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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.23 MB, 3072x2304, 1351471659112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6389704 No.6389704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you gals like Korea more than Japan?

>> No.6389864

eeeeh I dont. Never. Normal Koreans have the same faces and tends to stick to fellow koreans, too neutral towards others of different race.

Japanese people (the 'normal' ones too) are polite and really generous
so for me koreans<japanese

>> No.6389872

i don't like either

>> No.6389875
File: 468 KB, 500x220, tumblr_m0x3apOOmG1qeurqg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Big Bang

>> No.6389948

That's because they're using korean boys as an outlet for their inner homosexual urges.

Dem effeminate boys.

>> No.6389953
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Do you see this face?!

>> No.6389955

Hate to break it to you, but Japanese dislike foreigners just as much as Koreans.

>> No.6389965
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Yeah this is happening haters gonna hate

He walks like a prince. I feel blessed to have witnessed this beautiful creature in motion.

>> No.6389975
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>> No.6389983
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>> No.6390001
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>> No.6390005
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Simply too delicious for words

>> No.6390006
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>> No.6390011
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>> No.6390013

The other day, I was sitting in my common room reading some manga on my laptop when this girl latched on to my arm and started calling me Oppa~.

I don't even know this chick.

I'm Viet.

She has been doing this everytime she sees me before giggling off with her friends.

I try to tell her that, but she won't listen and won't leave me alone.

Please leave me alone.

>> No.6390016
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>> No.6390017
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>> No.6390032
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Next time she does that stand up, put your arm around her, and lead her into a secluded, empty room. Face her, put her arms over your shoulders, and your around her hips, then begin to move your face towards her. Before your lips touch push her away from you as hard as you can, run out the door, and lock her inside. Problem solved.

>> No.6390031

TOP? thats a stupid reason

>> No.6390042

That sounds like a bad shoujo manga plot. That would look awkward as she is 5 inches taller than me. Will consider it though.

>> No.6390049
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Just bust out some sick dance moves

>> No.6390053
File: 1.54 MB, 400x225, This Shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you genuinely want her to leave you alone, next time she does that warn her you'll report her for sexual harassment.

Not as fun as locking her in a room, though.

>> No.6390061

Last time I attempted to dance, I almost stepped on a cat. Will also consider, but unlikely to do if only for the face she might make.

I think she might be making fun of me.

>> No.6390066
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Ugh, how obnoxious.

Just tell her you hate Asians and only date white chicks.

>> No.6390067
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TOP is the best reason

>> No.6390083
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>> No.6390084

because there are no japanese here and about 5934583593 koreans

>> No.6390091
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>> No.6390096

buddy looks like Zoolander

>> No.6390099
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>> No.6390102
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Any white person who uses terms like that

I die inside everytime someone on facebook uses 'oppa' unironically.

>> No.6390110
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>> No.6390106
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>not wanting to fuck Zoolander in the ass

nigga you gay

>> No.6390112

Ho shit, did you go to one of the US concerts too?

>mfw we sang him happy birthday
>and he twerked

God damn my ovaries.

>> No.6390114
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>> No.6390120
File: 234 KB, 500x500, tumblr_md1gm3cZBP1rnkpueo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YESSSS I went on Saturday! It was hands down one of the most magical evenings of my life. Goddamn he is so fucking awkward on stage but SO CUTE. So fucking incredible during the GD&TOP songs though. His swag and charisma was indescribable.

Although I really have to admit, Tae-daddy and Daesung fucking owned the shit out of the stage. Dynamic as fuck. It was beautiful.

Even if they were Korean, I feel like that's so fucking stupid to say to someone you don't actually know.

>> No.6390123

Koreans have the nicest lips

>> No.6390125

I would have sex with T.O.P's eyebrows

>> No.6390127

Not gonna lie. TOP is swagga as fuck.

>> No.6390131
File: 109 KB, 484x700, BB~TOP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN Tim you are my favorite namefag. If I ever become a trip (nop) I'd circlejerk in your honor.

I went on Friday, but I heard Saturday was way better. Seungri had the shittiest engrish ever and it was great. And Top looked all embarassed and said "I'm shy~~" and damn was it beautiful. Yeah, Daesung was a motherfucking rockstar all over the place.

>> No.6390135

The only time I care about Seungri is when I can see that delicious ass.

>> No.6390139

I like you.

>> No.6390140
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Yeah, I had friends who went on both days and they said the vibe on Saturday was better, but I'm still glad they opened up the Friday show anyway. I hope one day we can go to a Big Bang concert together and party rock the fuck out of the place!

I like Seungri a billion times more after the concert haha. His shitty engrish was amazing and he was just such an energetic performer too! Super mischievous and fun. He looked like he was having a blast. I don't care if ticket prices double for the next concert, I'm definitely gonna shell out for the VIP tix. Too too too much fun.

>> No.6390161
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>"I'm shy~~"

Dear Lord, my heart can't take this.

>> No.6390174
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You just don't understand trip, you just don't understand.

I had suite seats myself, but I would drop dosh on VIP next year just for the beauty of it.

>I hope one day we can go to a Big Bang concert together and party rock the fuck out of the place!

Fuck yeah, Tim, hopefully the other groups will see that American fans are want to go to their concerts.

>> No.6390181
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dl:DLKFJS FHE'S SUCH A FUCKING DORK HAHAHA and still so cocky. God. THis kid this kid this kidddd

I feel like most big Korean artists have been to the US at least once. Like I know all the SM people come for SM Town, which is at least once a year, and there are things like K-Pop Masters in Las Vegas that bring a lot of groups too. I dunno why it took Big Bang so long to come over.

>> No.6390186
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I aint even gay, but what I wouldn't give to see her live. Perfection personified.

>> No.6390211
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Big Bang was just trying to fuck with us, probably. Also, 75 for a hoodie? Jesus Christ.

>mfw leader of Ulala Session has cancer
>mfw I will probably never see them live
>mfw it's like Freddie Mercury all over again

>> No.6390259
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They probably made so fucking much from the merch stand alone. Like shit, that place was swarming the entire time. I do kind of regret not getting one of the Alive concert shirts. THe one in the VIP swagbag kinda sucked haha.

>yfw it's time to plan a trip to Korea

>> No.6390350
File: 38 KB, 400x400, arashitoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic is kinda outdated, but i always think of arashi as less model ready... (in my heart tvxq will always be 5)

>> No.6390401
File: 1023 KB, 500x242, iu_buinbuing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaaaah if someone korean said that to you first impression without being introduced holy shit that's so invasive.

On another note,

>> No.6390414

This. Anybody who has been around Koreans can tell you they are annoying as hell.

>> No.6390430

from which mv is this gif? pleas tell me!

>> No.6390442

I like both, honestly. I know more about Japan than Korea, though, so I connect more with Japan than Korea.

>> No.6390512

fantastic baby

>> No.6390585
File: 34 KB, 229x220, 1346930603769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck does one confuse a viet for a korean

jesus christ learn your asians arm-latching bitch

>> No.6390587
File: 230 KB, 350x447, 1324697643555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out thread
>look for cute korean/japanese girls
>oh wait
>/cgl/ is 80% female

I don't know what I expected.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6390589

Why can't you enjoy both? Possibly every j-pop video on youtube has bitches tearing on each others' hair about who have spent more time under the knife, the Japanese or the Korean. I don't get it, why must you choose only one? I like both just as much. I love Korean girl pop bands because the music isn't as repetitive and dull as your generic loli-fetish Japanese girl bands, but on the other hand I love Japanese boy bands more than Korean because of kakkoii bishie hosts and music style. Korea has an awesome electronic jazz scene, and Japan has a wonderful hip hop scene. Each country offers a lot of great things, I possibly couldn't choose only one.

>> No.6390641

I like Korea, but I do prefer Japan. Far less puke all over the sidewalks and the people don't reek of kimchi.

>> No.6391238

I like Japan's sweets and anime. I like Korea's fashion and some of their music. I wouldn't say I like their countries themselves more for it though.