. It's a choice of both parents, not the woman world order conspiracy, you retard.

>> No.6426094

God, I wish.

>> No.6426099

>It's a choice of both parents
But it ain't an infant's right to bodily integrity, that's for sure!

>> No.6426106

I'm uncircumcised
Its a bit uncomfortable having to pull it back but other than that it's aaaight.
Also those jewish /pol/ conspiracies make me feel better cause according to them those who are circumcised are goyim lol.
I used to be a bit self conscious about it but now its all good.

>> No.6426103

As a male I shut down and embarrass beta nerds like this every chance I get, it's really funny to watch how squirmy and autistic they get when you mock their bitter misogyny and social ineptitude.

>> No.6426104


Group hug guys.

>> No.6426108

So why can't parents choose to mutilate their daughter's too?

>It's a choice of both parents

No, only the mother. It's why women are the most ardent supports of it.

>> No.6426112


I'm not saying whether or not circumsicion is ethical or not.

I'm just syaing you posting that "American women" decide to do it so men can't enjoy sex is absolutelly retarded.

>> No.6426116
File: 49 KB, 550x425, 905_trashtalkin-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've had enough of this
Name a time and place
If its a Miami it is on
>otherwise I don't feel like driving
But still, watcha gonna do?

>> No.6426122

The only reason non-Jewish fathers would do it is basically post-purchase rationalization.

>> No.6426128
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact I don't think you've ever been in a real fight.
Yeah I went there.
What's your excuse "alpha male"

>> No.6426137

Its more likely that the healthcare industry likes its supply of easily obtained skingraft material or feedstock for multiple sclerosis drugs.

>> No.6426139
File: 258 KB, 658x256, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a mother allow this to her son?

>> No.6426144

Because women hate having male children.

>> No.6426158
File: 18 KB, 245x246, thumb_8217502022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to pretend nobody is responding because they're trolls
The general consensus is that circumcisions is more hygienic
Also everyone does painful things to babies
Girl babies also have their ears pierced.

>> No.6426164

Only in America is that consensus true. In other countries, it's seen as unnecessary because it's pretty easy to wash your penis.

>> No.6426170

But in america it's hard to wash your penis because they're too fat to reach them.

>> No.6426174

Circumcision removes 15% of the penises nerves
It's only unhygienic if you are a dirty fuck who doesn't wash.

Only reason why people get circumcised is because their parents are forcing their religious views on their children.

>> No.6426206
File: 172 KB, 470x439, KonaChan Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yer not comics
But then how do I comic?

>> No.6426222

>Girl babies also have their ears pierced.

The difference is that it's reversable and not nearly as painful.

<surgery that has to be done under anesthesia to adults vs. cosmetic procedure that little girls go through

>> No.6426283

Please respond.

Yeah, but when you wear those things it confuses people a lot. They implicitly think that you're wearing it because you know about the source material, or are even a fan.

It's like that thing Chappelle said, when he was wearing a police uniform and a wounded persons ran up to him saying he was assaulted by thugs, and he was like 'Just because I wear a police uniform, does NOT mean I'm a police officer!' and the guy died on the curb.

>> No.6426312

Well, the fucker would have died either way

>> No.6426342

Well yeah, but if Chappelle were a policeman, he could've used The Fury of the Negro for a 50% IAS and IMS and perhaps avenge his death.

>> No.6427433


This. We get rejected by society and then cruelly laughed at for being different, so we form our own culture. Now that our culture has grown big and powerful, the rest of society wants to participate.

Karma comes around, now is our chance to do the rejecting and laughing! But no, sexism claims abound. Well I'm not going to give you a pass just because you are attractive.

So I ask, how does it feel to be rejected by those you yourself once rejected!?


Sorry, had to get that off my chest, I know it applies to precisely none of us, we're all rejects here.

>> No.6427464

i tried reading it but it was just too much of a wall to climb.

>> No.6427501

circumcision is reversible.

Seriously. I thought it was bullshit until I looked into it, it's completely undoable. I still think it's unethical, though.

>> No.6427505

Not going to lie; that's pretty hot.

>> No.6427531

Wish I could go around telling girls to make me a sandwich only for them to start licking my hand and handfeeding me

>> No.6427552

Nobody cares, nerds. Keep whinning about it.

We took over.

>> No.6427577

That's fine, I never quiz anyone on their character anyway. Even if I'm a fan. I am not the queenlordking of cosplay and neither is he.
People like him, the people he describes, and the people who know their shit (and get lumped in with the 'chicks') will always be at arms.
Ignore it if you can, life will be less frustrating.
Still, if I see a good costume.I'm snapping a photo because I've accepted that people may do this.

>> No.6427773

Pretty much this. I only care about pretty costumes, not the personal life of the one who's wearing it.

>> No.6428472

More power to them then. A hobby that attracts people as shitty as you must be ruined.

>> No.6428479

Says the impotent virgin from his basement.

>> No.6428477

Look at this guy here pretending to know what women think.

>> No.6428485

They weren't asking for it. Now what, tough guy?

>> No.6428484

Work on your self-control, anon. Or blind yourself so you don't have to see the dirty, dirty women anymore.

>> No.6428488

Fantasy <> reality, dimwit.

>> No.6428494

Look at that little guy. He's in the throes of orgasm!

>> No.6428496

Best argument for circumcision ever. But I have a better idea: Don't circumcise boys right after birth, circumcise them when they get too fat -- and tell them you will. Should solve obesity at least in males.

>> No.6428500

Looks like you need to be rejected some more. Maybe then you'll learn something.

>> No.6428665

Woah, woah. I just finished reading through this thread and a lot of seems to have gotten waaaay off topic, but to respond to OP-

I am a lady. I have a vagina and boobies, I identify as a lady, etc. I also like comics! Western comics, manga and anime, underground, independent stuff, webcomics- I've a wide variety of tastes. I actually even studied comics for my four years of college, have worked at DC (under the amazing Shelly Bond, another -gasp!- lady who likes comics), and am working on writing and drawing my own comics, and working on breaking into the scene. So, yeah, I like comics, I am a nerd, etc.

I also happen to like cosplay! It's a fun hobby, I like making things, fashion and makeup are among my other interests (besides comics), and it's an easy way to say at conventions 'Hey! I like this thing that I'm dressed as!' Do I do it for attention? Yes! I want the attention of other fans of whatever I am dressed as. If a random fan comes up to me and starts talking about the series, will I talk to them? Yes! If they are getting too close and are acting like a creeper, will I do my best to remove myself from the situation? Yes! I know that I'm quite the antisocial nerd myself, but it seems that there's a huge portion of the nerd population (of both the male and female variety, I've observed) who just don't realize how creepy they're being. Which is to say, very.

tl;dr: I'm a lady, I like to cosplay, I like and read a lot of comics. And I'm quite certain that I'm not in the minority of the cosplaying population.

>> No.6428693

This thread is full of retards and sad people with no self-respect for themselves. Don't even listen to the trolls.

There are some people who cosplay for the heck of it (which is okay, IDGAF), most cosplay becuase they like the character. The idiots crying about it and the women downtalking "nerds" need to find something better to do.

>> No.6428764
File: 984 KB, 400x222, 1351958916528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't all of this just come down to how long the medium was indeed dominated by males?

I can understand this: comic and video game nerd-dom was something that was exclusive to a lot of people growing up. back when the medium didn't hit the main stream, many of the people who enjoyed said medium were labeled, and attacked because they simply liked to read about Spiderman in high school. They were the nerd through thick and thin, and it has become part of who they are. Its now a kind of identity they carry with pride now, especially with all the crap they had to go through.

Now that things once considered nerd-exclusive interests such as comic books, video games, anime, and manga has hit the main stream, those who know that they are the 'real nerds' find these new comers to be awkward, clueless, and at times, infuriating. Introduce a female to the equation; these are the people who didn't give nerd the time of day. The people who even shunned nerds for simply being the nerd. It has become accustomed to most nerds that the occasional female nerd is a rare thing, and almost unthinkable. As the medium previously dominated by men are becoming more available for a lot of demographics, I think its going through growing pains. There are genuinely fake, horrid, and infuriating people who call themselves 'nerds,' but that's fine. it means that the things we liked once exclusively is becoming more accepted. The audience is growing. Compared to a decade ago, the nerdy-nature is much more accepted than before. (comparatively, of course)

Please keep in mind, I do not ignore the existence of nerd females who were indeed there with the guys through the toughest of times, but I'm speaking in generalities. It was 99 percent male, and its slowly moving to incorporate more females. I think this is great and wonderful, but also acknowledge that the process will not be painless.

tl;dr embrace the new wave. Life is too short to draw lines.

>> No.6428772

Hard to respect the opinion of someone who says his words to get laid.

If someone like God said that, perhaps I would bother to read it.

Otherwise, nope, mangina logic, don't give a fuck.

>> No.6428780

The audience isn't growing. This is only going to last as long as the "nerd" trend does and once it's over 99% of women with those sorts of hobbies will drop it for the next popular thing.

>> No.6428789


Nerd is just a continuation of hipster, which was the new emo.

>> No.6428806

I would disagree, although I do see what you're saying.

Compared to a long ass time ago, the amount of females in the industry of games, comics, etc have jumped in a seemingly small amount of time, and I think its a safe assumption to make that those who want t o break into the industry are genuinely intrigued and passionate about it. From my limited knowledge of making a game or publishing a comic, it takes tremendous dedication and love to continue to be in the industry.

You could argue that 99% of them drop off at for the next big thing, but I think we'd all be better off by accepting the 1% that stayed. And even if they do break into the hobby by shallow interests or attention, it still opens them up to an amazing number of opportunities to be really invested into it.

Better someone than no one.

>> No.6428826

I wouldn't say 1% were females. Men were always a majority, yes. But we've always been there and always have been more than a measly 1%, or rare and occasional. We just hide our powerlevel. I knew plenty of other girls who would rather read comics and play video games than slather on their mom's and gossip about boys.

But before the internet was around, there wasn't much of a way to be vocal about it, other than attending conventions and things of that nature.

There are plenty of girls that do it for the attention, moreso today that in the past due to the internet. But there are by far many who don't and just don't speak up about it much, just as they always have.

>> No.6428850

I guess you could say that, but my point still stands; seeing that most females were hiding their power levels very well, I would argue that it is only recently that people have been aware of the female demographic. Either way, its something new that most first generation nerds are alien with, and that's where all the male/female lines come from in nerdy pastimes

>> No.6428854


How is his comment any different than a Lolita Secret? You're all full of hypocritical bullshit

>> No.6428884

If only those girls were good looking...

>> No.6428934
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, 1283218010316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses comparisons to women to insult someone they perceive as male on an anon board
this thread has been allowed to live long enough.

>> No.6428946


Isn't this exactly what feminism preaches?

>femininity is bad, you have to get drunk like men, have casual sex like men, being aggressive like men (except when it comes to dating and sex lol)

>> No.6428950

Do you only ever look at rad fem whites? Do you only go to /b/ when you come here?

>> No.6428956

>Do you only ever look at rad fem whites?

Those are the only feminists that actually influence anything (and that's probably why these mythical "reasonable feminists" hate them so much), so yeah.

>> No.6428991

feminism is, at its basic principle, for equal treatment, not for changing masculinity or femininity. you could call yourself a feminist for being a woman and wanting the same pay for the same work. you could call yourself a feminist ally or for being a man and wanting men and who treat women like garbage to be help accountable and reprimanded, even if your reason is only that their behavior reflects badly on you.
when you think of angry bite-yo-dick-off feminists, please compare them to 420-smoke-up-faggot-legalize-itttttt stoners. neither are the majority or the best representation for their cause, but they're often the loudest.

>> No.6428995

You don't know much, then.

>> No.6428998


>> No.6429011

...Creative. Look, I could either waste my time looking up and copying and pasting every which way you're wrong and watch you still behave like a /b/tard or I could NOT do that and have fun. We all know how this goes. But you can go ahead and feel good about...whatever the hell you think you just did.

>> No.6429069

It sounds like he saw some Jessica-Nigri esk chick and wasn't given the time of day, so he cried into his status update.

>> No.6429697
File: 31 KB, 300x265, rolleyes dog rotated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because women just looooove them manginas, don't they.

Funny how you get buttfrustrated now, but did not when a girl used a similar arguing against another girl earlier ITT (that because she's talking bad about females she's XYZ).

>> No.6429716

I think that's pretty much the general consensus.

Then again, no one takes comic book artists seriously at all. If they were actually around women enough, there wouldn't be all this crap about sexist portrayals of women in comics, or absolutely ridiculous proportions.

>> No.6429751

Being nice and having feelings is quite different from being a "mangina" you fucking retard

>> No.6429770

This confuses me. Comic books have been designed to cater to men now for like 70 years. It confuses me that any large number of women would enjoy them. I hope that the artists actually don't change the way they draw for a new demographic.

Another thought I have had is that attention is really addictive. I imagine that most of us start as fans. Once nerds and geeks start giving a hot cosplayer attention they can quickly become addicted to it. They start doing it less and less for other reasons and more for just attention whoring. They then tend to cosplay from popular series and chose ones that show off their bodies. So in a sense male nerds are partly to blame for the rise of attention whore cosplayers.

>> No.6429815
File: 30 KB, 500x375, rolleyes dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay, you're just a tryhard troll. Whoops. My bad.

>> No.6429828

>If they were actually around women enough, there wouldn't be all this crap about sexist portrayals of women in comics, or absolutely ridiculous proportions.

I like how women assume that spending time with them would make men less dismissive of them.

The biggest misogynists probably pull the most pussy sis.

>> No.6429835
File: 216 KB, 400x600, 10461_400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do realize that men in comic books are ridiculously proportioned and also held up to high standards as well, right? Sexism is real for both genders in comics, video games, et cetera. Take a look at this and tell me he doesn't have ridiculous proportions.

>> No.6429846

Women don't believe sexism against men exists. It's why they have no problem with men in fiction aimed at women being rich, tall, confidence, handsome, etc., etc. but bitch if a girl looks attractive because bawwww she's hotter than I am.

>> No.6429872

Of course sexism against men exists, that's just silly. And yes, I'm a woman. And a feminist. Surprise.

>> No.6429870


Oh, right. I don't know how I forgot that.

>> No.6429881

>And yes, I'm a woman. And a feminist.

Then you don't believe sexism against men exists.

>> No.6429921

completely unrelated, but GOD DAMN I love me some Green Lantern Corps. I loved Kyle Raynor as a character until love life got fucked up and now he has this weird thing going on after Natu.

He seemed more like an indecisive anime MC.

>> No.6429990
File: 502 KB, 700x802, male_objectification__by_kevinbolk-d56ctcq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baww, how dare all of those evil, evil FEMALE comic book artists at Marvel and DC draw guys with huge muscles to objectify you poor men!

Because we all know mainstream superhero comics are mainly directed at a FEMALE fanbase.


>> No.6430028

>bawwww only women can be objectified and no one else there's no way both genders can be objectived no siree bob women are the only victims

>> No.6430101

There are more to comics than superheroes; in the 90s/00s, there was a huge rise in indie comics that appealed to more than adolescents/manchildren.

It's just weird when people in a fandom are obsessed with only the most shallow aspects of it; like people who love these characters but have never read more than a few pages.

While I think Tony Harris went way overboard, he totally has a point. Imagine someone being a Lost fanboy based off watching the commercials.

I'm a guy.

Yeah, but those are still semi-REALISTIC proportions.
Men had it bad in the 90s with Liefeld, but come on. Historically, women in comics are eye candy first, powerful second.

There's this weird idea that sexism/racism can only be suffered by those in inferior positions (women/African Americans). Like, a black person can't be racist because racism is prejudice + power. So women can't be sexist.

It blows my mind that people can think this way.

>> No.6430149

Dear god, I should never have come back to /cgl/ for a hot cosplayer thread.

I think I'll stick to robot girlfriends if they ever come out. /cgl/ does a good job of reassuring my fear of women.

>> No.6430161

That's because idiots don't understand INSTITUTIONALIZED prejudice vs personal prejudice

Just like how tumblr mangled the concept of triggers and privilege into utter garbage

>> No.6430205

Should it be any surprise that a group of women mangle concepts to suit their victim complexes?

>> No.6430377

Realistic if you use steroids and work out 8 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Muscles like those are just as hard to obtain as gigantic bouncing titties and hour-glass figures, if you're not born with them.

>> No.6430393

>Realistic if you use steroids and work out 8 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dude, they're superheroes.
Being strong is like, sorta their thing.

It's having a torso that bends in unimaginable ways or gigantic tits for no practical purpose other than to distract the bad guy that are pointless. The same applies to guys (again: Liefeld's creations), but come on. Don't go all hurr durr feminists r dumb. It's totally slanted against one gender.

Totally did not want to even bring that up, but yeah. They've invented their own branch of warped sociology that academia would laugh at. I can always tell which students have a tumblr by the arguments they make in anthro courses too.

>> No.6430421

Yeah. Superheroes don't exist in real life. Neither do chicks like that, they're just supposed to be aesthetically pleasing with ridiculous, stylized proportions. They're fictional, it's sexist for both parties. Just saying.

>> No.6430469
File: 140 KB, 499x330, 1343600087931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason girls are into the geeky subculture is because they cannot compete in the normal market with better looking girls so they must cater to the niche market (like the geeks who are into anime & video games) so they can get the attention they crave.
Girls like Jnig and Hannah minx are girls who do this. Although they CAN compete in a normal market, why would they when the girls in the niche market aren't that better looking than them at all?

If a girl does somehow get a geeky boyfriend, she will learn what she can from him and then use that knowledge to show off her "Geek cred" so she can get more attention, and possibly a better boyfriend who can show her more things.

Geeky girls who aren't actually geeks are like symbiotes in that way. Ironic.

Although I used to think that girls can equally share the same interests in typically male dominated hobbies, the internet has shown me there are a LOT more girls who would do it just for the attention they can get, and the hype.

How many girls do you know have played Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Morrowind, or Planescape Torment? Probably not very many.
Now how many girls do you know play (own, or posed with the case on facebook) MW, Blackops, Skyrim, Zelda, Mario?

Or in the case of anime, when you ask a girl what anime has she seen what are the usual series?
Evangelion, Hetelia, Death Note, Elfen Lied, Cowboy Bebop... basically shit everyone has watched and rewatched to death since 2007.

There aren't many females that can list anime they have seen THIS SEASON, let alone this year.

>> No.6430486

Not watching ever anime ever means you aren't a real fan. Yup. Probably the same if someone likes football but hasn't seen every game ever aired. Such posers.

>> No.6430491

>Probably the same if someone likes football but hasn't seen every game ever aired.

The difference is that they, unlike cosplayers, they don't pretend to be FOOTBALL EXPERTS on par with the people who actually have watched virtually every game.

>> No.6430501

>they don't pretend to be FOOTBALL EXPERTS on par with the people who actually have watched virtually every game.
Ahah. Ahahahahah.
I know you've been trolling from the start, but damn dude, that is a hell of a wrong-ass statement to make. Have you ever spent more than five minutes with a football fan?

>> No.6430504
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So tell me troll, geeky things are only inherently interesting to males then? Women aren't allowed to have grown up playing PC games and watching anime and reading comics?

And for the record, I fucking loved Morrowind. Way better than Oblivion. Yes I mad. 6/10 for getting me to respond, goddammit.

>> No.6430506

Haha, I can't believe the lthere are "requirments" to be a nerd.
>you have to read ALL THE COMICS TO EVEN COMC
Some of you need to get of your high horse.

>> No.6430510


Its nice that you think you can turn my words around.

You really think somebody who watched the Super Bowl can sit with a bunch of sports enthusiasts and talk Football when previously, they've never even seen this person before? Yes, they are a poser. You're going to at least understand the nuances of the sport if you're going to talk about it.

Its the same way with anime, if you're gonna talk with people who are really into anime when all you've seen is the mainstream, entry level shows everyone has talked about to death, and can't even name ONE show you've seen this year.
You're not really into anime.

It doesn't have to be EVERY SINGLE series, but if you threw something like..."Yeah, I've been catching up on Binbougami Ga, and watching Magi." I honestly think that's enough to show that you actually like anime to keep up with at least a few shows every odd season.

>> No.6430512

>Have you ever spent more than five minutes with a football fan?

Yeah. They don't pretend to know more than someone who actually knows their shit and if they do disagree with them it's over opinion and not fact.

>So tell me troll, geeky things are only inherently interesting to males then?


>Women aren't allowed to have grown up playing PC games and watching anime and reading comics?

None of them do because women only have social hobbies. It's in their nature.

>And for the record, I fucking loved Morrowind.

Congrats. Did you hear your bf talk about how Morrowind was better than Oblivion and parrot what he thought? Or read it on some GAMUR GURL blog?

They're the same requirements normalfags and women came up with when they decided to brand people back before it was suddenly cool to like the things you used to be mocked for. Why do you suddenly hate the terms you gave us?

>> No.6430511

*nerd/geek/gamer/fan of anything

>> No.6430517


You've got all the buzzwords in there too. Well played, troll-tan. Well played.

>> No.6430523


>> No.6430524

>implying girls didn't play those games
>implying those games weren't pile of shit
>implying extra scorn should not be reserved for Morrowind with a broken combat and spell system, brown everywhere, walking everywhere in brown
>implying there is something wrong with being a nintendrone
>implying men don't gobble down shit shoevelware like there is no tomorrow
>implying male faggot "hardcore gamerz" has ever played excellent games like the Kings Quest series

>> No.6430529

That argument would work best on someone who has made fun of others for being into vidya games. Also, someone who is a 'casual'
I like games, animu, and a few comics.
I think some of these requirments get to be redonk. A girl can't say she likes halo, call of dookie, and skyrim without getting those looks.you're forcing them to not even like the games they like. You're saying "oh yea, well find something else to like and ill decide if you're worth my precious time"

>> No.6430531

> troll
hahahaha okay.

> geeky things are only inherently interesting to males then?

In the past conventions have usually been a very, very, very male oriented event. Things even fuckin' smelled different back then. Only recently have women started showing up to conventions.
Unless you've actually had someone who brought you into geeky hobbies you would have never ventured any further than Evangelion/Zelda otherwise.

How many girls do you know just suddenly decided to take up hunting?

>> No.6430540


I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say.


Stay there.

>> No.6430550

All I'm getting from you is
"I'm pissed that girls are into my hobby. None of them know anything"

>> No.6430554

Because it's true.

Women need to get out.

>> No.6430561

Well aren't you just precious. Come here and let me play "got your nose"!

>> No.6430562


If that's all you've been getting from me from my posts:

Then you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6430586


But a lot of that is geared towards women. You could just say you hate posers

>> No.6430594


That's because this entire thread is geared towards women.

>> No.6430600

So I redirect you here

>> No.6430604

Please, keep this thread strictly cosplay and gothic-lolita. For fashion, there is /fa/. There is /adv/ for advice (general hair, make up, ext). There is DIY for DIY (GET THE PLUSHIE THREADS OUT OF HERE), there is /fit/ for weight loss, I mean, really...

>> No.6430607


Except in my first post it's not what im fucking saying. You're taking things from posts i'm responding to who are saying what you think I'm saying.

Do all women on /cgl/ put words into other people's mouths to suit their needs or what? Just shut up.

>> No.6430634

No sir
>geeky girls aren't really geeks because they only play a set of games and watch so few anime

Right, I'm stuffing words into your post that you never ever said. Dear god man, don't get so bent out of shape over a little discussion. I hope you don't end all of your discussions with that "shut up I'm right" 'tude.

When will you stop making assumptions guy?

>> No.6430668

It's not so much a summary as a "making fun of you for being an territorial shit head". People like the same things you like. It's not the end of the world. In fact being concerned about this is so ridiculous that you're probably just trolling.

>> No.6430667


For women hobbies are 95% socializing and attention whoring and 5% actually enjoying the hobby, which is why nerds, known for being introverts with below average social skills and who prefer things over people, have such a hard time accepting women in their hobbies.

>> No.6430669

>"I'm pissed that girls are into my hobby. None of them know anything"

is NOT the same as

> geeky girls aren't really geeks because they only play a set of games and watch so few anime

>> No.6430679

Actually it is the same.

>> No.6430687


Except for the fact everyone who responded to me took everything from the middle down and responded with, "OH, SO YOU'RE SAYING GIRLS SHOULDN'T LIKE THE THINGS YOU LIKE? WHAT A TROLL." Instead of taking the entire post into consideration and actually having a discussion.

But I guess when women get called out they don't know how to react other than dropping "troll".

See: anita sarkeesian

>> No.6430698

Oh no you're on to us. We discussed this at the last woman's meeting. You're insane or trolling.

>> No.6430706


sandy vagina.

>> No.6430703

I guess you have no actual argument.

>> No.6430709
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You don't either. "No true geek is a woman". Doesn't that remind you of a well known fallacy?

>> No.6430715

The thing is that the female mind isn't capable of having the same level of passion men have for things, which is why they never achieved greatness in the history of humanity.

When a guy trully loves something, he dedicates his life to it.

>> No.6430722


That's not true!

women invented window wipers. Where would cars be without those?

>> No.6430724

You're not even trying any more. For for all of A(x) is just retarded.

>> No.6430719

oh, forgot

in b4 hurr durr women were opressed everywhere all the times all women ever

>> No.6430733

I go to pee and this is what I come back to?

My argument is, your over all tone suggests anger. Your posts says that in your time spent on the internet, girls don't know anything (let's be honest, you belittling the games they might play amounts to nothing to you)
So yes, from your posts I gather your mad and girls know nothing.
Doubt you care at this point.

>> No.6430732

oh my that sure changed the world!

>> No.6430739

>bunch of absurd assumptions
>U mad
Instant admission of defeat.

>> No.6430746

You're mad stupid, bro

>> No.6430755

Witty. Poetic almost.
How can I assume from what I've read? Or is this thread devolving into nonsense and I haven't jumped on board yet.

>> No.6430757

Which is why you don't see actual anime fans in anime conventions anymore, the influx of women drove everybody away.

Hell anime conventions even have raves nowadays.

>> No.6430772

Please respond. Am I being absurd enough /cgl/? I''m going through my list of things that might make people upset. Is it working yet?

>> No.6430773

>meant for women
>all dance circles are almost always 100% men

>> No.6430774

It's almost like he's being silly so he can get people to respond to him.

>> No.6430781

With women came the normalfags.

>> No.6430785

Men hoping to get with the women who showed up, many of them normalfags who came just to fuck.

>> No.6430790

We get it dude, there needs to be background checks before anyone joins a fandom. If they don't meet the criteria, they'll be shot out of a canon.
Tonight, rest. Watching your latest and newest subbed anime and clutch to your chest the memories of the days of old.
Rest anon...rest

>> No.6430801
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Not for attention

>> No.6430812
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b-b-b-b-but girls can like anime too! we're not just something to look at!

>> No.6430814
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Not for attention.

>> No.6430817

Please respond.

>> No.6430821

Normalfags who go to cons to get laid.

>> No.6430823

Holy shit Here I thought /pol/ was easy prey for trolls.

>> No.6430826

Dude it's easy mode. Slow board + same fagging = instant win.

>> No.6430829
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S-s-s-stupid fu-fujoshis! Y-you think you are comics and vidya!

>> No.6430834

The number of guys who do that is much smaller than the opposite.

>> No.6430849

Girls think guys don't know comics and vidya?
What're you on ?crack?

>> No.6430856

Guys attention whoring.

>> No.6430859
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Pfft. Sure.
To say anyone doesn't cosplay for attention is stupid. Every cosplayer does.
Unless you want to have a 'who dresses more scantily' which would obviously be women because characters are drawn that way.

>> No.6430864

Actually this whole thread is hilarious because trolling a board is nothing but attention whoring. >Please respond to my insulting nonsense!

>> No.6430871

I'm pretty sure that are way more female cosplayers out there.

>> No.6430874

Its saging into oblivion so its cool.

>> No.6430882

Its a dress up game. Of course you silly goose

>> No.6430899

>Haha, I can't believe the lthere are "requirments" to be a nerd.
>>you have to read ALL THE COMICS TO EVEN COMC
I remember in second grade, a girl wouldn't kiss me on the playground because I couldn't name all the Backstreet Boys, even though Millennium was the first cd I ever bought.

Barriers of entry exist for any medium; it's just that comics are dominated by "nerds" (I use that term loosely, there is nothing inherently special about reading a 22 page picture book) who are typically desperate for female attention. And then feel duped when the attention they finally get turns out to be someone else's pursuit for attention.

Either way, Tony Harris was arguing for women to just know who they are cosplaying, something more than simple cursory knowledge gleamed off the internet. "Earning your stripes" and all that, which isn't unusual.

It's just women feel they need to fight for label "nerd", like equality is judged by the ability to attach a stupid word to themselves.

>> No.6431034
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>implying women can't be socially inept


>> No.6431137
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ITT: picture related.

>> No.6431255


And what if you never say you're a "gamer gurl" and instead just say you enjoy to play games occasionally? Are you guys going to be butthurt about us up in your interests then too?