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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 128 KB, 500x335, 3617769178_94142871d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6398009 No.6398009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does it bother anyone else how much of a preference anime and Japanese media in general seem to have for pale skin? I know it's a cultural thing in the region that predates contact with Europeans, but you'd think given how much of their media is global, they could show more sensitivity so as not to present ostensibly 'white features' in a positive light.

The fact is there probably wont even be any white people 200 years from now, so why Japan insists on flattering their features I don't even know. In the long run it doesn't matter.

>> No.6398014

we had this thread yesterday
pale skin isn't even actually a "white feature" you fuck

>> No.6398027
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Yeah, because they only started liking fair skin when whitey (who is infact PINK, not white) showed up. It's not like they had white-faced geishas before then or anything.

>> No.6398031

>I know it's a cultural thing in the region that predates contact with Europeans

>> No.6398034

Some white people are peaches and cream type complexion, others are pale white.

This is silly, it's like when Asians try to claim they're the 'real white people', Ridiculous.

>> No.6398035

OP, It's for the same reason EVERY CULTURE LIKES LIGHTER SKIN. If you go outside and work all day in the sun you end up getting a tan, so no tan meant lighter skin which meant no working which meant you were rich.
Every country that likes pale skin has the same reason.

Shit, it has nothing to do with white people or Europe or any of that.

>> No.6398071


>> No.6398078

god damn those are some shiny blythes

>> No.6398084

>probably won't be any white people 200 years from now
Nobody with an IQ above 90 could actually believe that...

>> No.6398081


For a while it used to be the opposite in 1970-1990's Britain. Being tan meant that you could afford to travel to foreign countries where it was warmer. For a long time people in the UK didn't actually go on holiday the way we do now, they'd just travel to Brighton or Scarborough and it'd be a massive fucking deal.

>> No.6398087

So much this. It has never had anything to do with race, race isn't defined by skin color, there are plenty of pale Japanese and darker Japanese. Even among black people there are many different skin tones. It was never about race, and that's why they still embrace it today, it's about class, wealth and status.

And it's my opinion that anyone thinking it has anything at all to do with race specifically is a misinformed moron and should get off the computer and go back to school.

>> No.6398090

Still, that just proves my point, it's not a racial thing it's about wealth.

>> No.6398115

Why would a preference for pale skin bother me when I have it?

>> No.6398153

racism is bad

>> No.6398159

>tfw Okinawan
>everyone in family is a doctor, pretty darn rich, and good-looking
>still get crap whenever we go to the mainland because we're dark

>> No.6398179

What kind of weird world history do you subscribe to? Geisha and even oiran appeared well after the Japanese were aware of white Europeans. The country was closed to outsiders in the 1600s, and it wasn't just closed to the Chinese. People traveled plenty before planes.

>The fact is there probably wont even be any white people 200 years from now

You're just trying to get stormfags to chimp out aintcha? On the other hand, if there were barely any pure whites they'd be even more celebrated as exotic elfin types.

We get this thread like every day.

>> No.6398208


>> No.6398222

Fist off, you're wrong.
The Chinese, for instance, have been painting their faces well before westerners were even thought to exist. As well as the fact that Japanese nobles adopted the same tradition long before things like geisha and oiran.

The idea of pale skin dates back before Europeans, because there were peoples in that region that were much lighter than typical east asians.

>> No.6398227

lrn2read. I was replying specifically and only to >It's not like they had white-faced geishas

>> No.6398248

The term geisha specifically didn't appear until much later, but the idea still existed far before then. Anyway, you probably know for a fact that that anon has no idea about maiko or tayu or yuujo anything of the sort other than geisha, like most westerners who never learned much about traditional Japan.

>> No.6398254

This fucking thread. Again and again. It's like Groundhog Day on /cgl/ between this shit and the 'average Korean looks perfect/fugly' threads. I swear it's one person posting this inane bilge due to having some serious personal issues. GET OVER IT. The world beyond that of your average animu weeb does not revolve around the dictates and standards of mother Asia.

>> No.6398260

We get persistent trolls from time to time. There's this "light skin is racism" shitposter, there's that one Korean masterrace anon, there's gender and gender identity trolls, there's relationship status trolls, there's that one person who keeps asking about lolitas with sugar daddies, etc. Learn to recognise these kinds of threads and just hide them. Getting replies only encourages them to come back.

>> No.6398272

If trends continue the only 'westerners' left will be niggers and brown people anyway. Whites destroy their uniqueness when they mix.

>> No.6398274

This is why OP is a troll.
Too many newfags up in here.

>> No.6398278


I agree with the stuff about lolis. Most of them are vile. Into 'polyamory' and all that shit.

>> No.6398294

There will always be a white community, even if proportionally drastically reduced. There's no reason to think current trends will continue indefinitely when whites are conspicuously becoming a significant minority.

And very few people seem to complain about mixing white with Japanese, South Korean or the rich parts of China.

>> No.6398327

There are good and bad Asians. Some resent us but not to the same pathological degree blacks do.

>> No.6398329

So it's okay to race mix...as long as they like white people?

>> No.6398334

as long as it doesn't make more black/brown people.

>> No.6398464

I'm not OP, but there's every reason to worry that whites are "endangered." I don't believe whites will cease to exist *entirely* within the next 200 years, if only because small pockets of whites will continue to interbreed, but they will become an extreme minority within our lifetime. There's evidence of that happening already: 2011 was the first year minority babies outnumbered white children under 1 in the US.

We're doomed.

>> No.6398475

This reminds me of that "hurrdurr redheads will cease to exist in 2000000 years" bullshit.

>> No.6398504 [DELETED] 

race mixing destroys unique identities and creates anti white biracial people. except some Eurasians.

>> No.6398511

>thinks human beings can be "anti white" in creation
pls go

>> No.6398515

Take your black-lolita/cosplay love out of my board. You don't have to agree or be okay that your muddy skin will never look as crisp, polished, pure and elegant in lolita dresses and that you'll never be accurate in any of the good cosplays, let's face it, there's like barely any decent characters with tan or darker skin. But you don't have to flaunt your rage here. You're as bad as those land-whales posting threads about "real women" and Big Beautiful women, fattie acceptance. GTFO primate.

>> No.6398526

>you don't have to flaunt your rage here
>all dat mad
Don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.6398536

>your muddy skin will never look as crisp, polished, pure and elegant in lolita dresses
Misawawa is kawaiier than you. Mad?

>> No.6398541

But of course white babies were still by far the largest group. It's just that all others added together were slightly larger.

Also, don't you think there'd be a social shift once whites were actually an obvious minority? Don't you think that starting to feel outnumbered would cause a surge in births long before they were small pockets?

And of course, this is all within the paradigm of the US, whereas parts of Europe are very different.

>> No.6398551

i'm not totally on board with OP's thread.
>Take your black-lolita/cosplay love out of my board. You don't have to agree or be okay that your muddy skin will never look as crisp, polished, pure and elegant in lolita dresses and that you'll never be accurate in any of the good cosplays, let's face it, there's like barely any decent characters with tan or darker skin

but you are mad as fuck.

>> No.6398638
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>> No.6398719
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>> No.6403549


Diff anon

So it's racist to speak the truth now is it?

You have to have a scat fetish to think skin the colour of shit isn't fucking nasty.

>> No.6403562

I like chocolate and coffee tho

>> No.6403572

Pfft yeah. Different anon.
I don't think you realise how completely abnormal your views are if you think by claiming you're a different anon that people will be convinced.

>> No.6403574

>diff anon

I don't think so, faggot.

>> No.6403575

and thus the troll wankfest begins anew

>> No.6403582

>it's the same color of "x", therefore it's just as disgusting

So, I'm guessing that if I have a fear of blood I won't ever be able to look at a strawberry?
Or maybe chocolate is as disgusting, stinky and bacteria-ridden as a pile of shit because it's the same color?

Are you retarded?

>> No.6403594

no. pale skin was a sign of wealth and royalty if I'm not mistaken.
race really doesnt have much to do with it, but class does.

>> No.6403648

White people are the most beautiful race, every other race expires to be like white people

Even countries in Asia and Africa primarily use white models in their ads

just like how every race agrees that spiders are uglier than puppies, it has nothing to do with this wealth and staying out of the sun bullshit. European features are just more desirable, european features are like puppies whole lesser races like asians and blacks are spiders

>> No.6403658

almost all victorias secret models are white women, all of the black models are all race mixed, and there are almost no asians

white women are the most beautiful

>> No.6403663

White people have the same skin color as pigs. And I bet you're a fucking porker of a white chick, too. Therefore, you are a pig.

Oink oink. What are you doing on 4chan? Pigs don't belong on the internet. Go back to rolling in mud, chubby little piggy. Oink fucking oink.

>> No.6403667

>every other race expires to be like white people

>> No.6403672
File: 495 KB, 500x443, 1347929165236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non white
>dating a white guy
>going to ask him in marriage soon
Destroying your race and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.6403675

All of the good looking asian celebrities have white features are mixed race with whites

Mixing with a white and asian, makes a baby that is better looking than a pure asian but uglier than a full white. Beauty is a feature that is only found in the white race

>> No.6403682


From skin-bleaching to eyelid surgery, the worrying extremes taken by models in Korea and Jamaica 'to look like white girls'

>> No.6403683
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>> No.6403689

It's okay - we wouldn't want him back anyway.

>> No.6403686
File: 37 KB, 526x473, 1340217650482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's mad we're the universal standard of beauty...

>> No.6403690


The Sexualization of Caucasian Women in K-pop

>> No.6403696

A representative from one foreign modelling agency said, “right now there are over 100 foreign models active in Korea.” 40 of them are models for home shopping programs. The rest are in women’s magazines, fashion shows, and beauty modelling.

The largest number of them are from Russia. Many also come from Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Others are from eastern Europe and Germany, but none from Southeast Asian countries. Decisions are made by body shape and skin color.

>> No.6403698

You all have the wrong approach for this problem. I know how to deal with this.
>Be pasty Spanish dude
>get on boat, go to new world
>fuck many dark wimins
>they have lighter babby
There we go, lots of lighter babies.

>> No.6403703

>believing in any universal standard of beauty
lol how delusional can you be, piggy

>> No.6403716
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Sorry...nigs and asians with their smushed features will never be held on the same pedestal us as.

>> No.6403740

I love when the girl does the asking, what are your plans?

>> No.6403739
File: 28 KB, 554x602, 226868899949918476_EPIQCWO0_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being white

>> No.6403742

it's true :(

I think only caucasian people can only look "beautiful" because of their features. at most, black and asian people can only look cute, or pretty. their features are just too...flat to be beautiful /coming from an asian

>> No.6403744
File: 46 KB, 640x602, 1352651094694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being white

>> No.6403745

and I bet you look nothing like that. You're probably an ugly as fuck fatass worm-and the only thing you got going for you is that you're white. so you sit on your lardass half the time trying to find at ways to say you're better than everyone else.. because you really have nothing. prove me wrong, post a pic and show us how "lovely" you really are.

>> No.6403747
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>Not being white
>Seriously hope

>> No.6403749
File: 21 KB, 670x447, swedenisgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being white
>Being inferior
>Having poo coloured skin

>> No.6403751
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>being brown

>> No.6403753


Yo what's up with Asians having an inferiority complex? Seriously? Too many white friends?

I fucking like how I look. I ain't gonna apologise for my squinty as fuck eyes.

>> No.6403755
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>Not having a superior aryan family

>> No.6403757 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 482x600, 1348020341174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that's projection if I ever saw it...

I think the better option would be to illicit pictures from blacks and asians to prove they're not as ugly as society thinks. I have nothing to prove considering I'm automatically more attractive than them just by being pale, with delicate features. Even *if* I'm as unattractive as you seem to think, as least I'm not an unattractive nig.

>> No.6403761
File: 78 KB, 283x330, 1339825241346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because there's nothing offensive in finding a skin color more attractive, just as there's nothing wrong in presenting certain race features "in a positive light".

As you said, in the long run it doesn't matter, then why do you care enough to feel offended about something that silly?

And that's what I'd say if this wasn't a blantant troll thread.

>> No.6403763


>go into cute girls folder to find beautiful Asian to prove you wrong
>can't find one, only cute Asians

Okay, well I have seen plenty of beautiful Asians, I just haven't saved their pictures apparently...

>> No.6403766

hey, I don't have a problem with the fact that I'm asian! I just think that aesthetically, only caucasians can look classically/artistically beautiful (high forehead, browbones, strong nose, shaped lips and jawline etc)
obviously not all caucasians have those sort of features, but a lot do.

>> No.6403769

It will probably be something like this, I'm going to rent a house by a lake or some other special place so we can spend the weekend. Then I'm going to prepare his favorite food for dinner and when we finish eating I'm going to read something I prepared beforehand about how much I appreciate and love him and then I'm gonna do the whole kneeling and ring thing and ask him in marriage. After he says yes we will have some kinky love making.

I like being the one who do it because I love planning and carrying out this sort of thing, I did something like this when I took his virginity and I completely blew his mind.

I know it all sounds cheesy as fuck but I love doing it.

>> No.6403771
File: 165 KB, 912x1306, 1342325973467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo this girl looks not really cute, but beautiful. I've also seen dark skinned models who are just gorgeous, so I beg to differ.

>> No.6403772

Asians are realists, most asians are open about blacks being dumber and caucasians being better looking than asians

>> No.6403773
File: 11 KB, 338x321, 456786756454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being "superior" aryan race

Different people from different races are always going to worse/nicer looking than each other.
You can post all the pretty pictures you want of the attractive looking ones but it doesn't mean shit.

A few goodlooking people=/= That race is better than everyone else

>> No.6403774

No, it doesn't bother me at all. I think pale skin is more beautiful than dark one, lighter hair and lighter eyes are better than darker ones, and white people in general are more beautiful than non-whites. /cgl/ probably thinks that
>dats rayciss
but hey, this is just how I feel.

>> No.6403776

Nah thats cute but not beautiful

I would rather fuck any other victorias secret model over her

>> No.6403777

to me, she still just looks cute :<
those huge round eyes, round face/cheeks, button nose and pouty lips. it's just too cute rather than beautiful

for her to look beautiful to me she'd have to have a nose that isn't flat, angular jawline and narrower eyes

but like I said, that's just beauty (artistically) to me. in general, I'm sure lots of people would think she's beautiful

>> No.6403779

Nope, never have I EVER seen an attractive black person that wasn't like half white.

Asians? Most of the goodlooking ones have had plastic surgery.

Hispanics? Sure, but again a lot of them have european ancestry.

>> No.6403782

oh yes, I know that! I did say that not caucasian people fit into what I think is beautiful because not all of them have the features I've listed. but more of them do, compared to asian people. but it's to do with their skull shape, so yeah.

>> No.6403787

Asian here. There is a small bias towards preferring "white features" yeah, but it's really more about class. The rich people were able to goout into the sun less and so didn't tan as much as the lower classes. People then started associating paler skin with a higher class, so they wanted to emulate it.

>> No.6403790
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>Mfw white people are the higher class

>> No.6403789


What are opinions? I could say that all white people looked like freaks, but that wouldn't make my opinion any more true than yours.

>> No.6403791
File: 47 KB, 500x667, 56877534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well you could say thats just strange that you haven't, but that still doesn't mean there aren't any.
But I can't really say anything too much because attractiveness is subjective.


Thank you for being enlightened anon ^_^

>> No.6403792

K, I challenge you to post a truly attractive 100% african person.

You couldn't. The only attractive "blacks" have white mixture. Blacks in america aren't fully black, they're up to as much as 25% white actually from being raped by slave owners.

>> No.6403793

No asian girl can match the beauty of heather graham or amanda seyfried

>> No.6403795



>> No.6403797

You need to provide evidence that she is 100% black, she looks pretty mixed

>> No.6403798

Not 100% black. Light skin, thin caucasian nose. That's a mulatto.

>> No.6403804
File: 141 KB, 606x800, georgie-badiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw white people also worshipped pales over their tanned
>yfw most whites were tan then too

Does this chick count?

>> No.6403807
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Okay you caught me there.
But honestly. Even if you look in some of the loli threads some of them are absolutely gorgeous, but its your opinion and I can't speak for you.

>> No.6403808
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>> No.6403813

She looks like a man, would not hit even if she was the last woman on earth

>> No.6403814

How emasculating for your husband. He sounds like a pussy.

>> No.6403815

>ITT: pigs,monkeys and sushi.

>> No.6403820 [DELETED] 

I can't tell if you're trying to point out a flaw in logic, or if you're trying to suggest "predate" isn't used correctly? Just FYI, it is. Predate: to occur at an earlier date; precede in time.

>> No.6403822
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Hmmm, I guess that the undeniable truth is that beauty is truly relative to the personal tastes of each individual. Althought I'd personally consider the 2 girls on the right to be looking cute openingly, whilst the 2 on the left have a slightly more sphisticated look that I'd call as "beautiful".
I'd aswell consider a model like Selita Ebanks to have some gorgeous features, wich makes the beauty standard independent of race. To me that means that it doesn't matter the color of whatever person you consider to be beautiful, so it isn't racist to consider a caucasian person "beautiful" just as it isn't racist to consider any person of other race beautiful aswell.

But I guess it's more comfortable for SJW like OP to make a problem out of nowhere.

>> No.6403829

This is actually kind of true... /cgl/ absolutely hates fatties, and with good reason too, fatties are fucking disgusting, but when it comes to niggers it's suddenly "Don't be racist now! Everyone is beautiful and special, in their own unique way :)"
Wtf, why is this? /cgl/, this isn't like you at all!

>> No.6403827

Say whatever you want, he's been through a lot of things and I like showing him how much I love him and making him happy.

>> No.6403836
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>> No.6403838

she's not attractive

>> No.6403843
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1352417168813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we've had an influx of SJWs or something. Threads similar to this one have always been pretty nasty because we're anon and we can say the things we're really thinking. Now there are a couple of people trying to take away the one place we didn't have to be PC, and it's fucking ridiculous.


>> No.6403855
File: 44 KB, 420x375, Average-guild-wars-fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pale skin
>not wanted

Get the fuck out of the basement you fat fucks, what % of celebrities and models actually aren't tanned or colored? like 5% at best?

Only asian shits still think being pale is a good trait because they feel inferior(and are unless mixed).

>> No.6403873
File: 86 KB, 420x700, frufruadfsdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there are qt black girls too.
Funny how the "one-drop rule" that "non-PC" people like to use always mysteriously disappears and is invalid when it's not being used to exclude or degrade.

>> No.6403874


Late reply, any anons before this were not me.

Actually, I am/was a diff anon, does it scare you knowing there's more then one person who won't sit and swallow this 'black is beautiful' bullshit? I don't use the term mudskin.

The Anon posted in >>6403808 is also me. That truth got me banned btw. Thanks for that, you scat lovers.


>Comparing a fucking negro to good things.


Pigs are highly intelligent, emotive and respectable creatures, everything a negro is not. Thanks for the compliment.

I'm not a porker actually, i'd say skinny fat. 5'9, 56kg.

>> No.6403882

Is that picture supposed to prove the existence of "qt black girls?" Gorillas are attractive now?

>> No.6403880

Pigs also eat literally everything and are quite disgusting. Also
>thinks being skinnyfat is any better
Start lifting or get lost, piggy.

>> No.6403883


I said the exact same shit (see>>6403808) and it got me banned. Did I make a nig chimpout or something?

>> No.6403894
File: 18 KB, 263x350, 1345191712846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loool gorillas xDDD lel lel lel
gb/2 Reddit
Seriously, no one cares about gorillas or bears anymore.

>> No.6403896


>Pigs also eat literally everything and are quite disgusting

So...they're just like a nigger then?

>> No.6403901

Yes, except white people are the ones who look (and sometimes behave) like pigs. What a twist!

>> No.6403912

>White people have the same skin color as pigs
uhh, no they dont. They have very very light tan skin. Their skin is not "pink". It has spotches of pink in certain places at best.

>> No.6403914

You *do* realize reddit is a circle-jerk of librul SJWs, right? If anything, that's where you should go...4chan isn't exactly noted for its accepting environment.

Also, keep posting halfies to prove that "black" women are beautiful.

>> No.6403917

You know pigs are actually rather clean and civilised animals, right? When given enough space they will selectively graze only the choice cuts of their food and set up their own toilet corner in a pen. They only roll in dirt/mud because they can't sweat, and need moisture to evaporate from their body to remove the heat. You give a pig air conditioning and it will swear off the muck for life.

>> No.6403924
File: 69 KB, 1280x960, 1346029786723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan isn't exactly noted for its accepting environment.
Actually, the original racism on the site were all deliberately offensive jokes with no actual ideal behind them. Then stormfags showed up and thought they had found their new home. It got so bad moot made /pol/ for them to circlejerk in. It's why your "type" is always redirected there.
Can you prove they're half? African people have different appearances all over, despite what you've been told by other white people.
Also, give an explanation to what I said about the one-drop rule.

>> No.6403928

Also, please note that I'm not some angry negroid (Eurasian master race). I just think stormfags are dumbshits.

>> No.6403932


I'm either talking to an average Negro or an especially retarded human.

I'll give you that, their are some white shits that act like Pigs. If by pigs, we mean living in filth and eating a lot.

The differences with us and Pigs though are: Pigs need to eat a lot, and that pigs only live in the dreadful conditions we force upon them. Pigs are actually clean animals, they'd choose a mud bathe over shit any day, given the choice.

Now, let's consider the ratio of humans vs niggers living filthy, disgusting lives. It's common knowledge that a ridiculously high percentage of negros live filthy, disgusting lives of crime and parasitism compared to their human counterparts.

Now, let's consider the chav scum of the UK. Blindfold a person and make them listen to one, they'd think it was a negro. A lot of the white scum you get are silly white kids trying to be black.

You could make a negro white as snow, it wouldn't change the fact their sub human and look/act like it.

They're not even related to Neanderthals, the forefathers of humanity. All humans are descended from them, but not negros. Whilst the rest of us evolved, negro stagnated. It shows in their sub human looks, behaviour and lack of achievements.

>> No.6403940


This anon (I) am off for a bit. Any anons following are no me, let's make that clear now.

To any nigs/nig lovers. Please kill yourselves.

To any human with an ounce of common sense: Stay strong.

>> No.6403937

>all dis librul and stormfag mad
you're both dumb pls go
this thread is very bad

>> No.6403946

>the original racism on the site were all deliberately offensive jokes with no actual ideal behind them

You're so fucking new it's hilarious.

>> No.6403949

seriously you arent even posting legit black people look at how light their skin is.

>> No.6403950
File: 72 KB, 672x450, tumblr_latf5nMysW1qcntmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, my friend, I believe you're the newfag here.

>> No.6403951
File: 43 KB, 500x648, moddee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You honestly believe black people can't have light skin? You're so hopeless.

>> No.6403953

No, I'm not. This place wasn't PC AT ALL. and if you're retarded enough to think it was ALL for the lulz, then you either weren't here at all or are just delusional.

>> No.6403954

I'm not a stormfag, and I'm not promoting racism in /pol/'s sense. I just think black people are unattractive - plain and simple. Most seagulls agree with this, which you would know if you had actually been here longer than a month.

>African people have different appearances all over, despite what you've been told by other white people.
No. There's a reason native Africans look different than African Americans. Slave owners raped their slaves, and said slaves birthed niglets. The black people we see in the US have white ancestors, so of course their skin tone is lighter than that of the typical African. You cannot be this ignorant.

>> No.6403958

>still posting american blacks that have been raped numerous times by white men in their family tree

Let's get some legit ethiopian bitches in here

>> No.6403967


Sorry, I said I was off but could not let this slide.

It pisses me off when people just assume I must be a stormfag.

No, I fucking hate those guys. I'm gay and woman, therefore i'm automatically inferior and am filth and deserve to die just because I'm attracted to other women.

I did join chimpout, but the rampant homophobia scared me off.

Honestly, i'm a torn person. On the one hand, i'm very liberal, except when it comes to ignorant fucks that hate other human beings just because of the sexual orientation and gender. I hate the republicans, I hate the Conservative party. I hate the fucking Muslim fucks invading our country that treat their women like shit. (I hate all religions like this, mind you. ).

My one problem? The liberal parties would happily destroy my country by letting in these women hating, homophobic fucks. Oh, and the negros. Who do I vote for?

inb4 troll. Some anons may remember me from loli secrets where I said the same thing.

>> No.6403970
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>> No.6403976

Ehh just dont vote. Liberalism can really only work in a white, homogenous society with a single culture and a strict immigration policy.

>> No.6403978


Lmao, what the fuck? There is such a thing as a light skinned 100% african american person

>> No.6403980

Key word being American.

>> No.6403981
File: 21 KB, 360x235, ethiopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't ALL for the lulz, but for the most part it was.

>Most seagulls agree with this, which you would know if you had actually been here longer than a month.
I've been here since it was a red board, so I think I would know that. Too bad it's more or less BS.
>No. There's a reason native Africans look different than African Americans.
There are native Africans with light skin and other so-called "mixed" features, you twit. You don't know shit about Africans.

What makes you so sure they're even American? Also, pic related was on the first page when I Googled "Ethiopian woman".

>> No.6403984

Seriously no offence, but one of the things wrong with politics is that we focus on stupid shit like gay marriage that affects literally less than 1% of people.

And you want women and men to be equal? Just accept the fact that you're not. The whole idea of Feminism is based on the idea that women are inferior to men. Case in point? A woman can hit a man, but a man can't hit a woman. Sure is equal in here.

>> No.6403994


And you know why? Because they're mixed with white.

Fucking niggers. They lack the ability to learn from their mistakes.

>> No.6404009

And yet another victim to cultural marxism.

>> No.6404140

Hey, same here. I'm a lesbian who hates niggers. And I really hate how liberal gays usually are, too... Ugh. I think I'll vote for conservatives, even if they don't approve of my sexuality, but IMHO immigration is still the bigger problem.

>> No.6404142

Fuck off athens

>> No.6404156


It sucks being judged for something you were born with, doesn't it?

Oh, irony

>> No.6404157

I just really fucking hope the world hurries up and mixes into one race so we can stop bitching about such stupid shit. Oh wait, even then as one race we wont stop complaining.
I hate this world.

>> No.6404159

I don't hate them for their skin color or features, I hate them because they can't behave like human beings.

>> No.6404173

niggers=/= hispanics.

Now off with you before you banish my mexican lawnmower. He's cheaper than you'll ever be.

>> No.6404175

I don't like the way lesbians behave. They all act the same and I hate them

>> No.6404189

If your post was directed to me: I'm not 'Murrican and our immigrants are mostly either Muslims or niggers straight from Africa. (Anyone who complains about African Americans, well, they aren't that much better here either.)

Well, I agree with you, I think many lesbians are stuck-up and way too often into this SJ shit.

>> No.6404192

Why can't lesbians act like human beings? They're all the same.

>> No.6404352

Because all gays also act the same, am I right? Also all straight girls and straight guys and everything else.

>> No.6404468

Its not just the japanese all races prefer pale skin

>> No.6404512

this thread gave me cancer

>> No.6404675
File: 57 KB, 250x250, 24079967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure are a lot of people who are too stupid to understand the fallacy of stereotyping in here.

>> No.6404812

looks like pedophile dad about to sex up his children

>> No.6404843

i think she's attractive. chinese here...

>> No.6405162

Y'just took the pic I posted right out of that other thread and made it some master race bullshit right there, dincha?

>> No.6405311

I don't think it's a bother. It's embedded in their history and culture.

What is bothersome is how practically idolize and worship random white people and put them on a pedestal just due to how they look, despite that they have no extraordinary talent.