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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6407558 No.6407558 [Reply] [Original]

>>why are boobs such a huge issue

>> No.6407577

Hah, saw this go up and immediately came here counting down till the drama bomb hit. Thanks for not disappointing Anon.

>> No.6407591

I think they look nice. Would fondle from behind whilst licking face / 10.

>> No.6407604


its not yaya that makes them an issue its her "fans" always commenting on them

>> No.6407609

When did so many Asian American women start acting like black women?

>> No.6407613

How has she not realized that she is only famous for her big fat rack yet?

>> No.6407616

If they're in the public eye, people are going to comment on them. Why does she have to feed them by constantly reacting?

>> No.6407618

i don't get it
she got surgery to get larger breasts, not natural sized ones but "look at me i have giant tit" sized ones
now she gets attention for them
and complains about the attention?

she gives girls who want breast augmentation a bad name. every time i say i want implants people think Yaya sized ones

but not like, specifically Yaya- since most IRL people do not know who she is

>> No.6407626

Reading through the comments, she's gained a lot of new followers because of this blatant self promotion with them. Most of these new people will have no idea she does costume work and will be the ones dropping rude comments about wanting to titty fuck her. Then she will complain and in another month post another boob bait pic, restarting the cycle.

>> No.6407627

>she got surgery
Wait I take back my previous fondling comment.

>> No.6407640

whoever this lass is seems to be suggesting boobs are not WMD and should be allowed to continue to run free, i don't know what the rest of you mooks are babbling about, to be fair i'd agree wholesale with the analysis of the situation.

>> No.6407648


>> No.6407657

>every woman has them
how insensitive, some people had to get them removed for breast cancer

>> No.6407674

>Gets comically oversized implants
>Makes every costume focused around having giant tits
>Talks about having giant tits in every video interview
>Puts giant tits front and center of every promotional photo
>Talks endlessly to friends and anybody else in the vicinity about how much she loves her giant tits
>brags about how much they cost
>brags about how she got away with minimal scarring by blind luck
>gets naked to show them off in changing areas and to people she rooms with

>complains when people talk about her tits

yep, class-A+ attention whore, right here

>> No.6407682


>> No.6407690

Except everything she does accentuates them. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people having big boobs. But she doesn't merely have them - she's clearly showing them off. The clothing she chooses, the costumes she chooses, the angle of the camera - they're all chosen to accentuate her breasts. Which is fine, she got the work done and I'm glad she's proud of them. But if you're going to practically bedazzle your chest and make them the natural focus of every single photograph, it seems silly that she's surprised others are commenting on them.

>> No.6407712

So I'm scrolling through /cgl/ and husbando is next to me. I stop and read some of the comments that are showing up on page 0 and husbando notices the picture of Yaya. He points to the screen and sayys "Ah, boobies! But her face is ugly."

I love him so much.

>> No.6407719

There's people commenting on her page that think they're real.

>> No.6407721

I wonder what fake ones feel like. N...Not that I'm considering it or anything

>> No.6407727

bags of sand.

>> No.6407735

Not as soft and malleable as the real thing. I'd enjoy a mediocre looking real set over an outstanding looking plastic set any day.

>> No.6407736

I think that her post has more to to with her feeling proud of them, despite people complaining that her costumes are skimpy.

More power to her.

She still leads a happy, successful cosplay career. Even with a throng of angry teenage girls passive aggressively nitpicking everything she does. I side with CGL on a lot of things, but I still haven't found anything rage inducing about her. She does excellent cosplays. She is incredibly famous for them. She is, (at least from what I've seen,) a friendly and outgoing person who works hard on her projects. So, why do we still care? Is it because CGL is no longer capable of liking anyone who has more attention than them at any given moment? Are we really that bitter and shallow?

>> No.6407737


>> No.6407738

She has a point. Boobs are not a big deal.

On the other hand, it's impossible not to notice her's and furthermore comment on them.

>> No.6407741

newfriend detected

>> No.6407744

/fit/ pls go

>> No.6407747

It's really not that she does bad work. I think she's a great cosplayer, actually.

It's just that she got the surgery to make her boobs bigger and complains about the attention she gets for it, when all of her costumes now are chosen to show them off. I wouldn't doubt that more than half of her fans are there to stare at her rack. I don't mind her having big breasts now, I mind that she complains about it when she chose to get them done.

>> No.6407745

Has nothing to do with jealousy. It's the hypocrisy of using them for attention and then complaining about said attention.

As a guy, I love boobs and as a cosplay fan I like her work, but her self induced boob drama is idiotic.

>> No.6407751


Of course. Anyone who has a different opinion is a newfag, and not just tired of seeing girls in the cosplay community bitterly degrade one another to boost their own self esteem. This is just getting sick. Half of us are 10 years younger than her, anyway.

>> No.6407755

Sup Yaya?

>> No.6407757

"Stop staring at my boobs" is just woman-speak for "please look at my boobs."

>> No.6407760


I think the complaints are more about the negative comments. Most woman who get enhancements have self esteem issues. So, a wall of "HURP DURP U WHORE" every time she logs in has to cause some issues for her.

>> No.6407767


Sup PT.

>> No.6407768

whats wrong with her eyes?

>> No.6407773

she's asian

>> No.6407777

Asian women are hideous

>> No.6407782
File: 30 KB, 200x240, voldemort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone makes a big deal about boobs
>tfw feets never get any attention

>> No.6407787


Isn't that kind of like a poodle calling a pomeranian hideous? To an outside species, we'd all look like various colors and sizes of bipedal primates.

>> No.6407807
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>> No.6407836

>implying mexican women aren't 100x more disgusting

>> No.6407849

>Implying Lobitah doesn't exist

>> No.6407882

The fact that there are heterosexual guys on the internet who can't simply enjoy boobs and shut the fuck up is disappointing.

>> No.6407885

Lobitah is a 6/10 with a huge nose and a giant gap in her front teeth. She might as well not exist when it comes to arguing about aesthetics.

>> No.6407901

Y-you take that back, idiot!

>> No.6407927

I could care less about fake boobs or showing them off, to each their own. I respect escorts and strippers and have nothing against other women using their natural (or unnatural) assets for attention/success/money.

I do however, have a problem with women who get giant fake boobs, wear costumes that primarily exist to show off your boobs via boob windows and take boob-focused photos and then COMPLAIN or demand people stop paying attention to them when that is obviously what they want.

If you are taking a photo in a sweater at a normal level without 90% of the focal interest on your chest and people can't not comment OMG BOOBZ yes I can understand the frustration. If you are wearing a low cleavage top, with an angle purposely taken to highlight your giant boobs and someone comments on them...nut up or shut up. It's like a girl wearing a pretty dress, pretty makeup and posting a pretty photo and freaking out when people call her pretty.

I've made quite a few boobtastic costumes in my time with the boobs I DIDN'T choose to have and when people comment on them, c'est la vie... if I wasn't okay with my boobs being on display why would I put them there?

>> No.6408003
File: 22 KB, 395x387, 1310581732227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful cosplay career
>cosplay career

Mhmm. Playing dress up is such an enriching accomplishment. I don't know why more people don't objectify themselves and make a living from selling out.

>> No.6408137

It's also not "successful" or a "career" when you have to work two other jobs to support it. Cosplay is a hobby for Yaya, same as everyone else.

>> No.6408146

What's her other job apart from selling wings and cat-ears?

>> No.6408189

She's still a flight attendant, if I remember correctly?

>> No.6408205

I can't imagine her fitting a flight attendant job into her busy con schedule though, seeing that sometimes attendants need to stay in places overnight or a few days before the return flight.

>> No.6408210


>> No.6408209

> Has Facebook fanpage for them

Never change, Yaya.

>> No.6408233
File: 557 KB, 1162x850, gopnik2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Slavs stopped squatting on the street corners and sidewalks.

>> No.6408392

Objectifying myself does not mean i want to be objectified! Gawed!

>> No.6408439

>keep calm and boob on

>> No.6408576

This always makes me laugh. Her costumes are mostly just her pushing her boobs into everybody's faces. That said, she's an excellent seamstress.

>> No.6408600

if boobs are such a non-issue why did she pay money to get bigger ones

>> No.6408620


Because calling attention to them generates more drama, which generates more attention towards her. She isn't actually offended by these people, she knows what she's doing. It's a way to get people talking about her.

>> No.6408628

she's a decent seamstress. she hides a lot of her flaws behind shiny fabrics and essentially making the same costumes over and over again in different incarnations. make 20 corsets and poofy skirts and of course you'll do it well.

>> No.6408651

"Hey, did you hear about Yaya's boobs?"

+hundreds of hits and likes for her

>> No.6408780

I pray that day never comes and if it already has without me knowing then i have a date with a bullet

>> No.6408829

The fake boobs and corsets still can't hide the fact that she is shaped like a stubby rectangle.

>> No.6411593

no one gives a fuck trip twat

>> No.6411613

boobs are supposed to be fun. some women make there's less fun. then i am sad.

>> No.6411615

I used to like Yaya so much until /cgl/ showed me her true colors. I couldn't put my finger on it first, but I noticed that Yaya has changed over the past few years, and while I still admired her costuming skills, there was always something off about her attitude on all of it. And now I know why...it's her freakin' bipolar tit mind fuck she pulls off on her fans.

>> No.6411636

No, she is still a flight attendant. The cheap flights she gets as perks of the job are more or less the only reason she can be a guest at most conventions. If you pay attention to her FB she will often post from other states and places around Europe when she's stopped over.

>> No.6411633


>> No.6411645

She should do a "sexy stewardess" cosplay and push her boobs out for it

>> No.6411650

>She isn't actually offended by these people, she knows what she's doing

I am convinced of this too. It's a feasible market strategy.

See how we are all talking about it? Everyone knows who she is and any noobs quickly know as well. Publicity accomplished.

Also, sage.

>> No.6411668
File: 447 KB, 1078x486, Screen shot 2012-11-11 at 3.22.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw, hispanic and totally know this. :<

>> No.6411667

so a square then?