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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.00 MB, 3000x4000, ready_for_the_apocalypse_3_by_nekotale-d4d5k4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374365 No.6374365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New ita thread since the last one was taken over.

>> No.6374372
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>> No.6374379


That facial expression reminds me of peacockfeather.

>> No.6377387
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>> No.6377398


I saw that and I wanted to give her some real, honest crit, but I was terrified I'd get banned for being "a meanie".

>> No.6377401

You were in my dream the other night.

I don't even know what you look like, but it was one of those dreams where you just know who it is you're talking to.

We talked about horses.

>> No.6377404

>(I myself am a L-XL in American sizes)
She doesn't look that big in this picture, so confused.

>> No.6377422


Fuck yeah, horses. I'm guessing you were in one of the many Adella threads I was complaining about inaccuracy in?
Be glad you don't know what I look like.
Be glad.

>> No.6377429

You aren't ugly, girlfran. Don't be so down on yourself. I'd love to see you with long hair though~

>> No.6377438

Compared to her bathroom things, she looks pretty tall, large framed, and relatively rectangular shaped (not much curve to her waist, even with the skirt). I can see where she might be "large" but well proportioned and not fatty fat.

>> No.6377464
File: 1.10 MB, 1042x595, itai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bothers me that she put (fail) under some of her earlier coords as if the other ones aren't awful...

>> No.6377480

Did she only own one pair of shoes and socks for the back half?

>> No.6377561
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m4ns6lzZSm1r4b5cgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377567

I have a genuine question; how do I avoid being an ita? I mean, I know the basics, like stay away from cheap shit, wa loli, black x white etc. but what else is there to it? I'm always super paranoid that I'm incredibly ita and I'd like to learn how to actually avoid being posted in ita threads.

>> No.6377568

Make sure you always have the right silhouette, and try to actually do co-ords, not "lets make everything matchy-matchy!"
As long as it's not painful to look at, you're fine.

>> No.6377570

...She somehow got worse.
Went from "Meh" to "ITA!" to "MEGA ITA!"

What. How..

>> No.6377571

A lot of the time it's just a learning experience imo. You have to train your eye and that takes a while. You can obviously just completely copy someone who isn't ita, but you'll eventually learn what works and what doesn't.

>> No.6377574

Coords IS matching everything/complimenting colors and patterns? Not sure what you mean by that.

>> No.6377578

Sorry, I mean matching as in the exact same color everywhere, or everything you're wearing having the same print all over it.
The bad kind of matching those things. head-to-toe cats or some shit.

>> No.6377581 [DELETED] 

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>> No.6377607
File: 46 KB, 342x720, 167291_167226413323260_6559632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"After all, I am an ero gothic lolita"
Actual fucking quote. Oh my god.

>> No.6377609

She looks like Misa, holy shit. Also, what is going on with her lip makeup?

>> No.6377625

Ah, I understand then!

>> No.6377626

Looks like she's trying to do one of those like stitched up smiles?

>> No.6377969

Looks like Chii cosplay.

>> No.6378541


>> No.6378542
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i failed last time :D

>> No.6378560

are the least ugly ones the bookends of early 09 and the very last one?

Please tell me why this isn't so.

I'm trying to develop my eye. None of it particularly appealing, but of the options available.

>> No.6380635

hahaha, i had socks like those in 2005, into whick i weaved a ribbon lacing thinking i was oh so loli.

>> No.6380662

I really wish this bitch would stop posting. Why has NO ONE told her she sucks?

>> No.6382293

She's gotten better tan she was before, but yeah, she's still not really that good.

>> No.6382310

Ah, technokitty. I don't miss you and your hideous neon icon. I do miss how LJ was then, though. Was that 2010?

>> No.6382315

Derp, I posted that without looking at the picture for longer than 2 seconds.

>> No.6382333
File: 1.04 MB, 793x1440, fatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many bright flashy colors but WHERE IS HER NECK

>> No.6382357
File: 336 KB, 480x720, AUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neck's right here, sassy-pants.
The twin-tails engulf everything.
I'd like to know WHY you consider the coord ita. Just because it's bright and flashy?

>> No.6382368
File: 152 KB, 375x500, 1906671819_9fb4d1a7d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ita gold

>> No.6382380
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>> No.6382389

Her body ate her neck. OM NOM NOM!

>> No.6382390

this poor girl. All she probably wants is for someone to think she's pretty for just a moment. So sad

>> No.6382392

The dress is really hideous. Handmade, I'm assuming? No accessories, bad choice of color on the tights, plain cardigan from target or something...

Need I go on? Also, buy a fucking iron.

>> No.6382393

Hahahahaha I kinda miss xtechnokitty. The first outfits were way better...

>> No.6382396

Do you really want an honest answer?
Because I'm not the person who posted the picture but weight aside, your coordination is hella ita.

"bright and flashy" is part of the problem that does make it ita though.

>> No.6382404

-Twin tails doesn't suit you (makes your hard to define neck disappear)
- Dress is frumpy around your bust (Makes the dress look cheap and you frumpy in turn)
- Busy prints are not flattering on big girls (It emphasizes your size and does you no good)

>> No.6382418

She looks like someone I know...a guy.

>> No.6382419

I think her tights and cardigan work, but that dress is the main offender of the outfit

Bright and flashy is fine, but you can't go too overboard with accessories. There's a fine line between ita and OTT

>> No.6382420

You pretty much look like your head is a potato.

>> No.6382415

Dress is Indie, was a sample piece from the Otakon fashion show. It's well made, and I really like the print. Reminds me of TokiDoki. Everyone's allowed to have their opinion and they are certainly allowed not to like something.
As far as accessories goes, I had like, 5 bows in that wig not including the headbow. I had wristcuffs, 2 rings and a necklace on.
Cardigan was mostly for warmth, it's bloody freezing here since we're on the water.
The tights don't photograph well. They're actually a dark pink. I'll be replacing them soon though, I'm getting some better ones from welovecolors.
Not allowed to have an iron here in college residence. Will be washing and ironing the dress when I go back to my parents for the weekend, though. Hopefully it stays ironed this time, though. Putting it in my suit-case tends to wrinkle it a tad.

>> No.6382429

The dress doesn't fit you, the pattern is busy and ugly, the colors clash, the wig looks terrible on you, did you even bother wearing any sort of makeup with your "flashy" coord?

Really doesn't make sense to me to pile on a bunch of OTT bullshit and then ignore your face.

>> No.6382430

It's very frumpy though, definitely get it fixed around the bust. Also lowering that line of fabric on top would help the vanishing neck problem.

>> No.6382432


>> No.6382437

Also, those twin tails are too low - like earmuffs.

>> No.6382441

I'm the anon who posted you, and it's because of the way too many colors thing going on. I could even see the dress working with the right pieces but that magenta shirt doesn't go and the purple tights don't go and the pink shoes are the wrong pink. That dress looks really hard to coordinate because even though there are lots of colors, all of them would look terrible on a corresponding blouse or pair of tights. Bright and flashy doesn't work in lolita. Bright and flashy doesn't really work at all. It's not "noob"-style ita, but it's definitely painful to look at.

>> No.6382444

I really hope you didn't pay too much for that dress. This 'indie brand' doesn't know what they're doing. I'm a big girl too, so please don't think I'm bashing you for your weight, but small detailed prints like that are a no go for us. The become so busy that the detail are lost admitst a sea of pattern. Larger prints, or solid colors with details along the hem (milky fawn for example) are much more flattering for larger sizes.

>> No.6382457

Hmm actually if you could get a replica made of Milky Fawn in your size, in the black colourway, I think that'd look great on you. It'd be a lot simpler to coord as well.

>> No.6382462

I believe it was made by Ugly_kitties.

>> No.6382486

That explains everything.

>> No.6382492

Why aren't you allowed to have an iron?

>> No.6382497

Maybe she meant juniors sizes? Because L-XL in junior sizes isn't that big. I wear a M in ladies and XL in juniors.

>> No.6382499

Same reasons we can't have stoves or hotplates.
Fire hazard/safety hazard.

>> No.6382511

Try getting a cheap clothes steamer. They sell them this time of year as gifts. Wrinkles really kill the look.

>> No.6382556


what the other anons said, and plaid patterns are generally a bad idea. plus take photos in flattering lighting, not in your own toilet or some shit

>> No.6382829

What do you do if your friend's an ita? Not going to be specific, because I'm pretty sure she's the only person in the world who would do this, but it involves wildly inappropriate shoes with a bland but okay classic lolita outfit. She doesn't want to change it.
Just don't dress up with her? I mean, I've improved all I think she'll let me without saying "You look completely retarded and terrible."
It's painful to look at. I don't have a picture. If I did, I'd post it.

>> No.6382862

I heard she's actually really poor so most people tend to give her a "pass" I guess.

>> No.6382900
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>> No.6382998
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>> No.6383009

Another big girl, adding her $.02--I agree that the print's not a good choice. Too small, too busy, too many colors, and just too much of it, without enough solid-color elements to break it up. It also needs a stronger accent color to compete with all that busy-ness; either the red or black in the print might work, but the pink just isn't strong enough. Even though it's in the print, it still doesn't look like it goes with it. And a ruffle at the bottom would work far better than the plain band, which looks like it was tacked on to make a short skirtt longer.

Also, consider looking for dresses that have vertical design elements on the bodice; they go a long way to mitigate the wall o'boobs look.

If you want to keep the dress as it is, having the top edge of the bodice lowered will be much, much more flattering. It would go a long way toward mitigating the "no-neck" look.

>> No.6383030

Is that the sissybro who has the Bay Area loli groups all skeeved out? He's got the same simpering close-lipped smile, which is why I ask.

If he is, that's about the best I've seen him look. It's still a shitty, itatastic coord, and that sweater is fucking tragic and needs to be purified with fire ASAP, but the dress actually fits and he looks like he bathed.

If this is a girl, however--well, shit.

>> No.6383039

OMG that greeeeen. When I was eight, I drank a shamrock shake from McD's, them puked it all over the side of my mom's car as we were leaving. I'd totally forgotten about that until now.

>> No.6383057


personally I think her look is lovely, but I'm not agreeing with the headbow. That's about it, rude bitch.

>> No.6383133

Look, volpe got his friends to come over. That's adorable.

>> No.6383219
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>> No.6383458

It's just way to clashy! you have the right building blocks though. :) we all start somewhere.

Firstly I'd suggest ditching the purple tights in favour of a pastel pink or white, The dress has a very busy print so it should be the main focus of your co-ord.
In this case you want everything to seamlessly blend in, I know there is purple on the print but there isn't enough of it to get a correct balance of colour happening.
If your more comfortable with a cardigan than a blouse, you should try and get one that matches the colour of the pink trim and bow of the dress.

Hope that was at least helpful in some way? :/

If you make sure your balancing the colours in your dress you should be fine, it's all a matter trial an error!

>> No.6383479

I'd suggest working in more blacks too. Maybe look for a nice long curly/wavy black wig without the twintails? I'm a bigger girl myself who also suffers from a short neck. I have one pink twin tail wig I bought for my first coord, and now I prefer more natural colored wigs or ones that are mostly natural but have a bit of some unnatural color to them without the twintails. I also tend to trim and angle some wigs a bit so that pieces hit at my jawline, and it looks a little more flattering on me.

Also because of the short neck, (but not related to your coord) look for blouses that have the flat-lying vintage style peter pan collars (not the stand up ones). Or you can buy blouses without collars and make cute detachable collars.

>> No.6383485

Oh shit I remember her posting this dress here for coord advice and I assumed she was trolling. Thing is fucking hideous. Only 16-year-old scene queen would like this, but they're usually not that fat.

>> No.6385693


That dress is not well-made in the slightest. >>6369310

>> No.6385833

This is actually....augh, makeup, nicer tights, better shoes and a fucking petti, some accessories....

>> No.6385966

I swear I thought that was a Sho lolita cosplayer from the thumbnail. It's the hat.

>> No.6386361

Of course not, it's ugly kitties. She's too busy being a ~SJ POC hero~ to learn proper garment construction.

>> No.6390988
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>> No.6390989
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>> No.6390994
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>> No.6393145

Oh that poor blouse is screaming :<

>> No.6393150

> tfw this looks like me when I was 13/14
Oh god, no. Make it go away.

>> No.6393194

Youre mom is screaming
for me

>> No.6393202

I'm going to a con on the weekend and will be wearing lolita for the first time. I'm scared I'll look like a total ita :<

>> No.6393203

show us your outfit? how are you going to style your hair?

>> No.6393206

has she somehow progressed backwards?

>> No.6393212

awful pattern on the dress, the purple socks match NOTHING, the dress itself needs to be ironed, and what are you wearing under the dress?

>> No.6393232

i see now you're claiming the tights are a poorly-photographing dark pink. how poorly calibrated is your camera, because that reads nowhere near pink.

>> No.6393242

You probably will. Guess what, everyone started off looking either ita or just noob. You have to start somewhere, unless you're completly copying a well known lolita from head to foot (but you'd still have to take into account dressing for your body and skin tone, which is another think you'll learn) it's going to be obvious you're a beginner. But guess what? No one really cares and you'll get better, end of story. It's a learning process that everyone goes through, it's not the end of the world.

>> No.6393279
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>> No.6393284


>> No.6393290

I think this co-ord had potential, but those glasses... why?

>> No.6393315
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>> No.6393352

I've always wonder how my older coordinates never make it into these threads.
I'm not popular/interesting as a lolita, but i had some hella nasty coords my first year or so.

>> No.6393431

It's pictures like these that make me realize it was a good decision to not get into lolita.

>> No.6393477

is that some bootleg/knockoff tokidoki material print?

>> No.6393842
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>> No.6393857
File: 1.55 MB, 500x281, 1348545375020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between "baby's first coordinate" and outright ita.....I've never seen anyone get it right on their first try, but willingness to learn how to coord and try new things means you are not ita.

>> No.6393878

What the fuck is going on in that gif?

>> No.6393883
File: 260 KB, 474x599, 474px-Isamu_Akai_Slowbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that fucking house

Jesus what the shit

>> No.6393894
File: 1.58 MB, 500x281, YSR5d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Tokyopo thing where they were interviewing Lolitas and somehow this beast made it into the lineup.....

>> No.6393906


Is that... is that SHIT all over the floor?

How the fuck do people live like that???

>> No.6393911

By being really, really poor. Conditions like that unfortunately aren't really all that uncommon, even in developed countries like the US.

>> No.6393919

The lipstick needs more tying into it than the fake berries in the hairpiece. The flower on the right is a little too big... Also, those specs make her nose look a mile long. Everything else is lovely, though.

>> No.6393920


No, being poor isn't an excuse for living in filth. It's not like you need money to not let your floor be covered in literal shit. And if whoever owns that house really is THAT poor, how then did they afford the ita monstrosity and matching boots for their daughter?

Lack of money is no excuse for filth. You don't need money to clean your house, borrow a damn shovel from a neighbor, fuck.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.6393923

Yeah, I think that one just needs tidying up a bit.

>> No.6393927

Ahaha oh god I fucking hate the "cosplayers" that pull shit like "I'm (somekind of obscure shitty alternate)!character" or "I'm [character]'s kin!"
Offspring... What the hell lol.

>> No.6393948

>>6393920 It's not like you need money to not let your floor be covered in literal shit.
Jesus Christ it's not literally shit. Looks like a combination of grime and the floor covering being worn away.

>> No.6393992

To be fair, Kitty is in Through the Looking Glass, and the contest was Alice in Wonderland themed.

Gwen is just terribly, terribly ita.

>> No.6394738

Wasn't this supposed to be like an "abandoned house photoshoot" or something though?

>> No.6394747

But she said that she's the offspring of "Kitty", not that she's kitty.

>> No.6394758


Kitty is name of a cat in Looking Through the looking glass, offspring of Dinah, the cat Alice had in Alice in Wonderland. So no, she's not cosplaying her OC, she's just being ita.

>> No.6394763
File: 31 KB, 432x294, what the shit is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a retarded, ill-dressed Annie Oakley.

>> No.6395014


I completely agree with,

If I attempted to coord this it would be with the main pale yellow colour of the dress or white from the clouds in the print. Bolero, tights, shoes.
There are already far too many colours going on already. Tone it down, don't introduce new, brighter ones.

>> No.6395925
File: 122 KB, 517x720, tumblr_lqco3rPSQe1qiqyjeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she trying to use the petticoat as an underskirt too??

>> No.6395988

Here you go. From a meetup in 2003 or so? babbys first ita. I won't say which one I am, but maetel9 is on the left and she was seething throughout the entire thing.

>> No.6395989
File: 62 KB, 598x350, group1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image durr

>> No.6396023

maetel9 always gives off the crankiest vibes. Also the girl on the far right looks like she's channeling the lead singer of 4 Non-Blondes, lol.

>> No.6396028
File: 44 KB, 335x400, 8726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, i'm Dr. Doone Strutts.

Let me just take a look at these chubby cosplaying babes you have here.

would do

would do

would do

not sure if boy or girl, might do

would not do

would do

would do if she was nice

would do if she was nice

not sure if would do

would do

not sure if boy or girl

might do

would do

would do

would do but why is she in that filthy house?

would do

would do

would do

Keep up the good work everyone.

>> No.6396449
File: 60 KB, 436x371, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call her a bitch or anything, but she's definitely the cranky type. We went to her next meetup as well (thankfully she dropped her bakazoku entourage for that one) and she was just Mistress Nofun. I pretty much completely dropped out of loli after that, a combination of being constantly judged and being a broke highschool student. I've just gotten back into it lately, now that I can finally afford to look fabulous, and actually find myself missing the elitism. It took me almost ten years to gather the confidence to do it again and do it right, but the comm changed entirely into ita asspats during my hiatus.

So yeah, here's a pic from that second meet. Pretty sure this was spring '03?

>> No.6396519

It's hard to tell with such a tiny picture, but everyone looks at least somewhat decent. Sure there's things that need to be fixed (top hat on eyes? hooker boots + wide net tights? clam diggers on the right?) but I feel bad that this scared you off of the fashion entirely. It's bad but there's possibilities.

Unless you're hambeast in the middle. In which case... yikes.

>> No.6397365
File: 140 KB, 334x500, 1324593941751 ita;lolita;334x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6398651

this could have been so cute but dear lord that is an ugly ass jacket.

>> No.6398664

this would be cute if this was a man and had better hair.

>> No.6398677

2/10 for getting me to reply, mostly it's not about the girls, it's the miserable excuses for dresses they're wearing. but by your post, you only care about what's under the clothes, so GTFO this thread, and preferably /cgl/

>> No.6399106

I've been wanting to mention something about her. She keeps posting the same coord to the plus-sized lolita tumblrs. She usually has a pink petticoat peeping out a good 2-3 inches from the bottom in each picture. But this time she looks like she actually used something of an underskirt. There's something about her that I find kinda cute and charming, but... the petti and constant spamming of the same outfit. I mean, I'm all for posting pictures of yourself in the same outfit on your blog, especially if you only have a tiny wardrobe. But... not posting every other day to public blogs wearing the same shit. I submit stuff on there too, but I only do it when I have a new coord and decent pictures to show.

>> No.6399119

[its the only outfit she has]

>> No.6399756

maetel9 usually looked like shit anyways, I don't know what she was so mad about. She never had/has all that great outfits at all. Plus everytime I've met her, she openly gives the stinkeye and talks shit.

>> No.6399872

Yes, if Misa was a cocaine addict from the 1980s.

>> No.6399869

IMO the two most important things are having a sufficiently full petticoat, and having clean and well-groomed hair. You could wear brand head-to-toe and still look revolting if you had greasy hair and no petti. You probably know those things already, but just in case.

Does anyone have that picture of that woman wearing all Moitie with no petticoat and gross hair? Because that's exactly what I'm talking about here.

>> No.6399879

She's actually adorable, but those tights don't match and the dress needs to be ironed.

>> No.6399883

Yeah man, you're cute as fuck. Case closed.

>> No.6399952
File: 91 KB, 457x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this belongs here
She said she was a ghost loli

>> No.6399954
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>> No.6399958
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>> No.6399962
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She actually looks like she is sneaking into the picture

>> No.6399965
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>> No.6399974
File: 154 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same girl in this picture and the ghost one was the latest picture. How can she get it right once but fuck it up all the other times?
Also she thinner compared to her old ones.

>> No.6400021

Alright Vendetta-chan (I'm taking a wild guess you're Insaneway without the trip since all those pictures were only available on the comm). Half of those pictures of that girl are years old when she was first starting out - aside from the ghost one which was from Halloween and we were encouraged to dress up to the theme a bit.

>> No.6400032
File: 204 KB, 632x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would that be the same Captain Insaneway who's an elitist bitch on here but lacks the ability to match colours or even follow basic rules such as wear socks or tights?

>> No.6400040

Why is her face so tiny...

>> No.6400043
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>> No.6400048
File: 215 KB, 690x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet her head is huge (and I mean that in a literal sense. Her head is actually disproportionate to her features)

>> No.6400052

Ah it's not Insaneway.
Hi Lauren/Laelette. You proved your identity by posting Lolisa considering your best known vendetta is against her.
Still bitter no UK community wants you?

>> No.6400070

IDGI, all of these look fine

>> No.6400080

You must be newish. Not insulting but you must not have heard of lolisourgrapes/Lauren Simm/Laelette Romanov; she's banned from a number of UK communities for being a drama monger and still holds a huge grudge against the Scottish girls hence the number of them being posted here with nothing inherently wrong with their outfits.

>> No.6400085

Oh yeah I used to watch her videos on youtube, then I found out about all the drama. I'm not >>6400070 but I always forget about that chick until I hear her 'lolisourgrapes' name... then all I can think of is how wheezy and soft spoken she always sounded...

>> No.6400090


Dude, no way. I'd never post anybody from the comm here. I'm not that sort of person.

>> No.6400091

Is she not the same girl who thought it was hilarious to throw a drink over someone who laughed at her outfit then got offended when everyone called her out on it?

>> No.6400094

I think it's been pretty much confirmed it is Lauren and likely her who made the accusation too. It is definitely her style of bitchiness. Plus notice how the picture spams stopped as soon as someone mentioned her.

>> No.6400092


Fuck you, those two looked amazing and were super, super nice. Funny how you're so quick to criticise me when you can hide behind anonymity. Feel free to message me directly or even talk to me at the next meet. I'd love an opportunity to discuss things with you in greater detail.

>> No.6400098


Oh also, I actually have both socks and tights on in that picture. They're just very light colours.

I'd love to see some evidence of me being an elitist bitch.

>> No.6400100


She friended me on Facebook and seemed super nice. I didn't think she seemed like the type to do this sort of stuff.

>> No.6400107

Did it never occur to you why she was banned from the group and when it was put to a vote to let her back in, she lost by approximately 90% of votes against her?
And why she's banned from attending meets in the North of England?
The nice act is a facade. It's incredibly ironic she made a video on YouTube about supporting plus sized lolis when she publicly humiliated one of the scot lolis for her size (in front of everyone else) including ridiculing her diet and saying "I don't understand how people can over-eat since I'm full on a grape!" to the girl.
She also tore another girl a new one who said "I love your wig" and not knowing it was her real hair.
She back stabbed the rest of the Scot girls by telling the English comm they were full of underage Itas, she was the oldest and only one with any brand and that they view her as some kind of lolita idol because of it.
This is not including posting Lolisa all over Loli_Secret and /CGL/ slandering and bad mouthing her causing the poor girl to have a bit of a breakdown. Why did she do that? Because she was the most popular member.
She's a vile nasty piece of work.

>> No.6400112

You forgot to mention that after she "apologised" and asked to be let back in, as soon as it was decided no, the ScotLolis appeared all over /cgl/ and behind_the_bows...

>> No.6400116


I'm pretty sure I read her say somewhere she'd "changed" and stuff like that, I guess I was sort of naive to believe her.

Lolisa is really fucking awesome, I've only met her once, but she was super funny and nice and I loved her outfit. I have no idea why she'd get posted here other than a vendetta, so I guess it makes sense it could be this girl. Does she have access to the comm, though? Or is she friends with people tagged in the photos etc?

IDK why I've prompted any malice though, the only times I've ever spoken to her I've been kind/neutral, not to mention I'm a newb who has only been to one meet and never met her in person. I'm pretty sure the other girl (Not mentioning her name.) in the photo with Lisa was new too, and she was super, super nice. She even gave me free jewellery from her shop for my birthday after only meeting me once. She was so friendly and nice to everybody, so I have no idea why she'd be posted either.

>> No.6400117
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>> No.6400119
File: 164 KB, 500x669, tumblr_md9m88OcDw1rod8t9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyber loli just looks awful any time some one tries it

>> No.6400120

You're in the group that banned her. That's pretty much it. Guilty by association.
I'm not a scot Loli but I have a number of friends in the comm and I was in her original comm. Trust me when I say she is NOT a nice person.

>> No.6400121
File: 378 KB, 500x669, tumblr_md9m1pTOHR1qzlakoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6400133

>implying not volpe white knighting self as anon
>Implying volpe has friends

oh anon, you're so cray

LOL Aye Captcha: "For iRLelan" I didn't realise Catpcha was Irish!

>> No.6400134

I think she's adorable, I love her ginger hair. But the pictured haircut really doesn't suit her face. She has a large-ish forehead and a strong jaw and would probably be better off with some bangs that'd balance her facial features out.

>> No.6400150


Well that sucks.

IDK how to approach this at all. It's an issue that needs solving, but precisely how to fix it is somewhat problematic. She was brought up back in a "what do you think of your comm thread" when I said I wasn't sure of everybody yet because I hadn't really met or spoken to anybody and didn't know anything about them so was maintaining my distance. The response to that was to call me a pompous bitch or some shit, and somebody told me it was probably her. So I don't know if it is her, or if somebody in the comm just doesn't like me for whatever reason, but I have no idea how to go about changing or fixing that.

I've freely admitted I'm a giant ita on here and requested concrit a number of times. I'm making a conscious effort to improve, lose weight, expand my wardrobe, it's not like I'm just trotting about looking the fool without making even an attempt to look better.

I know I looked terrible that day. I got caught in the rain and my hair responded accordingly, I wore a cutsew instead of a blouse when a blouse would've looked much better, that red bolero is my only red bolero and it's an odd shade of red. Everything was a mess. But I've learned from it, and I'm learning all the time.
There's a grand total of three of my coords online. Three. Two of which (This one, and one other.) are undeniably ita. The third looks slightly better. IDK, I just don't understand what somebody would get from posting a coord even I know looks terrible here. It's not as if I don't know it looks bad.

>> No.6400155

The whole UK lolita scene seems to be full of nothing but drama ... makes me kind of sad to be honest. I'm moving to London in January and I hoped to get involved with the local community, but reading about how you guys treat each other makes me want to stay away as far as possible. Welp. No lolita friends for me, I guess. Again.

>> No.6400159

That's half the reason I'm more into cosplay now, mang. Lolita seems like paying out the arse for nothing but drama. Don't get me wrong, I've had some good times in lolita, but now I've been away from it all for a while, I'm stunned and horrified at the amount of time pitiful little bitches spend poking their noses into other people's lives.

That being said, the London comm is really nice, so you're onto a winner there. Everyone's normally well-dressed, too.

>> No.6400160

I don't even think the coord in that picture was THAT bad, honestly. Some things are a little off (the shoes, the top, and I would've chosen a different bag, but that's just personal preference I guess) but all in all it's a good beginner outfit. The cardigan's cute in my opinion. It picked up the white from the skirt as well as its deer-theme with the fur at the collar. Don't be too hard on yourself, you did good.

>> No.6400162

The Scottish comm is actually really lovely if you ignore the one bad seed.
We generally keep to ourselves, get on well and haven't had any major drama.
Even members I thought I wouldn't like due to certain LJ comms and here (such as TourmalineRoses/Tyrano_Tiggs) are actually amongst the nicest girls I've met through the comm. Very bubbly, up for a laugh and just lovely girls.

>> No.6400163

Actually we're not really that filled with drama. It's just that there's a handful of girls that are and they drag it all over /cgl/ and the wank comms. 90% of the London lolitas are lovely. Don't let this thread hold you back from getting involved with them! Plus the lolitas whinging in this thread are Scottish/way north. But seriously, you should meet up with them a couple of times and form your own opinions about them. Don't make a decision based on what a few people are doing on an anonymous board.

>> No.6400167

if you look a little carefully, it looks like natural/thin white stockings' look really close you can see her socks. they blend in with her shoes. not sure how to feel about that...

>> No.6400169

You people are worse than the misogyny threads on /r9k/


>> No.6400174

Yeah, I get what you mean ...
> That being said, the London comm is really nice, so you're onto a winner there.
I'm going to trust you on this one, but I started wondering if it's really worth it. I mean, it's nice to have friends who have common interests but on the other hand ... do I really want to force myself into a social circle I might not even like just because we're wearing the same clothes? Sometimes I do get jealous when I read on EGL or a lolita blog, "I met this and that lolita and we went shopping together and I found this cute blouse and then we had tea and cake and blahblah" and I think, aw, I want a lolita friend sooo badly, but then I read about all of the drama and think, damn, I'm SO glad all of my friends are normal ... well, normal-ish, at least. The only j-fashion scene that seems to have more drama than lolita is gyaru (lurked g_s some weeks ago, damn, those are catty bitches). In the end, I don't enjoy lolita for the people but the aesthetics of its fashion, and I did three years without some special lolita friend, so I guess I'll just go on like that.

Don't know if that made sense, I just fell out of bed, lol.

>> No.6400180

Well you'll never know until you try meeting with them. You might find you have some common interests with people outside of lolita stuff.

Put it this way. You can avoid the local comms and find part of yourself wishing and wondering about it, or you can just go and meet them and form your own opinions. If you go and you hate everyone there, then don't go meet up again. But if you go and find some people you really get on with?

Also I recommend going to events like Hyper Japan as that's a huge loli gathering. You could also try going to the loli meets at MCM Expo but majority don't seem to bother with that one anymore.

>> No.6400179

Well (grasping at straws here because I left when PT left, and have only recently come back- so much delicious drama missed!!) someone could call you an elitist because you look like you are elite. Not pretentious, but you look good, and carry yourself well, and I assume you know that. In that context I consider being an elitist a compliment. And as for bitch? jealous fatties making shit up to feel better about themselves? *shrugs*

>> No.6400181


You're right, the tights are super pale pink and the socks are pink with white lace. Everything just turned white in the photos for some reason.

I'm glad I come across a better in person, thank you! I come across really badly online a lot; I think there's something about the way I type or something that rubs people the wrong way. It's the main reason I don't post much any more and use my account nearly exclusively for sales now.

Thank you! I agree, my hair doesn't look great. It's partially because it got rained on, partially because I haven't cut it since I shaved my head.

Thank you! This was maybe my second or third time wearing lolita out. I posted an "improved" version of that coord on here a while ago and got some useful tips and stuff from various anons.

>> No.6400187

Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it!
> But seriously, you should meet up with them a couple of times and form your own opinions about them. Don't make a decision based on what a few people are doing on an anonymous board.
I guess you're right. It's just kind of hard to go into a situation like that without bias when all you've read about it is negative, you know. I know I should not let /cgl/ influence my view on people I've never spoken to, but derp ... you know how it is.
I'm not saying that I think badly about you girls, it's just ... I have never seen any community bitch and shit so much on each other like UK's. Not saying other comms don't have drama, but somehow yours sticks out all the time. Maybe it's just because you have some "talented" shit-stirrers, I don't know. But it makes me think twice if I really want to get involved with that. As I said, I don't mean to judge or attack you, it's just what I see and think.

>> No.6400191

There's like maybe 10 people in the UK comm that need to get out. The hundreds of other people are absolutely lovely. The reason you don't hear much about them is because it's pretty fucking boring on 4chan to have a thread that goes "well I had a lovely time out today with my friends" Drama is just more interesting for people who are unrelated to the comms to jump in on.

>> No.6400195

You can let cgl's negative drama-fuelled outlook keep you out of local communities, but you're just losing out on the opportunity to make some good friends. But at the end of the day, it's your loss.

>> No.6400197

You do realise that at the height of the Annie drama there were people admitting that they weren't even from the UK and were just stirring shit for the fun of it, right? Just sayin', you can't always trust what you see on an anonymous board.

>> No.6400202

And I'm from the UK and I STILL don't know who Annie is

>> No.6400210

>I have never seen any community bitch and shit so much on each other like UK's
Don't underestimate the massive amount of shit that 2-3 people can stir in a comm. It doesn't reflect all of us, most UK peeps I know had no idea or no desire to interfere to the whole Annie drama. It was just a handful of dramawhores.

>> No.6400216

lol, stop it with the positive pr campaign, uk lolis. we all know you're full of shit. one of your most popular lolis scammed 1000s of $ from others and people are afraid to speak up because they got threatened by her friends. but you sure are good people.

>> No.6400220

So, Doctor, when did you start to believe people give a shit about who you'd stick your tiny dick in?

>> No.6400221

Does anyone else smell the rotten vendetta through their monitors?

>> No.6400241

Vendetta-chans, ita or gtfo.

>> No.6400243


I think it looks fun.

>> No.6400268

What's even sadder is that from what I can see of her, it's totally possible. Her facial features aren't totally busted. She just seems like she has no idea how to work with what she has.

>> No.6400280

I think the main reason is because people always take the "cyber" thing one step too far.

Those kinds of styles always look best in Lolita if it's just one or two elements.

>> No.6400285

posting an ita in an ita thread is having a vendetta now? themoreyouknow.jpf

>> No.6400287


>> No.6400300

I hate ALL OF YOU fucking bitches who post me in these threads ALL THE TIME. YES, I know I'm ugly. YES, I know I'm fat. YES, I know I don't deserve to breathe the same air and occupy the same space you elitist CUNTS do. Just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I LOVE Lolita and there's NOTHING you bitches can do about it. So SUCK IT.

>> No.6400303

well, that's ladylike

>> No.6400304
File: 28 KB, 400x279, 1276665181344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here gives a single fuck about you personally. If you're really posted in every single ita thread, hide them.

>> No.6400305


Totally did the head to toe cats thing today. The theme was lolita cat lady.
It was a fun coord to do actually.

>> No.6400317

Yeah, and you can go fuck yourself. I'd like to see YOU getting posted in EVERY SINGLE ita thread, EVERY SINGLE pic you put on your blog or FB. It's not fun, it fucking HURTS, okay.

>> No.6400321

Makeup...needs to be non-horrifying, this coming from a chick who wears makeup like once or twice a year.

Also, why the fuck put /lime green/ shoes and vaguely green blouse in what would have otherwise been a fairly decent shiro coord? (Ankle ruffles aside, those look stupid as shit.)

>> No.6400326

Ask youself, what is it about you that screams "HIDEOUSLY UGLY ITA"?

>> No.6400331


Haha which one are you?

>> No.6400336

Maybe work on your coordination skills? Everyone posted in this thread either looks like a hot mess or is the target of an obvious vendetta.

I feel like working out who you are, now. Every single ita thread, you say?
Are you that chick who freaked out all over BtB and Facebook because someone thought the print on your cardigan looked like a nipple?

>> No.6400340

But the girl linked to wasn't an ita in the slightest. She had a lovely coord. THAT'S what's vendetta.

>> No.6400342


Lol dude is this your first day on the internet? Everything posted is fair game. That's why I don't post ugly pictures of myself duh.

Additionally, you must be a serious ita. Sooo maybe change something??

>> No.6400343
File: 309 KB, 692x720, 1342846354187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boo, you cow... Nobody gives a shit. Go on a diet or something.

>> No.6400362

I've got the fabric for making myself a cutsew and skirt, yet part of the reason I haven't brought myself to actually make them is I'm worried that no matter how well I make them, someone's gonna post me in one of these threads for being a fatty. Doesn't help that my first dress /is/ an ita monstrosity that I am embarrassed to remember because I knew very little about pattern alteration at the time.

>> No.6400375

their photographer needs to learn to focus.

>> No.6400381

because cyberloli is awful.

>> No.6400386

Dear Ita,

I regret that your feelings have been hurt. However, I do not regard you as a lost cause and if you wish to stop being posted in ita threads, you should consider the following:

It is possible to be an overweight Lolita and still look cute or at the very least, well dressed. The girls who achieve this do so because they dress well for their bodytypes and have learned good self-styling techniques with hair and makeup. Furthermore, you say you are ugly? While I doubt it's so bad as that, the right hair and makeup techniques can bring out your best features while downplaying what you perceive as flaws. Have you considered these things?

There are frequently beauty advice threads, tutorial threads and coordinate help threads on this board. Have you posted in them? While some may still insult you, there would be many more who are glad to offer you advice. I, myself would be more than willing to help.

Yours sincerely,
An Elitist Cunt

>> No.6400387

okay well, are you posted because your coords are actually shit or simply because of your size? because if it's only for your size, then put your middle fingers in the air. but if it's because there is something seriously lacking about your coordinates, don't be afraid to ask for constructive criticism. well-dressed lolis of any size are the best lolis in my opinion.

>> No.6400393

Which one are you?

>> No.6400397

You've gotta be tiferet, she's the only fat one I see in nearly every thread aside from this chick.
but I've seen this one before too.

>> No.6400400

gosh maybe you should stay off 4chan then, especially /cgl/, if that's how you feel. and be blissfully ignorant of how terrible you look. there's a lot of concrit on this thread too, but maybe all you're looking for is asspatting. and this really isn't the place for asspatting, anyone who's been here for more than a day can usually figure that out.

>> No.6400416
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instead of bitching, lets actually post ita pics people.

>> No.6400419
File: 35 KB, 430x720, lolita_outfit___aninite_2012_by_sulaikaandreala-d5dbov1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fairly new to lolita but have already been to a few events and really I met lots of nice girls. I'm also a London based lolita and I'm guessing as long as you dress nicely there shouldn't be any problem. I was a little unsure myself as I'm actually firstly an /a/non but it was fine.

>> No.6400420
File: 94 KB, 720x540, 320984_10150256997880378_601315377_8011673_4934255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this i don't even

>> No.6400422
File: 182 KB, 480x640, img1372bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrf whas she thinking hmm??

>> No.6400424

the big one is wearing that cutsew i wanted fucking a

>> No.6400426

that outfit looks... itchy...

>> No.6400425
File: 178 KB, 1337x1600, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the head bow that kills it, the co-ord itself is meh but passable.

>> No.6400428
File: 92 KB, 360x480, s640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

headpiece, fucking 5 dollar satin gloves and mismatching bag.

>> No.6400430

I think should could keep the bow but have a wig to balance it out

or a smaller thing in her hair.

>> No.6400433


Yeah, me too, I think she's sorta cute but I saved the pic cause the bow made it kinda ita.

>> No.6400441

Agreed. Her outfit would massively improve if she:

-Wore something else on her head
-Volumized her hair her hair and perhaps curled it.
-Did something about that floppy looking bow on the skirt
-Got a different purse
-Ditched those pink scraps of fabric around her wrists in favor of some more appropriate accessories
-Got a nice, cupcake-shaped petti to give her lower half more structure

She'd also look much cute with some blush, rosy pink tinted gloss and some more natural-looking eye makeup instead of the cat-eye liner. That's neither here nor there, though.

I know this is an ita thread, but I can't abide wasted potential.

>> No.6400442

Also needs petti...

>> No.6400495
File: 50 KB, 451x600, 1308948473426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's either tiferet or the crazy kitty girl. The girl in the nasty house only ever has that one picture posted, which doesn't match with
>EVERY SINGLE pic [I] put on [my] blog or FB

My bet is on the crazy kitty girl because she's freaked out over absolutely nothing before. I've never really seen tiferet get ragey. That might be because I tend to avoid reading her posts, though.

>for all yo drama, samefag/sockpuppetry and anonymous shittalking

>> No.6400570

>>6400495 I don't think it's Tiffy.
When Tiify goes ragey she's even more pompous than usual, but she doesn't use random capslock and her grammar stays intact. I remember some rant she posted on the Poupeegirl LJ comm, comparing people to Libertarians for selling their unlocked items at less than the original purchase price. It was batshit, but literate batshit. So no, I don't think this is Tiffy--she's wised up just enough to not pop her cork in public view anymore.

>> No.6400695
File: 88 KB, 500x533, not an underskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this. Just stop. Petticoats go UNDER the dress and shouldn't be visible. It looks tacky as hell. As does this coord.

>> No.6400726

I dunno, I think if a tiny bit of the petti is visible (meaning the very bottom quarter or less of the lace) and if it sorta blends in with the bottom lace or frills of the dress, it would look nice.
But no, that it too much.

>> No.6400823


I don't like it either.
But it's not bad enough for it to fall under ita imo.
Plus, she's a cute fatty-chan, I'm far more forgiving when they are cute and not ogre looking like Tiferet.

>> No.6400837

Wold've been cuter... the person just has a really unfortunate body type, and the picture was taken in a crummy setting... Poor girl. She looks happy, though. I like that.

>> No.6400855

Yeah, she really is adorable. I just wish she'd shorten her pettis is all. :s I just wanna like... send her a needle and thread.

>> No.6400857

why is she wearing so much stuff??!

>> No.6400952
File: 367 KB, 1191x1600, bIMG_0639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have someone in their comm like this? Someone who should have at least passable outfits, but never does? She has so much nice brand/nice pieces but every outfit she wears is just so painful. This one is a liz lisa dress with a baby dress over it! I just don't understand. Way more pictures and examples of these awful outfits on her blog: thatshowwelol on blogspot

>> No.6400973
File: 54 KB, 394x720, 230606_10150227559754254_4393447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always SO CLOSE and then it just falls completely short of looking nice. It's really bizarre.

>> No.6400979
File: 188 KB, 451x295, ragevegeta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dat unbuttoned blouse

>> No.6400981
File: 39 KB, 302x720, 249136_10150244331574254_3730025_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last example. SO close, yet so far.

>> No.6400994


it's the blouses.

>> No.6400992

That thing on her head looks like a showercap with ears and a hello kitty bow :/

>> No.6400997

I actually really like the middle girl's outfit, but not as lolita. Just as a fun outfit.

>> No.6401002

Sadly, those boots must have cost her dearly. The choice was either a week's worth of food or those boots. I can't imagine how people justify living like that. It's horrid!

>> No.6400999


Yep, agreed.
I think it's the lack of petti, unbuttoned blouse or wrong blouse (it's more like a polo shirt? wtf) and the stupid hat that really ruin it.
Also burn those shoes, hate the purse.

umm...at least she treid??

>> No.6401048

That's the thing. It's always almost decent, but she can never make it all the way there to looking nice. It's just strange because she's been in the fashion for years, has modeled for brands at fashion shows, etc. She should be able to make passable outfits, but they always just fall short. It's like she's style blind or something, because they aren't cheap ita (offbrand dresses with cheap lace/bad construction etc), just like, style ita? if that's a thing?

>> No.6401052

Apparently they cost so much she couldn't afford shampoo.
Damn dat greasy hair.

>> No.6401055


Yeah, lack of style sense.

>> No.6401140

I don't see how this is ita. It just looks very plain and old school.

>> No.6401184

She's completely neglected her grooming, that's why. You can't just put on a dress and expect to look good.

>> No.6401221

ITP: Girls that don't know how to smile.

>> No.6401233

So she didn't do her makeup and didn't do anything super extravagant with her hair and that makes her ita? Her skin is clear and she doesn't look greasy or dirty. Her hair is pinned back and she has hair accessories. As I said before, it just looks old school.

>> No.6401246

Girl in front looks like Liz Lemon

>> No.6401268

The dress doesn't fit her properly and is giving her boobloaf. She could also do with a bit more poof in her petti and her hair needs some work because it looks like she's just brushed it. She could also do with some make up. It's not the worst offender in this thread, not by a long shot, but it's not even a good example of old-school

>> No.6401305
File: 242 KB, 1024x768, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Modern Classic

>> No.6401560
File: 232 KB, 1100x1600, retardcolorcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFFFFttttt. Why does that piss me off so bad? The dark floral dress with the light baby, just, god.

>> No.6401593


The person who runs the gorgeouspluslolita tumblr really needs to get their eyes checked. Yes, a lot of the girls she reblogs look great, but a lot of them are downright awful, to the point where I thought she was trolling at first

>> No.6401741

dafuq. why the dance shoes?

>> No.6401764

~Ballerina Lolita~. Even though they're fucking ghillies.

>> No.6401780

this is just atrocious

>> No.6401783

Oh god. I was scrolling through the thread and read this, and the memories came back and...oh jesus tapdancing christ. I just checked my ita folder and I can't believe I didn't save any of her pictures. If I may compare the lolita silhouette to two hyperbolas, she was two parabolas. It was the exact opposite of how anyone is supposed to look.

I want these pictures now.

>> No.6401794

I actually really like the boots *shrug* the rest is just terrible, but that house?!

>> No.6401814

this could've been so nice

>> No.6401833

the outfit on the right would be infinitely better if she got rid of those fugly ass shoes

>> No.6402355

Muslim lolita has got to be the funnies thing I've seen in a long time.

>> No.6402356
File: 1.05 MB, 613x811, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.6402358
File: 760 KB, 461x623, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls don't stone me ^-^

>> No.6402360
File: 449 KB, 447x661, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402367
File: 56 KB, 453x604, 19370_1265278475997_1350816139_30884026_72219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha: one itiawh

>> No.6402368


Shouldn't wigs technically be allowed by the religion? Since it's not actually *their* hair?

>> No.6402365
File: 123 KB, 774x1032, schrodinger_by_sakuraasuka-d3sm0cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries.

>> No.6402375

I sense racist butthurt

>> No.6402376
File: 126 KB, 338x500, 4824124008_8d5c674e34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when they pin the huge ass bow in the back. Reminds me of when my mom used to glue bows to my head as a toddler because I had no hair.

>> No.6402382
File: 416 KB, 340x486, rkoj6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense tumbler faggot.
Islam is a race now, guys!

>> No.6402388

That's what I was thinking. They already wear bonnets and shit over the head cloth.

>> No.6402389

not same anon but >>6402360 is a crappy outfit. Why blue shoes with that outfit? Why not tuck in that long ass blouse?
Capcha: religion twoulfc

>> No.6402405

Exactly. Hijabis can be adorable lolitas, but what was posted is ita by any standards, Muslim headwear or not.

>> No.6402406
File: 50 KB, 500x278, tumblr_m48mq4xCoO1rt0c7yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402407

As far as I know, the whole hijab dealio is to preserve modesty. I think either way you would define modesty (a. not being an attention whore, b. not "encouraging" the other sex), Lolita is not exactly a fitting fashion for the religion's guidelines.

The way I see it, there is really no point in wearing a hijab if you are going to wear lolita shit.

>> No.6402411

I don't care what anyone says. Hijabis are fugly, just like cat ears and other irrelevant shit.

>> No.6402424
File: 151 KB, 480x640, 6541200507_939e7123b1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even lolita?

>> No.6402440

I like tokidoki's makeup line ._. people always ask if it's like kids make up though and I'm like, girl no

>> No.6402475

Girl on the right looks Aristocrat, girl on the left... I don't know what she's wearing, but it's not aristo or lolita.

>> No.6402478

Yeah, the whole part of wearing a frilly noticeable fashion plus a headscarf that's supposed to show modestly always seemed like an oxymoron to me, but what do I know. Glad I'm not the only one who raises an eyebrow at it, though.

>> No.6402540
File: 167 KB, 500x750, tumblr_md1g3yuCPq1qb5bk4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402538

>> first the coord photo is awful

>> second her neck is completely swallowed. it's just sooooo bad

>> No.6402714

Isn't one of the ""rules"" of lolita to be modest, though? To not show too much?
...Though regardless, is it even a rule of Islam to wear a hijab? There's plenty of Muslims in places like Turkey where they simply... Don't.
Or at least wear it in a style that would work better. Iranians are good at that.

>> No.6402716

...Which one of those three let the girl on the right even walk out of her room with that headdress on her hijab

>> No.6402718

Wearing a hiajab is completely optional.

>> No.6402740

The lolita rule is more about sexual modesty than modesty all together. Lolita, in itself, is no where near modest. It was created to stand out. The Islamic rules on cloths are about being humble and not drawing male (or female) attention. Hence why the ones in Iraq and shit wear full on black.

>> No.6402743
File: 214 KB, 1600x1332, IMGP2080 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse close up.

>> No.6402752
File: 498 KB, 400x600, coord21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this forever.
everyone has an ita phase, then we get better.

>> No.6402761

Cap'n, your outfit here >>6400032 is adorable.

>> No.6402763

God, this one always makes me so sad.

>> No.6402767

I actually kinda like this without the scarf. I know the cardigan doesn't go very well, but IMO it just, I dunno, works?

>> No.6402772
File: 94 KB, 450x600, fatita9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402774


I dislike the amount of wightkniting this girl receives. All her coords are pretty bad.

>> No.6402779

Seriously. Take away the headscarf (omg so unique and brave go u! :3) and you have co-ords that are meh at best.

>> No.6402785


i never fully understood the meaning of fattychans resembling a giant cake until this post

>> No.6402787
File: 110 KB, 346x291, jenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he hasn't been posted here, but I honestly think this is Lolita Jenny.

>> No.6402795
File: 477 KB, 780x1002, thomshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, that guy? I think I have a picture of him too. Found it randomly on the internet years ago. Even if it isn't the same guy, enjoy.

>> No.6402801
File: 121 KB, 960x947, somuchugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been into lolita for a while and now some people i know just got into it and... this happened

what do.

>> No.6402805

The only thing about this that is not awesome is the tights.

What is wrong with this besides the bag being the wrong shade of blue and the pose? If she were standing up, it seems like it would fine (as long as she's wearing a petti).

>> No.6402812

No, because lolitajenny hasn't been posted in "every ita thread."

>> No.6402813

The girl on the left pains me the most. That is one of my dream dresses and it's as if she thought she could just buy the brand dress and call it a day.

>> No.6402825

He'd actually be attractive to me if he weren't such a raging fucking creep.

>> No.6402834

If you live in huston Texas you can meet him. He'll be the guy jacking off in the bushes to a hairbow that fell of one of the local lolitas

>> No.6402838
File: 131 KB, 960x805, ultimatelolitafashionshowugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh more people I can see through facebook that have gotten into lolita and failed. fuck.

>> No.6402841

She looks so smug about it, too.

>> No.6402843
File: 137 KB, 637x960, ferret2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this photoshoot seems like a good idea.

>> No.6402844

Plus the dude doesn't even wear Lolita and it seems he doesn't even know about cgl or 4chan.
If he did we will have more threads a bout crossdressing why lolitas are such bitches

>> No.6402847

Can you really not see how fugo that is?
Well, for one, the blouse can't be seen under that boring ass hiajab. It's just cloth. Plain, white cloth. There is nothing cute and lolita about it, and it kind of kills the whole outfit. Maybe if she were to tuck it in, to expose a lacy blouse? The whole outfit looks cheap, though. I doubt the blouse is even good. Also, accessories.

>> No.6402850
File: 107 KB, 960x695, awkwardlake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found this


>> No.6402860
File: 141 KB, 640x416, 1350874332667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wut

>> No.6402870

Being in a river makes you ita?

>> No.6402879

yeah it's an automatic ita-maker, didn't you read novela takemoto? he had a whole haiku about the lolitas being for dry land only.

>> No.6402888


You need to drop your CC Lolitas vendetta, bruh.

>> No.6402891

Seriously. we can sniff out rats a mile away.

>> No.6402899

Who is she?? I think she is gorgeous!

>> No.6402902

have you ever WORN lolita in that area in the summer. Holy fuck, I went to a convention there once and just about died. I wouldn't be surprised if their lolita run around in rivers or with ice on their heads or with personal assistants fanning them all the time. it's fucking hot as hell.

>> No.6402903

Looks fine, if the girl on the right got a longer dress.
Looks more like a swamp. God, just, what are they doing?
Look at the cloths, faggot. Or lack of, thereof. Either way, ita.

>> No.6402908

You would.

>> No.6402909
File: 118 KB, 960x640, ughhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh posting the ita half of the nyc comm,they are quite an eyesore.

>> No.6402914
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 395652_297911070259992_662743825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply26's house.

her beautiful "art" is framed behind her lol. and yeah she is holding a knife.

>> No.6402915

Awful lot of mud people.

>> No.6402920
File: 120 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdb29gSIpl1qbsn11o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402923

I'd imagine they took some of their clothes off, went wading in the river and then put the missing layers back on. Like most normal people who go wading in a river take their shoes/jacket off and roll up their pants legs. I see nothing wrong with this. I highly doubt someone snapped the photo as an example of lolita; it looks like a candid having fun sort of photo. It's a lot more logical than wearing the whole coord into the river, at least.

>> No.6402935

No shit they took some cloths off. Now look at the upper half of the girls cloths. The one on the far left is wearing what appears to be an department store dress. The whole dress is not lolita in any way, even if the sleeves are made of raschel lace. I can't imagin her wearing a better dress over it, it would look retarded. (ita) The girl on the far right is wearing a normal white top. Why would she be wearing that with lolita? Even if it went under the dress, it's ita.

>> No.6402938
File: 38 KB, 369x492, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nyc comms tiferet.

>> No.6402939

Meant for
Also, look at make up and hair.

>> No.6402943
File: 140 KB, 500x503, tumblr_lnpo2rJDdc1qa1hdmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now a dump of photos from the glw tag on tumblr. a constant reminder to never buy their awful wigs.

>> No.6402946
File: 288 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_lr53wyZElX1qf0ogoo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402947

Will you kindly direct me to the pictures of tiferet in this thread? I still don't know what she looks like, and am quite curious.

>> No.6402948
File: 168 KB, 500x750, tumblr_lyy4gfROfB1qcb5e2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402951
File: 99 KB, 500x386, tumblr_m0h2dgVZSA1qh6m0fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is an ita goldmine .

>> No.6402955
File: 48 KB, 500x324, tumblr_m0nu0kncJF1qdaztko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402958
File: 334 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m0ol7hGBMM1qfkmcpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402964
File: 309 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m0s35lVgdF1qfkmcpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402966
File: 152 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m1r3cqbtSB1qh6m0fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402981
File: 110 KB, 500x405, tumblr_m4dy4sZ8Ts1qzoyw6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402986
File: 662 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m8or06OO1E1rtbc5ho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403000
File: 61 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m8vawrUjAo1qfkmcpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403003
File: 55 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m56l6uV8JC1qanmogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403004
File: 66 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m56l55Jf9J1qanmogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403006
File: 139 KB, 390x750, tumblr_mbaoj3xH411r8a7njo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403013
File: 86 KB, 266x750, tumblr_mbnlwbuGsf1r8a7njo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wtf is this wig.

>> No.6403021
File: 54 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mch7jmHKp61qanmogo6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403024
File: 92 KB, 433x750, tumblr_mcyoxlFrmt1ri6w88o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403029
File: 102 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mczu0jUnUH1r5wllpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403031
File: 171 KB, 500x667, tumblr_md0c77PJlU1r2tj6do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one, ill come back with more tommorow maybe.

>> No.6403042

>>dat facial hair
Is she from mexico?

>> No.6403044
File: 66 KB, 625x351, 3oozo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403046
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 426028_10150731518752306_1397041976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403066

Girl on the left at the back. WHAT IS GOING ON???

>> No.6403098



>> No.6403118

It has hearts on it, therefore it is kawaii

>> No.6403127

I love the way her face matches her dress. She looks like a giant mint chocolate.

>> No.6403129
File: 16 KB, 450x401, pedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403181
File: 49 KB, 500x357, tumblr_mdapvhlg7d1rdllrlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6403246
File: 218 KB, 606x800, strawberry lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly != ita. Fail

People really need to learn not take pictures AS SOON as they get a new dress. I don't know why so many people do this.

>> No.6403356

Since I've been posted, how can I make these better and what makes them so ita?
I figured that the Halloween make up ruins it, need to straighten my headdress but is there anything else?
I hated the glasses in this one.
I've lost weight compared to this picture, I didn't use the wig again and used a white blouse the second time.
My second meet pic, from 09, to be honest I felt very ita in that but I tried, still tips welcomed.
In all honesty, I was having a crap day. I'm leaning on my umbrella just to keep standing. Still happy with concrit and I know I need another coat.

>> No.6403377

ClothEs. I thought it was a typo but you keep doing this.

>> No.6403378

Um, this is cute and standard fare for sweet.

>> No.6403389

Is she using a SKIRT as an APRON???

>> No.6403424
File: 83 KB, 500x747, holycrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is just so much wrong with this photo

>> No.6403644

I went to college with the girl in red all the way in the back. Poor girl can't dress herself but she's a nice girl and she has a crappy life. So sad.

>> No.6403657

Girl on right would be great once she gets rid of the stupid wig.

Girl in red is just not a lolita or an aristocrat or anything. No point in judging it as such.

Girl left to her, stockings aren't that great but it's not really HIDEOUSLY ITA. Needs some kind of head accessory.

Girl on far left just needs a head boy and to not stand like that. Not ita.

>> No.6404187

Instead of posting a random pic, how about you actually make some kind of an attempt to explain why you feel these ladies outfits are as you so lovingly termed it: "quite an eyesore"?

>> No.6404198

Reading "tiferet" backwards and attempting to unscramble it has gotten me nowhere, so please explain what you're talking about? Actually, I'm more concerned with why this is being posted here at all? If your intent is to expose people you find to be "ita" or "cosplaying lolita" why waste your time posting a pic of someone who's obviously not trying to be either and is just posting a pic of themselves looking silly?

>> No.6404335

That's not the point of the thread. You must be in the picture.
The point is not to "expose," the point is to laugh at people who look bad. If they look bad, they're fair game. It's not an attack against the person unless the poster makes it out to be. It's just "look how dumb this person looks" for cheap entertainment and then moving on.

Both of you must have been posted in this thread because there's literally no reason for this jimmy rustling.

>> No.6404394

I could be in the picture or I could be acquainted with someone that is , doesn't really matter.
Digging through another person's face book time line just to find a stupid pic so you can poke fun at them is pretty lame. Also, if you're going to refer to a group of people as an 'eye sore' then in my opinion, you should be able to back up your statement and if you can't, then the statement is null. Also, if you're comparing the pic of a person to someone else , like whoever this "tiferet" is, then yes, it is an "attack" on them. If poking fun at how stupid people look or how they don't fit yours or whatever the general standards of lolita may be is your brand of entertainment, then you're the one who belongs on here, being posted about and laughed at. But whatever, carry on, have fun, if that is what you so desperately require in order to feel good. I'm gonna go focus on more important things, like not being ass hat.

>> No.6404396
File: 87 KB, 500x750, tumblr_maqfyhU6nX1r806upo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6404463

Back to tumbler with you cunts.

>> No.6404480

I decided not to read your post, because it's probably retarded White knight/SJW shit. That, or it's retarded. Anyhow......
>>Shitty ass wig on nigger girl
>>Stupid arm sleeves on front left girl
>>She also has bad shoes and a non-lolita dress.
>>Lots of girls with boring glasses
>>Girl with stripped socks

I could go on. Don't put your pictures up if you don't like criticism, and stay of 4chan if you want constant PC flattering.

>> No.6404584
File: 139 KB, 547x668, concert_gothloligrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not either of those anons. I just don't get what makes them so pig-disgusting ita. They're really not that terrible.

Stuff like
That's the kind of stuff that belongs in this thread. Not "Oh, she isn't wearing a headdress, what a fucking ita disaster" or "Her blouse is plain and she isn't wearing enough accessories, what an eyesore."

>> No.6404586
File: 81 KB, 676x507, peecock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, Jesus has returned.

>> No.6404602

Ita was originally used to refer to a girl who is going for the lolita look, but can't quite get it right. I happen to find it funnier when they screw up the outfit with something stupid and easy to avoid. To each his own, post your ott fuck ups.

>> No.6404652
File: 65 KB, 286x400, wat loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's over.

>> No.6404847

How about...if you don't like my pictures don't look at them. Nobody told you or whoever posted the photo to go look through the person's timeline to find something stupid to post and then laugh at. That's your problem, not mine.
If you're in the habit or posting nonsense just to make fun of someone and honestly expect them not to have anything to say about it, then you're very naive.

>> No.6404855

unless you're in a nation where they'll murder you if you're not covered up

>> No.6404866

kawaii cake witch fattychan desu

>> No.6404888

if this guy was less creepy 10/10 would wed

>> No.6405105

Did you read what I said at all? The point is not to talk about why they look bad, the point is to laugh because they just do.You seem very, very butthurt. People who make shitty attempts at defending themselves (or their friends) are up for ridicule as well.
I hate to pull the research card on you too, but being able to laugh at others has very little to do with how we feel about ourselves, especially if the intention is not to bring them down.

You have fun not being ass hat.

>> No.6405109

Thought you said you were leaving to do "important things," what happened to that?
Also if you're on 4chan attempting to defend yourself, then YOU'RE very naive.

>> No.6405167

i need that giant alpaca.

oh simply.

>> No.6405190

>>Saving pictures of things you see means you have no life
Be less stupid, please. I'm not even the one who posted the picture. You being butthurt is your problem, not mine. Brb making fun of your picture.

>> No.6405226

I honestly don't know why butthurt people assume that taking 5-10 minutes a day to poke silly fun at people constitutes having no life. I see it on 4chan, I see it on efagz, I see it on the lolita secret comms, it's seriously the shittiest defense. I guess they have this image of us sitting in front of our computers all day going through years of posts to find one little speck of something to make fun of. That insult holds even less water now that there are subscription and RSS options so one need not even visit the blogs of lolcows or even have computer access to receive the latest bout of cheap entertainment.

>> No.6405526

it was a decent attempt as they look like shit and this is an ita thread.

>> No.6405557

How is laughing at how bad someone looks NOT an attempt to bring them down? I honestly don't care whether you think my attempt to defend myself or friends of mine is shitty or impressive. I don't make a point of going on someone's face book, digging through their time line , just so I could find something juicy to poke fun at, although , I must say, I am flattered that the OP made such an effort to do so.

>> No.6405561

Yeah, you might have a point there.

>> No.6405575

No, saving pictures of things you see is not the issue at all. It's invading someone's face book and sitting there , flipping through someone's photos that go all the way back over a year , just so you can find something to poke at that is disturbing.

>> No.6405599

The things that were said about my pic were candy fluff compared to the garbage I've seen posted about others. Calling someone a " kawaii, fattychan, witch, " or "faggot" is not poking "silly fun". It's offensive and disgusting and disrespectful. Also, it's cowardly. I bet if you met whoever you're posting about IRL you wouldn't have the balls to say to their face half the things said on here and if you did, you'd have more to deal with than a little "butt hurt". I wouldn't be surprised if you got knocked upside your silly head and sideways. I have every right to be "butthurt" as you call, just like you have every right to continually post your garbage on here and think it's the funniest shit ever and that it's actually acceptable.

>> No.6405634

I make fun of them on here and not to their face because I don't want them to find out. There are some mean-spirited anons on here, sure, but most of us are out to just have a good laugh and don't actually want to hurt anybody. Also, these ita threads for the most part aren't an attack on anyone personally, just how they happen to have poorly presented themselves at a given point in time. Ita threads are rarely a commentary on someone's self-worth, personality, lifestyle, or anything other than their appearance in a given photograph. You're being willfully ignorant and I hope you know you're making a right fool of yourself here. Please get off of 4chan.

>> No.6405646

Who's to say that whoever posted you didn't just save your pic right after you posted it? Maybe this person has an ita folder that has had your picture in it for over a year. Fuck, so much ass pain.

>> No.6405843

making fun of someone's appearance and/or their weight and then saying that your intent is not to hurt them is showing the same ignorance that you're accusing me of . How do you honestly expect someone to react when they have words like : "eyesore" or "fattychan" or "witch" attached to their photo? " Oh no, it's ok. I 'm dressed like a moron. It's funny as hell. By all means, continue laughing at me" Really? You gotta be kidding yourself.

>> No.6405864

How the heck is my pic even related to "ita" at all when I'm not cosplaying, not dressed in lolita and am not wearing something that I wear on a regular basis?

>> No.6405956

If they don't start off as an ita... they just got lucky!

>> No.6405981

Behold! The three ita musketeers!

>> No.6406698

Nope. It's better that they don't find out. You did, and that sucks. You're the ignorant one, and with all the distress this is causing you, wouldn't it have been better to remain even more ignorant? I really don't know what else to say to you because you're really just so incredibly thick. Why are you here?

>> No.6406700

Then you just look like shit and it's funny. You're trying so hard to make yourself seem like a martyr and us seem like an army who wickedly scour the internet looking for people to tear apart, and if you want to believe that, whatever, I'm done talking to you, but I can assure you that your self-defenses are being torn down, which is part of why you're getting so upset.

>> No.6406700,1 [INTERNAL] 
