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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 552 KB, 629x653, annasui3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6407784 No.6407784 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a big collection of "transformations" done either through the addition of makeup/hair/ photoshop/surgery.

I mainly save examples of skillfully applied makeup though.

I have a lot before and afters of Asian and white girls, so requests are welcome.
I'll begin by posting some general info

>> No.6407790
File: 27 KB, 525x270, 1330404163507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407796
File: 692 KB, 2767x1837, foundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407804
File: 35 KB, 500x298, 12370b00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who thought thick, dark lipliner would ever look good? :|

>> No.6407809
File: 161 KB, 427x424, 1339966839276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407813

The 90s.

>> No.6407815
File: 34 KB, 600x383, this looks fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407822
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>> No.6407825
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>> No.6407828
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>> No.6407831
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>> No.6407837

Anything for guys?

>> No.6407844

should i self post?
a lot of people were pretty impressed (shocked) when i posted my no makeup photo

>> No.6407850

Do it!

>> No.6407855
File: 59 KB, 640x424, makeup_miracles_before_and_after_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obviously recent yet it features the thick liner.

this type of makeup is what you usually see in pageants or on drag queens too.

>> No.6407858
File: 159 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 11-6-12 at 12.43 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6407861
File: 43 KB, 500x270, gorgusu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this

>> No.6407864
File: 99 KB, 360x640, after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


only editing was on lighting, and removing a couple bumps, scabby things from picking at my acne.
no change in facial structure, or photoshop makeup.

>> No.6407866

i think the spectacular transformations alone are why i adore drag queens

>> No.6407872

Whoa. Uh. Charms. You look a lot different without makeup. It you plan to continue touting "omg 9/10 facial aesthetics" like you do when you selfpost in those /fit/ threads... then you should probably delete that before anyone else sees it.

>> No.6407873
File: 67 KB, 1092x516, cool col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having trouble replying to posts sorry.

>> No.6407874

I'm literally saving all of these! Post more :D
This was really awesome and to the next person who says "you don't need makeup", I'm linking this.

>> No.6407880


i like my face without makeup

as for my "i haven't washed my face, brushed my hair, or done anything but sit in bed all fucking day" face-
wouldn't leave the house like that
actually yes i would i don't give a fuck

>> No.6407881

Holy crap. You look kind of scary with those contacts. Maybe that's my fear of dolls speaking, but yeah, that difference....WHA

>> No.6407888

holy hell. would smash either way

>> No.6407891

it's weird, i've worn contacts for so long that i feel like my eyes look weird without them when wearing makeup.
without makeup it's fine, but with makeup it's like "my eyes are... missing something"
i have tried to go without contacts for a very long time in real life- in photos that i give a fuck about (like the one i posted) i still pretty much always wear them, but i just can't break the feeling.

>> No.6407892

Eurgh. Threads like this are the reason I don't wear makeup.

Why not post /fit/ transformations?

>> No.6407896

I can't even tell the before from the after, holy poop.
If it's a chick, I want her stubble secrets.

>> No.6407911
File: 32 KB, 640x330, makeup_miracles_before_and_after_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not a fan of the "raccoon eye" type of heavy eye makeup some girls sport.
>pic related

>> No.6407919

The eyes are a bit eerie to me. A matter of taste I guess.

>> No.6407920

I guess I can understand in some way. Do your eyes become irritated in any way from wearing them so often? The thought of buying contacts online always sketches me out.

>> No.6407922
File: 50 KB, 640x479, asian_girls_makeup_before_and_after_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think a little concealer on your bare face would suit you better than the other pic. The liner in the after photo doesn't quite suit your eye. yo were going for the popular gal look right?

A gal-ish look w/o lenses! It's practically impossible to find one of these nowadays.

>> No.6407937
File: 27 KB, 285x186, transformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6407941
File: 38 KB, 467x405, makeovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replying to

can't quote posts for some reason

I agree wholeheartedly. I had believed for tyhe longest time that people who were pretty w/ makeup MUST be pretty without too but after coming across a couple of these I was totally blown away. Makeup can do wonders.

>> No.6407951

So basically the "only" editing was turning up your contrast and lighting to hide what was left of your bad skin after photoshopping it to hell? lol

>> No.6407953

came across some before pics of korean celebs in a blog. anyone interested?

>> No.6407956
File: 102 KB, 500x500, touhoushinki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407961
File: 23 KB, 468x529, 124372__468x_japanese-makeup-mockers-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407962
File: 161 KB, 792x678, creepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407965
File: 48 KB, 640x381, makeup_miracles_before_and_after_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407967
File: 54 KB, 468x576, 34578__468x_korean-plastic-surgery-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6407969

I look like such a stereotypical ugly asian. I really should learn how to apply makeup well; this is amazing.

>> No.6407972

I think these are better without makeup, really...

>> No.6407974

Related episode on makeup transformations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mu_betPexI

>> No.6407976

>That chin/jaw difference

>> No.6407978


Good news is Asian makeup is easymode. Be thankful you don't have one of the dozens of slightly different Caucasian face or eye shapes. Finding a good look is basically just mix and match until something works.

>> No.6407989

That isn't an after makeup picture. It's an after photoshop picture.

>> No.6407991
File: 61 KB, 600x485, hga3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the selfpost, but gyaru-style makeup (and circle lenses) is fucking amazing.

>> No.6407990

And another of the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxumLj-zn-c&feature=related

>> No.6407993

Most women look washed out and ugly without makeup. In other mindblowing news, the pope is catholic.

>> No.6407997

Do you wish you were white or something?

>> No.6408004

whhaaa he was a chubby kid?

>> No.6408005
File: 59 KB, 715x561, seoleehyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like such a stereotypical ugly asian

You can do a multitude of things to hide flaws.
let me highlight some examples.

>wide jaw: Get front layers cut to just above jawline, it'll contour your face, making it appear narrower

>small eyes: eyelid tape helps give the eye a rounder appearance. DO NOT LINE your entire eye with dark eyeliner.

>wide nose: apply dark powder along the sides of the bridge, apply a thin strip of white powder/pan stick foundation over T zone and along nose bridge.

>> No.6408017

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

>> No.6408022

I'm all for wearing makeup and crap, but I kinda get uncomfortable with drastic changes like the ones ITT. Don't these girls have huge self confidence issues with their natural looks? Are they able to leave the house without makeup?

>> No.6408023

Homegirl, you're excused. And adorable.

>> No.6408038

These bother me a lot because not you, /cgl/, but men generally can't judge people's beauty in an accurate way. Most of these pictures include make-up, yes, but none of these girls had plastic surgery (I'm aware koreans and other girls have had it, before you jump on me. I'm talking about the ones who did not) and their features are the EXACT FUCKING SAME with or without make-up/hair/eyebrow shaping/mustache removal. Then guys go all "HOLY SHIT I SHOULD BE CAREFUL WHEN GOING OUT WITH A GIRL IN CASE SHE'S A SHAPE-SHIFTER" but... yeah. They are not shape-shifters, they just even out their skin and some other minor stuff.

Men are fucking stupid.
And yes, I am generalizing.

>> No.6408049

Why the fuck would you get 'uncomfortable' about it? How does it affect you?

>> No.6408044
File: 413 KB, 500x519, tumblr_m6g93qt5PW1r0ozmho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you wish you were white or something?

How many times have I hears this? NO, she's not trying to look "white" any more than a blonde girl dying her hair black is trying to look Asian/black. She's a gal/gyaru. It's a makeup look popular in East Asia. Large eyes and light hair are considered attractive all over the world. Some girls who follow the fashion exhibit strong Neoteny too.

>> No.6408056

Are you trying to convince me or yourself, you ugly gook.

>> No.6408057

Do you have any pictures with a more natural makeup? I can't help but to feel that would be really attractive on you! Although you do pull of Gyaru well too.

>> No.6408065

Men are retarded when it comes to makeup. Conversation I had with a former friend,
Me: I can't get lashes as pretty as yours even with an eyelash curler and mascara
>Lol Anon, you don't wear makeup
Uh, yes I do.
>I've never seen you wear makeup
I've worn makeup every day since before I met you
>But, but you don't carry around a makeup bag or anything

>> No.6408066
File: 436 KB, 497x614, 1350451922388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408068

All that over saturation to make noses go away...

>> No.6408080
File: 1.72 MB, 794x1173, 1334060699784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408084
File: 23 KB, 640x268, makeup_miracles_before_and_after_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ugly gook.

But I'm not Asian...Just tired of hearing thae samwe old "DOES SHHE WANT TO BE WHITE TROLOLO?!" comment about those girls. A change in haircolor/eyecolor does not mean said person wants to of another race.

>> No.6408087

Are their eyes actually getting rounder? Or just their iris getting bigger?

>> No.6408088
File: 535 KB, 650x1346, 1329586326527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408097

nope. the only issue i ever had was the first time i put them on i didn't rinse of the contact solution and it really bothered my eyes.
asked a eye doctor, told me to rinse them with water. i asked if that was okay, since it says not to, he says it makes the contacts go bad faster but it wasn't dangerous.

i think all i did was remove the yellow from that photo. i don't turn up contrast much, i just take pictures in natural day light.
i can look for the original if anyone wants?

nope. i should find the original.

>> No.6408105

Oh wow... 2nd down in the right-hand column...

>> No.6408107
File: 290 KB, 912x663, 1334863871565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls who surgically enlarged their eyes in the previous post look very otherworldly...in a bad way. why would they do that to themselves?

>> No.6408111

woah... is there a directory like that of that agency's work on women of other races? i can imagine than if they're good enough, people will fly from all over the world to permanently look more feminine

>> No.6408113

Dat skin bleaching. She looks ill. The new chin looks odd too in the profile shot.

>> No.6408116
File: 91 KB, 360x640, SAM_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it.

>> No.6408117
File: 104 KB, 500x389, surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408124

I like the middle one for both of them most.

>> No.6408127
File: 239 KB, 1896x936, make up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're saying anon. I used to NEVER wear ANY make up at all. Then I started using more make up and the first few times I did it, I felt like an ass clown because I looked so different. Now I just wear brow liner and mascara, and I save my more intense make up for special events such as weddings and conventions. I now feel that my more drastic make-up is empowering instead of strange, but I think part of it is due to the fact that I only wear it to special occasions and it has become part of my "character", for example the character I'm cosplaying as.
Pic related. On left I'm wearing absolutely nothing but circle lenses. In the middle is my "drastic makeup" pulling all the stops, and on the right is my normal everyday look. Also the lighting in my bathroom is shit. Right is what my skin color normally looks like.

>> No.6408126

Foreigners travel to Korea every day for plastic surgery, they've quite honed their technique

>> No.6408138

The under-eye-bag asian thing going on is SO POPULAR right now, and if it's natural or well done it looks cute, and usually it photographs really well, but HOLY SHIT if you see this in person and it's a bit too much IT REALLY LOOKS LIKE THEY HAVE MAGGOTS UNDER THEIR LOWER EYELID SKIN

Just... really creepy when it goes overboard.

>> No.6408143
File: 230 KB, 1440x810, yaeba-fang-2d-vs-3d-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute when it's subtle, those women went overboard

>> No.6408153

Nope, I did this for a tutorial video on this particular style of makeup because I like challenges.

>> No.6408160
File: 33 KB, 600x368, asian_girls_makeup_before_and_after_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new chin looks odd
You don't know how popular that protruding chin is in various parts of china do you?

kotaku DOT com[remover brackets]/5897351/in-china-kids-are-turning-into-anime-characters-with-pointy-chins-and-huge-eyes/ga

this sort of thing must look exotic over there or someth

>> No.6408168

Yeah. If you don't have drag queen make-up or something equally obvious, they think there is no make-up.

>> No.6408171

Are you all the same person? Seriously, lrn 2 reply.

>> No.6408170

>You don't know how popular that protruding chin is in various parts of china do you?

I do. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

>> No.6408172

That's... creepy. To say the least.

>> No.6408174
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, makeover-before-and-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like two different people to me.

>> No.6408181


I wonder what all of the inbetween stuff was?

>> No.6408187

>Are you all the same person? Seriously, lrn 2 reply.

not my fault mang, browser wont allow me to quote posts no matter how many times I click on the post #

>> No.6408197

There's a few things with the camera certainly. It moves further away from her face and the lighting is A LOT softer between the first and last photos.

She also doesn't appear to show the step where she adds eyeliner? Look at the photos before and after the close up on the eyelash curler.

>> No.6408204
File: 26 KB, 405x411, tumblr_mdeggrSBb31rddbxfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408207
File: 2.20 MB, 240x190, 1351207172879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those chins look like they can kill with one hit.

>> No.6408213
File: 668 KB, 762x653, b4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408215
File: 87 KB, 550x588, Before-After-Make-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408220 [DELETED] 

lol Felice doesn't count, she shoops as much as Koti

sage cause lol these ridiculous bitches

>> No.6408222

lmao that's more photoshop than makeup. is this an efagz invasion or something because i'd rather you keep her over there

>> No.6408223

Guys I don't think they are surgically making their eyes larger. They're getting double-lid surgery + the under eye bag effect that is popular.

Also on a side note, the procedure isn't just something Asian people do.

>> No.6408227

She looks so gorgeous in the first picture. Like, living doll gorgeous. Then in the second she looks like some po faced chav.

>> No.6408231

Except almost all of these are old people getting their droopy lids lifted. Not the same thing really.

>> No.6408235

I really don't get the undereye bag effect thing, I have that puffiness naturally and I want it to GO AWAY, the puffy eyes makes them look tired and sick

>> No.6408242


Pages and pages of this crap.

>> No.6408251


More boy-to-girl/girl-to-boy?

>> No.6408249

Young people can have droopy eyelids too but yes. My point was that it's something people of any race get done if that's what they want to do.

>> No.6408250

I second this. I post on efagz too and can we stop posting FF over here please? I can understand Dakota getting her 15 minutes over here and hell we even happily shared PT with you guys.
No felice though, lets try to keep her contained in that cancer part of tumblr.

>> No.6408253

I'm with you on this. It's interesting how most people on this side of the pond want to get rid of bags/puffiness but they are workign to get that look,.

>> No.6408254


I meant all of the dots after she did foundation

>> No.6408263

This thread is about transformations. I dont give a shit if it is Felice Fawn or not. Efagz does not own the rights to her, you know.

>> No.6408269
File: 518 KB, 1936x1936, LkXg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408271
File: 83 KB, 900x450, IAqfI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408286

This is an example of good makeup, imo. It doesnt look obvious or caked on, it takes away her flaws and emphasizes her good features.

>> No.6408297
File: 215 KB, 1548x925, C7aZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408295

Well that's your opinion and that's fine.

But think about how many comments and threads are in cgl everyday targeting people for their ugly natural look.

There's only two choices. An ugly natural look that people are going to ridicule.

Or a fake / made up beautiful look. You can't have both. Naturally pretty is not an option.

>> No.6408304
File: 39 KB, 640x514, pdBB1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408303

Oh wow, she's absolutely beautiful with or without makeup.

>> No.6408332

S-sara? Is that you?

>> No.6408395

holy fuck
are you real?
dat bone structure

>> No.6408401
File: 1.28 MB, 1302x1346, america pig disgusting copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep seeing this picture, and i really hate what she did to her nose and jaw.

such a shame, she already had great bone structure.

>> No.6408424

To be honest, I like this better than the other. With a just some coverup on the spots and a bit of mascara, you'd be gorgeous. Just my opinion, though,

>> No.6408426

Can some of you post stars with "hooded eyes" more of a western shape?

I wanna advance on my makeup skills but I can't seem to get it right..

>> No.6408440

Wow...I just took a before and after picture of myself with makeup because I wanted to see how it looked, and it seriously made almost no difference. I think I just really suck at applying makeup

>> No.6408446
File: 48 KB, 568x559, 1338524776672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an actual picture, but I do have this. It's kind of nifty.

>> No.6408453
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1351999968142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh! And I have this!
Different anon btw.

>> No.6408454
File: 316 KB, 768x1280, IMAG0088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly not a star, but I was told recently I have hooded eyes; hope this helps.

>> No.6408462


Any ftm crossplay make up?

>> No.6408485

ehhh, sorry for shitty quality by the way. Probably didn't help.
I've read that some stars who have hooded eyes include Taylor Swift, Blake Lively, and Drew Barrymore (used to have them.)

>> No.6408494

Tutorial time!

>> No.6408499
File: 87 KB, 500x429, 1350450651487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408502

you can watch makeup tutorials done on (most) Asians, a natural hooded eye is basically the same thing as a monolid.

>> No.6408507
File: 53 KB, 720x425, 424719_374430705901789_100000045878106_1482615_686102306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this quite a while ago, it's not very good and I do plan to make a better one someday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reo8FuLWBX4

I used something similar for my Kid cosplay (pictured), and see >>6407991 for pic of me without makeup.

>> No.6408509

Not the same chick. Those eyebrows don't lie.

>> No.6408506

Wait, which is the before and which is the after?

>> No.6408554

She could have plucked them. Her facial structure is the same...looks like the same person to me, just grew out of her ugly duckling stage.

>> No.6408566

This is one fugly bitch.

>> No.6408657


>Have hooded eyelids
>There are still folds when my eyes are closed.

Well, fuck.

>> No.6408700

Namie is a god.

>> No.6408764


>> No.6408807

i wish plastic surgery was cheap as fuck here in the states
i'd be all up in that business

>> No.6408921
File: 90 KB, 369x750, 1352759334422ssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, she would have to get rid of 80% of her eye brow to get that high brow bone, put it all above these new eye brows. Too bad the second pic has the ear blocking because the first girl holy shit that is a big ear lobe.

>> No.6408932
File: 43 KB, 365x571, tK7RE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408945
File: 79 KB, 500x463, daum_net_20120720_141214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408951

Isn't she just raising her eyebrow...?

>> No.6408958
File: 396 KB, 1024x715, 7218844694_38a86e1133_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have Pony's makeup books been scanned yet?
I can only find a few pages.

>> No.6408968
File: 97 KB, 792x396, taiwan_diamondclub_makeup_transformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408979

It's the same girl. Her cheek dimple is in the exact same place, given her mouth is open in one and shut in the other.

>> No.6408984
File: 39 KB, 640x440, make-up-transformations-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408988
File: 374 KB, 1068x1162, Oi7gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6408997
File: 76 KB, 446x494, tumblr_lugr3vVT0u1qi95hro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6409001

I agree. She just grew up, ditched the acne, got contacts, shaped her brows, and got layers in her hair + possibly dyed it [doesn't look quite as dark in the "after" pic].

>> No.6409029

Yeah. It's also definitely her, because the upper eyebow (part unplucked) is identical. Same length, goes to the exact same part of her face, same shape. The inside (underneath) is different obviously, but it's still the same eyebrow.

>> No.6409069

Holy shit, this is amazing.
.... can someone recommend some cheap products? I'm a complete make-up noob. I have some liquid foundation but I know you're supposed to put other things down on your face, too. If I remember right, moisturizer and then maybe the liquid foundation, then powder and.... I'm not sure what else.
Oh, and is there supposed to be a pore-reducing base? I'm not sure.

>> No.6409091


>> No.6409103

In some cases people just had to grow out of the ugly duckling phase, clear their skin if need be, and drop pounds.

>> No.6409128

This makes me feel very grateful for looking great without makeup. Although it's gotten me thinking how much better I would look with it.....maybe I will try.

Every tutorial says that you can use any eye makeup technique for almond shaped eyes. Is that true? I would really like something more specific.

>> No.6409173

You typically cleanse, moisturize, apply sunscreen (wait 10 minutes), apply primer (wait 10 minutes), then apply foundation. You can set it with a loose or pressed powder afterwards, or a setting spray. I prefer setting sprays as I dislike the finish powder gives to the face.

I can't really recommend any cheap products as all of my experiences with drug store brands have been unpleasant.

If your cleanser is drying your skin, or making it feel tight, it's a bad cleanser.

>> No.6409174

Kiiiiiind of. But you forget:

With Makeup:
Unattractive person becomes attractive
Attractive person becomes SUPER attractive

>> No.6409179


>> No.6409182

I just cleanse, apply cream, apply foundation, apply powder. I'm not outside during winter so I can skip the sunscreen, and primer to me is unnecessary for daily wear. Just another toxin going on your skin - I'd rather skip it.

If necessary, save it for big events.

>> No.6409188
File: 861 KB, 1000x944, 0000003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this once before, but here's everything I love to use.

I go like; Wash face, Toner, Moisturizer, Primer, Foundation, tiny bit of Powder, tiny bit of Blush, light Mascara, Lip liner & Lipstick OR just a Revlon Lip Butter. The look I always go for is as close to natural as possible, but with a hint of girlyness so that I don't look tired/shitfaced but I don't look like I'm wearing much makeup either. I never use eyeshadows. Rarely use eye liners either. A little makeup really does go a long way though.

>> No.6409199

I wear an spf 60 PA+++ sunscreen everyday simply as a means to prevent aging.

And for special events in which you would be photographed, sunscreen isn't appropriate because it can create a white cast to the face.

>> No.6409211

It only prevents aging if you're in the sun.

You can skip it if you aren't. There are actually studies that say the ingredients in sunscreen can also age and damage your face. It's only worthwhile if you'll be outside for a time.

>> No.6409245

not the same poster who asked for cheap products, but... i'm also new to make up. how do girls achieve a nice, natural smooth looking face (that doesn't look cupcaked) with foundation only , and how do they make it last long?

i've used foundation primer and it seems like my foundation just tapers off throughout the day.

>> No.6409258

Not anon you're replying to obviously, but I use either bb cream and a mineral veil powder or primer/foundation/mineral veil powder. This stuff is finer and will make your face look slightly matte and gives the bb cream/foundation some staying power without being really "fake" looking.

Also, how long your foundation lasts may depend on your skin type? Is your skin oily/combo oily? If so, you may need to change up the type of foundation you use.

>> No.6409277

You need to use a good foundation.

I've tried A LOT in the past few years. The one I swear by, which is godly, is Dior Nudeskin (50$). It's expensive, so I've tried long and hard to find a replacement. Every drugstore one sucked major ass, looked caked on, crumbled, moved around on my face creasing and looking greasy, and made me breakout.

The only other good one was Make Up Forever Professional (45$? can't remember) Still not as good as Dior. But nearly so...

Lesson: DO NOT SKIMP ON PRICE when it comes to foundation.

>> No.6409278


ah i see! i'll look into those. do you personally prefer liquid or powder for foundation/veil products?

sometimes i feel a bit uncomfortable out by how much product a girl can put on her face, with the layering things like: lotion first, foundation primer, foundation, foundation veil, etc. not sure how else to explain, but it's so much stacking on a face. perhaps i should get used to it.

as for my skin type, i'm not really sure. i know that my face can feel really gross in the sun, so maybe oily? i also use moisturizer on my face after i get out of the shower.

thank you!

>> No.6409282

There is thing we call growing up. I remember seeing this on tumblr and I believe she was 14 in the first pic, and around 19 in the second one.

>> No.6409291

Some people are just to damn ugly for make up to work wonders.

>> No.6409288

Oops, sorry, correction:

Diorskin Nude*

>> No.6409300

i've used everyday minerals and bare escentuals powdered foundations, and when i'm on the go i typically used maybelline fit foundation.

i guess i gotta update my make up.

thank you for the tips~

>> No.6409310

I tried Maybelline fit. It was terrible shitty... it worked nice with not breaking my skin out, but it looked horrible at the end of the day. Quite flaky and creasy.

Definitely invest in a more expensive one. You will notice the difference immediately, when after 10 hours of wearing it, your foundation looks like you just put it on. Give Dior a try. You can return it (if you buy at Sephora) if it's not to your liking.

>> No.6409323


I really don't understand the "eyebag" they have going on over there. Why get surgery to give you permanent eye bags?!

>> No.6409324

Liquid foundation is not a fav of mine. I like cream foundation a bit better because it has more coverage and can cover up some of the awesome redness in my face.

I had been using Bare Minerals veil that came in a kit I bought and that seemed fine, but it's pricey. I then moved on to Palladio's rice powder for setting powder and it works just fine for me and is a fraction of the price.

But yea, I know what you mean about having a metric-ton of products on your face. That's why I've been using bb cream + the veil powder since it's only 2 items, for daily wear that is. Then after I get home from work, I wash my face, moisturize it and spend my evening like that. If I'm going to be outside at home, I just use sunblock on my face

For cosplay, I tend to use the heavier makeup with the primer, cream foundation, then veil powder.

Anyway, powder foundations tend to work better for oily skin because they don't "add" oil to the oil, if that makes sense. Dry skin tends to do better with creams, liquids, and things that "add" moisture/oil. Combo skin and normal skin can use a number of products to suit the user.

>> No.6409337

It makes your eyes look bigger.

Dunno why they'd want that.
Why does /cgl/ want to look like 10-year-old girls?

>> No.6409351

For sure going to try dior after the rccomendations on here. Can you guys tell me if it oxidizes or not? Also, does it come in really pale colors?

>> No.6409364

It never oxidizes, and it comes in pretty light colours... when you go, ask for a colour match.

>> No.6409479
File: 210 KB, 163x175, 131352668530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but are there any before and afters of korean surgeon's work on foreigners? this is what i'm asking (politely) for, if anyone has a specific site they're grabbing these charts from.

>> No.6409610

Its just to look more youthful. And I think its a Korean thing, because I don't really many Japanese people getting it.

>> No.6409617

Good question. I guessing your asking about western foreigners, just not other asian foreigners. Because I've never seen the results of these surgeries on a westerner before.

>> No.6411204
File: 537 KB, 1400x1953, [018432].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wash face, Toner, Moisturizer, Primer
If you're using an anti-shine (oil-absorbing) moisturizer using a primer afterwards is redundant as primers tend to have mattifying properties. I strongly suggest using either a primer or moisturizer, not both as they are apt to cancel each other out. Unless your skin is so oily that no amount of additional powder/foundation can control a primer is an unnecessary expense.

>> No.6411225
File: 203 KB, 1416x2656, SAM_0254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makeup enthusiast here

Meh I was going to do a self post, but then I realized I look ok without makeup on. I have a head cold right now and my lips a little puffy because of a canker sore the size of a lima bean on my bottom lip -__- also bed hair.

Still post with makeup on Y/N?

also I used to be butt ugly, might post those instead.

>> No.6411265
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translated product names

>> No.6411272
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go ahead! Share tips/advice you might have too!

>> No.6411283


That perfect line down the middle...

>> No.6411297
File: 33 KB, 600x326, KongHyoJin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second Dior Airflash foundation ohsohard.

It giver off the most natural finish effortlessly while giving you an even skin tone. Plus it's unnoticeable even up close.

It runs at about 60 dollars but delivers much better results than anything else I've tried (and I've tried almost every other high end brand I could get my hands on).

>> No.6411306
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should I upload my folder to mediafire?

>> No.6411318
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>> No.6411325
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>> No.6411329
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>> No.6411333
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>> No.6411334

Why do they always give them the most ridiculous multicolor drag queen eye makeup?

>> No.6411335
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>> No.6411339
File: 1.43 MB, 807x887, WAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent weight loss

>> No.6411342
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>> No.6411344

what are you supposed to use to fill in your eyebrows? is there something specific for that or do most people use eyeliner or whatever?

>> No.6411348
File: 412 KB, 732x1000, yamanba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew a good western yamanba |:

>> No.6411361
File: 783 KB, 2866x1912, dior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's brow mascara, believe it or not. You can also use pencils, powder or gels.

>> No.6411364

Am I the only one who feels like the bottom left was more attractive before? I think the round jawline looks bad.

Also, getting this surgery must be terrifying for everyone involved. Their family and friends have to get used to someone who looks totally different... and what if they fucked up or something... changed something in a way you didn't like...

>> No.6411363
File: 583 KB, 500x654, 1348711039072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad this type of liner doesn't work on your avrg western eyes

>> No.6411368
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>> No.6411369

agh, models tho. they look good with or without. e

>> No.6411374
File: 146 KB, 436x640, complex gal 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were all much more attractive before, the after pictures are nightmare fuel

>> No.6411383
File: 545 KB, 1400x2085, countouring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all do. Simply altering how light hits your face (or contouring) can have tremendous results.

>> No.6411390
File: 629 KB, 500x731, tumblr_m9ukmuno7i1r9pu6wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that picture says "How to look half-japanese half foreigner" btw

>> No.6411404

I always wonder about contouring for long/narrow/horse faces though. I've avoided contouring and highlighting since I'm such a horseface. Is there anything I can do to make it look LESS long and thin? Like I know almost all contouring and hell, beauty advice in general is about making your face look slimmer, but that is the last thing I need...

>> No.6411415
File: 1.25 MB, 876x1205, 2z6895j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put powder under it.

>> No.6411425

am i the only one that feels like whoever made this tutorial is being ridic


>> No.6411429
File: 693 KB, 1400x2012, rola make.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try following this. Even though Rola's face is strictly square, the contouring should work on longish faces (just don't contour along cheekbones or alongside the jaw)

>> No.6411435
File: 684 KB, 1400x2060, 1326419062006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she was pretty helpful. Many tuts on the subject tend to encourage layering on makeup.

>> No.6411446
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>> No.6411458

I'm not criticizing the tutorial itself, it's very well done. I'm just saying that I found the introduction really abrasive. I love makeup, but I'd never go around criticizing other people for not wearing it, much less not using the exact same techniques I do.

>> No.6411467

Of course! Contouring isn't just about making your face look narrower; it's about giving it the appearance of shadows and highlights (the "contours" of your face) where you most need it. My own face is pretty round, so I don't usually pay too much attention to tutorials and such for longer, narrower faces -- but you'll want to shade the top and bottom of your face, and highlight more of the sides. Actually, do take a look at the bottom left of >>6411383; it looks pretty relevant! Shadow goes where the red-striped zones are; from what I can tell they also say to highlight the T-zone and the triangle under your eyes.

>> No.6411465
File: 54 KB, 440x700, tumblr_m4yfqu2yEH1r40qo4o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gurl, I am jelly. You look a bit like Kat Dennings

>> No.6411479

holy shit. wtf. your make up is amazing. small tutorial now pls

>> No.6411497

I use the Maybelline Fit Powder to set concealer and I find it does the job just fine. I haven't tried the liquid foundation, but yeah, I've heard that's terrible.

>> No.6411506

1/10 would not bang
fuck that's disgusting

>> No.6411518

I'm gay, from now on.

>> No.6411660
File: 1.01 MB, 4112x2872, myface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here are some makeup shots
The best advice I could really give is to find products that work with the color of your skin tone.

>> No.6411702

Not anon you're replying to, but I agree. There's something about the intro that seems off-putting and haughty. It's not a bad tutorial and the look works for her, but it's her attitude...

I write the occasional makeup tutorial and the thing I emphasize is that while shit works on my face, you have to customize it to work for your features which means being willing to grab your makeup and practice. This inevitably means fucking up a few times until you get the look you want but that's how you find the right thing for your face. Her "my way or the highway, bitches" attitude is pretty unflattering.

>> No.6411707

Anyone got anything for round face shapes?

>> No.6411725

I don't read moonspeak well, but perhaps the tutorial posted >>6411446 would help? Wasn't sure if you saw that one.

The face on the far right is "round". Tan areas are for shading, the pink is for blush. Depending on your nose too, you could add a smidge of highlighting and contouring to further add angles to your face.

>> No.6411779

Weight classes competed in: 181, 198, 220
Best Meet lifts: S:575 B:520 D:510 Total:1605 (220)
Best lifts: S:635 B:560 D:510
Best Raw: S:505 B:355 D:510

6''4 masterrace

>> No.6411784
File: 3 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyebrow pencils! practically every brand section in the makeup aisle has them; they look like stick eyeliner, but they'll have a little brush on the cap.

>> No.6411791

They have a lot of choices and colours. How do I choose the right one?

>> No.6411838

i use two! i fill in my brows (i am very pale and have dark hair, but my eyebrows are super light and transparent) with a light brown, then go over the sparse areas with little strokes of black. then blend the two together with the brush, being careful to brush in the direction that your eyebrow hair is growing. i'm sorry that i haven't got an infographic for you, but there are a million "makeup gurus" on youtube that all generally use the same technique, if you need visuals. these pencils will last MUCH longer than eyeliner, so if you find yourself in between color choices, buy a light brown first and a darker brown if the hair on your head's dark.

>> No.6411950

I've been wanting to try a bb cream for months, now but through all the threads, I can't find any for pale, oily acne scarred sensitive skin that has more than light or medium coverage. At first I was gonna try skinfood Gingko green but it doesn't exist anymore, then a kind anon in another thread told me about a fantastic one she used that was nearly full coverage but that apparently that one wasn't being made anymore, either.

I sometimes just want so badly to go back to not giving a fuck about my face, damn ;_;

>> No.6412013

/cgl/ I have a problem and was hoping this thread could help me out.
I'm a girl and I've never worn makeup. I'd like to start but I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Is there a makeup 101 somewhere? I don't know what any of this stuff is or what it does or what I need to get the desired look I want. I don't even know Foundations 101. I know I'm supposed to pick something that matches my skin but do I just glob it on my face or something? Does powder or cream work better? Do I put stuff on the foundation afterwards?
Help /cgl/ I am so lost, I just want to look like a pretty girl ;__;

>> No.6413624

You're insane

>> No.6413653

most major bb cream brand (missha, dr jart, etude, laneige, etc, mostly korean brands) I've tried doesn't give that heavy, full coverage to conceal all that...bb cream just more evens out your complexion with that natural look, rather then cover, so you might want to try looking into foundation-those stuff gives you nice coverage

>> No.6413684


I'm not crazy about foundation, I was interested in bb cream for the skin benefits, I was just hoping there was one that could be used both for makeup and for that.

>> No.6414422

omg, it's makeup piggy/manawannabe. I fucking love you <3.

>> No.6416017
File: 40 KB, 250x250, 29520357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do your lips? They look so kissable and sexy! I just fail at makeup and my lips look smudged all the time

>> No.6416042

Not that anon, but with red lipstick I do the whole: line lips with matching color and then fill in with liner > Put on lipstick > blot > brush on foundation powder > put on another layer of lipstick > blot > repeat
I usually do it about 3 to 4 times. It gives a really nice matte look and keeps the color on for much longer.

>> No.6416255

Start by watching people do make-up tutorials on Youtube. XSparkage does a lot of flashy pretty eye makeup tutorials but she also does product reviews; if you can find someone like that you can get info on products without buying them.

As far as foundation goes, you might not even need it. BB cream is really a wonderful product, and it's usually hydrating too. If you're absolutely dead-set on foundation, a liquid or cream one will cover more, so if you have bad skin or scarring that might be to your liking, but make sure you "set" it with a powder (so you don't get creases in your foundation). If you have nice smooth skin, a nice powder should work just fine.

>> No.6416371

I'll check her out, thanks!
What is BB cream? I see everyone talking about it and I've seen some in stores but they're super pricey.
As for the foundation what kind of powder should I use? Do I put the powder on before the foundation or after the foundation? (sorry I am a giant noob ;_;)
I usually just have issues with bad cases of period acne so I kinda just want something to hide it since acne products don't usually work on it because by the time they start working my hormones are back to normal and all the pimples are gone.
I honestly think I have nice facial features I'd just like something that I can use maybe one week out of the month to hide my crappy hormonal pimples. :(
Also when I try and put on mascara it makes my eyelashes look clumpy and gross. How do I get that nice smooth thick eyelash effect without clumpy grossness?

>> No.6416382

BB cream is supposed to be an all in one type deal, so a moisturiser/foundation/sunblock deal. Powder goes on after foundation to set it.

>> No.6416406

>Also when I try and put on mascara it makes my eyelashes look clumpy and gross. How do I get that nice smooth thick eyelash effect without clumpy grossness?

Depends on the look you want. If you want what they advertise in mascara ads, then you get that look more often than not with some false eyelashes + mascara. Others may correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't come across mascara that doubles lash density/adds more lashes. There are some mascaras that contain little fibers to "build" a denser coat over your existing lashes, but nothing is going to double them sans falsies or implants.

Also, certain mascara wands work better for certain people's lashes. I have good luck with the shorter wands with rubber instead of the traditional brush. A lash comb will help with the clumpy look and spidery lashes. If you don't own one already, get one, they're awesome.

>> No.6418645

You should try Maybelline "Volum' Express One by One" mascara, it worked great for me, zero clumps

>> No.6418760

I have horrible clumps
(different anon)

>> No.6418905

The Pro cosplay, nice.

>> No.6418936

>so a moisturiser/foundation/sunblock deal.

That's only the case with shitty north American ones. Asian BB Creams are actually good for your skin and a little more than just tinted moisturizer-sunscreen.

>> No.6418954

Has anyone with acne scarring tried Skin79's Snail Nutrition BB Cream? What's the purpose of the snail goo they put in it, anyway?

And aside from that, I used their chart (http://www.skin79northamerica.com/now-skin79/which-bb-is-best-for-me)) and it seems like the Intense Classic would be best for my skin, but I don't know what shade it is and there's no option for any different ones. I don't wanna spen 20 bucks on something I can't use, after all.

>> No.6418955

What about if you're a guy and have dark circles under your eyes? I haven't tried a concealer yet but I'm willing to try one I just don't want it coming off looking too make-upy if you know what I mean.

>> No.6419008

did she get breast implants too?

>> No.6419035

does anyone know how to contour cheekbones? Like subtley
I have small cheekbones that sit high up on my face but I'm always told I look "cutesy" when I do my makeup, I mean not that there's anything wrong with that, but I really want to try looking mature for once. tfw you don't have nice bone structure and you're face is slightly flat

>> No.6419039

your* oh woops. you are face.

>> No.6419107

probably just pushups

>> No.6419236
File: 2.67 MB, 839x1600, Grown-Up-Make-Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should help

>> No.6421471

when my face was a little bit chubbier and my cheekbones not as prominent, I wore a very, very light amount of a darker coral blush as a contour, then after I would use a ligher then my skintone (which is almost impossible for me, I am irl snow white) foundation or powder on the upper part, but again applied very lightly with a stippling brush. if you dont want the rosey cheek look, use a very light brown eyeshadow (like UD buck, maybe a bit more neutral toned then warm, MUST be matte) again in the contour zone, not the top of the cheek, thats for the lighter powder