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File: 105 KB, 600x600, lolita_stereotype_8_of_9_by_wolfypuppy-d49bwzm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6416861 No.6416861 [Reply] [Original]

So what're your feelings on smokers, Seagulls?

Do you flip your shit when you see someone smoking in brand? Fangasm over perfect cosplayers who light up while dressed as Genjo Sanzo?

I've had some... interesting experiences when I step outside for a cigarette at cons. Just wondering why it's such a big deal to some people

>> No.6416863

Nope, don't care. They paid for it, therefore they're allowed to smoke in it, piss in it, have sex in it, burn it... Whatever the hell they want.

>> No.6416869

I think smoking is disgusting in general. As long as it's not done around me, I don't care what the fuck they're doing/wearing at the time.

>> No.6416873



>> No.6416876

Boohoo you probably have lots of disgusting habits

I don't smoke, but I don't give a shit if other people do. I feel bad for my smoker friends who get harassed for it. They're always courteous and sensible, but so many anti-smoking dickwads act like it's their job to get up in someone else's business and lecture them.

>> No.6416889


I don't really care either way, but I smoke hookah fairly regularly, and cloves socially.

>> No.6416886

smokers in general are annoying people

not because they consume tobacco

it's because they use smoking as an excuse to talk MORE

seriously shut the fuck up
plus it doesn't help that most women have this nagging tone in their voice even when they're happy

so it's like someone joke/complaining at the same time and they expect you to laugh at their unfunny shit they're complaining about

>> No.6416888

Struck a nerve, eh?

>> No.6416890

I'm not even that anon but they clearly said that they don't care what people do as long as it's not done around them. Overreacting much?

And I don't have a problem with smokers but if they smoke near me, I think it's within my right to move away or ask them to do so.

>> No.6416894
File: 47 KB, 203x271, Lock and Load.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't smoke, don't mind being around smokers (most of my friends smoke), but as soon as a girl smokes I lose interest in them sexually. So if you want to avoid a dicking ladies, just light up near me.

>> No.6416896

I just quit smoking yesterday, but I make exceptions for my bong but that's weed that's different. I don't have to smoke weed everyday but I used to light up a cig every time I got bored and I get bored easily, anyone got tips to quit smoking tabak?

>> No.6416898

That's exactly what the person you're replying to said. They said they don't care if it doesn't happen around them (i.e. when the smokers in question are courteous and sensible, like your friends), which means they don't go up and harass anybody. We're not allowed to quietly think to ourselves that smoking is disgusting, now?

>> No.6416916

yeah, because people use smoking as an excuse to treat others like shit. I saw a friend of mine get slapped by a crazy fanboy because she was daring to smoke while cosplaying his waifu.

Which isn't even to mention the gross amount of discrimination displayed to smokers outside of con on a daily basis. Calling others disgusting for an addiction isn't an appropriate way to behave.

>> No.6416920

Sheer willpower. I'm sorry, but at the end of the day it comes down to having the chance and need to smoke and saying no.

>> No.6416933

I smoke, I only started 5 months ago as a way to stop other bad habits. I'll do it in brand, I'm not bothered. I'll probably go and sell that brand later on and not tell anyone that I've smoked in it, because once it's clean, who's gonna know?

>> No.6416934

I carry two cigarettes with me, but no lighter. Sometimes just having the thing in my hand, poised between two fingers is enough to take the craving away.

Alternatively, I also switched to lollipops when I was trying to quit. Every time I felt like I needed light up, I'd unwrap a lollipop instead. Not exactly the same, but helped with the hand to mouth fixation.

Or you could try those e cigarettes?

>> No.6416942

>as a way to stop other bad habits.

Feel you, buddy. I wound up picking up cigarettes when I kicked pills and weed and poppy recipes.

People try and give me shit about smoking, but I just tell them I had to keep one vice and would it be better if I was still heavily addicted to opiates? That generally shuts them up.

>> No.6416941

Ooh, you obviously don't know how incredibly bad you and your possessions smell when you've been smoking.
Get you some odo-ban and febreeze.
That stink is very hard to get rid of.

>> No.6416948

But your addiction is disgusting. You smell like shit all the time let alone cigarettes don't even taste good.

>> No.6416949

Hmm, no, not really. I've got a few coats that stink because they're not washed often, but my regular everyday clothes hardly smell, and if they do a trip through the washing machine takes them right out.

You're likely thinking of hardcore pack a day, types. Even then, you've got to be smoking the entire pack inside a car with the windows rolled up, or something.

>> No.6416951

>>6416916 discrimination
I can't believe I'm saying this seriously, but check your privilege, bitch.

>> No.6416954

You don't realize it cause you smoke. That shit makes everything around you reek.

>> No.6416964

So is an addiction to meth or heroin or pills, but you don't see people seeking them out to treat them like shit. Yeah, there's a stigma that keeps addicts from seeking help, but when they try and come clean 99% they're offered help and compassion as opposed to the judgment and rudeness smokers get.

I smell awesome, I'm not an unhygienic idiot who chain smokes inside their home. I wash my hands after every cigarette, add a daub of perfume on my wrists, and chew a stick of gum. No one even knows I smoke until they see me light up.

>> No.6416970

Two of my roommates are highly sensitive to tobacco smoke/smell. I'm a social smoker and had a cigar while walking with a friend yesterday. One lap around the block and they could barely tell when I was sitting next to them. It's all about quantity.

>> No.6416971


Thank you, I have bought 2 bags of lollipops because on a regular day I have to wait 4 times for the bus and 2 times for the train and those are the times I crave for a cigaret the most.

But I'm gonna make it.. fuck cig's; to expensive, bad for your health, shit smells bad and I don't need it!

>> No.6416973

Hmm, nope. I smoke outside exclusively in well ventilated areas. I can smell smoke on others if I haven't had one yet that day. It's possible to be a courteous self aware person who happens to smoke, you know. Just like you can be a judgmental douche bag nonsmoker, like the rest of you are proving here.

>> No.6416977

Mmkay, so being ostracized and physically harmed is privilege now? Christ, get off of tumblr sometime.

>> No.6416978

Yes you do. You see people jumping on addicts all the time, how fucking blind can you be?

They sure as hell aren't that sensitive if they're you're roommate when you're a smoker.

>> No.6416988

Not at all. My grandmother, for example. She wasn't a hardcore smoker or anything, and always had the windows down when she was smoking in the car.
She has quit, and she never realized just how bad the smell was until now. She went nuts trying to get the smell out of her car and house, as well as all of her things.
At least now it's not gross to go over there. She did wash things often and thought her things hardly smelled before. We could definitely smell it, though. It's not bad, per-se, after you wash things. But it's a distinct scent and it lingers for a very long time.

You'll see what I'm talking about when you quit.

>> No.6416991

But let's be honest, the lot of smokers tend to not understand that people don't like the smell of cigarettes and will go stand by other people and light up like it's normal.

>> No.6417003

No, they really aren't. You just remember the ones who piss you off. The lot of us are decent people who try and keep our habit our own business.

That's like saying the lot of 4channers are nasty neckbeards and caustic assholes, or the lot of lolis are all itas. There's tons of nice, thoughful, and accommodating people in all three of these groups, but it's the ones that stand out and bother you that you remember and then use to exemplify the whole group.

>> No.6417004

This is very true. My parents quit smoking a few years ago because my mother developed COPD. You just really don't realize where the scent gets into.
Also, you really don't notice how it...sorta turns the house a vague yellow tint. The drapes and walls and such. You clean that shit and it's really alarming.
And everything WAS well ventilated because I'm severely allergic to the smoke. But the chemicals and shit in that, the stuff that doesn't actually hurt me? That hangs around.

>> No.6417007

Not sure if this is the same anon, or if you have ever quit, but I will tell you this: I quit for a year, and yes, the smell is much much stronger than you realize. However, I will tell you that I have sold dresses/blouses and dry cleaned them and kept them inside the plastic bags, inside my apartment (I do not smoke at all inside, ever) and never mentioned I was a smoker when I sold them, and have never received one complaint about smell. I also thoroughly washed my hands and did not smoke at all before packing the dresses and driving them to the post office. And I for one enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke, but I understand how PERVASIVE it is to those around me and I will not smoke (I started again after my year long hiatus) around non-smokers unless they have made the choice to sit in a smoking area at my table with me, and even then I always always ask.

>> No.6417008

Who fucking smokes inside of a house though. That shit is disgusting. Even smoking in the car is pushing it for me, and I'm a half a pack a day smoker for the last few years.

Anyone who smokes inside, even their own home, is an idiot.

>> No.6417012

Yes they are. I don't know how many times I've had to move or asked somebody not to stand by me because somebody has decided to stand up and light a cigarette.

Just cause you don't do it doesn't mean that others are that "courteous" and keep to themselves.

>> No.6417014

Oh, also, for good measure, I would wash/dry a specific outfit for packing/shipping off clothes. I would not smoke in that outfit once I removed it from the dryer, until I had left the boxes at the post office.

>> No.6417016

Thanks for...calling my parents idiots...?

>> No.6417028

>and yes, the smell is much much stronger than you realize
THIS. I used to be a smoker, from a family of smokers. If you asked me a few years ago, I'd say that people who bitch about smoking and smokers are all busybodies and hypochondriacs and they just exaggerate about the smell and second-hand smoking. Then I gave up smoking. I started noticing the smoke and smell only slightly more at first, cause I was still living with smokers. Then I moved out. Now, when I visit family everything REEKS of smoke. I can smell it in their breaths, in their clothes, in everything. Before quitting and moving out, I could have sworn that I could smell no smoke or residue. Now everything stinks, literally. If you are a smoker and you doubt that even your freshly washed clothes smell and that your breath smells etc, just quit for a while or spend some time away from other smokers and see. Obviously I'm not referring to the people who smoke 1-2 cigs socially when they go out.

It still doesn't bother me if someone smokes in lolita or in general cause that's their business and I can put up with smoke, no prob... but I still feel bad when I see people in denial about their clothes or themselves having a stale smell, cause I've been there....

>> No.6417025

I know there at least two of us, since I groaned pretty hard at the 'addict' anon up there.

I've quit before, and not really noticed it. My brother in law smokes as well, and I definitely noticed the smell was stronger when he'd come in from a cigarette, but that was about it. My clothes weren't coated in some kind of magically stank, my purse didn't reek of tobacco. I def noticed it more when others smoked, but I never experienced the stench setting into items as long as the smoker was outdoors and kept the smoke from trailing straight into their face/clothes.

If they smoked indoors and were at all surprised by the yellow tint their walls acquired, then yeah, they're kinda idiots. At least in that regard.

Shaking my damn head, here. I didn't realize having to ask 'countless' people to move meant you knew every smoker ever. This is exactly my point, you only notice/remember the people that bother you. I've been a smoker for five years, and I always ask people if they mind before I light up. I've only had someone ask me to put my cigarette out or move ONCE and I'll fully admit it was my bad, because I'd had a few drinks and lit up right in front of a concert venue without asking.

>> No.6417032

>I always ask people if they mind before I light up.
I'm not a smoker, but god damn I love people like you.
The majority of smokers I've run into have been considerate.
Though there were a few assholes. Like, blow-smoke-in-yo-face-cuz-you-asked-me-to-go-elsewhere assholes.

>> No.6417038

Thank you. I know not everyone smokes, so like I've been saying, I try my hardest to be thoughtful. I ain't even a dick about it, like if I ask "Do you guys mind if I smoke here?" and even one person is sort of hesitantly like "Uhhh, yeah, I guess..." I'll just put the pack away and head somewhere else, assure them "Don't feel bad about saying no! That's why I ask first." Most people respond pretty well.

>> No.6417042

I'm shaking my damn head cause you think that everybody is like you.

I have yet to meet somebody that has actually asked me if it was okay to light up beside me. They all just assume that I don't mind it and light up anyways, then look surprised or like I'm being the dick for not wanting to smell like shit.

>> No.6417047

Different anon here.
I think they were just trying to say that not all smokers are douchebags.

Why are your panties all up in a bunch?
Would you care to talk about it? Honest question, anon.

>> No.6417051

Well I'm sorry that you live in such a pathetic shithole that people can't even treat each with common sense.

Most everyone in my area is nice about it. If I'm at a public spot like a bus station I'll even ask people who arrive after me if they'd prefer me to put it out, yknow like the rest of the smokers around here do, that's if I haven't already decided to snub it when I see them approaching.

You must live in a real dump.

>> No.6417056

After reading this thread I need a smoke.

All of just need to calm the hell down and lay off the Ritalin. Smoker-tan, chill, you're not going to change anyone's mind. Nonsmoker-kun, grow up some and try not to cast everyone in the same mold.

>> No.6417058

No, it's just that most smokers aren't as considerate as you want to believe they are.

>> No.6417063

Maybe smokers where they are actually are considerate. The ones where you are happen to be assholes.
Seriously, that's all there is to it. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6417067

>as I want you to believe

Holy Christ, you actually are nuts. I'm just trying to get you to remove your head from your ass, not indoctrinate you into the guild of cigarettes. Maybe if you'd quit being such a perfect example of a willfully oblivious, 13 year old straightedge imbecile, you could see how stupid you appear.

>> No.6417068

Until I find a smoker that will actually ask me if it is okay for them to light up, I'll change my mind, but until then the overwhelming majority of the addicts are inconsiderate as shit.

>> No.6417070

Confirmed for retard

Are you scared of all middle eastern folks as well? Christ, it's not your town that's a shithole, it's your brain.

>> No.6417073

Just here to point out that I've met people on both sides of this spectrum. Some of my friends are into gothy stuff and I sometimes accompany them to goth event and clubs. Even though practically everyone there smokes, they're always super considerate and understanding about not smoking in my face or getting the smell into my clothing. They always make sure to keep the smoke to restricted spaces and even apologize for the smell of their clothes even though they can't help it.
And then there's the assholes who hang around the entrances to some of the buildings on campus. Most of them seem to be art students, many of them international. They crowd up the entrance and it's impossible to get in without a lungful of smoke. I'm very sensitive to that sort of thing but I try not to cough because I'm afraid they'll take it as some kind of passive aggressive move. But sometimes I can't help myself and a bunch of them laugh, sneer, and purposefully blow smoke in my face.

I'd imagine most people fall somewhere along a spectrum, with most of them leaning towards friendly and considerate. Still there are some assholes that seem to be actively trying to ruin it for everyone else. I live in a big city with several higher learning institutions so we get all sorts. And some of these sorts are dicks.

>> No.6417075

Okay. Thank you for your contribution to the thread, then.

There seriously is no more you can accomplish by arguing. If you want someone to see your point, you're going to have to learn how to make that happen.
For one, you've got to be in an environment where both parties are open minded and willing to learn from each other, given that there are legitimate topics and opinions to discuss.

Posting the same thing over and over at each other online is not going to get anywhere. So just save yourself the time, stress, and trouble and just stop.
Please. I want to see other people's opinions on the topic, not you two fighting.

>> No.6417076

No, it's that smokers are shit. Get over it. Don't get upset that it's the truth.

>> No.6417081

Passerby anon here
You played well, mr troll, but you revealed your hand too soon.

6/10 for making me read this debacle.

>> No.6417084

Why think I'm a troll? It's true. The lot of you are shit.

>> No.6417087

Ugh I'm getting tired of these fucking trolls lately.

Rather, the idiots that keep responding to them. Were they not taught of these things when they were handed internets?

>> No.6417088

Oh man, who blew smoke up your asshole? Oh man, I'm so clever. No seriously though. I mean I realize it's a troll since it's ignorant to believe that a whole group of people with a similar interest all act the same as a small percentage of that group that happened to be douchebags. I think there's a word for that kind of thinking... 2/10 you did get me to reply, but I'm not even mad, it's actually pretty funny.

>> No.6417089

Hah, you're a shitty troll.

>> No.6417094

See, when you get transparently aggressive like that, it shows that you're trolling.

Because the other option is that you genuinely are this idiotic, and while possible, it's also incredibly depressing to think theres people out there this insistently thick.

>> No.6417097

Welcome to /cgl/. The lot of them are new to the internet and the lot of them are so dense that they seem to take everything seriously.

>> No.6417099

I mean, they took a troll thread about vaginas seriously earlier.

The fuck is your problem, cgl?

>> No.6417109

>complaining about people responding to trolls
>8 responses to people complaining about people responding to trolls

>> No.6417309
File: 48 KB, 449x674, supbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there sensible and logical anon! Let's fight the madness together.

Some smokers are assholes. Some are not. That's it guys.

>> No.6417321

My mom was a smoker for most of my life. She'd light up indoors, in the car, etc and I hated the smell so I had to leave the room or open the window whenever she did. She quit, thank goodness. But because of that I typically expect that I'll have to be on the lookout for smokers and move away from them, rather than asking them to leave. I don't really mind, but that's the kind of mentally I got from my upbringing.

>> No.6417323

"Most of her life" is probably the better way to put it, on second though. I think she started when she was nine, or some ridiculous age.

>> No.6417333

Same here. My mum smoked from a young age, quit for a while and then got back into it. If I'm home for a while, I don't notice the smell so much but coming home after being away, goddamn that smell hits me like a brick. This is after she's febreezed too because she knows I don't like it. But I also move rooms or move to where the smoke isn't going if she lights up. Even when my friends light up, I move away. There are people who are considerate and ask if it's okay to smoke. There are people who don't care and think you're overreacting. For a non-smoker, it smells. For a smoker, it doesn't. That's pretty much it.

>> No.6417345

Urgh, I'm a smoker and I hate when people don't take into consideration others feelings. But I also really dislike it when people purposely put themselves in the smoke's way or anything.

My old friend, when I smoked I would always move away from her or smoke where the wind would blow away from her, but every time I would she'd move into the smoke's way and then complain to me after about how I don't consider her feelings. I mean, what? Did you not see me move?

I always move away from people, especially children.

>> No.6417352

Thanks for being considerate! My dad's a smoker and he always tries to smoke away from the rest of the family and is generally really friendly about keeping smoke away from others.

On the other hand, I used to know this one girl who grew up with parents who were heavy smokers and smoked around her. She basically said that people who didn't like being near smokers and made that opinion known by moving away or asking them to move were being rude sissies and that her parents were heavy smokers so she should know. I'm not saying people should be rude to smokers or anything but holy shit it's not someone's fault if they don't like secondhand smoke. She was so adamant about it that one of her friends who had asthma couldn't even say anything when he got rides from her and her mom would smoke in the car with the windows up.

>> No.6417357
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wish I could win the lottery.

Because I swear I would reserve at least a million dollars just to buy all of these fucking precious. most desired brand dresses and burn them, stain them, cut them, and blow so much cigarette smoke onto them.

>> No.6417361
File: 123 KB, 333x500, tumblr_m29va9y5qj1rqihkco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly acceptable in my opinion, try buying some more elegant cigarettes, though. Vogue super slims and sobranie cocktail cigarettes are the best for this plus the cocktail cigarettes are slightly sweetened!

>> No.6417371

I don't care if you do but just don't smoke close to me or where there's a lot of people. That's rude, bro.

>> No.6417390

for anyone thinking about quitting smoking, especially if you do it in your house:

go to the store and get a bottle of yellow cleaning spray called "totally awesome", spray it on shit around the area you smoke. lamps, doors, whatever, just spray it and watch the liquid as it rolls down. you get the full effect with light colored items, but even if you spray it on dark, just look at the paper towel after you wipe the liquid off.

if the shit you see doesn't make you resolve to quit right then, you're officially hopeless.

>> No.6417401

get electronic cigs, they don't stain things and they won't leave your dress smelling like smoke.

Also no fumes to bother people.

>> No.6417402

You're a smoker, aren't you?

>> No.6417411

Smoking is disgusting. The smell gets everywhere.

I would never want to be caught walking behind a smoker.

>> No.6417416

I'm a party/con smoker. The last time i smoked was at a party when everybody smoked so what the hell.
I at least try to not smoke while wearing wigs. The smell will be there forever otherwise.

>> No.6417503

I don't smoke properly, I smoke socially and only high tier cigarettes, I can't stomach things like lambert and other cheap brands. They pretty much have to be flavored as well, such as djarums or vogue menthe.

>> No.6417512

You've got good taste.

>> No.6417513 [DELETED] 

nobody roles their own cigarettes? i think it helps keep the amount that i smoke to only a few per day.

>> No.6417533

The laws forcing people not to allow smoking in their businesses annoy me, even though I'm not a smoker. It made things hard for a lot of business owners where I live.

I feel like a lot of the anti smoking hate is disguised classism. Poor people smoke more, they can't get antidepressants.

It also annoys me, though, when people think they should get more breaks at work because they smoke.

Generally, I feel like everyone knows smoking, eating unhealthy foods, sitting on your ass too much, drinking in excess and a lot of other things are bad for you, but they choose to do it anyway. That's their business. It's weird to me that people treat smoking like a great social evil and drinking unsafe levels of alcohol is the norm in my state.

>> No.6417638

I smoke cigs, and I have for about 9 years. I smoke a pack a day.

There was this one time where I was smoking a cigarette outside of the mall in a smoker hut. And this fucking rich ass ultratan blonde mom deal walked out with her spoiled and overprivileged 8 year old son, and when they walked out they started really loudly fake coughing and smiling about it. So I was like "Would you like a cigarette, ma'am?" And she said "NO THANK-YOU. MY UNCLE IS DYING IN THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF IT." And then I said "Annnnd you're catchin' up pretty quick with that tanning bed, sister."

The lady like, scoffed really loudly and mumbled something while her son looked back at me like, shocked. And she just kept dragging him through the parking lot.

I get that she was trying to set a good example for her son, but...what, like hearing you mock me is gunna make me just turn my life around and quit for your upperclass McMansion self? Your snide and petty actions are going to make me agree with you? I just don't get what she expected the outcome of that to be. Fucking entitled people, like I was beneath her or something. So shocked that a middleclass peasant spoke back to her. That was the only time I was harassed. Heard that people have said/done much worse to smokers, but it was harassment none-the-less.

>> No.6417696

I hate cigarette smoke. It makes my eyes tear up and it smells awful.

The good news is that E-cigs exist. I really wish that smokers would embrace the new technology and move to e-cigs. My boy toy smokes pot (which I have the same issues with) and when he vaporizes/ uses an e cig there is little to no smell, no smoke to burn my eyes and his breath doesn't reek.

My very most hatred comes when people smoke at concerts. Everyone is in a confined space and there is no escape.

Again... E-cigs are awesome.

>> No.6417739

>when people think they should get more breaks at work because they smoke.

I had a co-worker who used to pretend she had an errand at the back of the shop, and then nip out the back door to have a smoke. Except she didn't know that an alarm went off every time the back door was opened.
I called her out on it because while I don't mind her going off to smoke, at least she can be honest and just tell me she needs a smoke.

>> No.6417742

I'd totally smoke an e-cig, but it doesn't work for some of us. It's more than just obtaining nicotine, it's the actually burning of the cig and watching it get shorter and putting it out that is satisfying. That, and they just aren't satisfying to me as much as a real cigarette.

So yeah, e-cigs are a great concept, but they don't do the trick like real tobacco for the most part.

>> No.6417767


Second hand smoke is fucking shitty and I'm an asthmatic. Most of the time I don't have a choice to be around the smoke or not because the smokers don't exactly care or even understand how harmful it is to them or others. Unfortunately the smokers I know aren't as reasonable as your friends. They smoke around children and just don't give a fuck.

>> No.6417832

Smokers are shitty people with no self-control, and I'm glad they pay so much to kill themselves. At least they're not as bad as potheads with the "HEY YOU GOTTA TRY THIS" though.

>> No.6417836

As an e cig smoker myself, I must say I love them. I know they're not for everyone, my friend and bro couldn't make the transition. But I can breath better like I did before I smoked, I don't stink or have the physical damages, and best of all ii don't have to make time to go outside and freeze my butt off on breaks, just gotta go to the bathroom or something. And no more holes in my car seats and jackets should a bummer happen. Kicks too much ass.

>> No.6417852

There's a smoker in our local community, but she is totally considerate about it, and tends to not smoke when wearing brand. She always asks before lighting up, and typically walks away from the group while she does so (and of course only smokes outside).

Personally, I hate the smell--it makes me gag and cough--and wish that people I know didn't smoke, for both my benefit and theirs, but I'm not a dick about it. If a smoker is rude to me, I might be a bit rude back, but I don't get all pissy if someone lights up nearby. It just isn't worth the effort.

>> No.6417855

Why kick weed and take up smoking? That seems like a really stupid decision.

>> No.6417858

I feel bad for smokers who were my moms age. Back then they told everybody it was wonderful for you and everything, and then so many people became addicted. In fact my mother worked in tobacco fields when she was young, having the tar all over her hands, I imagine that went into her body like such as well. I do not understand why people smoke now however, it's very blatant everywhere how detramental it is for you and others. There are hardly any positives (although I see none) to weigh out the horrible negatives. I think you'd have to be pretty dumb to make the decision to smoke now, all the smokers I know are fucking morons anyway.

>> No.6417860

Holy shit, you might be stupid as hell.

>> No.6417863

Oh, poor you. A bad thing happened once to a smoker.

>> No.6417874

I live in the UK, and the smoking ban they brought in is the best thing ever. Going out to the pub with friends used to be awful, because you'd open the door and get hit with a wall of smoke. within a few mintues you'd be unable to breathe, and when you got home you'd had to shower because you reeked of second-hand smoke. It was disgusting. Now they banned smoking in public and it's bliss.

I will admit I get a fair bit of schadenfreude out of it. One day I was driving past a hall during a horrible storm- torrential rain and howling wind- and huddle outside were a pack of smokers desperately trying to puff away in hurricane conditions because they were too addicted to go without a ciggarette until they got home. Hee.

>> No.6417876

Why is everyone in this thread such a faggot.

>> No.6417877

True. Smoking attracts...a type of person. You'd think they'd enjoy smoking breaks alone, but these fuckers always want to talk and LOVE attention in the least creative ways. A lot of the smokers I know think that shit makes them an interesting person and I don't know how to tell them people stopped seeing it that way 10 years ago.
It's only aesthetic when someone already really hot and interesting is doing it. It's not edgy that you put up with people telling you "but it gives you cancer". You look fucking stupid and I hate when you look my way for conversation

>> No.6417885

Yeah. I remember in my aunt's house, it yellowed her white walls.

>> No.6417898

You just sound really defensive, when all anyone is talking about is WHY they don't like being around smokers and most people are saying they're fucking FINE with it? You both sound like self-centered assholes that NEED acceptance everywhere.

>> No.6417901

Not Everyone Is You: The Basic Human Fact

>> No.6417923

I am against smoking, and I can't help put get pissed when I'm talking to someone and light up when I'm there, I mean it is common courtesy to ask "Is it okay if I...?" with that sort of thing. They don't, so I walk away, and end up coming across as a bitch. Sorry if I don't want your secondhand smoke in my body..
It hits close to home, my dad died of lung cancer.

>> No.6418042
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Sharing is caring,bitch, put gratitude in that atitude.

>> No.6418063

I don't ask people if they mind if I smoke as long as they knew beforehand that I do, but I do stand away from them (as far as possible to have a comfortable conversation) & try to be downwind.

I also always either put my cigarette out or cross the street if I see someone with a baby or small child coming if I'm smoking while walking.

But this thread made me reealize that all of the smokers at my school, myself inckuded, are douches because we always smoke in front of the entrance,so nonsmokers will have to walk through our smoke but this is the "smoking area", the only place at the school with ashtrays, which is kind of a major flaw.

>> No.6418075

People can do what they want in their clothing. So it really doesn't bother me. What does bother me is nasty ass smokers who fling their ashes all over stuff instead of in an ashtray. I think my cousin and brother were having some sort of "how far can I flick my 2 inch long ashes" contest while I was away at a convention. The router for the monitor was COVERED in ashes and it was all the way behind the monitor close to the wall nowhere near the ashtray. I raged. Not to mention everything I owned reaked of smoke (my mom smoked too). Good thing I didn't get into Lolita until I moved out.

>> No.6418083

I smoke hookah and I drink occasionally and almost always at cons. I don't tell anyone else what to do with their life so I really hate when bitches act like they're above me because hey chose not to have fun in one of the ways I do.
It's not a statement or rebelling, it's called having fucking fun.
Anti-drinkers are worse than Anti-smokers, in my experience. I'm a cosplayer, and it's so so funny to see people at conBARS bitching about people drinking in their precious con. Boohoo, someone is doing something you dont personally enjoy, go somewhere were you don't expose yourself to it.
Don't want to be around smoke? Don't stand in a smoking area or near a hookah.
Don't like drinking? Don't hang out at the fucking bar, Jesus Christ.
We are already segregating ourselves so if you g into that environment, you have no right to be mad.

Also a lot of people who really hate smoking/drinking just need to lighten up about it.

>> No.6418136

As long as you aren't smoking in something you borrowed from me, or are trying to sell me a dress you were smoking in, and you aren't smoking around me, I don't give a fuck what you do. It's your health, your dress, your body. As long as it doesn't effect me personally in a bad way I couldn't care less.

>> No.6418137

That's all well and good when the smokers stay in the smoking area but many don't. Our hospital smoking area is across the road from the main entrance. So many smokers are too fucking lazy to cross the road and smoke right outside the entrance, meaning that people coming in with all sorts of illnesses and cancer are forced to walk through it.

I agree that those who go into smoking areas can't complain. But those that smoke outside of smoking areas should move out of the way.

>> No.6418174

Everyone's so angry and opinionated in this thread.

Just remember that cgl is a bunch of underage girls who don't know what they want.

>> No.6418264
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This. Most cigarettes are nasty and a shitty way to get your nicotine. There's a bunch of other nicer, less cheap tobacco products.
Nice cigars (don't inhale cigar smoke you retard), pipes, hookahs, and vaping all have great flavors and smell much better than a cheap cigarette. Besides, if you're gonna be addicted to something like nicotine, you might as well enjoy it as a recreation, like tea-drinking, or wine-tasting.

Personally, I like hookahs and e-cigs. I publicly only smoke e-cigs in open places, even though it only produces water vapor. I usually smoke chocolatey flavors, so if the smell does somehow stick to me, I'll just smell like cookies.

>> No.6418367

I love people like you. I don't smoke, I had a few friends who did though. When they noticed that the smell was bothering me they apologized and shifted around so the breeze wasn't blowing smoke in my face; or they tried to move away and keep their cigarettes as far away from me as possible. They were so considerate of the non-smokers in the group that even thought I privately consider smoking a bad habit, I didn't care.

And then you have people who just don't care and smoke where ever they want, even around families, but eh, what can you do except be inwardly cringing. And like I said, I think it's a bad habit but I'm not going to lecture someone about what they do when I should be looking at my own habits instead of nitpicking others.

>> No.6418386


as a regular lucky strike smoker (inb4 >hispter) I actually genuinely love smoking. With coffee, after sex, after a meal, while driving long distances the actual act (as well as the taste) of smoking a cig is as enjoyable as the nicotine for me.

I've tried to get on the e-cig bandwagon (only ever smoked Blu) and the hardest part is that it doesn't simulate the taste and feel of a real cigarette just yet...


>> No.6418407

blu is ok, but yeah even the nicer brands still have that slight artificial taste. I never liked the taste of cigarettes to begin with, though. They always tasted much more burnt and chemically than other tobacco products, even the nicer brand ones. I'll usually steal a puff or two of a cigar from my fiance, though. Good cigars have a fresher taste imo. But I hate it when the flavor gets stuck to your tongue afterwards, whether it's a cigarette or a cigar. Hence my preference towards vapor like a hookah or an e-cig.

>> No.6418483

Been a smoker since I was around 20 or so. 7 years later I can honestly say I've had some of the most interesting conversations with people due to smoking.

When it comes to smoking at all though, I try to be about as respectable as I can with it, go into the smoking group, in smoking areas, away from other people and doors.

I don't bother non smokers, and most of them don't bother me. Everyone once in a blue moon I'll have some holier than thou douche comment on it, at which point I'll tell them to fuck off, thats about it though.

I smoke in cosplay, and as a guy I've gotten more positive than negative comments from it depending on costume. So far:
Ezio smoking a pipe: people get a kick out of it.
Iron Man smoking cigs: I've had people trip, the fuck, out. I dont quite get it myself but its entertaining none the less.
Spiderman: This one I've recevied more negative comments from than anything.
I can only imagine the butthurt when I finish up my Batman costume... it will be amazing.

>> No.6418492

I really want to try some e-cigs. Any particular kind you;d rec?

>> No.6418503

I like vapor king, it's easy to use. I like a lot of vapor, so I often buy WOW vapor products, but if you're beginning the vapor can tickle your throat a lot. Premium Vapor King has a lot of nice flavors.

>> No.6418518

>lucky strike

Really? It's been my fave since the first time in school when my ~hardcore~ friends taught me how to smoke. I feel bad now.

>> No.6418586

Hmm, yeah, yeah really. I don't even smoke but my sister does, and I don't judge her for it or anything. But whenever we hang out she'll only smoke one or two in the whole day, and it'll be outside or with the windows rolled down. I don't even notice the smell once she's done, but I got back from hanging out with her one day and I went to see some friends and they asked why I reeked of cigarette smoke. So you may not notice it, but it DOES smell

>> No.6418606

Smokers please answer this: Why does just about every smoker hold their cigarette out the car window and blow the smoke out the window?

It always goes straight into the car behind you and makes them inhale all of the smoke.

This is the kind of behavior that makes people think smokers are assholes. This and that so many smokers litter their butts.

There is no excuse for doing this. Either you are an idiot (I didn't realize) or an asshole (I knew it is rude as fuck to force you to breathe my shit but I choose to do it anyways) I can only respect smokers who will close up their windows when smoking in the car and dispose of their butts properly.

There ARE respectful smokers out there, but they are sadly outnumbered by the douchy ones who don't care that they are forcing everyone else to deal with the consequences of their choices. The bad ones make the polite ones seem like dicks by association.

>> No.6418624

Not a smoker, but it only goes into the car behind you if 1. There's a car pretty much right behind you 2. Their window is rolled down 3. The wind is not on their side
I've never had any problems with that so I'm not sure what you're talking about, and it's just more logical to blow it out the window since it's not likely it'll go into the car behind you than to just drown in smoke.

>> No.6418627


I think it's a bit much to ask for smokers to close their windows while smoking. This situation probably doesn't come up very often. Although I do agree with you otherwise.

>> No.6418631

I smoke for my cosplays [mostly Dr Franken Stein] and occasionally with a group of people at the local Rocky Horror Picture show.

I buy one pack at the beginning of the year and it usually lasts me through all of my cons. I usually just bum cigs at the Picture Show.

>> No.6418682

There is a difference between closing the window and not hanging your arm outside of the car the whole time which is what most smokers do

>> No.6418703

Lol don't worry. I don't think anybody would wanna hang out with a sniveling, generalizing cunt like you.

>> No.6418743

I'm four days quit and hopefully for the last time, already saved about sixteen bucks. It sucks but what sucks more is the fact that my grandfather has emphysema, my friend has copd, and I can't get the picture of my dads rotten teeth out of my head.

>> No.6418754

I quit smoking 6 yrs ago and it's definitely worth it. Just stick to it, 4 days will turn into a week, a week into two and then it's a lot easier.

>> No.6418989


Good luck anon! I hope everything works out for you!

>> No.6419139

I'm not a smoker and the 3-4 times I've smoked a cigarette in my life I've found it unpleasant to say the least, but I still want to know what it's like to smoke after sex. Movies make it look like the best thing ever. Do I need to smoke for a while to understand the appeal? If I try to smoke without some practice I fear I'll just cough and not enjoy it. I do have some weed smoking experience in my resume, does that apply here?

>> No.6419148

I have lung issues, so I stay away from smokers in general. Smoking is out of the question.

Although it does greatly annoy me when I walk outside the con centre and a cloud of cigarette smoke flies at me, but it's rarely, if ever, your guys' fault.

I just hate the people who throw a fit about having designated areas for smoking.

>> No.6419254

It's a life choice, who am I to say what's inappropriate or not.

Although I'm not a regular habit smoker,I LOVE clove cigarettes. I'm pretty athletic, so I use conventions as my super cheat weekends. Otherwise I have a pretty strict diet/exercise thing I follow.

I also try and be as courteous as possible when smoking outside of an event or I public. If I see a group of people in costume I will get out of the wind so that the smoke does not go near them. I do the same if I see small kids with parents, they don't need to see cigarettes as a cool thing.

>> No.6419324

In my experience, I've run into people who are polite about asking if they could light up or even move out of the way so the smoke doesn't get blown to others' faces. And then there are those who aren't as considerate. I will say that kissing a smoker has literally left a bad taste in my mouth, so it's kind of a turn off. It also kind of sucks that smoke gets on their clothes and living space, so it's not nearly as enjoyable to be physically intimate with a smoker as opposed to a non-smoker.

Wow, generalization of the year. Yeah, I guess you'll get those kinds of people too, but I can say that my dad actually quit cold turkey several years ago. Most people I know who try to quit end up going back to their habits quickly. It's weird that I was used to the smell and smoke as a child, but now I'm much more sensitive to it, and it sucks that I'm exposed to a lot more secondhand smoking on my campus than I did growing up; trying to get to classes is like walking the gauntlet sometimes - especially to my theater classes where many people smoke. I don't know if I should be surprised that the theater majors smoke cigs and the art students next door are typically potheads. I just never understood how my classmates go through their tuition's worth of cigarettes and still sing stronger than I can or dance without passing out.

>> No.6419391

Best post ever.

But seriously, people are offering you weed to be COURTEOUS, not to be an asshole. It's really rude to smoke without offering to share, it's just a part of the culture around it. Don't take it as a personal afront, just decline. Sure, every now and then you'll meet someone obnoxious who will push you, but most people will just say "Oh no problem" and leave it at that. Stop being so judgmental.