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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 384x384, 132135555_Dqkvzyo445das.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6405560 No.6405560 [Reply] [Original]

dear /cgl/

i'm looking for a particular person whom I wish to get to know
and be friends with In real life. I can't get my mind off her
and its really killing me inside.

I am hurting.

>> No.6405576

protip: posting anonymously on cgl gives a creeper vibe. Try talking directly to her next time.


>> No.6405601
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I'm free to do as I ought
I know what I want and I will not give up so easily.

>> No.6405605

I'm dying too bro.

I just lift to help myself sleep, since otherwise I have a hard time getting shut eye with all these feels.

Just know I've got your back.

>> No.6405633

Yes, you're free to do as you want (ought?), but your chances of success may diminish.

>> No.6405640


>> No.6405696 [DELETED] 

No dummy, it is simply because I must

I want her to be apart of my life, I know it may not be easy at first but surely things would work out.

I just got to give it a shot.

>> No.6405729

No dummy, it is simply because I must I want her to be apart of my life, I know it may not be easy at first but surely things would work out.

I just got to give it a shot, there was this one time I walked away and I should never had done that.

>> No.6405759

she is sure has a creepy shadow

>> No.6405762

So... you're a troll?

On the off-chance you aren't: You may find her again and get to know her, but the chances of things "working out" between you both just because you like her aren't necessarily high. She might be interested in someone else, she might like you but find your interest to intense, she may not want to date right now, she may quite simply not be compatible with you. Most attempts-at-relationships are very hit-and-miss. You can "give it a shot," of course, but if you'd like to do MORE than just make an attempt in vain, and instead would like to actually have a real chance at being with someone you care about, then taking some advice would be good.

>> No.6405779
File: 86 KB, 288x340, 1322095238946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, fail all you like, or take my advice.

But remember, that 'love' is a socially constructed concept, we're all born alone and die alone.
Even if you do commit this poor girl into your greasy patriarchal mitts , eventually she'll leave you or you'll tire of her.

And let's face it, you're on 4chan, so your social skills aren't that great, so even if you did get in a relationship, it's not likely to last.

Lastly, this woman doesn't owe it to be in a relationship with you.

>> No.6405788

What this guy said. >>6405779
See, you can't choose who you fall in love with. That's why your efforts are all pointless. This isn't some anime where everything turns out alright if you just "give it a shot". This is real life. Where everything is destined to fail. Save yourself the trouble, kid.

>> No.6405800

not to mention the fact that he sounds like a total tard who would scare the shit out of this girl... oh and this isn't /adv/ ~

>> No.6405803

oh ew, i seriously hope you die.

>> No.6405828
File: 24 KB, 720x486, givethefinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failure!? Having been born with the succession of fate I will not accept failure as you say it.

I will return my throne, I won't come back out until you apologize!

>> No.6405833

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Just because someone creeps you out doesn't mean it is ever okay to wish death on them.

>> No.6405903



>> No.6405908


>> No.6405907

Annie, I love you and I miss you. I want to talk to you but I don't know how.

>> No.6405919

You're not in love with her if you've never met her. You just have an obsessive crush.

>> No.6405920

i hope you get cancer, moralfag

>> No.6405932
File: 125 KB, 920x1080, 1321962437057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off anon's, nobody loves me, NOBODY.

>> No.6405938

I've met her.I love her.
I do. Don't forget it.

>> No.6405943
File: 90 KB, 478x480, 1299724877140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making fun of me, aren't you?

; ;

>> No.6405964

Oh, my! Someone on 4chan hopes I get cancer!

What am I to do?
I must go cry and post about my horrible life on /r9k/ and /adv/ and then put up a thread on /cgl/ asking girls if I look good or not because my self-esteem has been ruined!

All thanks to you, anon! I hope you're happy, because you have caused me such despair.

>/sarcasm (Just in case you were too stupid to understand it. You seem a little young for the internet anyways, so putting this in there just in case)

>> No.6405987
File: 43 KB, 450x573, 376245_399400696774507_753567704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sluts and fatties are jealous that Milk has a crusher seeking out to be hers true love.

>> No.6405991
File: 50 KB, 580x500, 1332404718820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, I come with a gift. Here you go, enjoy yourselves.


>> No.6406019

I'm 25, you lame-o.

>> No.6406055

judging by this post you must be 'loads' of fun

>> No.6406065


Wow, you've leveled up to 5th grade insults.
I'm proud of you, anon. Really.

>> No.6406071

Oh, that's milk?

Milk, come here. You have an admirer~

>> No.6406108

Why don't you just post this on /jp/? She spends all damn day on there.

>> No.6406123

christ, I'd wish cancer upon myself if I was as lame-o as you.

>> No.6406128
File: 75 KB, 480x480, IMG_0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse, I'm a sociologist/anthropologist.

I'm kawaii as fuck though. Here, have a rare from my camwhore folder~

sage for shitposting in a shit thread

>> No.6406132

I seen your videos, your chubby and tryhard kawaii.

>> No.6406131

I was meant to sage that... cri ever tiem

>> No.6406139

I can't get off to such low resolutions. I need at least 800x600.

>> No.6406148


could you be ANY GAYER BRO?



brb fucking my 10/10 girlfriend

stay sad fagggg

>> No.6406172

Stop constructing women as universally desirable, rather than as the failed arm accessories for men. We are all apathetic shits crawling under the lizard sun of our own incapability of intimacy and true connections with other subjectivities.

It looks like your anthropology is more pathetically normed than most.

>> No.6406183


women are just objects for our pleasure

stop over complicating shit

op if you want that girl you gotta sto pbeing a BETA Faggot and MAKE HER YOURS

bitches LOVE that shit

>> No.6406180

We all know you look much worse than that shitty picture, so fuck off

>> No.6406198

Go away milk.

>> No.6406207

If you don't like complications you must like the old five second in out.

>> No.6406216

I use it everytime

but its more like five hours

>> No.6406218

haha, you mean in pictures before I lost weight? well yeah, son that tends to happen.

oh you ~

It's not women I'm advocating here,
I'm a misanthropist, so I hate you all equally.

My point was that love is just a concept, it's easy to just ignore or bipass, and you're likely to die alone <3

It's 7am, I need my kawaiiiuu sleep. goodnight faggots.