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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 170 KB, 500x595, tumblr_mbpo1tugKK1rqhmtlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6407339 No.6407339 [Reply] [Original]

>Make a sales post on FB
>Already stated basics like measurements, condition, pics etc
>Girl starts asking questions three days ago
>Answer everything politely and patiently
>"Can I see worn pics?"
>Sorry I don't have any
>"Oh I can't decide if I don't see it worn, can you try it on and take pics?"
>I do it
>"Oh I can't see the back in the worn pics. Can you take one of the back too?"
>Bitch ffs
>Do it anyway
>Hey are you still interested?
>Two days pass
>"Sorry but I can't really afford it right now"

>> No.6407369
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I do freelance programming work and it really sucked when clients would pull out. I learnt that you have to work up a proper contract. Years later I now only deal with serious people because the idiots are thinned out by the process. I know it's a different field but I think the principle is the same.

>> No.6407379
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>i sell shit
>shit is worn, still in good condition
>i lower price to only 50% of original price because of condition
>"this dress looks worn, can you lower the price?"

>> No.6407389

That really sucks :/ so many people like this though.

I hate it when people take SUPER shitty photos of something that they are trying to sell.
> Find cutsew for cheapish, brand.
> have a look cause i might be interested
> Photos are TERRIBLE. Dark and shaky to the point where i can't tell the color.
> I think i might be interested but since i can't tell color i ask for another pic...
> User posts an even worse pic.
> Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.6407395

I get those offers all the time. I even lower on things I've never worn before and people still want it for dirt cheap.

>> No.6407401

it doubly irritated me because shipping and pp fees were already included in the price, and it was 50% of what i bought it for, not retail, so it was a massive reduction

i like helping newbie lolis out but cheapskates like that just piss me off

>> No.6407402
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Fuck, 3 times I posted to comm sales and every. single. time. this happened. Answer a zillion of questions, check shipping for them, then check if there's a cheaper option and after that they don't even bother to drop a "no thanks".

Once I had to turn down a bitch asking for a payment plan and a week long hold so she can TRY to raise funds for FIRST installment. For a $80 dress. No hun, I will not.

>> No.6407412

Agreed. I've just stuck with offering to friends. They understand the value better and they usually know someone who wants what I'm selling.

It's worse when they bail when you tell them shipping price.

>> No.6407414

My only pet peeve is the whole e-fame obsession lately. I got into lolita in 2007, and then stopped getting involved cause I couldn't afford it. I bought some clothes in between, but I wasn't part of any comms or checking EGL or anything. About 8 months ago I decided to get back into it full swing, only to discover everyone talking about "fame" and "e-fame". At first I thought they meant Kera models or people who get snapped or something, until I realized that they were talking about next door lolitas so to speak. What is this. Who cares.

>> No.6407423
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>All my friends talk of e-famous lolis they see on tumblr
>Gush over Pixie Latte
>Tell me to go "like" her fanpage to see her lolita coordinations
>Look at her fan page
>"Model/Actress, Fashion Consultant, Event & Show Organiser"
>Nope gtfo

>> No.6407435

>Who cares.
Exactly. I don't understand why so many girls want to be internet famous. Where the fuck is it going to get you? You're going to grow older and realise that you've wasted months and years of your life posing for photos when you could have been doing something productive and useful, or even something you get a lot more enjoyment out of.

>> No.6407443

Wat. When did that happen?
The modelling part I understand, all those bimbos who do free labor in exchange for ratty wi... erm, I mean "model" for gothic lolita wigs call themselves "lolita models" these days.

>> No.6407614


>> No.6407649


sorry that was me

i just wanted to score some sweet pictures of you

i didn't realize it would be such a hassle for you i'm sorry.

>> No.6407693

She is so full of herself, it's really offputting
Though I should've known, since she made her own fanpage.

>> No.6407824


name and shame this cunt.

>> No.6407851

Last year many were defending her. Now it's obvious she is fame hungry. She won't bother with anything where she can't be on stage promoting herself or modelling. It's ridiculous enough to describe your self as "model" but "actress"? Really? For having been on a shit commercial? I'd be embarrassed if I were her.

>> No.6407868
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My pet peeve is how far down the shitter egl has gone. Just put it out of its misery.

I think it would be awesome if tumblr didn't exist too, then all the lolitas would stay small and local, the fashion would evolve in microcommunities, offshooting from the main brands, and then in like 5 or 10 years, everything would come to light again, like a scientist lifting a rock in the jungle, and we could see how the different communities developed independently.

>> No.6407934

I think a lot of the lolita-related communities have devolved a bit.

d_l is just an asspat community now. Too many people got butthurt about concrit. Several of the people who ask for critique end up dismissing it and many aren't comfortable offering suggestions when someone asks.

I think we sacrificed posting quality in our eagerness to change the stereotype that the online loli community is full of lots of "mean elitists".

getoffegl is no longer a place for snark, petty annoyances and wank. It's become sf_drama: lite.

>> No.6407966
File: 65 KB, 499x301, zoidberg-why1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Make a feeler post on FB due to not knowing how much to sell a jsk for.
>Can't sell it to local comm as half the girls think bodyline is expensive, and would whine if I offered it to them for $90, and probably take 18 months to pay (once I sold an AaTP dress nwt for $60 (about 50usd) to a girl and it took her 6 months to pay, and she kept making excuse after excuse and telling the other girls she had paid/had the money and was just waiting to see me).
>Didn't want to overprice it and be labeled a scalper, on the other hand I don't want to just sell it for next to nothing and have someone buy it to double the price, instead of someone who actually wants it buying it
> Dress is a popular print in one of it's less popular colourways
> People offer trades or dick around asking how much I paid for it thinking I'm going to say "Oh I paid $480 for it, want it for $30?"
> feel like burning the dress and taking pictures of that instead

>> No.6407977

>getoffegl is no longer a place for snark, petty annoyances and wank. It's become sf_drama: lite.
Oh god, this! If anyone posts any minor wank like we used to post, they will get a "I don't see the big deal" or "this is not gtfo-worthy" now.

>> No.6408085

I think this is because of how big CGL has gotten in recent years, so everyone with petty annoyances posts them here instead of there

>> No.6408092

According to her fan page updates she is in Japan right now probably trying to make it like Koti

>> No.6408110

The customer is entitled to ask as many questions as they want.

>> No.6408155

Does anyone else find it really funny that there's no individual shots of her, despite there being individual shots of the other girls?

>> No.6408166

My sales peeve is when people ask questions that are clearly answered on the page. I no longer bother answering them. If they can't be arsed to read the measurements listed under the dress, they're probably not really that interested.

My general lolita pet peeve is when new lolitas get angsty about con-crit when they ask for it. I don't care if a girl is ita as fuck in my group if she's also got a good personality, but if she asks for advice on a coordination or where to buy, then cries 'elitist!' the moment someone says anything that isn't absolute praise, I'm done. She can fuck right off.

>> No.6408165

Doubt she's going to be there for long. Hyper Japan is next week and she's supposed to be involved with running it.

>> No.6408451 [DELETED] 

This shit I keep seeing.

>> No.6408456
File: 230 KB, 1818x1395, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and read this without raging. This shit seems to be everywhere.

>> No.6408515

Lack of measurement information on the sales comm. I get it for popular pieces that can be easily found by looking on Hellolace or Lolibrary, but indie/handmade/offbrand/older pieces? ffffffffffffff-

>> No.6408703

that or nothing is measured in cm.

>> No.6409021

This. The petty shit was always the funniest. I don't have time to read three pages of drama over some seller. No wonder the community's dying, there's no content anymore.

>> No.6409143

I'm American so it doesn't bother me because I just plug cm into a converter anyway, but at least it's measurement information. Even something like "my measurements are 34-26 and it fits" is better than absolutely nothing at all. It's just so annoying when people post a bunch of items with no sizing info and the comments are always full of people asking for them so just fucking do it.

>> No.6409176
File: 42 KB, 300x248, 1324611621682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local lolita fb community
>"look at a picture of my 4-year-old daughter in a shitty alice in wonderland costume for halloween SO LOLITA
>"can I use these denim shorts with an elastic waist for kodona"
>"I want to dress my 4-year-old daughter in kodona for a photoshoot where do I get kodona clothes for my 4-year-old"
>this is all from the same chick

>> No.6409252


This is why I always display items for more than the ideal price I would like to sell it for. Then I would specify that 'I am open for reasonable offers'

Bitches were very happy to receive 'discounts', which is actually the price I would like to sell it for to begin with anyway.

Most retails do this legit trick all the time.

>> No.6409264


You ladies need to get on this shit, STAT.

>> No.6409286

I have my measurements memorized in both inches and centimeters, and it takes like what, a minute at most to convert it? That's just being lazy.

>> No.6409556
File: 71 KB, 500x278, tumblr_mdd5hjw54R1rt0c7yo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then everyone stood up and clapped and the mayor gave me the key to the city and AP hired us as models and all the girls insulting us groveled for forgiveness.

I can't believe people on Tumblr buy this bullshit.

>> No.6409561

Ahaha. That made my day.

>> No.6409757

And I'm entitled to think she's a rude bitch if she can't be bothered to tell me if she wants the item after all.

>> No.6409773

Some of the comments calling it out are great

>> No.6409779

Ooh, can someone post them?

>> No.6409827


"This is hilarious - I’m sorry but I’m calling bullshit on this ‘confession’. This person is feeding off every negative lolita stereotype/so-called ‘hot topics’ in the book
that there are elitists lolitas
that we hate fat chicks
that there is actual off-brand hate
And the whole lesbian lolitas skipping off into the sunset hand in hand is laughable to me. Hitting the so called elitists over the head with your ~burando~ bag and saving the day? What is this - a synopsis for the next big anime hit “Anime Dreams Forever”? lmao
I’m sorry but I’m skeptical. This just sounds like a huge load of shit. XD"

And this whole thing:


>> No.6409829

"Now, all the people calling bullshit that this actually happened make me wonder whether they don’t believe it because of the way the story is told or because they’re still languishing under the false impression that body shaming, covert or openly does not actually exist in the lolita community."

Response to above:
"Calling bullshit because
1. Bragging about assault is ridiculous unless you’re bending the truth; I’m fairly sure every lolita I know would report someone if they assaulted them with a bag
2. I’m pretty damn certain that I’ve read this at least a half dozen times over the years with minor details changed as troll secrets on L-S/BtB
3. It has all the elements of a troll secret - a white knight, bullies, SJW hot topics, a cheesy romance.
4. You’re pretty naive if you believe everything submitted here."

Response to above:
"I agree. I don’t think this is even slightly true. People are bitches, but nothing in this story plays out like it would in real life. I’m not calling bullshit because I think all lolita’s are nice people who would never mock a fat girl to her face. I’m calling bullshit because no one would chant ‘I forgive you’ in face of that, and no one would be able to smack a person upside the head, scream at them, and then be able to hold hands with a complete stranger and fall in love. Cops would be called. The ‘chubby loli’ would have to be an idiot to decide to get into a relationship with someone who is so willfully violent when they were so ready to ‘forgive’ these girls…

“I was taking the peaceful solution because that makes me a better person but you smacking them upside the head and screaming right off the bat, that’s what I like in a life-partner.”

No. Nothing about this adds up at all. Troll confession. Your bloomers are showing."

>> No.6409831

Some of the comments not realizing it's a troll are even better.

>> No.6409833

"First off, that story sounds so, so, so fake. o_o;

Second off, calling people on their bullshit when they’re body shaming and just being assholes in general is great, but you do not assault people. That’s a good way to get yourself arrested."

>> No.6409843

Was that the secret about that american person posting their prices in yen instead of USD? Because that sort of annoyed me too. Just list prices in your local currency, no need to go ahead and convert everything to try and prove you know how to work xe.com or something. Just seemed weird to me.

>> No.6409846
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Screenshots or it didn't happen

>> No.6410063

I fucking hate when I see people comment on sales posts saying "what's the price in USD".
It's like, seriously, do you genuinely not know how to use a converter? Google does it for you, for fuck's sake. Stop being lazy.

I always ask about shoe sizes though, because sometimes what is listed as a US 7 might fit more like a UK 4 than a 5 or whatever, just because there's potential for sizing variation between brands. Not sure if that irritates people or not.

>> No.6410095

Lol she looks like La Carmina in this one

>> No.6410163

I don't think it matters where you are from or where you live though. What matters is what currency you want to get paid in, and this is the currency that you should list the prices in. If someone shops mostly from Japanese sites using paypal, it makes sense to keep one account in yen. If you list the prices in USD then it's awkward to say to each buyer "oh can you send me the amount in yen pls"

>> No.6410176

Yes. How many American people does she think have yen lying around the house? The reaction to the secret was just too funny.

>> No.6410184


> do i have to wait for the SS to get my item before they send it to me?

>> No.6410222

This person obviously does not read.

>> No.6410268
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Where my mind went when I read that message.

>> No.6410319

Lol. I think we all did that.

>> No.6410329
File: 284 KB, 610x421, lolitasecret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6410358

It was. I was the person who made it. Though I was parodying the deep south, xenophobic type (as the commenter mentioned), going in guns-a-blazing about anything they don't understand. That's not what I believe in the slightest though. I find it funny everyone blew up the way they did over something so outrageous it had to not be serious. But I do think it's silly to list yen as your pricing when you're not Japanese. Even if you want to compare the price you paid vs the price it's worth now in USD, it's not like the Japanese economy stays 100% stable (actually I've heard they're going into a recession as well). So it's rather pointless. Just list the price you want in your local currency, end of story.

>> No.6410535

Why must vocatards ruin everything?

>> No.6410536

This is what I was going to bring up.
It's entirely possible that her paypal account is in yen if she mostly shops from Japanese stores/sends yen on a regular basis. It's a useful trick to prevent the costly exchange fees paypal puts on payments.
I honestly don't think it's that weird.

>> No.6410552

>asked If I do trades
>respond yes but only from a certain site.
>great, here's my items
>handmade only.

>> No.6410842

>newbie is blah-blah-blahing about real, "Japanese" lolita and how she's so knowledgeable
>casually drop I've been to Japan twice
>point out other Big Name Lolitas in our community who have been to Japan multiple times and are incredibly knowledgeable

Bitch you're talking out of your fucking ass and then you act like we're assholes for know what the fuck we're talking about. We're not a bunch of rich bitches, we're adults who carefully prepared to go on trips for a hobby we enjoy.

It's just... SO MANY variations of this. Stop disagreeing with me, newbies. You don't fucking know.

>> No.6410858

I don't get this. Shouldn't you list the price in the currency that you want to get paid in? Paypal allows users to have accounts in more than one currency. Many lolitas who buy mainly online keep an account in yen, so they don't have to convert it every time they shop. I don't get why people find it strange. And if buyers pay buy paypal all they have to do is select "japanese yen" from a dropdown menu, it's not like they need to have yen "lying around the house" ffs.

>> No.6410877

Ugh I always feel awful offering a price when I see an item that hasn't been sold for awhile. How much lower should I go before seeming like a cheap bitch?

>> No.6410950

>boiling spaghetti

>> No.6411058

Noobs giving advice. Estelle_white, stop. Crystal_moon, stop.

>> No.6411486

Someone needs to send this in to behind the bows. I think I'll do it.

>> No.6411529


"Spaghetti" is used as a term for being socially awkward or making mistakes.

>> No.6412188

wow that was bad

>> No.6412249

Ugh. I'm right there with you on this one.

>> No.6412474

shes barely even in it
the face closeups were all the other girls but her

>> No.6412571

Yes. Estelle_white is driving me nuts.

>> No.6412600

Those... are comments to a number of secrets over a long period of time. One was about religious clothing that was absolutely ridiculous, one was about race, one of them was about how someone made their boy look gay by dressing him in pastels, one was the parody of America yen one.
I'm not sure if these are supposed to be good answers or bad answers?

>> No.6412987

she is in my local loli circle...she always wear shitty jia replicas, never does anything with her make up and hair. I dunno if she is even trying. She is in exchange in murica right now.

>> No.6412994

I do not do this simply beause I think the asker habitually collects photos of lolitas who do this for a joke.... gross...

>> No.6413033

>>Teh patriarchy
>>Christian privilege
>>Dats raysist, doe
If you need it to be explained to you, you're one of them.

>> No.6413129

It depends, if the item in question is already priced very low, haggling is rude. You could possibly ask for the shipping/pp-fees to be included in the price, unless it's something heavy (coat/shoes). If it's a more expensive item, I'd say you can ask for 20-30% off at least.

>> No.6413153

I always thought she posted prices in yen because that is the currency we all use and can convert easily in our heads? since the bigger brands list their prices in yen, as well as mbok/closetchild/yahoo etc etc.

>> No.6413167

She runs a really generic blog that basically rehashes things that are super basic and have been said over and over in many places. She's always linking to it. Getoffegl got her to stop signing each of her comments with her stupid flouncy link to ~Northern Star~, but she still plugs it whenever she can.

>> No.6413177


Go back to Tumblr you oversensitive teenage shithead. Next thing I know you're going to start complaining about cis scum.

>> No.6413185

Um, did you even read the thread? They were explaining all the social justice bullshit that's been popping up on the secret comm lately and just listing out a few of the things mentioned.

>> No.6413208

Do these people not care that they are destroying the future of their field and their cause? While privilege theory is not always applicable to everyone across all societies it's an interesting concept that is being destroyed by the same people who claim to aim for justice. The same could be said about cultural appropriation vs. misappropriation, study of the development and maintenance of gender roles and the gender binary, and many other things that are losing all interest and credibility and causing reactance in people because of these dipshits.

>> No.6413216

They tend dismiss the whole "If you act like a cunt who doesn't know what you're talking about, no one is going to take you seriously." argument as tone-policing.

Because they're a bunch of cunts who don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.6413226

The privilege theory isn't meant to be applied directly to people, it's just a tool used to measure social demographics. Plus, we all know all these little bitches are from the states, this is the only place that all of this ridiculous SJW PC shit applies to/comes from.

>> No.6413230

They're always throwing around the phrase "educate yourself" but they need to educate themselves first on basic psychological principles pertaining to how people learn, who they learn best from, how to foster an environment for learning, etc.

>> No.6413247

as the creator of that, be my guest, I am laughing with tears in my eyes. if even one person takes it seriously i may need to commit ritual suicide.

>> No.6413272

I guess in this vein, my pet peeve is the SJWs infiltrating every area of the internet, including lolita.

>> No.6414925

People who don't know that "being broke" means "I have no money." and not "I don't feel like spending money."

Point in case:
>"Hey Anon, wanna go to <store> tomorrow?"
>Nah, sorry I'm broke.
>Next day receive a text message: "Hey Anon, how about we go to <store> today?"
>Reply: Nah, sorry, but I am broke.
>Next day - again - receive a text message: "Went to <store>, I couldn't afford anything. :-/"

>> No.6415087

When noobs get away with posting intro posts just because they've included a shitty question. Sometimes I think they've made a post without reading the rules and just edited in a question to make it fit the rules later on, but sometimes I think they do it on purpose to force-introduce themselves in an attempt to get attention or welcome.

>> No.6415253

Ugh this is OT but I only always carry cash and salespeople keep pushing things on me after I say I don't have money and it takes several times of me saying "no, I physically do not have the money, I have exactly $14.62 and therefore cannot give you $29.95 even if I WANTED to" before they fucking get it.

>> No.6415295

The thing is that the currency value change almost daily. Yesterday 1 dollar was 2 reais (the currency from my country), today it could be 2 reais and 10 cents. I know 10 cents sounds little, but the bigger the price, the bigger the difference it will make.
But then again, most people are lazy, so it's probably that.

>> No.6415303

loling at pixie_late hate because she used to be the most not-hated lolita.
even now, she's not that hated. shows what you can get away with if you are pretty. another case in point: chokelate

>> No.6415356

I am jealous of Pixie and Dakota. They're living the dream life I am living.

>> No.6415365

do what dakota did, lie and send in you pics to bravo

>> No.6415393




Thank god someone else can't stand that crazy bitch either.

>> No.6415416

>be pear shaped
>My shoulders and bust are too big for everything

>make post asking if anyone wants to be friends on spark people
>Someone makes fun of this since I'm on there but no skinny
>Doesn't understand that I'm on sparkpeople for that purpose?

>sales post is more than 4 months old
>Same country as me
>Offer asking price shipped for the item
>"Sorry that's not enough!"
>no other offers, post is STILL there 2 months after that

>> No.6415417

I'm banned from the sales comm for refusing to refund an item that was damaged during shipping.
Long story. They did a chargeback anyway.

I still get questions about stuff I posted before my ban. I can't reply to those posts or delete them.

>> No.6415427


>what you can get away with if you are pretty

The famewhoring is sort of pathetic and annoying at most, but it's not really a big deal. You're acting like she's a massive cunt to people all the time and gets away with it because of her looks. She's been laying low lately, anyway. (Talking about pixie here, not choke.)

>> No.6415440

Does a nigger have to choke a bitch for some screen caps?

>> No.6415441

>s comm for refusing to refund an item that was damaged during shipping.

In order for you to have been banned for that, you''re either leaving out a huge chunk of the story or you got warnings for other shitty behavior and that was your last strike.

>> No.6415443

Agreed. What's wrong with famewhoring when it works as an advantage? Look at Michelle Phan.

>> No.6415453

I did leave out a huge chunk of the story because it's not actually relevant to why I'm upset- I just want to stop getting emails.

Also, I don't really want to give identifying details on this topic. I've since been medicated, and it makes me look really really horrible.

>> No.6415454

What has she done to "get away with"? As far as I know she's just annoying. I know Chokelate's been offensive before but p_l as far as I know has never been offensive or hurt anyone or done anything honestly bad.

>> No.6415456

Oh man I heard this chick's name earlier in the thread.

I ran into crystal_moon at a con this past weekend. She had some classic lolita dress and didn't look half bad except for the fact that SHE WASN'T WEARING A PETTICOAT. Like, the ENTIRE WEEKEND.

I was so 'what' every time I saw her.

>> No.6415457

Not a pet peeve but me being a bitch.

I like worn pictures as proof pictures when I buy a dress or skirt because I don't want the dress I receive to be stretched or have busted seams. I'd never buy from anyone who looks like they are over a US size 6.

>> No.6415465


I hate Michelle Phan. Not because of anything personal about her, but because her application is sloppy as fuck. Thank you for teaching a generation of high schoolers how to put their eyeliner on crooked.

Ugh, I remember being in the 10th grade, being a goth, and having the popular girls talk to me and want to be friends just because they wanted to know how I got my eyeliner so even.

>> No.6415469

I am always curious about efamous lolitas. How do they feel when they have fans and many people want to take pictures of them. The more interesting topic: Why do their fans see them as such big figures and want their autographs or pictures? I find it kind of weird and see it as someone wanting to take a picture with a stranger more than someone taking a picture with someone famous.

>> No.6415472

what does she even look like?

>> No.6415471

Sort of OT but is ipsy any good?

Also, I feel like Michelle Phan is at least offering somewhat useful information.

I specifically hate people who want to be famous without offering anything in return for the masses who are supposed to adore them.

>> No.6415483

Comm's public, I'm not a member and I can see it all. Just Facebook search Tea and Cake Society.

>> No.6415497

I can't even describe...I mean she has the potential to look veryp retty but she just always looks so tired and high and...yeah.

She was briefly apart of my local comm and I drove her to and from a meet up. This was like 2 years ago, and wow she has not changed at all.

>> No.6415502 [DELETED] 

Wait, am I looking for a blogspot?

There's no posts, but I'd support lolita becoming a subculture. It was more fun back when it looked like it was going to go that way and be a pretty version of the society for creative anachronism.

Of course, I kind of think the same thing about steampunk.

>> No.6415550

Well, yeah, one of those was a sarcastic post I made in response to an idiot. So I wasn't sure if you just missed the sarcasm in it, or if you agreed with it.

>> No.6415571
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>> No.6415593

I'm on a beta Chromebook so I can't screencap but that "coord" by CJ Bessette...

>> No.6415759
File: 121 KB, 960x642, gothickodona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fucking comm. Pic related, it's a "gothic kodona" shoot from one of the members throwing around her(?) nooby advice. Also included is a member promoting her shitty fashion line that has nothing to do with lolita, asking if baggy jeans are okay for kodona, this response to discovring BtB:
>I read some stuff there last night and it made me feel so terrible that I almost threw up.
and misuse of English everywhere including a ragey pet peeve of mine of capitalizing random shit wherever the fuck they want:
>What type of fabric would you guys suggest for making a Lolita Skirt?
and this shit:
>when ordering something form the commes sales?

The girl with the 4-year-old is hardly the worst idiot there.

>> No.6415834

so is it really safe to buy from that lacetreasure/roseaire girl? I keep hearing all these horror storie's but can't find any negative feedbacks.

>> No.6415848

All the horror stories you're hearing are from the same crazy girl with a vendetta. I'd say you're probably fine.

>> No.6415915
File: 491 KB, 828x1200, suede77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually seen suede77? Has she been to any meet-ups?

Pic related, look at those dead, wrinkled eyes.

>> No.6416000

I have actually wondered this!

>> No.6416106

Don't do it anon. She overcharges, scams, and the stuff she sends out smells so bad.

>> No.6416118


There's a few other gems, including one girl that showed up to a meetup in a floor-length PVC bustle skirt with natty chemical lace (who also wanted to get pictures of the whole comm squatting like we were pissing in a toilet for awareness of National Toilet Day) and constant suggestions of burlesque shows and seedy bars as locations for meetups.

>> No.6416137

Sorry, not a pet peeve, but I wasn't sure where else to put this:
I'm ordering from Closet Child. I've ordered from them once before, and I want to hold the dress for a month like they say you can if you've ordered before. I was just wondering, do I need to specify that I want a hold or will they hold it for me automatically?

>> No.6416142


>> No.6416150

Ah, okay, thank you!

>> No.6416211
File: 122 KB, 600x600, 1315603904882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the conversation devolve into SJ bullshit? I am so sick of lolitas dragging SJ shit into everything these days. It really isn't helping anything when you're just parroting shit to make yourself look like some sort of saint activist. It also doesn't help that once lolis get into SJ, they can't accept a negative opinion because it's 'oppressive.'

>> No.6416233

Just enjoy the ride. They all look retarded when it becomes a SJW topic lol

I used to have it get to me, then I realised that I don't give a fuck about what some moron PC cadet thinks. After all, if they were really interested in these issues they'd be out doing something about it instead of reblogging shit on tumblr thinking that it makes a difference to anyone. Anywhere.

>> No.6416271
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Apparently it's a bunch of different skirts, blouses and dresses combined.

>> No.6416285

'Mana-sama' wouldn't got near that with a ten foot pole.

>> No.6416287
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>> No.6416293
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>> No.6416297


>> No.6416298
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who effing cares lady

>> No.6416301


>> No.6416420
File: 214 KB, 516x499, prtlnd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could go on and on about the idiocy on the Portland community. I joined because I thought we were supposed to be one of the better groups?

>> No.6416426
File: 47 KB, 496x322, prtlnd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gurl stop typing

>> No.6416436

I hate it when people strangle lolitas then pretend to be them.

>> No.6416444

I feel bad for that fou year old, forced to dress up badly for mother ita games

>> No.6416504


We used to be. Now we have a few well-dressed goths, a handful of well-dressed classic/sweet girls and itas BY THE TRUCKLOAD. METRIC FUCKTONS OF THEM. THEY CRAWL FROM THE WOODWORK LIKE TERMITES.

>> No.6416550

Lol the image of itas crawling from the walls like termites is hilarious.

>> No.6416588

I really want to go to that Izakaya event, but I haven't been to a gathering yet and am honestly a little terrified of the itas. The fact that it's 21+ gives me a little confidence, but I'm still pretty ehh on it.

>> No.6416591


It terrifies me, man. Chubby girls wearing corsets over their ill-fitting waistcoats made of Walmart printed quilter's cotton, clawing their way out of the walls with ravenous looks on their faces, slavering jaws thirsting for the flesh of the well-dressed?

You could make a horror movie out of that. Night of the Living Fashion Disasters.

>> No.6416625

C'mon now, there's a couple chubby girls in the group who are awesome. An ita is an ita regardless of weight. Like, there's plenty of thin people on the page who are cheap and tacky as fuck.

>> No.6416647


Yeah, like the girl that wore the PVC bustle skirt to a meetup in August. She cray.

At least the lady that did 'Chair-tan' at Kumoricon isn't a part of the group.

>> No.6416653

Is this that chick that supposedly owns a fabric store and knows ~a lot~ about sewing and shit? I used to always see her on the comms and she was old as hale but I forgot what her username was

>> No.6416692

Chair-tan? Dare I ask? And please, tell me who did the bustle skirt so I can avoid them.

Sorry if I sounded aggro up there, btw. I'm losing weight but def still sensitive to the idea that all overweight girls are itas. I work hard on my coords and save up for brand, etc etc. Blah blah you've heard it all before

>> No.6416713


I'm assuming you know about the chair being a big joke at Kumoricon, right? The woman in charge of judging this year made a god-awful 'lolita' dress out of curtain fabric that vaguely looked like the upholstery on the hotel chairs. She topped it off with a maxi-pad headdress in the same fabric with a miniature chair made of fabric and pipe cleaners stuck to it. It was utterly fucking terrifying.

Also Tabitha was the girl that showed up in the floor-length PVC bustle skirt and called it 'ero' lolita. She's also the one that thinks Leg Avenue is a good place to get lolita items and wigs, and was the one that wanted to get a picture of all the lolitas squatting like they were peeing in toilets for National Toilet Day.

>> No.6416726

P_L loves it and has been know to only turn up for stuff for the photo opp and then leave (V&A for example)

>> No.6416742

I don't really follow the con scene lately, so I guess the chair thing is lost on me... so she was trying to make a joke and just failed terribly? Or was it all kind of unintentional? Either way this just feels ouchy

Aaah, Tabitha. I see her posts/comments constantly. I was under the impression that she was pretty well liked or in the 'inner circle' or what have you. But just- jesus christ that is so gross. Why is national toilet day even a thing

continue dishing, please. let me know what I'm getting into here. Some of the girls look great but man some of them are such trainwrecks. And then there's the ones who have great style but come off totally bitchy haha

>> No.6416765


There's not much to dish, really. I don't exactly hang around that much. I'm not from the Portland area so I don't go to most of the Portland meetups. All the girls in my part of the state are great though- even though it's usually just four of us at a meet.

>> No.6416794

Fair enough. I used to hit the meets years ago and was mostly just curious about what happened to the bigwigs like swdpunk and maetel9

>> No.6416798


They must be long gone, I don't know anyone by those names. I do know Ashley Louise though, she's nice.

>> No.6416823

PROTIP: when people ask for measurements it means they have never had anything from that designer or ANY designer for that matter and shows that they're not at all serious

most people that ask for measurments use them to talk them selves out of buying a piece

and first time buyers are always a hassle
a lot of stupid questions

if someone asks for measurments, or better pics or PICS IN NATURAL LIGHT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

just ignore

>> No.6417071

Tabitha, who has liked lolita since forever, is still terrible? Big surprise.
Though going to a drag cabaret at Darcelle's would be kind of amazing

>> No.6417106

My comm dresses like shit. There's a handful of girls who dress really nice but they've mostly been chased away because of the behavior of the one massive bitch in our comm. All the others have limp petticoats, weird accessorizing and always look too casual and ugh. I like their personalities and they're great people but just... I feel like such an ~*elitist*~ for not having to be ashamed of the fashion sense of my fellow lolitas on a meet.

>> No.6417108
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*for wanting to not be ashamed blablabla. Not paying enough attention.

>> No.6417148

Talking of SJ lolis:
In my comm there are two lolitas who always post and reblog social justice stuff on tumblr and on their personal blogs. They post about racism and misogyny and cultural appropriation all the time. I don't even disagree with most of their posts, apart from their really exaggerated crazy ones (e.g. I can be a total fucktard to random people but if you say anything, you are 'tone-policing' me!!). My huge pet peeve is that they hang out with this guy who is a total racist and misogynist prick. He openly admits he hates black people, Indians and Arabs, when he sees someone black he will call him (behind his back) a "monkey" and he always calls women sluts, making rape jokes etc. And these two lolis who are total SJ warriors on tumblr completely put up with this irl and giggle at his jokes. I suspect cause he is Japanese and handsome (if you are the type that just wants a kawaii Japanese husbando) but it is so surreal and horrible to witness. The guy is a total douchebag and he is beyond obnoxious. And these two women who yell at tumblr about slutwalks and white tears and all that, just think that he is funny and it's ok cause he is Japanese (and they are different and it's acceptable in their culture to be racist)... I mean wtf. I will never reblog SJ shit on tumblr, but as sure as hell will call out someone irl if they are being a dick...

>> No.6417232

My SJW friend of a friend is practically the same. White, only got his first job in March this year (he's 32) and is at uni doing some bullshit "women's studies" course.

Now, I can understand coming to terms with different concepts of feminism. I can admire that he wants to champion equal rights, but all he does is bitch and moan on tumblr about how "white person = racist (or a "recovering racist" whatever that means)" and reblog stupid hate-filled drivel about how white people are all terrible misogynistic fucks, holding women back, being anti-simetic because OH GERMANS DID WWII GUYS ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST etc.

Now this is coming from a guy who send pictures of anus holes to girls to see if they get grossed out, or violent porn gifs to their phones across the table so he can watch their reaction. It's like he's some troll on steroids in person but online he projects this completely 601% politically correct aura to his followers. It really pisses me off to see his self-righteous attitude online when he is the complete opposite in real life!

His girlfriend used to be employed and skinny but in the last 3 years she's more than quadrupled her weight and now can barely walk let alone hold a job so she's unemployed and collects a disability pension while still living at home. She used to be confident and was looking forward to moving out of home but he likes bigger girls so he started feeding her and she just got so fat and now all she does is collect "kawaii" things and complain about how fat people have no nice clothes to wear.

They sometimes talk on Facebook about getting married but when you're both that old and still living at home/dependent entirely on government handouts with no possibility of supporting your own life within the next 15 years, you should really just start contemplating a Home your parents can move into that has a trundle bed you can sleep in too....

>> No.6417237

did anyone see the stupid bitches all giggling over someone in btb saying the word niggle?
like it was herpherp anything with nig in it is funny because niggers lulz!!!!!!!!!!1
i wonder how people that retarded manage to survive day to day...

>issurear cancerous

>> No.6417283

It always seems to be the fat ones, though. I mean sure, there are thin itas, but it seems like they're always chubby. Especially the ones that act like know-it-alls but look like shit. czol and crystal_moon were thin exceptions, but think about it. They're almost always chubby.

>> No.6417290

When I first got into lolita I idolized Ashlee so much. I wasn't even into sweet, but I just thought she was absolutely perfect. Now she's stuck an "i" on the end of her name for whateverthefuck reason and has turned into a Romwe slave hipster blogger.

>> No.6417296


If the item got damaged because of improper packaging, you MUST do a refund because it is the seller's responsibility to pack everything properly

>> No.6417610

Yeah, I'm not saying I'm unhappy with the ban so much as that I hate that I'm still getting emails about old sales and there's nothing I can do to say "I'm banned from selling on this comm now, sorry!"

For the record, I didn't know that a chargeback wouldn't overdraw my account or I would have asked her to do one. I sold the item to pay bills and didn't have it to refund.

>> No.6417966


>> No.6417977
File: 27 KB, 276x545, P1010621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pet peeve: Lolitas who have been into the fashion for 3, 5, 8 + years and they still can't dress themselves. Case in point: Burnt tuna. She has been into lolita for over 5 years and it's not like she has *some* fail coords, it's that ALL her coords are total fail. Still doing the whole lolita skirt with underbust corset and floppy boobs thing.

>> No.6418022

it looks like the corset is too long for her torso as well. It hurts to see.

>> No.6418034

You should go! The 21+ events are always the best meets.

>> No.6418050

This look like shit... but I can honestly say this is the best I've seen her look. At least she doesn't look greasy?

>> No.6418141

Ok, we had one burlesque meet up and it was part of a retro gaming convention. What seedy bars are you talking about exactly? I only ever see The Lovecraft or Ground Kontrol mentioned lately.

>> No.6418167

Her corsets never fit her. They're always too long for her torso and end up looking awkward. If she'd stop buying off-the-rack and get one made for her she'd look so much better, she has like 10 OTR ones.

>> No.6418185

She is gross. Anyone remember her rant about how she didn't want lolita fashion to ever become mainstream so outsiders wouldn't "rape" her fashion? Lol she is doing a pretty good job herself I'd say... It's just so sad when trainwrecks have elitist attitudes...

>> No.6418194

I like it better when the elitist attitudes are held by trainwrecks because then there is one less thing to screw up my opinions of the beauties.

>> No.6418233

Oh my god, the woman on her side looks hilarious and like she was shopped in.

>> No.6418242

Completely agree.
Plus it's fucking hilarious to watch them on their high horse with nothing to back it. Watching people make fools of themselves is pretty funny.

>> No.6418278

Ohh she's doing what theosakakoneko used to do... try to squeeze into outfits by squishing herself into a corset. Never flattering.

>> No.6418355

It feels kind of weird sometimes, but mostly just flattering. Surprising how excited some people will get when they see you though.

>> No.6418372

At least theosakakoneko ended up losing some weight though

>> No.6418405

I've seen recentish pictures of her. Her hair is in this awful undercut now that she spikes into a mohawk and she looks like she gained back about half of what she lost. I love her wardrobe and her fashion line and her coords but I wish she'd pull it all together. She looked really, really fantastic at her thinnest with normal hair/natural wigs but it really just seems like she's gone backwards. Oh well, I hope she's happy.

>> No.6418433


I just don't see the point of getting dressed up nicely to go see glorified strippers and drink in a dark bar. I'm not trying to be a giant elitist faggot or anything that refuses to go places that aren't full of doilies and tea sets, but 'bar' and 'place to go while wearing a petticoat/bloomers/wig/false eyelashes' are not the same thing in my book.

>> No.6418443

I definitely feel the same. It's nice that people aren't restricting themselves to "ladylike" or "sophisticated" things like tea parties and wine tastings, I like a trip to a gallery or aquarium as much as the next person for a meetup, but I really just don't want to get dressed up to go watch a car race in the Southern summer sun or go to a kids museum where children will be running around. It seems in people's attempts to be ~creative and 'break free of the constraints of traditional "lolita" activities' they lose sight of what meetups are for: to dress up in frills and interact with other lolitas. If you're going to be uncomfortable, risk getting dirty, or will have little opportunity to talk to other lolitas, it's not a good meetup choice.

>> No.6418525

Where'd you see a recentish picture?

>> No.6418565

How many bars have you two been to? Doesn't sound like many. Plenty of bars are clean, have decent light, are comfortable, and as long as you aren't meeting Friday or Saturday night, they aren't loud or busy.

My community does bar meets and they are incredibly fun. It's just light drinking, food, and lots of talking. It's nice to have a casual meet without all the children.

>> No.6418587

I'm >>6418443 and I never said anything about bars. >>6418433 seemed to be talking about a certain kind of bar.

>> No.6419584

Yeah, I've been wondering why no one's talked about her much but maybe that's because she hasn't been seen by other lolitas. Aussie lolitas, have you seen her at all?

>> No.6419624

Are you talking about the burlesque thing? It was actually at a theatre but we did meet a fancy restaurant for drinks beforehand. But I totally understand if you don't want to go out drinking at meet ups. Anyone can plan meets so if you feel like there are too many that aren't your style you should suggest something you would like to do instead.

>> No.6419789


I heard rumours on /cgl/ she attended a meet, but I've yet to see evidence. She's not listed on the Brisbane Rufflebutts comm, so I doubt there's been any interaction.

>> No.6420006

What I hate is people who ask "can I go to x rock/punk/metal/etc. concert in lolita?" It's even dumber if they mention the mosh pit.

>> No.6420243

I'm not the anon you're replying to, but I've always wanted to go to the local bars in frills with other lolitas. I miss having someone to go to pubs with and not be the only one in lolita. I only know two other lolitas at my uni, but we've never had time to hang out, and when I do go home, my lolita friends aren't available. Hopefully that will change next semester.

>> No.6420316
File: 110 KB, 500x533, tumblr_lk6aejhjT41qzetf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this.

On another note, unless the party I go to is intimate and only has a handful of friends in a cramp apartment rather than the whole neighborhood, I am never going to a college party in lolita. Getting AP soaked in Bud is the worst.

While it's nice that there is a growing presence of lolitas here, I'm anxious about the growing influx of the young newcomers especially because most of the lolitas here around my age are planning on moving away or leaving the fashion. I'm worried that if I ever come up with the courage to meet up with and mentor young lolitas that I can't relate with the differences of age and experience. I've dealt with having a younger person at a meet up before and in spite of skills as an event planner, it was just awkward as fuck. It's really hard to get some people to stop texting during dinner and when everyone else is talking. This is just a general pet peeve though. In terms of lolita, I never liked it when people use the term "coord" and hearing it is just weird.

I dislike this kind of look in general. Not to sound like a traditionalist, but it really fucks up the lolita silhouette. It works better with mini or ankle to floor length skirts. The only time I've seen her well dressed was at the AP tea party at ACen. I didn't get the caplet, but it was way better than her usual corsets.

>> No.6420496

I'm really tired of people not posting measurements, or only posting "maximum" measurements (not at-rest measurements). I'm on the smaller end of brand measurements, but even within the classic brands (namely VM), there is so much variety from year to year, and from one release of a dress to its re-release. I have no clue if something is going to have a 31in bust, or 36in. It drives me crazy.

On a similar note, I'm really tired of sellers arguing with me when I tell them that something won't fit, and trying to pressure me into buying it anyways. Waist ties only help the waist measurement, they are not going to magically make the bust 4-5in smaller.

>> No.6420507

Not an Australian loli, so I'm never gonna see her even if she shows up at meets.

That said, I can't pick on suede777. She's always struck me as being kind of broken, and wearing lolita is helping her put herself back together. So I just think of her as the fashion's dotty old auntie--odd, but harmless.

>> No.6420542

So do I...

>> No.6420674

There is a Lolita in my group who claims to have been interested in the fashion forever but she doesn't know anything. It bothers the crap out of me when she asks dumb questions such as how to buy online. To top it off, she doesn't even know all the big brands. How could you be in the fashion "forever" and not know Angelic Pretty?! AP has been a brand in the spotlight for the last 3 years at least. She also makes everyone feel uncomfortable at meets by constantly complaining that she can't buy brand.

I never thought that I would come across one of these people that cgl has often complained about.

>> No.6420701


>It's really hard to get some people to stop texting during dinner and when everyone else is talking.

How big of a group are we talking? If it's <5 people that can be a little rude, but in larger groups if I'm not part of the conversation I feel a little awkward just sitting there and I'll check my phone to feel less anxious.

>> No.6420761

>sellers arguing with me when I tell them something won't fit

>> No.6420766

This was a group of 5.

>> No.6420791

Nope. I wouldn't touch her posts/comments with a ten foot pole. Weirdly, it seems like it's always when I'm looking at AatP or Baby that the sellers get argumentative.

>Oh, it looks like it will be too big, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass! Good luck on your sale.
>Oh, but it has waist ties, so it will go smaller ^^
>Sorry, it's really still too big for my bust.
>I'm sure it will look fine! What if I include shipping?
>I really don't think it will fit me, sorry.
>But the waist ties make it adjustable! It will fit anyone smaller than those measurements.

>> No.6420851

This. So much. My bust is 31" on a good day, waist ties are not going to make my boobs suddenly get 3" bigger.

>> No.6420878


My bust is 30.5~31in, and people just don't seem to grasp that a dress with a 35/36in bust is not going to work. Lacing would be a different situation, but what the hell makes people think that waist ties affect anything other than the waist?

>> No.6420905


Can I expand on this and gripe on people saying that things will fit smaller sizes because they have shirring? Shirring makes it go bigger, not smaller. Why is that hard to understand?

>> No.6420914

But shirring = FREE SIZE DESU. It fits EVERYONE.

>> No.6421253

>it will fit anyone smaller with waist ties
23" waist here and no it won't. It looks awkward as fuck when you have 4" worth of material bunched up with the waist ties. It looks even worse with dresses because you can't cover up the fact that you've just pulled the waist ties tight to create some semblance of fit. I've seen people do it and it just looks bad. Wonderfinch comes to mind. I think hellowonderland and strawberryskies have had to do it too.

>> No.6421284
File: 32 KB, 251x294, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>offered item that is too big
>say "sorry, that won't fit me"
>seller: "don't worry, it has shirring, so it can go larger!"

>> No.6421426

are you me?! there are several lolitas in my comm who ask stupid questions that have been answered a million times and i want to yell at them "GOOGLE IT."

>> No.6421429
File: 228 KB, 1000x1503, now-voyager-155-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought a rabbit hair peice (a little felt rabbit that sits a'top your head) in an online shop about a month ago today.

>I had to pay £5 P+P for first class postage (wut..? for a little felt rabbit?)

>still hadn't arrived by last week (three weeks), so I email the shop, which is in the uk, so it shouldn't have taken longer than three days.

>yes, a *shop* not a private seller

>They email me back saying they'll send it straight away

>1 week later, still no rabbit

>Don't want to cause a fuss because the girl who owns the shop is in my comm and is a nice girl..

but, holy fuck, one month to ship and £5?! I wanted to wear my wonder story co-ord to a meet today, not to mention I'm scraping the deadline for a paypal refund today.

What should I do?

>> No.6421442

back when i had a 23 inch waist i always just wore my Moitie loose. i thought it looked very like, mature with how it hung off my body instead of being form fitting.
especially with Church Gate and Silent Moon. those looked so nice. Church Gate still had waist definition, but Silent moon was just like beautiful how it hung off the body.

but i can see how for sweet and such it would be a problem.

sage for off topic

>> No.6421458

To make a good comm, why not invite girls to events individually? Like, in a mass e-mail so you can keep the ita out.

>> No.6421473

Holy shit. I just can't imagine how people can act like that irl. All my friends think I'm a liberal. I'm so sweet to every person of every color irl, but secretly hate them and live on Stormfrunt. The thought of someone doing the opposite amazes me.

>> No.6421476

I would open a dispute anyway but talk to her nicely. That gives you 20 more days before it's escalated I think.

>> No.6421484
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>23inch waist
>Tell me your secrets warlock.

Should I just open a dispute or shoot another email and then open a dispute?
I really want this little rabbit and I don't care about the money so much, but at the same time don't want to be left empty handed.

What are the chances that the seller will just refuse to send me the item?

>> No.6421498

I'd say open the dispute, then shoot a nice email explaining the situation and say you'll close it as soon as you get the rabbit.

>Idk, speaking as someone who's been burned twice by trusting sellers and not opening disputes.

>> No.6421502


Seconding what >>6421498 said

>> No.6421526

National Toilet Day is supposed to raise awareness about the lack of sanitary toilets in 3rd world countries. It's actually a serious problem due to water born diseases.

That said, a lolita meetup isn't really the place to take awareness raising pics. The lolis will just look like age play fetish fuel if they are pretending to pee in frilly expensive dresses.

>> No.6421753

You have slender limbs, though. I have awkwardly broad manshoulders and but trunky limbs. Also I'm bony as fuck instead of delicate-looking like you. Loose things just look bad on me. >>6421484
1200-1600 cal/day, moderate cardio like walking or running (but no more than like three miles at moderate speed to avoid muscle definition). Walking takes more time to burn the same amount of calories but it's better because it doesn't give muscle definition...I hate my runner's thighs but I'm impatient as fuck to walk unless it's a really nice day or if I'm somewhere interesting. Limit core exercises. No strength training.

>> No.6421776

People like you (and my fiance, who is the same way with gay people) give me a little hope for humanity, how people can look past their prejudices and just treat people like people. I don't give a fuck if someone is prejudiced, against me or anyone else, as long as they just go about their business and let everyone else do theirs without being an asshole needlessly.

>> No.6422127 [DELETED] 

>Selling sets off
>Girl asks if I take offers
(I do, like 90% of egl I price items a little higher so I get wriggle room)
> Point out I take offers and it says so in terms of sale
> 2 days later girl messages me offering 175 shipped, saying she thinks its fair because shes "new to lolita" and would help her out a lot.

Normally I don't mind semi lowball offers, but the shipping she wanted costs $40

>> No.6422134

>Selling sets off
>Girl asks if I take offers
(I do, like 90% of egl I price items a little higher so I get wriggle room)
> Point out I take offers and it says so in terms of sale
>2 days later girl messages me offering 175 shipped, saying she thinks its fair because shes "new to lolita" and would help her out a lot.

Normally I don't mind semi lowball offers, but the shipping she wanted would have taken about $40, and the going rate for the dress alone is $300

>> No.6422152

ha, what did she say when you told her No?

>> No.6422202
File: 83 KB, 1280x1024, jcmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see a dress I want to buy that says OBO
>offer 20% off
>seller agrees
>invoices me the original price
>kindly message her back asking if she priced it wrong
>"no, since I'm giving you a big discount, I'm charging you PP fees and shipping costs"

>> No.6422212

What shop was this?

>> No.6422296

>selling dress with multiple detachable bows & headbow. photos show dress with bows on and off
>"hi how much without the bow?"
>if i find another buyer it will be $150
>"ok how much without the other bows?"
>is this bitch seriously so cheap that she wants me to sell her a dress without the MATCHING PRINTED FABRIC BOWS for like $5 less
>"sorry i don't want to split them up"

>> No.6422526

also this has happened when I give my measurements in the post. EGL needs a giant collective reading comprehension class.

>> No.6422687

My waist is 24-2in5, which isn't a problem to fit things, it's mostly the bust, which as mentioned further above is ~31in. Small, delicate bone structure and all that. Moitie looks great on me like this, but if I'm going for a more Piratey, oldschool or classic look, that's where things get tricky. I have yet to find an AatP dress I liked that doesn't look baggy in the chest on me. Sigh.

>> No.6424850

Okay. How do you post a secret?

"Each week a "Secret Submission" post will be posted. Post the link (anonymously) there."

That's what I don't understand. Am I supposed to leave a comment?

>> No.6424853


Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.6425249

My biggest lolita pet peeve is lolita threads getting deleted. They're fucking relevant, whether the mods want them to be or not, and PT threads are inherently more relevant than Dakota threads because she's into lolita and cosplay whereas Dakota has just done shitty Jfash modeling but the PT threads are the ones that get deleted.

>> No.6425261

I'm tired of random shitty FB noob posts on my local comm. Everyone is really nice in person but oh god just stop posting if you're gonna talk about random shit just go somewhere else and do that. Case in point:

"Anyone know where in STATE (preferably near XYZ county) I can get some Udon and Ramen noodles? (not instant lol :P)"

>> No.6431385


>> No.6431389

I saw that. I hate lolita groups on facebook for that reason. I had to switch all notifications off cause I'm sick of this BS.

>> No.6431392

Were you the chick who flipped her shit when someone asked a question about a pair of tights or something like that?

>> No.6432010

She also posted about this stuffed animal she's buying and all this other irrelevant crap. She's never been to a meet that I've been to (has she been to one at all?) so I don't know if she's nice or disabled or what but I wish she'd just stop. There are a few people in the group who I really just wish would stop posting. I'm not even trying to be mean, but it's just clutter and it's so aggravating but I don't want to be the asshole to tell them to shut up.