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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 783 KB, 1050x700, 1349204657802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6401125 No.6401125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6401133

Would bang

stupid septum piercing tho

>> No.6401165

You're too old to dress like that.
It's a pretty naff outfit to begin with tbh.
Quit reposting that shit.

>> No.6401197


>> No.6401210

>implying this hasn't been posted a million times before
>implying OP is actually that woman
>implying implications

Get real, people.

>> No.6401264

christ. you are hideous.

>> No.6401475
File: 85 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-11-10 at 15.07 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6401480

Your face looks like shit. You should start dressing comfortably because you are too fucking ugly to be a sex object.

>> No.6401484


>> No.6401491 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is that thing to your left?

>> No.6401535

That's not Todd... Dill?

>> No.6402020
File: 395 KB, 347x472, dat flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well okay.

I just wanted to look dapper today.

>> No.6402026

On the behalf of /cgl, I congradulate
Todd and Dill are officially a couple now.
More info on fb.

>> No.6402047
File: 8 KB, 320x240, you-pay-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lie!

>> No.6402057

What's your tat, brah?

>> No.6402059

What happened to piplup?!

>> No.6402073

The one visible in that is Lyn-Z from MSI.
>so new it hurts
Jesus Christ, I've been off /cgl/ for months and I know this vendetta.

>> No.6402074

You look like a complete tool.

>> No.6402079

You still owe me that candy you liar.

Lookin' spiffy.

>> No.6402087

>post cosplay on a cosplay board
>anon babby misses joke completely
>a bloo bloo bloo
Come to PMX. I'll give you a Snickers.

>> No.6402095

Fill me in, bro.

>> No.6402090
File: 207 KB, 495x1000, IMGP6016_副本3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, we both know Kotetsu isn't exactly dapper.

Casual lolita today. Forgive the room, it is my sisters but she moved the mirror and I couldn't be bothered to move it back.

>> No.6402099


But srsly girl, dat coat.


>> No.6402103

Fine, I'll go! In spirit.
I only like snickers if they are frozen. Better get it right man!

Just wanted to say that. I'm out!

>> No.6402107
File: 32 KB, 251x265, 1259811923145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen snickers
I can't, I'm banned.

>> No.6402105
File: 309 KB, 460x351, 1341728555101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402115

I can't eat ice cream. It hurts my tummy. Have you not had frozen snickers!? I also like frozen hohos...and twix. I hate them normal though.

>> No.6402119

You tricked me you fucking asshole.

>> No.6402120

Deep fried Snickers are best.
And I HATE hard candy.
I can't even do cold candy.

>> No.6402126

Frozen chocolate is the fucking best. Snickers, Twix, Reese's Cups. Goddamn, I'm craving them now.

>> No.6402135

Deep fried? It sounds...so gross.. All I imagine when I hear deep fried is sitting at my county fair with the obese people shoving that stuff down their throat.
Dis person know what I be talkin' 'bout. Yeeeeyuhhhh!

>> No.6402153
File: 225 KB, 750x422, 1320758970871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.6402192


Can I buy you copious amounts of chocolate to eat all night?

>> No.6402195

You freeze it first. Then put it in something so it doesn't melt when you fry it.

It's fucking amazing. My buddy's wife made some and it was like eating orgasms.

>> No.6402199

Hell yeah you can.

>> No.6402445

I have a very sensitive stomach so I'll probably just give it a try once. Though, im scared I'll like it haha.

>> No.6402916

Some vendettachan continuously posts that they broke up. Piplup x Todd is still together. They and other torontofags confirm it.

>> No.6403397


>> No.6403498

I like how all the Canadian cancers came into this thread just to say how ~*utterly d-i-s-g-u-s-t-e-d*~ they are at the 'ZOMG horrible vendetta reeking, ultra fat butthurt fattychan' who's spreading awful aaaaaawful rumors about the most ideal couple in the woooooooorld.

FYI, I was the guy who started the whole thing just for the lulz, making fun of how someone was posting Todd's pic over and over again, so I just said it was piplup mad after he broke up with her.

But of course, you just had to start bleeding out of your anuses as fast as a rectal prolapse sufferer.

I never had nothing against Todd, he's one of the few tolerable people from your circlejerk crew, and I am pretty sure nobody was taking it seriously, until dumbfucks like DQ & co started getting offended by it.

Never change /cgl/.

>> No.6403630

tch someone isn't informed.
dill already has a husbando but he's not even a cgl user

>> No.6403650

>I was the guy

you ain't no guy

you a girl, and you mad as hell.

>> No.6403679

Whatever you think DQ. Todd would probably recognize me (as a male) if I told him who I am.

>> No.6403723

>all the Canada cancers came in this thread and abloobloobloooo

lol none of these things happened

>> No.6403729

Sure you have nothing against Todd, but you do against piplup because you're a jelly fat female. Reread your post. Not even the worst betashit from /r9k/ types like that. You're a girl.

>> No.6403731

It's a metaphorical saying. ValleLator, for example, is a Canada cancer despite not being Canadian. Crawl up the Canadian's arse far too much and you'll become one of them.

Cry more, drama ho.

>> No.6403736

Emo fag

>> No.6403824

>drama ho
Coming from the jealous fatty who fabricated drama

>> No.6403833
File: 83 KB, 350x350, TLCOMNT007-BLU-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these. lazy sunday. unless i need to go anywhere or do anything today, i'm not getting out of them.

>> No.6403839
File: 2 KB, 113x126, 1303575796424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I took a photo of my outfit yesterday. It was adorable.

>> No.6403840

Yo bitch, do you want to see my dick or what? I guess you do seeing that you date a small dicked dyel azn.

>> No.6403848


that is cute as hell

>> No.6403872
File: 921 KB, 320x201, 1332367048365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aquabats, yo

>> No.6403875

Oh my god I'm in the exact same thing right now! :D

>> No.6403898


>tfw you will never have a cute pajama party

>> No.6403907


get some cool aquabats ones or a kigurumi, and join us?

>> No.6403918

I hate that one aggressive female "friend" who is just dying for the taken guy to break up with his loving gf so she can swoop in and "comfort him".

>> No.6404290
File: 12 KB, 205x536, 2012-11-12_10-03-30_826-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel confident enough in an outfit to post in one if these threads. Went shopping yesterday, came back with this pretty dress, the lace is so soft.
Apologies if the photo is shit quality, posting from my phone

>> No.6404344

Yeah! I bought them at SDCC. I have the boxers and Shirt too but I don't wear those because those are signed.

Aquabat PJ party!

>> No.6404475

wow, way to make that nice dress look dumpy as fuck.

>> No.6404485

I'm currently naked and playing with my 32C tits.

>> No.6404502


>implying anyone cares about your 32C tits


>> No.6404506

i have an older lil bat shirt, and then the toddland socks, as well as full gear for their current costumes. it's a problem. a problem made of awesome.

>> No.6404513
File: 62 KB, 480x576, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404519


>> No.6404565

I'm wearing a shirt and panties and not playing with my 34DD tits.

Because I'm not a weirdo who faps to WAYWT threads.

>> No.6404576

It would look a lot better without the black shirt I think.

>> No.6404578


No need for jelly I have awesome boobs myself but I know no one cares so I'm not gonna whore myself on the internet by telling I'm playing with them.

>> No.6404597

/cgl/ still can't tell when they're being trolled.

>> No.6404683

cgl's always mad. doesn't even matter if its a troll or not anymore

>> No.6404704

> blue jeans with a giant-ass hole in the inner thigh cuz they're comfortable and i'm too broke to replace them
> brooklyn rage t-shirt signed by LittleKuriboh
> pink/white/yellow/blue plaid shirt

>> No.6404712

The collar's actually part of the dress, I'm wearing a plain long sleeved shirt underneath because I'm kinda self conscious about my arms and because I thought the black tights might look out of place with the dress.

>> No.6404718

Its cute, but either wear something ontop like a cute cardigan or dont wear anything besides the dress. The shirt under is just bulky, unflattering and ruins how cute it is.

>> No.6404719

The black tights are fine. You should try it without the black shirt next time.

>> No.6404733

Okay. I need to get a new black shirt anyway, the one I'm wearing in that pic is a bit too big.

Would a black cardigan look okay? I have a beige cardigan as well, but it's a slightly different colour from the dress so it looks a tad odd.

>> No.6404736

I think this could look a lot better with a waist belt

>> No.6404743


You should wear a cardigan if you don't wanna show your arms. Forget about black shirts underneath.

>> No.6404747


Thanks for your help, I can't into fashion at all.

>> No.6404749 [DELETED] 

I think you're all beautiful butterflies

>> No.6404761

yeah if this was belted and had sheer tights instead of black tights and you took away the black shirt underneath and wore a cute jacket instead (or no jacket is good too) the dress would look cuter

>> No.6404837

'sup, still thirsty for todd's dick?

>> No.6404893

>I never had nothing against Todd
>I had something against Todd
Come on, how did no one else notice this?
He's admitted it himself.

>> No.6404905

that's totally a girl writing tho.

>> No.6405068

I need to get their costume gear before next SDCC. oh my gosh I haven't been able to nerd out about the bats in forever.

>> No.6405120
File: 63 KB, 267x480, Wearingtoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice outfit, the socks really make the outfit

I'm a fan

Good cosplay, wrong thread

That dress looks great, like the coat too. Socks and shoes also work well together. Nice outfit

The dress is nice, iffy about the coat maybe it's just the picture. Otherwise nice

Also my pic, wasen't really wearing anything fancy today, Just basic stuff.

>> No.6405132 [DELETED] 

how is this the wrong thread? he's cosplaying today. Go eat something and lift, you look like a 12 year old.

>> No.6405143

What a faggot. First time on /cgl/?

>> No.6405499


>> No.6405536

CADETS UNITE! i gotta redo the belt though, or hope that cadet registration opens back up soon, and they'll just release belts again.

>> No.6407114


>> No.6407134

I need to get me an Anti Negativity Helmet, Goggles, and the Rashguard.

>> No.6407163
File: 366 KB, 960x720, Picture 221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing the some of my pinkie cosplay, a pony shirt and shitty boring trousers that i need to sew up on one leg.


>> No.6407187

There's someone sleeping on the couch. What does the shirt say?

>> No.6407209

It's his manly looking gf.

>> No.6407216

so much eyeliner

>> No.6407246

No. That's my flatmate, Ben. I'm single again after an incident where I got in a fight with someone a few months back. If any girls are going to Thought Bubble and fancies hooking up with a Pinkie Pie cosplayer...

.>What does the shirt say?
Unite the herd.

Eeh... makeup's in beta. I just wanted to see how it turned out. That said, Pinkie has some of the longest lashes in the show (since Rarity's are apparently false), so her eyes look a little more made up

>> No.6407248

Why doesnt anyone know what WAYWT are supposed to be?

You're supposed to show a picture of what you are naturally wearing today. Not to dress up for a picture and show people your cosplay.

/cgl/ never knows how to do these threads. It's annoying.

>> No.6407254

who is the purtty girl in op's pic?
I want to be her furend.

>> No.6407256
File: 316 KB, 535x480, shot2 (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I was already wearing the wig, then saw the thread. Hah!

>> No.6407309

everyone else doesn't know what to do. 90 posts only 3 or 4 are actual outfits. plus you aren't showing the outfit, you're only showing off your wig.

>> No.6407361

Like it or not, these threads are technically off topic. When people posts cosplay or lolita, it at least makes it board relevant.

>> No.6407364


Pardon me.

>> No.6407400


People on /cgl/ are so god damn vain they can't show a picture of themselves without it being some sort of premeditated production to get attention.

If you're going to copy a thread type started in /fa/ at least have the balls to do it right.

>> No.6407405


>> No.6409165

More outfits or whatever

>> No.6409208

Post yours, Todd.

>> No.6409301
File: 48 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6409486

you're adorbs.

polite sage for not contributing

>> No.6409575

What a newfag.

>> No.6409741

why are you wearing fucking makeup

>> No.6409765
File: 240 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6409772

that jacket's too big for you man

>> No.6409784

it is.

>> No.6409929
File: 66 KB, 218x511, 1112121709-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing i dont mind the cold weather. :|

>> No.6409952
File: 212 KB, 720x960, raveAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yesterday, but my sad attempt at rave wear for AV

>> No.6409986

just cuff you sleeves.

Also obvious /fa/ lurker is obvious.

Would call you out on it if I ever saw you.

>> No.6409989

yeah I do cuff em most of the time, haven't been to /fa/ in years actually.

>> No.6410198

The purse is a little too much I think.

>> No.6410203

You look like a massive fag. Nothing fits you, and I'm sure if you didn't take that picture at a retarded, camwhore angle you'd look like a frumpy stub.
Who knew one of the most useless shitposters here also cannot dress themselves?

>> No.6410206

Hnnnngh dem arms. My body is about the size as yours but my arms are twice the thickness. Feelsbadman.

>> No.6410247

Her arms and legs are way too skinny

>> No.6410258

need a better quality photo in order to judge it properly but
I agree with Todd that the purse is a bit much for the outfit

>> No.6410286

I think he's eaten too many of her cupcakes HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

Captcha: curself BIRTH

>> No.6410314

lol just my jacket is a little big, calm down.

>> No.6410591

you just need to do a lot less on your lower lid. Your liner is making your eyes look closed instead of popping

>> No.6410931
File: 194 KB, 750x1000, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got up at like 6pm today and only left the house to go to the supermarket. I'd like to say that's an excuse for dressing like crap but really this is pretty much how I always dress.

>> No.6411042

Can't see shit but that girl looks like an Auschwitz corpse, take her out for dinner some time.


Say hello to your frumpy twin sister.

Get a haircut and lose the hat. You are Asian and 5'4'', aren't you?

Absolutely disgusting makeup. You look inbred.

Why is your left hand so tiny?


I want to break your arm. How much for a night?

Are you a lumberjack and/or engineering student?

>> No.6411049

The purse just carries my I.D and such. I dont like actual shoulder bags because i never really have enough to carry in them to make it worth it.

>> No.6411060

Negative. I am a NEET.

>> No.6411196
File: 68 KB, 413x550, IMG_20121113_120457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home from the doctors.

I really need a wardrobe change, Kinda tired of wearing the same shit over and over.

>> No.6411303

/fa/, buddy. Lurk, pick things or a general style you like. Take your trip off.

Don't go crazy on the designer shit they try to market (i.e. $900+ shoes) but use it as a source of inspiration.

>> No.6411326

You would make a pretty good trap.

>> No.6411355

seconding this

>> No.6411378
File: 268 KB, 535x786, 2125691-chiep4g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told.

My friends keep bugging me about how I should cosplay Chie from P4.

>> No.6411488
File: 319 KB, 864x1296, CAM00013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went with my buddy to the midnight release of COWADOODIE and this picture happened.

>> No.6411494
File: 51 KB, 609x772, 425248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411508

oh please do
that would be wonderful!

>> No.6411534


>> No.6411683

Nice coat, dude.

>> No.6411692

Lorna Jane running tights, a t-shirt and hoodie. Just got back from the gym and now I'm packing for a flight, so there's no time to be stylish. Sigh. Story of my life.

>> No.6412148
File: 43 KB, 244x327, dereere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New jacket, denim and leather, don't know how I fully feel about it yet

>> No.6412160

I'll probably end up doing it by the end of the year or next year when I can get my Beat cosplay finished.

Guess it's a good thing I can morph my voice to that of a little girl, but I don't know how much that would work for Chie, but I could always try her voice to try and keep in character.

>> No.6412342

I can't really see the outfit, so I can't tell you if I like it or not.

>> No.6412349

>/cgl/ - ugly women general

>> No.6412492


>> No.6412803

you're cute af, damn

>> No.6412915
File: 139 KB, 879x855, p_01709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6412916
File: 227 KB, 1753x1224, p_01710edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6412921
File: 46 KB, 610x412, 610x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem child bearing hips

>> No.6412922

What is with that fighter's stance.

>> No.6412924


can't help but think that black/gold heels would've been better, but that's a cool dress!

>> No.6412941

Never mind, looks like a barbie stance.

>> No.6412944

Sorry anon, but I don't like this. It's matchy in a bad way, and I just don't like the dress in general.

>> No.6412952

Those shoes ruined that dress.

>> No.6412969
File: 737 KB, 396x888, wqewqeq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got back from skyfall

>> No.6412979


That's horrible. Just horrible.

>> No.6412996


>> No.6412998

The dress ruined itself tbh

>> No.6414480
File: 162 KB, 988x1095, p_01749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i'll definitely get different shoes before i wear it again or just wear black boots


>> No.6414483
File: 194 KB, 992x1414, p_01751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6414602

Do those muks have gum soles? If so who makes them? I want to buy a pair for mori outfits but Vibram soles are unsightly and they are the only kind I found in the Manitobah store near me.

>> No.6414659

I never liked that cheap foil used to add details to clothing. The pattern is okay just executed wrong.

An them shoes, guuurrrll return them

>> No.6414675
File: 68 KB, 245x552, ohayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pffftt I don't know why people are complaining, you look good

>> No.6414743


they're about $50 more than manitobahs, but the overall design/craftsmanship is a lot better

>> No.6414753
File: 192 KB, 750x1000, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from Skyfall. Was pretty good. Felt a little overdressed for going to the cinema alone though.

Unless you quoted the wrong person, thank you kindly Anonymous.

>> No.6414764
File: 63 KB, 1280x800, tumblr_m4qrcmM6Bn1rpcpfno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Dallas Green

>> No.6414899
File: 254 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2day. makes me look short. idk.

>> No.6414902

u r short lil monky man

>> No.6414907

are you gay, lesbian, or a tranny?

>> No.6414906
File: 183 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikr. 6ft is short nowadays.

>> No.6414966

I know you're trying to seem like the 'cool guy who is also kawaii' or whatever but you should realize you just come off as a pathetic tryhard. You have a haggard face and nothing about you is cute. And now you're buying things on the internet just to take pictures of yourself wearing them in the hopes someone will notice you.

You are not cut out to be a cosplayer, don't have the look to be a /cgl/ attention whore, and don't have the creativity to be a good troll. It's time to get a life.

>> No.6415140


>> No.6415213

not sure if its just the angle you take pics but your legs just look way short in proportion to your frame--the light shirt w/ the dark jeans doesnt help, makes you look top heavy

>> No.6415239

woah, someone is pmsing today.
I don't like God, but even this feels a bit too much.

>> No.6415254 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaa hahahahahahaha. damnyoumad. + I got that at a con with some friends. here, get more mad.

>> No.6415257


>not cut out to be a cosplayer
>not cut out to play dress-up and act childish all day

Sounds about right.

>> No.6415306

Ban evasion.

>> No.6415313

It's funny to me because it's true. As a tripfag, as a cosplayer, and as a person, he's pretty useless.

>> No.6415320


You totally know everything about him and his worth as a person. Seems like something you'd have full authority on.

>> No.6415328

It's okay. Reno is a slut. And really, that's all that matter.

>> No.6415335


So are the majority of girls on /cgl/, what's your point?

>> No.6415341


>> No.6415347


I don't see how this determines anything about his worth generally.

>> No.6415352

Reno = Slut, God = Worthless. It's simple mathematics.

>> No.6415359

Why are you even bothering to reply to this anon?

>> No.6415361

I need to get /fit/. That way, I won't have to settle for ugly whores like the OP's picture.

>> No.6415362

Why are you even trying to defend God when he's so worthless?

>> No.6415381

I'm not defending anyone. I asked a question.

>> No.6415458

In an attempt to make this a thread ACTUALLY about outfits of people... feedback.

Too many bracelets. are you in high school? Too much make up around the eyes. I don't like ths shirt.

oh you. looking sexy as always.

what are you even doing. you don't look dapper. You just look ridiculous.

I like it. good coord.

it's tough to see clearly how everything fits at the top, but the color scheme reminds me of a panda.

Boring, lose the hat.

The coat is huge on you. fix it.

I need better quality.
>agree with Todd purse is a bit much

i suppose that's what you wear at a rave, but not saying i like it.

get a darker pair of jeans. the ones you are wearing are washed out and old. and long.

>> No.6415462


the hoodie is atrocious and too big. not a fan of graphic tees (especially video game characters).

nice coat...?

your legs look almost face with those on. Also i'm not sure if the color of your jacket is coordinating very well with your black + skin tone.

A horrible dress. get rid of it.

not sure what you're wearing for shoes... Your pants too too long. Otherwise a safe and boring outfit

The boots seem overdone and flare-y. But that's your style, your opinion. The jacket might be too big for you.

Your pants are too big, you look like you walk on your pant legs.

The hoodie would look better without the straps/dangly ugly strings. You cuffed the jeans, good.

>> No.6415536
File: 279 KB, 300x800, ootd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ related story that goes with my outfit today:

>getting lunch in the dining hall
>some guy stops me and asks me if I'm cosplaying
>stutter out "n-no..."
>tells me he and his friend were debating it because I "look like an anime character - which is a good thing!"
>go sit down to eat, not really sure what just happened...

>> No.6415538

he want yo num

>> No.6415555

I want her num

>> No.6415557

I think you look like you are cosplaying because you're wearing a wig, hun.

>> No.6415567
File: 440 KB, 800x533, 1352438432522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visiting from /fa/ and /fit/ because there was a link to the board on /fit/ frontpage - Everybody in this thread except these two needs a lot of work on their fashion.

>> No.6415576

if true, it was hard to tell with all the spaghetti between the two of us.

trust me, only people used to wigs can tell - it's amazing how many "did you dye your hair?!" comments I get every time I wear a wig (yes, and it grew several inches overnight).
granted, if he's into cosplay, maybe he could, don't know.
but considering he was trying to fake a British accent and was carrying a decorative cane, I think he was just...odd.

>> No.6415586

u sayin girls don't like the fake brit accent and cane?

damn, I should whip out my trenchcoat/fedora combo

>> No.6415592
File: 12 KB, 210x144, blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that dress, where is it from?

>> No.6415596

why not combine them?

>> No.6415603

No no, guys.

Khaki pants, with socks in sandals.

AND fedora fat.

Guys, that's the best.

I knew someone who went to university with me in Japan who wore it everyday.

>> No.6415605


Please, that dress, tell me where you got it, please!

>> No.6415608

Thank you for your input. It's something I've been conscious of for a while but more fitted trousers always feel weird to me. I will try getting trousers that fit slightly better in the future though. Thank you again.

>> No.6415612

forever 21

>> No.6415613 [DELETED] 


Please, that dress, tell me where you got it, please!

>> No.6415616

its pretty fucking obvious youre wearing a wig

>> No.6415623

I wish I saw you mugi chan.

>> No.6415625

your friend has a good fashion sense

I do everything he does, but I carry a bag of Cheetos (extra cheesy) in one of my many khaki pants pockets, while carrying the superior blade known as the katana

>> No.6415648

Do you also carry a notebook in your backpack, and whip it out to "sketch" cute Japanese girls who walk by while talking about Kamen Rider?

If so, DING DING DING, we have a winner!

>> No.6415652

That's what I assumed. If she had her natural hair, no one would think she was cosplaying, just dressing anime-style.

But the wig is clearly a cosplay indicator. Not many people wear them like that outside of a costume.

>> No.6415714

>Not many people wear them like that outside of a costume

No. I wear wigs alot, and hardly anybody notices they're fake. My real hair used to be shoulder length black, and I wore black bobs or curls and they just though I'd styled it a bit. I wore a good quality blonde wig for halloween and people kept asking me if I dyed my hair.

Lots of fashionable Asians wear wigs on a daily basis, clip on pony tails and bangs included. Unless it's a pastel, spiky, shiny wig that clearly looks unnatural then it's not a clear indicator of cosplay.

Heck, my actual hair now is sea foam green and pink. Still not cosplay.

>> No.6415724

Oops, sorry, I went to make some dinner, but >>6415612 is correct.

>> No.6415747

>No. I wear wigs alot, and hardly anybody notices they're fake.

People you TALK to. I bet the vast majority of people realize they're fake, and just don't mention it.

>> No.6415788

Get a different pair of boots, they don't go with the rest of the theme. They're sort of scruffy looking, which is not bad in itself, but they look strange with the rest being so crisp and clean.

Not sure if samefag. Those two need work.

>decorative cane
Oh gawd what a sperg

>> No.6415794

Yea most people cant tell when people are wearing wigs but your wig looks really cosplay low quality. It looks like a wig, don't get defensive when people are telling the truth nigga.

>> No.6415817
File: 102 KB, 313x771, A7q_QRvCIAAHrA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hah! I have the same dress and wore it out and someone said I looked like anime too

dark purple tights and headband,black everything else. Today was windier than I expected

>> No.6415860

I only posted this about my wig >>6415576, so I'm not really sure how I could be called defensive. Everything else concerning wigs and what-not was posted by other people while I was cooking dinner.

The wig, however, is actually very nice quality, I think what's making it look "wiggy" in this photo is the way the ends are laying, which I fixed afterward on my way to class - I wanted to hurry and take photos before I left because I knew it would be dark by the time I got back.

Sage because seriously people, it's not a big deal. I don't care if people know it's a wig, I straight up tell them if they compliment my hair or otherwise comment on it.

>> No.6416955

I think I might know the guy you ran into. Do you live in the south?

>> No.6416998
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Please someone tell me where I can buy this dress online. F21's site doesn't have it and my mall doesn't have the store anymore

>> No.6417009 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 1437x429, hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canali Shirt
John Varvatos Collection Olive twill cotton pants

I have a question though, next weekend I have to be at a firm event downtown (LA) and I have to wear one of these ties

or go buy another one from Salvatore ferragamo or something to fit in

which one should I wear?
I know they're hideous but I want to blend in with these guys they gave me a set of lakers season passes last year and a few dodgers tickets

>> No.6417018
File: 36 KB, 604x453, weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6417244

/fa/ here. Pls be trolling...you guys dress horribly..

The only reason i'm here is because your village idiot rumpeldumpling is loose again. pls retain him from our board. thx.


>> No.6417249


>> No.6417255

Who the fuck is that? It doesn't belong to us. You're on the wrong board, faggot.

>> No.6417256

rumpeldumpling is from /fa/ and female, you are dumb.

>> No.6417252

You look like you are cosplaying because you are wearing a wig and your clothes lack quality and texture which makes them look fake and plastic. Especially the buttons look like something you made yourself to resemble a character.

>> No.6417254

the face of an autist

>> No.6417268

It doesn't belong to /fa/ neither.
He obviously lurks here so he is your tripfag to deal with.

>> No.6417276

He's still female.

>> No.6417286

Well, I don't know who he/she is so you're probablly right. Still. stay off /fa/ you reatrds.

back to effay with me..

>> No.6417332

they weren't on /fa/
the regular /fa/ poster rumpeldumpling posted this for us to laugh at, /cgl/ has nothing to do with it

>> No.6417370
File: 1.42 MB, 1070x1020, 1352927600388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe what a dumb cunt you are. Rumpel is a /fa/ regular, and she has been for months.

And this wouldn't be the first time that /cgl/ was crossposted to /fa/ so unbunch your pantaloons.



>> No.6417372

tryhard casemod faggot
just leave

>> No.6417393
File: 4 KB, 203x220, tumblr_l9c0zx49Tl1qcpfw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you Mallory Mal... etc? Whatevs your name was? Its me, Katie

>> No.6417395


>> No.6417405

If I can find 3 more participants, I'm going to try and do this at a con next spring. I love the Aquabats.

>> No.6417407

is there anyone that hasn't been on 4chan for a few months there?

>> No.6417414

I actually hate these threads but this one in particular has provided me with many laughs.

>> No.6417423
File: 189 KB, 631x1125, Mississauga-20121115-00439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new hoodie

>> No.6417430
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Let your hair grow.

>> No.6417431

Also /fa/ and /fit/ here. Agreed; this thread is a shitshow. Even the first post you quoted is questionable, as I'm sure the jacket is shitty (but we just can't see it).

This stuff might look cute when you have a body like >>6415536 but otherwise you just look like a disgusting basement-dwelling tryhard.

>/cgl/ wonders why they can't get boyfriends
>dress like fucking retards
>can't separate anime from real life

>> No.6417432

what kinda panties were you wearing

>> No.6417452

they think you're in cosplay because you're dressed like an anime characters
they also think you look good.

I don't particularly like the style (probably because of anime), but it does flatter you

>> No.6417490
File: 2.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20121115_103842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I actually feel slim enough to post in this thread. Nothing too fancy, just flannel shirt and jeans since I usually keep the house at around 60 degrees.

>> No.6417493

not him, but can a tailor shorten/slim an m65 jacket as well as the sleeves? would it be hard be hard to shorten because of the pockets?

>> No.6417540

You look like you still live with your mom. Do you still live with your mom?

>> No.6417564

nice hair

>> No.6417668

You're ugly.

>> No.6417947

F21 changes their store and website pretty often (every two weeks or so?) and I was lucky to find it about a month ago at my store and it was the only one left. So unless you have someone selling it online, you probably won't be able to grab one.or just get the product number, go up to an employee and ask them to search if they have any in the store to save you some time

>> No.6418037

>led zeppelin


>> No.6418148

Getting back on topic... Feedback...

To an outsider, it looks like cosplaying. That doesn't mean it looks bad. It just looks stereotypicaly anime. Probably because of the wig.

It's hard to tell in the bad quality picture... Outfit seems okay... I don't think the open jacket looks very good. Not a fan of the belt, and lose some weight.

hard to even tell. But I hate the big shirt look. It doesn't go with the long socks and shoes you have chose. Two styles that don't mix.

Go back to /fa/ You got your feedback there. Lose the scarf. Otherwise fine.

lose the chain on your jeans. you're not pulling off that look with that face/hair.

lose weight. jeans are baggy/too big and go with a darker color. button one more up on shirt.

cgl is pulling in people from other boards. And this is the thread they have to look at to see how cgl dresses. What are you doing. None of these look that good.

>> No.6418153
File: 2.07 MB, 3648x2736, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this new skirt at F21. They have alot of great neutrals, I just picked up this skirt, and a couple more. I'm having the hardest time trying to pair it though.

>> No.6418161

For a simple outfit, I would say a white tank top, black cardi, black tights and shoes with a slight heel. Alternatively, white blouse, black sweater, black tights and same shoes.

>> No.6418312

Good god, where are your hips?

>> No.6418343

That hair looks terrible on you man.

>> No.6418377

looked worse before. Got it cut yesterday

>> No.6418444
File: 1.93 MB, 1323x979, skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I had to improvise, seems I don't own any black sweaters.
Trust me, I've got more than I know what to do with.

>> No.6418476

Looks decent, though I'd prefer the red cardigan with a white top. Also, a necklace with a small pendant would complete the outfit.

>> No.6418478
File: 141 KB, 480x640, 2012-11-15 16.50.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overlapping of the sweatshirt and skirt near the hips give you an odd silhouette. But i say right is better. I like the suggestions >>6418161
made for you. try those out next time.

going out to an early thanksgiving dinner thing, so something simple as usual

>> No.6418614
File: 108 KB, 256x500, DSC00649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.6418718
File: 241 KB, 720x1280, dem proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should stop insulting people in short phrases. Either give constructive criticism or don't say anything, and then maybe people would be nicer to you Mr.Five-head

>inb4 you hurt my feelings before and vendetta


>> No.6418725

got dam you are stylish

>> No.6418736


i'm still laughing

>> No.6418758

LMAO 5:1! 5:1!!1

>> No.6418788

still no hips though

>> No.6418795
File: 102 KB, 504x672, IMG_0246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair thought it could get away with being a bitch... well, not anymore. Beanie, fuck yeah.

>> No.6418800

is that a sonic shirt
please tell me that's not a sonic shirt

>> No.6418823
File: 724 KB, 960x720, 1351533332822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6418824

oh god it is

>> No.6418996

gotta go fster fster fster

>> No.6419002


>> No.6419032


Enver pls..I'll be your Wayne

>> No.6419330
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>> No.6419446
File: 46 KB, 500x889, JPlzb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I caved and bought two wreck it ralph t shirts at the Disney store after I got off work.

Both are kids sizes but I had to. The design on this one was just too cute! HRRRRNG Vanellope

Also not pictured, I wore giant furry boots to go with everything.

>> No.6419448

>mfw so many people took me seriously about the dapper thing

Grey sweats, white tee and a thin blue hoodie. My lounging clothes.

>> No.6419462
File: 20 KB, 397x488, 1339261641139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6419576 [DELETED] 

Now I'm sad
I rather like suits

>> No.6419629

So get one that fits, and for god's sake don't wear those colours.

>> No.6419646

This was my grandfathers :c
What is wrong with my colors?

>> No.6419652

>black suit
>blue shirt
>red tie
Are you fucking serious?
Where did you get your fashion sense, Hot Topic?
You have to be 17 if you think that's how suits are worn.

>> No.6419654

I have no fashion sense, this is true.

>> No.6419764
File: 10 KB, 70x50, 1 days to exam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for moooore feedback:
and if you haven't figured it out. i'm

lose the beanie. i wouldn't put that kind of cream color up against white. Choose a darker, fitter pair of jeans. I assume they are baggy.

get a suit that fits. tie isn't sharp. colors are atrocious. fix your hair.

jeans look too long, i've mentioned before that i don't like graphic tees, but as always... it's your style, you deal with it. the sweater is also too big, and shirt underneath is sticking out too much.

>> No.6419770

>>waaaaaaaaaah stop dressing how I don't like
Though okay, the problem with the suit is that both the blue shirt and red tie are bright colours and that aren't complementary, which is why its not working for him

>> No.6419777

Man, I'm jelly. the closest size I could get in any of the girls shirts was a boys L, but they were out, so I had to get an XL. God damn I want that mint Sugar Rush shirt.

>> No.6419778

Do you even clean your room?

>> No.6419779

I'm getting too used to the /fa/ way of suggesting things... shoving my style/preferences on others. Sorry about that. Will work on it. Thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.6419835
File: 206 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 11-16-12 at 12.24 AM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fell asleep in my clothes watching k-dramas. About to go league

>> No.6419836

Why do men even bother posting in these threads? Nobody cares about your t-shirt and jeans, bro. Go shave your beard or something.

>> No.6419846
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to a con.
Please ignore my lack of makeup.

>> No.6419883

Charcoal grey wool skirt, black tights, black long sleeve shirt. And I just bought a long charcoal coat. Only because they didn't have black in my size. I must look so depressed. No wonder men won't talk to me.

>> No.6420659


>> No.6420663


Resize your fucking images.

>> No.6420666

Fuck yeah I want her number too.