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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6413783 No.6413783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/.

What part of "you aren't welcome in our hobbies" don't you understand exactly?



>> No.6413789

> our hobbies
That part. You can't claim a hobby and say "you can't do it because I said". If you want to do that, make a club house and put a "no girls allowed" sign on it.

>> No.6413790

What part of 'Get the fuck out', don't you understand exactly?

>> No.6413795

nice samefagging.

>> No.6413797

Hey /v/.

What part of "you aren't welcome on our board" don't you understand exactly?

Fuck you,


>> No.6413799

Because that person totally could have made two posts at once. Yep. Totally logical.

>> No.6413802

stop samefagging please

>> No.6413806

Jesus. Why do the men on this site hate us so much?

>> No.6413809

Hey /cgl/

What part of "you dont look a day over 12 thousand" don't you understand exactly?

Fuck you,


>> No.6413814

We are shitty board because of you scum coming here. Please, get out.

>> No.6413815

Stop samefagging please

>> No.6413817
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>> No.6413821

Anyone else find it funny how much power we have over men?

We don't have sex with them = They hate us.

We do have sex with them = They think we're the most perfect girl in the world.

>> No.6413826
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>> No.6413830
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>> No.6413834

All men aren't like this.
only beta shits.
Have fun with that.

>> No.6413836
File: 48 KB, 479x500, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /v/, I wanted to talk to you about Hotline Miami, but you've changed. The angry hipster who loves dubs has been replaced with children who grew up on xbawks and nogames3. You just couldn't wait for 10 threads about call of duty 9 modern war fair 5 black ops two and Halo $. Fuck you.
Pic related, its me.

>> No.6413839


Actual /v/irgin here.

It's not this so much as it is the fact they share our interests yet still all gun for the top 10% of men.

>> No.6413842
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>> No.6413854

Because they're betafags who can't get a girl to look at them to save their pathetic lives.

>> No.6413855
File: 21 KB, 384x377, 1348933636472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit. I can sort of understand why you guys hate us. pic related.

>> No.6413859

And if we can get them, what's wrong with that?

>> No.6413865

Because you're average looking, it's not particularly fair in our minds.

You'll retort with "life isn't fair", to which I'd respond that I agree, and that's why those of you who undertake that sort of dating strategy with men out of your league invariably get cheated on, several times, over and over again.

>> No.6413866
File: 366 KB, 1600x1200, YolandiVisserDieAntwoord_BabysOnFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vidya waifus still care about me.

>> No.6413867
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>> No.6413873

So...why hate us for something that's going on in our personal lives? How does it concern you?

>> No.6413881


Also this.

Note that although you may feel comfortable in our presence, we aren't really comfortable in yours. If we're a group of good friends, you coming along will -always- change the dynamic between us, because you'll start flirting with one of us, and his attitude will change, and other guys will start to try and impress you, and you'll play up to it and so on.

I don't know how to describe it other than that as someone with a fairly sizeable group of male friends, male behavior seems entirely less genuine and more superficial once a woman enters the equation.

Just stick with other girls, or is sex really so important to you you can't go a few weeks without it?

>> No.6413883

>that's why those of you who undertake that sort of dating strategy with men out of your league invariably get cheated on, several times, over and over again.
Haha, hot damn! You /v/irgins are just as catty as us!

>> No.6413889

I'm female and I prefer to have male friends, and I have since I was very young. I believe in abstinence, so I've never had sex with any of them. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6413893

We hate it because although men have lost all of their de facto gender-based privileges, the de facto gender-based obligations we have to undertake are still there - Being the one to ask a girl out, being assertive, being strong etc. I don't disagree with any of these, I just think its damn well unfair we're still expected to fulfill them when you have no such equal responsibility and obligations thrust upon you as girls since feminism got rid of the concept of feminine responsibility.

On a more personal level, it's annoying to see girls who are quite evidently your equivalents in terms of looks being able to get guys who are much better looking than they are. And it's doubly annoying that they then have the audacity to turn around and pretend they're lonely because they once went without sex for a month.

>> No.6413896

They crave the attention.
The ugliest girls always tend to be the biggest sluts.

>> No.6413899

Don't forget

>Having to earn significantly more than the woman you're interested in

>> No.6413907
File: 189 KB, 500x803, men are_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go cry to reddit about your man problems

>> No.6413911


Reddit is a highly liberal website, why would I want to go there?

>> No.6413913

What part of "you don't own an entire fucking hobby" don't you understand? I'm sick of this "hurrdurr no gurls allowed xDDD" bullshit. Not all of us are vapid whores who are only in it for attention. I mad.

>> No.6413914

I don't necessarily agree with those "obligations". If the girl you fancy agrees with them, then fuck her, really. Find one who thinks that you're equals and will sometimes be the assertive, strong one while still remaining feminine.

And as for your second point, there are plenty of average girls to go around. I'm sure that all of the model looking guys aren't snatching them all up, are they?
I'm not trying to argue or anything, I've actually been interested in why you guys hate us for a long time.

>> No.6413915

8/10 would read

>> No.6413918

I'm not being catty, I'm just pointing it out. If you're a 5, you can probably get something going with a male 7 or 8, although it will be very sexual, but it will almost always end in you being cheated on.

The thing is, you girls are ok with that.

>> No.6413924

You don't HAVE to do any of that.
If the girl you're interested in feels that way, then fuck her. This isn't the 1950's anymore. Both males and females should let go of the idea that the males have to earn more.

>> No.6413925

>Call us undesirable losers for the better part of 20 years
>Expect us to welcome you with open arms into our niches, interests and hobbies

OP is right. Go away. We don't want you.

Look at what you turned cons into. Just a giant slutfest of girls looking to 'get laid'.

>> No.6413930

>you girls
Since when do you know how ALL of us feel about guys cheating on us?

>> No.6413932


>> No.6413934

This. I'm a chick and when I hang around with my boyfriend and his friends, it's strange. The atmosphere really does change a lot. For the most part, at least. There are a few guys that don't give a fuck and will act the same no matter who is around. And it's disgusting.
Believe me, ladies. When you're with them, you do not want them acting like they normally do when you're not around.
There is a lot of holding back that they do and be glad that they're considerate.

But it does make the day less fun for them, since they're having to watch what they say.

Think of it as you're stuck with a bunch of guys through a lot of your day. It's that time of the month, it's girls night out. Finally, just you and other women to talk about girl stuff or that cute guy or whatever.
You get there, ready to de-stress. And your friend has brought her bf along! Well, fuck.
Now the atmosphere is entirely different and you don't get to talk about the shit you wanted to, as you don't want to seem disgusting mentioning anything period related near a guy.

>> No.6413935

Fox & grapes

>> No.6413937

>bawww feminism fought for women's shit but not for my male shiiit ;_;

I always find it amazing how males complain about FEMinism fighting for FEMale stuff and not for their stuff.
You want to get rid of your male responsibilities like females did? Fight, like females fought.
Complaining about it on the internet and getting angry will take you nowhere.

No, really, all of this male problems and baww could be gone if only you stopped expecting other people to fight for your rights and went out there to fight for them yourself.

>> No.6413940

>nobody reply to the picture

>> No.6413950

Why are you even here? Eat my shit

>> No.6413942

>Look at what you turned cons into. Just a giant slutfest of girls looking to 'get laid'.
It's always been like this though

>> No.6413945

I'm so glad I'm a lesbian. I've never met a male nerd that wasn't a gross mouthbreather and if they were remotely attractive in someway they were either a narcissistic asshole or a "Nice guy" who claims not be a narcissistic asshole. I'm happy that I don't have to settle for any of these

>> No.6413948

>Fight for your rights
>look at this loser fighting for his men right's
you're retarded if you think a man can go out an "fight" for his rights or problems without getting ridicule by every single woman in a 500 mile radius.

>> No.6413949

I want females to have their old responsibilities come back, since it's biologically impossible for them to be attracted to men who don't fulfill their side of the bargain, I'm ok with doing that.

>> No.6413956

Not being catty? Oh yes you are. That was a low blow, buddy. Top quality bitch fight material for /cgl/.

Accept my compliments and move on.

>> No.6413952

If you support a political group that is about endlessly empowering one gender, you're basically supporting a female equivalent of Islam.

Where burquas are forced financial support for unwanted children.

>> No.6413964

>I'm a huge faggot who will probably end up buying a Real Doll

>> No.6413959

True, that.
It seems like they just shun us before they even TRY to get us, though.
That's the vibe I've gotten from this thread.

>> No.6413961


Funny, especially given that you actually believe you're a lesbian.

You just haven't met the right man yet.

>> No.6413971

I'm not deriving pleasure from pointing it out.

If you're a 5, and you continually go for 7s or 8s, you're going to get cheated on.

Learn to settle. For god sake. Are looks really the be all and end all? I can understand wanting a guy who isn't a physical wreck, but you're pickier than 2d loving guys are, at least they factor personality into the equation with the girls they like.

>> No.6413966

>get all of your rights handed to you
>claim you fought for them

>> No.6413976

That's all well and good, but what does that have to do with you not wanting us on /v/?
Last time I checked, women's roles and where we're allowed to talk about vidya were completely different issues.
Are you mad at ALL women, or just us?
If it's all women, then I understand. If it's just us...then that's ridiculous.

>> No.6413973
File: 86 KB, 350x350, react_ahhaaawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The 'women' // feminists that are arguing with you are men.

Three quarters of them are smoker, so I guess he is somewhat qualified to speak for women, since he has tits.

Most of the actual girls here don't argue about anything other than petty shit. There this one Jerrie / Nazi that does, but she's always avatarfagging w. trip on.

>> No.6413974

>It seems like they just shun us before they even TRY to get us, though.

What's the point in even trying with you girls?

>> No.6413980
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Thank you, I always tended to act the same around women when one would join our group. I ended up with my best friend fighting with me about 'being rude'
Really ruined our friendship, I still have no respect for him to this day, and it's been a few years.

>Got married and had a kid at the age of 20
>He slaves over 40+ hours a week in a factory
>Became hardcore christian, sold all his video games and movies
>mfw his wife got really fucking fat after only 3 years of marriage

>> No.6413978

You're right. Our generation did not fight for them. The women before us did.

Need I remind you that men were against women's suffrage? You did not "hand' us our rights. You shits were reluctant to do it, but you couldn't deal with using your hand any longer. You needed pussy.

>> No.6413985
File: 56 KB, 256x256, TrollFace2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about dis:

it's fine for women to like /v/

but only if they actually play the vidyas they got lying around on their shelves

*female cold sweat inc.*

>> No.6413986

Lol no the "right man" is a myth created by men to make women feel like they should settle for the "nice guy".
I don't need a "nice guy", I need a girl with a nice set of tits and a Hitachi magic wand.

Be careful before you turn into /a/, bitching about how 3D women will never compare to their 2D waifus

>> No.6413987

Tell me about experiences you've had where you've tried to get with a /cgl/ girl and they rejected you.
What? You have none? Then you just hate us outright, don't you?

>> No.6413989

It's not about behaving slovenly or disgustingly.

It's about the fact we can't be ourselves because you aren't one of us and you never can be. You always turn any situation into preening at the guys who want to impress and compete for your attention. And you always turn the discussions sexual.

You get cheated on because you're shallow. You deserve every ounce of pain you feel.

>> No.6413990
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>> No.6413993

I can accept this.
Some of us like video games genuinely and don't pretend to do it just to be edgy.

>> No.6413995
File: 285 KB, 500x2344, P5FYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6413996

>Lol no the "right man" is a myth created by men to make women feel like they should settle for the "nice guy".

You're saying that pop media tells women to settle?

It's the opposite.

And you like men deep down. Lesbianism is nonsense.

>> No.6413997

>Need I remind you that men were against women's suffrage?

Do you even realize that if all men were against it, you would never have won?

Why do you even think you have won? Tell me. I want to know what, in your head, was the most important thing that lead to your "success"?

Was it your ferocity? The power of love? Your great charismatic leaders? Do tell.

>> No.6413998

>You did not "hand' us our rights.

>legislation passed by an all-male Congress

Also, it's funny that you act like women were any more enthusiastic about being able to vote. Most women opposed female suffrage until they were told they wouldn't have to be drafted. Even though women apparently wanted to vote SO BADLY, they weren't willing to have the same responsibilities that came with that right as men. Greedy even when they had nothing/

>> No.6414002

>What? You have none? Then you just hate us outright, don't you?

I personally don't 'hate' any of you.

>> No.6413999

Hah, what did you do, say something about his lady or women in general or something?

>> No.6414000

It's nice that you think you can speak for all of us.
Stay single and lonely, anon.

>> No.6414001


>> No.6414006 [DELETED] 

>I'm in a crowded subway
>a girl holds my shoulders for support since I'm a big guy
>I feel her tits on my back
>get a boner
>she starts breathing heavily on my ear
>look back
>a guy is fucking her from behind
>my boner gets bigger
>she starts wispering "harder! harder" in my ears
>my precum is staining my shorts
>next stop is best buy, it's my stop
>I can't get down because the girl is still getting fucked
>I miss my stop
>guy finishes fucking her
>girl cleans the semen on her vagina with my velvet cape
>I say "I'm s-sorry"
>she looks at me with a weird face
>I mumble "d-do you use a-ati or n-n-nvidia?"
>girl goes away
>I missed my stop, now I have to ride the other subway to bestbuy to buy a mechanical keyboard

>> No.6414007

Oh, let me guess. The wives of the politicians forced them to comply through denying them some WooHoo.

This is so naive that I don't even

>> No.6414008

>it's fine for women to like /v/
>but only if they actually play the vidyas they got lying around on their shelves

That's totally fine with me.

>> No.6414011

My friends have always been groups of guys that I wasn't interested in having sex with. But a few would be the ones who would ruin it by asking me out and making it weird. Keep in mind that I never talked about which guys I thought were 'hot' or anything like that. I was never into that crap, I just wanted to talk about shitty anime/vidya/comics and make stupid jokes about everything.

Really the lesson learned is that you have to start farting in front of eachother to secure that 'comfortable friends' position.
It's the only way.

>> No.6414017
File: 46 KB, 600x385, 1307133249117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, /v/ and /cgl/.
One is the single worst example of males on 4chan, and the other the single worst example of females on 4chan.
What a perfect couple.
A fat neckbeard that hates on games he has never played making out with a fat lolita spewing venom about people she's never talked to.
Imagine the passion.
Imagine the two disgusting rejects that everyone hates finally finding true happiness in each other, like two nasty spiders entangled in the same web of shit, only they can appreciate each other filth, the beauty in their ignorance and rotten brains.
How romantic, how fitting.

>> No.6414015

I'd say they witheld the hoo-has and then yes, them men got some woo-hoo when they passed the laws.

How else would women get men to do that shit?

>> No.6414019

>How else would women get men to do that shit?

They didn't. Women didn't get anyone to do anything.

>> No.6414024

I'm telling you man. It's the vaginas.

>> No.6414025

I was just acting normal, I didn't even acknowledge her since she just fucking sat there saying nothing. She was a hardcore christian, you see.
I think the word "god damn" really set him off. I used it accidentally, accidents are going to happen when you suddenly try to change shit.

Then he was all up in my face trying to seem alpha, I guess.
I told him that he needs to stop pretending to be someone he isn't to impress his girl.
That apparently really offended him (hit the nail on the head) He swung on me, and the rest is history

>> No.6414027

So you kept that group of males as some kind of emotional tampon, whereas you went after the 'hotties' for sex?

>> No.6414031

Dawww friendzoned to the max

>> No.6414036

>You are now aware thousands of femanons have posted their nudes on 4chan

How on earth do you girls expect us to respect you when you have so little respect for yourselves to begin with?

>> No.6414033


How do people not notice when they are being trolled?

>> No.6414038

I like it

>> No.6414039

Because the men who passed them were clever.

Imagine you are in power. What could you possibly gain from allowing women to work?

>if they can work, they'll have to work
>more work, more taxes
>more taxes, more money
>weaken the 'nuclear' family even more

Of course, some men weren't as clever and they desperately clung to the morals they were taught - that women are dumb and inferior. It doesn't matter if they really are dumb and inferior, as long as they work -> more money.

And power is only about that. Money.

The moment feminism stops being profitable (say, an apocalypse like a solar flare destroying all electronic, nuclear war/nuclear winter takes us back to the dark ages), then do not worry - all of these 'ideals' of feminism and of strong equal women will crumble to dust and the bigots will gladly assume the positions of housewives and concubines, to have the successful males care for them.

>> No.6414043


This, just go to /soc/ to see what girls who posture at liking anime and video games are like.

>> No.6414051

>you are now aware that so have men
>especially their dicks

The key to not being a fucking retard is taking things on a case by case basis rather than generalizing.

The fact that people still rely on others to make opinions for them in this day and age is stifling. The point of running around posting anonymously is that the posts are taken as they are with no identity attached. I'm not trying to say any ANON IS LEJUN bullshit, but they are judged by the content of the post rather than the person behind it. That is the point.

>> No.6414065

People keep saying "you girls" like we're all clones with identical personalities and identical values. We're not. Some of the girls here are sluts, and some of them are kind and modest. Keep in mind that this board is gothic lolita as well. Not all the girls here cosplay and dress like sluts like Jessica Nigiri.

>> No.6414069

>not wanting a Real Doll.
Shit, I would want one even if I was happily married

>> No.6414075

>posting nude pictures means you have no respect for yourself
>the fact that some people of a certain group did something means the whole rest of the group should be judged for that even if they did not do it

So many logical fallacies...

>> No.6414077

In all seriousness, the misogyny in nerd culture really does sadden me. I refuse to let butthurt betas ruin my interests for me, but it still stings because 3DPD-wise, all I ever wanted was a sweet, sensitive, shy, cute, nerdy boy who I could talk about video games, anime, and manga with. I've been feeling really stupid for it the past couple of weeks, recalling all the hot guys with bright futures I've turned down simply because they didn't have the same geeky interests. Now that I know I will never have my adorable, shy, nerd boyfriend because those types despise women, I guess it's time to give up and settle for an attractive normal guy and just not let him on to my power levels. Whatever, normalfags are better looking than nerds anyway, usually. It just sucks since there's so much less I'll want to talk about.

>> No.6414081

>posting nude pictures means you have no respect for yourself

Are you a "sex positive feminist"?


>> No.6414083

Hah, shit. Sucks about your friend though.

I get being respectful to people with things that might offend them, but him starting a fight about it was stupid as fuck.

I remember the guys were like that the first time I hung out with them. Holding back on language and they kept slipping up. I'm a christian as well, though not any sort of hardcore crazy lady. People are going to use words in ways you don't like. No reason for forcing them to change everything just because you're in their presence.
Anyways, every time they said something they would suddenly look over at me all shocked, like I was going to smack them with a bible or something. Shrugged and kept eating my food or continued on in conversation.

Though apparently me not caring turned into "Oh this chick is cool with anything! Let's talk about dicks!"
Haha. Yeah, things got a little awkward and I decided to let them hang out without me.

>> No.6414085

I... Me, too.
Though the male ones freak me out.

>> No.6414087

Real dolls are awesome i tell ya.

>> No.6414090

Damn, I dropped my sage. Ah well...

>> No.6414093
File: 37 KB, 461x352, 1346026778019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you girls
>implying if someone cheated on me I wouldn't cut up his dick like a vienna sausage and make him eat it off of those plastic sword toothpicks with little umbrellas

Step up senpai.

>> No.6414095

>normalfags are better looking than nerds
Oh my gawd you broke my heart!


>> No.6414098

Nope, never dated. Never was interested in dating/sex, still not. My anxiety was too high to talk to new people, much less fuck them. Wouldn't want that kind of drama anyway.

Friends are pretty great. Shame a lot had such shit taste; some of them didn't even play videogames. Still funny people to hang out with.

>> No.6414102

Don't give up. I found a really great shy, nerdy guy, and we've been together well over a year. It just takes time. There's nothing like being with someone who you can talk to about your interests.

>> No.6414107


>> No.6414114

>"Oh this chick is cool with anything! Let's talk about dicks!"
I don't know why, but guys do like to talk about dicks a lot. Not even about dicking women, just dicks. (dick related jokes, dick ur mom)
I've never understood it myself, but never questioned it.

I can see how it would be gross for a girl, just like If I was in a group of women and they all started talking about vaginas.

>> No.6414122


>> No.6414134

>Grossed out by something you (and every woman) have between the legs
Women logic.
Pretty stupid if you ask me.

>> No.6414130


>> No.6414137

Because all of us have had sex, right anon?

>> No.6414136

It depends on whether he was drunk or not.

I'd still be upset if he cheated on me drunk, because all alcohol does is lower your inhibitions and make it easier to do things that you wanted to do. Which means he'd wanted to fuck another woman, and the drinking made it super easy. It would hurt but I could get over it eventually.

Were it without alcohol, honestly we'd just split up. I'd be upset in the sad way, not the "I'm going to cut your dick like a vienna sausage and make you eat it off of those plastic sword toothpicks with little umbrellas" way.

And then we move on.

>> No.6414143
File: 25 KB, 366x290, rustleloliseesyourpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start something, faggot.

>> No.6414140
File: 59 KB, 236x246, 1304962074186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but I'm a guy. Didn't feel like I needed to specify.
Don't hit on me, okay?

>> No.6414152

Can't you talk about genitalia without thinking of sex anon? something must be really wrong with you

>> No.6414162

Yeah. The conversation was a dickfest. And it wasn't so much gross as it was just awkward and a little bit embarrassing. I mean, they were getting very lewd with their jokes and uh... vivid storytelling.

Women don't really talk about vaginas so much as it is vagina-related things. "Oh man, I think I've got a yeast infection. It started itching the other day while I was out in public and I started squirming around to relieve it a bit but it just got worse, so I had to go to the ladie's room to take care of it. You know any medication that fixes it pretty quickly? The stuff I tried last time didn't work so great, and it was this syringe of goop. It leaked out and felt nasty, like those period clots do."
"Oh I totally get it. Those period clots are nasty but it's sort of a relief, you know? You can try this stuff and it might help."
"Periods, ugh. I'm on mine right now and I am cramping like insanely. This one's heavy. Like, fucking niagara falls heavy. I've gone through a few pads already."

See above.

>> No.6414169

What you just described is exactly what happens when a hot male approaches a group of females, too.

I used to be in the same boat. Video games have been my life since 2000, but male gamers still treat me like I'm a poser just because I have a vagina, so I decided to just not interact with them. My boyfriend may not like video games very much, but at least he treats me with respect.

>> No.6414171

Are you retarded? You said we had it between our legs.
You're either implying that we have penises or that we're having sex, am I right?

>> No.6414175

Well if he wasn't talking about sex, I'd say he implied we have penises.

Anon, someone really misinformed you in health class...

>> No.6414184

>I can see how it would be gross for a girl, just like If I was in a group of women and they all started talking about vaginas.

Just for you retarded samefag.

>> No.6414180

maybe he meant all genitals, perhaps because he doesn't realize that penises are extremely hilarious and unfortunate looking compared to a hole with flaps

>> No.6414187

I don't know. I think they've got a sort of charm to them.
>plus they feel good~

>> No.6414189


Bitter, bitter, bitter.

You say it like you don't gun for the top 5% most attractive of all women who share your interests.

It's two-way street.

>> No.6414190

I think all genitalia are horrible looking.

Not a samefag. Nice try, though.

>> No.6414192

You are looking at the wrong post, that is not the one they quoted.

>> No.6414208

>mfw people responded to this copypasta seriously

It's like I'm on /cgl/


>> No.6414217
File: 300 KB, 780x525, femsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ pls go.

>> No.6414223

>Not a samefag. Nice try, though.
You totally convinced me

>> No.6414227

But I'm 25, I was here first.

>> No.6414228
File: 21 KB, 389x302, 1304017706874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me! I love pretending to be guurgamers

>> No.6414230
File: 23 KB, 500x333, feminism26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this about the feminism thread on /v/ a while ago? You guys really need thicker skin

>> No.6414231

>although men have lost all of their de facto gender-based privileges, the de facto gender-based obligations we have to undertake are still there


>don't have to worry about being forced to prove your aptitude before anyone will take you seriously
>people assume you're confident and can take charge, as opposed to assuming you're submissive and less intelligent
>don't have to worry about criticism for what you wear (does not apply if you are /fa/)

I could go on. Men don't understand micro-aggressions like this. Have you forgotten that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a guy earns?

>> No.6414232

This may shock and awe you, but just like how the majority of you geek girls aren't in it for the attention of being female in a sea of kissless virgins, the majority of us geek boys aren't misogynistic pricks.

>> No.6414237
File: 57 KB, 691x108, evils of feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what /v/ believes

>> No.6414240

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.6414247
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughingswans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /v/ complains near me
Why should we care? You'll always crave us, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now get back in line and maybe we'll let you ogle us some more.

>> No.6414249

Whenever I read shit like this, I wish I had a dick so I could show these men what rape feels like.

Mostly because I think it would be hot.

>> No.6414254

Your hobby? Last I checked game companies make more off of middle aged ladies playing Farmville than you pirates. I've got a full time job and enough money to buy games and merch, so I'm actually supporting the industry. And my fiscal opinions are worth more than your whining.

Oh, and I've been playing video games since I was 3, on my Sega Genesis/CD/32X. So fuck you.

>> No.6414255

This. No mater how much the neckbeards bitch and moan, we all know how badly they want hot csplayer girls in the end.

>> No.6414261

I think most guys on 4chan would love to get dicked by a shemale. So much for that rape fantasy

>> No.6414263

but /cgl/'s female cosplayers aren't hot.

>> No.6414264

>let us ogle you
That's not how it works. We do it every day and you can't stop us.

>> No.6414265


>> No.6414270

Men are disgusting brutes that should be nothing more than chained up sperm dispensers.

Love, /cgl/.

>> No.6414272


JNig. That's all I'm sayin'.

>> No.6414273

>I hate women!!!
>P-Please show us your feet
I've seen those threads /v/, you're pathetic. Why ruin your miniscule chances of getting a girl by posting threads like this? Come on.

>> No.6414275

Most males would love to be used as a sperm dispenser.
Whose side are you on?

>> No.6414276

wow OP seems incredibly bitter, and /v/ isn't much better. what ever happened to "fucking off and doing what you like" without needing either approval or permission from others. last time i checked some lady playing video games isn't keeping some guy from doing so. seems like a personal problem if he can deal.

i'd kill for a female shooting partner - i bet there's a whole new world of techniques and challenges to overcome or at least observe.

>> No.6414277

Shut up and post them toes

>> No.6414279


"The Manipulated Man" 101.

Saging for troll thread

>> No.6414282
File: 59 KB, 321x285, player inspects v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls leave

>> No.6414286

>if he can't deal

>> No.6414290
File: 15 KB, 497x368, average post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6414295

The very epitome of what most bitter betas claim they hate in a girl, yet all of them drool over her like she's edible Jesus.

>> No.6414297

But you like girls, right /v/? We're nice and soft, surely you wouldn't want to upset us? Fuck off.

>> No.6414303

By neckbeard standards, the majority are.

>> No.6414309
File: 42 KB, 378x512, 1297919631973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 OP

>> No.6414313

wow that's fucked up.

jnig is the cosplayer who did the main character from candy chainsaw or whatever, right?

>> No.6414318
File: 232 KB, 554x640, jnchainsaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6414317
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1304294850495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, Right. Oh shit I'm sorry. Go on.

>> No.6414325


>> No.6414331


>> No.6414366

that's fucking hot.

>> No.6414376
File: 151 KB, 1440x810, 1352233133357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw I'm a grill

>> No.6414383


Be as slutty as her then.

>> No.6414385
File: 20 KB, 360x360, Charcoal-Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo baby. I'm a grill too. Black and sleek. I may be a little short but I'm real hot I promise.

>> No.6414392
File: 37 KB, 339x339, electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, shorty. You need to back the fuck off, okay?
Nobody wants a grill that takes forever to "get ready"

Baby, I'm your man. I'm real big and I'll treat you right. I'm ready when you are, and you don't have to wait for me to finish.

>> No.6414402
File: 66 KB, 580x383, 73145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint got nothing on me brah! I even come with a fully ready kitchen just for the outside style.

I'm your grill man, da name is Viking.. Grill viking.

>> No.6414406
File: 52 KB, 946x900, Gas-Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>6414392 said, you need to GTFO.

You leave her alone. I know you're "easy". All the women want you, and you don't even put up any resistance.

You really want a grill like that, >>6414376 ?
Look, I'm just as fast as the big guy over there but I'm not afraid of the great outdoors. Want to go camping? I can show you a good time under the stars.

>> No.6414413
File: 19 KB, 610x470, mini-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I like camping. I'm.. portable, too...

Sh-shut up! I-It isn't size, it's technique!

>> No.6414419
File: 177 KB, 591x411, Electric_Oven_with_Top_Tray[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's XXI century, ain't no living soul needs someone like you know.

Step back and watch me make that gurrl come in less than 2 minutes.

>> No.6414431
File: 13 KB, 264x191, smoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so what? You've got a big package but do you even know how to use it? I bet you'd hurt her with it and screw everything up.

Come with me, girl. I'm big and I'll go real slow for you. Don't pay any attention to those losers. I'll show you what a real grill is.

>> No.6414438

can you all just shut the fuck up and get back to your regular shit? Who the fuck cares about this anyways? I hate men wooo. I hate women wooo. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.6414440
File: 51 KB, 412x500, george_foreman_grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you may make her come quickly, but I bet you're messy as hell.

Girl, you need to be getting it on with me. This fool isn't even the real deal. Look here, even if things get real messy (is that what you like?) I can clean up quickly.

>> No.6414451



You don't need boys. I'll be perfect fit for you tonight.

Just look at my body and trendy outfit.

Call me baby!!!

>> No.6414455


btw I forgot my pic

I'm grill too :3

>> No.6414458
File: 174 KB, 640x400, hellokittymicrowave[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I forgot it again, I'm such a dork :D

>> No.6414460
File: 143 KB, 960x720, thisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6414470
File: 48 KB, 432x355, grill_firepit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 grills at once.

Damn she's such a slut.

>> No.6414474

What about all the guys who post nudes of themselves? Does it count for them?

>> No.6414479

That shit is irrelevant. This thread is grills now.
Deal with it or leave.

>> No.6414484
File: 116 KB, 360x286, spit-roaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right?

You all pale in comparison to me. Girl, I can get you all over easily, and I ain't gonna burn you. No need for flipping or anything. Just grab my handle and go.

>> No.6414487
File: 35 KB, 400x300, dispose-broken-gas-grill-800x800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post my nudes all day for you sweety.

I'm a hot stuff.

>> No.6414496

Do you play every single game you have laying around on your shelf?
Also I like what you did with the lying/laying wordplay, very subtle.

>> No.6414494
File: 307 KB, 984x959, grates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you better check on that "burning". I think you've got something nasty going on in them grates.
>pic related, it's the RUST

>> No.6414503


Stop samefagging and post grills

>> No.6414509
File: 22 KB, 307x300, clean-grill-grates-oven-cleaner-800x800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm fine. Just look at my abs.

Pic of me and my gurrl doing some nasty stuff. +18

>> No.6414517
File: 2.43 MB, 2048x1536, brisket-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guurl and I do nastier stuff than you but we always use protection.

>> No.6414534
File: 12 KB, 300x300, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not samefag, just replied before hitting the grills section of thread.

Also here.

>> No.6414554
File: 45 KB, 354x325, wings-burning[1].jpg_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's better to not get burned.

Shit might end up being disgusting.

>> No.6414559

>implying women can do that
Only old and ugly ones, since they're old.

>> No.6414566

Since this is an OT thread, might as well use it

>According to science:
This is the sexiest dance a male can do.


Did it make you moist?

Because it made me cringe.

>> No.6414571

Whereas this is the worst.


>> No.6414583

You're saying that mainstream media doesn't encourage the nuclear family? Now I know you're stupid.
I hate guys who go around saying "Oh, you're a lesbian, I bet I could turn you."
>"Bitch, please. I'm pulling 7-8's who smell pretty, take care of themselves, and love to have fun. You expect me to swoon over some boring loser who spends most of his time fapping to disturbing shit on the internet?"

>> No.6414587

This post is so male it hurts my heart.

I think you want to be a trans some day, am I right?

>> No.6414593
File: 25 KB, 399x232, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, what's going on here? Grills?

I am 12 and what is this

>> No.6414621
File: 38 KB, 400x300, big+grill+[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for underage!

>> No.6414628


>> No.6414634
File: 18 KB, 275x397, gorgeoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, little one.

Have you ever heard of lolita? Haha, no, not the style. Get in my van and I'll tell you a story.

>> No.6414645
File: 7 KB, 200x267, 248488445845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, buddy. You need to get out of here, pedo.

>> No.6414653

This is a pretty impressive selection of grills. Did you have these all saved beforehand or are you picking them up as you go along?

>> No.6414656
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, gai-yang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends what you prefer baby.

>> No.6414686

why is it that these ugly girls in my club won't stop hitting on me

I don't even talk to anyone except my 1 friend in there

>> No.6414702

I pick them up as I go.
Not sure about the other grill anons, though.

>> No.6414705

>It's not this so much as it is the fact they share our interests yet still all gun for the top 10% of men.

lol rejected

tfw no gf right
cry more pussy bitch

>> No.6414723

ye m8 u tell that prissy slack jawed beta homo whats up

>> No.6414724
File: 187 KB, 640x643, fuzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, you need to come with me.

>> No.6414725

so it's alright for white people to call one another nigga too, right?

>> No.6414730

I've known an awful lot of guys who seem to treat their gf as a credit to their own awesomeness. Like, they're worth more than all the other guys around them because they got the hottest girl. Hey everyone, check out this girl I managed to bag, aren't I just the greatest, and then they move onto the next one when they feel like the old model isn't good enough. Or like during sex with some guys it's all, isn't my cock awesome, you can't get enough of my cock can you, you're a slut for me and only me. Even if you're falling asleep while they're pounding away. I don't get it, do men have naturally egotistical tendencies?

>> No.6414732


>> No.6414734

fine, but I hope you're ready to get a .38 between your brain lobes

or just some chocolate dick between the thighs if you're a chick

>> No.6414737
File: 24 KB, 343x257, two-grills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what you're talking about. tldr.

By the way, check out a pic of me and my grillfriend. She's real cute, isn't she? Haha she's got such a firey personality.

>> No.6414736

Yes men have ego problems
just like how women are shallow

>> No.6414739
File: 339 KB, 1200x1000, 8bee284ba1a1756364bbd8fe627ea632d7fbbb83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you aren't welcome in our hobbies
Just let me have my escapist fantasies please.

>> No.6414744
File: 35 KB, 400x270, BackToBack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can top that.

We went to see Mr. and Mrs. Jones a while back and couldn't resist taking a pic like the movie poster. Look, she's so hot. Especially when she's wearing red.

>> No.6414749

the man isn't the only one to blame in that story
it's the womans fault for staying with him as well

>> No.6414763

I'm aware of that, it's just that I've known so many men with this problem. Been with one of them. Some of them don't even realize what they're doing. It's just really hilarious to watch, especially when /r9k/ insists men are the be all and end all of logic.

>> No.6414776

theres more than one of you?

>> No.6414788
File: 277 KB, 2550x3300, vivalagrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I've been going back and forth with at least one if not two grill anons.

By the way. Don't let the grills die! Keep it up!
I even made you a motivational poster!

>> No.6414810

But...I've been alive just over 20 years and for 15 if those I myself have been playing video games,and not once have I called a guy an undesirable loser for it.
My parents also took me to cons when I was little because they're Trek nerds and once I was allowed out of the room after 10 realized night at cons is everyone trying to hook up and wearing considerably fewer articles of clothing.


>> No.6414818
File: 62 KB, 401x301, 943783785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There are more of us being made every day.
It's just a matter of time, anon.

That's great. I'll be bringing that to the weekly grills anonymous meetings.

>> No.6414823

You sound like a braggart. Get out.

>> No.6414829
File: 33 KB, 353x500, jooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was so pretty before she became 3edgy4me

>> No.6414879

LOL because the bullying geeks and nerds have put up with is totally just like slavery amirite

>> No.6414887

To be honest that is a relief. I like video games,played them since I was eight. Bums me out that such whiny fagoots dare to refer to themselves as men. Even if this were the fifties I doubt they could amount to shit and be that ideal in their heads. They'd still need a realdoll. What do you suppose they'd fuck in the fifties though since realdolls didn't exist? Anyway, their frame of mind, being this catty, hey maybe they're just gay. Fuck em. Whiny bastards probably aren't even financially independent.

>> No.6414890

Just making a point sir/madam. Basically chiming in that generalization is bad because some of us have indeed been fans of the vidya from young ages and therefore would have no grounds for calling anyone male or female a loser for it without being a massive hypocrite.
The con remark was just truth. Those nerds party hard. By 8 the booze is out and klingons are grinding on stormtroopers.

>> No.6414933

>Implying women didn't and aren't getting ridiculed for fighting for their rights too
10/10 I'm laughing

>> No.6414954


Yes, they do. And it's the sole reason that they can be unbearable to be around. It isn't even that they're big headed; they're just so insecure that they constantly need to reassure themselves. So fucking pathetic.

>> No.6414967


>> No.6414970

Another thread to prove my point

- all virgin males should be killed.

Join me sisters!

>> No.6415004

Lol, yeah, and people totes thought those women burning bras were cool, right? I'm sure they all got handsome husbands latter? Everyone loved them and nobody opposed the shit they did?

You seem to think that these male Congress could just "oh, well, in MY PERSONAL OPINION women shouldn't have rights so I'm not voting for anything". Or that if they passed the legislation, it was because they agreed with it.

Do you even know how society fucking works? If there's a lot of pressure from a big part of the population, you can't simply say "yeah, no, fuck you."

>> No.6415038

Fuck you /v/ I don't see your name on it.

>> No.6415049

Why do you care so much about videogames? Grow up.

>> No.6415130

Sounds Beautiful

>> No.6415374

Now you understand why /v/ sucks. I can't even discuss video games without faggots going around dissing everything.

On another note, y'all bitches and fags made my night. Please invade /v/ on a couple of occasions.

>> No.6415627
File: 498 KB, 707x1000, chun li.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would we invade /v/? Most of us are already there. We just don't come in yelling HAAAAY THE GURLS ARE HERE, we fit in like everyone else. When you're here you're on our turf, busta.

Pic related, it's what I look like but completely different and actually attractive

>> No.6415665

not makoto/10

>> No.6417305

die virgins die! make your mothers cry!!

>> No.6417355

>Come to /cgl/ for the first time
>See this thread

What the hell is going on here? Isn't this board for cosplay?

>> No.6417356

i sitll love you /cgl/ even though you're all bunch of cunts

>> No.6417387

Shit nigga, ya'll need to chill.

>> No.6417398

It's for cosplay and lolita. But anyways, currently invaded with /v/, /fa/, /fit/ and anons banned from /jp/ for posting in a thread for used panties.
And usually, this board is filled with women so scum men always come here to point out how "disgusting" we are.

>> No.6417425

>Implying you've ever had to gone through slavery

good one you nigger

>> No.6417433

No this board about drama and shit

>> No.6417492

The issue here is that you guys who get upset over girls playing video games assume we just jumped on the bandwagon last year. Some of us have been playing games just as long as you have. The first game I ever played was Diablo, about a week after it came out. I've been playing vidya since. My friends did, too. Yeah, we got picked on at school, called freaks and nerds, but we didn't give a fuck. We liked our Zelda and Final Fantasy and we still played. From elementary school until the end of high school, I was given a massive amount of shit for playing video games. I met some other "gamers" and hung out with them, but the majority of my peers still made fun of me. Only when I got to college did it change. I saw someone who used to make fun of me in high school for playing video games wearing a triforce hoodie less than 2 years after she decided that.

Some of us have been doing this just as long as you. You have a right to be mad at bandwagoners, just as we do. Just don't get mad at us because we have different genitalia.

>> No.6417551

I'm just here from the /q/ thread, but christ that story about the guy who turned into a hardcore christfag was awful. Now that's something to fear.

>I saw someone who used to make fun of me in high school for playing video games wearing a triforce hoodie less than 2 years after she decided that.

Fucking casuals.

>> No.6417970

Hey /cgl/, im sick of seeing you on /g/, please abstain from posting there.

Fuck you


>> No.6417976

Males made the gaming industry while females ridiculed it

until "nerd culture" was accepted
and now females in the industry ruin everything with their shitty writing

It's ours, you she-devils

>> No.6418166


The less attractive the girl, the more forward she needs to be- the reverse is also true

This creates a sad paradox wherein attractive yet introverted guys are constantly hit on by girls they don't want to sleep with (at least more than once), and attractive girls never make the first move