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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 500x500, Featured-yaya-han-jessica-rabbit-bustedjoystick-0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6409558 No.6409558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yaya Han's Jessica Rabbit cosplay: Hit or Miss?

>> No.6409574

hit from the front. If you see it from any other angle it looks awkward and weirdly shaped.

>> No.6409577

Looks great photoshopped.

Floor photos of it looks terrifying.

>> No.6409579

oh god her veins in her tits...and she looks more aged than usual in this photo...good god.

>> No.6409587

Unfortunately, the veins are a side effect of having big boobs. :(

The looking more aged is probably from how she did her contouring. Looks less like she intended and more like a drag queen...

>> No.6409591

That and her boobs are fake. XD

>> No.6409593

Fake or not, the nasty veins still happen.

That is exactly why I wish I had smaller boobs. They're more sensitive that way, too.

>> No.6409619

I really dislike the fake eye thing she did. It is really off-putting. Her body looks about right. Not crazy about the wig.

>> No.6409621

The veins might be popping from the squeezing from the corset. Apparently it's a heavy-duty one with two attached bras, and judging from other pics Yaya's actually quite chunky around the mid-section so there must be quite a lot of squeezing going on!

>> No.6409636

Actually, corsets do not do that.
(And there is no such thing as a "heavy duty" corset. There are plastic shit costume corsets, and corsets with real boning that are used to cinch the waist)
I'm a little chunky around the mid-section and I waist train. I can do about 6 inches of waist reduction. No, my boobs do not magically gain veins popping out.
They're probably just more noticeable because of her two bras plus whatever lighting she's in.

>> No.6409665

Uggh...her Jessica Rabbit cosplay makes it look as though her boobs are about to pop out. She put too much patting on the top. That, and the more I see Yaya doing cleavage!cosplay, the more I'm beginning to dislike her.

>> No.6409670

I don't have a problem with her doing cleavage-y cosplay.


>> No.6409668

Oh comon guys, she has feelings too!
She is a human-being!

>> No.6409687

You're saying that as if Jessica Rabbit's boobs didn't look as if they were going to pop out of her dress any moment of the movie. Haha.

>> No.6409692

She has the color scheme right. That's about it.

Her makeup is horrendous. It makes her look like someone you'd find on the streetside.

>> No.6409693

I seem to have the unpopular opinion but I actually kinda liked her makekup. The exaggerated eye look and her body pretty much suits her in my mind. I feel like this is probably one of the best and most accurate cosplays she has done. She didn't even have to alter it to show off boob.

>> No.6409695


Yeah, that's what I meant to say but couldn't put my finger on it first. It's actually why I dislike her. I didn't mind at first, but then every time I see her doing a new cleavage!cosplay, there's just something...not right with her attitude about it.

>> No.6409700
File: 1.33 MB, 180x180, Nice3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying cgl understands human emotions
>implying cgl isn't a bunch of landwhales beached upon a shore with wi-fi

>> No.6409719


I bet you she followed this tutorial for the eye make-up:


>> No.6409908

And I bet you she didn't and wouldn't credit the video for it.

>> No.6409914 [DELETED] 

Really? Check out this post. LOL at the comments

>> No.6409928
File: 63 KB, 417x700, tumblr_m9yh51M7fd1qi3ch2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about the way it sits on her chest just seems... off.

>> No.6409981

she looks like a man in drag

>> No.6409982

I'd be so surprised if I struck up a conversation with her and a man voice wouldn't be emitted.

>> No.6409983

She really should have padded her hips too.

>> No.6410098


>> No.6410115

How do you pad hips?

>> No.6410124

She looks like she should be starring on RuPaul's Drag Race

>> No.6410125


I agree with you, I think the make up is as close as one could get to having eyes like Jessica Rabbit. It think this is one of the few times she looks good without buttloads of photoshop too.

>> No.6410134
File: 168 KB, 500x666, 2730252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, ask Sephygoth.

>> No.6410327

She has always remind me of Jujubee

>> No.6410339

Anyone else bothered by the bulge around her stomach?

>> No.6410342

I think she is great!

I love her costumes and I love the fact that she has nice big boobs. This time she did have a strange way with the makeup which make her look a bit more to the male side then what I would have liked, but she is still great!

I think a softer makeup that would have shadowed the face to look more like the eggshape Jessica Rabbit has in the cartoon would have been better then to go for the "human" head that most fan art has. The eyes are a bit attention drawing but it does look cartoony. Perhaps she should have used skin colored stockings with the dress to even out the legs and make them look more drawn then real legs look.

>> No.6410360

Its because her ribcage is covered in boob. Her boobs pretty much go right to her waist instead of a long torso like Jessica rabbit's.

>> No.6410369

I've just never liked Yaya's face. It never fails to freak me out and make her look like an aged asian soccer mom.
It also doesn't help that in one of my languages (Greek), the word "Yaya" (isn't spelled that way but sounds exactly the same) translates to "grandmother", which only mentally reinforces that idea for me.

>> No.6410449

Good effort, but she doesn't have the look for the character (Jessica Rabbit is not a short, stocky asian woman). Also, the makeup looks ridiculous. I know she was going for that cartoon look but it just makes her look like some sort of clown.

>> No.6410556


>> No.6410567

Lol, yaya = grandmother
Cannot unsee.

>> No.6410578

As lovely as Jessica Rabbit's design is, people need to realize that it can never be pulled off. It relies so much on her impossible body type, especially the waist.

>> No.6410743
File: 175 KB, 516x516, Jessica Rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only gripe is how pink she made the costume (which is looks like in "some" artwork). It really would have looked better on her as a red.

That's just my opinion as a dude who likes Red, though.

>> No.6410948

That contouring is NOT helping her at all. She looks like an old drag queen. I know she was going for the cartoony look but the execution of that, plus the weird contouring combines to give her a very tired, worn look.

>> No.6410996

As a guy, I can't judge her attractiveness, since she's cosplaying a character she knows nothing about, which is automatic boner killer for my highly moral penis. It is a good detector for fakes in general, as it's always erect around dedicated good looking cosplayers.

Which is why I'm limp-dicked whenever I visit American cons.

>> No.6411067

>Having no self-control over your boner
Dude what. It's not like they're touching you.

>> No.6411073

My boner is a hyper-weapon meant to pierce the skies.

He's the Batman to my Bruce Wayne.

>> No.6411244

hi Adam

>> No.6411301

If she hadn't have fucked up the color, which is just about the single dumbest mistake possible, it would have been alright. Yeah her tits look stupid, but implants that big are always going to look dumb on a tiny asian lady, and yes the make up is awful but when you look at the character you can see what she was going for.

But getting the color wrong is inexcusable, so it's a huge fail/10

>> No.6411331
File: 175 KB, 400x285, Picture 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it is supposed to be the dress she wears at the start (which is actually just a trick of the light)

>> No.6411336

makeup looks like shit and she is too short for it to be entirely accurate

other than that, i would say it's a hit

>> No.6411343

i have small veiny boobs. be careful what you wish for anon

>> No.6411356

Nearly all officially licensed Jessica Rabbit products have the dress as hot pink. In the movie the dress looks hot pink. I don't care if it is "technically inaccurate" because it was red and under a spotlight.... If you watch the scene in the movie and ask "what color is the dress?" it is freaking hot pink.

>> No.6411357

She actually wore that, as >>6411331 showed.

Although I do agree that she should've just used the red dress.
I can see using a different outfit so you're not, "Just another X" but she'd already have the character down perfectly because of those tits.

>> No.6411397

You put a red dress colored in glitter under light it's going to look hot pink. Sorry, but the damn dress is red.

Learn to light.

>> No.6411406

Goddammit, both of you.
She has both a red dress and a glittery pink dress.

>> No.6411408

I cant tell post more pics

>> No.6411409

smaller = more sensitive is a complete myth.

>> No.6411423

i've had girlfriends with big boobs and smaller/medium ones. their nipples tended to be more sensitive on the smaller busted girls, but otherwise there didn't seem to be a difference "in the heat of the moment" as it were.

i had one gf with fake tits and they felt kinda weirdly textured. looked great, but apparently not too much feeling along the underside or sides as well as in general.

i think i would prefer breasts that fit with the girl's body type and where she looked comfortable and not in pain. i can't get into anything rough without thinking all that mass moving around has got to hurt...

>> No.6411456

It's red. Watch her scene again, when she turns and the dress is out of the spotlight (or even just in shadow) the dress is red.

Officially licensed merch isn't always film accurate. Just look at Cinderella merch.

Doesn't mean she CAN'T do a pink dress, but, in the film, the dress is red and only looks pink because of the spotlight.

>> No.6411472

Unless she can automatically change the dress in less than a frame, the dress is red. Go watch the movie again and learn to light.

>> No.6411475

...I just rewatched it, and when she walks out of the spotlight/was in the shadows, it only looked a less bright shade of pink...

>> No.6411505
File: 1.99 MB, 324x244, 1260249055754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ssssssso we're talking about boob veins?
my skin is so pale that on my chest it is see-through. i don't have anything like yaya's OMGHELPMYVEINSPOPPINGOUTOFMYSKIN, but in the right light, you could probably study my circulatory system on my chest.

tl;dr, is there a way to help supplement my skin into being more opaque? bleaching? vitamins? i know fake tanning would work, but i'm sort of rockin' the paper white thing right now.

>> No.6411509
File: 668 KB, 1024x708, JR-jessicarabbit-clubstage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference:

>> No.6411514
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, jessica-rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color of her dress seems to change a bit depending on the lighting:

>> No.6411522

just actually tan up a bit. i'm not a fan of milky white tits unless it's super contrasty for red lipstick and black hair. then it's very very good :)

>> No.6411525

yes, but if she was going for that palette, she might have noticed how the hair doesn't even look orange in that light. the stage lighting was a wash of blue over everything in that scene.

>> No.6411539

>red lipstick and black hair
yeah, that's me, though...
i am hesitant about buying the wrong color to stain my skin with, because i'm very blue-toned and most tanners blend more with peach-tones. i know that for cosplay, it'd be easiest just to cover with makeup, but as this is also the girlboard, i'm curious about how other pale girls deal with this/if they have any recommendations for brands of tanner for my skintone, etc. i'm sorry to be a bother.

>> No.6411548


>> No.6411550

first off, the snow white look is hot

second, i've dated a couple really pale girls and bronzer or tanning salons always came out odd since their hair never lightened a bit and their lipstick/lip gloss didn't pop as much. i'm a guy, so that what i say with a block of salt, but if you're naturally pale, just rock that look, and if you want a change, just go for a more natural (using a real sun) light tan.

doesn't make up rub off anyway? if you're applying it to your chest, won't a shirt or something eventually make it uneven?

>> No.6411561
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1279960954814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this

Ladyboy, ladyboy everywhere

>> No.6411564
File: 140 KB, 809x1080, IMG_0328 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone cares there was another Jessica Rabbit cosplayer at Anime USA 2012.

>> No.6411575

>Dogfaced, dumpy body, tattooed

Yeah, nobody cares.

>> No.6411583

She looks like a prostitute.

>cosplaying a prostitute


>expecting females who cosplay such characters to be treated as anything but prostitutes

I guess women like being whores - as long as it gives them attention and good dick.

>> No.6411587

the makeup thing was in response to cosplaying or other short-lived events where my chest (think sternum, not boobs) is visible. thank you for your input, but i'll probably try finding a skincare/makeup thread where i'm more likely to find suggestions for semi-permenant results not involving the sun, haha

>> No.6411588
File: 148 KB, 754x787, JRCosutming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress color argument is annoying so I'll just leave this here...

>> No.6411603

:< fair enough

>> No.6411607

Saw her on the elevator. She was kind of a bitch.
Friends and I got on and she had the bitchiest face because she had to step aside. Plus I complimented her doing J. Rabbit
>gets off elevator
That, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't compliment ugly people

>> No.6411609

It's because the front of the dress isn't flush with her tits. It stands away from her body creating a shadow between herself and the dress.

Also as far as her make up goes I think her lips are too big, but the eyes are good. She would look less drag queeny if the lips where more natural in shape/size, but lets be honest, JRabbit pretty much wears drag queen makeup.

>> No.6411634

>not knowing how light works
>not knowing that a sparkly dress won't look fucking sparkly when it's not in light

To be honest, /cgl/, I am sooprised by your absolute stupidity.

>> No.6411640

bitches are just colour-blind

>> No.6411649

Here's the problem with it.

Jessica Rabbit is meant to be sex personified. She's meant to make you go "holy shit, I want to bone a cartoon".

Yaya, however you spin it, whether it's the make up, the tits, the dress, the wig or whatever else, simply does not generate that same reaction. You simply go "what the.... that's.... human?"

She managed to take the idea of a hot busty redhead and make it sexually benign. That's the problem.

>> No.6411652
File: 705 KB, 400x240, 2qnba4w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest, i've always thought she wore a sequined dress in the stage scene, and a different one in the rest of the movie, but your snarkiness is disgusting. if you spoke to someone like that to their face, they'd ignore your entire argument. please try to deal with your sassiness in a more productive way.

>> No.6411657

It's amazing the hoops you haters will jump through to convince yourself her dress isn't pink in her performance when it IS. red does not turn pink under a fucking spot light and there a TON of OFFICIAL statues and figures where her dress is fucking PINK.

>> No.6411662

Artists are just colour-blind

>> No.6411672
File: 148 KB, 683x1024, YayaJessica06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weirdly shaped.

the boob padding. That is what looks like...oddness.

Could have gone using her huge saline baggies alone. But she had to make them look even bigger for some reason.

>> No.6411673

In the opening scene, when the dress (or parts of the dress) is in shadow it (or the part that is in shadow) continues to sparkle. Considering that this dress isn't sparkling at all, even though there is some lighting, I'm prone to believe that they are two different dresses (even though I'd previously assumed they were the same dress).

My cent and a half.

>> No.6411678

I swear, it looks like her boobs are about to flop out, as if her support system is struggling just to keep those huge bags up.

>> No.6411685

Total miss. Too short, too Asian. She needs to stick to animu characters. She doesn't seem to have the attitude or the grace of Jessica. She looks like a girl in a halloween costume. It's just all sort of... unfortunate.

>> No.6411690

I always thought it looked like she had one sparkly pink dress and one red non sparkly dress that was velvet or jersey or some other very matte fabric.

>> No.6411700

>if you spoke to someone like that to their face, they'd ignore your entire argument.

Welcome to the fucking internet, cupcake.

>> No.6411706

Try retinol skin creams. That's what they recommend to people who have genetic under-eye bags. When circles are caused by genetics it's because the skin under the eye is very thin so you can see blood vessels, retinol thickens the skin up a bit. Or that's what I hear and read a lot.

Anyway, to be on topic, I think it's funny that Yaya's boobs are popping out more than Jessica Rabbit's are. I think she's a great seamstress and makes very nice costumes, but she's always looked really weird to me.

>> No.6411708

Yes, I agree.

>> No.6411737

Jessica's boobs aren't even THAT big. She's probably like a D and that's it. Hell, in some of the shots and animation she looks more like a very full C.

>> No.6411742


My guess is that Yaya wanted to exaggerate them more to make her waist look thinner.

>> No.6411748

as i've been here a while, i should tell you that it never has to be that way. when you discuss things with people sincerely, even on 4chan, you either breed more sincere responses, or the trolls eventually drop out without rage fodder. this is experience talking, not wishful thinking. you can present yourself as one or the other depending on how you want people to respond to you.

>> No.6411750

thanks! i'll start looking into them.

>> No.6411752

It's kind of an illusion brought on by the skintight dress, a very narrow/tapered ribcage, completely flat stomach and a long waist that people think she has massive titties. If anything, her cup size seems to be the most reasonable of her proportions.

>> No.6411760

Yeah, it's kind of funny actually going back and watching the videos it looks like she has some scoliosis or whatever it's called judging by her scary huge upper back curve which also lends to the big boob illusion.

>> No.6411805
File: 200 KB, 500x714, ungodly horrorterror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica Rabbit actually plays up being a cartoon character really well, it's interesting how they managed to animate the kinds of weird "perfect" female bodies that comic artists usually draw. She's not freakish, she's just drawn that way.

>> No.6411821


>> No.6411849
File: 55 KB, 500x375, red-hot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people keep trying to pull off Jessica Rabbit
>Never ever see Red and a Wolf ever

Goddamnit. Red has a much more reasonable figure to pull off in comparison to JR's ridiculous, inhuman proportions. She's shorter, smaller boobs and a more reasonably sized waist.

I guess she gets overlooked because of fears that no one will recognize them. The thing about that is, Red is recognized by her interactions with the Wolf. Theoretically, you can have a little more wiggle room cosplaying her if you and your counterpart have the right attitude. Jessica is recognized solely by her looks, which is why the look is so important and harshly judged.

Maybe someday, /cgl/. Maybe someday.

>> No.6411866

Really want to do Red with my boyfriend as wolf but I have no idea how I'd go about making that costume for him..

>> No.6411875
File: 6 KB, 250x187, redhotridinghood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's a nice tux, some gloves, and a fursuit head thing. Maybe look up how to make fursuit heads, but don't make it look like a retarded fursona version of Wolf?

>> No.6411877

Since when has Yaya NOT tried to make her saline balloons look bigger?

>> No.6411886


"It's ok, it's the internet!" Oh, snarky anon. I bet you're a peach in real life social situations.

That aside, I think Yaya's a miss on this. Her face looks unbelievably flat, the makeup looks bad on her and she went overkill with the boobs. I do think she did a great job constructing it, and I actually like the pink sequins.

>> No.6411907
File: 951 KB, 800x1200, encore_by_jaytablante-d5etsgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her most obvious attempt at a 'if i make my tits look as big as possible, nobody can see how shit i really am' costume. She's too short and her legs are too stumpy. Even with the use of clever angles, it's impossible for cameras to create the illusion of longer legs, even when she's wearing stripper heels.

Overall, she's severely underestimated the amount of people who CAN actually look past a set of ridiculously enhanced tits and see the overall fail of this cosplay

>> No.6411916

this might be an unpopular opinion but i actually like it

i think her cosplays are pretty good

>> No.6411929

This picture makes me feel even stronger that her boobs are TOO big. She needed to elongate her torso more, but the fact that her boobs are so padded they look halfway down her stomach just shortens her torso.

I don't understand, Jessica Rabbit's tits are big, but they don't make her look topheavy. Why did she think this was a good idea, was she just stuck in this "boobs boobs people wanna see boobs" mentality?

>> No.6411952

>>6411929 they don't make her look topheavy
you're not fucking serious are you

>> No.6411957

You're talking about Jessica Rabbit as if she was drawn with actual human proportions.She wasn't, she's an overly exaggerated western cartoon woman.
Cosplaying characters with close to regular human proportions is hard enough as it is. I think she did fine with the character she chose.
Chill, people.

>> No.6412449

And she seriously whines about how all people look at are her breasts? Nobody made her push them up to her chin and pad the fuck out of them; that was her decision. But seriously, those breasts are horrifying and very un-Jessica Rabbit.

Jessica is top heavy, and yeah, she is unrealistically proportioned, but I think there is a kind of elegance to her figure that Yaya really missed the mark on. If Yaya hadn't padded her breasts to within an inch of their life, and had focused on making her torso longer and her waist possibly thinner, her bust and hips would have looked bigger all on their own. Jessica is curvey, but she's also lithe, which is what Yaya messed up bad and why her Jessica Rabbit cosplay is vulgar and not in the spirit of the character.

>> No.6412608
File: 59 KB, 412x588, 550139_10151133865631608_1083358558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this just appeared on her facebook page yesterday, complete with irrelevant, vain self-portrait:

I have a Twitter account and I'm not afraid to use it. http://www.twitter.com/yayahan
Also, what's all the fuss about boobs? Every woman has'em. Your mom has'em. Yo sista has'em. I like my bejeweled top. Why are boobs a big deal like weapons of mass destruction? Keep Calm and Boob on.

Someone's insecure and in need of her daily dose of 'your (sic) beautiful. haters gunna hate!'

>> No.6412638

My GOD and I thought my legs were big

>> No.6412642

Looks like a man.

>> No.6412646

Her boobs look a lot bigger here than they do in the floor pictures

>> No.6412655
File: 50 KB, 400x600, Jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The costume would look better on her if she didn't over bad the top so much. She already has huge tits, and>>6411672

Just shows how much they stick out. She could have easily gotten away with half the padding and still gotten the exaggerated look she wanted.

>> No.6412672




>> No.6412685

It's too fucking uncanny valley. The corset and her normal (haha, normal) bust would have been fine. She pushed it to the point where it looks disfiguring.

Also, that makeup does not translate well into real life. The eyebrow is so high that it makes it look like her eye is too low on her face.

It could have been fine if she just split the difference between full "realistic" version and as-close-to-cartoon-as-possible, but she didn't and now it looks like a pair of hams glued to a hooker in drag.

No, that's not fair. I've seen hookers in drag with better makeup.

>> No.6412686

Wow. You've been holding that in for a long time.

>> No.6412689


They would make tons of mistakes back in the day with colors in animations. What about Smithers from the Simpsons? I'm sure there are other cases of similar things.

>> No.6412694


As stated: >>6411456

Cinderella is a classic sample of "official artwork" don't mean shit.

>> No.6412699

I agree. If she had padded her boobs less (or not at all) she would look much slimmer and in proportion. I also think she padded her hips and that kills it even more since Jessica has really slim hips (she has that sort of masculine upside down triangle figure with wide shoulders and a big chest and small hips).

Once photoshop stops randomly crashing on me I'll post an edit

>> No.6412701

At least she put them tits to use.

>> No.6412718
File: 856 KB, 960x578, Jessicarabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out sugar tits.

Though I do agree that it's PROBABLY the same dress. Mostly because a. The dress changes depending on the lighting. and b. the movie was made back in 1988. Like hell the colors would be spot on to begin with.

Though there's always the chance Jessica changed her dress after the song. But I seriously doubt it.

>> No.6412780

haha, you obviously have no clue how cup sizes work, For every 1 inch difference, you get another cup size. a D is only 3 inches, there is no possible way that Jessica Rabbit is a D cup hahahahaha. It's an obvious 6-8 inch difference (which is the F/J range I think). I get that if you don't know anything about cup sizes, you probably think D is big, but it's not.

I saw her at Dcon, the padding is really dumb looking and she has this 'shelf' at her hips where all the padding/corset ends and the dress hangs straight down at this 'ledge' and just looks terrible.

>> No.6412781

She's a cartoon, she doesn't need a skin tight dress to accentuate her waist or flatten her stomach, she has ridiculous portions because she is a cartoon...

>> No.6412801

Judging from every single cosplay she's done recently as well as the 'normal, everyday' pics she thinks people want to see on facebook, I would say yeah, she's in the 'boobs boobs people wanna see my boobs' mentality alright.

If she really is in it for the artistic merits, she wouldn't have gotten implants and flaunted them in every single photo and every single cosplay on every single social network available to mankind. Shows that she's an attention whore and nothing else. Can't she be an advocate for cosplay with normal size breasts and good costumes which aren't always revealing? Obviously she was too insecure about her body and decided that the only way to get the attention she craves is by getting ridiculous implants and hope that everyone else fall for that trick. If this is what she looks like at 30, I shudder to think what she'll look like in 10 years time. She'll probably go for facelifts, botox etc. if she isn't already doing so, and end up looking like a washed up 90's asian porn star.

>> No.6412814
File: 196 KB, 521x324, jessicarabbit-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya, welcome to your future

>> No.6412825

You really don't understand either. D isn't a standard difference at all because of differences between cup sizing being bigger at bigger sizes and smaller at smaller sizes.

>> No.6412844

>dem veiny ass legs

>> No.6412868
File: 159 KB, 1024x829, Roger-Rabbit-1024x829[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to keep this awful debate going, but she totally changes her dress... or at least, they didn't add sequins to it after that initial club scene. when looking at pictures where the artist paints the characters in after the fact- for posters or articles or the vhs backing, i don't really know- they add in the sequins. it's weird.

>> No.6412885

Yeah. From reading up on the character wiki, apparently they cut the sequins out from the rest of the movie to save money.

>> No.6412934

>looking at pictures where the artist paints the characters in after the fact- for posters or articles or the vhs backing, i don't really know- they add in the sequins. it's weird.

stills, vhs covers, posters, etc, aren't indicative of original coloring... to use an example someone else provided, Cinderella's dress on official art (including contemporary film posters) ranged from all white to all blue to white and blue to grey and even pink.

>> No.6412971

I've met her in person both before and after she got her tits done. They looked so much better beforehand.
I just hate how she's constantly complaining about people talking about her tits, when all she wants to do is show them off.

>> No.6413044
File: 292 KB, 1066x1600, YayaJessica04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more angles

>> No.6413108

That clown makeup is hideous without shoop. She would have been better off doing her usual eye make up routine (for once!), just using purple eyeshadow...

>> No.6413115
File: 220 KB, 429x600, Yuuko___XXXholic_by_yayacosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember meeting her before too, while she was still a good cosplayer and paid attention to her costumes, wigs, fabrics, make-up and so on. She looked fresh and creative. It's not that I mind the boob job or the fact that she wears revealing costumes... it's more that she seems to just doesn't care about a costume or a character anymore, unless it's a sexy, "hot babe" type. And her costumes seem to be getting worse and worse construction-wise.

>> No.6413132

This. Honestly, I didn't mind Yaya doing booby cosplays at first. Hell, the first ever cosplay I saw from her and liked was her Lulu cosplay from Final Fantasy 10, and that kind of cosplay is pretty much a boobilicious one. But I didn't care if she shoved it all over people's faces because she constructed it so well...at least at that time, she wasn't being fucking hypocritical about her boobage. Hell, I remember that she was proud that people payed attention to her boobs instead of complaining about them. I guess I'm just going to assume back then that was the time she got her boobs done and it was something that didn't fully sink in to her head yet, hence the recent attitude shift.

>> No.6413137

I think what we need is the concept art of Jessica Rabbit's dress...I think that would be the most accurate thing we can go by

>> No.6413173

She didn't even bother with the shoes.

>> No.6413189

Super early concept art:



>> No.6413206
File: 41 KB, 340x540, jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the key is knowing about colors: magenta, which might look 'hot pink' for not color-trained people, is a tone of red. That's why it might look pink in some cells/scenes, but it is actually and technically red.

>> No.6413211

Maybe the dress looks pink on that scene because of the filter effect they used on red color.

>> No.6413212

minute 0:57 - looks red even under the spotlight!

>> No.6413223

The quality on that video is shit. If you go watch a better one, it's clearly hot pink

>> No.6413225

uh... seriously?
Magenta is one of the colors of ink used in CMYK printing and is combined with yellow to create red. It doesn't mean it is red, it's still pink

>> No.6413246

I think she looks gross and she's on a downward spiral if she keeps this up,.

>> No.6413259

Why do women cosplayers who have boobs and are actually fat always think they can pull off being half naked. They are all slutty attention whores.

>> No.6413279

Um. Where is her face. I can't see it underneath all the pancake and shotty eyeliner job. How gross. Choose a different color foundation or at least blend it into your ginormous breasts so it doesn't look so obvious.

>> No.6413290

I think the colour of the dress is iconically red.
Maybe the scene at the club, her dress is tarted up for her first scene; it's under the spot light, has awesome shading, wonderful animated flow and has tons of sparkly sequins. No way animators would continue this through the whole film as it would waste time and resources. Or it could be she had two dresses.
Overall, I do not like this cosplay mostly because of the awful wig and drag make-up.

>> No.6413341
File: 97 KB, 576x864, jes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she just looks retarded.

She looks like an Asian hooker while Jessica Rabbit is supposed to be a sexy elegant redhead.

I really don't get why people get all so crazy about this cosplay of hers, it is disgusting.

Pic related, what a succesful J R cosplay looks like.

>> No.6413345

i hate tan redheads, it looks so disgusting

>> No.6413353

nice tits, her face is disgusting

>> No.6413356

cosplay or photo composite in photoshop? fucksake.

>> No.6413359
File: 250 KB, 538x480, realjessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a better comparis.

>> No.6413360

I remember asking her in Fanime if she'll ever do cosplays from Queen's Blade for example.

"Oh, no no! Those show way too much skin, I really don't like showing my breasts off like that. That's just creepy, hahaha!"


>> No.6413370

her weird looking breasts and eye make up kinda freak me out
they look like balloons

>> No.6413372

there is no "comparis". Not even Yaya uses that much photoshop.

>> No.6413377

Why the fuck does she have the retarted shade of white between the purple and her brow? That what ruins it the most for me, it looks like she got a blending pencil but forgot to blend.

>> No.6413392

It's called a "flash" photograph. Some eyeshadow is shimmery and reflective. Get over it.

>> No.6413394

No look at this pic of Yaya
Explain that white eyeshadow, because its not doing any benefits for the camera

>> No.6413430

It's like you guys forget that Jessica Rabbit looked ridiculous before Yaya.

I like it. But I do like the dress God Save the Queen did more.

>> No.6414028

She made Lulu before she got the implants.

>> No.6414046

She did look ridiculous but its totally not something you should try to recreate in real life, because her proportions are just grotesque. I much prefer the more natural Jessica Rabbits.

Yaya's boobs are already so big, if she had just done a corset, and a push up bra this would look so much nicer.

>> No.6414146


How do you explain the disney official dolls and statues in pink, then? Even if it's not completely cannon, it's still in merchandise and concept art.

>> No.6414163

because most female characters have breasts and have low cut costumes (thinking mostly of comic book heriones and villains)

>> No.6414167

>if she had just done a corset, and a push up bra this would look so much nicer.

But she did.

>> No.6414174

She added padding into the dress

>> No.6414182

I'm in awe of how many people don't do their research before judging a cosplay.

They see the name Yaya Han and immediately bash her regardless of anything else.

/cgl/ is the stupidest fucking board I've ever seen.

Not to mention the most jealous.

inb4 jealous idiotic shitstorm to anyone that takes a passing glance at this reply.

>> No.6414197

I'm actually a big fan of Jessica Rabbit. I just don't think this cosplay looks very good, it doesn't matter what name is attached to it

>> No.6414202

Thank you so much for not being a rabid Yaya hater, then.

All I really see wrong is that her boobs could've done without padding and the shoes aren't so great.

>> No.6414233

I don't really mind Yaya but I do love me some J.R!
Yeah, I agree the padding was a little over the top. I don't happen like the wig very much(Too curly and orange-y for J.R).

>> No.6414271

i'm probably going to get hate for this, but I like it. I think she looks good. The makeup looks very professional to me, the dress is breathtaking, and I think she fits the character well. Once again, I know I have the unpopular opinion, but I can't find anything to bitch about. All I could really suggest is using less padding, because she's already endowed enough for the character.

>> No.6414289

I kind of hate it when people try to make "cartoon makeup" look like a literal cartoon. It looks stupid both irl and in pictures, you can never get that same effect so it's better to just do makeup in a more "natural" way (obviously I think it would be strong makeup, and rather flashy, but in this case it should look like a normal purple smoky eye look, not those weird lines everywhere).

Michelle Phan does this all the time and it looks horribly stupid.

>> No.6414316

awesome, she's the best jessica rabbit cosplayer right now.

>> No.6414353

She wore two miraculous bras on top of her already comically huge breasts. It's just too much.

>> No.6414360
File: 563 KB, 900x600, awa_2012___wfrr___jessica_rabbit_by_fenyxdesign-d5jwqvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer this one
and her boobs are real too

inb4 selfpost

>> No.6414373

Oh man.

Sorry, Yaya. You are no longer my favorite JR.

>> No.6414374

lol yaya is a beautiful and talented woman and it's das how this place ios so full of catty, fat, jealous bitches

>> No.6414375

Yaya, you need to leave if you're so mad you can't type correctly.

>> No.6414389

This is one of the few cosplays where being asian is a huge problem. This one is so much better than Yaya.


>> No.6414394

I must know who this is immediately.

>> No.6414401

Any more pics of this cosplayer's JR? Because, just, damn.

>> No.6414410


I think it's an attempt at contouring to create the illusion of a more prominent brow ridge (being asian, she doesn't have much of one). Her real eyebrows are covered over too, unless she shaved them off for this, so it's also possible that the makeup she used to hide her real brows turned out lighter than it should have been, but I really think it's a contouring attempt.

>> No.6414432

Her cosplay name is "Betzilla"

^ Go look at her Facebook page under the same name; she has other great stuff as well.

>> No.6414449
File: 106 KB, 600x900, BetzillaJRCos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's completely natural too; met her at AWA while she was wearing this

>> No.6414462
File: 82 KB, 600x800, 550477_348308248595763_1923551879_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a floor picture of that JR

>> No.6414465

Shit, she's the hot Rarity too. All of my faps.

>> No.6414472

now that is gorgeous.

>> No.6414478

Eh, not as hot in the first picture I saw but still better than Yaya since she doesn't look as try hard tit monster.

>> No.6414486

>Cosplayed Fakku's mascot
>Looks like she actually has FUN at con and doesn't take herself as seriously as Yaya does.

>> No.6414524

still think she is pretty and cute, at least looks curvy and female and not a bad dragqueen like yaya.

>> No.6414569

Really nice to chat with her too. Doesn't sound like a derpy/stuck-up valley girl like Yaya does in interviews.

>> No.6414649

We need a whole new separate thread just dedicated to this chick

>> No.6414999

Isn't this the one GSTQFASHIONS worked on?

>> No.6415027

...Says the person who went to Dragoncon a few years ago in body paint, and have done a few 'original' costumes which consist of a skirt and nipple pasties.

Does she really think people are THAT stupid?

>> No.6415067
File: 265 KB, 782x600, Yayabodypaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was thinking that too. She says Queen's blade shows to much skin, but this doesn't? Hell, she could easily do Melona.

>> No.6415077

Disney also has official dolls of Cinderella with light blonde hair and a dark blue dress... does that make her dark dress blue and her hair light blonde?

>> No.6415414

? What are you talking about? Cup size is the difference between underbust and full bust measurement. This number doesn't change. 3 inch difference no matter with the underbust and bust measurements are, is a D cup... not sure what you're trying to say. a D cup does not look 'wtf huge' on a small framed person, because it's still just a 3 inch difference. What a moron.

>> No.6415449
File: 114 KB, 170x170, 1349328195652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind showing skin if it's nice on the eyes, but when she goes around yelling at people for looking at her huge fake tits...? Come on. At least own up to what you're advertising. If she's that annoyed of people commenting on her body, then maybe it's time for her to put some clothes on and back out of the spotlight for a bit until she remembers why she went through the surgery in the first place.

>> No.6415507

God. I want to say "KEEP YAYA AWAY FROM MY FUCKING WAIFU" but she's probably the only person other than Kana who could make a decent fucking costume of her.

>> No.6416372

She looks natural and not trying too hard (and failing) like Yaya

>> No.6416424

There needs to be a rule that only 9s and 10s can cosplay Jessica. It really seems like the most unnatractive and unlikely women gravitate towards what may well be the sexiest cartoon character of all time. Like, delusions of grandeur much....

>> No.6416477

>It's pink
>No red!

Holy shit guys. You know what a light red is? It's pink! HOW IS THIS EVEN AN ARGUMENT I DON'T UNDERSTAND?

>> No.6416523

So much jelly ITT.

Stay classy /cgl/.

>> No.6416528

? It's still a red dress even if lighting/shadows make it look pink. Doesn't turn it into a pink dress...

>> No.6416712

Judging from that picture, it's a definite hit!

>> No.6416719

How dare you treat women differently based on what type of clothing they wear! you misogynist pig!

>> No.6416827

Ma'm, I'm not saying you're a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform. That shit is confusing.

>> No.6416831

You know, I really don't care if she's Asian and cosplaying a white character. I honestly think that's a dumb thing to complain about. I care more about the costume and presentation, not if the skin tone matches.

I do think that the padding on her breasts looks weird though. They're already big and fake enough, piling on padding just make them look like they're shaped weird. And her expression looks less "bedroom eyes sexy" in the costume and more "zoning out and bored" which I think is a big part of the problem.

>> No.6417177

I don't think Yaya's face is capable of forming another expression. Not sure if botox, or lack of soul

>> No.6417236
File: 33 KB, 640x360, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'd be nice if she showed more facial expressions. The only time I've seen her do this is when she's Mulan

>> No.6417265

I noticed the color and lack of shine on her gloves makes a uge difference from the ways Yaya's tend to glisten too much. It gives it that trasy, costume satin kind of feel to it. The matte gloves feel more J.R. luxurious.

>> No.6417614

I love her Mulan costume, just not on her. Yaya needs to start cosplaying age appropriate characters.

>> No.6417660
File: 62 KB, 400x573, anaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't efagz, but felice just posted this...mmmm, look at that fucking hip bone jutting out. idk, i just find it really irresponsible. this is the girl who claims to be against thinspo.

>> No.6417664

LMAO, wrong thread gurl.

>> No.6421948

And put those fake tits away. It stopped being about the costume and workmanship a long time ago. Now it's about how much attention she can get from the tits and hooker makeup.

>> No.6421985 [DELETED] 

I am now moist

>> No.6421997

IMO Yaya's looks more "accurate" (disregarding the pink thing).

Betzilla's looks more "natural".

Between the two I like Yaya's better. Plus more respect since she actually made it.
On another note though, that photog (fenyx design) is selling prints of that photo. Some of the proceeds go to the cosplayer (even though she didn't make the costume) How does /cgl/ feel about this?

>> No.6422013

So? It's not just the costume that makes the cosplay amazing, you know. There is makeup and modeling as well.

Really, do models deserve to receive *some* of the proceeds if they sell a photo of themselves? They didn't make the clothes and they didn't even do their makeup.

Also, whoever she payed to make the costume.. Well, that's it. They've already been paid. Would you collect royalties from someone because they were selling pics of them in the costume you made for them? No, that's stupid.

Stop being stupid, anon.

>> No.6422034

I hope Fenyx refunded the cosplayer if she paid for that shoot. Trying to make money off of something someone paid you to do is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.6422450

> Some of the proceeds go to the cosplayer (even though she didn't make the costume) How does /cgl/ feel about this?

People will only be buying it for her tits, so thats fair enough.

>> No.6422472

Those are two different dresses. One has sequins or glitter (it's hard to tell) and the other does not. One is a performance dress, the other is not. It is very, very obvious that those are two different dresses. She wears it once in the opening and then, even under light, the red one never changes into a glittery pink one ever again. This is very annoying and the fact that you are being so bull headed about lighting is also annoying. A dress doesn't suddenly glitter just because it has a specific spotlight on it. Jessica walks out into the light many times and it never glitters again after that. That is because they are two different dresses, one with the glitter and one without.

>> No.6422552

Holy shit Felice looks like an anorexic version of Miyu.

>> No.6422592

that's not her hipbone, it's shitty photoshop

what i dont understand is why all these pro-ana or w/e girls shoop themselves in a way that makes their legs tiny as fuck, but then ignores their wonky midsection

>> No.6422614

Oh is this a woman? This was posted on /hm/ some months ago and everyone assumed it was man.

Therefore: miss.

>> No.6422616
File: 675 KB, 400x352, tumblr_m3b68a4wS61qbhmovo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats funny because i have been thinking of doing this cosplay recently after rewatching old cartoons on youtube. But how would someone do that hair, is it a short hair cut, or a frenchtwist. I really cant figure it out.

>> No.6422683
File: 110 KB, 607x345, swing shift cinderella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a french twist imo. Her hair in the back looks like it's pulled up.

>> No.6422696

Maybe try looking at Lucille Ball's hair in I Love Lucy for inspiration? That's what the hair heavily reminds me of.

>> No.6422701

dear god if I saw a cosplay of that I would HHHNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG so hard.

theres just something about white and red hair that is so goddamn arousing to me.

>> No.6423030

She should cosplay Queen's Blade's Anarista

>> No.6423094
File: 19 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lduigzp2c81qazs5qo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, this really helped.
well maybe we could end up at the same con when i make this for the summer con season.

>> No.6427676

if you don't like it then don't do a fucking photoshoot with her, if that's the copyright agreement

>> No.6431503

Ugly, ridiculous boobs, no ass, terrible personality. Don't like her JR cosplay.

>> No.6431506
File: 64 KB, 431x352, now-this-i-can-fap-to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431566

People would just think it's a very inaccurate Jessica Rabbit. Poor little red will never happen if it does won't be recognized :(

>> No.6432052

Here is my thought: JR's performance dress is a different color to the original dress she always wears, however Yaya's color is still incorrect since her dress is more of a hot pink color rather than the regular pink with the shade of red like in the movie. Either way, she still fails.

>> No.6432424

What really gets me is that her eyesbrows are so fucking far up;
the lady on the left is far more gorgeous- it's amazing, I know it's photoshopped up the ass but still, I love it

>> No.6433903

I don't think Yaya actually has any eyebrows. If you look at every single photo she posts, cosplay and daily ones, she always has the same sharpie-marker porn star brows, or make up for that matter. Looks like she's drawn them off the mark this time

>> No.6433909

Erm....so you like the tranny look? Whatever floats your boat I guess.

>> No.6434632 [DELETED] 

Yaya with no eyebrows (or just about half an eyebrow?).

From her fb.

>> No.6434690
File: 40 KB, 480x640, yaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya with no eyebrows (or just about half an eyebrow?).

From her fb.

>> No.6435575

This pic shows that Yaya hasn't only had work done on her tits. Her double eyelids were never as defined in her earlier photos.

>> No.6435621

Well yeah, real double eyelids start from under the epicanthic fold. That's obviously an eyelid glue or scalpel job.

That said, it takes a month of wearing patches before the swelling and scarring goes down from the "double eyelid" surgery and if you're not careful with the patches, it will scar wrongly and you have to do it again. I doubt Yaya had her eyelids done, pretty sure with her busy con schedules and shoots and whatnot people would fucking notice her wearing gauze over her eyelids for an entire fucking month.

>> No.6435658

Or maybe she's just getting old and the skin is becoming thinner and softer? Seriously. I'm not saying she wouldn't get surgery if she wanted t, but I don't think that's what happened there.

>> No.6435732

>Hey gaiz this is me without make-up teehee I'm still topless lol.

>> No.6435837

90% photoshop though

>> No.6435858

I would like this mulan costume, if she at least styled her hair like mulan

she took liberties on the outfit, so taking it with the hair too just makes it look like something else
if the snow white wasn't there, I would have thought it was something else

>> No.6436087

At least you can't see tits. For once. Still a pointless selfie though

>> No.6436092

I think Yaya had them done before she became 'famous'. So yeah don't think she had many con 'commitments' back then

>> No.6441163

I think she looks gorgeous here without the 40 cakes of makeup on!

>> No.6441354

>jessica rabbit
>man in drag
eh, same shit, more or less
Her makeup was just done badly, and thw igg was off....and.....omg /cgl/ what have you done

>> No.6441362


You know what this reminds me of? I used to have a Mulan doll which you could reverse from Mulan's 'fancy' outfit to her 'not so fancy' outfit (referring to when she rolled up her sleeves in the movie, except that the clothing was double sided, one with weird patterns and one without). That's what Yaya's costume reminds me of. I think that's why I like it - good times as a kid. But yeah, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have recognised her I think.

>> No.6441376
File: 208 KB, 500x498, 1314031441601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaya in general is a hit, goes to show people that you can cosplay whoever you want despite your 'race.'

>> No.6441389

Pink is not even a real color, it's a variation of red. So all of you shit the front door.

>> No.6441390

It's not bad, but honestly, something about this cosplay as overall just...doesn't click with me.

>> No.6441520
File: 20 KB, 204x247, 1295727944653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pink isn't a color

>> No.6441615

Dude. This looks like shit. She always looks like a joke to me. Her and Tristin Citrine are gonna be sad old ladies with those ridiculous things. There is something very wrong with fake tits. They look disgusting, feel disgusting, and do not help you age well.

>> No.6441627


>> No.6444866
File: 309 KB, 850x607, jessica8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to post this for anyone who doesn't think yaya is great!

>> No.6444921

This photoshop gave me secondhand embarrassment. I will now sue Yaya for the damages and her negligence.
Not only are the proportions shockingly bad, but it makes her look like she's packing a penis underneath that dress.

>> No.6444927

could she/the photographer blur the shit out of her skin any more. nope, nope I don't think they could.

>> No.6444939

WAY too much photoshoop blurring of her skin, but otherwise not bad. In general I do not think her jessica rabbit is a bad costume and I think people are hard on her.... only bad thing is that weird padding of the bra, it looks very strange, even on this overly photoshopped pic

>> No.6444948
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1352171869627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not question the greatness of Yaya!

Without her my life would lack a beautiful woman to dream about!

>> No.6445061

Some of you guys are ridiculous. I hate Yaya with a passion but this was far from a "fail" cosplay. Sure, she's too short and stumpy to even be cosplaying her but I rarely see you guys throw that criticism out to anyone else, especially if it's a fellow tripfag you like. You guys are picking on Yaya for stupid shit.

>> No.6445081

You shall honor Yaya or suffer the curse of the broken zipper the rest of your life!

>> No.6445090

Yaya is a terrible person and you know it. Hopefully she knows she is and isn't just delusional, I might actually feel bad for her. People give tripfags hate 24/7, so I have no clue what you mean.

>> No.6445094

>people are biased against money-grubbing sellouts that they don't like
Weird, huh?

>> No.6445097

i like Yaya and i don't really like how this cosplay turned out. it's not awful but it just doesn't look that good.

>> No.6445115

Lets get real, boys hate Yaya since they know she doesn't want their fat pimple face s around her nd girls hate her since all the fat pimple faced boys want to be around her. Me on the other hand, I think she is great...

I really don't like one aspect of this costume ant that is that I have not been given full access to inspect it while Yaya is in it, I really need to carefully study the fitting to make sure everything is like it should be. I promise I will make a thorough inspection so Yaya is free to let me know when she has a few days over for me to do this!

BTW, I'm not fat pimple faced hater on the internet. I'm a IRL fan!

>> No.6445140

hi Yaya. no self respecting man would admit to being your fan, its like admitting he wants to fuck a short stumpy old dragqueen.

>> No.6445169

wow. that couldn't have come off any more desperate.

>> No.6445196

>hi Yaya. no self respecting man would admit to being your fan, its like admitting he wants to fuck a short stumpy old dragqueen.
If Yaya was here, I would not be wasting my tine on /cgl/ with the lot of you second grade costume scribblers...
>wow. that couldn't have come off any more desperate.
I cannot honestly disagree, Yaya is a beautiful woman just look at this morning picture >>6434690 As a man (and not a little boy or little girl who just is hating) I can say that if this is the first thing you see when you wake up your whole day will light up. Just face the fact that Yaya is a better looking woman then you slobs can get or you hags look ever will like and this is why you hate on her.

I'm just being honest about it, Yaya is a beautiful woman and she makes costumes that are great. Only problem I have is that I probably never will see her IRL in one of her outfits and that is a damn shame from what I've seen so far...

>> No.6445204

I'm ten years younger, I don't have the face of a treasure troll and my boobs are about the same size except they ain't fake. I'm also not stumpy.

Yaya's costumes are alright and she's not hideous, but she's no more talented or prettier than hundreds of other female cosplayers out there who simply don't spend all their time self promoting. I liked Yaya before he fake tits became the centrepiece for every costume, and IMHO her craftsmanship and look has gone downhill the more 'famous' she gets.

Was young Yaya without all the work and crazy makeup and costumes pretty? definitely. Is she OMG SO SEXY GORGEOUS JELLY MODEL? nope. If I'm going to be a jellyfatty over any female cosplayer it's Precious.

>> No.6445230

her eyes are monstrous here

>> No.6445249

whilst there are prettier there really aren't THAT many more talented. Yaya has a gigantic backlog of costumes few other cosplayers really have.

she knocks out costumes quickly sometimes so things do vary, but the big costumes are obviously a lot of work and her craftsmanship is easily better than 90% of female cosplayers who primarily focus on the sewing side.

precious has a few nice things but she's only made like 10% the amount of costumes Yaya has and a fair few of of them are simple too. Granted she's one to keep an eye on, but considering how few impressive costumes she's actually made I find her far more overrated.

>> No.6445265

>but she's no more talented or prettier than hundreds of other female cosplayers out there who simply don't spend all their time self promoting.
Give me ten of these hundreds that has shown the quality over time that Yaya have. I'm not saying she is the best one out there but she is damn good. I'm sure someone at one or two times coudl turn out something great but most of Yayas costumes are really good and they look good on her, and what is most important they look go on her.

Just face it, Yaya is an attractive woman and she makes really good costumes. There is nothing wrong with you not being as good as she is but just leave it at that.

For me when I think of cosplaying I will always think of Yaya, or the time I tried to convince my gf to try out a maid suit from legavenue...

>> No.6445276

she's alright but i still can't shake off the fact that she looks like a ladyboy

>> No.6445311

she actually looks human and female here

>> No.6445469

Female here. I think Yaya is skilled, talented and beautiful. It's just her creative license I find questionable.

>> No.6447457
File: 475 KB, 300x232, tumblr_lv1yg6owVL1qh7uxv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give a shit about Yaya but LOL, she has an OK body (and I say OK because her boobs look terrible) but that woman is not attractive in the least.

>> No.6447598

I think Yaya is a sexy/bodacious piece of woman.
Can't believe I used the word bodacious.

But.... this makeup does not suit her, and she screwed up her boobs. She could have done so much better!

This makes me want to do a Jessica Rabbit cosplay. Oh... if only I wasn't like 28C. That evens out to an A I think with a 32 band. Damn where are my boobs.

>> No.6448062

I LOL'ed. I'm guessing all the 'Yaya is a beautiful and attractive woman' posts are made by Yaya herself? Or by her sad excuse of a boyfriend?

>> No.6448068

The reason she has a gigantic backlog of costumes is because this is her 'full time job'. Most people have a full time job and cosplaying is a hobby. They can't really afford to blow on their money on supplies and tit jobs, but then again not everyone is such a shameless self promoter like Yaya