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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6407012 No.6407012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do people have sex at cons?

Have you ever heard anyone having sex?

>> No.6407022
File: 14 KB, 633x758, feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having sex

>> No.6407025

I'm keeping myself pure until marriage, so I wouldn't know much about sex, sorry.

But I'm sure the other girls here got a lot of experience.

>> No.6407031

Once I met a fat chick and she became obsessed with me for some reason. She stuck her fingers up her cunt and then held it up to my nose so I could "smell her desire"

It was fucking disgusting. It smelled like death. That was my only sexual experience.

>> No.6407052

I heard grunting and moaning from the rooms next to me at the hotel.

>> No.6407067

People have sex all the time at anime conventions. How else are you supposed to get rid of all that tension after hours of gawking over hot bodies cosplaying your favorite characters?
That's exactly why I book a hotel room when I go to cons. It happens more often then you would expect.
Hell, that's all my ex and I would do at cons...

My theory is that people get a con-ego. They might not be very social outside of anime conventions (and not much of a partier) so when they go to conventions they go CRAZY and do things they wouldn't normally do.

>> No.6407064
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That's why I don't date fat girls. 90% of the guys who like fat girls are crazy fetishists and they want to stick their face up a fat girl's ass while she farts on them or jerk off while they watch her eat hamburgers. That kind of weird shit will change a person.

Fat girls already have limited dating experience and what experience they do have is with crazy people so when you date a fat girl they start automatically doing all of this gross shit like storing food in their vaginas and assuming that you want to eat it since that's what their last boyfriend asked them to do.

>> No.6407078

>How else are you supposed to get rid of all that tension after hours of gawking over hot bodies cosplaying your favorite characters?
Perhaps you should re-think your favorite characters, if they all include scantily clad women.

>> No.6407090

From my con experiences I've never heard of con sex, much less any orgies or anything. Either they're not as common as cgl lets on or everything's just flying over my head. Then again, my local con is pretty small :/

>> No.6407091


"Hot bodies" does not imply scantily clad women.

>> No.6407098

I think the OP meant, picking up chicks to sleep with, not coming with a partner already.

>> No.6407100

I've never seen it first hand, but I've seen the aftermath. I worked at a hotel for a few years and they were hosting a small anime convention here. The day after all of them went home I had to clean up the rooms with the rest of the staff and it was horrifying.

I remember this one room in particular. Apparently a young couple went to the convention together and stayed in this room, but the second that I opened the door I was immediately hit with the most overpowering stench that I have ever smelled in my entire life. There were semen and urine stains every where, there was menstrual blood all over the sheets, the carpet, even smeared on the headboard of the bed and the wall behind it, and for some reason there were several pieces of human feces just sitting in the bathtub.

It's things like this that make me hate weeaboos. Please do not shit on objects other than the toilet when you rent a room. Someone has to clean up your filth, it doesn't just magically clean itself.

>> No.6407110

This sounds more depraved than the last days of Rome mixed with a satanic orgy. So much for going to cons, I don't want to get involved in any of this.

>> No.6407115

Damn that sucks

>> No.6407138


Yes. I do it because the women are often easy and if I feel like it, the gay men are easy to find and quite horny too. And I'm not even really into anime, I'm there just for the sex.

>> No.6407208

At a con i went to there was this girl i met (She looked like a blonde version of PT ) and her boyfriend.
It was their first time sharing a room and she commented on how they now could take showers together etc.
Not too long after that she announced she was pregnant and exactly 9 months after the con she had a baby.

To make it more hilarious they named the kid Ayumi Sakura.
They are all white.

>> No.6407217

I actually want to throw up now, jfc. That's horrifying.

>> No.6407241

Still less disgusting than you.

>in b4 three plus 'whiteknights' aka you dropping trip

>> No.6407249

>I can't get any cock/pussy so I'll just say that I'm waiting for marriage
haha oh wow

>> No.6407259

It's common that people who wear a mask or a costume take a new identity. I even feel more liberated in my actions when I'm wearing a huge scarf that partly hides my face. Now on top of that all, take that new identity and place it in a situation that's completely out of everyday life and where everyone is someone else for a few days.

>> No.6407260
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Uh-oh, the retard is back.

>> No.6407265

When did DerpQueen and Denmark started to dislike each other?

>> No.6407275
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That isn't the real DerpQueen

>> No.6407277

OP, are you from this thread, by any chance?

>> No.6407279
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I've been told that I'm pretty.

>> No.6407281
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>posting your picture on /cgl/
You deserve what's coming

>> No.6407293

I've hardly ever spoken to her, so no, I don't dislike her, as I hardly know who she is.
I do believe this DerpQueen is a fake. The same pathetic troll who tries to derails every thread I post in.

Getting back on track, sex at cons happens a lot. There are plenty of people who only go to pick up con chicks, and other times it just happens. End of story.

>> No.6407295


>> No.6407298
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>> No.6407300

My boyfriend and I hooked up with another Bubblehead Nurse cosplayer on E whilst I was in the same costume and my boyfriend was Pyramid Head.

We fucked in our costumes. You have no idea how amazing it was.

>> No.6407307

sounds like a horrible sight to behold

>> No.6407313
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>People drinking menstrual blood, inserting small baby animals into the vagina of obese women so that she can crush them to death while people cheer her on

>> No.6407353

Never witnessed any. Just shit tons of weeaboo-ness

>> No.6407371
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My girlfriend went to a con recently (we're in an online relationship so I wasn't able to go with her) and she sent me a text message saying that she met some new friends and was having fun. After that she didn't respond to any of my messages or answer the phone for a whole day.

How likely is it that she was in the middle of some con orgy that night and having sex with multiple men?

>> No.6407383

>Says she's hanging out with new friends and having fun
>Presumably too busy to be checking phone every 5 seconds
>Because surprisingly, not everyone in the world is glued to their phone
>Oh god she's having orgies with all the cosplayers

I swear, what is wrong with people

>> No.6407387

Most likely she was just being social with her new friends. You don't go to conventions to sit in front of your computer or phone all day, you know.

So I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.

>> No.6407393
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>This thread

>> No.6407398


It's very likely that she did fuck other men. It's weird to go to a convention and not fuck someone.

You have no right to complain though. You don't own her and she can do whatever she wants with her body. If she wanted to have some "fun" with her new friends then that's her business.

>> No.6407404

Wow /cgl/ can be cruel.

>> No.6407411
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I have no sexlife...
I wish I had a sexlife...
Forever alone...

>> No.6407442

It's fucking hilarious how you can go to cgl and pinpoint every single/rocky relationship Anon with massive accuracy.

>> No.6407445

I doubt that's the case.
Conventions are usually very loud and hectic.
Most of the time a person can barely hear their phone which at a con, and if they have it on vibrate, then they might as well have it turned off.

The thing is, if you you try calling someone and they're at a con, then don't expect an answer right away.

>> No.6407489
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>in a relationship
>You have no right to complain

The sad thing is, regardless if you're trolling or not, someone out there actually thinks this.

I'm glad I'm not murrican, here romance still means something. Sadly we're incorporating more and more of your "hurr he didn't pay attention to me so it's his fault I cheated >:c" bullshit everyday....

As for the topic, I don't think much con-sex happens in my country, as the con-mentallity is a bit different (no parties or alcohol for example, and I actually want that), and most of the people are immature in the extreme. Remember that annoying, weeaboo hetalia group at your last con? Now imagine an entire con full of them. Sorta like that.

>mfw cons here

>> No.6407497


>no parties or alcohol for example, and I actually want that)

By this I meant that I WANT there to be aprties, as partying with cosplaying people sounds pretty damn fun.

>> No.6407534

I've never had sex at a con

but then again im a ugly fatso with aspergers

>> No.6407592
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>> No.6407608

One of my best memories from a con is one time at a large con being slightly drunk and running off with my boyfriend while both in cosplay and having sex in his car in the parking garage. We would of gone in a room, but we were in a room with like 8 other people, so that wasn't an option. Good times though.

>> No.6407638

You look like the weeaboo girl from that episode of What Not to Wear.

>> No.6407659
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>It's weird to go to a convention and not fuck someone.
Stop talking

>> No.6407718

would have but only con I've been to I was with girlfriend at the time. I was going as dante from DMC3 and was in okay shape so I got hit on. didn't want to cheat.

She dumped me a week later :(

>> No.6407789

Uhh, she was probably just enjoying the con bro, holy fuck, just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you need 24/7 contact with each other. Give her some space or you'll push her away (this doesn't mean ignore her though).

>> No.6407808

Girls like you should be shot by firing squad.

And then all the male virgins in the world too.

People who think like this

are the cancer

killing the world.

Causing all the 'slut' shaming in the world.

You're the people who throw acid into females faces.


>> No.6407812

I've heard stories from my friend about her friends that were in a couple sleeping together in the room she shared with them. Actually we met at a con and she was taking me up to her room to hand over a prize I won in one of her panels, and she went into the room first to make sure nobody was fucking. Since then she's made a "no sex in the room" policy when she sets up a room at cons with other people since she doesn't think it's fair to everyone else sharing the room.

That's the most I've heard about con sex, though. I'm a virgin because of a mix of social awkwardness, religion and past trauma, so sleeping with random dudes at a con isn't something I'm interested in at all. Someone hung a used condom on the outside of my hotel room once, though. That was gross.

>> No.6407817

Oh for fuck's sake, she didn't say people couldn't have sex, she just said she wasn't until she was getting married. People like you who jump to conclusions are the ones that need to get over it.

>> No.6407829
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lel umad slutbag?
get at me

>> No.6407832

ouch, right in the feel.

>> No.6407839
File: 481 KB, 800x600, st_sarina01_b101f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wha t

>> No.6407846

Does /cgl/ have this same thread every week?

>> No.6407848

I ripped the sides of my shirt from laughing so hard.
Thank you anon.

>> No.6407856


a bit young for my tastes, but you are

>> No.6407859
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One year, whilst waiting in a ticket queue which had reached a stand still, I was behind a lolita and hey boyfriend. Eventually they (much like everyone else) took to sitting on the floor out of boredom, and she assumed a sitting position on her boy friends lap. Long story short, they were most definitely fucking.

>> No.6407863


>> No.6407870

I would date you pretty hard.

>> No.6407877

get out virgin nerd

>> No.6407878

op don't listen to these harpies go here instead


>> No.6407883
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This seemed relevant to the discussion.

>> No.6407912

Die virgin neckbeard scum.

If your mother knew what you would grow up to, I'm sure she'd smash that disgusting virgin baby head of yours against the wall.

>> No.6407954

I'm too pure for this shit. Are the pagan menstrual blood rituals true too? What about the baby animal sacrifice? If you want to have a child, see a fertility doctor not a shaman.

I always thought subcultures were a front for orgiastic rituals.

>> No.6407959

Where can I get photographic evidence? I bet you guys are bullshitting us, purity is integral to the transcendental aesthetic!

>> No.6407985

Was not me and I would never insult a fellow personafag. I am sorry for whoever that was speaking to you so rudely. I hope you are all having an amazing day. Cya.

>> No.6408002

Kudos to Voldie for keeping you on such a tight leash.

If you had a different owner, you'd already be running rampant up in this thread.

>> No.6408043

No one owns me I make my own decisions. I was immature before and now I see that some people take these threads very seriously so I rather not pointlessly upset others. But think whatever you want.

>> No.6408109

Yes, yes. You're a goooood doggie! Who's a good doggie? You're a good doggie, Queenie!

*pats on head*
*throws her a treat*

>> No.6408114
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Inu a shit.

>> No.6408119

Keep your weird fetishes to yourself.

>> No.6408139

Male virgin here. I've never slut shamed anyone or anything in my entire life, but you're a fucking psycho.

Have a nice day.

>> No.6408157

No, because it's not allowed in the dormitories, they'll kick you out if you do. Same with fapping.

>> No.6408177

Bad Queenie, bad!

Sorry, just because I'm good at talking to dogs doesn't mean I'm also an expert on babyspeak.

>> No.6408192
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Seriously, this should have never happened!

>> No.6408201

Furries confuse me.

>> No.6408228

>implying dog lovers are furries

And there we go again. For a minute there, I was almost worried that you might achieve, just once in your life, posting on /cgl/ without making a logical fallacy.

>> No.6408232
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1349755079242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've been going to 4 cons a year for 8 years and I haven't slept with anyone
>mfw I go to cons to buy shit and chill with cool people with my legs closed

>> No.6408246

He was treating me as if I were a dog, so I assumed it was part of his furry roleplays.

>> No.6408345


>> No.6408348

That's because you're a lady.

>> No.6408369

That's because you're ugly and/or fat.

Or there is a slight chance that you're okay, like you have a /fit/ boyfriend and you don't force him to go to your stupid weeaboo gatherings and yet you're keeping yourself true to him.

>> No.6408420

Makes sense. It would be like saying I go to fishing conventions to go get laid.

>> No.6408482
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>That was my only sexual experience.
Hahahaha, sorry to here that dude.

>> No.6408583

This thread is pure gold

>> No.6408611

Ausfag here. Genuinely have no idea how much con sex goes on here, the culture is different.

That said, I often go to cons and feel really normal. I grew out of my massive weeby phase, yet even still, I was never that bad.

I have no desire for menstural blood, piss, shit, fucking creeps, male nor female, I just met at a con. Weeboos seem way too gross for me, but I have a few weeby friends, and would call them and myself pretty normal in comparison to what is at cons.

No comments about myself. I am way too vanilla for this shit.

>> No.6408615

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.