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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 250x250, hyperchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6402581 No.6402581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


How fair your cosplays and loli outfits, seagulls?
Are we having a meet like at MCM?

>> No.6402637
File: 43 KB, 500x333, tumblr_md1f9o1jSe1qfmvcho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to start a power hour, wish me luck.

but yeah, we need another room party. just no broken ceilings this time.

>> No.6403623


>> No.6403645

I'm coming! I'm really excited, got my outfit ordered, hoping it arrives in time. Only going to be there on Saturday though ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>> No.6403666

Shit's gonna be fun, gonna come as Kyubey again.
A meet sounds good again, I don't think they'll be a lot of people like at MCM but still, it means more alcohol for everyone.

Looking good!

You going to be performing?

>> No.6403826

Are there any lolita events happening this year?

>> No.6403845

Yep, this will be my first time. Also I'm judging the cosparade. I haven't judged anything in a while, what could possibly go wrong. :c

Inb4 everybody get's 0's.

Are you wearing rori? I dunno what to wear yet..

>> No.6403993

I'm going friday and saturday, since I'm working on sunday. Finished my costume for saturday on friday, and rewearing on friday, so I'm all done.

>> No.6404215
File: 319 KB, 363x630, Screen Shot 2012-11-11 at 21.23.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes just a little slot! 10 minutes on the mainstage at 10:00 saturday c: it will be nice to go and check out the convention more this time, and do some shopping

nope, wearing pic! It's from candyfruit. Worried about cold-factor a little.

>> No.6404219

I'd like to come and meet /cgl/, but I might be having an operation then - I'm still waiting to hear on the date.

I would be in rori. I've never been to Hyper Japan before, is it good?

>> No.6404222 [DELETED] 

Costume all done, hopefully group will come together soon too.

>> No.6404230

It's smaller, but it's all Japan-centric, there's a lot of Japanese food and culture performances. I prefer it to MCM in some ways!

>> No.6404250

Thanks! Sounds great to me; I am a Japanophile. Is it MCM-levels of crazy-busy and crowd-death, or is it a bit more organised?

And do they sell loli/kawaii goods in general? The website is a bit vague.

>> No.6404262

OMG will two anons cosplay as skimpy swim suit maraget and kawaii bodyline Venus??? And margaret can have venus on pink kawaii leash? I WILL PAY YOU....in USD

>> No.6404267

That would actually be amazing. I'd do it but I don't really look like either of them. But I will chip into the fund.

>> No.6404392

I'd do it if I could go.
I'm told I look like Venus but fat. So it'd be a double insult!

>> No.6404406

anyone know if Niconico will be there?

>> No.6404429

Is it bad to recycle MCM cosplay

>> No.6404432


>> No.6404489

Costume is almost done but I know I have no idea what will happen with my prop since I think its just over the height limit.

>> No.6404488

yeah! last time there was a BTSSB stall, and there's a lot of handmade deco stalls, clothing stalls etc. It's a really organised convention, they've been very quick at emailing me, MCM is great too but it's always a big rush with them!

>> No.6404529

Also recycling mine. Will be going as Konata, Haruhi ver on the Saturday.

>> No.6404537

I'm rewearing mine, it's not like a big deal.

I think someone said 90% possible at PlayExpo

>> No.6404934

Sadly I don't have much contact with the rest of the group I'm going with (and I'm too shy to talk to them), so I'm not entirely sure how their outfits are coming along. Fingers crossed for everybody though.

As for myself, I'm having a bit of a crisis. I messed up the pattern for my skirt and only realised after I'd already cut it from the fabric. So I'm really hoping that there's enough left once I take another look at it tomorrow. And on top of that the thirty-year-old sewing machine I'd been using finally bit the dust. Thankfully I'm going to be picking up a brand new one tomorrow, so assuming that goes okay and I have enough fabric, I should only be a couple of days behind. The biggest worry for me now is whether my wig will arrive in time.

Wishing everybody the best of luck, and hoping to see plenty of you there on the Saturday.

>> No.6404943 [DELETED] 

I'm the Mari~
My costume is all done, just need to sew the badge on.

>> No.6404946

I thought you were going as Rei? I'm assuming that must have changed now if you need a new wig.

>> No.6404975

Oh hey! Good job with your outfit, I saw it on Facebook and it looks amazing!

The wig I had for Cirno was kind of too long in the first place for Cirno, and Rei's hair is pretty damn short. Plus I kind of like the idea of having a collection of wigs. Please, China. Be good to me.

>> No.6406235 [DELETED] 

I was going to order another Mari wig but I cant risk china before HJ. ;_; What time are you arriving btw?

>> No.6406333

> ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Please fuck off and die in agony. You had your moment - god only knows why - and now you're past it and not even the most committed paedo can fap over you any more.

>> No.6406621

jealous much

>> No.6406622

>talking to yourself just to bump thread so your insult won't get lost

>> No.6406627


>> No.6407182

Excited to see what people pull out for the ECG and WCS qualifiers... though judging from last year maybe I shouldn't be.

>> No.6407188

Ah, well that's okay, the one you have now looks good anyway. Hmm, for MCM I managed to get into Marylebone for about half past eight but that ended up being a little too early, and this time I don't have an early entry ticket, so I might try to get to London for nine, I'm not sure yet. Are we al meeting at the convention or beforehand? I really don't know what the plan is at all, other than "you're cosplaying with our group".

>> No.6407193

If my reputation weren't already the way it is, I would totally do that for luls.. but obviously, sadly, no.

>> No.6407205

Ah, well I know some of us are meeting at 9am and I'm planning on getting there for then, no idea what time the doors open for people without early entry tickets so this might actually be a bad idea. Ball's in your court ⑨ but as long as we all get there at a reasonable time we'll have a good while in our Eva group!

As for progress so far only the wig, I'm waiting on the seamstress to ship, she says she can get it here in time but we'll see, I'd have made it myself if my sewing machine wasn't 400+ miles away. Annnddd the plugsuit ears which are coming from Murrica, this might be tight.

>> No.6407213

Can I meet you guys beforehand again pls. I have no clue where the convention place is. I'll bake cookies again to make up for all the trouble.

Progress is about to start again. Picked up a nice new sewing machine today that is just so smooth it's unbelievable and figured out what I have to do for the skirt. So everything should be sewn together in probably just a couple of days. Then all I have to do is pray that China can ship my wig fast enough. Come on China, you can do it.

>> No.6407221

Of course, I'll make sure I have you picked up before we get to the convention.

I think we're all putting our faith into China right now. We believe in you China.

>> No.6407225

You can borrow my Plugsuit ears if yours don't arrive :) I have no idea who I'm doing yet, don't have any anime cosplays...

>> No.6407236

Thanks a lot! I'm sure you'll figure out a cosplay, sometimes things come together unexpectedly.

>> No.6407239

Wat. You're doing Asuka too pls.

>> No.6407244

Yeah, I was about to say.

>> No.6407257

Ah thank you~

China has been good to me in the past, so I'm sure they'll do okay this time as well. China you are strong, you can do this.

>> No.6407496
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Hyper Japan falls right next to all my deadlines.

>> No.6407518

where would the seagull meeting point be? i'm assuming they don't have a massive statue.

>> No.6407520

Lel. Mine are the monday after HJ.

>> No.6407585
File: 544 KB, 1299x886, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Wezley, give yourself a break and come join the fun~

Apparently this is the venue for the convention. Maybe just right out the front? Someone can bring a sign or something.

>> No.6407611

paging micnax and his light up sign

>> No.6407628

Ya'll gonna be jelly of my Pen Pen cosplay.

Especially when the collar says Pingu.

And I tell everyone I'm The Penguin from Batman.

Then do some tap dancing.

Thug life.

>> No.6407631

>Ya'll gonna be jelly of my Pen Pen

Lol I forgot we had penpen. You using a Penguin Kigu?

>> No.6407639

I'm pretty excited for this.

That would be amazing.

>> No.6407641


Well I bought this full body penguin mascot costume thing for like £35. But I'm going to have to cut it apart and sew a load of shit on. I have no idea how its going to turn out.

I was going to just wear a real penguin like a glove. But apparently the zoo were against that.

>> No.6407645
File: 15 KB, 500x500, $(KGrHqZHJEUFBggwK(kmBQiOwhj4YQ~~60_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one?

>> No.6407650


No, it's got like a full head thingy, I think I look through the beak. It's still in the post. It arrives tomorrow or wednesday, but I've got all the stuff I need to modify it. I hope.

>> No.6407668

This is making me too excited, you know it's great when you're an adult and the thought of someone dressed up as penpen makes you as excited as I am.

>> No.6407750

Don't tease me! Saving up for Gemucon.

>> No.6407762


Can't handle all this pressure. However, this is going to be nothing compared to my cosplay for May MCM.

Crossdressing to the max.

>> No.6407770

>Crossdressing to the max.
Oh sweet. What are you doing?

>> No.6407799
File: 953 KB, 1000x1556, misha5smaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I seem to have a habbit of cosplaying as people I draw.

I'm trying to get a group. I think I have 3 at the moment.

>> No.6407903

Ding ding ding. I'll actually have it with me this time.

Meeting out the front would be the best bet, it looks like a nice open area.

You have a group going? I really wanna see this.

>> No.6407915


Hopefully...It's a week before our exams start so some people are a bit worried. Luckily I'm not. And I don't suffer from dignity so I'll be going as Misha and I should at least have a Lilly. Unfortunately we have no idea how to do Legolas.

>> No.6407918

So who is entering WCS this year?

>> No.6407929

Well you guys have plenty of time, so I'd suggest getting them to start just after Christmas so you're done with plenty of time to spare. That said, if you need a Kenji, I still have my outfit for him.

Your PenPen sounds like it's going to be hilarious though.

>> No.6407949

Bearing in mind this isn't primarily an anime/coslplay convention, anyone planning on dressing in any Jfashion?

>> No.6410359

Any going for the Friday night as well as Saturday? Group of us getting there about 9 so a party will be in order on both days

>> No.6410366

if you're okay with people crashing the night then i'm down

>> No.6410383


We have a room at hotel Lilly and its tiny so we're gunna try and get as many people in there as possible.


Nah, we all just leave our cosplay till two weeks before, it's the best tactic. And none of us have any skill making costumes so we're just gunna spend the $ and buy some. But yer, I'll let you know if we need a Kenji...We probably will, I think we all want to crossdress...

And is anyone there on the friday from 4 onwards? Otherwise I'm going to be one lonely Pen Pen :(

>> No.6410389

I'm only there on Saturday due to money, sorry. :(

>> No.6410419

ten days to go. who's panicking?

>> No.6410467
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1349968365574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The event for Friday and Sat ends at 8pm, so I think that should be the best time to have the meets (though I'm only going Sat and Sun). Also Sunday finishes at 5pm, so does 6:30pm sound reasonable for people to change out of cosplay + grab food before the meet?

Waiting on a wig to get here from China
Oh god I hope the $15 extra shipping gets it here in time

All good good. Getting worried about finishing costumes is a bitch when it's in the final weeks.

>> No.6410495
File: 312 KB, 1138x1280, Party hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out last night (whilst very drunk) that I might actually be to go~

Get hype.

>> No.6410502

That's cool bro. Be nice to see you again.

I sewed my costume badge on the wrong side of the shirt. Herpderp.

>> No.6410604

who were you at MCM?

>> No.6411997

I was most likely cosplaying as pic related and if not then a guy with a hat which had a face drawn on it.

You too, who ever you may be~

>> No.6412935

The person who took your photos is I. ;_;

>> No.6413387
File: 165 KB, 800x500, hype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for this. Beneath it you shall find a Pen Pen and other various autists.

Thank the guy that was Meme at Oct MCM for this glorious creation.

>> No.6413407

what in everlasting fuck is that
go back to reddit

>> No.6413422



>> No.6413464

Correction, the female who took your pictures.

>> No.6413471
File: 51 KB, 406x480, 1280723106071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it
pls dont bully I put in lots of effort:(

>> No.6413547

found the full exhibtor list look like there no niconico http://www.hyperjapan.co.uk/whats-on/exhibitor-list.html

>> No.6413551

ಠ_ಠ Implying my gender even matters, but yes, I am a female.

>> No.6413558
File: 75 KB, 448x500, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awww nuuu

>> No.6413643

well no niconico means we wont have to put up with that Brosuke guy spaming the steam nonstop.

>> No.6414398

Does anyone know the dates for HJ 2013? I can't make this one, and I'd like to know if the next clashes with my exams.

>> No.6414428

The dates probably aren't available yet.

>> No.6414446


Thank you! Grrr, that's annoying, though - there's a block of weekends I can't do, and I don't want to get all excited for HJ and then not make it.

>> No.6414582
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>> No.6415228
File: 54 KB, 500x535, Shuck the police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's looking as if I might be getting both free accommodation and free entry tickets.

Every things coming Shuckle.

Ah right then.
Would be cool to see yourself again as well. here's hoping my Chesapeakedness comes through.

>> No.6415369

>free entry tickets

>> No.6415415

Video game press - apparently that shit flies.

>> No.6417412
File: 227 KB, 648x474, 1340745320232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what to cosplay. I don't know if I should try and finish Koko even though it's a less known character or make a badass weapon for Celty and go as that again.

>> No.6417419

Everyone... have fun... I will be missing it because when I finally got a job to pay for this kind of thing... they made me work weekends so I can't do any of it...

I... I hate all of you. In a good way. ;-;

>> No.6417428

It's time to loco, just find someone that can do Jonah, or maybe Valmet.

>> No.6417442

shut up nigger

>> No.6417462

If your doing Celty that would be brilliant but stick to Loco Koko who cares if she's less know.

>> No.6417627
File: 467 KB, 918x1500, sheislocolocoloco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have many cosplay friends so if any seagulls want to pull together a Jormungand outfit real quick that'd be great.

Today I found a great coat and a nice briefcase for cheap so I think I will go as Koko. Just need to make the collar fluffy. Any other suggestions?

>> No.6417706

looks go from here. What about shoes and Makeup?

>> No.6417728
File: 491 KB, 500x309, Shut the fuck up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My press passes are looking less likely. Someone already sent out an email to them in regards to my site asking for tickets, which they were supplied. I just sent them an e-mail asking if they could throw an extra one out for me. Pretty miffed about the whole ordeal- I might have to actually spend some money ;_;

I would Kasper but I wouldn't be able to get the wig in time ;_;

Also, looking operator as fuck in that last image, good show.

>> No.6417743

I've practiced whitening up my eyebrows and I have a good selection of black shoes so that's all set.

The lolita fashion show is on Sunday so I think I may wear lolita that day unless there's a big lolita event on the Saturday.

>> No.6417785

So your doing Koko for sat then?
If you are I will try and ask for a photo in the least socially awkward way possible in costume.

>> No.6417816

Sigh. I hope the weather holds up, gotta wear a skirt.

>> No.6418111

Whiter skin! Else you make a good Koko.

>> No.6418142

I got white cream make up to mix in with my foundation to make me more pale. I think I'm already really pale which helps out.

I plan to wear it Saturday. You can even hoverhand if you wish.

If anyone knows any brown shotas or built lesbians, send them my way.

>> No.6418164

The magic of make-up i guess! But you'll be a fine Koko, just remember to loco ~

>> No.6418180
File: 209 KB, 771x667, 575765576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always hover hand in fear I will damage a persons costume.

The socially awkward part is I can't talk in costume because my face is covered so I end up hand signaling people for photos. Sometimes people miss interpret my hand signals...

>> No.6418604

Anyone else do that wowcher deal that was going on?
I just got an email saying that it's no longer valid for the saturday. What do? They surely can't advertise it to be valid all three days then after it's purchased turn around and be all "lol sorry no saturday entry for you"

>> No.6418676

Yup, same. I'm asking for a refund.

>> No.6418854

Trigger discipline.

>> No.6418994

Is anybody going on the Sunday as well? Looking unlikely that I'll be able to go straight up North after HJ, so gonna be getting a train up Saturday morning and either getting one back Saturday night or getting a cheap hotel and going Sunday as well.

>> No.6420122

I'll be at Hyper Japan again this time.

Unfortunately, I don't own a cosplay outfit that fits in my hand luggage.

A little disappointed Niconico.com won't be there, though. Where are Gendo and Brosuke going to stand?

>> No.6420151


Come stay in our hotel. We're playing human jenga. Don't break the ceiling though pls.

>> No.6420175

I feel really bad, because I can't make it, so I passed on the link to some friends, who have now paid out without any tickets. Please keep me updated!

>> No.6420193

If anyone's really poor, there's a youth hostel nearby called Barkston Rooms that I used in February. It was absurdly cheap, like £6 a night (booked in advance with TravelStay website), and it's right within walking distance of the convention centre.

Other than that, it's not great. Staff were slow and unhelpful. You don't want to leave any valuable belongings in your room overnight. The wi-fi only works in the foyer and you have to pay per hour. The hot water worked in the shower, but I think there was mould on the walls. They also have a habit of losing your booking; you'd want to call them up and double-check that you're booked for the right dates.

>> No.6420212

I don't need a hotel, I'm a Londoner, I live down the road. Feels good man.

>> No.6422387

I don't know of anyone entering. Certainly not heard of any of the more well knowns going for it. This could be interesting. Might give an unknown a chance to go for it.

>> No.6422608


I know people going for ECG but not for WCS. I think the supposed 'rigging' of the results last year for the qualifiers put people off, not to mention the bogus results at the final.

>> No.6422673

I found some photos from that night on my phone, including the broken ceiling. Shall Facebook them when I can.

>> No.6423424

does anyone know who the judges will be?
i saw lex and sands will be- but what of the other 2(?)

>> No.6423471

I know.. but I don't know if I'm allowed to say or not?
She's pretty awesome though, so you won't be let down.

>> No.6423480

Ai Honey is one.

>> No.6423682

one of the hyper cosplay organiser is eantering wcs with that girl who cosplayed Queen Esther at last may expo

>> No.6423704

And knew about the con date before it was officially announced... Talk about legit.

>> No.6423722

An organiser knew the date before the public? shocking. Also I remember that same comment being said about WCS entrants last time even when it was blatantly false.

Entering at all when you're involved with the event IS pretty shifty though, surely that's not allowed?

>> No.6424917

The point was that the organiser would have known WCS and ECG were being held at the event much longer than any of the general public, and so they had a very unfair advantage. It seems they've been preparing for a long time.
I'm also not sure how I feel about the Esther entering WCS with the same costume as she entered Eurocosplay with.
I'm getting so bored of Trinity Blood....

>> No.6424962

And there's a surprise....

>> No.6425021

Hnnnggg I wanted to go to Hyper Japan so badly; but I've got so much coursework.
This is killing me.

>> No.6425065

But Eurocosplay and WCS are mutually exclusive, why shouldn't she show off her best costume more than once? Isn't it only meant to be her second costume ever anyway?

As for
>The point was that the organiser would have known WCS and ECG were being held at the event much longer than any of the general public
Given that HJ held the qualifiers for both already it stood to reason they'd do it again. I know people that started preparing ages ago. They just didn't know the dates for HJ.
So I guess knowing it was going to be at Christmas time was an advantage.

Hopefully we'll see some good stuff.

>> No.6425098

Are there any good lolita stalls there?? Or is it like MCM?

I'm going for my first time and I don't know what to expect.