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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 34 KB, 339x400, tattooed-girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6423751 No.6423751 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting a tattoo soon and I wanted to ask you guys how you feel about cosplayers with tattoos.
Would you prefer they cover them up for cosplay?Do you cover up your tattoos while cosplaying why or why not?

>> No.6423758

Also, what about lolitas with tattoos?

>> No.6423763

If ur serious, then cover them up. Inaccuracies should be kept to a minimal and tattoos are easy mode to conceal.

If not serious, just frolic with your bought costume and enjoy the con with friends.

>> No.6423774

Lolita is tougher because the fashion is more distinct. You have to work the tats with your outfit and that's difficult unless you have a theme. Trying to be a tattooed lolita goes against what most people consider the idea of the style, since it's mainly a throwback to more conservative fashions.

You can be a lolita with tattoos. You just won't be a good lolita.

Unless god help you you're going against the grain and trying to be edgy about it, like a new cybergoth punk lolita who does weed.

>> No.6423782

tattoos are for insecure bitches and jerks.

>> No.6423787

OP who gives a fuck what other people think? If you want a tattoo then get it if it makes you happy stop worrying about what others think of you that's a sad life to live

>> No.6423801

I'm getting my tattoo, there is no doubt about that.
What I'm asking is if people mind about tattoos while cosplaying, that's it.

So, is i because lolitas are supposed to be uh, innocent? I don't know much about lolita but I'm highly curious.

>> No.6423810

I made sure to get both my tattoos so far in places that could easily be covered both for cosplay and for real life if the situation ever came up that I ended up needing to.
Both of mine are fandom tattoos but both are for franchises/series I have loved for over ten years. I've only done one cosplay where I needed to use concealer on one to keep it covered and it was a fair bit of work but I'd much rather have the tattoo and have to cover it for some costumes than not have it.
believe that cosplayers should cover tattoos that don't fit with their character when in costume but that is probably due to my perfectionism when it comes to the hobby.

>> No.6423814
File: 28 KB, 401x401, tumblr_lzz2xotG8w1r3ky11o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just doesn't go with the whole conservative idea maybe. I can see a goth loli having tattoos though. But I'd like them if it's beautiful and well done.

>> No.6423819

I guess it depends on the character.
I wouldn't like to see Sakura Card Captor or Azunyan with a tamp stamp.

>> No.6423828

Well, there's different kinds of lolita, but most if not all are divided between being innocent/sweet or classy/elegant. Tattoos generally aren't considered elegant, though people who have them certainly can be. I've been lurking this board and other lolita comms for years because I like the aesthetic, but I can't recall a single good lolita outfit with tattoos showing. Doesn't mean you can't have tattoos hiding under your frills and stuff, but it's generally not done, and definitely not showcased.

If you browse through a gallery of lolita dresses and coords and photoshoots, you'll get the gist of it. Sometimes people try to break it into different lolita subsets, but these are generally frown upon unless you have a solid foundation to start off first. If you jump right into doing lolita-esque stuff just to bend the fashion around you, it'll understandable ruffle a few petticoats.

>> No.6423826

I always thougtht lolita was about being all cute and innocent and it made sense to me that other lolitas would look down to those who have tattoos and still wear frilly dresses.

But being conservative makes sense too, I guess.

>> No.6423829

Do you have pictures of them? I'm highly curious.

>> No.6423878
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>you just wont be a good lolita
oh, okay.
sorry, didn't realize they were so distracting.
you can work around your tattoos, covering them with clothing or just wearing outfits that don't draw attention to it. all my tattoos are black, so when i wore all black and white they are hardly noticeable. just black on my arm. i honestly have never been distracted by tattoos in any fashion as long as they're well done. and i think it's quite ignorant to say "you can't dress well if you have tattoos" lolita tends to cover the majority of your flesh anyway.

as for cosplaying with tattoos, if you're trying to be super the most accurate ever- cover them. or choose outfits that will. i didn't cover my hands, neck, or head tattoos when i cosplayed but my wig, and sleeves covered it for the most part. very not-noticeable.
i did, however, wear 3 pairs of tights to cover my thigh tattoo.

>> No.6423888
File: 357 KB, 640x480, confused-sae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would sakura be wearing to have a tramp stamp show?

>> No.6423891

You are covered in tattoos? I want to see pictures.

>> No.6423895


>> No.6423903
File: 537 KB, 701x375, tattoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both simple, idk if I'd be up for something more than something simplistic and black. One on the left is the deathly hallows located on my ribs, sorry for the shit photo quality, I couldn't be bothered undressing to get a better one and the one on the right is Kiryu's criminal marker from YuGiOh! 5D's

>> No.6423904

i have 2 back of the neck tattoos, wings on my shoulder blades, a tattoo on my head/behind the ear area, both of my wrists, upper arm on one arm, lower arm on the other, a giant piece on my thigh, a foot tattoo, a rib tattoo and a piece on my chest between the area my boobs, but below it. not like, right between it.

i need to put more on that one though, i pussed out and just kind of was like "yeah it's fine" but now i'm like "no i need more detail"

i don't really feel like posting pix of everything.

>> No.6423907

What about tattoos outside lolita or cosplay? Do you guys see them as something dirty or dangerous?
Are they a turn off?

>> No.6423918

Haha, Jesus Christ, it's like you're crying out for daddy's attention.

Filthy fucking rape "victim" slut.

>> No.6423931

I like the deathly hollows tattoo, its simple but it is very nicely done, the lines are very thin and straight.

>> No.6423930

Question seagulls.

Do any of you actually have lower back tattoos?

I sort of want to get one.

>> No.6423926

See >>6423828.

Should've clarified but the gist is you can be a lolita with tattoos, but you won't be a good lolita if you have them showing to an extent that they distract from an outfit. Tattoos only take away the general aesthetic that lolita is associated with, and thus are covered up.

>> No.6423936

this is totally a person to person opinion. you're silly if you think /cgl/ can give you a real answer.

if you want tattoos to be seen as more attractive don't get them. if you want them get them. it's as simple as that.

>crying out for daddy's attention.
try like, mommy's attention. it will get more of a reaction from me.

>> No.6423939

I don't mind them as long as they're sentimental. I don't see the point in getting a tattoo that is related to something that hasn't been a big part of at least half a decade of your life.

>> No.6423941

I wanted to get one, maybe later in the future after I get my upper back done.
The thing with lower bak tattoos is that most designs look very trashy.
I think the only way you can get away with having a lower back tattoo without looking like a slut is if it's a very detailed and complicated design, not some symbol or tribal shit.

>> No.6423952

I like tattoos with meaning, not the 'this is to showcase how dark my soul is' meaning, but the kind done in remembrance to someone. Like it's a form of therapy when you lose someone close to you, then decide you want something more permanent that can literally a part of you. I also like to admire it when it shows artistic skill.

OP's I can't really get behind because it's pretty garish though. And while I do admire some tattoos, I do think they are a 'turn off' in general. I don't like most body mods by default.

>> No.6423951

i can understand that, like bad tattoos are the only distracting tattoo for me. or like, super bright colored ones with a totally monochrome outfit. i suppose that would be a bit off looking.

but still, i don't like- think it really takes away. i think that's like a personal preference not a "you can't look good if you have this or this or this" i think it's possible to make anything work.
like including no petticoat, huge chunky platform shoes, piercings, short hair, like stuff that a lot of people think "isn't lolita". i think as long as you are mindful of it you can make it work.

>> No.6423960


I'm a guy if that helps, but I see them as something sort of whorish, but in a good way if you take my meaning.

Like, they're actually a turn on, especially when the girl who has them isn't ostensibly a 'whore', wears glasses, is a bit 'mousey' and so on.

But yeah, it's the whole sexuality of it that makes it appealing, the implications of what it reveals about her sexual fantasies and fetishes, what she'd be willing to do if you were together and so on. Usually I feel it implies sexual submissiveness on a very extreme level. I especially like the more 'meaningful', hipster tattoos because those to me are essentially a way of the girl trying to pretend what is essentially kind of trashy and sexual as something 'deep', that sort of delusion mixed with obvious sexual elements is hot.

It may sound like I'm trying to troll you, but I'm not. I'd love to date a girl with tattoos for that reason, but few seem to be interested in men who don't have them. And most would think I'm insulting them.

>> No.6423967

>See tramp stamp

You do what you want, but if I was making a decision, I would look into the cultural/societal effects it would have on me beyond 'i do what i want'. Considering all the facts, ya'know?

>> No.6423972 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 299x169, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really mind if cosplayers have tattoos, aesthetically I prefer if they cover them with a bit of makeup or something (I have a friend who covers his real ones up with his fake ones for that redheaded bleach guy), but a well done tat isn't something to really worry/be ashamed about in cosplay

>> No.6423975

I think most tattoos look great on guys, especially on the chest area, hnnng.
But I'm as little more special with girls.
I don't like girls with tattoos on their legs or chest/close to their boobs because I consider them very femenine parts of the female body and any tattoos just make them not look girly, in my opinion.
Tattoos on any other part are a-okay for me.

>> No.6423971


Guy here, I've often thought they'd look great during sex when you're taking a girl from behind.

What I like about lower back tattoos isn't just the slut-appeal of them, but the fact they're expressly there for men to ogle.

>> No.6423983

The Harry Potter one I can get but can you explain the Yu-Gi-Oh! one, the whole being a big part of your life I get but why that and from that show?
I don't like tattoos in general but I find fandom ones interesting.

>> No.6423993
File: 7 KB, 251x251, 1326923817315s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw lobi was not kidding when she said she was going to get inked.

>> No.6423997

Did you got them done by the same guy? The lines look pretty different.

>> No.6423998
File: 9 KB, 299x169, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really mind if cosplayers have tattoos, aesthetically I prefer if they cover them with a bit of makeup or something (I have a friend who covers his real ones up with his fake ones for that redheaded bleach guy), but a well done tat isn't something to really worry/be ashamed about in cosplay

Not had to worry about mine yet cuz it's on my foot, but when I get my Geass on my collar bone I'll invest in some good quality tattoo cover up for cosplay

>> No.6424005

I've heard that getting a tattoo on your feet is very painful, is it true?

>> No.6424013

Wait, Lobi-Lobitah got a tattoo? Isn't she like 15 or something?

>> No.6424027

I like the franchise as a whole but Kiryu's character in particular stands out to me because he went through so much hardship (orphan, going insane and likely substance abuse, murdering someone, imprisonment, abuse by guards and likely rape, suicide, being brought back to life, wanting to kill his best friend, stealing the souls of children, coming back to life with his memories of what he did as a dark signer, going on a suicidal downwards spiral in crashtown and then pulling himself out of it, owning the town and adopting two kids) and got out the other side of it and it's in a way a way of telling myself I can pull through all my bullshit as well as being my symbol of appreciation for a series and TCG I love.
They were done by different guys at the same place. I got the Hallows done first and was really happy with the job they'd done and went back to the place for the marker only to find that the artist who'd done my first one had moved over seas, I was foolish enough to trust the place due to my past good experience and go with another artist. I'm not unhappy with the marker but the line work isn't as clean. I might one day in the future if it begins to bother get it tidied up but atm it's not a priority.

>> No.6424031
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't that terrible, the only parts that were really painful were the letters that went over my tendon & right under the ankle bone, the rest felt I was getting awkwardly pinched--also helped it's a small one & I had a good artist, so it was really quick

My boyfriend has one inside his lower lip, I think that would hurt way more than the foot tbh >.<

>> No.6424059

That's actually really offensive you know.

>> No.6424065

As long as they cosplay slutty characters, I don't care.

>> No.6424067

>It's not what I want to hear

If someone is being truthful, than take it as it is.

>> No.6424077

>I'm a guy if that helps, but I see them as something sort of whorish, but in a good way if you take my meaning.

I sort of understand you. I recognize that tattoos are 'slutty', but I'm not really ashamed of embracing that part of myself.

>> No.6424082

i agree with this in a lot of ways, but slutty in the way of "sexually open and comfortable with their sexuality" way not "loose" or "sleeps with anyone" sort of way.

i also don't think this applies to all tattoos, like tattoos that take 5+ hours i tend to actually view as art.

>> No.6424084

We'd probably disagree then, I'm referring to slutty as to mean 'sleeping around', obviously not with anyone, but I like having lots of different partners, and I feel like having tattoos represents that.

>> No.6424091

well you'd be very wrong, and obviously not involved with the modification community at all. just semi-versed with bar sluts with tramp stamps and such.

very few people spend 5+ hours in a chair and hundreds of dollars just to get laid.

>> No.6424092

>i also don't think this applies to all tattoos, like tattoos that take 5+ hours i tend to actually view as art.

Dude here who posted earlier.

The artistic ones are in my mind, the sluttiest of them all, it's that delusion I referred to earlier, the fact they're still representative of submissiveness whilst being a pretense of being something meaningful is what makes them a turn on.

>> No.6424097

It's the best way to spot a girl with daddy issues and who's up for all sorts of kinky stuff.

>> No.6424100
File: 244 KB, 1280x835, butwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup she got some sort of cat.
She is no longer waifu material.

>> No.6424101

I'm really not seeing the tattooed = submissive connection. Elaborate?

>> No.6424102

you're welcome to your opinion and such, but you have a very outside view of the idea of it. obviously media influenced.

>> No.6424106

No, actually, it's influenced by anecdotal evidence, not the media.

I wish you could just admit straight up that you're a whore. It would make you a lot more fuckable instead of putting on this whole "special snowflake" shit.

>> No.6424105

because their are willing to suffer pain in order to look slutty and trashy.

>> No.6424111

Also, like I said, just anecdotal. All the girls I've met with tattoos have been complete whores up for the most outrageously fucked up things. Tons of /soc/ camwhores have them too.

>> No.6424112

>some sort of cat
.....are you like eight?
That's the only age you can be for not recognizing that tattoo.

>> No.6424108


>some sort of cat

It's Rafiki's fingerpainting of Simba from The Lion King. Did you not have a childhood or something?

>> No.6424118

i'm very sexually open, i enjoy it- but to say everyone is like that based just on some ink is purely your ignorance.

PS none of my tattoos mean anything at all
they're all just there because i think they're pretty.

>> No.6424116


Keep in mind you're talking to a girl who admits she orgasmed from her supposed "rape".

Both myself and Charms know she schlicks to the thought of rape regularly. But she'd never admit it.

>> No.6424122

Tattoos attract this sort of women, super slutty special snowflakes. Just like moe anime attract virgin guys.

>> No.6424125
File: 47 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdnvk7J3Bu1r6jhtio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you guys are making me feel bad for not having a childhood.
I have seen the lion king but I don't remember that painting/drawing whatever.
I think its actually kind of cute, I guess, but a tattoo is a tattoo and not very lady like in my opinion.

>> No.6424129

some tattoos do, for sure. but to judge girls who spend a ton of time, money, and planning on tattoos i think it's wrong.

>> No.6424130

My mother is a research administrator for one of the top cardiology researchers in the world. She's frequently out of the country meeting with boards of directors and presidents of hospitals all over the world.

She has four tattoos.

Her first tattoo was on her lower back, it's mine and my brother's initials.
Then she got a butterfly over her caesarean scar, I was born by emergency c-sec, and our password (in case someone ever claimed to be sent by her to pick me up from school) was "butterfly".
She and my godmother have matching best friends forever tattoos on their ankles.
Her last tattoo is on her wrist, it's the suicide prevention candle, in honour of her brother who killed himself.

I want to get a tattoo as well, of the same colour butterfly she has, probably on my hip.

>> No.6424136

>anecdotal evidence
I bet she's very proud of your intelligence.

>> No.6424137

This is cute as fuck.

>> No.6424154

I'm the type of person that doesn't really like sex and I don't have much of it, yet I have 2 tattoos. Not really seeing the whore thing with tattoos, pretty sure everyone gets them for different reasons. Mine are both in areas of my body that one would only see in the summer months and are mostly covered up even then. I got them for personal reasons, people rarely, if ever, see them.

>> No.6424151


>> No.6424152

That is pretty well done to be such a simple design.

>> No.6424166

if by cute you mean slutty then yes.
srsly all tattoos are slutty and ugly.

>> No.6424168

i think the guy is referring to people who have a lot, like obvious tattoos all over.
though idk, i don't agree with him entirely. i see the connection to bar-sluts who have like a tramp stamp and very cliche tattoos. i get that. those obvious tattoos they wont want when they're 40 year old moms. but for tattoos that can stay with you for life- it's not so much.

same to the like, mom thing. those are obviously personal and for her. no one would ever know she had them unless she told them.

>> No.6424172
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>> No.6424177

obviously a daddy issue slut.
what a whore.
look at those wobbly lines, that shading looks like it tore up the skin so bad. and short hair? dyke. 2/10 would not bang


>> No.6424179

hey, thats like, your opinion man

seriously though i think tattoos can look sexy
I wouldn't bother covering them up. As as you're representing who youre cosplaying as well it shouldnt matter that much imo atleast.

>> No.6424204

Uhnf. I love that style.

>> No.6424217
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>> No.6424226


Were you really raped?

>> No.6424239

They'll turn-off 90% of guys, and the remaining 10% are shit-tier

plus look at all the 40+ year olds with tattoos.. lol

>> No.6424243

>/cgl/'s 1920's logic

>> No.6424245

Yeah, by me

>> No.6424272

Charms strikes me as the kind of girl who likes trashy men with hipster tats.

>> No.6424287

Sorry, I got distracted at the weird shape of her boobs. Even if her arm is raised up, they're not conical shaped like natural ones. Then again, she could be wearing a corset that pushes them up...I'm thinking too much.

Anyways. For lolita, I really don't care, but for cosplay, I think depending on where they're placed, it can throw off the intention of portraying a character.