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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 109 KB, 456x330, JerseyShore1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6421779 No.6421779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/ just curious if a cosplay reality tv show was ever made ... would you watch it? What would you like to see on that show? For example what if it was real world/ Jersey shore style ... where they put a group of girls in a house and just waited for delicious drama ..... If you were to root for a "personality" type who would it be? The nice girl, the ghetto don't fuck with me girl, the drama queen etc?

>> No.6421794

No. It would be nothing stereotypes portraying more/unneeded negativity onto us.

>> No.6421798

So if you were asked to be on the show you would turn it down I assume?

>> No.6421800

Put our worst trips in a house and have them fight to the death. I'd watch that.

>> No.6421803


But seriously, Jersey Shore is a prime example. Because of that show people assume EVERYONE in Jersey is like that.

>> No.6421814

I agree but you know they say most of those shows are scripted anyways ....

>> No.6421817

>they say
You should REALLY read up on that.
They're not.
The closest they come to being scripted is the producers creating situations.
They don't tell anyone to do anything they just put someone somewhere and let everyone react.

>> No.6421826
File: 32 KB, 310x344, eva_asuka016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honestly try to get on that show and probably could given my charming personality.

>> No.6421829

you mean you'd suck a lot of dick to get on it

>> No.6421836
File: 49 KB, 640x960, MJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Snookie.

>> No.6421834
File: 55 KB, 320x376, worthit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know she would!

>> No.6421837
File: 63 KB, 312x752, asukarei20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'd suck a lot of dick WHILE on it.
That counts as personality, right?

>> No.6421840

But being charming and nice doesn't make good reality tv .... people want drama ... for example that's 90% of what you see here on /cgl/

>> No.6421845

I just realized if there was a show and I was cast onto it, I'd be boring as fuck.

Just watchin cartoons and playin vidya.

>fight breaks out
>ladies screaming at each other
>peek over couch to watch
>in confession room
>"I was just trying to play Time Hollow but they wouldn't shut up."

>> No.6421850

This reminds me of when a relative of mine was approached for a reality TV thing featuring polygamous gay households (he is part of a threesome). They had to turn it down because the producers had a super drama filled angle in mind, whereas the trio are really low key.

>> No.6421854

That'd be even funnier.
>producers try to throw in drama
>no one even curr
>quiet household

>> No.6421864
File: 43 KB, 395x280, tumblr_masqtuAIPG1qi07c3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charming and nice
>not a notorious source of drama
Nice to meet you. Glad to see you stuck around after the summer.

>> No.6421865

Producers wouldn't even do a show unless it had drama..... you better believe if there was a show they would get girls who are all about drama in real life or girls who are willing to act to be all about drama just to be on the show

>> No.6421873


I'm reminded of the time there was a season of Big Brother, and one contestant had like no footage between episode one and like halfway through because they were quiet, didn't rock the boat, and thus made for lousy television.

>> No.6421893

In all honesty, I would watch a cosplay based reality tv show, if it hat the toddlers and tiaras format.
Just picture it, We get to see a cosplayer (ideally one who has won masquerades before) as they build the costume and prepare for the con, and them entering (and perhaps winning) the masq
We meet them at their home, they show of their previous trophies (perhaps add in some home video and photos of winning cosplays). We get to see their work space. A very fast forwarded montage of actually making the cosplay, but we don't get to see it just yet.
Perhaps a quick road-trip scene, then the cosplayer checking in (with video clips of con attendees milling about set to some sassy music). Finally its time for the masq, and we finally get to see the cosplay,
The cosplayer is backstage, we see fear and anticipation on their face, maybe a few shots of other impressive cosplays. They go on, do their thing, we see a before picture of the cosplayer and a good referance shot of the costume for comparison.
Then the cosplayer gets to confess their nervousness or something while they wait to see who won....

OR, we could throw PT, Ashely, Dakota, Venus and and that chick from r2k in the same room together and watch them fight....I'd watch that too...

>> No.6421922

mj do u want be my qt-pie 3.14 gf?
pls, i am 800lb and have no job :33

>> No.6421949
File: 27 KB, 323x295, eva_asuka112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have lots of Revoltechs I can play with and lots of anime posters I can look at while we do the old in and out?

>> No.6421956
File: 24 KB, 317x265, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

il by u watever u want but no sex becuz my body is temple like a buddha

>> No.6421961

>not figma

>> No.6421966

hey guy don talk about my qt-pie liek that or ill fite u

>> No.6421968

I'm not your guy, buddy!

>> No.6421971
File: 345 KB, 756x417, makemecry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hey man theres no need to shout plsdontbeatmeup

>> No.6421981
File: 39 KB, 158x144, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the same thing as far as I'm concerned.
u mad?

>> No.6421989


>> No.6421994
