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6380096 No.6380096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So for the past few months, I've scrolled through enough mori girl on tubmlr to reach the moon and back. I really want to get into this fashion but I don't really know what shops there are. I would like to get a few skirts and some scarves before winter kicks in in full swing so i can be the most kawaii in college.

>> No.6380656

It really depends where you live, OP.
For example, if you live in Nipponland, you have easy access to mori clothes but for a high price.
If you live in UK, like me, it is easy to browse through cheap high street stores and come up with very cute mori clothes(assuming you know what to buy and how to wear it).
If you live in the west, it should be particularly easy as this season it's full of knits, faux fur and chiffon in so many affordable shops.

>> No.6380665

You could try Sechuna. Some of their clothes are available on yesstyle.com

>> No.6381477

I live in a really small town, I've been to all the clothing stores less than an hour's drive away and picked up a few things, but not enough to get a whole outfit. I have any skirts or anything. I was hoping i could see an online store

>> No.6381659

This is going to sound tacky, but I'd suggest you try ebay, if there aren't any good second-hard store near you. Mori looks usually revolve around a lot of basics, so a few really interesting and unique things can seriously affect your look, and vintage is really going to be your best bet.

>> No.6381678

I really like the colour pallette of mori, and the textures and the overall feeling of it but I have a fairly mature face, and I've got a pretty average body, which definitely couldnt pull off all the layering and general grandma-ish stuff going on. I would look very frumpy.

Is there any sort of alternative, or does anyone have any pictures of some more casual or flattering mori or mori-inspired outfits?
Thank you!

>> No.6382377

I'll try to list some easily accessible stuff.

Some basics that you could look into are tiered peasant skirts in either maxi or knee length in basic whites, cream, browns, gray and even navy.

Basic tops that aren't too clingy to your body within the mori girl color range in long or short sleeves. if you know how to sew, you can attach a peter pan collar to them or make a totally separate kind of collar that you can wear with almost any basic top to dress it up. you can also sew some cluny lace to the bottom of a basic loose fitting shirt.

additional tops you can look into are plaid long sleeve button ups and somewhat loose fitting chunky cardigans you can easily find at thrift shops.

footwear are usually clogs, moccasins, mukluks, birkenstocks (clog style), basic hiking boots (the kind without all the new technology design crap that the new boots have these days), loafers, oxfords/brogues, mary janes, ankle booties, and even the dreadful uggs.

>> No.6382428

H&M and Forever 21 have a fair amount of Mori girl stuff. You just have to shop around. If you don't have either of those in your area you could always buy online. I also bought some cute Mori things off of eBay from a Chinese store for $10.

>> No.6382490

oh also want to mention Etsy as well :) good luck!

>> No.6382665

I don't have any pictures and I don't think I'll be of much help but I feel that for every fashion there's something flattering for every kind of body type. For example if you wanted to hide wide hips you could always wear high-waisted skirts or longer shirts. If you have an average body though I'd say that's probably good for Mori. Unfortunately larger women probably wouldn't look amazing in this style but I feel it suits slender to average quite well.

If you don't want to do layers I might also suggest a loose fitting top with a cardigan or something similar over it. Layers are good but not a necessary component. Good luck!

>> No.6382685

Any pics of busty women wearing mori? I'm top-heavy and not sure if this style would suit me, and I've yet to see any pics of mori girls with big boobs.

>> No.6388462

Any way i can do Mori with short hair?

>> No.6388838
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Do you mean a pixie cut or, say, a bob?
Because most moris seem to have short hair in the latter sense.

But if you mean pixie cut, I would recommend using a wig, because they'll look better anyway, even if you had longer hair. But if you can't afford one or something, I guess you could go for it, especially if you're planning to give off more of a winter-y or fall-ish vibe. It could look cute with knit hats.

>> No.6388890
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It's hard to even see because of all the bags and layers, if there's any with big breasts.
Try wearing things that're especially baggy downwards, like lots of long skirts or something, to try and balance out so you don't look so top-heavy, though. Try to keep the focus off your chest.

>> No.6388943
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Maybe wear mori with less layers? Because all the layers isn't what makes it completely mori. It's mostly just for a woodsy look, which you can easily do with just dresses and tights and stuff. I've seen quite a few examples.

>> No.6388955

I always thought Mori girls would smell because they would swelter under all there layers going between different temperatures (buildings, outside). Is that not the case?

>> No.6388949

If I understand correctly - this style refers to girls who dress like Kogoro Mori from Detective Conan, right?

>> No.6388978
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Something like this should also be acceptable, if you're worried about your face looking 'too mature'.

>> No.6389042

I imagine them to smell like cinnamon, apple pie, or a subtle vanilla. All the layers would lock in their scent and if a mori girl hugs you, you would be enveloped in their sweet, woodsy smell.

>> No.6389049

It would be cool to smell like the ground after it rains. They should make a perfume like that.

>> No.6389051

> Subtle Vanilla
I feel like you got those scent names from the candles you own

>> No.6389197
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>> No.6389205
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>> No.6389209
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>> No.6390285
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>> No.6390844

Here's a list of some online shops, hope it's helpful.

>> No.6392495
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The socks/stockings/tights that Moris wear always look so comfortable. I need some.

>> No.6392537

All mori i have seen is winter like, do you any have some summer mori clothes?

>> No.6392553
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They tend to not have as much of a signature Mori look that goes with the winter/fall-like outfits, but there's some.

>> No.6392562
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Instead of the dark browns and lots of layers, I've seen that they tend to be lighter colored and look breezier. There's just the hard work of making sure it still looks foresty. Which isn't too hard, I guess.

>> No.6392568
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>> No.6392577
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>> No.6392579


Thanks a lot, i am really intrested in Mori fashion but where i live is way too hot! right now we are in spring and its like 34 C°
I still think i will have to wait until winter...

>> No.6392585
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>> No.6392590
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Yeah, I think in most cases it's better to wait until it feels at least a lukewarm out. Even in summer/spring Mori, you look like you'd get hot super quick.

>> No.6394366

Could somebody post darker mori like in >>6388978 or does someone have a tumblr dedicated to this?

>> No.6394685
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The earthy smell of soil after rainfall is caused by the spores of Actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria loving in the soil. The moisture in the air acts as an aerosol, carrying the spores up so that we can smell them. The chemical that causes the smell is called geosmin, and is also responsible for the earthy taste of beets and some types of freshwater fish.
~the more you know~
I'm not sure if anyone's ever tried to make an earth-and-freshy-cut-grass perfume with geosmin and green leaf volatiles, but I'd definitely spray that shit all over my clothes.

>> No.6394874

Try hunting supply. Some sell soil scents.

Alternatively, try Demeter's Earthworm: http://www.demeterfragrance.com/58083/704078/All-Classic-Scents/Earthworm.html

>> No.6395115


Seconding Earthworm but also Dirt. Hnnnngh.

>> No.6395298
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Dark like dark colors, right? There's a few, yeah.

>> No.6395306
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>> No.6395346
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>> No.6395383
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>> No.6397121

darker mori? the style that it was originally introduced as? it wasn't even called dark mori at the time either.

the beige, cream and lighter colored stuff started coming out much later and that's when almost all the westerners and lolitas wanting to move on who saw the light colored layered stuff as "mori'. anything in darker colors they labeled as "dark mori." ugh stop. it's just mori.

>> No.6397327

anyone have any information on hama girl? As far as I know the only documentation of it is that one lone tumblr

>> No.6397339

>b-b-buh guise I've been following this fashion all along let me tell you how much I know

Anon asked about "darker" mori because she doesn't want to see any cream colored shit. She's not trying to invent a new name for it.