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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6388066

usually packages arrive between noon and 1pm, but it's almost 3pm, and my package isn't here yet. the tracking site says it's been out for delivery since 11:59, and i live only a few blocks away from the post office. with all the ems troubles people have been having lately, i guess i've been lucky, since this package was mailed from china on Oct 28th. it's been 9 days (including the weekend).

>> No.6388069
File: 100 KB, 1067x628, My order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review incoming! (I'm so excited! This is my first Taobao order!)

1) I bought 5 of these in light brown. They have two clips and are about 3 inches along. Not too thick but look as pictured for the most part. Darker than the picture but that actually ended up being helpful because by the time they arrived, my hair had darkened as dye had washed out slightly. They hold my hair extremely well and you can tug them super hard without them falling out and the hair is fastened to the clips very well and wore them out last night and they didn't get too tangled or have many stray, fall out hairs.

2) Meh. Not really like the picture and don't really work. But it was 1 or 2 yuan so I'm not too upset.

3) Bought 2 of these and a 3rd one came free (whether on purpose or accident, I don't know). They work very well and hold up my hair. Haven't worn them for a long time so don't know how well they stay.

4) Bought this bun on a whim in light brown. Also darker than pictured and slightly smaller than pictured but that may be because I'm not using them correctly. Also not as neat as pictured. Some hairs stick out. But otherwise very cute. I'll comb it and hair spray it and still wear it.

5) Soooooo cute and silky soft! It's absolutely wonderful! Still darker and slightly thinner than pictured but it's gorgeous when I'm wearing it. Best purchase by far.

6) Also extremely silky and soft. Is exactly as thick and same color as pictured (light brown) and fastens wonderfully in my hair. It is a great length. I love it!

Pictures of them worn if desired.

>> No.6388075

as i submitted this, i just looked outside, and there was the post man, walking to my door. hurrr. but yay, my package is here. feels like christmas.

>> No.6388088

Oh and additional details, my whole order was around $20 including shipping. My life is amazing right now.

>> No.6388091
File: 1.06 MB, 635x834, TaobaoOrder4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next order

>> No.6388093

What'd you get!

>> No.6388100

Ah, link to the top right please?

>> No.6388110

Here you go


>> No.6388125
File: 1.16 MB, 812x928, tbao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to note a few things!
all super amazing. way more realistic than i thought they'd look. the two longer ones also each came with a comb, wig cap, and wig stand. i assume they gave me this random braid headband as a gift. awesome!
>matte nail polish
i tried it just now. i was like, damn, this isn't gonna work. but after looking away for just a moment and looking back down, it dried (faster than any nail polish/top coat i've ever used) and now i have a red matte nail. awesome. way cheaper than essie's matte about you.
>star sweater
only thing i'm unhappy about. super itchy and way longer than i anticipated. it's down to my knees. also, the pockets are funky and make the hips poof out.

>> No.6388126

Link to wigs?

>> No.6388136

long black wavy one. obviously it should be brushed out to look like the picture. the bangs are a little long, but that's nothing a little trimming can't fix.

bob wig

long brown wig. color isn't as light as pictured, but it's still nice and actually looks more natural this way, i think.

>> No.6388219

I fail at search. Silver/metallic denim/jeans for guys?

>> No.6388287

Link to 5) please! It's lovely also what agent did you use?

>> No.6388333
File: 94 KB, 632x466, newcosplaybuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all my stuff in the mail finally~

If anyone wants a review or pics I can post em.

>> No.6388338

Pics/review on the skirt?

>> No.6388341

On sale for 17 yuans! And I used TaobaoRing. Worked really well for me. I had no issues.

>> No.6388646


>> No.6388656

Could anyone help me? I am ordering from taobao for the first time and I decided to use taobaoring because I'd heard they were good, but I made my order about five days ago now and they still haven't confirmed it for me to pay. How long does it usually take?

>> No.6388661

they're on hiatus for a couple of days. i think someone mentioned it was a teambuilding activity.

>> No.6388672

Oh okay, thank you!

>> No.6388790
File: 52 KB, 500x367, coolstarrybra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys tell me some good underwear shops?

>> No.6388814


>> No.6388829

Thank you! Taobao uses EU sizes, right?

>> No.6388843

Those are adorable! Thank you for the links

>> No.6388844

I have that bra. It's a piece of shit.

>> No.6388855

Haha, man, where were you before I placed my order?? I was trying to find good extensions from Taobao, but not a lot of people do reviews on them (or buy them, I assume), so I just went for whichever seller had lots of good feedback. Just wondering, how long is your hair?

>> No.6388879

does anyone know of any good shops to find shoes? preferably cute sneakers and platforms that range in sizes 8 1/2-9(maybe 10 depending) in US sizes?

Also any good shops to buy sweaters or skirts!

>> No.6388895


read the FAQ

>> No.6389021

Are you kidding me? They use Chinese sizes (ie: tiny). If you're not an A cup you ain't getting in these bras.

>> No.6389202

That was the same problem I had. Thankfully, I had the benefit of complete ignorance so didn't know I might have been in trouble buying from a store with so few reviews until the order was basically almost here.

But my natural hair is a little longer than shoulder length and naturally stick straight.

>> No.6389211

But mine aren't that big... they're only 'Murrica C.

>> No.6389242

Have you guys ordered Kigurumis/SAZACs off taobao? I was wondering about a review (can't find one on google) since I heard awhile ago about a girl getting a really lame one.

>> No.6389281

Oh fuck! I'm gonna use this website for xbox game imports cause tbh the korean market is drying up for that kind of thing lololololol

>> No.6389430

From the last thread:

>> No.6389455

If you find a good store, mind linking? Could really use Skyrim.

>> No.6389468

link to the top in the middle of the bottom pls

>> No.6389476

Are mens/womens shoe sizes the same in china or is there a difference like the US. I want to buy some men's shoes but I don't know how to calculate the difference. (for the record i'm about a size 9~10 US women bc I have wide as fuck feet)

>> No.6389662 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 25847517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I was using Taobaonow to order. They are telling me they can get the game I want through customs. Is this the case for all games? Anyone have any experience ordering games?

>> No.6389676
File: 131 KB, 354x720, Screen Shot 2012-11-06 at 9.45.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my soon to be order <3
can't wait! i'm a bit sad though, cus i wan't leggings/pants but my thighs are too fat. :(

>> No.6389681
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 25847517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I was using Taobaonow to order. They are telling me they cant get the game I want through customs. Is this the case for all games? Anyone have any experience ordering games?

>> No.6389799

I just logged in on yoybuy and see this>

>> No.6389902


link to the rilakkuma shorts please?

>> No.6389935



>> No.6389970

What's the problem/what are the problems with it?

>> No.6390015

I've gotten a giraffe one. It was fine quality. Very warm fleece and the details aren't messed up.

The link for the one I bought is gone now so I can't. I got one that said SAZAC in the tag. I just searched sazac and found the seller randomly.

>> No.6390019

Link to curtains and green shirt?

>> No.6390113
File: 39 KB, 380x464, SAH2_613_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone found any shops with light blonde or maybe even a natural red fake fringe? Picture for the most part related.

I'm (obviously) having a hard time only finding black/dark brown/reddish dark brown.

>> No.6390143

Ah alright. Thanks for the input~

>> No.6390355


Oh dear! You comes at the right time! I just sent an order for the exact same wigs from the same shop to my SS 30 minutes ago.

How's the quality of the wigs? Do they give you the wig caps and wig stand along with the purchase or should you purchase them separately?

>> No.6390368

that's a d in chinese sizes

>> No.6390383

Anyone know bjd clothes shops that sell cute yosd size clothes that'll actually respond to Bhiner? I've tried Sunflower and a couple others, and they won't tell them domestic shipping or whatever it is they ask about.
I want a cute dress or skirt and top set. I was going to buy this:
So, something cutesy, but not necessarrily lolita or anything. I don't know why those pictures both have ears. The dresses don't come with them, and I don't really want any.

>> No.6390392

Nope, but there is a seller that often has them on eBay for super cheap

>> No.6390406

Link to the dress?

>> No.6390412

yup, they gave me wig caps. the wigs are really soft and not super shiny or anything.

>> No.6390480

it's only stuff on tmall though

>> No.6390535

My friend loves the CreepyYeha's stuff and I wanted to get something for her for her birthday, but I know I can find similar stuff on Taobao for way cheaper. Can anyone recommend a store that carries things like creepyyeha sells? Thanks in advance.

In exchange, here is a link for lots of those detachable collars:
And lots of tights:

>> No.6390544


I saw those, but I really don't like the look of them, plus I would like a selection of a few different colours.

>> No.6390651

I didn't expect a reply so early so I left to do something else. Whoops.

Anyway, thank you! That's really great, I found many suitable ones.

You can e-mail them with your order number.

>> No.6390663

This shop has a couple of similar things (they even use Creepyyeha's photos in some of the listings):


I did see some more of her stuff somewhere else, I'll see if I can find it again.

>> No.6390679
File: 54 KB, 450x480, funny-soon-gaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TaobaoRing is back in office! I checked my order and my last item arrive, waiting on weight & shipping info with pics of my order before it ships! So excited!

>> No.6391081

That's not to bad, I suppose. I'll just have to shop around.

>> No.6391144
File: 91 KB, 554x716, measurements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone.
I was hoping you could help me since my shopping service keeps avoiding the question for some reason.

I was wondering what the measurements of this dress were: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w28.1.IHxmO8&id=20412268633
they have a size chart (pictured) but nothing in english and I don't know if I'm supposed to sign up for a taobao account to see the size chart offered up by the sizes for ordering or not.


>> No.6391184
File: 126 KB, 554x716, 1352302602479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to recognise the words for body measurements like bust, waist, hips, etc

>> No.6391187

I just checked, other stores are giving discounts too, like Artka

>> No.6391293
File: 43 KB, 723x655, buychina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm the anon who asked B*yCh*na to delete my account and my email from their records ages ago.

They just sent me this email asking me to affiliate with them.

Now what.

>> No.6391409

Ah, thanks so much for the link <3

>> No.6391440

They sent this to everybody, it is from their newsletter.

>> No.6391475

oh, they added a lot more stuff to their store in the past month. if you could find the other place that sells her knockoffs, that'e be awesome! (not the same anon as before)

>> No.6391546

They don't use Creepyyeha's photos, the girl at the photos of the chokers etc is the person who runs the store.

>> No.6391576

Er, I'm well aware of that?

I meant, for instance, this listing which has a watermarked image in the description:

>> No.6391617

Pls help. I need the link of the girl who ordered a cat beret and it turned out to be all creased.

>> No.6391631

might be a derp question, but do any anons know if taobaoring/paypal accepts amex gift cards?

>> No.6391638

Do you even read what is written there? It says it is a example of a similar one being worn by somebody else.

>> No.6391945

I know there are wig stores in the op but are there any good stores that sell multi-directional wigs?

>> No.6391992
File: 362 KB, 870x651, taobao November.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current order which was shipped today. However there's a bunch of other things but they're all Christmas presents so I'm not including them in case my friends see!
If you'd like any shop links let me know and I'll happily supply them.

>> No.6392033

Thank you thank you thank you! I'm not OP, but I've been hunting for this sort of stuff on Taobao for ages!

>> No.6392044

Where did you get the brushes from?

>> No.6392098


cat bag please! it's a copy right? can't afford the real deal...

>> No.6392110

They're from here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10552008383
You can get them in a wooden handle or a black one and they're £5 for a set of 32 brushes.
I think it's a replica but I already have one from the same taobao shop and it looks pretty legit. Has the tag and everything! That might be because my original one was from the pre-order stages though.
Bought from here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14990145447&

>> No.6392118

link to the gradient shirt please?

>> No.6392126

thank you anon!

>> No.6392632

When will taobaoring start "confirming" my order? I submitted it on the weekend.

>> No.6392652 [DELETED] 

I never definitively said THEY WERE EXACTLY THE SAME. They are similar, maybe they're the same products. I don't think Creepyyeha runs that store if that's what you're assuming?? I just don't even know what you're arguing about.

>> No.6392662

I... actually don't know what you're trying to argue with me about. So um yeah. Poster asked for a store selling similar items to creepyyeha, I linked to one, mentioned they used her photos in some of the listings...
I don't think she runs that store or anything if that's what you're assuming?

Honestly not sure what you're trying to rag on me for.

>> No.6392733
File: 251 KB, 1366x768, NOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order came...Or better said, I went for my order. It was HELL.
Aside from that I'm super happy with this order, everything is as pictured. I will pull a review of the items later.

>> No.6392748

Link to the Moomin skirt/dress please?

>> No.6392784

moomin skirt please sauce

>> No.6392810

I tried to use Taobaoring to order some otome games and they basically ignored my inquiry if it was buyable and then listed my item as unavailable even though there were 100 in stock.

If anyone can figure out a way to get games through US customs/know of a shopping service that will buy them, then please, shaaare. I've spent $260 recently on only three games. Shit is expensive.

>> No.6392838

Moomin dress is out of stock where I bought it, but they are still selling a moomin skirt.

I think I posted on another thread other stores that also sells the same moomin dress that I bought, but a little bit pricey.

>> No.6392955
File: 42 KB, 412x333, reality-worst-game-ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I know about getting games on ebay from china I'm willing to bet I will find somewhere eventually. I'm waiting for word from taobaofocus at the moment. Will post if any luck

>> No.6392959

feel free to try another service aswell and we can find one quicker XD

>> No.6392968

just ignore that anon. they're being rude for no reason.

>> No.6393008

Okay. I'll go try Bhiner I guess, then maybe Pruany since I heard they don't care about knockoffs or whatever?

>> No.6393015
File: 162 KB, 640x480, TBR004125F186637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. My order is now shipping from Taobao Ring! I opted for EMS again, given the minimal time I have. Everything weighed 1kg, and my shipping was $39 after fees, which my boots were 1.5kg and oddly $39 after PP fees as well, but whatever I paid it. That brings my grand total to $105 for 7 glasses, 3 pairs of leather gloves. I honestly am totally okay with that. American sellers wanted $20-40 for similar knockoff shades, and the leather gloves at local fashion stores looked terrible or were like $40 a pair. That leaves me $295 for the fabrics and everything for all the models, which is plenty. I got pretty much most of the fabric at JoAnns for $175 last week, I'm just missing black fur, feathers, and pre-ribboned d-ring strips. That won't cost $120, so I'll have remainder for lots of Swarovski's all over pretty much everything.

tldrtldrtldr sorry! D:

>> No.6393019

pruany looks promising but taobaofocus was a quicker registration lol. I have plenty of games I want so I might order one on pruany now

>> No.6393029

Everything is in yuan, right?

I got super confused because google translated it for me, and it went from the yuan symbol to the dollar symbol.. There's a coat that I really want to order, but I'm really confused how to go about it, starting with the price

>> No.6393037

Yes, everything is in yuans. Google translate does some weird things.

>> No.6393046

Link to the coat? I'll help a noob since I am feeling bored.

>> No.6393059

this is a long shot because usually asian places don't carry it, but any links for platinum blonde (#613) hair extensions preferably on the weft without clips? I'm looking for enough for a full set, not just a piece.

>> No.6393080

I'm trying to find a pink highschool lettermen's jacket-style coat, but all my google translate search terms are failing. I know they're around there somewhere because I've seen them in taobao threads, but... any help would be wonderfully appreciated, even if it's just pointing me towards the correct search terms!

>> No.6393095

I've put in an order for a different game on pruany. Will report back

>> No.6393117

Try varsity, but good luck finding a cute one for really cheap. They're expensive due to it being in style and of course girlbands like SNSD using them for recent music videos.

>> No.6393122

I don't mind saving up if I find something I like, it's just hard to find. Thank you very much!

>> No.6393125

Also, try PINK by Victoria's Secret. They've had really cute varsity jackets this past year. Saw one at work on a girl yesterday. (Sequined sleeves though)

>> No.6393135
File: 55 KB, 428x571, V356372_CROP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6393199


a few questions - how does taobaoring to other SS's, and how do you make the first payment (do you add money to your account on the site first, like bhiner?)

>> No.6393249

sweater: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16083238091
shower curtain: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17140095284

>> No.6393263

Link to wiener dog top?

>> No.6393296 [DELETED] 


Thank you, I know, it sucks being new ._.

>> No.6393300

I've only done two orders to taobao ever, and both through Taobaoring. There doesn't seem to be any issues, they seem to process packages quickly, and there's not much need for communication because they read my notes and follow them for the order. And no, they just charge you right out of your preferred payment method, in my case Paypal. There's 8% fee for the service, plus like a 7% paypal fee, but everything seems reasonable compared to other SS people use. I was a little disappointed about the spur of the moment 4 day break for "team building", but everything looks to be back on track to hopefully have my package by the 16th.

They've been great my first 2 orders, so I'll be using them again for the order I'm placing in a couple weeks for Christmas presents to myself.

>> No.6393308


Thank you, it sucks being new .__.

>> No.6393311
File: 30 KB, 472x388, kirsten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get this bag?

Knock off of Alexander Wang if it helps. Any version, but only in black.

>> No.6393365

I found some, a lot actually just with Alexander Wang + bag. Dunno why I never tried it before.

But something weird keeps happening when I translate it to USD, all of them are like over $100 USD. 元 is Chinese Yuan, right?

>> No.6393429

Currently talking with Bhiner, I was told the seller won't send the one I asked for unless I buy more than one item from them, so I added two games to the cart and re-sent. Still sounds like it could go either way.

>> No.6393448
File: 49 KB, 328x400, 27706112-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, i got the sweater from F21, and suggestions for Taobao shops that sell similar?

>> No.6393452


yes, 元 is yuan. maybe they're just that expensive? idk i've seen vivienne westwood sandal knockoffs on taobao go for like 70 bucks; do you have a link to the listing you're looking at?

>> No.6393455

The lowest was 790 something and some of them were in the 3000 area over $500 USD. Which was the actual cost of the real bag.

I'll grab some links for you. I really don't want to pay more than $50 for a knock off. Like... I'd rather just save up and buy the real one if it's going to cost 1/4 the real bag.

>> No.6393456
File: 177 KB, 641x961, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order has been shipped! Can't wait for it!

>> No.6393462

may i have the link to the sweater and cat bag please? *_*

>> No.6393464

Here are the first 4 I found





>> No.6393478
File: 23 KB, 192x231, rabbitmuchacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if the new Rabbit bag from muchacha is out yet/being copied? I don't think it's a mook offer, so the original will be over 200 USD easily i'd assume.

>> No.6393481


if you were looking for a neutral coloured sweater with cats all over it: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5909226.30.ZnCLGx&id=20447584061

>> No.6393483
File: 118 KB, 640x480, TBR00412D20F6363 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a pair of your gloves got in my order by mistake (see picture), I didn't order them...

>> No.6393490


>> No.6393491

Cat bag


>> No.6393495

thank you!!!

>> No.6393502

I actually purchased a knockoff version of this bag off ebay about a year ago, obviously from china - the quality was definitely not great and did not have a difference in color between the straps and bag like the original, but i did get a lot of compliments on it. the zipper completely broke after a a year of heavy use, so actually i can't complain. if you look up "Kirsten leather bag" or "leather strap bag" or a combo of the two on ebay it will come up. I really want the original though.

>> No.6393509


holy crap whoa

usually shops put up 800/999 yuan price when they've sold out of an item but want to keep the listing up

but in this case, i think they're serious about the price, looking at their other listings that're all in the 500-1000 yuan range

sorry anon, i think it's better just to get the genuine version from the retailer :<

>> No.6393519

I didn't see any on eBay, and I just tried your search suggestions and I haven't seen any. But I'll keep looking, thank you.

I also have nice enough purses to use for "heavier" days, this is strictly for photos and fashion. Haha

>> No.6393520
File: 45 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m36yq33XcA1qb09lx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find shoes like this? I don't want uggs or anything with a lot of fur, but something as close as possible to what these look like.

>> No.6393533

Retailer is sold out, has been for a long time. There's one on Japan Yahoo Auctions right now for a little over $800. Friend said she got it for $700 and that was a steal. I guess black is a lot more expensive than beige and green and stuff.


>> No.6393534


ahh thanks for all the info! my last few orders've been through bhiner, but i'll try TBR this time~

>> No.6393539

oh, here's one.

there's a lot less online then there was a year ago, you can see some of the cheaper ones if you search for "multi strap bag black"

>> No.6393554

Update on >>6393429 , Bhiner processed my order and is letting me pay for it now, so so good so far...

>> No.6393558

This is perfect, thank you! Do you think, anyone not just anon I'm responding to, that this is more or less the same as the Taobao one? Or that the Taobao one would be better? Or do you think it will be the same as the one you got?

PS thank you x1000000

>> No.6393658

Should I get makeup (not BB cream) from this shop? It's a gold medal seller and has two crowns, plus they claim to be a wholesaler and carry tons of different korean brands...


>> No.6393666

Any place to find cheap petticoats other than classical puppets or one of the bigger loli taobao brands?

>> No.6393686

Thanks for everyone who helped me with the Kristen. I ended up getting this bag, it was about $80 USD with 1-2 week shipping. Which is a lot better than $100 USD + $60 shipping that would take a month or two!

Thanks again for everyone that helped, I hope it's a good shop. 100% positive feedback. Fingers crossed.

>> No.6393692

Oh my god. Did you message them? I ordered those both in medium, that is TOO coincidental, they're in my picture as well though. Shiiiiiiiiiit.

>> No.6393697

any shops for faux fur fabrics??

>> No.6393708

someone was in an earlier thread discussing where to buy fake flowers for sewing projects or something. I was wondering if anyone had any news on that and on any cute plain, hats also for decorating.

>> No.6393728

Revised my order a bit. Im such a sweater whore. Shipping is going to be a bitch.

>> No.6393734

Currently shopping for sweaters atm. could you show the sweaters you're going to buy please?

>> No.6393756

Crap, I closed my window where I found plain hats. Sorry. It was a pain and a half to find hats. Let me see if I can retrace it. You mean like felt hats?
I couldn't find any flowers. I know they're there, because I heard someone talking about buying them before, but I wasn't interested then so I didn't ask.

>> No.6393782

Here are some hats. Some are ugly or have bear ears, but some are cute and would be good to decorate. I hope you find one. If you search hats, there's a sub-category or bucket/fisherman hats. That's what you want, strangely.

>> No.6393785


I made a review of the whole order
Hope it's helpful!

>> No.6393868

when you get it, please show a pic, I'd love to pick up one if it's better quality than my original one!!!

>> No.6393922

I need some stuff by the end of this month and I placed the order with bhiner and taobaoring.

Bhienr already gave me a quote and taobaoring is probably backlogged form their break.

Should I just go through with bhiner instead of waiting for taobaoring?

>> No.6393932

For sure.

>> No.6393942

I'm about to buy a similiar pair of that same type of design tights, mind doing a review?

>> No.6393949

Oh man, I got that pink bow free in a magazine. Be prepared for it to be HUUUUUUUUUUGE. Haha.

>> No.6394090

Duno if you found one yet, but I found this. It's like $30 USD or so.

>> No.6394303

That's cute! I can't seem to find that on their site though. I apologize for my poop hunting skills, but is it actually (still) available on the site?

>> No.6394319

This search will help you find fur boots
毛毛短靴 "plush boots"

>> No.6394364

any ideas for keywords that I could use to find bat-patterned stuff like girls that do the spooky-kei shit wear? And no, I'm not thinking of dressing like that... I just really like bats and i've seen some really cute tops and stuff with bat patterns on them. Everything I could think of is giving me 'bat wing' style shirts.

>> No.6394376 [DELETED] 

I would like to welcome you to a new way to work and shop from home without leaving your home. I have a put together a few links together to make this possible. I have made it so you can shop/work/advertise/ or host your own website from your living room Visit <a href=http://definetlyme.com>webhost at home</a>

>> No.6394448

Does anyone have the tag for spats?

Google translate doesn't give me anything related to footwear but those weird plastic bags you put over your shoes indoors.

>> No.6394506
File: 245 KB, 760x618, ash-vs-isabel-marant-sneakers-birdy-bowie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone have any idea where I could find some heel sneakers?

>> No.6394521



>> No.6394589
File: 105 KB, 549x480, video-games-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've paid for both my orders from pruany and taobaofocus and it says it will be ordered but it was all automatic, no direct contact with a person saying yes or no

>> No.6394594

ah just got this message from taobaofocus "#001604785Status: cancelledShow item details
You can add new item for replacement
Item is cancelled because virtual items, liquid, powder, pills, cigarettes and batteries related items can not be ordered." Pretty sure a video game is none of those but its cancelled either way

>> No.6394600

seriously, if you're going to pay for pirated games you might as well just pirate them out right

>> No.6394608

not pirated. Chinese region. I'm both a collector and a trader. They are very difficult to get a hold of

>> No.6394683


Huh well. D: Automated systems tend to do this.

Bhiner told me very nicely last night I can order it ("Yes dear, you can order it"), so they're currently in the process of ordering mine.

Next time is wondering how to get them past customs. :I Do I ask to have them marked up? Because they were super cheap.

Should probably order some clothes too to wrap them up in hm.

>> No.6394688

So, how long will it take for taobaoring to confirm my order?

>> No.6394693

If you're USA, and sent it in the morning/afternoon, expect it to be confirmed in the evening/later at night. If you sent it at night, expect it to be confirmed later that night.

I once sent mine around 10PM and it was confirmed an hour later. They're pretty good about doing it within 24 hours.

Oh, they might be backlogged from their holiday, though.

>> No.6394696

Not always. It's taken them several days to confirm my orders before. Don't they email the stores about stock before confirming? So sometimes the stores might be slow at repling.

>> No.6394706
File: 165 KB, 640x480, TBR00412436D6051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd get my stuff sent this week, but either taobaoring or the seller messed up my order. These creepers were supposed to be the same size. Needless to say, they didn't even message me that something is wrong, glad I took a second glance at this photo...

>> No.6394832

I'm not going to worry about that personally. I know getting games from china on ebay to be easy but maybe those sellers are experienced in how to mark them. One thing I did find out though is that bulk orders or looking like you are getting stock to sell on is apparently a big no no

>> No.6394835

anywho I ordered 3 games from bhiner and am waiting for some reply. still got the one order on pruany as well no updates there

>> No.6394916

Guys, what's your favourite taobao SS?

The very first time I shopped at taobao i used TaobaoSpree. Their English was so-so, but overall communication was quite fast and service was ok. My package was shipped quickly using EMS.
My minor qualm with them is the 10% commission + paypal fees, so I switched to another agent 5 months later.

This agent only charge 5% commission fee, however the conversion rate they used is very VERY horrible. I paid by bank transfer so there is no Paypal fees, but due to the horrible conversion (determined by the SS, not by the bank), the fees are about the same as TaobaoSpree had I used them. (even $3-$5 more expensive). They can't get the VIP discount either and since I compiled my list according to the cheapest discount I could get, the cost are more expensive than I expected.
Good thing about this SS is that they write fluent English. I dunno about the shipping yet because I am still in the process of ordering. :x
Anyway, I am rather disappointed with the horrible conversion rate and I wished I had done a more proper research before ordering but eh what's done is done.


I have a question:
(1) How does one calculate the VIP discount? usually they are indicated as a price range i.e. 123.96 - 155.45
How would I know if I will get the 123.96 price or somewhere in between, i.e. 145? Does it differ for each SS? How does one be entitled to the VIP discount?

>> No.6395085

I have a big butt, and I cannot lie. Should I try plus-size stores for pants/shorts?

I'm a size 'Murrica 9 in jeans.

>> No.6395287

You should crosspost your review here:

(I don't know how tumblr works I'm just saying since this one exists).

>> No.6395299

Dear lord, that whole layout.

Assuming a seagull is running it they should change it ASAP because it's difficult as fuck to look through.

>> No.6395500

has anyone found a shop that sells yumetenbo clothes on taobao?

>> No.6395554

Anyone have a preferred service for weightier items? Not sure if some cute coats/boots are really worth it...

>> No.6395563

Sorry fot the late post.
Yep, I emailed them I think they fixed it so don't worry

>> No.6395672
File: 11 KB, 320x180, toradora-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6395780 [DELETED] 

Guys, Creepyyeha wanto have the copyright for everything with roses and spikes, be prepared for a shitstorm.

>> No.6395782

Guys, be prepared for a shitstorm.

Creepyyeha just discovered Unicorn's Shop and wants to sue them.

>> No.6395783

This may be an incredibly stupid question but I'm looking to buy make-up from Taobao. Will that make it through customs?

>> No.6395796

ahahaha good luck suing someone in China. What an idiot.

>> No.6395797

Link? What does she expect to do. I thought china didn't give a shit

>> No.6395806

It is funny considering thatmost of her stuff are just knockoffs as well.

>> No.6395813

like its so hard to make that shit anyway, get off that high horse

>> No.6395814

People even care about this stuff? It looks really cheap regardless of being on Taobao.

>> No.6395836

You don't seem to know Creepyyeha's fans, they attack the shit out of you if you wear a copy of 'her' designs.

>> No.6395843

>You don't seem to know Creepyyeha's fans
Yeah, you got me there.
But now that it's in the thread I'll probably watch the show.

>> No.6395855
File: 68 KB, 207x310, T1MZDJXj8pXXb40LDa_121105.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what's the quality of this like?



>> No.6395856

Same here. Can't wait tbh.

>> No.6395871
File: 647 KB, 890x537, 2347238947293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


creepyyeha pls

on a site where a search for a random brand name yields pic related, she really thinks "reporting's" gonna make anyone give two shits?

>> No.6395893


Who/where did she knockoff from? I'd be interested if they had an online shop or something

>> No.6395903

Creepyyeha herself is just a 'knockoff' of Juria Nakagawa who also wears accessories that look this way but there are so many mainstream shopsselling harness stuff since last year so it can be many places.

>> No.6395993

Thanks so much! Can't believe I missed it.

>> No.6396051 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 398x440, stretching_exercises_really_do_work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creepyyeha pls

>> No.6396052

Ah joy. Should I hurry up and buy the shit I want from Unicorn's Shop or not worry? tbh suing someone in China for such a trivial thing doesn't sound like it'd work out.

>> No.6396080

Somebody should send her a hoard of other taobao shops that sells similar shit and ask if she wants to sue them too.

I wouldn't be worried about it. The only thing she can complain about is that they used her photo without her permission, and it was only for example (they didn't even blur out her name, which most taobao shops do)

>> No.6396085

I'd be interested only in the shoe garter heart things, if anyone has a taobao link for those?

>> No.6396096

hehe this actually seems like good advertising for the unicorn shop. the person the seller is emulating personally linked to her taobao shop, seen by the many people who follow creepyyeha who like the style but may want a cheaper alternative.

>> No.6396099

yeah I thought it was hilarious she actually LINKED them! haha, what a moron

>> No.6396140

Dolls Kill stared the whole roses+spikes garter thing some years ago.

>> No.6396150
File: 166 KB, 1280x1231, tumblr_m42q13HVeE1qfj7wno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396225
File: 280 KB, 413x567, T2KXaDXi8XXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy this dress from dear celine but they only give bust + length size does any one know the waist size and if the other option (i got black poodle as the translation) has any pictures?

>> No.6396244
File: 103 KB, 570x1139, il_570xN.379732721_5y9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People asked for proper doll joint stockings here a while ago, don't had success on taobao but found realistic handmade ones on etsy.

>> No.6396268


Please respond. ;_;

>> No.6396289

I'm not sure I'm responding correctly, but for weightier items, you can go for SAL shipping. It will just take longer than most shipping methods (1-2 weeks if you're lucky or it could be as long as a month). I'm pretty sure most, if not all, the taobao agents offer SAL shipping.

The cheapest, of course, is Surface shipping, but that can take months, so I'm not sure if it's worth choosing.

>> No.6396298

I will tell you this. A girl in my comm runs dozens of GOs and always uses taobaospree, and they give her the option to ship DHL over EMS for these huge heavy (over 20kg) packages, for much much much cheaper. For example, she paid about 300 USD for a 19kg package with DHL and I paid 220 USD for a 10kg package with EMS since my SS wouldn't give me a DHL quote and then 240 for a 12kg package after that. Maybe this helps.

>> No.6396296

are the joints supposed to look like eyes or a rosy blush?

>> No.6396305
File: 60 KB, 570x1128, il_570xN.382535139_7vca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is blush since it doesn't look like this at other colors.

>> No.6396326

Ugh, so cute and so $45. Been itching to do an Orianna costume from League of Legends for a long time... very tempting. Great find, thanks!

>> No.6396328

Oh haha, that looks better.

>> No.6396409
File: 26 KB, 380x380, 1288444440800711585db81144914f4707bb8c6cdb60b0d1be[D]jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a replica pair (since the originals were discontinued a couple years back) of the Dr Marten's Skelly boots? I've tried various searches with Dr Martens 'skeleton' or 'bone' character with no luck.

>> No.6396434


>> No.6396467

so Clobbaonline is confusing me. I can't figure out if they've got some things crossed out because they're out of stock, or because they have a coding issue on the website.

http://www.clobbaonline.com/index.php?p=1_12 Specifically, item CB1930120 on that page (the high-necked ruffly blouse.) The name of the item is crossed out, but none of the individual colors are so I'm... left scratching my head.

>> No.6396487


Have you tried ebay?

>> No.6396503

Pretty sure it's out of stock

>> No.6396516

yep, they have had a couple auctions on the UK ebay in the past couple of years, but nothing recently. These were released ~09 and then discontinued either the same year or the next year.

>> No.6396737

Is there a such thing as a taobao shop that does custom stuff like words on hats and tees?

I like those baseball caps that say BOY on them, and I want one that says SEX.

>> No.6396734

making my first order! Should i just go with ems or something else. I made a pretty small order two blouses bloomers and tights.

>> No.6396759

Hey, I'm trying to find some non-embellished buttoned up cardigans - the kind of cardigans typically found at The Gap or F21 but from a Taobao shop. Bold colors would be nice. I'm not having much luck surfing around the taobao list.

>> No.6396766

Late to respond, but thanks so much! Was considering using them, cheers.

>> No.6396816

There's probably a store in the mall that will do that for about the same price as the hat, SS fees, and shipping to you. Less wait time as well.

>> No.6396934


Not my mall, the one in my town is dying, literally 2/3 of the stores have shut down. It doesn't even have a hot topic anymore.

Anyway, is there a search term for taobao that gives results for stuff with Engrish on it?

>> No.6396964

I mean, if I ended up getting all my gloves, and you ended up with doubles of mine that you didn't order, I probably would've bought them off you.

>> No.6397003

Read this blog post to learn about the VIP pricing:

Cliffnotes: most shops can't get it for you unless they are a VIP with that store so just take the highest price when you are estimating to be sure.

>> No.6397007

Taobao plus sizes are bigger width wise but not in general size... so if you are not asian height they will be bucket wide but super super short and unflattering. Skirts are alright but I've never never been about to figure out shorts/pants. I'm US size 8/10 depending on store

>> No.6397053

>Anyway, is there a search term for taobao that gives results for stuff with Engrish on it?
Hasn't someone asked about this already a few times? I swear I see it in every new thread.

>> No.6397196

all these people and NOT ONE can tell me if they know of good fabric stores or faux fur sellers?

>> No.6397273
File: 244 KB, 420x630, dreamskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord.
My order was just shipped yesterday, but I'm starting to worry that the skirt I want to order next time will be out of stock. Somehow, it has gotten under my skin and is now one of my dream items. Does anyone know if White Moon Lolitas items sell out quickly? I'm still new to buying loli at taobao so I have no idea about anything. Planning to make my next big order in January..

>> No.6397277

Oh my. That skirt is gorgeous.

>> No.6397287

Toss up... White moon wouldn't be in my top 5 most popular stores when it comes to selling out of things... but they may be one of those stores that only has a limited stock... the store says it has 35 in stock. I would just watch that number over a week and see if it drops. Or ask your SS about the skirt and how long it's been up in the store, which will give you an idea.

>> No.6397298

All of this information and you can't figure out how to read reviews and search yourself?

That is such a broad question its too big to tackle and no one wants to write you an essay.

>> No.6397432

I think most people here don't buy fabric because shipping will be a pain

>> No.6397470

Thank you anon for posting this! I thought they didn't offer you to buy with VIP, but it seems that there are two kinds of VIP!

>> No.6397548

How long does it take for TaobaoRing to process your order? Mine is still waiting...

>> No.6397576

and the following 2 posts.

>> No.6397622

I'm the person who originally asked and it's been about a well since I ordered. I'm just worried because this is my first order and I've always heard tbr is really fast.

>> No.6397657

Would you take pics with the sweater on please? I wanna order the same one and I'd like to know how it looks like.

>> No.6397697

well, that's odd. they processed my order within 24 hours, but it was 26th october. maybe they're just busy processing, checking, receiving payments and shipping all the previous orders because of that week work off (cause of building work)

>> No.6397727

Mine was processed & first payment on the 26th, and my last item didn't come in or wasn't processed until they came back on Wednesday. My second payment was made that night, and they shipped it Thursday morning. They're probably just severely backed up. A lot of us that ordered that week on TBR were hit by the delay, but it won't stop me from using them again.

>> No.6397823

Okay, the dictionary doesn't have this: What do you search for to find blazers on Taobao. I tried to search for "blazer" and it showed me shoes. I tried "jacket" and it showed winter coats.

Any ideas?

Also if I buy liquid foundation will it make it through US Customs?

>> No.6397881

Does anyone know if HMHM does costom sizing and how much extra it costs?
I have big boobs and want to order a blouse from them but will have to get it custom sized if they do that.

>> No.6397888

I want to send a big order through EMS to canada.
Would Taobaoring or Bhiner be cheaper?

>> No.6398015

"西裝上衣" for blazers

>> No.6398023

or "西裝外套"
"西裝夾克" also works just limit your search to "女裝"

>> No.6398304
File: 31 KB, 465x382, 3536ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone answer me couple of really simple questions? I've read the faq and surfed around a bit, but still I cannot quite grasp the content of this thing.

1) Is it really cheaper to buy stuff from taobao? I assume so, since why the hell would it be so popular. I guess what I'm asking is, does the shopping services bill that little that even combined with the initial price the costs are low?

2) I've never used any shipping services like these before, ever, so this is how I assume the whole thing works (correct me if I'm wrong): You look for stuff, email/fill forms/what ever through the shipping services website and they place the order on your behalf. Then you pay to the shipping service company? And once the product(s) are delivered to the company they in turn ship it to you? I feel really stupid asking this.

3) How long does this whole process usually take? Weeks, months? I understand shipping from overseas always takes few weeks but how about the processing through the shipping service? Does it wary much between each company?

Thank you in advance and I will definitely continue my googling and reading more info online. Also, have this picture of a sassy black woman.

>> No.6398324

1) You can definitely get some good deals, but to be honest after paying for the shopping service and international shipping it sometimes doesn't work out as that big a saving. I think people also like Taobao because you can get a lot of unique things there that you can't find as easily on Western sites. That and it's easy to buy knockoffs.

2) Pretty much, but you pay the shopping service (including domestic shipping) before they place the order. Once they receive all your stuff they give you an international shipping quote, you pay this and they send out your stuff.

3) It varies a lot. Not just by shopping service but it's also down to the Taobao shops. I've done a few orders and most only took a few weeks, but one time a shop took 3 weeks to ship out my item (and it ended up being shit anyway) so the whole order got delayed quite badly. But that was just the one time, normally it takes about 10 days from placing the order with the SS to them shipping out your items. Then international shipping will vary a lot depending on what shipping service you used/where you live/how friendly your customs are/the position of the moon.

>> No.6398382
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1308606362246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch, kind anon! This cleared a lot for me. Will definitely look more deeply into this - at first the whole deal with a middle man sounded kind of a hassle.

>> No.6398458

source? gosh that is so pretty

>> No.6398468


the shop link's right there on the image....


>> No.6398525

Hey guys I need tumblrcore fashion for men. Didn't find anything relevant on the spreadsheets. Thanks in advance! This is a birthday gift for someone just fyi.

>> No.6398580
File: 42 KB, 300x352, lightning-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find boots like these (but preferably black)... help? I've tried searching around myself, but the dictionary doesn't have a 'knee high boots' keyword.

Oh, also, a 'combat boots' keyword would be maddeningly helpful as well!

>> No.6398686

>those baseball caps that say BOY on them

I am going to need to know where I can get one of these.

>> No.6398700

oh my god, she added more stuff! her items are really cute, i've ordered from her before

>> No.6398707


these? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4.7.APZ2Ml&id=16160605622

>> No.6398720


Fuckyeah, thanks!

>> No.6398739
File: 2.28 MB, 400x301, 1306803771888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, why is that so appealing? Its just a fucking hat with BOY embroidered on it. I don't even like hats because I had beautiful hair. I just saved that for my Christmas TB order. Dafuq why.

>> No.6398752


It must be the simplicity that draws us to it. The boy london shirts do nothing for me but that hat is hngf-

Also a general Taobao question: I get that the stuff is supposedly all knockoffs and that's why it's so cheap, right?

So, if I bought some Dr Martens, would they look pretty damn close to real docs? As in not obviously fakes from a distance?

>> No.6398776
File: 181 KB, 700x700, T2Ec03XnRXXXXXXXXX_!!618317461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where i can get this? the place i ordered it from is out of stock and now its not listed.

>> No.6398796
File: 1.57 MB, 400x210, 1348789596239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 90% sure the white kid with the scraggly beard/hair is a family friend's son....

>> No.6398891

Have you tried searching key words from the sold out listing? I often find the same piece at a different store that way.

>> No.6398901

Erughhh, that post was me about adding to my xmas TB order. I cleared cache/cookies and lost my trip. But yeah, I'm considering breaking my "NO HATS EVER BECAUSE MY HAIR IS TOO PRETTY" ban.

Also, anyone seen the old circus style/military style blazers that used to be REALLY popular over the past couple years? Zara still sells some,but its a heavy wool blazer for like $190... Trying to find some lightweight throw on military style blazers to throw on and roll the sleeves up. ... Search is failing miserably with tons of unrelated or generic shit.

>> No.6398974
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 324972389479823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where to find studded platform sneakers like in pic related?

>> No.6399113

since you guys were talking about creepyyeha, does anyone know any more tao bao stores with stuff like hers? other than unicorn's shop.

>> No.6399132

sort of what you asked for, 5 crowns.

>> No.6399137

Holy shit, not the anon that asked, but thank you anon for asking, and thank you anon for delivering. This is the kind of stuff I've been looking for.

>> No.6399146

are those made by queencity? will you do a review of them when you do get them?

>> No.6399158

but it's not like she can, right? anybody can make shit like that for fun, and if they're creative, can coincidentally come up with something similar.

what if the store manager had no clue of creepyyeha's shit and made them, them came across ther stuff and just thought in a friendly way "hey cool, someone likes the same stuff as me!"

yeha needs to stop thinking she's so original

>> No.6399163

she also needs to stop overpricing her shit.

>> No.6399172

Are there guides on how to make stuff like that?

>> No.6399180

Seriously... I priced out what I wanted...
>2 elastic boot belts
>1 garter
>1 choker
Almost 150 USD... seriously, wtf.

>> No.6399181

Thank you! There's a bunch of stuff he'd love.
Definitely not going to try and guess his pants size though haha.

You are welcome sir Blake.

>> No.6399182
File: 40 KB, 420x420, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you searching for? Funny thing is, it is known that she shops herself at taobao and most of her products are modified things from there (hence, she even posted images from taobao shops in the past). As example, the pink lace up harness she posted not long ago is since ages on taobao (without the spikes).

Besides that here some shops:

The term for bondage harness/clothing would be 束缚衣

>> No.6399186

all I want is the damn heart shoe garters and maybe a matching leg garter with the heart belt/spikes. I'll take a look at these shops.

>> No.6399189

There are guides to make them DIY.

>> No.6399194


yeah man - i thought the cloud shop was kinda pricey already, 75 yuan for a bracelet? that could buy two pieces of clothing from taobao

then i saw her shop listings and my jaw droppped

>> No.6399207



>> No.6399210

thanks a lot! i want some garters and chokers with hearts. i will take a look at these shops too.

>> No.6399212

cloud shop?


>> No.6399259
File: 99 KB, 605x650, faucetcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guiz halp, everything in that men's shop... and size XL will fit me (6'1 165lbs lmao), just a few cm short in shoulder measurements which is okay due to how I wear shit. I can always reinforce with my sewing machine.

>> No.6399286
File: 129 KB, 450x750, cherub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought some of you guys would enjoy these


>> No.6400520


>> No.6400549

any better method to look for Louis Vuitton (instead writing it in romaji)? It's not in the spreadsheet
thanks in advance

>> No.6400590
File: 695 KB, 1111x540, orgdef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one of my orders, waiting on 2 kigus, 2 pairs of tights, and a wig in my other one

>> No.6400599


Could I have a link, please?

>> No.6400609

i have multiple berets in my order lol, but ill assume youre talking about the black and white ones?
i cant decide between black or white

>> No.6400611

That sailor coat is beautiful, link please?

>> No.6400613
File: 1.63 MB, 1197x785, Order on taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just placed my order. Hope everything is in stock and will arrive soon.

>> No.6400614


>> No.6400641

What is Unicorn's Shop and where can I find it?

>> No.6400672

link to angel tshirt please?

>> No.6400700

Hey taobaoring users!

If they reply with my item with a comment, how to I respond back? In the remark section?

>> No.6400710


>> No.6400712

Paging Mr.Freeman, I hope you're in this thread.
I lost your email (it was in the old thread)
Update: Taobaoring has not yet gotten back to me, I will shoot them an email. Please send me an email if you see this message!

Ordering those galaxy tights too! I hope they turn out nicely. Link to artery tights please?

>> No.6400722


Oops, yeah, I meant the black and white ones. Thank you for the link!

The white ones are cute, but will get dirty easier and might be difficult to clean. The black would go with more, but you'd be limited to wearing it with dark coloured coords.
I'm not sure which is best, I'd probably buy both!

>> No.6400753

If I was going to have an order full of nothing but wigs (at least 5), which shopping service would be best for that?

>> No.6400786

Fuck yeah galaxy thights. I hope so as well. Here is the link to the artery thights:

>> No.6400814


I laughed

>> No.6400845

cgl, I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm looking for two lolita Taobao stores.
1) Gothic lolita store that made a print that looked like it was Moitie inspired. I think it was of a graveyard? Or coffin?

2) Sold a lot of gorgeous white/offwhite classic lolita dresses that looked like they were inspired by Victorian Maiden and Mary Magdalene. They used a lot of lace overlays, if I remember correctly.

Any help would be appreciated. I did a quick search through the spreadsheets but maybe I missed them.

>> No.6400852

My best guess for 1) would be surface spell or surface spell gothic.

>> No.6400858

It's definitely not those stores since I know their stuff pretty well. I think their name started with a K? What's killing me is the second store because there were tons of dresses that I wanted from there but I forgot to bookmark the link.

>> No.6400867

Krad Lanrete maybe?

>> No.6400863

This is >>6400858
Found the first one! Thank you Google for auto-fill.

>> No.6400880

Yes, that was it!

I'm trying to find the other one by looking through my history bar but no luck so far.

>> No.6400876

This one?

>> No.6400888

I found the other one too! I was using Chrome to look at the site (my go-to browser is Firefox) and found it under all the other sites I looked through.


Thanks for your help anon(s)! TIME FOR HUGE TAOBAO HAUL

>> No.6400942
File: 137 KB, 600x600, b210147738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I've saved up some money and I'm planning on spending up to about $400-$500 on some new clothes since my work wardrobe consists of like three outfits right now.
What I'm debating though is if I should go to Taobao becuase of the selection, or if i should try wholesale shopping sites. the prices are a bit higher at taobao but there is so many more choices on taobao.
So long story short, Taobao VS wholesale sites, what are your opinions?

>> No.6401337

Is this auto-saging already?

>> No.6401968

> Fits 55-59 cm circumference


>> No.6402139

more stores with creepy cute itens or stuff from zipper?

>> No.6402219



>> No.6402454

Remark or send an email.
You probably could have tried that yourself

>> No.6402457

Do you find that taobao sizes fit you well and you fit into the standard? Id so, taobao will get you a lot of items that actually fit. However, if you are taking a chance on measurements, etc I wouldn't try it because you can't return items or get any money back

>> No.6402652


and sorry, I've never had them do this before, and I thought they would overlook the remark page.

>> No.6404365
